This project has been created to download songs, albums or playlists with spotify or deezer link from youtube. The songs are similar at 75%.
pip3 install dwytsongs
You need to install ffmpeg
- Windows (
- Linux ("For debian like 'apt-get install ffmpeg'")
- macOS ('brew install ffmpeg')
Download track by spotify link
import dwytsongs
dwytsongs.download_trackspo("Insert the spotify link of the track to download", output="SELECT THE PATH WHERE SAVE YOUR SONGS", check=True) #Or check=False for not check if song already exist
Download track by deezer link
import dwytsongs
dwytsongs.download_trackdee("Insert the deezer link of the track to download", output="SELECT THE PATH WHERE SAVE YOUR SONGS", check=True) #Or check=False for not check if song already exist
Download album by spotify link
import dwytsongs
dwytsongs.download_albumspo("Insert the spotify link of the album to download", output="SELECT THE PATH WHERE SAVE YOUR SONGS", check=True) #Or check=False for not check if song already exist
Download album from deezer link
import dwytsongs
dwytsongs.download_albumdee("Insert the deezer link of the album to download", output="SELECT THE PATH WHERE SAVE YOUR SONGS", check=True) #Or check=False for not check if song already exist
Download playlist by spotify link
import dwytsongs
dwytsongs.download_playlistspo("Insert the spotify link of the playlist to download", output="SELECT THE PATH WHERE SAVE YOUR SONGS", check=True) #Or check=False for not check if song already exist
Download playlist from deezer link
import dwytsongs
dwytsongs.download_playlistdee("Insert the deezer link of the playlist to download", output="SELECT THE PATH WHERE SAVE YOUR SONGS", check=True) #Or check=False for not check if song already exist
Download by name
import dwytsongs
dwytsongs.download_name(artist="Eminem", song="Berzerk", output="SELECT THE PATH WHERE SAVE YOUR SONGS", check=True) #Or check=False for not check if song already exist