This repository contains the code and configuration for a data engineering project to create a discovery logical data warehouse by serverless SQL pool ingests, transforms, and loads NYC taxi data into an Azure Synapse Analytics platform
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Bronze | Silver | Gold |
Row data discovery | Transformed joined tables | Aggregated queries |
- Create logic discovery database and add various schemas (bronze, silver, gold)
- Ingestion in bronze by creating external table read from (CSV, TSV, JSON, Parquet and delta) ADLS2
- Add views to enforce RBAC on row and columns and encapsulate repeated logic
- transfer data through CETAS with new (table format, column data types and names)
- Implement logical partitioning and manual statistics
- Utilize stored procedures to improve security and get more programing functionality in SQL for advance aggregation
- Encapsulate the whole process in a pipeline, add trigger (tumbling, schedule) to run the pipeline.
- Polybase-Copy from serverless(Gold) into dedicated sql (Dimensional modeling) to serve as report layer
- Traditional data warehouse with massively parrallel processing engine
- shard data into 60 distributions to paralyse the workload and optimize performance
- Bronze layer: Raw data is loaded.
- Silver layer: Data is cleaned, transformed, and enriched.
- Golden layer: Data is aggregated and optimized for reporting.
- Tools: Azure Synapse Serverless SQL pool, Dedicated SQL pool, and Spark pool.
- implement indexes, partitioning and clustering.
- Add logic rules and aggregations
- Build Dimensional modeling according to business needs.
- Encapsulate all pipelines to orchestrate the execution of various pipelines with proper triggers.
- Create power bi linked service with dedicated sql pool.
- Setup a github repo with 3 branches that represent 3 layers: dev, test and prod.