In this repository you can find my results of all projects and relevant exercises of the Stanford Online's Machine Learning course developed by professor Andrew Ng.
This 11 week course imparts the knowledge about several machine learning techniques for all sorts of mundane business and industry tasks, from predicting sales based upon recorded data, the automatic clustering of social groups, detecting anomalies within a production chain in industry applications or building complex multi-component machine learning solutions and how to optimize them.
- Week 1 - Intro
- Introduction
- What is Machine Learning, where it can be applied? What is supervised and unsupervised learning?
- Linear algebra refresher
- Week 2 - Linear regression
- Week 3 - Logistic regression and classification
- Week 4 - Neural networks
- Week 5 - Backpropagation
- Week 6 - Error metrics and bias vs variance
- Week 7 - Support Vector Machines for classifications
- Week 8 - Unsupervised learning and dimension reduction
- Week 9 - Anomaly detection and collaborative filtering
- Week 10 - Big Data
- Big Data - Learning with large data sets via stochastic gradient descent, mini batches, online learning and map reduce techniques.
- Week 11 - Machine learning architectures and theirs optimization using an example of a photo OCR
- Architecture and optimization of the pipelineof a Photo OCR (text detection) application.