Personal website forked from gatsby starter hello world.
Built with Gatsby, Typescript, Styled Component and Prettier. Deployed by Netflify with cd (continuous development) integrated.
- Generate blog page from markdown
- Light / Dark Mode
- SEO by react-helmet
- Google Analytics
- yarn install
- yarn develop
- gatsby-plugin-typography: css
- gatsby-plugin-typescript
- gatsby-plugin-tslint (Tuto: Gatsby+Typescipt+Prettier)
- gatsby-plugin-sharp: optimizing images
- gatsby-source-filesystem: load local resource
- gatsby-transformer-sharp
- gatsby-image Tuto
- gatsby-transformer-remark : take raw content from markdown files to be used in app
- gatsby-remark-prismjs: highlight file
- gatsby-remark-images: markdown inline images
- gatsby-remark-copy-linked-files: markdown inline images
- gatsby-plugin-react-helmet: SEO with react-like header management
- gatsby-plugin-manifest: PWA
- gatsby-plugin-google-analytics
- gatsby-remark-component: use react component in markdown