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A collection of react demos for understanding how react, redux work

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A collection of react demos. All the examples are handcoded to make sure it really works. The source of learning is various.


It is like a observer pattern, parent pass a function as an attribute to child. Child listen to change, and use the function passed from parent to change value.

Task: Get number from Input component, show the percentage in PercentageShower component. Include Input and PercentageShower components inside PercentageApp.



Some problems with Demo13-rodolist-redux. I tried to use only redux (not react-redux), and seperate components in different files. It is possible to call store.dispatch in child component, but it is not a good practice (take a look here: reduxjs/redux#916). This is why we need connect in react-redux to connect store to child component.

Here remains one problem need to figure out after: in store.dispatch(), can I pass a variable inside, and pass store.dispatch(variable) as a prop to the child component.

  • yes: func: (input) => dispatch(ActionCreator(input))


Example learned from It use react router v3, not v4. How to run:

  1. npm install
  2. npm start


Make react-redux and react-router work together.


Seperate container component and presentational component, article from

Use combine reducers to seperate reducers and data source.


Shopping cart example, idea from It is an entire demo: getting data via fetch api, format them into reducers, interaction in the UI, get and set states in reducer.


Example from to understand how aync with react works


Example from to understand how react-thunk works. redux-logger is added. In order to use fetchapi, need to npm install whatwg-fetch. With redux-thunk in reducer, we can use dispatch in dispatch function.


Example with react-router-v4, api:


Basic demo with github api, idea from Will make it more interesting with seperating environment, with more functions.


Example with redux-example


Example with redux-saga

  • use generator function to handle async function

  • Helper function 'takeEvery' listen to dispatched action and use a saga function to handle eg: takeEvery('ACTION_TYPE', functionName)

  • Helper function 'call' call a function which. returns promise. The second parameter is the parameter for the first function. eg: call(delay, 1000). If there are parameters to add in the function, add it as the second parameter.

  • Helper function 'put' helps trigger a dispatched action after we get the data. eg: put({action})

  • yield effects in redux-saga

  • generator function: every time we call a next(), the function will stop at yield. The excusion of this function can be stopped and restarted.


Example with redux-ui

  • no need to write reducers and map prop/dispatch to state
  • really useful with ui props (simple logic, read and write)
  • three step to use : 1. import uiReducer and combine to root reducer 2. wrap component with UI wrapper, pass UI parameters in the state object as the parameter 3. use this.props.ui and this.props.updateUI to get and set UI props. no need for write reducers


React-break for responsive Really useful is there are lots of changes in response.


Form wizard example.

  • handleSubmit. With handleSubmit, in the parent component, we can access the submit function (with values) by passing onSubmit as the props.
  • initialValues, like formSelector, need to be passed to the connect to add to the state.
  • props.initialValues


react-router-redux example

  • The library simply enhances a history instance to allow it to synchronize any changes it receives into application state. 5.x is compatible with react-router 4.x. We should use that.
  • Like says, it is fine to seperate redux and router unless we need to time travail and rewind actions that trigger a URL change. React-router-redux is for doing time travel with application state, but React Router doesn't navigate between pages when you replay actions. It controls an important part of application state: the URL.
  • don't understand why we need react-router-redux.. if we do the redirection, we can use history api??


From A sample project with react-redux, react-router, redux-saga, redux-form with http get and http post


  • create sample api with restify node module - done: api is ready
  • router. Build scene, container, component based on route.
  • use babel stage 3 for using spread function
  • api call with redux saga for dispatching action.
  • splitBundle webpack plugin for faster compiling

Something need to learn in detail:

  • manage scss with mixin

  • write input component for the HOC field the above two tasks and make component reusable

  • manage api header and manage the response and error

demo 32

  • Flatten nested json by creating entities. replace entity information by array of ids.

  • new Schema.Entity('entityName', { property: otherEntityName, property: [otherEntityName] })

  • denormalizr is like a 'undo' for normalizr object. We can fill the data into entities, replace id by info object. denormalizr(result, schema, entity)

  • why we need reselect ? in mapStateToProps, " any time the store is updated, mapStateToProps will be called". It causes many unnecessary update, with reselect, we defind the input as listeners.

  • createSelector is like a reduce function, take the value of input selector as input and use reduce function for calculation. If we need deal with the data after denormalir, use reselect.

import { createSelector } from 'reselect'
const getVisibilityFilter = state => state.visibilityFilter
const getTodos = state => state.todos
export const getVisibleTodos = createSelector(
  [getVisibilityFilter, getTodos], //array of input parameter(return by function) for the reduce function
  (visibilityFilter, todos) => { //reduce function
    switch (visibilityFilter) {
      case 'SHOW_ALL':
        return todos
      case 'SHOW_COMPLETED':
        return todos.filter(t => t.completed)
      case 'SHOW_ACTIVE':
        return todos.filter(t => !t.completed)
  • one of the best practice: create selector by reselect, use it in container as reduce fonction for calculation

demo 36

Hoc and context, (good tuto)[]

With context, we can mock 'connect'(HOC and context consumer), 'provider and container'(context provider)

define a context

const Context = React.createContext() //context in upper case because it will define a component

Use a context

<Context.Provider value={{
  A: ...,
  B: ...

  value => {

Turn consumer to a higher ordered component

function contextConsumer(Component) {
  return (props) => {
    return (
        {(value) => <Component {...props} value={value} />}

demo 37 Flow

  • To install:
  1. yarn add flow-bin
  2. yarn run flow init to create .flowconfig file
  3. yarn run flow to check files who begin with //@flow

demo 39 formik vs reduxform / material-ui vs own component

A form lib should be able to manage the :

  • render form
  • pass the field and form status to the components (touched, submitting, error...)
  • manage the initial values
  • validate the form with a schema on the client side and save the error message somewhere
  • submit(isSubmitting state) / catch the error and show the error message
  • disable double submit : loader / disable the button of submit
  • resetForm

Form component should be able to manage the :

  • It is a wrapper for DOM element (style, customized functions).
  • render form control component with the right attributes(name, label, type, options for select...)
  • show the value
  • onChange / handleChange
  • show error after touching the field

Why I think redux-form is better: Data can be stored in the store. Form have a map with form name. We can submit a form remotely by form name. Error handling is automatically.

demo 40

Tutorial: How to fetch data with hooks

  • Effect hooks run for component mounts/updates.
  • Add empty array as the second param to prevent from useEffect for update.
  • The callback in useEffect should return nothing or a clean up function
  • Customize hook: extract useState, useEffect into a function to contain the calculating part. We can also return the callback to modify the state in order to trigger the useEffect.
  • multiple useState can be grouped into a reducer if they manage the same problem.
  • The returned cleanup function will run when the component unmount.
  • The problem of component state is set even though the component got already unmounted



  1. delay containers rendering until some async actions are happening.
  2. stores your data to redux state and connect your loaded data to your container.

Data will apprear in state.reduxAsyncconnect.key

To notice

  • There are multiple ways to make ReduxAsyncConnect and Route work together.
  • API doc
  • ayncConnect(AsyncProps, mapStateToProps?, mapDispatchToProps?) AsyncProps is an array of {key, promise}

demo 42

HOC pattern + Context: withContext()

The advantage is to pass context data to whatever which component by using 'withContext(Component)'.

demo 43

Cypress folder structure:

  • fixture: json data to be loaded for mocking route response
  • integration: real tests
  • plugin
  • support: includes commands for customize commands

All examples are available after installing cypress and running

Cypress alias: alias for DOM element, for route. Alias are used with @alias.

Mock route response with fixture:

// you can also just write the fixture in the route
cy.route('GET', 'comments/*', 'fixture:example.json').as('getComment')

// trigger api call

  .should('', 'name')
  .and('include', 'Using fixtures to represent data')

Cypress.json for cypress configuration. Set baseUrl. We can set localhost:3000 for testing on local:3000.

Run cypress on headless way: do not show the browser. Test all on the command line.


Mode: replay (replay response from recorded HAR (Http Archive Format) file), record, pass through (pass)

Once the Polly instance is stopped, the persister will generate the following HAR file which will be used to replay the response to that request when the test is rerun

polly listen -p port -d recordingDir


  • react hooks:

    1. useState: for using state in functional components const [stateName, updateStateFunction] = useState(initialStateValue)
    2. useEffect: also for functional components (it runs after every render(), like componentDidMount) useEffect(()=>{ };)

    to be continued: customer hook, hook which is needed to be clean up

demo 47 react lazyload

Dynamic import.


A collection of react demos for understanding how react, redux work






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