Library for accessing RabbitMQ from Haskell. Please see the Hackage docs for an example.
- new function fromURI to parse AMQP URIs
- heartbeat support
- new function addReturnListener which allows specifying a handler for returned messages
- new function openConnection'' with support for most AMQP connection options
- better error message on failed connection handshake
- support for AMQP 0-9-1
- new function consumeMsgs' which allows you to pass in a field-table
- new function bindExchange allows for binding an exchange to another exchange
- new function unbindQueue allows unbinding a queue from an exchange
- new function unbindExchange allows unbinding an exchange from an exchange
- use Handles instead of sockets
- fix deprecation warnings from Data.Binary
- add (Read, Ord, Eq, Show) instances for most data-types
- add queueHeaders field to QueueOpts
- Data.Text is now used instead of Strings. Using the OverloadedStrings extension will make upgrading easier
- the field-types in Network.AMQP.Types should now be more compatible with RabbitMQ
- hostnames passed to openConnection will now be resolved
- basic QoS support
- exceptions thrown in a callback will not erroneously close the channel anymore