- Python3
- Discord Auth-token
- Git
- Run quickstart.py
- Windows python quickstart.py
- Linux sudo python3 quickstart.py
- Follow the instructions for whichever setup you are using
- bot_secret.json
- data.discordToken
- data.ownerIds
- data.postgresql.password
- data.postgresql.host (With default settings "svc-robotodb.roboto.svc")
- data.hereApiToken (For weather function)
- data.apiUserAgentIdentification (For weather function)
- db_secrets.json
- data.POSTGRES_PASSWORD (This need to be the same as in bot_secret.json)
- 2_kube-storage.yaml
- spec.nfs.path
- spec.nfs.server
- kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/0-namespace.yaml
- kubectl apply -f ./config/
- kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/
(Optional) Requires separate postgres database
- update files in config folder with correct info for your setup:
- bot_secret.json
- discordToken
- ownerIds
- postgresql.password
- postgresql.host