This repository is used to maintain the code base for the kotlin library clickhouse-kafka-connect. This code base in this repo is maintained by the Airthings kotlin_core_maintainers team. So please reach out to them before making any breaking changes.
When a PR is made to this repository, make sure to add a label corresponding to the type of change you are making. The labels are:
: For any breaking changesminor
: For any new featurespatch
: For any bug fixes
Declare the dependency in your build.gradle
Add this helper function
fun RepositoryHandler.airthings(repository: String) = maven { name = "com.airthings.github.packages" url = uri("") credentials { username = env.fetchOrNull("GITHUB_USERNAME") ?: System.getenv("GITHUB_USERNAME") ?: System.getenv("GITHUB_ACTOR") password = env.fetchOrNull("GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN_READ_PACKAGES") ?: System.getenv("GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN_READ_PACKAGES") } }
Add the repository
repositories { airthings(repository = "clickhouse-kafka-connect") }
Add the dependency using catalog
dependencies { implementation( }
Use Example.client() to create a client instance.