HTML5/Javascript (prototype) app with some fun text transformations!
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Version 1.0.0 ("Where it started..."):
- Responsive design (?);
- Mirror text;
- Switch "a" with "z", "b" with "y" and so on;
- Convert text to grey scale squares!
- Animate all interaction buttons with an simple example of that interaction;
- Mirror text: give options to flip text vertically, horizontally, etc;
- Add "1337" (leet) feature: changes letters to numbers and special characters. Can choose "only numbers" or "Numbers and special characters";
- Add ASCII mode - try to make some ASCII art with input text;
- Change "switch" feature, so it can rotate through all alphabet ("Abc to Bcd", "Abc to Mno", etc);
- Add some customization to grayscale feature;
- Add font feature - change the font, duh...
- Add something to do with the text later! :D
- Add geometry feature - shapes and colors based on input
- Recheck responsive design;
- Add support for other special characters ("Á", "ô", "ñ", "Ç", etc);
- Character limit?