CMMS-Lite customization project for Acumatica 2023R1, build 23.106.0050. This project has been upgraded to 23r1 and includes preview samples of the Modern UI screens for non-production use.
To preview the Modern UI screens which are still under development, on a non-production instance:
- Install nvm-windows.
- [a] Run nvm install 18.16.0 to install npm.
- [b] Run nvm use 18.16.0 to set the installed version to use.
- Install Git.
- Navigate within the website folder to FrontendSources.
- Run npn run getmodules
- Run npm run build
- In the website web.config Appsettings section, add
<add key="EnableSiteMapSwitchUI" value="true" />
- In the Site Map, toggle the following screens from classic to modern
- [WO101000] Work Order Preferences
- [WO201000] Work Order Class
- [WO202000] Measurements
- [WO203000] Failure Modes
- [WO204000] Equipment
- [WO301000] Work Order
- [WO501000] Process Work Orders