- How do you write programs that are maintainable, readable, and adaptable? Especially consider your work on the CRUD Python module from Project One, which you used to connect the dashboard widgets to the database in Project Two. What were the advantages of working in this way? How else could you use this CRUD Python module in the future?
When writing programs, I try to create maintainable, readable, and adaptable code. In order to make code in this manner, I first ensure the code is sytntacticlly correct. By doing so, I know the code is following industry and language-specific standards. The code shall be readable if I follow this pattern to success as well The code will be adaptable for future uses or the uses of others as well. By using the CRUD Python module, it is easy to ensure adaptability due to its universal nature. By using this module, one can adapt the program to their personal usage by simply altering specific variables, ports, usernames or passwords. By working this way, it will help the code maintain over uses and adapt to other projects accordingly. Using this CRUD module for future projects will be useful in terms of developing code that requires authorization to a database.
- How do you approach a problem as a computer scientist? Consider how you approached the database or dashboard requirements that Grazioso Salvare requested. How did your approach to this project differ from previous assignments in other courses? What techniques or strategies would you use in the future to create databases to meet other client requests?
As a computer scientist, I tend to approach a problem through an analytical, iterative mindset. By working through Project 2, my mindset as a computer scientist altered to adapt to the project. By working on portions of the project, I approached with a specific iterative mindset. I had to portion the project out into small chunks and write and test this portion before moving to th next. This is similar to working with databases as well. One portion must be complete before the next can be worked with.
- What do computer scientists do, and why does it matter? How would your work on this type of project help a company, like Grazioso Salvare, to do their work better?
Computer scientists are the engineers for creating better computing, software, systems, and solve problems. A computer scientist matter because they are the backbone of solving computer or data related problems. These problems, in our day and age can affect everyone in some form or fashion. Understanding how to solve problems and complete projects such as Project 2 would benefit a company like Gravioso Salvare immensely. My problem solving skills and abilility to iterate through the requirements of the project will help achieve expected results for future projects as well.