Please come to this link to download the zip files and run the apac-mailer.exe (no virus, I promise)
- Enter your email and password here, for password, please head to your gmail account and set up an app password (Guide here)
- Select a csv file, if you wish to,
you can change the separator - Select the people whom you wish to email to
- Remember not to select any empty rows at the end if there are any
- Enter the email columns & name column (if you decide to insert a cert, this column will be used)
- All attachments will be taking the same name as the files in your folder
- Click SEND when you're ready to send the email
- Set your design here
- Mainly drag & drop, you can export your design and it'll be exported as design.json in your folder.
- After exporting, you can import the same design back.
- Make sure you click SAVE DESIGN after done with your design (even if you're importing)
- If you want to use variables, (like name from csv file in step 1) just wrap them in ^*....*^ in anywhere in your email design
- Must use JPG format, PNG format is too big, which causes the app to crash when trying to create Blob URL for email sending
- Will only be used if you checked 'use cert' in email settings
- Filename default is attachment if no name is specified.
- Sometimes if the pdf is not updating, click any of the slider.
- Due to unknown issue, the fonts are kinda above 0, so you must set Y to bigger than 0 to start seeing the words
- The words in the file will be replaced with name column as specified in email setting
- You can set align center to true, then the X position will be used as the center of the texts.
- For centering, you can use the align center and x distance of 105 or 149 for portrait and landscape respectively.
- Note: Sometimes the cert will be unresponsive, then you need to drag the X & Y slider and you'll see the preview being updated.
Install npm (My npm version is 6.14.15) Please refer to this guide.
Download this repository / folder
- Open your cmd and go to the folder containing the apac-mailer
- Open cmd by Windows + r, cmd enter or just search command prompt
- Copy the path of the folder
- Go to the folder
cd <the path you copied>
cd C:\Users\ACER\sy\Code\apac-mailer
- Run the following codes to install the libraries needed
npm install
- Run the following line in cmd after npm install (Make sure your cmd is still in the apac-mailer folder)
npm run electron:serve
Note: sometimes all inputs are unresponsive, then you need to click select file from email tab and click cancel.
Known issue: Net::error from reading email editor,
Solution: Add https: in front of line 2834, or the variable scriptUrl in vue-email-editor.common.js from Vue Email Editor.
- This app is made for APAC, but is free to be used & adapted by others.