To install, clone repo and (inside your favorite conda environment) do:
>>> pip install -e .
To use in a script, do something along the lines:
>>> from gemsepyana import GeMSEData, simple_activities, plot_actvs, which_chain
Then load the data:
>>> al = GeMSEData() # the investigated sample >>> al.fn = '[path_to_rootfiles]/combined_spectra_runs__1_2.root' >>> al.sample_name = r'Short catchy name' >>> al.t_live = 157987+346328 # in seconds >>> al.load_spectrum() >>> al.rebin(nbins=10) # often looks nicer >>> bg = GeMSEData() # similar for background files >>> bg.fn = '[path_to_bg_rootfile]/2019-2020_combined_bkg_calibrated.root.root' >>> bg.sample_name = 'Background (2020)' >>> bg.t_live = 9.48034e+06 # in seconds >>> bg.load_spectrum() >>> bg.rebin(nbins=10)
And e.g. display it:
>>> c_al = 'xkcd:poop green' >>> c_bg = 'xkcd:royal blue' >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,8)) >>> xrange = (0,3000) >>> isotope = ("U238", "Th228", "Tl208") # can be None or any list >>> minBR = 0 # show only lines with BR>minBR >>> ax.plot(al.x , al.y_per_keV_per_day , '-', c=c_al1, lw=1, label=al.sample_name) >>> ax.plot(bg.x, bg.y_per_keV_per_day, '-', c=c_bg, lw=1, label=bg.sample_name) >>> if True: >>> al.draw_special_lines( >>> sdict = al.manual_dict, >>> col = 'k', >>> xrange=xrange, >>> minBR = minBR, >>> isotope=isotope, >>> ) >>> ax.set_ylabel(r'Counts [keV$^{-1}$ day$^{-1}$]') >>> ax.set_xlabel('Energy [keV]') >>> ax.set_yscale('log') >>> ax.set_xlim(*xrange) >>> ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1.02, 1, 0.2), >>> loc="lower left", >>> mode="expand", >>> borderaxespad=0, >>> frameon=False, >>> ncol=2) >>>
(Argueably) nicer plot:
>>> c_al = 'xkcd:poop green' >>> c_bg = 'xkcd:royal blue' >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,12)) >>> >>> xrange = (0,3000) >>> #xrange = (500, 1000) >>> >>> isotope = ("Pb214", "Bi214", "K40") >>> >>> minBR = 3 >>> >>> ax.plot(al.x , al.y_per_keV_per_day , '-', c=c_al, lw=1, label=al.sample_name) >>> ax.plot(bg.x, bg.y_per_keV_per_day, '-', c=c_bg, lw=1, label=bg.sample_name) >>> >>> ax.set_ylabel(r'Counts [keV$^{-1}$ day$^{-1}$]') >>> ax.set_xlabel('Energy [keV]') >>> ax.set_yscale('log') >>> ax.set_xlim(*xrange) >>> >>> ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1.02, 1, 0.2), >>> loc="lower left", >>> mode="expand", >>> borderaxespad=0, >>> frameon=False, >>> ncol=2) >>> >>> if True: >>> annots = al.annotate_lines( >>> sdict = al.manual_dict, >>> xrange=xrange, >>> minBR = minBR, >>> isotope=isotope, >>> fontsize=10, >>> adjustTextLabels=False, # if True, uses adjustText library to move text labels around >>> #drawVLines=False, >>> ) >>> >>> #ax.set_ylim(1e-2, 1e3) # e.g. (None, 1e3) for default lower limit >>>
A simple rate analyis could look like:
>>> al.load_bat_params(fn="[path_to_GeMSE_analysis_type]/parameters_activity_calculation.txt") >>> actvs, als = simple_activities(gd=al, plot=True, isotopes=["Th228",], yscale='linear') # compute individual rates per line >>> plot_actvs(als=als) # plot rates of different lines belonging to one isotope
More examples to be provided here:
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