This extension to the cms contao allows to export a event as ical-download. It is NOT a native contao-extension and it is NOT listed to the extension-manager/composer, cause it simply consists of one file/class you can easily copy&paste.
Simply link this script from your event or events-template and the browser will start to download the event as ical-file:
The following fields are exported:
- event-title
- teaser-text
- location
- startDate/startTime
- endDate/endTime
- event-alias (as filename: $alias.ics)
Download file and store it to htdocs/httpdocs (contao-home)
Test it with: http://$DOMAIN.TLD/contaoIcalExport.php?eventId=XX
Implement iCal-Download-Button to the templates/event_full.html5 or wherever u need it by adding
<a href="/contaoIcalExport.php?eventId=<?=$this->id?>">Download as iCal-File</a>
Implemented and tested at contao 3.3 but should also work on the most newer and older contao-versions
Please just fill a new issue
Author: Andreas Döbeling (GitHub, Xing, Mail)
Copyright: 1601.communication gmbh
License: CC-BY-SA