Unify, themed for AASHE
The unify theme's core theme is made available as a django app with accessible static files and a custom scss override file.
Add the repo to your requirements.txt:
Simply add the theme to your templates:
<!-- CSS Theme -->
{% include 'aashe_theme/styles.html' %}
<!-- JS Theme -->
{% include 'aashe_theme/javascript.html' %}
If you are using django-compressor, simply use the '_compressed' versions instead:
<!-- CSS Theme -->
{% include 'aashe_theme/styles_compressed.html' %}
<!-- JS Theme -->
{% include 'aashe_theme/javascript_compressed.html' %}
You may also simply extend the base templates:
{% extends 'aashe_theme/base.html %}
{% extends 'aashe_theme/base_compressed.html %}
These already include the styles and javascript templates, to add additional scripts just extend the css and javascript blocks in your own templates using {{ block.super }}.