Timer which use GCD to implementation. It is an elegant way to use GCD to implement a Timer, more easier, we could't care about the NSTimer's usage in different thread.
- import GCDTimer.h GCDTimer.m file to your project.
- import GCDTimer.h to the file which you wants to use, and invoke like this.
_timer = [GCDTimer scheduleTimerWithInterval:1 repeats:YES isMainQueue:NO block:^{
NSLog(@"testViewController globalQueue executed");
NOTE: when repeats = YES, you must invoke the method
- (void)invalidate;
to release the GCDTimer instance.
create a GCDTimer instance, Selector version
@param interval
@param repeats Whether repeat
@param isMainQueue Whether execute the block on the main queue
@param target The target to perform the selector
@param selector The selector will to excute
@return GCDTimer instance
NOTE: when repeats = YES, you must invoke the method `- (void)invalidate;` to release the GCDTimer instance.
+ (instancetype)scheduleTimerWithInterval:(NSTimeInterval) interval repeats:(BOOL)repeats isMainQueue:(BOOL)isMainQueue target:(id)target selector:(SEL)selector;
create a GCDTimer instance, Block version
@param interval
@param repeats Whether repeat
@param isMainQueue Whether execute the block on the main queue
@param block The block to invoke
@return GCDTimer instance
NOTE: when repeats = YES, you must invoke the method `- (void)invalidate;` to release the GCDTimer instance.
+ (instancetype)scheduleTimerWithInterval:(NSTimeInterval) interval repeats:(BOOL)repeats isMainQueue:(BOOL)isMainQueue block:(dispatch_block_t)block;
cancel timer
- (void)invalidate;