Trace Random func call ( not just syscall ) in only usermode, without debugger framework, and keeps process in a normal speed.
使用txt文件描述模块的插桩地址。支持导出名称 \ 导出序号 \ 偏移。
create a txt file in the "/tasks" directory as a "task set", the basic grammar just like:
// This is a comment
"MessageBoxA" "optional description"
#1234 // <- Oridinal in hex
+0x1234 // <- Rva from Image Base
use "hook" command to apply them.
Counter module and logger module show the call records.
Counter can show call frequency and count.
Logger can show caller's return-back chain and thread's id, it can also show the records one-by-one or stack them.
This tool is only for WINDOWS and X86-64, maybe support more in the future.
Logger module may be not very stable if you want to trace a RANDOM address. ( fxsave is not used, maybe used in the future )
If you want to trace a game, the counter module is better.
If you don't know where to start, you can start to trace the syscall.