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04 ‐ User Manual

Jeff Caldwell edited this page Dec 16, 2023 · 3 revisions


The Dashboard shows an overview of the most recently performed analysis. If data has not yet been uploaded or there is missing data, the app will automatically redirect you to the Data Page.

Usage Page

To view usage analyses, first select a consumable name from the dropdown menu, then select a start date and an end date.

Usage Screenshot

Optimization Page

Mission View

There are two choices available when viewing optimizations. You can choose to mission view by clicking the 'View Missions' button in the header. This will display a card with optimized shipment amounts for each mission listed in the flight plan data whose launch date falls after the current date.

Mission View Screenshot

Consumable View

To view optimizations by consumable, first click on the 'View Consumables' button. This will initially load a visualization of the optimized amounts for ACY Inserts. To view a different consumable, just click on the button above the visualization labeled with the consumable's name

Optimization Consumables Screenshot

Forecast Page


Forecasting only works for the Water consumable in this iteration.


Data Page

The Data page presents a grid of links to individual representations of data.


Clicking on a link will take you to a table that shows all the records that have been saved for that type of data.

Data Table

To upload data, just click on the 'Upload Data' button and select a file to upload.

Upload Button