Checkout out the repository and then run the following in the project dir.
npm install
To continuously watch a directory:
./main.js -w {parent_dir}
To process the images in a directory
./main.js {image_dir}
Configuration is stored in config.js and .config.js.
Make .config.js by copying private-config-template.js and filling in the details.
Pin outs
1 - V ( Red )
2 - DTR
3 - TX
4 - RX
5 - G
Resize to 2400x1560 and convert to yuv444p colorspace
ffmpeg -i revolve_scaled.jpg -vf scale=2400:1560 -pix_fmt yuv444p revolve_scaled_yuv444p.jpg
- Integrate stablization code
- Add option for insertion of splash header and info footer to video.
- Create video file
- Upload to youTube
- Generate QR Code for youTube url
- Print QR Code on thermal printer
- Detect change to directory, build sorted image set
- Create processing queue for directories to process