Picasso Photo Manager is a photo tagging photo managing software that allows user to rename photos. The front-end is done with a JavaFX framework, the backend is done with Java and data is persisted through a local SQLite database.
cd to the project directory
Run the appropriate command
gradlew run
gradlew.bat run
sh gradlew run
Import Project
From the project directory
i) Select 'build.gradle' ii) Continue by clicking 'OK'
Continue by clicking 'OK'
Project SDK is not defined, open any java file under 'src/' directory. Click 'Setup SDK' to choose Java 1.8 as project SDK.
Before testing JUnit tests,
i) Expand imports at the top of any of our test files, ii) Place cursor above the highlighted red word 'jupiter' iii) alt+enter and select "Add 'JUnit5' to class path". iv) press 'OK' to "use 'JUnit5' from IntelliJ IDEA distribution.
When adding tag in the “Image tab” or searching images by tag, User can seperate tags by ",".
User can add tags from the tag repo to the selected image by clicking `on “<< Add Tag(s) to Image” button. Multiple can be selected by holding ctrl down while selecting.
The textfield at the top of the program updates when user searches new directory or clicks on an image (it will display the image’s parent directory).
User can hover over root name, tags, and the absolute path in the “Image” tab to see the whole text.