with Gulp asset pipeline to automate build, clean and livereload your browser when code changes. Include all of these modern libraries:
- Uglify
- Concat
- CleanCSS
- Watch
- Livereload
- Imagemin
- Autoprefixer
- PurifyCSS
that's all enough for frontend developer who want to develop a WordPress theme.
- Clone this project to your
and rename it as you want - run
npm install
- open gulpfile.js and update your banner string
- run
and start coding - for production, don't forget to remove remote repository by
git remote remove origin
Header comment in style.css is important when you developing WordPress theme. because WordPress will use this comment block to identify what theme is it, who made it, etc.
So if header comment is missing or incorrect, you will not see this theme in Appearance > Themes
When you want to use another libraries eg. bootstrap, magnific-popup, owl-carousel etc, to this project. Just install with npm install, bower install or yarn install like you used to. Then add the library stylesheet path to lib-css and javascript for the scripts.
don't forget to run lib-scss
every time when you added new library 🧐