This is task management application which as bellow features
Priority should automatically be updated based on this. #1 priority goes at top, #2 next down and so on. Tasks should be saved to a mysql table.
add project functionality to the tasks. User should be able to select a project from a dropdown and only view tasks associated with that project.
Which handle all task related action like add, edit, delete & also shorting
Created two model Project & Task to handle all above features . In Task model has belongsTo relation to show project on task . Also on project model hasMany relation to create tasks each project.
Migration file to create project & task table
To create default project & task i have used Factory & seeder where i have created 10 project & 20 tasks each project
I have used bootstrap-4 to make all above features also jQuery Sortab
To handle this i have used jQuery Sortable
1. git clone
- Sandip Jha
- kumarjsandip ( Skype )