BlobChat is a minimalist and elegant chat app.
- Make a post and talk about anything you want.
- Blob will find similar posts made by other users.
Select another user's post and start chatting. - Chat for as long as you wish until there's no new response from either party for longer than 3 days (in demo it's set to 60 seconds).
The local server/client setup to support a web application.
- NodeJS
- SocketIO
- Express
- Redis - to store posts and chat messages
- RediSearch - to index and explore potential matches.
git clone
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
npm install
npm run start
Now you can go to http://localhost:5000/ to start.
For the simplicity of the demonstration, some logic have been altered:
- Pre-populated sample posts are in [/public/sample_posts.json].
- Chat timeouts in 60s instead of 3 days. History is not automatically cleared in the UI, but refreshing the page will do.
Create a RediSearch index on all posts (key prefix post
) and make the content of the posts full-text searchable.
e.g. Redis: FT.CREATE posts_idx ON HASH PREFIX 1 post SCHEMA content TEXT
When user creates a new post, store the content with the username.
e.g. Redis: HSET post_CookieMonster username CookieMonster content "A brown fox jumps over the fence."
Search among existing posts in RedisSearch for similar posts.
e.g. Redis: FT.SEARCH posts_idx "what | a | lovely | day"
Add a new message to the bottom of the chat history between two users.
e.g. Redis: RPUSH messages fromUser:toUser:Hi
Set the conversation history to expire.
e.g. Redis: EXPIRE messages 60
Retrieves all chat messages from Redis.
e.g. Redis: LRANGE messages 0 -1
- Use RedisAI to train on the user data (content of posts, and what posts got chosen by certain users), and make better recommendations.
- Use Redis to store user connections so that a chat room can only be joined by people who are a match from the previous step.
- Username does not allow whitespaces but there's no actual validation.
- Auto scrolling is not implemented, users might not see that they have got new messages.
- Pushing the enter button on a keyboard does not send the message, only the UI button does.
Used CSS style sheet as a css starter.
Blob icon is created via
Color palette.