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API Callout Examples

yuenmichelle1 edited this page Aug 25, 2023 · 23 revisions


  1. /comments
  2. /classifications
  3. /classifications/users/:id
  4. /classifications/user_groups/:id

Querying Comments Stats (/comments)

Querying Comment counts based on provided params.




GET /comments

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description Required?
project_id integer (or integers separated by , if querying for multiple project_id/s) ID/s of a Panoptes project No
user_id integer (or integers separated by , if querying for multiple user_id/s) ID/s of a Panoptes User No
start_date string of Date Format (YYYY-MM-DD) Starting date of comments you want to query from No
end_date string of Date Format (YYYY-MM-DD) Ending date range of comments you want to query from No
period string (either day, week, month, year) Time Bucket on how you want to bucket response data No

Example Request/s

## query to get count of all comments of all time
## query to get count of all comments relating to Project with id 1
## query to get count of all comments relating to Projects with ids 1 or 2
## query to get count of all comments created by User with id 1
## query to get count of all comments of all time bucketed by week 
## query to get count of all comments relating to Project with id 1 and created by User with id 1  

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
total_count integer Total count of comments given request parameters
data array Only returned when period is a request parameter. This shows the breakdown of comments bucketed by period that make up the response's total_count

Example Response/s

	"total_count": 4123
  • When period is a request param
	"total_count": 4123,
	"data": [
                       "period": "2023-05-27T00:00:00Z",
			"count": 4000,
			"period": "2023-05-28T00:00:00Z",
			"count": 123

Querying Classification Stats





GET /classifications

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description Required?
project_id integer (or integers separated by , if querying for multiple project_id/s) ID/s of a Panoptes project
(NOTE: We do NOT allow query by both project_id/s AND workflow_id/s)
workflow_id integer (or integers separated by , if querying for multiple workflow_id/s) ID/s of a Panoptes workflow
(NOTE: We do NOT allow query by both project_id/s AND workflow_id/s)
start_date string of Date Format (YYYY-MM-DD) Starting date of comments you want to query from No
end_date string of Date Format (YYYY-MM-DD) Ending date range of comments you want to query from No
period string (either day, week, month, year) Time Bucket on how you want to bucket response data No

Example Request/s

## query to get total_count of classifications of all time 
## query to get count of all classifications relating to Project with id 1
## query to get count of all classifications relating to Projects with ids 1 or 2
## query to get count of all classifications created by Workflow with id 1
## query to get count of all classifications of all time bucketed by week 

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
total_count integer Total count of classifications given request parameters
data array Only returned when period is a request parameter. This shows the breakdown of classifications bucketed by period that make up the response's total_count

Example Response/s

	"total_count": 4123
  • When period is a request param
	"total_count": 4123,
	"data": [
                       "period": "2023-05-27T00:00:00Z",
			"count": 4000,
			"period": "2023-05-28T00:00:00Z",
			"count": 123



Authorization Header Required


Fairly simple authorization, the querying user either has to be a

  • querying his/her/their own stats
  • or a Panoptes admin


GET /classifications/users/:id (where :id is the id of the user one wants to query)

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description Required?
project_id integer (or integers separated by , if querying for multiple project_id/s) ID/s of a Panoptes project
(NOTE: We do NOT allow query by both project_id/s AND workflow_id/s)
workflow_id integer (or integers separated by , if querying for multiple workflow_id/s) ID/s of a Panoptes workflow
(NOTE: We do NOT allow query by both project_id/s AND workflow_id/s)
start_date string of Date Format (YYYY-MM-DD) Starting date of comments you want to query from No
end_date string of Date Format (YYYY-MM-DD) Ending date range of comments you want to query from No
period string (either day, week, month, year) Time Bucket on how you want to bucket response data No
time_spent boolean Boolean that dictates whether to show total time spent for user No
project_contributions boolean Boolean that dictates whether to show all project_contributions (and counts per project) of the user No

Example Request/s

## query to get total_count of classifications of all time for user with id 1
## query to get count of all classifications for user with id 1 relating to Project with id 1
## query to get count of all classifications for user with id 1 relating to Projects with ids 1 or 2
## query to get count of all classifications for user with id 1 created by Workflow with id 1
## query to get count of all classifications of user with id 1 of all time bucketed by week 
## query to get total_count and total time_spent (IN SECONDS) of all classifications of user with id 1
## query to get total_count and project_contributions (and counts per project) of all classifications of user with id 1

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
total_count integer Total count of classifications of queried user given request parameters
time_spent float Total session time IN SECONDS of total classifications of user
Only in response if we have request params time_spent=true
project_contributions array Array of all project contributions (project_id and count) of user given request parameters.
If project_id or workflow_id is a parameter, response will NOT include project_contributions
Only in response if we have project_contributions=true in request params
data array Only returned when period is a request parameter.
This shows the breakdown of classifications bucketed by period that make up the response's total_count.
Array of objects that look like {"period": date, "count": integer}

Example Response/s

	"total_count": 4123
  • When period is a request param
	"total_count": 4123,
	"data": [
                       "period": "2023-05-27T00:00:00Z",
			"count": 4000,
			"period": "2023-05-28T00:00:00Z",
			"count": 123
  • When time_spent=true
	"total_count": 4123,
	"time_spent": 3004
  • When period=day and time_spent=true is a request param
	"total_count": 4123,
        "time_spent": 3004,
	"data": [
                       "period": "2023-05-27T00:00:00Z",
			"count": 4000,
                        "session_time": 2004
			"period": "2023-05-28T00:00:00Z",
			"count": 123,
                        "session_time": 1000
  • When project_contributions=true
	"total_count": 4123,
        "project_contributions": [
		{ "project_id": 123, "count": 4000 },
		{ "project_id": 234, "count": 100 },
                { "project_id": 345, "count": 20 },
                { "project_id": 456, "count": 3 }



Dependent on what you are querying. See below for more info


Permissions are dependent on 3 factors (unless you are a panoptes_admin, then you have full permission):

  1. what stats requests you are querying from ERAS (group aggregate stats vs individual stats breakdown),
  2. the user group's stats visibility level,
  3. and who you are related to the group

If you are querying group aggregate stats (i.e. individual_stats_breakdown is false or not a parameter in your request):

  • If the user_group's stats visibility level is public_show_all
    • anyone can view these stats (No auth required)
  • If the user_group's stats visibility level is public_agg_show_ind_if_member
    • anyone can view these stats (No auth required)
  • If the user_group's stats visibility level is public_agg_only
    • anyone can view these stats (No auth required)
  • If the user_group's stats visibility level is private_show_agg_and_ind
    • querying user is either a group_admin or a group_member (Auth required)
  • If the user_group's stats visibility level is private_agg_only
    • querying user is either a group_admin or a group_member (Auth required)

If you are querying individual stats breakdown (i.e. individual_stats_breakdown is true):

  • If the user_group's stats visibility level is public_show_all
    • anyone can view these stats (No auth required)
  • If the user_group's stats visibility level is public_agg_show_ind_if_member
    • Only group_members and group_admins can see these stats (Auth required)
  • If the user_group's stats visibility level is public_agg_only
    • querying user is a group_admin (Auth required)
  • If the user_group's stats visibility level is private_show_agg_and_ind
    • querying user is either a group_admin or a group_member (Auth required)
  • If the user_group's stats visibility level is private_agg_only
    • querying user is either a group_admin (Auth required)


GET /classifications/user_groups/:id (where :id is the id of the user_group one wants to query)

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description Required?
project_id integer (or integers separated by , if querying for multiple project_id/s) ID/s of a Panoptes project
(NOTE: We do NOT allow query by both project_id/s AND workflow_id/s)
workflow_id integer (or integers separated by , if querying for multiple workflow_id/s) ID/s of a Panoptes Workflow
(NOTE: We do NOT allow query by both project_id/s AND workflow_id/s)
start_date string of Date Format (YYYY-MM-DD) Starting date of classifications you want to query from No
end_date string of Date Format (YYYY-MM-DD) Ending date range of classifications you want to query from No
period string (either day, week, month, year) Time Bucket on how you want to bucket response data No
top_contributors integer Limit that dictates whether response will show top_contributors of user_group and how many No
individual_stats_breakdown boolean Boolean that dictates the response to show a roster stats report per each individual user for the user group No

Example Request/s

## query to get classification stats report (total_count, time_spent, active_users, project_contributions) of user_group
## query to get classification stats report (total_count, time_spent, active_users) of user_group relating to Project with id 1
## query to get classification stats report (total_count, time_spent, active_users) of user_group relating to Project with ids 1 or 2
## query to get classification stats report (total_count, time_spent, active_users) of user_group relating to Workflow with id 1
## query to get classification stats report (total_count, time_spent, active_users and data) of all classifications of all time for user_group with id=1234, where data is bucketed by week 
## query to get classification stats report (total_count, time_spent, active_users and top_contributors[in this case top 10 contributors]) relating to Project with id 1

Response Parameters (When individual_stats_breakdown is not a parameter)

Parameter Type Description
total_count integer Total count of classifications of queried user group given request parameters
time_spent float Total session time IN SECONDS of total classifications of user group
active_users integer Total active users (users who have made a classification given request parameters) of user group
project_contributions array Array of all project contributions (project_id and count) of user group given request parameters.
If project_id or workflow_id is a parameter, response will NOT include project_contributions
data array Only returned when period is a request parameter.
This shows the breakdown of classifications bucketed by period that make up the response's total_count.
Array of objects that look like {"period": date, "count": integer, "session_time": float}

Response Parameters (When individual_stats_breakdown=true)

Parameter Type Description
group_member_stats_breakdown array Array of each user's (who is a member of given user group) stats
Array of objects that look like
{"user_id": integer, "count": integer, "session_time": float, "project_contributions": array [{"project_id": integer, "count": integer}] }

Example Response/s (When individual_stats_breakdown is false or not given)

  "total_count": 12,
  "time_spent": 71.304,
  "active_users": 1,
  "project_contributions": [
                              "project_id": 5110,
                              "count": 9,
                              "session_time": 41.304
                              "project_id": 15698,
                              "count": 1
                              "session_time": 10
                              "project_id": 9908,
                              "count": 1,
                              "session_time": 10
                              "project_id": 12767,
                              "count": 1,
                              "session_time": 10
  • When period is a request param
  "total_count": 6,
  "time_spent": 507,
  "active_users": 1,
  "project_contributions": [
                              "project_id": 5110,
                              "count": 3,
                              "session_time": 400
                              "project_id": 15698,
                              "count": 1,
                              "session_time": 50
                              "project_id": 9908,
                              "count": 1,
                              "session_time": 50
                              "project_id": 12767,
                              "count": 1
                              "session_time": 7
 "data": [
             "period": "2021-11-01T00:00:00.000Z",
             "count": 2,
             "session_time": 29
              "period": "2021-12-01T00:00:00.000Z",
              "count": 4,
              "session_time": 478
  • When top_contributors is a param
  "total_count": 12,
  "time_spent": 71.304,
  "active_users": 1,
  "project_contributions": [
      "project_id": 593,
      "count": 12,
      "session_time": 71.304
  "top_contributors": [
      "user_id": 1234,
      "count": 12,
      "session_time": 71

Example Response/s (When individual_stats_breakdown=true)

  "group_member_stats_breakdown": [
      "user_id": 1234,
      "count": 12,
      "session_time": 71.304,
      "project_contributions": [
          "project_id": 593,
          "count": 12,
          "session_time": 71.304


User Groups Stats Visibility Levels
Data Tables
Mappings from Source Tables to ERAS
Continuous Aggregates
Decisions Around Session Time Caps

API Documentation

Routes and Params

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