diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 55c0e71..d93faec 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Visualize Erlang/Elixir Nodes On The Command Line base on [recon](https://github
%% rebar.config
{deps, [observer_cli]}
%% erlang.mk
-dep_observer_cli = hex 1.7.5
+dep_observer_cli = hex 1.8.0
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ dep_observer_cli = hex 1.7.5
# mix.exs
def deps do
- [{:observer_cli, "~> 1.7"}]
+ [{:observer_cli, "~> 1.8"}]
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ _build/dev/rel/example/bin/example rpc ":observer_cli.start"
### DEMO
### How to write your own plugin?
@@ -255,7 +255,12 @@ Support F/B to page up/down.
### Changelog
+- 1.8.0
+ - Support ` 2.5.1"},
+ {:recon, "~> 2.5.6"},
diff --git a/mix.lock b/mix.lock
index 7636f67..da4116d 100644
--- a/mix.lock
+++ b/mix.lock
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
- "recon": {:hex, :recon, "2.5.1", "430ffa60685ac1efdfb1fe4c97b8767c92d0d92e6e7c3e8621559ba77598678a", [:mix, :rebar3], [], "hexpm"},
+ "recon": {:hex, :recon, "2.5.6", "9052588e83bfedfd9b72e1034532aee2a5369d9d9343b61aeb7fbce761010741", [:mix, :rebar3], [], "hexpm", "96c6799792d735cc0f0fd0f86267e9d351e63339cbe03df9d162010cefc26bb0"},
diff --git a/src/observer_cli.app.src b/src/observer_cli.app.src
index 406c247..fe17530 100644
--- a/src/observer_cli.app.src
+++ b/src/observer_cli.app.src
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
-{application, observer_cli,
- [
- {description, "Visualize Erlang Nodes On The Command Line"},
- {vsn, "1.7.5"},
- {modules, [
- observer_cli
- ]},
- {registered, []},
- {applications, [
- kernel,
- stdlib,
- recon
- ]},
- {files, ["include",
- "mix.exs",
- "mix.lock",
- "README.md",
- "rebar.config",
- "rebar.lock",
- "src"]},
- {build_tools, ["mix", "rebar3"]},
- {env, [
- {scheduler_usage, disable},
- {plugins,
- [
- %% module - Specific module implements plugin behavior. It's mandatory.
- %% title - Menu title. It's mandatory.
- %% shortcut - Switch plugin by shortcut. It's mandatory.
- %% interval - Refresh interval ms. It's options. default is 1500ms.
- %% sort_column - Sort the sheet by this index. It's options default is 2.
- %% #{module => observer_cli_plug_1, title => "Example-1", interval => 1500, shortcut => "S", sort_column => 3},
- %% #{module => observer_cli_plug_2, title => "Example-2", interval => 1600, shortcut => "D", sort_column => 2}
- ]}
- ]},
- {licenses, ["MIT"]},
- {links, [{"Github", "https://github.com/zhongwencool/observer_cli"}]}
- ]}.
+{application, observer_cli, [
+ {description, "Visualize Erlang Nodes On The Command Line"},
+ {vsn, "1.8.0"},
+ {modules, [
+ observer_cli
+ ]},
+ {registered, []},
+ {applications, [
+ kernel,
+ stdlib,
+ recon
+ ]},
+ {files, [
+ "include",
+ "mix.exs",
+ "mix.lock",
+ "README.md",
+ "rebar.config",
+ "rebar.lock",
+ "src"
+ ]},
+ {build_tools, ["mix", "rebar3"]},
+ {env, [
+ {scheduler_usage, disable},
+ {plugins, [
+ %% module - Specific module implements plugin behavior. It's mandatory.
+ %% title - Menu title. It's mandatory.
+ %% shortcut - Switch plugin by shortcut. It's mandatory.
+ %% interval - Refresh interval ms. It's options. default is 1500ms.
+ %% sort_column - Sort the sheet by this index. It's options default is 2.
+ %% #{module => observer_cli_plug_1, title => "Example-1", interval => 1500, shortcut => "S", sort_column => 3},
+ %% #{module => observer_cli_plug_2, title => "Example-2", interval => 1600, shortcut => "D", sort_column => 2}
+ ]}
+ ]},
+ {licenses, ["MIT"]},
+ {links, [{"Github", "https://github.com/zhongwencool/observer_cli"}]}
diff --git a/src/observer_cli.erl b/src/observer_cli.erl
index 89da740..1e84bfc 100644
--- a/src/observer_cli.erl
+++ b/src/observer_cli.erl
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
-spec start() -> no_return | {badrpc, term()}.
start() -> start(#view_opts{}).
--spec start(Node) -> no_return | {badrpc, term()} when Node :: atom() | non_neg_integer().
+-spec start(Node) -> no_return | {badrpc, term()} when
+ Node :: atom() | non_neg_integer() | #view_opts{}.
start(Node) when Node =:= node() ->
start(Node) when is_atom(Node) ->
diff --git a/src/observer_cli_help.erl b/src/observer_cli_help.erl
index 84866e5..b15f085 100644
--- a/src/observer_cli_help.erl
+++ b/src/observer_cli_help.erl
@@ -61,24 +61,24 @@ render_help() ->
"| \e[48;2;80;80;80m1.3\e[0m observer_start:start(Node, Cookie).\n",
"|\e[44m2. HOME(H) Commands\e[49m \n",
- "| \e[48;2;80;80;80m` \e[0m enable/disable schedule usage.\n",
- "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mPageDown \e[0m pd or F(forward).\n",
- "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mPageUp \e[0m pu or B(back).\n",
- "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mr \e[0m switch mode to reduction(proc_count).\n",
- "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mrr \e[0m switch mode to reduction(proc_window).\n",
- "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mm \e[0m switch mode to memory(proc_count).\n",
- "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mmm \e[0m switch mode to memory(proc_window).\n",
- "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mb \e[0m switch mode to bin memory(proc_count).\n",
- "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mbb \e[0m switch mode to bin memory(proc_window).\n",
- "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mmq \e[0m switch mode to message queue len(proc_count).\n",
- "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mmmq \e[0m switch mode to message queue len(proc_window).\n",
- "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mt \e[0m switch mode to total heap size(proc_count).\n",
- "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mtt \e[0m switch mode to total heap size(proc_window).\n",
- "| \e[48;2;80;80;80m3000 \e[0m set interval time to 3000ms, the integer must >= 1500.\n",
- "| \e[48;2;80;80;80m13 \e[0m choose the 13th process(green line), the integer must in top list.\n",
- "| \e[48;2;80;80;80m<0.43.0> \e[0m choose the <0.43.0> process, the pid does not need to be in the top list.\n",
- "| \e[48;2;80;80;80m<43 or >43 \e[0m choose the <0.43.0> process, the pid does not need to be in the top list.\n",
- "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mp \e[0m pause/unpause the view.\n",
+ "| \e[48;2;80;80;80m` \e[0m enable/disable schedule usage.\n",
+ "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mPageDown \e[0m pd or F(forward).\n",
+ "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mPageUp \e[0m pu or B(back).\n",
+ "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mr \e[0m switch mode to reduction(proc_count).\n",
+ "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mrr \e[0m switch mode to reduction(proc_window).\n",
+ "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mm \e[0m switch mode to memory(proc_count).\n",
+ "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mmm \e[0m switch mode to memory(proc_window).\n",
+ "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mb \e[0m switch mode to bin memory(proc_count).\n",
+ "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mbb \e[0m switch mode to bin memory(proc_window).\n",
+ "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mmq \e[0m switch mode to message queue len(proc_count).\n",
+ "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mmmq \e[0m switch mode to message queue len(proc_window).\n",
+ "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mt \e[0m switch mode to total heap size(proc_count).\n",
+ "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mtt \e[0m switch mode to total heap size(proc_window).\n",
+ "| \e[48;2;80;80;80m3000 \e[0m set interval time to 3000ms, the integer must >= 1500.\n",
+ "| \e[48;2;80;80;80m13 \e[0m choose the 13th process(green line), the integer must in top list.\n",
+ "| \e[48;2;80;80;80m<0.43.0> \e[0m choose the <0.43.0> process, the pid does not need to be in the top list.\n",
+ "| \e[48;2;80;80;80m<431 or >431 \e[0m choose the <0.431.0> process, the pid does not need to be in the top list.\n",
+ "| \e[48;2;80;80;80mp \e[0m pause/unpause the view.\n",
"|\e[44m5. Reference\e[49m \n",
"|More information about recon:proc_count/2 and recon:proc_window/3 \n",