A General Recipe for Likelihood-free Bayesian Optimization [ICML2022]
The acquisition function, a critical component in Bayesian optimization (BO), can often be written as the expectation of a utility function under a surrogate model. However, to ensure that acquisition functions are tractable to optimize, restrictions must be placed on the surrogate model and utility function. To extend BO to a broader class of models and utilities, we propose likelihood-free BO (LFBO), an approach based on likelihood-free inference. LFBO directly models the acquisition function without having to separately perform inference with a probabilistic surrogate model. We show that computing the acquisition function in LFBO can be reduced to optimizing a weighted classification problem, where the weights correspond to the utility being chosen. By choosing the utility function for expected improvement (EI), LFBO outperforms various state-of-the-art black-box optimization methods on several real-world optimization problems. LFBO can also effectively leverage composite structures of the objective function, which further improves its regret by several orders of magnitude.
E.g. PYTHONPATH='./' python examples/LFBO/rosenbrock_lfbo.py
Modify the following section of comparison/xbbo_benchmark.py
test_algs = ["lfbo"]
And run PYTHONPATH='./' python comparison/xbbo_benchmark.py
in the command line.
Run xbbo/run_benchmark.py
, where some of the changes are made to the code as follows:
confs = {
"./cfgs/bore.yaml": ["--mark", "bore"],
"./cfgs/lfbo.yaml": ["--mark", "lfbo"]}
general_opts = ["OPTM.kwargs.classify", "xgb", "OPTM.kwargs.num_starts", "0", "TEST_PROBLEM.name", "FCNet"]
Analyse('./exp', benchmark='FCNet', marks=marks, legend_size=16)
confs = {
"./cfgs/bore.yaml": ["--mark", "bore"],
"./cfgs/lfbo.yaml": ["--mark", "lfbo"]}
general_opts = ["OPTM.kwargs.classify", "xgb", "OPTM.kwargs.num_starts", "0", "TEST_PROBLEM.name", "Rosenbrock"]
Analyse('./exp', benchmark='Rosenbrock', marks=marks, legend_size=16)
Method | Minimum | Best minimum | Mean f_calls to min | Std f_calls to min | Fastest f_calls to min |
XBBO(lfbo) | 0.417+/-0.021 | 0.398 | 85.9 | 60.69 | 27 |