See the package's official showcase for information on how to use it.
The pipeline will execute the script in a specific manner:
Rscript script.r /path/to/input.csv /path/to/output.csv /path/to/config
: This is the path to the CSV file that contains the data your script will process./path/to/output.csv
: This is the path where the output CSV file generated by your script will be saved. It will contain the processed data, such as calibrated dates or other statistical information./path/to/config
: This is an optional configuration file that can modify parameters such as confidence intervals, step size, filtering options, and any additional values you need. If not specified, the script will need default values.
The template provided later in the document handles these system arguments.
There are two types of outputs: CSV outputs and PDF outputs.
To output to a CSV, simply create a valid dataframe, and write it with the name args[[2]]
write.csv(dataframe, args[[2]], row.names = FALSE)
There is currently no support for more than one CSV output. If multiple outputs are needed, consider combining results into a single dataframe.
The name of the output PDF should be as follows:
- Where
is the name of the input file, without its extension script
is the name of the script, without its extensiontype
is the type of graph it contains, it is up to you to name it
- Where
The input
, script
and date
variables are already provided in the template as file_name
, script_name
and date
To create a PDF with this name you can do the following:
# Create a pdf device
pdf(paste(file_name, script_name, "spd", date, "pdf", sep = "."))
# Plot as many things as needed
# Then close the device. Done!
You can use this template as a starting point for your script:
# Loading required libraries
# Grabbing command line arguments
args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
no_trailing_args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
# We need the script name to create the output file
script_name_index <- which(grepl("^--file=", no_trailing_args))
script_name <- sub("^--file=", "", no_trailing_args[script_name_index])
script_name <- sub("\\.r$", "", basename(script_name))
# Default values for if config is missing
confidence_interval <- 0.95
step <- 5
value <- "Everything"
# Function to grab values from the config file based on the line they are on
# Example config:
# step=10
# confidence=0.9
# column=
# value=
# script=radiocarbon.r
# get_value(1) would give us 10 (step)
# get_value(3) would give us NA (there's no column)
get_value <- function(i) {
v <- strsplit(config[[i, 1]], "=")[[1]][2]
# Argument handling
if (length(args) == 0) {
stop("At least one argument must be supplied (input file).csv", call. = FALSE)
} else if (length(args) == 1) {
stop("CAREFUL: No output file specified.", call = FALSE)
} else if (length(args) == 2) {
print("No config file specified. Using default values. (Confidence Interval -> 0.95, Step -> 5 years, No Filtering)")
} else if (length(args) == 3) {
print("All arguments specified.")
config <- read.delim2(args[[3]], header = FALSE, sep = "\n")
# Grab step and confidence from the config (could be NA)
step_cfg <- get_value(1)
confidence_interval_cfg <- get_value(2)
# Checking if they are present
if ( {
print("No Step Interval specified, using default value")
} else {
step <- as.numeric(step_cfg)
if ( {
print("No Confidence Interval specified, using default value")
} else {
confidence_interval <- as.numeric(confidence_interval_cfg)
print(paste("Confidence Interval ->", confidence_interval, ", Step ->", step, "years"))
# The filename is the name of the input file without its extension
file_name <- sub("\\.csv$", "", basename(args[1]))
# Pretty date formatting
date <- format(Sys.time(), "%d-%m-%Y@%H:%M:%S")
# Determining the separator of the CSV file (can be ',' or ';')
first_line <- readLines(args[[1]], n = 1)
comma_count <- length(gregexpr(",", first_line)[[1]])
semicolon_count <- length(gregexpr(";", first_line)[[1]])
if (comma_count > semicolon_count) {
sep <- ","
} else {
sep <- ";"
# Read the csv with that delimiter!
c <- read.csv(args[[1]], sep = sep, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Lets apply the filtering, if it is specified
if (length(args) == 3) {
column <- get_value(3)
value <- get_value(4)
if ( || {
print("No subsetting applied")
} else {
print(paste("Filtering on column:", column, "with value:", value))
c <- subset(c, c[[column]] == value)
# Check if the subsetting returned any values
if (nrow(c) == 0) {
stop("CAREFUL: No values match the subsetting provided.")
# We are good to go!
You can add custom parameters to the config file.
For example, if you want to add a maximum age filter (max_age
), you can do so by adding max_age=8000
to the end of the config file and retrieving it with:
max_age_cfg <- get_value(5)
These additional values are currently not shown on the website.