+ /**
+ * sim(p1,p2) = alpha/(d+alpha)
+ */
+ private static double alpha = 1.6;
+ /**
+ * ʵʵƶȣԭȨ
+ */
+ private static double beta1 = 0.5;
+ /**
+ * ʵʵƶȣԭȨ
+ */
+ private static double beta2 = 0.2;
+ /**
+ * ʵʵƶȣϵԭȨ
+ */
+ private static double beta3 = 0.17;
+ /**
+ * ʵʵƶȣϵԭȨ
+ */
+ private static double beta4 = 0.13;
+ /**
+ * ԭƶһɴΪһȽСij. ʺ;ʵƶȣͬΪ1Ϊ0.
+ */
+ private static double gamma = 0.2;
+ /**
+ * һǿֵֵƶȶΪһȽСij
+ */
+ private static double delta = 0.2;
+ /**
+ * ԭ֮ĬϾ
+ */
+ private static int DEFAULT_PRIMITIVE_DIS = 20;
+ /**
+ * ֪е
+ */
+ private static String LOGICAL_SYMBOL = ",~^";
+ /**
+ * ֪еĹϵ
+ */
+ private static String RELATIONAL_SYMBOL = "#%$*+&@?!";
+ /**
+ * ֪еţʣ
+ */
+ private static String SPECIAL_SYMBOL = "{";
+ /**
+ * Ĭϼļ
+ */
+ static {
+ loadGlossary();
+ }
+ /**
+ * glossay.dat ļ
+ */
+ public static void loadGlossary() {
+ String line = null;
+ BufferedReader reader = null;
+ try {
+ reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("dict/glossary.dat"));
+ line = reader.readLine();
+ while (line != null) {
+ // parse the line
+ // the line format is like this:
+ // N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(the United Arab Emirates|)
+ line = line.trim().replaceAll("\\s+", " ");
+ String[] strs = line.split(" ");
+ String word = strs[0];
+ String type = strs[1];
+ // Ϊǰո֣һֵļӻȥ
+ String related = strs[2];
+ for (int i = 3; i < strs.length; i++) {
+ related += (" " + strs[i]);
+ }
+ // Create a new word
+ Word w = new Word();
+ w.setWord(word);
+ w.setType(type);
+ parseDetail(related, w);
+ // save this word.
+ addWord(w);
+ // read the next line
+ line = reader.readLine();
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ System.out.println("Error line: " + line);
+ // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ } finally {
+ try {
+ reader.close();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * ֣ĽWord word
+ *
+ * @param related
+ */
+ public static void parseDetail(String related, Word word) {
+ // spilt by ","
+ String[] parts = related.split(",");
+ boolean isFirst = true;
+ boolean isRelational = false;
+ boolean isSimbol = false;
+ String chinese = null;
+ String relationalPrimitiveKey = null;
+ String simbolKey = null;
+ for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
+ // Ǿʣſʼͽβ: (Bahrain|)
+ if (parts[i].startsWith("(")) {
+ parts[i] = parts[i].substring(1, parts[i].length() - 1);
+ // parts[i] = parts[i].replaceAll("\\s+", "");
+ }
+ // ϵԭ֮Ķǹϵԭ
+ if (parts[i].contains("=")) {
+ isRelational = true;
+ // format: content=fact|
+ String[] strs = parts[i].split("=");
+ relationalPrimitiveKey = strs[0];
+ String value = strs[1].split("\\|")[1]; // ֱȡΪֵ
+ word.addRelationalPrimitive(relationalPrimitiveKey, value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // ǹϵԭ
+ String[] strs = parts[i].split("\\|");
+ // ʼĵһַȷǷΪԭϵ
+ int type = getPrimitiveType(strs[0]);
+ // IJֵĴ,ûĽ
+ if (strs.length > 1) {
+ chinese = strs[1];
+ }
+ if (chinese != null
+ && (chinese.endsWith(")") || chinese.endsWith("}"))) {
+ chinese = chinese.substring(0, chinese.length() - 1);
+ }
+ // ԭ
+ if (type == 0) {
+ // ֮ǰһϵԭ
+ if (isRelational) {
+ word.addRelationalPrimitive(relationalPrimitiveKey,
+ chinese);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // ֮ǰһǷԭ
+ if (isSimbol) {
+ word.addRelationSimbolPrimitive(simbolKey, chinese);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (isFirst) {
+ word.setFirstPrimitive(chinese);
+ isFirst = false;
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ word.addOtherPrimitive(chinese);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // ϵű
+ if (type == 1) {
+ isSimbol = true;
+ isRelational = false;
+ simbolKey = Character.toString(strs[0].charAt(0));
+ word.addRelationSimbolPrimitive(simbolKey, chinese);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (type == 2) {
+ //
+ if (strs[0].startsWith("{")) {
+ // ȥʼһַ "{"
+ String english = strs[0].substring(1);
+ // ȥа벿 "}"
+ if (chinese != null) {
+ word.addStructruralWord(chinese);
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ // ûIJ֣ʹӢĴ
+ word.addStructruralWord(english);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * ӢIJȷԭ
+ *
+ *
+ * 0-----Primitive
+ *
+ *
+ * @param english
+ * @return һֵΪ123
+ */
+ public static int getPrimitiveType(String str) {
+ String first = Character.toString(str.charAt(0));
+ if (RELATIONAL_SYMBOL.contains(first)) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (SPECIAL_SYMBOL.contains(first)) {
+ return 2;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * ƶ
+ */
+ public static double simWord(String word1, String word2) {
+ if (ALLWORDS.containsKey(word1) && ALLWORDS.containsKey(word2)) {
+ List list1 = ALLWORDS.get(word1);
+ List list2 = ALLWORDS.get(word2);
+ double max = 0;
+ for (Word w1 : list1) {
+ for (Word w2 : list2) {
+ double sim = simWord(w1, w2);
+ max = (sim > max) ? sim : max;
+ }
+ }
+ return max;
+ }
+ System.out.println("дûб¼");
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * ƶ
+ * @param w1
+ * @param w2
+ * @return
+ */
+ public static double simWord(Word w1, Word w2) {
+ // ʺʵʵƶΪ
+ if (w1.isStructruralWord() != w2.isStructruralWord()) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //
+ if (w1.isStructruralWord() && w2.isStructruralWord()) {
+ List list1 = w1.getStructruralWords();
+ List list2 = w2.getStructruralWords();
+ return simList(list1, list2);
+ }
+ // ʵ
+ if (!w1.isStructruralWord() && !w2.isStructruralWord()) {
+ // ʵʵƶȷΪ4
+ // ԭƶ
+ String firstPrimitive1 = w1.getFirstPrimitive();
+ String firstPrimitive2 = w2.getFirstPrimitive();
+ double sim1 = simPrimitive(firstPrimitive1, firstPrimitive2);
+ // ԭƶ
+ List list1 = w1.getOtherPrimitives();
+ List list2 = w2.getOtherPrimitives();
+ double sim2 = simList(list1, list2);
+ // ϵԭƶ
+ Map> map1 = w1.getRelationalPrimitives();
+ Map> map2 = w2.getRelationalPrimitives();
+ double sim3 = simMap(map1, map2);
+ // ϵƶ
+ map1 = w1.getRelationSimbolPrimitives();
+ map2 = w2.getRelationSimbolPrimitives();
+ double sim4 = simMap(map1, map2);
+ double product = sim1;
+ double sum = beta1 * product;
+ product *= sim2;
+ sum += beta2 * product;
+ product *= sim3;
+ sum += beta3 * product;
+ product *= sim4;
+ sum += beta4 * product;
+ return sum;
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * mapƶȡ
+ *
+ * @param map1
+ * @param map2
+ * @return
+ */
+ public static double simMap(Map> map1,
+ Map> map2) {
+ if (map1.isEmpty() && map2.isEmpty()) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ int total =map1.size() + map2.size();
+ double sim = 0;
+ int count = 0;
+ for (String key : map1.keySet()) {
+ if (map2.containsKey(key)) {
+ List list1 = map1.get(key);
+ List list2 = map2.get(key);
+ sim += simList(list1, list2);
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ return (sim + delta * (total-2*count))
+ / (total-count);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Ƚϵƶ
+ *
+ * @param list1
+ * @param list2
+ * @return
+ */
+ public static double simList(List list1, List list2) {
+ if (list1.isEmpty() && list2.isEmpty())
+ return 1;
+ int m = list1.size();
+ int n = list2.size();
+ int big = m > n ? m : n;
+ int N = (m < n) ? m : n;
+ int count = 0;
+ int index1 = 0, index2 = 0;
+ double sum = 0;
+ double max = 0;
+ while (count < N) {
+ max = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < list1.size(); i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < list2.size(); j++) {
+ double sim = innerSimWord(list1.get(i), list2.get(j));
+ if (sim > max) {
+ index1 = i;
+ index2 = j;
+ max = sim;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sum += max;
+ list1.remove(index1);
+ list2.remove(index2);
+ count++;
+ }
+ return (sum + delta * (big - N)) / big;
+ }
+ /**
+ * ڲȽʣΪʣҲԭ
+ *
+ * @param word1
+ * @param word2
+ * @return
+ */
+ private static double innerSimWord(String word1, String word2) {
+ boolean isPrimitive1 = Primitive.isPrimitive(word1);
+ boolean isPrimitive2 = Primitive.isPrimitive(word2);
+ // ԭ
+ if (isPrimitive1 && isPrimitive2)
+ return simPrimitive(word1, word2);
+ //
+ if (!isPrimitive1 && !isPrimitive2) {
+ if (word1.equals(word2))
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // ԭ;ʵƶ, ĬΪgamma=0.2
+ return gamma;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param primitive1
+ * @param primitive2
+ * @return
+ */
+ public static double simPrimitive(String primitive1, String primitive2) {
+ int dis = disPrimitive(primitive1, primitive2);
+ return alpha / (dis + alpha);
+ }
+ /**
+ * ԭ֮ľ룬ԭûйͬڵ㣬ǵľΪ20
+ *
+ * @param primitive1
+ * @param primitive2
+ * @return
+ */
+ public static int disPrimitive(String primitive1, String primitive2) {
+ List list1 = Primitive.getParents(primitive1);
+ List list2 = Primitive.getParents(primitive2);
+ for (int i = 0; i < list1.size(); i++) {
+ int id1 = list1.get(i);
+ if (list2.contains(id1)) {
+ int index = list2.indexOf(id1);
+ return index + i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * һ
+ *
+ * @param word
+ */
+ public static void addWord(Word word) {
+ List list = ALLWORDS.get(word.getWord());
+ if (list == null) {
+ list = new ArrayList();
+ list.add(word);
+ ALLWORDS.put(word.getWord(), list);
+ } else {
+ list.add(word);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param args
+ */
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+ // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+ BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(
+ "dict/glossary.dat"));
+ Set set = new HashSet();
+ String line = reader.readLine();
+ while (line != null) {
+ // System.out.println(line);
+ line = line.replaceAll("\\s+", " ");
+ String[] strs = line.split(" ");
+ for (int i = 0; i < strs.length; i++) {
+ System.out.print(" " + strs[i]);
+ }
+ System.out.println();
+ set.add(strs[1]);
+ line = reader.readLine();
+ }
+ System.out.println(set.size());
+ for (String name : set) {
+ System.out.println(name);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/java/WordSimilarity/src/main/edu/buaa/edu/wordsimilarity/WordType.java b/java/WordSimilarity/src/main/edu/buaa/edu/wordsimilarity/WordType.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9c9cda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/WordSimilarity/src/main/edu/buaa/edu/wordsimilarity/WordType.java
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 SKLSDE(State Key Laboratory of Software Development and Environment, Beihang University)., All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+package edu.buaa.edu.wordsimilarity;
+public enum WordType {PREFIX,
+ N,
+ ADV,
+ V,
+ PP,
+ P,
+ ADJ,
+ AUX,
+ NUM;
diff --git a/java/WordSimilarity/src/tests/edu/buaa/edu/wordsimilarity/PrimitiveTests.java b/java/WordSimilarity/src/tests/edu/buaa/edu/wordsimilarity/PrimitiveTests.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e187e68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/WordSimilarity/src/tests/edu/buaa/edu/wordsimilarity/PrimitiveTests.java
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 SKLSDE(State Key Laboratory of Software Development and Environment, Beihang University)., All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+package edu.buaa.edu.wordsimilarity;
+import java.util.List;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+ *
+ * @author Yingqiang Wu
+ * @version 1.0
+ */
+public class PrimitiveTests extends TestCase {
+ /**
+ * test the method {@link Primitive#getParents(String)}.
+ * @note:Ѱԭе·
+ */
+ public void test_getParents(){
+ String primitive = "";
+ List list = Primitive.getParents(primitive);
+ for(Integer i : list){
+ System.out.println(i);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/java/WordSimilarity/src/tests/edu/buaa/edu/wordsimilarity/WordSimilarityTests.java b/java/WordSimilarity/src/tests/edu/buaa/edu/wordsimilarity/WordSimilarityTests.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..590cae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/WordSimilarity/src/tests/edu/buaa/edu/wordsimilarity/WordSimilarityTests.java
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 SKLSDE(State Key Laboratory of Software Development and Environment, Beihang University)., All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+package edu.buaa.edu.wordsimilarity;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+ *
+ * @author Yingqiang Wu
+ * @version 1.0
+ */
+public class WordSimilarityTests extends TestCase {
+ public void test_loadGlossary(){
+ WordSimilarity.loadGlossary();
+ }
+ /**
+ * test the method {@link WordSimilarity#disPrimitive(String, String)}.
+ */
+ /* ľ */
+ public void test_disPrimitive(){
+ // ƶȺеĴƶһǼƶȡ
+ int dis = WordSimilarity.disPrimitive("", "");
+ System.out.println(" and dis : "+ dis);
+ }
+ /* ƶȡٶ̫ˣҪĽ */
+ public void test_simPrimitive(){
+ double simP = WordSimilarity.simPrimitive("", "");
+ System.out.println(" and sim : "+ simP);
+ }
+ /* */
+ public void test_simWord(){
+ String word1 = "";
+ String word2 = "";
+ System.out.println("ƶ");
+ double sim = WordSimilarity.simWord(word2, word1);
+ System.out.println(sim);
+ }
diff --git "a/java/WordSimilarity/\241\266\273\371\323\332\243\274\326\252\315\370\243\276\265\304\264\312\273\343\323\357\322\345\317\340\313\306\266\310\274\306\313\343\241\267\302\333\316\304.pdf" "b/java/WordSimilarity/\241\266\273\371\323\332\243\274\326\252\315\370\243\276\265\304\264\312\273\343\323\357\322\345\317\340\313\306\266\310\274\306\313\343\241\267\302\333\316\304.pdf"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5d9ed5
Binary files /dev/null and "b/java/WordSimilarity/\241\266\273\371\323\332\243\274\326\252\315\370\243\276\265\304\264\312\273\343\323\357\322\345\317\340\313\306\266\310\274\306\313\343\241\267\302\333\316\304.pdf" differ
diff --git a/software/WHOLE.DAT b/software/WHOLE.DAT
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac2da06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/software/WHOLE.DAT
@@ -0,0 +1,1618 @@
+ 0 event|¼ 0
+ 1 static|̬ 0
+ 2 relation|ϵ 1
+ 3 isa|Ƿǹϵ 2
+ 4 be| 3
+ 5 become|Ϊ 4
+ 6 mean|ָ 4
+ 7 BeNot| 3
+ 8 possession|ϵ 2
+ 9 own| 8
+ 10 obtain|õ 9
+ 11 receive| 9
+ 12 BelongTo| 8
+ 13 OwnNot| 8
+ 14 lose|ʧȥ 13
+ 15 InDebt| 14
+ 16 owe|Ƿ 8
+ 17 comparison|ȹϵ 2
+ 18 BeSame|ͬ 17
+ 19 equal| 18
+ 20 BeSimilar| 18
+ 21 differ|ͬ 17
+ 22 worth|ֵ 17
+ 23 WorthNot|ֵ 17
+ 24 suit|ʹϵ 2
+ 25 fit|ʺ 24
+ 26 ServeAsFoil| 24
+ 27 FitNot| 24
+ 28 inclusive|̺ϵ 2
+ 29 contain| 28
+ 30 BeMember| 28
+ 31 connective|ϵ 2
+ 32 relate|й 31
+ 33 depend| 32
+ 34 RelateNot| 31
+ 35 BeIndependent| 34
+ 36 BeOpposite| 34
+ 37 CauseResult|ϵ 2
+ 38 ResultIn| 37
+ 39 ResultFrom|Ե 37
+ 40 BaseOn| 37
+ 41 influence|Ӱ 37
+ 42 TimeOrSpace|ʱչϵ 2
+ 43 situated| 42
+ 44 facing| 42
+ 45 LeadTo|ͨ 42
+ 46 from| 42
+ 47 BeNear| 46
+ 48 BeAcross|ཻ 46
+ 49 BeBeyond|Խ 46
+ 50 arithmetic|ϵ 2
+ 51 DoSum| 50
+ 52 AmountTo|ܼ 50
+ 53 state|״̬ 1
+ 54 StatePhysical|״̬ 53
+ 55 ExistAppear| 54
+ 56 exist| 55
+ 57 ExistNot| 55
+ 58 appear| 55
+ 59 exposure|¶ 58
+ 60 happen| 55
+ 61 begin|ʼ 54
+ 62 BeNormal|̬ 54
+ 63 certainty|δ̬ 62
+ 64 fixed|Ѷ 63
+ 65 unfixed|δ 63
+ 66 ComeToWorld| 62
+ 67 alive| 62
+ 68 function| 67
+ 69 grow|ɳ 62
+ 70 pregnant| 62
+ 71 GoOn| 62
+ 72 withstand|ס 71
+ 73 WithstandNot|ס 71
+ 74 undergo| 62
+ 75 enjoy| 74
+ 76 suffer| 74
+ 77 AptTo| 74
+ 78 endure| 74
+ 79 EndureNot| 74
+ 80 UndergoNot| 62
+ 81 BeGood|̬ 54
+ 82 BeFull|Ա 81
+ 83 BeWell|׳ 81
+ 84 lucky| 81
+ 85 prosper| 81
+ 86 succeed|ɹ 81
+ 87 win|ʤ 81
+ 88 surpass|ǿ 81
+ 89 WellKnown| 81
+ 90 BeRecovered|ԭ 54
+ 91 awake| 90
+ 92 change| 54
+ 93 AppearanceChange|۱ 92
+ 94 StateChange|̬ 93
+ 95 FormChange|α 93
+ 96 QuantityChange| 92
+ 97 BecomeMore| 96
+ 98 surplus|ʣ 96
+ 99 lack|ȱ 96
+ 100 BecomeLess| 96
+ 101 BeBad|˥ 92
+ 102 tired|ƣ 101
+ 103 HungryThirsty| 101
+ 104 SufferFrom| 101
+ 105 ill|̬ 104
+ 106 wounded| 105
+ 107 disable|м 105
+ 108 labour|ٲ 105
+ 109 mad| 105
+ 110 paralyse|̱ 105
+ 111 painful|ʹ 105
+ 112 dizzy| 105
+ 113 twitch|鴤 105
+ 114 bleed|Ѫ 105
+ 115 swollen| 105
+ 116 fever| 105
+ 117 StomachTrouble|֢ 105
+ 118 pant| 105
+ 119 inflamed| 105
+ 120 itch| 105
+ 121 OutOfOrder| 101
+ 122 decline|˥ 101
+ 123 unfortunate| 101
+ 124 fail|ʧ 101
+ 125 err| 124
+ 126 defeated| 124
+ 127 inferior| 101
+ 128 end|ս 92
+ 129 die| 128
+ 130 finish| 128
+ 131 perish| 128
+ 132 due| 128
+ 133 WeatherChange| 92
+ 134 WeatherFine| 133
+ 135 WeatherBad| 133
+ 136 ChangeNot| 54
+ 137 disappear|ʧ 54
+ 138 StateMental|״̬ 53
+ 139 feeling| 138
+ 140 cherish|Ļ 139
+ 141 excited| 139
+ 142 FeelingByGood| 139
+ 143 AtEase| 142
+ 144 calm| 143
+ 145 joyful|ϲ 142
+ 146 satisfied| 142
+ 147 FeelNoQualms| 142
+ 148 shameless|û 142
+ 149 FeelingByBad| 139
+ 150 uneasy| 149
+ 151 GuiltilyConscious| 149
+ 152 unsatisfied| 149
+ 153 melancholy| 149
+ 154 upset| 149
+ 155 sad|dz 149
+ 156 sorrowful| 149
+ 157 fear| 149
+ 158 surprise| 149
+ 159 flurried| 149
+ 160 worried|ż 149
+ 161 angry| 149
+ 162 disheartened| 149
+ 163 repent|û 149
+ 164 shy| 149
+ 165 embarrassed|Ϊ 149
+ 166 disappointed|ʧ 149
+ 167 Attitude|̬ 138
+ 168 AttitudeByGood|̬ 167
+ 169 FondOf|ϲ 168
+ 170 like|ϧ 169
+ 171 love| 169
+ 172 PayAttention|ע 168
+ 173 ParticularAbout| 172
+ 174 respect| 168
+ 175 loyal|Т 168
+ 176 admire|Ľ 168
+ 177 jealous|ʼ 176
+ 178 grateful|м 168
+ 179 agree|ͬ 168
+ 180 ThinkOf|˼ 168
+ 181 AttitudeByBad|̬ 167
+ 182 sorry|ϧ 181
+ 183 pity| 181
+ 184 disgust| 181
+ 185 stupefied|ľȻ 181
+ 186 blame|Թ 181
+ 187 hate| 181
+ 188 forgive|ԭ 181
+ 189 TolerateNot| 181
+ 190 regret|Ǹ 181
+ 191 despise| 181
+ 192 disloyal| 181
+ 193 disagree|ͬ 181
+ 194 doubt| 181
+ 195 volition| 138
+ 196 expect| 195
+ 197 need| 195
+ 198 willing|Ը 195
+ 199 unwilling|Ը 195
+ 200 GrudgeNot| 195
+ 201 grudge| 195
+ 202 dare| 195
+ 203 hesitate|ԥ 195
+ 204 recognition|֪״̬ 138
+ 205 HaveKnowledge|֪ 204
+ 206 perception|֪ 205
+ 207 know|֪ 205
+ 208 understand| 207
+ 209 regard|Ϊ 205
+ 210 believe| 205
+ 211 remember|ǵ 205
+ 212 BeAble|ܹ 205
+ 213 dream| 205
+ 214 NoKnowledge|֪ 204
+ 215 ignorant|֪ 214
+ 216 forget| 214
+ 217 misunderstand| 204
+ 218 confuse| 217
+ 219 BeUnable| 204
+ 220 act|ж 0
+ 221 ActGeneral| 220
+ 222 start|ʼ 221
+ 223 do| 221
+ 224 try| 223
+ 225 endeavour| 223
+ 226 VieFor| 223
+ 227 RashlyAct| 223
+ 228 venture|ð 227
+ 229 cooperate| 223
+ 230 repeat|ظ 223
+ 231 pretend|װ 223
+ 232 engage| 223
+ 233 bear|е 232
+ 234 undertake| 233
+ 235 conduct|ʵʩ 223
+ 236 prepare| 223
+ 237 respond|Ӧ 223
+ 238 DoNot| 221
+ 239 refuse| 238
+ 240 evade|ر 239
+ 241 slack|͵ 238
+ 242 cease|ͣ 221
+ 243 GiveUp| 242
+ 244 pause|ͣ 242
+ 245 rest|Ϣ 242
+ 246 sleep|˯ 245
+ 247 wait|ȴ 221
+ 248 ActSpecific|ʵ 220
+ 249 AlterGeneral| 248
+ 250 alter|ı 249
+ 251 control| 249
+ 252 manage| 251
+ 253 handle| 251
+ 254 arrange| 251
+ 255 stabilize|ʹ 249
+ 256 AlterSpecific|ʵ 248
+ 257 AlterRelation|ϵ 256
+ 258 AlterPossession| 257
+ 259 take|ȡ 258
+ 260 seek|ıȡ 259
+ 261 beg| 260
+ 262 steal|͵ 259
+ 263 rob| 259
+ 264 cheat|ƭ 259
+ 265 earn| 259
+ 266 buy| 259
+ 267 collect| 259
+ 268 levy| 267
+ 269 borrow| 259
+ 270 gather|ɼ 259
+ 271 occupy|ռ 259
+ 272 MarryFrom|Ȣ 259
+ 273 TakeBack|ȡ 259
+ 274 redeem| 273
+ 275 give| 258
+ 276 provide| 275
+ 277 GiveAsGift| 275
+ 278 grant| 277
+ 279 donate| 277
+ 280 submit| 275
+ 281 return| 275
+ 282 recompense| 281
+ 283 issue|ַ 275
+ 284 sell| 275
+ 285 lend| 275
+ 286 pawn|Ѻ 275
+ 287 PassOn| 275
+ 288 pay| 275
+ 289 MarryTo| 275
+ 290 abandon| 275
+ 291 exchange| 258
+ 292 OnCredit| 258
+ 293 AlterIsa|Ƿ 257
+ 294 CauseToBe|ʹ֮ 293
+ 295 RegardAs| 294
+ 296 naming| 294
+ 297 replace| 294
+ 298 CauseNotToBe|ʹ֮ 293
+ 299 dismiss| 298
+ 300 AlterComparison| 257
+ 301 CompareTo| 300
+ 302 MakeEqual|ʹ 300
+ 303 AlterFitness| 257
+ 304 obey|ѭ 303
+ 305 surrender| 304
+ 306 coordinate|Э 303
+ 307 disobey|Υ 303
+ 308 AlterInclusion| 257
+ 309 include| 308
+ 310 discharge| 308
+ 311 withdraw|˳ 308
+ 312 classify| 308
+ 313 AlterConnection| 257
+ 314 tie| 313
+ 315 connect| 314
+ 316 fasten|˩ 315
+ 317 mix| 314
+ 318 merge|ϲ 314
+ 319 associate| 314
+ 320 ally| 319
+ 321 collude| 319
+ 322 reconcile| 319
+ 323 SeekRefuge|Ͷ 319
+ 324 meet| 319
+ 325 GetMarried|] 319
+ 326 mating| 319
+ 327 separate| 313
+ 328 disconnect| 327
+ 329 farewell| 327
+ 330 AlterCauseResult| 257
+ 331 CauseAffect|Ⱦ 330
+ 332 incur| 330
+ 333 AlterLocation|ռλ 257
+ 334 SelfMove| 333
+ 335 SelfMoveInManner|ʽ 334
+ 336 roam| 335
+ 337 walk| 335
+ 338 run| 335
+ 339 jump| 335
+ 340 crawl| 335
+ 341 slide| 335
+ 342 roll| 335
+ 343 swim| 335
+ 344 flow| 335
+ 345 fly| 335
+ 346 float|Ư 335
+ 347 VehicleGo|ʻ 335
+ 348 circulate|ѭ 335
+ 349 SelfMoveInDirection| 334
+ 350 ToAndFro| 349
+ 351 come| 350
+ 352 go|ȥ 350
+ 353 LeaveFor|ǰ 350
+ 354 GoUp|ȥ 349
+ 355 rise| 354
+ 356 climb|ʵ 354
+ 357 GoDown|ȥ 349
+ 358 fall| 357
+ 359 sink|³ 357
+ 360 GoForward|ǰ 349
+ 361 GoBackward| 349
+ 362 GoInto| 349
+ 363 GoOut|ȥ 349
+ 364 leak|© 363
+ 365 jet| 363
+ 366 spill| 363
+ 367 leave|뿪 349
+ 368 flee| 367
+ 369 escape| 367
+ 370 approach|ӽ 349
+ 371 chase| 370
+ 372 follow| 371
+ 373 disperse|ɢ 349
+ 374 ComeTogether| 349
+ 375 GoThrough| 349
+ 376 cross|Խ 375
+ 377 GoBack| 349
+ 378 GoRound|Χ 349
+ 379 TurnRound| 378
+ 380 circle| 378
+ 381 MoveInFixedPosition|λ 334
+ 382 wave|ڶ 381
+ 383 shiver| 381
+ 384 rotate|ת 381
+ 385 twine| 381
+ 386 PartSelfMove| 381
+ 387 stand|վ 386
+ 388 arise| 386
+ 389 sit| 386
+ 390 LieDown| 386
+ 391 FallDown| 386
+ 392 kick|߲ 386
+ 393 tilt|б 386
+ 394 lean|п 393
+ 395 upmove| 386
+ 396 CeaseSelfMove|ֹ 334
+ 397 stay|ͣ 396
+ 398 arrive| 396
+ 399 reside|ס 396
+ 400 CauseToMove| 333
+ 401 CauseToMoveInManner|ʽ 400
+ 402 release|ͷ 401
+ 403 TakeAway|ᶯ 401
+ 404 put| 401
+ 405 pile|ѷ 404
+ 406 store| 401
+ 407 SetAside| 406
+ 408 install|װ 401
+ 409 dismount|ж 401
+ 410 load|װ 401
+ 411 drive|Ԧ 401
+ 412 CauseToMoveInDirection| 400
+ 413 pull| 412
+ 414 push| 412
+ 415 MoveItUp| 412
+ 416 lift| 415
+ 417 hang| 415
+ 418 MoveItDown| 412
+ 419 spray| 418
+ 420 swallow| 418
+ 421 drop|Ͷ 418
+ 422 MoveItBack| 412
+ 423 MoveItInto| 412
+ 424 inhale| 423
+ 425 insert| 423
+ 426 soak| 423
+ 427 inlay|Ƕ 423
+ 428 fill| 423
+ 429 bury| 423
+ 430 MoveItOut| 412
+ 431 drain|ų 430
+ 432 vomit|³ 430
+ 433 exhale| 430
+ 434 dump| 430
+ 435 PickOut|γ 430
+ 436 SqueezeOut| 430
+ 437 MoveItAway|Զ 412
+ 438 throw| 437
+ 439 send| 437
+ 440 shoot| 439
+ 441 transmit| 439
+ 442 transport| 439
+ 443 post|ʼ 439
+ 444 expel| 439
+ 445 exile| 444
+ 446 spread| 412
+ 447 assemble|ۼ 412
+ 448 CauseToMoveInFixedPosition|λ 400
+ 449 shake|ҡ 448
+ 450 reverse|ߵ 448
+ 451 turn|Ťת 448
+ 452 coil| 448
+ 453 surround|Χ 452
+ 454 CausePartMove| 448
+ 455 OpenShut| 400
+ 456 open| 455
+ 457 shut|ر 455
+ 458 CeaseCauseTOMove|ֹ 333
+ 459 hold| 458
+ 460 pick|ʰ 459
+ 461 HoldWithHand| 459
+ 462 PropUp|֧ 459
+ 463 bring|Я 459
+ 464 HoldInMouth| 459
+ 465 HoldInArm|§ 459
+ 466 CarryOnBack| 459
+ 467 TakeOutOfWater| 459
+ 468 catch|ס 458
+ 469 detain|ס 458
+ 470 block|ס 458
+ 471 fix|ס 458
+ 472 SupportWeight|ס 458
+ 473 AimAt| 333
+ 474 AlterTimePosition|ʱλ 257
+ 475 pass|ȹ 474
+ 476 AlterQuantity| 257
+ 477 add| 476
+ 478 subtract| 476
+ 479 exhaust| 476
+ 480 economize|ʡ 476
+ 481 AlterState|״̬ 256
+ 482 AlterPhysical|䱾 481
+ 483 CauseToExist|ʹ 482
+ 484 create| 483
+ 485 GiveBirth| 484
+ 486 produce| 484
+ 487 cook| 486
+ 488 compile|༭ 486
+ 489 build| 484
+ 490 forming|γ 484
+ 491 establish| 484
+ 492 forge|α 484
+ 493 CauseToAppear| 483
+ 494 reveal|¶ 493
+ 495 StripOff|ȥ 493
+ 496 AlterStateNormal|䳣̬ 482
+ 497 CauseToLive|ʹ 496
+ 498 MakeLiving|ı 497
+ 499 ProvideFor| 497
+ 500 foster| 499
+ 501 planting|ֲ 499
+ 502 CauseToGrow|ʹɳ 496
+ 503 metabolize|л 502
+ 504 consume|ȡ 503
+ 505 eat| 504
+ 506 drink| 504
+ 507 feed|ι 504
+ 508 excrete|й 503
+ 509 respire| 503
+ 510 WhileAway| 502
+ 511 exercise| 510
+ 512 tour| 510
+ 513 recreation| 510
+ 514 addict|Ⱥ 510
+ 515 SeekPleasure|Ѱ 510
+ 516 keep| 502
+ 517 maintain| 516
+ 518 protect| 502
+ 519 TakeCare| 502
+ 520 cultivate| 502
+ 521 help| 502
+ 522 rescue| 521
+ 523 KeepOn|ʹ 502
+ 524 AlterStateGood|̬ 482
+ 525 benefit| 524
+ 526 MakeBetter|Ż 524
+ 527 adjust| 526
+ 528 PutInOrder| 526
+ 529 improve| 526
+ 530 enrich|ʵ 529
+ 531 fulfil|ʵ 526
+ 532 resume|ָ 524
+ 533 cure|ҽ 532
+ 534 repair| 532
+ 535 amend| 532
+ 536 AlterStateBad|ݬ̬ 482
+ 537 MakeBad|Ӻ 536
+ 538 MakeTrouble| 537
+ 539 damage| 537
+ 540 attack| 537
+ 541 punish| 537
+ 542 revenge| 537
+ 543 HaveContest| 537
+ 544 compete| 543
+ 545 gamble|IJ 544
+ 546 fight| 543
+ 547 uprise| 546
+ 548 resist| 546
+ 549 defend| 543
+ 550 defeat|սʤ 543
+ 551 kill|ɱ 537
+ 552 suicide|ɱ 551
+ 553 remove| 537
+ 554 destroy| 553
+ 555 CauseToBeHidden|ʹʧ 482
+ 556 hide| 555
+ 557 cover|ڸ 555
+ 558 PutOn| 557
+ 559 wrap| 557
+ 560 AlterAttribute| 482
+ 561 MakeHigher| 560
+ 562 MakeLower| 560
+ 563 AlterAppearance| 560
+ 564 AlterForm|״ 563
+ 565 touch| 564
+ 566 stroke| 564
+ 567 stab| 564
+ 568 sting| 564
+ 569 beat| 564
+ 570 bump|ײ 564
+ 571 firing| 564
+ 572 break|۶ 564
+ 573 rub|Ħ 564
+ 574 scratch|ץ 564
+ 575 press|ѹ 564
+ 576 unfold|̯ 564
+ 577 grind|ĥ 564
+ 578 split|ƿ 564
+ 579 cut| 564
+ 580 bite|ҧ 564
+ 581 masticate| 564
+ 582 fold|ߡ 564
+ 583 PlayWith|Ū 564
+ 584 weave| 564
+ 585 dig|ھ 564
+ 586 clean|ʹ 563
+ 587 wash|ϴ 586
+ 588 wipe| 586
+ 589 pollute|ʹ 563
+ 590 apply|ͿĨ 563
+ 591 beautify| 563
+ 592 decorate|װ 591
+ 593 MakeUp|ױ 591
+ 594 uglify| 563
+ 595 illuminate| 563
+ 596 AlterColor|ɫ 563
+ 597 brighten|ʹ 563
+ 598 straighten|ֱ 563
+ 599 bend| 563
+ 600 sharpen|ʹ 563
+ 601 filter| 563
+ 602 lubricate| 563
+ 603 AlterMeasurement| 560
+ 604 WarmUp| 603
+ 605 lighting|ȼ 604
+ 606 burn| 604
+ 607 cool| 603
+ 608 moisten|ʪ 603
+ 609 irrigate| 608
+ 610 dry| 603
+ 611 enlarge| 603
+ 612 shrink|С 603
+ 613 tighten|ս 603
+ 614 loosen| 603
+ 615 SpeedUp|ӿ 603
+ 616 SlowDown| 603
+ 617 MakeHeavier| 603
+ 618 deepen| 603
+ 619 MakeEarlier| 603
+ 620 delay| 603
+ 621 thicken|Ũ 603
+ 622 dilute|嵭 603
+ 623 AlterProperty| 560
+ 624 strengthen|ӹ 623
+ 625 weaken| 623
+ 626 dredge|ͨ 623
+ 627 BlockUp| 623
+ 628 AlterGrade|伶 623
+ 629 upgrade| 628
+ 630 degrade| 628
+ 631 PlayUp|Ĵ 623
+ 632 PlayDown| 623
+ 633 slander|̰ 632
+ 634 delimit| 623
+ 635 refine| 623
+ 636 ize|̬ 560
+ 637 MakeAct|ʹ֮ 481
+ 638 CauseToDo|ʹ 637
+ 639 request|Ҫ 638
+ 640 call|ٻ 638
+ 641 invite| 638
+ 642 dispatch|Dz 638
+ 643 order| 638
+ 644 entrust|ί 638
+ 645 urge|ʹ 638
+ 646 force|ǿ 638
+ 647 guide| 638
+ 648 persuade|Ȱ˵ 638
+ 649 mediate| 648
+ 650 mobilize| 638
+ 651 incite|ָʹ 638
+ 652 entice| 638
+ 653 indulge| 638
+ 654 TurnOn| 638
+ 655 CauseNotToDo|趯 637
+ 656 restrain|ֹ 655
+ 657 obstruct|ֹ 655
+ 658 prohibit|ֹ 655
+ 659 TurnOff|ֹ 655
+ 660 exempt| 655
+ 661 use| 637
+ 662 TakeVehicle| 661
+ 663 employ| 661
+ 664 spend| 661
+ 665 lavish|˷ 664
+ 666 AlterMental|侫 481
+ 667 AlterEmotion| 666
+ 668 soothe|ο 667
+ 669 excite|ж 667
+ 670 MakeHappy|ʹϲ 669
+ 671 please|ȡ 670
+ 672 tease|ȡ 670
+ 673 irritate|ŭ 669
+ 674 frighten|Ż 669
+ 675 discourage|ˮ 669
+ 676 offend| 669
+ 677 disappoint| 669
+ 678 MakeWorried| 669
+ 679 attract| 669
+ 680 ShowEmotion|ʾ 666
+ 681 treat|Դ 680
+ 682 ShowGoodEmotion|ʾ 681
+ 683 ShowInterest| 682
+ 684 ShowJoy|ʾϲ 682
+ 685 laugh|Ц 684
+ 686 ShowLove|ʾ 682
+ 687 praise|佱 682
+ 688 reward| 687
+ 689 congratulate|ף 682
+ 690 thank|л 682
+ 691 apologize|Ǹ 682
+ 692 SayHello|ʺ 682
+ 693 visit| 692
+ 694 welcome|ӭ 682
+ 695 salute|¾ 682
+ 696 ExpressAgreement|ʾͬ 682
+ 697 accept| 696
+ 698 appreciate| 696
+ 699 endorse|ӵ 682
+ 700 guarantee|֤ 682
+ 701 WellTreat|ƴ 682
+ 702 entertain|д 701
+ 703 commemorate|ʾ˼ 682
+ 704 ShowBadEmotion|ʾ 681
+ 705 IllBehave| 704
+ 706 sigh|̾ 704
+ 707 condole|° 681
+ 708 weep| 707
+ 709 ExpressDissatisfaction|ʾ 707
+ 710 protest| 709
+ 711 ExpressAgainst|Ǵ 709
+ 712 satirize| 709
+ 713 LaughAt|Ц 709
+ 714 IllTreat| 709
+ 715 ExpressDisagreement|ʾͬ 707
+ 716 oppose| 715
+ 717 reject|ؾ 715
+ 718 betray| 707
+ 719 ExpressAnger|ʾŭ 707
+ 720 AlterKnowledge|֪ 666
+ 721 MakeOwnKnowledge|ʹҸ֪ 720
+ 722 sense|о 721
+ 723 look| 722
+ 724 listen| 722
+ 725 smell| 722
+ 726 feel| 722
+ 727 savor| 722
+ 728 GetKnowledge|֪ 721
+ 729 TryToKnow|Ū 728
+ 730 read| 729
+ 731 ask| 729
+ 732 interrogate| 731
+ 733 LookFor|Ѱ 729
+ 734 check| 729
+ 735 scout| 734
+ 736 diagnose| 734
+ 737 supervise| 734
+ 738 investigate| 734
+ 739 exam| 734
+ 740 calculate| 729
+ 741 count| 740
+ 742 measure| 740
+ 743 distinguish|ֱ 729
+ 744 think|˼ 729
+ 745 deduce| 744
+ 746 guess|² 745
+ 747 predict|Ԥ 745
+ 748 LookBack| 744
+ 749 study|ѧ 729
+ 750 drill|ϰ 749
+ 751 imitate|ģ 749
+ 752 research|о 729
+ 753 compare|Ƚ 729
+ 754 analyze| 729
+ 755 experiment|ʵ 729
+ 756 prove|֤ 721
+ 757 decide| 721
+ 758 judge|ö 757
+ 759 MakeAppointment|Լ 757
+ 760 estimate| 721
+ 761 plan|ƻ 721
+ 762 choose|ѡ 721
+ 763 select|ѡ 762
+ 764 MakeOthersKnowledge|ʹ˸֪ 720
+ 765 express|ʾ 764
+ 766 mention|ἰ 765
+ 767 MakeSound| 765
+ 768 cry| 765
+ 769 speak|˵ 765
+ 770 boast| 765
+ 771 swear| 765
+ 772 sing| 765
+ 773 recite|ж 765
+ 774 propose| 765
+ 775 quote| 765
+ 776 explain|˵ 765
+ 777 tell| 765
+ 778 describe|д 765
+ 779 announce| 765
+ 780 disseminate| 765
+ 781 accuse|ظ 765
+ 782 recommend|Ƽ 765
+ 783 reply| 765
+ 784 refute| 783
+ 785 admit| 765
+ 786 deny| 765
+ 787 write|д 765
+ 788 copy|д 787
+ 789 sign|д 787
+ 790 translate| 765
+ 791 record|¼ 765
+ 792 TakePicture| 791
+ 793 draw| 765
+ 794 carve| 765
+ 795 print|ӡˢ 765
+ 796 publish| 795
+ 797 show| 765
+ 798 perform| 797
+ 799 display|չʾ 797
+ 800 ShowOff|ҫ 797
+ 801 teach| 764
+ 802 communicate| 764
+ 803 talk|̸ 802
+ 804 discuss| 802
+ 805 debate| 802
+ 806 quarrel| 802
+ 807 MakeNoKnowledge|ʹ֪ 720
+ 808 HideTruth| 807
+ 809 KeepSilence|˵ 807
+ 810 MakeMisunderstand|ʹ֪ 720
+ 811 TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵ 810
+ 812 deceive|ƭ 810
+ 813 entity|ʵ 813
+ 814 thing| 813
+ 815 physical| 814
+ 816 animate| 815
+ 817 AnimalHuman| 816
+ 818 human| 817
+ 819 humanized| 818
+ 820 animal| 817
+ 821 beast| 820
+ 822 livestock| 820
+ 823 bird| 820
+ 824 InsectWorm| 820
+ 825 fish| 820
+ 826 plant|ֲ 816
+ 827 crop|ׯ 826
+ 828 tree| 826
+ 829 FlowerGrass| 826
+ 830 vegetable|߲ 826
+ 831 fruit|ˮ 826
+ 832 AlgaeFungi|ֲ 826
+ 833 bacteria| 816
+ 834 inanimate| 815
+ 835 natural|Ȼ 834
+ 836 celestial| 835
+ 837 earth| 835
+ 838 land|½ 837
+ 839 waters|ˮ 837
+ 840 sky| 837
+ 841 place|ط 837
+ 842 liquid|Һ 835
+ 843 water|ˮ 842
+ 844 ice| 835
+ 845 metal| 835
+ 846 wood|ľ 835
+ 847 fire| 835
+ 848 stone|ʯ 835
+ 849 weather| 835
+ 850 RainSnow|ѩ 849
+ 851 wind| 849
+ 852 CloudMist| 849
+ 853 thunder| 849
+ 854 gas| 835
+ 855 sound| 835
+ 856 electricity| 835
+ 857 lights| 835
+ 858 trace| 835
+ 859 artifact|˹ 834
+ 860 clothing| 859
+ 861 edible|ʳ 859
+ 862 food|ʳƷ 861
+ 863 drinks|Ʒ 861
+ 864 medicine|ҩ 859
+ 865 chemical|ѧ 859
+ 866 addictive|Ⱥ 859
+ 867 building| 859
+ 868 house| 867
+ 869 room| 868
+ 870 facilities|ʩ 867
+ 871 implement| 859
+ 872 machine| 871
+ 873 computer| 871
+ 874 vehicle|ͨ 871
+ 875 LandVehicle| 874
+ 876 ship| 874
+ 877 aircraft| 874
+ 878 furniture|Ҿ 871
+ 879 stationery|ľ 871
+ 880 paper|ֽ 879
+ 881 PenInk|ī 879
+ 882 MusicTool| 871
+ 883 SportTool|˶ 871
+ 884 tool|þ 871
+ 885 weapon| 871
+ 886 software| 871
+ 887 material| 859
+ 888 wealth|Ǯ 859
+ 889 fund|ʽ 888
+ 890 expenditure| 888
+ 891 payment| 888
+ 892 money| 888
+ 893 coupon|Ʊ֤ 888
+ 894 treasure|䱦 888
+ 895 readings| 859
+ 896 publications|鿯 895
+ 897 document| 895
+ 898 bill|Ʊ 895
+ 899 account| 895
+ 900 letter|ż 895
+ 901 mark|־ 895
+ 902 shape| 815
+ 903 mental| 814
+ 904 emotion| 903
+ 905 experience| 903
+ 906 aspiration|Ը 903
+ 907 thinking|˼ 903
+ 908 thought|ͷ 907
+ 909 method| 907
+ 910 plans|滮 909
+ 911 purpose|Ŀ 907
+ 912 reason| 907
+ 913 standpoint| 907
+ 914 knowledge|֪ʶ 907
+ 915 information|Ϣ 903
+ 916 language| 915
+ 917 symbol| 916
+ 918 punc| 917
+ 919 character| 916
+ 920 expression| 916
+ 921 text| 916
+ 922 news| 921
+ 923 music| 915
+ 924 image|ͼ 915
+ 925 shows| 915
+ 926 example|ʵ 915
+ 927 regulation| 903
+ 928 system|ƶ 927
+ 929 law|ɷ 927
+ 930 agreement|Լ 927
+ 931 rights|Ȩ 903
+ 932 duty| 903
+ 933 event|¼ 814
+ 934 fact| 933
+ 935 affairs| 934
+ 936 problem| 934
+ 937 cause|ԭ 934
+ 938 process| 934
+ 939 result| 934
+ 940 phenomena| 933
+ 941 disease| 940
+ 942 organization|֯ 814
+ 943 institution| 942
+ 944 army| 942
+ 945 InstitutePlace| 942
+ 946 community| 942
+ 947 internet| 814
+ 948 time|ʱ 813
+ 949 space|ռ 813
+ 950 direction| 949
+ 951 location|λ 949
+ 952 component| 813
+ 953 part| 952
+ 954 fittings| 952
+ 955 attribute| 955
+ 956 aValue|ֵ 956
+ 957 AttributeValue|Ժֵ 957
+ 958 appearance| 957
+ 959 form|״ 958
+ 960 flat| 959
+ 961 straight|ֱ 959
+ 962 curved| 959
+ 963 level|ƽ 959
+ 964 upright| 959
+ 965 slanted| 959
+ 966 even| 959
+ 967 dissimilar| 959
+ 968 protruding| 959
+ 969 dented| 959
+ 970 smooth|̹ 959
+ 971 rugged| 959
+ 972 square| 959
+ 973 round|Բ 959
+ 974 queer| 959
+ 975 horizontal| 959
+ 976 blunt| 959
+ 977 acute| 959
+ 978 sharp| 959
+ 979 wrinkled| 959
+ 980 dot| 959
+ 981 linear| 959
+ 982 surfacial| 959
+ 983 cubic| 959
+ 984 angular| 959
+ 985 brightness| 958
+ 986 bright| 985
+ 987 dark| 985
+ 988 clearness| 958
+ 989 clear| 988
+ 990 blurred| 988
+ 991 prettiness| 958
+ 992 beautiful| 991
+ 993 ugly| 991
+ 994 pattern|ʽ 958
+ 995 modern| 994
+ 996 old| 994
+ 997 SmoothFinish| 958
+ 998 delicate| 997
+ 999 coarse| 997
+ 1000 polished| 997
+ 1001 color|ɫ 958
+ 1002 colored| 1001
+ 1003 plain| 1001
+ 1004 red| 1001
+ 1005 yellow| 1001
+ 1006 blue| 1001
+ 1007 green| 1001
+ 1008 purple| 1001
+ 1009 brown| 1001
+ 1010 white| 1001
+ 1011 black| 1001
+ 1012 grey| 1001
+ 1013 RedBrown| 1001
+ 1014 BlueGreen| 1001
+ 1015 colorless|ɫ 1001
+ 1016 hue|Ũ 958
+ 1017 NotLight|Ũ 1016
+ 1018 light| 1016
+ 1019 odor|ζ 958
+ 1020 fragrant| 1019
+ 1021 stinky| 1019
+ 1022 taste|ζ 958
+ 1023 sour| 1022
+ 1024 sweet| 1022
+ 1025 bitter| 1022
+ 1026 peppery| 1022
+ 1027 salty| 1022
+ 1028 posture| 958
+ 1029 scene| 958
+ 1030 exuberant|ï 1029
+ 1031 desolate| 1029
+ 1032 threatening| 1029
+ 1033 stately|ׯ 1029
+ 1034 cleanness|ྻ 958
+ 1035 spotless| 1034
+ 1036 dirty| 1034
+ 1037 fatness| 958
+ 1038 fat| 1037
+ 1039 bony| 1037
+ 1040 bearing|̬ 958
+ 1041 thrifty| 1040
+ 1042 gracious| 1040
+ 1043 extravagant| 1040
+ 1044 PhysicState|״̬ 958
+ 1045 attire|װ 958
+ 1046 style| 958
+ 1047 demeanor| 958
+ 1048 countenance| 958
+ 1049 measurement| 957
+ 1050 length| 1049
+ 1051 long| 1050
+ 1052 short| 1050
+ 1053 height|߶ 1049
+ 1054 tall| 1053
+ 1055 low| 1053
+ 1056 area| 1049
+ 1057 big| 1056
+ 1058 medium| 1056
+ 1059 small|С 1056
+ 1060 broad| 1056
+ 1061 size|ߴ 1049
+ 1062 big| 1061
+ 1063 medium| 1061
+ 1064 small|С 1061
+ 1065 broad| 1061
+ 1066 width| 1049
+ 1067 wide| 1066
+ 1068 narrow|խ 1066
+ 1069 depth| 1049
+ 1070 deep| 1069
+ 1071 shallow|dz 1069
+ 1072 thickness| 1049
+ 1073 thick| 1072
+ 1074 thin| 1072
+ 1075 fineness|ϸ 1049
+ 1076 fine| 1075
+ 1077 widediameter| 1075
+ 1078 slope|¶ 1049
+ 1079 steep| 1078
+ 1080 density|ܶ 1049
+ 1081 dense| 1080
+ 1082 sparse| 1080
+ 1083 tightness|ɽ 1049
+ 1084 loose| 1083
+ 1085 tight| 1083
+ 1086 hardness|Ӳ 1049
+ 1087 hard|Ӳ 1086
+ 1088 soft| 1086
+ 1089 crisp| 1086
+ 1090 tender| 1086
+ 1091 tough| 1086
+ 1092 concentration|Ũ 1049
+ 1093 watery|ϡ 1092
+ 1094 concentrated| 1092
+ 1095 weight| 1049
+ 1096 heavy| 1095
+ 1097 NotHeavy| 1095
+ 1098 SoundVolume| 1049
+ 1099 loud| 1098
+ 1100 distance| 1049
+ 1101 far|Զ 1100
+ 1102 near| 1100
+ 1103 earliness| 1049
+ 1104 early| 1103
+ 1105 late| 1103
+ 1106 speed|ٶ 1049
+ 1107 fast| 1106
+ 1108 slow| 1106
+ 1109 duration| 1049
+ 1110 TimeLong| 1109
+ 1111 TimeShort| 1109
+ 1112 dampness|ʪ 1049
+ 1113 dried| 1112
+ 1114 wet|ʪ 1112
+ 1115 waterless| 1112
+ 1116 waterlogging| 1112
+ 1117 temperature|¶ 1049
+ 1118 cold| 1117
+ 1119 hot| 1117
+ 1120 chilly| 1117
+ 1121 warm| 1117
+ 1122 price|۸ 1049
+ 1123 cheap| 1122
+ 1124 expensive| 1122
+ 1125 stickiness| 1049
+ 1126 sticky| 1125
+ 1127 angle|Ƕ 1049
+ 1128 property| 957
+ 1129 newness|¾ 1128
+ 1130 new| 1129
+ 1131 used| 1129
+ 1132 age| 1128
+ 1133 aged| 1132
+ 1134 adult| 1132
+ 1135 young| 1132
+ 1136 trueness|α 1128
+ 1137 true| 1136
+ 1138 fake|α 1136
+ 1139 GoodBad|û 1128
+ 1140 good| 1139
+ 1141 bad| 1139
+ 1142 quality| 1128
+ 1143 fertile| 1142
+ 1144 barren| 1142
+ 1145 refined| 1142
+ 1146 crude|ª 1142
+ 1147 average| 1142
+ 1148 great|ΰ 1142
+ 1149 negligible| 1142
+ 1150 durable| 1142
+ 1151 intensity|ǿ 1128
+ 1152 strong|ǿ 1151
+ 1153 weak| 1151
+ 1154 easiness| 1128
+ 1155 easy| 1154
+ 1156 difficult| 1154
+ 1157 SoundQuality| 1128
+ 1158 content| 1128
+ 1159 substantial|ʵ 1158
+ 1160 empty| 1158
+ 1161 profound| 1158
+ 1162 NotProfound|dz 1158
+ 1163 interesting|Ȥ 1158
+ 1164 boring| 1158
+ 1165 detailed| 1158
+ 1166 simple| 1158
+ 1167 pure| 1158
+ 1168 mixed| 1158
+ 1169 accurate| 1158
+ 1170 neat| 1158
+ 1171 disorder| 1158
+ 1172 concise| 1158
+ 1173 unattached|ɢ 1158
+ 1174 trivial| 1158
+ 1175 complicated| 1158
+ 1176 layered| 1158
+ 1177 correctness| 1128
+ 1178 correct|ȷ 1177
+ 1179 wrong| 1177
+ 1180 degree|̶ 1128
+ 1181 extreme| 1180
+ 1182 insufficiently|Ƿ 1180
+ 1183 very| 1180
+ 1184 ish| 1180
+ 1185 more| 1180
+ 1186 most| 1180
+ 1187 over| 1180
+ 1188 reputation| 1128
+ 1189 glorious| 1188
+ 1190 Notwellknown| 1188
+ 1191 disgraced| 1188
+ 1192 behavior|ֹ 1128
+ 1193 formal|ʽ 1192
+ 1194 informal|ʽ 1192
+ 1195 dexterous| 1192
+ 1196 flexible| 1192
+ 1197 stiff| 1192
+ 1198 lasting| 1192
+ 1199 secret| 1192
+ 1200 opened| 1192
+ 1201 hidden| 1192
+ 1202 forthright|ˬ 1192
+ 1203 tactful| 1192
+ 1204 gentle| 1192
+ 1205 suitable| 1192
+ 1206 proper| 1192
+ 1207 BadTemper|Ƣ 1192
+ 1208 convenient| 1192
+ 1209 inconvenient| 1192
+ 1210 improper| 1192
+ 1211 vulgar| 1192
+ 1212 hasty| 1192
+ 1213 sudden| 1192
+ 1214 fluent| 1192
+ 1215 nimble| 1192
+ 1216 strict| 1192
+ 1217 lenient| 1192
+ 1218 fierce| 1192
+ 1219 free| 1192
+ 1220 restrained| 1192
+ 1221 diligent| 1192
+ 1222 lazy| 1192
+ 1223 biased|ƫ 1192
+ 1224 kindhearted| 1192
+ 1225 sly| 1192
+ 1226 stubborn| 1192
+ 1227 active|Ը 1192
+ 1228 passive| 1192
+ 1229 modest|ǫ 1192
+ 1230 arrogant| 1192
+ 1231 attentive|ϸ 1192
+ 1232 careless| 1192
+ 1233 cautious| 1192
+ 1234 flighty| 1192
+ 1235 sincere| 1192
+ 1236 rash|ç 1192
+ 1237 indifferent|Į 1192
+ 1238 steady| 1192
+ 1239 lascivious| 1192
+ 1240 honest| 1192
+ 1241 fair| 1192
+ 1242 greedy|̰ 1192
+ 1243 eccentric|Ƨ 1192
+ 1244 optimistic|ֹ 1192
+ 1245 pessimistic| 1192
+ 1246 evil| 1192
+ 1247 faithful| 1192
+ 1248 treacherous| 1192
+ 1249 mischievous| 1192
+ 1250 continuous| 1192
+ 1251 together|ͬ 1192
+ 1252 SocialMode| 1128
+ 1253 value|ֵ 1128
+ 1254 precious| 1253
+ 1255 impression|ӡ 1128
+ 1256 effect|Ч 1128
+ 1257 useless| 1256
+ 1258 superior| 1256
+ 1259 will|־ 1128
+ 1260 courage| 1128
+ 1261 brave| 1260
+ 1262 timid| 1260
+ 1263 wisdom|ǻ 1128
+ 1264 wise| 1263
+ 1265 foolish| 1263
+ 1266 clever| 1263
+ 1267 NotQuick|ګ 1263
+ 1268 ability| 1128
+ 1269 able| 1268
+ 1270 unable|ӹ 1268
+ 1271 tolerance| 1128
+ 1272 generous| 1271
+ 1273 miser| 1271
+ 1274 habit|ϰ 1128
+ 1275 importance| 1128
+ 1276 important| 1275
+ 1277 secondary| 1275
+ 1278 main| 1275
+ 1279 branch|֧ 1275
+ 1280 necessity|Ҫ 1128
+ 1281 necessary|Ҫ 1280
+ 1282 redundant| 1280
+ 1283 rank|ȼ 1128
+ 1284 HighRank|ߵ 1283
+ 1285 LowRank|͵ 1283
+ 1286 elementary| 1283
+ 1287 standard| 1128
+ 1288 passed|ϸ 1287
+ 1289 status| 1128
+ 1290 occupation|ְλ 1128
+ 1291 range| 1128
+ 1292 extensive| 1291
+ 1293 nonextensive| 1291
+ 1294 all|ȫ 1291
+ 1295 pieced|Ƭ 1291
+ 1296 frequency|Ƶ 1128
+ 1297 often| 1296
+ 1298 rarely|ż 1296
+ 1299 again| 1296
+ 1300 regular| 1296
+ 1301 power| 1128
+ 1302 strength| 1128
+ 1303 ProsCons| 1128
+ 1304 pros| 1303
+ 1305 cons| 1303
+ 1306 relatedness| 1128
+ 1307 intimate| 1306
+ 1308 unfamiliar|϶ 1306
+ 1309 opposed| 1306
+ 1310 sex|Ա 1128
+ 1311 male| 1310
+ 1312 female|Ů 1310
+ 1313 origin| 1128
+ 1314 name| 1128
+ 1315 number| 1128
+ 1316 performance| 1128
+ 1317 interest|Ȥζ 1128
+ 1318 outlook|ǰ 1128
+ 1319 relationship|ϵ 957
+ 1320 attachment| 1319
+ 1321 public| 1320
+ 1322 private|˽ 1320
+ 1323 kind| 1319
+ 1324 certain|ij 1323
+ 1325 other| 1323
+ 1326 special| 1323
+ 1327 ordinary| 1323
+ 1328 source|Դ 1319
+ 1329 original|ԭ 1328
+ 1330 foreign| 1328
+ 1331 artificial| 1328
+ 1332 location|λ 1319
+ 1333 internal| 1332
+ 1334 external| 1332
+ 1335 direction| 1319
+ 1336 east| 1335
+ 1337 west| 1335
+ 1338 south| 1335
+ 1339 north| 1335
+ 1340 clan| 1319
+ 1341 divergence| 1319
+ 1342 boundary| 1319
+ 1343 sequence| 1319
+ 1344 InSequence| 1343
+ 1345 OutOfOrder| 1343
+ 1346 contrariness| 1319
+ 1347 positive| 1346
+ 1348 negative| 1346
+ 1349 situation|״ 957
+ 1350 circumstances| 1349
+ 1351 urgent| 1350
+ 1352 peaceful| 1350
+ 1353 relax| 1350
+ 1354 lonely| 1350
+ 1355 flourishing| 1350
+ 1356 wane|˥ 1350
+ 1357 tranquil| 1350
+ 1358 hardship| 1350
+ 1359 safe| 1350
+ 1360 dangerous|Σ 1350
+ 1361 happy| 1350
+ 1362 miserable| 1350
+ 1363 busy|æ 1350
+ 1364 idle| 1350
+ 1365 richness|ƶ 1349
+ 1366 rich| 1365
+ 1367 poor| 1365
+ 1368 similarity|ͬ 1349
+ 1369 alike| 1368
+ 1370 different| 1368
+ 1371 occasion| 1349
+ 1372 bustling| 1371
+ 1373 crowded| 1371
+ 1374 quiet| 1371
+ 1375 stuffy| 1371
+ 1376 cosy| 1371
+ 1377 physique| 1349
+ 1378 unripe| 1377
+ 1379 ripe| 1377
+ 1380 wholeness|ȱ 1349
+ 1381 complete| 1380
+ 1382 incomplete|ȱ 1380
+ 1383 fullness| 1349
+ 1384 full| 1383
+ 1385 possibility| 1349
+ 1386 possible| 1385
+ 1387 impossible| 1385
+ 1388 almost| 1385
+ 1389 environment| 1349
+ 1390 syntax| 1390
+ 1391 adverbial|״ 1390
+ 1392 manner|ʽ 1391
+ 1393 accompaniment| 1391
+ 1394 comment| 1391
+ 1395 modality| 1391
+ 1396 neg| 1391
+ 1397 emphasis|ǿ 1391
+ 1398 tense|ʱ̬ 1391
+ 1399 conjunction| 1390
+ 1400 and| 1399
+ 1401 or| 1399
+ 1402 but| 1399
+ 1403 whword| 1390
+ 1404 concession|ò 1403
+ 1405 supplement|ݽ 1403
+ 1406 condition| 1403
+ 1407 cause|ԭ 1403
+ 1408 EventResult|¼ 1403
+ 1409 transition|ת 1403
+ 1410 result| 1403
+ 1411 particle| 1390
+ 1412 DeChinese| 1411
+ 1413 LeChinese| 1411
+ 1414 Vdirection| 1413
+ 1415 Vprocess| 1413
+ 1416 Vsuppose|ٶ 1415
+ 1417 Vstart| 1415
+ 1418 Vgoingon|չ 1415
+ 1419 Vcontinue| 1415
+ 1420 Vend| 1415
+ 1421 Vresult| 1413
+ 1422 Vachieve| 1421
+ 1423 Vable| 1421
+ 1424 Vpossible| 1421
+ 1425 Vtry| 1421
+ 1426 MaChinese| 1411
+ 1427 classifier|λ 1390
+ 1428 unit|λ 1427
+ 1429 NounUnit| 1427
+ 1430 ActUnit| 1427
+ 1431 qValue|ֵ 1431
+ 1432 amount| 1431
+ 1433 many| 1432
+ 1434 few| 1432
+ 1435 single| 1432
+ 1436 double| 1432
+ 1437 fragment| 1432
+ 1438 some|Щ 1432
+ 1439 sufficient| 1432
+ 1440 half| 1432
+ 1441 only| 1432
+ 1442 over| 1432
+ 1443 rate| 1431
+ 1444 SecondaryFeature| 1444
+ 1445 ProperName|ר 1444
+ 1446 mass| 1444
+ 1447 official| 1444
+ 1448 employee|Ա 1444
+ 1449 industrial| 1444
+ 1450 mine| 1444
+ 1451 factory| 1444
+ 1452 agricultural|ũ 1444
+ 1453 commercial| 1444
+ 1454 education| 1444
+ 1455 medical|ҽ 1444
+ 1456 literature| 1444
+ 1457 entertainment| 1444
+ 1458 sport| 1444
+ 1459 religion|ڽ 1444
+ 1460 politics| 1444
+ 1461 diplomatic|⽻ 1444
+ 1462 police| 1444
+ 1463 military| 1444
+ 1464 royal| 1444
+ 1465 family| 1444
+ 1466 friend| 1444
+ 1467 enemy| 1444
+ 1468 crime| 1444
+ 1469 waste| 1444
+ 1470 poison| 1444
+ 1471 desired| 1444
+ 1472 undesired|ݬ 1444
+ 1473 abstract| 1444
+ 1474 generic|ͳ 1444
+ 1475 question| 1444
+ 1476 country| 1444
+ 1477 capital| 1444
+ 1478 provincial|ʡ 1444
+ 1479 city| 1444
+ 1480 village| 1444
+ 1481 route|· 1444
+ 1482 surname| 1444
+ 1483 firstPerson| 1444
+ 1484 SecondPerson| 1444
+ 1485 ThirdPerson| 1444
+ 1486 it| 1444
+ 1487 self| 1444
+ 1488 EachOther| 1444
+ 1489 head|ͷ 1444
+ 1490 heart| 1444
+ 1491 body| 1444
+ 1492 bone| 1444
+ 1493 base| 1444
+ 1494 limb|֫ 1444
+ 1495 arm| 1444
+ 1496 hand| 1444
+ 1497 leg| 1444
+ 1498 foot| 1444
+ 1499 wing| 1444
+ 1500 edge| 1444
+ 1501 mouth| 1444
+ 1502 eye| 1444
+ 1503 viscera| 1444
+ 1504 nerve| 1444
+ 1505 tail|β 1444
+ 1506 embryo| 1444
+ 1507 skin|Ƥ 1444
+ 1508 flesh| 1444
+ 1509 hair|ë 1444
+ 1510 aspect| 1444
+ 1511 upper| 1444
+ 1512 beneath| 1444
+ 1513 InFront|ǰ 1444
+ 1514 hind| 1444
+ 1515 surrounding|Χ 1444
+ 1516 festival| 1444
+ 1517 year| 1444
+ 1518 season| 1444
+ 1519 spring| 1444
+ 1520 summer| 1444
+ 1521 autumn| 1444
+ 1522 winter| 1444
+ 1523 month| 1444
+ 1524 TenDays|Ѯ 1444
+ 1525 week| 1444
+ 1526 day| 1444
+ 1527 hour|ʱ 1444
+ 1528 minute| 1444
+ 1529 morning| 1444
+ 1530 afternoon| 1444
+ 1531 night| 1444
+ 1532 middle| 1444
+ 1533 ending|ĩ 1444
+ 1534 now| 1444
+ 1535 past| 1444
+ 1536 future| 1444
+ 1537 immediate| 1444
+ 1538 finally| 1444
+ 1539 already| 1444
+ 1540 also|Ҳ 1444
+ 1541 ordinal| 1444
+ 1542 cardinal| 1444
+ 1543 approximate| 1444
+ 1544 EventRoleAndFeatures|̬ɫ 1544
+ 1545 EventRole|̬ɫ 1544
+ 1546 relevant|ϵ 1545
+ 1547 existent| 1545
+ 1548 experiencer| 1545
+ 1549 agent|ʩ 1545
+ 1550 coagent|ʩ 1545
+ 1551 possession|ռ 1545
+ 1552 patient| 1545
+ 1553 PatientPartof| 1545
+ 1554 PatientProduct|Ʒ 1545
+ 1555 PatientAttribute| 1545
+ 1556 PartOfTouch| 1545
+ 1557 content| 1545
+ 1558 ContentProduct|ݳƷ 1545
+ 1559 ResultContent| 1545
+ 1560 isa|ָ 1545
+ 1561 partof| 1545
+ 1562 whole| 1545
+ 1563 descriptive|д 1545
+ 1564 result| 1545
+ 1565 ResultEvent|¼ 1545
+ 1566 ResultIsa|ָ 1545
+ 1567 ResultWhole| 1545
+ 1568 cause|ԭ 1545
+ 1569 partner| 1545
+ 1570 contrast| 1545
+ 1571 ContentCompare|Ƚ 1545
+ 1572 source|Դ 1545
+ 1573 SourceWhole|Դ 1545
+ 1574 target|Ŀ 1545
+ 1575 cost| 1545
+ 1576 beneficiary| 1545
+ 1577 StateIni|ԭ״̬ 1545
+ 1578 StateFin|״̬ 1545
+ 1579 location| 1545
+ 1580 LocationIni|ԭ 1545
+ 1581 LocationFin|մ 1545
+ 1582 LocationThru|ͨ 1545
+ 1583 direction| 1545
+ 1584 time|ʱ 1545
+ 1585 TimeIni|ʼʱ 1545
+ 1586 TimeFin|ֹʱ 1545
+ 1587 duration|ʱ 1545
+ 1588 DurationAfterEvent|ʱ 1545
+ 1589 EventProcess|¼ 1545
+ 1590 means|ֶ 1545
+ 1591 instrument| 1545
+ 1592 material| 1545
+ 1593 degree|̶ 1545
+ 1594 range| 1545
+ 1595 manner|ʽ 1545
+ 1596 TimeRange|ʱ 1545
+ 1597 frequency|Ƶ 1545
+ 1598 times| 1545
+ 1599 purpose|Ŀ 1545
+ 1600 scope|Χ 1545
+ 1601 AccordingTo| 1545
+ 1602 condition| 1545
+ 1603 concession|ò 1545
+ 1604 comment| 1545
+ 1605 succeeding| 1545
+ 1606 besides|ݽ 1545
+ 1607 except| 1545
+ 1608 accompaniment| 1545
+ 1609 modifier| 1545
+ 1610 restrictive| 1545
+ 1611 quantity| 1545
+ 1612 QuantityCompare|Ƚ 1545
+ 1613 possessor| 1545
+ 1614 concerning| 1545
+ 1615 EventFeatures|̬ 1544
+ 1616 topic| 1615
+ 1617 focus| 1615
diff --git a/software/WordSimilarity.exe b/software/WordSimilarity.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0f45d6
Binary files /dev/null and b/software/WordSimilarity.exe differ
diff --git a/software/glossary.dat b/software/glossary.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4c606c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/software/glossary.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,66181 @@
+1 NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|
+2 NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+3 NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+4 NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+5 NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+6 NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+7 NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+8 NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+9 NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ASCII N symbol|,computer|,software|
+BP N tool|þ,*LookFor|Ѱ,#cry|
+B N fact|,diagnose|,medical|ҽ
+B N tool|þ,*diagnose|,medical|ҽ
+CPU N part|,%computer|,heart|
+DNA N part|,%animate|
+T N clothing|,#body|
+U N facilities|ʩ,route|·,curved|
+WTO N InstitutePlace|,ProperName|ר,commercial|
+X N lights|,*diagnose|,medical|ҽ
+s N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N room|,@excrete|й
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ V beat|
+ V beat|
+ض V ShowBadEmotion|ʾ
+ N tree|
+ PUNC {punc|}
+ PUNC {punc|}
+ PUNC {punc|}
+ PUNC {punc|}
+ PUNC {punc|}
+ PUNC {punc|}
+ PUNC {punc|}
+ PUNC {punc|}
+ PUNC {punc|}
+ PUNC {punc|}
+ N lights|
+ ECHO {comment|}
+ ECHO {comment|}
+ѽ ECHO {comment|}
+Ӵ ECHO {comment|}
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Afghanistan|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Albania|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Algeria|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Argentina|͢)
+ N human|,%publications|鿯
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(the Ivory Coast|)
+ N humanized|,ProperName|ר
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(the United Arab Emirates|)
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,ProperName|ר,past|
+ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Albania|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N human|,(Albania|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%inanimate|
+ N lights|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Algeria|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Algeria|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ǵɶ N money|,(Algeria|)
+ N human|,(Algeria|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,young|,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Afghan|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ N money|,(Afghanistan|)
+ N human|,(Afghan|)
+͢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Argentina|͢)
+͢ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+͢ N human|,(Argentina|͢)
+è N human|,ordinary|
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Ghana|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Emirates|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ N human|,(Arab|)
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,official|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(Palestine|˹̹)
+˹ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Emirates|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Oman|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+Ƕ N money|,(Oman|)
+è N human|,ordinary|
+װ N bacteria|
+װ N disease|
+Ħ N medicine|ҩ
+ķ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ķ˹ص N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Netherlands|)
+Ƥ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Western Samoa|Ħ)
+Ƭ N medicine|ҩ,?addictive|Ⱥ
+ N human|,aged|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ķ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ݽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Azerbaijan |ݽ)
+ݽ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ݽ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+˾ƥ N medicine|ҩ
+Ʒ N medicine|ҩ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeCare|,*teach|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ V please|ȡ
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Egypt|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Ethiopia|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Egypt|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ N money|,(Egypt|)
+ N human|,(Egypt|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Ethiopia|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ N human|,(Ethiopia|)
+˹ N money|,(Cape Verde|ý)
+˹ N money|,(Portugal|)
+ V BeNear|
+ V delay|
+ V do|,manner=regular|
+ V endure|
+ V pass|ȹ
+ V suffer|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,sequence|,regular|
+ V suffer|,content=beat|
+ V suffer|,content=HungryThirsty|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,sequence|,InSequence|
+Ұ ADV aValue|ֵ,sequence|,InSequence|
+ V BeNear|
+ V approach|ӽ
+ V suffer|,content=ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+Ű ADV aValue|ֵ,sequence|,InSequence|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,sequence|,InSequence|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,sequence|,InSequence|
+ V suffer|,content=beat|
+ ECHO {comment|}
+ѽ ECHO {comment|}
+Ӵ ECHO {comment|}
+ ECHO {comment|}
+̾ V sigh|̾
+ V pity|
+ V sorrowful|
+ V sorrowful|
+ V condole|°
+ V request|Ҫ
+ V cry|,manner=sorrowful|
+ V weep|,manner=sorrowful|
+Ұ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ V cry|,manner=sorrowful|
+ V cry|,manner=sorrowful|
+ N music|,*condole|°
+ V pity|
+ V cry|,manner=sorrowful|
+ V weep|,manner=sorrowful|
+ V request|Ҫ
+ V sorrowful|
+˼ N emotion|,sorrowful|
+̾ V sigh|̾
+ʹ V sorrowful|
+Թ V sorrowful|
+ V pity|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ħ N disease|
+ϸ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*CauseToDo|ʹ,#disease|,#medical|ҽ
+֢ N disease|
+֢ǰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,InFront|ǰ,#disease|
+ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,low|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵
+ N furniture|Ҿ,@sit|
+ն ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,fat|
+ N human|,low|
+ V PlayDown|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,fat|
+ N human|,low|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,low|
+ N human|,low|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V punish|,police|
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N tool|þ,*cure|ҽ
+ɭ N human|,official|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+̲ N disease|
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,mention|ἰ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ FitNot|
+ V FitNot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ְ ADJ FitNot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+ V AptTo|
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ N emotion|,love|,desired|
+ V like|ϧ
+ V love|
+ V like|ϧ
+ N attribute|,name|,&human|,intimate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ V respect|
+ N human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Scotland|ո)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Ireland|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N money|,(Ireland|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ɧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,BadTemper|Ƣ,ExpressDissatisfaction|ʾ
+ N ShowLove|ʾ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,*like|ϧ,#country|
+ V like|ϧ,target=country|
+ N emotion|,like|ϧ,#country|,desired|
+ N human|,*like|ϧ,#country|,desired|
+ N emotion|,like|ϧ,#country|,desired|
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ N emotion|,FondOf|ϲ
+ N fact|,$FondOf|ϲ,#WhileAway|
+ N human|,*FondOf|ϲ,#WhileAway|
+ V like|ϧ
+Ц N human|,*tease|ȡ
+˹ N lights|,*diagnose|,medical|ҽ
+˹ N lights|,*diagnose|,medical|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,BadTemper|Ƣ,*weep|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,BadTemper|Ƣ,weep|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+Ṭ N house|,#politics|,(France|)
+ V like|ϧ
+ V love|
+ N human|,friend|,*love|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+Ī V BeUnable|,content=help|
+Ľ V love|
+Ů N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N emotion|,love|,desired|
+ N music|,#love|
+Ȯ N livestock|,desired|,$like|ϧ
+ N human|,family|
+ N human|,friend|,*love|,desired|
+ɳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Estonia|ɳ)
+ɳ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ɳ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ humanized|,#love|
+˹Ħ N human|,(Eskimo|˹Ħ)
+ N institution|,*manage|,#cleanness|ྻ
+ϧ V like|ϧ
+ N emotion|,like|ϧ,desired|
+˹̹ N human|,ProperName|ר
+ N emotion|,like|ϧ,hate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,width|,narrow|խ
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+· N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,@sit|
+ N tool|þ,@sit|,#livestock|
+ N SportTool|˶
+ɽ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,@sit|
+ N tool|þ,@sit|,#livestock|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ǰ N medicine|ҩ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ˮ N material|,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ
+ V AtEase|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,safe|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V cherish|Ļ
+ V give|
+ V install|װ
+ V put|
+ V satisfied|
+ V soothe|ο
+ CLAS unit|λ,&electricity|
+Ժ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Andorra|)
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Andorra|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+ V keep|
+Ž N attribute|,circumstances|,peaceful|,&organization|֯
+ V pass|ȹ,manner=happy|
+ N pass|ȹ,patient=aged|,manner=happy|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+ V arrange|
+ V put|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ؼ V obey|ѭ,content=law|ɷ
+ V soothe|ο
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Angola|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ N human|,(Angola|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,safe|,desired|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V GetMarried|
+ V reside|ס
+ҷ N expenditure|,*reside|ס
+仧 V reside|ס
+ N fact|,check|,#tour|,#safe|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+ N fact|,reside|ס
+ҵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Turkey|)
+ V BeWell|׳
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ N fact|,kill|ɱ,#medical|ҽ
+ N place|ط,family|,happy|,desired|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,@sit|
+ N part|,%institution|,politics|,heart|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Jordan|Լ)
+ V sleep|˯,manner=peaceful|
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ,*CauseToDo|ʹ,#sleep|˯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+ V arrange|
+ N unit|λ,&electricity|
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,safe|,desired|
+ȫ N attribute|,circumstances|,safe|,&entity|ʵ
+ȫ N part|,%vehicle|ͨ,*fasten|˩
+ȫ N facilities|ʩ,@walk|,#route|·,safe|
+ȫ N fittings|,%tool|þ,*illuminate|,#TakePicture|
+ȫ N tool|þ,*illuminate|,mine|
+ȫ N part|,%implement|,#safe|
+ȫ» N part|,%institution|,politics|,heart|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,safe|,desired|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,safe|,desired|
+ʯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,safe|,desired|
+̩ɽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,safe|,desired|
+ V install|װ
+ V reside|ס
+ V MakeLiving|ı
+ V cure|ҽ,content=disease|,medical|ҽ
+ V soothe|ο
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+Σ N attribute|,circumstances|,#safe|,#dangerous|Σ,&human|
+ο V AtEase|
+ο N emotion|,AtEase|
+ο V soothe|ο
+ο N tool|þ,*reward|,$GiveAsGift|,desired|
+ο N fact|,compete|,sport|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+Ϣ V rest|Ϣ
+Ϣ V sleep|˯
+Ϣ N chemical|ѧ,$burn|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,idle|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+ V pass|ȹ,manner=happy|
+Ъ V sleep|˯
+ V AtEase|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+Ӫկ V reside|ס
+ V satisfied|
+״ V satisfied|,cause=circumstances|
+ V bury|
+֮ V calm|
+ V arrange|
+÷ N expenditure|,*reside|ס
+װ V install|װ
+װ N human|,*install|װ
+װ N human|,*install|װ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+ ADJ humanized|,desired|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@store|,#medicine|ҩ,medical|ҽ
+ PRON {firstPerson|}
+ PRON {firstPerson|,mass|}
+ V delay|
+ V hold|
+ V press|ѹ
+ V restrain|ֹ
+ PREP {AccordingTo}
+ V refuse|
+ V refuse|,content=fight|,military|
+Ͱ V obey|ѭ,content=sequence|
+ V press|ѹ
+ɷֺ V issue|ַ
+ N part|,%tool|þ
+ͷ N issue|ַ
+ ADV {comment|}
+ V diagnose|,medical|ҽ
+Ħ V cure|ҽ,means=press|ѹ,medical|ҽ
+ť N part|,%implement|
+ť N part|,%tool|þ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,accurate|,#time|ʱ,desired|
+ʱ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,accurate|,#time|ʱ,desired|
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,accurate|,#time|ʱ,desired|
+˵ ADV {comment|}
+ͼ V LookFor|Ѱ,means=follow|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ѹ V press|ѹ
+ N text|,*explain|˵
+ PREP {AccordingTo}
+ճ V obey|ѭ,content=regulation|
+ V restrain|ֹ
+ס V BeUnable|,content=restrain|ֹ
+ס V EndureNot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+ N disease|
+ V hide|
+ N water|ˮ
+ N location|λ,dark|
+ N location|λ,secret|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+ V damage|,manner=secret|
+ V kill|ɱ,manner=secret|
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ N attribute|,color|ɫ,red|,&physical|
+ N disease|
+ N room|
+ N weapon|,hidden|
+ N stone|ʯ,#waters|ˮ
+ N water|ˮ,linear|
+ N weapon|,hidden|
+ɱ V kill|ɱ,manner=secret|,crime|
+ʾ V express|ʾ,manner=tactful|
+ N room|,#TakePicture|
+ﲨ V please|ȡ,manner=secret|
+ V damage|,manner=secret|
+̲ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+̽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*scout|,police|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%tool|þ,body|,#TakePicture|
+Ц V laugh|Ц,manner=hidden|
+Ц V laugh|Ц,manner=secret|
+Ӱ N trace|,#lights|
+ N expression|
+ N expression|,*CompareTo|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,female|Ů,crime|,#SeekPleasure|Ѱ,undesired|ݬ,(be a prostitute|)
+ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+ N mark|־,#VehicleGo|ʻ,#waters|ˮ
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ N document|
+ N fact|
+ N fact|,#police|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,@put|
+ N text|,$propose|,$discuss|,$debate|
+ N tool|þ,#cook|
+ V happen|,experiencer=fact|,police|
+ N human|,crime|,#police|,$detain|ס,undesired|ݬ
+ N fact|,#police|
+ N document|
+ N fact|,#police|
+ N part|,%fact|,flesh|,#police|
+ͷ N location|λ,%furniture|Ҿ
+ N cause|ԭ
+ N part|,%fact|,flesh|,#police|
+ N fact|,#police|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,@put|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,dirty|,undesired|ݬ
+ V CausePartMove|,direction=upper|
+ V prosper|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ V prosper|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,price|۸,expensive|,undesired|ݬ
+ V CausePartMove|,direction=upper|
+Ȼ ADV aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ V CausePartMove|,direction=upper|,partof=head|ͷ
+ V GoForward|ǰ,manner=arrogant|
+ V FeelingByGood|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+³ѷ N human|
+Ȼ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+˹ CLAS unit|λ,&weight|
+˾ CLAS unit|λ,&weight|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,dented|
+澵 N tool|þ,*look|,#shrink|С
+ N tool|þ,*look|,#shrink|С
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,dissimilar|
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=dented|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,dented|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V walk|
+ V cook|
+ V endure|
+ V punish|
+ҹ V pass|ȹ,patient=night|
+ V fly|
+ V fly|
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|
+ N attribute|,will|־,strong|ǿ,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ attribute|,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,&human|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ V despise|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Austria|µ)
+µ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Austria|µ)
+µ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+µ N human|,(Austria|µ)
+µ N money|,(Austria|µ)
+¿ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(New Zealand|)
+¿ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+¿ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ƥ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+ƥ˰뵺 N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ƥ˶ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+ƥ˶ίԱ N institution|,compete|,ProperName|ר,sport|
+Ī N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N fact|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|
+ N attribute|,content|,profound|,&event|¼,&information|Ϣ
+˹ N fact|,ProperName|ר,reward|,entertainment|
+˹½ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Norway|Ų)
+˹ N money|,(Argentina|͢)
+ί N institution|,#compete|,ProperName|ר,sport|
+ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+˻ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+ V repent|û
+ V upset|
+û V repent|û
+ V upset|
+ɥ V disheartened|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Australia|Ĵ)
+Ĵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Australia|Ĵ)
+Ĵ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Australia|)
+Ĵǿԭ N bacteria|
+Ĵ N human|,(Australia|Ĵ)
+ĴԪ N money|,(Australia|Ĵ)
+Ŀ N bacteria|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר
+Ԫ N money|,(Macao|)
+Ԫ N money|,(Australia|Ĵ)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ N FlowerGrass|
+Ž N fruit|ˮ
+Ž N tool|þ,*cool|
+ N shows|
+ N shows|
+ŮԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*perform|,female|Ů
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*perform|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ V StripOff|ȥ
+ V TakeAway|ᶯ
+ V assemble|ۼ
+ V cook|
+ V split|ƿ,purpose=remove|
+ V stay|ͣ
+ V TakeAway|ᶯ
+ N LandVehicle|,*slide|
+ V steal|͵
+ N human|,crime|,*steal|͵
+ȶ N livestock|,*recreation|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@drink|,commercial|
+ V addict|Ⱥ
+ ECHO sound|
+ STRU {MaChinese|}
+ V MakeSound|
+ V MakeSound|
+ʶ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+¨ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+˱ N edible|ʳ
+˱ɽ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,ProperName|ר,@bury|,#human|,#die|
+˱ɽĹ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,ProperName|ר,@bury|,#human|,#die|
+˳ ADV aValue|ֵ,possibility|,possible|,desired|
+˳ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+˴ N fish|
+˷ N direction|,all|ȫ
+˷ N location|λ
+˷ N symbol|,#music|
+˷֮һ N fact|,compete|
+˸ N bird|,*speak|˵
+˹ N text|
+˹ N text|
+˹ N army|,past|
+˽ N crop|ׯ,?material|,#food|ʳƷ
+˽ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,*cook|
+˾Ųʮ V BeSimilar|
+· N army|,past|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ N furniture|Ҿ,@put|
+ N humanized|,ProperName|ר
+ɹ V show|,content=ability|
+ɹͨ V show|,content=ability|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,@put|
+һ N time|ʱ,day|,festival|,#army|,@congratulate|ף
+ N time|ʱ,month|
+· N time|ʱ,month|
+½ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ N qValue|ֵ,rate|,$subtract|,#sell|,commercial|
+ N qValue|ֵ,rate|,BecomeLess|,commercial|
+ N character|,#time|ʱ,*tell|,#circumstances|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ֽ N part|,%human|,foot|,#form|״
+ûһƲ V ExistNot|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N trace|,#disease|
+ N trace|,#disease|,#wounded|
+̺ N trace|,#disease|,#wounded|
+ N trace|,#disease|,#wounded|
+ V BeNear|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V expect|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Pakistan|ͻ˹̹)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Palestine|˹̹)
+ V stay|ͣ
+ͰͶ˹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Barbados|ͰͶ˹)
+ͰͶ˹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+ͰͶ˹Ԫ N money|,(Barbados|ͰͶ˹)
+ͱ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,past|
+ͱ N human|,(Babylon|ͱ)
+Ͳ N money|,(Panama|)
+Ͳ V expect|
+Ͳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Papua|Ͳ)
+Ͳ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Oceania|)
+Ͳ¼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Papua New Guinea|Ͳ¼)
+Ͳ¼ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Oceania|)
+Ͷ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+Ͷ N livestock|,*recreation|
+Ͷ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+Ͷɰ뵺 N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ͷ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Germany|¹)
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Iraq|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Bahamas|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+Ԫ N money|,(the Bahamas|)
+ͺ N human|,ProperName|ר,#music|,entertainment|
+ͻ˹̹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Pakistan|ͻ˹̹)
+ͻ˹̹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ͻ˹̹¬ N money|,(Pakistan|ͻ˹̹)
+ͻ˹̹ N human|,(Pakistan|ͻ˹̹)
+ͽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ͽ V please|ȡ
+ͽ֯ N institution|,ProperName|ר,#politics|,#military|,(Palestine|˹̹)
+ͽ N human|,ProperName|ר,literature|
+Ϳ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Azerbaijan|ݽ)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Paraguay|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+ N human|,(Paraguay|)
+˹̹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Palestine|˹̹)
+˹̹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+˹̹֯ N institution|,ProperName|ר,#politics|,#military|,(Palestine|˹̹)
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(France|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Bahrain|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ֵɶ N money|,(Bahrain|)
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Mali|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Panama|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Panama|)
+ N human|,(Panama|)
+˺ N waters|ˮ,linear|,ProperName|ר,(Panama|)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Switzerland|ʿ)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Spain|)
+ʲ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ʿ N LandVehicle|
+˹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Basque|˹)
+˹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+˹ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ V expect|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Brazilia|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Brazil|)
+ N human|,(Brazilia|)
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hand|
+ V PickOut|γ
+ V choose|ѡ
+ V cool|
+ V lift|
+ V occupy|ռ,military|
+ V surpass|ǿ
+γ V PickOut|γ
+γ V remove|
+εض V appear|
+ε V remove|
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,empty|,#hair|ë
+θ V lift|
+θ V upgrade|
+κ N fact|,exercise|,sport|
+μ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,good|,desired|
+μ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,good|,desired|
+ν V evade|ر,content=do|
+ν V start|ʼ,content=run|
+ê V start|ʼ,content=VehicleGo|ʻ
+ë V remove|,patient=hair|ë
+ V fail|ʧ
+˿ N food|ʳƷ
+˿ V straighten|ֱ,industrial|
+ V evade|ر,content=do|
+ V start|ʼ,content=run|
+Ⱦ V start|ʼ,content=run|
+Ӫ V start|ʼ,content=leave|뿪,military|
+ N part|,%text|
+ɽˮ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+ N part|,%text|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N tool|þ,#weapon|,$AimAt|,$firing|
+г N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#weapon|,@AimAt|,@firing|
+д N ship|,#weapon|,$AimAt|,$firing|
+л N aircraft|,#weapon|,$AimAt|,$firing|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,heart|,#weapon|,#AimAt|,#firing|
+ N tool|þ,#weapon|,$AimAt|,$firing|
+ V HoldInArm|§
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|,&plant|ֲ
+ V control|
+ V defend|
+ V hold|
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,*drive|Ԧ,hand|
+ N part|,%implement|,*hold|,*OpenShut|,hand|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+ PREP {PartOfTouch}
+ PREP {PatientProduct}
+ PREP {content}
+ PREP {patient}
+ PREP {possession}
+ѱȷְƽ V MakeEqual|ʹ,sport|
+ѱ N reason|,*ExpressAgainst|Ǵ,undesired|ݬ
+ѳ V control|
+ѳ V restrain|ֹ
+Ѵŵ N human|,*exercise|,(football|)
+ѷ V check|
+ѹ V check|
+ѹ V defend|,patient=route|·,police|,military|
+Ѿ V fill|,patient=drinks|Ʒ
+Ѿ V hold|,patient=drinks|Ʒ
+ V diagnose|,medical|ҽ
+ V defend|
+ʽ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N part|,%implement|,*hold|,*OpenShut|,hand|
+ V defend|,police|,military|
+ͷ N human|,official|,*manage|,#industrial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ N attribute|,trueness|α,&event|¼
+ V hold|
+ V understand|
+ V use|
+ס V control|,Vachieve|
+Ϸ N plans|滮,sly|,*deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+Ϸ N shows|
+ֵ N human|,friend|
+ס V control|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&physical|
+ N tool|þ,agricultural|ũ
+ N tool|þ,agricultural|ũ
+ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ,space|ռ,*protect|
+ N land|½
+ V control|
+ N human|,fierce|,*MakeBad|Ӻ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,past|,undesired|ݬ
+ N place|ط,country|,*MakeBad|Ӻ,undesired|ݬ
+ N system|ƶ,#country|,*MakeBad|Ӻ,undesired|ݬ
+Ե ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+Ȩ N system|ƶ,#country|,fierce|,*MakeBad|Ӻ,undesired|ݬ
+Ȩ N system|ƶ,#country|,fierce|,*MakeBad|Ӻ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,fierce|,*MakeBad|Ӻ,undesired|ݬ
+ռ V occupy|ռ,manner=fierce|,military|
+ N human|,fierce|,*MakeBad|Ӻ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,official|,past|
+ V cease|ͣ
+ V dismiss|
+չ V cease|ͣ,content=affairs|,#duty|
+չ V dismiss|,ResultIsa=occupation|ְλ,politics|
+ս V cease|ͣ,content=teach|,education|
+տ V cease|ͣ,content=study|ѧ,education|
+ V cease|ͣ
+ V dismiss|
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ,*dismiss|,politics|
+ V cease|ͣ,content=sell|,commercial|
+ V cease|ͣ
+ V cease|ͣ
+ V dismiss|
+ V prohibit|ֹ
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ְ N human|,family|,male|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,pure|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$pay|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V explain|˵
+ V look|,manner=unsatisfied|
+װ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+װ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+װ ADV aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+װ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+װ N affairs|,#duty|,#sequence|,^night|
+װ N stationery|ľ,@write|д
+ױֽ N paper|ֽ
+ײ N material|,?clothing|
+ײ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ײ N vegetable|߲
+׳ N attribute|,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,&human|
+׳ N human|,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+׳հ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+׳ N lights|
+׳ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+״ N material|,#food|ʳƷ,$eat|,sour|
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+״ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ,female|Ů
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,embryo|
+ N attribute|,scene|,&physical|
+˹ N aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Byelorussia|˹)
+˹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+˹ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë,white|
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N human|,enemy|,undesired|ݬ
+ V lavish|˷
+ѿ V lavish|˷,patient=speak|˵
+ V lavish|˷,patient=do|
+ V lavish|˷,patient=do|
+Ļ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ N medicine|ҩ,?addictive|Ⱥ
+ V lavish|˷,patient=do|
+ɶ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ N house|,institution|,#politics|,(US|)
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#die|,bone|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N bird|
+ N disease|
+ N beast|
+ N humanized|,ProperName|ר
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ V lavish|˷
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ N beast|
+ N language|,ordinary|
+ N text|,empty|,$boast|
+ N text|
+ N material|,*build|
+ N metal|
+ N house|,institution|,#politics|,(UK|Ӣ)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ N paper|ֽ,*exam|,^$write|д
+ˮ N water|ˮ,$drink|
+ N material|,?tool|þ
+ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+...һ V look|,#unsatisfied|,#despise|
+ N material|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ N part|,%clothing|,#head|ͷ,white|
+칤 N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ N waters|ˮ
+¶ N time|ʱ,day|
+ N human|,$love|,friend|,male|,desired|
+ãã ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+é N FlowerGrass|
+ú N stone|ʯ,*lighting|ȼ,$burn|,mine|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ N medicine|ҩ,?addictive|Ⱥ
+ N human|,literature|
+ V draw|,literature|
+ĭ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ľ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ,?food|ʳƷ
+ N disease|,#look|,#eye|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,delicate|,desired|
+ N medicine|ҩ,poison|
+Ƥ N document|
+Ƥ N tree|
+ N mark|־,white|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ N lights|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|
+ N weapon|,*stab|
+ս N fight|,military|
+ N celestial|
+ N time|ʱ,morning|
+ N fact|,dream|
+ V dream|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ɫ N attribute|,color|ɫ,white|,&physical|
+ɫֲ N phenomena|,fierce|,politics|,undesired|ݬ
+ N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ V start|ʼ,means=self|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ˮ N water|ˮ
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,sweet|
+ N material|,?tool|þ
+ N time|ʱ,morning|
+ҹ N time|ʱ,day|
+ N bill|Ʊ,commercial|
+ N metal|
+ N house|,institution|,#politics|,(UK|Ӣ)
+ͭ N metal|,material|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ͷ N part|,%human|,white|,head|ͷ
+ͷ N time|ʱ,aged|,#age|
+ͷ N bird|
+ͷ V alive|,duration=TimeLong|
+ϸ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ N beast|
+Ѫ N disease|
+Ѫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+Ѫ֢ N disease|
+ N fact|,unsatisfied|,despise|,#countenance|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+ N tree|
+ N tree|
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ҹ N time|ʱ,night|
+սʿ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N metal|
+ N CloudMist|,white|
+ƲԹ V change|
+ʯ N stone|ʯ,mine|
+ֽ N paper|ֽ
+ֽ N paper|ֽ,white|
+ֽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,true|
+ N human|
+ N time|ʱ,afternoon|
+ N character|,wrong|
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N stone|ʯ,mine|
+Ѽ N time|ʱ,past|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ N tree|
+ N bird|
+ N disease|
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ N bacteria|,#OutOfOrder|
+ N fish|
+ N beast|,*swim|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N tree|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Germany|¹)
+ N tree|
+ N material|,*build|,*cover|ڸ,#route|·
+ N material|,?route|·,*cover|ڸ
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ٰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ٲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,accurate|,desired|
+ٳ߸ͷһ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ٶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ٶʮ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ٷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,accurate|,desired|
+ٷϾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ٷֱ N quantity|,rate|,&entity|ʵ
+ٷֵ N quantity|,rate|,&entity|ʵ
+ٷֺ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ٷ N quantity|,rate|,&entity|ʵ
+ٷ N quantity|,rate|,&entity|ʵ
+ٷ֮ ADJ qValue|ֵ,rate|
+ٷ֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ٷ֮ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+ٸн V excited|
+ٺ N FlowerGrass|
+ٻ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ٻ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ,commercial|
+ٻ¥ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,#artifact|˹,commercial|
+ٻ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,#artifact|˹,commercial|
+ٻ˾ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,#artifact|˹,commercial|
+ٻ̵ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,#artifact|˹,commercial|
+ټ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ٿȫ N publications|鿯
+ٿǧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,wane|˥,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,superior|,desired|
+ɸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N bird|
+ N bird|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&length|
+Ľ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Bermuda|Ľ)
+Ľ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+Ľ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(North America|)
+ĽȺ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ĽԪ N money|,(Bermuda|Ľ)
+ N time|ʱ,TimeLong|,#alive|
+ N time|ʱ,year|,mass|,TimeLong|
+겻 ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ N plan|ƻ,important|
+ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+տ N disease|
+¿ N drinks|Ʒ
+ͨ N human|,wise|,desired|
+ N human|,aged|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ּ N attribute|,weight|,&ship|
+ N human|,rich|,desired|
+Ųһ V believe|,condition=look|
+һʧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,safe|,desired|
+ N human|,ordinary|,mass|
+Ҷ N fittings|,%room|,*cover|ڸ
+˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+սʤ V win|ʤ,frequency=often|
+۲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+۲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+۲ӵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ V explain|˵
+ N part|,%implement|
+ V put|
+ V shake|ҡ
+ V show|
+ V wave|ڶ
+ڲ V control|
+ڲ V decorate|װ
+ڶ V shake|ҡ
+ڶ V wave|ڶ
+ڶ V cross|Խ
+ڶ N ship|
+ڷ V put|
+ڼ V show|,content=arrogant|
+ V ShowOff|ҫ,content=wealth|Ǯ
+ V ShowOff|ҫ,content=wealth|Ǯ
+ V talk|̸
+ V show|,content=bearing|̬
+Ū V PlayWith|Ū
+Ū V control|
+ V ShowOff|ҫ,content=wealth|Ǯ
+ V decorate|װ
+ N physical|,*decorate|װ,useless|
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,$put|
+ V shake|ҡ,patient=hand|,purpose=ExpressDisagreement|ʾͬ
+ V shake|ҡ,patient=hand|,purpose=call|ٻ
+̯ V establish|,patient=InstitutePlace|,#sell|,commercial|
+̯ V keep|,patient=institution|
+ V disconnect|
+ V pretend|װ
+ N part|,%implement|,#measure|
+ V handle|,manner=proper|
+ V put|,manner=straight|ֱ
+ N tool|þ,*tell|,#time|ʱ
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ V damage|
+ V decline|˥
+ V defeated|
+ V defeat|սʤ
+ܱ V defeated|
+ܱ N result|,wrong|,#text|,undesired|ݬ
+ܱ N army|,*defeated|,undesired|ݬ,military|
+ܻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ܻ V damage|
+ܻ V cure|ҽ,content=disease|,medical|ҽ
+ܼ V defeated|
+ܼ N human|,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ܾ N result|,fail|ʧ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+¶ V exposure|¶
+ V decline|˥
+ V defeated|,police|
+ V GoBackward|,military|
+θ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ V disappointed|ʧ
+Ѫ֢ N disease|
+ N result|,defeated|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,*defeated|
+ V defeated|
+ӻͷ V amend|
+ V flee|,time=defeated|
+ V RegardAs|
+ V ResultIn|
+ V salute|¾
+ V visit|
+ݰ V ally|
+ݰ EXPR expression|,*farewell|
+ݰ V salute|¾
+ݱ V farewell|
+ݵ V surrender|
+ݶ V read|,manner=respect|
+ݷ V visit|
+ݻ V visit|
+ݼ V meet|
+ݼ V visit|
+ݽ N thinking|˼,respect|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ݽ N human|,*respect|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ V SayHello|ʺ,cause=festival|
+ʦ V RegardAs|,ResultIsa=human|,#study|ѧ
+ V congratulate|ף,cause=festival|,#ComeToWorld|
+ V entrust|ί
+ V visit|
+ N thinking|˼,respect|,#physical|
+ N thinking|˼,respect|,#physical|
+ V salute|¾
+ V visit|
+ N FlowerGrass|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+Ұʷ N publications|鿯,#fact|,#time|ʱ,secondary|
+ N publications|鿯,#fact|,#time|ʱ,secondary|
+ʷ N fact|,#time|ʱ,secondary|
+ʷ N publications|鿯,#fact|,#time|ʱ,secondary|
+ N FlowerGrass|,undesired|ݬ
+ N crop|ׯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,linear|
+ N image|ͼ,dot|
+߰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,grey|
+߰ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+߲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|
+߲½ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|
+ߵ N image|ͼ,dot|
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ N part|,%route|·,@cross|Խ
+ N image|ͼ,linear|
+˺ N disease|
+ N tree|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|
+ N bird|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&vehicle|ͨ
+ N affairs|,#duty|,#sequence|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,education|
+ N part|,%army|
+ N part|,%organization|֯
+ N human|,official|,#institution|
+ N human|,official|,education|,*study|ѧ
+ N human|,official|,military|
+ N LandVehicle|,*transport|,#employee|Ա
+ N affairs|,*transport|,#employee|Ա
+ N quantity|,amount|,&transport|
+ N community|,entertainment|
+ N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,police|,@detain|ס,#crime|,#punish|
+ N aircraft|,*transport|,#tour|
+༶ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,education|
+ N ship|,*transport|,#tour|
+Ū V ShowOff|ҫ,content=ability|,target=able|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,fit|ʺ,EachOther|
+ N time|ʱ,#transport|,#VehicleGo|ʻ
+ڱ N readings|,#plans|滮,#transport|,#VehicleGo|ʻ
+ʦ V GoBack|,win|ʤ,military|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Gambia|ʱ)
+ N human|,*teach|,education|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N community|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ N part|,%organization|֯,bone|
+ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,#factory|
+鳤 N human|,official|,#factory|
+ N human|,official|,religion|ڽ,(Tibet|)
+ V SelfMove|
+ V TakeAway|ᶯ
+ V imitate|ģ
+ N tool|þ,*recreation|,#young|
+ᶯ V TakeAway|ᶯ
+ V TakeAway|ᶯ,patient=family|
+Ū V PlayWith|Ū
+Ū V ShowOff|ҫ
+ŪǷ V MakeTrouble|
+Ǩ V TakeAway|ᶯ
+ V transport|
+˹ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeAway|ᶯ
+˹ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeAway|ᶯ
+ V pull|
+ V turn|Ťת
+ⲻ N tool|þ,*recreation|,#young|
+ƽ V MakeEqual|ʹ,sport|
+ V reverse|ߵ
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,#route|·
+ V pull|
+ V MakeEqual|ʹ
+ N part|,%weapon|,*firing|
+ƽ V MakeEqual|ʹ,sport|
+ N part|,%implement|,arm|
+ N tool|þ,*tighten|ս,*loosen|
+ N tool|þ,*tighten|ս,*loosen|
+ V BeSimilar|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&entity|ʵ,&aValue|ֵ,&attribute|
+ V fit|ʺ,EachOther|
+ V announce|
+䲼 V announce|
+䲼 N human|,*announce|
+䷢ V announce|
+䷢ V grant|
+佱 V grant|,possession=reward|
+ V announce|
+ N MusicTool|
+ V ShowBadEmotion|ʾ
+ N SportTool|˶
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,hard|Ӳ
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&recreation|,#music|
+ N shape|,flat|,surfacial|
+ N tool|þ,%InstitutePlace|,*cover|ڸ
+ N wood|ľ
+ʮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+屨 N readings|,news|
+ N part|,%building|,skin|Ƥ
+ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ N material|,wood|ľ
+峵 N LandVehicle|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,*sit|
+師 N tool|þ,*split|ƿ,*cut|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N MusicTool|
+ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=hard|Ӳ,#agricultural|ũ
+ N part|,%earth|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ V ShowBadEmotion|ʾ
+ V ShowBadEmotion|ʾ
+϶ V fixed|Ѷ
+ʽ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&music|,&language|
+ N method|,*write|д
+ˢ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ N material|,?building|
+Ѽ N food|ʳƷ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#mouth|,*bite|ҧ
+ N part|,%machine|
+ N addictive|Ⱥ
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&act|ж
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&recreation|,#music|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N SportTool|˶
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%implement|,viscera|
+ N shape|,flat|,surfacial|
+ N tool|þ,police|,*punish|,#crime|
+ N wood|ľ
+ N tool|þ,*rub|Ħ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&publications|鿯
+ N part|,%publications|鿯,#news|
+ N tool|þ,*print|ӡˢ
+汾 CLAS NounUnit|,&publications|鿯
+ N attribute|,sequence|,&print|ӡˢ
+滭 N image|ͼ,$draw|
+ N image|ͼ,$carve|
+ N part|,%publications|鿯,#news|
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ,#publications|鿯
+Ȩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#publications|鿯,#rights|Ȩ
+ȨУӡ N aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#publications|鿯,#rights|Ȩ
+Ȩҳ N part|,%publications|鿯,#rights|Ȩ
+ʽ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&publications|鿯
+˰ N payment|,#publications|鿯
+ͼ N place|ط,#country|
+ V RegardAs|,entertainment|
+ V show|
+ V ShowEmotion|ʾ
+ N attribute|,appearance|,&human|,#perform|,entertainment|
+ V RegardAs|,entertainment|
+ N human|,*perform|
+װ V MakeUp|ױ
+ V RegardAs|,entertainment|
+ V mix|
+ V mix|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ V quarrel|
+ V follow|
+ N human|,friend|
+鳪 N fact|,sing|,entertainment|
+鳪 V sing|
+黤 N human|,friend|
+ N human|,#GetMarried|,male|
+ N human|,friend|
+ N human|,#GetMarried|,female|Ů
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,follow|
+ V follow|
+ N human|,*recreation|,#shows|
+ N human|,female|Ů,*recreation|,#shows|
+ V perform|,entertainment|
+ V recreation|
+ N human|,*perform|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|
+ N part|,%FlowerGrass|,body|
+ N part|,%fruit|ˮ,body|
+ N part|,%physical|
+Ĥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,location|λ,middle|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,fragment|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,half|
+ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ
+뱲 N time|ʱ,#alive|,TimeLong|,half|
+ںɽ N place|ط,country|,half|
+ڽɽ N place|ط,country|,half|
+ N part|,%physical|,half|
+ N human|,female|Ů,mass|
+ N sky|,half|
+벽 N attribute|,distance|,&walk|,half|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|
+뵺 N land|½,#waters|ˮ
+뵼 N inanimate|,generic|ͳ
+ N location|λ,middle|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,insufficiently|Ƿ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N expenditure|,half|
+⽨ N system|ƶ,politics|
+빤 V study|ѧ
+빤ѧ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|
+ N attribute|,price|۸,half|,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,half|
+ V equal|
+뾶 N attribute|,distance|,&image|ͼ,&physical|,round|Բ
+ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+Ե N material|,*exempt|,#transmit|,#electricity|
+ N location|λ,%sky|
+ N location|λ,%sky|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,half|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*engage|,industrial|,agricultural|ũ
+ N inanimate|,generic|ͳ,liquid|Һ
+· N location|λ,middle|
+· ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N time|ʱ,year|,half|
+Ʊ N coupon|Ʊ֤,#price|۸,half|
+ƿ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,round|Բ
+ N earth|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,half|
+ N time|ʱ,TimeLong|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,half|
+ N disease|
+ N image|ͼ,$TakePicture|,$draw|
+ N image|ͼ,$carve|
+ N time|ʱ,#alive|,TimeLong|,half|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,^cook|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,half|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,half|
+˥ N time|ʱ
+ N aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,half|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+; N location|λ,middle|
+; V cease|ͣ,time=^fulfil|ʵ
+ä N human|,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+Ű ADJ doubt|
+ҹ N time|ʱ,night|
+ҹ N time|ʱ,night|
+ N sound|,#music|
+Ӱ N trace|,#lights|
+Բ N shape|,round|Բ,half|
+Բ N shape|,round|Բ,half|
+ N time|ʱ,month|,half|
+¿ N publications|鿯
+ֳ N place|ط,#country|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ,^$produce|
+м N location|λ,middle|
+ N location|λ,middle|
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+Ըũ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ
+ V buy|,commercial|
+ V establish|,commercial|
+ V handle|
+ V manage|,commercial|
+ V punish|,police|
+참 V handle|,patient=fact|,police|
+ V establish|,PatientProduct=community|,#study|ѧ
+챨 V manage|,patient=publications|鿯,news|
+첻 V BeUnable|
+쳧 V establish|,PatientProduct=factory|,industrial|
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ V handle|,manner=wrong|
+쵽 V fulfil|ʵ
+취 N method|
+칫 V engage|,content=affairs|,#duty|
+칫¥ N house|,#employee|Ա,@engage|
+칫 N expenditure|,#employee|Ա,*engage|
+칫¥ N house|,#employee|Ա,@engage|
+칫ʱ N time|ʱ,#employee|Ա,@engage|
+칫 N room|,#employee|Ա,@engage|
+칫 N part|,%organization|֯
+칫 N furniture|Ҿ,#employee|Ա,@engage|
+칫Զ N attribute|,ability|,able|,function|
+칫Զ V ize|̬,ability|,PatientAttribute=able|,#function|
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ V handle|
+ɥ V handle|,content=fact|,undesired|ݬ,#salute|¾,#die|
+ V engage|,content=affairs|,#duty|
+´ N part|,%organization|֯,#employee|Ա,*engage|
+» N part|,%organization|֯,#employee|Ա,*engage|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա,*engage|
+ N part|,%organization|֯,#employee|Ա,*engage|
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ϲ V GetMarried|
+ѧ V manage|,patient=education|,education|
+ V buy|,commercial|
+ V punish|,cause=crime|,police|
+ V FallDown|
+ V reverse|ߵ
+ V FallDown|
+ V reverse|ߵ
+ʯ N entity|ʵ,*obstruct|ֹ
+ N place|ط,#human|,country|
+ N place|ط,#human|,country|
+ N attribute|,relatedness|,&entity|ʵ,politics|
+ N community|
+ N community|,undesired|ݬ
+ V help|
+ N part|,%clothing|,#foot|,skin|Ƥ
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,hair|ë
+ N part|,%vehicle|ͨ,body|
+ V help|,scope=handle|
+ N human|,*help|
+æ V help|
+ V help|,scope=cook|
+ﵹæ V help|,manner=wrong|
+ V help|
+﹤ V help|,scope=affairs|
+﹤ N human|,*help|
+ N community|,secret|
+ V teach|
+æ V help|
+ N community|,treacherous|,politics|
+ǻ V help|
+ǻ V sing|
+ N human|,*help|
+ V help|,patient=official|
+ N human|,*help|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ V help|
+ ECHO sound|
+ N tool|þ,*tell|,#police|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N tool|þ,*tell|
+ǻ N shows|
+ N account|,@record|¼,#name|
+ V fail|ʧ,scope=exam|,result=include|,education|
+ V succeed|ɹ,scope=exam|
+ V succeed|ɹ,scope=exam|,result=include|,education|
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,superior|,&human|
+ N human|,$study|ѧ,$imitate|ģ,desired|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,arm|
+ N part|,%bird|,wing|
+ N human|,friend|,*help|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,arm|
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,arm|
+ N part|,%bird|,wing|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ V fasten|˩
+ N human|,*TakeAway|ᶯ,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ V TakeAway|ᶯ,manner=fierce|,crime|
+Ʊ V TakeAway|ᶯ,manner=fierce|,crime|
+ N fittings|,clothing|,linear|,*fasten|˩,#leg|
+ V wrap|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N shape|
+ N food|ʳƷ,sweet|
+ N food|ʳƷ,ice|,cold|
+ N SportTool|˶
+ N fact|,sport|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@compete|,sport|
+ N food|ʳƷ,sweet|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N part|,%crop|ׯ,embryo|
+ N tool|þ,straight|ֱ,long|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ V measure|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|,#weight|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&weight|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|,#weight|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ N fish|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N fish|
+ N money|,(UK|Ӣ)
+ CLAS unit|λ,&money|,(UK|Ӣ)
+ V BeNear|
+ V approach|ӽ
+ N time|ʱ,night|
+ N time|ʱ,night|
+ V slander|̰
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ N part|,%FlowerGrass|,embryo|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N crop|ׯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,embryo|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,embryo|
+ V bear|е
+ V borrow|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V contain|
+ N disease|,#swollen|
+ V entrust|ί
+ V guarantee|֤
+ N physical|
+ V surround|Χ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ V wrap|
+ V manage|
+ V bear|е,content=all|ȫ
+ V protect|,manner=biased|ƫ
+ V cherish|Ļ
+ V contain|
+ V bear|е,content=produce|,industrial|
+ V bear|е,content=produce|,agricultural|ũ
+ V MakeAppointment|Լ,content=InstitutePlace|,entertainment|
+ V surround|Χ,military|
+ V borrow|,possession=LandVehicle|
+ V borrow|,possession=ship|
+ V bear|е,content=all|ȫ
+ V GetMarried|,undesired|ݬ
+ V buy|,possession=edible|ʳ,commercial|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ V sell|,possession=edible|ʳ,commercial|
+ V MakeAppointment|Լ,content=InstitutePlace|,#reside|ס
+ N artifact|˹,$wrap|
+ N duty|,undesired|ݬ
+ N tool|þ,*wrap|
+ V bear|е,content=affairs|,#duty|
+ N system|ƶ
+ V MakeAppointment|Լ,content=bear|е,commercial|
+ͷ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*manage|,#industrial|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ V guarantee|֤
+ N physical|
+ V wrap|
+ N bill|Ʊ,#post|ʼ
+ V contain|
+ V forgive|ԭ
+ V guarantee|֤,scope=exchange|,commercial|
+ V borrow|,possession=aircraft|
+ V contain|
+ V BeMember|
+ V bear|е
+ V contain|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ V guarantee|֤,scope=recompense|,commercial|
+Ƥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+Ƥ N tool|þ,*wrap|
+ V contain|
+ V forgive|ԭ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ͷ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V guarantee|֤,scope=exchange|,commercial|
+Χ V surround|Χ
+ΧȦ N shape|,#surround|Χ,military|
+ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,@look|,#entertainment|
+ V sell|,commercial|
+IJ N vegetable|߲
+Բ V buy|,manner=all|ȫ
+Բ V fulfil|ʵ
+ V contain|
+ V contain|
+ V wrap|
+װ N tool|þ,*wrap|
+װ V wrap|
+װ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*load|װ,industrial|
+װ N tool|þ,*wrap|
+װֽ N paper|ֽ,*wrap|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ V borrow|,commercial|
+ V praise|佱
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V estimate|
+ N expression|,#praise|佱
+ V praise|佱
+ V praise|佱
+ N information|Ϣ,#praise|佱
+ N expression|,#praise|佱
+ V StripOff|ȥ
+ V StripOff|ȥ
+ V rob|
+ V fall|
+ V StripOff|ȥ
+Ƥ V StripOff|ȥ,patient=skin|Ƥ
+ȥ V StripOff|ȥ
+ʴ V FormChange|α
+ V StripOff|ȥ
+ V rob|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,barren|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,negligible|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,light|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,thickness|,thin|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,miser|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V despise|
+ N shape|,flat|,surfacial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,thickness|,thin|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ N attribute|,thickness|,&physical|
+ N artifact|˹,$GiveAsGift|
+ N payment|,few|,commercial|
+ N method|,*sell|,commercial|
+ V unfortunate|
+Ĥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+Ĥ N shape|
+ĺ N time|ʱ,night|
+Ƭ N shape|,flat|,surfacial|
+Ƭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,thickness|,thin|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ N CloudMist|,thin|
+ N RainSnow|ѩ,#WeatherBad|
+ N RainSnow|ѩ,#WeatherBad|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,#weather|
+ N RainSnow|ѩ,#WeatherBad|
+ V defend|,military|,police|
+ V guarantee|֤
+ V guarantee|֤,#police|
+ N human|,#police|,*guarantee|֤
+ V keep|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Bulgaria|)
+ V protect|
+ V guarantee|֤,scope=safe|,police|
+ V store|
+ V keep|
+ֳĬ V KeepSilence|˵
+ V store|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,complete|,desired|
+ N bill|Ʊ,*guarantee|֤
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*manage|,#facilities|ʩ,#store|
+ V manage|
+ ADV {comment|}
+ܷ N expenditure|,*store|,commercial|
+ N human|,*store|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*manage|,#facilities|ʩ,#store|
+Ա N human|,*store|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,protect|
+ V protect|
+ʩ N method|,*protect|
+ N place|ط,country|,$protect|
+˰ N method|,#expenditure|,*protect|
+ N place|ط,country|,$protect|
+ N human|,*protect|
+ɡ N system|ƶ,*protect|
+ֳ V keep|,patient=scene|,#fact|
+Ծ N detain|ס,#protect|
+Ծ V detain|ס,#protect|
+ N human|,*protect|
+ ADJ human|,*protect|
+ N human|,*protect|
+ N system|ƶ,#protect|
+ N human|,*protect|
+ N human|,$guarantee|֤,#commercial|
+ʵ N human|,*protect|,#royal|
+ʵ N human|,*protect|,#royal|
+ V protect|,patient=family|,country|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Bulgaria|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ V protect|,patient=official|,royal|,military|,police|
+ V recommend|Ƽ
+ N affairs|,#maintain|,medical|ҽ
+ N fact|,exercise|
+ N tool|þ,@put|,#medicine|ҩ,#tool|þ,medical|ҽ
+ҽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*maintain|,medical|ҽ
+ר N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*maintain|,medical|ҽ
+ V keep|,content=spotless|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#waste|
+ V recommend|Ƽ
+ N SportTool|˶
+ N fact|,sport|
+ V SetAside|
+ V own|
+ N place|ط,$SetAside|
+Ŀ N shows|
+ V KeepSilence|˵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,secret|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,secret|
+ V maintain|,patient=plant|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ķ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeCare|,#family|,female|Ů
+ů V keep|,scope=hot|
+ȫ V keep|
+ȫ V maintain|
+ȫ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*maintain|,industrial|
+ȫ V keep|,scope=reputation|
+ N human|,*guarantee|֤,#police|
+ V keep|,scope=wet|ʪ,agricultural|ũ
+ V release|ͷ,police|
+ͽ N expenditure|,*guarantee|֤,#release|ͷ,#police|
+ N human|,*guarantee|֤,#release|ͷ,#police|
+ V guarantee|֤,scope=obtain|õ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ V protect|
+ص N community|,politics|
+ص N human|,politics|
+ N community|,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ V recommend|Ƽ,education|
+ҽ V undergo|,content=release|ͷ,cause=$cure|ҽ,#police|
+ V defend|,military|,police|
+ V keep|,scope=warm|
+± N tool|þ,cubic|,*keep|,#warm|,@store|,#edible|ʳ
+ƿ N tool|þ,cubic|,*keep|,#warm|,@store|,#edible|ʳ
+ V keep|,scope=new|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,safe|,desired|
+ N affairs|,#guarantee|֤,commercial|
+ ADV {comment|}
+մ N tool|þ,*protect|
+յ N document|,*guarantee|֤,commercial|
+շ N expenditure|,*guarantee|֤,commercial|
+չ˾ N InstitutePlace|,*guarantee|֤,commercial|
+չ N tool|þ,cubic|,@store|,#precious|
+պ N tool|þ,*protect|,#electricity|
+ս N wealth|Ǯ,$guarantee|֤,commercial|
+տͻ N human|,$guarantee|֤,commercial|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*guarantee|֤,commercial|
+˿ N tool|þ,*protect|,#electricity|
+ N tool|þ,#mating|,*exempt|,#pregnant|
+ҵ N affairs|,guarantee|֤
+ V MakeAppointment|Լ,content=repair|
+ V maintain|
+ V protect|
+ N affairs|,#TakeCare|,#young|,education|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeCare|,#young|,education|
+Ժ N InstitutePlace|,@TakeCare|,#young|,education|
+ V guarantee|֤
+ N attribute|,SoundQuality|,&tool|þ
+֤ V guarantee|֤
+֤ N wealth|Ǯ,*guarantee|֤,#police|
+֤ N human|,*guarantee|֤,#police|
+ֵ V keep|,patient=value|ֵ
+ V MakeAppointment|Լ,content=quality|
+ EXPR expression|,*SayHello|ʺ
+ V maintain|
+ס V keep|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ V guarantee|֤
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*protect|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|
+ N place|ط,village|
+ V BeFull|Ա
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,full|,desired|
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ V BeFull|Ա
+ V undergo|
+ V contain|
+ V StateChange|̬
+״̬ N attribute|,circumstances|,full|,&physical|
+ V undergo|
+˪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+ʵ N human|,*undergo|
+ǻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+ V look|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,full|,desired|
+ʳ V slack|͵
+ V undergo|
+ѧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ö N phenomena|,#StomachTrouble|֢
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|,desired|
+ N treasure|䱦
+ N human|,young|
+ N human|,friend|,*love|,desired|
+ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,young|
+ N treasure|䱦
+ N human|,young|
+ N thing|,$like|ϧ
+ N place|ط,@store|,#treasure|䱦
+ N weapon|,precious|
+ V BeGood|̬
+ N place|ط,@store|,#treasure|䱦
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|,desired|
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N weapon|,*stab|
+ N human|,#family|
+ N facilities|ʩ,@store|,#treasure|䱦
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,blue|
+ʯ N stone|ʯ,treasure|䱦
+ʯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,blue|
+ʯ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,commercial|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#religion|ڽ
+ N treasure|䱦
+ N furniture|Ҿ,#royal|,@sit|
+ V GiveBirth|
+ V HoldInArm|§
+ V cherish|Ļ
+ V foster|
+ V own|
+...Ĵ V please|ȡ
+ V ill|̬
+ƽ V unsatisfied|
+ȱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+һ V ally|
+ V slack|͵
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,desired|
+̬ V escape|,offend|
+ V repent|û
+ V repent|û
+ V repent|û
+ V repent|û
+ V repent|û
+ V regret|Ǹ
+Ǹ V regret|Ǹ
+ V unsatisfied|
+ͷ V weep|
+ͷ V flee|
+ͷʹ V weep|
+Ŷ V ally|
+ V foster|
+ V cherish|Ļ
+Թ V protest|
+ V understand|,content=crime|
+ V ill|̬
+ V announce|
+ N document|
+ N letter|ż
+ N publications|鿯
+ N publications|鿯,news|
+ V recompense|
+ V reply|
+ N result|
+ V revenge|
+ V tell|
+ V tell|,content=fact|,police|
+ N document|
+ V recompense|
+ N payment|
+ V revenge|
+ѩ V revenge|
+ V recompense|
+ N bill|Ʊ
+ V disseminate|
+ N news|
+ V tell|,content=arrive|
+ V disseminate|
+ N news|
+ N location|λ,%publications|鿯,news|
+ V recompense|,possession=grateful|м
+ V remove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,revenge|
+ V revenge|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,revenge|
+ V tell|
+ N text|
+ѧ N text|,literature|
+ V tell|,location=institution|,commercial|
+ص N document|,@record|¼,commercial|
+ N InstitutePlace|,news|
+ V endeavour|,beneficiary=country|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=ExpressAgreement|ʾͬ,#reside|ס
+ N tool|þ,*communicate|
+ N tool|þ,*fix|ס,#publications|鿯,#news|
+ N attribute|,price|۸,$propose|,&physical|,commercial|
+ V tell|,content=price|۸,commercial|
+ N tool|þ,@put|,#publications|鿯,#news|
+ V tell|,content=win|ʤ
+ V win|ʤ
+ N community|,#news|
+ V tell|,target=police|
+װ N tool|þ,*tell|,#dangerous|Σ
+ N readings|,news|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=exam|,education|
+ V record|¼,content=name|
+ N expenditure|,*record|¼,#name|
+Ļ V tell|,content=perform|,entertainment|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=ExpressAgreement|ʾͬ
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=ExpressAgreement|ʾͬ
+ N InstitutePlace|,news|
+ʧ V tell|,content=lose|ʧȥ,#police|
+ʱ V tell|,content=time|ʱ
+ EXPR expression|,*request|Ҫ,#tell|,#qValue|ֵ
+ V tell|,content=qValue|ֵ
+˰ V tell|,content=submit|
+˰ N bill|Ʊ
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=ExpressAgreement|ʾͬ
+̯ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,#publications|鿯,#news|,commercial|
+ͤ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,#publications|鿯,#news|,commercial|
+ͯ N human|,*sell|,#publications|鿯,#news|,young|,commercial|
+ͷ N part|,%publications|鿯,#news|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*communicate|
+ϲ V tell|,content=happy|
+ V recompense|
+ V remove|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=recompense|
+ V tell|,content=morning|
+Ч V endeavour|,purpose=recompense|
+Ч V endeavour|,purpose=recompense|,#country|
+ V tell|
+Ӧ N result|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ V publish|
+ N publications|鿯,news|
+־ N readings|,news|
+ V recompense|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=recompense|,commercial|
+ֽ N paper|ֽ
+ֽ N publications|鿯,news|
+ V FormChange|α,protruding|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,BadTemper|Ƣ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N disease|,urgent|
+ V BecomeLess|,manner=fast|,#price|۸,commercial|
+ N uprise|
+ V happen|
+ V prosper|,StateFin=rich|,manner=sudden|
+ N human|,*prosper|,rich|,sudden|,undesired|ݬ
+ N wind|,#WeatherBad|
+ѩ N RainSnow|ѩ,#WeatherBad|
+ N RainSnow|ѩ,#WeatherBad|
+ N wind|,#WeatherBad|
+ V prosper|,StateFin=rich|,manner=sudden|
+ V exposure|¶
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,#water|ˮ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,fierce|,*MakeBad|Ӻ,undesired|ݬ
+ N payment|,$earn|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,strength|,fierce|,undesired|ݬ,&organization|֯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+¶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,^safe|
+¶ V reveal|¶
+¶ V exposure|¶,manner=all|ȫ
+ N uprise|
+ N human|,fierce|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ŭ N emotion|,angry|,undesired|ݬ
+Ű ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ V ExpressAnger|ʾŭ
+ V ExpressAnger|ʾŭ
+ͽ N human|,*MakeBad|Ӻ,fierce|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ N fact|,MakeBad|Ӻ,fierce|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ʳ V consume|ȡ,manner=many|
+ N RainSnow|ѩ,#WeatherBad|
+ N RainSnow|ѩ,#WeatherBad|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,BadTemper|Ƣ,undesired|ݬ
+ V BecomeMore|,manner=fast|,#price|۸,commercial|
+ V rise|,manner=sudden|
+ N system|ƶ,politics|,fierce|,*MakeBad|Ӻ,undesired|ݬ
+ V die|,manner=sudden|
+ V lavish|˷
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N beast|
+è N beast|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+֮ N InstitutePlace|,stinky|,@sell|,#fish|,commercial|
+ V FormChange|α
+ V cook|
+ V cook|
+ V appear|
+ V appear|,experiencer=win|ʤ,manner=sudden|,time=compete|
+ V happen|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&physical|
+ V appear|,experiencer=win|ʤ,manner=sudden|,time=compete|
+ V appear|,experiencer=win|ʤ,manner=sudden|,time=compete|
+ V FormChange|α
+ V become|Ϊ,descriptive=full|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ V attack|
+Ͳ N weapon|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ը V FormChange|α
+ը V attack|
+ը N tool|þ,*attack|
+ը ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ N tool|þ,*WhileAway|,*congratulate|ף
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|
+ N tool|þ,#compete|,*reward|,desired|,sport|,entertainment|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#drinks|Ʒ
+Ӱ V doubt|
+ǽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,disorder|,#eat|,undesired|ݬ
+ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+ˮн ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|,undesired|ݬ
+ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#drinks|Ʒ
+ N tool|þ,*carve|,*salute|¾
+ N text|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N text|
+ N text|
+ͤ N facilities|ʩ
+ N text|
+־ N text|
+ N tool|þ,*carve|,*salute|¾
+ V sorrowful|
+ V sorrowful|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ N emotion|,sorrowful|
+ V condole|°
+ N emotion|,sorrowful|
+߽ N sorrowful|,angry|
+ N sorrowful|,angry|
+ V sing|,manner=sorrowful|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,pessimistic|,undesired|ݬ
+۵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,pessimistic|,undesired|ݬ
+ʧ V disappointed|ʧ
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,pessimistic|,&human|,organization|֯
+ N human|,pessimistic|
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,lucky|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ N fact|,unfortunate|,#sorrowful|
+ N shows|,#sorrowful|,entertainment|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+Ե ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ V happen|,experiencer=unfortunate|,manner=again|
+ V aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ V cry|,manner=sorrowful|
+ V sorrowful|
+ V sorrowful|
+̾ V sigh|̾,manner=sorrowful|
+̾ N human|,*sorrowful|
+ V pity|
+ʹ V sorrowful|
+ʹ V sorrowful|
+ϲ V excited|
+ϲ N shows|
+׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,stately|ׯ
+ V sorrowful|
+ V sorrowful|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ V surrender|,undesired|ݬ
+ϥ V surrender|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,timid|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ N direction|,north|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(UK|Ӣ)
+ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|,north|
+ N part|,%earth|,north|
+ N location|λ,north|
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר
+ N location|λ,north|
+ N part|,%place|ط,#north|,#country|
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ N celestial|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,north|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|,ProperName|ר
+Լ֯ N institution|,politics|,military|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N celestial|
+ N celestial|
+ N location|λ,ending|ĩ,north|
+ N fact|,*attack|,military|,past|
+ N army|,military|,past|
+ս N fact|,*attack|,military|,past|
+ N direction|,north|
+ N part|,%place|ط,#north|,#country|
+ N human|,north|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,north|,(Africa|)
+ N wind|,#WeatherBad|
+ N part|,%place|ط,#north|,#country|
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+ N part|,%earth|,north|
+ N part|,%earth|,north|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%earth|,north|,edge|
+Ȧ N part|,%earth|,north|,ProperName|ר
+ N celestial|
+ N beast|
+ N part|,%country|,north|
+ N part|,%place|ط,surrounding|Χ,#city|,north|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ʱ N attribute|,standard|,&time|ʱ,(China|й)
+Գ N human|,past|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+´ N part|,%land|½,base|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,north|,(America|)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,north|,(America|)
+ N location|λ,north|
+ŷ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,north|,(Europe|ŷ)
+ƽ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ V SelfMoveInDirection|,direction=north|
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+γ N attribute|,distance|,&earth|,north|
+κ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+´ N part|,%earth|,north|
+ N army|,military|,past|
+ N institution|,#place|ط,politics|,past|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Լ N institution|,politics|,military|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N attribute|,clan|,&human|
+ N human|,mass|
+ V appear|,manner=many|
+ N attribute|,clan|,&human|
+ N time|ʱ,TimeLong|,#alive|
+ V CarryOnBack|
+ V HideTruth|
+ V PartSelfMove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ V bear|е
+ V disable|м,scope=listen|
+ V disobey|Υ
+ V facing|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|,hind|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,body|,hind|
+ V recite|ж
+ V unfortunate|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,military|
+ V sad|dz
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|,hind|
+ǽһ V fight|,manner=lasting|,military|
+ N fittings|,%clothing|,*fasten|˩
+ N fittings|,%tool|þ,*fasten|˩
+ N fittings|,%weapon|,*fasten|˩
+ V FitNot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|
+紦 N location|λ,#direction|
+ V CarryOnBack|
+ V bear|е
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ڹ V suffer|,IllTreat|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+ N location|λ,hind|
+ N part|,%human|,body|
+ V leave|뿪,LocationIni=family|
+ N attribute|,scene|,&physical|,&event|¼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+ V lean|п
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,sequence|
+ V disobey|Υ
+¨ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N part|,%physical|,edge|,hind|
+ V betray|
+ N human|,*betray|
+ V CarryOnBack|
+ V betray|
+ V recite|ж,content=knowledge|֪ʶ,education|
+ˮһս V fight|,manner=strong|ǿ,military|
+ V recite|ж
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+ V betray|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+Ӱ N trace|,#lights|
+Լ V disobey|Υ,content=MakeAppointment|Լ
+ V unfortunate|
+ծ V owe|Ƿ,possession=wealth|Ǯ
+ N part|,%animal|,tail|β
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N fish|
+ N image|ͼ,$carve|
+ N human|,ProperName|ר,#music|,(Germany|¹)
+ N human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Yugoslavia|˹)
+ N part|,%fish|,skin|Ƥ
+ N fish|
+³ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Lebanon|)
+ĸ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Benin|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ N chemical|ѧ,metal|
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,double|
+ N quantity|,amount|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ V cherish|Ļ,degree=extreme|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ V undergo|
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ N part|,%inanimate|
+ N lights|
+ V BecomeMore|
+ N tool|þ,*add|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ V own|
+ V prepare|
+ V prepare|,purpose=handle|
+ V record|¼
+ V SetAside|,purpose=check|
+ V suffer|,content=hardship|,manner=extreme|
+ V SetAside|
+ V produce|
+ V prepare|,content=planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ V prepare|,purpose=handle|,#phenomena|,#unfortunate|,#weather|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹
+ V SetAside|,purpose=check|
+ V prepare|,content=teach|,education|
+ V prepare|,content=food|ʳƷ,#animal|
+ V prepare|,content=material|
+Ʒ N part|,%artifact|˹
+ V prepare|
+ȡ V wait|ȴ,content=include|
+ V undergo|
+ N document|,*help|,#remember|ǵ
+¼ N document|,*help|,#remember|ǵ
+ V prepare|
+ѡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$SetAside|,replace|
+ѡ N method|,$SetAside|,*replace|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$SetAside|,replace|
+ V own|
+ս V prepare|,purpose=handle|,#fight|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ע N part|,%text|
+ע N part|,%readings|
+ V prepare|,quantity=sufficient|
+ V tired|ƣ
+ V dry|
+ V dry|
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,#sleep|˯
+ STRU {LeChinese|}
+ PREP {agent}
+Ů N human|,$protect|,female|Ů
+ N human|,$protect|
+֤ N human|,$guarantee|֤
+ V suffer|,content=catch|ס
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,#sleep|˯
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,#sleep|˯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,passive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+ʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,passive|
+ N fact|,*addict|Ⱥ,passive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,passive|
+ V suffer|,content=catch|ס,military|
+ N tool|þ
+ N human|,$accuse|ظ,police|
+淽 N human|,$accuse|ظ,police|
+ N human|,$accuse|ظ,police|
+ϯ N location|λ,@sit|,#accuse|ظ,police|
+ N human|,#police|,$kill|ɱ,$MakeBad|Ӻ,undesired|ݬ
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+Ӽ N human|,$meet|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#sleep|˯,skin|Ƥ
+¼ȡ N human|,$include|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#sleep|˯,skin|Ƥ
+ ADJ suffer|,content=force|ǿ
+ N human|,$remove|
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,#sleep|˯
+ N human|,$accuse|ظ,police|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#sleep|˯,skin|Ƥ
+ N human|,$remove|
+ N human|,$RegardAs|
+Ƽ N human|,$recommend|Ƽ
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,#sleep|˯
+Ѷ N location|λ,#tool|þ,#sleep|˯
+ϡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,concentration|Ũ,watery|ϡ
+ѡȨ N rights|Ȩ,$select|ѡ
+ѡȨ N rights|Ȩ,$select|ѡ,politics|
+ N human|,$invite|
+ N human|,$abandon|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#sleep|˯,skin|Ƥ
+ָ N human|,$RegardAs|
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,#sleep|˯
+ֲ N plant|ֲ
+ V LeaveFor|ǰ,manner=fast|
+ V approach|ӽ
+ V flee|
+ V run|,manner=fast|
+ V endeavour|
+ V run|,manner=fast|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,free|,desired|
+ V LeaveFor|ǰ,manner=fast|
+ V flow|,manner=fast|
+ N water|ˮ
+ N livestock|,*run|,fast|
+æ V endeavour|
+ V endeavour|
+ V run|
+ɥ V LeaveFor|ǰ,purpose=condole|°
+ V flee|
+ V GoForward|ǰ
+ V run|
+ͷ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&fact|
+Ϯ V attack|,military|
+ V GoForward|ǰ
+к V flow|
+ӿ V flow|,manner=fast|
+ V endeavour|
+ V run|
+ߺ V run|,request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=help|
+ V run|,tell|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ϩ N chemical|ѧ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&publications|鿯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,self|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+ N account|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&readings|
+ N fund|ʽ
+ V obey|ѭ
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+ N part|,%thing|,base|
+ N publications|鿯
+ N fact|,special|
+ N readings|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%institution|,*manage|
+ N publications|鿯,#medicine|ҩ
+ݸĿ N publications|鿯,#medicine|ҩ
+ N attribute|,distance|,&earth|
+ N place|ط,village|,special|
+ N place|ط
+ػ V ize|̬
+ N human|,original|ԭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+֦ V prosper|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ N human|,family|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ N fund|ʽ
+ N attribute|,status|,education|,&human|
+ N fact|,study|ѧ,necessary|Ҫ,education|
+ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+Ŀ N attribute|,trueness|α,true|,&thing|
+ N fund|ʽ
+ N fund|ʽ,payment|,commercial|
+ N attribute|,ability|,&animate|
+ N attribute|,name|,true|,&human|
+ĩ N part|,%event|¼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,&behavior|ֹ,original|ԭ
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,original|ԭ,&animate|
+Ʊ N bill|Ʊ,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+Ǯ N fund|ʽ
+ PRON {firstPerson|}
+ɫ N attribute|,color|ɫ,original|ԭ,&physical|
+ɫ N attribute|,trueness|α,true|,&thing|
+ PRON {self|}
+ N tool|þ,*lighting|ȼ
+ N attribute|,ability|,&animate|
+ N part|,%physical|
+ N physical|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N place|ط,#country|
+λ N attribute|,standard|,&money|
+λ N money|
+λ N money|
+λ N thinking|˼,undesired|ݬ
+ N text|
+Ϣ N fund|ʽ
+Ϫ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,village|,special|
+ N attribute|,occupation|ְλ,&human|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,original|ԭ,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N aspiration|Ը,original|ԭ
+ N information|Ϣ,#language|
+Ӱ N trace|,#lights|
+Դ N part|,%thing|,base|
+ְ N affairs|,#duty|,#occupation|ְλ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+ PREP {AccordingTo}
+ N account|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&readings|
+ N language|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,inconvenient|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+ȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ N human|,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,inconvenient|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+ V FormChange|α
+ V die|,royal|
+ V end|ս
+ V kill|ɱ,manner=firing|
+ V end|ս
+ V FormChange|α
+© V bleed|Ѫ
+ V FormChange|α
+ V FormChange|α,dented|
+ V FormChange|α
+ V ShowBadEmotion|ʾ
+ V cheat|ƭ
+ V endeavour|
+ V fasten|˩
+ V jump|
+ V straighten|ֱ
+ N tool|þ,*cure|ҽ,*wrap|,medical|ҽ
+ N part|,%implement|
+ V straighten|ֱ
+ V ShowBadEmotion|ʾ
+ V ShowBadEmotion|ʾ
+ N tool|þ,*straighten|ֱ
+ AUX {neg|}
+ N tool|þ,*inhale|,#liquid|Һ,#gas|
+վ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#liquid|Һ
+ V jump|
+ı V jump|
+Ĵ V jump|
+ V jet|
+ŷ V jet|
+ V FormChange|α
+ V firing|
+ V approach|ӽ
+ V force|ǿ
+ V rob|
+ƹ V force|ǿ,ResultEvent=admit|,police|
+ƺ V force|ǿ,ResultEvent=reconcile|
+ƽ V approach|ӽ
+ V force|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ V look|,manner=attentive|ϸ
+ V kill|ɱ
+Ф V BeSimilar|
+խ ADJ aValue|ֵ,width|,narrow|խ
+ծ V force|ǿ,ResultEvent=return|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,width|,narrow|խ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*smell|
+dzѪ V bleed|Ѫ
+Ƕ N part|,%implement|
+Ƕ N sound|
+Ǽ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#smell|
+ǾҲ N disease|
+ǿ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#smell|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#smell|
+ǻ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+ V wounded|
+ N fact|,feed|ι,#cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,waste|,liquid|Һ
+Ϣ N gas|,#respire|
+ʰ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ N addictive|Ⱥ
+̺ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,addictive|Ⱥ
+ N disease|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#smell|
+ N sound|
+ N sound|,#language|
+и N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#smell|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*smell|
+ N human|,past|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#smell|
+ V BeNear|
+ V CompareTo|
+ V compare|Ƚ
+ V compete|
+ V imitate|ģ
+ V show|,instrument=hand|
+ȱ V compete|
+ȱȽ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ȶ N money|,(Ethiopia|)
+ȷ N expression|,*CompareTo|
+ȷ N quantity|,amount|,&result|,#compete|,sport|
+ȹ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ȹ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Yugoslavia|˹)
+Ȼ V show|,instrument=hand|
+Ȼ V show|
+Ȼ N clothing|,*exercise|,#swim|
+ȼ N quantity|,rate|,&price|۸,commercial|
+Ƚ V compare|Ƚ
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(South Africa|Ϸ)
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Belgium|ʱ)
+ʱ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ʱ N money|,(Belgium|ʱ)
+ʱ N human|,(Belgium|ʱ)
+ N quantity|,rate|,&entity|ʵ
+ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ V measure|
+ N quantity|,rate|,&entity|ʵ
+Ŀ N fish|
+ V compare|Ƚ
+ V equal|
+ ... PREP {contrast}
+ ADV {supplement|ݽ}
+˵ ADV {supplement|ݽ}
+ N money|,(Spain|)
+ N fact|,compete|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@compete|,sport|
+Ŀ N fact|,compete|
+ N human|,*compete|,sport|
+ɫ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Guinea-Bissau|DZ)
+ V compete|
+ V measure|
+˹ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N money|,(Chile|)
+ N money|,(Colombia|ױ)
+ N money|,(Cuba|Ű)
+ N money|,(Dominica|)
+ N money|,(Guinea-Bissau|DZ)
+ N money|,(Mexico|ī)
+ N money|,(Philippines|ɱ)
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&quantity|
+ V compete|
+ N human|,male|,female|Ů,mass|,*love|
+ V fly|,manner=together|ͬ
+˫ V fly|,manner=together|ͬ
+ V CompareTo|
+ N expression|,*CompareTo|
+ V compare|Ƚ
+ PREP {AccordingTo}
+ֵ N quantity|,rate|,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,strength|,&physical|
+ N quantity|,rate|,&entity|ʵ
+ؼ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ V despise|
+ɱ V despise|
+ɼ N thought|ͷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,miser|,undesired|ݬ
+ª ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,NotProfound|dz,undesired|ݬ
+ V despise|
+ PRON {firstPerson|}
+ V despise|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ V despise|
+ N thought|ͷ
+ٵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&fund|ʽ
+ N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+ N method|,*write|д
+ N part|,%character|,#write|д
+ʴ N attribute|,style|,&compile|༭,literature|
+ʴ V reply|,means=write|д
+ʵ N attribute|,ability|,#compile|༭,&human|
+ʵ N attribute|,style|,&compile|༭,literature|
+ʷ N method|,*write|д,*draw|
+ʷ N attribute|,style|,&compile|༭,literature|
+ʸ N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+ʸ N part|,%PenInk|ī,#write|д,body|
+ʸ N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+ʸ N human|,*compile|༭,literature|
+ʹ N part|,%PenInk|ī,#write|д,body|
+ʻ N part|,%character|,#write|д
+ʻ N part|,%character|,#write|д
+ʼ N trace|,#write|д,#distinguish|ֱ
+ʼ V record|¼
+ʼ N text|
+ʼDZ N account|
+ʼDz N account|
+ʼС˵ N text|
+ʼ N tool|þ,@put|,#PenInk|ī
+ʼ N part|,%PenInk|ī,#write|д,head|ͷ
+¼ V record|¼
+¼ N text|
+ñ N part|,%PenInk|ī,#write|д,#head|ͷ
+ N attribute|,name|,&human|,literature|
+ī N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+ī˾ N fact|,debate|
+ N fact|,exam|,means=write|д
+˳ N attribute|,sequence|,#write|д,&character|
+ V calculate|,means=write|д
+̸ V speak|˵,means=write|д
+ N part|,%PenInk|ī,#write|д,#head|ͷ
+ N tool|þ,#PenInk|ī,*cover|ڸ
+ͦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,level|ƽ
+ͦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,upright|
+Ͳ N tool|þ,@put|,#PenInk|ī
+ N result|,err|,#write|д
+ N text|
+ N part|,%PenInk|ī,heart|
+ V translate|,means=#write|д
+ N human|,friend|,#letter|ż
+ս N fact|,debate|
+ N human|,compile|༭
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,straight|ֱ
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,upright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+˰ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+˴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,EachOther|
+˴˱˴ EXPR expression|,*appreciate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,blue|
+̲ N water|ˮ,blue|
+̲ N waters|ˮ,wide|,blue|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,blue|,NotLight|Ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|,NotLight|Ũ
+ݴ N drinks|Ʒ
+Ѫ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,&human|
+Ѫ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,&human|
+ N treasure|䱦
+ N crop|ׯ,?material|
+ N material|,#crop|ׯ,?medicine|ҩ,liquid|Һ
+ N part|,%crop|ׯ,embryo|,?material|,#medicine|ҩ
+ V cover|ڸ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V finish|
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ϹϾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+Ͼ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+书һ V fulfil|ʵ,patient=affairs|
+ N time|ʱ,TimeLong|,#alive|
+ҵ V finish|,scope=study|ѧ,education|
+ҵ N part|,%organization|֯,#finish|,education|
+ҵ N fact|,congratulate|ף,#finish|,education|
+ҵ N text|,#finish|,education|
+ҵ N human|,*finish|,education|
+ҵ֤ N document|,*prove|֤,#finish|,education|
+ V die|
+ V kill|ɱ,means=firing|
+ V die|
+ V MakeBad|Ӻ
+ N money|,commercial|
+ֵ N attribute|,value|ֵ,&money|,commercial|
+ N system|ƶ,#money|,commercial|
+ V protect|
+ӻ V protect|
+ӻȨ N rights|Ȩ,*protect|,politics|
+ӻ N InstitutePlace|,*protect|
+ V protect|
+ V SayHello|ʺ
+ N paralyse|̱
+ V BlockUp|
+ V TurnOff|ֹ
+ V shut|ر
+չ V cease|ͣ,content=associate|,politics|
+չ N regulation|,#cease|ͣ,#associate|,politics|
+չ V cease|ͣ,content=associate|,politics|
+պ V shut|ر
+պԹ N disease|
+ջ V cease|ͣ,content=fact|,#communicate|
+վ N phenomena|,#female|Ů,#finish|,medical|ҽ
+տڲ̸ V KeepSilence|˵
+տ V KeepSilence|˵
+· N shows|
+Ÿ N fact|,shut|ر
+˼ V LookBack|,content=err|
+쳵 V RashlyAct|
+Ļ V finish|
+Ļ N text|,#finish|
+Ļ N fact|,#finish|
+Ļʽ N fact|,#finish|
+Ŀ V ignorant|֪
+֢ N disease|
+ V BlockUp|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+۾ȸ V RashlyAct|
+ N disease|
+ N fact|,RelateNot|
+ N part|,%language|
+Ԫ N sound|,#language|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ,undesired|ݬ
+ǧ V like|ϧ,target=useless|
+ V like|ϧ,target=useless|
+ N artifact|˹,waste|
+ N attribute|,ProsCons|,cons|,undesired|ݬ,&entity|ʵ
+ N phenomena|,bad|
+ײ N attribute|,ProsCons|,cons|,undesired|ݬ,&entity|ʵ
+ײ N phenomena|,bad|
+ N phenomena|,bad|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,possibility|,possible|
+ ADV {comment|}
+ ADV {modality|}
+ر ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,necessary|Ҫ
+ز ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,necessary|Ҫ
+ض ADV {modality|}
+ؽ ADV {comment|}
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,possible|,desired|
+Ȼ N regulation|,#possibility|,#possible|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,possible|
+Ȼ N attribute|,possibility|,possible|,&event|¼
+ N fact|,study|ѧ,necessary|Ҫ,education|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,necessary|Ҫ
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,$need|,necessary|Ҫ,generic|ͳ
+ AUX {modality|}
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,necessary|Ҫ
+Ҫǰ N attribute|,standard|,&entity|ʵ
+Ҫ N attribute|,standard|,&entity|ʵ
+Ҫ N attribute|,necessity|Ҫ,necessary|Ҫ,&entity|ʵ
+֮· N process|,necessity|Ҫ
+֮ N place|ط,important|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,accurate|,desired|
+ V create|
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ V refute|
+ҥ V refute|,content=deceive|ƭ
+ N facilities|ʩ,*obstruct|ֹ,military|
+ N part|,%building|,skin|Ƥ
+ N part|,%land|½,skin|Ƥ
+ N shape|,skin|Ƥ
+ڱ N readings|,news|
+ڳ N furniture|Ҿ,cubic|,@put|
+ڵ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+ڹ N tool|þ,$hang|,*decorate|װ,#room|
+ڹ N furniture|Ҿ,cubic|,@put|
+ڻ N beast|
+ڻ N image|ͼ
+ N facilities|ʩ,*obstruct|ֹ
+ݷ V BeOpposite|
+ɭ V aValue|ֵ,property|,$defend|,strong|ǿ
+ V stand|վ
+¯ N tool|þ,*WarmUp|,#room|
+¯̨ N part|,%tool|þ,#WarmUp|,#room|
+ N fact|,sport|
+ʭ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+̺ N tool|þ,$hang|,*decorate|װ,#room|
+ֽ N material|,*decorate|װ,#room|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,arm|
+ N part|,%implement|,arm|
+۰ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,arm|
+ N tool|þ,*mark|־,#arm|
+ V help|
+ V escape|
+ V evade|ر
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ܷ V escape|,cause=unfortunate|
+ܷ V escape|,cause=wind|
+ܷ N place|ط,safe|
+ܷͷ V escape|,cause=unfortunate|
+ܹ V escape|,cause=lights|
+ܻ V evade|ر
+ܿ V escape|
+ܿ V evade|ر
+ܿ侮 V unfortunate|
+ N tool|þ,#thunder|
+ N tool|þ,#thunder|
+ V escape|
+ V escape|,cause=unfortunate|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@escape|,#unfortunate|
+ V escape|
+˶Ŀ V escape|,cause=$know|֪
+ʵ V escape|,cause=cons|
+ V escape|,cause=hot|
+˰ V evade|ر,content=pay|,#expenditure|,commercial|
+ V escape|,cause=$doubt|
+ V escape|,cause=dangerous|Σ
+ V escape|,cause=RainSnow|ѩ
+ V obstruct|ֹ,ResultEvent=pregnant|,#mating|
+дʩ N method|,#mating|,*obstruct|ֹ,#pregnant|
+й N tool|þ,#mating|,*obstruct|ֹ,#pregnant|
+л N medicine|ҩ,#mating|,*obstruct|ֹ,#pregnant|
+ N tool|þ,#mating|,*obstruct|ֹ,#pregnant|
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ,#mating|,*obstruct|ֹ,#pregnant|
+Ʒ N tool|þ,#mating|,*obstruct|ֹ,#pregnant|
+ؾ V evade|ر,content=express|ʾ,#important|,means=express|ʾ,#secondary|
+ N part|,%building|,nerve|
+ N human|,royal|
+ V beat|
+ N shape|
+ N tool|þ,*WhileAway|,*congratulate|ף
+ N tool|þ,*beat|
+ N weapon|,past|
+ޱٽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,accurate|,desired|
+ޱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,accurate|,desired|
+ V urge|ʹ
+Ī V BeUnable|
+ V beat|
+ N tool|þ,*WhileAway|,*congratulate|ף
+̢ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ N tool|þ,*beat|
+ V beat|
+ N attribute|,boundary|,&entity|ʵ
+ ADJ character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N organization|֯
+ N part|,%country|,edge|
+ N part|,%image|ͼ,edge|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,edge|
+߰ N facilities|ʩ,#country|,edge|,route|·
+߳ N place|ط,#country|,edge|
+ߵ N place|ط,#country|,edge|
+߷ N fact|,defend|,#country|,edge|,military|
+߷ N army|,*defend|,#country|,edge|,military|
+߷ N fact|,check|,#country|,edge|,military|
+߷վ N facilities|ʩ,*check|,#country|,edge|,military|
+߷ N army|,*defend|,#country|,edge|,military|
+߷ N facilities|ʩ,*defend|,#country|,edge|,military|
+߷սʿ N human|,*defend|,#country|,edge|,military|
+߷վ N facilities|ʩ,*check|,#country|,edge|,military|
+߷ N human|,*exercise|,(football|)
+߹ N facilities|ʩ,#country|,edge|,route|·
+ N attribute|,boundary|,&entity|ʵ
+ N fact|,check|,#country|,edge|,military|
+߽ N part|,%country|,edge|
+߽ N material|
+߽ N part|,%country|,edge|
+̸߽ N fact|,discuss|,#country|,edge|,politics|
+߽ N part|,%country|,edge|
+߽ N fact|,quarrel|,#country|,edge|
+߾ N part|,%country|,edge|
+߾ͻ N fact|,fight|,#country|,#edge|
+߾ó N fact|,commercial|,#country|,#edge|
+߿ N facilities|ʩ,*check|,#country|,edge|,military|
+߿ N part|,%artifact|˹,edge|
+ó N fact|,commercial|,#country|,#edge|
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|,edge|
+ N human|,*reside|ס,#country|,edge|
+ N place|ط,#country|,edge|
+ N facilities|ʩ,military|,*defend|
+ N location|λ,%facilities|ʩ,linear|,edge|,sport|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,%space|ռ,edge|
+ N sound|,#language|
+Ե N part|,%inanimate|,%space|ռ,edge|
+Եѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+կ N place|ط,#country|,edge|
+ N part|,%country|,edge|
+ V PutInOrder|
+ V compile|༭
+ V establish|
+ V forge|α
+ V weave|
+ V establish|
+ V weave|
+ V compile|༭,ContentProduct=software|,#computer|
+ N attribute|,sequence|,&entity|ʵ
+ർ V compile|༭,guide|,entertainment|
+ർ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*compile|༭,#shows|,entertainment|
+ V establish|,PatientProduct=organization|֯
+ V announce|,#news|
+ V PutInOrder|,scope=number|
+ N attribute|,number|,&physical|
+༭ V compile|༭
+༭ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*compile|༭,#readings|,literature|
+༭ N part|,%institution|,*compile|༭,#readings|,literature|
+༭ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*gather|ɼ,*compile|༭,#news|
+༭Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*compile|༭,#readings|,literature|
+༭ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,*compile|༭,#news|
+ V compile|༭,PatientProduct=shows|,entertainment|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*compile|༭,#shows|,entertainment|
+ V compile|༭
+Ŀ V classify|
+Ŀ N part|,%readings|,content|
+ʷ N readings|
+ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&text|
+ V PutInOrder|
+Dz V establish|,military|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*compile|༭,#readings|,literature|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ί N human|,#occupation|ְλ,#institution|,*compile|༭,#readings|,literature|
+ί N part|,%institution|,*compile|༭,#readings|,literature|
+д V compile|༭
+д N human|,*compile|༭
+ѡ V compile|༭
+ V compile|༭,translate|
+ӡ V print|ӡˢ
+ V compile|༭
+ V forge|α
+ N human|,*compile|༭,#readings|,literature|
+߰ N text|,#readings|
+֯ V weave|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&organization|֯
+Ա N attribute|,strength|,&organization|֯
+ N MusicTool|
+ V compile|༭
+ V compile|༭
+ V establish|,PatientProduct=organization|֯
+ V compile|༭
+ V BecomeLess|
+ V PlayDown|
+ V dismiss|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V dismiss|
+ V PlayDown|
+ N human|,*PlayDown|
+ V PlayDown|
+ V PlayDown|
+ V PlayDown|
+ N information|Ϣ,*PlayDown|
+ N expression|,*PlayDown|
+ְ V dismiss|,ResultIsa=occupation|ְλ
+ֵ V BecomeLess|,scope=value|ֵ
+ V dismiss|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,flat|
+ⳤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,length|,long|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ⵣ N tool|þ,*CarryOnBack|
+ⶹ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ⶹ N vegetable|߲
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,flat|
+ƽ N disease|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N tree|,#fruit|ˮ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+ N disease|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+ٷʴ N disease|
+ N disease|
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,round|Բ
+ N ship|
+ N tool|þ,*rub|Ħ
+ N InsectWorm|
+ CONJ EventResult|¼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,informal|ʽ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,convenient|
+ V excrete|й
+ N natural|Ȼ,#AnimalHuman|,$excrete|й,waste|
+ CONJ {concession|ò}
+ N food|ʳƷ
+㳵 N LandVehicle|
+ N facilities|ʩ,cubic|,*excrete|й
+㵱 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+㵱 N food|ʳƷ
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·,@walk|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·,near|
+㷹 N food|ʳƷ
+ N clothing|,generic|ͳ
+㺯 N letter|ż
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,*excrete|й
+ N paper|ֽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,nimble|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+ V benefit|
+· N facilities|ʩ,route|·,near|
+ñ N clothing|,#head|ͷ
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,*excrete|й
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·,#waters|ˮ
+ʿ CLAS unit|λ,&money|,(UK|Ӣ)
+ N text|
+Ͱ N tool|þ,cubic|,*excrete|й
+Ь N clothing|,#foot|
+Яʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+Ѫ V bleed|Ѫ,#excrete|й
+ N fact|,entertain|д,eat|
+ N clothing|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*scout|,police|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,price|۸,cheap|,desired|
+ V benefit|
+ V do|,manner=flexible|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+ڹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$manage|
+װ N clothing|,generic|ͳ
+ N fact|,entertain|д,eat|
+ V alter|ı
+ V become|Ϊ
+ V change|
+ N fact|,change|
+Ϸ V perform|,content=shows|,entertainment|
+䱾 V surpass|ǿ
+ V become|Ϊ
+䵰 N food|ʳƷ
+ N facilities|ʩ,#electricity|
+վ N facilities|ʩ,#electricity|
+ V alter|ı,patient=SoundQuality|
+䶯 V QuantityChange|,commercial|
+䶯 V alter|ı
+䶯 V change|
+䷨ V improve|,politics|
+䷨ V try|,patient=method|
+䷨ά N fact|,improve|,politics|
+ V alter|ı
+ V alter|ı
+ N fact|,change|
+仯 V change|
+仯 ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,change|,often|
+仯 ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,change|,often|
+仯 ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,change|,often|
+任 V replace|
+任 N part|,%implement|
+ V change|
+Ī ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,change|,often|
+Ī N aValue|ֵ,property|,change|,often|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,change|,often|
+伶 V AlterGrade|伶
+佹ͷ N part|,%tool|þ,#TakePicture|,heart|
+佹ྵͷ N part|,%tool|þ,#TakePicture|,heart|
+ V betray|,politics|
+ڷ N human|,*betray|,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ,politics|
+Ϊ N fact|,betray|,undesired|ݬ,politics|
+ռλ V AlterLocation|ռλ
+ V ExpressAnger|ʾŭ
+ N attribute|,property|,&entity|ʵ
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ V AlterMeasurement|
+ V AlterPossession|
+ N fact|,uprise|,undesired|ݬ
+ V sell|
+ħ V perform|,content=shows|,entertainment|
+Ƶ V alter|ı,patient=frequency|Ƶ
+Ƶ N implement|,*alter|ı,#frequency|Ƶ
+Ƶ N implement|,*alter|ı,#frequency|Ƶ
+Ǩ N fact|,#change|
+ɫ V AlterColor|ɫ
+ɫ V angry|
+ɫ N tool|þ,*protect|,#eye|,*AppearanceChange|۱,#color|ɫ
+ɫ N beast|
+ɫ N human|,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƿ V AlterIsa|Ƿ
+ V AlterAttribute|
+ N attribute|,property|,&entity|ʵ
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ V alter|ı,patient=speed|ٶ
+ N part|,%machine|,*alter|ı,#speed|ٶ
+̬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|,undesired|ݬ
+̬Ӧ N disease|
+̬ N mental|,disease|
+ V AlterProperty|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,politics|,undesired|ݬ
+ V WeatherChange|
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|
+ͨ ADJ obey|ѭ
+Ϊ V become|Ϊ
+¶ N AnimalHuman|,generic|ͳ
+Ϸ V perform|,content=shows|,entertainment|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hidden|
+ V disloyal|
+ V FormChange|α
+γ N bacteria|
+γ N disease|
+״ V AlterForm|״
+ V AlterAttribute|
+̬ V ize|̬
+ѹ N tool|þ,alter|ı,#electricity|
+ V FormChange|α
+ N fact|,change|
+ V OutOfOrder|
+ N stone|ʯ,?material|
+ N entity|ʵ
+ŷ V try|,patient=method|
+ N fact|,change|,#music|,entertainment|
+ N music|,entertainment|
+ V disobey|Υ,content=MakeAppointment|Լ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V distinguish|ֱ
+ V distinguish|ֱ
+ N attribute|,ability|,#distinguish|ֱ,&human|
+ V distinguish|ֱ
+ V distinguish|ֱ
+ V distinguish|ֱ
+ʶ V distinguish|ֱ
+ V distinguish|ֱ
+֤ V prove|֤
+֤ N fact|,cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ V debate|
+ V refute|
+粵 V refute|
+ N attribute|,ability|,#debate|,&human|
+ V debate|
+ N text|,*debate|
+ N text|,*debate|
+绤 V refute|
+绤 V refute|,police|
+绤 N human|,*refute|,#police|
+绤ʿ N human|,*refute|,#police|
+ V refute|
+ N human|,*debate|
+ V debate|
+ N fact|,debate|
+ۻ N fact|,debate|
+ V debate|
+ʿ N human|,*debate|
+֤ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+֤ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+֤Ψ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ V weave|
+ V weave|
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ N reason|,*ExpressAgainst|Ǵ,undesired|ݬ
+ CLAS ActUnit|,&event|¼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+鲼 V exist|,manner=all|ȫ
+ ADJ location|λ,all|ȫ
+ؿ V appear|
+ؿ V pregnant|
+鼰 V exist|,manner=all|ȫ
+ ADJ location|λ,all|ȫ
+ V wounded|
+ ADJ location|λ,all|ȫ
+Ұ ADJ location|λ,all|ȫ
+ N attribute|,price|۸,&bear|е,industrial|
+ V express|ʾ
+ N mark|־
+ N phenomena|,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ V propose|,commercial|
+ N tool|þ,*reward|,desired|
+ V ShowOff|ҫ
+ V disseminate|
+걾 N entity|ʵ,example|ʵ
+ N human|,$study|ѧ,$imitate|ģ,desired|
+ N human|,military|
+ N part|,%weapon|,*measure|,#mark|־
+ N tool|þ,*measure|,#mark|־
+ V express|ʾ
+ N attribute|,price|۸,$propose|,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ N facilities|ʩ,*illuminate|,#vehicle|ͨ,#AlterLocation|ռλ
+ N lights|,#vehicle|ͨ,#AlterLocation|ռλ
+ N attribute|,price|۸,$propose|,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ N symbol|,#text|
+ N symbol|,#text|
+궨 V delimit|
+궨 N standard|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|,#mark|־
+ N attribute|,height|߶,&inanimate|
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&material|
+ N symbol|
+ N attribute|,price|۸,$write|д,&physical|
+ V express|ʾ,content=price|۸,commercial|
+ V express|ʾ
+ N mark|־
+ǩ N mark|־
+ǹ N SportTool|˶
+ʶ V express|ʾ
+ʶ N mark|־
+ʶ N symbol|,*express|ʾ
+ʾ V express|ʾ
+ N part|,%text|,name|
+ͼ N image|ͼ
+ V start|ʼ,content=new|
+ N readings|
+ N mark|־
+־ V mean|ָ
+־ N symbol|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ע V express|ʾ
+ע N symbol|,*express|ʾ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|,desired|
+ N attribute|,standard|,&entity|ʵ
+ N law|ɷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|
+ N ize|̬,PatientAttribute=standard|
+ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=standard|
+ N sound|,*fit|ʺ,standard|,#language|
+ N language|,*fit|ʺ,standard|
+ N beast|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|,desired|
+ǧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|,desired|
+ʷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|,desired|
+뺷 ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+δ N human|,big|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,fat|
+׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,fat|
+ V cure|ҽ
+ N document|,@record|¼
+ V express|ʾ
+ N human|,$study|ѧ,$imitate|ģ,desired|
+ N mark|־,*salute|¾,#royal|
+ N part|,%thing|,skin|Ƥ,external|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ N tool|þ,*tell|,#time|ʱ
+ V explain|˵
+ N document|,@record|¼
+ N account|,@record|¼
+ N part|,%thing|,skin|Ƥ
+ N location|λ
+ N part|,%weapon|,*measure|,#mark|־
+ V express|ʾ
+ʽ V symbol|
+ʽ N symbol|
+ N fittings|,%tool|þ,#tell|,#time|ʱ,*fasten|˩
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N document|,@record|¼
+ V express|ʾ,content=result|,#succeed|ɹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+ N symbol|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů,mass|
+ V judge|ö,means=select|ѡ
+ N organization|֯,*select|ѡ,undesired|ݬ
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ,*select|ѡ
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ N location|λ,external|,internal|
+ﲻһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,true|,desired|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,true|,desired|
+ N fittings|,%tool|þ,#tell|,#time|ʱ,*fasten|˩
+¶ V express|ʾ
+ N human|,$study|ѧ,$imitate|ģ,desired|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#time|ʱ,skin|Ƥ
+ N part|,%thing|,skin|Ƥ
+滯 V exposure|¶
+ N attribute|,size|ߴ,surfacial|,&inanimate|
+ֵ N attribute|,value|ֵ,&physical|
+ N text|,fake|α
+ N phenomena|,NotProfound|dz
+ N attribute|,strength|,#pull|,&physical|
+ V express|ʾ
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#time|ʱ,skin|Ƥ
+Ƥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ N attribute|,clan|,&human|
+ N human|,family|
+ N attribute|,countenance|,&AnimalHuman|
+ʾ V express|ʾ
+ʾ N information|Ϣ,$express|ʾ
+ʾ V ShowBadEmotion|ʾ
+ʾ V ShowEmotion|ʾ
+ V explain|˵
+̬ V tell|,content=standpoint|
+ N stone|ʯ,material|,skin|Ƥ
+ V ShowOff|ҫ
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ N result|,#show|
+ V show|
+ N experience|
+ V display|չʾ
+ V perform|,entertainment|
+ N fact|,compete|,$perform|
+ N shows|
+ V praise|佱
+ N character|
+ N character|
+ N part|,%language|
+ V praise|佱
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#tell|
+ N disease|
+ N fish|
+ V pant|
+ V restrain|ֹ
+ V upset|
+ V upset|
+ V pant|
+ V upset|
+ V upset|
+һ V upset|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,other|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V distinguish|ֱ
+ V farewell|
+ V fasten|˩
+ ADV {neg|}
+IJ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ N location|λ,other|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,other|
+ N part|,%army|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,new|
+ EXPR expression|,*WellTreat|ƴ
+ EXPR expression|,*SayHello|ʺ
+ V farewell|
+ N fact|,other|
+ͷ V HaveContest|
+ N attribute|,name|,other|,&entity|ʵ
+Ť V FitNot|
+Ť ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+Ť ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,inconvenient|,undesired|ݬ
+ PRON {ThirdPerson|}
+ N house|
+ V BeUnable|
+ V BeUnable|
+ѡ V BeUnable|
+ N emotion|,#sad|dz,#farewell|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,different|
+ж ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+зζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,special|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,#female|Ů
+ N tool|þ,*fasten|˩
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ N character|,wrong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,dented|
+ N human|,*roam|,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+ V BeNear|
+ V BeNear|
+ٵ V BeNear|,partner=end|ս,commercial|
+ V BeNear|,partner=perish|
+Σ V suffer|,content=dangerous|Σ
+ V BeNear|
+ V BeNear|,partner=perish|
+ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+ N human|,friend|,$welcome|ӭ,$WellTreat|ƴ
+ N InstitutePlace|,@reside|ס,@welcome|ӭ,@WellTreat|ƴ
+ N human|,friend|,$welcome|ӭ,$WellTreat|ƴ
+ N human|,friend|,$welcome|ӭ,$WellTreat|ƴ
+Ϧ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N part|,%language|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+ N human|,friend|,#welcome|ӭ,#WellTreat|ƴ
+ V remove|
+ V reject|ؾ
+ V remove|
+ V abandon|
+ N army|
+ N human|,*fight|,military|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#recreation|,#compete|
+ N fact|,uprise|,undesired|ݬ,politics|
+Ѫ V win|ʤ,manner=easy|
+թ EXPR expression|,*estimate|
+ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+ N method|,*fight|,military|
+ N weapon|,generic|ͳ
+ N affairs|,produce|,#weapon|,military|,industrial|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,#weapon|,military|,industrial|
+ EXPR expression|,*estimate|
+ N phenomena|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ,#fight|,military|
+ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,military|
+ N human|,*fight|,military|,generic|ͳ
+ҳ N fact|,#fight|,military|
+ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&army|,military|
+ N quantity|,rate|,#army|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$suffer|,#attack|,undesired|ݬ
+ٳ V suffer|,content=attack|,military|
+ N army|,military|
+ٸ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ,past|,precious|
+Ʀ N human|,*fight|,undesired|ݬ,evil|,military|
+ N weapon|,generic|ͳ
+ǿ׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+Ȩ N attribute|,power|,&army|,military|
+ N weapon|,generic|ͳ
+ V fight|,military|
+ʿ N human|,*fight|,military|
+ N part|,%army|
+е N weapon|,generic|ͳ
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N affairs|,engage|,military|
+۷ N law|ɷ,#affairs|,#engage|,military|
+ N system|ƶ,#affairs|,#engage|,military|
+Ӫ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|,@reside|ס
+ N human|,*fight|,undesired|ݬ,evil|,military|
+Ա N army|,generic|ͳ
+վ N facilities|ʩ,*help|,military|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&army|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+ V cool|
+ N ice|
+ V suffer|,content=cold|
+ N food|ʳƷ,ice|,cold|
+ N RainSnow|ѩ,#WeatherBad|
+ N facilities|ʩ,@exercise|,#ice|,sport|
+ N ice|
+ N time|ʱ,#ice|,past|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Iceland|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N money|,(Iceland|)
+ N human|,(Iceland|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N tool|þ,#ice|,$display|չʾ
+ N attribute|,boundary|,#cool|,&physical|
+ N fact|,carve|,#ice|
+ N image|ͼ,carve|,#ice|
+ V cool|
+ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=ice|
+ N part|,%land|½,head|ͷ,ice|
+ N food|ʳƷ,ice|,cold|
+ N tool|þ,*cool|
+ N food|ʳƷ,ice|,cold|
+ N food|ʳƷ,ice|,cold|
+ N ice|
+ N ice|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N food|ʳƷ,ice|,cold|
+ N ice|
+ N ice|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+ N ice|
+ N ice|
+Ƭ N medicine|ҩ
+ N fact|,sport|
+ɽ N ice|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ǰ V reconcile|
+̿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,opposed|,undesired|ݬ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ѩ N land|½,#ice|
+ N tool|þ,*cool|
+߽ V disappear|ʧ
+Ь N SportTool|˶,#clothing|,#foot|
+ѩ N ice|
+ѩ N festival|,@congratulate|ף,#ice|
+ V cool|
+ N ice|
+ש N food|ʳƷ,ice|,cold|
+ N food|ʳƷ,ice|,cold|
+ N tool|þ,*split|ƿ,#ice|
+ N attribute|,power|,&human|,&organization|֯,&information|Ϣ
+ N part|,%implement|,hand|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ͪ N material|
+ͪ֬ N material|
+ϩ N chemical|ѧ
+ N lights|
+ V control|
+ V hold|
+ V bear|е
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ V control|,patient=country|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,original|ԭ,&human|,&organization|֯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N shape|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N material|,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ N attribute|,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ,&thing|
+ N disease|
+ V ill|̬
+ N document|,@record|¼,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ N example|ʵ,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ N human|,*SufferFrom|,$cure|ҽ,#medical|ҽ,undesired|ݬ
+ N fact|,#disease|,change|,#medical|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,ill|̬,undesired|ݬ
+ N disease|
+ N process|,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+溦 N phenomena|,#plant|ֲ,*SufferFrom|,undesired|ݬ,medical|ҽ
+ N furniture|Ҿ,@sleep|˯,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ V ill|̬
+ N bacteria|
+ N software|,*damage|,#software|
+Ը N disease|
+Լ N disease|,#bacteria|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#bacteria|,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ѧ N human|,medical|ҽ
+ N room|,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ N human|,*SufferFrom|,$cure|ҽ,#medical|ҽ,undesired|ݬ
+ N cause|ԭ,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ N disease|
+ V die|,cause=ill|̬
+ N phenomena|,#plant|ֲ,*SufferFrom|,medical|ҽ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,*SufferFrom|,$cure|ҽ,#medical|ҽ,undesired|ݬ
+ŷ N edible|ʳ,#human|,#SufferFrom|,#medical|ҽ
+ N disease|
+ N human|,*SufferFrom|,$cure|ҽ,#medical|ҽ,undesired|ݬ
+ N time|ʱ,#disease|,@rest|Ϣ,#medical|ҽ
+ N bacteria|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&disease|,#medical|ҽ
+ N text|,*announce|,#circumstances|,#disease|,#medical|ҽ
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#reason|,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#reason|,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ѧ N human|,medical|ҽ
+ N document|,@record|¼,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ N process|,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ N example|ʵ,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ħ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ,evil|,#disease|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&disease|,#medical|ҽ
+鹫 N text|,*announce|,#circumstances|,#disease|,#medical|ҽ
+ N human|,*SufferFrom|,$cure|ҽ,#medical|ҽ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,*SufferFrom|,$cure|ҽ,#medical|ҽ,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,appearance|,#ill|̬,undesired|ݬ,&AnimalHuman|
+ V suffer|,content=decline|˥,medical|ҽ
+ʷ N process|,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ V die|,cause=ill|̬
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&disease|,#medical|ҽ
+ N room|,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ V die|,cause=ill|̬
+̬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+̬ N attribute|,circumstances|,&disease|,#medical|ҽ
+̬ N mental|,disease|
+ N human|,*SufferFrom|,$cure|ҽ,#medical|ҽ,undesired|ݬ
+ʹ N disease|
+ V cease|ͣ,content=undertake|,cause=disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,ill|̬,undesired|ݬ
+Σ V suffer|,content=decline|˥,medical|ҽ
+ V cease|ͣ,cause=disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,ill|̬,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,*SufferFrom|,$cure|ҽ,#medical|ҽ,undesired|ݬ
+ N cause|ԭ,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ N human|,friend|,#disease|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,medical|ҽ
+ԭ N cause|ԭ,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ԭ N bacteria|
+ԭ N bacteria|
+ԭѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#bacteria|,medical|ҽ
+Ա N human|,*SufferFrom|,$cure|ҽ,#medical|ҽ,undesired|ݬ
+Ժ N InstitutePlace|,@cure|ҽ,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ N location|λ,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+֢ N disease|
+ V ill|̬
+ N plant|ֲ,*SufferFrom|,$cure|ҽ,#medical|ҽ,undesired|ݬ
+״ N phenomena|,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ N furniture|Ҿ,@sleep|˯,#disease|
+ N time|ʱ,@ill|̬
+ V ill|̬,manner=extreme|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,alike|
+ V merge|ϲ
+ COOR {and|}
+ V punish|,police|
+ V exist|,manner=together|ͬ
+ N human|,family|,#GetMarried|
+ V happen|,time=BeSame|ͬ
+֢ N disease|
+ ADV {neg|}
+ V equal|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+ V GoForward|ǰ,manner=together|ͬ
+ V handle|
+ V exist|,time=BeSame|ͬ
+ V connect|,industrial|
+ V BeNear|
+о N part|,%language|
+û ADV {neg|,past|}
+û ADV {neg|,past|}
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+ CONJ {and|}
+ ADV {and|}
+ CONJ {and|}
+ V include|
+ V merge|ϲ,commercial|
+ V occupy|ռ,military|
+ ADV {neg|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,alike|
+в V fit|ʺ
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ N character|
+߶ N money|,(Venezuela|ί)
+ά ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Bolivia|ά)
+ά N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+άŵ N money|,(Bolivia|ά)
+ά N human|,(Bolivia|ά)
+ N material|,?tool|þ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#drinks|Ʒ
+ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,#material|,industrial|
+ N tool|þ,*split|ƿ,#material|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*produce|,#material|,industrial|
+̻ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*carve|,#material|,industrial|
+ N material|
+ N tool|þ
+ֽ N material|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#material|
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ V disseminate|
+ V spread|,agricultural|ũ
+ V disseminate|
+ V disseminate|
+ V display|չʾ
+ V disseminate|
+Ū V incite|ָʹ
+Ǩ V TakeAway|ᶯ
+ V spread|,agricultural|ũ
+ɢ V send|
+ɢ V spread|
+ V disseminate|
+ V disseminate|
+ N part|,%institution|,@disseminate|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*disseminate|
+ӳ V disseminate|
+ V spread|,patient=embryo|,agricultural|ũ
+ֻ N machine|,*spread|,#embryo|,#plant|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ N attribute|,broad|,&land|½,#spread|,#embryo|,#plant|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ N time|ʱ,@spread|,#embryo|,#plant|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&tool|þ,#cover|ڸ,#sleep|˯
+ V PlayWith|Ū
+ V associate|,means=turn|Ťת,#tool|þ
+ V issue|ַ
+ V turn|Ťת
+ V issue|ַ
+ V associate|,means=turn|Ťת,#tool|þ
+ V issue|ַ
+ V associate|,means=turn|Ťת,#tool|þ
+ V part|,%tool|þ,#communicate|,*turn|Ťת
+ V issue|ַ,patient=fund|ʽ
+ V PlayWith|Ū
+˹ N tool|þ,*WhileAway|,#young|
+ҷ V resume|ָ,StateIni=disorder|
+Ū V PlayWith|Ū
+Ū V incite|ָʹ
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ,patient=self|,ResultEvent=obtain|õ,#time|ʱ
+ͨ V associate|,means=turn|Ťת,#tool|þ
+Ƽ V resume|ָ,StateIni=disorder|
+ V amend|
+ V amend|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N fact|,change|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Poland|)
+ N shape|,#sound|,#electricity|
+ N water|ˮ
+ N attribute|,length|,&water|ˮ,&sound|
+ V jet|
+ V QuantityChange|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,rugged|
+ N attribute|,length|,&sound|,#disseminate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Puerto Rico|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+ŵ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Benin|)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Germany|¹)
+ N water|ˮ
+ N attribute|,length|,&sound|,#disseminate|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Colombia|ױ)
+ N water|ˮ
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ V influence|Ӱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Poland|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N human|,(Poland|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N water|ˮ
+׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ N water|ˮ
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,(Polynesia|)
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ĺ ADJ waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר
+ĺ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N phenomena|,#color|ɫ,#lights|,#sound|,#electricity|
+ʿ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+˹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Persia|˹)
+˹ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+˹è N livestock|
+˹ N human|,(Persia|˹)
+˹ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,#waters|ˮ
+˹ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&AlterLocation|ռλ,#water|ˮ
+ N water|ˮ
+ι ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,#waters|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,#waters|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,#waters|ˮ
+ӿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,#waters|ˮ
+ N trace|,wrinkled|
+ N water|ˮ
+ϣ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ϣ N human|,(Bohemia|ϣ)
+ N aircraft|
+ N fact|,change|
+״ N disease|
+״ N CloudMist|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ V undergo|
+ N attribute|,relatedness|,intimate|,&human|,desired|
+ڳ V receive|,possession=think|˼
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,substantial|ʵ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,substantial|ʵ,desired|
+ V undergo|
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ V read|,range=extensive|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@display|չʾ,#artifact|˹
+ȡ V seek|ıȡ
+ʿ N human|,*research|о,*study|ѧ,education|
+ʿ N human|,*research|о,*study|ѧ,education|
+ʿ N human|,*research|о,*study|ѧ,education|
+ʿѧλ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&human|,#research|о,#study|ѧ,education|
+Źʶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ N physical|,generic|ͳ
+ N InstitutePlace|,@display|չʾ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#display|չʾ
+Ժ N InstitutePlace|,@display|չʾ
+ѧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ѧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ѧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ V quote|,range=extensive|
+ V recreation|,sport|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N human|,*compete|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ V happen|
+ V prosper|
+ V upmove|,#male|,#mating|
+Ȼ ADV aValue|ֵ,property|,excited|
+Ȼŭ V angry|,degree=very|
+Ȼ V CauseToLive|ʹ,patient=self|
+ V ComeToWorld|,manner=flourishing|
+ V GoForward|ǰ
+ V fight|
+ V shiver|
+ V shiver|
+ V fight|
+ V fight|
+ɱ V fight|
+ V bite|ҧ,GoForward|ǰ
+ N metal|
+ N metal|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,skin|Ƥ
+ N shape|
+ N tool|þ
+ N tool|þ,$burn|,*salute|¾
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,royal|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Switzerland|ʿ)
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,royal|
+ N human|,royal|
+ N bird|
+ N human|,wise|
+ĸ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N ship|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,foreign|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,arm|
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,#waters|ˮ,(China|й)
+ V stay|ͣ
+ V put|,patient=LandVehicle|
+λ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#ship|,@stay|ͣ
+λ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,*put|,#LandVehicle|
+λ N expenditure|,#location|λ,#ship|,#stay|ͣ
+ V refute|
+ V transport|,means=ship|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ,*protect|
+ V refute|
+ N ship|,*pull|
+ V refute|
+ V reject|ؾ
+ǹ N weapon|,*firing|
+ V transport|,means=ship|
+˷ N expenditure|,#ship|,#transport|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ V catch|ס
+ V catch|ס,police|
+Ӱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ V catch|ס
+ N ship|,*catch|ס,beast|
+ V catch|ס
+ V engage|,content=catch|ס,agricultural|ũ
+ V catch|ס,police|
+ɱ V kill|ɱ,agricultural|ũ
+ʳ V LookFor|Ѱ,purpose=eat|
+ V catch|ס,patient=fish|,agricultural|ũ
+ V catch|ס
+ͷ V catch|ס,patient=time|ʱ,time=TakePicture|
+ս V catch|ס,patient=time|ʱ,time=fight|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V guess|²
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ V predict|Ԥ
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N text|
+ V reside|ס
+ V predict|Ԥ
+ V feed|ι
+ V feed|ι
+鶯 N AnimalHuman|
+ N AnimalHuman|
+ι V feed|ι
+ V foster|
+ V cultivate|
+ V feed|ι
+ V provide|
+ V repair|
+ V recompense|
+ V tell|
+ V recompense|
+ó N affairs|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ
+ N human|,*recompense|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$enrich|ʵ
+ V enrich|ʵ
+ N artifact|˹,#repair|
+ N artifact|˹,#repair|
+ V issue|ַ
+ N artifact|˹,$provide|,generic|ͳ,military|
+ V provide|,military|
+ N weapon|,ship|,*provide|,military|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@store|,*provide|,military|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@store|,*provide|,military|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,$provide|,generic|ͳ,military|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@store|,*provide|,military|
+վ N InstitutePlace|,@store|,*provide|,military|
+ V submit|
+ N image|ͼ,angular|
+ N drinks|Ʒ,*maintain|
+ V rescue|
+ V exam|,education|
+ V teach|,education|
+ V provide|,agricultural|ũ
+ƫȱ V amend|,content=err|
+Ʊ V buy|,possession=bill|Ʊ
+Ʒ N edible|ʳ,*maintain|
+ȱ V provide|
+˰ V pay|,content=expenditure|
+ N payment|,*recompense|
+ϰ V study|ѧ
+ϰ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,education|,*study|ѧ
+ѡ V choose|ѡ
+Ѫ V maintain|,medical|ҽ
+ V maintain|,medical|ҽ
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ,*maintain|
+Һ V feed|ι,patient=medicine|ҩ,#cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ N text|,$add|
+ V obtain|õ,content=pros|
+ N part|,%language|
+ V amend|
+ V planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ N payment|,$provide|
+ V provide|
+ V repair|
+ V provide|
+w N artifact|˹,#repair|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#ship|,@stay|ͣ
+ N place|ط
+ ADV {neg|}
+ŵ N human|,*disgust|,#tour|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,associate|
+ V aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ V uneasy|
+ V unsatisfied|
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+֮ԩ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^fail|ʧ,desired|
+֮ N attribute|,circumstances|,strong|ǿ,&thing|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+ AUX {modality|}
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,inconvenient|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|
+۸ N attribute|,price|۸,lasting|,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ N attribute|,property|,lasting|,&thing|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ʪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,dry|
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|
+ɲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ɹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,unripe|
+ͳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,^$write|д
+ķ N law|ɷ,^$write|д
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,dissimilar|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+֮ͽ N human|,fierce|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+ V IllTreat|
+ N human|,*refuse|,#addict|Ⱥ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$predict|Ԥ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,mixed|
+Ƕ V leave|뿪,manner=KeepSilence|˵
+Ϳ V endeavour|
+ V endeavour|
+ V endeavour|
+ V ExistNot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ V admit|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,^loud|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,insufficiently|Ƿ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,^big|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,^strong|ǿ
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+˵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Bhutan|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ N human|,(Bhutan|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ ADV qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ ADV {supplement|ݽ}
+... COOR {supplement|ݽ}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ N tool|þ,*recreation|
+ƺIJ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ STRU {^Vable|}
+ AUX {modality|,neg|}
+ AUX {modality|}
+ò AUX {modality|}
+õ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ö֪ V ignorant|֪
+þ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,inconvenient|,undesired|ݬ
+þ V ill|̬
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$accuse|ظ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+Ҫ V ignorant|֪
+ AUX {modality|}
+Ǵ֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵,undesired|ݬ
+ V ^wait|ȴ
+ V differ|ͬ
+Ȳ V ^wait|ȴ
+Ⱥ N symbol|,#DoSum|
+ʽ N symbol|,#DoSum|
+ֿ N human|,*refuse|,#resist|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,predict|Ԥ
+ V unfixed|δ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ N physical|,#wealth|Ǯ,^$TakeAway|ᶯ
+ɫ V calm|
+ҡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,exempt|,#cool|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#ship|,@stay|ͣ
+ ADV {supplement|ݽ}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ V FitNot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV {neg|}
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+Գ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,dissimilar|
+Ծ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ N method|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,decline|˥,undesired|ݬ
+ V exist|,manner=many|
+ V exist|,experiencer=human|,manner=many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,fierce|,crime|,#police|,undesired|ݬ
+Ϊ N fact|,act|ж,crime|,#police|
+֮ͽ N human|,fierce|,crime|,#police|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV {comment|}
+Ѵ֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,easy|,desired|
+ֱ˴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ V despise|,target=correctness|
+ʤ V equal|,#HaveContest|
+ҹ N time|ʱ
+ V FitNot|
+ V disobey|Υ
+ˮ V FitNot|,contrast=WeatherChange|
+ V ExistNot|
+ V disappoint|,neg|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ V ^disappoint|,target=aspiration|Ը
+ɲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ɲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,dirty|,undesired|ݬ
+ V unwilling|Ը
+ʼį V unwilling|Ը,content=$IllTreat|
+ V unwilling|Ը,content=surrender|
+ʾ V unwilling|Ը,content=surrender|
+ V unwilling|Ը
+ҹͬ V disagree|ͬ
+Խ׳һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,timid|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ sad|dz
+ V leave|뿪,manner=KeepSilence|˵
+ V exposure|¶
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,biased|ƫ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,opposed|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+Ц ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ʹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ V ^manage|
+ CONJ {concession|ò}
+ܲ N human|,official|,*manage|,#country|
+ CONJ {concession|ò}
+ ADV qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,dissimilar|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,insufficiently|Ƿ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ CONJ {but|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|
+ V regret|Ǹ
+ ADJ shameless|û
+ V ^fear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+ V fear|
+ù ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$GoThrough|
+ù V ill|̬
+ù V sorrowful|
+ù V unfortunate|
+ÿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$incur|
+˼ V embarrassed|Ϊ
+ V disobey|Υ
+Ͱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+г ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,opposed|,undesired|ݬ
+ V FitNot|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ProsCons|,cons|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ProsCons|,cons|,undesired|ݬ
+ V cherish|Ļ,content=evil|
+ɢ V farewell|,manner=quarrel|
+Ųæ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,calm|,desired|
+ V BeUnable|
+ AUX {neg|}
+ḯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,OutOfOrder|
+Ū ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$misunderstand|
+ V HaveKnowledge|֪
+֮ N time|ʱ,#age|,adult|
+ V inferior|
+ﶯ V part|,%language|
+֮ N affairs|,idle|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,unfamiliar|϶,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$distinguish|ֱ
+˼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|
+Ⱦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,pure|
+˼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|,desired|
+ N attribute|,performance|,FitNot|,&implement|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,complicated|,undesired|ݬ
+ʡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ V equal|
+ V refuse|,content=meet|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,Notwellknown|
+ V ExistNot|
+Ӱ V disappear|ʧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,dirty|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,unfamiliar|϶
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,StateChange|̬
+ V ignorant|֪
+֮ N text|,^$guess|²
+֮Ե N attribute|,relatedness|,&entity|ʵ,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+ ADV {supplement|ݽ}
+... COOR {supplement|ݽ}
+ ADV {supplement|ݽ}
+ ADV {supplement|ݽ}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ V EndureNot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|,desired|
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,different|
+ȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ V UndergoNot|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ N decline|˥,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ǰ N time|ʱ,past|
+̼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lenient|,desired|
+ V ^obey|ѭ
+ CONJ {concession|ò}
+һ V ^obey|ѭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,weak|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ڶ V exist|,#sound|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,biased|ƫ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ V EndureNot|
+ V EndureNot|,content=LookBack|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+ѧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,improper|
+ɰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$CompareTo|
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$escape|
+ɱ N attribute|,possibility|,impossible|,$escape|,&event|¼
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$alter|ı
+ɱ任 ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$change|
+ɲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$rescue|
+ɲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$measure|
+ɴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$stroke|
+ɵֿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$resist|
+ɶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$read|
+ɶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ɷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$perception|֪
+ɷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$defend|
+ɷָ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$separate|
+ɷֽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$separate|
+ɷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$issue|ַ
+ɷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$deny|
+ɸı ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$alter|ı
+ɸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hidden|,undesired|ݬ
+ɹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$estimate|
+ɹ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ɻȱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,necessary|Ҫ
+ɼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$calculate|
+ɽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$teach|
+ɽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$accept|
+ɾҩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$cure|ҽ,undesired|ݬ
+ɿ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ɿ ADV aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$resist|
+ɿ N attribute|,environment|,unable|ӹ,$escape|,&event|¼
+ɿ˷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$defeat|սʤ
+ɿˡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$forgive|ԭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,BadTemper|Ƣ,undesired|ݬ
+֤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$prove|֤
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$describe|д
+ĥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,lasting|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|
+ת ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$resume|ָ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ַ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$damage|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$forgive|ԭ
+ʤ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ʰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$resume|ָ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$count|
+˵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$explain|˵
+˼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$cross|Խ
+ͬն V differ|ͬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$resume|ָ
+Ϩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$remove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$fulfil|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$describe|д
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$alter|ı
+Խ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$cross|Խ
+Խ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$defeat|սʤ
+ԭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$forgive|ԭ
+Լ N symbol|,#quantity|,#DoSum|
+֪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$know|֪
+֪ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$believe|
+ת ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$TakeAway|ᶯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$understand|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,blunt|
+ V ill|̬
+ V upset|
+ V FeelNoQualms|
+Ϊ V FeelNoQualms|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ɲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+Ͷ V obtain|õ,means=slack|͵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ò ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ProsCons|,cons|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV slack|͵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ STRU {^Vable|}
+˽ V ignorant|֪
+֮ V finish|,result=unfixed|δ
+ CONJ {comment|}
+ EXPR expression|,*request|Ҫ
+ߴͽ EXPR expression|,*request|Ҫ,#teach|
+ָ EXPR expression|,*request|Ҫ,#guide|
+ V OutOfOrder|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,decline|˥,undesired|ݬ
+©ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,exempt|,#leak|©
+¶ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|
+ײ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|,undesired|ݬ
+ CONJ {concession|ò}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,empty|
+ N emotion|,unsatisfied|
+ ADV inferior|
+ V unsatisfied|
+ V unsatisfied|
+ N human|,*unsatisfied|
+ ADJ unsatisfied|
+ë֮ N land|½,barren|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+֮ҹ N time|ʱ,night|,^sleep|˯
+ AUX aValue|ֵ,possibility|,possible|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ V ignorant|֪
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$understand|
+ N aircraft|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hidden|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,disgraced|,undesired|ݬ
+Ŷ V ignorant|֪
+ͷ V ignorant|֪
+ı V BeSame|ͬ,scope=thinking|˼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,easy|
+ ADJ BeUnable|
+ܱӶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$employ|
+ܱ任 ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$change|
+ܱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$distinguish|ֱ
+ܲ AUX {modality|}
+ܳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$return|
+ܵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$arrive|
+ܷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$translate|
+ܷϳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$remove|
+ֽܷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$dismount|ж
+ܸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$destroy|
+ܻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$weaken|
+ܻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$mix|
+ܽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$rescue|
+ܽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$handle|
+ܿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$control|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$understand|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$distinguish|ֱ
+ȡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$remove|
+ܽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,StateChange|̬
+ V TolerateNot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$perform|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,alive|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$fulfil|ʵ
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$conduct|ʵʩ
+Ӧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$fit|ʺ
+˵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$persuade|Ȱ˵
+˵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,speak|˵
+ӱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$escape|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$replace|
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$cross|Խ
+ͿĨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$apply|ͿĨ
+ѹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$shrink|С
+ȥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$remove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$quote|
+Ӧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$use|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$agree|ͬ
+֤ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$prove|֤
+ת ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$sell|
+ V BeUnable|,content=disconnect|
+Լ V BeUnable|,content=control|,#self|
+ɶ V forgive|ԭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+Ŭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lazy|,undesired|ݬ
+ƫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,biased|ƫ,undesired|ݬ
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,rugged|,undesired|ݬ
+ƽ V unsatisfied|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,biased|ƫ,undesired|ݬ
+ƽȴ N fact|,treat|Դ,biased|ƫ,undesired|ݬ
+ƽԼ N agreement|Լ,biased|ƫ,undesired|ݬ
+ƽ V differ|ͬ
+ƽ V protest|,content=unfortunate|
+ڶ V meet|
+ STRU {^Vable|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,attract|
+ V ^function|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,improper|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+岻 ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,mixed|,undesired|ݬ
+岻 ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,dirty|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ȷ V unfixed|δ
+ȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,mixed|,undesired|ݬ
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,wrong|
+Ȼ ADV {neg|}
+Ȼ CONJ {transition|ת}
+ȻĻ CONJ {transition|ת}
+ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$burn|
+ò N human|,*refuse|,#surrender|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ʲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+˵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ V EndureNot|
+ V refuse|,content=admit|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|,future|
+ V disagree|ͬ
+ݱ V disagree|ͬ,ResultEvent=refute|
+ݵ V disagree|ͬ,ResultEvent=delay|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ V inferior|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|,undesired|ݬ
+ V BeUnable|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ V BeUnable|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ V grudge|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$defend|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,insufficiently|Ƿ
+ V ignorant|֪
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,quiet|
+ʡ V dizzy|
+ʤ V WithstandNot|ס
+ʤ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ʤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|
+ʤö ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ʤ V joyful|ϲ
+ʧʱ V obtain|õ,possession=time|ʱ
+ʧΪ V be|
+ʱ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ʱ֮ N time|ʱ,@need|
+ʶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ʶʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+ V be|,neg|
+ N result|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV {neg|}
+DZ˶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,other|
+ζ V FeelingByBad|
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ζ V FeelingByBad|
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ V ill|̬
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+Ӧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ھס ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,@reside|ס
+ܷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$obstruct|ֹ
+ܸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+ܻӭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$welcome|ӭ,undesired|ݬ
+ܻӭ N human|,^$welcome|ӭ,diplomatic|⽻,undesired|ݬ
+ܽԼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$prohibit|ֹ
+ܿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$control|
+ V reject|ؾ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$restrain|ֹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$restrain|ֹ
+Ӱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$restrain|ֹ
+Լ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,free|
+֧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$endorse|ӵ
+֧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,free|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$PayAttention|ע
+ע ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$PayAttention|ע
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$help|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,unable|ӹ,industrial|
+ˬ V ill|̬
+ˬ V upset|
+˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+˵ V KeepSilence|˵
+ V unwilling|Ը
+֮ N human|,*visit|,^$expect|,undesired|ݬ
+⼡ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+鲣 N material|,strong|ǿ,?tool|þ
+ V fail|ʧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$shrink|С
+ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$shrink|С
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,disgraced|,undesired|ݬ
+ͣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,different|
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ͬ V disagree|ͬ
+ͬ V differ|ͬ
+ʹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,NotProfound|dz
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,withstand|ס,#leak|©,#gas|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,stuffy|,undesired|ݬ
+ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,withstand|ס,#leak|©,#liquid|Һ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,nonextensive|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,nonextensive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,straight|ֱ
+ȫͳ N result|,#calculate|
+ȫҶ N part|,%plant|ֲ,hair|ë
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+Υũʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|,agricultural|ũ
+Ϊ֪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hidden|
+Ϊ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$influence|Ӱ
+Ϊ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+η ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,dirty|,undesired|ݬ
+ů ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,chilly|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+Ų V despise|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ȶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ V despise|
+ǰ V despise|,target=cause|ԭ
+ V despise|,target=correctness|
+Ƿֱ V despise|,target=correctness|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ҵ V ^endeavour|,content=duty|
+ҵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+Ϣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ϧ V GrudgeNot|
+ϧ V willing|Ը
+ϰ ADJ BeUnable|,content=fit|ʺ
+Ͼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,busy|æ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ V equal|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,free|
+ V RelateNot|
+ ADJ RelateNot|
+ ADJ RelateNot|
+ V equal|
+Ӧ V aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$fit|ʺ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ V ignorant|֪
+꾡 ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ V differ|ͬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$consume|ȡ
+Т ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|
+Ф ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+Э ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+г ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+и ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+й ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+м V despise|
+мһ V despise|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,wane|˥,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ V die|
+ V aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ޱ߷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ N metal|,material|
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|
+ V prohibit|ֹ
+ѧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ѷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+Ź ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+ V ^disgust|
+䷳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+һ V differ|ͬ
+һ V unfixed|δ
+һ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,FitNot|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,different|
+һ N attribute|,similarity|ͬ,FitNot|,&content|
+ V TolerateNot|
+ V ^obey|ѭ
+ V TolerateNot|
+ V endeavour|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+˸ӡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$print|ӡˢ
+˾ס ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,@reside|ס
+˵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$speak|˵
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ΪȻ V oppose|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|
+ж ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$excite|ж
+֮ N thinking|˼,correct|ȷ
+ֺ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+֮ N wealth|Ǯ,#crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ V WellKnown|,manner=fast|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ɵ AUX aValue|ֵ,possibility|,possible|
+ɷ˵ V reject|ؾ,content=refute|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,control|
+Ѻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ V refuse|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$admit|
+Զǧ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+Ը V unwilling|Ը
+Ը V unwilling|Ը
+Լͬ V BeSame|ͬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$agree|ͬ
+ N disease|,^pregnant|
+ ADV {neg|}
+ڷֳ V aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,^crime|,#police|
+ں V despise|
+ڻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,easy|
+ V die|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ V despise|
+ V disagree|ͬ
+ͬ V disagree|ͬ
+һ V KeepSilence|˵
+ֶ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ֶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ֶ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ô ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,insufficiently|Ƿ
+ô ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|,desired|
+ ADV {neg|}
+ս N phenomena|,^fight|
+սʤ V win|ʤ,means=^fight|
+۲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,accurate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ V fail|ʧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+֮ N attribute|,SocialMode|,bad|,&organization|֯
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+֪ V ignorant|֪
+֪ ADV aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,perception|֪
+֪ô V ignorant|֪,content=ProsCons|
+֪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,Notwellknown|
+֪ƣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+֪ V ignorant|֪
+֪ V ignorant|֪
+֪ V ignorant|֪
+֪߳ ADJ shameless|û
+ֵ V WorthNot|ֵ
+ֵĽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$admire|Ľ
+ֵһ V WorthNot|ֵ,content=refute|
+ֵһ V WorthNot|ֵ,content=mention|ἰ
+ֵһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,cheap|,undesired|ݬ
+ֹ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ֹ V surpass|ǿ
+ֹһ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,again|
+ֻ ADV {supplement|ݽ}
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,kill|ɱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|
+ÿɷ V KeepSilence|˵
+ V ^cure|ҽ
+ V die|
+֢֮ N disease|,dangerous|Σ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ V disloyal|
+ҳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ע ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į
+ V disagree|ͬ,content=release|ͷ
+ű ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,unattached|ɢ,undesired|ݬ
+ V BeUnable|
+ V WorthNot|ֵ
+ N attribute|,fullness|,incomplete|ȱ,&entity|ʵ
+ V inferior|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,negligible|,undesired|ݬ
+ҳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,cheap|,undesired|ݬ
+ȡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,WorthNot|ֵ,undesired|ݬ
+Ϊ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+Ϊƾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,prove|֤
+Ϊ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ V DoNot|
+ V KeepSilence|˵
+ V BeSimilar|
+˽ V refuse|,manner=biased|ƫ
+ V ^disappoint|,target=aspiration|Ը
+ V disappoint|,neg|,target=aspiration|Ը
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ֶ V WellKnown|,manner=fast|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ݬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+ V announce|
+ V arrange|
+ V arrange|,military|
+ V disseminate|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N artifact|˹,#alive|,$need|,necessary|Ҫ,generic|ͳ
+ N house|,religion|ڽ,ProperName|ר
+˹ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Hungary|)
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,#material|,#clothing|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ V arrange|,patient=army|,purpose=defend|,military|
+ N text|,*announce|
+ N facilities|ʩ,@put|,#text|,#announce|
+ N bird|
+˹ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Romania|)
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,#perform|,#shows|,entertainment|
+ N part|,%thing|,bone|
+ N result|,#arrange|
+ά N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Congo|չ)
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Czechoslovakia|ݿ)
+ͧ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Barbados|ͰͶ˹)
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+¡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Burundi|¡)
+¡ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+¡Ϸ N money|,(Burundi|¡)
+³ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Belgium|ʱ)
+ V exist|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,skin|Ƥ
+ƥ N material|,?clothing|,generic|ͳ
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Burundi|¡)
+ V arrange|
+ʩ V donate|
+ʲ N human|,official|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ V arrange|
+ͷ N part|,material|,#clothing|
+ֽ N paper|ֽ,*TakePicture|
+ V arrange|,patient=facilities|ʩ,linear|,#electricity|
+Ь N clothing|,#foot|
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N clothing|
+ N human|,ordinary|
+ŵ˹˹ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Argentina|͢)
+չ V arrange|,patient=display|չʾ
+ V arrange|
+ V decorate|װ
+ׯ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,#material|,#clothing|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,distance|,&walk|
+ N attribute|,posture|,&AnimalHuman|,#walk|
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&walk|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%fact|,#act|ж
+ V walk|
+ N human|,military|,#land|½
+ N part|,%army|,#land|½
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|,continuous|
+ V undergo|,content=upgrade|,manner=continuous|
+ V GoForward|ǰ,manner=continuous|
+ΪӪ V GoForward|ǰ,manner=continuous|
+ N attribute|,distance|,&walk|
+ V GoOut|ȥ
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&walk|
+һ V coordinate|Э
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&walk|
+ N method|,*exercise|,*recreation|
+ N attribute|,distance|,&walk|
+ N tool|þ,*communicate|
+ N tool|þ,agricultural|ũ
+ N walk|
+ļ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,#walk|
+ά ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,#walk|
+ǹ N weapon|,*firing|
+˺ V imitate|ģ
+ V GoInto|
+ N human|,military|,*defend|
+ V walk|
+н N facilities|ʩ,route|·,@walk|
+ N human|,*walk|
+ V recite|ж
+ N method|
+ N part|,%fact|,#act|ж
+ N attribute|,distance|,&walk|
+ N attribute|,posture|,&AnimalHuman|,#walk|
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&walk|
+ N account|,@record|¼
+ N account|,@record|¼
+ N account|,@record|¼
+ N fact|,record|¼
+ N account|,@record|¼
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&LandVehicle|,&machine|,&publications|鿯
+ N army|,generic|ͳ
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ
+ N part|,%institution|,*manage|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,*manage|
+ N institution|,politics|
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&human|,politics|
+ N fact|,discuss|,politics|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,*manage|
+ N army|,generic|ͳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,fragment|
+ N component|,%entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&human|,politics|
+ N part|,%thing|,generic|ͳ
+ V CausePartMove|
+ V PartSelfMove|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&physical|
+ N community|
+ N part|,%institution|,*manage|
+ N part|,%character|
+ V arrange|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ N human|,employee|Ա,$manage|
+ N part|,%army|
+ͷ N attribute|,size|ߴ,&publications|鿯
+ί N part|,%institution|,*manage|
+λ N location|λ
+ N human|,employee|Ա,$manage|
+ N part|,%army|
+ ADJ attribute|,quality|,refined|,desired|
+ N community|
+ V fear|
+ V apply|ͿĨ
+ V remove|
+ V rub|Ħ
+ V split|ƿ
+ V touch|
+ V wipe|
+ N phenomena|,sport|
+ V remove|,Vachieve|
+ڶ N time|ʱ,night|
+ V cross|Խ
+ V brighten|ʹ
+۾ V improve|,patient=PayAttention|ע
+۾ V wash|ϴ,patient=eye|
+ȥ V remove|,Vachieve|
+ V damage|
+ V wounded|
+ V wipe|
+ N phenomena|,sport|
+ϴ V wipe|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ V wash|ϴ,patient=body|
+ V guess|²
+² V guess|²
+µ V guess|²,Vachieve|
+¶ V guess|²
+¼ V doubt|
+ V guess|²,purpose=recreation|
+ն V guess|²,purpose=recreation|
+ V guess|²
+ V doubt|
+ V guess|²,Vachieve|
+ V guess|²,Vachieve|
+ V break|۶
+ V judge|ö
+ V punish|
+ V subtract|
+ò V subtract|
+ó V remove|
+ó V break|۶
+ô V arrange|
+ö V judge|ö
+ö V judge|ö
+ö V judge|ö
+÷ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*produce|,#clothing|
+÷ N InstitutePlace|,*produce|,#clothing|,commercial|
+ü V break|۶
+ü V subtract|
+þ V judge|ö
+þ V subtract|,patient=army|,military|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,#exercise|,*judge|ö,sport|
+ V judge|ö,sport|
+ N result|,#judge|ö,sport|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,#exercise|,*judge|ö,sport|
+Ա V subtract|,patient=employee|Ա
+ֽ N tool|þ,*break|۶,#paper|ֽ
+ֽ N tool|þ,*break|۶,#paper|ֽ
+ N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+ N human|,able|,desired|
+ N material|,generic|ͳ
+ N material|,wood|ľ
+ N attribute|,quality|,&human|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ N material|,generic|ͳ
+ N attribute|,quality|,&material|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+ CONJ condition|
+ N human|,able|,desired|
+ ADV {EventResult|¼}
+ ADV {tense|ʱ̬,past|}
+Ÿ N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+Ż N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+Ż ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ò N attribute|,ability|,prettiness|,&human|
+ V BeAble|ܹ
+ AUX BeAble|ܹ
+ N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+Ů N human|,able|,female|Ů,desired|
+ N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ʶ N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+ѧdz ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+˼ N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+˼ N aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ѧ N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+ N attribute|,ability|,wisdom|ǻ,&human|
+ N human|,able|,male|,desired|
+Ӽ N human|,desired|
+ N wealth|Ǯ
+Ʊ N wealth|Ǯ
+Ʋ N wealth|Ǯ
+Ʋ N physical|,$own|
+ƲȨ N rights|Ȩ,*own|,#wealth|Ǯ
+Ʋ˰ N expenditure|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ƴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,strong|ǿ,#wealth|Ǯ
+ƶ N human|,#wealth|Ǯ,rich|
+Ʒ N human|,#wealth|Ǯ,rich|
+Ƹ N physical|,precious|
+ƻ N affairs|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ƻԱ N human|,*calculate|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ƾ N affairs|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ N tool|þ,$GiveAsGift|,#GetMarried|
+ N attribute|,strength|,wealth|Ǯ,&organization|֯,&country|,&human|
+· N method|,*earn|
+ó N affairs|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ N human|,#wealth|Ǯ,greedy|̰
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ,*own|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ N humanized|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ү N humanized|,#wealth|Ǯ,desired|
+˰ N affairs|,#wealth|Ǯ,#expenditure|,industrial|,agricultural|ũ,commercial|
+ N community|,commercial|
+ŷ N community|,commercial|
+ N physical|,$own|
+ N affairs|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ N part|,%organization|֯,#wealth|Ǯ
+ N part|,%organization|֯,#wealth|Ǯ
+Դ N attribute|,strength|,&wealth|Ǯ
+ N affairs|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ N institution|,#wealth|Ǯ,ProperName|ר,politics|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,*manage|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ N wealth|Ǯ,$InDebt|
+ N time|ʱ,year|,commercial|
+ N institution|,#wealth|Ǯ,ProperName|ר,politics|
+ N human|,rich|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ V kick|߲
+ˮ V exercise|
+ N attribute|,color|ɫ,&physical|
+ V choose|ѡ
+ V gather|ɼ
+ V gather|ɼ,means=dig|ھ,mine|
+ɰ V buy|,commercial|
+ɱ V compile|༭,means=investigate|
+ɷ V gather|ɼ,means=break|۶,agricultural|ũ
+ɷ V investigate|,#news|
+ɷ V gather|ɼ,possession=music|
+ɹ V buy|,commercial|
+ɹԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*buy|,employee|Ա,commercial|
+ɹվ N InstitutePlace|,*buy|,commercial|
+ɹ V take|ȡ,possession=lights|
+ɼ V gather|ɼ
+ɾ V gather|ɼ,means=dig|ھ,mine|
+ɿ V gather|ɼ,means=dig|ھ,mine|
+¼ V gather|ɼ
+ V buy|,commercial|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*buy|,employee|Ա,commercial|
+ú N affairs|,gather|ɼ,&stone|ʯ,mine|
+ V receive|
+ N human|,*receive|
+ů N provide|,possession=warm|
+ȡ V use|
+ɰ N affairs|,gather|ɼ,&stone|ʯ,mine|
+ʯ N affairs|,gather|ɼ,&stone|ʯ,mine|
+ʯ N facilities|ʩ,*gather|ɼ,&stone|ʯ,mine|
+ʯ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*gather|ɼ,stone|ʯ,industrial|
+ V gather|ɼ,means=dig|ھ,mine|
+д V compile|༭,means=investigate|
+ V check|
+ V use|
+ V gather|ɼ,possession=material|,mine|
+ V choose|ѡ
+ժ V gather|ɼ
+ V produce|
+ V gather|ɼ,possession=embryo|,agricultural|ũ
+ߢ V gather|ɼ
+ N attribute|,color|ɫ,&physical|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&entity|ʵ
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N part|,%human|,liquid|Һ
+ N tool|þ,*reward|,desired|
+ʳ N LandVehicle|
+ʳ N LandVehicle|,#GetMarried|
+ʳ N material|,?clothing|
+ʴ N tool|þ,colored|
+ʵ N tool|þ,*illuminate|,colored|
+ʵ N tool|þ,*look|,#image|ͼ,#shows|,colored|
+ʵ N shows|
+ʹ N part|,%tool|þ,*display|չʾ,#colored|,#image|ͼ,#sound|
+ʺ N human|,undesired|ݬ,military|,*wounded|,$cure|ҽ
+ʺ N CloudMist|
+ʻ N image|ͼ,#colored|,#publications|鿯
+ʾ N tool|þ,*TakePicture|,colored|
+ N tool|þ,$GiveAsGift|,#GetMarried|
+ N tool|þ,colored|
+ V drill|ϰ,entertainment|
+ N house|
+Ʊ N coupon|Ʊ֤,*gamble|IJ
+ N mark|־,colored|
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|
+ɫӻ N tool|þ,*look|,#display|չʾ,#image|ͼ,#shows|,colored|
+ɫ N tool|þ,*TakePicture|,colored|
+ɫƬ N shows|,colored|
+ N tool|þ,colored|
+ N material|,?tool|þ
+ϼ N CloudMist|
+ӡ N print|ӡˢ,manner=colored|
+ N material|,?tool|þ
+ N CloudMist|,colored|
+ N image|ͼ,$TakePicture|,colored|
+ N food|ʳƷ,$cook|,generic|ͳ
+ N vegetable|߲,generic|ͳ
+˰ N part|,%vegetable|߲,hair|ë
+˳ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,#food|ʳƷ,commercial|
+˵ N account|,@record|¼,#food|ʳƷ
+˵ N tool|þ,*cut|,#food|ʳƷ,#cook|
+˵ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#vegetable|߲,agricultural|ũ
+˶ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+˶ N vegetable|߲
+˹ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+˹ N vegetable|߲
+˹ N InstitutePlace|,@eat|,commercial|
+˻ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+˻ N vegetable|߲
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#edible|ʳ
+ N fact|,provide|,#edible|ʳ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#edible|ʳ
+ N food|ʳƷ,$cook|
+ţ N livestock|,?food|ʳƷ
+ũ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*planting|ֲ,#vegetable|߲,agricultural|ũ
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#vegetable|߲,agricultural|ũ
+ N account|,@record|¼,#food|ʳƷ
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,#food|ʳƷ,commercial|
+г N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,#food|ʳƷ,commercial|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N vegetable|߲,generic|ͳ
+̯ N InstitutePlace|,@sell|,#vegetable|߲,commercial|
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#vegetable|߲,agricultural|ũ
+ϵ N attribute|,kind|,&edible|ʳ
+Ҷ N part|,%vegetable|߲,hair|ë
+ N material|,#food|ʳƷ,#cook|
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#vegetable|߲,agricultural|ũ
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#vegetable|߲,agricultural|ũ
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,agricultural|ũ
+ N material|,#food|ʳƷ,#cook|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V eat|
+ N edible|ʳ
+ N fact|,eat|
+ͳ N LandVehicle|,@eat|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@eat|,commercial|
+ͻ N fact|,eat|,recreation|
+ͽ N tool|þ,*wipe|,#eat|
+ͽֽ N tool|þ,*wipe|,#eat|
+; N tool|þ,*eat|,generic|ͳ
+ N room|,@eat|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@eat|,commercial|
+ N room|,@eat|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*manage|,commercial|
+ N fact|,eat|,drink|,recreation|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,@eat|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ V engage|
+ V include|
+ΰ V salute|¾
+ΰ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,half|
+β ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,different|
+β ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,different|
+η V LeaveFor|ǰ,purpose=visit|,diplomatic|⽻
+ι V buy|,commercial|
+ι V look|
+ι N community|,*tour|,*look|
+ι N human|,*look|
+μ V engage|
+μ V include|
+μӱ V include|,ResultWhole=compete|,sport|
+μ V read|
+μ V salute|¾,politics|
+ξ V include|,ResultWhole=army|,military|
+ο V read|
+ο V read|
+ο N publications|鿯
+οĿ N document|,#publications|鿯
+ο N information|Ϣ
+ο N information|Ϣ
+ı V help|,scope=think|˼
+ı N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ı N human|,*help|,#think|˼
+ı N institution|,*help|,#think|˼,military|
+ı N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ V include|,ResultWhole=compete|,sport|
+ѡ N human|,*include|,#compete|,sport|
+ N human|,*include|,#compete|,sport|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,politics|
+ N attribute|,standard|,&entity|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ѡ V include|,ResultWhole=select|ѡ
+ V include|,ResultWhole=perform|,entertainment|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,politics|,(US|)
+Ժ N institution|,*manage|,law|ɷ,politics|
+ V engage|
+ N human|,*include|
+Ԥ V engage|
+ V read|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,politics|,diplomatic|⽻
+չ V include|,ResultWhole=display|չʾ
+ս V include|,ResultWhole=fight|,military|
+ս N organization|֯,*fight|,country|,politics|,#military|
+ V read|
+ V include|,ResultWhole=politics|,politics|
+ V think|˼
+ V salute|¾
+ V think|˼,religion|ڽ
+ N InsectWorm|,agricultural|ũ
+ϱ N InsectWorm|,agricultural|ũ
+ϲ N tool|þ,@foster|,InsectWorm|,agricultural|ũ
+ϴ N tool|þ,@foster|,InsectWorm|,agricultural|ũ
+϶ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+϶ N vegetable|߲
+϶ N InsectWorm|
+ϼ N house|,InsectWorm|
+ũ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*foster|,#InsectWorm|,agricultural|ũ
+ɣ N part|,%tree|,embryo|
+ʳ V occupy|ռ,politics|
+ʳ V occupy|ռ,politics|
+˿ N material|,?clothing|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N part|,%InsectWorm|,embryo|
+ N part|,%InsectWorm|,embryo|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ,undesired|ݬ
+ V damage|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,surplus|ʣ
+б ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+бܽ N part|,%army|,*surplus|ʣ,*defeated|,military|,undesired|ݬ
+в N part|,%army|,*surplus|ʣ,*defeated|,military|,undesired|ݬ
+д V alive|,manner=surplus|ʣ
+з N human|,*disable|м,undesired|ݬ
+зϾ N human|,*disable|м,military|,undesired|ݬ
+иʣ N edible|ʳ,*surplus|ʣ
+к N physical|,*surplus|ʣ
+к V damage|
+к V kill|ɱ,manner=fierce|
+л N human|,female|Ů,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+л N artifact|˹,bad|,undesired|ݬ,generic|ͳ
+м N disease|
+м N human|,*disable|м,undesired|ݬ
+о N attribute|,circumstances|,ending|ĩ,&organization|֯
+о N part|,%compete|,ending|ĩ,sport|
+п ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ V exist|,manner=surplus|ʣ
+ N time|ʱ,#aged|
+ N time|ʱ,ending|ĩ,year|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,bad|,undesired|ݬ,generic|ͳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ,undesired|ݬ
+ȱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ,undesired|ݬ
+ȱȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N celestial|,*GoDown|ȥ
+ɱ V kill|ɱ,manner=fierce|
+ N time|ʱ,#aged|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ,undesired|ݬ
+ N celestial|,*GoDown|ȥ
+ N part|,%physical|,*surplus|ʣ
+ಿ N part|,%army|,*surplus|ʣ,*defeated|,military|,undesired|ݬ
+ԫϱ N part|,%building|,incomplete|ȱ,desolate|
+ N celestial|,*GoDown|ȥ
+ N part|,%physical|,*surplus|ʣ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ N lights|,#celestial|
+ V shy|
+ V shy|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+Ұ N fact|,#kill|ɱ,#crime|,undesired|ݬ
+Ұ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|,undesired|ݬ
+Ұ V defeated|,manner=miserable|
+Ҳ̶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ҵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ҵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ҵӪ V endeavour|
+һ N phenomena|,#die|,#unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+Ҿ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+Ҿ N phenomena|,#die|,#unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+Ҿ N phenomena|,die|,#unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+Ҿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+Ȼ V sorrowful|
+ɱ V kill|ɱ,manner=fierce|
+ V die|,manner=miserable|
+ʹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ʹ V sorrowful|
+˵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+Ц V laugh|Ц,manner=weak|
+ V suffer|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,undesired|ݬ
+״ N attribute|,occasion|,miserable|,&physical|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,BlueGreen|,NotLight|Ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,BlueGreen|,NotLight|Ũ
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,grey|
+Դ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+Ի ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|
+Ծ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ã ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ã ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ç ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ɽ N land|½,#tree|
+ N human|,mass|,ordinary|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N sky|
+ӥ N bird|
+Ӭ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+Ӭ N tool|þ,*beat|,InsectWorm|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ N bird|
+ N sky|
+ N part|,%aircraft|,room|
+ N part|,%ship|,%aircraft|,room|
+ N part|,%ship|,%aircraft|,mouth|
+ N part|,%ship|,%aircraft|,room|
+λ N location|λ,#ship|
+λ N location|λ,%vehicle|ͨ,@sit|,@LieDown|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@store|
+ִ V store|
+ִ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hasty|
+ַ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@store|
+ֻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hasty|,undesired|ݬ
+ֿ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@store|
+ֿⱣԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*manage|,facilities|ʩ,#store|
+ N beast|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@store|,#material|,#crop|ׯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,blue|,NotLight|Ũ
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ɣ V change|
+һ N physical|,negligible|
+ɣ V change|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@store|
+ V hide|
+ N human|,mass|,ProperName|ר,(Tibet|)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Tibet|)
+ V store|
+ذ N human|,mass|,ProperName|ר,(Tibet|)
+ر N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Tibet|)
+ع V hide|,patient=crime|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,blue|
+ N tool|þ,*show|,#time|ʱ,(Tibet|)
+Ի V exist|,experiencer=human|,able|
+è V recreation|
+ N human|,ProperName|ר,(Tibet|)
+ V hide|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,$store|,literature|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,blue|,NotLight|Ũ
+ V hide|,patient=self|
+ N readings|,$store|,literature|
+ V store|,patient=readings|,literature|
+ͷ¶β V exposure|¶
+ N language|,(Tibet|)
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ,(Tibet|)
+Ҵ V hide|
+ҽ N human|,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ,(Tibet|)
+ N language|,(Tibet|)
+ N human|,mass|,(Tibet|)
+ͬ N human|,(Tibet|)
+ V CauseToLive|ʹ
+ V drill|ϰ
+ V hold|
+ V speak|˵
+ٰ V handle|
+ٳ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@exercise|,@drill|ϰ,military|
+ٳ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@exercise|,@recreation|,education|
+ٳ V handle|
+ٵ N publications|鿯,#drill|ϰ,military|
+ V endeavour|
+ V handle|
+ V drill|ϰ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ʤȯ N BeAble|ܹ,content=win|ʤ
+ʤ N BeAble|ܹ,content=win|ʤ
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ V upset|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ V display|չʾ
+֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ V control|
+ݸ N part|,*control|,%implement|
+г V control|,commercial|
+̨ N part|,*control|,%implement|
+ N human|,*control|,#price|۸,commercial|
+ N human|,*control|
+ V control|
+ N attribute|,sequence|,&control|
+ N regulation|,*control|
+ϵͳ N software|,*control|,#computer|
+ N attribute|,performance|,&implement|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,coarse|,undesired|ݬ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ N facilities|ʩ,#liquid|Һ,linear|,dented|
+ N shape|,linear|,dented|
+۸ N metal|,material|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?material|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ V write|д
+ݰ N text|
+ݰ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ݰ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ݱ N attribute|,kind|,&FlowerGrass|
+ݱ N text|
+ݱֲ N attribute|,kind|,&FlowerGrass|
+ݱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$weave|
+ݲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ݲ V measure|
+ݳ N land|½,#FlowerGrass|
+ݴ V start|ʼ
+ݴʱ V time|ʱ,@start|ʼ
+ݴ N FlowerGrass|
+ݵ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#FlowerGrass|
+ݵ N land|½,#FlowerGrass|
+ݵ N tool|þ,@LieDown|,@sit|
+ݵ N land|½,#FlowerGrass|
+ݶ N FlowerGrass|
+ݷ N house|
+ݸ N text|
+ݸ N part|,%FlowerGrass|,base|
+ݹ N food|ʳƷ
+ݺ N beast|
+ݼ N tool|þ,@LieDown|,@sit|
+ݿ N human|,*rob|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N food|ʳƷ,*feed|ι,#animal|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+ç N FlowerGrass|
+ç N land|½,desolate|
+çӢ N human|,*rob|,#rich|,*help|,#poor|
+ñ N clothing|,#head|ͷ
+ľ N plant|ֲ
+ľ N material|,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ
+ľԱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ V write|д
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@reside|ס,@put|
+Ƥ N material|,?facilities|ʩ,#FlowerGrass|
+ƺ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#FlowerGrass|
+ǩ V write|д
+ʳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,*eat|,#FlowerGrass|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&character|,&symbol|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@reside|ס,@put|
+ͷ N human|,*rob|,#rich|,*help|,#poor|
+ͼ N image|ͼ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@reside|ס,@put|
+ϯ N tool|þ,@LieDown|,@sit|
+Ь N clothing|,#foot|
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ
+ N fish|
+ԭ N land|½,#FlowerGrass|
+Լ N agreement|Լ,informal|ʽ
+ N human|,ordinary|,mass|
+ N land|½
+ֽ N paper|ֽ,*wipe|,#waste|
+ֽ N paper|ֽ,@write|д
+ݮ N fruit|ˮ
+ V IllTreat|,manner=fierce|
+ N room|,@excrete|й
+ V engage|
+ N room|,@excrete|й
+ N room|,@excrete|й
+ V engage|
+ V beat|
+ N plans|滮
+ V plan|ƻ
+߶ V incite|ָʹ
+߷ V incite|ָʹ,ResultEvent=betray|,military|
+ V plan|ƻ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|
+ N plans|滮
+Ե ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|
+ V beat|,patient=livestock|
+ʿ N human|,friend|
+Ӧ V help|,means=cooperate|,military|
+Դ N place|ط,@ExistAppear|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ N location|λ,edge|
+ N tree|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,base|
+ V attack|,military|
+ N text|,#news|
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|,edge|
+ N location|λ,edge|
+ͼ N image|ͼ
+ͼ N human|,*draw|,industrial|
+ N image|ͼ,#human|
+Ŀ V look|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=body|
+ͼ N image|ͼ
+ N part|,%army|
+ѿ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+Ӿ V exercise|,#swim|,sport|
+Ӿ N fact|,swim|,sport|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ص N part|,%entity|ʵ,important|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&publications|鿯
+ N account|,@record|¼
+ V grant|,royal|
+ҳ N account|,image|ͼ
+ N account|,@record|¼
+ V measure|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|,#distance|
+ N tool|þ,*check|,#electricity|
+ⶨ V decide|
+ V deduce|
+ N tool|þ,*check|,#deceive|ƭ
+ V draw|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*draw|,industrial|
+ V measure|,content=distance|
+ V measure|
+ V measure|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*measure|
+ V estimate|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|,#depth|
+ V check|
+ V measure|
+ V exam|,education|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|,#CloudMist|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&mental|,&information|Ϣ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&part|,#building|
+ N part|,%building|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ѹ V check|
+Χ V surround|Χ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ V defend|
+ V defend|,military|
+ V appear|,frequency=often|
+ N attribute|,content|,&image|ͼ,#image|ͼ
+ N attribute|,content|,&information|Ϣ
+ N attribute|,content|,&organization|֯
+ N attribute|,height|߶,&part|,#building|
+ N CloudMist|
+㼶 N part|,%entity|ʵ,body|
+ V appear|,frequency=often|
+͵ N land|½,tall|
+ N attribute|,range|,&entity|ʵ
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,aspect|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&part|,#building|
+ N CloudMist|
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ V SelfMove|,manner=slow|
+ V cheat|ƭ
+ V rub|Ħ
+ V suffer|,content=pollute|ʹ
+ V suffer|,content=fail|ʧ
+ V insert|
+ V include|,ResultWhole=education|,education|
+ N human|,*include|,education|
+ N part|,%implement|,viscera|
+岥 V disseminate|
+ѷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,flee|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,flee|
+崲 N machine|,*produce|
+ V include|,ResultWhole=organization|֯,agricultural|ũ
+仧 V include|,ResultWhole=organization|֯,agricultural|ũ
+ V implement|,$insert|,medical|ҽ
+ V insert|,patient=implement|,medical|ҽ
+ܷ V method|,*insert|,#implement|,medical|ҽ
+廨 V arrange|,patient=FlowerGrass|
+廨 V mix|
+廭 N image|ͼ,#publications|鿯
+廰 V speak|˵
+廰 N text|
+廰 N text|,$speak|˵
+ N part|,%implement|,viscera|
+ V insert|
+ƴڻ V tease|ȡ
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#connect|
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,*cover|ڸ
+ N fact|
+ N music|,#shows|
+ V insert|
+ N part|,%language|
+ N human|,*insert|
+ V engage|
+ V insert|
+ V engage|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,limb|֫
+ͷ N part|,%tool|þ,#connect|
+ͼ N image|ͼ,#publications|鿯
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#connect|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#fasten|˩
+ V planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ V machine|,*planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ҳ N part|,%publications|鿯
+ V engage|
+ V speak|˵
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#connect|
+ V BlockUp|
+ V pick|ʰ
+ N symbol|
+ N tool|þ,*pick|ʰ
+泵 N LandVehicle|,*pick|ʰ
+ V cook|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=arm|
+ N tool|þ,*pick|ʰ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&physical|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+ N plant|ֲ
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+ N drinks|Ʒ
+ N drinks|Ʒ,generic|ͳ
+ N material|,?drinks|Ʒ
+ N InstitutePlace|,@drink|,commercial|
+豭 CLAS NounUnit|,&drinks|Ʒ
+豭 N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#drinks|Ʒ
+賡 N InstitutePlace|,@planting|ֲ,#tree|,#drinks|Ʒ,agricultural|ũ
+ N tool|þ,*hold|,#drinks|Ʒ
+ N method|,drink|
+ N edible|ʳ,generic|ͳ
+ N tool|þ,@put|
+跻 N InstitutePlace|,@drink|,commercial|
+跿 N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeCare|,#InstitutePlace|,#eat|
+跿 N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeCare|,#InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#drinks|Ʒ
+ N InstitutePlace|,@drink|,commercial|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,brown|,NotLight|Ũ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#drinks|Ʒ
+軨 N FlowerGrass|
+軰 N fact|,talk|̸
+ N fact|,drink|,recreation|
+輦 N food|ʳƷ,#drinks|Ʒ
+輸 N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@put|
+ N tool|þ,*drink|,generic|ͳ
+¥ N InstitutePlace|,@drink|,commercial|
+± N drinks|Ʒ
+ũ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*planting|ֲ,#tree|,#drinks|Ʒ,agricultural|ũ
+ N tool|þ,@put|,#drinks|Ʒ
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,brown|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,brown|,NotLight|Ũ
+ʳ N food|ʳƷ,generic|ͳ
+ N InstitutePlace|,@drink|,commercial|
+ N tree|,#material|,#drinks|Ʒ
+ˮ N drinks|Ʒ
+ͤ N InstitutePlace|,@drink|,commercial|
+ N tool|þ,@put|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&drinks|Ʒ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#drinks|Ʒ
+Ҷ N material|,?drinks|Ʒ
+Ҷ N part|,%tree|,hair|ë,?material|,#drinks|Ʒ
+Ҷ N food|ʳƷ,#drinks|Ʒ
+Ҷ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N method|,drink|
+ N material|,#food|ʳƷ,$eat|
+ N time|ʱ,idle|
+ƺ N time|ʱ,*WhileAway|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@planting|ֲ,#tree|,#drinks|Ʒ,agricultural|ũ
+ש N material|,?drinks|Ʒ
+ N InstitutePlace|,@drink|,commercial|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@sit|,#drink|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V check|
+ V investigate|
+ V read|
+鰸 V investigate|
+ V handle|,police|
+鳭 V levy|,police|
+ V check|,Vachieve|
+ V investigate|,Vachieve|
+鴦 V reveal|¶
+鵽 V investigate|,Vachieve|
+ V check|
+ V block|ס
+ V check|
+ N human|,*check|
+ӸǼӸɸʼ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+鷿 V check|,medical|ҽ
+ V investigate|
+ V prohibit|ֹ,police|
+ V check|,content=defend|,military|
+ V check|
+ V obtain|õ,police|
+鼩 V obtain|õ,police|
+ V prohibit|ֹ
+龿 V investigate|
+鿱 V investigate|
+鿴 V check|
+鿼 V check|
+鿼 V research|о
+ V detain|ס,police|
+ V prove|֤
+ V check|,Vachieve|
+ V check|,content=defend|,military|
+ʵ V prove|֤
+ V receive|
+ V interrogate|
+ѯ V ask|
+Ѱ V LookFor|Ѱ
+ V check|
+ҹ V check|,time=night|
+ V read|
+ V check|,content=account|,commercial|
+ V LookFor|Ѱ
+֤ V check|
+֤ V prove|֤
+ N cause|ԭ,#quarrel|,undesired|ݬ
+ N fact|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,OutOfOrder|
+ N sound|
+ N cause|ԭ,#quarrel|,undesired|ݬ
+ N emotion|,hate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N fact|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,*OutOfOrder|
+ V apply|ͿĨ
+ V apply|ͿĨ,Vachieve|
+ V check|
+ V perception|֪
+쿴 V look|
+Թɫ V look|,content=countenance|
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%place|ط
+· N facilities|ʩ,route|·,branch|֧
+ͷ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ N affairs|,#dispatch|Dz
+ N affairs|,#earn|,#alive|,#occupation|ְλ
+ N attribute|,similarity|ͬ,&entity|ʵ
+ V differ|ͬ
+ V dispatch|Dz
+ V lack|ȱ
+ N result|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,similarity|ͬ,&entity|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,almost|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,possibility|,almost|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ V aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,almost|
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N result|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ N quantity|,rate|,&correctness|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,almost|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,different|,industrial|
+ N quantity|,rate|,&qValue|ֵ
+ ADJ quantity|,rate|,&qValue|ֵ
+ N quantity|,rate|,&qValue|ֵ
+ N quantity|,rate|,&price|۸,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,fullness|,incomplete|ȱ,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,similarity|ͬ,different|,&entity|ʵ
+÷ N payment|,*SelfMove|,#affairs|,#dispatch|Dz
+Dz V dispatch|Dz
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|,desired|
+ʹ N affairs|,#earn|,#alive|,#occupation|ְλ
+ʹ V dispatch|Dz
+ N affairs|,#dispatch|Dz
+ N affairs|,#earn|,#alive|,#occupation|ְλ
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,possibility|,almost|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,almost|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա,past|
+ N attribute|,similarity|ͬ,different|,&entity|ʵ
+ֵ N quantity|,rate|,&qValue|ֵ
+ V surprise|
+ V surprise|
+ V dismount|ж
+ V remove|
+ V separate|
+ V remove|
+ V reveal|¶
+ V remove|,Vachieve|
+ǽǽ V recompense|
+ V remove|
+ V separate|
+ V borrow|
+ V separate|
+Ǩ V TakeAway|ᶯ,patient=family|
+Ǩ N human|,$request|Ҫ,#TakeAway|ᶯ,#family|
+ǽ V MakeTrouble|
+ɢ V separate|
+̨ V MakeTrouble|
+ϴ V wash|ϴ
+ V dismount|ж,Vachieve|
+ V dismount|ж,Vachieve|
+ V remove|,patient=material|,#cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ж V dismount|ж
+ V read|
+װ V install|װ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N material|,wood|ľ,*lighting|ȼ,$burn|
+ N material|,wood|ľ,*lighting|ȼ,$burn|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ N material|,wood|ľ,*lighting|ȼ,$burn|
+ N artifact|˹,#alive|,$need|,necessary|Ҫ,generic|ͳ
+ N artifact|˹,#alive|,$need|,necessary|Ҫ,generic|ͳ
+ N material|,liquid|Һ,#vehicle|ͨ,$burn|
+ͻ N machine|,#vehicle|ͨ
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ N human|,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+dz ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ǵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ V HoldWithHand|
+ V mix|
+ V HoldWithHand|
+ V mix|
+ V mix|
+ V mix|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V mix|
+ V forge|α
+ N forge|α
+ V mix|
+ʹ N forge|α,means=mix|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ V GoOn|
+ N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ N part|,%InsectWorm|,wing|,*fly|
+ɴ N material|,?clothing|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰,#eat|
+ V need|
+ V FondOf|ϲ,target=edible|ʳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰,#eat|
+ V slander|̰
+ N text|,*slander|̰,undesired|ݬ
+ V slander|̰
+ N text|,*slander|̰,undesired|ݬ
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V coil|
+ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+ V treat|Դ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,excite|ж
+ V happen|
+ V aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,excite|ж
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,excite|ж
+ V coil|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ V pick|ʰ
+ N tool|þ,*pick|ʰ,*dig|ھ
+ N LandVehicle|,*pick|ʰ
+ V remove|
+ƽ V AlterForm|״,level|ƽ
+˳ N LandVehicle|,*pick|ʰ
+˻ N machine|,*pick|ʰ
+ N tool|þ,*pick|ʰ,*dig|ھ
+ V GiveBirth|
+ N artifact|˹
+ V produce|,industrial|,agricultural|ũ
+ N wealth|Ǯ
+ V produce|,industrial|,agricultural|ũ
+ N place|ط,@produce|
+ N human|,young|,$GiveBirth|
+ N room|,@GiveBirth|,medical|ҽ
+ N human|,female|Ů,*GiveBirth|,medical|ҽ
+ N time|ʱ,#GiveBirth|,already|
+ N time|ʱ,#GiveBirth|,#female|Ů,@rest|Ϣ,medical|ҽ
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#female|Ů,#GiveBirth|,medical|ҽ
+ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,#female|Ů,#GiveBirth|,medical|ҽ
+Ʋ N room|,#InstitutePlace|,@cure|ҽ,#female|Ů,#GiveBirth|,medical|ҽ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#female|Ů,#GiveBirth|,medical|ҽ
+ҽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,#female|Ů,#GiveBirth|,medical|ҽ
+ N quantity|,amount|,&crop|ׯ,&artifact|˹
+ V GiveBirth|,PatientProduct=embryo|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,$produce|,generic|ͳ
+ǰ N time|ʱ,#GiveBirth|,immediate|
+ N place|ط,@produce|,@planting|ֲ
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ,*own|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ N time|ʱ,#GiveBirth|,#medical|ҽ
+ V appear|
+ N result|
+ N produce|,sell|
+ N human|,*produce|,industrial|
+ҵ N wealth|Ǯ
+ҵ N fact|,industrial|,ProperName|ר
+ҵ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*produce|,industrial|
+ҵṹ N attribute|,content|,&affairs|,industrial|
+ֵ N attribute|,value|ֵ,&produce|,industrial|
+ V GiveBirth|,agricultural|ũ
+ V explain|˵
+ V explain|˵
+ V explain|˵
+ V explain|˵
+ V explain|˵
+ V disseminate|
+ V shiver|
+ V shiver|
+ V shiver|
+ V shiver|
+ΡΡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ N sound|,#language|
+ N sound|,#music|
+ V wave|ڶ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ʢ V prosper|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ V IllBehave|
+һʱ V IllBehave|
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&RainSnow|ѩ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&disease|,medical|ҽ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&fact|,sport|,entertainment|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,entertainment|,@perform|
+ N part|,%shows|,entertainment|
+ N place|ط
+ N space|ռ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,*manage|,agricultural|ũ
+ N quantity|,amount|,&fact|,sport|,entertainment|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ
+ N InstitutePlace|
+ N attribute|,occasion|,&event|¼
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,entertainment|
+ N attribute|,occasion|,&event|¼
+ N attribute|,occasion|,&event|¼
+ N attribute|,occasion|,&shows|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N human|,*FondOf|ϲ,#associate|
+ N human|,desired|,important|
+ N InstitutePlace|,#plant|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ N location|λ,%facilities|ʩ,sport|
+ N InstitutePlace|
+ N location|λ,%facilities|ʩ,sport|
+Ժ N facilities|ʩ,@separate|,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+վ N InstitutePlace|
+ N human|,occupation|ְλ,*own|,#InstitutePlace|,agricultural|ũ
+ N place|ط,@ComeTogether|
+ V savor|
+ V savor|
+ V savor|,content=new|
+ V know|֪
+ V savor|,Vachieve|
+ͷ V know|֪,content=pros|
+ V try|
+ V savor|,content=new|
+ V savor|,content=new|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+и V prepare|,manner=often|
+ N army|,military|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ N clothing|,ordinary|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+ N regulation|,ordinary|
+Ʒ N method|,ordinary|,*cure|ҽ,#disease|
+ N weapon|,ordinary|
+ս N fact|,fight|,ordinary|
+ N regulation|,ordinary|
+ N regulation|,*measure|,#weight|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+ N disease|
+ N human|,*visit|,often|
+ V visit|,manner=often|
+ N regulation|,ordinary|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|,&human|
+ N regulation|,ordinary|
+ N quantity|,ordinary|
+ N tree|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ N reason|
+ N human|,ordinary|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ʶ N knowledge|֪ʶ,ordinary|
+ N quantity|,ordinary|
+̬ N attribute|,circumstances|,BeNormal|̬,&entity|ʵ
+ί N human|,official|,politics|
+ί N institution|,politics|
+ N attribute|,temperature|¶,ordinary|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N attribute|,temperature|¶,ordinary|,&inanimate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|
+ N affairs|,ordinary|
+ N human|,official|,#community|
+ίԱ N human|,official|,#institution|,politics|
+ίԱ N institution|,politics|
+ N expression|
+Ե ADV {comment|}
+˵ ADV {comment|}
+˵ú ADV {comment|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ô N expression|
+ô N expression|
+ö N symbol|
+ N character|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ס V reside|ס,duration=TimeLong|
+פ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+פ N human|,$select|ѡ
+פ N human|,occupation|ְλ,*gather|ɼ,*compile|༭,#news|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clan|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,length|,long|
+ V add|
+ V appear|
+ N attribute|,distance|,&physical|
+ N attribute|,duration|,&time|ʱ
+ N attribute|,length|,&physical|
+ N attribute|,quality|,strong|ǿ,desired|,&entity|ʵ
+ V grow|ɳ
+ N human|,clan|,adult|,family|
+ N human|,official|,occupation|ְλ,*manage|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ɽ N land|½,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ɽ N land|½,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N human|,clan|,adult|,family|
+ ADJ human|,clan|,adult|,family|
+Գ N beast|
+ V AppearanceChange|۱,StateFin=fat|
+ N electricity|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,length|,long|
+̶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,length|,dissimilar|
+ N entity|ʵ,durable|
+ N facilities|ʩ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N beast|
+ V grow|ɳ
+ N attribute|,quality|,strong|ǿ,desired|,&thing|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V die|
+ȥ CONJ {condition|}
+ ADJ {condition|}
+ V alive|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,length|,long|
+ V grow|ɳ
+ V grow|ɳ,StateFin=adult|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,*sit|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N attribute|,distance|,&physical|
+ N attribute|,duration|,&time|ʱ
+ N attribute|,length|,&physical|
+ N attribute|,boundary|,&length|
+ N attribute|,correctness|,&thing|
+ N attribute|,distance|,&physical|
+ N attribute|,duration|,&time|ʱ
+ N attribute|,length|,&physical|
+ N attribute|,quality|,&thing|
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë,long|
+ N shape|,square|
+ N image|ͼ,cubic|,long|,square|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,square|
+ N shape|,square|
+ V do|,manner=brave|
+赱 V soothe|ο,target=self|,means=sing|
+ N celestial|,#weather|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ N MusicTool|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N human|,official|
+ N human|,official|,military|
+ V sit|
+ V sit|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N time|ʱ
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ N fact|,communicate|
+ N text|,detailed|
+˵ ADV {comment|}
+ N weapon|,aircraft|,military|,*order|
+ N time|ʱ,@rest|Ϣ,@WhileAway|,TimeLong|
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V prosper|
+¹ N beast|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+֮ N method|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+ N sky|
+ N clothing|,#leg|
+ N part|,%building|,nerve|
+ N part|,%building|,nerve|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clan|
+ N human|,aged|,male|
+ N human|,religion|ڽ,male|
+ N human|,mass|
+ë N material|,?clothing|
+ì N weapon|,*stab|
+ V die|
+ V MakeSound|,duration=TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+Ů N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ N fact|,exercise|,sport|
+ƪ N text|,detailed|
+ƪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,complicated|,undesired|ݬ
+ƪС˵ N readings|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+ǹ N weapon|,*firing|
+ǹ N weapon|,*stab|
+ֱ V GoForward|ǰ,manner=free|
+ȭ N fact|,beat|,sport|
+ɳ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ N human|,mass|
+ N human|,*speak|˵,trivial|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,female|Ů,*speak|˵,trivial|,undesired|ݬ
+ V alive|,TimeLong|
+ V alive|,TimeLong|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ V die|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&grow|ɳ,#plant|ֲ
+ N attribute|,age|,TimeLong|
+˿ N material|,?clothing|,?tool|þ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,family|,male|
+̸ V talk|̸,manner=TimeLong|
+̾ V sigh|̾
+ͳƤѥ N clothing|,#foot|
+ͳ N clothing|,#foot|
+; ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+; V SelfMove|
+;绰 N fact|,communicate|
+; N LandVehicle|
+ N thing|,redundant|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|
+߲Ʒ N artifact|˹,redundant|
+ N attribute|,appearance|,&AnimalHuman|
+Ч N attribute|,effect|Ч,TimeLong|,&medicine|ҩ
+ N human|,family|,male|
+뾨 N beast|,*swim|
+ҹ N time|ʱ,night|,TimeLong|
+ V BeAble|ܹ
+̾ V sigh|̾
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,round|Բ
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ N human|,clan|,adult|,HighRank|ߵ
+ N human|,clan|,adult|,family|
+ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ,military|
+ V grow|ɳ
+ξð ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,safe|,desired|
+ס V reside|ס,duration=TimeLong|
+ N human|,family|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ V recompense|
+ V return|,commercial|
+ N attribute|,ability|,return|,#owe|Ƿ,&human|,&organization|֯
+ V return|,commercial|
+ V return|,possession=strength|
+ V return|,commercial|
+ծ V return|,commercial|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N disease|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N disease|
+ʹ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ N disease|
+θ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ϵĤ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ N part|,%physical|,skin|Ƥ,#food|ʳƷ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,factory|,industrial|
+ N part|,%institution|,factory|,*manage|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|,official|,#InstitutePlace|,factory|
+ N house|,industrial|,@produce|,factory|,#InstitutePlace|
+ N regulation|,*manage|,factory|
+ N regulation|,*manage|,factory|
+ N InstitutePlace|,factory|,@produce|
+ N InstitutePlace|,factory|,mine|,@produce|
+ N time|ʱ,@rest|Ϣ,#factory|,#industrial|
+ N place|ط,factory|
+ N InstitutePlace|,factory|,@produce|
+ N human|,occupation|ְλ,*own|,#factory|
+ַ N location|λ,%factory|,#industrial|
+ N human|,*own|,#factory|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@store|,commercial|
+ N InstitutePlace|,factory|,@produce|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ V reveal|¶
+ N LandVehicle|
+ V exposure|¶
+ V open|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,free|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ V understand|
+ N LandVehicle|
+ſڶ V exposure|¶
+ſڶ V unfixed|δ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,free|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,fluent|,desired|
+ V satisfied|
+ʹ V drink|,manner=satisfied|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,fluent|,desired|
+ V speak|˵,manner=free|
+̸ V speak|˵,manner=joyful|ϲ
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,free|,desired|
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,free|,desired|
+ V think|˼,manner=free|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$sell|,commercial|
+ N publications|鿯,able|,$sell|
+ V SelfMove|,manner=free|
+ V SelfMove|,manner=free|
+ V speak|˵,manner=joyful|ϲ
+Գ V express|ʾ,content=emotion|
+ V drink|,manner=satisfied|
+ V swim|,manner=joyful|ϲ
+ V tour|,manner=joyful|ϲ
+ V cry|
+ V sing|
+ V RegardAs|,ResultIsa=evil|
+ N text|,#sing|
+ V sing|
+ N text|,#sing|
+Ϸ V act|ж,manner=single|
+Ϸ V act|ж,manner=single|
+ N music|
+̨Ϸ V oppose|
+ V speak|˵,content=oppose|
+ߵ V boast|
+ V sing|
+ N attribute|,ability|,#sing|,&human|
+ N attribute|,ability|,#sing|,&human|
+ V sing|
+ V RegardAs|,ResultIsa=kindhearted|
+ N tool|þ,*listen|,#music|
+ V count|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#disseminate|,#music|
+Ƭ N tool|þ,*record|¼,*disseminate|,#music|
+Ʊ V announce|,content=select|ѡ
+Ʊ N human|,*announce|,#select|ѡ
+ǻ N sing|,entertainment|
+ʫ N human|,*sing|,religion|ڽ
+˫ V collude|,manner=EachOther|
+˫ V perform|,content=shows|
+ͷ N part|,%tool|þ,#disseminate|,#music|
+ͷ N tool|þ,*disseminate|
+Ϸ V perform|,content=shows|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#disseminate|,#music|
+ V RegardAs|,ResultIsa=human|,important|,entertainment|
+ V salute|¾
+ V endorse|ӵ
+ V propose|
+ V start|ʼ
+ V endorse|ӵ,content=honest|
+ʼ V start|ʼ
+ʼ V human|,*start|ʼ
+ V propose|
+ V propose|
+ N text|,$propose|
+ N readings|,*propose|
+ N text|,$propose|
+ V human|,*propose|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ V cross|Խ
+ V surpass|ǿ
+ V surplus|ʣ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,amount|,over|
+ V surpass|ǿ,scope=produce|,industrial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ V cross|Խ,LocationThru=LandVehicle|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+ V cross|Խ
+ V surpass|ǿ
+ N attribute|,ability|,able|,transmit|,#electricity|
+ N physical|,*transmit|,#electricity|,generic|ͳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+Ϳ N sky|
+ N attribute|,temperature|¶,cold|,&physical|
+ V rescue|,religion|ڽ
+ V rescue|,religion|ڽ
+̲ N electricity|
+ȹ N clothing|,#leg|,#female|Ů
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,amount|,over|
+ N fund|ʽ,$earn|,commercial|
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|,desired|
+ V surpass|ǿ
+ʥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+ V surpass|ǿ,scope=load|װ
+Ƶ N attribute|,frequency|Ƶ,fast|,&electricity|
+ѹ N attribute|,strength|,strong|ǿ,&electricity|
+ѹ N attribute|,volume|ݻ,strong|ǿ,&electricity|
+ N space|ռ,empty|,#gas|
+ V surpass|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ N place|ط,country|,strong|ǿ
+· N facilities|ʩ,route|·,@AlterLocation|ռλ,fast|
+г N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+ V pass|ȹ,patient=time|ʱ,duration=over|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,amount|,over|
+ V aValue|ֵ,age|,over|
+ڷ V engage|,content=military|,duration=over|,military|
+ǰ V surpass|ǿ
+Ⱥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+Ⱥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+Ȼ V disconnect|,partner=HaveContest|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ N human|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,special|
+ N #sound|
+ N sound|
+ V WellTreat|ƴ
+ V repeat|ظ,content=ComeToWorld|,religion|ڽ
+ʱ N due|
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ V surpass|ǿ,scope=speed|ٶ
+ N attribute|,ability|,&inanimate|
+ V BeIndependent|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ṹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ִ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,special|
+Ա V surpass|ǿ,scope=load|װ
+Խ V cross|Խ
+Խ V surpass|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,amount|,#load|װ,over|
+֧ V surpass|ǿ,scope=spend|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,weight|,over|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+ V copy|д
+ V levy|
+ V pick|ʰ
+ V steal|͵,#copy|д
+ V LookFor|Ѱ,location=human|
+ V tell|
+ N readings|
+ V choose|ѡ,content=route|·
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ V obtain|õ,police|
+ V levy|,possession=artifact|˹
+ N document|,$copy|д
+ V choose|ѡ,content=route|·
+· V choose|ѡ,content=route|·
+¼ V copy|д
+ V rob|
+û V levy|
+ V LookFor|Ѱ,location=human|
+ V receive|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=hand|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ V submit|
+Ϯ V attack|,military|
+Ϯ V imitate|ģ
+Ϯ V steal|͵,#copy|д
+С· V choose|ѡ,content=route|·
+д V copy|д
+дԱ N human|,occupation|ְλ,*copy|д
+ N money|
+Ʊ N money|
+ N institution|,royal|,past|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(North Korea|)
+ N time|ʱ,morning|
+ N time|ʱ,royal|,past|
+ PREP {direction}
+ V salute|¾
+ V salute|¾,religion|ڽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|,north|
+Ϧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ıϦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,occupation|ְλ,official|,royal|,past|
+ N time|ʱ,royal|,past|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|,east|
+Ϧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,near|
+ N clothing|,#official|,#royal|,past|
+ V submit|,possession=wealth|Ǯ,royal|
+ V meet|,royal|
+Ϧ V alter|ı,politics|
+¶ N RainSnow|ѩ
+ĺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ĺ N time|ʱ,day|
+ ADJ attribute|,strength|,strong|ǿ,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ĺ V alter|ı,manner=treacherous|
+ N celestial|,morning|
+ĺ V alter|ı,manner=treacherous|
+ʥ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ,LocationFin=religion|ڽ,purpose=salute|¾
+˼ĺ V ThinkOf|˼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|,#sky|
+͢ N institution|,royal|,past|
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Korea|)
+Ϧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+Ϧ N time|ʱ,TimeShort|
+Ϧ N time|ʱ,day|
+ϼ N CloudMist|,morning|,colored|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Korea|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ս N fact|,*fight|,ProperName|ר,military|
+ͨѶ N institution|,news|,ProperName|ר,(North Korean|)
+ N human|,mass|,ProperName|ר,(Korea|)
+ V facing|
+ N celestial|,morning|
+Ұ N institution|,royal|
+ N institution|,news|,ProperName|ר,(North Korean|)
+ V facing|
+ N lights|,#celestial|,morning|
+ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ,LocationFin=religion|ڽ,purpose=salute|¾
+ V LaughAt|Ц
+ V LaughAt|Ц
+Ū V LaughAt|Ц
+Ū ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,LaughAt|Ц
+Ц V LaughAt|Ц
+Ц N human|,*LaughAt|Ц
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,wet|ʪ
+ N fact|
+ N water|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,wet|ʪ
+ V StateChange|̬
+ N shows|
+ N attribute|,SocialMode|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N water|ˮ
+ N attribute|,dampness|ʪ,&physical|,&space|ռ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,wet|ʪ
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ʪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,wet|ʪ
+ˮ N water|ˮ
+λ N attribute|,height|߶,#water|ˮ
+ϫ N water|ˮ
+ N water|ˮ
+Ѵ N water|ˮ
+ӿ V appear|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N house|,#animal|,#alive|
+ N place|ط,crime|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ V reside|ס,location=tree|
+ N beast|
+Ѩ N house|,#animal|,#alive|
+Ѩ N place|ط,crime|
+ V cry|
+ V quarrel|
+ V quarrel|
+ V quarrel|
+ V cry|
+ V quarrel|
+ V cook|
+ V discharge|
+ V exchange|,manner=venture|ð,commercial|
+ V cook|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ V exchange|,possession=bill|Ʊ,manner=venture|ð,commercial|
+Ʊ V exchange|,possession=bill|Ʊ,manner=venture|ð,commercial|
+ V exchange|,possession=money|,manner=venture|ð,commercial|
+ N food|ʳƷ,commercial|,generic|ͳ
+䷹ V repeat|ظ
+ V exchange|,manner=venture|ð,commercial|
+ V sell|,manner=venture|ð
+ N food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@cook|
+ V disseminate|
+ V discharge|
+ N LandVehicle|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V cut|
+ V irrigate|
+ N machine|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#recreation|
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,*drive|Ԧ,hand|
+ʽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*drive|Ԧ,#LandVehicle|
+ N human|,occupation|ְλ,*drive|Ԧ,#LandVehicle|
+ N place|ط,*put|,#LandVehicle|
+ N human|,occupation|ְλ,official|,#LandVehicle|
+ N vehicle|ͨ
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,eye|
+ N machine|,*cut|,*produce|,industrial|
+ N attribute|,number|,&LandVehicle|
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,leg|
+ N part|,%machine|,*cut|,heart|,industrial|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N trace|,#route|·
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,*illuminate|
+ N LandVehicle|,mass|
+ N expenditure|,#LandVehicle|,#SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*drive|Ԧ,#LandVehicle|
+ N fact|,*cut|,*produce|,industrial|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cut|,*produce|,industrial|
+ N attribute|,number|,#prove|֤,&mark|־,#LandVehicle|
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,#LandVehicle|,undesired|ݬ
+ N shows|,#drive|Ԧ,#LandVehicle|
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,bone|
+ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,factory|,industrial|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@store|,#LandVehicle|
+ N LandVehicle|,mass|
+ V punish|,police|
+ N attribute|,age|,&LandVehicle|
+ N phenomena|,#LandVehicle|,#VehicleGo|ʻ
+ N quantity|,amount|,&phenomena|,#LandVehicle|,#VehicleGo|ʻ
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,leg|
+ N LandVehicle|
+ N payment|,*SelfMove|,#affairs|,#dispatch|Dz
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,mouth|
+ N mark|־,*prove|֤,#LandVehicle|
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,head|ͷ
+Ƥ N part|,%LandVehicle|,@load|װ
+Ʊ N coupon|Ʊ֤,#wealth|Ǯ,*TakeVehicle|,#LandVehicle|
+Ǯ N expenditure|,#LandVehicle|,#SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+ǰ N medicine|ҩ
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,body|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*drive|Ԧ,#LandVehicle|
+ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,desired|
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&SelfMove|,#LandVehicle|
+̥ N part|,%LandVehicle|,leg|
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,body|
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,leg|
+ͷ N LandVehicle|,#(train|)
+ͷ N part|,%LandVehicle|,head|ͷ
+λ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,*put|,#LandVehicle|
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,@load|װ
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,@load|װ
+ N attribute|,kind|,&LandVehicle|
+е N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+բ N part|,%vehicle|ͨ,*fix|ס
+վ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#LandVehicle|,@stay|ͣ,@TakeVehicle|
+ N document|,#LandVehicle|
+ N trace|,#route|·
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|
+ N human|,*own|,#LandVehicle|
+ N expenditure|,#LandVehicle|,#SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+ N LandVehicle|
+ N text|,$repeat|ظ,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,leg|
+ V buy|,commercial|
+ V pull|
+ V split|ƿ
+ V talk|̸
+ V deceive|ƭ
+ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V deceive|ƭ
+Ƥ V quarrel|
+ƽ V MakeEqual|ʹ
+Ⱦ V run|
+ V GoBackward|
+ V MoveItBack|
+ V dismiss|
+ V remove|
+ V MoveItBack|,patient=army|,military|
+ V MoveItBack|
+ V remove|
+ V MoveItBack|,patient=army|,military|
+ V discharge|
+ V GoBackward|
+ V MoveItBack|
+ V remove|
+ V MoveItBack|,patient=army|,military|
+ V MoveItBack|
+ V cease|ͣ,content=accuse|ظ,#police|
+ V GoBackward|
+ V MoveItBack|
+ϯ V MoveItBack|,patient=tool|þ
+ V remove|
+ V remove|
+ְ V dismiss|,ResultIsa=occupation|ְλ
+ V GoBackward|
+ V MoveItBack|
+ V pull|
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ͷβ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ҹ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|,night|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,royal|,past|
+ V surrender|
+ N human|,royal|,past|
+ N human|,official|,royal|,past|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,royal|,past|
+ N celestial|,generic|ͳ
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N time|ʱ
+ʱ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ,morning|
+ N place|ط,#human|,@alive|
+ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+ N wind|,#stone|ʯ,#WeatherBad|
+ V undergo|,content=cover|ڸ,instrument=stone|ʯ
+ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+ N place|ط,#human|,@alive|
+ N place|ط,#human|,@alive|
+ N place|ط,#human|,@alive|
+ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+ N sound|,$cry|
+ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+Ե N attribute|,relatedness|,#place|ط,#human|,#alive|,&human|
+ N place|ط,#human|,@alive|
+ N time|ʱ,morning|
+ N publications|鿯,#news|,#morning|
+ N fact|,exercise|,#morning|
+ N wind|,morning|
+ N lights|,#morning|
+ N fact|,exercise|,#morning|
+Ϧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+Ϧ N time|ʱ,day|
+ N celestial|
+ĺ N fact|,persuade|Ȱ˵
+ N lights|,#morning|
+ N emotion|,sincere|,desired|
+ V MoveItDown|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,weight|,heavy|
+ V sink|³
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,weight|,heavy|
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ,patient=ship|,ResultEvent=sink|³
+ N ship|,*sink|³
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,weight|,heavy|
+ V separate|
+ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&human|,&organization|֯
+ V float|Ư
+ V stay|ͣ
+ N inanimate|,waste|
+ N stone|ʯ,?material|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+ V sink|³
+ V indulge|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ V aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+ V undergo|
+û V sink|³
+ V FeelingByBad|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,passive|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,stuffy|,undesired|ݬ
+ V indulge|
+ V indulge|
+Ĭ V KeepSilence|˵
+Ĭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,passive|,undesired|ݬ
+Ĭ V KeepSilence|˵
+Ĭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,passive|,undesired|ݬ
+ V indulge|
+ V indulge|
+˯ V sleep|˯
+˼ V aValue|ֵ,property|,think|˼
+˼ V think|˼
+˼ ADJ think|˼
+˼Ĭ V think|˼
+˼ V think|˼
+ʹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ʹ V aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ʹ V sorrowful|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+ V sink|³
+ N tool|þ,$burn|
+ V hesitate|ԥ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ V upset|
+ԩ N phenomena|,#unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N inanimate|,waste|
+ V FeelingByBad|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,intensity|ǿ,strong|ǿ,undesired|ݬ
+ס V calm|
+ V calm|
+ V indulge|
+ V indulge|
+ N disease|
+ N attribute|,habit|ϰ,undesired|ݬ,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,used|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V display|չʾ
+ V explain|˵
+ V put|
+³ V obey|ѭ
+´ V explain|˵
+´ V explain|˵
+´ N text|,used|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+´ĵ N text|,used|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+´ N material|,#food|ʳƷ,sour|
+· V display|չʾ
+¸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,used|,undesired|ݬ
+¹ N regulation|,used|,undesired|ݬ
+¹ªϰ N regulation|,used|,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+» N artifact|˹,used|,commercial|
+¼ N physical|,past|
+¾ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+¾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,used|,undesired|ݬ
+ V display|չʾ
+й N InstitutePlace|,@display|չʾ
+й N tool|þ,cubic|,@display|չʾ
+Ʒ N inanimate|,$display|չʾ
+ N room|,@display|չʾ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+Ƥ N medicine|ҩ,$eat|
+ǻĵ N text|,used|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ V display|չʾ
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,generic|ͳ
+ V explain|˵
+ ADJ explain|˵
+ V explain|˵
+ N human|,*explain|˵
+˵ V explain|˵
+ V explain|˵
+ V own|
+ PREP {means}
+ñ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,convenient|
+û V damage|
+û ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,convenient|
+Ǯ V own|,possession=wealth|Ǯ,#many|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,#hot|
+ȴ V VieFor|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,convenient|
+ V satisfied|
+Ը V satisfied|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,earliness|,early|
+ PREP {means}
+ V ServeAsFoil|
+ V inlay|Ƕ
+ N part|,%clothing|
+IJ N part|,%clothing|
+ĵ N fittings|,%machine|,*inlay|Ƕ
+Ŀ N clothing|,#leg|
+ N part|,%clothing|
+ȹ N clothing|,#leg|,female|Ů
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ N clothing|,#body|,female|Ů
+ V ServeAsFoil|
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ӳ V ServeAsFoil|
+ V PropUp|֧
+ V ill|̬,cause=BeFull|Ա
+ V keep|
+ V open|
+ V push|
+Ųס V BeUnable|,content=keep|
+ų V PropUp|֧
+ŵû V ill|̬,cause=BeFull|Ա
+ŵס V BeAble|ܹ,content=keep|
+Ÿ N tool|þ,sport|
+Ÿ N fact|,exercise|,sport|
+Ÿ N fact|,exercise|,sport|
+Ÿ N tool|þ,*push|,#ship|
+ V endorse|ӵ
+̨ V endorse|ӵ
+ V endorse|ӵ
+ס V BeAble|ܹ,content=keep|
+ N attribute|,name|,&entity|ʵ
+ V fit|ʺ
+ V measure|
+ V naming|
+ V praise|佱
+ V speak|˵
+ư V control|
+Ʊ V speak|˵,content=convenient|
+Ʋ V speak|˵,content=ill|̬
+Ʋְ V cease|ͣ,content=undertake|,means=speak|˵,#ill|̬
+Ƴ V speak|˵,content=surrender|
+Ƶ V praise|佱
+Ƶ V worth|ֵ
+Ƶ V speak|˵,content=undertake|,#official|,royal|
+ƹµ V control|
+ƺ N attribute|,name|,&human|
+ƺ N attribute|,name|,&human|
+ƺ V naming|
+ƽ V calculate|,manner=miser|
+ƿ V ShowJoy|ʾϲ
+ V measure|,scope=weight|
+ V praise|佱
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ V explain|˵
+ V praise|佱
+̾ V praise|佱
+ V speak|˵,content=undertake|,#official|
+ư V control|
+Ϊ V naming|
+ν N attribute|,name|,&human|
+ V ShowLove|ʾ
+л V thank|л
+ V satisfied|
+ V satisfied|
+Ը V satisfied|
+ֵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ V control|
+ V praise|佱
+ V praise|佱
+Ը V satisfied|
+ V praise|佱
+֮ V naming|
+ְ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,engage|,#occupation|ְλ,desired|
+ V measure|,scope=weight|
+ V naming|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#city|
+ N part|,%place|ط,city|,heart|
+ N place|ط,city|
+ǰ N place|ط,#human|,country|,politics|
+DZ N facilities|ʩ,#city|
+dz N place|ط,city|
+Ƕ N facilities|ʩ,military|
+Ƕ N part|,%facilities|ʩ,military|
+Ƕ N part|,%facilities|ʩ,military|
+Ƿ V defend|,patient=city|,military|
+Ǹ N attribute|,wisdom|ǻ,&human|
+Ǹ N part|,%facilities|ʩ,base|
+ǹ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#city|,mouth|
+ǹ N facilities|ʩ,#city|
+Ǻ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#city|
+ǽ V build|,PatientProduct=city|
+ǽ N part|,%place|ط,surrounding|Χ,#city|
+ N location|λ,%city|,internal|
+¥ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#city|,@reside|ס
+ N part|,%facilities|ʩ,#city|,mouth|
+ǽ N facilities|ʩ,#city|
+ N place|ط,#city|
+ N place|ط,city|
+й N place|ط,#human|,country|,politics|
+н V build|,PatientProduct=city|
+о N human|,*reside|ס,*function|,#city|
+˿ N human|,*reside|ס,*function|,#city|
+ͷ N facilities|ʩ,#city|
+ N location|λ,%city|,external|
+ N place|ط,city|
+ N place|ط,city|,village|
+ N place|ط,city|
+ԫ N facilities|ʩ,#city|
+ N place|ط,city|
+ N humanized|,ProperName|ר
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,religion|ڽ
+ܦ N facilities|ʩ,military|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$produce|,$forming|γ
+ V become|Ϊ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ EXPR expression|,*ExpressAgreement|ʾͬ
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N quantity|,rate|,&entity|ʵ
+ N result|,desired|,#succeed|ɹ
+ V succeed|ɹ
+ɰǧ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ɰ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&event|¼
+ɱ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,double|
+ɱ N expenditure|,commercial|
+ɱЧӦ ADJ attribute|,effect|Ч,#expenditure|,&create|,commercial|
+ɲ V BeUnable|,content=succeed|ɹ
+ɲ V BeUnable|,content=succeed|ɹ
+ɲʲô V BeUnable|,content=succeed|ɹ
+ɲ V become|Ϊ,isa=able|,#human|
+ɲ V become|Ϊ,isa=superior|,#tree|
+ɲ V become|Ϊ,isa=able|,#human|
+ɳ V grow|ɳ
+ɳ N time|ʱ,@grow|ɳ
+ɳ N InsectWorm|
+ɳ V become|Ϊ,isa=enemy|
+ɶ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ɶ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ɶ V become|Ϊ,double|
+ɷ N attribute|,origin|,&human|
+ɷ N component|,%entity|ʵ
+ɷ N attribute|,origin|,&human|
+ɷ N component|,%entity|ʵ
+ɷ V exist|,manner=ordinary|
+ɸ V forming|γ,StateFin=form|״
+ɸ V grow|ɳ,StateFin=big|
+ɸ V grow|ɳ,StateFin=form|״
+ɹ V succeed|ɹ
+ɹ N regulation|,ordinary|
+ɹ N result|,desired|,#succeed|ɹ
+ɺ; V BeSame|ͬ,sport|
+ɻ V GetMarried|
+ɻ V alive|
+ɼ N result|,desired|,#succeed|ɹ
+ɼ N readings|,#result|,education|
+ɼ V GetMarried|
+ɼҵ V GetMarried|,start|ʼ,#affairs|
+ɼ N thought|ͷ,biased|ƫ,undesired|ݬ
+ɽ V succeed|ɹ,scope=commercial|,commercial|
+ɽ N quantity|,amount|,&affairs|,commercial|
+ɾ V fulfil|ʵ
+ɾ N result|,desired|,#succeed|ɹ
+ɾ N emotion|,#succeed|ɹ
+ɿ N fact|,forming|γ,#mine|
+ N example|ʵ,ordinary|
+ V be|,descriptive=correct|ȷ
+ V establish|
+ V grow|ɳ,StateFin=tree|,mass|
+ V forming|γ,PatientProduct=complete|
+ V sleep|˯
+ V WellKnown|
+ɼ V WellKnown|
+ N text|,*order|,$announce|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ V grow|ɳ,StateFin=adult|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ N human|,adult|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,$produce|,generic|ͳ
+ƽ V BeSame|ͬ,sport|
+ƽ V BeSame|ͬ,sport|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ V succeed|ɹ
+ǧ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ǧ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ǧ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ V GetMarried|
+ȫ V help|,scope=fulfil|ʵ
+Ⱥ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+Ⱥ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ V die|
+ V grow|ɳ,StateFin=adult|
+ N human|,adult|
+֮ V help|,scope=fulfil|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ճҹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ɫ N attribute|,quality|,&inanimate|
+ V succeed|ɹ
+²㣬 ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,ripe|,desired|
+ N time|ʱ,@grow|ɳ
+ N quantity|,rate|,&entity|ʵ
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+˫ V become|Ϊ,isa=double|
+˫ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,double|
+˫ɶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,amount|,double|
+˵ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ V BeAble|ܹ,content=recite|ж
+ V become|Ϊ,isa=habit|ϰ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+Ϊ V become|Ϊ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$write|д
+ N readings|
+ķ N law|ɷ
+ V forming|γ,PatientProduct=image|ͼ
+Ч N attribute|,effect|Ч,&event|¼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ V forming|γ,PatientProduct=form|״
+ V forming|γ,PatientProduct=form|״
+ V start|ʼ,content=leave|뿪
+ V become|Ϊ,isa=behavior|ֹ
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ
+ҹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ N clothing|
+½ N human|,occupation|ְλ,*produce|,#clothing|
+ N InstitutePlace|,*produce|,#clothing|,commercial|
+ N cause|ԭ
+ N part|,%language|
+Ա N human|,#organization|֯
+Ա N place|ط,country|,#organization|֯
+ V ResultIn|,result=unfortunate|
+ V BeAble|ܹ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ V ResultIn|,result=aspiration|Ը,#addict|Ⱥ,#FondOf|ϲ,undesired|ݬ
+ V ResultIn|,result=aspiration|Ը,#addict|Ⱥ,#FondOf|ϲ,undesired|ݬ
+ V be|
+ V submit|
+ʱ V submit|
+ʵ V submit|
+ V request|Ҫ
+ N document|
+ V appear|
+ V submit|
+ V be|,descriptive=positive|,#disease|
+ V be|,descriptive=negative|,#disease|
+ V submit|,purpose=amend|
+ V submit|,purpose=amend|
+ V DoSum|
+ V TakeVehicle|
+ PREP {means}
+˱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,convenient|
+˳ V TakeVehicle|,patient=LandVehicle|
+˳ N army|,*TakeVehicle|,#LandVehicle|
+˳ V TakeVehicle|,patient=LandVehicle|
+˴ V TakeVehicle|,patient=ship|
+˵ V TakeVehicle|,patient=LandVehicle|
+˵糵 V TakeVehicle|,patient=LandVehicle|
+˷ N fact|,DoSum|
+˷ɻ V TakeVehicle|,patient=aircraft|
+˷ V do|,manner=brave|
+˹ V TakeVehicle|,patient=LandVehicle|
+˺ N symbol|,*DoSum|
+˻ V TakeVehicle|,patient=LandVehicle|
+˻ V damage|
+˻ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,convenient|
+˻ N result|,#DoSum|
+˼Ƴ̳ V TakeVehicle|,patient=LandVehicle|
+˾ N human|,occupation|ְλ,#LandVehicle|,police|
+˿ N human|,*TakeVehicle|
+ V enjoy|,content=chilly|
+ N human|,family|,male|,desired|
+֮Σ V use|,patient=time|ʱ
+ʤ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,#win|ʤ
+ʤǰ V GoForward|ǰ,time=win|ʤ
+ʤ V chase|,time=win|ʤ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,convenient|
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,#LandVehicle|
+϶ ADV use|,patient=time|ʱ
+ V use|,patient=time|ʱ
+ ADV use|,patient=time|ʱ
+ V do|,time=convenient|
+ V DoSum|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,#vehicle|ͨ
+ V TakeVehicle|
+ N attribute|,distance|,&space|ռ
+ N attribute|,sequence|,&event|¼
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N fact|,tour|
+ N regulation|
+̶ N attribute|,degree|̶,&event|¼,&aValue|ֵ
+̶ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&thing|
+̿ V control|,instrument=software|
+ʽ N symbol|
+ N attribute|,sequence|,&event|¼
+ N software|
+ V control|,instrument=software|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*compile|༭,#software|
+ V punish|
+Ͱ V punish|
+Ͱ V punish|
+ʹ V punish|
+ͷ V punish|
+ͽ V punish|
+ǰѺ V study|ѧ,source=err|,purpose=exempt|,#err|
+ V punish|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+γ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+ V explain|˵
+ V undergo|,content=filter|
+ɳ N material|,#food|ʳƷ,$eat|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ϻ̳Ͽ V fear|
+Ͽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+Ȼ CONJ {comment|}
+Ȼ ADJ {comment|}
+Ȼ CONJ {comment|}
+Ȼ ADV {comment|}
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ N aspiration|Ը,sincere|,desired|
+ij ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ N aspiration|Ը,sincere|,desired|
+ V call|ٻ,ResultEvent=request|Ҫ,#employ|
+ֿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ V KeepOn|ʹ
+ V SupportWeight|ס
+ V bear|е
+ V grateful|м
+а V bear|е
+а V bear|е
+аλ N institution|,content=bear|е
+а V human|,#occupation|ְλ,content=bear|е
+б V bear|е,content=guarantee|֤
+б N human|,*guarantee|֤
+б V human|,content=bear|е,#guarantee|֤
+е V bear|е
+е N human|,*undertake|
+е V bear|е
+е N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+е N human|,*pawn|Ѻ,commercial|
+ж V exchange|,commercial|
+ж N institution|,exchange|,commercial|
+й V bear|е,content=buy|
+м V receive|,possession=family|
+м V undergo|,content=receive|
+н V bear|е,content=build|
+н V KeepOn|ʹ
+н V MakeAppointment|Լ,content=bear|е
+н V receive|
+ V MakeAppointment|Լ,content=bear|е
+ V grateful|м
+ŵ V MakeAppointment|Լ,content=bear|е
+ŵ N information|Ϣ,*MakeAppointment|Լ,#bear|е
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+ǰ V connect|
+ V admit|
+ V admit|,diplomatic|⽻
+ V connect|
+ V SupportWeight|ס
+ V endure|
+ V expect|
+Ϯ V obey|ѭ
+Ϯ V receive|
+ V connect|
+ V sell|,commercial|
+ӡ V bear|е,content=print|ӡˢ
+ V bear|е,content=transport|
+ V SupportWeight|ס
+ N attribute|,ability|,load|װ,&vehicle|ͨ
+ V SupportWeight|ס,patient=weight|
+ǽ N part|,%building|,skin|Ƥ,*SupportWeight|ס,#weight|
+ V lend|,commercial|
+ N human|,*borrow|,commercial|
+ V ShowOff|ҫ
+ V indulge|
+ V ShowOff|ҫ,content=ability|
+ǿ V ShowOff|ҫ,content=ability|
+ǿ V ShowOff|ҫ,content=power|
+ V ShowOff|ҫ,content=power|
+ V indulge|
+ V IllBehave|
+Ӣ V ShowOff|ҫ,content=ability|
+ V SelfMove|,manner=fast|
+һ V satisfied|
+Ŀ V look|,content=far|Զ
+ĿԶ V look|,content=far|Զ
+ N tool|þ,*measure|,#weight|
+Ӵ N part|,%tool|þ,#measure|,#weight|
+Ӹ N part|,%tool|þ,#measure|,#weight|
+ӹ N part|,%tool|þ,#measure|,#weight|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#measure|,#weight|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#measure|,#weight|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#measure|,#weight|
+ V depend|
+ V destroy|,military|
+ V eat|
+ V exhaust|
+ V soak|
+ V suffer|
+ V depend|,partner=^self|
+ V eat|,patient=food|ʳƷ
+ʳ V depend|,partner=^self|
+ V suffer|,content=fail|ʧ
+Ա V BeFull|Ա
+ԱŸ V suffer|,content=obstruct|ֹ,#GoInto|
+Ա V suffer|,content=fail|ʧ
+Բ V OwnNot|,possession=edible|ʳ
+Բ V do|,few|,industrial|
+Բ V WithstandNot|ס
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$eat|
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+Բ V eat|,^Vable|
+Բ˶ V unfortunate|
+Բ V BeUnable|,content=eat|
+Բ V OwnNot|,possession=edible|ʳ
+Բ V BeUnable|,content=know|֪
+Բ V BeUnable|,content=eat|
+Բ V WithstandNot|ס
+Բס V WithstandNot|ס
+ԳԵЦ V laugh|Ц
+ԳԺȺ V consume|ȡ
+Դ N edible|ʳ,clothing|
+Դ V jealous|ʼ
+Ե ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$eat|
+Եÿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+Ե V eat|,Vable|
+Ե V withstand|ס
+Եס V withstand|ס
+Ե V destroy|,military|
+Զ V eat|,patient=edible|ʳ
+Զ V tease|ȡ,#female|Ů
+Է V MakeLiving|ı
+Է V eat|,patient=edible|ʳ
+Թ˾ V suffer|,content=accuse|ظ,police|
+Թ V eat|,location=InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+Թ V eat|
+Ժ V consume|ȡ
+Ժ˯ N fact|,#alive|
+Ժ V SeekPleasure|Ѱ,undesired|ݬ
+Ժζ V SeekPleasure|Ѱ,undesired|ݬ
+Իؿ V earn|,possession=payment|,commercial|
+Խ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+Ծ V eat|
+Ծ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+Ծ V fear|
+Ծ V surprise|
+Կ N human|,*eat|
+Կ V suffer|,content=hardship|
+Կ V endeavour|
+Կͷ V suffer|,content=hardship|
+Կ V unfortunate|
+ϱ V depend|,partner=payment|
+ V betray|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ֺ V ^succeed|ɹ
+ V eat|,patient=food|ʳƷ
+ V eat|,patient=food|ʳƷ
+ V eat|
+ǹӶ V suffer|,content=kill|ɱ
+ V accept|,content=invite|,result=consume|ȡ
+ V depend|,partner=female|Ů
+ˮ V attribute|,depth|,&ship|
+ˮ V exhaust|,patient=liquid|Һ
+ˮ V liquid|Һ
+ˮ N mark|־,#liquid|Һ,#ship|
+ V eat|,patient=vegetable|߲
+ V know|֪
+з V slack|͵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+ĺ V enjoy|
+ưͿ V unfortunate|
+ի V eat|,patient=vegetable|߲,religion|ڽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ס N fact|,MakeLiving|ı
+ V believe|
+ V bear|е,content=duty|
+ﲻ V BeUnable|,content=bear|е,#duty|
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ V mad|
+մ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+մ N disease|
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ N emotion|,FondOf|ϲ
+˵ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+ N thought|ͷ,empty|,wrong|
+ N emotion|,FondOf|ϲ
+ V expect|
+ N thought|ͷ,empty|,wrong|
+ N human|,*mad|
+ N human|,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+ V hold|
+ V keep|
+ V manage|
+ַ V conduct|ʵʩ,content=law|ɷ
+ֹ V own|,possession=fund|ʽ
+ּ V request|Ҫ,patient=self|
+ּ V manage|,patient=family|
+־ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+־ս N fact|,*attack|,TimeLong|,military|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ƽ V equal|
+ǹ V hold|,patient=weapon|
+ǹͽ N human|,fierce|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ V err|,sport|,(basketball|)
+ V request|Ҫ,patient=self|
+ V GoOn|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ V disagree|ͬ
+ V own|
+ N human|,*own|
+֮Ժ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+ N tool|þ,*hold|,#food|ʳƷ,*eat|
+ N tool|þ,*hold|,#food|ʳƷ,*eat|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N facilities|ʩ,#city|
+ N facilities|ʩ,surfacial|
+ N room|,%InstitutePlace|,@perform|,entertainment|
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,salty|
+֮ N fact|,unfortunate|
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ N facilities|ʩ,%InstitutePlace|,@wash|ϴ
+ N facilities|ʩ,%InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,@recreation|
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ N room|,%InstitutePlace|,@perform|,entertainment|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,earliness|,late|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ٳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ٵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,earliness|,late|
+ٶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+ٶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ٻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ V delay|
+ V delay|
+ V hesitate|ԥ
+ɲ V hesitate|ԥ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,relax|,desired|
+ڻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,relax|,desired|
+ڽ V cease|ͣ,content=prohibit|ֹ
+ N disease|
+ V SelfMove|,manner=fast|
+۳ V SelfMove|,manner=fast|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ V ThinkOf|˼
+ V SelfMove|,manner=fast|
+ V endeavour|
+˼ V ThinkOf|˼
+ V VehicleGo|ʻ,manner=fast|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+Ԯ V rescue|,manner=fast|
+ V SelfMove|,manner=fast|
+ N emotion|,shy|,undesired|ݬ
+ܹ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ N emotion|,shy|,undesired|ݬ
+Ц V LaughAt|Ц
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ
+ N part|,%inanimate|
+ N part|,%implement|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+̸ V boast|
+ N shape|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|,generic|ͳ
+ CLAS unit|λ,&length|
+ߴ N attribute|,size|ߴ,&physical|
+߶ N attribute|,standard|,&physical|
+߹ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N attribute|,size|ߴ,&physical|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|,#length|
+ N letter|ż
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,empty|
+ V exposure|¶
+ V exposure|¶,#body|
+ಲ V exposure|¶,#body|
+ಲ V exposure|¶
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+൨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ N location|λ,#earth|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Equatorial Guinean|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ǧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,barren|,undesired|ݬ
+ඹ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ඹ N vegetable|߲
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,brown|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,brown|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ N metal|,pure|
+ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ N disease|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+¶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,empty|
+¶ V exposure|¶
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|
+ V exposure|¶
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|
+ V exposure|¶
+ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ N celestial|,hot|
+ N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+¶ V exposure|¶,#body|
+ V exposure|¶,#body|
+ֿȭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ N tree|
+ V exposure|¶
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+С N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+Ѫ N chemical|ѧ
+ N human|,young|
+֮ ADJ emotion|,pure|,desired|
+ N wealth|Ǯ,$InDebt|
+ N food|ʳƷ,#fish|
+ N part|,%bird|,%InsectWorm|,wing|,*fly|
+ N part|,%aircraft|,wing|,*fly|
+ N part|,%bird|,%InsectWorm|,wing|,*fly|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ N part|,%InsectWorm|,#wing|,#fly|
+ N part|,%bird|,#wing|,#fly|
+ N part|,%bird|,wing|,*fly|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V discharge|
+ V provide|
+ V provide|,possession=fund|ʽ
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V discharge|
+ V expel|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ N human|,*ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V provide|,possession=fund|ʽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,intensity|ǿ,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,intensity|ǿ,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|
+ʢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,control|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|
+ V RegardAs|,means=pretend|װ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,sufficient|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V feed|ι
+ V undertake|
+ V exist|,quantity=many|
+䵱 V RegardAs|
+ V enrich|ʵ,material=strength|
+ V feed|ι,patient=electricity|
+ N tool|þ,*feed|ι,#electricity|
+ V ignorant|֪,#listen|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,sufficient|
+乫 V levy|,police|
+伢 V consume|ȡ
+ V exile|
+ V CauseToExist|ʹ,quantity=many|
+ V exist|,quantity=many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+Σ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ V believe|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+伫 ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ V feed|ι,patient=gas|
+ V undertake|
+ V fill|
+ʵ V enrich|ʵ
+ʵ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,sufficient|
+ V fill|
+Ѫ N disease|,#bleed|Ѫ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,sufficient|
+ V spill|
+ӯ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,sufficient|
+ӯ V spill|
+ԣ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,sufficient|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,sufficient|
+ V CauseToAppear|
+ V GoForward|ǰ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,strong|ǿ
+ V cook|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·,important|
+ V facing|
+ N land|½
+ V wash|ϴ
+ PREP {cause}
+ PREP {direction}
+ N process|,wave|ڶ,#machine|
+ V GoForward|ǰ
+崲 N machine|,*press|ѹ
+ V run|,manner=fast|
+嵭 V MakeLower|
+嵭 V dilute|嵭
+嵴 V wash|ϴ
+嶯 N emotion|,excited|
+嶯 V excited|
+巸 V offend|
+ V attack|,military|
+ǹ N weapon|,*firing|
+ V attack|,military|
+ V drink|,medical|ҽ
+ V damage|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ V attack|,military|
+ V bump|ײ
+ V damage|
+ N attribute|,strength|,strong|ǿ,entity|ʵ
+ V pile|ѷ
+ N part|,%land|½
+ƽԭ N land|½
+ N stone|ʯ
+ N medicine|ҩ,liquid|Һ
+ V damage|
+ V damage|
+ V swim|,sport|
+ N swim|,sport|
+˰ N tool|þ,swim|,sport|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&physical|
+ V cool|,wash|ϴ
+ V split|ƿ
+ɢ V spread|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+ˢ V damage|
+ˢ V wash|ϴ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ͻ V FitNot|
+ͻ V fight|
+ϴ V CauseToAppear|
+ϴ V wash|ϴ
+ѹ V press|ѹ,industrial|
+ V cool|,wash|ϴ
+ V coordinate|Э,commercial|
+ײ V bump|ײ
+ײ V offend|
+ V facing|
+ N part|,%machine|,*press|ѹ
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+溦 N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#InsectWorm|,#unfortunate|
+ N part|,%InsectWorm|,embryo|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ,#disease|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#InsectWorm|,#unfortunate|
+ V bite|ҧ
+ N InsectWorm|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ V respect|
+ V respect|
+ N human|,*respect|
+ V believe|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+羴 V respect|
+ɽ N land|½
+ V endorse|ӵ
+ V respect|,target=foreign|
+ V respect|,target=foreign|
+ V like|ϧ
+谮 V like|ϧ
+ N entity|ʵ,$like|ϧ,desired|
+費 V calm|
+ N animal|,$like|ϧ,desired|
+ V believe|
+ V like|ϧ
+ V PickOut|γ
+ V addict|Ⱥ
+ V beat|
+ V choose|ѡ
+ V collect|
+ V grow|ɳ
+ V shrink|С
+ V twitch|鴤
+鲻 V BeUnable|,content=use|,#time|ʱ
+鲻 V BeUnable|,content=leave|뿪
+ V check|
+ V check|
+ V PickOut|γ
+ V use|,patient=time|ʱ
+ V use|,patient=time|ʱ
+鴤 V twitch|鴤
+ V weep|
+ V beat|
+ V transport|
+鶡 V include|,manner=force|ǿ
+鶯 V twitch|鴤
+鶷 N part|,%furniture|Ҿ,cubic|,@put|
+ V IllBehave|
+ V drain|ų,patient=gas|
+ V twitch|鴤
+ N tool|þ,*drain|ų,#gas|
+ V check|
+齱 V gamble|IJ
+ V twitch|鴤
+ V use|,patient=time|ʱ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+ N tool|þ,*drain|ų,#gas|
+ V weep|
+ǩ V gamble|IJ
+ȡ V gather|ɼ
+ɴ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ V leave|뿪
+ˮ V drain|ų,patient=liquid|Һ
+ˮ N machine|,*drain|ų,#liquid|Һ
+ˮͰ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#waste|,#excrete|й
+˰ V levy|,possession=expenditure|,commercial|
+ V grow|ɳ,agricultural|ũ
+ V shrink|С
+ N part|,%furniture|Ҿ,cubic|,@put|
+ͷ V collect|,commercial|
+ͷ N part|,%linear|,#electricity|,branch|֧
+ V use|,patient=time|ʱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,abstract|
+ N human|,entertainment|,literature|
+ѡ V choose|ѡ
+ѿ V grow|ɳ,agricultural|ũ
+ V weep|
+ V addict|Ⱥ
+ V check|
+ҭ V weep|
+׳ V include|,manner=force|ǿ
+ V grow|ɳ,agricultural|ũ
+ V twitch|鴤
+ V congratulate|ף,instrument=drinks|Ʒ
+ V exchange|
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ N payment|
+걨 V recompense|
+ V sell|,manner=recompense|,commercial|
+ V reply|,instrument=text|
+ V thank|л,instrument=artifact|˹
+ V reply|
+ V reply|
+ N payment|
+ N payment|
+ V recompense|
+л V thank|л
+ N fact|,associate|
+ N fact|,congratulate|ף,means=drink|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&entity|ʵ,&aValue|ֵ,&attribute|
+ N land|½,#crop|ׯ
+ N time|ʱ,past|
+ N time|ʱ,past|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V hesitate|ԥ
+ V hesitate|ԥ,content=SelfMove|
+ǰ V hesitate|ԥ,content=SelfMove|
+־ V satisfied|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,concentration|Ũ,concentrated|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,dense|
+ N attribute|,concentration|Ũ,&physical|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,dense|
+ V worried|ż
+ N emotion|,upset|
+ٽ V upset|
+ N emotion|,upset|
+ N emotion|,upset|
+üչ V upset|
+ü V upset|
+ü V upset|
+ V upset|
+ N attribute|,countenance|,#upset|,&human|
+˼ N emotion|,upset|
+ N emotion|,sad|dz
+ N emotion|,sad|dz
+ N coupon|Ʊ֤
+ V plan|ƻ
+ V prepare|
+ V prepare|
+ﱸ V prepare|
+ﱸ N fact|,*prepare|
+ V gather|ɼ,commercial|
+ﻮ V plan|ƻ
+O V gather|ɼ,commercial|
+ィ V establish|
+ V gather|ɼ,possession=fund|ʽ
+ N coupon|Ʊ֤
+ļ V gather|ɼ
+ V discuss|
+ V calculate|
+ί N part|,%institution|,*plan|ƻ
+ V gather|ɼ,possession=fund|ʽ
+ V establish|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N emotion|,hate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,enemy|
+ N human|,enemy|
+ N emotion|,hate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,enemy|
+ɱ V kill|ɱ,cause=revenge|
+ V hate|
+϶ N fact|,quarrel|
+Թ N emotion|,hate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ V look|
+ V perception|֪,means=look|
+ն V use|,patient=time|ʱ
+ V use|,patient=time|ʱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,disgraced|,undesired|ݬ
+ N fact|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,entertainment|
+˹ N human|,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+ V slander|̰
+ N text|,forthright|ˬ
+ N human|,entertainment|
+ N fact|,undesired|ݬ
+ N shows|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ª ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+ʱ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ,morning|
+ N fact|,disgraced|,undesired|ݬ
+̬ N attribute|,bearing|̬,disgraced|,&human|
+̬ٳ V appear|,manner=disgraced|
+̬¶ V appear|,manner=disgraced|
+ N fact|,disgraced|,undesired|ݬ
+ N fact|,disgraced|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,intensity|ǿ,strong|ǿ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,stinky|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,disgraced|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ,*sting|
+ N tree|,?medicine|ҩ,$eat|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,stinky|,undesired|ݬ
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ,manner=strong|ǿ
+ V ShowOff|ҫ
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,disgraced|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,disgraced|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƥ N human|
+ N method|,NotQuick|ګ
+¦ N human|,NotQuick|ګ,*recreation|
+ N gas|,stinky|
+Ѭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,stinky|,undesired|ݬ
+ζͶ V fit|ʺ,scope=bad|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ N gas|,#weather|
+ N gas|,#weather|
+ N beast|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,elementary|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,InFront|ǰ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,InFront|ǰ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%time|ʱ,head|ͷ
+ V print|ӡˢ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,elementary|
+ N human|,female|Ů,*GiveBirth|,medical|ҽ
+ N part|,%human|,#female|Ů,liquid|Һ,#mating|
+é® ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ
+ V establish|
+ N time|ʱ,spring|,early|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,elementary|
+Ƚ N affairs|,education|,elementary|
+ N time|ʱ,winter|,early|
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ N time|ʱ,season|,InFront|ǰ,hot|
+ N text|
+ N fact|,GetMarried|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,elementary|
+Сѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,elementary|,education|
+ѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,elementary|,education|
+ V CauseToAppear|
+Ч V exposure|¶,experiencer=succeed|ɹ
+ N human|,friend|
+߹ģ V succeed|ɹ
+ N fact|,love|
+¶ V CauseToAppear|
+¶â V CauseToAppear|,patient=ability|
+¶ͷ V CauseToAppear|,patient=ability|
+ N time|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ,season|
+ N fact|,estimate|
+ N time|ʱ,InFront|ǰ
+ N time|ʱ,autumn|,early|
+ N fact|,#compete|
+ N judge|ö,police|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,new|
+ţ N human|,brave|
+ţ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+֮ N human|,brave|
+ʼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,InFront|ǰ
+ʼ V ize|̬
+ V exam|
+ N time|ʱ,summer|,early|
+С N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,elementary|,education|
+ѡ N select|ѡ
+ѧ V study|ѧ
+ѧ N human|,*study|ѧ
+һ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+Ը N aspiration|Ը,expect|,original|ԭ
+ս N fact|,compete|,sport|
+ս N fact|,fight|,military|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=$cure|ҽ
+ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,elementary|,education|
+ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|
+ N aspiration|Ը,original|ԭ
+ V GoOut|ȥ
+ V GoThrough|
+ V MoveItOut|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,direction|,external|
+ V announce|
+ V create|
+ V happen|
+ V publish|
+ V spend|
+ V surpass|ǿ
+ STRU {Vachieve|}
+ STRU {Vdirection|,external|}
+ STRU {over|}
+ V publish|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*publish|,commercial|
+ N InstitutePlace|,publish|
+ N publications|鿯
+ V announce|,content=document|
+ V announce|,content=result|,education|
+ V dispatch|Dz,patient=army|,military|
+ V exercise|
+ͷ V err|
+ V err|
+ V SelfMove|,#affairs|,#dispatch|Dz
+ V err|
+ N payment|,*SelfMove|,#affairs|,#dispatch|Dz
+ V produce|
+ V arrive|,location=InstitutePlace|,#perform|,entertainment|
+ V arrive|,location=facilities|ʩ,#compete|,sport|
+ N payment|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ V GoOut|ȥ,LocationIni=factory|
+ N attribute|,price|۸,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+۸ N attribute|,price|۸,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ N quantity|,rate|,&transport|,commercial|
+ V dispatch|Dz,patient=LandVehicle|
+ V leave|뿪,means=drive|Ԧ
+ V engage|,content=affairs|,#LandVehicle|
+ V suffer|,content=disgraced|
+ N location|λ,@ExistAppear|
+ V err|
+ V sell|,#InstitutePlace|
+ V fulfil|ʵ,patient=study|ѧ,#engage|
+ V teach|,content=thought|ͷ
+ N location|λ,@ExistAppear|,#text|
+ V pawn|Ѻ,#building|
+ V lend|,#building|
+ V dispatch|Dz
+ V start|ʼ,content=leave|뿪
+ V disobey|Υ,content=MakeAppointment|Լ
+ V start|ʼ,content=leave|뿪
+ N standpoint|
+ V LeaveFor|ǰ,purpose=visit|,diplomatic|⽻
+ͷ V ShowOff|ҫ
+ V end|ս,experiencer=time|ʱ,#hot|
+ V leave|뿪,LocationIni=facilities|ʩ,#ship|
+ V FitNot|
+ V MarryTo|
+ V engage|,content=affairs|
+ V excrete|й,patient=waste|
+¶ V suffer|,content=disgraced|
+ V do|,manner=improper|
+ V leave|뿪,LocationIni=route|·,#err|
+Ϊ V attribute|,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ,&human|
+ V LeaveFor|ǰ,LocationFin=foreign|
+ V LeaveFor|ǰ,LocationFin=waters|ˮ
+ V excrete|й,patient=waste|
+ V start|ʼ,content=VehicleGo|ʻ
+ V start|ʼ,content=fly|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+ V fulfil|ʵ,patient=many|
+ V transport|,artifact|˹
+ V attack|
+ V engage|,content=religion|ڽ,religion|ڽ
+ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ V propose|,content=price|۸,commercial|
+ V MarryTo|
+ V undertake|,content=important|
+ V err|,sport|
+ V lend|
+ V leave|뿪,LocationIni=foreign|
+ V end|ս,experiencer=time|ʱ,#cold|
+ V suffer|,content=discharge|,sport|
+ V submit|
+ N part|,%place|ط,mouth|
+ V speak|˵
+ V transport|,commercial|
+ڳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,speak|˵,desired|
+ڶ N quantity|,amount|,transport|,&physical|
+ V speak|˵,result=offend|
+Ʒ V artifact|˹,$transport|,generic|ͳ,commercial|
+ V GoOut|ȥ
+ V appear|
+ STRU {Vachieve|}
+ STRU {Vdirection|,external|}
+ V TakeAway|ᶯ,agricultural|ũ
+ V grow|ɳ,agricultural|ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ V endeavour|
+ V GoOut|ȥ,military|
+ V engage|,content=catch|ס,#beast|,agricultural|ũ
+ V slide|
+ V ComeToWorld|
+ V appear|
+¦ V err|
+· N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+· N method|
+ V err|
+ V become|Ϊ
+ V do|
+ V betray|
+ V sell|
+ë V OutOfOrder|
+÷ V end|ս,experiencer=time|ʱ,#RainSnow|ѩ
+û V appear|
+ V leave|뿪,LocationIni=family|
+ V start|ʼ,content=leave|뿪
+ V MarryTo|
+ V appear|
+ V bear|е
+ V grow|ɳ,agricultural|ũ
+ V WellKnown|
+ ADJ WellKnown|
+ı V help|,scope=plan|ƻ
+ıײ V help|,scope=plan|ƻ
+ N fact|,calculate|,collect|,pay|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*calculate|,*collect|,*pay|,#wealth|Ǯ
+̨ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,commercial|,*calculate|,*collect|,*pay|,#wealth|Ǯ
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*calculate|,*collect|,*pay|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ V sell|,#InstitutePlace|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,$produce|,generic|ͳ
+Ʒ V produce|
+䲻 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ʤ V win|ʤ,means=SelfMove|
+ V ExpressAnger|ʾŭ
+Ǯ V provide|,possession=fund|ʽ
+ V engage|,content=affairs|
+ N quantity|,rate|,&engage|,#affairs|
+ȥ V GoOut|ȥ
+ȥ STRU {Vdirection|,external|}
+ȥԷ V eat|,location=InstitutePlace|
+Ȧ V do|,manner=improper|
+ȱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occupation|ְλ,empty|
+ V sell|
+ V aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+ V undertake|
+ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+ N attribute|,similarity|ͬ,different|,&entity|ʵ
+뾳 V GoInto|,LocationFin=country|,leave|뿪,LocationIni=country|
+ N part|,%place|ط,%building|,mouth|
+֤ N document|,*GoInto|
+ V GoOut|ȥ,LocationIni=facilities|ʩ
+ V include|,ResultWhole=compete|,sport|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ɽ V leave|뿪,LocationIni=land|½
+ɽ V undertake|,content=official|
+ N attribute|,origin|,&human|
+߹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ V stupefied|ľȻ
+뻯 ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,good|,desired|
+ V MakeSound|
+ V speak|˵
+ V ComeToWorld|
+ N place|ط,@ComeToWorld|
+ N quantity|,rate|,&GiveBirth|
+ N time|ʱ,@ComeToWorld|
+ N time|ʱ,@ComeToWorld|
+ V endeavour|
+ʱ N time|ʱ,@ComeToWorld|
+ʦ V cease|ͣ,content=study|ѧ
+ʦ V dispatch|Dz,patient=army|,military|
+ʦ V defeated|,military|
+ʹ V undertake|,content=official|,politics|
+ʾ V display|չʾ
+ V BeIndependent|
+ V ComeToWorld|
+ V suffer|,content=dangerous|Σ
+ V beat|
+ V give|
+ V sell|
+ֲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ V sell|
+̨ V announce|
+̨ V appear|,location=facilities|ʩ,purpose=perform|,entertainment|
+ V flee|
+ V become|Ϊ
+ͥ V appear|,location=institution|,police|
+֤ͥ V prove|֤,#police|
+ͷ V BeRecovered|ԭ,StateIni=unfortunate|
+ͷ V appear|
+ͷ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,over|
+ͷ¶ V appear|
+ V exposure|¶
+ N physical|
+ V CauseNotToBe|ʹ֮,police|
+ V become|Ϊ
+ V sell|
+ V leave|뿪,LocationIni=family|
+ V flee|
+ V err|
+Ϣ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&human|
+Ϣ V prosper|
+ϯ V engage|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,StateIni=dangerous|Σ
+ V suffer|,StateIni=dangerous|Σ
+ V appear|
+ V succeed|ɹ,scope=compete|,sport|
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ,*include|,#compete|,sport|
+ V tour|
+Ѫ V bleed|Ѫ
+Ѫ V spend|
+Ѳ V investigate|
+ V RegardAs|,entertainment|
+ V perform|,entertainment|
+ V LeaveFor|ǰ,LocationFin=foreign|
+ V ShowOff|ҫ
+ӭ V welcome|ӭ
+ V tour|
+ V ResultFrom|Ե
+ V start|ʼ
+ V undergo|,content=release|ͷ,police|
+Զ V leave|뿪,LocationIni=family|
+Ժ V leave|뿪,LocationIni=InstitutePlace|,medical|ҽ
+ս V engage|,content=fight|
+ V visit|,purpose=cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ V LeaveFor|ǰ,purpose=fight|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ V provide|,possession=fund|ʽ
+ V ResultFrom|Ե,cause=<>
+ V leave|뿪
+ ADJ lend|,commercial|
+ V lend|,commercial|
+ N LandVehicle|,$lend|,commercial|
+˾ N human|,*drive|Ԧ,#LandVehicle|
+ N LandVehicle|,$lend|,commercial|
+ N human|,*lend|,commercial|
+ V sell|,commercial|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,cubic|,@put|
+ N part|,%house|,eye|,#display|չʾ
+ N part|,%house|,eye|,@display|չʾ
+ N furniture|Ҿ,cubic|,@put|
+ N room|,@cook|
+ N room|,@cook|
+þ N tool|þ,*cook|
+ N tool|þ,*cook|
+ʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cook|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cook|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V remove|
+ V remove|,agricultural|ũ
+ N tool|þ,*remove|,#FlowerGrass|
+ V remove|,#FlowerGrass|,agricultural|ũ
+ V remove|,#FlowerGrass|,agricultural|ũ
+ V remove|,patient=treacherous|
+ǿ V remove|,patient=fierce|,help|
+ͷ N tool|þ,*remove|,#FlowerGrass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,young|,#animal|
+ N bird|,young|
+ N human|,unable|ӹ
+ N bird|,young|
+ N part|,%thing|,embryo|
+ N entity|ʵ
+ N part|,%thing|,embryo|
+ӥ N bird|,young|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V DoSum|
+ V remove|
+ PREP {besides}
+ PREP {except}
+ V remove|,patient=fierce|,help|
+ V remove|,#FlowerGrass|,agricultural|ũ
+ V remove|,patient=FlowerGrass|,agricultural|ũ
+ݻ N machine|,*remove|,#FlowerGrass|,agricultural|ũ
+ݼ N medicine|ҩ,*remove|,#FlowerGrass|,agricultural|ũ
+ N human|,*remove|,#FlowerGrass|
+ V remove|,patient=waste|
+ N machine|,*remove|,#waste|
+ N medicine|ҩ,*remove|,#InsectWorm|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,remove|,#stinky|
+ V remove|,patient=stinky|
+ PREP {except}
+˶ ADV {except}
+ ADV {except}
+֮ ADV {except}
+ V remove|,patient=evil|
+ N method|,*DoSum|
+ CONJ {condition|}
+ V cure|ҽ
+ V remove|
+ N symbol|,*DoSum|
+ V DoSum|
+ɲ V improve|
+ɸ V improve|
+ PREP {besides}
+ PREP {except}
+ PREP {besides}
+ PREP {except}
+ V discharge|
+ȥ V remove|
+ȥ PREP {except}
+ȴ PREP {except}
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+˪ V remove|,patient=ice|
+ PREP {except}
+Ϧ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+Ϧ N fact|,*recreation|
+ V DoSum|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N fact|,unfortunate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attire|װ,neat|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,beautiful|,desired|
+ N publications|鿯,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N shows|
+ N part|,%thing|,base|
+ V character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V store|
+ V store|
+ N fund|ʽ
+ N edible|ʳ
+ V store|
+ N quantity|,amount|,$store|,&natural|Ȼ,mine|
+ V store|
+ V store|
+ N human|,SetAside|,#wealth|Ǯ,#commercial|
+ N human|,royal|,male|
+ N quantity|,amount|,$store|,&natural|Ȼ,mine|
+ V SetAside|,commercial|
+ N money|,$SetAside|
+ V InstitutePlace|,@SetAside|,@TakeBack|ȡ,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ N material|,liquid|Һ,$burn|
+ N tool|þ,*store|,#material|,liquid|Һ
+ V store|,transport|
+ V stand|վ,manner=upright|
+ V stand|վ,manner=upright|
+ V twitch|鴤
+ V twitch|鴤
+ V twitch|鴤
+ V twitch|鴤
+ V excite|ж
+ V touch|
+ V unfortunate|,means=touch|,cause=electricity|
+ V excite|ж
+ V touch|
+ V TurnOn|
+ N part|,%implement|,*TurnOn|
+ V disobey|Υ
+ V touch|
+ V unfortunate|,cause=bump|ײ,#stone|ʯ,#waters|ˮ
+ N part|,%animal|,*feel|
+ V excited|
+ N experience|,feel|
+ N part|,%animal|,*feel|
+ͨ V know|֪,means=deduce|
+ùͷ V unfortunate|
+ý N chemical|ѧ
+ V feel|
+Ŀ V perception|֪
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ŭ V irritate|ŭ
+ N part|,%animal|,*feel|
+ʹ N fact|,painful|ʹ
+ʹ V touch|,result=painful|ʹ
+ V err|,sport|
+ N part|,%animal|,*feel|
+ N cure|ҽ,means=touch|
+ V associate|
+ V handle|
+ N location|λ
+ N part|,%organization|֯
+ N place|ط
+ V punish|
+ V reside|ס
+ V situated|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,*manage|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,location|λ,all|ȫ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ V punish|
+ N document|,#medicine|ҩ,medical|ҽ
+ V write|д,ContentProduct=document|,#medicine|ҩ,medical|ҽ
+ V handle|
+ V punish|
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ,*handle|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ V kill|ɱ,police|
+ V handle|
+ V remove|
+ V sell|,commercial|
+ú ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ N machine|
+۸ N attribute|,price|۸,cheap|,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,$sell|,cheap|,commercial|
+ N machine|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,$sell|,cheap|,commercial|
+Ʒ V sell|,possession=artifact|˹,commercial|
+Ů ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|
+Ů N human|,female|Ů,^mating|
+Ů N land|½,new|
+ŮĤ N part|,%human|,#female|Ů,#mating|
+Ů ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|
+Ů N readings|
+ V handle|,patient=self|
+ N handle|,patient=affairs|
+ N time|ʱ,day|
+ V kill|ɱ,police|
+ N place|ط
+Ļ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ V punish|,police|
+ V punish|,means=<>,police|
+ V situated|,location=<>
+ V situated|,location=<>
+̩֮Ȼ V calm|
+ V handle|
+ V punish|
+ V remove|
+ V punish|
+ V guess|²
+ V put|
+ V guess|²
+ V estimate|
+Ħ V think|˼
+ֶ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=hand|
+ N land|½
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ N edible|ʳ
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N shows|
+Ϣ ADV qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ܺ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ V PutOn|
+ V cross|Խ
+ V stab|
+ȥ V aValue|ֵ,pattern|ʽ,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+ V aValue|ֵ,pattern|ʽ,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+ס V BeUnable|,content=PutOn|
+ V GoInto|
+ V attack|,means=GoInto|,military|
+ V insert|
+ V replace|
+ N text|
+ V stab|,medical|ҽ
+ V PutOn|,Vgoingon|չ
+ N attribute|,attire|װ,&human|
+ V GoThrough|
+ V cross|Խ
+ N weapon|,$firing|
+ N ill|̬,medical|ҽ
+ N split|ƿ,StateFin=mouth|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*stab|
+ɽ N beast|
+ɽ N medicine|ҩ
+ V PutOn|,Vgoingon|չ
+ V ToAndFro|
+ V stab|
+СЬ V damage|,means=power|
+Т V PutOn|,instrument=clothing|,purpose=condole|°
+ V cross|Խ
+¾ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ,#look|
+Խ V cross|Խ
+ V fasten|˩
+ V mediate|
+ V PutOn|,Vgoingon|չ
+ N attribute|,attire|װ,&human|
+Ŵ N attribute|,attire|װ,&human|
+ N human|,*PutOn|
+ N part|,%building|,bone|
+ N part|,%building|,bone|
+ N part|,%building|,bone|
+ V CauseAffect|Ⱦ,medical|ҽ
+ V PassOn|
+ V call|ٻ
+ V disseminate|
+ V express|ʾ
+ V teach|
+ N text|,@record|¼
+ V transmit|
+ ADV {comment|}
+ V disseminate|
+ V disseminate|
+ N human|,*disseminate|
+ V disseminate|
+ V undergo|,content=transmit|,content=sing|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ V tell|
+ N part|,%building|,#mouth|
+ N readings|
+ V transmit|
+ N attribute|,performance|,&transmit|,#electricity|
+ V disseminate|,content=religion|ڽ,religion|ڽ
+ V transmit|
+ N transmit|
+ϵͳ N machine|
+ N part|,%machine|
+ V sense|о
+ N part|,%implement|,*sense|о
+ V transmit|
+ V tell|,content=information|Ϣ
+ N tool|þ,*LookFor|Ѱ,#cry|
+ V tell|,content=information|Ϣ
+ V call|ٻ,police|
+ N text|,@record|¼
+ұ N artifact|˹,precious|
+ V disseminate|,content=religion|ڽ,religion|ڽ
+ʿ N human|,*disseminate|,religion|ڽ
+ V undergo|,content=disseminate|
+ V disseminate|
+ V order|
+ý N method|,*disseminate|
+Ʊ N document|,*call|ٻ,police|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ N text|,@record|¼
+ V express|ʾ,content=emotion|
+ V transmit|,sport|
+Ⱦ V CauseAffect|Ⱦ
+Ⱦ V CauseAffect|Ⱦ,medical|ҽ
+Ⱦ N disease|
+ȾԺ N InstitutePlace|,@cure|ҽ,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+Ⱦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,CauseAffect|Ⱦ
+ V transmit|,content=hot|
+ V CauseAffect|Ⱦ,medical|ҽ
+ V call|ٻ,patient=human|
+ N human|,*PassOn|
+ V teach|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ N tool|þ,*disseminate|
+Ͳ N human|,*disseminate|,undesired|ݬ
+Ͳ N tool|þ,*disseminate|
+ V undergo|,content=PassOn|
+䱦 N treasure|䱦,*undergo|,#PassOn|
+ V teach|
+ V transmit|
+˵ N text|,@record|¼
+˵ ADV {comment|}
+ V enjoy|,content=praise|佱
+ V transmit|
+ʹ N part|,%implement|,*transmit|
+ V disseminate|
+ͳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$PassOn|
+ͳ N regulation|,$PassOn|
+Ϊѻ V undergo|,content=disseminate|,#praise|佱
+Ϊ̸ V undergo|,content=disseminate|,#praise|佱
+ N information|Ϣ,$disseminate|
+ ADV {comment|}
+Ѷ V call|ٻ,police|
+ N information|Ϣ,$disseminate|
+ V tell|,content=information|Ϣ
+ V disseminate|
+ V transmit|,purpose=read|
+ N image|ͼ,$post|ʼ
+ N letter|ż
+ V post|ʼ
+ N machine|,*post|ʼ
+ N ship|
+ N part|,%ship|,body|
+ N ship|,mass|
+ N ship|,mass|
+ N place|ط,@stay|ͣ,#ship|
+ N room|,%ship|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,#ship|
+ N InstitutePlace|,factory|,*produce|,*repair|,#ship|,industrial|
+ N attribute|,number|,&ship|
+ N human|,*own|,#ship|
+ N ship|,mass|
+ N InstitutePlace|,ship|,commercial|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*drive|Ԧ,#ship|
+ N music|
+ N music|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*drive|Ԧ,#ship|
+ N human|,#ship|
+ N human|,#ship|
+ N human|,*drive|Ԧ,#ship|
+ N part|,%ship|,body|
+ϴ N human|,*drive|Ԧ,#ship|
+ N attribute|,age|,&ship|
+ N human|,#ship|
+Ʊ N coupon|Ʊ֤,#wealth|Ǯ,*TakeVehicle|,#ship|
+ N time|ʱ,#ship|,@VehicleGo|ʻ
+ڱ N readings|,#plans|滮,#transport|,#VehicleGo|ʻ
+ N part|,%ship|,body|
+ N part|,%ship|,head|ͷ
+̨ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@produce|,#ship|
+ N part|,%ship|,body|
+ͷ N part|,%ship|,head|ͷ
+β N part|,%ship|,tail|β
+λ N location|λ,#ship|
+λ N room|,%ship|
+ N InstitutePlace|,factory|,*produce|,*repair|,#ship|,industrial|
+ N part|,%ship|,edge|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,#ship|
+ V transport|,instrument=ship|
+բ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#waters|ˮ,#ship|,@VehicleGo|ʻ
+ֻ N ship|,mass|
+ֻ N quantity|,amount|,&ship|
+ N human|,*own|,#ship|
+ N human|,official|,#ship|
+ V pant|
+ V pant|
+ V pant|
+ V rest|Ϣ
+Ϣ V pant|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&(grape|),&(key|Կ)
+ V RegardAs|,entertainment|
+ V collude|
+ V connect|
+ V mix|
+ V roam|
+ V collude|,scope=admit|,#police|
+ V exchange|
+ V teach|
+ V connect|
+ V visit|,target=family|
+ V visit|,target=family|
+ͨ V collude|
+ͨһ V collude|
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,mixed|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,sequence|
+ V RegardAs|,entertainment|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,mixed|
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,$PutOn|
+ N disease|
+ N disease|,#wounded|
+ N trace|,#disease|
+ N trace|,#disease|
+ N trace|,#disease|
+ N disease|
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%house|,eye|
+ N part|,%building|
+ N part|,%house|,#eye|
+ N part|,%house|,eye|
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,#house|,#eye|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,cubic|,*display|չʾ,@sell|,commercial|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,eye|
+ N part|,%house|,eye|
+ N part|,%house|,#eye|
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,*decorate|װ,#eye|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,spotless|,desired|
+ɴ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,*decorate|װ,#eye|
+̨ N part|,%house|,#eye|
+γ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,*decorate|װ,#eye|
+ N part|,%house|,#eye|
+ N part|,%house|,#eye|
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,*decorate|װ,#eye|
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,*decorate|װ,#eye|
+ N part|,%house|,#eye|
+ N part|,%house|,#eye|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&house|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&house|,mass|
+ V wave|ڶ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&tool|þ,#cover|ڸ,#sleep|˯
+ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@sleep|˯
+ N shape|,space|ռ
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,#sleep|˯
+֮ N text|,secret|
+ N part|,%furniture|Ҿ,#sleep|˯,body|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@sleep|˯
+ N part|,%machine|,industrial|,#cut|,#produce|
+ͷ N part|,%furniture|Ҿ,head|ͷ
+ͷ N part|,%furniture|Ҿ,head|ͷ
+ͷ N tool|þ,*illuminate|,#furniture|Ҿ,#sleep|˯
+ͷ N furniture|Ҿ,cubic|,@store|
+λ N location|λ,space|ռ,#sleep|˯
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,#sleep|˯
+ N machine|,industrial|,*cut|,*produce|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@sleep|˯
+ V GoForward|ǰ
+ V create|
+ V endeavour|
+һ· V create|,PatientProduct=route|·
+ V MakeLiving|ı
+ V MakeLiving|ı
+ V err|
+ N human|,brave|
+ V MakeLiving|ı
+ V GoInto|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,brave|,&human|
+ V drill|ϰ
+· V create|,PatientProduct=route|·
+߱ V roam|
+ V GoInto|
+ V create|
+ N disease|,#wounded|
+ V start|ʼ
+ V establish|
+ V compile|༭
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ N trace|,#disease|
+ V earn|,possession=money|,source=foreign|
+¼ V create|,PatientProduct=result|,#exercise|,sport|
+ N thought|ͷ,new|,special|
+ V establish|
+ N affairs|,new|,special|
+ V start|ʼ,content=publish|
+ N publications|鿯,#begin|ʼ
+ N location|λ,#disease|,#wounded|
+ V earn|
+ V establish|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#wounded|
+ N disease|,#wounded|
+ N emotion|,#wounded|
+ V establish|
+ʼ V begin|ʼ
+ʼ N part|,%publications|鿯,religion|ڽ
+ʼ N human|,*start|ʼ
+ V earn|
+ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ҵ V start|ʼ,content=affairs|
+ N thought|ͷ,new|,special|
+ V propose|
+ N text|,$propose|,$discuss|,$debate|
+ V create|,PatientProduct=good|
+ V create|
+ N attribute|,ability|,able|,#create|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը,&human|,&organization|֯
+ V create|
+ V compile|༭
+ N information|Ϣ
+ V boast|
+ V exhale|
+ V fail|ʧ
+ V recreation|,#MusicTool|,entertainment|
+ V recreation|,instrument=MusicTool|,entertainment|
+ V please|ȡ
+ V attack|,#weather|
+ V recreation|,instrument=MusicTool|,entertainment|
+ V recreation|,#MusicTool|,entertainment|
+ V MakeUp|ױ,means=dry|
+ V ill|̬,medical|ҽ
+ V tell|
+ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ,#dry|
+ N tool|þ,*exhale|
+ V shake|ҡ
+ V MakeUp|ױ,means=dry|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,entertainment|
+ N human|,*boast|,undesired|ݬ
+ V boast|
+ӵ V ExpressAnger|ʾŭ
+ V MakeSound|
+ V recreation|,#MusicTool|,entertainment|
+ V discourage|ˮ
+ë V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ţ V boast|
+ţƤ V boast|
+ V please|ȡ
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V inhale|
+˫ɹ N human|,*perform|
+ V boast|
+ V recreation|,#MusicTool|,entertainment|
+ N music|
+ V cook|
+ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ,*cook|
+ N affairs|,cook|
+° N part|,%army|,*cook|
+þ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ,*cook|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cook|
+ N CloudMist|,#cook|
+ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ V beat|
+ V beat|
+ض V ShowBadEmotion|ʾ
+ V beat|
+ N tool|þ,*beat|
+ V beat|
+ V cultivate|
+ N tool|þ,*beat|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ V PassOn|
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ V succeed|ɹ
+ V catch|ס,patient=fish|
+ V fall|
+ V manage|,patient=country|,politics|
+ N tree|
+ V fall|
+ĺ N time|ʱ,night|
+ĺ֮ N time|ʱ,#age|,aged|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ֿɵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,easy|,$take|ȡ
+ V BeBad|˥
+ V endeavour|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+ͷ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=head|ͷ
+ͷɥ V disheartened|
+Σ V ill|̬,#die|,medical|ҽ
+ V need|,manner=greedy|̰
+ V need|,manner=greedy|̰
+ V need|,manner=greedy|̰
+ѯ V ask|,manner=gentle|
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,straight|ֱ
+ N time|ʱ,#young|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N emotion|,love|,desired|
+ N time|ʱ,spring|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ V affairs|,#planting|ֲ,#spring|,agricultural|ũ
+ N InsectWorm|,agricultural|ũ
+ N drinks|Ʒ,#spring|
+ N water|ˮ,#waters|ˮ,#spring|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,spring|
+ N wind|,#spring|
+ V satisfied|
+绯 V enjoy|,content=teach|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,chilly|,#spring|,undesired|ݬ
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ N affairs|,#planting|ֲ,#spring|,agricultural|ũ
+ N image|ͼ,lascivious|
+ N part|,%house|,#female|Ů,royal|
+ N image|ͼ,lascivious|
+ V irrigate|,#spring|,agricultural|ũ
+ N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|,#spring|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,beautiful|,#spring|,desired|
+ N phenomena|,chilly|,spring|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,waterless|,#weather|,spring|
+ N image|ͼ,lascivious|
+ V ize|̬,agricultural|ũ
+ N time|ʱ,spring|
+ N time|ʱ,#spring|,@rest|Ϣ,*WhileAway|
+ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N thunder|,#spring|
+ N text|,festival|
+ N time|ʱ,spring|
+ N thought|ͷ,fake|α
+ů N phenomena|,warm|,beautiful|,spring|,desired|
+ N fact|,#time|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ N time|ʱ,spring|,autumn|
+ N time|ʱ,year|
+ﶦʢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,desired|
+ N clothing|,#spring|,autumn|
+ս N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,desired|
+ N celestial|,#time|ʱ,#spring|
+ N time|ʱ,season|,spring|
+ɫ N phenomena|,#spring|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,beautiful|,#spring|,desired|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N time|ʱ,spring|
+ N text|,festival|
+С N crop|ׯ
+ N emotion|,love|,desired|
+Ѵ N phenomena|,#liquid|Һ,#weather|,#spring|
+Ѵ N time|ʱ,season|,spring|
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ,#mating|
+ N phenomena|,#spring|
+ⰻȻ N phenomena|,warm|,beautiful|,spring|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,beautiful|,#spring|,desired|
+ V tour|,spring|
+ N RainSnow|ѩ,spring|
+ V transport|,#spring|
+ N emotion|,like|ϧ,desired|
+ N lights|,#celestial|
+ N tree|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N human|,family|,mass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,pure|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,pure|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,NotLight|Ũ,desired|
+ V ize|̬,industrial|
+ V refine|,industrial|
+ V ize|̬,industrial|
+ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,fragrant|,desired|
+Ũ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,fragrant|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,fragrant|,desired|
+ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ V relate|й,manner=intimate|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ
+ V HungryThirsty|
+ N disease|,#mouth|
+ǹལ V debate|
+ǹս V debate|
+ N text|
+ݺ V relate|й,manner=intimate|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,pure|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,pure|
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,pure|
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ N attribute|,degree|̶,#pure|,&inanimate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ V refine|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ V refine|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ N metal|,pure|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,spotless|,desired|
+ N wealth|Ǯ,desired|,$earn|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ N emotion|,true|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,plain|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ V be|,manner=emphasis|ǿ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,pure|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,pure|,desired|
+ֿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,pure|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ V try|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V crawl|
+ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+¿ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N event|¼,foolish|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ V fix|ס
+ V stab|
+ V stand|վ
+ V wounded|
+ڽ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V reveal|¶
+ V stab|
+ N stationery|ľ,*print|ӡˢ
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ N stationery|ľ,*print|ӡˢ
+ V reveal|¶
+ V split|ƿ,means=stab|
+ N stationery|ľ,*print|ӡˢ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ V pick|ʰ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,sufficient|
+´ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,sufficient|
+º N attribute|,name|,other|,&entity|ʵ
+ԣ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,sufficient|
+Լ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+Լ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ N attribute|,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ,&thing|
+õ N attribute|,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ,&thing|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,commercial|,useless|,generic|ͳ
+ N attribute|,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ,&thing|
+ N result|,undesired|ݬ
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ĸ N human|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N attribute|,performance|,attract|,#metal|
+ N material|,?tool|þ
+ų N space|ռ
+Ŵ N tool|þ,*record|¼
+ŵ N material|,#route|·
+Ź N phenomena|,#shiver|
+Ż N ize|̬,#attract|,#metal|
+ż N part|,%metal|,*attract|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&physical|
+ N method|,*cure|ҽ
+ N tool|þ,*record|¼
+ʯ N metal|,material|
+ N metal|,material|
+ N metal|,material|
+ͷ N part|,machine|,#record|¼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sex|Ա,female|Ů
+ƻ N FlowerGrass|
+ϻ N beast|,female|Ů
+ϻ N human|,female|Ů,fierce|
+ϻ N human|,female|Ů,undesired|ݬ,fierce|
+ N part|,%FlowerGrass|,heart|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sex|Ա,female|Ů
+ N attribute|,sex|Ա,&animate|
+ͬ N animate|
+ͬ N animate|
+ N animate|
+ N animate|
+ N InsectWorm|,female|Ů
+ V discharge|
+ V evade|ر
+ N expression|
+ V farewell|
+ V reject|ؾ
+ N text|,past|
+DZ V farewell|
+dz N document|,#cease|ͣ
+ǵ N publications|鿯,#expression|
+ǹ V cease|ͣ,content=undertake|
+ǹ V discharge|,patient=employee|Ա
+ǻ V cease|ͣ,content=undertake|
+Ǿӭ V congratulate|ף,cause=festival|
+ N expression|
+ȥ V cease|ͣ,content=undertake|
+ȴ V cease|ͣ,content=undertake|
+ V reject|ؾ
+ V die|
+ N publications|鿯,#expression|
+ V congratulate|ף,cause=festival|
+ V discharge|
+л V reject|ؾ
+ V farewell|
+ N expression|
+ְ V cease|ͣ,content=undertake|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+Ȱ N emotion|,like|ϧ,desired|
+ȱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ȸ N human|,family|,male|
+ȹ N vegetable|߲
+ĸ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+Ƽ N human|,kindhearted|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ N human|,royal|,female|Ů
+ N material|,?tool|þ
+ N material|,liquid|Һ,*decorate|װ
+ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,substantial|ʵ,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,durable|,desired|
+ N stone|ʯ,material|
+ש N material|,*build|
+ N expression|
+ N text|
+ N text|,past|
+ʵ N publications|鿯,#expression|
+ʵ༭ N human|,*compile|༭,literature|
+ʶ N expression|
+ʷ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#regulation|,#language|
+ʸ N part|,%expression|,body|
+ʸ N part|,%expression|,body|
+ʻ N expression|,mass|
+ʾ N expression|,mass|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&expression|
+ N information|Ϣ,#music|
+ N part|,%expression|
+ N expression|
+ͷ N part|,%expression|,head|ͷ
+β N part|,%expression|,tail|β
+ N attribute|,kind|,&expression|
+ N attribute|,property|,&language|
+ N information|Ϣ,#expression|
+ N expression|
+Դ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#expression|
+ N part|,%expression|,head|ͷ,tail|β
+ N expression|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+˵ V exposure|¶
+˺ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,future|
+˼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+˼ ADV location|λ,special|
+˿ N time|ʱ,now|
+˷ V happen|,manner=many|
+˾ N attribute|,scene|,special|,&physical|
+ʱ N time|ʱ,now|
+ʱ˿ N time|ʱ,now|
+ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+ V salute|¾
+¾ V salute|¾
+ ADV location|λ
+ V irritate|ŭ
+ V kill|ɱ,manner=hidden|,crime|
+ V mobilize|
+ N shape|,acute|
+ V stab|
+̴̲ V speak|˵
+̵ N weapon|,*stab|
+̶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|,undesired|ݬ
+̹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+̻ N tree|
+̼ V irritate|ŭ
+̼ V mobilize|
+̼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,#irritate|ŭ
+̿ N human|,*kill|ɱ,crime|
+ V itch|
+ V exile|,police|
+ɱ V kill|ɱ,manner=hidden|,crime|
+ V stab|,Vresult|,result=wounded|
+̽ V scout|
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,generic|ͳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+ V itch|
+ N human|,*stab|
+ N beast|
+ V grant|
+ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ,$GiveAsGift|
+ V protect|
+ͽ V teach|
+ V grant|
+ CLAS ActUnit|,&event|¼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵
+ N attribute|,sequence|,&entity|ʵ
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+γ N human|,occupation|ְλ,official|,*manage|
+δ½ N earth|
+ε ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵
+ε ADV aValue|ֵ,sequence|
+ε N attribute|,sequence|,&entity|ʵ
+λ N artifact|˹,commercial|,useless|,generic|ͳ
+μ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+μȦ N part|,%implement|,#electricity|
+Ů N human|,family|,female|Ů
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,commercial|,useless|,generic|ͳ
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,#weight|,&compete|,sport|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,future|
+ N sound|
+ N sound|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ N stone|ʯ,mine|
+ N tree|
+ N attribute|,frequency|Ƶ,&event|¼
+ N attribute|,sequence|,&entity|ʵ
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ V inferior|
+֮ V inferior|
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,#weight|,&compete|,sport|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,#weight|,&compete|,sport|
+ N attribute|,ability|,#listen|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N attribute|,ability|,able|,#listen|,&AnimalHuman|
+ϻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ϼ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ N attribute|,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+һ,Ϳһʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ӱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+а ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,blue|,light|
+а N part|,%vegetable|߲,body|
+д ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+д ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+л N part|,%vegetable|߲,body|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+ï ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ͷ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ͷ N vegetable|߲
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hasty|
+Ҵ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hasty|
+Ҵææ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hasty|
+Ҵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hasty|
+æ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hasty|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ V conduct|ʵʩ
+ V engage|
+ V include|
+ V obey|ѭ
+ PREP {LocationIni}
+ PREP {TimeIni}
+ PREP {source}
+Ӳ ADV {neg|}
+ӳ V discuss|,manner=cautious|
+Ӵ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+ӴԺ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,future|
+Ӷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,passive|
+Ӷ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+ӷ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+Ӹйʶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$sense|о
+ӹŵ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ӹ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+Ӽ˰ N expenditure|
+Ӽ V obey|ѭ,content=simple|
+ӽ V engage|,content=teach|,education|
+ӽԺ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,future|
+Ӿ N expression|
+Ӿ V include|,ResultWhole=army|,military|
+ӿ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lenient|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ V cease|ͣ,content=(prostitution|)
+˰ N expenditure|
+㿪ʼ V start|ʼ
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ V obey|ѭ,content=aspiration|Ը
+ǰ ADJ time|ʱ,past|
+ǰ N time|ʱ,past|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lenient|
+Ȩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,desired|
+ V include|,ResultWhole=army|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+ݲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+ V obey|ѭ,content=persuade|Ȱ˵
+ʦ V engage|,content=study|ѧ
+ V engage|
+ V handle|
+ V BeMember|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ϵ N attribute|,relatedness|,&entity|ʵ,&aValue|ֵ,&attribute|
+ V BeMember|,whole=<>
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,earliness|,early|
+ V happen|
+ͷ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,again|
+ͷ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,head|ͷ
+ͷ V start|ʼ
+δ ADV {neg|}
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ
+С ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,again|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+ҵ V obtain|õ,possession=occupation|ְλ
+ҵԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|
+ҽ V engage|,content=cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ V engage|,content=entertainment|,entertainment|
+Ӱ V engage|,content=entertainment|,entertainment|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,WellTreat|ƴ
+絽 ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ V engage|,content=politics|,politics|
+ PREP {source}
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+ V obey|ѭ,content=persuade|Ȱ˵
+ V ComeTogether|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N physical|,mass|
+ N tree|,mass|
+Լ V ComeTogether|
+ N tree|
+ V grow|ɳ,manner=exuberant|ï
+ V happen|
+ N publications|鿯,mass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|
+ V approach|ӽ
+ V gather|ɼ
+շ V MakeTrouble|
+շ V gather|ɼ,possession=money|
+պ V ComeTogether|
+պ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|,undesired|ݬ
+պ V create|,manner=careless|
+ռ V ComeTogether|
+ռ V gather|ɼ
+Ǯ V gather|ɼ,possession=money|
+ ADV {comment|}
+Ȥ V please|ȡ
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V WhileAway|
+ V benefit|
+ V add|
+ V add|
+ V gather|ɼ
+ V gather|ɼ,result=sufficient|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,coarse|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,weak|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,simple|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fineness|ϸ,widediameter|
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ֲ N material|,?clothing|,coarse|
+ֲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,coarse|,undesired|ݬ
+ֲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,crude|ª,undesired|ݬ
+ֲ赭 N edible|ʳ,thrifty|
+ִ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ִ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+ִ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fineness|ϸ,widediameter|
+ַ N material|,#clothing|
+ַ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ַ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,crude|ª,agricultural|ũ
+ַ ADJ aValue|ֵ,style|,free|
+ֹ V estimate|,manner=simple|
+ֺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ֻ N material|,?clothing|
+ֻ N text|,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ֻ N fact|,do|,engage|,crude|ª
+ּӹ V produce|,simple|,industrial|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,crude|ª,undesired|ݬ
+ª ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,crude|ª,undesired|ݬ
+³ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,simple|
+dz ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,NotProfound|dz,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,rash|ç
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ attribute|,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ V calculate|,manner=simple|
+ͨ V know|֪,manner=simple|
+ϸ N attribute|,fineness|ϸ,&physical|
+ϸ N attribute|,quality|,&act|ж
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,simple|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+Ĵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+Ұ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+֦Ҷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,crude|ª,undesired|ݬ
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,useless|,generic|ͳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fineness|ϸ,widediameter|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fineness|ϸ,widediameter|
+׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ N emotion|,#love|,jealous|ʼ
+ N material|,#food|ʳƷ,$eat|,sour|
+ N human|,*love|,*jealous|ʼ
+ N emotion|,#love|,jealous|ʼ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+̳ N human|,*love|,*jealous|ʼ
+ N emotion|,#love|,jealous|ʼ
+ V ComeTogether|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|,&plant|ֲ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,desired|
+ӵ V ComeTogether|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,busy|æ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ V urge|ʹ
+ٳ V benefit|
+ٷ V urge|ʹ
+ٽ V urge|ʹ
+ٽ N institution|,*urge|ʹ
+ V urge|ʹ
+ʹ V urge|ʹ
+ϥ V sit|,manner=BeNear|
+ϥ̸ V talk|̸,manner=sincere|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,mischievous|,undesired|ݬ
+ V sell|,means=disseminate|,commercial|
+֯ N InsectWorm|
+ V jump|
+ V rob|
+ V rob|,royal|
+۶ V rob|
+۶ V rob|,royal|
+۶ N human|,*rob|,royal|
+۸ V alter|ı,StateIni=true|,StateFin=fake|α
+λ V rob|,possession=power|,royal|
+ V alter|ı
+ V expel|
+ V flee|
+ܷ V attack|
+ V flee|
+ V destroy|
+ݲ V damage|
+ݻ V destroy|
+ݿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Ρ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ V SpeedUp|ӿ
+ V urge|ʹ
+߰ V urge|ʹ
+߱ V urge|ʹ
+߲ V SpeedUp|ӿ,scope=GiveBirth|,medical|ҽ
+ߴ V urge|ʹ
+߷ V SpeedUp|ӿ,scope=fat|,agricultural|ũ
+ V SpeedUp|ӿ,industrial|
+ N chemical|ѧ,*SpeedUp|ӿ,industrial|
+ѻ V SpeedUp|ӿ,industrial|
+ N result|,*SpeedUp|ӿ,industrial|
+߿ V urge|ʹ,ResultEvent=return|,#money|,commercial|
+ᵯ N weapon|,$firing|,*expel|,#uprise|,#police|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,CauseToDo|ʹ,#sleep|˯
+ N music|,*CauseToDo|ʹ,#sleep|˯
+ N method|,*CauseToDo|ʹ,#sleep|˯
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ,*CauseToDo|ʹ,#sleep|˯
+ V urge|ʹ,manner=endeavour|
+ N human|,*urge|ʹ,#endeavour|
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ,ResultEvent=drain|ų,medical|ҽ
+ V urge|ʹ
+ V SpeedUp|ӿ,scope=GiveBirth|,agricultural|ũ
+˷ܽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,CauseToDo|ʹ,#excited|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,*CauseToDo|ʹ,#weep|
+ V SpeedUp|ӿ,scope=GiveBirth|,medical|ҽ
+ V SpeedUp|ӿ,scope=ripe|,agricultural|ũ
+ V urge|ʹ,ResultEvent=return|,commercial|
+¼ N medicine|ҩ,*CauseToDo|ʹ,#vomit|³
+ծ V urge|ʹ,ResultEvent=return|,#money|,commercial|
+ V urge|ʹ,ResultEvent=return|,#money|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,crisp|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,crisp|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,tender|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,crisp|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,good|,desired|
+ N attribute|,hardness|Ӳ,crisp|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ V tired|ƣ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,pure|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,pure|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,pure|,desired|
+ V moisten|ʪ,purpose=strengthen|ӹ,industrial|
+ V moisten|ʪ,purpose=strengthen|ӹ,industrial|
+ V drill|ϰ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+ N land|½
+ N place|ط,village|
+峤 N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,#village|
+ N regulation|,village|
+ N location|λ,%village|,#mouth|
+ N place|ط,village|
+ N human|,*reside|ס,*function|,#village|
+ N house|
+ͷ N location|λ,%village|,#mouth|
+կ N place|ط,village|
+ N place|ط,village|
+ׯ N place|ط,village|
+ N place|ط,village|
+ V AmountTo|ܼ
+ V ComeTogether|
+ V SetAside|
+ V SetAside|,commercial|
+ V alive|
+ V cherish|Ļ
+ V exist|
+ V keep|
+ V store|
+永 V record|¼
+ V store|,purpose=check|
+泵 N facilities|ʩ,@store|,#LandVehicle|
+洢 V store|
+洢 N quantity|,amount|,$store|,&natural|Ȼ,mine|
+洢 N part|,%computer|
+浥 N bill|Ʊ,#wealth|Ǯ
+浵 V store|
+ V ^discuss|
+ V SetAside|
+ N bill|Ʊ,#wealth|Ǯ
+ V alive|
+ N quantity|,rate|,alive|,&animate|
+ N artifact|˹,commercial|,generic|ͳ
+ V SetAside|,patient=money|,commercial|
+ N money|,$SetAside|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&livestock|
+ V stay|ͣ
+ȡ V store|,#computer|
+ V SetAside|,commercial|
+ V reside|ס
+ʳ V StomachTrouble|֢
+ V alive|
+ V ExistAppear|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ V cherish|Ļ
+ V cherish|Ļ
+ V exist|
+ N document|,@record|¼,#SetAside|,#money|
+ִ N bill|Ʊ,#wealth|Ǯ
+ V SetAside|
+ N part|,%computer|
+ߡ N document|,@record|¼,#SetAside|,#money|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&length|
+粽 V follow|
+粽 V refuse|,content=surrender|
+粽 V BeUnable|
+ݲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N space|ռ,small|С
+ N emotion|
+ N time|ʱ,TimeShort|
+ N emotion|
+ V discuss|
+ĥ V discuss|
+ V discuss|
+ V discuss|
+ V assemble|ۼ
+ V compile|༭
+ V pick|ʰ
+ V mediate|
+Ū V incite|ָʹ
+Ū V tease|ȡ
+Ҫ V compile|༭
+Ҫ N text|
+ V rub|Ħ
+ N tool|þ,*wash|ϴ
+ĥ V rub|Ħ
+ V PlayWith|Ū
+ϴ V wash|ϴ
+ V wash|ϴ
+ V arrange|
+ N method|,*use|,#expression|,#compile|༭
+ʩ N method|
+ֲ V suffer|,manner=sudden|
+ V handle|
+ò V handle|,manner=improper|
+õõ V handle|,manner=proper|
+ʧ V handle|,manner=improper|
+ԣ V handle|,manner=suitable|
+ V MakeLower|
+ V defeat|սʤ
+ V defeat|սʤ
+ V discourage|ˮ
+ V wounded|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ V BeAcross|ཻ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,mixed|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ V grind|ĥ
+ N result|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ N emotion|,FondOf|ϲ
+ N fact|,police|,wrong|
+ N character|,wrong|
+ V turn|Ťת,patient=LandVehicle|
+ N result|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ V IllTreat|
+ V blame|Թ,manner=improper|
+ V lose|ʧȥ
+ N text|,wrong|
+ V inlay|Ƕ,material=metal|
+ N experience|,wrong|
+ V escape|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ V mad|
+ V exist|,manner=disperse|ɢ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,beautiful|
+ʧ V lose|ʧȥ
+λ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ N result|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ٳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ V inlay|Ƕ,material=metal|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,mixed|
+ N character|,wrong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,mixed|
+۸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,mixed|
+ V TakeVehicle|
+ V add|
+ V build|
+ V connect|
+ V lift|
+ V establish|,PatientProduct=community|,entertainment|
+ V establish|,PatientProduct=part|,#institution|
+ V associate|
+ V associate|
+ V speak|˵
+ V TakeVehicle|,patient=LandVehicle|
+ V build|
+ V TakeVehicle|
+ V TakeVehicle|,patient=LandVehicle|
+ V TakeVehicle|,patient=ship|
+ V TakeVehicle|,#vehicle|ͨ,manner=wrong|
+ V TakeVehicle|,patient=LandVehicle|,manner=wrong|
+ V cooperate|
+ N human|,friend|
+ V TakeVehicle|,patient=LandVehicle|
+糵 V TakeVehicle|,patient=LandVehicle|
+ɻ V TakeVehicle|,patient=aircraft|
+ V build|
+ V TakeVehicle|,patient=LandVehicle|
+ V speak|˵
+ V associate|
+ V include|,ResultWhole=community|,#eat|
+ V TakeVehicle|,patient=LandVehicle|
+Ƴ̳ V TakeVehicle|,patient=LandVehicle|
+ V build|,PatientProduct=bone|
+ V show|,content=arrogant|
+ V help|,purpose=CarryOnBack|
+ V stand|վ,location=part|
+ V build|
+ V establish|
+ V connect|
+ V BeNear|
+ V relate|й
+ V rescue|
+ V human|,*TakeVehicle|
+ V transport|,patient=human|
+ V fall|
+ V reply|
+ V mix|
+ǻ V reply|
+ǻ V talk|̸
+ V build|,PatientProduct=facilities|ʩ
+ V recommend|Ƽ,purpose=GetMarried|
+ V build|
+ V help|
+ V sell|
+ V transport|
+ V TakeVehicle|
+] V speak|˵
+ڨ V speak|˵
+ V AmountTo|ܼ
+ V LeadTo|ͨ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ V arrive|
+ V express|ʾ
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ V fulfil|ʵ,patient=standard|
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ɽ V fulfil|ʵ,patient=commercial|
+Э V fulfil|ʵ,patient=ExpressAgreement|ʾͬ
+ﵩ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ﵽ V fulfil|ʵ
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Australia|Ĵ)
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#animate|
+ٹ N human|,official|,HighRank|ߵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,optimistic|ֹ,desired|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,(Dahoma|)
+₩ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Senegal|ڼӶ)
+│ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Bangladesh|ϼ)
+˹ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N human|,official|,religion|ڽ,ProperName|ר,(Tibet|)
+ N human|,official|,religion|ڽ,ProperName|ר,(Tibet|)
+˹ķ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Tanzania|̹ɣ)
+ķ N weapon|,$firing|
+ V express|ʾ,content=thought|ͷ
+ N unit|λ,&strength|
+ V recompense|
+ V reply|
+ N result|
+ V reply|
+ V speak|˵
+ V reply|
+ N text|,$reply|
+ V reply|
+ V reply|,content=wrong|
+ V reply|
+ V reply|
+ N readings|,$reply|,#exam|
+ V reply|,time=exam|
+ V reply|
+ V reply|,time=exam|
+ V attribute|,kind|,#reply|,#ask|,&text|
+ V reply|,content=$ask|
+л V thank|л
+ V reply|,time=exam|
+Ӧ V agree|ͬ
+Ӧ V reply|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|
+ V TakeOutOfWater|
+ V associate|
+ V beat|
+ V build|
+ V buy|,commercial|
+ V calculate|
+ V catch|ס,agricultural|ũ
+ V compile|༭
+ V damage|
+ V dig|ھ
+ V draw|
+ V engage|
+ V exercise|,sport|
+ V fight|
+ V gather|ɼ
+ V lift|
+ V mix|
+ V produce|
+ V remove|
+ V send|
+ V spray|
+ V use|
+ V weave|
+ V wrap|
+ V write|д
+ PREP {LocationIni}
+ PREP {TimeIni}
+ V subtract|,patient=price|۸,commercial|,(range=20%)
+ V drill|ϰ,content=firing|
+г N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#weapon|,@AimAt|,@firing|
+ V issue|ַ,possession=coupon|Ʊ֤
+ V ill|̬
+ V defeated|
+ V defeat|սʤ
+ V beat|
+ V MakeUp|ױ
+ V grow|ɳ,#crop|ׯ
+ V dump|
+ V wrap|
+Ʊ V guarantee|֤
+Ʊ V guarantee|֤
+ƽ V help|,scope=unfortunate|
+ȷ V quote|,patient=example|ʵ
+ N repair|
+ N repair|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$defeat|սʤ
+ V gather|ɼ,possession=FlowerGrass|,means=break|۶
+ݸ V compile|༭,PatientProduct=text|
+ݾ V RashlyAct|,result=exposure|¶
+ V cease|ͣ
+ V shiver|
+ V beat|,patient=crop|ׯ,purpose=gather|ɼ,agricultural|ũ
+ V forming|γ,PatientProduct=place|ط,purpose=perform|,entertainment|
+һƬ V merge|ϲ
+ಲ V exposure|¶,#body|
+ V exposure|¶,#foot|
+ V attack|,military|
+ V guide|
+ V seek|ıȡ
+ PREP {LocationThru}
+ PREP {TimeIni}
+ V plan|ƻ,manner=wrong|
+ V plan|ƻ,manner=wrong|
+ V recreation|
+ V defeat|սʤ,politics|
+ظ V GoBack|
+û ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ V guess|²,purpose=recreation|
+ V AtEase|
+ V eat|
+ V compile|༭,PatientProduct=text|
+ V do|,content=elementary|
+ V PutInOrder|
+ V entice|,means=GiveAsGift|,crime|
+ V manage|
+ V MakeSound|,content=time|ʱ
+籨 V transmit|,patient=letter|ż
+绰 V associate|,instrument=tool|þ
+ V destroy|
+ V feed|ι,patient=medicine|ҩ,#cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ V excite|ж
+ V fight|
+ V compete|
+̶ V engage|,content=affairs|
+̹ V engage|,content=affairs|
+ V break|۶
+ V cease|ͣ
+ V subtract|,patient=price|۸,commercial|,(range=50%)
+ V shiver|
+ V beat|,#skin|Ƥ
+ V discharge|
+ V dispatch|Dz
+ V pass|ȹ
+ N method|
+ V defeat|սʤ
+ V reverse|ߵ
+ V alter|ı,StateIni=fail|ʧ,StateFin=succeed|ɹ
+ V draw|,ContentProduct=shape|,square|
+ V draw|,ContentProduct=shape|,square|
+ V associate|,instrument=tool|þ
+ V defend|
+ V engage|
+Ҿ V salute|¾,means=CausePartMove|
+ V recreation|,patient=MusicTool|,entertainment|
+ V uneasy|
+Ȼ N machine|,*separate|,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ǻ V speak|˵,manner=arrogant|
+˾ V accuse|ظ,police|
+ V disseminate|,commercial|
+ V roll|
+ V tease|ȡ
+Ƿ V respire|
+ V beat|
+Ƿ V respire|
+Ƿ N human|,*respire|
+ V destroy|,patient=crime|,police|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V MakeSound|,#sleep|˯,#ill|̬
+ V MakeSound|,#sleep|˯,#ill|̬
+ V slide|
+ V damage|
+ζ V walk|,manner=wave|ڶ
+Ʊ V MoveItBack|
+ V lighting|ȼ
+ N tool|þ,*lighting|ȼ
+ V attack|
+ V beat|
+ N MusicTool|
+ V do|,content=elementary|
+ҽ V rob|,source=family|
+ V fight|
+ V eat|
+ɽ V fight|,take|ȡ,#country|
+ V associate|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V rob|
+ V twine|
+ V GoInto|
+ V subtract|,patient=price|۸,commercial|,(range=10%)
+ V rescue|
+ V TurnOn|
+ V open|
+촰˵ ADV {comment|}
+ V stab|
+ V MakeSound|
+ V defeat|սʤ
+ V associate|
+ V transmit|
+ V SelfMove|
+ V TakeOutOfWater|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeOutOfWater|
+ V WeatherBad|
+ V compete|
+̨ V compete|
+ǹ V attack|,manner=secret|
+ǹ V firing|
+ǹ V firing|,manner=secret|
+ V manage|
+ V guess|²
+ V look|
+ V engage|,content=catch|ס,agricultural|ũ
+㹤 V engage|,content=affairs|
+ V engage|,content=affairs|
+ V MakeSound|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ˮ V damage|
+ V HideTruth|
+ V IllTreat|,#beat|,#ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V HideTruth|
+ V hide|
+ V cry|
+ĥ V brighten|ʹ
+ V recreation|
+ V recreation|,instrument=tool|þ
+ V swollen|
+ V exhale|
+ƨ V swollen|
+ V bump|ײ,StateFin=OutOfOrder|
+ V remove|
+Ƴ V disobey|Υ,content=regulation|
+ɳʵ V ask|,manner=attentive|ϸ
+ V subtract|,patient=price|۸,commercial|,(range=25%)
+ V subtract|,patient=price|۸,commercial|,(range=30%)
+ V feed|ι,patient=gas|
+ V mobilize|
+Ͳ N tool|þ,*feed|ι,#gas|
+ǰʧ V FallDown|
+ǰվ V LeaveFor|ǰ
+ǹ V firing|,instrument=weapon|
+ V SeekPleasure|Ѱ
+ V seek|ıȡ
+ V exercise|,instrument=tool|þ
+Ȥ V tease|ȡ
+Ȧ V circle|
+Ⱥ V fight|,partner=mass|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V beat|
+ V include|,manner=secret|
+乬 V despise|
+ʮ˲ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ɢ V separate|
+ɢ V spread|
+ɨ V remove|
+ɨ V wipe|
+ɨ V wipe|,patient=room|
+ɨ V remove|,patient=room|
+ɨս V wipe|,patient=place|ط,#fight|,military|
+ɱ N fact|,fight|
+ V WeatherBad|
+ V beat|,result=wounded|
+ V write|д
+ʤ V win|ʤ
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ V express|ʾ,instrument=hand|
+ˮ V gather|ɼ,possession=liquid|Һ
+ V plan|ƻ
+ V calculate|,instrument=tool|þ
+ V plan|ƻ
+ V bump|ײ,StateFin=OutOfOrder|
+̥ V cease|ͣ,content=pregnant|,#medical|ҽ
+̽ V ask|
+ V rob|,possession=country|,politics|
+ V win|ʤ
+ V ask|
+ͨ V fulfil|ʵ
+ͨ V endeavour|
+ͷ V beat|,PartOfTouch=head|ͷ
+ͷ V guide|
+ͷ V guide|
+ͷ V guide|
+ V defeat|սʤ
+ù V refuse|
+ V ask|
+ȷ V guide|
+ V start|ʼ,content=firing|
+ V succeed|ɹ
+ V remove|
+С V tell|
+С V plan|ƻ,manner=sly|
+ PP aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|
+ V eat|,patient=good|
+ڻ V protect|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+ V stab|
+ V draw|
+ V experiment|ʵ
+ҩ V spray|,patient=chemical|ѧ
+ҹ V endeavour|
+ӡ V print|ӡˢ
+ӡ N machine|,*print|ӡˢ
+ӡֽ N paper|ֽ,*print|ӡˢ
+Ӯ V win|ʤ
+Ӳ V endeavour|
+ʫ N text|
+λ V fight|
+λ V roam|
+ V catch|ס,agricultural|ũ
+Ԯ V attack|,military|
+Բ V mediate|
+Ӷ V engage|,content=secondary|
+ V produce|,industrial|
+ս V shiver|
+ V fight|,military|
+к V SayHello|ʺ
+к V persuade|Ȱ˵
+к V tell|
+ V BecomeLess|,commercial|
+ۿ V BecomeLess|,commercial|
+ۿ V FitNot|
+ V cure|ҽ
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ V ShowOff|ҫ
+ V plan|ƻ
+ V seek|ıȡ
+ס V cease|ͣ
+ת V rotate|ת
+ V bury|
+ V write|д
+ָ V text|
+ֻ N tool|þ,*print|ӡˢ
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*write|д
+ V beat|,PartOfTouch=skin|Ƥ
+ V sit|,religion|ڽ
+ö V StomachTrouble|֢
+ö V ill|̬,#respire|
+ V end|ս
+ V sleep|˯
+˯ V sleep|˯
+ V MakeSound|,#sleep|˯,#ill|̬
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clan|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,most|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,intensity|ǿ,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+ N attribute|,age|,&animate|
+ N attribute|,size|ߴ,&physical|
+ N fact|,important|,#police|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ,space|ռ,*protect|
+ V exposure|¶
+ײ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ײ N vegetable|߲
+ N time|ʱ,morning|
+ V exposure|¶
+ V defeated|
+ V defeat|սʤ
+ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,education|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+뱲 N time|ʱ,#alive|,TimeLong|,half|
+ V handle|
+ N system|ƶ
+ V fulfil|ʵ,patient=aspiration|Ը,scope=listen|
+ڸ V fulfil|ʵ,patient=aspiration|Ը,scope=eat|
+۸ V enjoy|,content=look|,#beautiful|
+۸ V fulfil|ʵ,patient=aspiration|Ը,scope=look|
+ N attribute|,status|,education|,&human|
+Ӫ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@reside|ס
+Ӫ N part|,%institution|,*order|,main|,military|
+ N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N text|,$write|д
+ V excrete|й,patient=waste|
+ N stone|ʯ,#AnimalHuman|,waste|,$excrete|й
+ N human|,military|
+ N army|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ V aValue|ֵ,ability|,maintain|,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+е N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+е N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ,#walk|
+ N attribute|,distance|,far|Զ,&walk|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ,#walk|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+С V lavish|˷
+ N edible|ʳ,foreign|
+ N food|ʳƷ,important|
+ N edible|ʳ,foreign|
+ٴ V engage|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+˾ N bacteria|
+ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&event|¼
+ N water|ˮ,#waters|ˮ
+ N LandVehicle|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*drive|Ԧ,#ship|,#machine|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,royal|
+ N place|ط,city|,important|
+Դ V consume|ȡ,manner=extravagant|
+һ V surprise|
+ N beast|
+Ѫ V bleed|Ѫ
+ V ShowOff|ҫ
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|,desired|
+ȴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ V fight|,manner=fierce|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,demeanor|,gracious|,desired|
+СС ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ N beast|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ N tool|þ,*cut|,*split|ƿ,*stab|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,intensity|ǿ,strong|ǿ
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N method|,fair|
+ N reason|
+ N reason|,important|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ,space|ռ,*protect|
+ N human|,enemy|,strong|ǿ
+ ADV {comment|}
+ N place|ط
+ N fact|,great|ΰ
+ N law|ɷ,religion|ڽ
+ N room|,%facilities|ʩ
+ N room|,%facilities|ʩ,religion|ڽ
+ɸ V fight|
+λ V angry|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·,important|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,possibility|,almost|
+ N place|ط,city|,important|
+ N place|ط,city|,important|
+ N human|,fat|,#eat|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ V pregnant|,#medical|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,generous|,desired|
+ N institution|
+ N part|,%army|,military|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADV {comment|}
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N quantity|,amount|,many|,&physical|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,complete|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|,undesired|ݬ
+ V ExpressAnger|ʾŭ
+ N law|ɷ
+ ADV {comment|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,appearance|,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,demeanor|,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,generous|,desired|
+ʴ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+ N part|,%physical|
+ N stone|ʯ,#AnimalHuman|,waste|,$excrete|й
+ N wind|,strong|ǿ,#WeatherBad|
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,hardship|
+ N wind|,strong|ǿ,#waters|ˮ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,past|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,#ship|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,fat|
+ N human|,rich|,desired|
+Ƥ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ,$eat|
+ N human|,rich|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|
+ N part|,%information|Ϣ,heart|
+ ADV {comment|}
+ V endeavour|
+ N part|,%information|Ϣ,bone|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,male|
+ N human|,strong|ǿ,male|
+ N tool|þ,*communicate|
+ N result|,#succeed|ɹ,desired|
+ V succeed|ɹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N human|,royal|
+˽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,honest|,desired|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N MusicTool|
+ N shows|
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&thing|
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|,important|
+ N attribute|,scene|,great|ΰ,&inanimate|
+ģ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ģ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|,desired|
+ģ ADJ weapon|,*destroy|
+ N food|ʳƷ,generic|ͳ
+ N waters|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ N time|ʱ,day|,cold|
+ V cry|,manner=loud|
+ V disseminate|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,waterless|,#weather|
+ V expect|,content=lucky|
+ N human|,big|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ʱ N time|ʱ,important|
+ N MusicTool|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+ N attribute|,name|,&human|
+ N human|,#power|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ V disseminate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ N human|,desired|,$like|ϧ
+ N place|ط,military|
+ N time|ʱ,future|,year|
+ N time|ʱ,future|,day|
+ V cry|
+ N human|,rich|,desired|
+ N text|,$boast|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ,$eat|
+ N fact|,discuss|
+ N fact|,discuss|,regular|
+ N room|
+ N human|,mass|
+ N human|,mass|
+ N fire|
+ V ignorant|֪
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ,$eat|
+ N plan|ƻ,important|
+ N community|,family|,glorious|
+ N human|,able|,desired|
+ PRON {ThirdPerson|,mass|}
+ V subtract|,range=extensive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ N human|,official|
+ N waters|ˮ
+ N tool|þ,*reward|,$GiveAsGift|,desired|
+ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+ V cry|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+С N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N result|,win|ʤ
+ V excrete|й,patient=waste|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,strong|ǿ,female|Ů
+ N part|,%clothing|,body|
+С V flurried|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,main|,&entity|ʵ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ N army|,important|,#military|
+ N human|,mass|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&heat|
+ V exam|,education|
+ͳ N LandVehicle|
+ V fulfil|ʵ,patient=aspiration|Ը,scope=eat|
+ V satisfied|
+ N human|,rich|,desired|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ N water|ˮ
+ϴ N human|,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ʯ N stone|ʯ
+ N room|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ N humanized|,ProperName|ר
+ʿ N human|,strong|ǿ
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N part|,%house|,bone|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,generous|,desired|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,$eat|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,over|
+в N disease|
+¥ N house|
+· N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+· N artifact|˹,commercial|,ordinary|,generic|ͳ
+½ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|
+½ N earth|
+½ N part|,%country|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+½ N earth|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,ish|
+ N part|,%information|Ϣ,heart|
+ N thinking|˼,substantial|ʵ
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,female|Ů
+ N crop|ׯ,?material|,#addictive|Ⱥ
+ N medicine|ҩ,?addictive|Ⱥ
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ʿ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Syria|)
+ N crop|ׯ
+æ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,busy|æ,undesired|ݬ
+è N beast|
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,skin|Ƥ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ V announce|
+ N attribute|,name|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+Į N land|½,surfacial|,barren|
+Ĵָ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hand|
+ľ N tool|þ,*beat|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+Ƥ N part|,%head|ͷ,AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+ N time|ʱ,year|
+ N time|ʱ,year|,desired|,#crop|ׯ
+һ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ҹ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ N human|,female|Ů
+ N human|,female|Ů,family|
+ N human|,*boast|
+ N weapon|,*firing|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*judge|ö,police|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@reside|ס,@put|
+ N LandVehicle|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&human|,&organization|֯
+ҵ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,commercial|
+ N fact|,respire|
+ N gas|,#weather|
+ N sky|
+ѹ N attribute|,strength|,&gas|
+ǧ N inanimate|
+Ǯ N money|,many|
+ǰ N time|ʱ,past|,year|
+ǰ N time|ʱ,past|,day|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·,#waters|ˮ
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#congratulate|ף
+ N time|ʱ,day|,*congratulate|ף
+ N time|ʱ,day|,@ComeToWorld|,$congratulate|ף
+ N crop|ׯ,$collect|,#autumn|
+ N fact|,collect|,#crop|ׯ,#autumn|
+ N time|ʱ,season|,#collect|,#autumn|
+ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ N material|,?drinks|Ʒ
+Ȩ N attribute|,power|,&human|,&organization|֯,&information|Ϣ
+ N human|,adult|
+ N human|,royal|
+ N human|,desired|,important|
+ N fact|,compete|
+ɨ V clean|ʹ
+ɩ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ɩ N human|,female|Ů
+ү N human|,#wealth|Ǯ,desired|
+ͷ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ V cease|ͣ,content=punish|,police|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+ V announce|
+к N human|,*cry|
+ʦ N human|,able|,desired|
+ʦ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cook|
+ʧ V disappointed|ʧ
+ʹ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,politics|,diplomatic|⽻
+ʹ N human|,female|Ů
+ʹ N institution|,diplomatic|⽻
+ʹ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,diplomatic|⽻,&institution|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ N affairs|,important|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,important|,&organization|֯
+¼ N account|,@record|¼,#time|ʱ
+ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&event|¼
+ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&event|¼
+ִ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ N fact|,cure|ҽ
+ N attribute|,age|,&animate|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,male|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,hot|
+ N quantity|,amount|,many|,&physical|
+ˮ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,#water|ˮ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+մ N chemical|ѧ
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+̤ N attribute|,distance|,&walk|
+ N room|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*perform|,entertainment|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,ish|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,ish|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,ish|
+ N reason|,important|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,ish|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,ish|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,ish|
+ ADV {comment|}
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ N time|ʱ,afternoon|
+ N land|½,#crop|ׯ
+ N room|
+ͬ N phenomena|,intimate|,desired|
+ͬС V BeSame|ͬ
+ͷ N human|,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ͷ N part|,%thing|,important|,body|
+ͷ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ
+ͷ N tool|þ,*fasten|˩
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,leg|
+ N drinks|Ʒ
+ N human|,*perform|,glorious|,entertainment|
+ N human|,able|,desired|
+ N human|,able|,desired|
+ N human|,official|,royal|
+Ϊ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ξ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+η ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ N place|ط,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,(China|й)
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|,ProperName|ר
+ϲ N fact|,desired|,#congratulate|ף
+ϲ V joyful|ϲ
+Ϸ N shows|
+Ϻ N fish|
+ N house|
+ V display|չʾ,content=able|,means=endeavour|
+ͨ V display|չʾ,content=able|,means=endeavour|
+ྶͥ V differ|ͬ
+ N beast|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|,small|С
+С N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&human|,&organization|֯
+С N attribute|,size|ߴ,&physical|
+С N human|,adult|,young|
+С N excrete|й,patient=waste|
+С V excrete|й,patient=waste|
+С N stone|ʯ,#AnimalHuman|,waste|,$excrete|й
+У N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+Ц V laugh|Ц
+д ADJ aValue|ֵ,pattern|ʽ,&character|
+ N beast|
+ V mobilize|
+ľ V build|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+ͻ N computer|
+۱ N building|,precious|
+è N beast|
+ V repair|
+ѡ N fact|,select|ѡ
+ѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ѧ̶ N attribute|,status|,education|,&human|
+ѧѧ N fund|ʽ,*reward|,#study|ѧ,education|
+ѧʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,education|,*teach|
+ѧ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|
+ѩ N RainSnow|ѩ
+ѩ N time|ʱ,day|
+ѩ V WeatherBad|,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ
+֮ N attribute|,appearance|,gracious|,&human|
+ N medicine|ҩ,?addictive|Ⱥ
+ N material|,#food|ʳƷ,$eat|
+Բ V boast|
+ N bird|
+ N money|,past|
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Oceania|)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Oceania|)
+ N human|,(Oceania|)
+ҡ V walk|
+ү N human|,family|,male|
+ҵ N affairs|,great|ΰ
+ҶԷ N disease|
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%information|Ϣ,heart|
+ N reason|,important|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+ V abandon|,possession=family|,cause=loyal|Т
+ӡ N attribute|,power|,&human|,&organization|֯,&information|Ϣ
+ӡ N stationery|ľ,*print|ӡˢ
+ N material|,#food|ʳƷ,$eat|
+ V exist|
+пΪ V worth|ֵ
+ V exist|,experiencer=human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|
+ϣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,CauseToDo|ʹ,#prosper|
+Ϊ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,CauseToDo|ʹ,#prosper|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|,more|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,more|
+ N RainSnow|ѩ
+ V WeatherBad|
+Ԫ˧ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+Ա N human|,official|
+Ժ N part|,%house|,space|ռ
+Լ ADV qValue|ֵ,amount|,almost|
+Լ ADV {comment|}
+ N time|ʱ,month|
+Ժ N house|
+Ժ N house|
+ N time|ʱ,morning|
+ V incite|ָʹ,patient=thought|ͷ,public|
+ N food|ʳƷ,ordinary|
+ս N fact|,fight|
+վ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#LandVehicle|,@stay|ͣ,@TakeVehicle|,important|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ɷ N human|,desired|,brave|
+ָ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hand|
+־ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|
+ N human|,mass|,ordinary|
+ڴý N tool|þ,*disseminate|
+ڻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+ N land|½
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,religion|ڽ
+ר N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ר N human|,*study|ѧ,education|
+רԺУ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+Ȼ N natural|Ȼ
+ֱ N readings|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ V happen|
+ N text|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+ N crop|ׯ,?material|,#food|ʳƷ
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ N fish|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+ V stay|ͣ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ľ V stupefied|ľȻ
+ N fund|ʽ,^$return|
+ V BeUnable|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,fierce|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ͽ N human|,fierce|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ N aspiration|Ը,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ N aspiration|Ը,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V PutOn|
+ V PutOn|,Vgoingon|չ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V respect|
+ñ V unfortunate|
+ʤ N bird|
+Т V condole|°,means=PutOn|
+ V apologize|Ǹ,cause=crime|,means=endeavour|
+ V TakeCare|
+ V bring|Я
+ V do|
+ V guide|
+ V own|
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,leg|
+ N place|ط
+ N tool|þ,@record|¼
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ PREP {partof}
+ V guide|,patient=army|,military|
+ V ill|̬
+ V guide|,ResultEvent=SelfMove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,own|,#electricity|
+ V guide|
+ V guide|,patient=human|
+ N symbol|,#quantity|,#DoSum|
+ N metal|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ V own|,possession=bacteria|,#disease|
+ N human|,*bring|Я,#bacteria|,#medical|ҽ
+ V bring|Я
+ V relate|й
+ V guide|
+· V guide|,ResultEvent=SelfMove|
+ͷ V guide|
+ͷ N human|,*guide|
+ͽ V teach|,target=human|
+ N medicine|ҩ
+Т V condole|°,means=PutOn|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,beautiful|,desired|
+о V teach|,target=human|,education|
+ V own|
+е ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,opposed|,undesired|ݬ
+ N tool|þ,@record|¼
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,possibility|,almost|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,replace|
+ N attribute|,clan|,&thing|
+ V replace|
+ N time|ʱ
+ V do|,means=replace|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,diplomatic|⽻
+촦 N part|,%institution|,diplomatic|⽻
+ V write|д,means=replace|
+ N human|,$select|ѡ
+ V mean|ָ
+ V replace|
+ N part|,%InstitutePlace|
+ N fact|,discuss|
+ N human|,important|
+ N community|
+ųԱ N human|,#organization|֯
+ N text|
+ V TakeVehicle|
+ N part|,%language|
+ഫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$PassOn|
+ N attribute|,similarity|ͬ,different|,&human|,#aged|,#young|
+ V buy|,means=replace|,commercial|
+ V manage|,manner=replace|
+ N symbol|
+ V replace|
+ N expenditure|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,replace|,#commercial|
+ V replace|,scope=teach|
+ V do|,means=replace|
+ V do|,means=replace|
+ N human|,*help|
+ N human|,*replace|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,diplomatic|⽻
+ N human|,*help|
+ N human|,*help|,#police|
+ N human|,*help|,police|
+ N human|,*replace|
+ N human|,commercial|
+ N symbol|
+ N part|,%language|
+ V teach|
+ʡ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,place|ط
+г N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,#city|
+ N collect|
+ V sell|
+ V write|д
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#quantity|,#calculate|
+ʽ N expression|,#quantity|,#symbol|,#DoSum|,#calculate|
+ V replace|
+Ϊ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,replace|
+ V sell|,means=replace|,commercial|
+л V exchange|
+л V metabolize|л,medical|ҽ
+ V do|,means=replace|
+ N human|,*help|,#MakeOthersKnowledge|ʹ˸֪
+ N human|,*replace|
+ V replace|
+Ʒ N physical|,*replace|
+֮ V undergo|,content=replace|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,#country|
+ V do|,means=replace|
+ V borrow|,commercial|
+ V evade|ر
+ V forgive|ԭ
+ V lend|,commercial|
+ V lend|
+ N part|,%account|,commercial|,#human|
+ V lend|
+ V lend|,possession=money|,commercial|
+ N money|,commercial|,$lend|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&physical|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ݲ N material|,?drinks|Ʒ
+ N beast|
+װ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$store|,#cubic|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ V entertain|д
+ V request|Ҫ
+ V stay|ͣ
+ V treat|Դ
+ V wait|ȴ
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=measure|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=check|
+ V stay|ͣ,TimeFin=<>
+ CONJ {time|ʱ}
+ V wait|ȴ,content=leave|뿪
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,lose|ʧȥ,#occupation|ְλ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,lose|ʧȥ,#occupation|ְλ
+ V aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ V wait|ȴ,content=time|ʱ
+۶ V wait|ȴ,content=price|۸,purpose=sell|,commercial|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=check|
+ V entertain|д,patient=human|
+ V wait|ȴ,content=text|
+ V associate|
+˴ V associate|
+˽ V associate|
+ V sell|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$KeepOn|ʹ
+ҵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,lose|ʧȥ,#occupation|ְλ
+ҵԱ N human|,*lose|ʧȥ,#occupation|ְλ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$use|
+ N fact|,treat|Դ
+ N payment|
+ V catch|ס
+ V catch|ס,police|
+ V slack|͵
+ ADJ slack|͵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lazy|,undesired|ݬ
+ V slack|͵
+ V IllTreat|
+ V delay|
+ V indulge|,patient=self|
+ V delay|
+ V stay|ͣ
+ V delay|
+ V CarryOnBack|
+ N artifact|˹,commercial|
+ V bear|е
+ N duty|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&weight|
+ V guarantee|֤
+ N human|,*guarantee|֤
+ V undertake|
+ V bear|е,content=dangerous|Σ
+ V bear|е
+ N tool|þ,space|ռ,*transport|,#medical|ҽ,#rescue|
+ V fear|
+ V undertake|
+ˮ V transport|,patient=liquid|Һ
+ V worried|ż
+ V worried|ż
+ N artifact|˹,commercial|
+ N duty|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ N bird|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Denmark|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N money|,(Denmark|)
+ N money|,(Greenland|)
+ N human|,(Denmark|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+Ƥ N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ N material|,*draw|
+ N part|,%human|,body|
+ N emotion|,loyal|Т,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ N bill|Ʊ,#wealth|Ǯ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N document|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,single|
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ N computer|,simple|
+ N human|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,thickness|,thin|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,pieced|Ƭ
+ N quantity|,amount|,&crop|ׯ,&vegetable|߲
+ N LandVehicle|
+ N process|,single|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,pure|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,pure|,desired|
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ N attribute|,content|,pure|,&entity|ʵ
+ N expression|
+ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+һ V PayAttention|ע
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ V fight|,manner=single|
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,self|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,single|
+ N document|,medical|ҽ,@record|¼,#medicine|ҩ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,pieced|Ƭ
+ N beast|
+ V do|,manner=self|
+ V do|,manner=self|,agricultural|ũ
+ N SportTool|˶
+ N fact|,exercise|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,single|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,single|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ɹ N MusicTool|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N aValue|ֵ,property|,#chemical|ѧ
+ N attribute|,price|۸,&thing|,commercial|
+ N room|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N inanimate|,generic|ͳ
+ N bill|Ʊ,#wealth|Ǯ
+ N expression|
+¡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,#GiveBirth|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ N attribute|,name|,&human|
+ť ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+Ƭ۾ N tool|þ,*look|,#eye|
+ǹƥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,single|
+ͥ N community|,family|
+˴ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,*sleep|˯
+˷ N room|
+˼ N room|
+ N fact|,recreation|,entertainment|
+ N time|ʱ,day|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,single|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^GetMarried|
+ N human|,single|,male|,^GetMarried|
+ N human|,single|,^GetMarried|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+λ N attribute|,amount|,&entity|ʵ
+λ N part|,%organization|֯,generic|ͳ
+λڲ N location|λ,%organization|֯,internal|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+˼ N emotion|,love|,desired|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,single|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|,single|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+б N readings|
+ N regulation|
+ N attribute|,name|,surname|,&human|
+ N part|,%animal|,#eye|
+Ƥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,pure|
+һ N quantity|,amount|,single|,&entity|ʵ
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,official|,past|
+Ԫ CLAS NounUnit|,&entity|ʵ
+ N document|
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,#sleep|˯
+ N character|
+ V wipe|,manner=gentle|
+ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ N attribute|,courage|,&AnimalHuman|,&organization|֯
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ľ V fear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ N human|,brave|
+Ϊ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|
+ V dare|
+̴ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ V fear|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ʯ N disease|
+ N attribute|,courage|,&AnimalHuman|,&organization|֯
+ N attribute|,courage|,&AnimalHuman|,&organization|֯
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,timid|,undesired|ݬ
+ʶ N attribute|,courage|,&AnimalHuman|,&organization|֯
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,timid|,undesired|ݬ
+С N human|,timid|
+֭ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ N attribute|,courage|,&AnimalHuman|,&organization|֯
+ N human|,female|Ů,*perform|,entertainment|
+ N time|ʱ,morning|
+Ƕ N human|,female|Ů,*perform|,entertainment|
+Ϧ N time|ʱ,TimeShort|
+Ϧ֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ N gas|
+ N material|,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ
+ V ize|̬
+ N gas|
+ COOR {but|}
+ COOR {but|}
+Ը ADV {modality|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,wane|˥,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,concentration|Ũ,watery|ϡ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,NotProfound|dz,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hue|Ũ,light|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,weak|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,concentration|Ũ,watery|ϡ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,desired|
+ N fish|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,concentration|Ũ,watery|ϡ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hue|Ũ,light|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|,light|
+ V ize|̬
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|,light|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|,light|
+ N time|ʱ,season|,idle|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|,light|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|,light|
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+Į ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+Į ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+Į֢ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,BlueGreen|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,light|
+ˮ N water|ˮ,$drink|
+ˮ N waters|ˮ,space|ռ
+ˮ N fish|
+ V forget|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,pattern|ʽ,gracious|,desired|
+ N tree|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,purple|,light|
+ V ComeToWorld|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ N time|ʱ,day|,@ComeToWorld|,$congratulate|ף
+ N time|ʱ,day|,@ComeToWorld|,$congratulate|ף
+ V ComeToWorld|
+ N place|ط,@ComeToWorld|
+ V accuse|ظ
+ V jump|
+ V loosen|
+ V recreation|,entertainment|
+ N shape|,round|Բ
+ V shoot|
+ N weapon|,$firing|
+ V perform|,#recreation|,#sing|
+ V shoot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N weapon|,$firing|
+ V congratulate|ף
+ N part|,%implement|
+ɳ N tool|þ,*measure|,#weight|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&inanimate|
+Ƭ N part|,%weapon|
+ V recreation|,entertainment|
+ V shoot|
+ V jump|
+ͷ N weapon|,$firing|
+ N weapon|,$firing|
+֮ N space|ռ,small|С
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,#FormChange|α
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,&event|¼
+ N attribute|,performance|,#FormChange|α,&inanimate|
+ѹ V restrain|ֹ,politics|
+ҩ N weapon|,$firing|,mass|
+ҩЯ N quantity|,amount|,&load|װ,#weapon|
+ָ V PartSelfMove|
+ָ֮ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ŵ N location|λ,&touch|,military|
+ N tool|þ,*recreation|
+ V recreation|,entertainment|
+ V accuse|ظ
+ N food|ʳƷ,#bird|
+ N part|,%bird|,embryo|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N shape|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,embryo|
+ø N physical|,%AnimalHuman|,#metabolize|л
+ N liquid|Һ,%AnimalHuman|,waste|,$excrete|й,#disease|
+ N physical|,#animate|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,embryo|
+ N bird|,*GiveBirth|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#embryo|,skin|Ƥ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,embryo|
+ V RegardAs|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ V bear|е
+ V equal|
+ V manage|
+ V pawn|Ѻ
+ V regard|Ϊ
+ V undertake|
+ PREP {condition}
+ AUX {modality|}
+ CONJ {time|ʱ}
+ V bear|е
+ V engage|,content=military|,military|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,location|λ,special|
+ V suffer|,content=disgraced|
+ V RegardAs|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ N time|ʱ,past|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+ N time|ʱ,now|
+Ҫ N human|,desired|,important|
+ V obtain|õ,possession=power|,politics|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,special|
+ N human|,original|ԭ
+ʱ N time|ʱ,special|
+ CONJ {time|ʱ}
+ V undertake|,content=official|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ V decide|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ V manage|,patient=family|
+ҵ N human|,*manage|,family|
+ҵ N human|,family|,male|
+ V manage|,patient=self|
+ N time|ʱ,now|
+ N institution|,official|
+ڶ CONJ {time|ʱ}
+ N quantity|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|
+ N time|ʱ,now|,year|
+ N time|ʱ,past|
+ N time|ʱ,year|
+Ʊ N bill|Ʊ,#wealth|Ǯ,#pawn|Ѻ
+ N InstitutePlace|,@pawn|Ѻ,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+ϰ N human|,commercial|
+ N publications|鿯
+ǰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+ǰ N time|ʱ,now|
+Ȩ V obtain|õ,possession=power|,politics|
+Ȩ N human|,#power|,#rights|Ȩ,*control|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+Ȼ ADV {comment|}
+ʲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը,desired|
+ N time|ʱ,day|
+ʱ N time|ʱ,past|
+ N part|,%language|
+ N human|,*relate|й
+ N time|ʱ,day|
+ͥ ADV aValue|ֵ,location|λ,special|,police|
+ͷ ADV aValue|ֵ,location|λ
+ͷ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ,#pawn|Ѻ
+ͷ V enjoy|,content=sequence|
+ͷ V happen|
+ͷ V persuade|Ȱ˵,manner=strict|
+ N time|ʱ,night|
+֮ N affairs|,urgent|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ѡ V win|ʤ,scope=select|ѡ
+ҹ N time|ʱ,night|
+ N time|ʱ,month|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ ADV {comment|}
+ ADJ {comment|}
+ V obtain|õ,possession=power|,politics|
+֮ V FeelNoQualms|
+ N location|λ,middle|
+ N time|ʱ,now|
+ STRU {range}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+ PREP {condition}
+ V RegardAs|
+ V RegardAs|
+ V block|ס
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ N part|,%vehicle|ͨ,*drive|Ԧ,#speed|ٶ
+ N part|,%implement|,*control|,#gas|,#liquid|Һ
+ V block|ס,patient=wind|
+粣 N part|,%LandVehicle|
+ V obstruct|ֹ,ResultEvent=visit|
+ N reason|,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ N weapon|,*protect|,*defend|
+ס V block|ס
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N community|
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N community|,undesired|ݬ
+ N publications|鿯,#community|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ N human|,$select|ѡ,#community|
+ N fact|,discuss|,#community|
+ N expenditure|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&community|
+ N regulation|
+ N attribute|,attachment|,#community|,&human|
+ N regulation|,#community|
+ N regulation|,#community|,#country|
+ N publications|鿯,#community|,(China|й)
+ N affairs|,education|,#community|,(China|й)
+ N human|,official|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,age|,#community|,&human|,(China|й)
+ N community|
+ N mark|־
+Ⱥ N community|
+Ⱥϵ N attribute|,relatedness|,&community|,(China|й)
+ N human|,#community|
+ʷ N fact|,#time|ʱ,#community|,(China|й)
+ͬ V remove|,patient=opposed|,politics|
+ͽ N human|,#community|,undesired|ݬ
+ N community|,(China|й)
+Ա N human|,#community|
+ί N institution|,#community|
+ί N fact|,discuss|,#community|
+ N affairs|,#community|
+С N part|,%community|
+У N InstitutePlace|,education|,#community|
+ N attribute|,property|,&community|
+ N human|,#community|,undesired|ݬ
+Ա N human|,#community|
+Ա N human|,politics|,#community|,(China|й)
+ N law|ɷ,#community|
+ N institution|,community|,#country|,politics|
+ N institution|,community|,army|,#country|,politics|
+֧ N part|,%community|
+ N institution|,#country|,politics|
+֧ N part|,%community|
+ N part|,%community|
+֯ N part|,%community|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ V remove|
+ V walk|
+ V wash|ϴ
+ V wave|ڶ
+ V wash|ϴ
+Ȼ V disappear|ʧ
+ V wave|ڶ
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&artifact|˹
+ N document|
+ N tool|þ
+ N tool|þ,@put|,generic|ͳ
+ N document|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@store|,#document|
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&artifact|˹
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&paper|ֽ
+ N shape|
+ N tool|þ,*cut|,*split|ƿ,*stab|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,*cut|
+ N fact|,fight|
+ N weapon|,generic|ͳ
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N attribute|,ability|,cut|,&human|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,*cut|,heart|
+ V planting|ֲ,manner=simple|,agricultural|ũ
+ N attribute|,ability|,cut|,&human|
+⽣Ӱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%machine|,*cut|,heart|
+ N location|λ,#disease|,#wounded|
+ N location|λ,important|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,*cut|,heart|
+Ƭ N part|,%tool|þ,*cut|,heart|
+Ƭ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ,*cut|
+ǹ N weapon|,generic|ͳ
+ N tool|þ,@put|
+ N location|λ,important|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,*cut|,heart|
+ɽ N phenomena|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ N disease|,wounded|,#stab|
+ N fish|
+ N tool|þ,*cut|,*split|ƿ,*stab|
+ N human|,*damage|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V beat|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V destroy|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V beat|
+ V jump|
+ V walk|
+Ϯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+Ϯ V imitate|ģ
+ V FallDown|
+ V MoveItBack|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+ V alter|ı
+ V dump|
+ V end|ս,commercial|
+ V exchange|
+ V fail|ʧ
+ V reverse|ߵ
+ V venture|ð,commercial|
+ V replace|,patient=affairs|
+ V end|ս,commercial|
+ CONJ {comment|}
+˵ CONJ {comment|}
+ V MoveItBack|,patient=LandVehicle|
+ V dump|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+һ V accuse|ظ
+ V FallDown|
+ V betray|,politics|,military|
+ V hang|,manner=treacherous|
+ V reverse|ߵ,patient=sequence|
+ V flow|
+ V irrigate|,agricultural|ũ
+ V replace|
+ʱ V count|
+ V stand|վ,manner=reverse|ߵ
+ V flow|
+ V sell|
+ V sell|
+ù V unfortunate|
+ɤ V disable|м,scope=MakeSound|
+ ADV {supplement|ݽ}
+ V count|
+ڶ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+һ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ V resume|ָ,patient=wealth|Ǯ
+ V FallDown|
+̨ V end|ս,politics|
+ V InDebt|,commercial|
+ V recompense|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,StateIni=bad|
+ V GoBackward|
+θ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+θ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ V FallDown|
+ʩ V RashlyAct|
+ʩ N fact|,RashlyAct|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=foot|
+ү N human|,*venture|ð,commercial|
+Ӱ N trace|,#lights|
+ӳ V appear|
+ V unfortunate|
+Դ V FallDown|
+ V reverse|ߵ
+ת V reverse|ߵ
+ N land|½,#waters|ˮ
+ N place|ط,country|,#waters|ˮ
+ N human|,*reside|ס,#land|½,#waters|ˮ
+ N land|½,#waters|ˮ
+ V beg|
+ V recite|ж,religion|ڽ
+ V recite|ж,religion|ڽ
+ V guide|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*guide|,entertainment|
+ V teach|
+ V transmit|
+ V transmit|
+ N weapon|,$firing|
+ͧ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+ V transmit|,patient=electricity|,industrial|
+ V guide|,ResultEvent=buy|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*guide|,#buy|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ N part|,%implement|,nerve|
+ N part|,%machine|,route|·
+ V guide|,ResultEvent=VehicleGo|ʻ
+ N tool|þ,*transmit|,#fire|
+ N cause|ԭ
+ N tool|þ,*transmit|,#fire|
+ V guide|,ResultEvent=flow|
+ V cure|ҽ,content=excrete|й,medical|ҽ
+ V transmit|,patient=temperature|¶,industrial|
+ V transmit|
+ʦ N human|,*guide|,desired|
+ʦ N human|,*teach|,education|
+ N physical|,*transmit|,#electricity|,generic|ͳ
+ N tool|þ,*transmit|,#electricity|
+ V ResultIn|
+ N attribute|,direction|,&guide|
+ V guide|
+ V guide|,ResultEvent=perform|,entertainment|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*guide|,entertainment|
+ V guide|
+ V guide|,ResultEvent=tour|
+Դ V situated|
+ V ResultIn|
+ V LeaveFor|ǰ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ V arrive|
+ PREP {LocationFin}
+ PREP {StateFin}
+ PREP {TimeFin}
+ STRU {Vachieve|}
+ V appear|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,location|λ,all|ȫ
+ V arrive|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,ending|ĩ
+ V due|
+ V arrive|,LocationFin=extreme|
+ V arrive|,LocationFin=family|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ V arrive|
+˶ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,ending|ĩ
+ĿǰΪֹ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+ V due|
+ V undertake|,content=occupation|ְλ
+ V obtain|õ
+ͥ V appear|,location=institution|,#police|
+ͷ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ͷ ADV aValue|ֵ,location|λ,ending|ĩ
+ͷ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,ending|ĩ
+ͷ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,ending|ĩ
+λ V finish|
+ְ V undertake|,content=occupation|ְλ
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N part|,%crop|ׯ,?material|
+ N tool|þ,*frighten|Ż
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ N part|,%crop|ׯ,embryo|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ V condole|°
+ N text|,*condole|°
+ V condole|°
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&information|Ϣ
+ N community|,undesired|ݬ,religion|ڽ
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N method|
+ V regard|Ϊ
+ N regulation|
+ V speak|˵
+ V farewell|
+ʰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,good|,desired|
+ N fact|,religion|ڽ
+ N place|ط,religion|ڽ
+ V speak|˵
+ N method|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+°ܻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+¹淶 N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ N human|,religion|ڽ,female|Ů
+ V congratulate|ף
+ N community|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,religion|ڽ
+ N community|,religion|ڽ
+ N tool|þ,*perform|,#shows|,generic|ͳ
+ N location|λ,%route|·
+ N reason|
+ֽ N paper|ֽ,@write|д
+· N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N community|,religion|ڽ
+ľ N material|,#route|·
+Ǹ V apologize|Ǹ
+ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ N location|λ,%route|·
+ʿ N human|,religion|ڽ
+;˵ N information|Ϣ,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ϲ V congratulate|ף,cause=lucky|
+л V thank|л
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,*rob|
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,*steal|͵
+ V rob|
+ V steal|͵
+ N fact|,#steal|͵,police|
+ N readings|,#steal|͵
+ V steal|͵
+ V gather|ɼ,means=break|۶,agricultural|ũ,#police|,crime|
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,*rob|
+ V excrete|й,patient=waste|,time=night|
+ V rob|
+ V sell|,crime|
+Ĺ V steal|͵,source=facilities|ʩ,crime|
+ V steal|͵,crime|
+ N fact|,#steal|͵,police|
+Է N human|,*steal|͵,undesired|ݬ,crime|
+ N fact|,steal|͵,undesired|ݬ,crime|
+ȡ V steal|͵,crime|
+ V steal|͵,crime|
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,*rob|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Germany|¹)
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ N emotion|,like|ϧ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ N mental|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Germany|¹)
+² N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+²ż汸 ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+¸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+¹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Germany|¹)
+¹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+¹ N human|,(Germany|¹)
+º N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Iran|)
+ N money|,(Greece|ϣ)
+ά N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ͨ N institution|,news|,ProperName|ר,(Germany|¹)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Germany|¹)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+־ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Germany|¹)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N affairs|,education|,#behavior|ֹ
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,wisdom|ǻ,physique|,&human|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V AmountTo|ܼ
+ N attribute|,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|,&event|¼
+ V obtain|õ
+ V request|Ҫ
+ STRU {Vachieve|}
+ STRU {Vpossible|}
+ STRU {Vresult|}
+ AUX {modality|}
+ò V ill|̬
+òʧ V WorthNot|ֵ
+ò V BeUnable|,content=obtain|õ
+ó V succeed|ɹ
+ó V enjoy|,content=WellTreat|ƴ
+ó V obtain|õ
+ó V decide|
+ô ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰,undesired|ݬ
+õ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+õ V obtain|õ
+õ V undergo|
+õ V {Vable|}
+õ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$use|
+÷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+÷ N quantity|,amount|,&result|,#compete|,sport|
+ùҹ V slack|͵
+ü V succeed|ɹ
+ý V enjoy|,content=reward|
+ý N human|,$reward|
+þ V BeWell|׳
+þ V undergo|,content=rescue|
+ÿ˹ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ V obtain|õ,possession=pros|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+¤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰,undesired|ݬ
+ V obtain|õ,possession=name|
+ STRU {Vable|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$endorse|ӵ
+ʤ V win|ʤ
+ʧ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&event|¼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ V succeed|ɹ
+ N result|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+Ϥ V know|֪
+Ӧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ V BeAble|ܹ
+ V satisfied|
+ V satisfied|
+ V obtain|õ,content=pros|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+֪ V know|֪
+־ V succeed|ɹ
+ N human|,*win|ʤ
+ V offend|
+ N location|λ,$firing|
+ STRU {DeChinese|}
+Ļ CONJ {condition|}
+貨 N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Libya|)
+ȷ ADV {comment|}
+ȷ N material|,?clothing|
+ʿ N LandVehicle|,$lend|,commercial|
+ V kick|߲
+̤ V kick|߲
+ V CausePartMove|
+ V die|
+ N tool|þ
+ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+ƹ N lights|
+ƹ N lights|,entertainment|,#perform|,#shows|
+ƺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ƻ N fire|
+ƻ N fact|,congratulate|ף,festival|
+ƻ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+ƻԻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ƻͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ƽ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ƾ N tool|þ,*illuminate|,generic|ͳ
+ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+ N clothing|,#leg|
+ N problem|,#guess|²,#recreation|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#illuminate|,heart|
+˿ N part|,%tool|þ,#illuminate|,heart|
+ N facilities|ʩ,*illuminate|,#vehicle|ͨ,#AlterLocation|ռλ
+̨ N part|,%tool|þ,#illuminate|,heart|
+о N material|,?clothing|,?tool|þ
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#illuminate|,heart|
+ N material|,liquid|Һ,$burn|,#illuminate|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,#illuminate|
+ V climb|ʵ
+ V kick|߲
+ V publish|
+ V record|¼
+DZ V publish|,LocationFin=publications|鿯
+dz V GoUp|ȥ,LocationFin=facilities|ʩ,entertainment|
+dz V start|ʼ,content=leave|뿪
+dz V publish|
+Ƿ켫 ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+Ǹ V climb|ʵ,LocationFin=tall|
+ǻ V become|Ϊ,isa=official|,royal|
+ǻ V climb|ʵ,LocationFin=aircraft|
+ǻ N document|,*climb|ʵ,#aircraft|
+Ǽ V record|¼
+ V climb|ʵ
+ V tour|
+¼ V record|¼
+½ V arrive|
+½Dz N army|
+½ͧ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+ V visit|
+ɽ N fact|,sport|
+ɽ N community|,sport|
+Ϸɻ V climb|ʵ,LocationFin=aircraft|
+̨ V GoUp|ȥ,LocationFin=facilities|ʩ,entertainment|
+̨ V show|
+ V GoInto|
+ V arrive|,LocationFin=celestial|
+ V publish|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&entity|ʵ,&aValue|ֵ,&attribute|
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&entity|ʵ
+ V equal|
+ V wait|ȴ
+ COOR {and|}
+ȴ V wait|ȴ
+ȵ CONJ {time|ʱ}
+ȵ V wait|ȴ
+ȵ CONJ {and|}
+ȶ N qValue|ֵ,amount|,equal|
+ȶ֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ȷ V separate|
+ȷ N part|,%physical|,BeSame|ͬ
+Ⱥ N symbol|,#DoSum|
+Ⱥ V wait|ȴ
+ȼ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&entity|ʵ
+ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+Ⱦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|,#distance|
+Ⱦ N attribute|,distance|,&physical|
+ N part|,%physical|
+ V MakeEqual|ʹ
+ͬ V BeSame|ͬ
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+֮ V despise|
+Ч ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,equal|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ V equal|
+ֵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,equal|
+ V wait|ȴ
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=eye|
+ V look|
+ɴ۾ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=eye|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=eye|
+ V ExpressAnger|ʾŭ
+ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@sit|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@sit|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Сƽ N human|,official|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ,space|ռ,*protect|
+̰ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ,space|ռ,*protect|
+̰ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ,space|ռ,*protect|
+̷ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ,space|ռ,*protect|
+Χ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ,space|ռ,*protect|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,weak|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,low|
+Ͱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,low|
+Ͳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$create|
+ͳ N water|ˮ
+ͳ ADJ FeelingByBad|
+ͳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,weak|
+͵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵
+͵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵
+͵ N land|½
+͵ N location|λ
+͵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ
+ͷֱ N attribute|,performance|,weak|,&distinguish|ֱ
+ V estimate|,manner=insufficiently|Ƿ
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,wane|˥,extreme|,&event|¼
+ͺ V exhaust|,quantity=few|
+ͼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ͼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,elementary|
+ͼ N attribute|,price|۸,cheap|,&thing|,commercial|
+ͼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,undesired|ݬ
+ͼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵,undesired|ݬ
+Ϳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,low|,#sky|
+Ϳ N sky|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,price|۸,cheap|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ V FeelingByBad|
+ N decline|˥,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,unable|ӹ
+꼶 N human|,*study|ѧ,education|
+Ƶ N aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ N disease|,#fever|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,undesired|ݬ
+ N disease|,#fever|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,weak|
+ N aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,weak|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ٶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ٶ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,slow|,&AlterLocation|ռλ
+ͷ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=head|ͷ
+ͷ V surrender|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,dented|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,weak|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+ N attribute|,temperature|¶,cold|,&physical|
+Ϣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,commercial|
+Ϣ N money|,commercial|,$lend|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵
+Ч ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+Ч ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+Ѫѹ N disease|
+ѹ N attribute|,strength|,&physical|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|
+ N MusicTool|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,low|,more|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,price|۸,cheap|,more|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,useless|
+ N CloudMist|
+ֲ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ
+ֵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,^precious|
+ֵƷ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ,*AptTo|,#OutOfOrder|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,crude|ª,undesired|ݬ
+ V fall|
+γ N bacteria|
+δ V MakeSound|
+δ V fall|
+ε N chemical|ѧ,*remove|,#InsectWorm|
+ζ N method|,*measure|
+ι V irrigate|,agricultural|ũ
+ˮ N liquid|Һ
+ˮɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+ˮʯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|,desired|
+ע V fall|
+ V teach|
+ķ N money|,(the United Arab Emirates|)
+˹ N recreation|,entertainment|
+˹ N InstitutePlace|,@recreation|,(US|)
+ V equal|
+ V fight|
+ N human|,enemy|
+еη N chemical|ѧ,poison|,agricultural|ũ
+ж ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,opposed|,undesired|ݬ
+з N army|,enemy|
+й N place|ط,country|,enemy|
+к N place|ط,enemy|,military|
+о N army|,enemy|,military|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&army|,#enemy|,military|
+ N army|,enemy|
+ N human|,enemy|
+ V hate|
+ N human|,enemy|
+̽ N human|,military|,enemy|,*scout|
+ N human|,military|,enemy|,*scout|
+α N human|,enemy|
+ N human|,friend|,enemy|,military|
+˫ N human|,friend|,enemy|,military|
+ N emotion|,opposed|,undesired|ݬ
+ռ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,$occupy|ռ,#enemy|,undesired|ݬ
+ռ N place|ط,$occupy|ռ,#enemy|,undesired|ݬ
+ N MusicTool|
+ N tool|þ,*MakeSound|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N community|,#space|ռ,past|
+ V wash|ϴ
+ӳ V remove|
+ӵ V wash|ϴ
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clan|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|
+մ V PassOn|
+ V PropUp|֧
+ V arrive|
+ V equal|
+ V pawn|Ѻ
+ V recompense|
+ V resist|
+ V withstand|ס
+ֲ V arrive|
+ֳ V recompense|
+ִ V FitNot|
+ִ V arrive|
+ֵ V obstruct|ֹ
+ֻ V replace|
+ֿ V resist|
+ֿס ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$resist|
+ֿ N human|,*resist|
+ V deny|
+ V return|,possession=strength|
+ V weaken|
+Ѻ V pawn|Ѻ
+ V resist|
+ V withstand|ס
+ծ V recompense|,possession=wealth|Ǯ
+ V refuse|
+ V withstand|ס
+Ʋס ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$refuse|
+ N attribute|,scene|,&physical|
+ N part|,%event|¼,base|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,base|
+ N part|,time|ʱ,ending|ĩ
+ N text|
+װ N part|,%tool|þ,#TakePicture|
+ײ N part|,%inanimate|,base|
+ײ N attribute|,status|,LowRank|͵,&human|
+ײ N part|,%building|,base|
+ N material|,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ
+ N text|
+ N attribute|,price|۸,&thing|,commercial|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,base|
+Ƭ N part|,%tool|þ,#TakePicture|
+ N material|,liquid|Һ,*decorate|װ
+ N attribute|,strength|,&human|
+ɫ N attribute|,color|ɫ,original|ԭ,&image|ͼ
+ N standpoint|
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ͼ N image|ͼ
+ϸ N part|,%event|¼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|,hind|
+ N location|λ,beneath|
+ N human|,*scout|
+ N mark|־,linear|,sport|
+ N part|,%fact|,bone|
+ֹ N process|,ending|ĩ
+ N part|,%physical|,*surplus|ʣ
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,base|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,scene|,&physical|
+ N earth|,#weather|
+ N land|½
+ N land|½,#crop|ׯ
+ N location|λ
+ N place|ط
+ذ N material|,?building|
+ذ N part|,%building|,base|
+ر N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|,@defend|
+ر N part|,%earth|,skin|Ƥ,external|
+ز N attribute|,circumstances|,&event|¼
+ز N InsectWorm|
+ز N part|,%earth|
+زѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ز N wealth|Ǯ,#earth|,#building|
+س N tool|þ,*measure|
+ش V situated|
+شﲩ N attribute|,area|,wide|,&country|
+ش N place|ط
+ص ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ص ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,pure|,desired|
+ص ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ص N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+صս N fact|,fight|,#land|½,military|
+صص ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ص N location|λ
+ض N phenomena|,#weather|,#land|½,#unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ض N part|,%earth|,mouth|
+ض N part|,%place|ط
+ضԵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,#firing|,#direction|
+ضԵص N weapon|,*firing|,#land|½
+ضԿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,#firing|,#direction|
+ضԿյ N weapon|,*firing|,#aircraft|
+ط N aValue|ֵ,attachment|,branch|֧
+ط N part|,%entity|ʵ,aspect|
+ط N part|,%organization|֯
+ط N place|ط
+ط N space|ռ
+ط N disease|
+ط N human|,official|
+ط N human|,*reside|ס
+طɫ N attribute|,style|,&edible|ʳ,&building|
+ط N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ع N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,religion|ڽ
+ع N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,royal|
+ع N facilities|ʩ,#liquid|Һ,linear|
+ع N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ع N vegetable|߲
+عϡ N place|ط,broad|
+ػ N part|,%building|,base|
+ؼ N attribute|,price|۸,&land|½,commercial|
+ؽ˨ N part|,%machine|,*fix|ס
+ؽ N facilities|ʩ,@store|,@put|
+ؽ N place|ط,boundary|
+ؿ V investigate|,content=earth|
+ؿ N part|,%earth|,skin|Ƥ
+ؿյ N weapon|,*firing|,#aircraft|
+ؿ N part|,%earth|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Albania|)
+ϻ N InsectWorm|
+ N weapon|
+ N attribute|,property|,&earth|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#earth|,#country|,#weather|
+ѧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#earth|
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+սѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+սѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N attribute|,ProsCons|,pros|,#earth|,&event|¼
+˺ N attribute|,ProsCons|,pros|,#earth|,#human|,&event|¼
+ N material|,*build|,route|·
+ N attribute|,ability|,#grow|ɳ
+ò N knowledge|֪ʶ,#earth|,#country|,#weather|
+òѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N land|½
+ N part|,%building|,base|
+ N part|,%earth|,skin|Ƥ
+ N place|ط
+沿 N army|
+ս N army|
+ N attribute|,name|,&place|ط
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#name|,#place|ط
+Ĥ N tool|þ,#planting|ֲ
+ N place|ط
+Ƥ N place|ط
+Ƥ N place|ط,@build|
+Ʀ N human|,*MakeBad|Ӻ,undesired|ݬ
+ƽ N part|,%earth|
+ N location|λ
+ N earth|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#earth|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#earth|
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N place|ط
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,physical|
+ N location|λ,%earth|
+ N attribute|,form|״,&land|½
+˰ N expenditure|,#land|½
+̯ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,commercial|
+̺ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,#building|
+ N facilities|ʩ,LandVehicle|
+ͷ N location|λ,#paper|ֽ
+ͷ N part|,%land|½,edge|
+ͷ N place|ط
+ͷ N human|,*MakeBad|Ӻ,undesired|ݬ
+ͼ N image|ͼ,#earth|,#country|
+ͼ N publications|鿯,#image|ͼ,#earth|,#country|
+ί N institution|,#community|,#place|ط
+λ N attribute|,status|,&human|
+λ N location|λ
+λ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵
+Ͽ N land|½
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,beneath|
+ N location|λ,beneath|
+µ N community|,secret|
+ N room|
+ˮ N water|ˮ
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*transmit|
+ N attribute|,form|״,&land|½
+ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ
+ N place|ط
+ N place|ط,#humanized|,#die|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+й N humanized|
+Եѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+Եѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N phenomena|,#weather|,#land|½,#unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ַ N location|λ,#reside|ס
+ N part|,%land|½
+ʹѧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#land|½
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+к N waters|ˮ,surfacial|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,#wealth|Ǯ,rich|
+ N human|,*entertain|д
+ N payment|,#land|½
+ N part|,%earth|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,base|
+ PREFIX aValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ڰ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ڶ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ڶս N fact|,fight|,military|
+ڶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,elementary|
+ڶ N sound|,#language|
+ڶʮ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ڶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ھ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ɶ N money|,(Croatia|)
+ɶ N money|,(Kuwait|)
+ɶ N money|,(Slovenia|˹)
+ɶ N money|,(Tunisia|ͻ˹)
+ɶ N money|,(Yugoslavia|˹)
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ N human|,organization|֯,aspect|
+ʮ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ʮ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ʮ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ʮ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ʮ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ʮ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ʮ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ʮ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ʮ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ʮһ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+һ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+һ N human|,official|,important|
+һս N fact|,fight|,military|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+һ N sound|,#language|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,royal|
+ N human|,royal|
+۹ N place|ط,country|
+۹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,#country|,undesired|ݬ
+۹ N system|ƶ,#country|,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+۹ N human|,fierce|,#country|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,royal|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ܵ N human|,family|,male|
+ܸ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,mass|,male|
+ N human|,*study|ѧ
+ V submit|
+ݲ V add|
+ݹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,again|
+ݼ V BecomeMore|
+ݼ V BecomeLess|
+ݽ V submit|
+ݽ V BecomeMore|
+ݽ V GoForward|ǰ
+ V post|ʼ
+ N human|,*post|ʼ
+ V BecomeMore|
+ V MakeAppointment|Լ
+ V forming|γ
+ V forming|γ,PatientProduct=relatedness|,friend|
+ V forming|γ,PatientProduct=relatedness|,friend|,politics|
+ V MakeAppointment|Լ
+ V forming|γ
+ V ally|
+ V ally|,means=GetMarried|
+Լ V MakeAppointment|Լ,content=agreement|Լ
+Լ N organization|֯,*MakeAppointment|Լ
+Լ N place|ط,country|,*MakeAppointment|Լ
+ V establish|
+ V FallDown|
+ V fall|
+ V leave|뿪
+ N part|,%physical|,head|ͷ
+ V run|
+ V shiver|
+ߵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ߵ V reverse|ߵ
+ߵǷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+߸ V destroy|
+߸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,uprise|,undesired|ݬ
+߸ N human|,*destroy|
+ȥ V repeat|ظ
+ V roam|,unfortunate|
+˲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ V shiver|
+ V measure|
+ﲥ V calculate|,manner=miser|
+ V calculate|,manner=miser|
+ V measure|
+ V think|˼
+ V estimate|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+⻯ N chemical|ѧ
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ N attribute|,property|,&entity|ʵ
+ V check|
+ V choose|ѡ
+ V drop|Ͷ,agricultural|ũ
+ V fall|
+ N image|ͼ,dot|
+ V lighting|ȼ
+ N part|,%character|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,aspect|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,some|Щ
+ N shape|
+ N symbol|
+ V tell|
+ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ,special|
+ V touch|
+ N trace|,round|Բ,small|С,dot|
+ V write|д
+㲥 V drop|Ͷ,agricultural|ũ
+㲥 V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=disseminate|,#shows|
+㲦 V teach|
+㲹 V eat|
+ V buy|,possession=food|ʳƷ
+ V TurnOn|,patient=tool|þ,ResultEvent=illuminate|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=sing|
+㺸 V fasten|˩,industrial|
+㻭 V tell|
+㻯 V teach|,religion|ڽ
+ V lighting|ȼ
+ V touch|,#computer|
+㼢 V eat|
+㽫 V CauseToBe|ʹ֮
+î V count|
+ V tell|
+ V count|
+ V mention|ἰ
+ V estimate|
+ V reveal|¶
+ N fact|,punish|,#exercise|
+ȼ V lighting|ȼ
+Ⱦ V draw|
+ V shoot|,military|
+ V check|
+ V count|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&event|¼
+ V express|ʾ
+ͷ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=head|ͷ
+ͷ V agree|ͬ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+Ѩ V beat|,PartOfTouch=nerve|
+ V check|
+ N image|ͼ
+ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ,special|
+ V decorate|װ
+ V use|,ResultEvent=display|չʾ
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+ N shape|,liquid|Һ
+ N thought|ͷ
+ N trace|,round|Բ,small|С,dot|
+ N artifact|˹,$pawn|Ѻ
+ N fact|
+ N law|ɷ
+ V manage|
+ V pawn|Ѻ
+ N publications|鿯
+ N text|
+ N human|,*pawn|Ѻ
+䵱 V pawn|Ѻ
+䵱ҵ N affairs|,pawn|Ѻ
+䷶ N human|,desired|,$imitate|ģ
+ N text|
+伮 N readings|
+ N fact|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+Ѻ V pawn|Ѻ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,blue|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,blue|
+ N material|,*AlterColor|ɫ,blue|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,blue|
+ N material|,*AlterColor|ɫ,blue|
+ V fill|
+ V pay|
+ N tool|þ,*inlay|Ƕ
+油 V eat|
+ V eat|
+ V establish|,patient=base|
+ V put|
+渶 V pay|
+ N tool|þ,*inlay|Ƕ
+ʯ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ N money|,$pay|
+Ƭ N part|,%implement|
+Ȧ N part|,%implement|
+֧ V pay|
+ N tool|þ,*inlay|Ƕ
+ V damage|,means=electricity|
+ N electricity|
+ N letter|ż
+ N tool|þ,*illuminate|,#electricity|
+籨 N letter|ż
+籨Һ N information|Ϣ,#location|λ,#letter|ż
+籨 N institution|,#information|Ϣ
+ N tool|þ,*measure|,#electricity|
+ N tool|þ,*cool|
+粨 N electricity|
+ N machine|,*dig|ھ
+糡 N space|ռ,#electricity|
+糧 N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,*produce|,#electricity|
+糪 N machine|,*disseminate|
+糪ͷ N part|,%machine|,#disseminate|,head|ͷ
+糵 N LandVehicle|,#electricity|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹
+紫 N image|ͼ,$post|ʼ
+紫 N machine|,*post|ʼ
+紵 N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+Ų N electricity|
+ų N space|ռ,#electricity|
+ N metal|,material|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+絼 N quantity|,volume|ݻ,&electricity|
+ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+綯 ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+綯 N machine|,#electricity|
+綯 N part|,%physical|,strength|,#electricity|
+ V apply|ͿĨ,industrial|
+ȱ N tool|þ,*measure|,#electricity|
+緹 N tool|þ,cubic|,@cook|,#electricity|
+緹 N tool|þ,cubic|,@cook|,#electricity|
+ N expenditure|,#electricity|
+ N tool|þ,#wind|,*cool|,#electricity|
+ N tool|þ,#electricity|,arm|
+ N tool|þ,#electricity|
+ V tell|,instrument=tool|þ,#electricity|
+繤 N fact|,#electricity|
+繤 N human|,#occupation|ְλ,#electricity|
+ N information|Ϣ,#location|λ,#letter|ż
+ܾ N institution|,#electricity|,ProperName|ר,politics|
+ N lights|,#electricity|
+纸 V fasten|˩,industrial|
+纸 N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*fasten|˩,#electricity|
+纸 N machine|,*fasten|˩,#electricity|
+ N part|,%electricity|
+ V congratulate|ף
+绡 N lights|,#electricity|
+绡¯ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,industrial|,produce|,#metal|
+绯 V teach|,education|
+绯ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#electricity|
+绰 N fact|,communicate|
+绰 N tool|þ,*communicate|
+绰 N account|,#symbol|,#facilities|ʩ,#communicate|
+绰벾 N account|,#symbol|,#facilities|ʩ,#communicate|
+绰 N tool|þ,*communicate|
+ V post|ʼ
+ N fire|,#electricity|
+ N disease|
+ N machine|,#electricity|
+缫 N attribute|,kind|,&electricity|
+ N part|,%tool|þ
+ V teach|,education|
+ N separate|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N tool|þ,*break|۶,#electricity|
+翾 N tool|þ,cubic|,@cook|,#electricity|
+ N material|,linear|,@transmit|
+ N part|,%physical|,#electricity|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+ N electricity|
+ N institution|,#electricity|,ProperName|ר,politics|
+ N institution|,#electricity|,ProperName|ר,politics|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&electricity|
+ N method|,#cure|ҽ,#disease|,#electricity|
+ N tool|þ,#electricity|,#material|
+ N tool|þ,*MakeSound|,#sound|
+ N electricity|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|,#electricity|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&electricity|
+¯ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,industrial|,*produce|,#metal|
+¯ N tool|þ,*WarmUp|,*cook|
+· N part|,linear|,#electricity|
+·ͼ N image|ͼ,#electricity|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,#electricity|,*control|
+ľ N material|,?tool|þ
+ N computer|
+ N part|,%physical|,electricity|,strength|
+ť N part|,%artifact|˹,*control|
+ƿ N part|,%tool|þ,#electricity|
+ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ,#electricity|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=electricity|,industrial|
+ V WarmUp|,means=electricity|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,WarmUp|
+ N attribute|,ability|,electricity|,&implement|
+ N part|,implement|,electricity|
+ N tool|þ,#wind|,*cool|,#electricity|
+ V refine|,means=electricity|
+ʯ N chemical|ѧ
+ N image|ͼ,shows|
+ N tool|þ,*look|,#image|ͼ,#shows|
+Ӵѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ӹ N human|,*look|,#perform|
+ӹ㲥 V disseminate|,#image|ͼ,#shows|
+ӻ N tool|þ,*look|,#image|ͼ,#shows|
+Ӿ N shows|
+Ƭ N shows|
+ N facilities|ʩ,*disseminate|
+̨ N institution|,*disseminate|
+ N facilities|ʩ,*disseminate|
+ת V disseminate|,#image|ͼ,#shows|
+ת N facilities|ʩ,*disseminate|
+ N tool|þ,#electricity|
+ˢ N tool|þ,#electricity|
+̨ N institution|,*disseminate|
+̨ N tool|þ,*disseminate|
+ V MakeUp|ױ
+ N machine|,*lift|,#electricity|
+Ͳ N tool|þ,*illuminate|,#electricity|
+ N facilities|ʩ,*transmit|,#electricity|
+λ N attribute|,strength|,#electricity|
+ N readings|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,@transmit|
+ N affairs|,*disseminate|,#information|Ϣ
+ź N information|Ϣ
+ž N institution|,#disseminate|,#information|Ϣ
+ V damage|,means=electricity|
+ V punish|,kill|ɱ,means=electricity|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#electricity|
+Ѷ N affairs|,*disseminate|,#information|Ϣ
+ѹ N attribute|,amount|,&electricity|
+ N tool|þ,police|,*punish|,#crime|
+Ӱ N shows|
+Ӱ N readings|,#shows|
+Ӱ N human|,entertainment|
+ӰԺ N InstitutePlace|,@perform|,entertainment|
+Ӿ N phenomena|,#electricity|
+Դ N location|λ,@ExistAppear|,#electricity|
+ N tool|þ,*WarmUp|,*cook|
+վ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,*produce|,#electricity|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+Ӳ N part|,physical|
+ӹ N part|,%implement|,#electricity|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N affairs|,commercial|,#software|,#computer|
+ʼ N facilities|ʩ,software|,@communicate|,information|Ϣ,#computer|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+ N attribute|,strength|,obstruct|ֹ,electricity|,&physical|
+ V borrow|
+軧 N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ
+ũ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ
+ N place|ط
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@reside|ס,#tour|,commercial|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*sell|,commercial|
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+ N human|,*sell|,commercial|
+ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+̰ N human|,*steal|͵,undesired|ݬ,crime|
+ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա,commercial|,*sell|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*sell|,commercial|
+ V ThinkOf|˼
+ V ThinkOf|˼
+ V ThinkOf|˼
+ V establish|
+ V salute|¾,means=provide|
+춨 V establish|
+춼 V establish|,patient=capital|,politics|
+ V establish|,patient=base|
+ N human|,*establish|
+ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ N material|,#food|ʳƷ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,religion|ڽ
+ N house|,royal|
+ N room|
+ V situated|,location=ending|ĩ
+ N army|
+ N human|,desired|,*win|ʤ,#compete|
+ N house|,religion|ڽ
+ N house|,royal|
+ N room|
+ N human|,royal|
+ﱤ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|,@defend|
+¥ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|,@look|,@defend|
+ V HoldInMouth|
+ N bird|
+ V carve|
+ V carve|,ContentProduct=image|ͼ
+ V carve|
+ N image|ͼ,$carve|
+̼ N human|,*carve|,entertainment|
+ N part|,%building|,bone|,*decorate|װ
+ V write|д,manner=refined|
+ V carve|
+ N image|ͼ,$carve|
+ N image|ͼ,$carve|
+ V carve|
+ V write|д,manner=refined|
+ V decline|˥
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,wane|˥,undesired|ݬ
+ V decline|˥
+ V decline|˥
+ή V decline|˥
+л V decline|˥
+л V die|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ V BecomeLess|
+ V exchange|
+ V fall|
+ V inferior|
+ V lose|ʧȥ
+ V turn|Ťת
+ V replace|
+ V WeatherBad|
+ V inferior|
+ V exchange|
+ V fall|
+ɫ V AppearanceChange|۱,scope=color|ɫ
+ͷ V TurnRound|
+ V fall|
+ V despise|
+ת V turn|Ťת
+ V condole|°
+ V hang|
+ V install|װ
+ V remove|
+ N machine|,*lift|
+ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+ N part|,%building|
+ɵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ N SportTool|˶
+¥ N house|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·,#waters|ˮ
+ɤ V drill|ϰ,content=sing|
+ɥ V condole|°,means=visit|
+ N tool|þ,#wind|,*cool|
+ V kill|ɱ
+ V suicide|ɱ
+Ͱ N tool|þ,cubic|,*collect|,#liquid|Һ
+ N tool|þ,*fasten|˩,#foot|
+ V remove|
+ V condole|°
+ V lift|
+װ V install|װ
+ V catch|ס
+ V seek|ıȡ,manner=sly|
+ N tool|þ,$eat|,*catch|ס,#fish|
+ N tool|þ,*catch|ס,#fish|
+ N tool|þ,*catch|ס,#fish|
+ N tool|þ,*catch|ס,#fish|,generic|ͳ
+ V catch|ס,patient=fish|
+ V TakeAway|ᶯ
+ V adjust|
+ N attribute|,SoundQuality|,&music|
+ N attribute|,SoundQuality|,&speak|˵
+ N attribute|,kind|,&music|
+ V mediate|
+ V mix|
+Dz V dispatch|Dz,patient=army|,military|
+ V issue|ַ
+ V investigate|
+ N human|,*investigate|
+ V mediate|
+ V TakeAway|ᶯ
+ V TakeAway|ᶯ
+ V assemble|ۼ
+ V mobilize|
+ V dispatch|Dz
+ V manage|
+ V cease|ͣ,content=defend|,military|
+ N attribute|,width|,$adjust|,&physical|
+ N tool|þ,*eat|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ V coordinate|Э
+ V mediate|
+ V maintain|
+ V exchange|
+ V dismiss|
+ V assemble|ۼ
+ V adjust|
+ V produce|,PatientProduct=medicine|ҩ,medical|ҽ
+ V adjust|,patient=price|۸
+ V adjust|
+ V adjust|
+ V coordinate|Э
+ V mediate|
+ N human|,*mediate|
+ N human|,*mediate|
+ V cure|ҽ,content=bleed|Ѫ,#female|Ů
+ V adjust|
+ N undergo|,content=$dispatch|Dz
+ V TakeCare|
+ V maintain|,medical|ҽ
+ N material|,#food|ʳƷ,$eat|,generic|ͳ
+ N information|Ϣ,#dispatch|Dz
+Ŷ N attribute|,SoundVolume|,&speak|˵
+Ŷ N standpoint|
+Ŷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+Ū V adjust|
+Ū V incite|ָʹ
+Ū V tease|ȡ
+ V dispatch|Dz
+ V dispatch|Dz
+ V produce|,means=mix|
+Ƥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,mischievous|
+Ƶ N attribute|,frequency|Ƶ,$adjust|,&physical|
+Dz V dispatch|Dz
+ V ShowLove|ʾ
+ V undertake|
+ɫ V adjust|,patient=color|ɫ
+ V adjust|
+ V incite|ָʹ
+ͣ V mediate|
+ͷ N attribute|,SoundQuality|,&music|
+ͷ N attribute|,SoundVolume|,&speak|˵
+ͷ V turn|Ťת
+ζ V adjust|,patient=taste|ζ
+ζƷ N material|,#food|ʳƷ,$eat|,generic|ͳ
+Ϸ V damage|,crime|
+ N attribute|,electricity|,$adjust|,&physical|
+Ц V tease|ȡ
+г ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ V investigate|
+ V perform|
+ V maintain|,medical|ҽ
+ V adjust|,patient=SoundQuality|
+ V use|
+ V mix|
+ V transport|
+ V adjust|
+ N human|,*adjust|
+ְ V undergo|,content=$dispatch|Dz
+ V adjust|
+ƽ N tool|þ,#computer|
+ V cure|ҽ
+ת V turn|Ťת
+ת V undergo|,content=$dispatch|Dz
+ת V undergo|,content=$dispatch|Dz
+ V adjust|,patient=payment|
+ N attribute|,SoundQuality|,&music|
+٩ V LaughAt|Ц
+ V BecomeLess|
+ V FallDown|
+ V fall|
+ V FallDown|
+ײײ V walk|,manner=wave|ڶ
+ N attribute|,range|,BecomeLess|,&price|۸,commercial|
+ V BecomeLess|,scope=price|۸
+ V FallDown|
+ V fail|ʧ
+ V fall|
+ V BecomeLess|
+ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,BecomeLess|,&price|۸,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,demeanor|,gracious|,desired|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,*put|,#food|ʳƷ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,*put|,#food|ʳƷ
+ N InsectWorm|,*fly|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+λ N FlowerGrass|
+Ӿ V exercise|,#swim|,sport|
+ V replace|
+ V happen|,frequency=often|
+ N information|Ϣ,military|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|,military|,*scout|
+ V fold|ߡ
+ V pile|ѷ
+ V repeat|ظ,manner=improper|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|
+ N human|,adult|,male|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ N shape|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ,*protect|
+ N material|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ϩ N chemical|ѧ
+ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+Ƕ,îî ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ϩ N chemical|ѧ
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ֳ N stationery|ľ,*draw|
+ V look|
+ V follow|
+ס V PayAttention|ע
+ V look|
+ V sting|
+ ECHO sound|
+ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+ V fasten|˩
+ V fasten|˩,means=beat|
+ V follow|
+ N tool|þ,*fix|ס,metal|,acute|
+ V urge|ʹ
+ N tool|þ,#crop|ׯ
+ N tool|þ,*beat|
+ N fish|
+ V follow|
+Ь N SportTool|˶,#clothing|,#foot|
+ N human|,*damage|
+ N tool|þ,*fix|ס,metal|,acute|
+ V PropUp|֧
+ V bump|ײ
+ V equal|
+ V hold|,instrument=head|ͷ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,head|ͷ
+ V refute|
+ V reject|ؾ
+ V replace|
+ V withstand|ס
+ N part|,%building|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,head|ͷ
+ס V withstand|ס
+ N part|,%vehicle|ͨ,*illuminate|
+ N location|λ,angular|,dot|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,head|ͷ
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,head|ͷ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,head|ͷ
+ N part|,space|ռ,%land|½,head|ͷ
+ V bump|ײ,patient=wind|
+ N wind|
+ N part|,%implement|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,head|ͷ
+ N image|ͼ,angular|
+Ĥ V salute|¾
+ N human|,desired|,important|,able|
+ţ V quarrel|
+ N part|,%building|
+ V replace|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ѿ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ N tool|þ,*protect|
+ס V withstand|ס
+ײ V offend|
+ V refute|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,undesired|ݬ
+ V BeOpposite|
+ N attribute|,strength|,strong|ǿ,&human|
+ʢ V prosper|
+ʢʱ N time|ʱ,@prosper|
+ N part|,%machine|
+ N shape|
+ N part|,%machine|
+ V AtEase|
+ V MakeAppointment|Լ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,fixed|Ѷ
+ V buy|,means=MakeAppointment|Լ
+ V decide|
+ ADV {comment|}
+ V decide|
+ N result|,decide|
+ V delimit|,patient=organization|֯
+ V decide|,content=amount|
+ N bill|Ʊ,#wealth|Ǯ,*MakeAppointment|Լ
+ N location|λ,dot|
+ V establish|,patient=capital|
+ V decide|
+ N quantity|,amount|,$delimit|,&entity|ʵ
+ V delimit|,patient=affairs|
+ V fulfil|ʵ,patient=compile|༭,#readings|
+ V buy|,means=MakeAppointment|Լ
+ V decide|
+ V MakeAppointment|Լ,content=GetMarried|
+ V MakeAppointment|Լ,content=buy|,commercial|
+ V decide|,content=rank|ȼ
+ V decide|,content=price|۸,commercial|
+ N thought|ͷ
+ N expenditure|,#MakeAppointment|Լ
+ V look|
+ V reside|ס
+ӵ N place|ط,@reside|ס
+ V fixed|Ѷ
+ N law|ɷ
+ N regulation|,ordinary|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,#quantity|
+ V decide|,content=quantity|
+ N quantity|,amount|,$delimit|,&entity|ʵ
+ N system|ƶ,#provide|
+ N regulation|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N result|,#decide|
+ V naming|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,regular|
+ V MakeAppointment|Լ,content=GetMarried|
+ʱ V delimit|,patient=time|ʱ
+ʱ N tool|þ,*delimit|,#time|ʱ
+ʱը N weapon|
+λ V decide|,content=location|λ
+ V decide|,Vachieve|
+ V decide|,Vachieve|
+ V adjust|,patient=MusicTool|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|,#facing|
+ V decide|,commercial|
+ N entity|ʵ,*AtEase|
+ V decide|,content=plans|滮
+ V decide|,content=pattern|ʽ,industrial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,#attribute|
+ V decide|,content=attribute|
+ V decide|,content=attribute|,police|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ N MusicTool|
+ N part|,%language|
+Ա V decide|,content=amount|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$produce|
+ V produce|
+ס V fix|ס
+ N part|,%machine|
+ V decide|,content=crime|,police|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$produce|
+ V produce|
+ V MakeAppointment|Լ
+ V amend|
+ V buy|,means=MakeAppointment|Լ
+ V fasten|˩
+ N document|,*buy|,commercial|
+ V buy|,means=MakeAppointment|Լ
+ͬ V forming|γ,PatientProduct=document|,#MakeAppointment|Լ,commercial|
+ N human|,*buy|,#commercial|
+ V MakeAppointment|Լ,content=GetMarried|
+ V MakeAppointment|Լ,content=buy|,commercial|
+ V MakeAppointment|Լ
+Ʊ V buy|,possession=coupon|Ʊ֤,means=MakeAppointment|Լ
+ N quantity|,amount|,&MakeAppointment|Լ
+Լ V MakeAppointment|Լ
+ V buy|,means=MakeAppointment|Լ
+ V amend|
+ V produce|
+ V abandon|
+ V lose|ʧȥ
+ V throw|
+ V suffer|,content=disgraced|
+ V abandon|
+ V lose|ʧȥ
+ж V defeated|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ V suffer|,content=disgraced|
+ V suffer|,content=disgraced|
+ V abandon|
+ V suffer|,content=disgraced|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ʧ V lose|ʧȥ
+ɫ V show|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N direction|,east|
+ N human|,*entertain|д
+ N human|,*own|
+ N part|,%earth|,east|
+ N direction|,east|,north|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,#direction|,(China|й)
+ N location|λ,east|,north|
+ V run|,manner=endeavour|
+ N location|λ,east|
+ N part|,%place|ط,#east|,#country|
+ N location|λ,east|
+ N place|ط,country|,*entertain|д
+ N human|,*entertain|д
+ N location|λ,ending|ĩ,east|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,(Asia|)
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ direction|,east|
+ N direction|,east|
+ N human|,#source|Դ,(Asia|)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,east|,(Africa|)
+ N phenomena|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N wind|,#direction|,east|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ N human|,rich|
+ձԪ N money|,(Grenada|ɴ)
+ N part|,%place|ط,surrounding|Χ,#city|,east|
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+ N attribute|,distance|,&earth|,east|
+ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+צ ADJ inanimate|,secondary|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N community|,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ N location|λ,east|
+ N direction|,east|,south|
+ϲ N location|λ,east|,south|
+Ͻ N location|λ,east|,south|
+ N direction|,east|,south|,west|,north|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ǹ N community|,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ŷ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,east|,(Europe|ŷ)
+ƴ V merge|ϲ
+ʡ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,mass|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ɽ V BeRecovered|ԭ
+ʩЧ V imitate|ģ
+ N attribute|,distance|,east|,west|,&earth|
+ N direction|,east|,west|
+ N entity|ʵ,generic|ͳ
+ N location|λ,east|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,east|,(Asia|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+ V look|
+֥ N InstitutePlace|,ProperName|ר,*produce|,(Japan|ձ)
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ݸ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+ N sound|
+ N time|ʱ,winter|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+IJ N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ,$eat|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ V irrigate|,#winter|,agricultural|ũ
+ N time|ʱ,winter|
+ N time|ʱ,winter|
+Ӫ N InstitutePlace|,@exercise|,#winter|
+ N crop|ׯ,#winter|
+ V sleep|˯,#winter|
+ N tree|
+ N celestial|,#winter|
+ N time|ʱ,winter|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N time|ʱ,winter|
+ N time|ʱ,#winter|
+С N crop|ׯ,#winter|
+ V build|,#winter|
+ѵ V drill|ϰ,#winter|
+ҹ N time|ʱ,winter|,night|
+ N clothing|,#winter|
+Ӿ N fact|,#swim|,#winter|
+˻ N fact|,compete|,sport|,#winter|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,winter|
+װ N clothing|,#winter|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*manage|
+³ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*manage|,commercial|
+» N institution|,*manage|,commercial|
+ N human|,ProperName|ר
+ V know|֪
+ V know|֪
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ V know|֪,content=affairs|
+ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+ V alter|ı
+ V consume|ȡ
+ V excite|ж
+ V function|
+ V use|
+ V start|ʼ,content=write|д
+ V start|ʼ,content=fight|,military|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ N physical|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ N part|,%language|
+ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ V uprise|,politics|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ N experience|,#AlterLocation|ռλ
+ V start|ʼ,content=build|
+ N {Vresult|}
+ N shows|
+Ƭ N shows|
+ V angry|
+ N thought|ͷ
+ N fact|,generic|ͳ
+ N sound|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,strength|,&event|¼
+ N part|,%vehicle|ͨ,heart|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#strength|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&physical|
+ N fact|,uprise|,undesired|ݬ,politics|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+Ѫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+Ӳ N disease|
+Խ V think|˼
+ N attribute|,strength|,&physical|
+ŭ V angry|
+ƽ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,even|
+ V angry|
+ V excited|
+ N {Vdirection|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,excite|ж
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ V excited|,result=AppearanceChange|۱
+ V start|ʼ,content=leave|뿪
+ V start|ʼ,content=beat|
+ V start|ʼ,content=do|
+ֶ V damage|
+ V cure|ҽ
+ V undergo|,content=cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+̬ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&event|¼
+̬ ADJ attribute|,property|,function|
+̬ƽ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,even|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ V start|ʼ,content=build|
+ V start|ʼ,content=fight|
+ N AnimalHuman|
+ﰮ N human|,*like|ϧ,#animal|
+ﱣ N human|,*like|ϧ,#animal|
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#animal|
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N InstitutePlace|,*display|չʾ,#animate|
+ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&human|,&organization|֯,&event|¼
+ V excited|
+ V punish|
+ҡ V hesitate|ԥ
+ҡ V weaken|
+ҡ N weaken|,patient=behavior|ֹ,military|
+ N text|,$propose|,$discuss|,$debate|
+ V use|
+Ա V mobilize|
+Ա N information|Ϣ,#order|,*mobilize|
+ V do|,manner=true|
+ֲ N animate|,generic|ͳ
+ N {LeChinese|}
+ V do|
+ N fact|,do|
+ٶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ N NounUnit|,&building|
+ N part|,%house|,bone|
+ N human|,desired|,important|,able|
+֮ N human|,desired|,important|,able|
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V fear|
+ V frighten|Ż
+ V cool|
+ V perception|֪,content=cold|
+ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=ice|
+ N disease|
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,#cold|,undesired|ݬ
+ V paralyse|̱,cause=cold|
+ V cool|
+ V restrain|ֹ
+ N material|,?edible|ʳ,$cool|,#flesh|
+ N disease|
+ V die|,cause=cold|
+ N land|½,#cold|
+ N RainSnow|ѩ,#cold|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|
+ V know|֪,manner=profound|
+ N attribute|,ability|,able|,perception|֪
+ N room|,@reside|ס,#GetMarried|
+ N location|λ
+ N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+Ϥ V know|֪,manner=profound|
+ V know|֪,manner=profound|
+Ѩ N part|,%earth|,mouth|
+ N MusicTool|
+ V attract|,commercial|
+ V attract|,politics|,commercial|
+ V bear|е
+ V circle|
+ N part|,%clothing|,cubic|,@put|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ V wrap|
+ V block|ס
+ V reveal|¶
+ N clothing|,#leg|
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ V attract|,commercial|
+ V attract|,politics|,commercial|
+ V bear|е
+Ȧ V circle|
+Ȧ V speak|˵,manner=hidden|
+ V sell|,commercial|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N clothing|,#head|ͷ,*protect|
+ V excite|ж
+ V satisfied|
+ V shake|ҡ
+ V shiver|
+ V shake|ҡ
+ V shiver|
+§ V lavish|˷
+§ V reveal|¶
+§ V shake|ҡ,purpose=MoveItOut|
+ V excited|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ N celestial|
+ V compete|
+ V fight|
+ N image|ͼ,#hand|,#trace|
+ V incite|ָʹ,ResultEvent=compete|
+ V merge|ϲ
+ CLAS unit|λ,&volume|ݻ
+ N LandVehicle|,#mine|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|
+ N image|ͼ,#hand|,#trace|
+ N compete|,#bird|
+ţ N compete|,#livestock|
+ţʿ N human|,*compete|,#livestock|
+Ź V fight|
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ʿ N human|,*fight|
+ N room|,small|С
+˿ N addictive|Ⱥ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+ V accuse|ظ
+ V endeavour|
+ V fight|
+־ N mental|,#fight|
+ V fight|,#wisdom|ǻ
+ת V change|
+ N clothing|,#head|ͷ,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,slope|¶,steep|
+ V stand|վ
+ N part|,%land|½,skin|Ƥ,steep|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,slope|¶,steep|
+Ȼ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+ V BecomeMore|,manner=sudden|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+꽴 N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N material|,#crop|ׯ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+Ƥ N food|ʳƷ
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ N drinks|Ʒ
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+Ƕ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+Ƕ N vegetable|߲
+ N attribute|,attachment|,&plant|ֲ
+ N fruit|ˮ,?medicine|ҩ
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ɳ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ѿ N food|ʳƷ
+ѿ N food|ʳƷ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ,waste|
+֭ N drinks|Ʒ
+Ʒ N food|ʳƷ
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ޢ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ V entice|
+ V stay|ͣ
+ V tease|ȡ
+ N symbol|
+ N symbol|
+ֶ V please|ȡ
+ V stay|ͣ
+Ū V tease|ȡ
+Ȥ V please|ȡ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ V entice|
+Ц V please|ȡ
+ V tease|ȡ
+ V quarrel|
+ N disease|
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,#country|,capital|
+ N place|ط,city|,important|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Ireland|)
+ N place|ط,#country|,capital|
+ N place|ط,city|,important|
+ N place|ط,city|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,city|,&human|
+ѧר N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ V supervise|
+ V supervise|
+ V supervise|
+ V urge|ʹ
+ V supervise|
+ѧ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*supervise|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,poison|
+ V kill|ɱ,instrument=poison|
+ N medicine|ҩ,$addict|Ⱥ,undesired|ݬ
+ N physical|,poison|,*kill|ɱ,undesired|ݬ
+ V beat|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N human|,*transport|,#addictive|Ⱥ,*sell|,crime|,commercial|
+ V damage|
+ V damage|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ N disease|
+Ʒ N medicine|ҩ,?addictive|Ⱥ
+ N gas|,poison|,*kill|ɱ,undesired|ݬ
+ N facilities|ʩ,#gas|,poison|,@kill|ɱ,undesired|ݬ
+ɱ V kill|ɱ,instrument=poison|
+ N beast|,poison|
+ V kill|ɱ,instrument=poison|
+ N physical|,poison|,*kill|ɱ,undesired|ݬ
+˹ N gas|,poison|,*kill|ɱ,undesired|ݬ
+ N physical|,poison|,*kill|ɱ,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,poison|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ N attribute|,poison|,&physical|
+ҩ N chemical|ѧ,poison|,*kill|ɱ,undesired|ݬ,generic|ͳ
+ N human|,*transport|,#addictive|Ⱥ,*sell|,crime|,commercial|
+ N aspiration|Ը,addict|Ⱥ,undesired|ݬ
+ N livestock|,young|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,single|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,single|
+ V manage|
+ V speak|˵,target=self|
+辶 V establish|,patient=route|·
+ V surpass|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,royal|
+ V sing|
+ V establish|
+ N attribute|,kind|,original|ԭ,&thing|
+һ V manage|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+֮ N attribute|,kind|,special|,&thing|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+϶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,official|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ
+ V reside|ס,lonely|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+߽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|,desired|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|,desired|
+ V control|
+ V BeIndependent|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,BeIndependent|
+ N fact|,BeIndependent|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,single|
+ V BeIndependent|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+ɧ V surpass|ǿ
+ֳ N LandVehicle|
+ľ֧ V BeUnable|,content=help|
+ľ N attribute|,circumstances|,&event|¼,hardship|
+ľ N facilities|ʩ,route|·,#waters|ˮ
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,^GetMarried|,&human|
+ N human|,family|,young|
+Ů N human|,family|,single|,young|
+һ V establish|,patient=knowledge|֪ʶ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ V take|ȡ,manner=self|
+ V recreation|,single|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,#disease|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ V own|,manner=self|
+ռ V own|,manner=self|
+ռͷ V surpass|ǿ
+ V drink|,manner=single|
+ N fund|ʽ,commercial|
+ʹ˾ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+ʾӪ V manage|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,single|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,single|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,single|
+ V recreation|
+ N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ V engage|,content=study|ѧ,education|
+ V read|
+ V recite|ж
+ N readings|
+ V read|
+ȡ V take|ȡ,#computer|
+ V engage|,content=study|ѧ,education|
+ V read|
+ V study|ѧ
+ N quantity|,amount|,&measurement|
+ N readings|
+д V read|,write|д
+ N attribute|,SoundQuality|,&speak|˵
+ N human|,*read|
+ V BlockUp|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%building|,skin|Ƥ
+ V upset|
+³ V suffer|,content=$BlockUp|,experiencer=LandVehicle|
+½ V block|ס
+© V BlockUp|
+ V BlockUp|
+ V BlockUp|
+ס V BlockUp|
+ V obstruct|ֹ,ResultEvent=speak|˵
+ V perception|֪,means=look|
+˼ V ThinkOf|˼
+ V gamble|IJ
+IJ V gamble|IJ
+ij N InstitutePlace|,@gamble|IJ,undesired|ݬ
+Ĺ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*gamble|IJ
+Ĺ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*gamble|IJ
+ľ N tool|þ,*gamble|IJ
+Ŀ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*gamble|IJ
+Ŀ N InstitutePlace|,@gamble|IJ,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ V angry|
+Ǯ V gamble|IJ
+ͽ N human|,*gamble|IJ,undesired|ݬ,crime|
+ V swear|
+ע N wealth|Ǯ,#gamble|IJ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ N tree|
+ž N FlowerGrass|
+ž N bird|
+ž V obstruct|ֹ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+³ N human|,official|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N institution|,politics|,#country|,*forming|γ,#law|ɷ,(Russia|˹)
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ V forge|α
+ V apply|ͿĨ,industrial|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$apply|ͿĨ,#metal|
+ƽ V apply|ͿĨ,material=metal|,industrial|
+ƽ V study|ѧ,purpose=MakeBetter|Ż
+ƽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+п V apply|ͿĨ,material=metal|,industrial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$apply|ͿĨ,#metal|
+ V apply|ͿĨ,material=metal|,industrial|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+Ǵ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩,#livestock|
+Ƥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ CLAS ActUnit|,&event|¼
+ N attribute|,degree|̶,&event|¼,&aValue|ֵ
+ N attribute|,tolerance|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ V guess|²
+ V pass|ȹ
+ CLAS unit|λ,&angular|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&temperature|¶
+ȹ V pass|ȹ
+Ȼ V pass|ȹ,patient=hardship|
+ȼ V pass|ȹ,patient=festival|
+ȼٴ N place|ط,@rest|Ϣ
+ȼ N human|,*WhileAway|
+ N attribute|,tolerance|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ V MakeLiving|ı,manner=hardship|
+ V alive|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&measurement|
+ V cross|Խ
+ɴ N ship|
+ɿ N part|,%place|ط,mouth|,#waters|ˮ
+ N ship|
+ V jealous|ʼ
+ʼ V jealous|ʼ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,upright|
+ N cause|ԭ
+ V hold|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,head|ͷ
+ N part|,%event|¼,head|ͷ
+˵ N part|,%entity|ʵ,head|ͷ
+ V look|
+ľ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%event|¼
+ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ V look|
+ N part|,%event|¼
+ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,upright|
+ V amend|
+ׯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,stately|ׯ,desired|
+ V sit|,manner=upright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,length|,short|
+ V lack|ȱ
+̱ V fight|,military|
+̲ N electricity|
+̳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,short|
+̴ N attribute|,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ,&thing|
+̴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+̴ N clothing|,#perform|
+̴ V fight|
+̵ N MusicTool|
+̹ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+̺ N MusicTool|
+̼ N thought|ͷ,NotProfound|dz,undesired|ݬ
+̾ N shows|
+̿ N clothing|,#leg|
+· V OutOfOrder|,#electricity|
+ V run|,sport|
+ƪС˵ N readings|
+Ƭ N shows|
+ N text|,*estimate|
+ N human|,*compile|༭,literature|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ N time|ʱ,TimeShort|
+Ƿ V lack|ȱ
+Ƿ V owe|Ƿ
+ǹ N weapon|,*firing|
+ȱ V lack|ȱ
+ȹ N clothing|,#leg|,female|Ů
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|,undesired|ݬ
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+; ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,short|
+ N text|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+߲Ʒ N artifact|˹,$produce|,few|,generic|ͳ
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,low|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С
+ѵ N fact|,study|ѧ,education|
+Ѷ N news|,simple|
+ N expression|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ͣ V stay|ͣ,duration=TimeShort|
+װ N clothing|
+ V produce|,industrial|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|,#metal|
+ͼ N artifact|˹,$produce|,#metal|,industrial|
+ V cultivate|
+ V cultivate|
+ V exercise|,sport|
+ N metal|,material|
+ѹ V produce|,industrial|
+ V produce|,industrial|
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&human|,#exercise|,sport|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ
+ N part|,%text|
+θ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%text|
+λ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&human|,#exercise|,sport|
+ V GiveUp|
+ V break|۶
+ V cease|ͣ
+ V decide|
+ V judge|ö
+ϲ N part|,%earth|
+ϲ N part|,%earth|
+ϳ V sorrowful|
+ϵ V disappear|ʧ,#sell|,commercial|
+ϵ V cease|ͣ,content=provide|,#electricity|
+϶ V judge|ö
+϶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,^continuous|
+Ϻ V OwnNot|,possession=young|
+Ϻ V help|,military|
+Ϻ V situated|,location=ending|ĩ
+Ͻ V separate|,partner=country|,politics|
+Ͻ V separate|,partner=friend|
+Ͼ V separate|
+Ͽ V break|۶,Vachieve|
+Ͽ V separate|
+Ͽ N location|λ,#OutOfOrder|
+ V FormChange|α,#split|ƿ
+ N part|,%earth|
+Ѵ N part|,%earth|
+ V cease|ͣ,content=provide|,#electricity|
+ N tool|þ,*cease|ͣ,#provide|,#electricity|
+· N part|,linear|,#electricity|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,surfacial|
+ V restrain|ֹ,ResultEvent=drink|
+ V cease|ͣ,content=provide|,#gas|
+ V die|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ
+Ȼ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ˮ V cease|ͣ,content=provide|,#water|ˮ
+ V lose|ʧȥ
+ V disconnect|
+ V tool|þ,linear|,$break|۶
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,^continuous|
+ V speak|˵
+ԫб N part|,%building|,incomplete|ȱ,desolate|
+Ӿ V OwnNot|,possession=young|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+д N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩,*decorate|װ,$PutOn|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&human|,mass|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|,mass|
+ V pile|ѷ
+ N shape|
+Ѵ V store|
+ѷ V pile|ѷ
+ѷ N material|,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ
+ѻ V BecomeMore|
+ѻ V pile|ѷ
+ѻɽ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ V build|
+ V write|д
+ջ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@put|,@store|
+ V add|
+ V exchange|,commercial|
+Ҹ V exchange|,commercial|
+һ V exchange|,commercial|
+һ N quantity|,rate|,&exchange|,commercial|
+һȯ N coupon|Ʊ֤
+ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,concentration|Ũ,watery|ϡ
+ˮ V add|,patient=water|ˮ
+ V exchange|,commercial|
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ N community|
+ N human|,mass|
+ N shape|,linear|
+ӳ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+ N shape|
+ N mark|־
+ N army|,generic|ͳ
+ N human|,mass|
+ N shape|
+ N human|,friend|,*exercise|,sport|
+Ա N human|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,double|,&human|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,double|,&physical|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ V add|
+ V adjust|
+ V check|
+ V facing|
+ V fit|ʺ
+ V reply|
+ PREP {concerning}
+ PREP {partner}
+ PREP {target}
+ ... ˵ PREP {scope}
+ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+ N text|,$speak|˵
+Ա V compare|Ƚ
+Աȶ N attribute|,similarity|ͬ,&brightness|,&color|ɫ
+Բ V IllTreat|
+Բ EXPR expression|,*apologize|Ǹ
+Բ V suffer|,content=$accuse|ظ,police|
+Բ V suffer|,content=$accuse|ظ,police|
+Բ N method|
+Գ V sing|,entertainment|
+Գ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,BeSimilar|
+Գ N attribute|,property|,BeSimilar|,&entity|ʵ
+Դ N attribute|,correctness|,&event|¼
+Դ V reply|
+Դ V fight|
+Դ V treat|Դ
+Ե V WellTreat|ƴ
+Եס V WellTreat|ƴ
+Ե V equal|
+Ե V exchange|
+Զ N image|ͼ,angular|
+Է N human|,organization|֯,other|
+Ը V handle|
+Ը V succeed|ɹ
+Ը V sing|,entertainment|
+Թ V attack|
+Թ V adjust|,patient=tool|þ,purpose=TakePicture|
+Ժ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+Ի V talk|̸
+Ի N human|,*talk|̸
+Խ N tool|þ,*communicate|
+Խ N image|ͼ,linear|
+Խ V connect|
+Խ N part|,%clothing|,body|
+Ծ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+Ծ V fit|ʺ
+Ծ V recreation|
+Կ V VehicleGo|ʻ
+Կ V fight|
+Կ V resist|
+Կ N fact|,compete|
+Կ N attribute|,property|,fight|,&entity|ʵ
+Կ V fit|ʺ
+Կ V sing|,entertainment|
+ V BeOpposite|
+ V BeOpposite|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,contrariness|,negative|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,aspect|
+ͳһ V merge|ϲ
+ N readings|
+ V flow|
+· V fit|ʺ
+ N location|λ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|
+ V equal|
+ N human|,*HaveContest|
+ N human|,*equal|,#HaveContest|
+ N symbol|
+ N symbol|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ͷ N human|,enemy|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,foreign|
+ϵ N attribute|,relatedness|,&country|,diplomatic|⽻
+ N regulation|,#country|
+ N regulation|,#country|
+ó N affairs|,commercial|,#country|
+ N regulation|,#country|,diplomatic|⽻
+Ϻ N fish|
+ N entity|ʵ
+ N human|,friend|,desired|
+ V disable|м,partof=eye|
+Ӧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|
+Ӧ V fit|ʺ
+ PREP {concerning}
+ V check|,content=account|,commercial|
+ V fit|ʺ
+ V compare|Ƚ
+ N qValue|ֵ,rate|,$subtract|,#sell|,commercial|
+ V HaveContest|
+֢ V fit|ʺ,contrast=disease|
+֢ҩ V obey|ѭ,content=disease|
+֤ V check|
+ V BeOpposite|
+ V BeOpposite|,police|
+ V AimAt|
+ N readings|
+ V recreation|,sport|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|
+ N land|½,small|С
+ N stone|ʯ
+ N wood|ľ
+ղ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ N shape|,low|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&weight|
+ֹ CLAS unit|λ,&weight|
+ּ N unit|λ,weight|,&ship|
+λ CLAS unit|λ,&weight|
+ V sit|
+ V stay|ͣ
+ V stay|ͣ,location=institution|
+ ADJ sit|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ش V urge|ʹ
+ش N human|,*urge|ʹ
+غ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ػ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V CausePartMove|
+ V pause|ͣ
+ٿé V know|֪
+ V doubt|
+ʱ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+ V understand|
+ V SetAside|
+ڻ V SetAside|,commercial|
+ڻ V SetAside|,commercial|
+ڻ N human|,*SetAside|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,blunt|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+۽ N image|ͼ,angular|
+ N weapon|,*protect|
+ N reason|,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ N weapon|,*protect|
+ V flee|
+ V shiver|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,over|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,question|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,fragment|
+ౣ EXPR expression|,*SayHello|ʺ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ N image|ͼ,cubic|
+ V change|
+ಡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,ill|̬,undesired|ݬ
+಼ N money|,(Sao tome and Principe|ʥ)
+ಿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|
+Ŷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,create|
+Ƹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,pessimistic|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,AptTo|,#FeelingByBad|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+൳ N system|ƶ,politics|
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rate|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rate|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+ ADV {comment|}
+ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ N phenomena|,wind|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Togolese|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,(Togolese|)
+ N quantity|,amount|,&entity|ʵ
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Qatar|)
+༫ N attribute|,kind|,many|
+༶ N tool|þ,*transport|
+ྦྷ N inanimate|,generic|ͳ
+ ADV time|ʱ,question|
+ʡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,dexterous|,desired|
+ ADV lucky|
+Ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Canada|ô)
+ô ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,question|
+ô ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ý N tool|þ,#sound|,#music|,image|ͼ,#shows|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Dominica|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+ N human|,(Dominica|)
+ N human|,able|
+ N place|ط,country|,politics|,#community|,#human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ǰ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|,past|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|
+ V BecomeMore|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ţë ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,question|
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,fragment|
+Ʊ N document|,*select|ѡ
+ N human|
+ٲ V recompense|
+ V doubt|
+ѩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,WeatherBad|,RainSnow|ѩ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|
+ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=different|
+ N attribute|,kind|,many|
+; ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,many|
+ V ExpressDissatisfaction|ʾ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,more|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|,undesired|ݬ
+ N aValue|ֵ,property|,WeatherBad|,RainSnow|ѩ
+Ԫ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+Ԫ N attribute|,kind|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,WeatherChange|,#CloudMist|
+֭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,PhysicState|״̬,liquid|Һ
+֭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,contain|,#liquid|Һ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|
+ֶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|
+ֶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,many|
+ʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,manner|ʽ,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|,language|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+˶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+㶯 N animal|,generic|ͳ
+ V speak|˵
+觺 N waters|ˮ,linear|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ V rob|
+ V seek|ıȡ
+ V win|ʤ
+ V win|ʤ,commercial|
+ V seek|ıȡ
+ V win|ʤ
+ V TakeBack|ȡ
+ V weep|
+ V win|ʤ
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ȡ V occupy|ռ,military|
+ȡ V rob|
+ȡ V seek|ıȡ
+ȥ V take|ȡ
+ȥ V kill|ɱ
+ V take|ȡ
+ N facilities|ʩ
+ N facilities|ʩ,military|
+ V pile|ѷ
+ N shape|
+ V escape|
+ V hide|
+ V escape|
+ V hide|
+ܲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$escape|
+ V hide|
+ V escape|
+ V hide|
+㿪 V escape|
+ V evade|ر
+ V escape|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&CloudMist|,&FlowerGrass|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ V kick|߲
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=foot|
+ N part|,%ship|,*drive|Ԧ
+ N part|,%ship|,*drive|Ԧ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*drive|Ԧ,#ship|
+ V break|۶
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lazy|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lazy|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,&entity|ʵ
+ V OutOfOrder|
+ N OutOfOrder|
+̥ V cease|ͣ,content=pregnant|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+üɽ N land|½,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ɽ N land|½,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N bird|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|
+ڴ N disease|
+ʯ N stone|ʯ,material|
+ë N part|,%bird|,hair|ë
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Russia|˹)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Russia|˹)
+˹ N humanized|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Russia|˹)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Russia|˹)
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ո N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+˹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Russia|˹)
+˹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Russia|˹)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ N quantity|,amount|,&physical|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,rate|
+ֵ N quantity|,rate|,&event|¼
+ N quantity|,amount|,&event|¼
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ֳ V ShowJoy|ʾϲ
+ͷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|
+Ĺ N fact|,do|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ V cheat|ƭ
+թ V cheat|ƭ
+ N human|,female|Ů,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,kill|ɱ,undesired|ݬ,#disease|
+ V disgust|
+ N event|¼,undesired|ݬ,evil|,crime|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+ V ill|̬
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,stinky|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ N aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ӯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+ N result|,undesired|ݬ
+ݺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ V damage|
+ V decline|˥
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ N thought|ͷ,#dream|,undesired|ݬ
+ħ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+ N attribute|,power|,undesired|ݬ,&organization|֯
+ϰ N attribute|,habit|ϰ,undesired|ݬ,&human|,&organization|֯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,kill|ɱ
+˺ N disease|
+ͨ N phenomena|,#money|,BecomeMore|,commercial|
+ N disease|
+ N aspiration|Ը,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,*slander|̰
+ V slander|̰
+ս N fact|,#fight|,fierce|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,dirty|,undesired|ݬ
+ V IllTreat|
+ N location|λ,important|
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ŵ N phenomena|,#WeatherChange|
+϶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Ecuador|϶)
+϶ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+϶ N human|,(Ecuador|϶)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Ethiopia|)
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ V control|
+ V defend|
+ V hold|
+ɱ V destroy|
+ɱ V kill|ɱ
+ɱ N human|,*kill|ɱ
+ V defend|
+ V disappointed|ʧ
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,accurate|,desired|
+ V restrain|ֹ
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ֹ V obstruct|ֹ
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+״ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+¿ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V HungryThirsty|
+ V HungryThirsty|
+ʳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ,ResultEvent=HungryThirsty|,degree=extreme|
+ V HungryThirsty|,degree=extreme|
+ V die|,cause=HungryThirsty|
+ V kill|ɱ,means=HungryThirsty|
+ N emotion|,like|ϧ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ V grant|
+ N emotion|,kindhearted|,desired|
+ N emotion|,kindhearted|,desired|
+ N emotion|,like|ϧ,kindhearted|,desired|
+÷ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Chad|է)
+ V revenge|
+ N emotion|,like|ϧ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ N human|,friend|,kindhearted|,desired|
+ͬ N emotion|,like|ϧ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ N emotion|,like|ϧ,kindhearted|,desired|
+Թ N emotion|,grateful|м,blame|Թ
+Թ N emotion|,hate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N emotion|,like|ϧ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ɽ N emotion|,like|ϧ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ V agree|ͬ,manner=kindhearted|
+ CONJ {EventResult|¼}
+ PREP {LocationFin}
+ PREP {StateFin}
+ PREP {TimeFin}
+ COOR {and|}
+ CONJ {but|}
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,hind|
+ N time|ʱ,now|
+֮ N time|ʱ,#age|,adult|
+ PREP {concerning}
+ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+ CONJ {but|}
+ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+ PREP {concerning}
+ ADV {comment|}
+ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sex|Ա,male|
+ N human|,family|,male|,young|
+ N human|,family|,young|
+ N music|,$sing|,#young|
+ʵ N human|,undesired|ݬ,royal|,$control|
+ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,#young|,medical|ҽ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#young|,medical|ҽ
+ҽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ר N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+Ů N human|,family|,mass|,young|
+Ů N human|,mass|
+ʱ N time|ʱ,#young|
+ N human|,future|
+ͯ N human|,young|
+ͯѩ N clothing|
+ͯ N part|,%institution|,politics|,#young|,#fund|ʽ,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ͯ N time|ʱ,day|,festival|,#young|,@congratulate|ף
+ϱ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ϱ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ϱ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+Ϸ N fact|,secondary|
+ N human|,family|,male|,young|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*listen|
+ N shape|
+ V ill|̬,scope=listen|,medical|ҽ
+ V ill|̬,scope=listen|,medical|ҽ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#listen|
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*listen|
+ N stone|ʯ,#AnimalHuman|,waste|
+ N fact|,beat|,#skin|Ƥ
+ N fact|,beat|,#skin|Ƥ
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ N tool|þ,*listen|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#listen|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#listen|
+ ADJ disable|м,scope=listen|
+ N disease|
+Ŀ N human|,military|,*scout|
+Ŀ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+Ŀһ V prosper|
+ N tool|þ,*protect|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,unfamiliar|϶,undesired|ݬ
+ʺ N stone|ʯ,#AnimalHuman|,waste|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ V teach|
+ V perception|֪
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+Ѩ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,dot|
+ʹ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+ N disease|
+ V speak|˵,manner=weak|
+ N human|,*speak|˵
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+ĿȾ V undergo|,content=CauseAffect|Ⱦ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ PRON {SecondPerson|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,future|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+ V entice|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N tool|þ,*feed|ι,*catch|ס,#fish|
+ N tool|þ,*feed|ι,*catch|ס,#fish|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ѵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,NotProfound|dz,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,sport|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,diplomatic|⽻
+ N human|,rich|
+Ӣ N chemical|ѧ
+ N human|,intimate|,female|Ů
+ N human|,*own|,#house|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,#ship|
+ͷ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$merge|ϲ
+ N MusicTool|
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+˵ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+û˵ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ N part|,%implement|
+ױ N chemical|ѧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#DoSum|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,elementary|
+ N human|,lazy|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,politics|,diplomatic|⽻
+Ĵָ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hand|
+ N human|,intimate|,female|Ů
+꼶ѧ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|
+ N army|,military|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,used|
+߽ N tool|þ,*WhileAway|,*congratulate|ף
+ǧﳤ N fact|,military|,past|
+ά ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,surfacial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ʽ ADJ expression|,#quantity|,#symbol|,#DoSum|,#calculate|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+̼ N gas|
+ N time|ʱ,month|
+· N time|ʱ,month|
+ս N fact|,fight|,military|
+ N attribute|,property|,double|,&entity|ʵ
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,treacherous|,official|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&weapon|
+ V announce|
+ V become|Ϊ
+ V express|ʾ
+ V firing|
+ V happen|
+ V issue|ַ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hair|ë
+ V produce|
+ V reveal|¶
+ V send|
+ V shoot|
+ V shoot|,sport|
+ V speak|˵
+ V happen|,experiencer=fact|,police|
+ V become|Ϊ,descriptive=white|
+ V announce|,content=result|,education|
+ V issue|ַ,possession=MakeAppointment|Լ
+ N human|,issue|ַ,#MakeAppointment|Լ
+ V post|ʼ,patient=information|Ϣ
+ N human|,*post|ʼ
+ V publish|
+ V ill|̬,medical|ҽ
+ V announce|
+ N fact|,@announce|
+ V prosper|
+ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ,?food|ʳƷ
+ V change|,StateFin=wet|ʪ
+ V start|ʼ,content=leave|뿪
+ V worried|ż
+ V announce|
+ V issue|ַ
+ V send|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ N place|ط,country|,*prosper|
+ V stupefied|ľȻ
+ V produce|,PatientProduct=electricity|
+糧 N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,*produce|,#electricity|
+ N machine|,*produce|,#electricity|
+רҵԱ N human|,industrial|
+վ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,*produce|,#electricity|
+ V TurnOn|
+ V mobilize|
+ V start|ʼ
+ N part|,%vehicle|ͨ,heart|
+ V shiver|
+ V begin|ʼ
+ V issue|ַ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ V endeavour|
+ͼǿ V endeavour|
+ V endeavour|
+ͼǿ V endeavour|
+ V mad|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ V send|,patient=news|
+ V issue|ַ
+ V AppearanceChange|۱,StateFin=bright|
+ V aValue|ֵ,property|,illuminate|
+ V fever|
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ,ResultEvent=excrete|й
+ʩ V order|
+ V become|Ϊ,descriptive=black|
+ V angry|
+ V endeavour|
+ V become|Ϊ,descriptive=red|
+ V ill|̬,scope=look|,medical|ҽ
+ V order|
+ V speak|˵,manner=angry|
+ V return|
+ V flurried|
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ
+ V express|ʾ
+ V AppearanceChange|۱,StateFin=fire|
+ V angry|
+ V lighting|ȼ
+ V send|,patient=artifact|˹,commercial|
+ V lucky|,scope=status|
+ V worried|ż
+ N tool|þ,*fasten|˩,#hair|ë,#MakeUp|ױ,#female|Ů
+ V prosper|
+¸ V prosper|
+ V reward|
+ V StateChange|̬
+ V dig|ھ
+ V investigate|
+ V perception|֪
+ N tool|þ,*fasten|˩,#hair|ë,#MakeUp|ױ,#female|Ů
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ V mad|
+ V tired|ƣ
+ N InstitutePlace|,@MakeUp|ױ,commercial|
+ɧ V protest|
+ V AppearanceChange|۱,StateFin=bright|
+ǹ N tool|þ,*MakeSound|,*order|,#exercise|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,teach|
+ V punish|
+ V paralyse|̱
+ë V angry|
+ë V flurried|
+ù V StateChange|̬,StateFin=OutOfOrder|
+ V ignorant|֪
+ V teach|,content=elementary|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ V produce|
+ N human|,*create|
+ N human|,*produce|
+ V uprise|
+ŭ V angry|
+ V submit|,possession=readings|
+ V AppearanceChange|۱,StateFin=fat|
+ݼ N chemical|ѧ,*experiment|ʵ
+Ƣ V angry|
+Ʊ N bill|Ʊ,#wealth|Ǯ
+ V start|ʼ
+ N human|,*start|ʼ
+ V need|,content=mating|
+ V shoot|,patient=SportTool|˶,sport|
+ V AppearanceChange|۱,StateFin=hot|
+ V fever|
+ V flurried|
+ V produce|,PatientProduct=hot|
+ʡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+˼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ V become|Ϊ,descriptive=soft|
+ɢ V cure|ҽ,means=cool|,medical|ҽ
+ɢ V disperse|ɢ
+ V fever|
+ N human|,*FondOf|ϲ,#WhileAway|
+ V firing|
+ V shoot|
+ V transmit|
+䳡 N place|ط,@shoot|
+ N machine|,*shoot|
+ V MakeSound|
+ V happen|
+ V produce|
+ N chemical|ѧ,*produce|
+ V swear|
+ V sell|,commercial|
+ˢ N tool|þ,*wipe|,#MakeUp|ױ
+ˮ V unfortunate|
+ V send|
+ V transmit|
+ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=sour|
+ V painful|ʹ
+ N part|,%implement|
+ N tool|þ,*fasten|˩,#hair|ë,#MakeUp|ױ,#female|Ů
+ N document|,official|
+ V ask|
+ V perception|֪
+ N human|,*perception|֪
+ N place|ط,#event|¼,@ExistAppear|
+Ц V laugh|Ц
+й V release|ͷ
+н V issue|ַ,possession=payment|
+ V post|ʼ,patient=letter|ż
+ N human|,*post|ʼ
+ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&hair|ë
+ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&hair|ë,#female|Ů
+ V publish|
+ V sell|
+ V sell|,commercial|
+֤ N human|,official|,*issue|ַ,#document|
+ѿ V pregnant|
+ V speak|˵
+ N human|,*speak|˵
+ V inflamed|
+ V CauseToGrow|ʹɳ
+ V use|
+ V CauseToGrow|ʹɳ
+ V itch|
+ V speak|˵
+ V grow|ɳ
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+Դ V begin|ʼ
+Դ N place|ط,#event|¼,@ExistAppear|
+Դ V ResultFrom|Ե
+ V send|
+ V dizzy|
+չ V CauseToGrow|ʹɳ
+չ V grow|ɳ
+չ V include|
+չй N place|ط,country|,*grow|ɳ
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=protruding|
+ V perception|֪,content=swollen|
+֤ V issue|ַ,possession=document|
+ V ResultFrom|Ե
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ
+ V angry|
+ V happen|
+ V show|,content=lascivious|
+ V issue|ַ,possession=payment|
+ V fever|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,teach|
+ V punish|
+ N expenditure|,$punish|,#police|
+ V punish|,ResultContent=money|,police|
+ V punish|,ResultContent=drink|
+ N expenditure|,$punish|,#police|
+ V punish|,ResultContent=money|,police|
+û V levy|
+ V punish|,sport|
+ N ship|
+ N ship|
+ V attack|
+ V break|۶
+ľ V break|۶,patient=wood|ľ,agricultural|ũ
+ľ N human|,*break|۶,#tree|,agricultural|ũ
+ľ N human|,*break|۶,#tree|,agricultural|ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ V lack|ȱ
+ V tired|ƣ
+ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ V tired|ƣ
+ V lack|ȱ,scope=human|
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,#power|,strong|ǿ
+ N part|,%implement|
+ N part|,%implement|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(France|)
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,religion|ڽ
+ N law|ɷ
+ N method|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(France|)
+ N document|,#law|ɷ
+ V punish|,police|
+ N thing|,able|
+ N tool|þ,religion|ڽ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|,*judge|ö,#crime|
+ N place|ط,police|,@kill|ɱ,#crime|
+ N document|,#law|ɷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|,desired|
+ N human|,*handle|
+̳ N human|,*receive|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&human|,#select|ѡ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|,*judge|ö,#crime|
+ٺʦ N human|,police|
+ N law|ɷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(France|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+ N money|,(Andorra|)
+ͩ N tree|
+ N attribute|,name|,religion|ڽ,&human|
+ N law|ɷ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|,#crime|
+˸ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Germany|¹)
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(France|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N money|,(France|)
+ N money|,(Monaco|Ħɸ)
+ N human|,royal|,ProperName|ר,(Egypt|)
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#law|ɷ
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N law|ɷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#police|
+ N aValue|ֵ,attachment|,law|ɷ
+ N law|ɷ,politics|,generic|ͳ
+ɳ N process|,#law|ɷ
+ɹ N human|,police|
+ N fact|,accuse|ظ,police|
+ж N fact|,#law|ɷ,police|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N MusicTool|
+ N fish|
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N method|
+ N attribute|,name|,religion|ڽ,&human|
+ N MusicTool|,religion|ڽ
+ N human|,#police|,#InstitutePlace|
+ʦ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ N method|
+ͥ N institution|,police|,*judge|ö
+ N law|ɷ
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+˹ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+˹ N system|ƶ,undesired|ݬ
+˹ N human|,evil|
+˹ N system|ƶ,undesired|ݬ
+ N image|ͼ,linear|
+ N institution|,news|,ProperName|ר,(France|)
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#law|ɷ
+ѧԺ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,#law|ɷ,education|
+ҽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|,*check|,#crime|,medical|ҽ
+ҽѧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N clothing|,#body|,religion|ڽ
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+Ժ N institution|,police|,@judge|ö
+ N law|ɷ
+ N system|ƶ,#law|ɷ
+ V manage|,AccordingTo=law|ɷ
+ N method|
+ N fittings|,%building|
+ N part|,%ship|,*drive|Ԧ
+ N ship|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N ship|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&text|,&event|¼
+ N quantity|,amount|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N symbol|,#army|,military|
+ľ N fruit|ˮ
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+خ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V LookFor|Ѱ
+ V add|
+ V cross|Խ
+ V quarrel|
+ V reverse|ߵ
+ V translate|
+ V deny|,police|
+ N artifact|˹,#copy|д
+ V engage|,agricultural|ũ
+ V roll|
+ V roll|
+ V roll|
+ V add|
+ V fly|
+ V wave|ڶ
+ V repair|,industrial|
+ͷ V roll|
+ V deny|,police|
+ V roll|
+ V deny|
+ V build|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,intensity|ǿ,strong|ǿ
+ V open|
+ V quarrel|
+ɹɲ V dry|,patient=FlowerGrass|,agricultural|ũ
+ɽԽ V cross|Խ
+ V roll|
+ V uprise|
+ V exercise|,sport|
+ V roll|
+ V turn|Ťת
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ V uprise|
+츲 ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,frighten|Ż
+ V repair|
+ V repair|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,literature|,*translate|
+ V translate|
+ӡ V print|ӡˢ
+Խ V cross|Խ
+ V read|
+Ƹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ת V roll|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N fittings|,%building|
+ N attribute|,boundary|,&event|¼
+ N facilities|ʩ,#building|,*defend|
+ N fittings|,%building|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&event|¼,#restrain|ֹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N tool|þ,*detain|ס,#bird|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N material|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ V GiveBirth|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N symbol|,#quantity|,#DoSum|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,complicated|,undesired|ݬ
+ N FlowerGrass|,mass|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,desired|
+ N attribute|,complicated|,simple|,&content|
+æ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,busy|æ,undesired|ݬ
+æIJ N fact|,busy|æ
+ï ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,dense|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ V prosper|
+ٲʢ V prosper|
+ٸǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ʢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,trivial|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,complicated|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,old|,(China|й)
+ N character|,old|,(China|й)
+Ƚ N regulation|,complicated|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,complicated|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,WeatherFine|
+ V GiveBirth|
+ V GiveBirth|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,mixed|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ֳ V GiveBirth|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,complicated|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+ N place|ط,ordinary|,#human|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,ordinary|
+ʿ N material|,liquid|Һ,*lubricate|
+ N event|¼,all|ȫ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+ӹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V MakeWorried|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,complicated|,undesired|ݬ
+ V disgust|
+ V upset|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V upset|
+ V upset|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V MakeWorried|
+ V upset|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,trivial|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,trivial|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,undesired|ݬ
+ V upset|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,contrariness|,negative|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,#uprise|
+ V oppose|
+ V resist|
+ V roll|
+ V uprise|,politics|
+Ϊʤ V change|,StateIni=defeated|,StateFin=win|ʤ
+ N quantity|,rate|,&quantity|
+ V refute|
+ N human|,*refute|
+ V loyal|Т
+ N attribute|,similarity|ͬ,&entity|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|,undesired|ݬ
+ V ServeAsFoil|
+ V attack|,military|
+༥ V satirize|
+ V jump|
+ N weapon|,$firing|
+ V oppose|,target=community|,#politics|
+ ADV {supplement|ݽ}
+ ADV {supplement|ݽ}
+ V oppose|,target=system|ƶ,#politics|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,*uprise|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,#uprise|,#politics|
+ V oppose|
+ V resist|
+Գ V differ|ͬ
+Ե N community|,*oppose|,#politics|
+Ե N human|,*oppose|,politics|
+ N community|,*oppose|,#politics|
+Ʊ N bill|Ʊ,*oppose|,#select|ѡ
+ N human|,*oppose|
+ ADV {supplement|ݽ}
+˹ V oppose|,target=system|ƶ,#politics|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,StateIni=bad|
+ N fact|
+ N fact|,repeat|ظ
+ V change|,manner=often|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+һ V attack|
+һ V oppose|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*uprise|
+ V attack|,military|
+ V check|,content=self|
+ V oppose|,target=system|ƶ,#politics|
+ V LookBack|
+ V illuminate|
+ N lights|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ
+ V deny|
+ V attack|
+ N army|,attack|
+ V resist|
+ N human|,*resist|
+ N information|Ϣ,$respond|Ӧ
+¢Ϸ N law|ɷ
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,aspect|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,edge|
+ N human|,entertainment|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+ V uprise|
+ V uprise|,politics|
+ V attack|,military|
+ V fall|,manner=also|Ҳ
+֮ V do|,treacherous|
+DZ V defend|,patient=ship|,military|
+DZͧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,attack|
+ N law|ɷ
+Ǻ N symbol|,#quantity|,#DoSum|
+ V illuminate|
+ V respond|Ӧ
+迹 V obstruct|ֹ,#electricity|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|
+ N human|,*uprise|
+ʡ V check|,content=self|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ
+ˮ V betray|
+˼ V think|˼
+ V accuse|ظ
+̹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,attack|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,attack|
+ V ask|
+ N expression|,question|
+ N information|Ϣ,$respond|Ӧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|
+ҧһ V accuse|ظ,content=fake|α
+Ӧ V respond|Ӧ
+Ӧ N physical|,*ize|̬
+ӳ V mean|ָ
+ӳ V tell|
+ս ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,#oppose|,#fight|
+ V illuminate|
+ V surrender|
+֤ N information|Ϣ,#prove|֤
+֤ N method|
+֮ CONJ {transition|ת}
+֮Ȼ ADV {comment|}
+֮ CONJ {transition|ת}
+ת V reverse|ߵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+ N attribute|,strength|,negative|,&physical|
+ڵ V ask|
+ۻ V masticate|
+ V GoBack|
+ V GoBack|,LocationFin=city|
+ N process|,#GoBack|,#route|·
+ V GoBack|,purpose=defend|,military|
+ V repeat|ظ,manner=also|Ҳ
+ V GoBack|
+ V return|
+ V GoBack|
+ V grow|ɳ
+ V GoBack|,LocationFin=place|ط
+ V sell|
+У V GoBack|,LocationFin=InstitutePlace|,education|
+ V repair|,again|
+ N quantity|,rate|,#repair|,&artifact|˹
+豹 V resume|ָ,StateFin=pure|
+ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&thing|
+ N attribute|,range|,&entity|ʵ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N entity|ʵ,example|ʵ
+ N attribute|,range|,&entity|ʵ
+ N example|ʵ
+Χ N attribute|,range|,&entity|ʵ
+ N text|,example|ʵ
+ V buy|,commercial|
+ V transport|,patient=addictive|Ⱥ,purpose=sell|,crime|,commercial|
+ V sell|,commercial|
+ V transport|,patient=weapon|,purpose=sell|,crime|,commercial|
+˿ V transport|,patient=human|,purpose=sell|,crime|,commercial|
+ V transport|,patient=physical|,purpose=sell|,crime|,commercial|
+˽ V transport|,patient=physical|,purpose=sell|,crime|,commercial|
+ V transport|,purpose=sell|,commercial|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,commercial|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V SufferFrom|,medical|ҽ
+ V attack|
+ V disobey|Υ
+ V disobey|Υ,crime|
+ V do|
+ V exposure|¶,scope=crime|,police|
+ V ill|̬,medical|ҽ
+ V WorthNot|ֵ
+ V WorthNot|ֵ
+ V worried|ż
+ V err|
+ V worth|ֵ
+ V worth|ֵ
+ V disobey|Υ,content=law|ɷ,crime|
+ V err|,sport|
+ V damage|,#mating|,crime|
+ V disobey|Υ,content=regulation|
+ V ill|̬,medical|ҽ
+ V disobey|Υ,content=regulation|
+ë V err|
+ V embarrassed|Ϊ
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,$detain|ס
+ V offend|,target=HighRank|ߵ
+IJ V doubt|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ V do|,content=crime|
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ N quantity|,rate|,#crime|,&organization|֯,&place|ط
+ N human|,$doubt|,#crime|
+ N fact|,eat|
+ N food|ʳƷ,generic|ͳ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ,generic|ͳ
+ N InstitutePlace|,@eat|,commercial|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@reside|ס,#tour|,commercial|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@eat|,commercial|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@cook|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#edible|ʳ
+ N attribute|,ability|,&eat|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@eat|,commercial|
+ʳ N food|ʳƷ,generic|ͳ
+ N room|,@eat|
+Ͱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+Ͱ N human|,#eat|,undesired|ݬ
+Ͱ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+Ͱ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N affairs|,#earn|,#alive|,#occupation|ְλ
+ N method|,*earn|,*alive|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#food|ʳƷ
+ׯ N InstitutePlace|,@eat|,commercial|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,@put|,#edible|ʳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ V float|Ư
+ V spill|
+ V undergo|,content=soak|
+ V ActGeneral|
+ V read|,range=extensive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,NotProfound|dz,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ V spill|
+ V surplus|ʣ
+ij V appear|,quantity=many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ V appear|
+ N sound|
+ָ V mean|ָ,ordinary|
+ V float|Ư
+ N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,industrial|,*produce|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,fragrant|,desired|
+ N FlowerGrass|,fragrant|
+ N FlowerGrass|,fragrant|
+ N human|,#reside|ס,near|
+ N attribute|,age|,&female|Ů
+ N attribute|,name|,&female|Ů
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,fragrant|,desired|
+ N chemical|ѧ,fragrant|
+ N emotion|,love|,female|Ů
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,square|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,upright|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N direction|
+ N document|,medical|ҽ,#medicine|ҩ
+ N method|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,aspect|
+ N place|ط
+ CLAS unit|λ,&bulk|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&size|ߴ,&area|
+ ADV {EventResult|¼}
+ N plans|滮
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+ V benefit|
+ V excrete|й
+ N food|ʳƷ
+֮ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+ N material|,wood|ľ
+ ADV time|ʱ,past|
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ N symbol|
+ʽ N symbol|
+ʽ N LandVehicle|,*compete|,sport|
+ N thought|ͷ
+ N method|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#method|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ N shape|,square|
+ N document|,#medicine|ҩ,#medical|ҽ
+ N shape|,square|
+ N symbol|
+ N plans|滮
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,aspect|
+ N army|,military|
+ AUX BeAble|ܹ
+ʽ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,manner|ʽ,&event|¼
+ʽ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+ʿ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+λ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ
+λ N location|λ
+ N direction|
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,*drive|Ԧ,hand|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|
+δ V prosper|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,square|
+ N language|
+Բ N location|λ
+Բ N place|ط,#reside|ס
+ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ N regulation|,politics|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,upright|
+ N ship|
+ N ship|,religion|ڽ,ProperName|ר
+ N document|,#medicine|ҩ,#medical|ҽ
+ N material|,wood|ľ
+Բ V FitNot|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N house|,generic|ͳ
+ N human|,mass|,#family|
+ N room|
+ N shape|,#house|
+ N room|,%ship|
+ N wealth|Ǯ,#house|
+ز N wealth|Ǯ,#house|
+زҵ N wealth|Ǯ,#earth|,#building|
+ N part|,%house|,head|ͷ
+ N human|,*own|,#house|
+ V improve|,patient=reside|ס
+ N part|,%building|,base|
+ N room|
+ N human|,*borrow|,*reside|ס,#house|
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ N house|,generic|ͳ
+ N fact|,mating|
+ N room|
+ N house|,generic|ͳ
+ N human|,*own|,#house|
+ N house|,generic|ͳ
+ N expenditure|,*borrow|,#house|
+ N part|,%building|,head|ͷ
+ V defend|
+ N facilities|ʩ,*protect|,space|ռ
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ V withstand|ס
+ V obstruct|ֹ,patient=uprise|,police|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,exempt|
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ V obstruct|ֹ,patient=disease|
+ʤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$obstruct|ֹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#wet|ʪ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס
+ V remove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס
+ V obstruct|ֹ,patient=steal|͵
+ N place|ط,military|,$defend|
+ V obstruct|ֹ,patient=cool|
+ V obstruct|ֹ,patient=poison|
+ N tool|þ,*obstruct|ֹ,#poison|
+ V defend|
+ V escape|,cause=wind|
+ N tree|,*protect|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#cold|
+ V obstruct|ֹ,patient=waterless|
+ V obstruct|ֹ,patient=waterlogging|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ,space|ռ,*protect|
+ V protect|
+ N tree|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#chemical|ѧ
+δȻ V obstruct|ֹ,patient=unfortunate|
+δȻ V obstruct|ֹ,patient=unfortunate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס
+ V obstruct|ֹ,patient=fire|
+ V defend|,patient=sky|
+ն N facilities|ʩ,@escape|
+ն N location|λ,@hide|,#crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ն N place|ط,@hide|,#crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ V obstruct|ֹ,patient=waterlogging|
+ V obstruct|ֹ,patient=ice|
+© ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,exempt|,#leak|©
+ N place|ط,military|,$defend|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,exempt|,#leak|©
+ V defend|
+زס ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$defend|
+ V obstruct|ֹ,patient=hot|
+ V obstruct|ֹ,patient=hot|
+ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#liquid|Һ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#shrink|С
+Ž V restrain|ֹ,time=early|
+α V obstruct|ֹ,ResultEvent=forge|α
+ V defend|
+ N affairs|,#defend|,#country|
+ N place|ط,military|,$defend|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס
+Ѵ V obstruct|ֹ,patient=waterlogging|
+ V obstruct|ֹ,patient=disease|,medical|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס
+겼 N material|,?clothing|
+ V defend|,military|
+ N defend|,military|
+ N human|,*defend|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס
+ V obstruct|ֹ,ResultEvent=shiver|
+ֹ V obstruct|ֹ
+ V cure|ҽ
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ V damage|
+ V BeSimilar|
+ V imitate|ģ
+· V BeSimilar|
+¹ V imitate|ģ,content=artifact|˹
+ð V imitate|ģ
+Ч V imitate|ģ
+ V produce|,means=imitate|ģ
+ V imitate|ģ
+ N imitate|ģ
+ V produce|,means=imitate|ģ
+ V ask|
+ V visit|
+ƶʿ V visit|,target=poor|
+̸ N fact|,talk|̸
+ V investigate|
+ V visit|
+ V visit|,target=friend|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ij N material|,?clothing|
+Ķ N part|,%machine|
+Ļ N machine|,industrial|
+ɴ V produce|,PatientProduct=material|,industrial|
+˿ V produce|,PatientProduct=material|,industrial|
+֯ V produce|
+֯ N InstitutePlace|,factory|,@produce|,industrial|
+֯ N machine|,industrial|
+֯ N InsectWorm|
+֯Ʒ N material|,?clothing|
+֯ҵ N affairs|,industrial|,#material|
+ V abandon|
+ V add|
+ V adjust|
+ V display|չʾ
+ V enlarge|
+ V exile|
+ V expel|,agricultural|ũ
+ V grow|ɳ
+ V indulge|
+ V lend|,commercial|
+ V put|
+ V release|ͷ
+ V shoot|
+ų V shoot|
+Ŵ V enlarge|
+Ŵ N tool|þ,*enlarge|,#look|
+Ŵ N attribute|,performance|,&enlarge|
+Ŵ N machine|,*enlarge|,#electricity|
+Ŵ V lend|
+ŵ V willing|Ը
+ŵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ŵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ŵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ŵ V shoot|,#electricity|
+ŵ V IllBehave|
+ŵ V MakeTrouble|
+Ŷ V disseminate|,content=bad|
+Ŷ V put|,patient=poison|,purpose=kill|ɱ
+ŷ V CauseToDo|ʹ,ResultEvent=fly|
+ŷ V MoveItInto|,patient=gas|,purpose=clean|ʹ
+ŷ V defend|
+ŷ V disseminate|,content=information|Ϣ
+ŷ V release|ͷ,patient=crime|,purpose=exercise|,police|
+Ź V cease|ͣ
+Ź V forgive|ԭ
+Ź V release|ͷ
+Ż V delay|
+Ż V CauseToDo|ʹ,ResultEvent=alive|
+Ż V MakeTrouble|
+Ż V lighting|ȼ,crime|
+ż V enjoy|,content=cease|ͣ
+ż V enjoy|,content=festival|
+ſ V do|,manner=free|
+ſ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ,result=empty|
+ſ V boast|
+ſ V disseminate|,content=information|Ϣ
+ſ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,relax|,desired|
+ſ V weaken|
+ſ V lend|,possession=money|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ V satisfied|
+ V SlowDown|
+ V TakeCare|,#livestock|,agricultural|ũ
+ţ N human|,agricultural|ũ,young|
+ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+ V firing|,instrument=weapon|
+ƨ V excrete|й,patient=waste|
+ V abandon|
+ V cease|ͣ
+ N human|,*abandon|
+ V WeatherFine|
+Ȩ V abandon|,possession=power|,politics|
+ V shoot|,patient=hot|
+ V indulge|
+ V indulge|
+ɢ V disperse|ɢ
+ V defend|
+ V shoot|
+䲡 N disease|
+ N lights|,*diagnose|,medical|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+ V release|ͷ,patient=AnimalHuman|
+ V release|ͷ,patient=AnimalHuman|,religion|ڽ
+ V endeavour|
+ V release|ͷ
+ˮ V TurnOn|,patient=water|ˮ
+ˮ V drain|ų,patient=liquid|Һ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ V loosen|
+ V weaken|
+ V disseminate|
+ V MoveItDown|
+ N tool|þ,*display|չʾ,#shows|
+ V AtEase|
+IJ V worried|ż
+ V release|ͷ
+ѧ V enjoy|,content=festival|,education|
+ѧ V finish|,education|
+Ѫ V MakeBad|Ӻ
+Ѫ V cure|ҽ
+ V look|,manner=wide|
+ V look|,content=place|ط
+ V foster|,agricultural|ũ
+ N image|ͼ,#vehicle|ͨ
+ӳ V display|չʾ,shows|
+ӳ N community|,*display|չʾ,#shows|
+ӳ N tool|þ,*display|չʾ,#shows|
+ V ThinkOf|˼
+֮ĺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ V put|
+ V store|
+ V exile|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ V indulge|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,negligible|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ N inanimate|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Philippines|ɱ)
+Ʊ V PlayDown|
+Ʊ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,negligible|,undesired|ݬ
+Ʊ V despise|
+Ʒ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,fragrant|,desired|
+Ʒ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Philippines|ɱ)
+ɱ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+ V BeNot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ N result|,undesired|ݬ,wrong|
+ ... Ī V be|,manner=comment|
+DZ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+DZ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,^fierce|
+DZ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+DZ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,useless|
+dz ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+dz ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+dz ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+dz V sorrowful|
+dz; ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,durable|,desired|
+dz ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+Ǵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ǵ ADV {supplement|ݽ}
+ǵ AUX {modality|}
+ǵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+Ƿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,useless|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƿ N fact|,publish|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƿ N publications|鿯,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƿõ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ǷӪ N fact|,commercial|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƿ N wealth|Ǯ,$earn|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƿ N fact|,commercial|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƿ N wealth|Ǯ,$earn|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+Ƿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ǹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,passive|
+ǹ˰ N method|,commercial|
+ǹٷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,private|˽
+ǽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,^metal|
+Ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+Ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,^military|
+ V IllBehave|,crime|
+ V damage|
+¿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|,undesired|ݬ
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+˹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ҵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,^commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,barren|,undesired|ݬ
+ͬС ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+Ӫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^earn|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ԭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,^original|ԭ
+սԱ N human|,military|
+ʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,informal|ʽ
+ͳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,organization|֯,ordinary|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ڹͬ巨 N money|,(Benin|)
+ڹͬ巨 N money|,(Mali|)
+ڹͬ巨 N money|,(Niger|ն)
+ڹͬ巨 N money|,(Senegal|ڼӶ)
+ N human|,(Africa|)
+ר ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$protect|,commercial|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ V fly|
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|
+ɱ V run|
+ɳ V SelfMove|,manner=fast|
+ɴ N aircraft|
+ɵ N weapon|,$firing|
+ɵ N place|ط
+ɵ N aircraft|
+ɵ N fact|,#firing|,sport|
+ɶ V deceive|ƭ
+ɶͶ V suicide|ɱ
+ɺ V fly|
+ɻڴ V prosper|
+ɻ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ɻ N aircraft|
+ɻ N facilities|ʩ,#aircraft|,@stay|ͣ
+ɻƱ N coupon|Ʊ֤,#wealth|Ǯ,*TakeVehicle|,#aircraft|
+ɻʧ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,#aircraft|,undesired|ݬ
+ɽ V disperse|ɢ
+ɽ V GoInto|,means=fly|
+ɿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,sharp|
+ɿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ V leave|뿪,means=fly|
+ N InstitutePlace|,factory|,*produce|,ProperName|ר,(Netherland|)
+ V arrive|,means=fly|
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|
+ N part|,%implement|
+ë N human|,*run|,fast|
+ë N part|,%AnimalHuman|,leg|,*run|,fast|
+ N bird|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N water|ˮ,fast|
+ N animal|
+Ȫ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ N human|,*run|,fast|
+ V fly|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ V fly|
+ N humanized|,ProperName|ר
+ͧ N aircraft|
+ V LeaveFor|ǰ,means=fly|
+ V fly|
+ V fly|
+ V fly|
+ N aircraft|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*drive|Ԧ,#aircraft|
+ V show|,instrument=eye|
+ V fly|
+ V rise|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+Խ V cross|Խ,means=fly|
+Ծ V GoForward|ǰ
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ V BecomeMore|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ V fly|
+ N part|,%building|
+߱ V walk|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,fat|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,fertile|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+ N material|,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ʳ N food|ʳƷ
+ʴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fineness|ϸ,widediameter|
+ʴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+ʺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,fat|
+ N attribute|,ability|,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ N material|,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ú N stone|ʯ,material|,*lighting|ȼ,$burn|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,fertile|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,fat|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|,fat|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,fat|
+˶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,fat|
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ,fertile|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,fertile|,desired|
+Ч N attribute|,effect|Ч,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+Դ N location|λ,@ExistAppear|,#material|,agricultural|ũ
+ N tool|þ,*wash|ϴ
+ N shows|
+ N livestock|
+׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,fat|
+ N human|,*rob|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+˰ N community|,*rob|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+˳ N place|ط,#rob|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+˻ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,#rob|,#crime|,undesired|ݬ
+˿ N place|ط,#rob|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,*rob|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ͽ N human|,*rob|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+˼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+̰ V slander|̰
+̰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,evil|,#uglify|,undesired|ݬ
+̰ N human|,*slander|̰
+ V cry|,#livestock|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ΰ N disease|
+β N disease|
+β N disease|
+β N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ζ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+θ N emotion|,sincere|
+θ֮ N text|,$speak|˵,sincere|
+ν N disease|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N disease|
+ N bacteria|
+ N disease|
+Ҷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ V abandon|
+ V remove|
+ϳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ϳ V remove|
+ϻ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+Ͼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,used|,waste|,undesired|ݬ
+ N physical|,generic|ͳ,waste|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ,waste|
+Ʒ N physical|,generic|ͳ,waste|
+Ʒ N human|,commercial|
+ N gas|,waste|
+ V abandon|
+ N physical|,generic|ͳ,waste|
+ʳ V endeavour|
+ N human|,*disable|м,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ˮ N liquid|Һ,waste|
+ N metal|,waste|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N physical|,generic|ͳ,waste|
+ N place|ط,waste|
+Һ N liquid|Һ,waste|
+ N material|,liquid|Һ,waste|
+ N physical|,generic|ͳ,waste|
+ֹ V remove|
+ֽ N paper|ֽ,waste|
+ V abandon|
+ V dismiss|,royal|
+ V StateChange|̬
+е N attribute|,boundary|,#StateChange|̬,&temperature|¶
+з ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,undesired|ݬ
+Ȫ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ˮ N liquid|Һ,StateChange|̬
+ V StateChange|̬
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,undesired|ݬ
+ V excited|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N expenditure|
+ V spend|
+ѳ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ѹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ѽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ѾĻ V think|˼
+Ѿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,spend|,#strength|,undesired|ݬ
+Ѿ V spend|,patient=strength|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,spend|,#strength|,undesired|ݬ
+ V spend|,patient=strength|
+ֺ V ^succeed|ɹ
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,spend|,#time|ʱ,undesired|ݬ
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ,ResultEvent=hardship|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ N expenditure|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Finland|)
+ҷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,fragrant|,desired|
+ҷ N attribute|,odor|ζ,fragrant|,&physical|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Finland|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+ N money|,(Finland|)
+ N human|,(Finland|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ȩ N material|
+Ը V urge|ʹ
+ N gas|
+Χ N attribute|,occasion|,&event|¼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,branch|֧
+ V distinguish|ֱ
+ V issue|ַ
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ
+ N part|,%organization|֯
+ N rights|Ȩ
+ V separate|
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ N time|ʱ,special|
+ V undergo|,means=cooperate|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&amount|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&area|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&length|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&money|,(China|й)
+ CLAS unit|λ,&money|,rate|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&time|ʱ
+ CLAS unit|λ,&weight|
+ְ V entrust|ί
+ֱ N unit|λ,&SoundVolume|
+ֱ V perish|
+ֱ V distinguish|ֱ
+ֱ N attribute|,ability|,distinguish|ֱ,&human|
+ֱ N attribute|,performance|,&distinguish|ֱ
+ֱ V refute|
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sequence|
+ֱ N attribute|,similarity|ͬ,&entity|ʵ
+ֱ V distinguish|ֱ
+ֱ V farewell|
+ֱ V separate|,SourceWhole=army|
+ֲ V exist|
+ֲʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$spread|
+ֲ N part|,%institution|,*manage|
+ֲ N account|,@record|¼
+ֲ V separate|
+ֳ N InstitutePlace|,branch|֧,@produce|,factory|,industrial|
+ֳ N InstitutePlace|,branch|֧,@produce|,factory|,industrial|
+ֳ V separate|
+ִ N attribute|,range|,&entity|ʵ
+ֵ V bear|е,means=cooperate|
+ֵ V obtain|õ
+ֵ V undergo|,content=$dispatch|Dz
+ֵ V disconnect|
+ֵ V obtain|õ
+ֵ V classify|
+ֵ N institution|,branch|֧,*manage|
+ֶ N part|,%army|,military|
+ַ V issue|ַ
+ַ N human|,*issue|ַ
+ַ V issue|ַ,possession=house|
+ָ V LeaveFor|ǰ
+ָ V separate|
+ָ V separate|
+ֹ V separate|,SourceWhole=affairs|
+ֹ˾ N InstitutePlace|,branch|֧,commercial|
+ֹ V manage|
+ֹ N tool|þ,*check|,#lights|
+ֹ⾵ N tool|þ,*check|,#lights|
+ֺ N InstitutePlace|,branch|֧,commercial|
+ֺ N symbol|
+ֺ V dredge|ͨ
+ֺ V earn|,possession=payment|
+ֺ V issue|ַ,possession=payment|
+ֻ V separate|
+ֻ N community|,branch|֧
+ֻ N facilities|ʩ,branch|֧,*communicate|
+ּ V estimate|,content=rank|ȼ
+ּ V separate|,SourceWhole=family|
+ּ V classify|
+ֽ V separate|
+ֽ N attribute|,boundary|,&entity|ʵ
+ֽ N place|ط,#country|,boundary|
+ֽ N attribute|,boundary|,&entity|ʵ
+־ V disconnect|
+־ N institution|,branch|֧
+ֿ V farewell|
+ֿ V separate|
+ V classify|
+ϵ N result|,#classify|
+ N human|,*classify|
+ V farewell|
+ V separate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$separate|
+ N attribute|,weight|,&physical|
+ V separate|
+ű V classify|
+ V excrete|й
+ V GiveBirth|,medical|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+ĸ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,private|˽
+ V issue|ַ
+ V dispatch|Dz
+ V issue|ַ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ
+Ƭ V classify|,patient=affairs|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ
+ڷ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ
+ N attribute|,divergence|,&entity|ʵ
+Dz N part|,%army|
+ V distinguish|ֱ
+ N institution|,branch|֧
+Ȩ V separate|,patient=rights|Ȩ
+ɢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$spread|
+ɢ V disperse|ɢ
+ɢ V spread|
+ɢ ...ע V CauseToDo|ʹ,ResultEvent=^PayAttention|ע
+ V establish|
+ʱ V cooperate|
+ V disconnect|
+ V farewell|
+ N symbol|,#quantity|,#DoSum|
+ˮ N attribute|,boundary|,&entity|ʵ
+ˮ N part|,%land|½,space|ռ,head|ͷ
+˰ N system|ƶ,#expenditure|
+˵ V refute|
+ V send|
+ N institution|,branch|֧
+̯ V bear|е
+ͥ V equal|
+ͥ V oppose|
+ͷ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+ͷ N shape|,&hair|ë
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,public|
+Ϊ V separate|
+ N money|
+IJȡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$pay|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+ V analyze|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,pure|
+ N software|
+Ա N human|,*analyze|
+ϵͳ N software|
+߹ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ V undergo|,means=cooperate|
+ N cause|ԭ
+ N result|
+У N institution|,branch|֧,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ V ^PayAttention|ע
+ N InstitutePlace|,branch|֧,@SetAside|,@TakeBack|ȡ,@lend|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ V separate|
+ V help|,scope=remove|
+Ժ N institution|,branch|֧
+ V enjoy|,possession=payment|,manner=together|ͬ
+ N regulation|,*enjoy|,#payment|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#tell|,#time|ʱ,#minute|
+֧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,branch|֧
+֧ N part|,%organization|֯,branch|֧
+֧ N part|,%plant|ֲ,limb|֫
+֧ N part|,%organization|֯,branch|֧
+֮ NUM symbol|,#quantity|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&time|ʱ
+ V planting|ֲ
+ N human|,#organization|֯
+ N part|,%physical|
+ N symbol|
+ N attribute|,weight|,&physical|
+ V classify|
+ V farewell|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+׳ V appear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,mixed|,undesired|ݬ
+ V fly|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ V quarrel|
+ V appear|,manner=many|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#die|
+ص N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#die|
+Ĺ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#die|
+ͷ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#die|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#die|
+ V burn|
+ٷ N wind|
+ٻ V burn|,purpose=bury|
+ٻ V destroy|,means=burn|
+ V burn|
+ V lighting|ȼ
+ھ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ V decorate|װ,means=apply|ͿĨ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N shape|
+ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ
+۱ N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+۳ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+۴ N disease|,#skin|Ƥ
+۵ N InsectWorm|
+ۺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ۼ N medicine|ҩ
+ĩ N shape|
+ĩұ N method|,*refine|,#metal|
+īdz V GoUp|ȥ,LocationFin=facilities|ʩ,entertainment|
+īdz V engage|,politics|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|,light|
+ V die|
+ V HideTruth|
+ V beautify|,purpose=HideTruth|
+ V decorate|װ,means=apply|ͿĨ
+ˢ V decorate|װ,means=apply|ͿĨ
+˿ N food|ʳƷ
+ V FormChange|α
+ V bump|ײ
+ V destroy|
+ N machine|,*grind|ĥ
+Թ N disease|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,shape|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ V endeavour|
+ܲ V endeavour|
+ܶ V endeavour|
+ܶ N human|,*endeavour|
+ܷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ܷ V endeavour|
+ܷ V excited|
+ܷͼǿ V endeavour|
+ܽ V endeavour|
+ V endeavour|
+ V endeavour|
+ V endeavour|
+ֱ N chase|,manner=endeavour|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ս V fight|
+ V seek|ıȡ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&emotion|,&strength|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&publications|鿯,&document|
+ N component|,%entity|ʵ
+ݶ N component|,%entity|ʵ
+ݶ N attribute|,degree|̶,&event|¼,&aValue|ֵ
+ݶ N food|ʳƷ
+ N expenditure|
+ N emotion|,angry|
+ N emotion|,angry|,undesired|ݬ
+ N emotion|,angry|,desired|
+ N emotion|,angry|,undesired|ݬ
+߷߲ƽ V unsatisfied|
+ߺ V hate|
+ V excited|
+߿ N emotion|,angry|,desired|
+ŭ V angry|
+Ȼ ADV angry|
+ V unsatisfied|
+ V unsatisfied|
+ N stone|ʯ,#AnimalHuman|,waste|
+ N stone|ʯ,#AnimalHuman|,waste|
+ N material|,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#waste|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#waste|
+Ͱ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#waste|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+ᱮ N mark|־,#succeed|ɹ,desired|
+ᱮ N result|,#succeed|ɹ,desired|
+ N attribute|,demeanor|,gracious|,&human|
+ V prosper|,agricultural|ũ
+ V prosper|,agricultural|ũ
+ḻ V enrich|ʵ
+ḻ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ḻ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+ḻ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+ḻ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+Ṧΰ N result|,#succeed|ɹ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,thickness|,thick|,desired|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,fat|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+ï ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ N time|ʱ,year|,desired|,#crop|ׯ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,polished|,desired|
+ʢ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+ V prosper|,agricultural|ũ
+˶ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+ʳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+ʳ V prosper|
+ӯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,fat|
+ӯ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+ԣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+ԣ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+ V block|ס
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V grant|,royal|
+ V shut|ر
+ V shut|ر,instrument=mark|־
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,stuffy|,undesired|ݬ
+ V shut|ر
+ʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,restrained|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,restrained|
+ V store|
+ N part|,%publications|鿯,hind|
+ N place|ط,#country|
+ⶥ V cease|ͣ,content=grow|ɳ
+ⶥ V delimit|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ⶳ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=ice|
+⽨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+⽨ N system|ƶ,politics|
+⽨ƶ N system|ƶ,politics|
+⽨ N system|ƶ,politics|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,medical|ҽ
+ V shut|ر
+ N part|,%publications|鿯,InFront|ǰ
+Ƥ N stationery|ľ,*wrap|
+ɽ V shut|ر,patient=route|·
+ɽ V planting|ֲ,patient=tree|,LocationFin=land|½
+ V shut|ر
+ V BlockUp|
+ V shut|ر
+ N location|λ,boundary|,*block|ס
+ N mark|־
+ V exercise|,means=block|ס,sport|
+Ϊ V RegardAs|
+ס V shut|ر
+װ V load|װ
+ N tree|
+ N tree|
+Ҷ N part|,%plant|ֲ,hair|ë
+ N InsectWorm|
+䷿ N room|,#InsectWorm|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ,?medicine|ҩ
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N food|ʳƷ,?medicine|ҩ
+ N house|,#InsectWorm|
+ú N stone|ʯ,material|,$burn|
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ӵ V ComeTogether|
+ӵ V GoForward|ǰ
+ӵ V come|
+ N part|,%animal|
+ N part|,space|ռ,%land|½,head|ͷ
+嶥 N part|,%land|½,head|ͷ
+ N fact|,discuss|,HighRank|ߵ
+ N part|,space|ռ,%land|½,head|ͷ
+ N part|,%thing|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,*cut|,heart|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,sharp|
+â N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+â N part|,%tool|þ,*cut|,heart|
+ⶠADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,habit|ϰ,&human|
+ N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|
+ N attribute|,style|,&text|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ N wind|
+籩 N fact|,uprise|,undesired|ݬ,politics|
+籩 N wind|,#WeatherBad|,undesired|ݬ
+ N tool|þ,#inhale|,#gas|
+ N tool|þ,*inhale|,#gas|
+粨 N fact|,uprise|,undesired|ݬ,politics|
+ N attribute|,ability|,&compile|༭
+ N attribute|,demeanor|,gracious|,&human|
+¶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+糱 N fact|,uprise|,undesired|ݬ,politics|
+糵 N tool|þ,#wind|,*exhale|,#crop|ׯ
+糵 N tool|þ,*WhileAway|
+糾 N phenomena|,#tired|ƣ,#tour|,undesired|ݬ
+糾 N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,hardship|
+糾 ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+糾 V tired|ƣ,cause=SelfMove|
+۵糸 V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ,manner=fast|
+紵ݶ N phenomena|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+˳ N weather|,good|,desired|
+綴 N facilities|ʩ,route|·,#wind|,#speed|ٶ
+ N attribute|,demeanor|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+緢 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը,desired|
+緢 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,desired|
+緢 ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+緫 N part|,%ship|,*drive|Ԧ
+緫 N ship|
+緶 N attribute|,demeanor|,&human|
+緶 N attribute|,style|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ V dry|
+ N tool|þ,*dig|ھ,mine|
+ N attribute|,style|,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ N attribute|,style|,&compile|༭,literature|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,good|,desired|
+ N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|
+ⲻ V disappear|ʧ
+约 N phenomena|,unfortunate|,#WeatherBad|,undesired|ݬ
+纮 N disease|,#fever|,medical|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,warm|
+ů ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,warm|
+绪 N attribute|,demeanor|,ability|,&human|
+绪ï ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+绯 V StateChange|̬
+羰 N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|
+羰 N image|ͼ,#scene|
+羰 N place|ط,#scene|
+羰续 ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,beautiful|,desired|
+羵 N tool|þ,*protect|,#eye|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ N part|,%machine|,mouth|
+ N part|,%place|ط,#wind|
+ N fact|,uprise|,undesired|ݬ,politics|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,&wind|
+ N attribute|,intensity|ǿ,&wind|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&wind|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,chilly|
+ N tool|þ,*MakeSound|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,demeanor|,gracious|,desired|
+ N human|,behavior|ֹ,flighty|
+ N human|,behavior|ֹ,free|
+ɢ V disperse|ɢ
+ţ༰ V RelateNot|
+ñ N clothing|,#head|ͷ
+ò N attribute|,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ò N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|
+ò N attribute|,style|,property|,&entity|ʵ
+ý N FlowerGrass|
+ N part|,%vehicle|ͨ
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,#mouth|,#building|
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ V exist|
+һʱ V prosper|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&wind|
+ N bird|
+ƽ˾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,safe|,desired|
+ӿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ӿ V happen|
+ N attribute|,SocialMode|,&organization|֯
+ N MusicTool|
+ N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ N attribute|,SocialMode|,&organization|֯
+ N attribute|,bearing|̬,&human|
+ N emotion|
+ N emotion|,lascivious|
+ N information|Ϣ,#wind|
+Ȥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ɧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ɳ N wind|
+ɳܴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,WeatherBad|,#wind|
+ N tool|þ,#wind|,*cool|
+ N attribute|,habit|ϰ,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N information|Ϣ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ʪ N disease|
+ʪ N disease|
+ʪ N disease|
+ʪԹؽ N disease|
+ʪ֢ N disease|
+ʴ V damage|,#wind|
+˪ N phenomena|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+ˮ N information|Ϣ,#earth|
+ N attribute|,habit|ϰ,&human|,&organization|֯
+ϰ N attribute|,habit|ϰ,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&wind|
+ͷ N attribute|,circumstances|,&event|¼
+ͷ N attribute|,reputation|,glorious|,&human|
+ N attribute|,habit|ϰ,&human|,&organization|֯
+ζ N attribute|,style|,&information|Ϣ,special|
+ζ N attribute|,taste|ζ,&edible|ʳ,special|
+ V perception|֪
+ N attribute|,scene|,special|,&inanimate|
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ N direction|,#wind|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ V exist|
+ѩ N wind|,RainSnow|ѩ
+ѹ N attribute|,strength|,&wind|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+ N clothing|,*protect|,#human|,#wind|
+ N phenomena|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+Ʈҡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ͬ V undergo|,content=hardship|,manner=together|ͬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|
+ N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|
+ N fact|,#love|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,disorder|,&entity|ʵ
+Ʊ V change|,manner=fast|,#politics|
+ N human|,glorious|,desired|
+ N attribute|,demeanor|,gracious|,desired|,&female|Ů
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,#WeatherBad|
+ N disease|
+ N time|ʱ,#age|,#aged|
+ N attribute|,demeanor|,gracious|,desired|,&female|Ů
+ N tool|þ,*dig|ھ,mine|
+ N tool|þ,*WhileAway|
+ V mad|
+ V mad|
+蹷 N livestock|,*mad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ V mad|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,*mad|,undesired|ݬ
+ V mad|
+ N tool|þ,#fire|,*tell|
+ N fact|,fight|
+ N tool|þ,#fire|,*tell|
+̨ N facilities|ʩ,#fire|,*tell|
+ N tool|þ,#fire|,*tell|
+ V meet|
+ CONJ {time|ʱ}
+ N time|ʱ
+ V change|,StateIni=unfortunate|,StateFin=lucky|
+ӭ V please|ȡ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V fasten|˩
+ N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+첹 V repair|
+ V repair|
+ V fasten|˩
+ V fasten|˩
+һ V tool|þ,*fasten|˩
+϶ N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+ V produce|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+ V recite|ж
+ V satirize|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,#satirize|
+ V satirize|
+̼ N human|,*satirize|
+ N human|,*compile|༭,#satirize|,literature|
+ V TakeCare|
+ V believe|
+ V receive|
+ V respect|
+ V submit|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,#please|ȡ
+ V please|ȡ
+ N human|,*please|ȡ
+ V tell|
+ط ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ V return|
+ V obey|ѭ,content=order|
+ V follow|
+Ȱ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+ V salute|¾
+ V GiveAsGift|
+Ϊ V RegardAs|
+ N result|,desired|,$donate|
+ V submit|
+ V conduct|ʵʩ
+ V foster|
+ N bird|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N clothing|,#head|ͷ
+ N bird|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ë ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|,desired|
+β N fish|
+β N tree|
+ɻ N FlowerGrass|
+ N humanized|,religion|ڽ
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,religion|ڽ
+ý ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Cape Verde|ý)
+ý N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,religion|ڽ
+ N community|,religion|ڽ
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,religion|ڽ
+ͽ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ N publications|鿯,religion|ڽ
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Italy|)
+ N community|,religion|ڽ
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N fact|,religion|ڽ
+ N tree|
+ N facilities|ʩ,religion|ڽ,space|ռ
+ N room|,religion|ڽ
+ N tool|þ,#humanized|,religion|ڽ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#religion|ڽ
+ N location|λ,religion|ڽ,@put|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ V deny|
+ V reject|ؾ
+ V deny|
+ V reject|ؾ
+̩ V change|,StateIni=unfortunate|,StateFin=lucky|
+ V reject|ؾ
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ,politics|,*reject|ؾ
+ N human|,*reject|ؾ
+ V deny|
+ V reject|ؾ
+ CONJ {transition|ת}
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,family|,mass|
+ N human|,family|,mass|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,female|Ů
+ N human|,*teach|,education|
+ N human|,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ V apply|ͿĨ
+ N material|,*cure|ҽ,generic|ͳ
+ V build|
+ V explain|˵
+ V slack|͵
+ V slack|͵
+ V slack|͵
+ V explain|˵
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƥʲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+dz ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ɫ N attribute|,color|ɫ,&human|,#skin|Ƥ
+ V GiveBirth|
+ V GiveBirth|
+ V HoldWithHand|
+ V PropUp|֧
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V help|
+ V help|
+Я V HoldWithHand|,patient=human|
+ƶ V help|,patient=poor|
+ƶ V help|,patient=poor|
+ V HoldWithHand|
+ɣ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+ɣ N tree|
+ N fittings|,%artifact|˹
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ N part|,%building|,nerve|
+ V ProvideFor|
+ҡֱ V BecomeMore|,commercial|
+ҡֱ V rise|
+Ҵ V help|
+ V cure|ҽ
+ V put|,result=upright|
+а V cure|ҽ
+ֲ V cultivate|
+ֲ V help|
+ V help|
+ V disobey|Υ
+ V stroke|
+ V wipe|
+ V stroke|,PartOfTouch=skin|Ƥ
+ V wipe|
+ N time|ʱ,morning|
+ȥ V leave|뿪,cause=angry|
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,#leg|
+ V disperse|ɢ
+ N attribute|,strength|,&physical|
+Դ N attribute|,source|Դ,&physical|
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,disperse|ɢ
+ V illuminate|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&image|ͼ
+ N attribute|,size|ߴ,&physical|
+ N attribute|,width|,&material|
+ N attribute|,range|,&event|¼
+ N attribute|,width|,&material|
+ N attribute|,width|,&physical|
+Ա N attribute|,size|ߴ,&country|
+Ա ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N document|,*prove|֤
+ N document|,religion|ڽ
+ V fit|ʺ
+ N symbol|
+ N symbol|
+ V fit|ʺ
+ϰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,#language|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ V LieDown|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V fall|
+ V hide|
+ V surrender|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&PhysicsPower|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ V suffer|,content=kill|ɱ,police|
+ V attack|,military|
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ N time|ʱ,season|,hot|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&voltage|ѹ
+ؼ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ N time|ʱ,season|,hot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+Ѵ N phenomena|,#liquid|Һ,#weather|
+ V catch|ס,military|
+ N human|,military|,$defeat|սʤ,$catch|ס,undesired|ݬ
+ V catch|ס,military|
+² V catch|ס,military|
+² N human|,military|,$defeat|սʤ,$catch|ס,undesired|ݬ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&medicine|ҩ
+ V believe|
+ N clothing|,generic|ͳ
+ V eat|,medical|ҽ
+ V fit|ʺ
+ V surrender|
+ V engage|,content=military|,military|
+ V obey|ѭ
+ V suicide|ɱ,instrument=poison|
+ N method|,*consume|ȡ,#medicine|ҩ,medical|ҽ
+ V surrender|,target=law|ɷ,#police|
+ V believe|
+ɥ V condole|°
+ V TakeCare|
+ N clothing|,generic|ͳ
+ V surrender|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,suitable|,desired|
+ V believe|
+ V TakeCare|
+ N computer|
+̨ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#entertain|д
+ҵ N affairs|,#TakeCare|,commercial|
+Ա N human|,*help|,#commercial|
+ V include|,ResultWhole=army|,military|
+ V suffer|,content=punish|,police|
+ҩ V consume|ȡ,patient=medicine|ҩ
+ V engage|,military|
+ V include|,ResultWhole=army|,military|
+ V eat|,medical|ҽ
+װ N clothing|,generic|ͳ
+װ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,#clothing|,commercial|
+װ N human|,#clothing|,commercial|
+װʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*plan|ƻ,#clothing|
+װҵ N affairs|,produce|,#clothing|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,TimeShort|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ V float|Ư
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,redundant|
+ V swim|
+ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+ N mark|־
+ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+ V MakeLiving|ı
+ V appear|
+ V float|Ư
+ N symbol|,#quantity|,#DoSum|
+ N image|ͼ,$carve|
+ V QuantityChange|,commercial|
+ V change|
+ V float|Ư
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ V exposure|¶
+ V float|Ư
+Ӱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ N aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ V PlayUp|Ĵ
+ V boast|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&physical|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,skin|Ƥ
+Ƥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƥ N part|,%inanimate|,skin|Ƥ
+Ƽ N FlowerGrass|,#waters|ˮ
+dz ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·,#waters|ˮ
+ͷ N part|,%inanimate|,skin|Ƥ
+ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+ V appear|
+ V think|˼
+ѡ V choose|ѡ,industrial|
+ V swim|
+ V tour|
+ N CloudMist|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ V swollen|
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|
+ N tool|þ,*catch|ס,#fish|
+ N phenomena|,lucky|,desired|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N fact|,#organization|֯,help|
+ N fact|,#organization|֯,help|
+Ժ N InstitutePlace|,@help|,#aged|
+ N money|,(Hungary|)
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,happy|,desired|,&human|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,happy|,desired|,&human|
+ N information|Ϣ,#joyful|ϲ,#lucky|,desired|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,religion|ڽ
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADV {neg|}
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Sierra Leone|)
+˹ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N attribute|,name|,&human|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADV qValue|ֵ,amount|,only|
+ V foster|
+ V soothe|ο
+ V stroke|
+ V stroke|,purpose=ShowLove|ʾ
+ V LookBack|
+ V stroke|
+Ħ V stroke|
+˳ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ο V soothe|ο
+ο N human|,*soothe|ο
+ V recompense|
+ N payment|,*recompense|,#disable|м,#die|
+ V foster|
+ V cultivate|
+ V foster|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ V enrich|ʵ
+ V help|
+ N money|
+ V teach|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*teach|
+ N material|,secondary|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ V help|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ V help|,scope=manage|,politics|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=body|
+ V fall|
+ V LieDown|
+ N image|ͼ,angular|,#measure|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=body|
+ʰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,easy|,desired|
+ʰ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ V look|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=head|ͷ
+ V surrender|
+ V LieDown|
+ V surrender|
+֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ V look|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,*cook|
+׳н V handle|,manner=strong|ǿ
+ N tool|þ,*split|ƿ,*cut|
+ͷ N tool|þ,*split|ƿ,*cut|
+ V amend|
+ N tool|þ,*split|ƿ,*cut|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ,#fruit|ˮ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N house|
+ N house|,#official|
+ N institution|,space|ռ,past|
+ N place|ط
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N house|,#official|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,past|
+ۡ N house|,#official|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ܶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,stinky|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ OutOfOrder|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ʴ V FormChange|α
+ʴ V bite|ҧ
+ʴ V damage|,scope=behavior|ֹ,means=GiveAsGift|
+ʴ N chemical|ѧ,*bite|ҧ,#metal|
+ʴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,bite|ҧ,#metal|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+û ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,wane|˥,undesired|ݬ
+ֳ N stone|ʯ,agricultural|ũ
+ֳ N physical|,agricultural|ũ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ V LeaveFor|ǰ
+ V engage|,content=fact|
+ V obey|ѭ,content=MakeAppointment|Լ
+ V LeaveFor|ǰ,LocationFin=(Beijing|)
+ V help|,patient=country|
+ V endeavour|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&clothing|,&tool|þ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ V fit|ʺ
+ N human|,friend|,*help|
+ N readings|
+ N part|,%text|
+ N human|,occupation|ְλ,official|,*manage|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ
+ N part|,%language|
+³ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*manage|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,secondary|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,politics|
+ N CloudMist|
+ʻ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*drive|Ԧ,#aircraft|
+ʻԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*drive|Ԧ,#aircraft|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*teach|,education|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,commercial|
+ N publications|鿯
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ,useless|
+˺ N disease|
+ N human|,*firing|,military|
+ʳ N edible|ʳ
+ʳƷ N edible|ʳ
+ʳƷ̵ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,edible|ʳ
+ʳ̵ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,edible|ʳ
+ N human|,friend|,*help|
+оԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*research|о,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ҵ N affairs|,#occupation|ְλ,secondary|
+ N part|,%aircraft|,secondary|
+ְ N attribute|,occupation|ְλ,secondary|,&human|
+ܾ N human|,official|,commercial|
+ N result|,#medical|ҽ
+ V cover|ڸ
+ V reverse|ߵ
+ V cover|ڸ
+ N quantity|,rate|,#cover|ڸ,&space|ռ
+û V perish|
+û V sink|³
+ V perish|
+֮ԩ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ V perish|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ V compile|༭
+ N expenditure|
+ V give|
+ N text|,past|
+ʫ V compile|༭,ContentProduct=text|
+˰ N expenditure|
+ V cease|ͣ
+μ N material|,?medicine|ҩ
+ V give|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ
+ V TurnRound|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,double|
+ V reply|
+ V resume|ָ
+ V revenge|
+ N readings|
+ V resume|ָ,politics|
+ V check|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ V revenge|
+ V obtain|õ,possession=power|,frequency=again|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V SufferFrom|,frequency=again|,#medical|ҽ
+ V GoBack|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,#medicine|ҩ
+ V resume|ָ,patient=engage|,industrial|
+ V resume|ָ,patient=past|
+ V GoBack|
+ V reply|,content=letter|ż
+ V check|
+ V check|,police|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,include|
+ V resume|ָ,patient=fact|,#discuss|
+ V GetMarried|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,StateIni=alive|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ V check|,frequency=again|
+ V resume|ָ,patient=associate|,#country|,politics|
+ V resume|ָ,patient=past|
+ N expression|
+ V resume|ָ,patient=publish|
+ V resume|ָ,patient=education|,education|
+ V cultivate|,agricultural|ũ
+ N wealth|Ǯ,desired|,$earn|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,StateFin=look|,#eye|
+ N fact|,#compete|
+ V check|,frequency=again|
+ N interrogate|,police|,again|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,StateFin=alive|
+ʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,pattern|ʽ,#building|
+ N fact|,exam|
+ V speak|˵
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,StateIni=alive|
+λ V cure|ҽ
+λ V resume|ָ,StateIni=royal|,politics|
+ϰ V drill|ϰ
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+д V copy|д
+дֽ N paper|ֽ,*copy|д
+ V reply|,content=letter|ż
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,StateIni=alive|
+ V resume|ָ
+ V resume|ָ,StateIni=alive|
+˿ N part|,%institution|,@SetAside|,@TakeBack|ȡ,@lend|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ N human|,*resume|ָ
+ѧ V resume|ָ,patient=education|,education|
+ N part|,%animal|,#eye|
+Ҷ N part|,%plant|ֲ,hair|ë
+ V discuss|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ӡ V print|ӡˢ
+ӡ N machine|,*print|ӡˢ
+ӡ N readings|,$print|ӡˢ
+ԭ V BeRecovered|ԭ,medical|ҽ
+ԭ V resume|ָ
+Ա V discharge|,SourceWhole=army|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,complicated|,undesired|ݬ
+Ӷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,AptTo|,#change|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=cure|ҽ
+ְ V resume|ָ,patient=occupation|ְλ
+ V produce|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,$imitate|ģ,generic|ͳ
+ V planting|ֲ
+ָ N quantity|,amount|,&planting|ֲ
+׳ V BeRecovered|ԭ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V pay|
+ V submit|
+ V pay|
+ V pay|,possession=expenditure|,purpose=MakeAppointment|Լ
+ N part|,%account|,commercial|,#human|
+ N part|,%account|,commercial|,human|
+ V pay|
+ V pay|
+ V pay|,possession=money|,commercial|
+ƾ֤ N bill|Ʊ
+ N human|,*pay|,commercial|
+ V submit|,possession=readings|,purpose=compile|༭
+ V undergo|,content=pay|
+Ǯ V pay|
+ V pay|
+ V pay|,possession=money|,commercial|
+ V entrust|ί
+Ϣ V pay|
+ӡ V submit|,possession=readings|,purpose=print|ӡˢ
+ V submit|,possession=letter|ż,purpose=post|ʼ
+ V pay|,possession=money|,commercial|
+֮ V fail|ʧ
+֮һ V destroy|,instrument=fire|
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ
+ V fail|ʧ
+ N land|½,small|С
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+ N human|,aged|,male|
+ N human|,family|,aged|
+ N human|,#clan|
+ N human|,aged|,male|
+ N human|,mass|
+ĸ N human|,family|,mass|
+ĸ V human|,official|
+ĸ N human|,family|,mass|
+Ů N human|,family|,mass|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,family|,mass|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,body|
+ܵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N place|ط
+ɹ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,leg|
+Ĥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+Ĥ N disease|
+ǻ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ˮ N liquid|Һ,#disease|
+ʹ V StomachTrouble|֢
+к N StomachTrouble|֢
+ N emotion|,sincere|
+֢ V StomachTrouble|֢
+ N location|λ,%body|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,tail|β
+ V CarryOnBack|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|
+ V bear|е
+ V defeated|
+ V defeated|,military|
+ V depend|
+ V disobey|Υ
+ V owe|Ƿ
+ V own|
+ V suffer|
+ V bear|е
+ N duty|
+ V bear|е
+ V load|װ
+ N part|,%electricity|
+ V apologize|Ǹ
+ V regret|Ǹ
+ N part|,%physical|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,contrariness|,negative|
+Ƭ N part|,%tool|þ,#TakePicture|
+ V angry|
+ V wounded|
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ V bear|е
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$bear|е
+翹 V resist|
+Լ V disobey|Υ,content=MakeAppointment|Լ
+ N quantity|,amount|,&affairs|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$bear|е
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+ V manage|
+ɲ N human|,*manage|
+ N human|,*manage|
+ծ V owe|Ƿ,possession=wealth|Ǯ
+ծ V owe|Ƿ,possession=wealth|Ǯ
+ֵ N quantity|,amount|,&entity|ʵ
+ V CarryOnBack|,patient=heavy|
+ V bear|е,content=duty|
+Զ V bear|е,content=duty|
+ V bear|е,content=$blame|Թ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ,patient=country|,ResultEvent=become|Ϊ,#rich|
+ V contain|
+ N human|,rich|,desired|
+ N human|,rich|,desired|
+ N InstitutePlace|,mine|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+û ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ,patient=human|,ResultEvent=become|Ϊ,#rich|
+ũ N human|,rich|,agricultural|ũ
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,fertile|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+ N human|,rich|,desired|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+ N human|,rich|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+гЧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+е ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,desired|
+ V contain|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|
+ԣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+Դ N location|λ,@ExistAppear|,#material|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+ N text|,*announce|,#die|
+ N human|,*compile|༭,literature|
+ V BeNear|
+ V depend|
+ V include|
+ N part|,%readings|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ V include|
+ V obey|ѭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|
+ V include|
+˰ N expenditure|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,%text|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,near|
+¼ N part|,%readings|
+ V undergo|,content=include|
+ V contain|
+ V BeMember|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹
+Сѧ N InstitutePlace|,*BeMember|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,elementary|,education|
+ѧ N InstitutePlace|,*BeMember|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,elementary|,education|
+ͼ N image|ͼ
+С N InstitutePlace|,*BeMember|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,elementary|,education|
+ӹ N part|,%artifact|˹
+ӹ N place|ط,#country|,#BeMember|
+ V contain|
+ V situated|
+ N part|,%readings|
+ N InstitutePlace|,*BeMember|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,elementary|,education|
+ע N part|,%text|
+ V situated|
+ N attribute|,strength|,#fasten|˩,&physical|
+ N physical|,$fasten|˩
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,female|Ů
+ N human|,female|Ů,*GetMarried|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#GiveBirth|,medical|ҽ
+ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,#female|Ů,#GiveBirth|,medical|ҽ
+ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,#female|Ů,medical|ҽ
+ N community|,#female|Ů
+Ů N human|,female|Ů
+Ů N time|ʱ,day|,festival|,#female|Ů,@congratulate|ף
+ N human|,female|Ů,*GetMarried|
+֪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|
+ N human|,mass|,#female|Ů,#young|
+ױ N affairs|,#maintain|,#female|Ů,#young|,medical|ҽ
+ V wrap|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,eccentric|Ƨ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,mischievous|
+° V StateChange|̬
+° V situated|
+¸ ECHO sound|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ V fit|ʺ
+ V owe|Ƿ
+ V worth|ֵ
+ AUX {modality|}
+õ AUX {modality|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ V alter|ı
+ V amend|
+İ V amend|
+ı V compile|༭,manner=also|Ҳ
+ı V forming|γ
+ı V forming|γ,manner=also|Ҳ
+ı V alter|ı
+ı V change|
+ij V alter|ı,patient=country|,politics|
+ij V RegardAs|
+ij V alter|ı
+ĵ V alter|ı,patient=route|·
+ĵ V GiveUp|
+Ķ V alter|ı
+Ķ V amend|,content=wrong|
+ĸ V improve|
+ĸ N human|,*improve|
+Ĺ V alter|ı
+Ĺ V amend|,content=wrong|
+Ļ V alter|ı
+Ļ V amend|,content=wrong|
+ļ V MarryTo|,manner=also|Ҳ
+Ľ V build|
+Ľ V build|,manner=also|Ҳ
+Ľ V improve|
+Ľ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$improve|
+Ŀ V alter|ı,patient=content|
+ V improve|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,#improve|
+ N thinking|˼,#improve|
+ N human|,*engage|,#improve|
+ V alter|ı,patient=name|
+ V alter|ı,patient=judge|ö,police|
+ V alter|ı,patient=time|ʱ
+ V undertake|
+ N time|ʱ,future|
+ V improve|
+컻 V alter|ı,patient=environment|
+ͷ V alter|ı,patient=attribute|
+Ϊ V alter|ı
+Ҹ V alter|ı,patient=method|
+ V alter|ı,patient=method|
+а V amend|,content=wrong|
+д V write|д
+д V write|д,manner=also|Ҳ
+ V alter|ı,patient=kind|
+ V alter|ı,patient=occupation|ְλ
+ѡ V choose|ѡ,manner=also|Ҳ
+ V use|
+Ԫ V alter|ı,patient=name|,royal|
+ V alter|ı
+ V improve|
+ V produce|
+ V amend|
+ V improve|
+ V alter|ı,patient=system|ƶ
+ V planting|ֲ
+װ V alter|ı,patient=clothing|
+װ V install|װ,manner=also|Ҳ
+װ V provide|,manner=also|Ҳ
+װ V wrap|,manner=also|Ҳ
+ N tool|þ,*tighten|ս,*loosen|
+ V establish|
+ V forming|γ,manner=also|Ҳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|
+ſ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+ V explain|˵
+ N attribute|,content|,simple|,&information|Ϣ
+ N quantity|,rate|,#possibility|,&event|¼
+ N part|,%text|
+ò N attribute|,circumstances|,simple|,&entity|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ N text|,simple|
+ V calculate|
+Ҫ N text|,simple|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ƻ V ize|̬
+ V build|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V cover|ڸ
+ N part|,%animal|,skin|Ƥ
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,*shut|ر
+ V print|ӡˢ
+ V surpass|ǿ
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ
+Dz N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+Dz N vegetable|߲
+Ƿ N food|ʳƷ
+ǹ۶ V estimate|
+ǹ V surpass|ǿ
+ǽ N food|ʳƷ
+ñ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ñ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ V build|,Vachieve|
+ V cover|ڸ,Vachieve|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+̫ N human|,police|,undesired|ݬ,past|,(Germany|¹)
+˫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ V print|ӡˢ,content=mark|־
+ס V cover|ڸ,Vachieve|
+ N part|,%animal|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,generic|ͳ
+ V IllTreat|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clan|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,dried|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,empty|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V do|
+ V fight|
+ V kill|ɱ
+ N part|,%physical|,body|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+ V relate|й
+ɰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,dried|
+ɰͰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ɰͰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,dried|
+ɱ V congratulate|ף,means=drink|
+ɱ N food|ʳƷ,#fish|
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,bony|,undesired|ݬ
+ɱ N ice|
+ɲ N human|,#occupation|ְλ
+ɲѧУ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,#official|
+ɲ N food|ʳƷ
+ɲ N FlowerGrass|,?material|,*feed|ι,#livestock|
+ɴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ɵ N facilities|ʩ,route|·,important|
+ɵ V BeUnable|
+ɵ N part|,%artifact|˹
+ɵ V kill|ɱ
+ɷ N food|ʳƷ
+ɸɾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,spotless|,desired|
+ɸ N fact|,fight|
+ɹ N fruit|ˮ,dried|
+ɺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,waterless|
+ɺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,dried|
+ɺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,waterless|
+ɻ N FlowerGrass|
+ɻ V engage|
+ɻ N food|ʳƷ,dried|
+ɽ N human|,able|,desired|
+ɾ N attribute|,strength|,&human|
+ɾ N emotion|,excited|
+ɾ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|
+ɾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,spotless|,desired|
+ɾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ɾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,spotless|,desired|
+ɾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ɿ N pant|
+ɿ V HungryThirsty|
+ɿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ɿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,waterless|
+ɿ V decline|˥
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ V split|ƿ
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ ADV fact|,question|
+ ADV {cause|ԭ,question|}
+ N attribute|,clan|,&human|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#liquid|Һ,linear|,important|
+Ⱥ N human|,mass|
+Ⱥϵ N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ V obstruct|ֹ,industrial|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ V include|
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ N human|,*obstruct|ֹ
+ʪ N attribute|,dampness|ʪ,&physical|
+ V engage|,content=affairs|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,bony|
+ϴ V wash|ϴ
+ʹ N fruit|ˮ
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·,important|
+У N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,#official|
+Ц V laugh|Ц
+ N place|ط,#official|,@reside|ס
+Ԥ V include|
+Ԥ V obstruct|ֹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,dried|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,sweet|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ʰ· V surrender|
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Gambia|ʱ)
+ʱ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+ʲ N medicine|ҩ
+ʵ V undertake|
+ʿ N attribute|,circumstances|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ʿ N attribute|,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ,&event|¼
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N RainSnow|ѩ,desired|
+¶ N RainSnow|ѩ,desired|
+¶ N medicine|ҩ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+֭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+Ȫ N water|ˮ,sweet|,desired|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,sweet|,desired|
+п N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Sikkim|)
+ V willing|Ը
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ V willing|Ը
+Ը V willing|Ը
+ N crop|ׯ,?material|,sweet|
+֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,arm|
+ N tool|þ
+˳ N tool|þ,*measure|
+˾ N bacteria|
+ N tool|þ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+̽ N fruit|ˮ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N tool|þ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ΰ N disease|
+ε ADJ attribute|,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,&human|
+ε N attribute|,courage|,&AnimalHuman|,&organization|֯
+ε V WellTreat|ƴ
+Ϳ V endeavour|
+ N emotion|,angry|,undesired|ݬ
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ,#disease|
+ N disease|
+Ӳ N disease|
+Ӳ N disease|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ,#disease|
+ V LeaveFor|ǰ
+ V VieFor|
+ V chase|
+ V drive|Ԧ
+ V expel|
+ V undergo|
+ϳ V LeaveFor|ǰ,LocationFin=InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+ϳ V LeaveFor|ǰ,purpose=perform|
+ϳ V surpass|ǿ
+ϵ V LeaveFor|ǰ
+ϸ V LeaveFor|ǰ
+ϼ V LeaveFor|ǰ,LocationFin=InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+Ͻ V VieFor|
+Ͼɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+Ͼɱ V destroy|
+Ͽ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ͷ V obey|ѭ,content=SocialMode|
+· V SelfMove|,manner=fast|
+æ ADJ aValue|ֵ,earliness|,early|
+ V chase|,Vachieve|
+ V undergo|
+ʱ V obey|ѭ,content=SocialMode|
+ V LeaveFor|ǰ
+粻 ADV aValue|ֵ,earliness|,early|
+ V cherish|Ļ
+ N emotion|
+ V excite|ж
+ N experience|
+ V grateful|м
+ V influence|Ӱ
+ V perception|֪
+д N emotion|
+е V cherish|Ļ
+е V regard|Ϊ
+ж V excited|
+ж V excite|ж
+ж V grateful|м
+з V excited|
+й N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*sense|о
+й V ize|̬,#lights|
+л V teach|
+м V grateful|м
+о V perception|֪
+о V regard|Ϊ
+о V cherish|Ļ
+о V perception|֪
+оõ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$perception|֪
+о N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*sense|о
+п V sigh|̾
+п V excited|
+ð N disease|
+ð V fever|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#emotion|
+ N emotion|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#emotion|
+Ⱦ V CauseAffect|Ⱦ
+Ⱦ V CauseAffect|Ⱦ,medical|ҽ
+Ⱦ V inflamed|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,excite|ж
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,excite|ж,desired|
+˷θ V excite|ж
+ ADJ sorrowful|
+ V sorrowful|
+ N experience|
+ N thought|ͷ
+ V undergo|
+ܵ V perception|֪
+ V understand|
+ N experience|
+л V grateful|м
+л V thank|л
+Ȥ V FondOf|ϲ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,mental|
+ʶ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#mental|
+Ӧ V aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,respond|Ӧ
+Ӧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,respond|Ӧ
+Ӧ V respond|Ӧ
+ V urge|ʹ
+֪ V perception|֪
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ V believe|
+ AUX dare|
+ V dare|
+ŭ ADJ suffer|,content=force|ǿ,#KeepSilence|˵
+ ADV {comment|}
+ V dare|
+ AUX dare|
+ V dare|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N part|,space|ռ,%land|½,head|ͷ
+Ա N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADV {tense|ʱ̬,past|}
+ղ ADV {tense|ʱ̬,past|}
+ո ADJ {emphasis|ǿ}
+չ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Congo|չ)
+չ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+չ N human|,(Congo|չ)
+պ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,proper|
+պ ADJ {emphasis|ǿ}
+ս ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ս ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+վ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+վ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,proper|
+ N inanimate|,generic|ͳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,hard|Ӳ
+ѧĺ N human|,*study|ѧ,#walk|,young|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ N metal|
+ V sharpen|ʹ
+ְ N material|,metal|,surfacial|
+ְ N part|,%LandVehicle|
+ְ N stationery|ľ
+ֱ N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+ֲ N material|,metal|
+ֶ N material|,#metal|
+ֹˮ N material|,@building|
+ֹ N material|,linear|
+ֹ N material|,metal|,linear|,#LandVehicle|
+ֻ N material|,?tool|þ
+ֽṹ N part|,%entity|ʵ,bone|,#metal|
+ֽ N material|,metal|,linear|
+ N material|,#metal|
+ǥ N implement|,#metal|
+ N MusicTool|
+ټ N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ˮ N metal|,material|
+˿ N tool|þ,linear|,#metal|
+˿ N tool|þ,linear|,#metal|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,#metal|
+ N metal|,material|
+ӡ N stationery|ľ,*print|ӡˢ
+ N part|,%implement|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N material|,linear|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,#liquid|Һ,@wash|ϴ
+ש N material|,*build|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+ N part|,%information|Ϣ,bone|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#catch|ס,#fish|
+ N reason|
+ N part|,%information|Ϣ,bone|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+Ҫ N part|,%information|Ϣ,bone|
+ N land|½
+ N shape|
+¥ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|,@look|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|,@defend|
+ N human|,military|,*defend|
+ͤ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|,@defend|
+ͤ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,police|,@defend|
+λ N affairs|,$undertake|,#earn|,#alive|,#occupation|ְλ
+λ N location|λ,space|ռ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#ship|,@stay|ͣ
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+۰ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+۰̨ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+۱ N money|,(HK|)
+ۿ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#ship|,@stay|ͣ
+ N human|,(HK|)
+ N human|,commercial|,(HK|)
+̨ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#ship|,@stay|ͣ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+ N institution|,#ship|
+Ԫ N money|,(HK|)
+ N fund|ʽ,(HK|)
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ V remove|
+ N symbol|,linear|
+ N tool|þ,*CarryOnBack|,long|
+ N tool|þ,widediameter|,straight|ֱ,long|
+ܰ N tool|þ,*CarryOnBack|,long|
+ܸ N tool|þ,widediameter|,straight|ֱ,long|
+ N SportTool|˶
+ N tool|þ,*CarryOnBack|,long|
+ N tool|þ,widediameter|,straight|ֱ,long|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N land|½,#waters|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V surpass|ǿ
+߰ V CausePartMove|
+߰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+߰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,price|۸,expensive|,undesired|ݬ
+߰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+߱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,accurate|
+߱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|
+߲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$fulfil|ʵ
+߲ N human|,*study|ѧ,able|
+߲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|
+߲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$create|,many|
+߲ N land|½,able|,@create|,many|,#crop|ׯ,desired|
+߳ V sing|
+߳ V speak|˵
+߳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+߳ N part|,%event|¼
+߳ N water|ˮ
+߳ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,expensive|
+ߴ N location|λ,tall|
+ߴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,pure|
+ߴ V AmountTo|ܼ
+ߴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ߴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+ߵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|
+ߵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ߵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|
+ߵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ߵȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|
+ߵѧУ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,superior|
+ߵ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,proper|,&event|¼
+ߵ N attribute|,height|߶,&physical|
+ߵ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&event|¼
+ߵ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ߵͲƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,rugged|
+ߵ N SportTool|˶,sport|
+ߵ N land|½
+ߵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+ߵ ADJ text|,empty|
+߶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+߶ N attribute|,height|߶,&physical|
+߶ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+߶ N fact|,sport|
+߶ N SportTool|˶
+߷ N institution|,police|,@judge|ö
+߷ֱ N attribute|,performance|,strong|ǿ,&distinguish|ֱ
+߷ N attribute|,circumstances|,flourishing|,extreme|,&event|¼
+߷ N part|,space|ռ,%land|½,head|ͷ
+߷ N fact|,discuss|,HighRank|ߵ
+߷ N aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,true|,desired|
+߸ N human|,official|
+߸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+߸ V joyful|ϲ
+߸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,unfamiliar|϶,undesired|ݬ
+߸ V sing|
+߸ͽ V GoForward|ǰ
+߸ N human|,tall|
+߸ N tree|,?medicine|ҩ
+߸Ь N clothing|,#foot|
+߹ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+߹ V estimate|,manner=over|
+߹ N human|,official|
+߹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ߺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+ߺ V cry|
+ߺ V cry|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ɲ N human|,official|
+ʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+Ժ N institution|,police|,@judge|ö
+Сѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,elementary|,education|
+ѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,superior|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Russia|˹)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,price|۸,expensive|
+ V buy|,cost=expensive|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N thought|ͷ
+߽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,true|,desired|
+߾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,desired|
+߾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+߾ V engage|,content=occupation|ְλ
+߾ V lift|
+߿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+߿ V exam|
+߿Ƽ N knowledge|֪ʶ,superior|
+߿Ƽҵ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,#knowledge|֪ʶ,superior|,commercial|
+߿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,tall|,#sky|
+߿ N sky|
+ N fact|,sport|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Korea|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ N money|,commercial|,$lend|
+ N human|,*lend|,undesired|ݬ
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N attribute|,age|,aged|,&human|
+ N stone|ʯ,material|
+¥ N house|,tall|
+¥ N house|
+¯ N tool|þ,space|ռ,@burn|,*produce|,#metal|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ N attribute|,strength|,strong|ǿ,&physical|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#strength|
+꼶 N human|,*study|ѧ,education|
+Ƶ N attribute|,frequency|Ƶ,fast|,&electricity|
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ N disease|
+ N human|,superior|,desired|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ɮ N human|,able|,desired|,religion|ڽ
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,kill|ɱ
+ɽ N land|½
+ɽӦ N disease|
+ɽ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,true|,desired|
+ N disease|,#fever|
+ǹ N weapon|,*firing|,#aircraft|
+ N weapon|,*firing|,#aircraft|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+ V upgrade|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ V walk|
+ V walk|,manner=arrogant|
+ N human|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ V stand|վ,manner=tall|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,fast|,&AlterLocation|ռλ
+ٶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|,desired|
+ٶ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,fast|,&AlterLocation|ռλ
+ٹ· N facilities|ʩ,route|·,@AlterLocation|ռλ,fast|
+̧ V WellTreat|ƴ
+̸ V speak|˵
+̸ V speak|˵,content=empty|
+ N food|ʳƷ,liquid|Һ,refined|
+ N food|ʳƷ,liquid|Һ,watery|ϡ
+Σ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,AptTo|,$CauseAffect|Ⱦ,#medical|ҽ
+ΣȺ N human|,*AptTo|,#CauseAffect|Ⱦ,#medical|ҽ
+λ N attribute|,occupation|ְλ,HighRank|ߵ,&human|
+ N attribute|,temperature|¶,hot|,&physical|
+¼ N tool|þ,*measure|,#temperature|¶
+ N weather|,#temperature|¶,#hot|
+ݽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&event|¼
+С N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,elementary|,education|
+У N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,superior|
+Ч N attribute|,effect|Ч,superior|,&performance|
+н N payment|,many|
+¼ N knowledge|֪ʶ,superior|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ V willing|Ը
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ѫѹ N disease|
+ѹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ѹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+ѹ N attribute|,voltage|ѹ,&electricity|
+ѹ N electricity|
+ѹ N tool|þ,cubic|,*cook|
+ѹ N tool|þ,linear|,@transmit|,#electricity|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+ż ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,thrifty|,desired|
+ N attribute|,SoundVolume|,loud|,&sound|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|,more|
+ԭ N land|½
+հԶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ V BecomeMore|
+ V rise|
+ N thought|ͷ,clever|
+ V AtEase|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,safe|,desired|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|
+ N human|,*study|ѧ
+ N human|,*study|ѧ,able|
+ N human|,past|
+ N tool|þ,*WhileAway|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,fat|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+ N shape|
+ N tool|þ,*apply|ͿĨ,#medical|ҽ
+ N food|ʳƷ,refined|
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ,$apply|ͿĨ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,fertile|,desired|
+ N livestock|,young|
+ N livestock|,young|
+ N livestock|
+ N livestock|,young|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ,*feed|ι,#young|
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ
+ V do|
+ V engage|
+ V establish|
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ V produce|
+ V seek|ıȡ
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ V misunderstand|
+㶨 V handle|,result=finish|
+ V deceive|ƭ
+ V do|,result=finish|
+ҳʽͳε N human|,*manage|
+ V damage|
+ V damage|
+ V TryToKnow|Ū
+ V TryToKnow|Ū
+ V TryToKnow|Ū
+С V MakeTrouble|
+ V damage|
+ V damage|
+ N tool|þ,*beat|
+ͷ N tool|þ,*beat|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+ N readings|,#text|,#image|ͼ,#music|
+ N readings|,#text|,#image|ͼ,#music|,crude|ª,#amend|
+ N payment|,#readings|
+ N payment|,#readings|
+ N tool|þ,@LieDown|
+ N readings|,#text|,#image|ͼ,#music|
+ֽ N paper|ֽ,@write|д
+ N readings|,#text|,#image|ͼ,#music|
+ N readings|,#text|,#image|ͼ,#music|,crude|ª,#amend|
+ V accuse|ظ
+ V announce|
+ V beg|
+ V request|Ҫ
+ V tell|
+ V farewell|
+˵ N human|,*speak|˵
+洵 V fail|ʧ
+ V farewell|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=borrow|,commercial|
+淢 V accuse|ظ,police|
+漱 V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=rescue|
+漱 V tell|,content=dangerous|Σ
+漱 V unfortunate|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=agree|ͬ
+ V win|ʤ
+ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+澯 V tell|,content=dangerous|Σ
+濢 V succeed|ɹ
+ V cease|ͣ,cause=aged|
+ V accuse|ظ
+ V surrender|
+ʾ V tell|
+ʾ N text|,@tell|
+ V tell|
+ V withdraw|˳
+ο V AtEase|
+ο V soothe|ο
+һ V finish|
+֪ V mean|ָ
+֪ V tell|
+ V finish|
+״ V accuse|ظ,police|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ N human|,family|,male|
+籾 N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Denmark|)
+± N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Sweden|)
+ N human|,family|,mass|,male|
+ N human|,male|,young|
+ N human|,friend|,mass|,male|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ױ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Colombia|ױ)
+ױ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+ױ N human|,(Colombia|ױ)
+ײ N human|,ProperName|ר
+˹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Costa Rican|˹)
+˹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+ N music|,$sing|
+ V sing|
+質 V sing|
+質 N human|,*sing|,#music|,entertainment|
+ N text|,#music|
+蹦̵ V praise|佱,cause=succeed|ɹ
+ N attribute|,SoundQuality|,#sing|,&human|
+輧 N human|,female|Ů,*perform|,entertainment|
+ N shows|
+Ժ N InstitutePlace|,@perform|,entertainment|
+ N human|,*FondOf|ϲ,#music|
+ N music|
+ N sound|,#music|,$sing|
+ N human|,entertainment|,*sing|,#music|
+ V praise|佱
+̳ N community|,#music|,#sing|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@recreation|,@sing|
+ V recreation|
+ N shows|,#music|,entertainment|
+ N community|,#music|,#sing|,entertainment|
+ N human|,*sing|,able|,entertainment|
+ҥ N shows|
+ӽ V recreation|
+ V cease|ͣ
+ V endure|
+ V put|
+dz V bump|ײ,patient=land|½
+dz V suffer|,content=obstruct|ֹ
+ V cease|ͣ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N land|½,surfacial|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+̲ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N bird|
+ N bird|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,arm|
+첲 N part|,%AnimalHuman|,arm|
+ N disease|,#skin|Ƥ
+ N experience|,#uneasy|,undesired|ݬ
+ N shape|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,coarse|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ V break|۶
+ V abandon|
+ V break|۶,patient=FlowerGrass|
+ V remove|
+ V remove|,medical|ҽ
+ V give|,possession=land|½,politics|
+ V break|۶
+ V manage|,patient=land|½,instrument=army|
+ V separate|
+ V give|
+ V abandon|
+ N image|ͼ,linear|
+ V discharge|
+ N material|,?clothing|,?tool|þ
+ V discharge|
+ V remove|
+ N clothing|,#foot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ V uprise|,politics|
+ N human|,*uprise|,politics|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,desired|
+ V improve|
+ N human|,*improve|
+ְ V discharge|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N material|,?clothing|,?tool|þ
+ N shape|,square|
+ N money|,(Guatemala|Σ)
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ N attribute|,style|,&information|Ϣ,literature|,entertainment|
+ V fight|
+ V FitNot|
+ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&entity|ʵ
+ɴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Grenada|ɴ)
+ɴ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+ɴ N human|,(Grenada|ɴ)
+ʿʱ N time|ʱ,#standard|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Greenland|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+³ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Georgia|³)
+³ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+³ N human|,(Georgia|³)
+³ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ɱ V kill|ɱ,AccordingTo=law|ɷ
+ʽ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&entity|ʵ
+ʽ V PutInOrder|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ N expression|
+ N shape|,square|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N fish|
+ N beast|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ
+ N institution|,official|,#country|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,#country|,politics|
+¥ N room|
+ N human|,official|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,#country|,politics|
+ V from|
+ V separate|
+ N part|,%building|,skin|Ƥ
+ N location|λ,#reside|ס,near|
+ V BlockUp|
+ N part|,%building|,skin|Ƥ
+ V separate|
+ N attribute|,relatedness|,unfamiliar|϶
+ N phenomena|,#obstruct|ֹ
+ V separate|
+ V separate|
+ V separate|
+Ĥ N attribute|,relatedness|,unfamiliar|϶
+Ĥ V ignorant|֪
+ǽ N part|,%building|,skin|Ƥ
+ǽж V exposure|¶
+ N separate|,partner=hot|
+ ADV time|ʱ,future|,day|
+ ADV time|ʱ,other|,day|
+ N part|,%building|,skin|Ƥ
+ѥɦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ҹ ADV time|ʱ,past|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$escape|,#sound|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,BlockUp|,#sound|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&entity|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,fragment|
+ N attribute|,height|߶,&human|
+ N attribute|,size|ߴ,&physical|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,private|˽
+ N human|
+ PRON human|,firstPerson|
+ N attribute|,cleanness|ྻ,spotless|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰,undesired|ݬ
+ N thinking|˼,#greedy|̰,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,greedy|̰,undesired|ݬ
+ N quantity|,amount|,&entity|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,private|˽
+廧 N institution|,private|˽
+ N system|ƶ,#rights|Ȩ,#own|,private|˽
+ͷ N attribute|,height|߶,&human|
+ͷ N attribute|,size|ߴ,&physical|
+ N attribute|,property|,special|,&entity|ʵ
+ر N human|,special|
+ N attribute|,height|߶,&human|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ǰ V BeIndependent|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+ּ V BeIndependent|
+ N part|,army|,#place|ط,military|,mass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ N place|ط,all|ȫ
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,aspect|,all|ȫ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,all|ȫ
+ N community|,all|ȫ
+ V endeavour|
+λ V arrive|,location=location|λ
+ȡ V obtain|õ
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|,desired|
+ʽ ADV aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|
+ʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|
+㼺 V announce|,content=standpoint|
+˾ְ V bear|е
+λ N human|,all|ȫ
+λ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+ͨ V show|,content=ability|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+иҵ ADJ affairs|,many|
+ V BeIndependent|
+ V differ|ͬ
+ǧ V own|,possession=pros|
+ V own|,possession=pros|
+ִһ V debate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|
+ָ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,single|
+Ϊ V BeIndependent|
+ N community|,all|ȫ
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ
+ V give|
+ V provide|
+ PREP {agent}
+ PREP {beneficiary}
+ PREP {instrument}
+ PREP {target}
+ V display|չʾ
+ N edible|ʳ,generic|ͳ
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ
+ V give|
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ
+ V give|
+ V give|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|
+ N cause|ԭ
+ N part|,%event|¼,base|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,base|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,base|
+ N part|,%thing|,base|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ N law|ɷ,important|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,base|
+ V remove|
+ N tool|þ,$carve|
+ N part|,%thing|,base|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+ V investigate|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ PREP {AccordingTo}
+ݵ N place|ط,important|
+ N human|,future|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+ N part|,%thing|,base|
+ٹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,steady|
+Ҷï ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ N cause|ԭ
+Դ N location|λ,@ExistAppear|
+Դ V BaseOn|
+Դ V ResultFrom|Ե
+ V cure|ҽ
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,base|
+ N part|,%thing|,base|
+ V follow|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,leg|
+ ... ȥ V MakeTrouble|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ V follow|
+ǰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,near|
+ V chase|
+ V follow|
+ͷ N fact|,FallDown|
+ͷ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ V follow|
+ V engage|,agricultural|ũ
+ V engage|,agricultural|ũ
+ N land|½,#crop|ׯ
+ N tool|þ,*planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,generic|ͳ
+ţ N livestock|,*planting|ֲ
+ V engage|,agricultural|ũ
+ N livestock|,*planting|ֲ
+ V engage|,agricultural|ũ
+ V engage|,agricultural|ũ
+ V engage|,agricultural|ũ
+ƶ N system|ƶ,#engage|,agricultural|ũ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+ V alter|ı
+ V replace|
+ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ
+ V replace|
+ V alter|ı
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*defend|
+ V alter|ı
+ N human|,*alter|ı
+ V replace|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+һ V GoForward|ǰ
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+ N disease|
+һ¥ V prosper|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,StateIni=alive|
+ V replace|
+Ϊ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+Ϊ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ V improve|
+ V replace|
+» V prosper|,StateFin=superior|
+Խ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ V amend|
+ N attribute|,age|,&animate|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N food|ʳƷ,liquid|Һ
+ V beat|
+ N tool|þ,*beat|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ,space|ռ,*protect|
+ N land|½,protruding|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ڻ V FeelingByBad|
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ V BlockUp|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,body|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+ N part|,%information|Ϣ,heart|
+ V BlockUp|
+ N disease|
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ V BlockUp|
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ N affairs|,$undertake|,#earn|,#alive|,#occupation|ְλ
+ N affairs|,industrial|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ N method|,#industrial|
+ CLAS unit|λ
+ N expenditure|,commercial|
+ V draw|,literature|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,military|
+ N army|
+ N house|,industrial|,@produce|,factory|,#InstitutePlace|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,*manage|,factory|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,industrial|
+ N affairs|
+ N affairs|,industrial|
+̱ N human|,military|
+ʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ϵ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,education|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#industrial|
+ N community|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,@build|
+ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,industrial|
+֯ N part|,%institution|,#industrial|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ CLAS NounUnit|,quantity|,#industrial|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N time|ʱ
+ N community|,#employee|Ա
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,#produce|,industrial|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ N affairs|,#industrial|,#transport|
+ N implement|,generic|ͳ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#implement|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#industrial|
+ N affairs|,#mine|,#industrial|
+ҵ N InstitutePlace|,#mine|,#industrial|
+ N place|ط,#mine|,#industrial|
+ N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+ N physical|,#human|,#material|,industrial|
+ N attribute|,age|,#occupation|ְλ,&human|,#employee|Ա
+ó N affairs|,#industrial|,#commercial|
+ũ N human|,#industrial|,#agricultural|ũ
+ũ N human|,mass|
+ũҵ N affairs|,#industrial|,#agricultural|ũ
+ N house|,#build|,#industrial|
+ N attribute|,boundary|,&time|ʱ,#industrial|
+Ǯ N payment|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,desired|
+ N place|ط,#city|,#industrial|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+˽ N community|,industrial|
+˶ N affairs|,#employee|Ա,industrial|
+ N disease|,#wounded|,#industrial|
+¹ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,#industrial|,undesired|ݬ
+ N community|,industrial|,commercial|
+̽ N community|,industrial|,commercial|
+ N community|,industrial|,commercial|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ҵ N affairs|,industrial|,commercial|
+ʱ CLAS NounUnit|,quantity|,#industrial|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#defend|,military|
+ͷ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,industrial|
+Ч N attribute|,effect|Ч,&act|ж,industrial|
+н N payment|
+ N plans|滮,industrial|
+ѧԺ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ҵ N affairs|,industrial|
+ҵ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=industrial|,industrial|
+ҵƷ N artifact|˹,#industrial|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N method|
+ N process|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,entertainment|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,literature|
+ N human|,industrial|
+ N affairs|,#employee|Ա,industrial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,neat|,desired|
+ N attribute|,kind|,industrial|,&affairs|
+װ N clothing|,#industrial|
+װ N clothing|,#leg|,#industrial|
+ N payment|
+ N affairs|,$undertake|
+ N affairs|,$undertake|,#earn|,#alive|,#occupation|ְλ
+ V do|
+ N fact|,do|
+λ N affairs|,$undertake|,#earn|,#alive|,#occupation|ְλ
+ N house|,industrial|,@produce|
+ N human|,active|Ը,endeavour|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&affairs|
+ N location|λ,space|ռ,#facilities|ʩ,mine|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,skin|Ƥ,#produce|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,@do|,@engage|,#affairs|
+ N room|,#affairs|,@do|,@engage|
+̨ N furniture|Ҿ,@do|,industrial|
+վ N computer|
+ V attack|,military|
+ V study|ѧ,education|
+ V attack|,patient=place|ط,military|
+Ե V occupy|ռ,possession=land|½,military|
+ V attack|,military|
+ V study|ѧ,education|
+ V attack|,patient=place|ط,military|
+ V handle|,patient=problem|,important|
+ V accuse|ظ
+ V attack|,military|
+ V slander|̰
+ V attack|,patient=facilities|ʩ,military|
+ս N fact|,fight|,military|
+ V occupy|ռ,military|
+ V attack|
+䲻 V attack|,manner=sudden|,military|
+ȡ V occupy|ռ,military|
+ V occupy|ռ
+ ADJ fact|,attack|,military|
+ N fact|,attack|,defend|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ V occupy|ռ,military|
+ V occupy|ռ,military|
+ V attack|,#mental|
+ռ V occupy|ռ,military|
+ N method|,#industrial|
+ N result|,#succeed|ɹ,desired|
+ܴ V fail|ʧ
+û ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,superior|,desired|
+ N human|,glorious|,superior|,*succeed|ɹ,desired|
+ V succeed|ɹ
+ N result|,#succeed|ɹ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,superior|,desired|
+ N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+ N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N fact|,exercise|
+ N time|ʱ
+ N result|,#succeed|ɹ,#fail|ʧ
+ N result|,#succeed|ɹ,desired|
+ N affairs|,#study|ѧ,education|
+ N part|,%knowledge|֪ʶ,education|
+һ V fail|ʧ
+ N result|,#succeed|ɹ,desired|
+ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&event|¼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ
+ N thinking|˼,behavior|ֹ
+ N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&act|ж
+ N attribute|,PhysicsPower|,&physical|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,&human|
+ N attribute|,performance|,&entity|ʵ
+Լ N disease|
+Ч N attribute|,effect|Ч,&event|¼
+ѫ N result|,#succeed|ɹ,desired|
+ҵ N result|,#succeed|ɹ,desired|
+ N attribute|,performance|,&entity|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+ V congratulate|ף
+ V wait|ȴ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+ V invite|
+˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+Ͱ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#waste|
+ά V please|ȡ
+ά V praise|佱
+ϲ V congratulate|ף
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V admit|
+ V foster|
+ N inanimate|,generic|ͳ,*provide|
+ V provide|
+ N text|,*admit|,#crime|,#police|
+Ӧ V lack|ȱ,commercial|
+ V provide|,possession=electricity|
+ V salute|¾
+ V provide|
+ N human|,*provide|
+ V surpass|ǿ,experiencer=provide|,contrast=need|
+ V provide|,possession=inanimate|,commercial|
+ů V provide|,possession=warm|
+Ʒ N tool|þ,*salute|¾,#religion|ڽ,generic|ͳ
+ V provide|,possession=sit|
+ V provide|,possession=gas|
+ N phenomena|,#provide|,#need|
+ V provide|,possession=hot|
+ V admit|
+ϲ V admit|
+ V admit|
+ˮ V provide|,possession=water|ˮ
+ V sell|,commercial|
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+ N phenomena|,#provide|,#need|
+ V provide|,possession=gas|
+ V ProvideFor|
+Ӧ V provide|
+Ӧ N human|,*provide|
+ְ V undertake|,content=occupation|ְλ
+ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,*salute|¾,#religion|ڽ
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=body|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,public|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ N affairs|,#official|
+ N affairs|,public|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N affairs|,police|
+ N institution|,#police|,ProperName|ר,politics|
+ɾ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|
+ N institution|,police|
+ N institution|,police|
+ N fact|,police|
+ N document|
+ N publications|鿯,news|
+ V announce|
+ N room|,@excrete|й
+ N affairs|,public|
+ N attribute|,boundary|,&quantity|
+ N human|,employee|Ա,public|
+ N LandVehicle|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&length|
+ V SelfMove|,#affairs|,#dispatch|Dz
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|,&event|¼
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ N human|,enemy|,public|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&weight|
+˽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,honest|,desired|
+ N law|ɷ
+ N house|,public|
+ N expenditure|,public|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&length|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&weight|
+ N affairs|,public|
+ N text|,official|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,public|
+ij˿ N human|,*TakeVehicle|
+ N LandVehicle|
+ N attribute|,cleanness|ྻ,spotless|,&space|ռ
+ N attribute|,relatedness|,public|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ز N institution|,*handle|,#relatedness|
+ N house|,#official|
+ N waters|ˮ
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#pollute|ʹ
+ N letter|ż,#official|
+ N community|,commercial|
+ N fund|ʽ
+ N bird|
+ V salute|¾
+ N attribute|,attachment|,public|
+취 N institution|,police|
+ N affairs|,public|,#transport|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&weight|
+ N human|,royal|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+ V announce|
+ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,opened|,&event|¼
+ N fund|ʽ,public|
+ N reason|,upright|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&length|
+ N law|ɷ,#time|ʱ
+ N regulation|,ordinary|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,public|
+ N food|ʳƷ,$levy|
+ N material|,$levy|,#crop|ׯ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V handle|,police|
+· N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N thought|ͷ
+ N human|,#country|
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ,#human|,country|
+Ĺ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#human|,#die|
+ţ N livestock|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ƽֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ N human|,family|,mass|
+ N human|,official|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&area|
+Ȼ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,undesired|ݬ
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,undesired|ݬ
+ V admit|
+ N institution|
+ V judge|ö,police|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&volume|ݻ
+ʹ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,diplomatic|⽻
+ʽ N symbol|
+ʽ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=boring|
+ʽ N human|
+ N affairs|,#official|
+ N affairs|,public|
+ N institution|,politics|
+˽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,public|,private|˽
+˽Ӫ N system|ƶ,#rights|Ȩ,#own|,public|,private|˽
+˾ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+ V accuse|ظ,police|
+ N human|,*accuse|ظ,police|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N institution|,space|ռ,police|,#crime|,@judge|ö
+ V recommend|Ƽ
+ N document|,official|
+İ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#document|,official|
+ N inanimate|,public|
+ N affairs|,#official|
+ N affairs|,public|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա,#institution|,#country|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N time|ʱ,day|,@rest|Ϣ,@WhileAway|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,@rest|Ϣ,@WhileAway|
+ N livestock|,male|
+ V perform|,entertainment|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ұ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N attribute|,ProsCons|,pros|,desired|,&entity|ʵ
+ N fund|ʽ,public|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,help|
+ V discuss|
+Ӫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,public|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,public|
+õ绰 N facilities|ʩ,*communicate|
+ҵ N affairs|,public|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,public|
+ N system|ƶ,#attachment|,public|
+Ԣ N house|
+Ԫ N time|ʱ,ProperName|ר
+Ԫǰ N time|ʱ,ProperName|ר,past|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,public|,@WhileAway|
+Լ N agreement|Լ
+Լ N text|,$obey|ѭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ծ N wealth|Ǯ,$owe|Ƿ,$return|
+ N stationery|ľ,*print|ӡˢ,public|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+֤ N document|,police|
+֤ V prove|֤,police|
+֤ N human|,*prove|֤,police|
+֮ V announce|
+ְ N affairs|,$undertake|,#earn|,#alive|,#occupation|ְλ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|
+ N human|,mass|
+ N human|,royal|,female|Ů
+ N human|,male|,royal|
+Ӹ N human|,male|,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,@WhileAway|,entertainment|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N house|
+ N house|,royal|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+ N house|,royal|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+Ů N human|,employee|Ա,female|Ů,#royal|
+͢ N house|,royal|
+͢ N institution|,space|ռ,royal|
+ N house|,royal|
+ N house|,royal|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=body|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N shape|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ N weapon|,*firing|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,steady|,desired|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N medicine|ҩ,liquid|Һ,*apply|ͿĨ
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=body|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=hand|
+ V GoThrough|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,protruding|,curved|
+ V push|
+ V surround|Χ
+ V surround|Χ
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·,#waters|ˮ
+ V salute|¾
+ V protect|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,protruding|,curved|
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N tool|þ,*salute|¾,generic|ͳ
+Ʒ N tool|þ,*salute|¾,generic|ͳ
+ V donate|
+ N result|,desired|,$donate|
+ N human|,*donate|
+ V AmountTo|ܼ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,public|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ N community|,ProperName|ר
+ V undergo|
+ N community|,politics|
+ N human|,#community|,politics|
+Ա N human|,#community|,politics|
+ N community|,politics|
+ N human|
+ V exist|
+ V create|,together|ͬ
+ V exist|
+ V pass|ȹ,together|ͬ
+ N human|,*engage|,together|ͬ,undesired|ݬ,crime|
+͵ N community|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+͵ N human|,politics|
+ N place|ط,#human|,country|,politics|
+ V AmountTo|ܼ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,main|
+ V build|,together|ͬ
+ N phenomena|,#sound|
+ V respond|Ӧ,alike|
+ N community|,politics|
+Ա N human|,#community|
+ N phenomena|,#alive|
+ʶ N thought|ͷ,alike|
+ V cooperate|
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,public|
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+ͬ N attribute|,similarity|ͬ,alike|,&thing|
+ͬŬ N cooperate|,manner=together|ͬ
+ͬ N institution|,news|,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+ͬ N community|,politics|
+ͬͨѶ N institution|,news|,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+ͬͶ N fact|,provide|,#fund|ʽ,together|ͬ,commercial|
+ͬԸ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,together|ͬ
+֮ͬ N attribute|,similarity|ͬ,alike|,&thing|
+ V undergo|,manner=together|ͬ
+ N attribute|,similarity|ͬ,alike|,&thing|
+ N talk|̸,content=emotion|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,public|
+ N phenomena|,#shiver|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ V *detain|ס
+ V fasten|˩
+ N symbol|
+ N tool|þ,*catch|ס,curved|
+ V weave|
+ V write|д
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+Ķ V fight|
+ N tool|þ,*weave|
+ס V *detain|ס,Vachieve|
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+ N tool|þ,*catch|ס,curved|
+ V ResultIn|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V collude|
+ V draw|
+ V remove|
+ V collude|
+ V entice|
+ N affairs|
+ N image|ͼ,space|ռ
+ V describe|д
+ V draw|
+ V collude|
+ V describe|д
+ V draw|
+ V stay|ͣ
+ V ResultIn|
+ͨ V collude|
+ V remove|
+ V entice|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#liquid|Һ,linear|
+ N facilities|ʩ,military|,@hide|,#fight|
+ N part|,%land|½,linear|
+ N part|,%land|½,linear|,#water|ˮ
+ N shape|,linear|,dented|
+ V irrigate|,agricultural|ũ
+ N facilities|ʩ,#liquid|Һ,linear|
+ͨ V communicate|
+ͨ V connect|
+ N part|,%land|½,linear|,#water|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ V slack|͵
+ V mating|,undesired|ݬ
+ V slack|͵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ V slack|͵
+͵ V slack|͵
+͵ V slack|͵
+ȫ V surrender|
+ȫ V surrender|
+Ӳд V CauseToLive|ʹ,manner=hardship|
+ N livestock|
+ͷʦ N human|,*help|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,*help|,undesired|ݬ
+β N FlowerGrass|
+β V FitNot|
+ N beast|
+ N human|,timid|,undesired|ݬ
+Ӭ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ,*fly|
+ V use|,patient=power|,purpose=damage|
+ N beast|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,dirty|,undesired|ݬ
+ N phenomena|,disgraced|,#shy|,undesired|ݬ
+ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+ V build|
+ V forming|γ
+ V produce|
+ V forming|γ
+ N part|,%building|,generic|ͳ
+ N part|,%implement|,generic|ͳ
+ V establish|
+ N part|,%implement|,generic|ͳ
+˼ N thinking|˼
+ͼ V forming|γ,PatientProduct=image|ͼ
+ V slander|̰
+ N thought|ͷ
+ V forming|γ
+ N part|,%thing|,bone|
+ N {DeChinese|}
+ V build|
+ N facilities|ʩ
+ V buy|,commercial|
+ V buy|,commercial|
+ V buy|,possession=artifact|˹
+ N attribute|,price|۸,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ V buy|,commercial|
+ V buy|,commercial|
+ N attribute|,ability|,buy|,&human|,&organization|֯
+Ʊ V buy|,possession=coupon|Ʊ֤
+ V buy|,commercial|
+ V buy|,possession=artifact|˹
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+ V AlterPossession|,sell|,buy|
+ V prosper|,scope=AlterPossession|
+ V buy|,commercial|
+ V arrive|
+ V fit|ʺ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+ V earn|,possession=wealth|Ǯ
+ V arrive|,Vachieve|
+Ƕ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+Ƶ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+ˮƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|,desired|
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+˼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+˼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,generous|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ N fact|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ V disappoint|
+ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ,$eat|
+ V MakeSound|
+ V crawl|
+ V MakeSound|
+ V speak|˵
+ V cook|
+ V MakeSound|
+ V speak|˵
+ V tighten|ս
+ V estimate|
+ V estimate|
+ V estimate|
+Ʋ V despise|
+Ʋ V estimate|,manner=insufficiently|Ƿ
+ N human|,*estimate|
+ V estimate|
+ V estimate|,commercial|
+ N human|,*estimate|,#value|ֵ
+ V estimate|
+ V guess|²
+ V estimate|
+ V buy|,commercial|
+ V sell|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ
+µ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ
+µ N land|½
+¶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ
+¶ N human|,family|,undesired|ݬ
+¶ĸ N human|,female|Ů,#young|
+¶Ժ N InstitutePlace|
+¹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ
+¹ N human|,female|Ů,#young|
+¹ N human|,aged|,lonely|
+¼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ
+¼ҹ N human|,single|,undesired|ݬ
+¾ N army|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ,military|
+ N human|,aged|,lonely|
+ N aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ
+ V separate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,eccentric|Ƨ,undesired|ݬ
+һ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,single|
+עһ V venture|ð
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,religion|ڽ,female|Ů
+ø N human|,family|,male|
+ù N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,female|Ů
+ ADV {concession|ò}
+֮ V speak|˵
+Ϣ V indulge|
+Ϣ V indulge|
+ү N human|,family|,male|
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=protruding|
+ V MakeSound|
+ N MusicTool|
+ V beat|
+ V mobilize|
+ V send|
+İ N MusicTool|
+Ĵ V PlayUp|Ĵ
+Ĵ V disseminate|
+Ĵ N human|,*PlayUp|Ĵ
+ĵ V PlayWith|Ū
+ĵ V incite|ָʹ
+Ķ V incite|ָʹ
+Ķ V mobilize|
+ķ N machine|,*exhale|,#wind|
+Ļ V entice|
+ľ V urge|ʹ
+ N music|
+ V urge|ʹ
+¥ N house|
+Ĥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*listen|
+Ū V PlayWith|Ū
+ V mobilize|
+ V take|ȡ,possession=courage|
+ V speak|˵,content=empty|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*listen|
+ N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ V urge|ʹ
+ V cry|
+ V beat|,patient=hand|
+ V welcome|ӭ
+ V endeavour|
+ɾ V endeavour|
+ V take|ȡ,possession=courage|
+ N MusicTool|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Cuba|Ű)
+Ű ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Cuba|Ű)
+Ű N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+Ű N human|,(Cuba|Ű)
+ű N building|,past|
+ų N place|ط,city|,past|
+Ŵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+Ŵ N time|ʱ,past|
+ŵ N money|,(Haiti|)
+ŵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+Ŷ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ,past|,precious|
+Ŷ N human|,undesired|ݬ,stubborn|
+Ŷ N place|ط,capital|,past|
+ŷ N attribute|,habit|ϰ,past|,&human|,&organization|֯
+Ź ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,eccentric|Ƨ,undesired|ݬ
+Ź ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+Ź ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|,undesired|ݬ
+Źֵ N human|,eccentric|Ƨ,undesired|ݬ
+Ź N place|ط,country|,past|
+Ż N text|,past|
+ż N place|ط,#fact|,#time|ʱ
+ż N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ż N publications|鿯,past|
+Ž ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+Ž ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ž ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,used|,undesired|ݬ
+ſ N crop|ׯ,?medicine|ҩ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,true|,desired|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N human|,past|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,style|,gracious|
+ɲ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,past|,religion|ڽ
+ʫ N text|,past|
+ N publications|鿯,past|
+ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ,past|,precious|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+Ϊ V use|,patient=past|
+ N text|,past|
+ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ,past|
+ϡ N attribute|,age|,aged|,&human|
+ѵ N expression|,past|
+ N expression|,past|
+װ N clothing|,#perform|
+ N MusicTool|,(China|й)
+ƻ V entice|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,bone|
+ N part|,%thing|,bone|
+Ǵ N disease|,#bone|
+Ƕ N part|,%FlowerGrass|,embryo|
+Ƿ N material|,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ
+Ǹ N human|,desired|,important|,able|
+Ǹ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+Ǹ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ǻ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+ǻ N stone|ʯ,waste|,#die|
+ǻҺ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#stone|ʯ,#die|
+Ǽ N part|,%inanimate|,body|
+Ǽ N part|,%thing|,bone|
+ǽ N material|,sticky|,*fix|ס,*fasten|˩
+ǽ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ǿ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,#bone|,medical|ҽ
+ N material|,generic|ͳ
+µ V roll|
+Ĥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+ N tool|þ,*gamble|IJ
+ N part|,%human|,#bone|
+ N attribute|,will|־,&human|
+ N human|,family|,mass|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N disease|,#bone|,#inflamed|
+̿ N stone|ʯ,material|,*lighting|ȼ
+ͷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ͷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N disease|,#bone|,$break|۶
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,bone|
+ N location|λ,%bone|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N land|½,dented|
+Ȱ N chemical|ѧ
+Ȳ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@store|,#material|,#crop|ׯ
+Ȳ N crop|ׯ,*feed|ι,#livestock|
+ȵ N attribute|,circumstances|,wane|˥
+ȶ N InsectWorm|,*fly|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ N time|ʱ,day|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&gas|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&linear|
+ N image|ͼ,linear|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,leg|
+ N part|,%inanimate|
+ N part|,%organization|֯
+ N wealth|Ǯ
+ɱ N fund|ʽ
+ɳ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+ɶ N human|,*own|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ɷ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*rob|,crime|
+ɷ N fund|ʽ
+ɷ˾ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+ɷ N system|ƶ,#fund|ʽ
+ɷʱ N fund|ʽ
+ɹ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ɼ N attribute|,price|۸,&coupon|Ʊ֤
+ɽ N fund|ʽ
+ N wealth|Ǯ
+Ʊ N coupon|Ʊ֤,#fund|ʽ
+Ʊ N affairs|,commercial|,buy|,sell|,#fund|ʽ
+Ʊ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|,@buy|,@sell|,#fund|ʽ
+Ʊ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,commercial|,*buy|,*sell|,#fund|ʽ
+Ʊг N InstitutePlace|,commercial|,@buy|,@sell|,#fund|ʽ
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,#coupon|Ʊ֤,commercial|
+Ϣ N wealth|Ǯ
+ N fund|ʽ
+ N human|,friend|,*help|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,used|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ N cause|ԭ
+ N fact|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,friend|
+ʲԷ V refuse|,content=MakeBetter|Ż
+ʴ CONJ {EventResult|¼}
+ʵ N place|ط,original|ԭ
+ʶ CONJ {EventResult|¼}
+ʹ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ʹ N place|ط,@ComeToWorld|
+ʼ V use|,patient=method|,manner=also|Ҳ
+ʾ N human|,friend|
+ʾ N house|,original|ԭ
+ N place|ط,@ComeToWorld|
+Ū V deceive|ƭ
+ȥ V die|
+ N human|,friend|
+ V die|
+ N fact|
+ N information|Ϣ,?publications|鿯,#news|,literature|
+Ƭ N shows|
+̬ V BeRecovered|ԭ,StateIni=used|
+ N place|ط,@ComeToWorld|
+ N place|ط,@ComeToWorld|
+ N place|ط,ComeToWorld|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ N place|ط,@ComeToWorld|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#BeBad|˥
+̬ V pretend|װ,content=bearing|̬
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V look|
+˴ʧ V err|
+˼ V PayAttention|ע
+˼ V hesitate|ԥ
+˼ V TakeCare|,patient=family|
+˿ N human|,*buy|,#commercial|
+ V worried|ż
+ V worried|ż
+˼ V mean|ָ
+ V look|
+ǰ˺ V RashlyAct|
+ȫ V PayAttention|ע
+ȫ V PayAttention|ע,target=circumstances|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,friend|
+ϧ V PayAttention|ע
+ N human|,*buy|,#commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,steady|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,durable|,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ V strengthen|ӹ
+̲Է V refuse|,content=MakeBetter|Ż
+̵ N chemical|ѧ
+̶ V CauseToDo|ʹ,ResultEvent=fixed|Ѷ
+̶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|
+̶ V fix|ס
+̶ְҵ N affairs|,duty|,#occupation|ְλ,lasting|
+̶ʲ N wealth|Ǯ
+̻ V AlterForm|״,industrial|
+Ȼ CONJ {concession|ò}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,durable|,desired|
+ɳ N tree|
+ V defend|,military|
+̬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,PhysicState|״̬
+̬ N attribute|,PhysicState|״̬,&physical|
+ N physical|,generic|ͳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ִ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+ִ V believe|,content=thought|ͷ,manner=stubborn|
+ִ N human|,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+ V employ|
+ V employ|,patient=human|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,$employ|
+ũ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ
+ V employ|
+Ӷ V employ|
+Ӷ N army|
+ӶͶ N affairs|,$employ|,engage|
+ V employ|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,$employ|
+ N human|,*employ|
+ V WeatherBad|
+ V apply|ͿĨ
+ V cut|
+ V rob|
+ε N tool|þ,*cut|
+εƤ V rob|
+η V WeatherBad|,#wind|
+ι V cure|ҽ
+ V MakeUp|ױ
+Ŀ V enjoy|,content=respect|
+ V cut|
+ V cure|ҽ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+Ϸ V separate|
+ϸ N attribute|,relatedness|,&entity|ʵ,&aValue|ֵ,&attribute|
+Ϲ N fruit|ˮ
+ N money|,(Paraguay|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ũ N human|,*planting|ֲ,#occupation|ְλ,#fruit|ˮ,agricultural|ũ
+Ƥñ N clothing|,#head|ͷ
+ V succeed|ɹ
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|,agricultural|ũ
+Ӷ N food|ʳƷ
+ V break|۶
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+Ѳ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|,undesired|ݬ
+Ѹ N human|,female|Ů
+ʳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ͷ N human|,rich|,important|,desired|
+ V ThinkOf|˼
+ V cease|ͣ,content=communicate|
+ V communicate|,instrument=tool|þ
+ V fasten|˩
+ V hang|
+ V record|¼
+ V suffer|,content=fasten|˩
+ V undergo|,content=cover|ڸ
+Ҳ V decorate|װ
+Ҳ V wounded|
+ҳ N LandVehicle|
+ҳ V cease|ͣ,agricultural|ũ
+ҵ绰 V associate|,instrument=tool|þ
+Ҷϵ绰 V cease|ͣ,content=associate|,instrument=tool|þ
+ҹ V associate|
+ҹ V fasten|˩
+ҹ V GiveBirth|,PatientProduct=fruit|ˮ,agricultural|ũ
+Һ V record|¼
+һ V wounded|
+һ V ThinkOf|˼
+һ V worried|ż
+һ V angry|
+һ V cease|ͣ,content=communicate|
+ҿ V associate|
+ N tool|þ,*show|,#time|ʱ
+ V cease|ͣ,agricultural|ũ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ V ThinkOf|˼
+ V cease|ͣ,content=compete|,sport|
+ N start|ʼ,commercial|
+ʧ V tell|,content=lose|ʧȥ
+˧ V undertake|,content=official|
+̺ N tool|þ,$hang|,*decorate|װ,#room|
+ͼ N image|ͼ,$hang|,*decorate|װ,#room|
+ѥ V cease|ͣ,content=compete|,sport|
+ V OnCredit|
+ N tool|þ,*tell|,#time|ʱ
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+Թ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+Թ N human|,young|
+Ծ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,nimble|,desired|
+Ծ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,eccentric|Ƨ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,queer|,undesired|ݬ
+ V TakeAway|ᶯ,crime|
+ V TurnRound|
+ V cheat|ƭ
+ V disable|м,scope=walk|
+ N tool|þ,#walk|,#disable|м
+չ N tool|þ,#walk|,#disable|м
+ս N location|λ,space|ռ,angular|,@TurnRound|
+ V TakeAway|ᶯ,crime|
+ƭ V TakeAway|ᶯ,crime|
+ƭ V cheat|ƭ
+ V TurnRound|
+ N location|λ,space|ռ,angular|,@TurnRound|
+Ĩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,tactful|,undesired|ݬ
+Ĩ V speak|˵,manner=hidden|
+ N tool|þ,#walk|,#disable|м
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,*cheat|ƭ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,#disable|м,#leg|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+ V blame|Թ
+ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ,*frighten|Ż,ugly|
+ֲ V ^blame|Թ
+ֲ CONJ {comment|}
+ֵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,eccentric|Ƨ,undesired|ݬ
+Ƨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,eccentric|Ƨ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,special|,undesired|ݬ
+ N fact|,queer|
+̥ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ,*frighten|Ż,ugly|
+ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ,*frighten|Ż,ugly|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,eccentric|Ƨ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ phenomena|,queer|
+ V blame|Թ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,#die|,*store|
+ײ N tool|þ,cubic|,#die|,*store|
+ľ N tool|þ,cubic|,@store|,#human|,#die|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,#die|,*store|
+ V TurnOff|ֹ
+ V cease|ͣ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V detain|ס
+ V end|ս
+ N institution|,space|ռ,#levy|,#wealth|Ǯ,@check|
+ N part|,%place|ط,mouth|
+ N phenomena|,*obstruct|ֹ
+ V relate|й
+ V shut|ر
+ N time|ʱ,important|
+ذ N part|,%place|ط,mouth|
+ر V cease|ͣ
+ر V end|ս
+ر V shut|ر
+ص V TurnOff|ֹ
+ض N food|ʳƷ
+غ V relate|й
+ػ V PayAttention|ע
+ػ V PayAttention|ע
+ػ V TurnOff|ֹ
+ؼ N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+ؼ N human|,important|
+ؼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ؼ N symbol|,important|
+ؽ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ؽ N part|,%entity|ʵ
+ؽ N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+ؽ N disease|,#inflamed|
+ؿ N part|,%place|ط,mouth|
+ؿ N part|,%place|ط,important|,#military|
+ؿ N time|ʱ,important|
+ V relate|й
+óЭ N part|,%institution|,#commercial|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ V cease|ͣ,content=discuss|
+ V end|ս
+ V shut|ر,patient=mouth|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+˰ N expenditure|
+˰ N method|,*obstruct|ֹ,commercial|
+˰ V obstruct|ֹ,scope=pay|,#expenditure|
+˰ V exempt|,ResultEvent=pay|,#expenditure|
+˰óЭ N part|,%institution|,politics|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ͣ V end|ս,commercial|
+ͣת V alter|ı
+ͷ N time|ʱ,important|
+ϵ N attribute|,power|,&entity|ʵ
+ϵ N attribute|,relatedness|,&entity|ʵ,&aValue|ֵ,&attribute|
+ϵ N document|,*prove|֤,#organization|֯
+ϵ V influence|Ӱ
+ϵ V relate|й
+ϵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ N place|ط,#city|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ļ V PayAttention|ע,target=affairs|
+ V PayAttention|ע,target=organization|֯
+Ѻ V detain|ס,police|
+ PREP {concerning}
+ڶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,measurement|
+ V end|ս
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ V tell|
+ע V PayAttention|ע
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,public|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+ٰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|
+ٱ V uprise|
+ٱ N human|,military|
+ٳ N community|,#official|
+ٷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|
+ٸ N institution|,official|
+ٹ V protect|,patient=official|
+ټ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,#official|,flighty|,undesired|ݬ,&human|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,official|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+ N phenomena|,#behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+ N affairs|,commercial|,#country|
+ N human|,commercial|,#country|
+˾ N fact|,#accuse|ظ,#police|
+ N institution|,space|ռ,past|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+˺ͨ V prosper|,scope=upgrade|
+ְ N attribute|,occupation|ְλ,&human|
+ۡ N house|,#official|
+ V PutOn|
+ N clothing|,#head|ͷ
+ N clothing|,#head|ͷ,royal|
+ N location|λ,important|
+ N part|,%bird|,head|ͷ
+ V put|
+ N shape|
+ڴ N part|,%language|
+ھ N human|,desired|,*compete|,*win|ʤ,$reward|,sport|
+ھ N attribute|,status|,desired|,#compete|,#win|ʤ,#reward|,sport|,&human|
+ھ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+ N clothing|,#head|ͷ,royal|
+û ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,suitable|
+IJ N disease|,#heart|
+Ǿ N human|,desired|,*compete|,*win|ʤ,$reward|,sport|
+ V put|
+״ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|
+ N house|,religion|ڽ
+ V look|
+ N thinking|˼
+۲ V investigate|
+۲ V look|
+۲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,look|,desired|
+۲Ա N human|,look|
+۲ N human|,look|
+۵ N standpoint|
+۷ V defend|
+۸ N experience|
+۹ V tour|
+ۿ V look|
+ V include|,ResultWhole=congratulate|ף
+Ħ V study|ѧ
+ N thinking|˼
+ V enjoy|,means=look|
+ V look|
+ V wait|ȴ
+̨ N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,@look|,#weather|
+ N humanized|,kindhearted|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N stone|ʯ,food|ʳƷ
+ N tree|
+հ N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|
+ս V look|,content=compete|
+ս V look|,content=fight|
+ N human|,*look|,#entertainment|,#sport|,*recreation|
+ϯ N human|,*look|,#entertainment|,#sport|,*recreation|
+ N MusicTool|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V guarantee|֤
+ V manage|
+ N part|,%implement|,#electricity|
+ V provide|
+ N shape|
+ V teach|
+ܱ V guarantee|֤
+ܲ V BeUnable|,content=control|
+ܲס V BeUnable|,content=control|
+ܵ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,linear|,@transmit|
+ܵ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ܵ V BeAble|ܹ,content=control|
+ܷ V provide|,possession=edible|ʳ
+ܷ N MusicTool|
+ܼ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*manage|,#family|,employee|Ա
+ܼ N thought|ͷ
+ܽ V teach|
+̺ܽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|
+ܾ N facilities|ʩ,#liquid|Һ
+ N MusicTool|
+ V manage|
+ N human|,*manage|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*manage|
+ N human|,*manage|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ V manage|,patient=affairs|
+¶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+ V restrain|ֹ
+Ͻ V manage|
+ϽȨ N rights|Ȩ,#manage|,#control|
+ N music|
+ֶ N community|,#music|
+ N facilities|ʩ,*transmit|
+Ѻ V detain|ס,police|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+ V control|
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+״ N FlowerGrass|
+ N material|,#building|
+ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+ N InstitutePlace|,literature|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@reside|ס
+ N institution|,#country|
+ݲ N artifact|˹,$gather|ɼ
+ݲ V store|
+ݳ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*manage|
+ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|,space|ռ,@eat|
+ N LandVehicle|,mine|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N LandVehicle|
+ͷ N tool|þ,cubic|,@store|,#edible|ʳ
+װ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$store|,#cubic|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ V cook|
+ţ N food|ʳƷ
+ V fit|ʺ
+ V indulge|
+߳ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+߳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+߷ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+߷ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,*rob|
+ V indulge|
+ N regulation|,ordinary|
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&SelfMove|
+ N human|,*steal|͵,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+͵ N human|,*steal|͵,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&SelfMove|
+ V use|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ڻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,doubt|
+ V indulge|
+ V fill|
+ V irrigate|,agricultural|ũ
+೦ V cure|ҽ
+ V irrigate|,agricultural|ũ
+ཬ V fill|
+ཬ V fill|,agricultural|ũ
+ཬ V ill|̬
+Ի V deceive|ƭ,means=please|ȡ
+ V please|ȡ
+ľ N tree|
+ N place|ط,@irrigate|,agricultural|ũ
+ V teach|
+ V record|¼,content=sound|
+ע V spray|
+ V GoThrough|
+ V connect|
+ V follow|
+ N money|,past|
+ N place|ط,@ComeToWorld|
+᳹ V conduct|ʵʩ
+ᴩ V GoThrough|
+ᴮ V GoThrough|
+ͨ V connect|
+ͨ V know|֪
+ע V PayAttention|ע
+ע V relate|й
+ V OwnNot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,polished|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,glorious|,desired|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ V exposure|¶
+ N lights|
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ N mark|־,*AimAt|,#computer|
+Ⲩ N lights|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ N attribute|,brightness|,bright|,&thing|
+ʶĿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+Ӳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ V CauseToGrow|ʹɳ
+ά N material|,*transmit|,#lights|
+ N phenomena|,#lights|,#electricity|
+ N part|,%physical|
+ N attribute|,brightness|,&inanimate|,&physical|
+ȼ N tool|þ,*measure|,#brightness|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,true|,desired|
+⸴ V TakeBack|ȡ
+˶ N human|,single|
+˶ N part|,%physical|,body|
+˾ N human|,single|
+ V arrive|
+½ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,queer|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,single|,male|,^GetMarried|
+ N phenomena|,#metabolize|л,#plant|ֲ
+⻪ N attribute|,brightness|,bright|,&thing|
+⻬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,polished|
+⻬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,polished|,desired|
+⻯ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N lights|
+ N lights|,religion|ڽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ N lights|
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,polished|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,spotless|,desired|
+ N attribute|,SmoothFinish|,&implement|
+⾰ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+⾰ N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ N lights|
+ V arrive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,polished|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,polished|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,empty|
+â N lights|,bright|
+â ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ N lights|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,true|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&length|
+ N tool|þ,*record|¼
+ N phenomena|,#color|ɫ,#lights|
+ V analyze|,content=lights|,#color|ɫ
+Ȧ N part|,%tool|þ,#TakePicture|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ٰ N account|,@record|¼,name|,#glorious|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,polished|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ N lights|
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&lights|
+컯 N time|ʱ,afternoon|
+ͷ V exposure|¶
+ͷ N part|,%human|,head|ͷ,$MakeUp|ױ
+ͺͺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,empty|
+ N material|,*transmit|,#lights|
+ N lights|
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ѧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#look|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#lights|
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N lights|,bright|
+ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ҫ N lights|,bright|
+ N time|ʱ
+Ƽ V pass|ȹ,manner=fast|
+Դ N location|λ,@ExistAppear|,#lights|
+ N lights|,bright|
+դ N fittings|,#lights|
+ V illuminate|
+ N lights|
+ N part|,%lights|
+ҫ V CauseToDo|ʹ,patient=family|,ResultEvent=WellKnown|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+㲥 V disseminate|
+㲥 N text|,disseminate|
+㲥ӰӲ N institution|,#disseminate|,ProperName|ר,politics|
+㲥 N shows|
+㲥ҵ N affairs|,disseminate|
+㲥Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*disseminate|
+㲩 ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+㳡 N place|ط
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N human|,*read|,mass|
+ɲ N human|,mass|
+Ⱥ N human|,mass|
+㵺 N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+㶫 N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N attribute|,range|,&entity|ʵ
+㷺 ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+㷺 ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$disseminate|
+㷺 N attribute|,range|,&entity|ʵ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N readings|,$disseminate|,commercial|
+ V disseminate|,commercial|
+㽻 N InstitutePlace|,@display|չʾ,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+Į ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,all|ȫ,desired|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+׳ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N house|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,all|ȫ,desired|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V roam|
+䵴 V roam|
+ V walk|,location=route|·
+̳ V walk|,location=InstitutePlace|,commercial|,#buy|
+̵ V walk|,location=InstitutePlace|,commercial|,#buy|
+Ҥ V SeekPleasure|Ѱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|,desired|
+屦 N treasure|䱦,precious|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ΰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ΰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,good|,desired|
+ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+ V plan|ƻ
+ N regulation|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ V evade|ر
+ N regulation|,ordinary|
+涨 V decide|
+涨 N regulation|
+淶 ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|,desired|
+淶 N attribute|,standard|,&entity|ʵ
+淶 V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=standard|
+ N attribute|,standard|,&entity|ʵ
+ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=standard|
+ؾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+滮 N plans|滮
+滮 V plan|ƻ
+滮 N human|,*plans|滮
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ N regulation|
+ N law|ɷ
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&event|¼
+ģ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ģ N attribute|,range|,&entity|ʵ
+ģ N affairs|,produce|,extensive|
+Ȱ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+оز V obey|ѭ,content=regulation|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,even|
+ N regulation|
+ N regulation|,ordinary|
+ƶ N regulation|,ordinary|
+ V PutInOrder|
+ N tool|þ,#royal|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Guyana|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+Ԫ N money|,(Guyana|)
+ N law|ɷ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N metal|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,#computer|,#software|,(US|)
+轺 N material|
+ʯ N stone|ʯ,material|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ
+ש N material|,@building|
+ V BeMember|
+ V ComeTogether|
+ V GoBack|
+ V return|
+ PREP {concession|ò}
+鰸 V punish|,police|
+鲢 V merge|ϲ
+鵵 V store|
+ V include|,ResultWhole=organization|֯
+鸽 V surrender|
+ ADV {comment|}
+ ADV {comment|}
+鹦 V BelongTo|
+ V GoBack|,LocationFin=country|
+ N human|,*GoBack|,#country|
+麣 N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+黹 V return|
+ V explain|˵
+ N process|,ending|ĩ
+ V accuse|ظ,content=wrong|
+ V GoBack|
+ V classify|
+£ V assemble|ۼ
+ N method|
+ V explain|˵
+ N human|,*GoBack|,#country|
+ V classify|
+ V BelongTo|
+˳ V surrender|
+ N place|ط
+ N result|
+ V die|
+; N process|,#GoBack|,#route|·
+ V die|
+Ƽ V expect|,content=GoBack|,manner=worried|ż
+ V BelongTo|
+ V ResultIn|
+淵 V resume|ָ,StateFin=pure|
+ V PutInOrder|
+ V explain|˵
+ V accuse|ظ,content=wrong|
+ N fish|
+ V FormChange|α
+ V FormChange|α,medical|ҽ
+ V CausePartMove|
+ V escape|
+ͷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+ N room|,#female|Ů,@reside|ס
+뷿 N room|,#female|Ů,@reside|ס
+ N room|,#female|Ů,@reside|ס
+Ů N human|,family|,female|Ů
+Ů N human|,female|Ů,^GetMarried|
+ N human|,female|Ů,^GetMarried|
+ N material|,#route|·
+ N process|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N process|
+췶 N attribute|,standard|,&entity|ʵ
+켣 N image|ͼ,linear|
+켣 N shape|,linear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ
+ N plans|滮,sly|,*deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+ N plans|滮,sly|,*deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,desired|
+ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+ N text|,*deceive|ƭ
+ƪ N text|,*deceive|ƭ
+ V MakeLiving|ı,manner=flighty|
+ N fire|
+Ǻ V weep|
+Ź N part|,%place|ط,mouth|,humanized|
+Ź N place|ط,dangerous|Σ,military|
+Ź N time|ʱ,important|
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ
+ʹ N fact|,*fit|ʺ
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+ N plans|滮,sly|,*deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,foreign|,undesired|ݬ
+⼿ N plans|滮,sly|,*deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ V debate|
+ N human|,*debate|
+ V deceive|ƭ
+ V pretend|װ
+ N plans|滮,sly|,*deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+թ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|,undesired|ݬ
+ N symbol|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N tree|
+ N mark|־,glorious|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ƥ N part|,%tree|,?material|
+Ƥ N part|,%tree|,skin|Ƥ
+Բ N fruit|ˮ
+֦ N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ N furniture|Ҿ,cubic|,@store|
+̨ N furniture|Ҿ,cubic|,*display|չʾ,@sell|,commercial|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,cubic|,@store|
+ V sit|
+ V salute|¾
+ V sit|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,price|۸,expensive|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|,desired|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N human|,$WellTreat|ƴ
+ N human|,$WellTreat|ƴ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ N human|,HighRank|ߵ,female|Ů,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,price|۸,expensive|,cheap|
+ N attribute|,price|۸,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ N metal|,material|
+ N human|,$WellTreat|ƴ
+ V buy|,cost=expensive|
+ V sell|,cost=expensive|,commercial|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|,desired|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ N human|,royal|
+ N human|,royal|,past|
+ N human|,royal|,female|Ů
+ V break|۶
+ N human|,fierce|,undesired|ݬ,*kill|ɱ
+ N human|,police|,*kill|ɱ,#crime|
+ N part|,machine|
+ V StateChange|̬
+ V leave|뿪
+ V roll|
+ V wrap|
+ N fittings|,%clothing|,*decorate|װ
+ V leave|뿪
+ V roll|
+ N part|,%implement|
+ V roll|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ V jet|
+ N SportTool|˶
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|
+Ͳ N part|,%implement|
+ѩ V BecomeMore|
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,round|Բ
+ N part|,%implement|
+ N part|,%implement|
+ N part|,%implement|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ N tool|þ
+ N tool|þ
+ N tool|þ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@cook|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@store|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N part|,%tool|þ,head|ͷ
+¯ N tool|þ,@burn|
+̨ N part|,%tool|þ,#cook|
+̨ת N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N inanimate|,waste|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,country|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,#human|,country|,politics|
+ N treasure|䱦,precious|,#country|
+ N attribute|,attachment|,#country|,&human|
+ N human|,$WellTreat|ƴ,#country|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@WellTreat|ƴ,#country|
+ N regulation|,#country|,politics|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ N phenomena|,disgraced|,undesired|ݬ,#shy|,#country|,politics|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,precious|,#country|
+ N place|ط,capital|,#country|
+ N place|ط,#human|,country|,politics|
+ N law|ɷ,country|,politics|
+ N affairs|,#defend|,#country|
+ N institution|,#defend|,ProperName|ר,#country|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,*manage|,#country|,military|
+ѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,military|,ProperName|ר,#country|,(China|й)
+ N expenditure|,*defend|,#country|
+ N army|,*defend|,#country|
+ N human|,official|,politics|
+ N music|,$sing|,#country|
+ N music|,$sing|,&country|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,&country|
+ N community|,politics|
+ N attribute|,name|,#country|,#official|,&time|ʱ
+ N FlowerGrass|,#country|
+ N image|ͼ,$draw|,(China|й)
+ N mark|־,#country|
+ N institution|,politics|,#country|,*forming|γ,#law|ɷ,(Japan|ձ)
+ N institution|,politics|,#country|,*forming|γ,#law|ɷ,(US|)
+ N artifact|˹,commercial|,#country|,generic|ͳ
+ N attribute|,attachment|,#country|,&human|
+ N affairs|,#country|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|
+ N community|,#country|
+ʵ N part|,%institution|,#facilities|ʩ,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ʵ N part|,%institution|,#facilities|ʩ,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ʷ N law|ɷ,#country|
+ʷԺ N part|,%institution|,police|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ʸ˿ N part|,%institution|,@SetAside|,@TakeBack|ȡ,@lend|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ʸ N music|,$sing|
+ʺ֯ N part|,%institution|,politics|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ʻһ֯ N part|,%institution|,#fund|ʽ,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ʽڹ˾ N part|,%institution|,#fund|ʽ,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ʿЭ N part|,%institution|,#industrial|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+֯ N part|,%institution|,#industrial|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+֯ N part|,%institution|,#industrial|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ú֯ N part|,%institution|,#industrial|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ũҵչ N part|,%institution|,#agricultural|ũ,#fund|ʽ,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ N community|,#country|
+ N affairs|,#country|,politics|
+ N attribute|,attachment|,#country|,&thing|
+ N thought|ͷ,public|
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ԭܻ N part|,%institution|,politics|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ N system|ƶ,#relatedness|,#country|
+ N place|ط,#human|,country|,politics|
+ҲƲ N physical|,$own|,#country|
+Ҵ N affairs|,#country|
+ҵϵͳ N weapon|,*defend|
+Ҷ N community|,#country|
+Ҹϯ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,#country|
+һ N institution|,#country|
+һعԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,#country|
+Ҽ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,#country|,&thing|
+Ҽල N institution|,ProperName|ר,*supervise|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ҼƻίԱ N institution|,ProperName|ר,*plan|ƻ,#GiveBirth|
+ҼƻίԱ N institution|,ProperName|ר,*plan|ƻ
+ҽίԱ N institution|,ProperName|ר,#education|
+ҾóίԱ N institution|,commercial|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ҿѧίԱ N institution|,knowledge|֪ʶ,ProperName|ר,country|,(China|й)
+쵼 N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,#country|
+Ԫ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,#country|
+ϯ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,#country|
+ N part|,%country|,edge|
+ N place|ط,#country|
+ N part|,%country|,edge|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,royal|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@store|,#wealth|Ǯ,#country|
+ N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,#country|,@store|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ȯ N coupon|Ʊ֤,#country|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&country|
+ N part|,%country|,mouth|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|
+ N human|,#country|
+ N community|,politics|
+ N affairs|,industrial|,agricultural|ũ,commercial|,#country|
+ N wealth|Ǯ,$earn|,#country|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,#country|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,#country|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,#country|,internal|
+ N location|λ,%country|,internal|
+ڷ N InstitutePlace|,branch|֧,@SetAside|,@TakeBack|ȡ,@lend|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ N location|λ,%country|,internal|,external|
+ N mark|־,#country|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&country|
+ N text|,#politics|,(US|)
+ N time|ʱ,day|,@congratulate|ף,#country|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,@congratulate|ף,#country|
+ N human|,#country|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ʷ N fact|,#time|ʱ,#country|
+ʷ N human|,*record|¼,past|,#country|
+ N affairs|,#country|
+· N fact|,visit|,#country|,politics|
+ N human|,able|,#country|,desired|,#WhileAway|
+ N document|,#country|,diplomatic|⽻
+˰ N institution|,*manage|,#expenditure|,ProperName|ר,country|
+̩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,&country|
+ N system|ƶ,country|
+ N place|ط,#country|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,#country|,external|
+ N InstitutePlace|,branch|֧,@SetAside|,@TakeBack|ȡ,@lend|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,royal|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,&country|
+ N language|,#country|
+ N affairs|,#country|
+ N human|,official|,*manage|,#country|,(US|)
+Ժ N institution|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ժ N institution|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+Ժί N part|,%institution|,*manage|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,(China|й)
+ N fact|,eat|,entertain|д,#country|
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+Ӫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,superior|,#country|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,public|
+л V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=public|,#country|
+ N language|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&country|
+ծ N wealth|Ǯ,$owe|Ƿ,$return|,#country|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N result|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ V feed|ι,patient=self|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+϶ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ľ N tree|,#fruit|ˮ
+ũ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*planting|ֲ,#fruit|ˮ,agricultural|ũ
+Ƥ N part|,%fruit|ˮ,skin|Ƥ
+Ʒ N food|ʳƷ
+Ȼ ADV {comment|}
+Ȼ CONJ {condition|}
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N part|,%fruit|ˮ,embryo|
+ʶ N part|,%fruit|ˮ,embryo|
+ N part|,%fruit|ˮ,flesh|
+ʵ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ʵ N result|,desired|
+ N tree|,#fruit|ˮ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#fruit|ˮ,#tree|,agricultural|ũ
+ ADV {comment|}
+ CONJ {condition|}
+֦ N part|,%plant|ֲ,#fruit|ˮ,limb|֫
+֦ N part|,%plant|ֲ,limb|֫
+֭ N drinks|Ʒ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ӽ N food|ʳƷ
+¶ N drinks|Ʒ
+ V TakeAway|ᶯ
+ V drink|
+ V wrap|
+ N fittings|,%clothing|,#leg|
+Ю V force|ǿ
+в V force|ǿ
+㲻ǰ V hesitate|ԥ,content=GoForward|ǰ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,over|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|,desired|
+ V cross|Խ
+ V pass|ȹ
+ N result|,undesired|ݬ,wrong|
+ V surpass|ǿ
+ V undergo|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,fragment|
+ V measure|,content=weight|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*measure|,#weight|
+ȥ V BeUnable|,content=GoThrough|
+ȥ V BeUnable|,content=undergo|
+ȥ V quarrel|
+ȥ V regret|Ǹ
+ N process|
+ V measure|,content=weight|
+ V associate|
+ N result|,undesired|ݬ,wrong|
+ N part|,%building|,nerve|
+ȥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$GoThrough|
+ȥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|,desired|
+ V pass|ȹ,patient=winter|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,over|
+ƣ V tired|ƣ,degree=over|
+ V SelfMove|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,over|
+ּ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,NotProfound|dz,undesired|ݬ
+ V tired|ƣ,degree=over|
+ӵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,crowded|,degree=over|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,over|
+ V cross|Խ,LocationThru=place|ط
+ V pass|ȹ,patient=hardship|
+ V succeed|ɹ,scope=standard|
+ն V win|ʤ
+Ӳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,hind|
+ V submit|
+ V talk|̸
+ V MakeLiving|ı
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,over|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,undesired|ݬ
+ V praise|佱
+¥ N house|
+ V congratulate|ף,cause=festival|
+ V cross|Խ,LocationThru=country|
+ǩ֤ N document|,*cross|Խ,#country|
+ N human|,*AlterLocation|ռλ,*tour|
+ V come|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,over|
+ N material|,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ
+· V cross|Խ,LocationThru=place|ط
+· N human|,*GoThrough|
+ V worried|ż,manner=over|
+ V filter|
+ V MarryTo|
+ N disease|
+Ӧ N disease|
+Ŀ V check|
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,remember|ǵ
+ V congratulate|ף,cause=festival|
+ V pass|ȹ,patient=festival|
+ N time|ʱ,future|,year|
+ V due|
+ǫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,over|
+ȥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ȥ V die|
+ȥ V go|ȥ
+ȥ N time|ʱ,past|
+ȥ V die|
+ V surpass|ǿ
+ V MakeLiving|ı
+ V congratulate|ף,cause=festival|,#ComeToWorld|
+ʣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|,undesired|ݬ
+ʣ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,redundant|
+ʧ N result|,undesired|ݬ,crime|
+ʧ N result|,undesired|ݬ,wrong|
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,decline|˥,undesired|ݬ
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,used|,undesired|ݬ
+ V die|
+ V handle|
+ V count|
+ V interrogate|,police|
+÷ N wind|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,over|
+ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+ V associate|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ϥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,length|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ҹ V pass|ȹ,patient=night|,#reside|ס
+ⲻȥ V regret|Ǹ
+Ӳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,over|
+ V praise|佱
+ V enjoy|
+ V exhale|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Kazakhstan|˹̹)
+ N livestock|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Botswana|)
+ V exhale|
+ N tool|þ,#salute|¾,#congratulate|ף
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ V tease|ȡ
+Ц V laugh|Ц
+ N tool|þ,*look|,self|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ܹ N fruit|ˮ
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+˹̹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Kazakhstan|˹̹)
+˹̹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Cuba|Ű)
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=body|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#die|,bone|
+ N human|,young|
+ N human|,young|
+ N time|ʱ,#young|
+ʱ N time|ʱ,#young|
+ͯ N human|,young|
+ N human|,family|,young|
+ N human|,young|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ
+ N waters|ˮ
+ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+ N attribute|,height|߶,&land|½
+ N readings|
+ N beast|
+ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N fish|
+ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ,#fish|,$eat|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ,#fish|,$eat|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,blue|
+ N water|ˮ
+ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ,$eat|
+ N land|½,#waters|ˮ
+ N human|,*rob|,#waters|ˮ,crime|
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,#waters|ˮ,*rob|
+Ϊ N fact|,rob|,#waters|ˮ,crime|
+ N location|λ,%waters|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Haitii|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+ N human|,(Haitii|)
+ N affairs|,*defend|,#waters|ˮ
+ N wind|,#waters|ˮ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#ship|,@stay|ͣ
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ N beast|
+ N institution|,#country|
+ N fish|
+ V forgive|ԭ
+ N waters|ˮ
+ N army|,#waters|ˮ
+ٱ N human|,military|,#waters|ˮ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#ship|,@stay|ͣ
+ʯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&length|
+ N water|ˮ
+ N beast|
+ N fish|
+ N ship|
+ N fish|
+ N medicine|ҩ,?addictive|Ⱥ
+ N fish|
+ N food|ʳƷ,$eat|,#fish|
+ N material|
+ N waters|ˮ
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ϵ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#waters|ˮ,#unfortunate|
+ N location|λ,%country|,internal|
+ N location|λ,%country|,internal|,external|
+ţ N beast|
+Ÿ N bird|
+ N attribute|,style|,&shows|
+ƽ N attribute|,height|߶,&waters|ˮ
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+̷ N law|ɷ,#waters|ˮ,#ship|,#transport|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#waters|ˮ
+ N location|λ,%waters|ˮ
+ N affairs|,#waters|ˮ,#ship|,#transport|
+֯ N part|,%institution|,#affairs|,#waters|ˮ,#ship|,#transport|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+¥ N phenomena|,#weather|,fake|α
+ˮ N liquid|Һ
+ N affairs|,#lose|ʧȥ,#waters|ˮ,#ship|,#transport|
+̡ N beast|
+̲ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#liquid|Һ,space|ռ
+ N tree|
+ͼ N image|ͼ,#earth|,#waters|ˮ,#country|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,foreign|
+ N publications|鿯,$sell|,#foreign|
+ N human|,*ThinkOf|˼,*like|ϧ,#country|
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ N celestial|
+ζ N food|ʳƷ,#fish|,generic|ͳ
+Ͽ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ N food|ʳƷ,#fish|,generic|ͳ
+Х N phenomena|,#weather|,#waters|ˮ,#unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N beast|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Netherlands|)
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N bird|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#waters|ˮ
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ N law|ɷ,#waters|ˮ,#country|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#waters|ˮ
+ N institution|,ProperName|ר,#waters|ˮ,#country|,politics|
+ N weather|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#waters|ˮ
+ѧר N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#waters|ˮ
+Դ N material|,#waters|ˮ
+ N fish|
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա,#ship|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#waters|ˮ,#ship|,#transport|
+ V transport|,instrument=ship|
+ V bury|,LocationFin=waters|ˮ
+ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ս N fact|,fight|,#waters|ˮ
+ N phenomena|,#weather|,#waters|ˮ,#unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ N beast|,*swim|
+ N fish|
+ N gas|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ʱ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ
+ V SufferFrom|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,ProsCons|,cons|,undesired|ݬ,&entity|ʵ
+ V damage|
+ V kill|ɱ,crime|
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ V SufferFrom|,content=disease|
+ N InsectWorm|,evil|,*MakeBad|Ӻ,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,ProsCons|,cons|,undesired|ݬ,&entity|ʵ
+ V kill|ɱ,crime|
+ N bird|,evil|,*MakeBad|Ӻ,undesired|ݬ
+ V fear|
+Ⱥ֮ N human|,evil|,*MakeBad|Ӻ,undesired|ݬ
+˳ N human|,evil|,*MakeBad|Ӻ,undesired|ݬ
+ϲ V SufferFrom|,content=disease|,#female|Ů
+ V shy|
+ V SufferFrom|,content=disease|,#female|Ů
+ V shy|
+ V fear|
+ V fear|
+ V fear|
+ N human|,*damage|,#software|,undesired|ݬ
+Ȼ V fear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ V fear|
+ V satisfied|
+ V satisfied|
+˯ V sleep|˯,manner=satisfied|
+ V drink|,manner=satisfied|
+ս V fight|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+Ц V laugh|Ц
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South Korea|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(South Korean|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ N human|,(South Korean|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ V HoldInMouth|
+ V cherish|Ļ
+ V contain|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+첻 ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,metal|
+ƾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,medicine|ҩ
+ V weep|
+ N quantity|,amount|,#contain|,#content|,&physical|
+þ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,metal|
+ŭ V angry|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,medicine|ҩ
+ɳӰ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ,manner=tactful|
+ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,water|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,material|,sweet|
+ͭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,metal|
+Ц V laugh|Ц
+п ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,metal|
+ V endure|,content=hardship|
+ V shy|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,tactful|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|
+ V contain|
+Ѫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,part|
+Ѫ V slander|̰
+ N information|Ϣ
+ N information|Ϣ
+ȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ V contain|
+ԩ V suffer|,damage|
+Թ V sorrowful|
+Ū V enjoy|,content=happy|,time=aged|,desired|
+ V contain|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ V contain|
+ V forgive|ԭ
+ V contain|
+ N attribute|,ability|,#control|,#self|,&human|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+ V shiver|
+ V shiver|
+ N weather|,cold|
+ N part|,%earth|,cold|
+ N time|ʱ,winter|
+ N time|ʱ,winter|
+ N wind|,cold|
+̹ V perception|֪,content=cold|,degree=extreme|
+ N time|ʱ,@rest|Ϣ,@WhileAway|,#education|,winter|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ V disappear|ʧ,experiencer=time|ʱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+ N weather|,cold|
+¶ N time|ʱ,day|
+ë N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+ N gas|,cold|
+ N weather|,cold|
+ N wind|,cold|
+Ϯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+ V fever|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|,hot|
+ N time|ʱ,year|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|,#temperature|¶
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,poor|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵
+ N clothing|,#cold|,#season|
+ N attribute|,temperature|¶,cold|,&space|ռ
+ս V shiver|
+ V LaughAt|Ц
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+ V shiver|
+ N SayHello|ʺ,manner=EachOther|
+ N letter|ż
+ N stationery|ľ,cubic|,@put|,letter|ż
+ V InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,#letter|ż,education|
+ N letter|ż
+ V reply|,content=letter|ż
+ V tell|,instrument=letter|ż
+ V buy|,instrument=letter|ż
+ N letter|ż
+ V teach|,instrument=letter|ż
+ڴѧ V InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,#letter|ż,education|
+ѧУ V InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,#letter|ż,education|
+ N symbol|
+ V seek|ıȡ,instrument=letter|ż
+ V cry|
+ V communicate|,means=tool|þ
+ V disseminate|,target=enemy|,military|
+ V cry|
+ɤ V cry|
+ɤ V cry|
+ԩ V protest|,content=miserable|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ ADJ fact|,rarely|ż
+ N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+ N document|
+ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,past|
+Ժ N institution|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,past|
+ī N PenInk|ī
+ī N text|
+ V shake|ҡ
+ V shake|ҡ
+ V defend|
+ V defend|
+ V resist|
+ V defend|
+ V defend|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,waterless|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ,waterless|
+ N time|ʱ,season|,waterless|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#liquid|Һ
+ N facilities|ʩ,@store|,vegetable|߲
+Ա V guarantee|֤,scope=obtain|õ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ N tree|
+· N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N time|ʱ,year|,waterless|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,#waterless|,&place|ط
+ɡ N tool|þ,*protect|
+̡ N beast|
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ,waterless|
+ N addictive|Ⱥ
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,#weather|,waterless|
+ V repent|û
+ N experience|,undesired|ݬ,#sorry|ϧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ V fasten|˩,industrial|
+ N part|,%implement|,linear|,#fasten|˩,industrial|
+ N affairs|,industrial|,#fasten|˩
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|,*fasten|˩
+ V fasten|˩,industrial|
+ N material|,*fasten|˩,generic|ͳ
+ǹ N tool|þ,*fasten|˩,industrial|
+ N tool|þ,#fasten|˩,industrial|
+ N tool|þ,#fasten|˩,industrial|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,waste|,#hot|,liquid|Һ
+ N trace|,#AnimalHuman|,#waste|,#liquid|Һ
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ N trace|,#AnimalHuman|,#waste|,#liquid|Һ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,wet|ʪ
+䤱 V excrete|й
+ N result|,desired|
+ë N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ţ䶰 ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ˮ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,waste|,#hot|,liquid|Һ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ V shy|
+Һ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,waste|,#hot|,liquid|Һ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,waste|,#hot|,liquid|Һ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,waste|,#hot|,liquid|Һ
+ N human|,ProperName|ר,mass|
+ N human|,male|
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ N stone|ʯ,?material|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(German|¹)
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(South Korea|)
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=(China|й)
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*betray|,treacherous|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ܶ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Bermuda|Ľ)
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ N human|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N language|,(China|й)
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,(China|й)
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ƴ N symbol|,#language|,#sound|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,male|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ֿ N software|,@store|,character|,(China|й)
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V beat|
+ N tool|þ,*beat|
+ʵ V beat|
+ N tool|þ,*beat|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V VehicleGo|ʻ
+ V fly|
+ N attribute|,number|,&aircraft|,#fly|
+ N mark|־,*guide|,#VehicleGo|ʻ
+ V measure|
+ N attribute|,distance|,#VehicleGo|ʻ,#fly|
+ N attribute|,distance|,&VehicleGo|ʻ,&fly|
+ N ship|
+ N attribute|,number|,&aircraft|,#fly|
+ N attribute|,number|,&ship|,#VehicleGo|ʻ
+ N quantity|,amount|,&ship|,#VehicleGo|ʻ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,linear|,#waters|ˮ,#VehicleGo|ʻ
+ N affairs|,VehicleGo|ʻ,#ship|
+ N human|,*VehicleGo|ʻ,#ship|
+ҵ N affairs|,VehicleGo|ʻ,#ship|
+ N affairs|,#VehicleGo|ʻ,#aircraft|
+ձ N army|,#sky|
+ձ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,#sky|
+չ˾ N InstitutePlace|,#affairs|,#transport|,#aircraft|
+ջ N affairs|,transport|,#aircraft|
+ĸ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+· N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,linear|,#VehicleGo|ʻ,#fly|
+ģ N tool|þ,$recreation|,aircraft|
+ĸ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&VehicleGo|ʻ,&fly|
+ N affairs|,#fly|
+ɻ N aircraft|
+ N affairs|,VehicleGo|ʻ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,linear|,#VehicleGo|ʻ,#fly|
+ N direction|,#VehicleGo|ʻ,#fly|
+ V VehicleGo|ʻ
+ N VehicleGo|ʻ
+ V VehicleGo|ʻ
+ V fly|
+ N human|,*VehicleGo|ʻ
+ N affairs|,#transport|,#ship|
+˹˾ N InstitutePlace|,#affairs|,#transport|,#ship|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|,@hide|,#fight|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|,@hide|,#fight|
+ V weep|
+ V weep|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ N human|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ N human|,rich|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,extravagant|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,extravagant|
+ N human|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ N human|,rich|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N attribute|,courage|,brave|,&human|
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ǿ N human|,undesired|ݬ,fierce|
+ N attribute|,courage|,brave|,&human|
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,rich|,desired|
+ˬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ N human|,brave|,able|,desired|
+ N emotion|,FeelingByGood|,desired|
+׳ N expression|,brave|,desired|
+ N beast|
+׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+ N part|,%animal|,hair|ë
+ CLAS unit|λ,&length|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&weight|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&electricity|
+ ADV {neg|}
+ҡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,stubborn|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ԥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,stubborn|,desired|
+ԥ V willing|Ը
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ N unit|λ,&weight|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&weight|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&length|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&time|ʱ
+ CLAS unit|λ,&volume|ݻ
+ ADV {neg|}
+ޱ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,accurate|,desired|
+ V BeSame|ͬ
+֮ͬ V differ|ͬ
+ֵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,negligible|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,easy|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V AptTo|
+ V BeWell|׳
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,easy|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ðʽ N human|,able|,desired|
+ð ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+ñ V BeSimilar|
+ò ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ó V FondOf|ϲ,target=eat|
+ó ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+ó V slack|͵
+ô N attribute|,ProsCons|,pros|,desired|,&entity|ʵ
+ô N wealth|Ǯ,desired|,$earn|
+ô N expenditure|
+ô˾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,FondOf|ϲ,#accuse|ظ
+ôϲ V expect|,content=succeed|ɹ,undesired|ݬ
+ô N attribute|,GoodBad|û,&entity|ʵ
+ô N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ö ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,FondOf|ϲ,#fight|
+ö N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,FondOf|ϲ,#fight|,&human|
+ö˶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,good|,desired|
+ö ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ö ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,question|
+ø N experience|,kindhearted|,desired|
+ù ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,good|,desired|
+ú N human|,brave|,desired|
+ú ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ú ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,good|,desired|
+úö ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,desired|
+úö ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,good|,desired|
+ú N human|,undesired|ݬ
+û N expression|,kindhearted|
+û N attribute|,GoodBad|û,&entity|ʵ
+þ V unfortunate|
+þ N time|ʱ,TimeLong|
+ÿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ÿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ÿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ÿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ÿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,#(movie|Ӱ),(US|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$sell|,commercial|
+ N result|,#estimate|,good|
+ V expect|
+ N emotion|,expect|
+ V FeelingByGood|
+ N human|,good|,desired|
+ N human|,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#GetMarried|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#joyful|ϲ
+ N time|ʱ,happy|
+ɫ V FondOf|ϲ,target=female|Ů
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ɫ֮ͽ N human|,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ɱ¾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,FondOf|ϲ,#kill|ɱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ʤ V FondOf|ϲ,target=surpass|ǿ
+ʤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ʹ V succeed|ɹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ N fact|,desired|
+ N fact|,good|,desired|
+¶ĥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+ N fact|,good|,desired|
+ N human|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+˵ EXPR expression|,*agree|ͬ
+˵˵ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+˵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ V BeSimilar|
+ V WeatherFine|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+Ϸ N fact|,interesting|Ȥ
+Ϸ N shows|,good|
+ V BeSimilar|
+Ц ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+Щ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ N emotion|,like|ϧ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ij ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ѧ V FondOf|ϲ,target=study|ѧ
+ N human|,superior|,desired|
+ݶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lazy|,undesired|ݬ
+ݶ V slack|͵
+ N emotion|,like|ϧ,kindhearted|,desired|
+˼ V shameless|û
+ N human|,friend|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,lucky|,&human|
+ ADV {comment|}
+ս ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,FondOf|ϲ,#fight|,military|
+ս N human|,*FondOf|ϲ,#fight|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,FondOf|ϲ,#quarrel|
+Ͼ V calm|
+ת V BeRecovered|ԭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,earn|,desired|
+Ϊ֮ V ActGeneral|,manner=proper|
+ V lavish|˷,patient=time|ʱ
+ V spend|
+ĵ N quantity|,amount|,exhaust|,#electricity|
+ķ V spend|
+ľ V exhaust|
+ V exhaust|,patient=strength|
+ɢ V exhaust|
+ɢ V exhaust|,industrial|
+ʱ V exhaust|,patient=time|ʱ
+ʱ V lavish|˷,patient=time|ʱ
+ V exhaust|
+ V lavish|˷
+ V exhaust|
+ V spend|
+ V spend|,patient=fund|ʽ
+ N beast|
+ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N attribute|,name|,&physical|
+ N attribute|,size|ߴ,&physical|
+ V cry|
+ N symbol|
+ N time|ʱ,day|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,special|
+ V weep|
+ų V become|Ϊ
+ų V naming|
+Ž N MusicTool|
+Ž V cry|
+ſ V weep|
+ V order|
+ N text|,*order|
+ N symbol|
+ V diagnose|,medical|ҽ
+ N tool|þ,#quantity|,#sequence|
+ N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ V call|ٻ
+ V weep|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ƴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+Ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+Ʒ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ƺƵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ƽ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,unfortunate|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+Ȼ֮ ADJ mental|,fair|,desired|
+̺ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+̾ V sigh|̾
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V exhale|
+dz V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ǻ V TakeCare|
+Ƿ V respire|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V cry|
+ V drink|
+Ȳ V praise|佱
+Ȳ V praise|佱
+ȳ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ȵ V ExpressDissatisfaction|ʾ
+ V force|ǿ
+ V ask|
+ V dizzy|,cause=addict|Ⱥ
+߳ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V CarryOnBack|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N duty|,$bear|е
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Holland|)
+ɰ N part|,%clothing|,cubic|,@put|
+ɰ N tool|þ,cubic|,@store|
+ɶ N medicine|ҩ
+ɻ N FlowerGrass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Netherland|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N money|,(Holland|)
+ N money|,(Netherlands|)
+ N human|,(Netherland|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ǹʵ V CarryOnBack|,patient=weapon|
+Ҷ N part|,%plant|ֲ,hair|ë
+ V load|װ
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V check|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ N part|,%thing|,heart|
+˲ V check|
+˴Ź N phenomena|
+˴ N place|ط,country|,#weapon|
+˵ N weapon|,$firing|
+˵ͷ N weapon|,$firing|
+˵ N weapon|,$firing|
+˵վ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,*produce|,#electricity|
+˶ V estimate|
+˶ N attribute|,strength|,&entity|ʵ
+˶ĸ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+˶ V check|
+˷ V issue|ַ
+˷Ӧ N physical|,*ize|̬
+˹ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+˻ N medicine|ҩ
+˼ V estimate|
+˼ V BecomeLess|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&physical|
+DZͧ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+ȼ N material|,$burn|,*lighting|ȼ
+ʵ V check|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ V calculate|
+Ǻ N chemical|ѧ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N weapon|
+ V remove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+ V ExpressAgreement|ʾͬ
+ N part|,%physical|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N crop|ׯ
+̳ N facilities|ʩ,@separate|,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ N crop|ׯ,young|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V compile|༭
+ V mix|
+ V sing|
+ COOR {and|}
+Ͱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+Ͱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ͳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ͷ N wind|,weak|
+ͷϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ͷ N clothing|
+ͺ V reconcile|
+ͺ V reconcile|
+ͻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ͻ V weaken|
+ͻ N fact|,communicate|,#peaceful|,politics|
+ͽ V reconcile|
+; V BeSame|ͬ,sport|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ů ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,warm|
+г V reveal|¶
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,gentle|,desired|
+ƽ N human|,military|
+ƽ V exist|,manner=together|ͬ
+ƽ N human|
+ V BeSame|ͬ,sport|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ N human|,religion|ڽ,male|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,good|,desired|
+ N sound|,#music|
+ N human|,*persuade|Ȱ˵
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+̸ V discuss|,content=peaceful|,politics|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ϡ V mediate|
+г ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+Լ N agreement|Լ,#peaceful|,politics|
+Թ V ally|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,warm|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+α ADV {comment|}
+γ ADV {comment|}
+ε ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ε ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,question|
+η ADV {comment|}
+ι N {cause|ԭ,question|}
+ο ADV {comment|}
+ο CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+ֶΪ ADV {comment|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,question|
+ȥδ V do|,content=event|¼
+ʱ ADV time|ʱ,question|
+ N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ν V be|,question|
+ ADV {comment|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,question|
+ ADV {cause|ԭ,question|}
+ ADV {manner|ʽ,question|}
+ ADV location|λ,question|
+ֹ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,over|
+ V AmountTo|ܼ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ V fit|ʺ
+ V include|
+ V shut|ر
+ϰ V manage|,manner=together|ͬ,commercial|
+ϱ V compile|༭,manner=together|ͬ
+ϲ V merge|ϲ
+ϲ N human|,*merge|ϲ
+ϳ V sing|
+ϳ V forming|γ
+ϳά N material|
+϶Ϊһ V merge|ϲ
+Ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|,desired|
+Ϸ̳ N human|,*receive|
+Ϸ N attribute|,standard|,law|ɷ,&event|¼
+Ϸ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|,desired|
+Ϲ V merge|ϲ,patient=fund|ʽ,commercial|
+Ϻ V fit|ʺ
+ϻ N tree|
+ϻ N tree|
+ϻ V merge|ϲ,patient=fund|ʽ,commercial|
+ϻ V attack|,manner=together|ͬ
+ϼ N medicine|ҩ
+ϼ V AmountTo|ܼ
+ϼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,main|
+ϼ V discuss|
+ϼ V think|˼
+ϼ N community|,family|,complete|
+Ͻ N metal|,material|
+Ͻ N metal|
+Ͽ V BeRecovered|ԭ,medical|ҽ
+Ͽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,upright|,desired|
+ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=correct|ȷ
+ V cooperate|
+ V ComeTogether|
+ V cooperate|
+£ V merge|ϲ
+ı N fact|,engage|,#crime|,together|ͬ,undesired|ݬ
+ı V plan|ƻ,#crime|,manner=together|ͬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ V fit|ʺ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,upright|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,pattern|ʽ,modern|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ V calculate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,pattern|ʽ,proper|,desired|
+ͬ N agreement|Լ
+Χ V surround|Χ
+ V sleep|˯
+ҳ N part|,%machine|
+һ V merge|ϲ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ V discuss|
+Ӫ V manage|,manner=together|ͬ,commercial|
+Ӱ V TakePicture|
+Ӱ V image|ͼ,$TakePicture|
+ V use|,manner=together|ͬ
+Լ N document|,#agree|ͬ,commercial|,industrial|
+բ V TurnOn|
+ V fit|ʺ
+ N institution|,news|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ V compile|༭,manner=together|ͬ
+ V merge|ϲ,patient=fund|ʽ,commercial|
+ V recreation|
+ V cooperate|
+ N human|,cooperate|
+ V merge|ϲ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+д N tool|þ,*record|¼
+з N food|ʳƷ
+װ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$store|,#cubic|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ǹ N weapon|,*firing|
+ N beast|
+ N part|,%beast|,hair|ë
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+Ӱ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+ӱ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ӵ N waters|ˮ,linear|,generic|ͳ
+Ӵ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ӵ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ӵ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ,space|ռ,*protect|
+ӹ N waters|ˮ,small|С,linear|
+ӹ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+ӿ N part|,%waters|ˮ,mouth|
+ N beast|
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N shows|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Vietnam|Խ)
+ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+ N part|,%waters|ˮ,linear|
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ɽ N place|ط,#country|
+̲ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ
+ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ,space|ռ,*protect|
+ N part|,%waters|ˮ,linear|
+ N part|,%waters|ˮ,linear|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%waters|ˮ,curved|
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|,mass|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+з N fish|
+ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+Դ N part|,%waters|ˮ,head|ͷ
+ V transport|,instrument=ship|
+ N fish|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,waterless|
+֮ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*unfortunate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ն N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Finland|)
+պ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+պ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+³ N human|,official|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(USSR|)
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,strong|ǿ
+ CLAS unit|λ,&frequency|Ƶ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,brown|
+ú N stone|ʯ,material|,*lighting|ȼ,$burn|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,brown|
+ N bird|
+ͯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+Ⱥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V congratulate|ף
+ش N expression|,@congratulate|ף
+ص N expression|,@congratulate|ף
+ص N readings|,@congratulate|ף
+ N tool|þ,*congratulate|ף
+ V congratulate|ף,cause=festival|
+ϲ V congratulate|ף,cause=festival|
+ N letter|ż,@congratulate|ף
+ ECHO sound|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,status|,^passed|ϸ
+ڰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ڰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ڰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|,white|
+ڰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|
+ڰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,&entity|ʵ
+ڰ N attribute|,trueness|α,&entity|ʵ
+ڰ N stationery|ľ,@write|д
+ڰ屨 N readings|,news|
+ڰ N community|,crime|,#police|,undesired|ݬ
+ڲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+ڳԺ V cheat|ƭ
+ڵ N community|,crime|,#police|,undesired|ݬ
+ڵ N facilities|ʩ,route|·,dark|
+ڵ N fact|,crime|,#police|,undesired|ݬ
+ڵϹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ڶ N celestial|
+ڶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ڶ N plant|ֲ
+ڷ N part|,%human|,hair|ë,black|
+ڸ N stone|ʯ,material|
+ڸҹ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+ڹ¡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ڹ N MusicTool|
+ڹ N lights|
+ں N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר
+ں N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ں ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ں ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+ڻ N inanimate|,$(smuggle|˽),#crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ڻ N inanimate|,undesired|ݬ
+ڿ N human|,*damage|,#software|,undesired|ݬ
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N human|,*win|ʤ,sudden|
+ N livestock|,black|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N account|,@record|¼,#name|,#crime|
+ơ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+Ȳ N disease|
+ N human|,#status|,^passed|ϸ
+ N human|,black|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+ɫ N physical|,#black|
+ N community|,crime|,#police|,undesired|ݬ
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,crime|,#police|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,#crime|,#police|,undesired|ݬ
+ֵ N community|,crime|
+ N material|,?tool|þ
+ N attribute|,kind|,&character|,&symbol|
+ N natural|Ȼ
+ N attribute|,kind|,&character|,&symbol|
+ N stone|ʯ,material|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ѹѹ N qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ѹѹ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ҹ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+Ӱ N trace|,#lights|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+ N fish|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N trace|,#skin|Ƥ,#human|
+ N trace|,celestial|,#weather|
+ N beast|
+Ƥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,#material|
+ N fish|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ N trace|
+ۼ N trace|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+а ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,help|
+б ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,substantial|ʵ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ
+ݶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ץ V PayAttention|ע
+ V hate|
+ V repent|û
+ V expect|
+ V expect|
+ N fact|,undesired|ݬ,#sorry|ϧ
+ɸ V worried|ż
+ V MakeSound|
+ V prosper|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,horizontal|
+ N part|,%character|
+ᱩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+ N wealth|Ǯ
+ֱײ V GoForward|ǰ
+ᴩ V cross|Խ
+ V cross|Խ
+̫ƽ V cross|Խ,LocationThru=waters|ˮ
+ N part|,%inanimate|,surfacial|
+ N mark|־
+ V cross|Խ
+½ V cross|Խ,LocationThru=land|½
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+᳦ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ V cross|Խ
+ N part|,%building|,bone|
+ N text|,$sign|д
+ N mark|־
+ N part|,%inanimate|,surfacial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ɨ V destroy|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ V exist|
+ V happen|
+֦ V MakeTrouble|
+֦ V happen|,experiencer=problem|
+ V die|
+Ƽ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|
+ V IllBehave|
+аԵ V IllBehave|
+ V levy|,possession=expenditure|,manner=fierce|
+ N mark|־,#location|λ,#direction|
+ب V cross|Խ
+ V estimate|
+ V measure|
+ V estimate|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|,#weight|
+ɽ N land|½,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+㶨 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|,desired|
+ɳ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|,desired|
+ɽ N land|½,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N attribute|,temperature|¶,lasting|,&physical|
+ N aspiration|Ը,desired|,lasting|
+ N celestial|,space|ռ
+ V MakeSound|
+ V expel|
+ V firing|
+ V firing|,military|
+䶯 V excite|ж
+䶯һʱ V excite|ж
+ V expel|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ V firing|,military|
+¡ V MakeSound|
+ V MakeSound|
+Ȼ ADV aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+ը V firing|,military|
+ը N weapon|,aircraft|,*firing|
+ V cheat|ƭ
+ V deceive|ƭ
+ V entice|
+崫 V disseminate|
+嶯 V excite|ж
+ƭ V cheat|ƭ
+ƭ V deceive|ƭ
+ƭ V entice|
+ V rob|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,bustling|
+̧ V MakeHigher|,commercial|
+̧ V MakeHigher|,patient=price|۸,commercial|
+ôЦ V laugh|Ц
+Ц V laugh|Ц
+ V ServeAsFoil|
+ V WarmUp|
+ V dry|
+決 V dry|
+ V dry|
+濾 V cook|
+ V ServeAsFoil|
+ N tool|þ,@dry|,*cook|
+ V ServeAsFoil|
+ N CloudMist|
+Ĥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+ N tool|þ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ N bird|
+ N letter|ż
+蹵 N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+ N human|,able|,desired|
+ N bird|
+ N phenomena|,lucky|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N phenomena|,#liquid|Һ,#waters|ˮ,#undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+鲨 N water|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+鶼˹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Honduras|鶼˹)
+鶼˹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+鶼˹ N human|,(Honduras|鶼˹)
+ N water|ˮ
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#waterlogging|,#weather|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+ N water|ˮ,strong|ǿ,#waters|ˮ
+ˮ N phenomena|,#liquid|Һ,#waters|ˮ,#undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ˮ N water|ˮ,strong|ǿ,#waters|ˮ,#undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ˮ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ N water|ˮ
+ N phenomena|,#liquid|Һ,#undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+۾ N affairs|,industrial|,agricultural|ũ,commercial|
+ͼ N plan|ƻ,great|ΰ
+ΰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ΰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+Ը N aspiration|Ը,expect|,great|ΰ
+ּ N thinking|˼,important|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ V MakeBetter|Ż
+Ը N aspiration|Ը,expect|,great|ΰ
+ּ N thinking|˼,important|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N material|,red|,*congratulate|ף
+ N payment|
+ N result|,desired|,#succeed|ɹ
+ N fact|,GetMarried|,die|
+ϲ N fact|,GetMarried|,die|
+ N disease|
+Ǵ N disease|
+ N payment|
+챦ʯ N stone|ʯ,treasure|䱦
+ N drinks|Ʒ
+쳡 N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Russia|)
+쳾 N place|ط,ordinary|,#human|
+ N place|ط,commercial|,undesired|ݬ,@SeekPleasure|Ѱ
+춹 N part|,%tree|,#love|,embryo|
+춹 N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+춹 N vegetable|߲
+ N human|,female|Ů
+칯 N medicine|ҩ
+ V BeWell|׳
+ N fruit|ˮ
+캣 N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ N beast|
+컨 N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ N army|,ProperName|ר,past|
+ N payment|
+ V angry|
+ V shy|
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,#young|
+ N tool|þ,$PutOn|,*decorate|װ
+ N plant|ֲ
+¥ N readings|,glorious|,(China|й)
+̵ N tool|þ,*illuminate|,#route|·,#vehicle|ͨ
+ N crop|ׯ,?material|
+ñ N clothing|,#head|ͷ,red|
+ñ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeAway|ᶯ
+ù N medicine|ҩ
+ľ N wood|ľ
+ N human|,*reconcile|,#GetMarried|
+ N tool|þ,@punish|,sport|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ N mark|־,red|,desired|
+ N human|,able|
+ N material|
+ N human|,desired|,$like|ϧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|,desired|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ɫ N attribute|,color|ɫ,red|,&physical|
+ V cook|
+ʮ N community|,medical|ҽ
+ʮֻ N community|,medical|ҽ
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N tree|
+ N material|,?edible|ʳ
+ N crop|ׯ,?material|
+ͨͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|,desired|
+ͷļ N document|,formal|ʽ
+ N material|
+ N lights|
+ N lights|
+ N human|,#community|,politics|
+ϸ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ N part|,%event|¼,nerve|
+С N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+С N vegetable|߲
+ N emotion|,loyal|Т,desired|
+ N human|,*perform|,glorious|,entertainment|
+ N mark|־
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,literature|
+Ѫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ N human|,female|Ů,beautiful|
+ V angry|
+۲ N disease|,eye|
+۲ N emotion|,jealous|ʼ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|,desired|
+Ҷ N part|,%plant|ֲ,hair|ë
+ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ӧǹ N weapon|,*stab|
+ N phenomena|,desired|,#lucky|
+ N attribute|,countenance|,red|,&human|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+֩ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ V swollen|
+ V cook|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,medical|ҽ
+ѧ N human|,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ N tool|þ,*disseminate|
+ͷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ N disease|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,royal|
+ N human|,royal|
+ N human|,royal|,female|Ů
+ N beast|
+ N human|,young|,wise|
+ͷ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ
+ N beast|
+ V MakeSound|
+ V cry|
+ V cry|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,concentration|Ũ,concentrated|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,NotLight|Ũ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,thickness|,thick|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,generous|,desired|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N emotion|,like|ϧ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ N attribute|,thickness|,&physical|
+˱ V treat|Դ,manner=biased|ƫ
+ V WellTreat|ƴ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ N attribute|,thickness|,&physical|
+ն ADJ aValue|ֵ,thickness|,thick|
+ N tool|þ,$GiveAsGift|
+ N payment|,many|
+Ƥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,thickness|,thick|
+ʵ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+ V expect|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ N aValue|ֵ,weight|,heavy|
+Ƥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ V SayHello|ʺ
+ V wait|ȴ
+ V RegardAs|
+Ա N human|,redundant|
+ίԱ N human|,official|,politics|
+ V wait|ȴ,content=LandVehicle|
+ N room|,@wait|ȴ,#LandVehicle|
+ N bird|
+ V wait|ȴ,content=interrogate|,police|
+ѡ N human|,$select|ѡ
+ V wait|ȴ,content=cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ N room|,@wait|ȴ,#cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|,ending|ĩ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,future|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,female|Ů,royal|
+ N human|,future|
+ N location|λ,hind|
+ N time|ʱ,future|
+뱲 N time|ʱ,process|,@alive|,half|
+볡 N part|,%fact|,#compete|,#exercise|
+ N time|ʱ,process|,@alive|,half|
+ N human|,future|
+ N location|λ,hind|,space|ռ
+ N part|,AnimalHuman|,hind|,body|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$SetAside|,replace|
+۾ N human|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,hind|
+ N location|λ,hind|
+ N part|,%physical|,hind|,body|
+ N human|,future|
+ N time|ʱ
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,friend|,*help|
+ V fight|
+ N place|ط,hind|,military|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ N part|,%clothing|,foot|
+ V LookBack|
+ V rotate|ת
+֮ V worried|ż
+ N result|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ V repent|û
+ N part|,%text|
+ V KeepOn|ʹ
+ V KeepOn|ʹ
+ N part|,%clothing|,body|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&drinks|Ʒ,&medicine|ҩ
+ N attribute|,strength|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,hind|
+ ADV {supplement|ݽ}
+ V surpass|ǿ
+ N time|ʱ,ProperName|ר,past|
+· N facilities|ʩ,linear|
+· N facilities|ʩ,linear|,route|·,@GoBackward|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N attribute|,power|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,hind|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,future|
+ N location|λ,hind|,space|ռ
+ ADJ time|ʱ,future|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ N time|ʱ,future|,year|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ V fear|
+ N location|λ,hind|
+ N time|ʱ,ending|ĩ
+ V appear|
+֮ N human|,able|
+ N affairs|,#provide|
+ڲ N institution|,*provide|
+ N human|,future|
+ N human|,future|,*bear|е
+ N time|ʱ,afternoon|
+ N part|,%clothing|,body|
+ N part|,%human|,hind|,body|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,adult|
+ N human|,adult|
+η ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ N human|,future|
+ N time|ʱ,future|
+ N fact|,#die|,#bury|
+֮ʦ N human|,*teach|,future|
+ V MoveItBack|
+̨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hidden|,undesired|ݬ
+̨ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#perform|
+̨ N human|,friend|,*help|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ
+ N time|ʱ,future|,day|
+Լ N disease|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,future|
+ͷ N location|λ,hind|,space|ռ
+ͷ ADJ time|ʱ,future|
+ N part|,%animal|,leg|
+ V GoBackward|
+ N human|,*exercise|,(football|)
+ V KeepOn|ʹ
+֢ N disease|
+ N human|,future|
+Ӱ N trace|,#lights|,hind|
+Ԯ N human|,*help|
+Ժ N part|,%building|,space|ռ,hind|
+ N entity|ʵ
+ N part|,language|
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,@sit|
+ V cry|
+ V exhale|
+ V naming|
+ V exhale|
+绽 V MakeTrouble|
+ V cry|
+ V weep|
+ͺ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V call|ٻ
+ V cry|
+ V cry|
+ N human|,*cry|
+ V cry|,content=rescue|
+ ECHO sound|
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+ V weep|
+ V respire|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|,*respire|
+ N disease|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|,*respire|
+ϵͳ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|,*respire|
+Х V MakeSound|
+Х V GoThrough|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Ӧ V fit|ʺ
+Ӧ V reply|
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+ V request|Ҫ
+֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,desired|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ ECHO sound|
+ V despise|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+ V despise|
+Ȼ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+ V despise|
+ V wave|ڶ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@WarmUp|,#liquid|Һ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@store|
+« N plant|ֲ
+« N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,past|
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+ N InsectWorm|,*fly|,*sting|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N plant|ֲ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ V IllBehave|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V quarrel|
+ V IllBehave|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ܲ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ܲ N vegetable|߲
+ܲ N medicine|ҩ,*improve|
+ V IllBehave|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N MusicTool|
+˵ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+˵˵ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+˼ V guess|²
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ͬ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hair|ë
+ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*rob|,crime|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hair|ë
+Ϊ V IllBehave|
+Ϊ N human|,evil|
+ V wipe|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N InsectWorm|,*fly|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N shape|
+ N beast|
+ٻ V damage|
+ N beast|
+ V entice|,means=please|ȡ
+Ⱥ N human|,undesired|ݬ,friend|
+ N experience|,doubt|
+ V StateChange|̬
+ V fasten|˩
+ N shape|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ V MakeLiving|ı
+Ϳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ N material|,*thicken|Ũ
+Ū V deceive|ƭ
+ǽֽ N paper|ֽ,*cover|ڸ,#skin|Ƥ,#building|
+Ϳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+Ϳ N human|,foolish|
+ V MakeLiving|ı
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ɽɫ N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ,#waters|ˮ
+ͤ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#waters|ˮ,@WhileAway|
+ N shape|,linear|,round|Բ
+ N lights|
+ N shape|,linear|,round|Բ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,round|Բ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N beast|
+ N document|,past|,*order|,military|
+ N SportTool|˶
+ N part|,%human|,hand|
+ N place|ط,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ,#die|
+ڰ V treat|Դ,manner=brave|,target=dangerous|Σ
+ V escape|,cause=dangerous|Σ
+ǯ N tool|þ,*hold|
+ V look|,manner=greedy|̰
+ͷβ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,TimeShort|,undesired|ݬ
+Ѩ N place|ط,dangerous|Σ,military|,#die|
+ V frighten|Ż
+ V protect|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ,*protect|
+ N part|,%building|,skin|Ƥ
+Ǻ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ,*protect|
+ V keep|
+ V protect|,scope=wrong|
+ N tool|þ,*protect|
+ V protect|
+ N part|,%army|
+ V protect|,patient=official|,royal|,military|,police|
+ V TakeCare|
+ V TakeCare|,medical|ҽ
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeCare|,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ,mass|
+ V protect|,patient=tree|
+ N facilities|ʩ,*protect|
+ N entity|ʵ,*protect|
+ N tool|þ,*protect|,#religion|ڽ
+ʿ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeCare|,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ʿ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,*TakeCare|,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ V protect|
+ N tool|þ,*protect|,#leg|
+ N human|,*protect|,*defend|
+ V protect|
+ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+ϥ N tool|þ,*protect|,#leg|
+ V TakeCare|,medical|ҽ
+ V foster|
+ V maintain|
+ N document|,*prove|֤,#country|,#tour|
+ ADV {EachOther|}
+ V enrich|ʵ,manner=EachOther|
+ V visit|,politics|,manner=EachOther|
+ V relate|й
+ V exchange|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ProsCons|,pros|,EachOther|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ProsCons|,pros|,EachOther|,desired|
+ N attribute|,ability|,tie|,&entity|ʵ
+» V understand|,manner=EachOther|
+ͨ V exchange|
+ͨ V provide|
+ ADV {EachOther|}
+ V help|,manner=EachOther|
+ N community|,#help|,EachOther|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N shows|
+ N account|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ N community|,#family|
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ N account|,*record|¼,#status|
+ N account|,@record|¼,#status|
+ N attribute|,status|,&human|
+ N attribute|,status|,&human|
+ڲ N account|,@record|¼,#status|
+ͷ N account|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ N location|λ,%room|,external|
+ N human|,family|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|
+ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&inanimate|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N disease|
+ N location|λ,#disease|,#wounded|
+ N shape|
+ V spend|
+ N tool|þ,#fire|,*WhileAway|,*congratulate|ף
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,grey|
+ N part|,%FlowerGrass|,body|
+ N part|,%FlowerGrass|,body|
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N material|,?drinks|Ʒ
+ N LandVehicle|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@planting|ֲ,#FlowerGrass|
+ N FlowerGrass|,mass|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N tool|þ,*illuminate|,*congratulate|ף
+ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@planting|ֲ,#plant|ֲ
+ V spend|
+ N part|,%FlowerGrass|
+ʯ N material|,stone|ʯ,*build|
+ N material|,stone|ʯ,*build|
+Ƕ N part|,%FlowerGrass|,embryo|
+ N part|,%FlowerGrass|,head|ͷ
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ N artifact|˹,*GiveAsGift|,#GetMarried|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N payment|
+ N human|,male|,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,#FlowerGrass|,commercial|
+ N time|ʱ,season|,#FlowerGrass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ N attribute|,posture|,#ShowOff|ҫ,&human|
+ N SportTool|˶
+ N fact|,sport|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*planting|ֲ,#FlowerGrass|,agricultural|ũ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N LandVehicle|,#GetMarried|
+ N tool|þ,*look|,#aged|,#eye|
+ N tool|þ,*GiveAsGift|
+ N part|,%FlowerGrass|,embryo|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+¶ˮ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ,liquid|Һ,fragrant|
+ N account|,*record|¼,#name|
+ľ N plant|ֲ
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N image|ͼ
+ N image|ͼ
+ũ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*planting|ֲ,#FlowerGrass|,agricultural|ũ
+ N part|,%FlowerGrass|
+ N tool|þ,#fire|,*recreation|,*congratulate|ף
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@planting|ֲ,#FlowerGrass|
+ƿ N tool|þ,cubic|,*put|,#FlowerGrass|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@planting|ֲ,#FlowerGrass|
+ N time|ʱ,#FlowerGrass|
+ N mark|־,(US|)
+ N InstitutePlace|,@SetAside|,@TakeBack|ȡ,@lend|,#wealth|Ǯ,ProperName|ר,commercial|,(US|)
+Ǯ V spend|,patient=money|
+Ǯ˷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ǹ N plans|滮,undesired|ݬ,*deceive|ƭ
+ǹ N weapon|,past|,stab|
+Ȧ N tool|þ,#die|
+ N part|,%FlowerGrass|,heart|
+ɫ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&artifact|˹
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,*cook|
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,#FlowerGrass|,commercial|
+ N tool|þ,#FlowerGrass|
+˿ N part|,%FlowerGrass|,heart|
+̳ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@planting|ֲ,#FlowerGrass|
+̳ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@put|,#FlowerGrass|
+Ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ N room|
+Ž ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,beautiful|,desired|
+Ž ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|
+ N part|,%FlowerGrass|
+ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&inanimate|
+ N expenditure|
+ N information|Ϣ,interesting|Ȥ
+ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+ N disease|,#look|,#aged|,#eye|
+ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&artifact|˹
+ N plans|滮,sly|,*deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+ N fact|,sport|
+ҩ N part|,%FlowerGrass|
+Ҭ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+Ҭ N vegetable|߲
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@planting|ֲ,#FlowerGrass|
+ N plans|滮,sly|,*deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+֦չ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,beautiful|,desired|
+ N part|,%FlowerGrass|,body|
+ N human|,poor|,undesired|ݬ,*beg|
+ N part|,%FlowerGrass|,body|
+ ECHO sound|
+ V betray|,politics|,military|
+ ECHO sound|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,undesired|ݬ
+Ц V laugh|Ц
+ȡ V please|ȡ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,grey|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%thing|,heart|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,@ComeToWorld|,$congratulate|ף
+ N tool|þ,*illuminate|,*decorate|װ
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ N place|ط,#wealth|Ǯ,(US|)
+ N fact|,entertainment|
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë,white|
+ N tool|þ,royal|
+ N human|,industrial|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|,desired|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&length|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N human|,#country|,(China|й)
+ N human|,(China|й)
+ɳ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Poland|)
+ɽ N land|½,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ʢ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(the United States of America|)
+ʢ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,#temperature|¶
+ N language|,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N human|,(China|й)
+ N language|,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,polished|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V slide|
+ N SportTool|˶,sport|
+ N fact|,sport|
+ N part|,%machine|
+ V exercise|,sport|
+ N human|,sport|
+ N part|,%implement|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ V slide|
+ N LandVehicle|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,polished|
+ V cook|
+ N part|,%implement|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,polished|
+ V decline|˥,commercial|
+ N phenomena|,#weather|,#land|½,#unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,polished|
+ʯ N material|
+ʯ N stone|ʯ
+ʯ N material|
+ˬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,polished|
+ǹ N human|,*firing|,military|
+ N tool|þ,*recreation|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ͷ N human|,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ V fly|
+ V slide|
+ѩ V slide|
+ѩ N human|,sport|
+ V draw|
+ N image|ͼ,$draw|
+ N part|,%character|
+ N stationery|ľ,@draw|
+ N readings|,#image|ͼ
+ N PenInk|ī,*draw|
+伢 V pretend|װ
+ N stationery|ľ,@draw|
+ N account|,@gather|ɼ,#image|ͼ
+Ϊ V restrain|ֹ
+ N readings|,#image|ͼ,crude|ª
+ V fail|ʧ
+ V draw|
+ N account|,@gather|ɼ,#image|ͼ
+ N human|,literature|,*draw|
+ N human|,*draw|,literature|
+ N image|ͼ
+ N publications|鿯,#image|ͼ
+ N part|,%building|,nerve|
+㾦 V enrich|ʵ
+ü V MakeUp|ױ
+ü N bird|
+ N image|ͼ,#shows|
+ N part|,%image|ͼ,appearance|,skin|Ƥ
+Ƥ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,*deceive|ƭ
+Ƭ N image|ͼ
+ N furniture|Ҿ,*decorate|װ,*cover|ڸ
+ ADJ fail|ʧ
+ʦ N human|,literature|,*draw|
+ N room|,@draw|
+̳ N community|,#draw|
+ͼ V draw|
+ N text|,#shows|
+ V draw|,content=image|ͼ
+Ѻ V write|д,content=mark|־
+Ѻ V write|д,content=name|
+Ժ N institution|,#draw|
+չ N fact|,@display|չʾ,#image|ͼ
+ V cut|
+ V delimit|
+ V distinguish|ֱ
+ V draw|
+ V drive|Ԧ
+ V issue|ַ
+ V plan|ƻ
+ V issue|ַ
+ V WorthNot|ֵ
+ V worth|ֵ
+ V delimit|
+ V classify|
+ V distinguish|ֱ
+ V include|
+ V occupy|ռ
+ V draw|
+ V cut|
+ V distinguish|ֱ
+ȭ V compete|
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ V calculate|
+ V worth|ֵ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|,desired|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ N ship|,small|С
+ V StateChange|̬
+ V alter|ı
+ V change|
+ V consume|ȡ
+ V gather|ɼ
+ʹΪ V alter|ı,StateIni=sorrowful|,StateFin=strength|
+ V remove|
+ V StateChange|̬
+ N material|,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ
+ɸΪ V alter|ı,StateIni=enemy|,StateFin=friend|
+ N affairs|,#chemical|ѧ,industrial|
+ N InstitutePlace|,factory|,@produce|,#chemical|ѧ,industrial|
+ҵ N affairs|,#chemical|ѧ,industrial|
+Ϊ˽ V cheat|ƭ
+ V merge|ϲ,#chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ V remove|
+ N method|,*cure|ҽ
+ V alter|ı,patient=name|
+ V attribute|,name|
+ŧ V inflamed|
+ N entity|ʵ,$mean|ָ
+ʯ N stone|ʯ
+Ϊ V disappear|ʧ
+ N material|,?clothing|
+Ϊ V BeRecovered|ԭ,StateIni=safe|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,#chemical|ѧ
+ѧ N chemical|ѧ
+ѧҩƷ N chemical|ѧ
+ V check|
+ N room|,@check|
+ N part|,%implement|
+Ե V gather|ɼ
+Ϊ V alter|ı,StateIni=complete|,StateFin=part|
+װ V MakeUp|ױ
+װ V pretend|װ
+ױ V MakeUp|ױ
+ױƷ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ
+ױʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*MakeUp|ױ
+ V alter|ı
+ V speak|˵
+ N text|,$speak|˵
+ V farewell|
+ N information|Ϣ
+Ͷ V FitNot|
+ N part|,%talk|̸,nerve|
+ N thought|ͷ,#talk|̸
+ N part|,%talk|̸,nerve|
+ V LookBack|
+ V speak|˵,content=past|
+ N shows|
+ N community|,*perform|,entertainment|
+л ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,tactful|
+˵ ADV {comment|}
+ N part|,%communicate|,heart|
+Ͳ N tool|þ,*disseminate|,#sound|
+ͷ N part|,%talk|̸,nerve|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ϻ N human|,*speak|˵
+ϻ N tool|þ,*disseminate|,#sound|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ N text|,$speak|˵
+ N tree|
+ N tree|
+ V ThinkOf|˼
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V cherish|Ļ
+ N emotion|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ V pregnant|,#medical|ҽ
+ V cherish|Ļ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N tool|þ,*tell|,#time|ʱ
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ V ThinkOf|˼,content=past|
+ V hate|
+ N human|,*hate|
+ V ThinkOf|˼,content=past|
+ V ThinkOf|˼
+ V ThinkOf|˼
+ V entice|,politics|
+̥ V pregnant|,#medical|ҽ
+ V ThinkOf|˼
+ V doubt|
+ N experience|,doubt|
+ɲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,countenance|,doubt|
+ɵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,countenance|,doubt|
+ N human|,*doubt|
+ V cherish|Ļ
+ V pregnant|,#medical|ҽ
+Ŷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V OutOfOrder|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ V damage|
+ N thought|ͷ,evil|
+ N attribute|,ProsCons|,cons|,undesired|ݬ,&entity|ʵ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+ V OutOfOrder|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,disgraced|,undesired|ݬ,&human|,&organization|֯
+Ƣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,BadTemper|Ƣ,undesired|ݬ
+ V FeelingByBad|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+˵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ V damage|
+ N fact|,undesired|ݬ
+ V OutOfOrder|,medical|ҽ
+ V WeatherBad|
+ N fund|ʽ,^$return|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ V pass|ȹ,manner=joyful|ϲ
+ V praise|佱
+ϲϲ ADJ joyful|ϲ
+ V assemble|ۼ,manner=joyful|ϲ
+һ V assemble|ۼ,manner=joyful|ϲ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ V congratulate|ף
+ V joyful|ϲ
+Ц N sound|,#joyful|ϲ
+ V farewell|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ϲ V joyful|ϲ
+ϲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ϲ V joyful|ϲ
+Ц V laugh|Ц
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ N emotion|,like|ϧ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ V entertain|д
+ӭ V welcome|ӭ
+ӭ N fact|,welcome|ӭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+Ծ V joyful|ϲ
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ V BeNear|
+ N shape|
+ V protect|,patient=environment|
+ N institution|,*protect|,#environment|,ProperName|ר
+ V BeNear|
+ N location|λ,%city|
+ V look|
+ V BeNear|,partner=waters|ˮ
+ N part|,%event|¼
+ N attribute|,environment|,&entity|ʵ
+ V protect|,patient=environment|
+滮 N part|,%institution|,#earth|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ N attribute|,cleanness|ྻ,spotless|,&space|ռ
+Ⱦ V pollute|ʹ,patient=environment|
+ V flow|,manner=circulate|ѭ
+· N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N earth|,space|ռ
+ V BeNear|
+ V coil|
+ɽ V BeNear|,partner=land|½
+ɽ N location|λ,%land|½
+ V look|
+ V clean|ʹ,patient=environment|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,round|Բ
+֬ N chemical|ѧ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V GoBack|
+ ADV Vcontinue|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV also|Ҳ
+ V return|
+ V return|,commercial|
+ V return|,possession=wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+Ϣ V return|,possession=wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ V return|,^Vable|
+ V return|
+ V return|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,StateIni=die|
+ V resist|
+ V resist|,military|
+ V discuss|,content=price|۸,commercial|
+ V GiveAsGift|,possession=artifact|˹
+ V salute|¾
+ V return|
+ ADV time|ʱ
+ CONJ {or|}
+ V resist|
+ V GoBack|,LocationFin=place|ط
+ԭ V BeRecovered|ԭ
+ԭ N chemical|ѧ
+ԭø N chemical|ѧ
+Ը V obey|ѭ,content=agree|ͬ
+ծ V return|,possession=wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ V refute|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,medical|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,relax|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ V delay|
+ V weaken|
+ N part|,%machine|,*weaken|
+ N part|,%software|,*store|
+ N part|,%computer|,*store|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ
+ V weaken|
+ ADJ weaken|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ V delay|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&event|¼
+ V mediate|
+ V delay|,patient=build|
+ V weaken|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ N part|,%land|½,skin|Ƥ
+ V delay|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ
+ V delay|,patient=punish|,#police|
+ V fact|,punish|,#police|
+ V VehicleGo|ʻ,manner=slow|
+ V walk|,manner=slow|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ
+ V delay|,content=levy|
+ V exchange|
+ V exchange|,commercial|
+ V replace|
+ V replace|,patient=affairs|
+ V replace|,patient=foot|
+ V replace|,patient=crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ V replace|,patient=LandVehicle|
+ V replace|
+ V cease|ͣ,content=defend|,military|
+ V cease|ͣ,content=defend|,military|
+ V exchange|,possession=location|λ
+ V exchange|,patient=affairs|
+ V replace|,patient=clothing|
+仰˵ ADV {comment|}
+ë V replace|,patient=hair|ë
+ V respire|
+Ǯ V exchange|,possession=money|
+ȡ V exchange|
+ V replace|,patient=human|,sport|
+ V exchange|
+ҩ V BeSame|ͬ
+ V exchange|,possession=document|
+ϴ V replace|
+ N part|,%machine|,*change|,#direction|
+֮ ADV {comment|}
+ҩ V replace|,patient=medicine|ҩ,medical|ҽ
+ V SufferFrom|,medical|ҽ
+ N emotion|,sad|dz,undesired|ݬ
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ V sad|dz
+ǾҲ V ill|̬
+ V ill|̬
+ N location|λ,#ill|̬
+ûʧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,miser|,undesired|ݬ
+ûʧ V worried|ż,cause=ProsCons|
+ V ill|̬
+빲 V undergo|,content=hardship|,manner=together|ͬ
+ V SufferFrom|
+ N human|,*SufferFrom|,$cure|ҽ,#medical|ҽ
+ V cry|
+ V LookBack|
+ V call|ٻ
+ V call|ٻ
+ V foster|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ V AppearanceChange|۱
+ V illuminate|
+Ȼһ V prosper|
+ɢ V BeBad|˥
+ɢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,relax|,desired|
+ɢ V weaken|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,#royal|
+ N undertake|,content=official|
+¹ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,#royal|
+º N community|,official|
+; N phenomena|,#official|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α
+õ N fact|,*disseminate|
+õ N tool|þ,*disseminate|
+û V change|
+þ N experience|,empty|,wrong|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ V think|˼
+ N thought|ͷ,empty|
+Ӱ N image|ͼ,empty|,wrong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ V despise|
+ N land|½,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N land|½,surfacial|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,wane|˥
+IJ N FlowerGrass|
+ĵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ĵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ĵ N human|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ĵ N land|½,surfacial|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ķ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ķ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ķ V despise|
+ķ V end|ս
+Ľ N land|½,surfacial|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+Į N land|½,surfacial|,barren|,undesired|ݬ
+Į N land|½,surfacial|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N time|ʱ,year|,undesired|ݬ,desolate|,#unfortunate|
+Ƨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ V end|ս
+ɽ N land|½,desolate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+Ұ N land|½,surfacial|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ԭ N land|½,desolate|
+ V abandon|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ V flurried|
+ V flurried|
+æ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hasty|,undesired|ݬ
+æ V flurried|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ V flurried|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V end|ս
+ƲӲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|
+Ƴγ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|
+Ƶ N time|ʱ,day|,happy|
+ƶ N crop|ׯ
+ƶ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ƶ N vegetable|߲
+Ʒ N InsectWorm|,*fly|
+ƹ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ƹ N vegetable|߲
+ƺ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ƺ N waters|ˮ,linear|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ƺɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,brown|
+ƺɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|
+ƻ N FlowerGrass|
+ƻ N FlowerGrass|,?food|ʳƷ
+ƻ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ƻ N vegetable|߲
+ƻ N fish|
+ƻޣ N FlowerGrass|
+ƻ N time|ʱ,night|
+ƽ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ƽ N metal|,material|
+ƽʱ N time|ʱ,good|
+ƾ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ľ N tree|
+ N thought|ͷ,empty|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N plant|ֲ
+ëѾͷ N human|,young|,female|Ů
+÷ N time|ʱ,season|,#RainSnow|ѩ
+÷ N RainSnow|ѩ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ N bird|
+ţ N livestock|
+ N tool|þ,@punish|,sport|
+ۼ V become|Ϊ,isa=official|,politics|
+Ȳ N disease|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|
+ɫ鿯 N readings|,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ɳ N stone|ʯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,ripe|
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ͭ N metal|,material|
+ N stone|ʯ
+ԭ N land|½
+ N livestock|
+ N material|,*lubricate|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N fish|
+ N stone|ʯ,?material|
+ N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ݺ N bird|
+ N bird|
+ N disease|
+ N fish|
+ N beast|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ǰ N medicine|ҩ
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ,*fly|
+ȳ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ,*fly|
+ N part|,%implement|
+Ƭ N part|,%MusicTool|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,official|
+ʵ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,royal|
+ʸ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ʹ N house|,royal|
+ʹ N clothing|,#head|ͷ,royal|
+ʺ N human|,royal|,female|Ů
+ʼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,official|
+ʼ N community|,royal|
+ N human|,royal|
+ N community|,royal|
+̫ N human|,royal|,female|Ů
+̫ N human|,royal|,male|
+̻ V worried|ż
+̻̲ V worried|ż
+̻ V worried|ż
+̿ V fear|
+ֲ̿ V fear|
+ V fear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ,manner=fast|
+ V illuminate|
+ V shake|ҡ
+ V wave|ڶ
+ε V shake|ҡ
+ε V wave|ڶ
+ζ V wave|ڶ
+ V shake|ҡ
+ V wave|ڶ
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,*decorate|װ
+ N mark|־
+ N mark|־,*deceive|ƭ
+ N mark|־,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+Ȼ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+Ȼ V know|֪
+ V BeSimilar|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hidden|
+ N text|,*deceive|ƭ
+ѱ V deceive|ƭ
+ѳ V deceive|ƭ
+ѻ N text|,*deceive|ƭ
+ƭ V deceive|ƭ
+ N text|,*deceive|ƭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,grey|
+ N material|,@build|
+ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+Ұ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+Ұ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,grey|
+Ұ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ҳ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+ҹ N human|,female|Ů,able|
+һɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|
+ҽ N stone|ʯ,waste|,#burn|
+ҿ N metal|,material|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ V disheartened|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,pessimistic|,undesired|ݬ
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,grey|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ N beast|
+ V disheartened|
+ɥ V disheartened|
+ V disperse|ɢ
+ V order|
+ V shake|ҡ
+ V wipe|
+ӱ V write|д
+Ӷ V shake|ҡ
+Ӷ N human|,*shake|ҡ
+ӷ V disappear|ʧ,industrial|
+ӷ N attribute|,performance|,disappear|ʧ,&liquid|Һ,industrial|
+Ӹ V shake|ҡ,patient=weapon|
+Ӻ V excrete|й,patient=waste|
+Ӻ V excrete|й,patient=waste|
+Ӻ V write|д
+ӻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ӻ V lavish|˷
+ӽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ӽ V lavish|˷
+ V wipe|
+ V draw|
+ V spray|
+ V write|д
+ V write|д,manner=fluent|
+ʦ V order|,patient=army|
+ V shake|ҡ,patient=hand|
+ V shake|ҡ
+ N attribute|,brightness|,&inanimate|
+ V illuminate|
+Ի ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+Ի ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+Ի ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ӳ V illuminate|
+ N mark|־
+ī N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+ N mark|־
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ָ V BeRecovered|ԭ
+ָ V TakeBack|ȡ
+ָ V resume|ָ
+ָ N time|ʱ,@BeRecovered|ԭ,medical|ҽ
+ָ֪ V BeRecovered|ԭ,StateIni=dizzy|
+ֺ V CauseToGrow|ʹɳ
+ֺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ֺ V CauseToGrow|ʹɳ
+ֺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ֻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+׳ N InsectWorm|
+׳没 N disease|
+ V GoBack|
+ V circle|
+ V reply|
+ V turn|Ťת
+ذ V visit|
+ر V recompense|
+ر V reply|
+ر V revenge|
+ر V evade|ر
+ز V refute|
+ز ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,GoBack|
+س N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+س ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+س ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,wet|ʪ
+س V order|,#computer|
+س N fact|,GoBack|
+ش V BeRecovered|ԭ,medical|ҽ
+ش V time|ʱ,season|,#start|ʼ
+ش V reply|
+ش N human|,*reply|
+ص V MakeSound|
+ص V GoBack|,Vachieve|
+ص V reply|,instrument=letter|ż
+ط V GoBack|,LocationFin=place|ط
+ط V GoBack|,LocationFin=place|ط
+ط V visit|
+ظ V reply|
+ظ V reply|,instrument=letter|ż
+ع V LookBack|
+ع ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,past|
+عչ N fact|,InstitutePlace|,@display|չʾ,#past|
+ع V GoBack|
+ع V include|
+ع N disease|
+ع N law|ɷ,#earth|
+ع V cook|,manner=also|Ҳ
+غ CLAS NounUnit|,&event|¼
+ػ V reply|
+ػ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+ػ V WarmUp|,industrial|
+ػ V resist|
+ػ V resist|,military|
+ؼ V GoBack|,LocationFin=family|
+ؽ N knowledge|֪ʶ,religion|ڽ
+ؽͽ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ؾ V recompense|
+ؾ V revenge|
+ؾ V salute|¾
+ؾ V reject|ؾ
+ؿ N payment|
+ V GoBack|
+ N part|,%building|,nerve|
+ V GiveAsGift|,possession=artifact|˹
+ V salute|¾
+ V flow|,manner=reverse|ߵ
+ N water|ˮ
+ V collect|,commercial|
+ V cook|,manner=also|Ҳ
+¯ V cook|,manner=also|Ҳ
+¯ V produce|,manner=also|Ҳ
+· N facilities|ʩ,route|·,@GoBack|
+· N image|ͼ,linear|
+· N part|,%implement|
+ V BecomeLess|
+ N human|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ȥ V GoBack|
+ N sound|
+ V BeBad|˥
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,medical|ҽ
+ V BecomeMore|
+ʦ V GoBack|,military|
+ V collect|
+ V obtain|õ
+վ N InstitutePlace|,*collect|,#waste|
+װ N facilities|ʩ,*collect|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ V resist|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=head|ͷ
+ V LookBack|
+ V LookBack|
+췦 V BeUnable|,content=help|
+췦 V BeUnable|,content=help|
+ V BeUnable|,content=help|
+֮ N attribute|,strength|,strong|ǿ,&human|,&organization|֯
+ V fill|
+ͷ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=head|ͷ
+ͷ V repent|û
+ͷ· N facilities|ʩ,route|·,@GoBack|
+ζ V LookBack|
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,substantial|ʵ,desired|
+ V GoBack|,LocationFin=place|ط
+ V circle|
+ V LookBack|
+ N sound|
+ת V BeRecovered|ԭ
+ V reply|,instrument=letter|ż
+ N stationery|ľ,*hold|
+ V repair|
+ V SelfMove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,desired|
+ V circle|
+ V MoveItBack|
+ V LookBack|
+¼ N readings|,#LookBack|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,#LookBack|
+ N sound|
+ N text|,#reply|
+Ӧ V reply|
+ V GiveAsGift|
+ִ N text|,*reply|
+ת V TurnRound|
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V refute|
+ V reply|
+ V look|
+ V StateChange|̬
+ V damage|
+ V destroy|
+ V produce|,manner=also|Ҳ
+ V slander|̰
+ٰ V slander|̰
+ٻ V damage|
+ٻ V destroy|
+ V destroy|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,destroy|
+ V destroy|
+ V remove|
+ V damage|,patient=appearance|
+ V damage|
+ V damage|
+һ V suffer|,content=destroy|
+Լ V disobey|Υ,content=MakeAppointment|Լ
+ V repent|û
+ڲ V repent|û
+ڸ V amend|
+ڹ V repent|û,cause=wrong|
+ڹ V document|,*express|ʾ,#repent|û
+ں V repent|û
+ V repent|û
+֮ V repent|û
+ V repent|û
+ N human|,*repent|û
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ N attribute|,ability|,able|,perception|֪
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N emotion|,like|ϧ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ N phenomena|,desired|
+ݹ V arrive|
+ V arrive|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(New Zealand|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ N time|ʱ,day|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+ް ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ V unfortunate|
+ɬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ N artifact|˹,crime|
+ V entice|,means=GiveAsGift|,crime|
+߽ N artifact|˹,crime|
+¸ N artifact|˹,crime|
+¸ V entice|,means=GiveAsGift|,crime|
+ V entice|,means=GiveAsGift|,crime|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,dirty|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,dirty|,undesired|ݬ
+ N fact|,undesired|ݬ,disgraced|
+ V BeAble|ܹ
+ V ComeTogether|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ N community|
+ N fact|
+ N fact|,@communicate|
+ V meet|
+ V pay|
+ N time|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ,important|
+ V understand|
+ AUX {modality|}
+ N mark|־
+ V eat|,manner=together|ͬ
+᳡ N place|ط,@communicate|
+᳤ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,#community|
+ N expenditure|
+ N InstitutePlace|
+ V ComeTogether|
+Ự V speak|˵
+ N mark|־
+ N affairs|,calculate|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*calculate|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ƹ N affairs|,calculate|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*calculate|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ V meet|
+ N human|,*meet|
+ V ComeTogether|
+ N tool|þ,*assemble|ۼ,#lights|
+` N publications|鿯
+ῼ N fact|,#exam|
+ V meet|,partner=human|
+ V meet|
+ N mark|־
+ǩ V sign|д,manner=together|ͬ
+ V discuss|
+ V interrogate|,police|
+ʦ V meet|,partner=army|,military|
+ N InstitutePlace|
+̸ V discuss|
+ N room|
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+ V meet|
+ N affairs|
+ V understand|
+ V perform|
+ V know|֪
+ V understand|
+ N fact|,@communicate|
+ N institution|,politics|,#country|
+ N part|,%human|
+Ա N human|,#community|
+ս V endeavour|
+ս V fight|,military|
+ V pay|,possession=money|
+ V pay|,possession=money|
+ V diagnose|,manner=together|ͬ,medical|ҽ
+ַ N location|λ,%community|
+ַ N location|λ,%fact|,@communicate|
+ V cook|
+ V ComeTogether|
+ V assemble|ۼ
+ V post|ʼ,commercial|
+㱨 V tell|
+㱨 N fact|,@tell|
+ V compile|༭
+ N readings|
+ V post|ʼ,patient=money|,commercial|
+ V ComeTogether|
+ϴ N location|λ,@ComeTogether|
+ϵص N location|λ,@ComeTogether|
+㼯 V ComeTogether|
+㼯 V compile|༭
+㼯 V gather|ɼ
+ N quantity|,rate|,&money|,commercial|
+ V ComeTogether|
+ V post|ʼ,patient=money|,commercial|
+ N bill|Ʊ,#post|ʼ,#money|,commercial|
+ N human|,*post|ʼ,#money|
+ V ComeTogether|,#water|ˮ
+ N quantity|,rate|,&money|,commercial|
+Ʊ N bill|Ʊ,#post|ʼ,#money|,commercial|
+ V perform|
+ V gather|ɼ
+ V evade|ر
+伲ҽ V HideTruth|,content=wrong|,purpose=evade|ر,#amend|
+伲ҽ ADJ HideTruth|,content=wrong|,purpose=evade|ر,#amend|
+Ī V KeepSilence|˵
+ V HideTruth|
+ V KeepSilence|˵
+ V teach|
+˲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+˲ V endeavour|,content=teach|
+ V draw|
+滭 V draw|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+ͼ V draw|
+ V draw|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ N food|ʳƷ,generic|ͳ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ V dizzy|
+谵 ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ V dizzy|
+赹 V dizzy|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+軨 V disable|м,scope=look|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|
+˯ V sleep|˯
+ N human|,royal|,official|,undesired|ݬ
+ V dizzy|
+˯ V sleep|˯
+ڵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ڵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ڵ V dizzy|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ N celestial|,space|ռ
+ѣ V dizzy|
+ӹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ V dizzy|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ N fact|,GetMarried|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,hind|,#GetMarried|
+ N fact|,GetMarried|
+ N fact|,GetMarried|
+ V GetMarried|,love|
+ N attribute|,age|,#GetMarried|,&human|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#GetMarried|
+ǰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,InFront|ǰ,#GetMarried|
+ɴ N clothing|,#GetMarried|
+ N fact|,GetMarried|
+ N fact|,GetMarried|
+ N law|ɷ,#GetMarried|
+ N emotion|
+ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ
+ N mental|
+ N mental|,desired|
+겻 V uneasy|
+겻 V uneasy|
+ɢ V fear|
+ N mental|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+뵰 N human|,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+جج ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,thrifty|,desired|
+Ȼһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,complete|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|,#weather|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|,#weather|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|,#weather|
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,round|Բ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,dirty|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ V MakeLiving|ı,means=slack|͵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ V associate|
+ V confuse|
+ V pretend|װ,content=RegardAs|
+ V pretend|װ,content=RegardAs|
+ V weave|,means=mix|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,mixed|,undesired|ݬ
+ V mix|
+˫ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+켣 V appear|,manner=flighty|
+콻 N tree|
+ V GoInto|,manner=secret|
+ V include|,manner=secret|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ N phenomena|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N material|,@building|
+ V GoInto|,manner=secret|
+ V include|,manner=secret|
+ħ N human|,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+˫ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+ͬ V confuse|
+Ϊһ̸ V confuse|
+ V confuse|
+ V mix|
+Ѫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,mixed|
+Ѫ N human|,#kind|,mixed|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,mixed|,undesired|ݬ
+ V mix|
+ս V fight|
+ս V fight|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,dirty|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,generous|,desired|
+ V abandon|
+ V exempt|
+ V split|ƿ
+ȥ V endeavour|,manner=venture|ð
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,optimistic|ֹ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,generous|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,generous|,desired|
+ N part|,%place|ط,mouth|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ V exempt|
+Ȼ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,width|,wide|
+Ȼ V understand|
+ N disease|,#mouth|
+ N human|,*SufferFrom|,#mouth|
+ V CauseToLive|ʹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,AlterLocation|ռλ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,alive|
+ N affairs|,#earn|,#alive|,#occupation|ְλ
+ V alive|
+ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ
+ N fact|,do|,engage|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,#produce|,industrial|
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ N tool|þ,*print|ӡˢ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+ N human|,interesting|Ȥ
+ V WhileAway|,means=jump|
+ V SelfMove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,AlterLocation|ռλ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ V entice|
+ V exercise|
+ N fact|,generic|ͳ
+ N human|
+ N attribute|,performance|,&chemical|ѧ
+ N affairs|,$undertake|,#earn|,#alive|,#occupation|ְλ
+ N artifact|˹,$produce|,generic|ͳ
+ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ V fit|ʺ
+ V CauseToLive|ʹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ N affairs|
+ V check|,medical|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|,undesired|ݬ
+ N shape|
+ N human|,#information|Ϣ,$catch|ס
+ N human|,*alive|
+ N attribute|,strength|,$function|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N attribute|,strength|,$function|,&physical|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+· N method|,*earn|,*alive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,desired|
+ V kill|ɱ
+ N part|,%implement|
+ V alive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,^regular|,commercial|
+ N human|,*alive|
+ N part|,%machine|
+ N part|,%machine|
+ N part|,%machine|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ˮ N water|ˮ,*flow|
+ V appear|
+ V BeSimilar|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը,desired|
+̿ N chemical|ѧ
+Ѫ V CauseToLive|ʹ,patient=nerve|,medical|ҽ
+ N human|,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ V use|,manner=flexible|
+Ծ V CauseToLive|ʹ
+Ծ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը,desired|
+ V catch|ס
+ V alive|
+ֵ N human|,*know|֪,#expression|,desired|
+֯ V check|,medical|ҽ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|
+ N community|
+ N food|ʳƷ,generic|ͳ
+ N human|,friend|
+ N human|,friend|
+﷿ N room|,@cook|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cook|
+ N human|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*sell|,employee|Ա,commercial|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ
+ N human|,friend|
+ʳ N food|ʳƷ,generic|ͳ
+ʳ N expenditure|,#edible|ʳ
+ͬ PREP {partner}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,desired|
+ V angry|
+ N disease|
+ N emotion|,angry|,undesired|ݬ
+ N fire|
+ N weapon|,*firing|
+ N tool|þ,*lighting|ȼ,*illuminate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,desired|
+ V fight|,military|
+ N tool|þ,*lighting|ȼ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N place|ط,#fire|,#unfortunate|,#police|,undesired|ݬ
+ N LandVehicle|
+Ʊ N coupon|Ʊ֤,#wealth|Ǯ,*TakeVehicle|,#LandVehicle|
+ͷ N part|,%LandVehicle|,head|ͷ,*pull|
+վ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#LandVehicle|
+վ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#electricity|
+ V attack|,instrument=fire|,military|
+ N lights|,#fire|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@cook|
+ N fire|,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ N attribute|,degree|̶,&cook|,&WarmUp|
+ N time|ʱ,important|
+ N beast|
+ N fire|
+ N part|,%machine|
+ V burn|,purpose=bury|,#human|,#die|
+ N bird|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ N tool|þ,*hold|
+ N weapon|,*firing|
+Ѳ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+ר N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#burn|
+ N tool|þ,*lighting|ȼ,*illuminate|
+ N tool|þ,*hold|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&army|,military|
+ V produce|,PatientProduct=electricity|
+糧 N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,factory|,*produce|,#electricity|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&army|,military|
+ N attribute|,strength|,fight|,&army|,military|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N fact|,congratulate|ף
+ N part|,%building|
+¯ N tool|þ,*WarmUp|
+ð V ExpressAnger|ʾŭ
+ N fire|
+ N material|,@lighting|ȼ
+ū³³ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N weapon|,*firing|
+ N tool|þ,*WarmUp|
+ N weapon|,generic|ͳ
+ N emotion|,angry|,undesired|ݬ
+ǯ N tool|þ,*hold|
+ǹ N weapon|,*firing|
+ǽ N part|,%building|,*WarmUp|,skin|Ƥ
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,#fire|,#police|,undesired|ݬ
+ N fire|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|
+ɽ N land|½,*exhale|
+ϼ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ V destroy|,instrument=fire|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ջ V worried|ż
+üë ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ N CloudMist|,colored|
+ N fire|
+ N attribute|,intensity|ǿ,&fire|
+ N phenomena|,scene|,beautiful|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+̿ N stone|ʯ,material|,*lighting|ȼ
+ͷ N attribute|,degree|̶,&cook|,&WarmUp|
+ͷ N emotion|,angry|,undesired|ݬ
+ͷ N fire|
+ͷ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,military|,*cook|
+ N food|ʳƷ,flesh|
+ȵ N food|ʳƷ
+ N weapon|,#firing|,military|
+ V guarantee|֤,scope=fire|,commercial|
+ N place|ط,military|,@fight|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*transmit|,#electricity|
+ N celestial|
+ N fire|
+ N fire|
+ҩ N weapon|,*firing|
+ N material|,liquid|Һ,$burn|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#fire|,#unfortunate|
+ V burn|
+᳡ N InstitutePlace|,@burn|,#human|,#die|
+ N material|,*lighting|ȼ
+ N building|,#fire|,$burn|
+ש N material|,@building|
+ V catch|ס
+ V catch|ס,military|,police|
+ V enjoy|
+ V gather|ɼ,agricultural|ũ
+ V obtain|õ
+ V obtain|õ,possession=text|
+ V enjoy|
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ V obtain|õ
+ N human|,*obtain|õ
+ V enjoy|,content=reward|
+ N human|,$reward|
+ V enjoy|,content=rescue|
+ V earn|
+ȡ V obtain|õ
+ʤ V win|ʤ
+ V enjoy|,content=release|ͷ,police|
+Ϥ V know|֪
+ V obtain|õ,possession=pros|
+֪ V know|֪
+ V enjoy|,content=appreciate|
+ COOR {or|}
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+ COOR {or|}
+ ADV {comment|}
+ ADV {comment|}
+ COOR {or|}
+ V deceive|ƭ
+ V ignorant|֪
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N disease|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Solomon Islands|Ⱥ)
+ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N inanimate|,commercial|,generic|ͳ
+ N money|
+һ V collect|,possession=money|,commercial|
+һ֯ N part|,%institution|,#commercial|,#fund|ʽ,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ N room|,%vehicle|ͨ,@put|,#inanimate|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@store|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@store|
+ N LandVehicle|,@transport|,#inanimate|
+ N ship|,*transport|,#inanimate|
+ N bill|Ʊ,#transport|
+ V pay|,possession=expenditure|,time=obtain|õ,commercial|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,cubic|,*display|չʾ,@sell|,commercial|
+ N tool|þ,@put|,#transport|,#vehicle|ͨ
+ N furniture|Ҿ,cubic|,*display|չʾ,@sell|,commercial|
+ N wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,commercial|
+ N human|,commercial|
+ N ship|,*transport|,#inanimate|
+Ʒ N inanimate|,commercial|,generic|ͳ
+ɫ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ɫ N inanimate|,commercial|,generic|ͳ
+ɫ N inanimate|,waste|,undesired|ݬ
+ɫ N text|,undesired|ݬ
+ N inanimate|,commercial|,generic|ͳ
+Դ N location|λ,@ExistAppear|,#inanimate|
+ V transport|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&transport|
+ջ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@put|,@store|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ N human|,commercial|
+ V damage|
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ V unfortunate|,manner=many|
+ӿڳ V unfortunate|,cause=speak|˵
+콵 V unfortunate|,LocationIni=sky|
+ N cause|ԭ,#phenomena|,#unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N cause|ԭ,#phenomena|,#unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ V damage|,patient=country|
+ V damage|
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ǽ V happen|,experiencer=unfortunate|,location=internal|
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+̥ N cause|ԭ,#phenomena|,#unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ V attack|,military|
+ V beat|
+ V bump|ײ
+ V defeat|սʤ
+ V kill|ɱ
+ V destroy|
+ V destroy|,military|
+ V OutOfOrder|
+ V stab|
+ V beat|
+ V beat|
+ V destroy|
+ N fact|,sport|
+ V defeat|սʤ
+ V destroy|
+ V destroy|
+ V destroy|,military|
+ V defeat|սʤ
+ V destroy|
+ V beat|,patient=SportTool|˶
+ V damage|
+ˮ V beat|,patient=liquid|Һ
+ˮ V swim|
+ V defeat|սʤ
+ V beat|
+Ҫ V beat|,PartOfTouch=heart|
+Ҫ V express|ʾ,content=heart|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,base|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,necessary|Ҫ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,elementary|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,base|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,elementary|
+ N fact|,build|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ N part|,%organization|֯
+㵥λ N part|,%organization|֯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ N part|,%thing|,base|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ N part|,%thing|,heart|
+ N place|ط,military|
+ N image|ͼ,dot|,#measure|
+ N part|,%thing|,base|
+ N part|,%thing|,heart|
+ N attribute|,SoundQuality|,important|,&music|
+ N attribute|,standpoint|,important|,&information|Ϣ
+˵ N human|,*speak|˵
+ N humanized|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,religion|ڽ
+̵ N place|ط,religion|ڽ
+ͽ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ͽ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Ecuador|϶)
+ N material|,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Ukraine|ڿ)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ N human|,desired|,important|,able|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Rwanda|¬)
+ N attribute|,price|۸,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ N fact|,build|
+ N fund|ʽ
+ N community|,#fund|ʽ
+¡ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N money|,(Papua New Guinea|Ͳ¼)
+ N money|,(Laos|)
+ɫ N attribute|,color|ɫ,&physical|
+ʯ N part|,%thing|,base|
+ N attribute|,standard|,&entity|ʵ
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ N mark|־,linear|,#measure|
+Ƕ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N stone|ʯ
+ҵ N part|,%affairs|,base|
+ N part|,%animate|,#PassOn|
+ N method|,*cure|ҽ
+ PREP {cause}
+ڹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,*BaseOn|,#regulation|,#software|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,*BaseOn|,#text|,#software|
+ N attribute|,standard|,&entity|ʵ
+ N aircraft|
+ N machine|
+ N part|,%implement|
+ N time|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ,important|
+ʧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|
+ N room|,%vehicle|ͨ
+ N facilities|ʩ,#aircraft|,@stay|ͣ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,#aircraft|
+ N LandVehicle|,#(train|)
+ N machine|,*produce|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,#machine|,#electricity|
+ V SelfMove|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,AlterLocation|ռλ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+ N attribute|,performance|,SelfMove|,&entity|ʵ
+ N ship|
+ N room|,#machine|
+ N room|,%ship|,#machine|
+ V engage|,agricultural|ũ,#machine|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ N institution|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|
+ N institution|,generic|ͳ
+ N part|,%implement|
+ N plans|滮
+ N plans|滮,sly|,*deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+ N reason|
+ N time|ʱ
+ N thinking|˼,#venture|ð,treacherous|,politics|
+ N human|,*venture|ð,treacherous|,politics|
+ N part|,%implement|
+ N facilities|ʩ,@take|ȡ,#liquid|Һ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ N implement|
+ N regulation|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,secret|
+ N fact|,secret|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&organization|֯,&human|
+Ʊ N coupon|Ʊ֤,#wealth|Ǯ,*TakeVehicle|,#aircraft|
+ N machine|
+ N machine|
+ǹ N weapon|,*firing|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+Ⱥ N army|,#aircraft|
+ N part|,%aircraft|,body|
+ N animate|,generic|ͳ
+ N part|,%aircraft|,body|
+ͷ N part|,%aircraft|,head|ͷ
+ N affairs|,#maintain|,#repair|
+е ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+е N machine|
+е N reason|
+е ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+е V ize|̬
+е N army|,*TakeVehicle|,#LandVehicle|
+е N army|,*TakeVehicle|,#LandVehicle|
+е N human|
+еʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#time|ʱ
+ N attribute|,kind|,&aircraft|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&machine|
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,secret|
+ N part|,%aircraft|,wing|,*fly|
+ N material|,liquid|Һ,*lubricate|
+ N phenomena|,desired|
+ N time|ʱ
+Ե N attribute|,circumstances|,lucky|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,#machine|,$produce|
+ N regulation|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ N attribute|,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,&human|
+ N machine|
+ N machine|,*weave|,industrial|
+ N part|,%weapon|,*firing|
+ N community|,#aircraft|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,#aircraft|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,rugged|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+ V OutOfOrder|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ V treat|Դ,manner=biased|ƫ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,queer|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|,undesired|ݬ
+ V check|
+ V delay|
+ V investigate|
+ V check|,commercial|
+ V check|
+ V check|
+ V prove|֤
+ V detain|ס
+ V salute|¾
+ V gather|ɼ
+ N fact|,unfixed|δ,#police|
+ V SetAside|
+ V SetAside|
+ V do|,manner=kindhearted|
+ V gather|ɼ,possession=material|,agricultural|ũ
+ V calculate|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&result|,#compete|,sport|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+ V SetAside|
+ V gather|ɼ
+ͳɼ V ill|̬,cause=tired|ƣ
+ V gather|ɼ
+ҳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,dirty|,undesired|ݬ
+ľ N tool|þ,*recreation|,#young|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ٳɶ V obtain|õ,possession=many|,means=gather|ɼ
+ˮ N liquid|Һ,SetAside|
+ V SetAside|
+ V gather|ɼ
+ѩ N RainSnow|ѩ
+ѹ V surplus|ʣ,commercial|
+ N CloudMist|
+Թ N emotion|,hate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N CloudMist|
+ V gather|ɼ
+ѷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+۴ V gather|ɼ
+ N shape|
+ N tool|þ,*filter|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,*clean|ʹ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ,flesh|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+ע N fact|,cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N part|,%human|,body|
+ע N fact|,cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+ V HungryThirsty|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,desolate|,#unfortunate|
+ʳ V worried|ż
+ V HungryThirsty|
+ V suffer|,content=hardship|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,desolate|,#unfortunate|
+ V HungryThirsty|
+ N human|,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ V HungryThirsty|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,desolate|,#unfortunate|
+ N mark|־
+ N part|,%building|,waste|,body|
+ N trace|
+ N mark|־
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ V excited|
+ V excite|ж
+ V ill|̬,medical|ҽ
+ V irritate|ŭ
+ V jet|
+ V excited|
+ V jet|
+ V excited|
+ V excite|ж
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,excite|ж
+ V excite|ж
+ V excited|
+ V angry|
+ N lights|
+ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ V CauseToLive|ʹ
+ N method|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ N human|,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ V mobilize|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ N water|ˮ
+ŭ V irritate|ŭ
+ V excite|ж
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ N emotion|,excited|
+ N medicine|ҩ
+Խ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+ V BecomeMore|
+ս V fight|,military|
+ V clean|ʹ
+ V improve|
+ V LaughAt|Ц
+ V satirize|
+Ц V LaughAt|Ц
+ N bird|
+ N part|,%bird|,$eat|,embryo|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ɵ V fail|ʧ
+ N part|,%bird|,head|ͷ
+ڻ N FlowerGrass|
+ʯ N stone|ʯ,mine|
+ V damage|,#mating|,crime|
+ N human|,lascivious|
+㹷 ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,trivial|,undesired|ݬ
+㹷 ADJ inanimate|,secondary|
+ë N part|,%bird|,hair|ë
+ë N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ëƤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ N method|,undesired|ݬ,*deceive|ƭ
+ڽ N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+Ƥ N disease|
+Ȯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,good|,desired|
+Ȯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+Ȯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+Ȯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ N food|ʳƷ,#bird|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@foster|,#bird|
+ N food|ʳƷ,liquid|Һ
+β N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+βƻ N fact|,drink|,recreation|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@foster|,#bird|
+ N shape|
+Ѫ N medicine|ҩ
+ N disease|,#foot|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,royal|,female|Ů
+ N result|,desired|,#succeed|ɹ
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ V catch|ס,police|
+ V catch|ס,police|
+ V catch|ס,#crime|,police|
+ V catch|ס,patient=addictive|Ⱥ,police|
+ V catch|ס,police|
+˽ V catch|ס,#crime|,police|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Djibouti|)
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Djibouti|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ᷨ N money|,(Djibouti|)
+˹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Kirghizstan|˹˹̹)
+˹˹̹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+˹ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+Ƭ N artifact|˹,precious|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+¡ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Malaysia|)
+ N LandVehicle|
+ճ N LandVehicle|
+ N human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ N fact|,desired|,#congratulate|ף
+ V lucky|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#lucky|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ V lucky|
+ N artifact|˹,#lucky|
+Ǹ V lucky|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&event|¼
+ N information|Ϣ,good|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ N attribute|,degree|̶,extreme|,&entity|ʵ
+ N part|,%earth|,head|ͷ,tail|β
+ N part|,%electricity|,head|ͷ,tail|β
+ N fittings|,#electricity|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,intensity|ǿ,strong|ǿ,extreme|
+ N part|,%earth|,edge|
+ N attribute|,boundary|,extreme|,&entity|ʵ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ N attribute|,contrariness|,&entity|ʵ
+ N human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ V ize|̬
+ N bird|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+Ŀ V look|,manner=far|Զ
+ĿԶ V look|,manner=far|Զ
+Ʒ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ʥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С
+Ϊ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+Ϊ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ N attribute|,boundary|,extreme|,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,contrariness|,&entity|ʵ
+Ӳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,hard|Ӳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,politics|
+ҷ N human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,politics|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N tree|
+Ƥ N AnimalHuman|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ V compile|༭
+ V gather|ɼ
+¼ V compile|༭
+ N account|
+ N attribute|,attachment|,&human|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,@ComeToWorld|
+ N publications|鿯
+ N attribute|,source|Դ,#ComeToWorld|,&human|
+ N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,commercial|
+ V assemble|ۼ
+ V gather|ɼ
+ N publications|鿯
+ V merge|ϲ
+ɵ· N part|,linear|,#electricity|
+ V gather|ɼ
+缫 N part|,#electricity|
+ V ComeTogether|
+ V assemble|ۼ
+ N fact|,@communicate|
+ V ComeTogether|
+ V assemble|ۼ
+ N thing|,mass|
+ V assemble|ۼ
+ V gather|ɼ
+Ȩ V control|
+ɢ N place|ط,#inanimate|
+ N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,commercial|
+˼ V gather|ɼ,possession=wisdom|ǻ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,public|
+廯 V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=public|
+ N system|ƶ,#rights|Ȩ,#own|,public|
+ N community|
+Ź˾ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+ž N army|
+ѵ V teach|
+Ҹ V obtain|õ,possession=many|,means=gather|ɼ
+ V gather|ɼ,possession=coupon|Ʊ֤
+ʼ N human|,*gather|ɼ
+Լ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,agricultural|ũ
+Լ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=refined|,agricultural|ũ
+ԼӪ V engage|,manner=refined|,agricultural|ũ
+ N place|ط,city|
+ V assemble|ۼ
+ V control|
+ V gather|ɼ
+Ӫ N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,police|,@detain|ס,#crime|,#punish|
+װ N tool|þ,@put|,#transport|,#vehicle|ͨ
+ V gather|ɼ,possession=fund|ʽ,commercial|
+ N publications|鿯
+ V arrive|
+ STRU {Vachieve|}
+ COOR {and|}
+ V succeed|ɹ,scope=exam|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|,desired|
+ CONJ {and|}
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ﶯ V part|,%language|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,earliness|,early|
+ PREP {LocationFin}
+ PREP {TimeFin}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ N affairs|,urgent|
+ V angry|
+ V willing|Ը
+ V worried|ż
+ N disease|
+Ҵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hasty|
+Ҵ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hasty|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,busy|æ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ N letter|ż,urgent|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,generous|,desired|
+ V cure|ҽ
+ҩ N tool|þ,@put|,#medicine|ҩ,medical|ҽ
+Ա N human|,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ V refuse|
+æ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hasty|,undesired|ݬ
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ֱ V endeavour|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hasty|
+ǻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ɲ V cease|ͣ
+ɲ V fix|ס
+ N affairs|,urgent|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ V TurnRound|
+ N affairs|,urgent|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,medical|ҽ
+Բ N disease|
+Էʪ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,rash|ç
+ӵ N human|,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ N phenomena|,need|,urgent|
+ N phenomena|,need|,urgent|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ V expect|,content=succeed|ɹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ĸĸ N human|,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ N fact|,cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ,urgent|
+֢ N disease|
+ V obtain|õ,possession=method|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ת V TurnRound|,manner=sudden|
+ת V change|,manner=sudden|
+תֱ V change|,manner=sudden|
+תֱ ADJ change|,manner=sudden|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ N disease|
+ V hate|
+ N disease|
+ V GoForward|ǰ
+ V hate|,target=evil|
+ N wind|,strong|ǿ
+ V announce|
+ N disease|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,hardship|
+ʻ V VehicleGo|ʻ,manner=fast|
+ɫ V ExpressAnger|ʾŭ
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V inhale|
+ȡ V inhale|
+ȡ V obtain|õ
+ V BeNear|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ V approach|ӽ
+ CONJ {concession|ò}
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ V arrive|,future|
+ PP aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ PP aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ PP aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ CONJ {concession|ò}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ N time|ʱ,now|,day|
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ʹ CONJ {concession|ò}
+˵ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+λ V bear|е,patient=official|,royal|
+ϯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ϯ V engage|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$prepare|
+ V jealous|ʼ
+ V jealous|ʼ
+ N human|,*jealous|ʼ
+ V hate|
+Ͷ V jealous|ʼ,target=able|
+ N attribute|,degree|̶,&aValue|ֵ,&event|¼
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&entity|ʵ
+ N community|,#unripe|
+ N part|,%building|,nerve|
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&entity|ʵ
+ ADJ quantity|,rate|,&rank|ȼ
+ N expenditure|
+ V ComeTogether|
+ V SqueezeOut|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,crowded|,undesired|ݬ
+ V press|ѹ
+ V push|
+ V SqueezeOut|
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,crowded|,degree=extreme|
+ V collect|,possession=money|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,crowded|,degree=extreme|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,crowded|,degree=extreme|
+üŪ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=eye|,purpose=show|
+ V gather|ɼ,possession=drinks|Ʒ,agricultural|ũ
+ѹ V SqueezeOut|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=eye|,purpose=show|
+ռ V occupy|ռ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,almost|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@put|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Guinea|)
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,question|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,some|Щ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,question|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,some|Щ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,question|
+ͼ N image|ͼ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,possibility|,almost|
+ȫͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ N quantity|,rate|,#possibility|,&event|¼
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+DZ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Guinea-Bissau|DZ)
+DZ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+Ƿ N money|,(Guinea|)
+ N human|,(Guinea|)
+ʱ ADV time|ʱ,question|
+ʱ CONJ {time|ʱ}
+ά N bird|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,question|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hind|,body|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hind|,body|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N disease|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N AnimalHuman|
+ N part|,%building|,bone|
+ N part|,%animal|,tail|β
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,self|
+ N army|,friend|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,self|
+ N duty|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+ N method|
+ N method|,#industrial|
+ V MakeBetter|Ż
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ N institution|,ProperName|ר,*supervise|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+ N method|
+ʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ල N institution|,ProperName|ר,*supervise|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ ADJ knowledge|֪ʶ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ
+ N cause|ԭ
+ѧУ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ת V give|
+У N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ N method|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N quantity|,amount|,&crop|ׯ
+ N time|ʱ,ending|ĩ,#season|
+ N time|ʱ,season|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,season|
+ N wind|
+ N time|ʱ,season|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,season|
+ N human|,desired|,*compete|,*win|ʤ,$reward|,sport|
+ N publications|鿯
+ N plans|滮,sly|,*deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+ N plans|滮,sly|,*deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+ V salute|¾
+ V use|
+ V salute|¾
+ N fact|,*salute|¾,#die|
+ N tool|þ,*salute|¾,#die|
+Ʒ N tool|þ,*salute|¾,#die|
+ V salute|¾
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ N medicine|ҩ,#experiment|ʵ
+ N quantity|,amount|,&consume|ȡ,&use|,#medicine|ҩ
+С N quantity|,amount|,&use|,#medicine|ҩ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+ V cross|Խ,LocationThru=waters|ˮ
+ V help|
+ü ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+üһ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ƶ V help|,patient=poor|
+ V benefit|,patient=human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+ V depend|
+ V entrust|ί
+ V post|ʼ
+Ĵ V SetAside|
+Ĵ N part|,%computer|
+ķ V SetAside|
+ľ V reside|ס
+ V sell|,commercial|
+ V alive|
+ N bacteria|
+ N human|,#wealth|Ǯ,undesired|ݬ
+ V reside|ס,education|
+ V SetAside|
+ V entrust|ί
+ V express|ʾ
+ϣ V entrust|ί
+ V entrust|ί,ResultEvent=ProvideFor|
+ V entrust|ί
+ V express|ʾ
+Ԣ V reside|ס
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+ž ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+ž N attribute|,occasion|,quiet|,desired|,&space|ռ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ
+į ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+ V calculate|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V measure|
+ N plans|滮
+ N plans|滮,sly|,*deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+ V plan|ƻ
+ N thought|ͷ
+ N tool|þ,*measure|
+Ƴ̳ N LandVehicle|,$lend|,commercial|
+Ƴ V calculate|,content=payment|
+ƻ V plan|ƻ
+ƻ V plan|ƻ,content=GiveBirth|
+ƻίԱ N institution|,ProperName|ר,*plan|ƻ,#GiveBirth|
+ƻƶ N human|,*plan|ƻ
+Ƽ V calculate|,content=price|۸,commercial|
+Ƽ۹ V calculate|,content=price|۸,manner=insufficiently|Ƿ,commercial|
+Ƽ۹ V calculate|,content=price|۸,manner=extreme|,commercial|
+Ƽ V count|,content=quantity|
+ƽ V debate|
+ƽ V think|˼
+ V calculate|
+ V measure|
+ı N plans|滮,sly|,*deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+ί N institution|,ProperName|ר,*plan|ƻ,#GiveBirth|
+ʱ V count|,content=time|ʱ
+ʱ N tool|þ,*count|,#time|ʱ
+ V count|
+ N tool|þ,*count|,#quantity|
+ V calculate|
+ N tool|þ,*calculate|
+ N computer|
+ V help|,instrument=computer|
+ V ize|̬,#computer|
+ N tool|þ,calculate|
+ N InstitutePlace|,#computer|,#software|
+ί N institution|,ProperName|ר,*plan|ƻ
+ V discuss|
+ N mark|־
+ V record|¼
+ V remember|ǵ
+ V sign|д
+ N text|
+Dz V BeUnable|,content=remember|ǵ
+dz V cherish|Ļ,content=hate|
+ǵ V remember|ǵ
+Ƿ V record|¼,content=result|
+ǹ V record|¼,content=result|
+ǹ V ThinkOf|˼
+ǹ V record|¼,content=result|
+Ǻ N symbol|
+Ǻ V cherish|Ļ,content=hate|
+¼ V record|¼
+¼ N result|
+¼ N text|
+¼ N human|,desired|,*win|ʤ,#compete|,#WhileAway|
+ V write|д,content=name|
+ V remember|ǵ,Vachieve|
+ȡ V remember|ǵ
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,&information|Ϣ
+ V record|¼,content=event|¼
+¶ V BeAble|ܹ,content=remember|ǵ
+ V record|¼
+ V remember|ǵ
+ N attribute|,ability|,remember|ǵ,&AnimalHuman|
+ V explain|˵
+ N text|
+ V LookBack|
+ V remember|ǵ
+ N attribute|,ability|,remember|ǵ,&AnimalHuman|
+ V remember|ǵ
+ V record|¼
+ V record|¼,content=account|,commercial|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*gather|ɼ,*compile|༭,#news|
+ס V remember|ǵ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ
+ CONJ {cause|ԭ}
+... COOR {supplement|ݽ}
+ȳʵ V happen|,content=fact|
+ȵ N wealth|Ǯ
+ȶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|
+Ȼ CONJ {cause|ԭ}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lenient|,desired|
+Լ N symbol|,#quantity|,#DoSum|
+ V GiveUp|
+ V evade|ر
+ V fear|
+ V jealous|ʼ
+ɵ V fear|
+ɶ V jealous|ʼ
+ɺ V hate|
+ɻ V evade|ر
+ɿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ N time|ʱ,day|,@salute|¾,#die|
+ʳ V evade|ر,content=consume|ȡ
+ N location|λ,surrounding|Χ,space|ռ
+ N time|ʱ
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&human|,&event|¼
+ N human|,female|Ů,crime|,#SeekPleasure|Ѱ,undesired|ݬ,(be a prostitute|)
+Ů N human|,female|Ů,crime|,#SeekPleasure|Ѱ,undesired|ݬ,(be a prostitute|)
+Ժ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|,undesired|ݬ,@SeekPleasure|Ѱ
+ V KeepOn|ʹ
+̳ V KeepOn|ʹ
+̳ V receive|
+̳ N human|,*receive|
+̵ N part|,%machine|
+̶ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,hind|
+̷Լ N disease|
+̸ N human|,family|,male|
+ĸ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ V KeepOn|ʹ,patient=undertake|
+ V KeepOn|ʹ,patient=affairs|
+ V GoOn|
+ V KeepOn|ʹ
+֮ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,hind|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N system|ƶ
+ͼ V supervise|,content=regulation|
+ͼί N institution|,ProperName|ר,*check|,#regulation|
+¼ N human|,*record|¼
+¼ V record|¼
+¼ N result|,#exercise|,sport|
+¼ N text|
+¼Ƭ N shows|
+ N regulation|
+ N account|
+ V commemorate|ʾ˼
+ N fact|,commemorate|ʾ˼
+ N thing|,*commemorate|ʾ˼
+ N time|ʱ,day|,@commemorate|ʾ˼
+ N tool|þ,*commemorate|ʾ˼
+ N facilities|ʩ,*commemorate|ʾ˼
+ N account|,*commemorate|ʾ˼
+ N stationery|ľ,*commemorate|ʾ˼
+ N facilities|ʩ,*commemorate|ʾ˼
+ N fact|,*commemorate|ʾ˼
+ N fact|,commemorate|ʾ˼
+Ʒ N tool|þ,*commemorate|ʾ˼
+ N time|ʱ,day|,*commemorate|ʾ˼
+ N facilities|ʩ,*commemorate|ʾ˼
+ N facilities|ʩ,*commemorate|ʾ˼
+Ʊ N coupon|Ʊ֤,#letter|ż,*commemorate|ʾ˼
+ N tool|þ,*commemorate|ʾ˼
+ʵ N information|Ϣ,true|
+ V account|,@record|¼
+ V record|¼,content=event|¼
+ί N institution|,ProperName|ר,*check|,#regulation|
+ N text|
+Ҫ N text|
+Ԫ N time|ʱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ V praise|佱
+α N human|,$WellTreat|ƴ
+ν V reward|
+ξ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ V mobilize|
+ V agree|ͬ
+ V praise|佱
+ N tool|þ,police|,*punish|,#crime|
+ N tool|þ,police|,#crime|,*detain|ס
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,special|
+ V fasten|˩
+ V hold|
+ V insert|
+ V mix|
+ V pick|ʰ
+ V press|ѹ
+ N tool|þ,*hold|
+а N tool|þ,*fix|ס,medical|ҽ
+в N part|,%entity|ʵ,space|ռ
+д V transport|,manner=secret|,crime|,commercial|
+е N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+еӭ V welcome|ӭ
+з N location|λ
+з N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+й V attack|,military|
+й N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+л V attack|,military|
+о N tool|þ,*hold|
+п N clothing|,#body|
+а ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$fill|
+ı N food|ʳƷ
+ V relate|й
+֫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,arm|
+ N tool|þ,*hold|
+ N tool|þ,@put|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ѻ N fact|,desired|
+Ѽ N result|,good|,desired|
+ѽ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+Ѿ N phenomena|,desired|,#lucky|
+Ѿ N expression|,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N human|,female|Ů,beautiful|,desired|
+ľ˹ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ż N human|,family|,mass|,#GetMarried|
+Ʒ N physical|,good|,desired|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#GetMarried|
+ N human|,desired|,female|Ů,beautiful|
+ N information|Ϣ,desired|,*ShowJoy|ʾϲ
+ N artifact|˹,good|,desired|
+ N text|,good|,desired|
+ N edible|ʳ,good|,desired|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&InstitutePlace|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N community|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N community|,family|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,able|
+ N human|,able|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,#affairs|
+Ҳ N wealth|Ǯ,#family|
+Ҳ N InsectWorm|,agricultural|ũ
+Ҳ N wealth|Ǯ,#family|
+ҳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+ҳ N fact|,#family|
+ҳ㷹 N fact|,ordinary|
+ҳ㷹 N food|ʳƷ,thrifty|
+ҳ N human|,official|,family|
+ҳʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ҳ ADJ attribute|,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,&human|
+Ҵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ҵ N wealth|Ǯ,#family|
+ҵ N wealth|Ǯ,#family|
+ҵ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ,#electricity|,#family|
+ҷ V visit|
+ҷ N attribute|,SocialMode|,&family|
+Ҹ N bird|
+Ҹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+һ N human|
+һ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ
+һ N weapon|,generic|ͳ
+Ҽ N fact|,#family|
+Ҽ N community|,family|,mass|
+Ҽһ N community|,family|,mass|
+ҽ N affairs|,education|,#family|
+Ҿ N attribute|,circumstances|,family|,&human|
+Ҿ N community|,family|
+Ҿ N furniture|Ҿ
+Ҿ N human|,#furniture|Ҿ,commercial|
+Ҿ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+Ҿ N human|,family|,mass|
+ҿ N human|,family|,mass|
+ҿ N quantity|,amount|,&human|,#family|
+ N location|λ,#family|
+ N community|,#family|
+ N community|,family|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,#family|,$produce|
+ V unfortunate|
+ N account|,@record|¼,#family|
+ N process|,#family|
+ N bird|
+ N human|,mass|,family|
+ʲ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ
+ N affairs|,#family|
+ N letter|ż,#family|
+ N human|,family|
+˽ N wealth|Ǯ,#family|
+ͥ N community|,family|
+ͥİ N attribute|,circumstances|,peaceful|,&family|
+ͥϷ N fact|,#family|,recreation|
+ͥ N human|,female|Ů,#family|
+ͥ N human|,female|Ů,family|
+ͥҵ N affairs|,#study|ѧ,education|
+ͽı ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ N livestock|
+ N affairs|,#family|
+ N affairs|,#family|
+ N affairs|,#family|
+ N place|ط,#ComeToWorld|
+ N place|ط,@ComeToWorld|
+С N human|,family|
+ N letter|ż,#family|
+ N livestock|
+ N fact|,eat|,entertain|д,#family|
+ V foster|,agricultural|ũ
+ҵ N wealth|Ǯ,#family|
+Ӭ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ,*fly|
+ N expenditure|,#family|
+õ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ,#electricity|,#family|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ N place|ط,#family|
+ N affairs|,#family|
+ N community|,#family|
+ V DoSum|,means=add|
+ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ V add|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Canada|ô)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Gabon|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Ghana|)
+ V put|
+Ӱ V endeavour|
+Ӱ N payment|
+Ӱӵ V endeavour|
+ӱ V add|
+ӱ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,double|
+Ӳ N edible|ʳ
+ӳ V enlarge|,PatientAttribute=length|
+ӳ V inlay|Ƕ
+Ӵ V MakeBetter|Ż
+Ӵ V enlarge|
+ӵ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Nepal|Ჴ)
+Ӷ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(India|ӡ)
+ӷ N method|,*DoSum|
+Ӹ V build|,quantity=many|
+Ӹ V print|ӡˢ,quantity=many|
+Ӹ V enlarge|,PatientAttribute=height|߶
+ӹ V produce|
+ӹ V produce|,industrial|
+ӹ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,industrial|
+ӹ V strengthen|ӹ
+Ӻ V damage|
+Ӻ N symbol|,*DoSum|
+Ӻ V enlarge|,PatientAttribute=height|߶
+Ӽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+Ӽ N fish|
+ӽ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ӽ V SpeedUp|ӿ
+Ӿ V damage|
+ӿ V SpeedUp|ӿ
+ӿ V enlarge|
+˹ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Venezuela|ί)
+ձȺ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ CLAS unit|λ,&volume|ݻ
+ V add|
+ V add|,commercial|
+ V add|,patient=price|۸,commercial|
+ V ally|
+ V RegardAs|,ResultIsa=secret|
+ô ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Canada|ô)
+ô N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(North America|)
+ô N human|,(Canada|ô)
+ôԪ N money|,(Canada|ô)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Ghana|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ N human|,(Ghana|)
+Ũ V thicken|Ũ
+ũ N weapon|,*firing|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Gabon|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ N human|,(Gabon|)
+ǿ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ V WarmUp|
+¯ N tool|þ,*WarmUp|
+ N tool|þ,*WarmUp|
+ V appreciate|
+ V include|
+ V put|
+ N human|,*include|
+ V add|
+ V give|
+ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ V deepen|
+ʪ V moisten|ʪ
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ V SpeedUp|ӿ
+ٶ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&inanimate|
+ N tool|þ,*SpeedUp|ӿ
+̬¡ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ V WarmUp|
+н V add|,patient=payment|
+ѹ V press|ѹ,industrial|
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ
+ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ,ResultEvent=amend|
+ V endeavour|
+ V feed|ι,patient=material|
+ V lubricate|
+ͻ N aircraft|,*feed|ι
+վ N InstitutePlace|,*feed|ι,commercial|
+֮ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+ V MakeHeavier|
+ V damage|
+ V decline|˥
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+Թ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ N part|,%animal|,mouth|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ N clothing|,*protect|,military|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+װ N part|,%ship|
+ױ N chemical|ѧ
+ױ N human|,military|
+ױ N weapon|,generic|ͳ
+׳ N InsectWorm|
+״ N chemical|ѧ
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,superior|,&entity|ʵ
+ N human|,organization|֯,#associate|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ N character|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,superior|,&entity|ʵ
+ N disease|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ȩ N chemical|ѧ
+ȩˮ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N gas|
+ս N fact|,fight|,ProperName|ר
+ N disease|
+ N fish|
+״ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+״ٻܼ N disease|
+״ٻܿ N disease|
+״ N chemical|ѧ
+״ N disease|
+ N medicine|ҩ,*apply|ͿĨ
+ N time|ʱ
+غͪ N medicine|ҩ
+ N clothing|,*protect|,military|
+ N metal|
+ط N material|,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,artificial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ N time|ʱ,@rest|Ϣ,@WhileAway|
+ V use|
+ٰ V pretend|װ,content=RegardAs|
+ٱ N money|,fake|α
+ٳ V pretend|װ,content=RegardAs|
+ٵѧ N human|,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ٶ V RegardAs|,ResultIsa=true|
+ٷ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ,#hair|ë
+ٷ N symbol|,#quantity|,#DoSum|
+ٸ N part|,%plant|ֲ,base|
+ٹ˽ V seek|ıȡ,means=use|,#rights|Ȩ,undesired|ݬ
+ٹ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ٻ N text|,*deceive|ƭ
+ٻ N physical|,fake|α
+ٽ V use|
+ٿ N human|,*pretend|װ,#weep|
+ð V pretend|װ,content=RegardAs|
+ð N human|,*pretend|װ
+ V sleep|˯
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ
+ N attribute|,name|,fake|α,&human|
+ N symbol|,(Japan|ձ)
+ N time|ʱ,@rest|Ϣ,@WhileAway|
+ʼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ N time|ʱ,day|,@rest|Ϣ,@WhileAway|
+ CONJ {condition|}
+ CONJ {condition|}
+ɤ N sound|,#music|
+ɽ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ
+ V RegardAs|,ResultIsa=true|
+ N information|Ϣ,$guess|²
+ʹ CONJ {condition|}
+ V release|ͷ,police|
+˵ N information|Ϣ,$guess|²
+ V pretend|װ,content=die|
+ N phenomena|,fake|α
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,^true|
+ N human|,enemy|,military|
+ N attribute|,form|״,&stone|ʯ
+ N phenomena|,fake|α
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ҩ N artifact|˹,#medicine|ҩ,fake|α
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ V forge|α
+֫ N part|,%human|,fake|α,#medical|ҽ,limb|֫
+װ V pretend|װ
+װʥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ V engage|,agricultural|ũ
+ V engage|,agricultural|ũ
+ N attribute|,price|۸,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ N attribute|,value|ֵ,&thing|
+۸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,price|۸,expensive|,undesired|ݬ
+۸ N attribute|,price|۸,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+۸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,price|۸,expensive|,undesired|ݬ
+۸߰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,price|۸,expensive|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,price|۸,cheap|
+ N attribute|,price|۸,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+Ŀ N attribute|,price|۸,&thing|,commercial|
+Ŀ N document|,*display|չʾ,#price|۸,commercial|
+ǩ N mark|־,#price|۸
+Ǯ N attribute|,price|۸,&thing|,commercial|
+ֵ N attribute|,value|ֵ,&thing|
+ֵ N thought|ͷ,#value|ֵ
+ֵ N regulation|,#value|ֵ
+ֵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|,desired|
+ֵ N quantity|,amount|,&value|ֵ
+ V HoldWithHand|
+ V PropUp|֧
+ V build|
+ N fact|,fight|
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,bone|
+ N tool|þ,@put|,generic|ͳ
+ V withstand|ס
+ܲס V WithstandNot|ס
+ܴ CLAS NounUnit|,&aircraft|
+ܵס V withstand|ס
+ܿ V CauseToDo|ʹ,ResultEvent=fake|α
+ܿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ܿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|
+ V HoldWithHand|
+ V build|
+ V put|
+ V build|
+ʽ N attribute|,posture|,&animate|
+ N attribute|,posture|,&animate|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ,&human|
+ N attribute|,posture|,&animate|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,bone|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,bone|
+ N part|,%text|,bone|
+ N tool|þ,@put|,generic|ͳ
+ N livestock|
+ V drive|Ԧ
+ݳ V drive|Ԧ,patient=LandVehicle|
+ V arrive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ʻ V drive|Ԧ
+ʻ N part|,%ship|,%aircraft|,room|,@drive|Ԧ
+ʻ N part|,%LandVehicle|,room|,@drive|Ԧ
+ʻԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*drive|Ԧ,#LandVehicle|
+ʻԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*drive|Ԧ,#aircraft|
+Ԧ V control|
+Ԧ V drive|Ԧ
+ V MarryTo|
+ V give|
+ V damage|
+ V connect|,agricultural|ũ
+ױ N tool|þ,$GiveAsGift|,#MarryTo|,generic|ͳ
+ V destroy|
+ V destroy|,military|
+ N weapon|,aircraft|,military|
+ V destroy|
+ս N fact|,fight|,destroy|,military|
+ N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,police|,@detain|ס,#crime|,#punish|
+ N institution|,royal|
+ V supervise|
+ V supervise|
+ N facilities|ʩ,*supervise|
+վ N InstitutePlace|,*supervise|
+ V supervise|
+첿 N institution|,*supervise|,ProperName|ר,politics|
+쳤 N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*supervise|,official|,police|
+ N human|,*supervise|
+ೡ V supervise|,education|
+ල V supervise|
+ලԱ N human|,*supervise|
+ල N human|,*supervise|
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,$detain|ס
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*supervise|,industrial|
+ V detain|ס,police|
+ N fact|,TakeCare|,police|
+ V TakeCare|
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ,TakeCare|,police|
+ N human|,*TakeCare|
+ N human|,*protect|
+ V detain|ס,police|
+ V supervise|,education|
+ N human|,*supervise|,#exam|,education|
+ V supervise|
+ V control|
+Ʊ V supervise|,content=select|ѡ
+» N institution|,*supervise|
+ V check|
+ V supervise|
+ N part|,%computer|,*display|չʾ
+Ե V steal|͵,crime|
+ V supervise|
+ִ V punish|
+ N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,police|,@detain|ס,#crime|,#punish|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*supervise|,police|
+Ů N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*supervise|,police|,female|Ů
+֤ V appreciate|
+ V supervise|,content=produce|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,hard|Ӳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,durable|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ V hide|
+Ұ V hide|,military|
+ɴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,withstand|ס,desired|
+ɴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,durable|,desired|
+ V obey|ѭ
+ֲи ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ֲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ּ V obey|ѭ,content=thinking|˼
+ᶨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ᶨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ᶨ N attribute|,will|־,strong|ǿ,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,durable|,desired|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ N weapon|,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,durable|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N attribute|,will|־,strong|ǿ,&human|
+Ͳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ʯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,steady|,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,durable|,desired|
+ V obey|ѭ
+ͦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ V believe|
+Ų V believe|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+Ӳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,hard|Ӳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+겻 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ִ V obey|ѭ,content=thinking|˼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,acute|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,head|ͷ
+ N human|,military|
+ N tool|þ,*cut|,acute|
+ⶥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,acute|
+ⶥ N part|,%inanimate|,head|ͷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,BadTemper|Ƣ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,sharp|
+ N fish|
+ N part|,%fish|,body|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,acute|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+̱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,#satirize|
+ N human|,superior|,able|,desired|
+챡 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ N expression|,*explain|˵
+ N letter|ż
+ N paper|ֽ,@write|д,#letter|ż
+ N text|,*explain|˵
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&InstitutePlace|,&house|
+ N location|λ,space|ռ,internal|
+䲻ݷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+䲻ݷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N human|,police|,military|,*scout|
+ N part|,%army|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,^continuous|
+ V pause|ͣ
+䷢ N disease|
+ N attribute|,distance|,&time|ʱ,&space|ռ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,^continuous|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,tactful|
+˰ N expenditure|
+ N attribute|,distance|,&space|ռ
+ V PickOut|γ,patient=crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+϶ N location|λ
+϶ N time|ʱ
+Ъ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,^continuous|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,mixed|,undesired|ݬ
+ V planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ V cook|
+ V produce|
+尾 V punish|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ V undertake|
+汸 V own|,manner=also|Ҳ
+沢 V occupy|ռ,military|
+ V undertake|,content=other|
+ V SelfMove|,manner=fast|
+֮ V own|,manner=also|Ҳ
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ V manage|,manner=also|Ҳ
+ V teach|,education|
+ V undertake|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,alike|
+ݻ N computer|
+ N attribute|,performance|,#fit|ʺ,&information|Ϣ,&implement|
+ղ V include|
+Ӫ V manage|,manner=also|Ҳ
+ V use|,manner=also|Ҳ
+ V own|,manner=also|Ҳ
+ְ V undertake|,content=other|
+ְְҵ N affairs|,#occupation|ְλ,other|
+ V be|,manner=also|Ҳ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+縺 V bear|е
+ؽ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+Ħ챻 ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,crowded|,undesired|ݬ
+ͷ N location|λ,%part|
+ͷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N mark|־,#clothing|,$PutOn|
+ι N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ܶ V endeavour|,manner=hardship|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+ɬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+Σ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+ V suffer|,content=hardship|,manner=extreme|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*betray|,treacherous|
+鳼 N human|,undesired|ݬ,official|,treacherous|
+黫 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,commercial|,crime|,*deceive|ƭ
+ V damage|,purpose=mating|,crime|
+ϸ N human|,police|,military|,*scout|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+Ц V laugh|Ц
+а ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,official|,treacherous|
+ V damage|,purpose=mating|,crime|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*betray|,treacherous|
+թ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,official|,treacherous|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,treacherous|
+ V shut|ر
+ V KeepSilence|˵
+Ĭ V KeepSilence|˵
+ N house|,#InsectWorm|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ,#disease|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+˿ N material|,?clothing|
+ V check|
+ V restrain|ֹ,patient=self|
+첨 V distinguish|ֱ,information|Ϣ,#electricity|
+ V check|
+ V check|
+ N human|,*check|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*check|
+ V check|,police|
+쳤 N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*check|,official|,police|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*check|,official|,police|
+Ժ N institution|,*check|,police|
+ V check|,Vachieve|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ V check|
+춨 V distinguish|ֱ
+ V reveal|¶
+ N human|,*reveal|¶
+ V check|
+ V LookFor|Ѱ
+ V check|
+ V repair|
+ V check|
+ V exam|
+ V check|,#medical|ҽ
+ V check|
+ V check|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Cambodia|կ)
+ N letter|ż
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Cambodia|կ)
+կ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Cambodia|կ)
+կ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+կ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N letter|ż
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N land|½
+ N fact|,ize|̬
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,industrial|
+ N attribute|,performance|,industrial|,&inanimate|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ V choose|ѡ
+ѡ V choose|ѡ
+ V gather|ɼ
+ V pick|ʰ
+ö V gather|ɼ,possession=waste|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N letter|ż
+ N letter|ż,past|
+ N publications|鿯,news|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+ N attribute|,name|,simple|,&entity|ʵ
+ N naming|,manner=simple|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,shallow|dz
+ V handle|,manner=careless|
+ N human|,*ize|̬
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+֮ ADV {comment|}
+ N ize|̬,PatientAttribute=simple|
+ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=simple|
+ N character|,simple|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+ N part|,%information|Ϣ,bone|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+ N document|,@record|¼,#process|,#human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+ª ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,crude|ª,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,concise|,desired|
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,thrifty|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+ʷ N fact|,#time|ʱ,simple|
+ V describe|д,manner=simple|
+ N character|,simple|,(China|й)
+ N character|,simple|,(China|й)
+ͼ N image|ͼ
+Ѷ N news|,simple|
+֮ ADV {comment|}
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,easy|,desired|
+Լ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+ N document|,regulation|,simple|
+Ȩ V MakeBetter|Ż,politics|
+ֱ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,thrifty|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,thrifty|,desired|
+ʡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,thrifty|,desired|
+ V break|۶
+ N tool|þ,*break|۶
+ N part|,%publications|鿯
+ V break|۶
+ V compile|༭
+ V start|ʼ
+ V destroy|
+ N tool|þ,*break|۶
+ N quantity|,rate|,&price|۸,commercial|
+ V compile|༭
+ V compile|༭
+ V compile|༭
+Ӱ N image|ͼ
+ֽ N image|ͼ
+ N tool|þ,*break|۶
+ V DoSum|
+ V DoSum|,means=subtract|
+ V subtract|
+ V subtract|,range=half|
+ V BecomeLess|,scope=produce|,industrial|
+ V subtract|
+ V BecomeLess|
+ V subtract|
+ N method|,*DoSum|
+ V AlterMeasurement|,ResultEvent=bony|
+ N attribute|,range|,BecomeLess|,&price|۸,commercial|
+ N symbol|,*DoSum|
+ V SlowDown|
+ V BecomeLess|,scope=price|۸,commercial|
+ V subtract|,patient=expenditure|
+ V SlowDown|
+ V exempt|
+ V subtract|
+ V weaken|
+ȥ V DoSum|
+ V weaken|
+ɫ V weaken|
+ɱ V weaken|
+ V subtract|
+ N quantity|,amount|,#DoSum|
+˰ V subtract|,patient=expenditure|
+ V SlowDown|
+ N tool|þ,*SlowDown|
+ V BecomeLess|
+С V subtract|
+ V weaken|,patient=punish|,police|
+ѹ V weaken|,patient=press|ѹ,industrial|
+Ա V BecomeLess|,scope=employee|Ա
+ V subtract|,patient=unfortunate|
+ V weaken|,patient=shiver|
+ N tool|þ,*weaken|,#shiver|
+ N tool|þ,*weaken|,#shiver|
+ V BecomeLess|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ V recommend|Ƽ
+ N tool|þ,@sleep|˯
+ V recommend|Ƽ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@detain|ס,animal|
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ N part|,%house|
+ V check|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ V investigate|
+ V mean|ָ
+ N tool|þ,*look|,#self|
+ V distinguish|ֱ
+ V distinguish|ֱ
+ V estimate|
+ N fact|,*estimate|
+ N human|,*estimate|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ V appreciate|
+ͼ N human|,*estimate|
+ PREP {cause}
+ V conduct|ʵʩ
+ V kick|߲
+̤ V damage|
+Լ V obey|ѭ,content=MakeAppointment|Լ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,price|۸,cheap|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵
+ͷ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ V sell|,cost=cheap|,commercial|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ V appear|
+ V meet|
+ V perception|֪,means=look|
+ V read|
+ N thought|ͷ
+ STRU {Vachieve|}
+ V appear|,location=publications|鿯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ V grow|ɳ
+ V perception|֪
+ N thought|ͷ
+ʶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,square|
+ʩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ V endeavour|
+ֲ V despise|,target=ordinary|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|,undesired|ݬ
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ
+ V read|
+ N thought|ͷ
+ V disloyal|,cause=wealth|Ǯ
+ V meet|
+ǰ V read|
+ʼ V differ|ͬ
+ V read|
+ʶ V enrich|ʵ,material=experience|
+ʶ N experience|
+ V enrich|ʵ,material=experience|
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+֪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ϰ V drill|ϰ
+ϰ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|
+ V read|
+Ц V LaughAt|Ц
+Ч V succeed|ɹ
+Ϊ V dare|
+˼Ǩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,^lasting|
+ V read|
+֤ N experience|
+֤ V perception|֪,means=look|
+֤ N human|,*prove|֤,#police|
+ V appear|,location=publications|鿯
+ N part|,%chemical|ѧ
+ N part|,%implement|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#fasten|˩
+ N part|,%computer|,%MusicTool|
+ V write|д
+ N weapon|,*firing|
+ N tool|þ,#firing|
+¥ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@look|
+ͷ N mark|־
+ͷ N part|,%weapon|,*firing|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ N beast|
+ N weapon|,*firing|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&thing|
+ N letter|ż
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,#produce|,industrial|
+ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,nimble|,desired|
+ N human|,desired|,able|
+ N human|,desired|,employee|Ա,able|,#exercise|
+ N human|,desired|,employee|Ա,able|,#exercise|
+ V BeWell|׳
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ȫ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ V exercise|
+ N facilities|ʩ,@exercise|,sport|
+̸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,speak|˵
+ V exercise|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,remember|ǵ
+ N human|,*forget|
+θ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,MakeBetter|Ż
+ V alive|
+׳ V BeWell|׳
+׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,#ship|,military|
+ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+ N army|,#ship|
+ N weapon|,%ship|,*firing|,military|
+ͧ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,able|,$transport|,#ship|
+ֻ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+ N weapon|,*stab|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ü N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,ProperName|ר,(UK|Ӣ)
+Ŵѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,ProperName|ר,(UK|Ӣ)
+ V farewell|
+ V farewell|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ N fact|,change|,slow|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,continuous|
+ V prosper|
+Ѿ V prosper|
+ V disperse|ɢ
+ N land|½,linear|,#water|ˮ
+ N part|,%land|½,linear|,#water|ˮ
+ V build|
+ V establish|
+ V propose|
+ N material|,*build|
+ V build|,Vachieve|
+ V establish|,patient=community|,politics|
+ V establish|,patient=capital|,politics|
+ N fact|,#build|
+ V succeed|ɹ
+ҵ V succeed|ɹ
+ V establish|,patient=country|,politics|
+ V associate|
+ V establish|,patient=army|,military|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,festival|,#army|,@congratulate|ף
+ V establish|
+ V build|,Vachieve|
+ V build|
+貿 N institution|,*build|,ProperName|ר,politics|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ProsCons|,pros|,desired|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@SetAside|,@TakeBack|ȡ,@lend|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|,(China|й)
+ N human|,*build|
+ V donate|
+ V establish|,PatientProduct=organization|֯
+ί N institution|,*build|,ProperName|ר,politics|
+У V establish|,PatientProduct=InstitutePlace|
+ҵ V succeed|ɹ
+ V propose|
+ N text|,$propose|,$discuss|,$debate|
+ V build|
+ N part|,%organization|֯,bone|
+ N building|,generic|ͳ,space|ռ
+ V build|
+ N material|,*build|
+ N building|,generic|ͳ,space|ռ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#build|
+ҵ N affairs|,#build|,industrial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ V BeOpposite|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=hard|Ӳ
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,hardship|,&event|¼
+ʬ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*die|,body|
+Ӳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+Ӳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,future|
+ V attack|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ V incite|ָʹ
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#recreation|,#compete|
+ PREP {PartOfTouch}
+ PREP {PatientProduct}
+ ADV {comment|}
+ PREP {content}
+ PREP {patient}
+ PREP {possession}
+ AUX {tense|ʱ̬,future|}
+ ... 乬 N discharge|
+ N human|,able|,military|
+ N human|,able|,military|
+ ADV time|ʱ,past|
+ʹ V fulfil|ʵ,means=^amend|
+ V amend|,content=err|,means=endeavour|
+ V amend|,content=crime|,means=endeavour|
+ V amend|,content=crime|,means=endeavour|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ƾͼ V defeat|սʤ,means=use|,#method|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,possibility|,almost|
+ V endure|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ V come|,future|
+ N time|ʱ,future|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ N community|,family|,military|
+ʿ N human|,military|,mass|
+˧ N human|,official|,military|
+Ϣ V rest|Ϣ
+ı V pity|
+Ž V doubt|
+ V maintain|
+ V rest|Ϣ
+Ҫ AUX {tense|ʱ̬,future|}
+ָ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ָ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hand|
+ V wash|ϴ
+ N water|ˮ,concentrated|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,$eat|,embryo|
+ N tool|þ,sticky|,*fix|ס,*fasten|˩
+ϴ V wash|ϴ
+Һ N water|ˮ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+ N location|λ,north|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ
+ N location|λ,east|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ V decline|˥
+ N place|ط
+ N waters|ˮ
+ҽ N human|,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ N part|,%waters|ˮ,mouth|
+ N ship|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ N location|λ,south|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ
+ɽ N attribute|,power|,politics|,&country|
+ɽ N land|½
+ɽ N place|ط,#human|,country|,politics|
+ˮ N water|ˮ,#waters|ˮ
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N location|λ,%waters|ˮ,middle|
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,*rob|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N human|,official|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N location|λ,surrounding|Χ,space|ռ
+ N place|ط,military|,@fight|
+ N place|ط,#country|
+ N place|ط,#country|
+ N place|ط,#country|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ʯ N human|,official|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N human|,official|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N part|,%ship|
+ V mobilize|
+ V praise|佱
+ V reward|
+ N tool|þ,*reward|,$GiveAsGift|,desired|
+ N tool|þ,#compete|,*reward|,desired|,sport|,entertainment|
+ V reward|,punish|
+ N reward|,punish|
+ƶ N regulation|,#reward|,#punish|
+ V reward|,punish|
+ N payment|,*reward|,$GiveAsGift|
+ V reward|
+ N payment|,*reward|,$GiveAsGift|
+ N tool|þ,*reward|,$GiveAsGift|,desired|
+Ʒ N tool|þ,*reward|,$GiveAsGift|,desired|
+ڷ V reward|,punish|
+ȯ N bill|Ʊ,*reward|,$GiveAsGift|,desired|
+ V reward|
+ѧ N fund|ʽ,*reward|,#study|ѧ,education|
+Ҵ V reward|
+ N tool|þ,*reward|,$GiveAsGift|,desired|
+» N human|,$reward|
+״ N document|,*prove|֤,#reward|
+ V ParticularAbout|
+ V discuss|
+ V explain|˵
+ V speak|˵
+ N text|
+ V reconcile|
+ V speak|˵
+ V discuss|,content=price|۸,commercial|
+ V explain|˵
+ V ParticularAbout|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,desired|
+ V teach|,content=knowledge|֪ʶ,education|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,^biased|ƫ,desired|
+ V debate|
+ V explain|˵
+ V estimate|
+ V explain|˵
+ V mediate|
+ V ParticularAbout|
+ʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*teach|,education|
+ V teach|,education|
+ V explain|˵
+̨ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@teach|
+̳ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@teach|
+̳ N fact|,@communicate|
+ N room|,education|
+ϰ V teach|,education|
+ѧ V teach|,content=knowledge|֪ʶ,education|
+ V speak|˵
+ N readings|,*teach|,education|
+ N fact|,teach|,education|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ N thinking|˼
+Ķ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|,desired|
+Ķ V use|,patient=method|,refined|
+ V cook|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,RedBrown|,NotLight|Ũ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,purple|,NotLight|Ũ
+ V BecomeLess|
+ V MoveItDown|
+ V defeat|սʤ
+ V fall|
+ V subtract|
+ V surrender|
+ V put|,patient=mark|־
+ V BecomeLess|
+ V MakeLower|
+ V subtract|
+ V defeat|սʤ
+ V surrender|
+ V degrade|
+ V degrade|
+ V degrade|,education|
+ V BecomeLess|,scope=price|۸
+ V arrive|
+ V defeat|սʤ,partner=strong|ǿ
+ V arrive|
+ V fall|
+ɡ N tool|þ,#fall|,#aircraft|
+ V ComeToWorld|
+ˮ V WeatherBad|
+ˮ N quantity|,amount|,&RainSnow|ѩ
+˳ V surrender|
+ V WeatherBad|
+ V cool|
+ V MoveItDown|
+ѹ V MakeLower|,patient=voltage|ѹ
+ N liquid|Һ,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ N quantity|,amount|,&RainSnow|ѩ
+ְ V degrade|
+ּ V publish|,ContentProduct=document|,royal|
+ N plant|ֲ
+ N crop|ׯ,?material|
+ N plant|ֲ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N stone|ʯ,material|
+ʯ N stone|ʯ
+ʯ N stone|ʯ,material|
+ V FormChange|α
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,dried|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+ V burn|,industrial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|
+ V worried|ż
+ N attribute|,distance|,#TakePicture|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,dried|
+ N emotion|,worried|ż
+ V worried|ż
+Dz V uneasy|
+ú N stone|ʯ,material|,*lighting|ȼ,$burn|
+̿ N stone|ʯ,material|,*lighting|ȼ,$burn|
+ͷö V unfortunate|
+ N stone|ʯ,material|
+ V worried|ż
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ V worried|ż
+ V worried|ż
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,stickiness|,sticky|
+ V fasten|˩
+ N material|
+ N material|,*fasten|˩
+ N tool|þ,*print|ӡˢ
+ N tool|þ,medical|ҽ
+ N tool|þ,*wrap|,#electricity|
+ V fasten|˩
+ϰ N material|,wood|ľ,*build|,*produce|,#furniture|Ҿ
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#record|¼
+ľ N material|,?tool|þ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#medicine|ҩ,medical|ҽ
+ N stone|ʯ,material|
+Ƥ N material|
+Ƭ N part|,%tool|þ,#record|¼
+ˮ N stationery|ľ,*fasten|˩
+Ь N clothing|,#foot|
+Ь N clothing|,#foot|,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ѥ N clothing|,#foot|,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ӡ V print|ӡˢ
+ӡ N machine|,*print|ӡˢ
+ճ ADJ aValue|ֵ,stickiness|,sticky|
+ɪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ V BeOpposite|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ V BeAcross|ཻ
+ V associate|
+ V mating|
+ V submit|
+ V fail|ʧ
+ V entrust|ί
+ V dispatch|Dz
+ͷ V release|ͷ
+ʧ֮ V lose|ʧȥ
+ V fight|,military|
+ V BeAcross|ཻ
+ N location|λ,BeAcross|ཻ,#route|·
+ N location|λ,BeAcross|ཻ,#route|·
+· N location|λ,BeAcross|ཻ,#route|·
+ V submit|
+ V SetAside|
+ V BeAcross|ཻ
+ V admit|
+ V entrust|ί
+ V explain|˵
+ V admit|
+ V entrust|ί
+ V explain|˵
+ N fact|,#associate|
+ V tell|
+ N image|ͼ,dot|
+ N part|,%space|ռ,dot|
+ V separate|
+ V pay|
+ V compete|
+ V fight|
+ V fight|,military|
+ V pay|
+ V submit|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ V pay|
+ V submit|
+ V associate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,EachOther|
+ʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,EachOther|
+ V return|
+ V exchange|
+ N machine|,#communicate|
+ V return|
+ V BeAcross|ཻ
+㴦 N location|λ,@ComeTogether|
+ V fight|,military|
+ V submit|,commercial|
+ N time|ʱ,@submit|,commercial|
+ V appear|
+ V mix|
+ V associate|
+ʻ N human|,*associate|,female|Ů
+ N shows|,#associate|
+ V happen|,manner=together|ͬ
+ V associate|
+ V connect|
+ V entrust|ί
+Ӱ V replace|,patient=affairs|
+ V BeAcross|ཻ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*manage|,#vehicle|ͨ,#route|·,police|
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ V submit|,possession=document|,education|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+ڳ V praise|佱
+ڳ V praise|佱,manner=together|ͬ
+ N pay|,possession=money|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,#electricity|
+ V exchange|
+ N electricity|
+ V pay|
+ V mating|,#animal|
+ N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|
+ V mix|
+ V discuss|
+ V fight|
+ V sell|
+˰ V pay|,possession=expenditure|
+̸ V talk|̸
+ V replace|
+ͨ N fact|,#vehicle|ͨ,#VehicleGo|ʻ
+ͨ N human|,*transport|,#information|Ϣ
+ͨ N institution|,#vehicle|ͨ,ProperName|ר,politics|
+ͨ N vehicle|ͨ
+ͨ N law|ɷ,#vehicle|ͨ,#VehicleGo|ʻ
+ͨ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*manage|,#vehicle|ͨ,#route|·,police|
+ͨ N quantity|,amount|,&vehicle|ͨ,&VehicleGo|ʻ
+ͨ¹ N phenomena|,#vehicle|ͨ,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ͨ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,linear|,#VehicleGo|ʻ
+ͨ N InstitutePlace|,@SetAside|,@TakeBack|ȡ,@lend|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|,(China|й)
+ͨӵ N phenomena|,crowded|,#vehicle|ͨ,#VehicleGo|ʻ
+ͨ V suffer|,content=$BlockUp|,experiencer=LandVehicle|
+ͷӶ V speak|˵
+ V associate|
+β V mating|,#animal|
+ӳ V AppearanceChange|۱
+ӳ V illuminate|
+ N music|,entertainment|
+ N community|,*perform|,#music|,entertainment|
+ N music|,entertainment|
+ V speak|˵
+ V submit|,purpose=check|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@sit|
+ N affairs|,#buy|,#sell|,commercial|
+ N affairs|,#money|,commercial|
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+ N InstitutePlace|,#buy|,#sell|,commercial|
+ N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|
+ N shows|,#associate|
+ V associate|,partner=friend|
+ V associate|
+ս V fight|,military|
+ V explain|˵
+ V pay|
+֯ V mix|
+ V mating|
+ N part|,%place|ط,surrounding|Χ,#city|
+ N part|,%place|ط,surrounding|Χ,#city|
+ N human|,*reside|ס
+ N part|,%place|ط,surrounding|Χ,#city|
+ V tour|
+ V irrigate|,agricultural|ũ
+ V spray|
+ V spray|,industrial|
+ V irrigate|
+ V irrigate|,agricultural|ũ
+ˮ V irrigate|
+ V produce|,industrial|
+ V fill|
+ע V fill|
+ע V give|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ N celestial|
+ƻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|
+ N human|,desired|,$like|ϧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ε ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ V aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ V shy|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ V indulge|
+ V indulge|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ V masticate|
+ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V mix|
+ V mix|
+ N machine|,*mix|
+ N machine|,*mix|
+ V mix|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V mix|
+ V mix|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V deceive|ƭ
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V break|۶
+½ V connect|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ V amend|
+ V pretend|װ
+ý ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ý ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,nimble|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,BadTemper|Ƣ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,pretend|װ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,*pretend|װ
+ V HideTruth|
+ V amend|
+ V amend|,medical|ҽ
+ V lucky|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,base|
+ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+Ű N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ű N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ű N publications|鿯,#shows|,entertainment|
+Ų N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+Ų N attribute|,distance|,&walk|
+ŵ N tool|þ,*illuminate|,#entertainment|
+ŵ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ŷ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeAway|ᶯ
+Ÿ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ż N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&leg|
+ N payment|,#TakeAway|ᶯ
+ N tool|þ,police|,#crime|,#foot|,*detain|ס
+¯ N tool|þ,*WarmUp|,#foot|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ N disease|
+ּ N facilities|ʩ,#build|
+̤ N LandVehicle|
+̤ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,foot|
+ N location|λ,#foot|,beneath|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+Ѿ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ӡ N trace|,#SelfMove|,#CauseToMove|,#foot|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ָ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ָͷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ֺ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ֺϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,length|,long|
+ע N part|,%text|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+Ʊ V debate|
+ƻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ V deny|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+թ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ N MusicTool|
+ V compete|
+ V fight|
+ N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ N image|ͼ,angular|
+ N land|½,#waters|ˮ
+ N location|λ,space|ռ,angular|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*feel|
+ N part|,%space|ռ,space|ռ,angular|
+ N shape|
+ N tool|þ,past|,*drink|,#drinks|Ʒ
+ CLAS unit|λ,&money|,(China|й)
+dz N tool|þ,*measure|
+Ƕ N attribute|,distance|,&location|λ
+Ƕ N standpoint|
+Ǹ N metal|,material|
+¥ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@look|
+ N location|λ,space|ռ,angular|
+Ĥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,eye|
+Ĥ N disease|
+ N phenomena|,sport|
+ɫ N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ʯ N stone|ʯ,material|,mine|
+ N metal|,material|
+ V compete|
+ V fight|
+ N image|ͼ,cubic|
+״ N shape|
+ N image|ͼ,cubic|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ V obtain|õ,military|,police|
+ V submit|
+ɷ V pay|,possession=money|
+ɸ V pay|
+ɻ V obtain|õ,military|,police|
+ɿ V pay|,possession=money|
+ V pay|
+˰ V pay|,possession=expenditure|
+ V remove|
+е V remove|,patient=weapon|,military|,police|
+е V surrender|,military|,police|
+ V coil|
+ V kill|ɱ
+ʳ N machine|,*lift|
+ʼ N tool|þ,police|,*punish|,#crime|,*kill|ɱ
+ʾ֭ V think|˼
+ N tool|þ
+ɱ V kill|ɱ
+ N tool|þ,police|,*punish|,#crime|,*kill|ɱ
+ʹ V painful|ʹ
+ N fact|,kill|ɱ,police|
+ V attack|,military|
+ V steal|͵
+ V destroy|
+Ϯ V steal|͵
+ N system|ƶ,generic|ͳ,religion|ڽ
+ V teach|
+ V teach|,education|
+̰ N plans|滮,#teach|,education|
+̲ N readings|,*teach|,education|
+̳ N readings|,*teach|,education|
+̵ V teach|
+̵Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*teach|,politics|
+̸ V improve|,patient=education|
+̹ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա,education|
+̹ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*teach|
+̻ V teach|
+̻ N human|,religion|ڽ
+̻ N community|,religion|ڽ
+̻ V teach|
+̻ V teach|,education|
+̾ N tool|þ,*teach|,generic|ͳ
+̿ N readings|,*teach|,$study|ѧ,education|
+̿ N part|,%institution|,politics|,#education|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,ProperName|ר,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+̿֯ N part|,%institution|,politics|,#education|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,ProperName|ר,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*teach|
+ V teach|,education|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*teach|
+ N attribute|,age|,#occupation|ְλ,&human|,#employee|Ա,#teach|
+ N place|ط
+ʦ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*teach|,education|
+ʦ ADJ human|,#occupation|ְλ,*teach|,education|
+ʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*teach|,education|
+ʿ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ N room|,education|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*teach|,education|
+ V teach|,education|
+ V teach|,education|
+ V incite|ָʹ
+ N InstitutePlace|,religion|ڽ
+ N thinking|˼
+ N thinking|˼,stiff|
+ N human|,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ͷ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*teach|
+ͷ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*teach|,military|,past|
+ͽ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ί N institution|,ProperName|ר,#education|
+ N affairs|,#teach|
+ѧ V teach|,education|
+ѧ N plans|滮,#teach|,education|
+ѧ N method|,*teach|,education|
+ѧҽԺ N InstitutePlace|,@cure|ҽ,#disease|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,medical|ҽ,education|
+ѵ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ѵ N experience|
+ V teach|,research|о
+ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,*teach|,*research|о
+ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,*teach|,*research|о
+ V teach|
+ N reason|,religion|ڽ
+ N attribute|,ProsCons|,pros|,desired|,&teach|
+ N affairs|,education|
+ V teach|
+ N institution|,ProperName|ר,#education|
+ĸ V improve|,patient=education|
+ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,education|
+ N institution|,ProperName|ר,#education|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#education|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*teach|,education|
+ְ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա,education|
+ְԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա,education|
+ְԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա,education|
+ V ize|̬
+ĸ N bacteria|,material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N LandVehicle|
+γ N LandVehicle|
+ N LandVehicle|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+ PREP {contrast}
+ϱ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+ϱ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+Ͼ V HaveContest|
+ V HaveContest|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,weight|,NotHeavy|,ish|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,late|
+Ϊ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+֮ PREP {contrast}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sex|Ա,male|
+ V cry|
+ V employ|
+ V naming|
+ V order|
+ V request|Ҫ
+в ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$naming|
+з N attribute|,name|,&entity|ʵ
+к V cry|
+к N human|,*cry|
+к N human|,*cry|
+к V praise|佱
+л N human|,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+л V cry|
+о V praise|佱
+п V protest|
+п V sigh|̾
+п V protest|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V cry|,content=sell|,commercial|
+ V cry|
+ V ExpressDissatisfaction|ʾ
+ V protest|
+ V cry|
+ N sound|,cry|
+ V ShowBadEmotion|ʾ
+ V call|ٻ
+ V naming|
+ V naming|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@store|
+ V StripOff|ȥ
+ V lift|
+ V reveal|¶
+Ҵ V reveal|¶
+ҵ V reveal|¶,patient=secret|
+Ҷ V reveal|¶,patient=undesired|ݬ
+ҷ V reveal|¶
+ҸͶ V uprise|
+ҿ V open|
+ҿ V reveal|¶
+¶ V reveal|¶
+Ļ V start|ʼ
+ʾ V announce|
+ʾ V reveal|¶
+ʾ N human|,*reveal|¶
+ V announce|
+ V approach|ӽ
+ V catch|ס
+ V connect|
+ V meet|
+ V receive|
+ V replace|
+Ӱ V replace|,content=bear|е
+Ӱ N human|,*bear|е
+Ӳ V help|,scope=GiveBirth|,medical|ҽ
+Ӵ V associate|
+Ӵ V fight|,military|
+Ӵ V touch|
+Ӵ N phenomena|,#touch|,loose|,undesired|ݬ
+ӴȾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,#touch|
+ӴȾ N disease|
+Ӵ V entertain|д
+Ӵ N room|,@entertain|д
+ӴԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*entertain|д
+Ӵվ N InstitutePlace|,@entertain|д
+ӵ V meet|,Vachieve|
+ӵ V receive|,Vachieve|
+ӵ V touch|,patient=land|½,#electricity|
+ӵ N location|λ,@BeAcross|ཻ
+Ӷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ӷ V replace|,content=defend|,military|
+ӷ V entertain|д
+ӹ V replace|,content=manage|
+ӹ V obey|ѭ
+Ӻ V connect|
+ӻ V MakeBetter|Ż,industrial|
+ӻ V fight|,military|
+ӻ V receive|
+Ӽ V help|
+Ӽ V meet|
+ӽ V BeNear|
+ӽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,near|
+ӽ V approach|ӽ
+ӽ V approach|ӽ
+ӿ N part|,%software|
+ V do|,manner=replace|
+ N SportTool|˶,sport|
+ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+Ŀ N tool|þ,*look|
+ V include|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,concise|,desired|
+Ǣ V associate|
+ V BeNear|
+ V replace|,content=bear|е
+ V connect|
+ V help|,scope=GiveBirth|,medical|ҽ
+ V include|
+ V receive|
+ջ N machine|,*receive|,#information|Ϣ
+վ N InstitutePlace|,@receive|,information|Ϣ
+ N human|,*receive|
+ V bear|е
+ V accept|
+ V suffer|,content=interrogate|,police|
+ N human|,*receive|
+ V follow|
+ V replace|
+ͨ V connect|
+ͷ V associate|
+ͷ V connect|
+ͷ V connect|,industrial|
+ͷ V meet|
+ V ShowLove|ʾ,means=CausePartMove|
+ᄉ N tool|þ,*look|,#physical|
+ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+ V connect|,#electricity|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#electricity|
+ V GoOn|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+Ӧ V help|
+Ӧ V provide|
+վ V meet|,location=facilities|ʩ,#vehicle|ͨ
+ V cure|ҽ
+ס V catch|ס,Vachieve|
+ V GoOn|
+ V catch|ס,Vachieve|
+ V follow|
+ V appear|
+ V appear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+Դϲ V joyful|ϲ
+Կ AUX {modality|}
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+ո N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+ո N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+ N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,commercial|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ֵ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ֵ N place|ط,#reside|ס
+ֵ N facilities|ʩ,*illuminate|,#route|·
+ַ N human|,*reside|ס,near|
+־ N attribute|,scene|,&facilities|ʩ,&building|
+ֿ N location|λ,#route|·,angular|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N place|ط,#reside|ס
+ N location|λ,%route|·
+ N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,commercial|
+̸ V talk|̸
+ͷ N location|λ,#route|·,space|ռ,angular|
+ͷβ N location|λ,#route|·,space|ռ
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N location|λ,%route|·
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&human|
+ N part|,%building|,nerve|
+ײ N attribute|,status|,&human|
+ N process|,#time|ʱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&human|
+ N attribute|,status|,&human|
+ N part|,%building|,nerve|
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,$detain|ס
+ V break|۶
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+س V improve|
+ض V BlockUp|
+ض V break|۶
+ض V obstruct|ֹ
+ظ V due|
+ظ N time|ʱ,@due|
+ػ V obtain|õ
+ػ V attack|,military|
+ V detain|ס
+ V BlockUp|,#waters|ˮ
+ N part|,%inanimate|,surfacial|
+ȡ V separate|
+Ȼ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+Ȼͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,different|
+̱ V paralyse|̱
+֫ V cure|ҽ,#limb|֫
+ֹ V due|
+ֹ N time|ʱ,@due|
+ PREP {TimeFin}
+ V attack|
+ V force|ǿ
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ V rob|
+ٲ V rob|,possession=wealth|Ǯ
+ٳ V control|,means=fierce|,crime|
+ٳ N human|,*control|,crime|
+ٶ V rob|
+ٷ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,*rob|
+ٺ V alive|,#unfortunate|
+ٻ V control|,patient=aircraft|,means=fierce|,crime|
+ٻ V human|,*control|,patient=aircraft|,means=fierce|,crime|
+ٻ V human|,*control|,patient=aircraft|,means=fierce|,crime|
+ V rob|
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ɫ V rob|,target=female|Ů,purpose=mating|
+ V rescue|,patient=human|,crime|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ N attribute|,length|,&inanimate|
+ V compile|༭,means=subtract|
+ V economize|ʡ
+ N location|λ,dot|
+ N part|,%document|
+ N part|,%inanimate|
+ N part|,%physical|
+ N shape|
+ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ڰ V restrain|ֹ,patient=sorrowful|
+ڵ V economize|ʡ,patient=electricity|
+ڹ N part|,%thing|,important|
+ڹ N time|ʱ,important|
+ڼ N time|ʱ,day|,@rest|Ϣ,@WhileAway|
+ڼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,thrifty|,desired|
+ڽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|
+ڽ N disease|
+ N time|ʱ,season|
+ V economize|ʡ,patient=expenditure|
+ N part|,%machine|
+¼ V record|¼
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&act|ж
+ú V economize|ʡ,patient=material|
+Ŀ N shows|
+ V economize|ʡ,patient=strength|
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&music|,&language|
+ N time|ʱ,day|
+ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ʡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,thrifty|,desired|
+ʡ V economize|ʡ
+ʳ V subtract|,patient=consume|ȡ
+ˮ V economize|ʡ,patient=water|ˮ
+֦ V MakeTrouble|
+֦ V happen|,experiencer=problem|
+ʳ V alive|,manner=thrifty|
+ V economize|ʡ,patient=material|
+ V surplus|ʣ
+ V prohibit|ֹ,ResultEvent=GiveBirth|
+Լ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,thrifty|,desired|
+Լ V economize|ʡ
+ԼͶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,economize|ʡ
+֫ N AnimalHuman|,generic|ͳ
+ V control|
+ V restrain|ֹ
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&event|¼
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&music|,&language|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+۹ N food|ʳƷ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ N human|,able|,desired|
+ܳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ܳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ܳ˲ N human|,able|,desired|
+ N artifact|˹,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,nimble|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Czech|ݿ)
+ݱ N information|Ϣ,desired|,#win|ʤ,#succeed|ɹ
+ݾ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ݾ N method|,convenient|
+ݿ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ݿ˺˹工 N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ݿ˺˹工 N human|,(Czechoslovak|ݿ˺˹工)
+ݿ˹工 N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ݿ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ȵ V VieFor|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hair|ë
+ë N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hair|ë
+ V exhaust|
+߳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+߾ V exhaust|
+߾ȫ V endeavour|
+ V endeavour|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,spotless|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ྻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,spotless|,desired|
+ N tool|þ,*cleanness|ྻ,generic|ͳ
+Ժ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|
+ V AlterForm|״
+ V GiveBirth|
+ N document|,commercial|
+ V finish|
+ N location|λ,dot|
+ V produce|
+ V twine|
+ V weave|
+ V finish|,police|
+ N quantity|,rate|,&finish|,police|
+ V disable|м,scope=speak|˵
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*SufferFrom|,#speak|˵
+ V ally|
+ V associate|
+ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=ice|
+᳦ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+᳦ N disease|
+ V forming|γ
+ V become|Ϊ,isa=enemy|
+ V AmountTo|ܼ
+ᵳӪ˽ V collude|
+֯ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+ṹ N part|,%entity|ʵ,bone|
+ṹ N attribute|,ability|,$forming|γ,&artifact|˹
+ V kill|ɱ
+ N result|
+ N disease|
+˲ N disease|
+˸˾ N bacteria|
+˾ N medicine|ҩ
+ V GetMarried|
+ V merge|ϲ
+ N human|,*merge|ϲ
+ V pay|,commercial|
+ V GetMarried|
+ N human|,*GetMarried|
+ N image|ͼ,$TakePicture|,#GetMarried|
+ V collude|
+Ἧ V ComeTogether|
+Ἧ V assemble|ۼ
+ύ V associate|
+ N disease|,#swollen|
+ᾧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ᾧ N natural|Ȼ
+ᾧ N result|
+ᾧ״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ N result|
+ V AlterForm|״
+ N thought|ͷ,$decide|
+ V ally|
+Ĥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+Ĥ N disease|,#eye|
+ V GetMarried|
+ V calculate|,commercial|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ V forming|γ,PatientProduct=community|
+ʯ N stone|ʯ,#disease|
+ʯ N disease|
+ʵ V GiveBirth|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,durable|,desired|
+ʵ׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ʶ V associate|
+ V cease|ͣ
+ V finish|
+ N expression|,*finish|
+˪ V StateChange|̬
+ V calculate|,commercial|
+Ϊ V become|Ϊ
+β N part|,&event|¼,tail|β
+β N part|,&music|,tail|β
+ V forming|γ
+ҵ V finish|,scope=study|ѧ,education|
+ N wealth|Ǯ,surplus|ʣ
+ N expression|,*finish|
+ԩ V become|Ϊ,isa=enemy|
+Ե V tie|
+ V cure|ҽ
+ V calculate|,commercial|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,#skin|Ƥ,medical|ҽ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V dismiss|
+ V excrete|й
+ V explain|˵
+ V handle|
+ V know|֪
+ V remove|
+ N result|,$handle|
+ V send|
+ V separate|
+ V soothe|ο
+ V remove|
+ͬ V remove|,patient=document|
+ V explain|˵
+ⶳ V StateChange|̬
+ⶳ V resume|ָ
+ⶾ V cure|ҽ,content=fever|,medical|ҽ
+ⶾ V cure|ҽ,content=poison|,medical|ҽ
+ V explain|˵
+ V release|ͷ
+ź N time|ʱ,(China|й)
+ž N army|,(China|й)
+ž N publications|鿯,news|,military|,(China|й)
+ǰ N time|ʱ,(China|й)
+ǰ ADJ time|ʱ,past|
+ N place|ط,(China|й)
+ V discharge|
+ V remove|,patient=hate|
+ V cease|ͣ,military|
+ V cease|ͣ,content=prohibit|ֹ
+ V rescue|
+ V destroy|
+ V handle|
+ V separate|
+ V remove|,patient=HungryThirsty|
+ V remove|,patient=difficult|
+ϵ V handle|
+ V translate|,#computer|,#software|
+ V remove|,patient=upset|
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ,ResultEvent=^secret|
+ V remove|,patient=difficult|
+ V donate|
+ V help|,scope=wealth|Ǯ
+Ƹ V discharge|
+ V split|ƿ
+ʬ N human|,*split|ƿ,medical|ҽ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,medical|ҽ
+ѧ N human|,*split|ƿ,medical|ҽ
+ V remove|,patient=angry|
+Ȱ V soothe|ο
+ V cure|ҽ,content=fever|
+ɢ V remove|
+ V explain|˵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,explain|˵
+ V excrete|й
+ N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+ N attribute|,posture|,&human|
+˵ V explain|˵
+˵ N text|,*explain|˵
+˵Ա N human|,*explain|˵
+ V handle|,patient=problem|
+ V perish|
+ V release|ͷ
+Χ V remove|,patient=surround|Χ,military|
+Χ V rescue|,StateIni=embarrassed|Ϊ
+Χ V rescue|,patient=surround|Χ,military|
+ V analyze|
+ V remove|,patient=sad|dz
+ְ V dismiss|,ResultIsa=official|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,female|Ů,adult|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,mass|
+ N human|,family|,mass|,female|Ů
+ V GiveUp|
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+ V prohibit|ֹ
+ N system|ƶ,religion|ڽ
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,$PutOn|
+䱸 V defend|
+䱸 V obstruct|ֹ
+ V GiveUp|
+ V prohibit|ֹ
+䵶 N tool|þ,religion|ڽ
+佾 V GiveUp|,content=arrogant|
+ N aspiration|Ը,PayAttention|ע
+ V GiveUp|,content=addict|Ⱥ
+ V prohibit|ֹ,politics|
+ָ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,$PutOn|
+ N tool|þ,@LieDown|
+ V use|
+ PREP {purpose}
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ĩ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N gas|,*kill|ɱ
+ N attribute|,range|,&entity|ʵ
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ
+ N part|,%human|,#community|
+ N place|ط
+籮 N mark|־
+ N tool|þ,*measure|
+綨 V delimit|
+綨 V explain|˵
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ N part|,%software|
+ʯ N mark|־
+˵ N information|Ϣ
+ N phenomena|,sport|
+ N attribute|,boundary|,&entity|ʵ
+ N location|λ,ending|ĩ
+ N mark|־
+ N mark|־
+ V borrow|
+ V use|
+ V lend|
+ V lend|,commercial|
+ PREP {purpose}
+ V borrow|,possession=fund|ʽ,commercial|
+ V lend|,possession=fund|ʽ,commercial|
+赶ɱ V damage|
+ V dispatch|Dz
+ V lend|,commercial|
+跽 N part|,%account|,commercial|,#human|
+ V lend|
+ V lend|,commercial|
+ŷ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V use|,patient=reason|
+軨 V GiveAsGift|
+ V use|,patient=time|ʱ
+ V study|ѧ
+ V use|
+ N bill|Ʊ,#wealth|Ǯ,#owe|Ƿ
+ N reason|,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ V use|
+ V borrow|,possession=fund|ʽ,commercial|
+ V lend|,possession=fund|ʽ,commercial|
+ N money|,commercial|,$lend|
+ V borrow|
+ʬ V BeRecovered|ԭ
+ V reside|ס
+ N bill|Ʊ,#wealth|Ǯ,#owe|Ƿ
+ PREP {purpose}
+ V borrow|
+ V borrow|,commercial|
+ V use|
+ V borrow|
+ծ V borrow|,possession=fund|ʽ,commercial|
+֧ V borrow|,possession=fund|ʽ,commercial|
+ V use|
+ V use|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ N clothing|,*protect|,military|,past|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ N part|,%language|
+ʶ N part|,%language|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ V engage|
+ V explain|˵
+ V guide|
+ V recommend|Ƽ
+ N human|,*guide|
+ N human|,*reconcile|,#GetMarried|
+ N letter|ż,*prove|֤
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,explain|˵
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ V oppose|
+ V situated|
+ N physical|
+ N disease|
+ N beast|
+ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+ N regulation|,#religion|ڽ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&fact|
+ V due|
+ V due|
+ʱ CONJ {time|ʱ}
+ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ N human|,female|Ů
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ N part|,%physical|,nerve|
+ N attribute|,physique|,&human|
+ƣ V tired|ƣ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&weight|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,miser|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N metal|
+ N metal|,material|
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ N account|,*record|¼,#name|,#win|ʤ,past|
+ V succeed|ɹ,scope=exam|,result=include|,education|
+ N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+̻Ի ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N money|,#metal|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Cambodia|կ)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|,desired|
+Ӳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ѿ V flee|
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,steady|,desired|
+ N mark|־
+ N quantity|,amount|,&wealth|Ǯ
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë,yellow|
+ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ŬĿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ʯ N material|,?tool|þ,precious|
+ N material|,?tool|þ,precious|
+ N lights|,bright|
+ N fish|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|
+ N time|ʱ,#GetMarried|
+ N bird|
+ N tree|,?medicine|ҩ
+˪ N medicine|ҩ
+ N attribute|,price|۸,&metal|,commercial|
+ N tool|þ,*reward|,$GiveAsGift|,desired|
+ N tool|þ,commercial|
+ N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,@store|,#wealth|Ǯ,#country|
+ N InstitutePlace|,mine|
+ N part|,human|,female|Ů,foot|
+ N tool|þ,*reward|,$GiveAsGift|,desired|
+Ƶ N human|,desired|,*compete|,*win|ʤ,$reward|,sport|
+Ǯ N wealth|Ǯ
+Ǯ N beast|
+ǹ N fish|
+ N time|ʱ,autumn|
+ N affairs|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ڲ N human|,*control|,#commercial|
+ڹͷ N human|,#commercial|
+ڼ N human|,#wealth|Ǯ,rich|,commercial|
+ڽ N community|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ȶ N attribute|,circumstances|,peaceful|,&money|,commercial|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|
+ɳ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Zaire|)
+ N metal|
+ N metal|,generic|ͳ
+˹ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Jamaica|)
+˿ N beast|
+˿ȸ N bird|
+ N metal|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ݲؽ V GetMarried|,undesired|ݬ
+ N celestial|,space|ռ,#weather|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ N fish|,*recreation|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|,desired|
+Կ N part|,%entity|ʵ,important|,heart|
+Կ N tool|þ,*open|,*shut|ر
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N tool|þ,*cure|ҽ
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N metal|,material|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ
+ N attribute|,name|,empty|,&entity|ʵ
+ N mark|־,commercial|
+ǵ N house|,royal|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+ N time|ʱ,now|
+ N time|ʱ,now|,day|
+ N time|ʱ,now|
+ N time|ʱ,now|,day|
+ V differ|ͬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,future|
+ N time|ʱ,future|
+ N time|ʱ,now|,year|
+ N human|,now|
+ N time|ʱ,now|,day|
+ N time|ʱ,#alive|
+ N time|ʱ,#alive|
+ N time|ʱ,now|
+ N time|ʱ,now|,day|
+ N time|ʱ,now|,night|
+ N time|ʱ,now|,past|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,wet|ʪ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,waste|,#hot|,liquid|Һ
+ N part|,%place|ط,mouth|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ͲΤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Zimbabwe|ͲΤ)
+ͲΤ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ͲΤԪ N money|,(Zimbabwe|ͲΤ)
+ֵ V talk|̸,manner=joyful|ϲ
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,joyful|ϲ
+ N payment|
+Һ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N part|,%clothing|,body|
+ N mental|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tightness|ɽ,tight|
+ V tighten|ս
+ V approach|ӽ
+ V shut|ر
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,concise|,desired|
+ V follow|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+״̬ N attribute|,circumstances|,urgent|,&entity|ʵ
+ V GoOn|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ V BeNear|
+ V BeNear|
+ N human|,*reside|ס,near|
+ܹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tightness|ɽ,tight|
+ V relate|й
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|,commercial|
+ȱ V lack|ȱ,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tightness|ɽ,tight|
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ V follow|
+ V shrink|С
+ V BeNear|
+ V hold|
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ V uneasy|
+ V chase|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N bird|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N mark|־,*reward|,*GiveAsGift|
+ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+Сĵ N human|,cautious|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,concise|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+ V GoForward|ǰ
+ V GoInto|
+ V buy|,commercial|
+ V drink|
+ V eat|
+ V obtain|õ
+ V submit|
+ V succeed|ɹ,sport|
+ V approach|ӽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ V prosper|
+ V consume|ȡ
+ V engage|
+ N process|
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&dig|ھ
+ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+ N part|,%place|ط,mouth|
+ N transport|,commercial|
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&event|¼
+ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+ V start|ʼ,content=leave|뿪
+ V attack|,military|
+ V attack|,military|
+ N human|,*attack|,military|
+ V submit|
+ V prosper|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#grow|ɳ
+ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ V buy|,possession=artifact|˹,commercial|
+ V attack|,military|
+ N attribute|,price|۸,#buy|,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ V meet|
+ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+ V GoForward|ǰ
+ V GoForward|ǰ,military|
+ N part|,%implement|,mouth|
+ N part|,%place|ط,mouth|
+ V transport|,commercial|
+ N human|,*transport|,commercial|
+ V GoInto|
+ STRU {Vdirection|,internal|}
+ N human|,*GoInto|
+ V GoInto|
+ȡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ȡ N mental|
+ȥ V GoInto|
+ȥ STRU {Vdirection|,internal|}
+ V GoInto|
+ʳ V eat|,patient=edible|ʳ
+ʿ N human|,*succeed|ɹ,#exam|,past|
+ˮ V GoInto|,agent=liquid|Һ
+ˮբ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ
+ V GoForward|ǰ,GoBackward|
+ N attribute|,range|,&event|¼
+ V embarrassed|Ϊ
+ά V embarrassed|Ϊ
+ V GoInto|,LocationFin=room|
+ N payment|
+ V GoForward|ǰ
+ V GoOn|,Vgoingon|չ
+ V conduct|ʵʩ
+ N music|
+ V check|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ V study|ѧ
+ѧУ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+ N fact|,prosper|
+չ V prosper|
+վ V GoInto|,LocationFin=facilities|ʩ,#LandVehicle|
+ N payment|
+ N method|,#calculate|
+פ V arrive|
+פ V arrive|,military|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V upgrade|
+ V meet|
+ N shows|
+ V upgrade|
+ְ V upgrade|
+ V meet|
+ V detain|ס,police|,crime|
+ N place|ط,#prohibit|ֹ
+ V prohibit|ֹ
+ N system|ƶ
+ V WithstandNot|ס
+ס V EndureNot|
+ס V WithstandNot|ס
+ V withstand|ס
+ס V withstand|ס
+ N place|ط,#prohibit|ֹ
+ V prohibit|ֹ,ResultEvent=addictive|Ⱥ
+ V prohibit|ֹ,ResultEvent=gamble|IJ
+ V evade|ر
+ V evade|ر,medical|ҽ
+ N regulation|,*evade|ر
+ V prohibit|ֹ
+ N text|,*prohibit|ֹ
+ N place|ط,#prohibit|ֹ
+ N place|ط,#prohibit|ֹ,#exercise|
+ V prohibit|ֹ,ResultEvent=compete|,sport|
+ V withstand|ס
+ V prohibit|ֹ,ResultEvent=addictive|Ⱥ
+ V prohibit|ֹ,ResultEvent=use|
+ V prohibit|ֹ,ResultEvent=transport|,commercial|
+ֹ V prohibit|ֹ
+ֹ N prohibit|ֹ
+ֹ N human|,prohibit|ֹ
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ,#prohibit|ֹ
+ V restrain|ֹ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,near|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ N location|λ,surrounding|Χ,#waters|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,near|
+ N location|λ,surrounding|Χ
+ N time|ʱ,now|
+ʷ N fact|,#time|ʱ
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N waters|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+ N location|λ,surrounding|Χ,space|ռ,#city|
+ N attribute|,distance|,near|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,now|,&entity|ʵ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+ N human|,friend|,#reside|ס
+· N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,near|
+ N time|ʱ,future|
+ N time|ʱ,future|
+ N human|,family|
+ N human|,family|,intimate|
+ N time|ʱ,now|
+ N time|ʱ,now|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ V ill|̬,#eye|
+ N disease|,#eye|
+ˮ¥̨ N attribute|,circumstances|,convenient|,&entity|ʵ
+ˮ¥̨ȵ N attribute|,ProsCons|,pros|,desired|,&entity|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ֵ N symbol|,#quantity|
+Щ N time|ʱ,now|
+ N cause|ԭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,near|
+ N image|ͼ,$TakePicture|,#human|
+ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+ V soak|
+ N medicine|ҩ
+û V soak|
+ V soak|
+Ⱦ V influence|Ӱ
+ V soak|
+ V ill|̬
+ V soak|
+ʪ V become|Ϊ,descriptive=wet|ʪ,cause=soak|
+ V soak|
+ V soak|
+ N human|,*soak|
+ V KeepOn|ʹ
+ V OwnNot|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ V endeavour|
+ V exhaust|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ CONJ {concession|ò}
+ ADV {modality|}
+ CONJ {concession|ò}
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,earliness|,early|
+ V endeavour|
+Ϊ V endeavour|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ V satisfied|
+Ȼ ADV aValue|ֵ,possibility|,possible|
+˽֪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$know|֪
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,please|ȡ
+ƾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+۵ V perception|֪,#look|
+ͷ N location|λ,ending|ĩ
+ͷ N time|ʱ,ending|ĩ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+Ľ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ľ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ V satisfied|
+ V conduct|ʵʩ,content=duty|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,earliness|,early|
+ V conduct|ʵʩ,content=duty|
+ְ V endeavour|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,intensity|ǿ,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N attribute|,bearing|̬,&human|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&human|
+ N emotion|,FondOf|ϲ
+ N human|,enemy|,strong|ǿ
+ N attribute|,strength|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N human|,mass|,strong|ǿ
+ V kick|߲
+ͷ N attribute|,strength|,&AnimalHuman|
+ͷ N emotion|
+ͷ N emotion|,excited|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N tree|
+ N tree|
+; ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+ N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ҵҵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ N natural|Ȼ
+ N natural|Ȼ,generic|ͳ
+ N attribute|,form|״,&inanimate|
+ N part|,%inanimate|
+ʯ N stone|ʯ,mine|
+ N natural|Ȼ,generic|ͳ
+ N part|,%implement|,#electricity|
+Ө ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+Ө ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+״ N natural|Ȼ,generic|ͳ
+ N beast|,*swim|
+ V occupy|ռ
+ V occupy|ռ,military|
+ N beast|,*swim|
+ N place|ط,capital|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,capital|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+ N MusicTool|
+ N shows|
+ʦ N place|ط,capital|
+Ϸ N shows|
+ V fear|
+ V surprise|
+ V stupefied|ľȻ
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V fear|
+ V cry|
+ V flurried|
+ʧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hasty|,undesired|ݬ
+ʧ V fear|
+δ V flurried|
+ V cry|
+ V fear|
+ N thunder|
+ V surprise|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,frighten|Ż
+˵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+̾ V surprise|
+κ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+κ N water|ˮ,strong|ǿ
+춯 ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,frighten|Ż
+ϲ V joyful|ϲ
+ V frighten|Ż
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,frighten|Ż
+Ķ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,frighten|Ż
+ V awake|
+ V surprise|
+ V surprise|
+ V surprise|
+ V dizzy|
+ V twitch|鴤
+ V surprise|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,accurate|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ,#mating|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+ N part|,%physical|,heart|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,accurate|,desired|
+ N army|,strong|ǿ,desired|,military|
+ V MakeBetter|Ż,patient=army|,patient=institution|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ʷ׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ,#mating|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,thrifty|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ V read|,manner=attentive|ϸ
+ N attribute|,content|,accurate|,&artifact|˹
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ϸ V planting|ֲ,manner=attentive|ϸ,agricultural|ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,fullness|,empty|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+ӹ V produce|,industrial|
+ V subtract|
+ V subtract|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&AnimalHuman|
+ݽ ADJ tired|ƣ
+ V refine|,industrial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ N humanized|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,accurate|,desired|
+ܶ N attribute|,content|,accurate|,&artifact|˹
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ƣ V tired|ƣ
+ƣ V tired|ƣ
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,refined|,generic|ͳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,desired|
+ȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,accurate|,desired|
+ȷ N attribute|,content|,accurate|,&mental|,&act|ж
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,desired|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N mental|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N disease|
+Ժ N InstitutePlace|,@cure|ҽ,#disease|,#mental|,medical|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,weak|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+֢ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,mental|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,mental|
+ N mental|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,bone|
+ͨ ADJ BeAble|ܹ
+ͨ V BeAble|ܹ
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ѡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,desired|
+ѡ V choose|ѡ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,salty|
+Һ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ,#mating|
+ V endeavour|
+Ӣ N human|,able|,desired|
+Ӣ N human|,superior|,able|,desired|
+ V BeAble|ܹ
+տ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,desired|
+ V refine|,industrial|
+װ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$wrap|,refined|
+׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ,#mating|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ V GoThrough|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|
+ N attribute|,distance|,&earth|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V endure|
+ V manage|
+ N material|,industrial|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ N part|,%human|,#female|Ů,liquid|Һ,#mating|
+ N phenomena|,#female|Ů,#medical|ҽ
+ N publications|鿯
+ V undergo|
+ PREP {time}
+ V handle|
+ V WithstandNot|ס
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ V withstand|ס
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,good|
+ N publications|鿯,religion|ڽ
+ N publications|鿯,good|
+ N attribute|,distance|,&earth|
+ N fund|ʽ
+ V manage|
+ V GoThrough|
+ N process|
+ V undergo|
+ PREP {time}
+֯ N community|,commercial|,ProperName|ר
+ N community|,commercial|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,thrifty|,desired|
+ N affairs|,industrial|,agricultural|ũ,commercial|
+ò N part|,%aircraft|,@sit|
+÷ N law|ɷ,commercial|
+÷ N law|ɷ,commercial|
+ü» N part|,%institution|,politics|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ N tree|,commercial|
+ʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,commercial|
+ V decline|˥,commercial|
+Ч N attribute|,effect|Ч,&act|ж,commercial|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#commercial|
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,commercial|
+ V manage|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,commercial|
+ N human|,commercial|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ò˥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+òϢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,durable|,desired|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,commercial|
+ N experience|
+ V undergo|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ó N affairs|,commercial|
+óί N institution|,commercial|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ N time|ʱ,#female|Ů,#disease|
+ V engage|,content=commercial|,commercial|
+» N part|,%institution|,politics|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ V handle|
+ V sell|,commercial|
+ V undergo|
+ V withstand|ס
+γ N attribute|,distance|,&earth|
+γ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ N publications|鿯,religion|ڽ
+ϴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,$wash|ϴ
+ N attribute|,distance|,&earth|
+ N material|,industrial|
+ V sell|
+ V sell|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+Ѫ N part|,%human|,#female|Ů,liquid|Һ,#mating|
+ N experience|
+ V undergo|
+鲻 ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ḻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,experience|
+̸֮ N text|,#experience|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+Ӫ V manage|
+Ӫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ V GoThrough|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N facilities|ʩ,@take|ȡ,#liquid|Һ
+ N shape|
+֮ N human|,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ V irrigate|,agricultural|ũ
+ N facilities|ʩ,mine|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ N part|,%facilities|ʩ,mouth|
+ N part|,%facilities|ʩ,mouth|,mine|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ˮ N water|ˮ
+ˮˮ V RelateNot|
+ N InstitutePlace|,mine|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|
+ N institution|,police|
+ N information|Ϣ,*tell|,#dangerous|Σ
+ N tool|þ,*tell|,#dangerous|Σ
+ V defend|
+ N place|ط,military|,$defend|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|
+ N institution|,police|
+ͤ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,police|,@defend|
+ N institution|,police|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,police|
+ N LandVehicle|,police|
+ N tool|þ,#sound|
+ N tool|þ,#sound|,#police|
+ N institution|,police|
+ N clothing|,police|
+ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+ N human|,*persuade|Ȱ˵
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,police|
+ N human|,official|,police|
+ N weapon|,police|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+䲿 N army|
+ N human|,*obstruct|ֹ,military|
+ N facilities|ʩ,*prohibit|ֹ,linear|
+ N institution|,police|
+ N institution|,police|
+ N expression|,*persuade|Ȱ˵
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ N aspiration|Ը,PayAttention|ע
+ N institution|,police|
+ N tool|þ,*tell|,#dangerous|Σ
+Ȯ N livestock|,police|
+ʾ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ V defend|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*protect|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*protect|
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&official|,police|
+е N weapon|
+ V understand|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|
+ N tool|þ,*tell|,#dangerous|Σ
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%shows|
+ N tool|þ,#shows|,#recreation|
+ N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|
+ N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ N place|ط,#scene|
+ɫ N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,beautiful|,desired|
+̩ N artifact|˹,literature|,(China|й)
+ N tree|
+ N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|
+ N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|
+ V respect|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#head|ͷ,#bone|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+ N electricity|
+ӡˢ N fact|,print|ӡˢ
+ V look|,manner=calm|
+ V wait|ȴ,manner=quiet|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,static|̬
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#strength|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ N disease|
+Ѫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+Ĭ V KeepSilence|˵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+̬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,static|̬
+̬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,steady|
+ V maintain|
+ֹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,static|̬
+ֹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|
+ֹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,SelfMove|
+ V sit|,manner=quiet|
+ V uprise|,means=sit|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N location|λ,surrounding|Χ,space|ռ
+ N place|ط
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N location|λ,%country|,internal|
+ N location|λ,%country|,external|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ V respect|
+ V respect|
+Զ֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,unfamiliar|϶,undesired|ݬ
+ V GiveAsGift|
+ V salute|¾
+ V tell|
+ V congratulate|ף,means=drink|
+Ժ N InstitutePlace|,@TakeCare|,#aged|
+ V salute|¾
+Ľ V respect|
+Ľ N human|,*respect|
+ V respect|
+ V invite|
+η V respect|
+ V submit|
+л V refuse|
+ V respect|
+ҵ V endeavour|
+ҵ N emotion|,endeavour|,desired|
+ N emotion|,salute|¾,desired|
+ V respect|
+ N tool|þ,*look|,#self|
+ N tool|þ,@put|
+ N tool|þ,@put|,#image|ͼ
+Ƭ N part|,%tool|þ,#look|
+̨ N furniture|Ҿ,*MakeUp|ױ
+ͷ N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|
+ͷ N part|,%tool|þ,#look|
+ N tool|þ,*look|
+ N tool|þ,*look|,#self|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N image|ͼ,linear|,straight|ֱ
+ N method|
+ V flow|
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,upright|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+ V attack|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+Ȼ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ V HaveContest|
+ V HaveContest|,scope=propose|,#price|۸,commercial|
+ V compete|,scope=VehicleGo|ʻ
+ V compete|,scope=swim|
+ N fact|,exercise|,sport|
+ V HaveContest|,scope=propose|,#price|۸,commercial|
+ V compete|
+Ͷ V HaveContest|,scope=propose|,#price|۸,commercial|
+ V HaveContest|
+ V HaveContest|,scope=sell|,commercial|
+ѡ V engage|,content=select|ѡ,politics|
+ V HaveContest|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,HaveContest|
+ V human|,*HaveContest|
+ N human|,*HaveContest|
+ N fact|,exercise|,sport|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,spotless|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ,desired|
+ V clean|ʹ
+ N human|,entertainment|
+ֵ N attribute|,value|ֵ,&produce|,industrial|
+ N quantity|,amount|,pure|,&physical|
+ V clean|ʹ
+ N wealth|Ǯ,desired|,pure|,$earn|
+ N wealth|Ǯ,desired|,pure|,$earn|
+ N wealth|Ǯ,desired|,pure|,$earn|
+ N wealth|Ǯ,desired|,pure|,$earn|
+ V excrete|й
+ N place|ط,spotless|,desired|,religion|ڽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|,undesired|ݬ
+ V add|
+ֵ N attribute|,value|ֵ,&physical|
+ N attribute|,weight|,&physical|
+ V earn|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|,#eye|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ V embarrassed|Ϊ
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,embarrassed|Ϊ,&human|,&organization|֯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ V embarrassed|Ϊ
+̬ V attribute|,bearing|̬,&human|,embarrassed|Ϊ
+ V hold|
+ V pull|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,intensity|ǿ,strong|ǿ,undesired|ݬ
+ V worried|ż
+ V cure|ҽ
+ V investigate|
+ V research|о
+ V handle|
+ N process|,ending|ĩ
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ V amend|
+ V assemble|ۼ
+ V twine|
+ N human|,*obstruct|ֹ
+ V keep|
+ N human|,mass|,*obstruct|ֹ
+Ա N human|,*check|
+ V MakeWorried|
+ V tie|
+ N fact|,quarrel|
+ N fact|,quarrel|
+ V ComeTogether|
+ V assemble|ۼ
+ƫ V amend|,content=wrong|
+ V amend|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+² N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+² N vegetable|߲
+» N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+» N vegetable|߲
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ñ V farewell|,TimeRange=TimeLong|
+ò V ill|̬,TimeRange=TimeLong|
+ö֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ú N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,#weather|,waterless|,TimeRange=TimeLong|
+þ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+þ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ϲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$decide|
+Υ V farewell|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ N {duration|}
+ V cure|ҽ
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ N time|ʱ,TenDays|Ѯ
+Ź N stationery|ľ,@drill|ϰ,#character|
+ţ֮ N attribute|,strength|,strong|ǿ,&human|,&organization|֯
+ţһë ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+Ȫ N place|ط,humanized|,#die|
+ѧ N community|,ProperName|ר,politics|,(China|й)
+һ V lucky|
+ N sky|
+ N time|ʱ,month|
+· N time|ʱ,month|
+ N qValue|ֵ,rate|,$subtract|,#sell|,commercial|
+ N qValue|ֵ,rate|,BecomeLess|,commercial|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ư N InstitutePlace|,@drink|,#addictive|Ⱥ,commercial|
+ưɼ N InstitutePlace|,@drink|,#addictive|Ⱥ,commercial|
+ưŮ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*entertain|д,female|Ů
+Ʊ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#drinks|Ʒ
+Ʋ N food|ʳƷ,#drinks|Ʒ
+Ʋ N food|ʳƷ,generic|ͳ
+Ƴ N InstitutePlace|,factory|,*produce|,#drinks|Ʒ
+Ƶ N InstitutePlace|,@drink|,#addictive|Ⱥ,commercial|
+Ƶ N InstitutePlace|,@reside|ס,#tour|,commercial|
+ƹ N InstitutePlace|,@drink|,#addictive|Ⱥ,commercial|
+ƹ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*addict|Ⱥ,#drinks|Ʒ
+ƺ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#drinks|Ʒ
+ƻ N FlowerGrass|,?drinks|Ʒ
+ƻ N fact|,drink|,recreation|
+Ƽ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|,@drink|,@addict|Ⱥ
+Ƽ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|,space|ռ,@eat|
+ƾ N material|,liquid|Һ,$burn|,?medicine|ҩ
+ N attribute|,ability|,#drink|,#addictive|Ⱥ,&human|
+¥ N InstitutePlace|,@eat|,commercial|
+ĸ N material|,?drinks|Ʒ
+ҷ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#drinks|Ʒ
+Ȫ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N human|,friend|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,#drinks|Ʒ,commercial|
+ʯ N chemical|ѧ
+ʳ N food|ʳƷ,generic|ͳ
+ͽ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*addict|Ⱥ,#drinks|Ʒ
+ N part|,%human|,skin|Ƥ
+ϯ N fact|,eat|,entertain|д
+ N fact|,eat|,entertain|д
+ҩ N material|,?drinks|Ʒ
+ N inanimate|,waste|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*smell|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#drinks|Ʒ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@foster|,#livestock|
+Ƿ N material|,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ
+ V help|
+ V rescue|
+ȹ V rescue|,patient=country|
+Ȼ V rescue|,cure|ҽ
+Ȼ N LandVehicle|,@cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+Ȼ N InstitutePlace|,@rescue|,military|,medical|ҽ
+Ȼ V cure|ҽ
+Ȼ V remove|,patient=fire|
+ȼ V help|
+ȼ V rescue|
+ȼ V help|
+ȼ N human|,*help|
+ȿ V help|
+ V rescue|
+ V rescue|
+ V rescue|
+Ȧ N tool|þ,*rescue|,#swim|
+ͧ N ship|,*rescue|
+ N community|,*help|
+ N human|,*help|
+ V cure|ҽ
+ V rescue|,StateIni=perish|
+ N human|,*help|
+ N human|,*rescue|,desired|
+Ӧ V help|
+Ԯ V help|
+ V rescue|,StateIni=unfortunate|
+ V cure|ҽ
+ V help|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,used|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ N attribute|,relatedness|,friend|,&human|
+ N human|,friend|
+ɰ N fact|
+ɰ N fact|,police|
+ɲ V ill|̬,medical|ҽ
+ɶ N emotion|,hate|,undesired|ݬ
+ɽ N human|,friend|
+ɽɽ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ɾ N house|,original|ԭ
+ N law|ɷ,#time|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ,past|
+ʯʱ N time|ʱ,past|
+ʱ N time|ʱ,past|
+ʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,pattern|ʽ,old|
+ַ N place|ط
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N tool|þ,*grind|ĥ
+ʳ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ
+ N human|,family|,male|
+˸ N human|,family|,male|
+˾ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ĸ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N result|,undesired|ݬ,wrong|
+ȡ V bear|е
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ V approach|ӽ
+ V engage|
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ V obey|ѭ
+ V relate|й
+ PREP {concerning}
+ CONJ {concession|ò}
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+Ͳ V eat|,patient=edible|ʳ
+ʹ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+͵ ADV aValue|ֵ,location|λ,special|
+͵ȡ V use|,patient=material|
+Ͷ V engage|,content=study|ѧ,education|
+ͷ V surrender|
+ͷ V surrender|
+ͽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,near|
+ V sleep|˯
+ V undertake|
+ N human|,*undertake|
+ V estimate|
+ V be|,manner=emphasis|ǿ
+ CONJ {concession|ò}
+ ADJ {emphasis|ǿ}
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+˵ ADV {supplement|ݽ}
+ CONJ {concession|ò}
+λ V arrive|,location=location|λ
+ V finish|
+ѧ V engage|,content=study|ѧ,education|
+ҵ V obtain|õ,possession=occupation|ְλ
+ҽ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ V die|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=cure|ҽ
+ְ V undertake|,content=official|
+ V sit|
+ V sit|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Ϲ V salute|¾
+Ϲ V endeavour|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ V detain|ס,police|
+ V restrain|ֹ
+в V catch|ס,police|
+д V call|ٻ,detain|ס,police|
+н ADJ aValue|ֵ,demeanor|,cautious|,undesired|ݬ
+н V detain|ס,police|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ V detain|ס,police|
+ N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,police|,@detain|ס,#crime|,#punish|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ V obey|ѭ,manner=stiff|
+Ʊ N bill|Ʊ,*catch|ס,police|
+ V embarrassed|Ϊ
+ V restrain|ֹ
+Ѻ V detain|ס,police|
+ V detain|ס,police|
+ѻ V attack|
+ѻ N human|,*firing|,military|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N house|
+ V reside|ס
+ V situated|
+Ӱ˼Σ V PayAttention|ע,target=dangerous|Σ
+Ӷ V BeMember|,whole=many|
+Ӹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,desired|
+Ӽ V manage|,patient=family|
+Ӽ N location|λ,middle|
+ CLAS unit|λ
+ V reside|ס
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ,*reside|ס
+ N human|,*reside|ס
+Ժ N place|ط,#official|,@reside|ס
+ N place|ط,@reside|ס
+ N place|ط,@reside|ס
+ίԱ N institution|,#reside|ס,politics|,(China|й)
+Ȼ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ʿ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ N room|
+ N place|ط,@reside|ס
+ί N institution|,#reside|ס,politics|,(China|й)
+IJ V cherish|Ļ,content=evil|
+ N location|λ,middle|
+ V situated|,location=middle|
+ס V reside|ס
+ס N human|,*reside|ס
+ N livestock|,young|
+ N livestock|,young|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ջ N FlowerGrass|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&fact|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N institution|
+ N tool|þ,*recreation|
+ֲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,pieced|Ƭ
+ֲ N part|,%entity|ʵ
+ֳ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,*manage|
+ִ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ִ ADJ aValue|ֵ,width|,narrow|խ
+ִ V uneasy|
+ V cure|ҽ
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&place|ط,&organization|֯
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,property|,RelateNot|
+ N human|,*RelateNot|
+ V delimit|
+ N attribute|,property|,delimit|,&event|¼
+ V undergo|,content=delimit|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,pieced|Ƭ
+ V masticate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$masticate|
+ V masticate|
+ V think|˼
+ N human|,*masticate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,square|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,square|
+ N shape|,square|
+ N symbol|,#calculate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ V choose|ѡ
+ V do|
+ V lift|
+ N part|,%fact|,#act|ж
+ V quote|
+ V start|ʼ
+ٰ V condole|°
+ٰ V engage|
+ٱ V accuse|ظ,police|
+ٱ N human|,*accuse|ظ,police|
+ٱ V congratulate|ף
+ٲʤ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ٲ V walk|
+ٳ V quote|
+ٴ N part|,%fact|,#act|ж
+ٶ N part|,%fact|,#act|ж
+ٷ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ٹ N place|ط,country|,complete|
+ٹ N place|ط,country|,complete|
+ټ N community|,family|,complete|
+ټ V recommend|Ƽ
+ V quote|,patient=example|ʵ
+Ŀ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=eye|
+岻 V hesitate|ԥ
+ V lift|
+ N human|,*succeed|ɹ,#exam|,past|
+ N tool|þ,*lift|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+˫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+Ŀ V attract|,target=PayAttention|ע
+ V uprise|
+ V lift|,patient=hand|
+ V engage|
+һ V deduce|
+ծ V borrow|,possession=fund|ʽ,commercial|
+֤ V quote|,content=information|Ϣ,#police|
+ֹ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ N fact|,sport|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ɥ V disappointed|ʧ
+ɥ V sorrowful|
+ V ComeTogether|
+ V assemble|ۼ
+۱ N place|ط,precious|
+۱ϩ N chemical|ѧ
+۱ V StateChange|̬
+۱ϩ N chemical|ѧ
+۲ V eat|
+۹ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+ۺ V ComeTogether|
+ۺ N chemical|ѧ
+ۻ N fact|,recreation|
+ۻ V meet|
+ۻ V gather|ɼ
+ۼ V ComeTogether|
+ۼ V assemble|ۼ
+ۼ V gather|ɼ
+ۼ V destroy|,military|
+۽ V assemble|ۼ,patient=lights|
+۾ V PayAttention|ע
+۾ V reside|ס
+۾ N place|ط,#reside|ס
+ V levy|
+£ V ComeTogether|
+ϩ N chemical|ѧ
+ɳ V add|
+ V meet|
+ϩ N material|
+ϩ N chemical|ѧ
+ V assemble|ۼ,patient=human|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ V refuse|
+ V reject|ؾ
+ܲ V reject|ؾ,$catch|ס
+ܸ V refuse|,content=pay|
+ܾ V refuse|
+ܾ V reject|ؾ
+ܾ N human|,*deny|
+ǧ֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ V refuse|
+η V hide|,patient=wrong|
+ V depend|
+ N document|,*prove|֤
+ N information|Ϣ
+ V occupy|ռ,military|
+ PREP {AccordingTo}
+ݱ V obey|ѭ,content=information|Ϣ
+ݳ ADV {comment|}
+ݴ ADV {comment|}
+ݵ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|
+ V debate|
+ʵ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|
+ V defend|,military|
+˵ ADV {comment|}
+Ϊ V cheat|ƭ
+֪ ADV {comment|}
+Ϥ ADV {comment|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+ޱ V change|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+ N human|,#wealth|Ǯ,rich|
+ N wealth|Ǯ,many|
+ N tool|þ,*reward|,$GiveAsGift|,desired|
+ N human|,able|,desired|
+ N money|,many|
+ N water|ˮ
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,leg|
+ N ship|
+ N human|,able|,desired|
+ N human|,big|
+ͷ N human|,able|,desired|
+ N sound|,loud|
+ N celestial|
+ N human|,*perform|,glorious|,entertainment|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+ N publications|鿯,great|ΰ
+ N money|,many|
+ N human|,#wealth|Ǯ,rich|
+ N human|,able|,desired|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&part|,die|
+ N implement|
+ V own|
+ V provide|
+߱ V own|
+ V sign|д,content=name|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,substantial|ʵ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+˵ ADV {comment|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ,desired|
+˵ ADV {comment|}
+˵ ADV {comment|}
+ V own|
+б ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,store|
+еֿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,resist|
+кЯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$bring|Я,#weapon|
+ʷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,important|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,teach|
+ N human|,kindhearted|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,attract|
+ѹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,power|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$BeRecovered|ԭ
+ V from|
+ V from|
+ V occupy|ռ
+ V sit|
+ V break|۶
+ N tool|þ,*break|۶
+ N part|,%tool|þ,*bite|ҧ
+ⴲ N machine|,*break|۶
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ֲ N InstitutePlace|,@associate|,@recreation|,#literature|,#entertainment|,#sport|
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ N expression|
+䷨ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#regulation|,#language|
+ N symbol|
+ N expression|
+ V fear|
+ V fear|
+ N fire|
+ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,undesired|ݬ
+ N shows|
+籾 N publications|鿯,#shows|,entertainment|
+ V change|
+ V change|,manner=strong|ǿ
+糡 N InstitutePlace|,@perform|,entertainment|
+綾 ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,poison|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,undesired|ݬ
+Ŀ N document|,@announce|,#shows|,entertainment|
+ N fact|,#shows|,$BaseOn|,entertainment|
+̳ N community|,#perform|,entertainment|
+ʹ V painful|ʹ
+ N community|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ N affairs|,#perform|,entertainment|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*manage|,#perform|,entertainment|
+Ժ N InstitutePlace|,@perform|,entertainment|
+ V add|
+ N image|ͼ,#shows|
+ N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ V finish|,#perform|,entertainment|
+ N attribute|,kind|,entertainment|,&shows|
+ N community|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ N shows|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*compile|༭,#shows|,entertainment|
+ V abandon|
+ V donate|
+ N expenditure|,$levy|
+ V donate|,possession=money|
+ N expenditure|,$donate|
+ V abandon|
+ V die|
+ V donate|
+ V donate|
+ V donate|
+ V donate|,possession=money|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ V tired|ƣ
+뵡 V tired|ƣ
+ N experience|,#tired|ƣ
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ V ThinkOf|˼
+ N human|,family|
+ V FormChange|α
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&publications|鿯
+ V bend|
+ N document|
+ N document|,*exam|
+ V engage|
+ N publications|鿯
+ N shape|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|
+̸ V withdraw|˳
+ V bend|
+ V bend|
+ V engage|
+ V flee|,crime|
+ V resume|ָ
+IJ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+IJ N vegetable|߲
+ N addictive|Ⱥ
+ N machine|,*lift|
+Ҷ N InsectWorm|,*fly|
+ N CloudMist|
+ N document|,*exam|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N document|
+ N tool|þ,*store|,#document|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N tool|þ,#FlowerGrass|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ V break|۶
+ V rob|
+ȡ V rob|
+ V choose|ѡ
+ V dig|ھ
+ V dig|ھ,mine|
+ N machine|,*dig|ھ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|
+ N human|,official|,royal|,past|
+ʿ N human|,official|,royal|,past|
+ʿ N music|,entertainment|
+ V awake|
+ V know|֪
+ V perception|֪
+ V sleep|˯
+ V know|֪
+ V perception|֪
+ V regard|Ϊ
+ V know|֪
+ V understand|
+ V OutOfOrder|
+ V decide|
+ V kill|ɱ,police|
+ ADV {neg|}
+ N result|,decide|
+ N human|,*decide|
+ N human|,*decide|
+ V HaveContest|
+ V ResultIn|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ V decide|
+ N document|,#decide|
+ N aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ V fight|
+ N attribute|,will|־,&human|,&organization|֯
+ V decide|
+ ADV {neg|}
+ V OutOfOrder|
+ V separate|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N fact|,compete|
+ʤ V HaveContest|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ N fact|,calculate|,commercial|
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+ V willing|Ը
+һ V HaveContest|
+ V decide|
+ N document|,#decide|
+鰸 N document|,#decide|
+ս V fight|,military|
+ N method|
+ V farewell|
+ N method|,*succeed|ɹ
+ V OwnNot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ V separate|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ N part|,%land|½,skin|Ƥ
+ ADV {neg|}
+ N music|,good|,desired|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,fragment|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,fragment|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ V laugh|Ц
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,free|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+Գɱ N expenditure|,commercial|
+Զ N quantity|,amount|,&physical|
+Ի ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,free|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&physical|
+ֵ N quantity|,amount|,&physical|
+ ADV {neg|}
+ N attribute|,ability|,special|,&human|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ N attribute|,ability|,special|,&human|
+ V separate|,politics|
+ V BeBad|˥,female|Ů,#age|,#GiveBirth|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N attribute|,environment|,$separate|,&physical|
+ V KeepSilence|˵
+· V BeUnable|
+· N attribute|,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,&human|,&organization|֯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ʳ V refuse|,content=eat|
+ʳ V uprise|
+ V OwnNot|,scope=gather|ɼ,agricultural|ũ
+ V disappointed|ʧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ V prohibit|ֹ,ResultEvent=GiveBirth|,medical|ҽ
+Ե ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,exempt|,#transmit|
+Ե N material|,*exempt|,#transmit|,#electricity|
+Ե N material|,*exempt|,#transmit|,#electricity|
+ N attribute|,ability|,special|,&human|
+ N method|,special|
+֢ N disease|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,even|,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,even|,desired|
+ V separate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,even|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,even|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,even|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,even|
+ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ
+ N bacteria|
+ N medicine|ҩ,#bacteria|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ N army|,generic|ͳ
+ N part|,%army|
+ N publications|鿯,news|,military|,(China|й)
+ N weapon|
+ V HaveContest|,scope=weapon|,military|
+ V control|,patient=weapon|,military|
+ V restrain|ֹ,patient=weapon|,military|
+ N army|
+ N part|,%army|,military|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ N LandVehicle|,army|,military|
+ N weapon|,*stab|
+ N army|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,#military|
+ N law|ɷ,military|
+ N punish|,AccordingTo=law|ɷ,military|
+ N army|
+ N expenditure|,military|
+ N part|,army|,#place|ط,military|
+ N clothing|,military|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#ship|,@stay|ͣ,military|
+ N affairs|,industrial|,military|
+ N affairs|,industrial|,military|
+ N result|,desired|,military|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ʿ N human|,#military|
+ܻ N institution|,military|
+ N system|ƶ,military|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,#military|
+ N MusicTool|,military|
+ N mark|־,military|
+ N weapon|,generic|ͳ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@store|,#weapon|,military|
+ N human|,commercial|,#military|
+ N fact|,military|,secret|
+ N plans|滮,military|
+ N attribute|,status|,#army|,&human|,military|
+ N law|ɷ,military|
+ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+ N army|
+ N army|
+ N music|,military|
+ֶ N part|,%army|,#music|,military|
+ N part|,%army|,#music|,military|
+ N fact|,salute|¾,military|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&army|,military|
+ˮƽ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,military|
+ N food|ʳƷ,military|
+ N human|,family|,#military|
+ N attribute|,age|,#military|,&human|
+ N text|,*order|,military|
+ɽ N aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+״ N text|,*guarantee|֤
+״ N text|,*guarantee|֤,military|
+ N army|
+ñ N clothing|,#head|ͷ,military|
+ N human|,mass|,#military|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,military|
+ N mark|־,military|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&fight|,military|
+ N part|,army|,#place|ط,military|
+Ȩ N attribute|,power|,&human|,&organization|֯,military|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,military|
+ʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,friend|,military|
+ʷ N fact|,#time|ʱ,military|
+ʿ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,military|
+ʿ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,#military|
+ N affairs|,military|
+· N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*judge|ö,military|
+·ͥ N institution|,police|,*judge|ö,military|
+¹ҵ N affairs|,industrial|,military|
+¹ίԱ N institution|,military|
+» V ize|̬,military|
+» N place|ط,military|
+¼ N community|,military|
+¼ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,military|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&army|,military|
+ʩ N facilities|ʩ,military|
+̬ N attribute|,circumstances|,&physical|,military|
+ N affairs|,exercise|,sport|,military|
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,military|
+ѧԺ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,military|
+ռ N human|,*occupy|ռ,military|
+ N human|,family|,#military|
+ N affairs|,exercise|,sport|,military|
+ N army|
+ N part|,%army|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&army|,military|
+ί N institution|,military|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N affairs|,military|
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&official|,military|
+У N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,military|
+е N weapon|
+е N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@store|,#weapon|,military|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&army|,military|
+ N artifact|˹,$provide|,military|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,military|
+ѵ N fact|,drill|ϰ,military|
+ҽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ,military|
+ N clothing|,military|
+Ӫ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|,@reside|ס
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$use|,military|
+ N affairs|,military|
+ְ N attribute|,occupation|ְλ,military|,&human|
+ N army|
+ת N aValue|ֵ,property|,alter|ı
+װ N clothing|,military|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,royal|
+ N human|,male|
+ N human|,official|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,royal|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,royal|
+ N system|ƶ,politics|,royal|
+ N human|
+ר N system|ƶ,politics|,royal|
+ N human|,desired|,gracious|
+ N human|,good|,desired|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+ N land|½
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,slope|¶,steep|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N human|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ V finish|
+ V finish|
+ V dredge|ͨ
+ബ N ship|
+ N place|ط,#human|
+ N livestock|,superior|
+ N livestock|,superior|
+ ECHO sound|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Afghanistan|)
+¡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,( Cameroon |¡)
+¡ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ʲ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ʲ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Sudan|յ)
+ N drinks|Ʒ
+ȵ N InstitutePlace|,@drink|,commercial|
+ȶ N material|,?drinks|Ʒ
+ȹ N InstitutePlace|,@drink|,commercial|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,RedBrown|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@drink|,commercial|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ V block|ס
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N coupon|Ʊ֤,#money|
+ V hold|
+ V restrain|ֹ
+ V stay|ͣ
+ N tool|þ,*fix|ס
+ CLAS unit|λ,&heat|
+ǹ N weapon|,*firing|
+ N LandVehicle|,*transport|,#inanimate|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ N tool|þ,*fix|ס
+ V OutOfOrder|
+ V OutOfOrder|,military|
+ V stay|ͣ
+ϣ N fact|,recreation|,sing|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Pakistan|ͻ˹̹)
+ɴ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+Ƭ N account|,@record|¼
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ǯ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Qatar|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+Ƕ N money|,(Qatar|)
+ N human|,(Qatar|)
+ͨ N image|ͼ
+ס V block|ס
+ N part|,%place|ط,mouth|,@check|
+ N tool|þ,*fix|ס
+ V vomit|³
+Ѫ N disease|
+Ѫ V vomit|³,medical|ҽ
+ V CauseToLive|ʹ
+ V StateChange|̬
+ V TurnOn|
+ V cultivate|
+ V dig|ھ
+ V disperse|ɢ
+ V engage|
+ V establish|
+ V function|
+ V manage|
+ V open|
+ V pay|
+ V remove|
+ V start|ʼ
+ V start|ʼ,content=leave|뿪
+ V write|д
+ ... ֮Ⱥ N become|Ϊ,isa=example|ʵ
+ V start|ʼ,content=leave|뿪
+ V establish|
+ N expenditure|,*start|ʼ,#affairs|
+ N expenditure|,*start|ʼ,#affairs|
+ N attribute|,size|ߴ,&publications|鿯
+ V start|ʼ
+ V announce|,commercial|
+ V gather|ɼ,industrial|
+ V begin|ʼ
+ N part|,shows|,head|ͷ
+ N part|,text|,head|ͷ
+ V CauseToLive|ʹ
+ V drive|Ԧ
+ V drive|Ԧ,patient=LandVehicle|
+ϲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ V believe|
+ V discharge|
+ V start|ʼ
+ N human|,*establish|
+ N time|ʱ,spring|,early|
+ V attack|
+ V cure|ҽ
+ V GoBackward|
+ V decline|˥
+ V teach|
+ V escape|
+ V guide|
+ V function|
+ N process|,early|
+ V CauseToGrow|ʹɳ
+ V cultivate|
+ V gather|ɼ,industrial|
+ƻ N part|,%institution|,#industrial|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ N place|ط,@research|о,@produce|
+Э N part|,%institution|,#industrial|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ V start|ʼ,content=eat|
+ V DoSum|
+ V appear|
+ V cease|ͣ,content=prohibit|ֹ
+Թ N disease|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V LeaveFor|ǰ
+ V start|ʼ,content=do|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,*OpenShut|
+ V StateChange|̬
+ V establish|,patient=country|,politics|
+ V function|
+ V start|ʼ,content=VehicleGo|ʻ
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·,#waters|ˮ
+ V StateChange|̬
+ V establish|,content=account|,commercial|
+ V pregnant|
+ V StateChange|̬
+ V prosper|,scope=mental|
+ V satisfied|
+ V cultivate|,agricultural|ũ
+ V engage|
+ V engage|,content=communicate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,optimistic|ֹ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,width|,wide|
+ V start|ʼ,content=fight|,military|
+ V TurnOn|
+ V propose|,content=price|۸
+ V display|չʾ,commercial|
+ N attribute|,width|,&room|
+ V announce|,content=reward|
+ V start|ʼ,content=teach|
+ V indulge|
+ V GoForward|ǰ
+ V cease|ͣ,content=prohibit|ֹ
+ N part|,%compete|,head|ͷ,sport|
+ V write|д
+ V exam|
+ V read|
+ V dig|ھ
+ V start|ʼ,content=teach|,education|
+ V start|ʼ,education|
+ V cultivate|,agricultural|ũ
+ V sharpen|ʹ
+ V speak|˵
+ V OutOfOrder|
+ V wounded|
+쳵 V SpeedUp|ӿ
+쳵 V VieFor|
+ V gather|ɼ,possession=mine|,industrial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,optimistic|ֹ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,width|,wide|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,optimistic|ֹ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,width|,wide|
+ V start|ʼ,content=planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ V start|ʼ,content=collect|,agricultural|ũ
+ V quote|
+ V FormChange|α
+· V build|,PatientProduct=route|·
+· N part|,linear|,#electricity|
+·ȷ N human|,guide|
+̵ V ExpressAgreement|ʾͬ
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Egypt|)
+ V open|,patient=part|
+ź V succeed|ɹ,time=begin|ʼ
+żɽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+żɽ V speak|˵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ʿ N human|,wise|,desired|
+Ļ V begin|ʼ
+Ļ N text|,#begin|ʼ
+ V start|ʼ,content=TakePicture|
+ V start|ʼ,commercial|
+̻ N quantity|,rate|,#start|ʼ,&money|,commercial|
+̼ N attribute|,price|۸,#start|ʼ,&inanimate|,commercial|
+̼۸ N attribute|,price|۸,#start|ʼ,&inanimate|,commercial|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V firing|,military|
+ƪ N part|,information|Ϣ,head|ͷ
+Ʊ V announce|
+Ʊ V write|д,ContentProduct=bill|Ʊ,commercial|
+ն N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(South Africa|Ϸ)
+ V open|
+ǹ V firing|
+ǻ V speak|˵
+ V understand|
+ V start|ʼ,compete|
+ V start|ʼ,content=compete|,sport|
+ɽ V dig|ھ,industrial|
+ɽ N human|,past|,#start|ʼ
+ɽʦ N human|,past|,#start|ʼ
+ V conduct|ʵʩ,education|
+ V establish|
+ʼ N process|,early|
+ʼ V start|ʼ
+ʿ N material|,?clothing|
+ V release|ͷ,police|
+ V start|ʼ,commercial|
+ˮ N water|ˮ,$drink|
+˾ N material|,?clothing|
+̨ V start|ʼ,entertainment|
+ٵ N process|,early|
+ͥ V start|ʼ,police|
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ͷ V begin|ʼ
+ͷ N process|,early|
+ V CauseNotToBe|ʹ֮
+ V CauseToGrow|ʹɳ
+ V cultivate|
+ V dig|ھ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,amount|,over|
+Ц V please|ȡ
+ V LeaveFor|ǰ
+θ V improve|,patient=aspiration|Ը,#eat|
+ V open|,patient=tool|þ
+ N expenditure|
+С V flee|
+С V stupefied|ľȻ
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ V please|ȡ
+ V tease|ȡ
+ѧ V start|ʼ,education|
+ V laugh|Ц
+ V enrich|ʵ
+ V start|ʼ,entertainment|
+ҵ V start|ʼ
+ҵ V start|ʼ,commercial|
+ҵ N human|,*establish|
+ҹ V endeavour|
+Դ V MakeBetter|Ż,#wealth|Ǯ
+ V dig|ھ,industrial|
+ի N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף,#eat|,religion|ڽ
+չ V CauseToGrow|ʹɳ
+չ V grow|ɳ
+չ V start|ʼ
+ս V start|ʼ,content=fight|,military|
+ V FormChange|α
+ V start|ʼ,commercial|
+ V pay|,commercial|
+ V write|д,ContentProduct=bill|Ʊ,commercial|
+ V start|ʼ,content=fight|,military|
+ V start|ʼ,content=levy|
+֧ N expenditure|
+֧ V pay|
+֧ V pay|,possession=payment|
+ V explain|˵
+ V endeavour|
+ V remove|
+ V wipe|
+ V dry|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&character|,&symbol|
+ N human|,$study|ѧ,$imitate|ģ,desired|
+ģ N human|,$study|ѧ,$imitate|ģ,desired|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&character|,&symbol|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&character|,&symbol|
+ V win|ʤ
+ N music|,$sing|,#win|ʤ
+ V win|ʤ,GoBack|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,generous|,desired|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,undesired|ݬ
+̾ V sigh|̾
+ V print|ӡˢ
+ N publications|鿯,mass|
+ V publish|
+ N publications|鿯
+ V publish|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V endure|
+ V RegardAs|
+Ƶһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Australia|Ĵ)
+˹ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ V check|
+ V investigate|
+ V investigate|
+ V investigate|
+ V investigate|
+̽ V investigate|
+̽ N human|,*investigate|,industrial|
+ V amend|
+ V check|
+ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+ N part|,%land|½,edge|
+ N part|,%land|½,mouth|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#liquid|Һ,#crop|ׯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,rugged|,undesired|ݬ
+ V unfortunate|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Uganda|ڸɴ)
+ V break|۶
+ V gather|ɼ,possession=material|,#burn|
+ N tool|þ,*split|ƿ,*break|۶
+ V break|۶
+ V TakeCare|
+ V cure|ҽ
+ V depend|
+ V look|
+ V read|
+ V regard|Ϊ
+ V supervise|
+ V visit|
+ STRU {Vtry|}
+ V cure|ҽ
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=cure|ҽ
+ V disgust|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$perception|֪
+ V despise|
+ V RegardAs|
+ V perception|֪
+ V perception|֪
+ V regard|Ϊ
+ V treat|Դ
+ V perception|֪,means=look|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$distinguish|ֱ
+ V undergo|,content=predict|Ԥ,#BecomeLess|,commercial|
+ N standpoint|
+ʹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ V TakeCare|
+ V supervise|
+ V undergo|,content=predict|Ԥ,#prosper|
+ V TakeCare|,medical|ҽ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeCare|,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ N human|,*TakeCare|,medical|ҽ
+ V TakeCare|,patient=house|
+ V perception|֪,means=look|
+ V TakeCare|
+ V cure|ҽ
+ V look|
+ V read|
+ V visit|
+ ADV {comment|}
+ V supervise|,content=mouth|
+ V look|,content=price|۸
+ V perception|֪
+ V imitate|ģ
+ V be|
+ ADV {comment|}
+ V despise|
+ V perception|֪
+ V recreation|
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ȥ ADV {comment|}
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|
+ V supervise|
+ N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,police|,@detain|ס,#crime|,#punish|
+ N institution|,#country|,politics|,TimeShort|
+̨ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@look|
+ͷ N thing|,*worth|ֵ,#look|
+ͷ V thing|,*worth|ֵ,#read|
+ V know|֪
+ V perception|֪
+ V visit|
+ ADV {comment|}
+ҽ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=cure|ҽ
+ V undergo|,content=predict|Ԥ,#BecomeMore|,commercial|
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ V believe|
+ V RegardAs|
+ V RegardAs|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N attribute|,physique|,&animate|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N machine|,*collect|,#crop|ׯ
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,medical|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,safe|,desired|
+ܰ N FlowerGrass|
+Ҹ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+̩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ͭ N metal|,material|
+ׯ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,generous|,desired|
+ V sing|,manner=strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ V help|,scope=wealth|Ǯ,manner=generous|
+ V die|,manner=brave|
+֮ V help|,scope=wealth|Ǯ,manner=generous|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,skin|Ƥ
+˰ V MakeLiving|ı,manner=poor|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,skin|Ƥ
+ N physical|,waste|
+ V CarryOnBack|
+ V lift|
+ V pick|ʰ
+ V engage|,agricultural|ũ
+ V engage|,agricultural|ũ
+ V HaveContest|
+ V equal|
+ V fight|
+ V refuse|
+ V resist|
+ V withstand|ס
+ V refute|
+ V refute|,police|
+ N human|,*refute|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#disease|
+ס V WithstandNot|ס
+ס V withstand|ס
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#illuminate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#MakeTrouble|
+ V fight|,partner=waterless|
+ V HaveContest|
+ V equal|
+ V fight|,partner=waterlogging|
+Ѫ N medicine|ҩ
+ V resist|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#electricity|
+ V refuse|
+ V reject|ؾ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,destroy|,#bacteria|,medical|ҽ
+ N medicine|ҩ,*destroy|,#bacteria|
+ǿ N attribute|,strength|,withstand|ס,#straighten|ֱ,&inanimate|
+Ԯ N fact|,*fight|,ProperName|ר,military|
+ V disobey|Υ,content=order|
+ĥ N attribute|,strength|,obstruct|ֹ,#grind|ĥ,&thing|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#hot|
+ N fact|,*fight|,ProperName|ר,military|
+ս N fact|,*fight|,ProperName|ר,military|
+ N medicine|ҩ,*destroy|,#bacteria|
+˰ V refuse|,content=pay|
+ V accuse|ظ,police|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#chemical|ѧ
+ N part|,%human|,*destroy|,#bacteria|,#medical|ҽ
+ѹǿ N attribute|,strength|,withstand|ס,#press|ѹ,&inanimate|
+ҩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#medical|ҽ
+ V protest|
+ N human|,*protest|
+ V resist|
+ԭ N physical|,medical|ҽ
+ V fight|,content=unfortunate|,#weather|
+ս V fight|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#shiver|
+ V resist|
+ס V withstand|ס
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ V excited|
+ V WeatherBad|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,#weather|
+ N disease|
+ V dry|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,$WarmUp|,@sleep|˯
+ͷ N part|,%furniture|Ҿ,$WarmUp|,@sleep|˯
+ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@put|
+ V check|
+ V exam|
+ʿ V exam|,purpose=include|,education|
+ȡ V fail|ʧ,scope=exam|,result=include|,education|
+ V fail|ʧ,scope=exam|,result=include|,education|
+ V check|
+ V investigate|
+ N community|,*investigate|
+ N place|ط,@exam|
+ѧ V exam|,purpose=include|,education|
+ V amend|
+ V research|о
+ ADJ knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#past|
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N human|,#exam|
+ V check|
+ V exam|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,desired|
+ V investigate|
+ V research|о
+ N document|,#exam|
+ N beast|
+ N thinking|˼
+ V think|˼
+ V estimate|
+ V check|
+ȡ V succeed|ɹ,scope=exam|,result=include|,education|
+ V succeed|ɹ,scope=exam|,result=include|,education|
+ V succeed|ɹ,scope=exam|,result=include|,education|
+ N human|,unripe|,*exam|
+ V exam|
+˶ʿ V exam|,purpose=include|,education|
+ V exam|,purpose=include|,education|
+о V exam|,purpose=include|,education|
+ V exam|
+ N fact|,exam|,important|
+֤ V research|о
+ V beat|
+ V punish|
+ N document|,$copy|д
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ V beat|
+ V punish|
+ V interrogate|
+ V interrogate|,police|
+ V WarmUp|
+ V cook|
+ V WarmUp|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N tool|þ,@dry|,*cook|
+Ѽ N food|ʳƷ
+ N addictive|Ⱥ
+ V BeNear|
+ V approach|ӽ
+ V depend|
+ V lean|п
+ V approach|ӽ,LocationFin=part|,#land|½,waters|ˮ
+ N part|,%furniture|Ҿ
+ V approach|ӽ,LocationFin=edge|
+ס ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ס ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ס ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,accurate|,desired|
+ס ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ N tool|þ,@lean|п
+ı N human|,$employ|
+ V BeNear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,near|
+ V approach|ӽ
+£ V approach|ӽ
+ɽ N human|,friend|
+ɽɽ V use|,patient=material|
+ɽɽˮˮ V use|,patient=material|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N stone|ʯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ V request|Ҫ
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,limb|֫
+ N part|,%tool|þ,arm|
+¶ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&plant|ֲ
+ V beat|
+İ V disable|м,scope=speak|˵
+Ĵ V beat|
+Ŀİ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,coarse|,undesired|ݬ
+Ŀİ V walk|
+Ŀײײ V walk|
+ V bump|ײ
+ V quarrel|
+ͷ V salute|¾
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,crowded|,undesired|ݬ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&physical|
+ N shape|,round|Բ
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ N attribute|,kind|,&thing|
+ N part|,%organization|֯
+ư ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#occupation|ְλ,formal|ʽ
+Ƴ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,*manage|
+ƶ N money|,(Nicaragua|)
+ƻ N publications|鿯
+Ƽ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+Ƽ N community|,*research|о,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+Ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ƽ N knowledge|֪ʶ,education|
+ƽƬ N shows|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,education|
+ƾ V exam|,past|,royal|
+ N money|,(Costa Rica|˹)
+ N money|,(El Salvador|߶)
+¡ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Germany|¹)
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Sri Lanka|˹)
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+Ħ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Comoros|Ħ)
+Ħ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+Ħ N money|,(Comoros|Ħ)
+Ŀ N part|,%knowledge|֪ʶ
+ɿ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Guinea|)
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%organization|֯,#employee|Ա
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Kuwait|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+س N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Kuwait|)
+ N human|,(Kuwait|)
+ί N institution|,knowledge|֪ʶ,ProperName|ר,country|,(China|й)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+Э N community|,knowledge|֪ʶ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ѧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,accurate|,desired|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧо N affairs|,research|о,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧԺ N InstitutePlace|,*research|о,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧԺ N InstitutePlace|,*research|о,#knowledge|֪ʶ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N fact|,research|о
+ N InstitutePlace|,*research|о,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+Ŀ N affairs|,#research|о,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ N part|,%physical|,skin|Ƥ
+Dz N fish|
+ V pant|
+ȴ V pant|
+ N disease|
+ V pant|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|,desired|
+ V fit|ʺ
+ V worth|ֵ
+ɰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$store|
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,StateChange|̬
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$OutOfOrder|
+ɱȼ۸ N attribute|,price|۸,lasting|,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ɱȽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$compare|Ƚ
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$compile|༭,#software|
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$change|
+ɱӲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$ize|̬
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$distinguish|ֱ
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$distinguish|ֱ
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$distinguish|ֱ
+ɱ绤 ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$refute|
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$debate|
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$express|ʾ
+ɲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$refute|
+ɲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$remove|
+ɲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$use|
+ɲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$control|
+ɲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$handle|
+ɲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$measure|
+ɲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$perception|֪
+ɲж ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$dismount|ж
+ɳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$return|
+ɳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$remove|
+ɳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$forming|γ
+ɳ֮ N time|ʱ,important|
+ɳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,GoOn|
+ɳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס
+ɳ ADJ attribute|,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,&organization|֯,&event|¼
+ɳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,disgraced|,undesired|ݬ
+ɳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$satisfied|
+ɳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$lend|,commercial|
+ɴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$store|
+ɴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$stab|
+ɴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$PutOn|
+ɴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$disseminate|
+ɴС ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$adjust|
+ɵõ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$obtain|õ
+ɵ N medicine|ҩ
+ɵǼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$record|¼
+ɵݽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$subtract|
+ɵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$adjust|
+ɵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$adjust|
+ɶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$decide|
+ɶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$understand|
+ɶ ADJ attribute|,ability|,able|,$understand|,&information|Ϣ
+ɶҡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$shake|ҡ
+ɶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$read|
+ɶ ADJ attribute|,ability|,able|,$read|,&information|Ϣ
+ɶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ɷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$announce|
+ɷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$oppose|
+ɷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,withstand|ס,desired|
+ɷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$defend|
+ɷֹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$escape|
+ɷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$separate|
+ɷֽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$separate|
+ɷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$classify|
+ɷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$separate|
+ɷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$analyze|
+ɷ N aspiration|Ը
+ɷ CONJ {question|}
+ɸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$amend|
+ɸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+ɸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$cultivate|
+ɸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$alter|ı
+ɸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$improve|
+ɹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$occupy|ռ
+ɹʹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$use|
+ɹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$estimate|,commercial|
+ɹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+ɹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ɹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+ɹ黹 ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$return|
+ɹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$ResultIn|
+ɹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$ResultFrom|Ե
+ɹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|,desired|
+ɺ N human|,official|,past|
+ɺ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,proper|
+ɺͽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$reconcile|
+ɺͽ N attribute|,ability|,reconcile|,&organization|֯
+ɺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ɻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$exchange|
+ɻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$weaken|
+ɻӷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$disappear|ʧ
+ɻָ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$resume|ָ
+ɻظ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$resume|ָ
+ɻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$obtain|õ
+ɻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$LookBack|
+ɻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$obtain|õ
+ɼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$count|
+ɼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$calculate|
+ɼǵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$remember|ǵ
+ɼ̳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$receive|
+ɼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+ɼӹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$produce|
+ɼٶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$deduce|
+ɼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$fit|ʺ
+ɼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$ize|̬
+ɼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$weaken|
+ɼ CONJ {comment|}
+ɼ N lights|
+ɽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$exchange|
+ɽ̸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$talk|̸
+ɽӽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$approach|ӽ
+ɽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$accept|
+ɽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$handle|
+ɽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$explain|˵
+ɽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$transport|
+ɾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,frighten|Ż
+ɾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ɾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$amend|
+ɾס ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,@reside|ס
+ɾܾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$refuse|
+ɾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$decide|
+ɿ N medicine|ҩ,?addictive|Ⱥ
+ɿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ɿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ɿ N human|,true|,desired|
+ɿ N attribute|,trueness|α,true|,&thing|
+ɿ N drinks|Ʒ
+ɿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$carve|
+ɿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$control|
+ɿع N tool|þ,*control|,#electricity|
+ɿع N tool|þ,*control|,#electricity|
+ɿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+ɿڿ N drinks|Ʒ
+ɿˡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$forgive|ԭ
+ɿˡ N attribute|,ability|,$forgive|ԭ,&act|ж
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ N drinks|Ʒ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$understand|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ V pity|
+о ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$propose|
+¼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$record|¼
+û ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$levy|
+ģ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$imitate|ģ
+Ĩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$remove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,possible|
+ N attribute|,possibility|,possible|,&event|¼
+ ADV {comment|}
+ܱԽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$surpass|ǿ
+ N attribute|,possibility|,&event|¼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,reverse|ߵ
+ N attribute|,ability|,able|,reverse|ߵ,&event|¼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+µ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$climb|ʵ
+Ʒ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$savor|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$sit|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$ize|̬
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$ize|̬
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$rescue|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+г ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$remove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$request|Ҫ
+ȡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,worth|ֵ,desired|
+ȡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$remove|
+Ȧɵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$endure|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$StateChange|̬
+ܽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$StateChange|̬
+ܽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,StateChange|̬
+ N attribute|,ability|,able|,StateChange|̬,&physical|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$perform|
+ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$walk|
+ ADJ fit|ʺ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$influence|Ӱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$produce|
+ʪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$moisten|ʪ
+ʪ N attribute|,ability|,&moisten|ʪ
+ʳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$consume|ȡ
+ʳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$consume|ȡ
+ʳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$eat|
+ʳ N attribute|,ability|,able|,$eat|,&physical|
+ CONJ {but|}
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$use|
+ջ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$MoveItBack|
+˵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$persuade|Ȱ˵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,awake|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,&thing|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$accuse|ظ
+̾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$sorry|ϧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$listen|
+̸ͨн ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$discuss|
+ͳһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$deduce|
+˻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$GoBack|
+ڿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$satirize|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$resume|ָ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,possible|
+ɼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$fulfil|ʵ
+ν V be|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$abandon|
+ϧ V sorry|ϧ
+Ϩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$remove|
+ϲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$restrain|ֹ
+뵽 ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$predict|Ԥ
+֪ V deduce|
+ N attribute|,ability|,&sell|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$consume|ȡ
+Ц ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,CauseToDo|ʹ,#satisfied|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$believe|
+Ŷ N attribute|,ability|,able|,$believe|,&mental|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$believe|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$believe|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$fulfil|ʵ
+ N attribute|,ability|,able|,$fulfil|ʵ,&thinking|˼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$repair|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$repair|
+ѡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$choose|ѡ
+ѱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$cultivate|
+ѹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$shrink|С
+ѹե ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$SqueezeOut|
+ӳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$enlarge|
+֤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$prove|֤
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$ize|̬
+Һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$ize|̬
+ҽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$cure|ҽ
+ֲ N attribute|,ability|,$TakeAway|ᶯ,$install|װ,&software|
+ֲ N attribute|,ability|,$TakeAway|ᶯ,$planting|ֲ,&plant|ֲ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|,desired|
+ AUX {modality|}
+Ա ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$guarantee|֤,&human|
+Ա N attribute|,ability|,able|,$guarantee|֤,&human|
+Ա ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$escape|
+Ա任 ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$replace|
+Թ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$estimate|
+Ժ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$respire|
+Ի ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$obtain|õ
+Լ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$perception|֪
+Խܱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$guarantee|֤
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$satisfied|
+ȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$decide|
+ʶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$know|֪
+ʡȥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$remove|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$conduct|ʵʩ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$deduce|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ӻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$delay|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$quote|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$restrain|ֹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$drink|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$quote|
+ӡˢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$print|ӡˢ
+п ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$exempt|
+û ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$replace|
+Ԥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$pay|
+Ԥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$predict|Ԥ
+Ԥδ V time|ʱ,future|,$predict|Ԥ
+Ԥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$predict|Ԥ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$add|
+չ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$unfold|̯
+۵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$fold|ߡ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$defeat|սʤ
+˰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,#collect|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$debate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$debate|
+֤ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$prove|֤
+֪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$know|֪
+ִ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$conduct|ʵʩ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$cure|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$cure|ҽ,desired|
+ֲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$planting|ֲ
+ػ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$obtain|õ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$need|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$follow|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$use|
+֯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$establish|
+ V HungryThirsty|
+ V expect|
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+ V expect|
+ V consume|ȡ
+ V defeat|սʤ
+ V delimit|
+ V occupy|ռ,military|
+ V restrain|ֹ
+ CLAS unit|λ,&weight|
+˵ʤ V defeat|սʤ,partner=enemy|,military|
+˷ V defeat|սʤ
+˷ V defeat|սʤ,military|
+˸ V TakeBack|ȡ
+˸ N institution|,police|,ProperName|ר,politics|,(Soviet|)
+˼ V loyal|Т
+˿ V levy|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&weight|
+ N SportTool|˶
+ N money|,(Czechoslovakia|ݿ)
+ N money|,(Czech|ݿ)
+ N money|,(Slovakia|˹工)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Russia|˹)
+ N human|,(Crimea|)
+ķֹ N house|,institution|,#politics|,(Russia|˹)
+ֶ N human|,official|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+¡ V produce|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Croatia|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ǹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N money|,(Brazil|)
+ڿ˼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,thrifty|,desired|
+ʲ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ʲ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+͡ N disease|
+߲ N money|,(Zambia|ޱ)
+ V restrain|ֹ
+ V carve|
+ V delimit|
+ N time|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ,special|
+̰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+̱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+̲ݻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+̶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+̶ N mark|־,linear|,#measurement|
+̹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|
+̹ V remember|ǵ
+̻ V describe|д
+̻ V carve|
+̿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+̿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,thrifty|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&time|ʱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ V carve|,ContentProduct=character|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,different|
+ N human|,*buy|,commercial|
+ N human|,*engage|
+ N human|,*tour|
+ N human|,*visit|
+ N human|,commercial|
+Ͳ N part|,%vehicle|ͨ,room|,@reside|ס
+ͳ N LandVehicle|,*transport|,human|
+ʹ N ship|,*transport|,#human|
+ʹ V RegardAs|,entertainment|
+Ͷ N community|,$invite|,*compete|,sport|
+ͷ N food|ʳƷ
+ͷ N room|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ N attribute|,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|,&mental|
+ͻ N human|,*buy|,#commercial|
+ͻ N aircraft|,*transport|,human|
+ͼ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N human|,mass|,commercial|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&human|,commercial|
+ N ship|,*transport|,#human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,full|
+Ʊ N coupon|Ʊ֤,#wealth|Ǯ,#tour|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+ N human|,*visit|
+ N human|,commercial|
+ N human|,commercial|
+ N entity|ʵ
+ N room|
+Դ N location|λ,@ExistAppear|,#human|,commercial|
+ V transport|
+վ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#LandVehicle|,@stay|ͣ,@TakeVehicle|
+ջ N InstitutePlace|,@reside|ס,#tour|,commercial|
+ N affairs|,education|
+ N expenditure|,$levy|
+ V levy|
+ N part|,%knowledge|֪ʶ,$study|ѧ,education|
+α N readings|,*teach|,$study|ѧ,education|
+α N readings|,#plans|滮,education|
+γ N part|,%knowledge|֪ʶ,$study|ѧ,education|
+μ N time|ʱ,@rest|Ϣ,education|
+μ N exercise|,education|
+ʱ N time|ʱ,education|
+ʱ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ,education|
+ N room|,education|
+˰ N expenditure|
+˰ V levy|,possession=expenditure|,commercial|
+ N room|,education|
+ N attribute|,content|,&information|Ϣ
+ N problem|
+ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,*research|о
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,education|
+ N readings|
+ N affairs|,education|
+Ķ N affairs|,#read|,education|
+ҵ N affairs|,#study|ѧ,education|
+ N text|,education|
+ҵ N affairs|,education|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,education|
+ V levy|,commercial|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@put|
+ V agree|ͬ
+ V willing|Ը
+϶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը,desired|
+϶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+϶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,upright|,desired|
+϶ V admit|
+϶ V agree|ͬ
+ N human|,official|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Kenya|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ǰ N money|,(Kenya|)
+ N human|,(Kenya|)
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ػ ADJ place|ط,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ V bite|ҧ
+ҧ V bite|ҧ
+Ӳͷ V endeavour|
+ V engage|,agricultural|ũ
+ѻ V cultivate|,agricultural|ũ
+ N place|ط,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ֳ V engage|,agricultural|ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ V request|Ҫ,manner=sincere|
+ V request|Ҫ,manner=sincere|
+ֿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,dented|
+ V damage|
+ V deceive|ƭ
+ N facilities|ʩ,mine|
+ V kill|ɱ
+ N part|,%earth|,mouth|
+ӵ N facilities|ʩ,mine|
+ӵ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|,@hide|,#fight|
+Ӻ V damage|
+ӿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,rugged|
+ɹƭ V cheat|ƭ
+ƭ V cheat|ƭ
+ V cheat|ƭ
+ V MakeSound|
+ V speak|˵
+ V MakeSound|
+ V speak|˵
+ V MakeSound|
+ V speak|˵
+ V endeavour|
+ V pant|
+ V speak|˵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,idle|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,empty|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V dump|
+ N location|λ,space|ռ,empty|
+ N sky|
+ N time|ʱ,#idle|
+հ N attribute|,content|,empty|,&entity|ʵ
+հ N weapon|,*firing|
+ճ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ճ N LandVehicle|,$lend|,empty|,commercial|
+յ N time|ʱ,#idle|
+յ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,empty|
+յ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+յ N method|,#speed|ٶ,#vehicle|ͨ
+յ N place|ط
+յ N place|ط,empty|
+յ V adjust|,patient=temperature|¶
+յ N tool|þ,*adjust|,#temperature|¶
+յ N tool|þ,*adjust|,#temperature|¶
+յ豸 N tool|þ,*adjust|,#temperature|¶
+ն ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ն N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+ն ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+նԵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,#firing|,#direction|
+շ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+շ N house|,$lend|
+շ V defend|,patient=sky|
+ո ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,empty|
+ո N symbol|,#computer|
+ջ V talk|̸,content=empty|
+ջ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ռ N sky|
+ռ N attribute|,space|ռ,&inanimate|
+ռվ N facilities|ʩ,#aircraft|,#celestial|
+ս V fall|,military|
+ս N army|,#sky|
+ս N human|,#occupation|ְλ,female|Ů,*TakeCare|,#aircraft|
+վ N army|,#sky|
+տյ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,empty|
+տҲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,empty|
+տ˵ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+տ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+ V talk|̸,content=empty|
+ N {fullness|}
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,#aircraft|,undesired|ݬ
+ N gas|
+ǰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ǰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ǻ N shape|,cubic|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,military|
+ȱ V OwnNot|
+ȱ N attribute|,occupation|ְλ,empty|,&human|
+ V fail|ʧ,scope=take|ȡ
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&SelfMove|
+̸ V talk|̸,content=empty|
+̸ N human|,*TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+Ͷ V drop|Ͷ
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ͷ N fact|,disloyal|
+ͷ֧Ʊ N coupon|Ʊ֤,#wealth|Ǯ,fake|α
+ͷ֧Ʊ N information|Ϣ,empty|,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+λ N location|λ,@sit|,empty|
+Ϯ V attack|,military|
+϶ N location|λ,space|ռ,empty|
+϶ N time|ʱ,#idle|
+Ͼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,idle|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,idle|,desired|
+ N time|ʱ,#idle|
+ N thought|ͷ,empty|
+ N human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,empty|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$occupy|ռ
+ N sky|
+ V transport|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$load|װ
+ս V fight|,location=sky|
+ N location|λ,%sky|
+зʽ N fact|,check|,#army|,military|
+¥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+С N human|,#occupation|ְλ,female|Ů,*TakeCare|,#aircraft|
+ N tool|þ,*WhileAway|
+ת V rotate|ת
+ N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+ N time|ʱ,important|
+ V fear|
+ V frighten|Ż
+ V uneasy|
+ֲ N emotion|,fear|
+ֲ V fear|
+ֲ N thing|,*frighten|Ż
+ֲ N human|,*damage|,crime|
+ֲ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#damage|,crime|
+ֻ N emotion|,fear|
+ֻ V fear|
+־ V fear|
+ N AnimalHuman|,past|
+ ADV {comment|}
+ V frighten|Ż
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+ N attribute|,length|,&mouth|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#TakePicture|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,religion|ڽ
+ȸ N bird|
+϶ N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+Ѩ N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+ N human|,ProperName|ר,past|,literature|,(China|й)
+ V accuse|ظ
+ V control|
+ V dump|
+ظ V accuse|ظ
+ V accuse|ظ
+ V control|
+Ʋ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$control|
+Ʋס ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$control|
+̨ N part|,%implement|,@control|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,miser|,undesired|ݬ
+ V carve|
+ V dig|ھ
+ V research|о
+ V scratch|ץ
+Ŷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,miser|,undesired|ݬ
+۶ V LookFor|Ѱ,location=expression|,content=wrong|
+ N attribute|,age|,&livestock|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,*cut|,heart|
+ڰ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#ship|,@stay|ͣ
+ڱ N attribute|,reputation|,#praise|佱,&human|,&organization|֯
+ڲ N attribute|,ability|,&speak|˵
+ڲźõ N human|,able|
+ڳ V disable|м,scope=speak|˵
+ڳ N attribute|,ability|,&speak|˵
+ڳ N sound|,#language|
+ڳ N attribute|,odor|ζ,stinky|,undesired|ݬ
+ڳ V boast|
+ڴ N part|,%clothing|,cubic|,@put|
+ڴ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ڷ V accept|
+ڷ V eat|,medical|ҽ
+ڷҺ N medicine|ҩ
+ڸ N attribute|,circumstances|,happy|,#eat|,&human|
+ڸ N food|ʳƷ,generic|ͳ
+ڸ V HungryThirsty|
+ڸ N experience|,#eat|
+ڹ N text|,*admit|,#crime|,#police|
+ں N text|
+ں N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ
+ڻ N information|Ϣ,empty|,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ڽ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ڽ V quarrel|
+ڽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+ھ N attribute|,size|ߴ,&mouth|
+ھ N attribute|,standard|,&entity|ʵ
+ڿ V HungryThirsty|
+ڿ V speak|˵
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N text|
+۸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+Ģ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ,$eat|
+ N part|,%InsectWorm|,mouth|
+ N attribute|,bearing|̬,#speak|˵,&human|
+ N information|Ϣ,#language|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ǻ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ǻ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,#mouth|,medical|ҽ
+ N MusicTool|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,young|,#animal|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,habit|ϰ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,speak|˵,desired|
+ N sound|
+ V debate|
+ N text|,$speak|˵
+ʵ N reason|,undesired|ݬ
+ķ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ V exam|
+ V exam|,education|
+ V teach|
+ V teach|,education|
+ V speak|˵
+ˮ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,$speak|˵
+ͷ N expression|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ζ N emotion|,FondOf|ϲ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ N result|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ,#speak|˵
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N information|Ϣ,$speak|˵
+ V translate|
+ N attribute|,SoundQuality|,&speak|˵
+ N sound|,#language|
+ N language|,$speak|˵
+ N tool|þ,*protect|,#mouth|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,habit|ϰ
+ʷ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ N location|λ,#OutOfOrder|
+ N location|λ,#disease|,#wounded|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+ V beat|
+ V cover|ڸ
+ V detain|ס,police|
+ V fasten|˩
+ V levy|,police|
+ N part|,%clothing|,*fasten|˩
+ V reverse|ߵ
+ V subtract|
+۳ V subtract|
+۷ V subtract|
+۽ V levy|,police|
+ۿ V subtract|,patient=money|
+ V detain|ס,police|
+ V beat|,patient=SportTool|˶
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ɱ V beat|
+ѹ V detain|ס
+Ѻ V detain|ס,police|
+Ѻ V levy|,police|
+Ѻ N fact|,sell|,police|
+ N part|,%clothing|,*fasten|˩
+ס V detain|ס
+ N part|,%clothing|,*fasten|˩
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*attack|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*rob|,crime|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,enemy|
+ܳ N human|,undesired|ݬ,enemy|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ V decline|˥
+ݳ N thinking|˼
+ݻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|
+ݼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ
+ݽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,dried|
+ݽ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|,undesired|ݬ
+ݾ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|,undesired|ݬ
+ľ괺 V BeRecovered|ԭ
+ɬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,bony|,undesired|ݬ
+ˮ N time|ʱ,season|,waterless|
+ή ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,decline|˥,undesired|ݬ
+ή V decline|˥
+Ҷ N InsectWorm|,*fly|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+ V decline|˥
+ V weep|
+ޱ V weep|
+ V weep|
+ V weep|
+ɥ V unsatisfied|
+ N sound|,#weep|
+ V accuse|ظ,manner=weep|
+Ц V embarrassed|Ϊ
+ N house|,#animal|,#alive|
+ N part|,%earth|,mouth|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+ N place|ط,crime|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+ N wealth|Ǯ,$owe|Ƿ
+۶ N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,bitter|,undesired|ݬ
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,unfortunate|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,unfortunate|
+ദ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+൨ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+භ V endeavour|
+ V study|ѧ,manner=diligent|
+ V endeavour|
+ N affairs|,industrial|,hardship|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ V endeavour|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ V result|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ຣ N attribute|,environment|,miserable|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ຮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+ྡ V lucky|
+ྡ V lucky|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,bitter|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ V drill|ϰ,manner=diligent|
+ V upset|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ V upset|
+ɬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+ɬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,bitter|,undesired|ݬ
+ɬ V sorrowful|
+ˮ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ˮ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ˮ N water|ˮ,bitter|
+˼ V think|˼,manner=endeavour|
+˼ڤ V think|˼,manner=endeavour|
+ʹ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ͷ N attribute|,taste|ζ,&edible|ʳ,bitter|
+ͷ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ζ N attribute|,taste|ζ,bitter|,&inanimate|
+Ц V sigh|̾
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+Ĺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ľӪ V endeavour|
+ V inferior|
+ V suffer|
+ս V fight|,manner=endeavour|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ N tree|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*unfortunate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ᰮ V FondOf|ϲ,degree=extreme|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|,undesired|ݬ
+ N time|ʱ,season|,hot|
+ V BeSimilar|,degree=extreme|
+ N fact|,damage|,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@put|,@store|
+ N physical|,$store|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,$store|,commercial|,generic|ͳ
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ⷿ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@put|,@store|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&ChargeQuantity|
+ N attribute|,volume|ݻ,&facilities|ʩ
+ N clothing|,#leg|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,#clothing|,*fasten|˩
+ N part|,%clothing|,leg|
+ N part|,%clothing|,#leg|
+ N clothing|,#leg|
+ N clothing|,#leg|
+ V boast|
+ V praise|佱
+ V boast|
+ V boast|
+亣 V boast|
+佱 V praise|佱
+ V boast|
+̸ V boast|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&volume|ݻ
+ҫ V ShowOff|ҫ
+ҫ V boast|
+ V praise|佱
+ V boast|
+ N expression|,*boast|
+ V end|ս
+ V perish|
+̨ V end|ս
+̨ V perish|,politics|
+ V hold|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ V BeBeyond|Խ
+ V GoThrough|
+ V cross|Խ
+ V sit|
+ V GoOut|ȥ
+ N attribute|,distance|,&facilities|ʩ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|
+˾ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+ҵ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+ V cross|Խ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ
+ V GoInto|
+ V sit|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ V cross|Խ,LocationThru=waters|ˮ
+Խ V BeBeyond|Խ
+Խ V cross|Խ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#body|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|,^liquid|Һ
+ N shape|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&money|,(China|й)
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,base|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|
+龥 N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+״ N shape|
+ N tool|þ,*eat|
+ N tool|þ,*eat|
+ V VieFor|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,earliness|,early|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,sharp|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+챨 N publications|鿯,news|
+첽 V run|
+첽 V walk|
+ N edible|ʳ
+쳵 N LandVehicle|
+쳵 N facilities|ʩ,route|·,#speed|ٶ
+쵱 ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+쵶ն ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ V VieFor|
+ N emotion|,joyful|ϲ,desired|
+칥 V attack|,sport|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ N physical|,$post|ʼ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,nimble|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ӱ V VieFor|
+ӱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&act|ж
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#TakePicture|
+˿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ N fact|,#joyful|ϲ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ٻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fast|,flexible|
+ת ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ͧ N ship|
+ο V joyful|ϲ
+Ѷ N news|
+Ҫ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ V satisfied|
+ N fish|
+ N part|,%physical|
+ N human|,forthright|ˬ
+ V AtEase|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lenient|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,generous|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,width|,wide|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ V AtEase|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+խ V economize|ʡ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lenient|,desired|
+ V WellTreat|ƴ
+ N attribute|,width|,&physical|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lenient|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,generous|,desired|
+ V soothe|ο
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ V forgive|ԭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lenient|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,optimistic|ֹ,desired|
+ˡ V forgive|ԭ
+ V AtEase|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,relax|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,^crowded|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+ο V soothe|ο
+ V enlarge|,PatientAttribute=boundary|,#time|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ,@enlarge|,#boundary|,#time|ʱ
+ V StripOff|ȥ,patient=clothing|
+ԣ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,sufficient|
+ N money|,(Angola|)
+խ N attribute|,width|,&physical|
+ V indulge|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ N fund|ʽ
+ N part|,%document|
+ V entertain|д
+ N quantity|,amount|,&wealth|Ǯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ V detain|ס
+ʽ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&artifact|˹
+ N part|,%text|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&wealth|Ǯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ V amend|
+ V calculate|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V estimate|
+ V help|
+ V rescue|
+ V help|
+︴ V rescue|,patient=country|
+ V calculate|
+ V estimate|
+ V rescue|
+ V amend|,content=wrong|
+ V calculate|
+ V estimate|
+ V amend|
+ʱ V amend|,content=wrong|
+ V help|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ V mad|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ V run|,manner=fast|
+ N water|ˮ
+ V cry|,#livestock|
+ N wind|,strong|ǿ
+籩 N weather|,#RainSnow|ѩ,#wind|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ N fact|,undesired|ݬ
+Ȯ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|
+ N human|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*mad|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ϲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ϲ V joyful|ϲ,degree=extreme|
+Ц V laugh|Ц
+ N text|,undesired|ݬ
+ N wind|,strong|ǿ
+ V draw|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,bone|
+ N part|,%thing|,bone|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,bone|
+ N regulation|
+ͼ N image|ͼ
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,bone|
+ N InstitutePlace|,mine|
+ N stone|ʯ,mine|
+ N location|λ,#stone|ʯ,mine|,@ExistAppear|
+ N physical|,mine|
+Ʒ N physical|,mine|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,mine|
+ N LandVehicle|,mine|
+ N stone|ʯ,waste|,mine|
+ N part|,%land|½,mine|
+ N tool|þ,*illuminate|,mine|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,mine|
+ N InstitutePlace|,mine|
+ N InstitutePlace|,mine|
+ N InstitutePlace|,mine|
+Ȫ N waters|ˮ,#mine|
+Ȫˮ N drinks|Ʒ
+ɰ N stone|ʯ,mine|
+ɽ N InstitutePlace|,mine|
+ʯ N stone|ʯ,mine|
+ N part|,%land|½,mine|
+ N inanimate|,mine|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N inanimate|,mine|
+ N institution|,#mine|,ProperName|ר,politics|
+ҵ N affairs|,mine|
+ N stone|ʯ,waste|,#mine|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&mine|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,generous|,desired|
+ V lavish|˷
+ V cease|ͣ,content=affairs|,undesired|ݬ
+ V cease|ͣ,content=affairs|,education|,undesired|ݬ
+ճ־ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+Ұ N land|½,surfacial|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|,past|
+ְ V cease|ͣ,content=affairs|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+ V IllTreat|
+ V InDebt|
+ V InDebt|,commercial|
+ V lack|ȱ
+ V lack|ȱ,commercial|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|,undesired|ݬ
+ V InDebt|,possession=fund|ʽ,commercial|
+ V affairs|,*InDebt|,commercial|
+ V affairs|,*InDebt|,commercial|
+ V IllTreat|
+ V lose|ʧȥ
+ V InDebt|
+ V InDebt|,commercial|
+ V InDebt|,commercial|
+Ƿ V InDebt|,commercial|
+Ƿ V owe|Ƿ,commercial|
+ʴ V InDebt|,commercial|
+ʴ V disappear|ʧ
+ V InDebt|,commercial|
+ V GuiltilyConscious|
+ N clothing|,#head|ͷ,*protect|
+ N clothing|,*protect|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ V look|,manner=secret|
+ V perception|֪
+ V look|,manner=secret|
+̽ V look|,manner=secret|
+ V look|,manner=secret|
+ N human|,*look|,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N tool|þ,#wind|,*cool|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ N human|,official|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Canada|ô)
+ N human|,able|,desired|
+ N human|,official|
+ΰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,$order|
+ V GiveAsGift|
+ V GiveAsGift|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,@transmit|
+ V GiveAsGift|
+ V shy|
+ V shy|
+ V shy|
+ V shy|
+ V shy|
+ɫ N attribute|,countenance|,shy|,&human|
+ V shy|
+ V shy|
+ V shy|
+ V OutOfOrder|
+ V defeated|,military|
+ V inflamed|
+ V defeated|,military|
+ V inflamed|
+ V defeated|,military|
+ɢ V defeated|,military|
+ V flee|
+ V flee|
+ N disease|
+ V inflamed|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sex|Ա,female|Ů
+Ƕ N human|,female|Ů,entertainment|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ,?medicine|ҩ,$eat|
+ N InsectWorm|,generic|ͳ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#InsectWorm|
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,#InsectWorm|
+ N shows|,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N shows|,(China|й)
+ N human|,family|,mass|,male|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|
+ N shape|
+ V wrap|
+ V wrap|
+ V wrap|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ V decline|˥
+ V surround|Χ
+ V tired|ƣ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ V tired|ƣ
+ V tired|ƣ
+ V ignorant|֪
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ,&human|,&organization|֯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ V embarrassed|Ϊ
+ V tired|ƣ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ V unfortunate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ,&event|¼
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,poor|
+ѻ N community|,family|,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+ V MakeWorried|
+ V defend|,military|
+̶ V RashlyAct|
+ V contain|
+ N symbol|
+ N symbol|
+Լ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+ V enlarge|
+ V enlarge|,#organization|֯,military|
+ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ V enlarge|
+ V enlarge|
+ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ N fact|,discuss|
+ V enlarge|
+ V add|,patient=army|,military|
+ɢ V disperse|ɢ
+ɢ V disseminate|
+ N SportTool|˶
+չ V CauseToGrow|ʹɳ
+չ V enlarge|
+ V enlarge|
+ V enlarge|,medical|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ V destroy|
+ V enlarge|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+ V farewell|
+ V walk|
+ǰ V GoForward|ǰ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,rich|,desired|
+ N human|,rich|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,rich|,desired|
+ N human|,rich|,desired|
+Ҷ N tree|
+ N physical|,waste|
+ V handle|,patient=waste|
+ N physical|,waste|
+Ͱ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#waste|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#waste|
+ V attract|
+ V attract|,commercial|
+ V attract|,politics|,commercial|
+ V excrete|й
+ V force|ǿ
+ V help|
+ V include|,manner=force|ǿ
+ V pull|
+ V recreation|,entertainment|
+ V talk|̸
+ V transport|
+ V transport|,military|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Morocco|Ħ)
+ V AlterForm|״,PatientAttribute=long|
+ V unsatisfied|
+ V foster|
+ V pull|
+ V relate|й
+ V talk|̸
+ N machine|
+˹ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ V include|,manner=force|ǿ
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ V StomachTrouble|֢
+ N money|,(Maldives|)
+ N fittings|,industrial|
+˹ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Nigeria|)
+ϵ V associate|
+϶ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Pakistan|ͻ˹̹)
+ N SportTool|˶
+ V owe|Ƿ
+ҳ V talk|̸
+ V mediate|,ResultEvent=fight|
+ V associate|
+ V transport|
+ V open|
+ V separate|
+ V attract|,target=human|,ResultEvent=SeekPleasure|Ѱ,#commercial|
+ V attract|,target=human|,commercial|
+ V transport|,patient=human|
+ V collude|
+ V pull|
+ N community|,*urge|ʹ,#sport|
+ N attribute|,strength|,#pull|,&physical|
+ N part|,%clothing|
+ V drill|ϰ,military|
+£ V entice|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ V cook|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ģ N tool|þ
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ƽ V equal|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ʺ V excrete|й,patient=waste|
+ V ShowLove|ʾ,means=CausePartMove|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,arm|
+˿ V straighten|ֱ,industrial|
+ N part|,%clothing|
+ά ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,( Latvia |ά)
+ά N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ά N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ϡ V StomachTrouble|֢
+ V mediate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+բ V TurnOff|ֹ
+ֱ V straighten|ֱ
+ס V catch|ס
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N MusicTool|
+ N tool|þ,*disseminate|
+ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ﻨ N FlowerGrass|
+ N community|,religion|ڽ
+ͽ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,religion|ڽ
+ N material|
+ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+ N stationery|ľ,@write|д
+ N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|
+Ⱦ V AlterColor|ɫ
+̨ N tool|þ,@put|,#illuminate|
+ N tool|þ,image|ͼ
+ֽ N paper|ֽ,*wrap|
+ֽ N paper|ֽ,@write|д
+ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$cook|
+ N time|ʱ,month|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+÷ N FlowerGrass|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ζ N food|ʳƷ
+ζ N food|ʳƷ,generic|ͳ
+ N time|ʱ,month|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,peppery|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ζ N attribute|,taste|ζ,peppery|,&physical|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ ECHO {modality|}
+ N community|,*urge|ʹ,#sport|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ N land|½,#crop|ׯ
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Germany|¹)
+ N lights|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Lesotho|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ V arrive|
+ V come|
+ V happen|
+ ADV qValue|ֵ,amount|,almost|
+ N human|,*visit|
+ V prohibit|ֹ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,earliness|,late|
+ V appear|,content=water|ˮ
+ V arrive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ü ADV aValue|ֵ,earliness|,early|
+ V visit|
+ǹ N weapon|,*firing|
+ N text|
+ N letter|ż
+༦ N bird|
+ V ToAndFro|
+ȥ V ToAndFro|
+ N physical|,$post|ʼ
+ PREP {scope}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ V excited|
+ PREP {scope}
+ N human|,*visit|
+ V ToAndFro|
+ N attribute|,source|Դ,&physical|
+ N material|
+ϼӹ V produce|
+ V approach|ӽ
+ V arrive|
+ȥ N process|
+· N attribute|,source|Դ,&physical|
+· N facilities|ʩ,route|·,#approach|ӽ
+· ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,unfixed|δ
+· N artifact|˹,commercial|,generic|ͳ
+ N time|ʱ,future|,year|
+ȥ V ToAndFro|
+ N human|,*post|ʼ
+ N time|ʱ,future|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,future|,&human|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,future|,&human|
+ N attribute|,strength|,#happen|,&physical|,&event|¼
+ͷ N cause|ԭ
+ͷ N emotion|,#FondOf|ϲ
+ͷ N emotion|,FondOf|ϲ
+ͷ N human|,*help|
+ V ToAndFro|
+ V associate|
+ N text|
+ N letter|ż,$post|ʼ
+ V post|ʼ,patient=letter|ż
+ N purpose|Ŀ
+ N cause|ԭ
+Դ N attribute|,source|Դ,&physical|
+Դ V ResultFrom|Ե
+߲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,generous|,desired|
+֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ V ResultFrom|Ե
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ V blame|Թ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V deny|
+ V depend|
+ V disobey|Υ,content=MakeAppointment|Լ
+ V stay|ͣ
+Ƥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ V depend|
+ծ V deny|,content=owe|Ƿ,commercial|
+ V deny|,content=owe|Ƿ,commercial|
+ V disobey|Υ,content=MakeAppointment|Լ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,blue|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N crop|ׯ
+ʯ N stone|ʯ,treasure|䱦
+ N attribute|,kind|,original|ԭ,&readings|
+ N thing|,$BaseOn|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,blue|
+ N material|,*AlterColor|ɫ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+칤 N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,blue|
+ N sky|,blue|
+ͼ N image|ͼ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@foster|,#livestock|
+ N fittings|,%building|
+ N part|,%readings|
+ N fittings|,%building|
+Ŀ N part|,%shows|,%readings|,name|
+ V block|ס
+ V block|ס
+Ӱ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ
+ V attack|,sport|
+ V block|ס
+· V block|ס
+· N thing|,*obstruct|ֹ
+·ǿ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,*rob|
+ V block|ס,sport|
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,location|λ,middle|
+ס V block|ס
+ V block|ס
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N phenomena|,sport|
+ N SportTool|˶
+ N fact|,exercise|,sport|
+ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+̳ N community|,sport|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,earliness|,late|
+ N part|,%building|
+ N part|,%building|
+ɺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,wane|˥,undesired|ݬ
+ɺ V decline|˥
+β N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+β N disease|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N money|,(Namibia|ױ)
+ N money|,(South Africa|Ϸ)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N water|ˮ,strong|ǿ
+ V HoldInArm|§
+ V attract|
+ V bear|е
+ V control|
+ V look|
+ V read|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lazy|,undesired|ݬ
+ V slack|͵
+ N human|,lazy|,undesired|ݬ
+ V unwilling|Ը
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lazy|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,lazy|,female|Ů
+ͷ N human|,lazy|
+ N human|,lazy|
+ N human|,lazy|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,lazy|,undesired|ݬ
+ɢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ɢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lazy|,undesired|ݬ
+ɢ V slack|͵
+ N tool|þ,linear|,#electricity|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+³ N LandVehicle|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ V OutOfOrder|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,soft|
+ V inflamed|
+õ V OutOfOrder|
+ú ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,soft|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,true|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N stone|ʯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,ripe|
+̯ N attribute|,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ,&organization|֯
+ V dizzy|,cause=addict|Ⱥ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ V flow|,quantity=many|
+IJ V catch|ס,manner=improper|,police|
+ĵ N text|,used|,undesired|ݬ
+ķ V issue|ַ,manner=improper|
+ķ V break|۶,#tree|,manner=improper|
+Ŀķ V break|۶,#tree|,manner=improper|
+ V use|,manner=improper|
+ְȨ V use|,patient=power|,manner=improper|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ͷ N tool|þ,*beat|
+ N beast|
+DZ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+DZ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+DZΪ V collude|
+DZͻ V run|
+Ǵ N disease|
+ǹ N livestock|
+Ǻ N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+ǽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+̻ V eat|
+β N FlowerGrass|,undesired|ݬ
+Ĺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ N CloudMist|
+ N beast|
+ N part|,%building|,nerve|
+ N part|,%building|,nerve|
+ N part|,%building|,head|ͷ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,male|,past|
+è N livestock|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ʶ V recite|ж
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+ V recite|ж
+ N human|,recite|ж
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ N water|ˮ
+˳ N water|ˮ
+˴ N tool|þ,*recreation|
+˵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+˷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+˷ V lavish|˷
+˷ N human|,lavish|˷
+˻ N water|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ N thinking|˼,#flighty|
+ N water|ˮ
+ͷ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&human|,&organization|֯,&event|¼
+ͷ N water|ˮ
+ӿ V jet|
+ N human|,male|,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ V TakeOutOfWater|
+ V cheat|ƭ
+ V seek|ıȡ
+̱ V seek|ıȡ,possession=fund|ʽ
+ V TakeOutOfWater|
+ȡ V cheat|ƭ
+ȡ V seek|ıȡ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V do|
+ V invite|
+ V tired|ƣ
+ͱ V guarantee|֤,scope=engage|,commercial|
+ͱ V protect|,scope=engage|,commercial|
+ʹ V tired|ƣ
+Ͷ V engage|
+Ͷ N time|ʱ,day|,@congratulate|ף,#employee|Ա
+Ͷ N human|,industrial|
+Ͷ N quantity|,amount|,&human|,#do|
+Ͷܼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,BaseOn|,#strength|
+Ͷ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+Ͷ V tired|ƣ
+Ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ V teach|,#police|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ N institution|,#employee|Ա,ProperName|ר,politics|
+ N community|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+֯ N part|,%institution|,#industrial|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ͼ N result|,#succeed|ɹ,desired|
+ͽ V teach|,police|
+ͽ N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,police|,@detain|ס,#crime|,#punish|
+Ϳ N fact|,endeavour|
+ V tired|ƣ
+ N human|,industrial|
+µ V endeavour|
+˲ V lavish|˷
+ģ N human|,desired|
+ V upset|
+ʦ V SayHello|ʺ,military|
+ʦ V use|,military|
+ V wounded|
+ N affairs|,#engage|
+ N payment|
+ַ V farewell|
+ݽ V engage|,rest|Ϣ
+ N human|,mass|
+ V engage|
+ N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,police|,@detain|ס,#crime|,#punish|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,durable|,desired|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@foster|,#livestock|
+β ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,withstand|ס,desired|
+β ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,steady|,desired|
+η N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,police|,@detain|ס,#crime|,#punish|
+ι ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,steady|,desired|
+ι ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,durable|,desired|
+μ V remember|ǵ
+ο ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+ο ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,durable|,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+ N method|,undesired|ݬ,*deceive|ƭ
+ N tool|þ,space|ռ,@detain|ס,#animal|
+ɧ N text|,*protest|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,tough|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hue|Ũ,NotLight|Ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,used|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,aged|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Laos|)
+ϰʽ N human|,able|,desired|
+ϰɶ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ϰ N human|,ordinary|
+ϰ N human|,*employ|,commercial|
+ϰ N human|,female|Ů,*employ|,commercial|
+ϰ N human|,family|
+ϱ N fund|ʽ
+ϲ N human|,male|
+ϲ N human|,rich|,desired|
+ϳ N house|,#animal|,#alive|
+ϳ N place|ط,crime|
+ϳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ϳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+ϴŮ N human|,female|Ů,^GetMarried|,aged|
+ϴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ϴ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ϴ N human|,*drive|Ԧ,#ship|
+ϴ N human|,family|
+ϴ N human|,strong|ǿ,male|
+ϴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ϴ N human|,aged|,female|Ů
+ϴ N human|,female|Ů
+ϴү N human|,aged|,male|
+ϴү N human|,male|
+ϵ׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,#aged|,desired|
+ϵ N human|,adult|
+ϵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,used|,undesired|ݬ
+ϸ N human|,family|,male|,aged|
+Ϲ N human|,family|,male|
+Ϲ N human|,aged|,male|
+Ϲ N human|,family|,male|
+ϹŶ N human|,undesired|ݬ,stubborn|
+ϹŶ N implement|,generic|ͳ
+Ϲ N regulation|
+Ϻ N human|,aged|,male|
+Ϻ N human|,indifferent|Į
+Ϻ N beast|,aged|
+Ϻ N human|,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ϻ N beast|
+ϻƨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ϻǯ N tool|þ,*hold|
+ϻ N disease|,#look|,#aged|,#eye|
+ϻ V decline|˥
+ϻ N expression|
+ϼ N place|ط,@ComeToWorld|
+ϼ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ,#disease|
+Ͻ N human|,desired|,able|
+Ͻ N human|
+Ͻ N human|,able|,desired|
+Ͼ N phenomena|,#aged|
+Ͼ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ N human|,mass|
+ʵʵ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+ݺ V weep|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ N human|,family|,aged|,mass|
+ N tree|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,#age|,aged|
+· N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,female|Ů,employee|Ա
+ʶ; ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ı ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ĸ N human|,family|,female|Ů,aged|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+겡ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#aged|,medical|ҽ
+겡ѧ N human|,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ N human|,aged|
+ţƳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ũ N human|,agricultural|ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,aged|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,aged|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,able|,agricultural|ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,pattern|ʽ,aged|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ǰ N human|,family|,aged|
+ N human|,family|
+ N human|,family|,mass|
+ N place|ط,(China|й)
+ N human|,aged|
+ N human|,family|,aged|
+˼ N human|,aged|
+˼ N human|,family|
+ N celestial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|,young|
+ٱ N place|ط,undesired|ݬ
+̸ N text|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+̸ N text|,ordinary|
+ʦ N human|,*teach|,education|
+ʦ N human|,able|,industrial|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,true|,desired|
+ʽ N attribute|,kind|,old|,&artifact|˹
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ N human|,desired|,able|
+ N beast|
+̫ N human|,aged|,female|Ů
+̫̫ N human|,aged|,female|Ů
+̫ү N human|,aged|,male|
+̬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|,undesired|ݬ
+̬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,aged|,undesired|ݬ
+ N humanized|
+ү N humanized|
+ͷ N human|,aged|,male|
+ͷ N human|,aged|,male|
+ͷ N human|,aged|,male|
+ͷ N human|,undesired|ݬ,stubborn|
+ N human|,#space|ռ,foreign|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,unable|ӹ
+ N human|,aged|,male|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Laos|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,#reside|ס,village|
+С N human|,family|,mass|
+С N human|,mass|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,male|
+߳ŭ V angry|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ү N human|
+ү N human|,family|,male|
+ү N human|,undesired|ݬ,official|
+үү N human|,aged|,male|
+үү N human|,family|,male|
+ү N human|,family|,male|
+ү N human|,male|
+һ N human|,aged|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,used|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|,young|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ʸ N human|,desired|,able|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,military|,past|
+ N human|,official|,military|
+ N human|,past|
+ N human|,female|Ů,#SeekPleasure|Ѱ,undesired|ݬ
+ N bird|
+ N human|,adult|
+ N human|,adult|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,aged|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ү N human|,family|,male|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ V cook|
+ V press|ѹ
+ӱ N food|ʳƷ
+ N tool|þ,*AlterForm|״,#level|ƽ
+ N tool|þ,*fasten|˩,industrial|
+ӡ N mark|־
+ӡ V record|¼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,waterlogging|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,#weather|
+ V carve|
+ V force|ǿ
+ V tighten|ս
+ձ V force|ǿ
+ս V tighten|ս
+ V force|ǿ
+ V rob|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ V laugh|Ц
+ N music|
+ V willing|Ը
+ִ˲ƣ V FondOf|ϲ
+ֶ N community|,#music|
+ֹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,optimistic|ֹ,desired|
+ֹ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,optimistic|ֹ,&human|,organization|֯
+ֹ N human|,optimistic|ֹ
+ֺǺ V joyful|ϲ
+ N publications|鿯,@record|¼,#music|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N music|
+Ȥ N emotion|,joyful|ϲ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ N fact|,desired|,#joyful|ϲ
+̳ N community|,#music|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,optimistic|ֹ,desired|
+ N place|ط,happy|,#lucky|
+ N community|,#music|
+ N shows|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ V willing|Ը
+ N sound|,#music|
+ N place|ط,happy|,#lucky|
+ N part|,%music|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N thunder|
+ N weapon|
+״ N facilities|ʩ,*check|
+״Ա N human|,military|
+״վ N facilities|ʩ,*check|
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|,desired|
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N thunder|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+ N humanized|,#thunder|
+ N weapon|
+ V damage|,agent=thunder|
+δ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Iceland|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ V WeatherBad|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+ N sound|,#thunder|
+ͬ V BeSimilar|
+ N RainSnow|ѩ,#thunder|
+ N RainSnow|ѩ,#thunder|
+ N attribute|,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|,&physical|
+ N emotion|,angry|,undesired|ݬ
+ N thunder|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N metal|
+ N part|,%FlowerGrass|,embryo|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,true|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ V endeavour|
+ V gather|ɼ
+ V pile|ѷ
+ V tired|ƣ
+۴ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ۻ V gather|ɼ
+ۼ V relate|й
+ۼ V AmountTo|ܼ
+ۼ N quantity|,amount|,$AmountTo|ܼ,&physical|
+ۼΪ V AmountTo|ܼ
+ۼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+۽̲ ADJ refuse|,content=amend|
+۽ V BecomeMore|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ V tired|ƣ
+¾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ƪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,trivial|,many|,undesired|ݬ
+ V build|
+ N SportTool|˶
+ V beat|
+̨ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@compete|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+߹ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+伡 N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+Ĥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&entity|ʵ,&aValue|ֵ,&attribute|
+ V CompareTo|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&entity|ʵ,&aValue|ֵ,&attribute|
+ʪԹؽ N disease|
+ V BeSimilar|
+ V BeSimilar|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ V BeSimilar|
+ͬ V BeSimilar|
+ V deduce|
+ N celestial|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&entity|ʵ,&aValue|ֵ,&attribute|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ N trace|,#weep|
+Ứ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ,#eye|
+˶ N human|,*weep|
+ V weep|
+ˮ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ V weep|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+Һ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ӯӯ V weep|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ N part|,%inanimate|,edge|
+ N image|ͼ,angular|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,edge|
+⾵ N tool|þ
+ N image|ͼ,cubic|
+̨ N image|ͼ,cubic|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,edge|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V cool|
+ V perception|֪,content=cold|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,$IllTreat|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+䲻 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+䲼 N material|,?clothing|
+ V store|,#cold|
+䳰ȷ V satirize|
+䴲 N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ,#waters|ˮ
+䵭 V IllTreat|
+䵭 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+䵭 ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,wane|˥,undesired|ݬ
+䵭 V despise|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+䶳 V cool|
+ N information|Ϣ,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ N wind|,cold|
+ V cure|ҽ,means=cool|,medical|ҽ
+乬 N house|,undesired|ݬ
+ N lights|
+亸 V fasten|˩,industrial|
+亹 N part|,%AnimalHuman|,waste|,#hot|,liquid|Һ
+ N artifact|˹,commercial|,generic|ͳ
+侲 V calm|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+ N gas|,cold|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@store|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ V IllTreat|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+í V fasten|˩,industrial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+ N affairs|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,*win|ʤ,sudden|
+Į ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+ V cool|
+ů N attribute|,circumstances|,&human|
+ů N attribute|,temperature|¶,&weather|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+Ƨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N facilities|ʩ,*cool|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ȴ V cool|
+ȴ N tool|þ,cool|
+ɼ N tree|
+ʳ N edible|ʳ,cold|
+ˮ N water|ˮ
+ˮ N water|ˮ,cold|
+˿˿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+Ц V LaughAt|Ц
+Ѫ N AnimalHuman|,generic|ͳ
+Ѫ N human|,fierce|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,undesired|ݬ
+ N text|,*satirize|,*IllTreat|,undesired|ݬ
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#IllTreat|
+ N drinks|Ʒ,cold|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#IllTreat|
+ V press|ѹ,industrial|
+ս V fight|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&money|,$earn|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&money|,(China|й)
+嶨 V decide|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&length|
+ V amend|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N drinks|Ʒ
+ N tree|
+ N community|,#music|,entertainment|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ V engage|,agricultural|ũ
+ N tool|þ,*planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ V engage|,agricultural|ũ
+ͷ N part|,%tool|þ,*planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ N tool|þ,*planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ N part|,%tool|þ,*planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Lebanon|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Lebanon|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+۰ N money|,(Lebanon|)
+ N human|,(Lebanon|)
+ N human|,ordinary|,mass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ N time|ʱ,morning|
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N fittings|,%building|
+ N fittings|,%building|
+ N beast|
+è N beast|
+ V from|
+ V leave|뿪
+ V farewell|
+ V leave|뿪
+벻 V BeUnable|,content=leave|뿪
+ V leave|뿪,LocationIni=community|
+ N part|,%machine|
+ V separate|
+鸾Ů N human|,female|Ů,*separate|,#GetMarried|
+ V leave|뿪,LocationIni=family|
+ V separate|
+뾭ѵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+뾭ѵ V betray|
+뾳 V leave|뿪,LocationIni=place|ط
+뿪 V leave|뿪
+˻ N human|,*separate|,#GetMarried|
+ V FitNot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|,undesired|ݬ
+ȥ V leave|뿪
+Ⱥ V MakeLiving|ı,manner=lonely|
+ V cease|ͣ,content=undertake|
+ɢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ɢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,unattached|ɢ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,unattached|ɢ
+ V cease|ͣ,content=undertake|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,#software|
+ V leave|뿪,LocationIni=family|
+ V FitNot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|
+ı N tool|þ,*separate|
+Ļ N tool|þ,*separate|
+ N attribute|,strength|,#separate|,&thing|
+ V cease|ͣ,content=undertake|
+ V separate|
+ְ V cease|ͣ,content=undertake|
+ N part|,%physical|
+ V PutInOrder|
+ V ShowInterest|
+ V handle|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ V manage|
+ N reason|
+ V manage|,patient=wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ V ShowInterest|
+ AUX {modality|}
+ V MakeUp|ױ,scope=hair|ë
+ʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*MakeUp|ױ,#hair|ë
+ AUX {modality|}
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,education|
+ѧԺ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ V ShowInterest|
+ V understand|
+ V transport|
+ V understand|
+ N attribute|,ability|,#understand|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,education|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ N method|,*cure|ҽ
+ʦ N method|,*cure|ҽ
+ V debate|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ۼ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ N thinking|˼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,*manage|
+³ N human|,*manage|
+¹ N institution|,*manage|,(UN|Ϲ)
+» N institution|,*manage|
+˳ V PutInOrder|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,upright|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+뻯 ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+뻯 ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|
+ N human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|
+ N attribute|,ability|,control|,&human|
+ʶ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧʿ N human|,literature|
+Ӧ AUX {modality|}
+ N reason|
+ɲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ֱ׳ V FeelNoQualms|
+ N attribute|,ability|,control|,&human|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ҽ V replace|
+ǻ N human|,official|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,internal|
+ N location|λ,internal|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,generic|ͳ
+ N place|ط,#reside|ס
+ N place|ط,@ComeToWorld|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&length|
+ﰺ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(France|)
+ N location|λ,internal|
+ N attribute|,distance|,AlterLocation|ռλ
+ N process|
+̱ N mark|־
+ N part|,%tool|þ,viscera|,#LandVehicle|
+ﺣ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר
+Y N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#body|
+ N money|,(Italy|)
+ N money|,(San Marino|ʥŵ)
+ CLAS unit|λ,&money|,(Italy|)
+ N money|,(Swaziland|˹ʿ)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,internal|
+ N location|λ,internal|
+Ū N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@reside|ס
+ N human|,able|,desired|
+˹ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Portugal|)
+ͨ V betray|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,internal|
+ͷ N location|λ,internal|
+ N room|
+ N part|,%MusicTool|
+Ƕ N money|,(Iran|)
+Ӧ V help|
+Լ¬ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Brazil|)
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|,&human|
+ N fact|
+ N tool|þ,$GiveAsGift|
+ N fact|,religion|ڽ
+ N time|ʱ,week|
+ N time|ʱ,week|,day|
+ݶ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ N InstitutePlace|,religion|ڽ
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+һ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+˾ N part|,%institution|,*manage|,#diplomatic|⽻
+ N clothing|
+ N tool|þ,*recreation|,*congratulate|ף
+ N regulation|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|,&human|
+ N money|,$GiveAsGift|
+ñ N clothing|,#head|ͷ
+ò N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|,&human|
+ N tool|þ,*salute|¾,*congratulate|ף
+Ʒ N tool|þ,$GiveAsGift|
+ V refuse|,manner=modest|ǫ
+ V associate|,manner=equal|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|,&human|
+ N room|
+ N tool|þ,$GiveAsGift|
+ N fact|
+ N fact|,WellTreat|ƴ
+ V praise|佱
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+֦ N fruit|ˮ
+֦ N tree|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,brown|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N human|,female|Ů,beautiful|,desired|
+ N attribute|,prettiness|,beautiful|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,strict|
+нԼ V economize|ʡ
+ V mobilize|
+ͼ V endeavour|
+ N stone|ʯ,material|
+ʯ N stone|ʯ,material|
+ N stone|ʯ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,sequence|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|,all|ȫ
+ V undergo|
+ N process|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ N time|ʱ,past|
+ N system|ƶ,*calculate|,#time|ʱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ V undergo|
+ V undergo|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+ N time|ʱ,year|,past|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ V undertake|
+ʱ V spend|
+ʷ N fact|,#time|ʱ
+ʷ N InstitutePlace|,@display|չʾ,#past|
+ʷ N standpoint|
+ʷ N shows|
+ʷʹ N affairs|,#dispatch|Dz
+ʷΨ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ʷС˵ N publications|鿯
+ʷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,important|
+ʷѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ V quote|
+ V undergo|,content=dangerous|Σ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,sharp|
+ N attribute|,ProsCons|,pros|,desired|,&entity|ʵ
+ V benefit|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N fund|ʽ,$earn|,commercial|
+ N money|,(Sierra Leone|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Liberia|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ N human|,(Liberia|)
+Ԫ N money|,(Liberia|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Libya|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ǵɶ N money|,(Libya|)
+ N attribute|,ProsCons|,&event|¼
+ά N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Gabon|)
+˰ V alter|ı,StateIni=payment|,StateFin=expenditure|
+ V benefit|,patient=country|
+ V benefit|,patient=country|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ N attribute|,ProsCons|,&event|¼
+ V benefit|,patient=self|
+ N thinking|˼,benefit|,#self|
+ N weapon|,*stab|
+ǻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰,undesired|ݬ
+¡ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Malawi|)
+ N quantity|,rate|,&money|,$earn|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,nimble|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ V finish|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Peru|³)
+ V benefit|,patient=community|
+ V urge|ʹ,ResultEvent=excrete|й,medical|ҽ
+ N medicine|ҩ,*urge|ʹ,#excrete|й
+ N implement|,good|
+ N weapon|,sharp|
+Ǯ N fund|ʽ,$earn|,commercial|
+ N wealth|Ǯ,desired|,$earn|
+ V SetAside|,patient=wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ N quantity|,rate|,&payment|,commercial|
+˰ N wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,nimble|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ V finish|
+Ϣ N wealth|Ǯ,desired|,$earn|
+ŵ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Saudi Arabia|ɳذ)
+ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&act|ж
+մ N payment|,$gather|ɼ
+ V use|
+ N quantity|,rate|,&use|
+ V entice|
+ V benefit|
+Ѭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰,undesired|ݬ
+ N example|ʵ
+ N fact|,discuss|
+ N time|ʱ,@rest|Ϣ
+ ADV {supplement|ݽ}
+ N attribute|,kind|,special|,&event|¼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+й ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+֤ N example|ʵ
+ N example|ʵ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ V CauseToBe|ʹ֮
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,straight|ֱ
+ V compile|༭
+ V establish|
+ V put|,result=stand|վ
+ V stand|վ
+ V record|¼
+ V record|¼,police|
+ N standpoint|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,spring|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,location|λ,special|
+ V CeaseSelfMove|ֹ
+ N time|ʱ,day|,winter|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,*forming|γ,#law|ɷ,politics|
+ V forming|γ,patient=law|ɷ,politics|
+ N institution|,*forming|γ,#law|ɷ,politics|
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ,*forming|γ,#law|ɷ,politics|
+ N human|,*forming|γ,#law|ɷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,cubic|
+ N image|ͼ,cubic|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&bulk|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,cubic|
+ͼӰ V succeed|ɹ
+ͼӰ ADJ succeed|ɹ
+ V establish|,PatientProduct=result|,desired|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,cubic|,@put|
+ V establish|,patient=country|,politics|
+ͬ V forming|γ,PatientProduct=document|,#MakeAppointment|Լ,commercial|
+ V establish|,content=account|,commercial|
+ V record|¼,content=family|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ N attribute|,form|״,cubic|,&building|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ V explain|˵,content=standpoint|
+ N standpoint|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,autumn|
+ʱ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,straight|ֱ
+ V swear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Lithuania|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,cubic|
+ N image|ͼ,cubic|
+彻 N attribute|,form|״,cubic|,&building|
+ N sound|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,summer|
+ V establish|,patient=law|ɷ
+ N system|ƶ,official|
+ V ExpressAgreement|ʾͬ
+ V create|,PatientProduct=new|
+ V compile|༭
+ҵ V start|ʼ,content=affairs|
+ V decide|
+ N thinking|˼
+ V stand|վ
+־ V decide|
+ N artifact|˹,#image|ͼ,literature|
+ N part|,%machine|
+ N part|,%building|,bone|
+֮ N place|ط,small|С
+ V BaseOn|
+ V situated|
+ N standpoint|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|
+ N shape|
+ N material|,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ
+ѡ V choose|ѡ
+ѩ N RainSnow|ѩ
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,round|Բ
+ N part|,%physical|
+ N part|,%physical|
+ V fall|
+ N material|,*build|
+ˮ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,#RainSnow|ѩ,#crop|ׯ
+ V BeMember|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&character|,&symbol|
+ V BeMember|
+ V BeMember|
+ N attribute|,ability|,&physical|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,strength|,&physical|
+ V endeavour|
+ V BeUnable|
+ N space|ռ,#strength|
+ V fulfil|ʵ,manner=endeavour|
+ V defeat|սʤ,manner=endeavour|
+ N attribute|,intensity|ǿ,&event|¼
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ N attribute|,strength|,&physical|
+ V defeat|սʤ,manner=endeavour|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&entity|ʵ
+ V defeat|սʤ
+ N attribute|,strength|,&human|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&physical|
+ V endeavour|
+ʿ N human|,strong|ǿ
+ܼ V BeAble|ܹ
+ͼ V endeavour|
+ V amend|,content=wrong|
+ N livestock|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ V debate|
+ V seek|ıȡ
+ V endorse|ӵ
+ N artifact|˹,good|,desired|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&length|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,unattached|ɢ,undesired|ݬ
+ V aValue|ֵ,content|,unattached|ɢ,#speak|˵,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,mass|
+ N human|,mass|
+ N human|,mass|
+ V ally|
+ N text|
+ V engage|,manner=together|ͬ
+ N community|
+¹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N institution|,#police|,ProperName|ר,politics|,(US|)
+ N institution|,#place|ط,politics|
+ N system|ƶ
+ӵ N human|
+ V disseminate|,manner=ally|
+ N system|ƶ
+а N system|ƶ
+ N part|,%institution|,politics|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ N community|,compete|,sport|
+ N part|,%army|,#sky|
+ N fact|,defend|
+ V ally|
+Ϲ N institution|,ProperName|ר,#country|
+Ϲ N part|,%institution|,politics|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+Ϲѧ N part|,%institution|,education|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+Ϲͯ N part|,%institution|,#young|,#fund|ʽ,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+Ϲҵչ֯ N part|,%institution|,#industrial|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+Ϲ滮 N part|,%institution|,#earth|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+Ϲ̿֯ N part|,%institution|,politics|,#education|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,ProperName|ר,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ϹѧĻ֯ N part|,%institution|,politics|,#education|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,ProperName|ר,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+Ϲƻ N part|,%institution|,#industrial|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+Ϲʳũҵ֯ N part|,%institution|,#agricultural|ũ,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+Ϲóͷչ N part|,%institution|,#commercial|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ϹרԱ´ N part|,%institution|,politics|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+Ϲ˿ڻ N part|,%institution|,politics|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+Ϲر N part|,%institution|,#fund|ʽ,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+Ϲ N law|ɷ,ProperName|ר,(UN|Ϲ)
+Ϲѵо N part|,%institution|,politics|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ϻ N community|
+ո N LandVehicle|,*collect|,agricultural|ũ
+ N community|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ V recreation|
+ N fact|,recreation|
+ N fact|,recreation|
+ N fact|,recreation|
+ N fact|,discuss|
+ V relate|й,partner=computer|
+ V connect|
+ V ally|
+ V connect|
+ N army|
+ V associate|
+紦 N institution|,diplomatic|⽻
+Ա N human|,*transport|,#information|Ϣ
+վ N institution|,diplomatic|⽻
+ V ally|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+ V connect|
+Ӥ N human|,young|,*ill|̬,medical|ҽ
+Ӥ N human|,young|,*ill|̬,medical|ҽ
+ V connect|
+ϯ N fact|,discuss|
+ϵ V associate|
+ϵ N attribute|,relatedness|,&entity|ʵ,&aValue|ֵ,&attribute|
+ϵ N human|,*transport|,#information|Ϣ
+ V connect|,#mental|
+ V sell|,manner=together|ͬ
+ V associate|
+ N fact|,recreation|
+ V ally|,means=GetMarried|
+Ӫ N fact|,together|ͬ,commercial|
+Ӫҵ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|,industrial|
+ V transport|,manner=ally|
+չ N fact|,display|չʾ,together|ͬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ź N FlowerGrass|
+ N part|,%FlowerGrass|,embryo|
+̨ N furniture|Ҿ,#humanized|,religion|ڽ
+ N part|,%FlowerGrass|,$eat|,embryo|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,#humanized|,religion|ڽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V connect|
+ V contain|
+ N part|,%army|
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$relate|й
+ N part|,%army|,military|
+ V firing|
+ N symbol|,#quantity|,#DoSum|
+ N part|,%implement|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ
+ N attribute|,status|,desired|,#compete|,#win|ʤ,#reward|,sport|,&human|
+ ADJ connect|
+ V connect|
+ ADJ attribute|,similarity|ͬ,alike|,&entity|ʵ
+ V destroy|
+ N tool|þ,$fasten|˩
+ N publications|鿯,#image|ͼ
+ V connect|
+ N thing|,*connect|
+Ӵ N part|,%language|
+Ӵ ADJ part|,%language|
+ N thing|,*connect|
+ V connect|
+ N human|,family|,mass|
+ N clothing|,#leg|
+ V relate|й
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+æ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+Ƥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|
+ƪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ƪ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ƪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,trivial|,many|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƭ V connect|
+ N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ V undertake|,manner=GoOn|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ V connect|
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+Ӧ N fact|,respond|Ӧ,continuous|
+̵ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+Ӥ N human|,young|,*ill|̬,medical|ҽ
+Ӥ N human|,young|,*ill|̬,medical|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ͨ V connect|
+ͬ PREP {partner}
+ V connect|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$connect|
+д V write|д,manner=connect|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ N shows|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,continuous|,&event|¼
+ѡ V undertake|,manner=GoOn|
+ҹ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+ȹ N clothing|
+ȹ N clothing|,#leg|
+ V use|,manner=GoOn|
+Ƹ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V publish|
+ս N part|,%army|
+սԱ V defeated|
+ת V endeavour|,duration=morning|,duration=night|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ V connect|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+ɿ N clothing|,#leg|
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ N tool|þ,*collect|,#crop|ׯ
+ N tool|þ,*collect|,#crop|ׯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,honest|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,price|۸,cheap|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,price|۸,cheap|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,honest|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,honest|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,honest|,desired|
+ N institution|,politics|,honest|
+ V establish|,PatientProduct=institution|,politics|,honest|
+ V pity|
+ V like|ϧ
+ V pity|
+ϧ V pity|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N water|ˮ
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,*decorate|װ
+ N tool|þ,mark|־,commercial|
+ N material|,?tool|þ
+Ļ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,*decorate|װ
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,*decorate|װ
+Ӳ N material|,?tool|þ
+ V levy|
+ V restrain|ֹ
+ V levy|,possession=wealth|Ǯ
+ V hide|
+ N attribute|,countenance|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ N part|,%physical|,skin|Ƥ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ V excited|
+첱Ӵ V angry|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ N attribute|,reputation|,glorious|,desired|,&human|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+̶ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,*wash|ϴ
+ N tool|þ,*perform|,#shows|
+ɫ N attribute|,color|ɫ,#skin|Ƥ,&AnimalHuman|
+ɫ N attribute|,countenance|,&AnimalHuman|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ N attribute|,appearance|,skin|Ƥ,AnimalHuman|
+ N attribute|,appearance|,skin|Ƥ,AnimalHuman|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ N part|,%machine|
+ù N medicine|ҩ
+ N SportTool|˶
+ N bacteria|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ V love|
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ N emotion|,love|
+ N human|,friend|,*love|,desired|
+ V burn|,industrial|
+ V refine|,industrial|
+ V produce|,PatientProduct=medicine|ҩ
+ V refine|,patient=metal|,industrial|
+ֳ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,#metal|,factory|,industrial|
+ V burn|,industrial|
+ N drinks|Ʒ
+ V refine|,patient=metal|,industrial|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,#metal|,factory|,industrial|
+ V produce|,industrial|
+ V produce|,material|,#edible|ʳ
+ͳ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,factory|,industrial|
+ V refine|,industrial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ V drill|ϰ
+ V drill|ϰ,military|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ V drill|ϰ,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ V exercise|
+ V exercise|,obtain|õ
+ȵ N bird|
+ϰ V drill|ϰ
+ N material|,?edible|ʳ,#crop|ׯ,generic|ͳ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@store|,#material|,#crop|ׯ
+ N food|ʳƷ,military|
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+ N attribute|,price|۸,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@put|,@store|
+ N material|,?edible|ʳ,?clothing|
+ũ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ũ֯ N part|,%institution|,#agricultural|ũ,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+Ʊ N coupon|Ʊ֤,#edible|ʳ
+ʳ N material|,?edible|ʳ,#crop|ׯ,generic|ͳ
+ʳ» N part|,%institution|,#agricultural|ũ,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ʳ N crop|ׯ,?edible|ʳ
+ N material|,?edible|ʳ
+վ N facilities|ʩ,provide|,#material|,#edible|ʳ
+ N food|ʳƷ,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,chilly|
+ V change|,StateFin=chilly|
+ V cool|
+ V disheartened|
+ V perception|֪,content=cold|
+ V cook|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,chilly|
+˿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,chilly|,desired|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N wind|,chilly|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,chilly|,desired|
+ñ N clothing|,#head|ͷ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N house|,@cool|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ˬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,chilly|,desired|
+ˮ N water|ˮ
+ˮ N water|ˮ,cold|
+˿˿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,chilly|
+̨ N part|,%house|,space|ռ
+ͤ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ
+ϯ N tool|þ,@LieDown|
+Ь N clothing|,#foot|
+ N attribute|,temperature|¶,chilly|,&space|ռ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,chilly|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·,#waters|ˮ
+ N part|,%building|,bone|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,%space|ռ,edge|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ N plans|滮,good|
+ N medicine|ҩ,good|
+ N plans|滮,good|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#ship|,@stay|ͣ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ N time|ʱ,important|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ʦ N human|,*teach|,good|
+̬ V BeGood|̬
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ,fertile|
+ N time|ʱ,night|,happy|
+ N emotion|
+ķ V understand|,content=crime|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ N disease|
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ,good|
+Ե N attribute|,relatedness|,intimate|,#GetMarried|,&human|
+֪ N experience|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,superior|
+ݬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,mixed|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,double|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,some|Щ
+ CLAS unit|λ,&weight|
+ N place|ط,#waters|ˮ
+ܾ V defeated|
+ N direction|,mass|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,mass|,aspect|
+ N part|,%physical|,edge|
+ N part|,%physical|,head|ͷ,tail|β
+ N mental|,physical|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,mass|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,mass|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N fact|,differ|ͬ
+ N attribute|,contrariness|,&entity|ʵ
+ N part|,%earth|,head|ͷ,tail|β
+ N part|,%electricity|,head|ͷ,tail|β
+ֻ V ize|̬
+Ź N tool|þ,*measure|
+ N human|,family|,mass|
+ N fact|,differ|ͬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,fake|α
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ V embarrassed|Ϊ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ
+ N part|,%physical|,edge|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,alive|,#land|½,#waters|ˮ
+ܲ N army|,*fight|,#land|½,#waters|ˮ,military|
+ܶ N animal|,*alive|,#land|½,#waters|ˮ
+ս N fact|,fight|,#land|½,#waters|ˮ,military|
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ,desired|
+ȫ V fulfil|ʵ
+Ϊ V lucky|
+ N method|
+ͷ N part|,%entity|ʵ,aspect|
+ͷ N part|,%entity|ʵ,mass|,aspect|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,mass|,aspect|
+Ը V willing|Ը,manner=EachOther|
+ N part|,%physical|,head|ͷ,tail|β
+ N room|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ N attribute|,sex|Ա,male|,female|Ů,&animate|
+Թϵ N attribute|,relatedness|,#mating|,&animate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,honest|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,wing|
+ N part|,%bird|,wing|,*fly|
+ N place|ط,edge|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|
+ N part|,%human|,mass|,aspect|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,double|
+ N attribute|,property|,double|,&entity|ʵ
+ N part|,%human|,head|ͷ
+ް߰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&LandVehicle|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&LandVehicle|
+ V measure|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&entity|ʵ
+ N quantity|,amount|,&inanimate|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ V QuantityChange|
+ N fact|,change|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ N part|,%language|
+ N attribute|,measurement|,&physical|
+ V ize|̬
+ N quantity|,amount|,&physical|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ V do|,manner=proper|
+ V do|,manner=proper|
+ƿ N tool|þ,*measure|
+Ϊ V do|,manner=proper|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ V do|,manner=proper|
+ N measure|,content=temperature|¶
+ V estimate|,content=punish|,police|
+Ѫѹ N measure|,content=strength|
+ֵ N quantity|,amount|,&physical|
+ N part|,%physical|
+ V dry|
+ V dry|
+ɹ V dry|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ N attribute|,quality|,strong|ǿ,desired|,&thing|
+ N attribute|,brightness|,&physical|
+ N lights|
+ N lights|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ V appear|
+ V forgive|ԭ
+ V understand|
+½ V forgive|ԭ
+½ V understand|
+ V incite|ָʹ
+ V lift|
+ V spray|
+ V tease|ȡ
+ò V incite|ָʹ
+ò V tease|ȡ
+ÿ V lift|
+ V lift|
+ V talk|̸
+ V talk|̸
+ V talk|̸
+ V talk|̸
+ο V AtEase|
+Ż N weapon|,aircraft|,military|
+ N human|,employee|Ա
+ N human|,friend|
+ V cure|ҽ
+Ƴ N process|,#cure|ҽ,#disease|
+Ʒ N method|,*cure|ҽ,#disease|
+Ч N attribute|,effect|Ч,&cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ V maintain|
+Ժ N InstitutePlace|,@maintain|,medical|ҽ
+ V burn|
+ԭ V burn|,patient=land|½
+ԭ֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ɶ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ɶ뵺 N land|½,#waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ɺ N waters|ˮ,linear|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+ʲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ʲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ʵ V decline|˥
+ V finish|
+ V know|֪
+ STRU {MaChinese|}
+˲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|
+˲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+˲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+˲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+˵ N expression|,*surprise|
+˽ V finish|
+˽ V fulfil|ʵ
+˽ V know|֪
+˽ V know|֪
+˾ V finish|
+˾ N process|,ending|ĩ
+ V know|֪
+ȴ V fulfil|ʵ
+ָ V know|֪
+ V finish|
+ V look|
+ V MoveItDown|
+ V defeat|սʤ
+ V put|
+̵ V defeat|սʤ
+̻ V damage|,agricultural|ũ
+ V put|
+ N tool|þ,police|,*detain|ס,#crime|
+ N tool|þ,police|,*detain|ס,#crime|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N attribute|,quality|,&human|
+ N food|ʳƷ,*feed|ι,#animal|
+ N material|
+ V predict|Ԥ
+ϵ V predict|Ԥ
+ϼ V predict|Ԥ
+Ͼ N material|,liquid|Һ,?food|ʳƷ,$drink|
+ V arrange|
+ V cook|
+ N edible|ʳ
+ V handle|
+ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ V predict|Ԥ
+ N material|,?clothing|,?tool|þ
+ V PutInOrder|
+ V include|
+ V quote|
+б N human|,#occupation|ְλ,military|
+г N LandVehicle|
+г N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,#LandVehicle|
+гԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա,#LandVehicle|
+е N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+е N land|½,mass|
+ж V PutInOrder|
+и N money|,(Bulgaria|)
+й N place|ط,country|,mass|
+о V quote|
+п N money|,(Albania|)
+ N human|,official|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(Russia|˹)
+ǿ N place|ط,country|,mass|,past|
+ϯ V engage|
+ N money|,(Romania|)
+֧ʿ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N human|,past|
+ V FormChange|α
+ѱ V change|
+ѷ N trace|,#FormChange|α
+Ѻ N trace|,#FormChange|α
+ѻ V FormChange|α
+ѽ V FormChange|α
+ѿ V FormChange|α
+ѿ V FormChange|α
+ѿ N location|λ,#OutOfOrder|
+ N trace|,#FormChange|α
+϶ N trace|,#FormChange|α
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+Ҷ N attribute|,intensity|ǿ,&shiver|,#land|½
+һ N fire|,strong|ǿ
+Ҿ N human|,family|
+Ҿ N human|,family|,#military|
+ N celestial|,hot|
+ʿ N human|,*die|,desired|
+ N human|,family|,#die|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ N fire|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ӵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+Ӽ N result|,undesired|ݬ,#crime|
+ N livestock|,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,bad|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,crude|ª,undesired|ݬ
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ V catch|ס
+Բ V catch|ס
+Թ N livestock|,*catch|ס,#beast|
+Ի N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ,*catch|ס,#beast|
+Ի V obtain|õ
+ N human|,*catch|ס,#beast|,agricultural|ũ
+ V seek|ıȡ,possession=new|
+ǹ N weapon|,*firing|
+ȡ V catch|ס
+ȡ V seek|ıȡ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*catch|ס,#beast|,agricultural|ũ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ,*catch|ס,#beast|
+ɱ V catch|ס,kill|ɱ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ,*catch|ס,#beast|
+ͷ˾ N InstitutePlace|,*call|ٻ,#request|Ҫ,#employ|
+ N AnimalHuman|,$catch|ס
+ N bird|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N affairs|,planting|ֲ,tree|,agricultural|ũ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N community|
+ N tree|
+ֲ N artifact|˹,#tree|
+ֲƷ N artifact|˹,#tree|
+ֳ N place|ط,@planting|ֲ,#tree|
+ִ N place|ط,#tree|
+ֵ N land|½,#tree|
+ֺ N tree|
+ּ N money|,(Malaysia|)
+ּ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ֿ N human|,official|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ľ N tree|
+ũ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*planting|ֲ,#tree|,agricultural|ũ
+ N place|ط,@planting|ֲ,#tree|
+ N sound|,#tree|
+ N place|ط,#tree|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*manage|,#tree|
+ҵ N affairs|,planting|ֲ,tree|,agricultural|ũ
+ҵ N institution|,#planting|ֲ,#tree|,ProperName|ר,politics|
+ҵ N institution|,#planting|ֲ,#tree|,ProperName|ר,politics|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+о N human|,*reside|ס
+ N tree|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N material|,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ
+ N lights|
+ N fire|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+֬ N chemical|ѧ
+ N RainSnow|ѩ,strong|ǿ
+ N RainSnow|ѩ,strong|ǿ
+ V BeNear|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,future|
+ V arrive|
+ V facing|
+ PREP {time|ʱ}
+ٱ V farewell|
+ٲ V labour|ٲ
+ٳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,special|
+ٳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,special|
+ٴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,#cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ٴҽѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ٵ V undergo|
+ٵ PREP {time}
+ٺ V BeNear|,partner=waters|ˮ
+ٺ V BeNear|,partner=waters|ˮ
+ٽ V BeNear|,partner=waters|ˮ
+ٽ V facing|,partner=route|·
+ٽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ٽ V BeNear|
+ٿʾ V slack|͵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,#facing|,#mouth|,sport|
+ V arrive|,LocationFin=house|
+ġ V imitate|ģ
+ V labour|ٲ
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ʱ V slack|͵
+ʱ N human|,military|
+ʱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,diplomatic|⽻
+ʱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա,TimeShort|
+ʱ N attribute|,duration|,TimeShort|,&entity|ʵ
+˯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,#BeNear|,#sleep|˯
+ N time|ʱ,@BeNear|,#die|
+ͷ V happen|
+Σ V BeNear|,partner=die|
+Σ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,#BeNear|,#dangerous|Σ
+Σ V aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,#BeNear|,#dangerous|Σ
+Σ V facing|,partner=dangerous|Σ,manner=^fear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,#BeNear|,#leave|뿪
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ս ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,#BeNear|,#fight|
+ĥǹ V slack|͵
+ V flee|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,#BeNear|,partner=die|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,near|
+ڰ N place|ط,country|,*BeNear|
+ڴ N place|ط,village|,*BeNear|
+ڹ N place|ط,country|,*BeNear|
+ڼ N human|,*BeNear|,#reside|ס
+ڽ N image|ͼ,angular|
+ڽ V BeNear|
+ڽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,near|
+ڽ V BeNear|
+ڽ N location|λ,near|
+ھ N human|,*BeNear|,#reside|ס
+ھ N human|,*reside|ס,near|
+ھӼ N human|,*BeNear|,#reside|ס
+ N human|,#reside|ס,near|
+ N place|ط,#reside|ס
+ N human|,*reside|ס,near|
+ N human|,#reside|ס,near|
+ N part|,%fish|,skin|Ƥ
+۴α ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ۼ N part|,%fish|,skin|Ƥ
+۾ N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+Ƭ N part|,%fish|,skin|Ƥ
+צ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ
+צ N part|,%fish|,skin|Ƥ
+צ N part|,%thing|,secondary|
+ V filter|
+ V spray|
+ܰ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ܰͽ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ܰϸ N part|,%animate|
+ܲ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,wet|ʪ
+쾡 ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,detailed|,desired|
+ϴ V wash|ϴ
+ԡ V wash|ϴ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+ V borrow|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,miser|,undesired|ݬ
+ϧ V grudge|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,miser|,undesired|ݬ
+Ĺ N human|,miser|,undesired|ݬ
+ V pick|ʰ
+ V pick|ʰ,Vgoingon|չ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,name|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N sound|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,desired|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ N image|ͼ,cubic|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ
+ N inanimate|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|
+ N symbol|,sport|
+㲿 N part|,%implement|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&unit|λ,#temperature|¶
+㹤 N affairs|,industrial|
+㹤 N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+㻨Ǯ N money|
+ N part|,%implement|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,wane|˥,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ V sell|
+ N part|,%implement|
+߰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+߰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+߰ N inanimate|,secondary|
+Ǯ N money|
+ɢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ
+ʳ N edible|ʳ
+ V sell|
+۵ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+۶ N quantity|,amount|,&sell|,commercial|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*sell|,commercial|
+ҵ N affairs|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,trivial|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ
+ ADJ inanimate|,secondary|
+ͷ ADJ inanimate|,secondary|
+ͷ N part|,%physical|,*surplus|ʣ
+ N quantity|,amount|,&unit|λ,#temperature|¶
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ
+Ǯ N money|
+ N edible|ʳ
+ N attribute|,age|,&animate|
+ N attribute|,duration|,&entity|ʵ
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ N tool|þ,*MakeSound|
+ N tool|þ,*MakeSound|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,entertainment|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,speak|˵,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V damage|
+ V rise|
+賿 N time|ʱ,morning|
+ V punish|
+ V surpass|ǿ
+ V surpass|ǿ
+ V rise|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,intensity|ǿ,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+Ű V damage|
+ V damage|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,nimble|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@store|,#human|,#die|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,nimble|,desired|
+鳵 N LandVehicle|,*transport|,#human|,#die|
+鵤 N medicine|ҩ,good|
+鵤ҩ N medicine|ҩ,good|
+ N emotion|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ N lights|,#humanized|
+ N lights|,queer|
+ N mental|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,nimble|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,desired|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,&entity|ʵ
+ N thinking|˼
+һ V own|,possession=thought|ͷ
+è N livestock|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,clever|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,clever|,&implement|
+ N attribute|,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,&physical|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,dexterous|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ N room|,@salute|¾,#die|
+ͨ V know|֪,#information|Ϣ,manner=fast|
+ N attribute|,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,&physical|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+֥ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ,?medicine|ҩ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@store|,#human|,#die|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@store|,#human|,#die|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#human|,#die|
+ N land|½
+Ĺ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#human|,#die|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#human|,#die|
+ V decline|˥
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#human|,#die|
+ N land|½
+ N part|,%land|½,head|ͷ
+ V collect|
+ V guide|
+ V know|֪
+ V own|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ N part|,%clothing|,#head|ͷ
+ V receive|
+ V understand|
+ V guide|,patient=employee|Ա
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+쳪 V guide|,ResultEvent=sing|,entertainment|
+쳪 N human|,*guide|,#sing|,entertainment|
+ N fittings|,%clothing|
+ N fittings|,%clothing|,*fasten|˩
+쵼 N fact|,order|,control|
+쵼 V guide|
+쵼 N human|,official|
+쵼 N part|,%organization|֯,*guide|,official|
+쵼λ N attribute|,status|,&human|,#guide|
+쵼 N method|,*guide|
+쵼ɲ N human|,official|
+쵼Ǹ N human|,official|
+쵼 N part|,%organization|֯,*guide|,official|
+쵼 N part|,%organization|֯,*guide|,official|
+쵼 N human|,official|
+쵼ˮƽ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&human|,#guide|
+쵼ͬ־ N human|,official|
+쵼С N part|,%organization|֯,*guide|,official|
+쵼 N method|,*guide|
+쵼 N human|,official|
+쵼 N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|,#guide|
+쵼 N attribute|,effect|Ч,&human|,#guide|
+쵽 V collect|,Vachieve|
+쵽 V guide|
+ V guide|,ResultEvent=walk|
+ V guide|,ResultEvent=SelfMove|
+ N place|ط
+ N place|ط,#country|
+ V guide|,patient=community|
+ N human|,official|
+ V guide|,ResultEvent=VehicleGo|ʻ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*guide|,#ship|
+ N institution|,diplomatic|⽻
+캣 N waters|ˮ,surfacial|,#country|
+캽 V guide|,ResultEvent=VehicleGo|ʻ
+캽 N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*guide|,#ship|,#aircraft|
+캽Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*guide|,#ship|,#aircraft|
+ V know|֪
+ V understand|
+콭 V guide|,ResultEvent=VehicleGo|ʻ
+콭 N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*guide|,#ship|
+ V perception|֪
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=teach|
+ N tool|þ,$PutOn|,*decorate|װ
+ N tool|þ,$PutOn|,*decorate|װ
+ N sky|,#country|
+ N part|,%clothing|,#head|ͷ
+· V guide|,ResultEvent=SelfMove|
+ V understand|
+ V grateful|м
+ȡ V collect|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,politics|,diplomatic|⽻
+¹ N institution|,diplomatic|⽻
+ V receive|
+ˮ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|,#country|
+ͷ V guide|
+ N place|ط,#country|
+ V understand|
+ V surpass|ǿ
+ V undertake|,content=important|
+ V undertake|,content=important|
+ N human|,official|
+ N aspiration|Ը,become|Ϊ,#official|
+ V foster|
+ V use|
+ V own|
+֤ N human|,$ExpressAgreement|ʾͬ
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,aspect|
+ N place|ط,#country|
+ N mark|־,$PutOn|
+ N human|,*own|,#place|ط
+ N part|,%clothing|,#head|ͷ
+ V admit|,content=crime|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,other|
+辶 V create|,PatientProduct=method|,manner=other|
+ N account|,*record|¼
+ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+ V create|,PatientProduct=different|
+¯ V start|ʼ,manner=also|Ҳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,other|
+ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,kind|,other|
+һ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+һ PRON other|
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&paper|ֽ
+ V ResultIn|
+ N fact|,compete|,#drink|
+ V order|
+ N text|,*order|
+ N text|,past|
+ N time|ʱ,season|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N mark|־,*order|
+ V ResultIn|
+˲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,CauseToDo|ʹ,#uneasy|
+˲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,MakeWorried|
+˳ V CauseToDo|ʹ,ResultEvent=despise|
+˴۽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,attract|
+˴۽ N thing|,*teach|
+˶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+˷ָ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,frighten|Ż,undesired|ݬ
+˸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+˹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,CauseToDo|ʹ,#excited|
+˻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,LookBack|
+˾η ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,CauseToDo|ʹ,#fear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,CauseToDo|ʹ,#tired|ƣ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,CauseToDo|ʹ,#satisfied|
+ëȻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,frighten|Ż,undesired|ݬ
+ջ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,CauseToDo|ʹ,#upset|
+ƣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,CauseToDo|ʹ,#tired|ƣ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,attract|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,irritate|ŭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ N fact|,$disgust|,undesired|ݬ
+ŷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,CauseToDo|ʹ,#believe|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,CauseToDo|ʹ,#tired|ƣ
+ź ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+۶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,CauseToDo|ʹ,#tired|ƣ
+Ϣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,CauseToDo|ʹ,#pant|
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,attract|
+Ż ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+нֹ V obey|ѭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,polished|,desired|
+ V flee|
+ N location|λ
+ N part|,%building|,#liquid|Һ,@flow|
+ N place|ط,#reside|ס
+ N shape|
+ V slide|
+ N water|ˮ,fast|
+ V exercise|
+ V walk|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,polished|,desired|
+ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,polished|,desired|
+ V flee|
+ V refuse|
+ V please|ȡ
+֮ V flee|
+ V flee|
+ N material|
+ N material|,?building|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N weapon|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N weapon|,$firing|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ V ize|̬
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+þ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ͭ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ V cook|
+ V PassOn|
+ V SetAside|
+ V keep|
+ V receive|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=stay|ͣ
+ V stay|ͣ
+ V study|ѧ,#foreign|
+ V stay|ͣ
+ V SetAside|,commercial|
+ N money|,foreign|,$SetAside|,commercial|
+ V SetAside|
+ V wait|ȴ
+쿴 V suffer|,content=punish|
+ V PassOn|
+· V defend|
+ V defend|
+ V stay|ͣ
+ V stay|ͣ,education|
+ V SetAside|,patient=space|ռ
+ V stay|ͣ,cause=satisfied|
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ V study|ѧ,location=(US|)
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V PassOn|
+ V request|Ҫ,patient=human|,ResultEvent=stay|ͣ
+ V undertake|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ N tool|þ,*disseminate|
+ V defend|
+ V engage|
+ V reside|ס
+ V PassOn|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ѧ V study|ѧ
+ѧ N human|,*study|ѧ,#foreign|,education|
+ V tell|
+Բ N readings|,@record|¼,#thought|ͷ
+ V study|ѧ,#foreign|
+һ V SetAside|,patient=knowledge|֪ʶ,#teach|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+Ӱ V TakePicture|
+ V employ|
+ V SetAside|
+ V SetAside|
+ V defend|
+ V SetAside|
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ,*SetAside|
+ס V detain|ס,Vachieve|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,official|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N disease|
+θ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ V SelfMove|
+ V circulate|ѭ,commercial|
+ V disseminate|
+ V flow|
+ N ill|̬
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$fulfil|ʵ
+ V fail|ʧ
+ V labour|ٲ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fluent|,speak|˵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,easy|,desired|
+ N process|
+ͼ N image|ͼ
+ V PassOn|
+ V disseminate|
+ V roam|
+ N weapon|,$firing|
+ V roam|
+ V SelfMove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,AlterLocation|ռλ
+ V flow|
+ V roam|
+ʲ N wealth|Ǯ
+ʽ N fund|ʽ,*SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ V exile|
+ N disease|
+ N time|ʱ
+ V excrete|й,patient=waste|
+ V flow|
+ˮ N drop|Ͷ,patient=liquid|Һ,LocationIni=mouth|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*rob|,crime|
+ V roam|
+˺ N human|,*roam|,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ N drop|Ͷ,patient=liquid|Һ,LocationIni=eye|
+ʧ V roam|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fluent|,desired|
+ V stay|ͣ,cause=satisfied|
+ V stay|ͣ,cause=satisfied|
+ N quantity|,amount|,#flow|,&water|ˮ
+ N tool|þ,*measure|,#amount|,#water|ˮ,#flow|
+¶ V express|ʾ
+ V reside|ס
+å N human|,undesired|ݬ,#crime|
+åϰ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ,&human|
+åΪ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ,&human|
+å N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ,&human|
+ N disease|
+ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&human|
+ N time|ʱ
+ N community|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ɢ V disperse|ɢ
+ɳ N stone|ʯ
+ N human|,*withdraw|˳,#education|
+ʧ V disappear|ʧ
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ˮ N water|ˮ,*flow|
+ˮ N facilities|ʩ,@produce|
+ˮ N account|,@record|¼,#wealth|Ǯ
+ˮҵ N method|,*produce|,industrial|
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&flow|,#water|ˮ
+ V flow|
+ N physical|,liquid|Һ,generic|ͳ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ͨ V circulate|ѭ
+ͨ N quantity|,amount|,#circulate|ѭ,&water|ˮ,wealth|Ǯ
+ͨȯ N money|
+ͨҵ N affairs|,commercial|
+ͨʽ N fund|ʽ,*SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+ V flee|
+ N tool|þ,*catch|ס,#fish|
+ N drop|Ͷ,patient=liquid|Һ,LocationIni=mouth|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ N celestial|
+ N weapon|,past|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ V exist|
+ V prosper|
+в N disease|
+вѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+и N music|
+и N human|,*compile|༭,#music|,entertainment|
+ɫ N attribute|,color|ɫ,&physical|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,CauseAffect|Ⱦ,medical|ҽ
+Ըð N disease|
+ N disease|
+Ѫ V bleed|Ѫ
+ N information|Ϣ,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+Է N information|Ϣ,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ N information|Ϣ,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ʽ V become|Ϊ,descriptive=empty|
+ N place|ط,#waters|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,PhysicState|״̬,liquid|Һ
+ N edible|ʳ,liquid|Һ
+ת V circulate|ѭ,commercial|
+ת V roam|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N tree|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,happy|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N artifact|˹,$weave|
+ N tree|,mass|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N tree|
+ N part|,%tree|,limb|֫
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ݺ N bird|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ N location|λ,%celestial|,%land|½
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ N human|,family|
+ V uneasy|
+ N livestock|
+ N time|ʱ,month|
+· N time|ʱ,month|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,status|,official|
+ N beast|,humanized|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N humanized|,royal|
+ N ship|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+ N part|,%land|½,mouth|
+ɷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N beast|,humanized|
+ N house|,#humanized|
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ N part|,%bird|,bone|
+ N part|,%ship|,bone|
+dz N tool|þ,agricultural|ũ,*take|ȡ,#liquid|Һ
+ N beast|
+ N drinks|Ʒ
+ N material|,?drinks|Ʒ
+ N drinks|Ʒ
+ N wind|,strong|ǿ
+ N part|,%humanized|,mouth|
+ʭ N InsectWorm|
+̶ N place|ط,dangerous|Σ
+̶Ѩ N place|ط,dangerous|Σ
+ N human|,entertainment|
+ڻԾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ͷ N part|,%LandVehicle|,*drive|Ԧ,arm|
+ͷ N part|,%tool|þ,*OpenShut|
+ N humanized|
+Ϻ N fish|
+ N crop|ׯ,?material|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ V fight|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ N ship|
+ V disable|м,scope=listen|
+ V disable|м,scope=listen|,scope=speak|˵
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*disable|м,#listen|,#speak|˵
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*disable|м,#listen|
+ V cover|ڸ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@cook|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tool|þ,space|ռ,@detain|ס
+ V lighting|ȼ
+ V entice|
+ V put|,patient=hand|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,*cook|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@cook|
+ͳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,undesired|ݬ
+ͷ N part|,%LandVehicle|
+ V cover|ڸ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tool|þ,space|ռ,@detain|ס
+ N part|,%mine|
+¡ V FormChange|α,StateFin=protruding|
+¡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+¡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,stately|ׯ,desired|
+¡ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+¡ N time|ʱ,winter|
+¡¡ V MakeSound|
+¡ V FormChange|α,StateFin=protruding|
+¡ N emotion|,strong|ǿ
+¡ N time|ʱ,season|,hot|
+¡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,stately|ׯ,desired|
+¢ N part|,%land|½,agricultural|ũ
+¢ V control|
+£ V AmountTo|ܼ
+£ V ComeTogether|
+£ V approach|ӽ
+£ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ
+¤ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+¤ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+¥ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+¥ N house|
+¥ N part|,%house|
+¥ N part|,%house|
+¥ N part|,%house|
+¥ N part|,%building|,nerve|
+¥ N part|,%house|,head|ͷ
+¥ N house|
+¥ N house|
+¥ N part|,%house|
+¥Ⱥ N building|
+¥ N location|λ,%building|
+¥̨ N building|
+¥̨ N part|,%house|,space|ռ
+¥ù N building|
+¥ N part|,%building|,nerve|
+¥ N location|λ,%building|
+¥ N house|,generic|ͳ
+¦ N aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+¦ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+¦ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+¦ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,hardship|,#unfortunate|
+§ V HoldInArm|§
+§ V gather|ɼ
+§ V lift|
+§ V rob|
+§ V HoldInArm|§
+¨ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+¨ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+© V leak|©
+© V lose|ʧȥ
+© V ^tell|
+© V leak|©
+© N disease|
+© V leak|©,agent=electricity|
+© N attribute|,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ,&event|¼
+© N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+©ٳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+© N tool|þ,*fill|
+© V exposure|¶,agent=information|Ϣ
+© V leak|©,agent=gas|
+© V speak|˵,manner=difficult|
+© N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+© V leak|©,agent=lights|
+© N tool|þ,*tell|,#time|ʱ
+© N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+© N tool|þ,cubic|,*TakeOutOfWater|
+©˰ V evade|ر,content=expenditure|,commercial|
+© V flee|
+©֮ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,*flee|
+©й V exposure|¶
+©й V reveal|¶
+©ҹ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+© N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+© N tool|þ,*fill|
+ª ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,thrifty|,undesired|ݬ
+ª ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ª ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,undesired|ݬ
+ª ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ª ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+ª N room|,thrifty|
+ªϰ N attribute|,habit|ϰ,#addict|Ⱥ,bad|,&AnimalHuman|
+« N FlowerGrass|,?material|
+« N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+« N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+« N vegetable|߲
+«έ N FlowerGrass|,?material|
+« N MusicTool|
+¬ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+¬ N money|,(Armenia|)
+¬ N money|,(Azerbaijan|ݽ)
+¬ N money|,(Byelorussia|˹)
+¬ N money|,(Estonia|ɳ)
+¬ N money|,(Georgia|³)
+¬ N money|,(Kazakhstan|˹̹)
+¬ N money|,(Kirghizstan|˹˹̹)
+¬ N money|,(Latvia|ά)
+¬ N money|,(Lithuania|)
+¬ N money|,(Russia|˹)
+¬ N money|,(Tajikistan|˹̹)
+¬ N money|,(Turkmenistan|˹̹)
+¬ N money|,(Ukraine|ڿ)
+¬ N money|,(Uzbekistan|α˹̹)
+¬ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Zambia|ޱ)
+¬ɭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Luxemburg|¬ɭ)
+¬ɭ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Luxemburg|¬ɭ)
+¬ɭ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+¬ɭ N money|,(Luxemburg|¬ɭ)
+¬ɭ N human|,(Luxemburg|¬ɭ)
+¬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Rwanda|¬)
+¬ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+¬ N money|,(Rwanda|¬)
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+® N house|
+®ɽ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+®ɽĿ N attribute|,trueness|α,true|,&thing|
+® N house|
+¯ N tool|þ,space|ռ,@burn|,*WarmUp|
+¯ N part|,%implement|,viscera|
+¯ N fire|
+¯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+¯ N tool|þ,space|ռ,@burn|,*WarmUp|,*cook|
+¯ N material|,*lighting|ȼ,*WarmUp|
+¯ N part|,%implement|,viscera|
+¯ N part|,%implement|,viscera|
+¯ N attribute|,temperature|¶,&tool|þ
+¯ N tool|þ,space|ռ,@burn|,*WarmUp|,*cook|
+¯ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+¯ N tool|þ,space|ռ,@burn|,*WarmUp|
+° V rob|
+° V rob|,military|,police|
+° V rob|
+± V cook|
+± V ize|̬
+±ˮ N water|ˮ,salty|
+± N chemical|ѧ
+±ζ N food|ʳƷ
+² V catch|ס
+² N human|,$catch|ס
+² N human|,$catch|ס,military|
+² V catch|ס,military|,police|
+³ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+³ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+³ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+³ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+³ N edible|ʳ
+³ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+³ç ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+³ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+´ N part|,%land|½,base|
+µ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+µ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,busy|æ,undesired|ݬ
+µµ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+µµΪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+µ N tool|þ,*press|ѹ,#crop|ׯ
+¶ N RainSnow|ѩ
+¶ V express|ʾ
+¶ V reveal|¶
+¶ V reveal|¶
+¶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,undesired|ݬ
+¶ N beast|,*swim|
+¶ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+¶ V WellKnown|
+¶ V exposure|¶
+¶ V appear|
+¶ˮ N RainSnow|ѩ
+¶ V reside|ס
+¶ N location|λ,external|,space|ռ
+¶ N facilities|ʩ,mine|
+¶ú N facilities|ʩ,mine|
+¶ͷ V appear|
+¶ڶ V exposure|¶
+¶һ V ShowOff|ҫ
+¶һ V express|ʾ
+¶Ӫ V reside|ס
+¶ N RainSnow|ѩ
+· N attribute|,distance|,&physical|
+· N attribute|,kind|,&physical|
+· N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&physical|
+· N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+· N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+· N fact|,tour|
+· N method|
+· N place|ط
+· N reason|
+· N part|,%route|·,edge|
+· N mark|־,#route|·
+·ʰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,good|,desired|
+· N attribute|,distance|,#tour|
+· N facilities|ʩ,*illuminate|,#route|·
+· N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ,space|ռ,*protect|
+· N part|,%route|·
+· N expenditure|,*tour|
+· N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,#transport|,&organization|֯
+· V GoThrough|
+· N part|,%facilities|ʩ,route|·,base|
+· V rob|
+· PREP {LocationThru}
+· N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|,#route|·
+· N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+· N method|
+· N institution|,#transport|,#route|·
+· N part|,%place|ط
+· N fact|,#vehicle|ͨ,#VehicleGo|ʻ
+· N part|,%facilities|ʩ,route|·,skin|Ƥ
+· N mark|־,#route|·
+·ǩ N document|,*agree|ͬ,#vehicle|ͨ
+· N human|,*GoThrough|
+· N human|,unfamiliar|϶
+· N location|λ,%route|·
+· N process|,#tour|
+· N method|
+· N document|,*agree|ͬ,#vehicle|ͨ
+· N institution|,news|,ProperName|ר,(UK|Ӣ)
+·; N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+·; N fact|,tour|
+· N plans|滮,#tour|
+· N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Mauritius|ë˹)
+·˹ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+· N facilities|ʩ,*obstruct|ֹ,#AlterLocation|ռλ,#route|·
+· N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|,&organization|֯
+· N method|
+·ӿ V associate|,manner=extensive|
+·Ұ V associate|,manner=extensive|
+¹ N beast|
+¹ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|
+¹ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*feel|
+¹ N material|,?medicine|ҩ
+¹˭ V unfixed|δ
+¹ص N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Holland|)
+¹ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|
+º N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+» N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+» N payment|
+» N payment|,past|
+¼ N account|,*record|¼
+¼ V employ|
+¼ V record|¼
+¼ V record|¼
+¼ V record|¼,police|
+¼ȡ V include|
+¼ V record|¼
+¼ V TakePicture|
+¼ V record|¼,content=image|ͼ
+¼ N tool|þ,@record|¼,#image|ͼ
+¼ N tool|þ,*TakePicture|
+¼Ƭ N shows|
+¼ N affairs|,entertainment|
+¼ V record|¼,content=sound|
+¼ N tool|þ,@record|¼,#sound|
+¼ N tool|þ,*record|¼,#sound|
+¼Ա N human|,*record|¼,#sound|
+¼Ӱ V record|¼,content=image|ͼ
+¼ V employ|
+¼ V compile|༭
+½ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+½ N land|½
+½ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|
+½ N crop|ׯ
+½ N land|½
+½ N land|½,waters|ˮ,sky|
+½ N army|,#land|½
+½ձ N army|
+½· N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+½ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|
+½ V transport|
+½ս N fact|,fight|,#land|½
+½ս N army|
+¾ͬ V cooperate|
+¿ N livestock|
+¿ V FitNot|
+¿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+¿ N livestock|
+¿Ƥ N medicine|ҩ
+¿ N livestock|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N metal|
+ N tool|þ
+Ͻ N material|,metal|
+ N material|
+ N human|,friend|
+ N army|,generic|ͳ
+ N part|,%army|
+ V tour|
+ð N human|,friend|,#tour|
+ò N expenditure|,*tour|
+ó N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ó N fact|,tour|,*AlterLocation|ռλ
+ó N process|,#tour|
+õ N InstitutePlace|,@reside|ס,#tour|,commercial|
+÷ N expenditure|,*tour|
+ù N InstitutePlace|,@reside|ס,#tour|,commercial|
+ùϰ N human|,*employ|,commercial|
+ý V obey|ѭ
+þ V reside|ס
+þӺ V reside|ס
+ÿ N human|,*tour|
+ÿ N human|,*tour|,*AlterLocation|ռλ
+ N InstitutePlace|,@reside|ס,#tour|,commercial|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@reside|ס,#tour|,commercial|
+˳ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+; N fact|,tour|
+ V tour|
+а N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#tour|
+г N LandVehicle|,*tour|
+д N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#tour|
+ N InstitutePlace|,#tour|
+ N InstitutePlace|,#tour|,commercial|
+ N community|,*tour|
+ N human|,*tour|
+ N affairs|,#tour|
+ V tour|
+γ N LandVehicle|,*tour|
+ʤ N place|ط,glorious|,@tour|
+Ь N clothing|,#foot|,*tour|
+ҵ N affairs|,#tour|
+ N human|,*tour|
+ N expenditure|,*tour|
+ N clothing|,#foot|
+ V conduct|ʵʩ
+ V walk|
+Ĵ N part|,%implement|
+ N document|,@record|¼,#process|
+ N document|,@record|¼,#process|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ V engage|,content=occupation|ְλ,new|
+ V conduct|ʵʩ
+Լ V conduct|ʵʩ,content=ExpressAgreement|ʾͬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,again|
+Ŵ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,again|
+Ŵ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,again|
+ż ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+Ž̲ V refuse|,content=amend|
+Žֹ V BeUnable|,content=restrain|ֹ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,again|
+Բˬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+ V suffer|,frequency=again|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,^continuous|
+ V explain|˵
+ V sad|dz
+ V think|˼
+ N gas|
+ȷ N chemical|ѧ
+Ȼ N chemical|ѧ
+Ȼ N chemical|ѧ
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ù N medicine|ҩ
+ N gas|
+ N law|ɷ
+ V manage|
+ V restrain|ֹ
+ N system|ƶ
+ɷ N law|ɷ
+ɼ V restrain|ֹ,patient=self|
+ʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|,#law|ɷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ V guide|
+ V order|
+ N quantity|,rate|,&quantity|
+ʲ V guide|,patient=army|,military|
+ʶ V guide|,patient=community|
+ʶ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ʶ V write|д,manner=careless|
+ V guide|
+ V order|
+Ȼ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ V guide|
+ɾ V obey|ѭ,content=regulation|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ V filter|
+˲ V filter|,patient=electricity|
+˲ N tool|þ,*filter|,#electricity|
+ N tool|þ,*filter|
+ V filter|
+ɫ N tool|þ,*filter|,#color|ɫ
+Һ N tool|þ,liquid|Һ,*filter|
+ֽ N paper|ֽ,*filter|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+̲ N material|,?drinks|Ʒ
+̵ N information|Ϣ,*agree|ͬ
+̵ N tool|þ,*illuminate|,#route|·,#vehicle|ͨ
+̵ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,FlowerGrass|,tree|
+̶ N crop|ׯ
+̷ N material|,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ
+̻ V ize|̬
+̿ N document|,*reside|ס,#country|
+ N part|,%building|
+ֺú N human|,*rob|,#rich|,*help|,#poor|
+ֺú N human|,undesired|ݬ,*rob|,crime|
+Ӣ N human|,*rob|,#rich|,*help|,#poor|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+ɫʳƷ N edible|ʳ,#plant|ֲ,^$pollute|ʹ
+ɫֲ N plant|ֲ,green|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+ˮ N waters|ˮ,green|
+ˮɽ N place|ط,beautiful|
+ͷѼ N bird|
+Ҷ N part|,%plant|ֲ,hair|ë
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,FlowerGrass|,tree|
+ N facilities|ʩ,@exercise|,@compete|,sport|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+ N trace|,#tree|
+ӨӨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,FlowerGrass|,tree|
+ N land|½
+ V CausePartMove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,embryo|
+Ѱ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,embryo|
+ѳ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,female|Ů,viscera|,#GiveBirth|
+ѻ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,embryo|
+֬ N medicine|ҩ
+ʯ N stone|ʯ,material|
+ϸ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,embryo|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,embryo|
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ,ResultEvent=disorder|
+ V FeelingByBad|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ N fact|,uprise|,undesired|ݬ,politics|
+ V mix|
+ N phenomena|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ұ N human|,military|,undesired|ݬ
+Ҳ V gather|ɼ,means=break|۶,manner=improper|,agricultural|ũ
+ҵ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+ҷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ҷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ҷظ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#human|,#die|
+Ҹ V associate|,scope=sex|Ա,manner=improper|
+ҸŮϵ V associate|,scope=sex|Ա,manner=improper|
+Һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+һǮ V lavish|˷
+ҿñ V damage|,politics|
+ V roam|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+߰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ V establish|,manner=improper|
+ N time|ʱ,disorder|
+˵ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+̯ V issue|ַ,manner=improper|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,disorder|,#unfortunate|
+ V GoThrough|,manner=fast|
+ V rob|
+Ӷ V rob|
+Ӷ N human|,*rob|,undesired|ݬ
+ӹ V GoThrough|,manner=fast|
+ȡ V rob|
+ N look|,manner=fast|
+Ӱ N part|,%thing|,bone|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+Գ ADJ aValue|ֵ,length|,long|,ish|
+Գ N attribute|,name|,simple|,&entity|ʵ
+Դ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|,ish|
+Դ V contain|,quantity=few|
+Դζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,sour|,ish|
+Լ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+ȥ V discharge|
+ʤһ V surpass|ǿ,degree=ish|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+Ϊ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С,ish|
+ѷһ ADJ inferior|,degree=ish|
+֪һ V know|֪,degree=ish|
+ V wave|ڶ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&event|¼
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,leg|
+ V replace|
+ N shape|
+ N ship|
+ְ V replace|
+ֳ N part|,%implement|
+ִ N ship|
+ֵ V replace|
+ֶ N ship|
+ַ V replace|
+ֻ V replace|
+ֻ V circulate|ѭ
+ֻ V circulate|ѭ,religion|ڽ
+ֻ N machine|
+ּ V damage|,purpose=mating|,crime|
+ N part|,%thing|,bone|
+ V replace|
+ʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+̥ N part|,%LandVehicle|,leg|
+ V shape|
+ V rest|Ϣ
+ѵ V drill|ϰ
+ N LandVehicle|,*SelfMove|,#disable|м
+ֵ V engage|,content=bear|е
+ N part|,%implement|
+ת V circulate|ѭ
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,leg|
+ V circulate|ѭ,#planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|
+״ N attribute|,content|,&language|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(UK|Ӣ)
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#behavior|ֹ
+Ƥ N money|,(Honduras|鶼˹)
+ N unit|λ,&lights|
+ N lights|
+ N attribute|,sequence|,&event|¼
+ V sink|³
+ V unfortunate|
+ɥ V decline|˥
+ V perish|
+Ϊ V become|Ϊ
+ V perish|
+ N fittings|,%clothing|
+ V decide|
+ V discuss|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ V regard|Ϊ
+ N text|
+ N thought|ͷ
+ PREP {AccordingTo}
+۴ V decide|
+۴ V punish|
+۵ N human|,enemy|,#debate|
+۵ N reason|
+۵ N reason|
+۶ N thought|ͷ
+۹ V reward|
+ۼ V discuss|
+ۼ V decide|,content=price|۸
+۾ N information|Ϣ,*debate|,*explain|˵
+ V fit|ʺ
+ N reason|
+ V explain|˵
+˵ N text|
+˵ ADV {comment|}
+̳ N fact|,@communicate|
+ N text|,$propose|,$discuss|,$debate|
+ N text|,#research|о
+ļ N publications|鿯,#research|о
+ N publications|鿯,ProperName|ר
+ս V debate|
+ V debate|
+֤ N information|Ϣ,*explain|˵
+ N publications|鿯
+ű V AlterGrade|伶,AccordingTo=status|
+ V decide|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ܲ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ܲ N vegetable|߲
+ܽľ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ N fish|
+ N trace|
+ݶ N tool|þ,*fix|ס,*fasten|˩
+ݺ N MusicTool|
+ݺ N tool|þ,*MakeSound|
+ĸ N tool|þ,*fix|ס,*fasten|˩
+˨ N part|,%implement|
+˿ N tool|þ,*fix|ס,*fasten|˩
+˿ N tool|þ,*tighten|ս,*loosen|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#fix|ס,#fasten|˩
+ N trace|
+ N part|,%implement|
+ N part|,%implement|
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ N fish|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V filter|
+ V gather|ɼ
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Romania|)
+ N tool|þ,*catch|ס,#bird|
+ް N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Angola|)
+ N crop|ׯ,?material|
+µ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+õ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+õ N human|,(Rhode island|õ)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,(Rhodesia|)
+ N human|,*disable|м
+ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ N crop|ׯ,?material|
+ V quote|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Italy|)
+ʵ N human|,royal|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Romania|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Rumania|)
+ N human|,(Rumania|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N tool|þ,*tell|,#direction|
+˹ N human|,official|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ V gather|ɼ
+ V include|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,complicated|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ V speak|˵
+ N reason|
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N MusicTool|
+ N MusicTool|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N livestock|
+ N livestock|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,exposure|¶
+¶ V aValue|ֵ,property|,exposure|¶
+ N crop|ׯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,exposure|¶
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*transmit|,#electricity|
+ V MoveItDown|
+ V ResultFrom|Ե
+ V decline|˥
+ V fall|
+ V inferior|
+ V lose|ʧȥ
+ V sink|³
+ V subtract|
+ V undergo|
+ V fail|ʧ,scope=exam|,result=include|,education|
+ V write|д
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=bony|
+Ϊ V become|Ϊ
+ N attribute|,different|,#water|ˮ,&waters|ˮ
+䳱 V WeatherBad|
+ V succeed|ɹ
+䵽 V undergo|
+ V undergo|
+ V ComeToWorld|
+ V fall|
+ V fail|ʧ
+ N location|λ,@arrive|,military|
+ N location|λ,@arrive|,sport|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ V inferior|
+仧 V reside|ס
+仨ˮ V defeated|
+仨 N crop|ׯ,?material|,$eat|
+Ķ V flee|
+ V BecomeLess|,scope=price|۸
+ V reside|ס
+侮ʯ V damage|
+ V fail|ʧ
+ V sign|д,content=name|
+ V weep|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,demeanor|,gracious|,desired|
+Ѻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ V fail|ʧ
+ V fall|,LocationIni=livestock|
+į ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ
+į ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+Ļ V finish|
+ V unfortunate|
+Ƹ V fail|ʧ,scope=$employ|
+ N celestial|
+ɫ V AppearanceChange|۱
+ʵ V AtEase|
+ʵ V decide|
+ʵ V fulfil|ʵ
+ˮ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*fail|ʧ,*unfortunate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ V suffer|,content=catch|ס,police|,crime|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ V inferior|
+ N human|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ѡ V fail|ʧ,scope=$select|ѡ
+Ҷ N part|,%plant|ֲ,hair|ë
+Ҷ N tree|
+ N lights|,#celestial|
+ V put|,#recreation|
+ V sit|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N money|,(Lesotho|)
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Togo|)
+ɣ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Swiss|ʿ)
+ɼ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N beast|
+մ N crop|ׯ,?material|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ N shape|
+ V merge|ϲ,#chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ﲻ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,coarse|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N crop|ׯ,?material|
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ V paralyse|̱
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ,ResultEvent=careless|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ V paralyse|̱
+Դ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+鲼 N material|,?clothing|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+鷳 V MakeTrouble|
+鷳 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+鷳 ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ V produce|,industrial|
+ N disease|
+粡 N human|,*SufferFrom|,disease|
+粡 N human|,*SufferFrom|,disease|
+黨 N food|ʳƷ
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N medicine|ҩ
+齫 N tool|þ,*gamble|IJ
+齴 N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,peppery|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,dexterous|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ľ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+ľ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ľ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+ȸ N bird|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ɴ N material|,?clothing|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ʡ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N disease|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,#disease|
+ N trace|,undesired|ݬ,#disease|
+ V cure|ҽ
+Ʒ N medicine|ҩ,?addictive|Ⱥ
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ N human|
+ N human|,ProperName|ר
+ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ
+ V pile|ѷ
+ N symbol|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&length|
+ V pile|ѷ
+ͷ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#ship|,@stay|ͣ,#waters|ˮ
+ͷ N place|ط,city|
+ N symbol|
+ N tool|þ,*gamble|IJ,#money|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ,*fly|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N livestock|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#recreation|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Malaysia|)
+ N tool|þ,@sit|,#livestock|
+ɽ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N tool|þ,@sit|,#livestock|
+ N part|,%livestock|,body|
+ N tool|þ,*tell|,#time|ʱ
+ N InsectWorm|
+ͣ V VieFor|
+ͣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ N LandVehicle|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ N machine|
+˹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Madagascar|˹)
+˹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+˹ӷ N money|,(Madagascar|˹)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ N weapon|,*stab|
+ɹ V succeed|ɹ
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Spain|)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Cambodia|կ)
+ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+ N army|,#livestock|
+ N livestock|,mass|
+ N livestock|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Maldives|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ʲ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Maldives|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N money|,(Malta|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ֽ N paper|ֽ
+ N InsectWorm|,*fly|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ʬ V endeavour|
+ N clothing|
+Լ N agreement|Լ,ProperName|ר,#(China|й),#(Japan|ձ)
+ CLAS unit|λ,&speed|ٶ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ N livestock|,young|
+ N money|,(Germany|¹)
+ N money|,ProperName|ר
+˹ N human|
+˼ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,ProperName|ר,(Germany|¹)
+ N metal|,material|
+ N clothing|,#leg|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Equatorial Guinea|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ά ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Malawi|ά)
+ά N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ά߲ N money|,(Malawi|ά)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Malaysia|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ N human|,(Malaysia|)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Maldives|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Mali|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ CLAS unit|λ,&PhysicsPower|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+· N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+¹ N beast|
+ N livestock|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|,desired|
+ǹ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Nicaragua|)
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Philippines|ɱ)
+ƥ N livestock|,mass|
+ƨ N human|,*please|ȡ
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Mozambique|Īɣȿ)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Macedonia|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ǰ N human|,undesired|ݬ,$employ|
+ǹ N weapon|,*firing|
+ N SportTool|˶
+¬ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Lesotho|)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(France|)
+ N material|,*build|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,*TakeOutOfWater|
+ܶȺ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Oceania|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#sit|,#livestock|
+˹ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Oman|)
+ N part|,%livestock|,foot|
+ N material|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#livestock|,#foot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+Ͱ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#waste|,#excrete|й
+ͷ N MusicTool|
+β N part|,%livestock|,tail|β
+β N tree|
+Ϸ N shows|
+Ϸ N community|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ N beast|
+ѥ N clothing|,#foot|
+Ӭ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ,*fly|
+ N tool|þ,space|ռ,@sit|
+ N tool|þ,#foot|,#livestock|
+ N part|,%livestock|,hair|ë
+濨 N fact|,entertainment|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*protect|
+ N crop|ׯ,?material|
+ N fish|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ STRU {MaChinese|}
+ STRU {MaChinese|,question|}
+ N medicine|ҩ,?addictive|Ⱥ
+ V bury|
+ V hide|
+ V bury|
+ V hide|
+û V despise|
+û V hide|
+ V bury|
+ V bury|
+ͷ V endeavour|
+ͷ V endeavour|
+ V bury|
+Թ V blame|Թ
+ V bury|
+ V buy|,commercial|
+ N human|,commercial|,past|
+ N human|,*buy|,commercial|
+ V buy|,cost=expensive|
+ V please|ȡ
+ N attribute|,price|۸,#buy|,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ V buy|,commercial|
+ V exchange|,manner=venture|ð,commercial|
+ N affairs|,#buy|,#sell|,commercial|
+ͬ N agreement|Լ,commercial|
+˫ N human|,*buy|,*sell|,commercial|
+ V buy|,commercial|
+ͨ V entice|,means=GiveAsGift|,crime|
+һһ V obtain|õ,manner=^pay|,condition=buy|,commercial|
+ V endorse|ӵ
+ N human|,*buy|,commercial|
+ N human|,#commercial|,*buy|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ N InsectWorm|,*fly|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ѳ N InsectWorm|
+ N part|,%crop|ׯ,body|
+˷ N tool|þ,*disseminate|
+ N crop|ׯ,young|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Bahrain|)
+Ƭ N food|ʳƷ
+ N time|ʱ,autumn|,@collect|,#crop|ׯ
+ V collect|,agricultural|ũ
+ N part|,crop|ׯ
+ N land|½,#crop|ׯ
+ѿ N part|,crop|ׯ
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ,*fly|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ V betray|
+ V sell|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$sell|,commercial|,undesired|ݬ
+ V MakeLiving|ı,means=sing|
+úܻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$sell|,commercial|
+ V sell|,Vachieve|
+ N human|,*sell|,commercial|
+г N affairs|,commercial|
+ V sell|
+Ƥҩ V boast|
+ V ShowOff|ҫ,content=clever|
+ V betray|,target=country|
+ N human|,*betray|,#country|
+ V please|ȡ
+ N attribute|,price|۸,#sell|,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ V endeavour|
+ V endeavour|
+ V endeavour|
+Ū V ShowOff|ҫ
+Ū V show|,content=lascivious|
+Ūɧ V show|,content=lascivious|
+ V show|,content=lascivious|
+Ͷ V SeekRefuge|Ͷ
+ V MakeLiving|ı,means=perform|
+ V engage|,content=lascivious|,crime|
+ N human|,#commercial|,*sell|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ V walk|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ V walk|
+ V walk|
+ V GoForward|ǰ
+ V walk|
+ V walk|
+ V walk|
+ N experience|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ N phenomena|,#medical|ҽ
+ N phenomena|
+ V shiver|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,nerve|
+ N part|,%thinking|˼,nerve|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ V HideTruth|
+ V HideTruth|
+ V HideTruth|,^Vable|
+ùȥ V HideTruth|,Vable|
+ V HideTruth|,Vachieve|
+ V deceive|ƭ
+ V HideTruth|
+ V HideTruth|
+ȥ V HideTruth|,Vcontinue|
+ V HideTruth|,Vgoingon|չ
+ͷ N food|ʳƷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+ N human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,BadTemper|Ƣ,undesired|ݬ
+ V RashlyAct|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,full|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V due|
+ V fill|
+ں V despise|
+ N result|,desired|
+ V doubt|
+ V arrive|,LocationFin=extreme|
+ V cherish|Ļ
+ V believe|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ڴӦ V agree|ͬ,manner=forthright|ˬ
+ V speak|˵,content=lascivious|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,full|
+ V exposure|¶,#countenance|
+洺 V satisfied|
+Ц V laugh|Ц
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ǻ V cherish|Ļ
+ǻȳ V cherish|Ļ,content=sincere|
+ǻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ɽҰ N location|λ,land|½
+ù V teach|,manner=stiff|
+ú N fact|,succeed|ɹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ V satisfied|
+ N celestial|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#young|
+ض V GoBack|,#succeed|ɹ
+ ADJ place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N human|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ V satisfied|
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,full|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+ V disperse|ɢ
+ݼ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ݼ N vegetable|߲
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+˹ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(UK|Ӣ)
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Thailand|̩)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ N sound|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ V FormChange|α
+ V SlowDown|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ N LandVehicle|
+ V IllTreat|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ V run|
+ N part|,%land|½,skin|Ƥ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+˹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|
+Բ N disease|
+Էʪ N disease|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ,&human|
+ N human|,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ V spill|
+ N text|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ V walk|
+ N human|,*walk|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,length|,long|
+ V irrigate|,agricultural|ũ
+ N image|ͼ
+ N human|,*draw|,entertainment|
+ V talk|̸
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,length|,long|
+ɽҰ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ N sky|
+Ҫ V propose|,content=price|۸,commercial|
+ޱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ޱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,unattached|ɢ,undesired|ݬ
+ V spill|
+ V tour|
+ V tour|,#internet|
+ N human|,*tour|
+á ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+á V deceive|ƭ
+á V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+á N human|,*ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+â N part|,%crop|ׯ
+âڱ V uneasy|
+â N fruit|ˮ
+â N chemical|ѧ
+â N time|ʱ,day|
+ã ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ã ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ãã ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ãã ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ãȻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ãͷ V ignorant|֪
+ãͷ V unfixed|δ
+ä V disable|м,scope=look|
+ä ADJ disable|м,scope=look|
+ä N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ä V obey|ѭ
+ä N location|λ,^$perception|֪
+ä V RashlyAct|
+ä N human|,mass|,*roam|
+äĿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+äĿ N human|,*salute|¾
+äĿ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,&event|¼
+ä N location|λ,^$perception|֪
+ä N human|,undesired|ݬ,*disable|м,#look|
+ä ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,pieced|Ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+äϹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+äͯ N human|,undesired|ݬ,young|,*disable|м,#look|
+ä N character|,#disable|м,#look|
+å N human|,ordinary|
+æ V VieFor|
+æ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,busy|æ,undesired|ݬ
+æ V VieFor|
+æͣ V endeavour|
+æ V endeavour|
+æ͵ V rest|Ϣ,time=busy|æ
+æµ V endeavour|
+æ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,busy|æ,undesired|ݬ
+ææµµ V endeavour|
+ç ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ç ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ç N human|,rash|ç
+çç ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+çç ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+çԭ N land|½,surfacial|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+çײ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+è N livestock|
+è ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+èͷӥ N bird|
+è N beast|
+é N FlowerGrass|
+é N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+é N FlowerGrass|
+é N facilities|ʩ,@excrete|й
+é N facilities|ʩ,@excrete|й
+é N facilities|ʩ,@excrete|й
+é® N house|
+éٿ V know|֪
+é N house|
+ę́ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ,ProperName|ר
+ę́ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+é N house|
+ê N tool|þ,*detain|ס,#ship|
+ê N place|ط,#ship|,@stay|ͣ
+ê N tool|þ,*detain|ס,#ship|
+êλ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#ship|,@stay|ͣ
+ë V BecomeLess|,commercial|
+ë V BecomeLess|,scope=value|ֵ
+ë ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ë ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|
+ë ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^succeed|ɹ
+ë ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С
+ë N bacteria|
+ë N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ë N material|,?clothing|
+ë N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hair|ë
+ë N part|,%bird|,hair|ë
+ë CLAS unit|λ,&money|,(China|й)
+ë N tree|
+ë N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+ëֽ N paper|ֽ,@write|д
+ë N attribute|,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ,&thing|
+ë N disease|
+ë N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#BeBad|˥
+ë N material|,?tool|þ
+ë N material|,?clothing|
+ë ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,coarse|,undesired|ݬ
+ë ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ë ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,crude|ª,undesired|ݬ
+ë N InsectWorm|
+ë N shape|
+ëػ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ë N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ë N vegetable|߲
+ë N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hair|ë
+ë N material|,?clothing|
+ëij N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,factory|,industrial|
+ë N material|,?clothing|
+ëȻ V fear|
+ë N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ë N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,#sleep|˯
+ë N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+ë˹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Mauritius|ë˹)
+ë˹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ë˹¬ N money|,(Mauritius|ë˹)
+ë˹ N human|,(Mauritius|ë˹)
+ë ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Mauritania|ë)
+ë N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ë N human|,(Mauritania|ë)
+ë N wealth|Ǯ,desired|,$earn|
+ë N quantity|,rate|,&wealth|Ǯ,#earn|
+ë N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ë N material|,?clothing|
+ë¿ N livestock|
+ëë N human|,young|
+ëë N RainSnow|ѩ,weak|
+ë N material|,?clothing|
+ë N artifact|˹
+ëƤ N material|,?clothing|
+ë N facilities|ʩ,#liquid|Һ,#crop|ׯ
+ë ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ë N material|,?clothing|
+ëɪǹ N weapon|,*firing|
+ëë ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ëԼ V recommend|Ƽ,content=self|
+ë̺ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ
+ëϸ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ëϸѪ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ë N material|,?clothing|
+ë N beast|
+ë N clothing|,#body|
+ë ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,BadTemper|Ƣ,undesired|ݬ
+ë ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ë N human|,official|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ëձ N material|,?clothing|
+ë֯Ʒ N clothing|
+ë֯Ʒ N material|,?clothing|
+ë N tree|
+ë״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ë N InsectWorm|
+ì N weapon|,stab|
+ì V FitNot|
+ì ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,FitNot|
+ì N fact|,FitNot|
+ì״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,acute|
+ìͷ N weapon|,*stab|
+í V fasten|˩,industrial|
+í N part|,%implement|
+í V fasten|˩,industrial|
+î N character|,(China|й)
+îʱ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ
+î N part|,%artifact|˹,#wood|ľ
+ï ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ï ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ïʢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ð ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ð ADV aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ð V jet|
+ð V venture|ð
+ð V RegardAs|,means=pretend|װ
+ð V jet|
+ð V offend|
+ð V venture|ð
+ð V excrete|й,patient=waste|
+ð V angry|
+ð V appear|
+ð V appear|,manner=many|
+ð ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ð V surpass|ǿ
+ð V GoForward|ǰ,manner=rash|ç
+ð V collect|,means=cheat|ƭ
+ð V venture|ð
+ð N human|,rash|ç
+ð V naming|,ResultIsa=name|
+ð V replace|,means=naming|,#name|
+ð ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ðƻ N thing|,$forge|α
+ðʧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ð֮ V venture|ð,content=suffer|,#ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ð ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ
+ð ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|
+ð V venture|ð
+ðռ N human|,*venture|ð
+ð ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ð V use|
+ðз ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ð V venture|ð,content=WeatherBad|
+ð V venture|ð
+ðΣ V venture|ð
+ñ N clothing|,#head|ͷ
+ñ N part|,%physical|
+ñ N mark|־,$PutOn|
+ñ N clothing|,#head|ͷ
+ñ N part|,%clothing|,#head|ͷ
+ñ N clothing|,#head|ͷ
+ñ N mark|־
+ñ N part|,%clothing|,#head|ͷ
+ò N attribute|,appearance|,&physical|
+ò V BeIndependent|
+ò V BeSimilar|
+òʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ó N affairs|,commercial|
+óٻ N institution|,commercial|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ó N part|,%institution|,#commercial|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+óȻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ó N affairs|,#buy|,#sell|,commercial|
+óױ N facilities|ʩ,*obstruct|ֹ,#commercial|
+óײ N institution|,#commercial|,ProperName|ר,politics|
+ó N quantity|,amount|,&sell|,commercial|
+ó N law|ɷ,#commercial|
+ó N quantity|,amount|,&sell|,commercial|
+ó N quantity|,amount|,#InDebt|,&commercial|
+ó N place|ط,commercial|
+ó N human|,commercial|
+ó˳ N quantity|,amount|,#earn|,&commercial|
+ó N fact|,associate|,commercial|
+óȶ N attribute|,circumstances|,peaceful|,&commercial|
+óս N fact|,HaveContest|,#commercial|
+ô STRU {MaChinese|}
+õ N character|,(China|й)
+õ N FlowerGrass|
+ö CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|
+÷ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+÷ N fruit|ˮ
+÷ٿ N money|,(Mozambique|Īɣȿ)
+÷ N disease|
+÷ N FlowerGrass|
+÷¹ N beast|
+÷ N RainSnow|ѩ
+÷ N fruit|ˮ
+ø N part|,animate|
+ù N bacteria|
+ù V OutOfOrder|
+ù N bacteria|
+ù V OutOfOrder|
+ù N time|ʱ,season|,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ú N stone|ʯ,material|,*lighting|ȼ,$burn|
+ú N part|,%facilities|ʩ,mine|
+ú N stone|ʯ,waste|
+ú˶ N stone|ʯ,material|,$burn|
+ú N stone|ʯ,material|,$burn|,waste|
+ú N material|,liquid|Һ
+ú N stone|ʯ,material|,*lighting|ȼ,$burn|
+ú N InstitutePlace|,mine|
+ú N material|,gas|,$burn|
+ú N tool|þ,cubic|,@store|,#gas|
+ú N tool|þ,space|ռ,@burn|,*WarmUp|,*cook|
+ú N material|,$burn|
+ú̿ N tool|þ,material|,*lighting|ȼ,$burn|
+ú N land|½,#mine|
+ú N gas|,waste|
+ú N stone|ʯ,waste|
+úҤ N facilities|ʩ,mine|
+ú N material|,liquid|Һ,$burn|
+ú N material|,waste|,$burn|
+úש N tool|þ,material|,$burn|
+ú N material|,$burn|
+û V OwnNot|
+û V disappear|ʧ
+û V inferior|
+û V sink|³
+û V spill|
+û ADV {neg|,past|}
+û ADV {neg|}
+ûݲ V remember|ǵ
+ûϢ V BeUnable|,content=prosper|
+ûʶ ADJ BeUnable|,content=speak|˵
+û V BeUnable|
+û V BeUnable|
+ûֿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,complete|
+ûϵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+û V OwnNot|,possession=strength|
+û ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+û V decline|˥
+ûŶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|
+û ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+û V die|
+ûŪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,spotless|,desired|
+û V ignorant|֪
+û V unfixed|δ
+ûûҹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ûʲô ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+û¶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,idle|,desired|
+û¶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+û V levy|
+ûܹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+û˵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ûͷû ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ûͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ûû ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ûû ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+û V shameless|û
+û ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+û V ExistNot|
+û V OwnNot|
+û V inferior|
+û ADV {neg|,past|}
+ûб ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|
+ûв ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,pure|,desired|
+ûг嵭 ADJ aValue|ֵ,concentration|Ũ,concentrated|
+ûи ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,relax|,desired|
+û V unfixed|δ
+û ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+û˵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ûͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+û ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,relax|,desired|
+ûѧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+û ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,timid|,undesired|ݬ
+û V unfixed|δ
+û谭 ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$obstruct|ֹ
+û V unfixed|δ
+ü N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hair|ë
+ü N part|,%paper|ֽ,head|ͷ
+üɫ V joyful|ϲ
+üЦ V laugh|Ц
+üȥ V show|,content=lascivious|
+üë N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hair|ë
+üĿ N attribute|,appearance|,&AnimalHuman|
+üĿ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&event|¼
+üĿ N attribute|,prettiness|,&AnimalHuman|
+üĿ N part|,%thinking|˼,nerve|
+üĿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ü N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hair|ë
+üͷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ü N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ü N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ý N human|,*reconcile|,#GetMarried|
+ý N physical|,*connect|
+ý N institution|,*disseminate|,#news|
+ý N physical|,*connect|
+ý N human|,*reconcile|,#GetMarried|
+ý N human|,*reconcile|,#GetMarried|
+ý N institution|,*disseminate|,#news|
+ý N tool|þ,*disseminate|
+ý N physical|
+þ N metal|
+þ N lights|
+þש N material|,*build|
+ÿ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+ÿ CONJ {time|ʱ}
+ÿ CONJ {time|ʱ}
+ÿ V decline|˥
+ÿÿ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ÿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ
+ÿʮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ
+ÿʱÿ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ÿһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ
+ÿ N time|ʱ,day|
+ÿСʱһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ
+ÿҳ N quantity|,amount|,&part|,#readings|
+ÿҹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ
+ÿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ
+ÿ N time|ʱ,week|
+ÿܶ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ÿ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ÿ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ÿ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ÿ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ÿ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ÿһ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ V satisfied|
+ʤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N money|,(US|)
+ N attribute|,name|,good|,&entity|ʵ
+ N {prettiness|}
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,good|,&human|
+ N part|,beautiful|,%AnimalHuman|,hair|ë
+ N money|,(US|)
+ N experience|,#beautiful|
+ N fact|,plan|ƻ,#shows|,entertainment|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*plan|ƻ,#shows|,entertainment|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(North America|)
+ N mark|־,#country|,(US|)
+ N army|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N army|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+½ս N army|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N human|,black|
+վ N army|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+½ N army|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N human|,(US|)
+ N institution|,*research|о,#aircraft|,(US|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ V beautify|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,status|,(US|)
+ N human|,(China|й),(US|)
+ N money|,(US|)
+ N attribute|,scene|,beautiful|,&inanimate|
+ N drinks|Ʒ,good|,$addict|Ⱥ
+ N army|,(US|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N institution|,news|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ò ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ò N attribute|,appearance|,beautiful|,&human|
+ N thought|ͷ,#dream|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,glorious|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N human|,male|,beautiful|,desired|
+Ů N human|,female|Ů,beautiful|,desired|
+Ի V naming|
+ N human|,desired|,beautiful|,female|Ů
+ V MakeUp|ױ,#human|
+ʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*MakeUp|ױ,#human|
+ҵ N affairs|,*MakeUp|ױ,#human|
+Ժ N InstitutePlace|,@MakeUp|ױ,commercial|
+ N human|,commercial|,(US|)
+ʳ N edible|ʳ,good|,desired|
+ʳ N human|,able|,#eat|
+ʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,pattern|ʽ,(US|)
+ N fact|,*draw|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,entertainment|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@display|չʾ,literature|
+ N community|,literature|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(US|),(USSR|)
+̸ N fact|,desired|
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+ζ N food|ʳƷ,#taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#literature|
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ V praise|佱
+ N affairs|,education|,#entertainment|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,glorious|,&human|,&organization|֯
+Ԫ N money|,(US|)
+Ժ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,#entertainment|,education|
+Ժѧ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|,entertainment|
+չ N InstitutePlace|,@display|չʾ,literature|
+в N attribute|,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ,&thing|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ V ignorant|֪
+ V sleep|˯
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+÷ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,young|,female|Ů
+ V please|ȡ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+̬ N attribute|,bearing|̬,#please|ȡ,&human|,undesired|ݬ
+ V please|ȡ,target=foreign|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&community|,#family|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&knowledge|֪ʶ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&weapon|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&physical|
+ N community|,#family|
+ N community|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N community|,religion|ڽ
+ N method|
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ N part|,%implement|
+Ű N part|,%implement|,*hold|,*OpenShut|,hand|
+Ű N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,*protect|,#mouth|,#house|
+ų N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ
+Ŵ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ŵ V fit|ʺ,scope=status|
+ŵ N method|
+Ŷ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+Ŷ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ŷ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*defend|,#building|
+ŷ N part|,%building|,#mouth|,@defend|
+Ż N attribute|,status|,&human|
+Ż N community|
+Ż N part|,%building|,mouth|
+Ż֮ N thinking|˼,biased|ƫ,undesired|ݬ
+ż N method|
+ż N part|,%building|,mouth|
+Ž N human|,sport|
+ž N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*defend|,#building|,police|
+ž N method|
+ſ N method|
+ſ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ſȸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ſ N human|
+ſ N location|λ,space|ռ,#mouth|,#building|
+ſ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&entity|ʵ,&aValue|ֵ,&attribute|
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,#mouth|,#building|
+ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,#commercial|,mouth|
+ N tool|þ,*MakeSound|
+¥ N part|,%building|,#mouth|,space|ռ
+· N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|
+· N method|
+ N attribute|,prettiness|,&physical|
+ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,#commercial|,mouth|
+ N mark|־,#building|
+ N symbol|,#building|
+Ʊ N coupon|Ʊ֤,#wealth|Ǯ,*GoInto|,#InstitutePlace|
+ǰ N location|λ,%building|,mouth|
+ N fact|,exercise|
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ N humanized|
+ N human|,*study|ѧ
+ N fact|,sell|,commercial|
+в N part|,%InstitutePlace|,*sell|,commercial|
+ N room|,@GoInto|
+ͥ N attribute|,status|,&human|
+ͥ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ͥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,desired|
+ͽ N human|,*study|ѧ
+⺺ N human|,undesired|ݬ,unable|ӹ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*protect|,*defend|
+ N human|,*study|ѧ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ
+ V cure|ҽ
+ﲡ N human|,*SufferFrom|,$cure|ҽ,#medical|ҽ
+ﲿ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,@cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ﻼ N human|,*SufferFrom|,$cure|ҽ,#medical|ҽ
+ N attribute|,power|,&entity|ʵ
+ N fittings|,%building|,mouth|
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ V FeelingByBad|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,weak|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,stuffy|,undesired|ݬ
+ V cover|ڸ
+ V stay|ͣ
+ƺ« N problem|
+ N fact|,frighten|Ż,undesired|ݬ
+ N thunder|
+Ʋ V FeelingByBad|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,stuffy|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|,undesired|ݬ
+ӳ N LandVehicle|
+ SUFFIX aValue|ֵ,mass|
+ V pregnant|,agricultural|ũ
+ȶ V begin|ʼ
+ȶ V pregnant|
+ȷ V pregnant|,agricultural|ũ
+ V appear|
+ѿ V pregnant|,agricultural|ũ
+ V HideTruth|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V cover|ڸ
+ V dizzy|
+ V guess|²
+ V obtain|õ
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Mongolia|ɹ)
+ɱ V HideTruth|
+ɴ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ɵά N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Uruguay|)
+ɹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Mongolia|ɹ)
+ɹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ɹŹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ɹ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ɺ V HideTruth|
+ɻ V HideTruth|
+ά N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Liberia|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ V suffer|,content=unfortunate|
+ƭ V deceive|ƭ
+ V cover|ڸ,Vachieve|
+ V suffer|
+֮ܲԩ N suffer|,content=unfortunate|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Canada|ô)
+ͷת V dizzy|
+ͷת V ignorant|֪
+ڹ V ignorant|֪
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clan|
+ N community|,#ally|
+ N place|ط,#community|
+˹ N place|ط,country|,*ally|,military|,desired|,#(WWII|ս)
+˾ N army|,#country|,*ally|,military|,desired|,#(WWII|ս)
+ N human|,friend|,$ally|
+Ա N human|,friend|,$ally|
+ N human|,official|,#ally|
+ N metal|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+ V attack|,manner=strong|ǿ
+ͻ N beast|
+ͻ V beat|
+ͽ V GoForward|ǰ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ N bird|
+Ȼ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+Ȼ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+ N beast|
+ N beast|,past|
+ N fact|,dream|
+λ N thought|ͷ,#dream|
+λӰ N thought|ͷ,#dream|
+μ V perception|֪
+ξ N thought|ͷ,#dream|
+ N fact|,dream|
+ V expect|,degree=extreme|
+ N thought|ͷ,#dream|
+ V expect|
+ V excrete|й,medical|ҽ
+ V walk|,time=dream|
+ N human|,*walk|,*dream|
+߽ V speak|˵,time=dream|
+߽ N text|,#dream|
+߽ N human|,*speak|˵,*dream|
+ N thought|ͷ,#dream|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ϼ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ϼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Bangladesh|ϼ)
+ϼ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ϼ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(India|ӡ)
+ N human|,ProperName|ר,past|,literature|,(China|й)
+ V CausePartMove|,#eye|
+ V ill|̬
+ V sleep|˯
+з V CausePartMove|
+з۾ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=eye|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=eye|
+ۿ V look|
+ۿ V look|,manner=strong|ǿ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ V lavish|˷
+ҷ V lavish|˷
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ V OutOfOrder|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ N crop|ׯ
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ V MakeMisunderstand|ʹ֪
+ V attract|
+ V ignorant|֪
+Թ N facilities|ʩ,complicated|
+Թ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,mixed|,undesired|ݬ
+Ժ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+Ժ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+Ժ V dizzy|
+Ի V MakeMisunderstand|ʹ֪
+Ի V confuse|
+Խ N direction|,wrong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+· V ignorant|֪,content=direction|
+· N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ã ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ȹ N clothing|,#leg|,#female|Ů
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,&attract|
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ʧ V lose|ʧȥ
+; V ignorant|֪
+ N CloudMist|,blurred|
+ N entity|ʵ,*deceive|ƭ
+ N believe|,undesired|ݬ
+ N emotion|,believe|,undesired|ݬ
+ס V attract|
+ V ignorant|֪
+ N problem|,#guess|²,#recreation|
+յ N result|
+ N problem|,#guess|²,#recreation|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ֲ V enrich|ʵ
+ֲ...IJ V enrich|ʵ
+ֺ V enrich|ʵ
+ N humanized|,religion|ڽ
+ V BeNear|,partner=die|
+֮ N time|ʱ,@BeNear|,#die|
+ V disperse|ɢ
+ N fact|,religion|ڽ
+ɢ V disperse|ɢ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&length|
+״ N material|,#food|ʳƷ,$eat|,sour|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|
+ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Italy|)
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ,fertile|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|
+ N food|ʳƷ,liquid|Һ
+ N InsectWorm|
+н ADJ aValue|ֵ,price|۸,expensive|,undesired|ݬ
+ˮ N water|ˮ,waste|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|
+ط N document|,medical|ҽ,#medicine|ҩ
+ط N method|,*cure|ҽ
+ؾ N method|,secret|
+³ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Peru|³)
+³ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+³ N human|,(Peru|³)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|
+ N fact|,secret|
+ܻ N fact|,discuss|,secret|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+鳤 N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+鴦 N part|,%institution|,politics|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+鴦 N part|,%organization|֯
+ N part|,%organization|֯
+ N information|Ϣ
+ V LookFor|Ѱ
+ʳ V LookFor|Ѱ,content=edible|ʳ
+ V excrete|й
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,sweet|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+۷ N InsectWorm|,*fly|
+۸ N fruit|ˮ
+۽ N food|ʳƷ,#fruit|ˮ
+ N part|,%FlowerGrass|,nerve|
+ N time|ʱ,#GetMarried|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,dense|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ܱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$shut|ر
+ܲɷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|
+ܲ V exist|
+ܶ N attribute|,density|ܶ,&physical|
+ܷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$shut|ر
+ܷȦ N tool|þ,*shut|ر
+ܷ N attribute|,tightness|ɽ,&implement|
+ܼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,concentration|Ũ,concentrated|
+ܼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|
+ N tree|
+ N symbol|,secret|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,dense|
+ܲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,dense|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,dense|
+ı V plan|ƻ
+ı N human|,*plan|ƻ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ɭɭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,dense|
+ V discuss|,manner=secret|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,dense|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+̸ N fact|,talk|̸,secret|
+̸ V talk|̸,manner=secret|
+̽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|,military|,*scout|
+Ъ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N human|,friend|
+Ʋ V AptTo|
+ֲ V planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ N crop|ׯ,?material|
+ް N clothing|,#body|
+ޱ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,#sleep|˯
+ N material|,?clothing|,?tool|þ
+ N fact|,produce|
+ij N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,factory|,industrial|
+֯ N fact|,produce|
+֩ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ N material|,?clothing|,?tool|þ
+ N clothing|,#leg|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ë N clothing|,#leg|
+ë N clothing|,#body|
+ũ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ɴ N material|,?clothing|
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+Ь N clothing|,#foot|
+ N material|,?clothing|,?tool|þ
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ N clothing|
+֯Ʒ N clothing|,generic|ͳ
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ V sleep|˯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,soft|
+ N material|,clothing|
+ౡ N attribute|,strength|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,soft|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ V enlarge|
+ N livestock|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ب V enlarge|
+ N clothing|,#head|ͷ,royal|
+ V discharge|
+ V escape|
+ V exempt|
+ V remove|
+ V exempt|
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ V escape|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$pay|
+ V OwnNot|,possession=clothing|
+ V StripOff|ȥ,patient=clothing|
+Ʊ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$pay|
+Ʊ N coupon|Ʊ֤,#wealth|Ǯ,cheap|
+ȥ V discharge|,Vachieve|
+ V escape|
+˰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$exempt|
+˰ V aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$exempt|
+˰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$exempt|
+˰ V exempt|,ResultEvent=submit|
+˰Ʒ N artifact|˹
+ V exempt|,ResultEvent=punish|,police|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,exempt|,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ ADJ attribute|,ability|,able|,exempt|,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ N attribute|,ability|,escape|,&human|
+ V exempt|,ResultEvent=accuse|ظ,police|
+ V exempt|
+ V exempt|
+˰ V exempt|,ResultEvent=submit|
+ְ V dismiss|
+ V exempt|,ResultEvent=punish|,police|
+ V endeavour|
+ V mobilize|
+ V mobilize|
+ V urge|ʹ
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,passive|,undesired|ݬ
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ǿ V endeavour|
+ǿ V force|ǿ
+ǿ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ V GiveBirth|,medical|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Burma|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Burma|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+廳 V LookBack|
+ V LookBack|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+Ԫ N money|,(Burma|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,soft|
+ N attribute|,range|,&entity|ʵ
+ V facing|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N location|λ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,aspect|
+ N part|,%image|ͼ
+ N part|,%physical|,head|ͷ
+ N part|,%physical|,surfacial|
+ N part|,%physical|,surfacial|,external|
+ N shape|
+ N part|,%implement|
+ N tool|þ,#cook|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N LandVehicle|,*tour|
+ͻ N food|ʳƷ
+ʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cook|
+治ɫ V calm|
+沿 N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+泯 V facing|
+ V facing|
+ V facing|
+ V facing|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&money|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+۳ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,factory|,industrial|
+ V excited|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,soft|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+Ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,size|ߴ,surfacial|,&inanimate|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ V facing|
+ò N attribute|,appearance|,#skin|Ƥ,&AnimalHuman|
+ò N attribute|,appearance|,&inanimate|
+òһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,desired|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,aspect|,all|ȫ
+㵽 ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ V disappointed|ʧ
+Ŀ N attribute|,appearance|,&AnimalHuman|
+Ŀ N attribute|,appearance|,&inanimate|
+Ŀ N attribute|,reputation|,&human|
+Ŀȫ V change|,result=^$perception|֪
+Ŀһ V change|,StateFin=new|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+Ǣ V discuss|
+ǰ N location|λ,InFront|ǰ
+ N attribute|,appearance|,&AnimalHuman|
+ɫ V fear|
+ɫ N attribute|,color|ɫ,#skin|Ƥ,&AnimalHuman|
+ɫ N attribute|,countenance|,&AnimalHuman|
+ɴ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,$PutOn|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,unfamiliar|϶
+ʳ N food|ʳƷ
+ V appear|
+ V appear|
+ V meet|
+ V teach|,manner=self|
+ڻ V teach|,content=method|,manner=self|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|
+ N tool|þ
+̸ V talk|̸
+ N food|ʳƷ,liquid|Һ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ɫ V fear|
+ V benefit|
+ V facing|
+ V discuss|
+ N tool|þ,*protect|,#skin|Ƥ
+ֵ N attribute|,value|ֵ,&coupon|Ʊ֤,&money|
+ֵ N quantity|,amount|,&coupon|Ʊ֤,&money|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N part|,%physical|,skin|Ƥ
+ N animal|,young|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ N physical|,young|
+ N plant|ֲ,young|
+紲 N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ľ N plant|ֲ,young|
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,bony|,desired|
+ͷ N phenomena|,#fact|
+ N human|,future|
+կ N place|ط,village|
+ N human|
+ N plant|ֲ,young|
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ V copy|д
+軭 V describe|д
+軭 V draw|
+ V describe|д
+ü V MakeUp|ױ
+ġ V describe|д
+ V describe|д
+ N describe|д
+ V describe|д
+д V describe|д
+ V AimAt|
+ V AimAt|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С
+ V despise|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,negligible|,undesired|ݬ
+ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ,special|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&time|ʱ
+ N tool|þ,*tell|,#time|ʱ
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#tell|,#time|ʱ,#minute|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&time|ʱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,negligible|,undesired|ݬ
+ã V aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ã ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ã V unfixed|δ
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,negligible|,undesired|ݬ
+ N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,commercial|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,religion|ڽ
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+ N facilities|ʩ,religion|ڽ,space|ռ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,religion|ڽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,dexterous|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,refined|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,young|
+Ȥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,superior|
+ֻش V succeed|ɹ,scope=cure|ҽ
+ N text|,interesting|Ȥ
+ N human|,*BeAble|ܹ,#speak|˵
+ V despise|
+ V slander|̰
+ V despise|
+ V TurnOff|ֹ
+ V destroy|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ V sink|³
+֮ N attribute|,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ,&human|
+ V TurnOff|ֹ
+ V remove|,patient=fire|
+ N tool|þ,*remove|,#fire|
+ N tool|þ,*remove|,#fire|
+ V perish|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ V destroy|
+ N destroy|
+ V destroy|,patient=bacteria|,medical|ҽ
+ V kill|ɱ,crime|
+ V perish|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ N human|,mass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ N human|,military|
+ V unfortunate|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N law|ɷ
+ N document|,#law|ɷ
+ N house|
+ N emotion|,angry|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,habit|ϰ,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N music|
+谮 N human|,*FondOf|ϲ,#music|
+ N community|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ N fact|,#employee|Ա
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ N affairs|,#VehicleGo|ʻ,#aircraft|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ N location|λ,%community|
+ N community|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N community|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|
+ N institution|,police|
+ N music|
+ N community|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,^military|,generic|ͳ
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N emotion|
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ
+ N affairs|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+° N fact|,police|
+ N fact|,police|
+ N duty|,police|
+ N attribute|,habit|ϰ,&human|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ί N institution|,#community|,ProperName|ר,politics|,(China|й)
+ N emotion|
+ѡ V undergo|,content=select|ѡ,agent=community|
+ N expression|
+ҥ N music|
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+ V estimate|
+ N estimate|
+ר N human|,*investigate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$use|
+Թ V unsatisfied|
+ N fact|,function|,politics|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*betray|,treacherous|
+ N affairs|
+ N institution|,ProperName|ר,politics|
+ N human|,mass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ N community|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N community|,politics|,(China|й)
+ N human|,politics|
+ V ize|̬
+ N thinking|˼
+ N community|
+ͥ N community|
+ N place|ط,village|
+ N human|
+ʲ N community|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,hardship|
+ V apply|ͿĨ
+ V drink|
+ V fold|ߡ
+ V inlay|Ƕ
+ V shut|ر
+ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,nimble|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,nimble|,#perception|֪
+ж N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,clever|,&physical|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,clever|,&physical|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,nimble|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ N attribute|,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ V pity|
+ V sad|dz
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+ N aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,future|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ N ability|,#look|,#eye|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ N time|ʱ,future|,day|
+ V understand|
+ N attribute|,brightness|,&inanimate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,^biased|ƫ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,NotProfound|dz,desired|
+ V understand|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+Ƿ V distinguish|ֱ,content=correctness|
+鰵 V investigate|
+찵 V investigate|
+ V know|֪
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,easy|,desired|
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,^biased|ƫ,desired|
+ N time|ʱ,ProperName|ר,#royal|,#country|
+ N facilities|ʩ,*illuminate|
+ N time|ʱ,future|,day|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N facilities|ʩ
+ N celestial|
+λ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ N fire|
+ִ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,undesired|ݬ
+ N material|,sticky|
+ N tool|þ,*look|,#self|,bright|
+ N phenomena|,#judge|ö,fair|,police|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,easy|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,optimistic|ֹ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,^biased|ƫ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ know|֪
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+ V know|֪
+ N text|,*order|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+ N symbol|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+Ŀ V brighten|ʹ,patient=eye|
+Ŀŵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,undesired|ݬ
+մ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N time|ʱ,year|,future|
+ǰ N part|,%plant|ֲ,hair|ë
+ N time|ʱ,ProperName|ר,#royal|,#country|
+ȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+ȷ V decide|
+˲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ N time|ʱ,future|
+ N time|ʱ,future|,day|
+ջƻ N physical|,used|
+ʯ N chemical|ѧ
+ʾ V teach|,manner=opened|
+˵ V speak|˵,opened|
+˹ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Byelorussia|˹)
+ N time|ʱ,future|
+ N time|ʱ,future|,day|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$enrich|ʵ
+ϸ N account|,@record|¼,#wealth|Ǯ
+ϸ N account|,@record|¼,#wealth|Ǯ
+ϸ N account|,@record|¼,#wealth|Ǯ
+Ϻ N fish|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+ N tool|þ,*transmit|,#electricity|
+Ƭ N letter|ż
+ N human|,*perform|,glorious|,entertainment|
+ N human|,wise|,desired|
+ N celestial|
+ܱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ V fight|
+֤ N information|Ϣ,*prove|֤
+֪ V know|֪
+֪ʷ V disobey|Υ
+֪ V ask|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ N material|,$burn|,*lighting|ȼ
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,family|,male|,young|
+ V MakeSound|
+ V cry|
+ V express|ʾ
+ƽ V protest|
+ V MakeSound|
+ V cry|
+ձ V cease|ͣ,content=fight|,military|
+ V guide|
+ǹ V firing|
+ǹʾ V firing|
+ N bird|,#MakeSound|
+л V thank|л
+ԩ V protest|
+ V cry|,#bird|
+ N weapon|,past|
+ V carve|
+ V remember|ǵ
+ V carve|
+ V remember|ǵ
+ N mark|־,#implement|
+ N text|,$carve|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ N attribute|,name|,&entity|ʵ
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,Notwellknown|
+鴫 ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ N food|ʳƷ,glorious|
+ N account|,*record|¼,#name|
+ N drinks|Ʒ,glorious|
+ N artifact|˹,glorious|,generic|ͳ,commercial|
+ N LandVehicle|,glorious|
+ N attribute|,name|,&entity|ʵ
+ N place|ط,glorious|
+ N human|,*cook|,glorious|
+ʷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ N part|,%language|
+ N attribute|,sequence|,#compete|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ʵ V perish|
+ N account|,*record|¼,#name|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,name|,&organization|֯
+ N human|,desired|,able|,glorious|
+ N human|,official|,glorious|,military|
+ N human|,*perform|,glorious|,entertainment|
+ V undergo|,content=naming|
+ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ,glorious|
+ N expression|,glorious|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,wealth|Ǯ,&human|,&organization|֯
+˫ V obtain|õ,possession=reputation|,possession=wealth|Ǯ
+ N {NounUnit|}
+ V become|Ϊ
+а V succeed|ɹ,scope=HaveContest|
+а V succeed|ɹ,scope=compete|
+ǰé V succeed|ɹ,scope=HaveContest|
+ N human|,*perform|,glorious|,entertainment|
+ N human|,desired|,able|,glorious|
+ɽ V fail|ʧ
+Ŀ N attribute|,kind|,&inanimate|
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ N artifact|˹,glorious|,generic|ͳ,commercial|
+ N mark|־,#name|
+ N mark|־,*visit|
+ N mark|־,desired|,glorious|
+ƲƷ N artifact|˹,glorious|,generic|ͳ,commercial|
+Ƭ N tool|þ,*display|չʾ,#status|,#occupation|ְλ,#name|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,glorious|,generic|ͳ,commercial|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N music|,glorious|
+ N human|,desired|,glorious|
+ɽ N land|½,glorious|
+ɽ N place|ط,glorious|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ V enjoy|,content=glorious|
+ʤ N place|ط,glorious|,@tour|
+ʤż N place|ط,glorious|,beautiful|,desired|,#tour|
+ʦ N human|,*teach|,glorious|
+ʿ N human|,desired|,glorious|
+ N human|,literature|,glorious|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&inanimate|
+ N reason|
+ N result|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ N location|λ
+ N text|,glorious|,desired|
+ĺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ҽ N human|,medical|ҽ,*cure|ҽ,glorious|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α
+ N attribute|,name|,&entity|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α
+ N human|,*perform|,glorious|,entertainment|
+ŲƷ N artifact|˹,glorious|,generic|ͳ,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ
+ N attribute|,reputation|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ɨ V unfortunate|,scope=disgraced|
+һʱ V enjoy|,content=glorious|
+˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ N publications|鿯,glorious|
+ N attribute|,name|,&entity|ʵ
+ N publications|鿯,glorious|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N attribute|,strength|,&animate|,&organization|֯
+ N information|Ϣ,*order|
+ V order|
+ N fact|,undesired|ݬ,crime|,#kill|ɱ,#police|
+ V write|д
+ N attribute|,strength|,&animate|,&organization|֯
+ V order|
+ N text|,*order|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&animate|,&organization|֯
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,strength|
+ V RegardAs|
+ N human|,*RegardAs|
+ N information|Ϣ
+; V unfortunate|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&human|
+ V shoot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ N text|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ N result|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ V LookFor|Ѱ
+ V TryToKnow|Ū
+ V feel|
+ V stroke|
+Ŷ V ignorant|֪
+ͷ V ignorant|֪
+ V PickOut|γ
+ V TryToKnow|Ū
+ V LookFor|Ѱ,content=route|·,time=night|
+Ŷ V understand|
+ V TryToKnow|Ū
+ V LookFor|Ѱ
+ V TryToKnow|Ū
+ͷ V understand|
+ V understand|
+Ϲ V LookFor|Ѱ,content=route|·,time=night|
+ġ V copy|д
+ġ V imitate|ģ
+ġд V copy|д
+ġд V describe|д
+Ģ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+Ģ N vegetable|߲
+Ģ V MakeTrouble|
+Ģ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+Ģ V slack|͵
+Ģ N vegetable|߲
+Ģ N CloudMist|
+ģ N regulation|
+ģ N tool|þ,*produce|
+ģ N tool|þ,*build|
+ģ N tool|þ,*produce|
+ģ N human|,desired|,$imitate|ģ
+ģ V imitate|ģ
+ģ V CauseToDo|ʹ,ResultEvent=blurred|
+ģ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ģ V mix|
+ģ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ģ N tool|þ,*produce|
+ģ N part|,%entity|ʵ
+ģ黯 V aValue|ֵ,property|,$ize|̬
+ģ黯 V ize|̬
+ģ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ģ V imitate|ģ
+ģ N tool|þ,*imitate|ģ
+ģʽ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&physical|
+ģʽʶ V perception|֪,content=pattern|ʽ,#computer|
+ģ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*display|չʾ,#clothing|,entertainment|
+ģض N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*display|չʾ,#clothing|,entertainment|
+ģ N tool|þ,*produce|
+ģѹ V produce|,industrial|
+ģ N attribute|,appearance|,&AnimalHuman|
+ģ N tool|þ,*produce|
+Ĥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+Ĥ N shape|
+Ĥ V salute|¾
+ĤƬ N part|,%implement|
+ĥ V MakeTrouble|
+ĥ V OutOfOrder|
+ĥ V brighten|ʹ
+ĥ V grind|ĥ
+ĥ V lavish|˷,patient=time|ʱ
+ĥ V remove|
+ĥ V rub|Ħ
+ĥ N tool|þ,*grind|ĥ
+ĥ V turn|Ťת
+ĥ V embarrassed|Ϊ
+ĥ V rub|Ħ
+ĥ V slack|͵
+ĥ N machine|,*grind|ĥ
+ĥ V sharpen|ʹ,patient=tool|þ
+ĥʯ N tool|þ,*rub|Ħ
+ĥÿ V AtEase|
+ĥ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,factory|,industrial|
+ĥ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,factory|,industrial|
+ĥ V brighten|ʹ
+ĥ V OutOfOrder|
+ĥ V improve|
+ĥ N material|,*rub|Ħ,generic|ͳ
+ĥ V disappear|ʧ
+ĥ V remove|
+ĥ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ĥ V unfortunate|
+ĥ N tool|þ,*grind|ĥ
+ĥɰ N material|,?tool|þ
+ĥʴ V OutOfOrder|,industrial|
+ĥ V OutOfOrder|,industrial|
+ĥ V grind|ĥ,industrial|
+ĥ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=mouth|
+ĥ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+ĥ V slack|͵
+ĥƤ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+ĥ V improve|
+Ħ V research|о
+Ħ V rub|Ħ
+Ħ V stroke|
+Ħ V HaveContest|
+Ħ V rub|Ħ
+Ħ N attribute|,strength|,rub|Ħ,&entity|ʵ
+Ħ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,desired|
+Ħ N tool|þ,*illuminate|,#LandVehicle|
+Ħά N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+Ħӵɳ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Somalia|)
+Ħ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,crowded|,undesired|ݬ
+Ħ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Morocco|Ħ)
+Ħ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+Ħķ N money|,(Morocco|Ħ)
+Ħ N human|,(Morocco|Ħ)
+Ħɸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Monaco|Ħɸ)
+Ħɸ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Monaco|Ħɸ)
+Ħɸ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+Ħɸ N human|,(Monaco|Ħɸ)
+Ħ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+Ħ¥ N house|
+Ħ N machine|
+Ħг N LandVehicle|
+Ħд N ship|
+Ħл N human|,military|
+Ħ N InstitutePlace|,#tool|þ,#communicate|,commercial|
+Ħͧ N ship|
+Ħ V stroke|
+ħ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ
+ħ N method|,undesired|ݬ,*deceive|ƭ
+ħʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*perform|,entertainment|
+ħ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ
+ħ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ħ N attribute|,power|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ħ N shows|
+ħʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*perform|,entertainment|
+ħԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*perform|,entertainment|
+ħ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ,fierce|
+ħ N human|,fierce|,*MakeBad|Ӻ,undesired|ݬ
+ħ N FlowerGrass|,?edible|ʳ
+ħ N phenomena|,dangerous|Σ,#unfortunate|
+Ĩ V TurnRound|
+Ĩ V apply|ͿĨ
+Ĩ V remove|
+Ĩ V wipe|
+Ĩ V weep|
+Ĩ V suicide|ɱ
+Ĩ V embarrassed|Ϊ
+Ĩ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+Ĩ N tool|þ
+Ĩÿ V AtEase|
+Ĩ V slander|̰
+Ĩ V apply|ͿĨ,material=material|,industrial|
+Ĩȥ V remove|
+Ĩɱ V remove|
+Ĩɷ V remove|
+Ĩ㾨 N beast|,*swim|
+Ĩһӻ V fail|ʧ
+ĩ N part|,%thing|,head|ͷ
+ĩ N part|,%thing|,secondary|
+ĩ N process|,ending|ĩ
+ĩ N shape|
+ĩ N time|ʱ,ending|ĩ
+ĩ N location|λ,ending|ĩ
+ĩ N time|ʱ,TenDays|Ѯ,#hot|
+ĩ N time|ʱ,day|,#hot|
+ĩ N part|,%thing|,secondary|
+ĩ N time|ʱ,ending|ĩ
+ĩ N time|ʱ,ending|ĩ
+ĩ N process|,ending|ĩ
+ĩ N time|ʱ,ending|ĩ
+ĩ N time|ʱ,#die|
+ĩ N part|,%thing|,head|ͷ
+ĩ N time|ʱ,ending|ĩ
+ĩβ N process|,ending|ĩ
+ĩҶ N time|ʱ,ending|ĩ,royal|
+ĩ N shape|
+Ī N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Ī AUX {modality|}
+Ī ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+Ī ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+Ī ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+Īȱȸ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Papua New Guinea|Ͳ¼)
+Ī CONJ {comment|}
+Ī V inferior|
+Ī״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$describe|д
+Ī N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(the Comoros|Ħ)
+Ī ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,queer|
+Ī V ignorant|֪
+Ī ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$describe|д
+Ī ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,queer|
+Ī V ignorant|֪
+Ī ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+Ī ADV {modality|}
+Ī ADV {modality|}
+Īɣȿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Mozambique|Īɣȿ)
+Īɣȿ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+Īɣȿ N human|,(Mozambique|Īɣȿ)
+Ī˹ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Russia|˹)
+Ī ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+Īһ V BeUnable|,content=decide|
+ī N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+ī ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ī ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+ī N community|
+ī N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ī N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Mexico|ī)
+ī N artifact|˹,#image|ͼ,entertainment|
+ī N fish|
+ī N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Australia|Ĵ)
+ī N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ī N PenInk|ī,liquid|Һ,#write|д
+ī ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+ī N trace|,#write|д
+ī N tool|þ,*protect|,#eye|,#look|
+ī ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+īɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+īسɹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+īط N human|,stiff|
+īˮ N PenInk|ī,liquid|Һ,#write|д
+īˮ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+īˮ N trace|
+ī ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Mexico|ī)
+ī N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+ī N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Mexico|ī)
+ī N human|,(Mexico|ī)
+ī N waters|ˮ,(Mexico|ī)
+ī N water|ˮ,(Mexico|ī)
+ī N fish|
+ī֭ N PenInk|ī,liquid|Һ,#write|д
+Ĭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+Ĭ V write|д
+Ĭ V condole|°
+Ĭ V recite|ж
+Ĭ V recite|ж
+Ĭ N shows|
+ĬĬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+ĬĬ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|
+ĬĬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,Notwellknown|
+Ĭ V LookBack|
+Ĭ V recite|ж
+ĬƬ N shows|
+Ĭ N result|,#agree|ͬ
+ĬȻ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|
+Ĭ V agree|ͬ
+Ĭ V write|д
+Ĭ V think|˼
+Ĭд V write|д
+Ĭ V agree|ͬ
+ĭ N gas|,#liquid|Һ,round|Բ
+ĭ N gas|,#liquid|Һ,round|Բ
+Į ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+Į N land|½,surfacial|,barren|
+Į ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+ĮĮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ĮĮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ĮȻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+Į V despise|
+į ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ
+İ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+İ· N human|,unfamiliar|϶
+İ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,unfamiliar|϶
+İ N human|,unfamiliar|϶
+ı V plan|ƻ
+ı V seek|ıȡ
+ıƺ V kill|ɱ,purpose=wealth|Ǯ,crime|
+ı V uprise|
+ı V seek|ıȡ,possession=pros|
+ı V kill|ɱ,crime|
+ı V plan|ƻ
+ı V seek|ıȡ,possession=fund|ʽ
+ı N plans|滮
+ı V meet|,partner=EachOther|
+ı V seek|ıȡ
+ıȡ V seek|ıȡ
+ıɱ V kill|ɱ,crime|
+ı V MakeLiving|ı
+ı V seek|ıȡ
+ı· V seek|ıȡ,possession=method|,#alive|
+ıʿ N human|,friend|
+ı V plan|ƻ,content=fact|
+ı V seek|ıȡ,possession=occupation|ְλ
+ı˽ V seek|ıȡ,possession=pros|,undesired|ݬ
+ıְ V seek|ıȡ,possession=occupation|ְλ
+IJ V seek|ıȡ
+IJ V seek|ıȡ,possession=pros|,undesired|ݬ
+IJ V seek|ıȡ,possession=wealth|Ǯ
+IJȡ V seek|ıȡ
+IJȡ V seek|ıȡ,possession=wealth|Ǯ
+ij ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,certain|ij
+ijij ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,certain|ij
+ijЩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,certain|ij
+Ĵ N character|,(China|й)
+Ĵָ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hand|
+ĵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sex|Ա,male|
+ĵ N FlowerGrass|
+ĵ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ĵ N fish|
+Ķ CLAS unit|λ,&area|
+Ķ N quantity|,amount|,&create|,agricultural|ũ
+Ķ N quantity|,amount|,&create|,agricultural|ũ
+ķ N character|,(China|й)
+ķͰ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Swaziland|˹ʿ)
+ĸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,main|
+ĸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sex|Ա,female|Ů
+ĸ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ĸ N part|,%implement|
+ĸ N part|,%thing|,base|
+ĸ N emotion|,like|ϧ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ĸ N plant|ֲ
+ĸ N InsectWorm|
+ĸ˾ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+ĸ N livestock|,female|Ů
+ĸ N aircraft|
+ĸ N machine|
+ĸ N bird|,female|Ů
+ĸϻ N beast|,female|Ů
+ĸϻ N human|,female|Ů,undesired|ݬ,fierce|
+ĸ N livestock|,female|Ů
+ĸţ N livestock|,female|Ů
+ĸŮ N human|,family|,mass|
+ĸ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ĸ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,$drink|,liquid|Һ
+ĸι V feed|ι,patient=part|,#AnimalHuman|
+ĸɽ N beast|,female|Ů
+ĸʨ N beast|,female|Ů
+ĸ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ĸϵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ĸ N image|ͼ,linear|
+ĸ N part|,machine|
+ĸУ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ĸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ĸ N livestock|
+ĸҺ N chemical|ѧ
+ĸ N sound|,#language|
+ĸ N language|
+ĸ N plant|ֲ
+ĸ N livestock|,female|Ů
+ĸ N human|,family|,mass|
+Ĺ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#human|,#die|
+Ĺ N mark|־,#facilities|ʩ,#bury|,#human|,#die|
+Ĺ N part|,%facilities|ʩ,#facilities|ʩ,#bury|,#human|,#die|,route|·
+Ĺ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#human|,#die|
+Ĺǰ N location|λ,%facilities|ʩ,InFront|ǰ
+Ĺ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#human|,#die|
+ĹѨ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#human|,#die|
+Ĺ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#human|,#die|
+ĺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,earliness|,late|
+ĺ N time|ʱ,night|
+ĺ N time|ʱ,spring|
+ĺij N fact|,persuade|Ȱ˵
+ĺ N aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ĺ N time|ʱ,#aged|
+ĺɫ N attribute|,scene|,night|,&inanimate|
+ĺ N CloudMist|
+Ļ N part|,%shows|
+Ļ N tool|þ,#perform|
+Ļ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,*decorate|װ
+Ļ N tool|þ,#perform|
+Ļ N tool|þ,#perform|,*cover|ڸ,*decorate|װ
+Ļ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hidden|,undesired|ݬ
+Ļ V incite|ָʹ,manner=hidden|
+Ļ N human|,*incite|ָʹ,hidden|
+Ļ N fact|,hidden|,undesired|ݬ
+Ļ N fact|,hidden|,undesired|ݬ
+Ļ N news|,#fact|,#hidden|
+ĻϢ N time|ʱ,@rest|Ϣ,#look|,#listen|,#shows|
+Ļ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+ļ V gather|ɼ
+ļ V include|
+ļ V gather|ɼ,possession=fund|ʽ
+ļ V gather|ɼ
+ļ V gather|ɼ
+ļ V gather|ɼ
+Ľ V admire|Ľ
+Ľ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Ľ V admire|Ľ
+Ľ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Germany|¹)
+Ľ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ľ N aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+ľ V paralyse|̱
+ľ N tool|þ,cubic|,@store|,#human|,#die|
+ľ N tree|
+ľ N wood|ľ
+ľ N material|,wood|ľ
+ľ N tool|þ,*print|ӡˢ
+ľ N shape|,wood|ľ
+ľ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,wood|ľ
+ľ N material|,wood|ľ
+ľ N material|,wood|ľ,*lighting|ȼ,$burn|
+ľ N artifact|˹,$carve|,entertainment|
+ľ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ľ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ľ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ
+ľ N ship|
+ľ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ľ N fruit|ˮ
+ľ N shape|,wood|ľ
+ľʯ N stone|ʯ
+ľ N material|,?paper|ֽ
+ľ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ľ V carve|,LocationFin=wood|ľ,literature|
+ľ N shape|,wood|ľ
+ľ N FlowerGrass|
+ľ N material|,wood|ľ
+ľ N SportTool|˶
+ľ N plans|滮
+ľ N tool|þ,*recreation|
+ľ N crop|ׯ,?material|
+ľ N human|,*die|,dried|
+ľż N tool|þ,*recreation|
+ľ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ,#wood|ľ
+ľȻ V stupefied|ľȻ
+ľ N fruit|ˮ
+ľ̿ N stone|ʯ,material|,*lighting|ȼ,$burn|
+ľͷ N material|,wood|ľ
+ľͷľ N aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+ľͷ˶ N human|,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+ľϬ N FlowerGrass|
+ľϬ N food|ʳƷ
+ľϬ N tree|
+ľ N celestial|
+ľѳ V fixed|Ѷ
+ľ N MusicTool|
+ľ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,wood|ľ
+ľ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,wood|ľ
+ľګ N aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+ľܽ N FlowerGrass|
+ľ N clothing|,#foot|
+ľ N tool|þ,*beat|
+ľ N food|ʳƷ
+ľ N tree|
+Ŀ N document|,@record|¼
+Ŀ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+Ŀ N part|,%text|
+Ŀ N purpose|Ŀ
+Ŀ N tool|þ,#weapon|,$AimAt|,$firing|
+Ŀֵ N quantity|,amount|,&entity|ʵ
+Ŀʶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ĿϾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ĿϾ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+Ŀб V look|,manner=PayAttention|ע
+Ŀת V look|,manner=PayAttention|ע
+Ŀ V measure|,instrument=eye|
+Ŀ N part|,%readings|,content|
+Ŀ N purpose|Ŀ
+Ŀĵ N location|λ,@arrive|
+Ŀĸ N location|λ,@arrive|
+Ŀɿڴ V stupefied|ľȻ
+Ŀ V perception|֪,means=look|
+Ŀ N experience|
+Ŀ N thinking|˼
+Ŀdz ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+Ŀ綹 ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+Ŀ V perception|֪,means=look|
+Ŀ N human|,*perception|֪
+Ŀ N human|,*prove|֤,#police|
+Ŀ֤ N human|,*perception|֪
+Ŀ V perception|֪,means=look|
+Ŀ N tool|þ,*look|
+Ŀһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+Ŀ¼ N part|,%readings|,content|
+Ŀ¼ N part|,%thing|,kind|
+Ŀɫ V ignorant|֪
+Ŀǰ N time|ʱ,now|
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,look|
+Ŀ V farewell|,means=look|
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,undesired|ݬ
+Ŀȫţ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+Ŀѣ V dizzy|,medical|ҽ
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ V associate|
+ V TakeCare|,agricultural|ũ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N FlowerGrass|,#livestock|
+ N place|ط,@foster|,#livestock|,agricultural|ũ
+ N music|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,foster|,*TakeCare|,#livestock|,agricultural|ũ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,foster|,*TakeCare|,#livestock|,agricultural|ũ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,foster|,*TakeCare|,#livestock|,agricultural|ũ
+ N land|½,#FlowerGrass|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,foster|,*TakeCare|,#livestock|,agricultural|ũ
+ʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,religion|ڽ
+ͯ N human|,agricultural|ũ,*TakeCare|,#livestock|
+ͯ N human|,agricultural|ũ,*foster|,*TakeCare|,#livestock|
+ V TakeCare|,patient=livestock|
+Ů N human|,female|Ů,agricultural|ũ,*foster|,*TakeCare|,#livestock|
+Ȯ N livestock|,agricultural|ũ,*TakeCare|,#livestock|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,foster|,*TakeCare|,#livestock|,agricultural|ũ
+ҵ N affairs|,#livestock|,agricultural|ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,stately|ׯ,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ºĬ N human|,religion|ڽ,ProperName|ר
+˹ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V believe|
+ V catch|ס
+ V hold|
+ V occupy|ռ,military|
+ PREP {instrument}
+ PREP {patient}
+ PREP {scope}
+ð V catch|ס,police|
+òȥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$display|չʾ
+ò ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$display|չʾ
+ò V BeUnable|
+ò V BeUnable|,content=believe|
+ò V BeUnable|,content=believe|
+ô V reverse|ߵ,sport|
+õ V obtain|õ,means=take|ȡ
+õ V BeAble|ܹ
+õ V believe|
+õ V believe|
+ö V decide|
+û V catch|ס,police|
+ü V show|,content=arrogant|
+ N human|,official|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(France|)
+Ȩ V obtain|õ,possession=power|,politics|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ɧ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Bahamas|)
+ V manage|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ֺϷ N attribute|,quality|,strong|ǿ,desired|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ V decide|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,question|
+Ķ N location|λ
+Ķ N location|λ,question|
+ N location|λ
+ N location|λ,question|
+ CONJ {concession|ò}
+λ PRON human|,question|
+Щ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,question|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,question|
+һ N time|ʱ,day|,question|
+ STRU {MaChinese|}
+ź V cry|
+ź V cry|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ CONJ {EventResult|¼}
+Dz˹ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Italy|)
+Ƕ N location|λ,question|
+Ǹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ǻ N time|ʱ,special|
+ N location|λ,special|
+ô ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+ô CONJ {EventResult|¼}
+ô ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ôЩ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ĩ CONJ {EventResult|¼}
+ʱ N time|ʱ
+ʱ N time|ʱ
+Щ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+Щ PRON entity|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+ N time|ʱ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V include|
+ V pay|,commercial|
+ V receive|
+ V submit|
+ɴ N human|,politics|,military|,undesired|ݬ,(Germany|¹)
+ɴ N system|ƶ,politics|,military|,undesired|ݬ,(Germany|¹)
+ɴ N human|,politics|,military|,undesired|ݬ,(Germany|¹)
+ɴ N system|ƶ,politics|,military|,undesired|ݬ,(Germany|¹)
+ɸ V enjoy|,content=happy|
+ɺ V surprise|
+ɻ V entice|,means=GiveAsGift|,crime|
+ɻ V receive|,possession=artifact|˹,crime|
+ɽ V win|ʤ,military|
+ V enjoy|,content=chilly|
+ V ignorant|֪
+ױ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Namibia|ױ)
+ױ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ױ N human|,(Namibia|ױ)
+ V include|
+˰ V pay|,content=expenditure|
+˰ N human|,*pay|
+˰ N duty|,#pay|
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N gas|
+ʵ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+ V be|
+ CONJ {EventResult|¼}
+ V be|
+ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+ V feed|ι,patient=drinks|Ʒ
+ V feed|ι,patient=drinks|Ʒ,means=part|,#AnimalHuman|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,$drink|,liquid|Һ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+̲ N drinks|Ʒ
+̷ N food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,female|Ů,*feed|ι,employee|Ա
+ N human|,aged|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,female|Ů,*feed|ι,employee|Ա
+ţ N livestock|
+ţ N InstitutePlace|,*foster|,livestock|
+Ƥ N food|ʳƷ
+ƿ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,*feed|ι
+ˮ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,$drink|,liquid|Һ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ͷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ͷ N tool|þ,*feed|ι
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ
+ N livestock|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N tool|þ,#female|Ů,*decorate|װ,$PutOn|
+֭ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,$drink|,liquid|Һ
+Ʒ N edible|ʳ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,$drink|,liquid|Һ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N tool|þ,*feed|ι
+ V endure|
+ V withstand|ס
+Ͳס V WithstandNot|ס
+͵ס V withstand|ס
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#hot|
+ͺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#cold|
+ͺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#waterless|
+ͺֲ N plant|ֲ,*withstand|ס,#waterless|
+ͻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#fire|
+ͻ N material|,*withstand|ס,#fire|
+ͻש N material|,?building|
+; ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,durable|,desired|
+; N attribute|,quality|,&inanimate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#hardship|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&AnimalHuman|
+ĥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#grind|ĥ
+ĥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#rub|Ħ
+ĥ N attribute|,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#grind|ĥ,&inanimate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#hot|
+Ѱζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ V endure|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#chemical|ѧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,able|,endure|,desired|
+ ADJ attribute|,able|,endure|,desired|,&human|
+ ADJ attribute|,able|,endure|,desired|,&human|
+Է ADJ attribute|,able|,endure|,desired|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,durable|,desired|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ
+ CONJ {but|}
+κ V treat|Դ
+ N money|,(Nigeria|)
+ N direction|,south|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Yugoslavia|˹)
+ϰ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|,south|
+ϰ N part|,%earth|,south|
+ϱ N attribute|,distance|,south|,north|,&earth|
+ϱ N direction|,south|,north|
+ϱ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ϱ N location|λ,south|
+ϲ N location|λ,south|
+ϲ N part|,%place|ط,#south|,#country|
+ϲ N location|λ,south|
+ϲ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ϳ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ϳ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South Korea|)
+ϴ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ϴ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+϶ N location|λ,ending|ĩ,south|
+Ϸ N direction|,south|
+Ϸ N location|λ,south|
+Ϸ N part|,%place|ط,#south|,#country|
+Ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(South Africa|Ϸ)
+Ϸ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ϷǺ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+Ϸ N wind|
+Ϲ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Ϲ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+Ϲ N vegetable|߲
+Ϲ N part|,%country|,south|
+Ϻ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ϻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(South Korea|)
+Ϻ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South Korea|)
+Ϻ N MusicTool|
+ϻ N food|ʳƷ,commercial|
+ϼ N part|,%earth|,south|,edge|
+ϼ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+Ͻ N part|,%country|,south|
+Ͻ N part|,%place|ط,surrounding|Χ,#city|,south|
+Ͼ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ͼѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ͽ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+Ͽ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ͽѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ͽһ N thought|ͷ,dream|,desired|
+´ N part|,%land|½,base|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,south|,(America|)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,south|,(America|)
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N location|λ,south|
+Ϻ V cooperate|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ŷ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,south|,(Europe|ŷ)
+Ǩ V AlterLocation|ռλ,direction=south|
+ɳ N place|ط,#waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ɳȺ N place|ط,#waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+˹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Yugoslavia|˹)
+˹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+˹˹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+˹ N human|,(Yugoslavia|˹)
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+̫ƽ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|,ProperName|ר
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ͨ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+γ N law|ɷ,#earth|
+ V LeaveFor|ǰ,direction=south|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,south|,(Asia|)
+Ǵδ½ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,south|,(Asia|)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ԯ V FitNot|
+ N information|Ϣ,*guide|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|,#direction|
+ս V fight|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sex|Ա,male|
+ N human|,family|,male|,young|
+ N human|,male|
+ N human|,male|,young|
+в N room|,#male|,@excrete|й
+е N fact|,compete|,sport|,#male|
+е N sound|,#music|
+ж N community|,male|,sport|
+ж N human|,male|
+з N part|,%community|,#GetMarried|,aspect|
+и N sound|,#music|
+к N human|,male|,young|
+к N human|,male|,young|
+к N human|,male|,young|
+о N human|,royal|
+о N human|,female|Ů,royal|
+ N fact|,exercise|,sport|,#male|
+ŮŮ N human|,mass|
+Ů N human|,mass|
+Ů N human|,mass|
+Ů N human|,mass|
+Ůƽ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,fair|,#sex|Ա,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N fact|,exercise|,sport|,#male|
+ N human|,male|,friend|,desired|
+ N human|,male|,family|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,male|
+ N sound|,#music|
+ N human|,male|
+ N human|,male|,*study|ѧ,education|
+ʿ N human|,male|
+˫ N fact|,exercise|,sport|,#male|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sex|Ա,male|
+ N attribute|,sex|Ա,male|,&human|
+ N human|,male|
+ N sound|,#music|
+װ N clothing|,#male|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sex|Ա,male|
+ N human|,male|
+Ӻ N human|,male|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,male|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ V embarrassed|Ϊ
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+Ѱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+Ѳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,earliness|,late|
+Ѳ V delay|
+Ѳ V fail|ʧ
+Ѳ V labour|ٲ,manner=difficult|
+Ѵ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,hardship|,#unfortunate|
+Ѵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$handle|
+ѵ V MakeTrouble|
+ѵ V defeat|սʤ
+ѵ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ѵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ѵ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ѵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ѵ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ѵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż,desired|
+ѵ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+Ѷ N attribute|,easiness|,&event|¼
+ѹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$blame|Թ
+ѹ ADV {comment|}
+ѹ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ѹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$manage|
+ѹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$GoThrough|
+ѹ V sorrowful|
+ѹ V unfortunate|
+ѽӽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$approach|ӽ
+ѽѷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ѿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ѿ V embarrassed|Ϊ
+ѿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+ѿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,disgraced|,undesired|ݬ
+ѿ V shy|
+ѿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,$control|
+ V BeUnable|,content=escape|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*escape|,#unfortunate|
+Ӫ N InstitutePlace|,@include|,#human|,#escape|,#unfortunate|
+רԱ´ N part|,%institution|,politics|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ܿɹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|,desired|
+ƥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$equal|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ɫ N attribute|,countenance|,passive|,&human|
+ϼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ѷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ N fact|,difficult|
+ V ill|̬,medical|ҽ
+ V sorrowful|
+˵ ADV {comment|}
+ N phenomena|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ N problem|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,disgraced|,undesired|ݬ
+ͳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$manage|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$forget|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$forget|
+Ϊ V MakeTrouble|
+Ϊ V embarrassed|Ϊ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,stinky|,undesired|ݬ
+ѵ N human|,*BeSame|ͬ,#circumstances|
+ѵ N human|,*BeSame|ͬ,#circumstances|,undesired|ݬ
+ѱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+Գ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$undergo|
+Ը ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$destroy|
+Թ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$estimate|
+Ի ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$obtain|õ
+Խӽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$approach|ӽ
+Ծ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,$perception|֪
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$understand|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,$understand|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$understand|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$describe|д
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$distinguish|ֱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$endure|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$leak|©
+ʹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$use|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$believe|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$deduce|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,$guess|²
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$describe|д
+Ԥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,$predict|Ԥ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,$guess|²
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,$understand|
+ N {easiness|}
+ N human|,*BeSame|ͬ,#circumstances|,undesired|ݬ
+ V BeUnable|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$follow|
+ N shape|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ҳ N InsectWorm|
+ҿϴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ V contain|
+ N disease|
+ V scratch|ץ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+Բ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ԳѪ N disease|
+Դ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+Դ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+Եͼ N image|ͼ,#diagnose|,medical|ҽ
+Ժ N thinking|˼
+Ժ N thinking|˼
+Լ N thinking|˼
+Խ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+Խ N thinking|˼
+Կ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ V attribute|,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,&human|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,wise|
+Ͷ N affairs|,#mental|,engage|
+Ͷ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,wise|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,fat|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+Ĥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+Ĥ N disease|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+嵹 V reverse|ߵ,patient=sequence|,scope=engage|
+ N disease|
+Ѫ N disease|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ N thinking|˼
+ V angry|
+ V upset|
+պ V blame|Թ
+ջ V angry|
+ŭ V angry|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+߳ŭ V angry|
+ V IllBehave|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V SufferFrom|,medical|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,undesired|ݬ
+ V do|
+ V quarrel|
+ֱŤ V quarrel|
+ֲ V ill|̬,medical|ҽ
+ַ V quarrel|
+ַ V IllBehave|
+ֹ V happen|
+ֺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,undesired|ݬ
+ּ V suffer|,content=HungryThirsty|
+־ N shows|
+ V upset|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,undesired|ݬ
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V uprise|,politics|
+ N place|ط,#city|,bustling|
+ N place|ط,#city|,bustling|
+Ц V err|
+ V quarrel|
+ N tool|þ,*tell|,#time|ʱ
+ V tease|ȡ
+ N stone|ʯ
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ V HungryThirsty|
+ V disheartened|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clan|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,internal|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,internal|
+ N location|λ,internal|
+ڲ˹ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ڲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,internal|
+ڲ N location|λ,internal|
+ڲ N location|λ,space|ռ,internal|
+ڲ N text|,#news|,secret|
+ڲ V contain|
+ڲ N part|,%inanimate|,skin|Ƥ,internal|
+ڳѪ V bleed|Ѫ
+ڴ N part|,%computer|
+ڵ N place|ط,internal|
+ڵ N human|,family|,male|
+ڶ V decide|
+ڶ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ڷ N fact|,excrete|й
+ڷ V eat|,medical|ҽ
+ڸ N institution|,#country|,politics|
+ڹ N method|
+ڹƤ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ں N waters|ˮ,surfacial|,internal|
+ں N information|Ϣ
+ں N attribute|,strength|,$exhaust|,&implement|
+ں N attribute|,strength|,$exhaust|,&organization|֯
+ں N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+ں N waters|ˮ,linear|,internal|
+ں N fact|,fight|,internal|
+ں V fact|,fight|,internal|
+ڻ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ڼ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*betray|,treacherous|
+ڽ N image|ͼ,angular|,internal|
+ھ N facilities|ʩ,#perform|
+ھ N attribute|,distance|,&image|ͼ,&physical|,round|Բ
+ھ V regret|Ǹ
+ڿ N knowledge|֪ʶ,medical|ҽ
+ڿҽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,medical|ҽ,*cure|ҽ
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,#RainSnow|ѩ,#crop|ׯ
+ N attribute|,strength|,&entity|ʵ
+½ N land|½,internal|
+ V uprise|,politics|
+ޱ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Kenya|)
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ɹ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ɹ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ļ N information|Ϣ
+ N human|,family|
+ N affairs|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ N information|Ϣ
+ȼ N part|,%vehicle|ͨ,*drive|Ԧ
+ȼ N LandVehicle|
+ N disease|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N attribute|,content|,&readings|,&information|Ϣ
+Ҫ N text|
+ N disease|
+ʡ V LookBack|
+̥ N part|,%LandVehicle|,leg|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ N location|λ,surrounding|Χ,space|ռ
+ N affairs|
+ N affairs|,military|
+ N institution|,#police|,ProperName|ר,politics|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,linear|,#electricity|
+ N human|,*scout|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hidden|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hidden|
+ V sell|,range=country|,commercial|
+ N mental|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ N human|,desired|,able|
+ N human|,desired|,able|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ N fire|
+ N clothing|
+ྭ N human|,commercial|
+ V MoveItInto|
+ N cause|ԭ
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+լ N room|
+ծ N wealth|Ǯ,$owe|Ƿ,$return|
+ս N fact|,fight|
+ N affairs|
+ N institution|,#police|,ProperName|ר,politics|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ڧ N fact|,fight|,internal|
+ڧ V fact|,fight|,internal|
+ڧ V fight|,range=internal|,politics|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,delicate|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,tender|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hue|Ũ,light|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+ V BeAble|ܹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ N attribute|,ability|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%physical|,strength|
+ܲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,create|
+ܴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$transmit|
+ܶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը,desired|
+ܶ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը,&human|,&organization|֯
+ܶ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը,&human|,&organization|֯
+ܷ AUX {modality|,question|}
+ܸı ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$alter|ı
+ܸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ܸ V BeAble|ܹ,content=perform|
+ܹɽ N human|,able|,desired|
+ܹ V BeAble|ܹ
+ܺ V exhaust|,patient=material|
+ܼ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,#strength|,&inanimate|
+ܼ N attribute|,ability|,$look|,&space|ռ
+ܿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$open|
+ܿ˷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$defeat|սʤ
+ N attribute|,ability|,&physical|
+ N part|,%physical|,strength|
+˽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$know|֪
+ N attribute|,ability|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N human|,able|,desired|
+ V willing|Ը,content=undertake|,#HighRank|ߵ,#LowRank|͵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,alive|
+ N fact|,$BeAble|ܹ
+ N human|,able|,desired|
+˵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$GoThrough|
+ϸ˵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$explain|˵
+ V BeAble|ܹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$translate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$employ|
+Դ N part|,%physical|,strength|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$borrow|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N human|,young|,female|Ů
+ N CloudMist|
+ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N material|,*build|
+ N stone|ʯ
+ N stone|ʯ
+ N material|,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ
+ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+ཬ N stone|ʯ
+ N material|,*decorate|װ
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ú N stone|ʯ,material|,*lighting|ȼ,$burn|
+Ţ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,dirty|,undesired|ݬ
+Ţ N place|ط,dirty|,waterlogging|,undesired|ݬ
+ţ뺣 V disappear|ʧ
+ N tool|þ,*recreation|
+ɳ N stone|ʯ
+ɳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,mixed|
+ʯ N stone|ʯ
+ˮ N water|ˮ,#stone|ʯ
+ˮ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*build|,industrial|
+ N image|ͼ,$carve|
+̶ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ N stone|ʯ
+ N human|,agricultural|ũ
+߽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*build|,industrial|
+ N fish|
+ N human|,religion|ڽ,female|Ů
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Nepal|Ჴ)
+Ჴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Nepal|Ჴ)
+Ჴ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+Ჴ¬ N money|,(Nepal|Ჴ)
+Ჴ N human|,(Nepal|Ჴ)
+Ჴ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,religion|ڽ,female|Ů
+Ŷ N chemical|ѧ
+Ŷ N inanimate|,#addictive|Ⱥ,undesired|ݬ
+Ŷж N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Nicaragua|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+ N human|,(Nicaragua|)
+ϣ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Cyprus|·˹)
+ N human|,official|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N material|
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|,ProperName|ר,(Egypt|)
+ն ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Niger|ն)
+ն N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Nigeria|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ N human|,(Nigeria|)
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Niger|ն)
+ V forming|γ
+ V imitate|ģ
+ V plan|ƻ
+ⶨ V forming|γ
+ⶩ V forming|γ
+ V compile|༭,ContentProduct=text|
+⽨ V build|
+ N humanized|
+ V forming|γ
+ V forming|γ
+ PRON {SecondPerson|}
+ PRON {SecondPerson|,mass|}
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,opposed|,undesired|ݬ
+Ҹ V HaveContest|
+ V hide|
+ V hide|
+伣 V hide|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α
+ N letter|ż
+Ӱ V hide|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,undesired|ݬ
+ V disgust|
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+巳 V disgust|
+ζ V disgust|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,contrariness|,negative|
+ V betray|
+ V disobey|Υ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*betray|,treacherous|
+ N location|λ
+ N quantity|,amount|,#InDebt|,&commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+淴 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|
+ N wind|
+澳 N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ V predict|Ԥ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|,GoBack|
+ N attribute|,SocialMode|,treacherous|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|
+ʱ뷽 ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|
+ˮ V VehicleGo|ʻ,direction=GoBack|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|,GoBack|
+ V SelfMove|,manner=negative|
+ת V decline|˥
+ת V reverse|ߵ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,family|,treacherous|
+ V engage|
+ V sink|³
+簮 V like|ϧ
+ˮ V sink|³
+ V decline|˥
+費 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lazy|,undesired|ݬ
+ V pick|ʰ
+黨Dz V associate|,partner=female|Ů,manner=lascivious|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lazy|,undesired|ݬ
+ζ V gamble|IJ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,year|
+ N attribute|,age|,&animate|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%time|ʱ,@alive|
+ N phenomena|,#collect|,#crop|ׯ
+ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ N time|ʱ,year|
+ N time|ʱ,year|,special|
+ N unit|λ,&time|ʱ
+갮 N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N quantity|,amount|,&crop|ׯ,&artifact|˹,#year|
+곤 ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ N phenomena|,#collect|,#crop|ׯ
+ N time|ʱ,early|,year|
+һ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ N time|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ,ending|ĩ,year|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,year|
+ N time|ʱ,year|
+극 N fact|,eat|,#congratulate|ף,#festival|
+ N time|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ,year|
+긴һ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+긻ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ߵۿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,true|,desired|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ N attribute|,name|,#country|,#official|,&time|ʱ
+껪 N time|ʱ
+껭 N image|ͼ,*congratulate|ף,#festival|
+ N artifact|˹,$buy|,*congratulate|ף,#festival|
+꼶 N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&education|
+ N attribute|,age|,&animate|
+ N time|ʱ,@rest|Ϣ
+ N publications|鿯
+ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+꾰 N attribute|,circumstances|,&event|¼,#crop|ׯ
+꾰 N attribute|,scene|,&event|¼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ N tool|þ,*show|,#time|ʱ
+ N fund|ʽ,$earn|,commercial|
+ N attribute|,age|,&animate|
+ N trace|,#tree|,#grow|ɳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ĩ N part|,%time|ʱ,year|,ending|ĩ
+ N time|ʱ,year|
+ N account|,@record|¼,#time|ʱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,young|
+ŮԱ N human|,*perform|,female|Ů,entertainment|
+ N human|,young|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,young|
+ N human|,young|
+ N attribute|,age|,young|
+Ѹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ N attribute|,age|,&animate|
+ N time|ʱ
+ͷ N phenomena|,#collect|,#crop|ׯ
+ͷ N time|ʱ
+ͷ N time|ʱ,TimeLong|
+ͷ N unit|λ,&time|ʱ
+Ϣ N fund|ʽ,$earn|,commercial|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&year|
+۶ N quantity|,amount|,&sell|,commercial|
+н N payment|,#year|
+ҹ N time|ʱ,night|
+ҹ N fact|,eat|,*congratulate|ף,#festival|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,young|
+⻨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ N time|ʱ
+ N quantity|,rate|,BecomeMore|,&event|¼,commercial|
+ N time|ʱ,ending|ĩ,year|
+ V grind|ĥ
+ N tool|þ,*grind|ĥ
+ V grind|ĥ
+ N tool|þ,*grind|ĥ
+ V chase|
+ V expel|
+ V PlayWith|Ū
+ V ThinkOf|˼
+ V recite|ж
+ V study|ѧ,education|
+ V recite|ж
+ V recite|ж,content=text|,religion|ڽ
+ V ThinkOf|˼,content=friend|
+ V remember|ǵ
+ V recite|ж,content=publications|鿯
+ V study|ѧ,education|
+ͷ N thought|ͷ
+ N tool|þ,*recite|ж,#text|,religion|ڽ
+߶ V talk|̸
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,female|Ů,adult|
+ N community|,family|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N humanized|,female|Ů
+ N human|,royal|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,female|Ů,adult|
+Ӿ N army|,female|Ů
+ V ResultIn|
+ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ V produce|,industrial|
+ V ResultIn|
+ V produce|,PatientProduct=drinks|Ʒ
+ V produce|,industrial|
+ N bird|
+ N bird|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+ N bird|
+ N tool|þ,space|ռ,@detain|ס,#bird|
+ V cry|,agent=bird|
+ﻨ N attribute|,scene|,good|,&place|ط
+ N part|,%bird|,mouth|
+ V investigate|
+ V look|
+ V excrete|й
+ N liquid|Һ,%AnimalHuman|,waste|,$excrete|й
+ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ N fact|,check|,#liquid|Һ,medical|ҽ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#excrete|й
+ N disease|
+֢ N disease|
+ N chemical|ѧ,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+Һ N liquid|Һ,%AnimalHuman|,waste|,$excrete|й
+ V forge|α
+ V press|ѹ
+ V produce|
+ V forge|α
+ N human|,*forge|α
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V bite|ҧ
+ V bite|ҧ
+ ADJ connect|
+ V connect|
+ N tool|þ,*pick|ʰ
+ N metal|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ PRON {SecondPerson|}
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|
+ˮ N drinks|Ʒ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+֭ N drinks|Ʒ
+ V StateChange|̬
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ
+ V StateChange|̬
+ V StateChange|̬
+ N StateChange|̬
+ V StateChange|̬
+ N attribute|,strength|,&entity|ʵ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ
+ V look|
+ N human|,look|
+ V look|
+Ѫø N medicine|ҩ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,passive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,countenance|,stately|ׯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hue|Ũ,NotLight|Ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+ ADV {modality|}
+ ADV {modality|}
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ļ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ը ADV {modality|}
+š V press|ѹ
+ţ N aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+ţ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ţ N livestock|
+ţ N LandVehicle|
+ţ N medicine|ҩ
+ţ N livestock|,young|
+ţ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,ProperName|ר,(UK|Ӣ)
+ţ N unit|λ,&strength|
+ţ N medicine|ҩ
+ţ N part|,%livestock|,*feel|
+ţ N humanized|,agricultural|ũ
+ţ N celestial|
+ţ N drinks|Ʒ
+ţ N food|ʳƷ
+ţƤ N material|,?clothing|,?tool|þ
+ţƤֽ N paper|ֽ,*wrap|
+ţ N food|ʳƷ
+ţͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ţ N beast|
+ţ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*foster|,#livestock|
+ţп N clothing|,#leg|
+Ť V hold|
+Ť V rotate|ת
+Ť V turn|Ťת
+Ť V wounded|
+Ť V fight|
+Ť V rotate|ת
+Ť N beast|
+Ť V twine|
+Ť V alter|ı,StateIni=InDebt|,StateFin=earn|
+ŤΪӯ V alter|ı,StateIni=InDebt|,StateFin=earn|
+Ťӯ V alter|ı,StateIni=InDebt|,StateFin=earn|
+Ť V pretend|װ
+Ť V alter|ı
+Ť V wounded|
+Ť V catch|ס,transport|
+Ťͷ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=head|ͷ
+Ťͷ V TurnRound|
+Ť V perform|,content=shows|,entertainment|
+Ťת V CausePartMove|
+Ťת V reverse|ߵ
+Ťת V turn|Ťת
+ť N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ť N part|,%clothing|,*fasten|˩
+ť N part|,%implement|,hand|
+ť N part|,%clothing|,*fasten|˩
+Ŧ N part|,%clothing|,*fasten|˩
+Ŧ N part|,%implement|,hand|
+Ŧ N entity|ʵ,*tie|
+Ŧ N part|,%clothing|,*fasten|˩
+Ŧױ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Germany|¹)
+ŦԼ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ŦԼ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+Ŧ N part|,%clothing|,*fasten|˩
+Ŧ N part|,%clothing|,*fasten|˩
+ŧ N liquid|Һ,%AnimalHuman|,waste|,$excrete|й
+ŧ N disease|
+ŧ N human|,undesired|ݬ,unable|ӹ
+ŧ N disease|
+ŧ N disease|
+ŧ N disease|
+Ũ ADJ aValue|ֵ,concentration|Ũ,concentrated|
+Ũ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hue|Ũ,NotLight|Ũ
+Ũ ADJ aValue|ֵ,intensity|ǿ,strong|ǿ
+Ũ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,NotLight|Ũ
+Ũ N attribute|,hue|Ũ,&color|ɫ
+Ũ N attribute|,concentration|Ũ,&liquid|Һ
+Ũ ADJ aValue|ֵ,concentration|Ũ,concentrated|
+Ũ ADJ aValue|ֵ,intensity|ǿ,strong|ǿ
+Ũ ADJ aValue|ֵ,intensity|ǿ,strong|ǿ
+Ũ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,dense|
+Ũ V StateChange|̬,industrial|
+Ũ N StateChange|̬,industrial|
+Ũ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+Ũ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,NotLight|Ũ,desired|
+Ũ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,NotLight|Ũ,desired|
+Ũ ADJ aValue|ֵ,concentration|Ũ,concentrated|
+ũ N affairs|,agricultural|ũ
+ũ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ũ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ
+ũƷ N artifact|˹,agricultural|ũ,#crop|ׯ,generic|ͳ
+ũ N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,agricultural|ũ
+ũ N place|ط,village|
+ũ˿ N human|,*function|,village|
+ũ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,#agricultural|ũ,education|
+ũ N part|,%institution|,#agricultural|ũ,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ũ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ
+ũƷ N artifact|˹
+ũ N affairs|,agricultural|ũ,industrial|,commercial|
+ũ N community|,family|,agricultural|ũ
+ũ N affairs|,agricultural|ũ
+ũ N machine|,agricultural|ũ
+ũ N tool|þ,agricultural|ũ
+ũ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#agricultural|ũ
+ũ N human|,agricultural|ũ
+ũ N implement|,agricultural|ũ,generic|ͳ
+ũ N tool|þ,agricultural|ũ,generic|ͳ
+ũԺ N InstitutePlace|,*research|о,#knowledge|֪ʶ,#agricultural|ũ
+ũ N affairs|,agricultural|ũ
+ũ N law|ɷ,#time|ʱ
+ũ N time|ʱ,month|
+ũ N time|ʱ,month|
+ũ N affairs|,agricultural|ũ
+ũó N affairs|,agricultural|ũ,commercial|
+ũ N community|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ
+ũ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ
+ũ N affairs|,agricultural|ũ
+ũҵ N affairs|,agricultural|ũ
+ũū N human|,agricultural|ũ
+ũū N human|
+ũ N house|,agricultural|ũ
+ũʱ N time|ʱ,@engage|,#agricultural|ũ
+ũ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ũ N time|ʱ,@pause|ͣ,#agricultural|ũ
+ũ N InstitutePlace|,@SetAside|,@TakeBack|ȡ,@lend|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|,(China|й)
+ũѧԺ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,#agricultural|ũ,education|
+ũҩ N chemical|ѧ,#agricultural|ũ
+ũҵ N affairs|,agricultural|ũ
+ũҵ N institution|,#agricultural|ũ,ProperName|ר,politics|
+ũҵ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ
+ũҵ˰ N expenditure|
+ũʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,#knowledge|֪ʶ,agricultural|ũ
+ũ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,agricultural|ũ
+ũ N crop|ׯ,generic|ͳ
+Ū V CauseToDo|ʹ
+Ū V PlayWith|Ū
+Ū V WhileAway|
+Ū V do|
+Ū V handle|
+Ū V take|ȡ
+Ū V CauseToDo|ʹ
+Ū V TryToKnow|Ū
+Ū V damage|
+Ū V damage|
+Ū V MakeTrouble|
+Ū V TryToKnow|Ū
+Ūɳ V fail|ʧ
+Ū V TryToKnow|Ū
+Ū V TryToKnow|Ū
+Ū V kill|ɱ
+Ū N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+Ū V deceive|ƭ
+Ū V damage|
+Ū V pollute|ʹ
+Ū V damage|
+ū N human|,employee|Ա
+ū N human|,undesired|ݬ,*MakeBad|Ӻ
+ū V ize|̬
+ū N human|,employee|Ա
+ū N organization|֯
+ū N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,passive|,undesired|ݬ,&human|
+ū N system|ƶ
+ū N human|,*own|
+ū N human|,employee|Ա
+ūϥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,undesired|ݬ
+ū V damage|
+Ŭ V CausePartMove|
+Ŭ³ķ N money|,(Bhutan|)
+ŬⰢ巨 N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Tonga|)
+Ŭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+Ŭ V endeavour|
+Ŭ߿Ф N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Mauritania|ë)
+Ŭ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=mouth|
+ŭ V angry|
+ŭ N emotion|,angry|,undesired|ݬ
+ŭɶ V angry|
+ŭ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ŭ V angry|
+ŭ V ExpressAnger|ʾŭ
+ŭ V angry|
+ŭ V MakeSound|
+ŭ V MakeSound|
+ŭ V cry|
+ŭ N emotion|,angry|,undesired|ݬ
+ŭĿ V ExpressAnger|ʾŭ
+ŭ N emotion|,angry|,undesired|ݬ
+ŭ V look|,manner=angry|
+ŭ N water|ˮ,strong|ǿ
+ŭɫ V ExpressAnger|ʾŭ
+Ů ADJ aValue|ֵ,sex|Ա,female|Ů
+Ů N human|,family|,female|Ů,young|
+Ů N human|,female|Ů
+Ů N human|,female|Ů,rich|
+Ů N human|,female|Ů,*protect|
+Ů N human|,*fight|,female|Ů,military|
+Ů N room|,#female|Ů,@excrete|й
+ŮԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,female|Ů,employee|Ա,#LandVehicle|
+Ů N fact|,compete|,sport|,#female|Ů
+Ů N sound|,#music|
+ŮԱ N human|,employee|Ա,female|Ů,commercial|,*sell|
+Ů N human|,female|Ů,*mediate|
+Ů N community|,female|Ů,sport|
+Ů N human|,family|,female|Ů
+Ů N human|,female|Ů
+Ů N part|,%community|,#GetMarried|,aspect|
+Ůм N human|,female|Ů,*drive|Ԧ,#aircraft|
+ŮԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,female|Ů,*drive|Ԧ,#aircraft|
+ŮԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,female|Ů,*entertain|д
+Ů N sound|,#music|
+Ů N human|,#occupation|ְλ,female|Ů,*sing|,#music|,entertainment|
+Ů質 N human|,#occupation|ְλ,female|Ů,*sing|,#music|,entertainment|
+Ů N human|,#occupation|ְλ,female|Ů,industrial|
+Ů N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|,female|Ů
+Ů N human|,family|,female|Ů
+Ů N human|,female|Ů
+Ů N human|,female|Ů,young|
+Ů N human|,female|Ů,young|
+Ů N human|,female|Ů,young|
+Ů N human|,royal|,female|Ů
+Ů̳ N human|,female|Ů,*receive|
+Ůҳ N human|,female|Ů,official|,family|
+Ů N human|,#occupation|ְλ,female|Ů,*supervise|,industrial|
+Ů N human|,official|,military|
+Ů N human|,wise|,female|Ů,desired|
+Ů N human|,#occupation|ְλ,female|Ů,official|,commercial|
+Ů N human|,#occupation|ְλ,female|Ů,police|
+Ů N human|,official|,female|Ů,police|
+Ů N human|,family|,female|Ů
+Ů N fact|,exercise|,sport|,#female|Ů
+Ů N human|,female|Ů,adult|
+Ů N human|,#occupation|ְλ,female|Ů,agricultural|ũ,*catch|ס,#beast|
+Ů N human|,female|Ů
+Ůðռ N human|,female|Ů,*venture|ð
+Ů N fact|,exercise|,sport|,#female|Ů
+Ůͽ N human|,female|Ů,undesired|ݬ,betray|,treacherous|
+Ů N human|,female|Ů,friend|
+Ů N human|,employee|Ա,female|Ů
+Ůǿ N human|,female|Ů,able|,desired|
+Ů N human|,female|Ů,family|
+Ů N community|,religion|ڽ
+Ů N human|,*clean|ʹ,employee|Ա,female|Ů
+ŮȨ N rights|Ȩ,#human|,female|Ů
+Ů N human|,family|,female|Ů
+Ů N human|,female|Ů
+Ůɱ N human|,female|Ů,*kill|ɱ,undesired|ݬ,crime|
+Ůɳ N human|,female|Ů,royal|,(Russia|˹)
+Ů N humanized|,female|Ů
+Ů N sound|,#music|
+Ů N human|,female|Ů,*study|ѧ,education|
+Ůʫ N human|,female|Ů,*compile|༭,literature|
+Ůʿ N human|,female|Ů,adult|
+Ůг N human|,female|Ů,official|,#city|
+Ů˫ N fact|,compete|,sport|,#female|Ů
+Ů˾ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,female|Ů,*drive|Ԧ,#LandVehicle|
+Ůͯ N human|,female|Ů,young|
+ŮͯӾ N human|,young|,#military|,female|Ů
+Ů N human|,royal|,female|Ů
+Ů N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ŮУ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,female|Ů,official|,education|
+Ůż N human|,#occupation|ְλ,female|Ů,*gather|ɼ,*compile|༭,#news|
+Ů ADJ aValue|ֵ,sex|Ա,female|Ů
+Ů N attribute|,sex|Ա,female|Ů,&human|
+Ů N human|,female|Ů
+Ů N human|,female|Ů,*kill|ɱ,undesired|ݬ,crime|
+ŮԺ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,female|Ů,religion|ڽ,official|
+Ů N human|,family|,male|
+Ů˵ N human|,female|Ů,*speak|˵
+ŮԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*perform|,female|Ů,entertainment|
+Ůħ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ,evil|,female|Ů
+Ůҵ N human|,female|Ů,*employ|,commercial|
+ŮӶ N human|,employee|Ա,female|Ů
+ŮӶ N human|,employee|Ա,female|Ů
+Ů N human|,female|Ů,friend|
+ŮԤԼ N human|,female|Ů,*predict|Ԥ
+Ů N sound|,#music|
+Ů N human|,female|Ů,*entertain|д
+Ůϯ N human|,female|Ů,official|
+Ůװ N clothing|,#female|Ů
+Ů N human|,female|Ů,adult|
+Ůܶ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,female|Ů,official|
+Ů N fact|,exercise|,sport|,#female|Ů
+Ů N human|,female|Ů,past|
+ů V WarmUp|
+ů ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,warm|
+ů N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,house|,*planting|ֲ,#plant|ֲ
+ů V WarmUp|
+ů ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,warm|
+ů ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,warm|
+ů N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#liquid|Һ
+ů N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ
+ů N experience|,excited|
+ůƿ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#liquid|Һ
+ů N facilities|ʩ,*WarmUp|,#building|
+ůķ V soothe|ο
+ůɫ N attribute|,hue|Ũ,&color|ɫ,warm|
+ůˮƿ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#liquid|Һ
+Ű ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+Ű V damage|,crime|
+Űɱ V kill|ɱ,manner=fierce|,crime|
+ű N disease|
+ű N disease|
+ű N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ,*influence|Ӱ,#disease|
+Ų V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+Ų V TakeAway|ᶯ
+Ų N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Norway|Ų)
+Ų V recompense|
+Ų V TakeAway|ᶯ
+Ų V borrow|,commercial|
+Ų ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Norway|Ų)
+Ų N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+Ų N money|,(Norway|Ų)
+Ų N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ŲѶ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+ŲѶ V TakeAway|ᶯ,patient=family|
+Ų V cheat|ƭ
+Ų V use|,commercial|
+Ųù N human|,*cheat|ƭ,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ų ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ų N human|,undesired|ݬ,timid|
+ų ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,timid|,undesired|ݬ
+ų ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+Ŵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,stickiness|,sticky|
+Ŵ N crop|ׯ
+Ŵ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ŵ N text|,$admit|
+ŵ N human|,ProperName|ר
+ŵ N tool|þ,*reward|,$GiveAsGift|,desired|
+ŵ N human|,$reward|
+ŵ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(France|)
+ŵ N information|Ϣ,*MakeAppointment|Լ,#bear|е
+Ŷ ECHO sound|
+ŷ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ŷ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ŷ N institution|,ProperName|ר
+ŷ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=foreign|
+ŷ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ŷķ CLAS unit|λ,&resistance|
+ŷ N institution|,ProperName|ר
+ŷǴ½ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ŷ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ŷԪ N money|,(Europe|ŷ)
+ŷԪ N place|ط,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ŷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ŷ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ŷͬ N institution|,ProperName|ר
+ŷùͬ N institution|,ProperName|ר
+ŷ N human|,(Europe|ŷ)
+Ÿ N bird|
+Ź V beat|
+Ź N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Ź V beat|
+ź N fruit|ˮ
+ź N food|ʳƷ
+ź N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ź ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,purple|
+źɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,grey|
+Ż V vomit|³
+Ż V StomachTrouble|֢
+Ż V vomit|³
+Ż N human|,*StomachTrouble|֢,medical|ҽ
+ŻѪ V endeavour|
+ŻѪ V bleed|Ѫ,means=vomit|³
+ż N human|,$believe|
+ż N human|,family|,mass|
+ż N human|,friend|
+ż N image|ͼ
+ż ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,double|
+żȾ N material|,*AlterColor|ɫ
+ż ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ż ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ż ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ż ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ż V fit|ʺ
+żȻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+żȻ N attribute|,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż,&event|¼
+ż N thing|,$respect|
+Ž V soak|
+Ž N material|,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ
+ſ V FallDown|
+ V climb|ʵ
+ V crawl|
+ N beast|
+ N LandVehicle|
+ V climb|ʵ
+ V crawl|
+Ӿ V exercise|,sport|
+ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ﲩ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Surinam|)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ԭ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ V fear|
+ V guess|²
+ ADV {comment|}
+ V shy|
+ N SportTool|˶
+ V TakePicture|
+ V beat|
+ V please|ȡ
+ V post|ʼ
+ ... ƨ V please|ȡ
+İо V praise|佱
+İ N MusicTool|
+İ V beat|,commercial|
+İ V decide|
+İ V recreation|,entertainment|
+Ĵ V beat|
+ķ V post|ʼ
+ƨ V please|ȡ
+ N human|,*please|ȡ
+ V sell|,commercial|
+ V sell|,manner=HaveContest|,commercial|
+Ƭ V produce|,#shows|
+ V TakePicture|
+ V beat|,PartOfTouch=hand|
+ V praise|佱
+ V TakePicture|
+ֽ N account|,*record|¼
+ N SportTool|˶
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&music|,&language|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&physical|
+ V PutInOrder|
+ V discharge|
+ V drain|ų
+ V drill|ϰ,entertainment|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N part|,%army|
+ V push|
+ N ship|
+Ű V PutInOrder|,#print|ӡˢ
+ų ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ų N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ų N attribute|,performance|,discharge|,&thing|
+ų V discharge|
+ų V drain|ų
+ų V remove|
+ų V discharge|
+ŵ N part|,%vehicle|ͨ,*drive|Ԧ,#speed|ٶ
+Ŷ V PutInOrder|
+ŷ V PutInOrder|
+ŷ V drain|ų
+Ź N food|ʳƷ
+Ź V irrigate|,agricultural|ũ
+Żʿ N human|,*oppose|
+ż V discharge|
+Ž V mediate|
+ V drain|ų,content=liquid|Һ,agricultural|ũ
+ V drill|ϰ,entertainment|
+ V PutInOrder|
+ V put|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ V GiveBirth|
+ N attribute|,sequence|,#compete|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ѽ V mediate|
+ V excrete|й,patient=gas|,industrial|
+Dz V WhileAway|
+ N SportTool|˶
+ V drain|ų
+ɽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ˮ V drain|ų,patient=liquid|Һ
+ˮ N facilities|ʩ,@drain|ų,#water|ˮ
+ˮ N facilities|ʩ,@drain|ų,#water|ˮ
+ˮ N quantity|,amount|,&ship|
+ N attribute|,performance|,discharge|,&thing|
+ͷ N human|,$study|ѧ,$imitate|ģ,desired|
+ͷ N human|,*fight|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,unfamiliar|϶,undesired|ݬ
+ V oppose|
+ V drain|ų,patient=waste|
+й V drain|ų
+й V excrete|й,medical|ҽ
+йϵͳ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|,*excrete|й
+ N attribute|,clan|,&human|
+а N account|,@record|¼,sequence|,#compete|
+ V arrange|,patient=sequence|
+ V drill|ϰ,entertainment|
+ӡ V print|ӡˢ
+ǽ V remove|,content=difficult|
+ӳ N LandVehicle|
+ N attribute|,name|,&artifact|˹
+ N mark|־
+ N tool|þ,*recreation|
+Ʒ N facilities|ʩ,religion|ڽ
+ƺ N mark|־,#InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+ƺ N mark|־,commercial|
+Ƽ N attribute|,price|۸,&physical|,commercial|
+λ N tool|þ,*salute|¾,#die|
+ N document|,*prove|֤,#vehicle|ͨ
+ N attribute|,name|,&artifact|˹
+ N mark|־
+ N tool|þ,@write|д
+ǻ V QuantityChange|,commercial|
+ǻ V hesitate|ԥ
+ǻ V roam|
+ V CauseToBe|ʹ֮
+ N attribute|,style|,&human|
+ N attribute|,style|,&physical|
+ N community|
+ N community|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ V dispatch|Dz
+ V issue|ַ
+ɱ N community|
+ɲ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ɳ N institution|,police|
+Dz V dispatch|Dz
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ
+ V associate|
+ V climb|ʵ
+ V tie|
+ʱ V protest|,means=CompareTo|
+ʳ V tie|
+ʵ V climb|ʵ
+ʵ N human|,*climb|ʵ
+ V SeekRefuge|Ͷ,partner=power|
+ V associate|
+ V climb|ʵ
+̸ V talk|̸
+Ե V climb|ʵ
+Ե V endeavour|
+ V break|۶
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&fact|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|
+ N attribute|,price|۸,&inanimate|
+ V build|
+ V check|
+ V circle|
+ V sell|,commercial|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#edible|ʳ
+̰ V rob|
+̲ V check|
+̳ N tool|þ,*measure|,#weight|
+̴ V check|
+̵ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+̵ V check|
+̶ N food|ʳƷ
+̸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,mixed|,undesired|ݬ
+̻ V stay|ͣ
+̻ V check|,content=artifact|˹,commercial|
+̾ V situated|
+̿ V check|,content=artifact|˹,commercial|
+Ū V PlayWith|Ū
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+ V coil|
+ V plan|ƻ
+ V think|˼
+ N part|,%building|,nerve|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=leg|
+ V interrogate|
+ N tool|þ,*salute|¾,$burn|
+ V circle|
+ V stay|ͣ
+ N livestock|
+ V check|,content=account|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#edible|ʳ
+ڵ V ask|
+ڵ V interrogate|
+ N stone|ʯ
+ʯ N stone|ʯ
+ V expect|
+ V look|
+ͷ N entity|ʵ,$expect|
+ V expect|
+ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+ N part|,%land|½,edge|,agricultural|ũ
+ V distinguish|ֱ
+ V judge|ö
+ V judge|ö,police|
+б V distinguish|ֱ
+д V punish|,police|
+ж V judge|ö
+ж V judge|ö
+ж N judge|ö
+ж V judge|ö
+ж N result|,#judge|ö
+ж N attribute|,ability|,*judge|ö,&physical|
+жȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,upright|,desired|
+о N attribute|,standard|,&entity|ʵ
+о V judge|ö
+о N document|,*judge|ö
+ N example|ʵ,police|,#fact|
+ V distinguish|ֱ
+ V differ|ͬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,different|
+ V punish|,police|
+ V punish|,police|
+ V betray|
+ V uprise|,crime|
+ѱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+ѱ V betray|
+ѱ V betray|,crime|
+ѹ V betray|,target=country|
+Ѿ N army|
+ V betray|
+ V uprise|
+ V betray|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+ V uprise|
+ͽ N human|,*betray|,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Ӵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+Ȼ N AnimalHuman|,big|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,mixed|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,branch|֧
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,other|
+ N location|λ,edge|
+ N part|,%character|
+Ա ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|
+Ա N location|λ,edge|
+Թ V look|
+Թ N human|,*look|
+Լ V relate|й
+· N part|,implement|,electricity|
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ò ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,tactful|
+ N human|,other|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ V study|ѧ,education|
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ V quote|
+֤ N information|Ϣ,*explain|˵
+֧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clan|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,fat|
+ִ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ֺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,fat|
+ N {fatness|}
+ͷ N fish|
+ N human|,fat|
+ V put|
+ V throw|
+ V brighten|ʹ,industrial|
+ê V OutOfOrder|
+ê V stay|ͣ
+ê N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#ship|,@stay|ͣ
+ V abandon|
+ V sell|,commercial|
+ͷ¶ V appear|
+ N image|ͼ,linear|
+ V throw|
+ V MakeSound|
+ V cry|
+ V cut|,industrial|
+ V dig|ھ
+ V subtract|
+ N tool|þ
+ٱ N drinks|Ʒ,ice|
+ٴ N machine|,*produce|
+ٴ N tool|þ
+ٵ N tool|þ
+ٸ V investigate|
+ٹ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ N tool|þ
+ V cook|,medical|ҽ
+ N tool|þ,*recreation|
+ N weapon|,*firing|
+ڱ N army|,*firing|
+ڱ N human|,*firing|,military|
+ڵ N weapon|,$firing|
+ڻ N human|,military|
+ڻ N fire|
+ڻ V firing|,military|
+ڽ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+¥ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|,@defend|
+ N sound|
+ͧ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+Ͳ N human|,#speak|˵
+λ N location|λ,@firing|,military|
+ N part|,%facilities|ʩ,@firing|,military|
+ N part|,%facilities|ʩ,mine|
+ N tool|þ,*WhileAway|,*congratulate|ף
+ V cook|,medical|ҽ
+ V forge|α
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ N human|,friend|
+ N clothing|,#body|
+˵dz V undertake|,content=official|
+ V engage|
+ V flee|
+ V run|
+ܱ N tool|þ,*tell|,#time|ʱ
+ܲ V run|
+ܳ N SportTool|˶,#LandVehicle|
+ܵ V engage|,content=commercial|,manner=single|
+ܵ N part|,%facilities|ʩ,route|·,#aircraft|,@slide|
+ܵ N part|,%facilities|ʩ,route|·,@compete|,sport|
+ܵ V AppearanceChange|۱,scope=SoundQuality|,StateFin=improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ܶ V StomachTrouble|֢
+ܽ V MakeLiving|ı,means=perform|
+ V engage|
+ V perform|,entertainment|
+ V compete|,sport|
+ V exercise|
+ܵߵ V endeavour|
+ö N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeCare|,#InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+ V AppearanceChange|۱,scope=content|,StateFin=improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ȶ V engage|
+Ь N SportTool|˶,#clothing|,#foot|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&stone|ʯ,#waste|,#excrete|й
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tightness|ɽ,loose|
+ N shape|
+ N shape|,loose|
+ N shape|,round|Բ
+ V slack|͵
+ V soak|
+ݲ V pretend|װ,content=ill|̬,purpose=slack|͵
+ݲ N food|ʳƷ
+ݲ V cook|,PatientProduct=drinks|Ʒ
+ݷ V cook|,PatientProduct=food|ʳƷ
+ݷ N food|ʳƷ
+Ģ V MakeTrouble|
+Ģ V slack|͵
+ĭ N gas|,#liquid|Һ,round|Բ
+ĭ N tool|þ,*remove|,#fire|
+ĭ N material|
+ɴ N material|,?clothing|
+ V fail|ʧ
+ͩ N tree|
+Ӱ N thinking|˼,empty|
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ N part|,%animate|,embryo|
+߸ N part|,%plant|ֲ,base|
+̥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,embryo|
+ѿ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ V cultivate|
+ V install|װ
+ V pile|ѷ
+ V repair|
+ѵ V teach|
+ѵ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ
+ V cultivate|
+ V cultivate|,medical|ҽ
+ V cultivate|
+ֲ V cultivate|
+ֲ V planting|ֲ
+ֲ V teach|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V InDebt|,commercial|
+ V recompense|
+Ȿ V InDebt|,possession=fund|ʽ,commercial|
+ⲻ V apologize|Ǹ
+⳥ V recompense|
+ V recompense|,possession=wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ V apologize|Ǹ
+Ǹ V apologize|Ǹ
+Ǯ V InDebt|
+Ǯ V pay|,possession=money|
+Ц V apologize|Ǹ
+ V InDebt|,possession=wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ V apologize|Ǹ
+ V follow|
+ V follow|
+ V ServeAsFoil|
+ N tool|þ,*GiveAsGift|,#GetMarried|,generic|ͳ
+ V undertake|,content=judge|ö,police|
+ N community|,*judge|ö,police|
+Ա N human|,*judge|ö,police|
+ V GiveAsGift|,purpose=MarryTo|
+ N tool|þ,*GiveAsGift|,#GetMarried|,generic|ͳ
+ͬ V follow|
+Ц V please|ȡ
+ N sound|
+ V bury|
+ V MarryTo|
+ V fit|ʺ
+ V issue|ַ
+ V mating|
+ V mix|
+ V seek|ıȡ,fit|ʺ
+ V worth|ֵ
+䱸 V arrange|
+䱸 V arrange|,military|
+䱸 N machine|,generic|ͳ
+ N quantity|,rate|,&mix|
+䲻һ V FitNot|
+ N edible|ʳ
+ N fact|,issue|ַ,#electricity|
+ N room|
+ V mating|
+ N quantity|,amount|,$delimit|,&entity|ʵ
+䷽ V produce|,PatientProduct=medicine|ҩ,medical|ҽ
+ V issue|ַ
+ V cooperate|
+ V coordinate|Э
+ N fact|,cooperate|
+Ĭ N mental|,#coordinate|Э,desired|
+ N part|,generic|ͳ
+ N human|,*help|
+ N human|,entertainment|
+ V mix|,patient=material|
+¥ N house|
+ż N human|,family|
+ V mix|,patient=MusicTool|
+ɫ V mix|,patient=color|ɫ
+ V sell|
+ V include|,military|
+ V fit|ʺ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+׳ V forming|γ,PatientProduct=complete|
+Ϸ V perform|,entertainment|
+ҩ V produce|,PatientProduct=medicine|ҩ,medical|ҽ
+ V MakeSound|
+ V arrange|
+ V arrange|,military|
+ V produce|
+ V produce|,medical|ҽ
+ V mating|,agricultural|ũ
+ V PutOn|,Vgoingon|չ
+ V respect|
+ V PutOn|,Vgoingon|չ
+ V PutOn|,Vgoingon|չ
+ V respect|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&plant|ֲ
+ V jet|
+ V jet|
+緢 V jet|
+緹 ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+緹 V laugh|Ц
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,*spray|,#liquid|Һ
+ V irrigate|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,*spray|,#liquid|Һ
+ V decorate|װ
+ N material|,liquid|Һ,*decorate|װ
+ V jet|
+ɻʻԱ N human|,*drive|Ԧ,#aircraft|
+ʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+ʽɻ N aircraft|
+Ȫ N facilities|ʩ,@jet|,#liquid|Һ
+ V spray|
+ V jet|
+Ϳ V apply|ͿĨ
+ N tool|þ,*moisten|ʪ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,fragrant|,desired|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,*moisten|ʪ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#liquid|Һ,#wash|ϴ
+ N land|½
+軨 N FlowerGrass|
+辰 N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ǻ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$planting|ֲ
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ ECHO sound|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V cook|
+ V cook|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#cook|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#cook|
+ѧ N human|,*cook|
+ V cook|
+ V cook|
+ V spray|
+ V excited|
+ V jet|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tightness|ɽ,loose|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ V aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,disorder|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tightness|ɽ,loose|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,dirty|,undesired|ݬ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@reside|ס,@put|
+ﳵ N LandVehicle|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@reside|ס,@put|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ɰ N material|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N part|,%ship|
+ N part|,%vehicle|ͨ,*cover|ڸ
+ V enlarge|
+ V enlarge|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$enlarge|
+ V enlarge|
+ N human|,friend|
+Ϊ V collude|
+ N human|,friend|
+ N human|,friend|,#love|
+ N bird|
+ V prosper|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|
+ V pick|ʰ
+ V please|ȡ
+ V praise|佱
+ V help|,scope=perform|
+ V please|ȡ
+ V praise|佱
+ V bump|ײ
+ V meet|
+ V touch|
+ V try|
+ V congratulate|ף
+ V fail|ʧ
+ V meet|
+ V fail|ʧ
+ N tool|þ,*shut|ر
+ V meet|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,proper|
+ V meet|
+ N tool|þ,*shut|ر
+ͷ V meet|
+ͷ N fact|,@communicate|
+һӻ V fail|ʧ
+Ӳ V handle|,patient=difficult|
+ײ V bump|ײ
+ N artifact|˹,coarse|
+ N material|,*build|,coarse|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N artifact|˹,coarse|
+˪ N medicine|ҩ,*kill|ɱ
+ N thunder|
+ N thunder|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&physical|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ,desired|
+ V beat|
+ V estimate|
+ N part|,%material|,#clothing|
+ V write|д,ContentProduct=thought|ͷ
+ V estimate|
+ V refute|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V announce|,politics|
+ V sell|,commercial|
+ N attribute|,price|۸,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*sell|,commercial|
+г N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+ V reply|,politics|
+ V amend|
+ҵ V amend|,patient=text|
+ N symbol|
+ N document|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&produce|
+ V produce|,quantity=many|
+ V estimate|
+ N human|,*estimate|
+ V estimate|
+ N human|,*estimate|
+ʾ V express|ʾ,politics|
+ N document|
+ V read|,politics|
+ע N part|,%text|
+ת V write|д,ContentProduct=thought|ͷ,issue|ַ
+ V ExpressAgreement|ʾͬ
+ N human|,*ExpressAgreement|ʾͬ
+ V CausePartMove|
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=OutOfOrder|
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=enlarge|
+ V PutOn|
+ V open|
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,true|,desired|
+ V PutOn|
+ִ V prepare|,content=fight|,military|
+ N clothing|,#body|
+¶ V announce|
+¶ V reveal|¶
+ɢ V CausePartMove|
+ɳ V choose|ѡ,content=heart|
+Ǵ V endeavour|
+ V read|
+ V StripOff|ȥ
+ V beat|
+ V break|۶
+ V damage|
+ V separate|
+ N shape|
+ V split|ƿ
+ N method|,*fight|,military|
+ N tool|þ,*break|۶,*split|ƿ
+ɽ V cut|
+ɽ V cut|,industrial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ N MusicTool|
+ V BeNear|
+ V BeNear|
+ V BeNear|
+ơ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ơ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ơƳ N InstitutePlace|,factory|,*produce|,#drinks|Ʒ
+ơƻ N material|,?drinks|Ʒ
+Ƣ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+Ƣ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&AnimalHuman|
+Ƣ N emotion|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,BadTemper|Ƣ,undesired|ݬ
+Ƣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|
+Ƣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,BadTemper|Ƣ,undesired|ݬ
+Ƣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƣθ N emotion|,FondOf|ϲ
+Ƣ N disease|
+Ƣ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ƣ V tired|ƣ
+ƣ V tired|ƣ
+ƣ V tired|ƣ
+ƣ V tired|ƣ
+ƣ V tired|ƣ
+ƣ V tired|ƣ
+ƣ V tired|ƣ
+ƣ V tired|ƣ
+ƣǿ N attribute|,strength|,withstand|ס,#tired|ƣ,&inanimate|
+ƣ V decline|˥,commercial|
+ƣ V tired|ƣ
+ƣ V tired|ƣ
+ƣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ƣ V slack|͵
+ƣڱ V endeavour|
+ƣڱ V tired|ƣ
+ƣ V slack|͵
+Ƥ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=tough|
+Ƥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,mischievous|
+Ƥ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Ƥ N material|,?clothing|,?furniture|Ҿ
+Ƥ N material|,?tool|þ
+Ƥ N part|,%animate|,skin|Ƥ
+Ƥ N part|,%artifact|˹,skin|Ƥ
+Ƥ N part|,%physical|,skin|Ƥ
+Ƥ N shape|
+Ƥ N tool|þ,*wrap|
+Ƥ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+Ƥ˾ N InstitutePlace|,undesired|ݬ,commercial|
+Ƥͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,bony|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+Ƥ N tool|þ,*measure|,#length|
+Ƥ N fittings|,%clothing|
+Ƥ N part|,%implement|
+Ƥ N tool|þ,$PutOn|
+Ƥ N part|,%implement|
+Ƥ N food|ʳƷ
+Ƥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+Ƥ N disease|
+Ƥֲ N method|,*cure|ҽ
+Ƥ N material|,?clothing|,?furniture|Ҿ
+Ƥ N clothing|,#body|
+Ƥ N artifact|˹,commercial|,generic|ͳ
+Ƥп N clothing|,#body|
+Ƥ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+Ƥ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+Ƥ V wounded|
+Ƥë ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,NotProfound|dz,undesired|ݬ
+Ƥë N knowledge|֪ʶ,NotProfound|dz
+Ƥë N material|,?clothing|,?furniture|Ҿ
+Ƥ N material|
+Ƥ N SportTool|˶
+Ƥ N tool|þ,*WhileAway|
+Ƥʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+Ƥʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,durable|,desired|
+Ƥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#part|,#AnimalHuman|
+Ƥע V cure|ҽ
+Ƥ֯ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+Ƥ N tool|þ,linear|,*transmit|,#electricity|
+Ƥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,NotProfound|dz,undesired|ݬ
+Ƥ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ƤЦⲻЦ V pretend|װ,content=laugh|Ц
+ƤЬ N clothing|,#foot|
+Ƥѥ N clothing|,#foot|
+Ƥ N disease|
+Ƥ N clothing|,#body|
+Ƥ N material|,?clothing|,?furniture|Ҿ
+Ƥ N disease|
+Ƥ֬ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+Ƥֽ N paper|ֽ
+Ƥ N part|,%head|ͷ,AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+Ƥ N material|,?clothing|,?furniture|Ҿ
+ƥ CLAS NounUnit|,&material|,&livestock|
+ƥ V equal|
+ƥ V fit|ʺ
+ƥ V equal|
+ƥ N human|,ordinary|
+ƥ V GetMarried|
+ƥ V fit|ʺ
+Ʀ N disease|
+Ʀ N human|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+Ʀ N human|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+Ƨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,eccentric|Ƨ,undesired|ݬ
+Ƨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+Ƨ N place|ط,far|Զ
+ƨ EXPR expression|,*ExpressDissatisfaction|ʾ
+ƨ N gas|,#AnimalHuman|,waste|
+ƨ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,base|
+ƨ N part|,%animal|,base|
+ƨ N part|,%thing|,waste|,head|ͷ
+Ʃ N example|ʵ
+Ʃ N expression|,#BeSimilar|
+Ʃ ADV {supplement|ݽ}
+Ʃ N expression|,#BeSimilar|
+ƪ CLAS NounUnit|,&text|
+ƪ N text|
+ƪ N attribute|,area|,&paper|ֽ
+ƪ N attribute|,content|,&text|
+ƪĿ N part|,%readings|,content|
+ƪ N text|
+ƫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,biased|ƫ,undesired|ݬ
+ƫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,slanted|
+ƫ V like|ϧ
+ƫ N result|,undesired|ݬ,wrong|
+ƫ N document|,#medicine|ҩ,medical|ҽ
+ƫ V despise|
+ƫ V like|ϧ
+ƫ V protect|
+ƫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,biased|ƫ,undesired|ݬ
+ƫ N thought|ͷ,biased|ƫ,undesired|ݬ
+ƫ N fish|
+ƫ V leave|뿪
+ƫƧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+ƫƧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ƫƫ ADV aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ƫƫ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ƫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,biased|ƫ,undesired|ݬ
+ƫʳ V eat|,medical|ҽ
+ƫ̱ N disease|
+ƫ̻ V protect|,manner=biased|ƫ
+ƫƫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,biased|ƫ,undesired|ݬ
+ƫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,biased|ƫ,undesired|ݬ
+ƫ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,wrong|,&human|,&organization|֯,&event|¼
+ƫ V endorse|ӵ
+ƫб ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,slanted|
+ƫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,biased|ƫ,undesired|ݬ
+ƫ V result|,undesired|ݬ,wrong|
+ƫԶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+ƫ N lights|
+ƫ V ParticularAbout|
+ƫת V rotate|ת
+Ƭ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|
+Ƭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,fragment|
+Ƭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ
+Ƭ V cut|
+Ƭ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+Ƭ N shape|
+Ƭ N payment|,#perform|
+Ƭ N part|,%entity|ʵ
+Ƭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ
+Ƭ N part|,%entity|ʵ
+Ƭ N medicine|ҩ
+Ƭײ V disappear|ʧ,military|
+Ƭײ V disappear|ʧ,military|
+Ƭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+Ƭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,pieced|Ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+Ƭ N attribute|,range|,pieced|Ƭ,&event|¼
+Ƭʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+Ƭ V disappear|ʧ,military|
+Ƭ N shape|
+Ƭ N shows|
+Ƭ N tool|þ,@record|¼
+Ƭ N tool|þ,@record|¼,#music|
+ƭ V deceive|ƭ
+ƭ N fact|,deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+ƭȡ V cheat|ƭ
+ƭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ƭ V deceive|ƭ,human|
+ƭ˵Ķ N entity|ʵ,*deceive|ƭ
+ƭ N method|,*deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+ƭ N human|,*deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ,crime|
+ƭ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,*deceive|ƭ
+Ʈ V float|Ư
+Ʈ V wave|ڶ
+Ʈ V roam|
+Ʈ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,$PutOn|
+Ʈ V float|Ư
+Ʈ V wave|ڶ
+Ʈ V float|Ư
+Ʈ V float|Ư
+Ʈ V decline|˥
+Ʈ V roam|
+ƮƮȻ V satisfied|
+ƮȻ V float|Ư
+Ʈ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,dexterous|,desired|
+Ʈ ADJ aValue|ֵ,demeanor|,gracious|,desired|
+Ʈ V float|Ư
+Ʈ V float|Ư
+Ʈ V wave|ڶ
+Ʈҡ V float|Ư
+Ʈҡ V wave|ڶ
+Ʈ ADJ aValue|ֵ,demeanor|,gracious|,desired|
+Ư V AlterColor|ɫ
+Ư V float|Ư
+Ư V wash|ϴ
+Ư V AlterColor|ɫ
+Ư N material|,*AlterColor|ɫ
+Ư V roam|
+Ư ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+Ư V float|Ư
+Ư ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+Ư ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+Ư V float|Ư
+ƯȾ V AlterColor|ɫ
+Ưϴ V wash|ϴ
+Ư V float|Ư
+ư N tool|þ,cubic|,*TakeOutOfWater|
+ưô N RainSnow|ѩ,strong|ǿ
+Ʊ N bill|Ʊ,*choose|ѡ
+Ʊ N coupon|Ʊ֤,#wealth|Ǯ
+Ʊ N human|,undesired|ݬ,$detain|ס
+Ʊ N money|
+Ʊ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,#coupon|Ʊ֤
+Ʊ N attribute|,price|۸,&coupon|Ʊ֤,commercial|
+Ʊ N bill|Ʊ,#wealth|Ǯ
+Ʊ N quantity|,amount|,&coupon|Ʊ֤,&money|
+Ʊ N tool|þ,cubic|,#select|ѡ
+Ʊѡ V choose|ѡ,politics|
+Ʊ N human|,*FondOf|ϲ,#perform|,#entertainment|
+Ʊ֤ N coupon|Ʊ֤
+Ʊ N bill|Ʊ,#wealth|Ǯ
+Ʊ N money|
+Ʋ V TakeOutOfWater|
+Ʋ V abandon|
+Ʋ N part|,%character|
+Ʋ V throw|
+Ʋ V abandon|
+Ʋ V abandon|
+Ʋ V despise|
+Ƴ V look|
+Ƴ V perception|֪
+ƴ V endeavour|
+ƴ V endeavour|
+ƴ V fight|,military|
+ƴ V merge|ϲ
+ƴ V fasten|˩
+ƴ V endeavour|
+ƴ N food|ʳƷ
+ƴ V endeavour|
+ƴͼϷ N fact|,recreation|
+ƴд V write|д
+ƴ N MakeSound|
+ƴ N character|
+Ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+Ƶ N attribute|,frequency|Ƶ,&event|¼
+Ƶ V appear|
+Ƶ N attribute|,range|,&frequency|Ƶ
+Ƶ N facilities|ʩ,#disseminate|
+Ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+Ƶ N attribute|,frequency|Ƶ,&event|¼
+ƵƵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+Ƶ N phenomena|,sound|
+Ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ƶ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|,undesired|ݬ
+ƶ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|,undesired|ݬ
+ƶ N attribute|,richness|ƶ,&human|,&organization|֯
+ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵,undesired|ݬ
+ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ƶ N community|,family|,poor|
+ƶ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=poor|
+ƶ N human|,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ƶ N attribute|,richness|ƶ,poor|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ƶũ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ
+ƶѪ N disease|
+ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,barren|,undesired|ݬ
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ
+Ʒ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+Ʒ N attribute|,quality|,&inanimate|
+Ʒ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&physical|
+Ʒ V savor|
+Ʒ V savor|,patient=drinks|Ʒ
+Ʒ V savor|
+Ʒ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+Ʒ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+Ʒ N attribute|,style|,&text|
+Ʒ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+Ʒ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&human|,official|,royal|
+Ʒ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&physical|
+Ʒ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,blue|
+Ʒ N attribute|,kind|,&entity|ʵ,&aValue|ֵ,&attribute|
+Ʒ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+Ʒ N attribute|,name|,&artifact|˹
+Ʒ N attribute|,name|,&artifact|˹
+Ʒ V estimate|
+Ʒͷ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+Ʒͷ V estimate|
+Ʒ CLAS unit|λ,&volume|ݻ
+Ʒζ N attribute|,style|,&physical|
+Ʒζ V savor|
+Ʒζ V think|˼
+Ʒλ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&human|,official|,royal|
+Ʒλ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&physical|
+Ʒ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+Ʒ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+Ʒѧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,good|,desired|
+Ʒ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,blue|
+Ʒ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+Ʒ N attribute|,quality|,&entity|ʵ
+Ʒ N attribute|,kind|,&animate|
+Ʒ N attribute|,kind|,&physical|
+Ʒ V savor|,patient=drinks|Ʒ
+Ƹ V MarryTo|
+Ƹ V employ|
+Ƹ N tool|þ,$GiveAsGift|,#GetMarried|
+Ƹ N time|ʱ,@undertake|
+Ƹ V employ|
+Ƹ V invite|
+Ƹ V CauseToBe|ʹ֮
+Ƹ V employ|
+Ƹ N system|ƶ,#employ|
+Ƹ N document|,#employ|
+ƸΪ V CauseToBe|ʹ֮
+Ƹ V employ|
+ƹ ECHO sound|
+ƹ N fact|,exercise|,sport|
+ƹ N SportTool|˶
+ƹ N fact|,exercise|,sport|
+ƹ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+ƹ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+ƹ̳ N community|,sport|
+ƺ N land|½
+ƺ CLAS unit|λ,&area|
+ƻ N character|,(China|й)
+ƻ N fruit|ˮ
+ƻ N food|ʳƷ,#fruit|ˮ
+ƻ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ,#fruit|ˮ
+ƻ N aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+ƻ N tree|,#fruit|ˮ
+ƻ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#fruit|ˮ,#tree|,agricultural|ũ
+Ƽ N FlowerGrass|
+Ƽˮ V meet|
+ƽ V AlterForm|״,level|ƽ
+ƽ V BeSame|ͬ
+ƽ V BeSame|ͬ,sport|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,level|ƽ
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,average|
+ƽ V attack|,military|,police|
+ƽ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ƽ V equal|
+ƽ V equal|,sport|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,safe|,desired|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,level|ƽ
+ƽ峵 N LandVehicle|
+ƽ N tool|þ,*print|ӡˢ
+ƽ V prosper|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,average|
+ƽ N land|½
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ƽ N aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ƽ N attribute|,similarity|ͬ,alike|,&entity|ʵ
+ƽȻ N attribute|,similarity|ͬ,alike|,&entity|ʵ
+ƽ V PutInOrder|,patient=earth|,agricultural|ũ
+ƽ N land|½,surfacial|
+ƽط粨 N fact|,disorder|
+ƽط粨 N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,disorder|,#unfortunate|
+ƽһ V happen|,manner=sudden|
+ƽ V attack|,military|,police|
+ƽ V calm|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+ƽ V amend|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,surfacial|
+ƽ CLAS unit|λ,&area|
+ƽ CLAS unit|λ,&area|
+ƽӢ CLAS unit|λ,&area|
+ƽӢ CLAS unit|λ,&size|ߴ,&area|
+ƽ N house|
+ƽ V put|,result=level|ƽ
+ƽ V separate|
+ƽɫ V equal|
+ƽ V BeRecovered|ԭ
+ƽ V calm|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,even|,desired|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ƽ V equal|
+ƽ N attribute|,strength|,&physical|
+ƽľ N SportTool|˶
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,polished|
+ƽ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ƽ N attribute|,price|۸,$stabilize|ʹ,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ƽ V stabilize|ʹ,patient=price|۸,commercial|
+ƽ N image|ͼ,angular|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,safe|,desired|
+ƽ N attribute|,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|,&entity|ʵ
+ƽ V BeSame|ͬ,sport|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ƽ N attribute|,PhysicsPower|,standard|
+ƽ N quantity|,amount|,&entity|ʵ
+ƽֵ N quantity|,amount|,&entity|ʵ
+ƽ N thinking|˼
+ƽ V put|
+ƽ N wind|
+ƽ¯ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@produce|,#metal|
+ƽ CLAS unit|λ,&area|
+ƽ N image|ͼ,surfacial|
+ƽͼ N image|ͼ
+ƽ N human|,ordinary|
+ƽ N time|ʱ,year|
+ƽ N time|ʱ,year|,#crop|ׯ
+ƽƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,average|
+ƽƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,safe|,desired|
+ƽƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+ƽֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ
+ƽֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ƽֱ V explain|˵
+ƽƽ V equal|
+ƽ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(North Korea|)
+ƽ N time|ʱ,ordinary|
+ƽ N material|,?clothing|,?tool|þ
+ƽ N sound|,#language|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ƽ N time|ʱ,#alive|
+ƽʱ N time|ʱ,ordinary|
+ƽʱ N time|ʱ,peaceful|,^fight|
+ƽ V BeSame|ͬ,sport|
+ƽ˳ V lucky|
+ƽ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ƽ̨ N part|,%building|,space|ռ
+ƽ̹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,level|ƽ
+ƽ V LieDown|
+ƽ V add|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+ƽ V LieDown|
+ƽϢ V BeRecovered|ԭ
+ƽϢ V attack|,military|,police|
+ƽϢ V calm|
+ƽ N facilities|ʩ,mine|,space|ռ
+ƽĶ V estimate|
+ƽľ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,alike|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|,alike|
+ƽ V AlterLocation|ռλ
+ƽ V stabilize|ʹ
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,easy|,desired|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ƽӹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,average|
+ƽ N fish|
+ƽԭ N land|½,surfacial|
+ƽ N time|ʱ,month|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ƽչ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,level|ƽ
+ƽ V AlterForm|״,level|ƽ
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,level|ƽ
+ƽװ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$store|
+ƽ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|,#disease|
+ƾ V depend|
+ƾ N information|Ϣ,*prove|֤
+ƾ V lean|п
+ƾ N document|,*prove|֤
+ƾ V visit|
+ƾ V depend|
+ƾ N information|Ϣ,*prove|֤
+ƾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ƾ V enjoy|,content=scene|
+ƾ V look|
+ƾ N document|,*prove|֤
+ƾ N document|,*prove|֤
+ƾ֤ N document|,*prove|֤
+ƾ֤ N information|Ϣ,*prove|֤
+ƿ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|
+ƿ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ƿ N part|,%tool|þ,*shut|ر
+ƿ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,hardship|
+ƿ N part|,%tool|þ,mouth|
+ƿ N part|,%tool|þ,*shut|ر
+ƿװ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$store|,#cubic|
+ƿ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ V estimate|
+ V judge|ö
+ N text|
+ V estimate|
+ V estimate|
+ V select|ѡ
+ V estimate|
+ V estimate|
+ V judge|ö
+ V estimate|,content=unit|λ
+ V estimate|,content=unit|λ,education|
+ V estimate|,content=affairs|
+ V estimate|,content=result|
+ V estimate|
+ V estimate|,content=rank|ȼ
+ V estimate|
+ĸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,$estimate|
+ N human|,*estimate|
+ V estimate|,content=reward|
+ V estimate|
+ N shows|
+ V estimate|
+ۼ N human|,*estimate|
+Ա N human|,*estimate|
+Ա N text|,*explain|˵
+ V judge|ö
+ N human|,*estimate|
+ V estimate|
+ N shows|
+ N text|,*explain|˵
+˵ V estimate|
+Ϊ V RegardAs|
+ί N human|,*estimate|
+ί N institution|,*estimate|
+н V judge|ö,content=payment|,commercial|
+ѡ V choose|ѡ
+ V estimate|
+ N text|
+ V estimate|
+ V abandon|
+ V cover|ڸ
+ N furniture|Ҿ,*decorate|װ,*cover|ڸ
+ N image|ͼ
+ V remove|
+ V restrain|ֹ
+ V cover|ڸ
+ V dismiss|
+ V remove|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,*decorate|װ,*cover|ڸ
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+Ļ N part|,%machine|,*look|,#computer|
+ V abandon|
+ N facilities|ʩ,*protect|
+ V protect|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,slanted|
+ N part|,%land|½,skin|Ƥ
+µ N land|½
+µ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+¶ N attribute|,slope|¶,&inanimate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ V dump|
+ø N human|,female|Ů,undesired|ݬ,fierce|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ˮ V discourage|ˮ
+ī V draw|,literature|
+ˮ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ΪҪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ N human|,aged|,female|Ů
+ N human|,employee|Ա,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ż N community|,#family|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,AptTo|,#FeelingByBad|
+ϱ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,female|Ů
+ V float|Ư
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ,undesired|ݬ
+ V defeat|սʤ
+ V defeat|սʤ,military|
+ V destroy|,military|
+ V remove|
+ V reveal|¶
+ V split|ƿ
+ư V reveal|¶,patient=fact|,police|
+ư ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ,undesired|ݬ
+Ʊ N ship|
+Ʋ V lose|ʧȥ,possession=wealth|Ǯ
+Ʋ V BeUnable|,content=return|,commercial|
+Ʋ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,InDebt|,commercial|
+Ʋ V fail|ʧ
+Ʋ N human|,*BeUnable|,#return|,#owe|Ƿ,undesired|ݬ,commercial|
+Ƴ V remove|
+Ʒ V spend|
+Ƹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+Ƹ V disobey|Υ,content=regulation|
+ƻ V alter|ı,manner=all|ȫ
+ƻ V damage|
+ƻ V destroy|
+ƻ V disobey|Υ
+ƻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,damage|
+ƻ N human|,*damage|
+ƻ V reveal|¶,police|
+ƻ V attack|,military|
+ƻ V destroy|,military|
+ƾԲ V BeRecovered|ԭ
+ƾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ,undesired|ݬ
+ƾ V improve|
+ƿ V split|ƿ
+ƿ N location|λ,#disease|,#wounded|
+ƿڴ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ,undesired|ݬ
+ N entity|ʵ,generic|ͳ,waste|
+ N entity|ʵ,waste|
+ò ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ,undesired|ݬ
+ V disobey|Υ,content=regulation|
+˸ V OutOfOrder|
+˸ V OutOfOrder|
+˸ V wounded|
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=OutOfOrder|
+ V decline|˥
+ V decline|˥,commercial|
+ V open|,patient=part|,means=split|ƿ
+ն V guess|²
+ V disappear|ʧ
+˷ N disease|
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=OutOfOrder|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ,undesired|ݬ
+ V OutOfOrder|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ,undesired|ݬ
+ΪЦ V laugh|Ц
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ V appear|,agricultural|ũ
+ V start|ʼ,agricultural|ũ
+ V start|ʼ,industrial|
+ V start|ʼ,content=build|
+ V appear|
+˹ V start|ʼ,content=build|
+ V win|ʤ,sport|
+ V WeatherFine|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ N time|ʱ,morning|
+Ь N clothing|,#foot|,*OutOfOrder|
+Ь N human|,lascivious|,female|Ů,undesired|ݬ
+ V translate|
+Լ V disobey|Υ,content=MakeAppointment|Լ
+ N attribute|,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ,&thing|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N mental|
+ N attribute|,courage|,&AnimalHuman|
+ V BeNear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ V approach|ӽ
+ V force|ǿ
+Ȳ V undergo|,content=force|ǿ
+Ȳ V worried|ż
+Ⱥ V damage|,politics|
+Ƚ V approach|ӽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|
+Ҫ V need|
+ʹ V force|ǿ
+ PREP {condition}
+ü ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|
+ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+ V analyze|
+ V split|ƿ
+ʰ V explain|˵
+ʸ V split|ƿ,patient=part|,#AnimalHuman|
+ʹ V labour|ٲ,means=cure|ҽ
+ʽ V analyze|
+ʿ V split|ƿ
+ N part|,%physical|,surfacial|
+ V analyze|
+ V FallDown|
+ V GoForward|ǰ
+ V apply|ͿĨ
+ V attack|
+ V beat|
+˱ V touch|,PartOfTouch=part|,#AnimalHuman|
+˴ V beat|
+˷ V MakeUp|ױ
+˷ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ
+˾ V remove|,patient=fire|
+˿ N tool|þ,*gamble|IJ,*recreation|
+˿ N tool|þ,*gamble|IJ,*recreation|
+˿ V fail|ʧ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ V touch|,PartOfTouch=part|,#AnimalHuman|
+ V remove|
+˷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,mixed|,undesired|ݬ
+ V jump|
+ V shiver|
+ V shiver|,medical|ҽ
+ͨ ECHO sound|
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+ V build|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@LieDown|,@sleep|˯
+ V unfold|̯
+̳ V explain|˵
+̵ N method|,#readings|
+̵ N tool|þ,space|ռ,@LieDown|,@sleep|˯
+̸ N tool|þ,space|ռ,@LieDown|,@sleep|˯
+̹ܹ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+̹ V build|,PatientProduct=facilities|ʩ,route|·
+̿ V undergo|,Vgoingon|չ
+· V build|,PatientProduct=facilities|ʩ,route|·
+· N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ V exist|
+ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,#commercial|,mouth|
+ V PutInOrder|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ V lavish|˷
+ƽ V unfold|̯
+ƽ· V build|,PatientProduct=route|·
+ V build|
+̯ V unfold|̯
+ǵ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+λ N location|λ,space|ռ,#sleep|˯
+ V explain|˵
+չ V CausePartMove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+˷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeCare|,employee|Ա
+ʹ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeCare|,employee|Ա
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeCare|,employee|Ա
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Portugal|)
+ N fruit|ˮ
+Ѹ N food|ʳƷ
+Ѽ N facilities|ʩ,*planting|ֲ,#fruit|ˮ,agricultural|ũ
+Ѿ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ N bacteria|
+ղ N human|,*gather|ɼ,agricultural|ũ
+ N material|,?edible|ʳ
+ N tree|,#fruit|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Portugal|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#fruit|ˮ,#tree|,agricultural|ũ
+ N humanized|,religion|ڽ
+ N human|,kindhearted|,desired|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,#religion|ڽ
+ N tree|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Ѱ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+Ѳ N FlowerGrass|
+ѹӢ N FlowerGrass|
+ N tree|
+ N tool|þ,#wind|,*cool|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,thrifty|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,thrifty|,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,thrifty|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,thrifty|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,thrifty|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,true|,desired|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#plant|ֲ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ձ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ձ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ձ N attribute|,range|,extensive|,&entity|ʵ
+ղ V investigate|
+ն N material|,?drinks|Ʒ
+շ V disseminate|,content=knowledge|֪ʶ,#law|ɷ
+ջ N regulation|,commercial|
+ռ V CauseToDo|ʹ,ResultEvent=exist|,manner=extensive|
+ռ V disseminate|
+ռ ADJ disseminate|
+ռ V exist|,manner=extensive|
+ռ N quantity|,rate|,&disseminate|
+ս V WeatherChange|
+ N money|,(Botswana|)
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Cape Verde|ý)
+³ʿ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+³ʿ N human|,(Prussia|³ʿ)
+ͨͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+ʲͼ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ͬ V congratulate|ף
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+ͨ N symbol|,#quantity|,#DoSum|
+ͨ N language|
+ͨ N human|,ordinary|
+ѡ V select|ѡ
+ V illuminate|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+ N account|,@record|¼
+ V compile|༭
+ N experience|,believe|
+ N publications|鿯,@record|¼,#music|
+ V compile|༭,ContentProduct=music|
+д V compile|༭
+ N publications|鿯,@record|¼,#music|
+ V exposure|¶
+ع V exposure|¶
+¶ V exposure|¶
+ɹ N illuminate|
+ N water|ˮ,fast|
+ٲ N water|ˮ,fast|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&fact|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&publications|鿯
+ V expect|
+ N time|ʱ
+ڴ V expect|
+ڻ N artifact|˹,commercial|,generic|ͳ
+ڻ V affairs|,commercial|
+ڼ N time|ʱ
+ڿ N publications|鿯
+ V due|
+ĩ N time|ʱ,ending|ĩ,education|
+ V expect|
+Ʊ N bill|Ʊ
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+ V expect|
+ֵ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+ N attribute|,boundary|,&time|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ,middle|,education|
+ V damage|
+ V deceive|ƭ
+ V use|
+۸ V damage|
+ V damage|
+ V HideTruth|
+ƭ V deceive|ƭ
+ƭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,*deceive|ƭ
+ƭ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,*deceive|ƭ
+Ӳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ V HideTruth|
+ V damage|
+ѹ V damage|
+թ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+թ V deceive|ƭ
+ V reside|ס
+ V stay|ͣ
+ V reside|ס
+ V stay|ͣ
+Ϣ V reside|ס
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N emotion|,sorrowful|
+ N human|,family|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,mass|
+С N human|,family|,mass|
+ɢ V unfortunate|,scope=lose|ʧȥ,family|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,mass|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ƴ˴ V merge|ϲ
+± N fact|,fight|,#(China|й),#(Japan|ձ)
+ɰ N tool|þ,*recreation|
+ V ExpressAnger|ʾŭ
+ϰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,rugged|
+ϰ V uneasy|
+ N qValue|ֵ,rate|,$subtract|,#sell|,commercial|
+Ϧ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+һ N time|ʱ,day|
+ N time|ʱ,month|
+· N time|ʱ,month|
+ N qValue|ֵ,rate|,$subtract|,#sell|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,speak|˵,bustling|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#WeatherBad|
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ V sorrowful|
+Ȼ V sorrowful|
+ V apply|ͿĨ
+ N material|,liquid|Һ,*apply|ͿĨ,*decorate|װ
+ N tool|þ,*transmit|,#electricity|
+ N material|,?tool|þ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,generic|ͳ
+Ṥ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|,*decorate|װ
+Ṥ N image|ͼ,$apply|ͿĨ
+Ṥ N image|ͼ,$draw|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+έ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|,*decorate|װ
+Ƥ N material|,liquid|Һ,*apply|ͿĨ,*decorate|װ
+Ƥ N part|,%material|,#apply|ͿĨ,skin|Ƥ
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,generic|ͳ
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ V produce|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ PRON {ThirdPerson|,female|Ů}
+ PRON {ThirdPerson|,male|}
+ PRON {ThirdPerson|,mass|}
+ PRON {ThirdPerson|}
+ PRON {it|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ ADV location|λ,hind|
+ N time|ʱ,future|
+ N location|λ
+ N time|ʱ
+ò ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+ʵ ADV aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,other|
+ PRON {it|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,other|
+ N location|λ
+ N tool|þ,*recreation|
+ V equal|
+ N tool|þ,*recreation|
+ N human|,*FondOf|ϲ,#recreation|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#recreation|
+ʥ N human|,desired|,wise|,sport|
+ N human|,*engage|,#compete|,sport|
+̳ N community|,sport|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#sport|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#recreation|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,single|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ N human|,desired|,wise|
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+湦 N result|,#succeed|ɹ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+ V ignorant|֪
+ N attribute|,scene|,good|,&inanimate|
+ɾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|,desired|
+漣 N entity|ʵ,queer|
+漣 ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+澰 N attribute|,scene|,good|,&inanimate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,desired|
+ȱ V lack|ȱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|,undesired|ݬ
+ N text|,desired|
+ N text|,undesired|ݬ
+ N information|Ϣ,queer|
+Ϯ V attack|,manner=sudden|,military|
+Ч N attribute|,effect|Ч,good|,&entity|ʵ,&act|ж
+ι״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,queer|
+ѫ N result|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|,undesired|ݬ
+ N phenomena|,desired|,#lucky|
+ N phenomena|,queer|
+ N method|
+װ N clothing|,queer|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,different|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·,branch|֧
+· N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ V despise|
+; N facilities|ʩ,route|·,wrong|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ N land|½
+ V irrigate|,agricultural|ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,rugged|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,rugged|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,rugged|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N part|,%fish|,body|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,neat|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,complete|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+뱸 ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,complete|
+볪 V sing|,entertainment|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ V MakeSound|
+ V WellKnown|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,complete|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,MakeSound|,together|ͬ
+ˢˢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ͷ V GoForward|ǰ
+ V cooperate|
+Э V cooperate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,depth|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,neat|,desired|
+ץ V manage|,manner=cooperate|
+ V recreation|,entertainment|
+ N mark|־
+ N place|ط,#human|
+ N tool|þ,@hang|,#mark|־
+ N mark|־
+콢 N weapon|,ship|,military|
+쿪ʤ V succeed|ɹ
+쿪ʤ V win|ʤ
+ N clothing|,#body|,#female|Ů
+ N human|,*lift|,#mark|־
+ N mark|־
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|
+ N mark|־
+ V recite|ж
+ V request|Ҫ
+ V recite|ж
+ V request|Ҫ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N material|,?drinks|Ʒ
+ V sit|
+ N army|
+ N human|,military|
+ N part|,%army|
+ﳵ V TakeVehicle|,patient=LandVehicle|
+ﻢ V embarrassed|Ϊ
+ᆵ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|
+ V TakeVehicle|,patient=livestock|
+ʿ N human|,military|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeVehicle|,#livestock|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&InstitutePlace|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&event|¼
+ V PickOut|γ
+ V appear|
+ V arise|
+ V collect|
+ V compile|༭
+ V do|
+ V establish|
+ V happen|
+ V rise|
+ V start|ʼ
+ STRU {Vable|}
+ STRU {Vdirection|,upper|}
+ STRU {Vstart|}
+ V lighting|ȼ,purpose=CauseToDo|ʹ,#FormChange|α
+ V write|д
+ V begin|ʼ
+ V compile|༭
+ N human|,*compile|༭
+ V start|ʼ,content=leave|뿪
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,early|
+ V arise|
+ V do|
+ N location|λ,space|ռ,@begin|ʼ
+ V lift|
+ V start|ʼ
+ V start|ʼ,content=fly|
+ V WeatherBad|,#wind|
+ V SelfMoveInDirection|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,rugged|
+ V compile|༭,ContentProduct=text|
+ V start|ʼ,content=VehicleGo|ʻ
+ V IllBehave|
+ V cook|
+ V unfortunate|,cause=fire|,police|
+ V obtain|õ,means=LookFor|Ѱ,#crime|
+ V collect|,possession=artifact|˹,commercial|
+ V prosper|
+ N attribute|,price|۸,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ N reason|
+ V SelfMoveInDirection|
+ V endeavour|
+ N fact|,#alive|
+ N room|
+ V arise|
+ STRU {Vdirection|,upper|}
+ STRU {Vresult|}
+ STRU {Vstart|}
+ STRU {Vsuppose|ٶ}
+ V arise|
+ V SelfMoveInDirection|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,elementary|
+ê V start|ʼ,content=VehicleGo|ʻ
+ V naming|
+ V start|ʼ,content=run|,sport|
+ N location|λ,@start|ʼ,#run|,sport|
+ V swollen|
+ N process|
+Ȧ V clean|ʹ,agricultural|ũ
+ɫ N result|,#improve|,desired|
+ V arise|
+ V start|ʼ,content=leave|뿪
+ʼ V begin|ʼ
+ V uprise|,politics|
+ V swear|
+ V start|ʼ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,early|
+ˮ V swollen|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,medical|ҽ
+ V accuse|ظ,police|
+ N document|,*accuse|ظ,police|
+״ N document|,*accuse|ظ,police|
+ V start|ʼ,content=jump|,sport|
+ͷ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,early|
+ͷ V start|ʼ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,early|
+ V start|ʼ,content=leave|뿪
+ҹ V arise|,purpose=excrete|й
+ V doubt|
+ N fact|,uprise|,politics|
+ V uprise|,politics|
+ N human|,*uprise|,politics|
+ N cause|ԭ
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ
+ V employ|
+Դ V ResultFrom|Ե
+Դ N cause|ԭ
+ V start|ʼ,content=transport|
+̰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ V lift|
+ػ N machine|,*lift|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N tool|þ,*open|,#tool|þ
+ V function|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,wrinkled|
+ V start|ʼ,content=VehicleGo|ʻ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,wrinkled|
+ ADV {comment|}
+ CONJ {emphasis|ǿ}
+ ADV {comment|}
+д ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ֹ CONJ {emphasis|ǿ}
+ V beg|
+ V request|Ҫ
+ V surrender|,military|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=pity|
+ V beg|
+ V request|Ҫ
+ V beg|,patient=artifact|˹
+ V beg|,possession=edible|ʳ
+Ԯ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=help|
+ؤ N human|,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ V expect|
+ V upmove|
+ V bird|,^fly|
+ V manage|,patient=affairs|,#industrial|
+ N plans|滮
+ V expect|
+ҵ N affairs|
+ͼ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+ͼ V try|
+ V expect|
+ҵ N InstitutePlace|,*produce|,*sell|,industrial|,commercial|
+ҵ V manage|,patient=affairs|,AccordingTo=commercial|
+ҵ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,commercial|
+ҵ N community|,commercial|
+ V explain|˵
+ V open|
+ V start|ʼ
+ V teach|
+ V start|ʼ,content=leave|뿪
+ V teach|
+ V TurnOn|
+ V start|ʼ
+ɱ N expenditure|,*start|ʼ,#affairs|
+ N expenditure|,*start|ʼ,#affairs|
+ V teach|
+ʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|
+ N human|,*teach|
+ V open|
+ V start|ʼ,content=VehicleGo|ʻ
+ V teach|
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ,ResultEvent=doubt|
+ʾ V teach|
+ N text|,*announce|
+ V incur|
+ V start|ʼ,content=quarrel|
+ V use|
+ V start|ʼ,content=transport|
+ V start|ʼ,content=VehicleGo|ʻ
+ V carve|
+ N document|,*MakeAppointment|Լ
+ V fit|ʺ
+ V fit|ʺ
+ N time|ʱ,important|
+ N bill|Ʊ,#wealth|Ǯ
+ N document|,*MakeAppointment|Լ
+ N human|,friend|
+Լ N agreement|Լ
+ V build|
+ N part|,%building|,nerve|
+ N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+ N implement|,generic|ͳ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N implement|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+ N part|,%implement|,generic|ͳ
+ N implement|,generic|ͳ
+ N music|
+ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ
+ N implement|,generic|ͳ
+е N implement|,generic|ͳ
+е N weapon|,generic|ͳ
+е N fact|,sport|
+е N fact|,sport|
+Լ N disease|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ V angry|
+ N attribute|,bearing|̬,&human|
+ N attribute|,odor|ζ,&physical|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N gas|
+ N gas|,#human|
+ V irritate|ŭ
+ N tool|þ,*inhale|,#gas|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ V angry|
+ N disease|,pant|
+ V pant|
+ V pant|
+ N part|,%building|
+ N machine|,*beat|
+ N tool|þ,*inlay|Ƕ
+洬 N ship|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+Һѹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+ N attribute|,demeanor|,&human|
+ N attribute|,tolerance|,&human|
+ V disheartened|
+ V pant|
+ N part|,%implement|
+ N attribute|,occasion|,&event|¼
+ V angry|
+ N mental|
+ N part|,%implement|
+ V break|۶,industrial|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,base|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N disease|
+᳤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ V fasten|˩,industrial|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N weather|
+ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=gas|
+ V pant|
+ܻ V worried|ż
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ V die|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+ N part|,%building|
+ N part|,%inanimate|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ
+ N attribute|,tolerance|,&human|
+ N gas|
+ú N material|,$burn|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+ N part|,%implement|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,$shut|ر
+ N part|,%bird|,#gas|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#gas|
+ V angry|
+ V disheartened|
+ ADJ disheartened|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,stately|ׯ,desired|
+ N attribute|,demeanor|,&human|
+ N shape|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ǹ N weapon|,*firing|
+ N tool|þ
+ɫ V BeWell|׳
+ N attribute|,strength|,&physical|
+ư ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&human|,&organization|֯
+Ѿ V decline|˥
+Ѿ V end|ս
+̬ N attribute|,PhysicState|״̬,gas|,&physical|
+ N gas|
+ N facilities|ʩ,mine|
+Ͳ N tool|þ,*fill|,#gas|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,BadTemper|Ƣ,undesired|ݬ
+ N gas|
+ɽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ζ N attribute|,odor|ζ,&physical|
+ζ N emotion|,FondOf|ϲ
+ζͶ V fit|ʺ
+ N attribute|,temperature|¶,&weather|
+Ϣ N attribute|,odor|ζ,&physical|
+Ϣ N gas|
+Ϣ V decline|˥
+ N attribute|,occasion|,&event|¼
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#weather|
+ N weather|
+̨ N InstitutePlace|,*investigate|,#weather|
+ǧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ N aircraft|,#WeatherChange|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#weather|
+վ N InstitutePlace|,*investigate|,#weather|
+֯ N part|,%institution|,#agricultural|ũ,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ N disease|
+ V ill|̬
+ N gas|
+Ѫ N attribute|,strength|,&AnimalHuman|
+ѹ N attribute|,strength|,&gas|
+ѹ N attribute|,strength|,&gas|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ V pant|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ N attribute|,quality|,&human|
+׳ɽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ V swollen|
+ PREP {TimeFin}
+ N time|ʱ,now|
+Ϊֹ N time|ʱ,now|
+ V abandon|
+Ͷ V amend|,content=wrong|
+ʴ V include|,ResultWhole=army|,military|
+ N human|,$abandon|,young|
+ҷ V defeated|,military|
+ͼ V amend|,content=wrong|
+Ȩ V abandon|,possession=choose|ѡ
+Ȩ V abandon|,possession=compete|
+ V die|
+Ӥ V abandon|,possession=human|,young|
+Ӥ V human|,young|,$abandon|
+ V abandon|
+ N gas|
+ N LandVehicle|
+ҵ N affairs|,#LandVehicle|
+ù N InstitutePlace|,@reside|ס,#tour|,#LandVehicle|,commercial|
+Ʊ N coupon|Ʊ֤,#wealth|Ǯ,*TakeVehicle|,#LandVehicle|
+վ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#LandVehicle|,@stay|ͣ,@TakeVehicle|
+ N ship|
+ N machine|,*beat|
+ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+ N tool|þ,*MakeSound|
+ N part|,%implement|
+ V ize|̬,industrial|
+ N part|,%machine|
+ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ַ N machine|,*produce|,#electricity|
+ֻ N machine|
+ˮ N drinks|Ʒ
+ͧ N ship|
+ N material|,liquid|Һ,$burn|,*lighting|ȼ
+ V weep|
+ V weep|
+ V finish|
+ V break|۶
+ V calculate|
+ͷȥβ V subtract|
+ǡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ǡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ǡô ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ǡ CONJ {time|ʱ}
+ǡ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ǡǡ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ǡǡ෴ ADV {supplement|ݽ}
+ǡ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,proper|
+ǡ PREP {contrast}
+ǡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ǡ PREP {contrast}
+Ǣ V discuss|
+Ǣ V fit|ʺ
+Ǣ V discuss|
+Ǣ̸ V discuss|
+Ǣ̸ N fact|,discuss|
+ǣ V guide|
+ǣ V pull|
+ǣ V relate|й
+ǣҶ V ThinkOf|˼
+ǣ V relate|й
+ǣ V obstruct|ֹ
+ǣ V restrain|ֹ
+ǣ V restrain|ֹ,military|
+ǣ V influence|Ӱ
+ǣ V ThinkOf|˼
+ǣ V relate|й
+ǣ V connect|
+ǣ V relate|й
+ǣţ N celestial|
+ǣǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ǣǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ǣ V relate|й
+ǣ V tie|
+ǣͷ V guide|
+ǣ V ally|
+ǣ V control|
+ǣߴ V reconcile|
+ǣ V pull|
+ǣ N LandVehicle|,*pull|
+ǣ N attribute|,strength|,#pull|,&physical|
+ǣ V restrain|ֹ,military|
+ǣƲ N army|
+ǥ N tool|þ,*stab|
+ǥ N tool|þ,*stab|,#stone|ʯ
+Ǧ N metal|
+Ǧ N tool|þ,*print|ӡˢ
+Ǧ N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+Ǧ N material|,?tool|þ
+Ǧ N tool|þ,*build|
+Ǧ N SportTool|˶
+Ǧӡ V print|ӡˢ
+Ǧֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,upright|
+Ǧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,metal|
+Ǧж N disease|
+Ǧ N tool|þ,*print|ӡˢ
+ǧ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ǧ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ǧ V aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|
+ǧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|
+ǧ V differ|ͬ,scope=many|
+ǧٿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,wane|˥,undesired|ݬ
+ǧ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ǧټ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ǧ֮һ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|
+ǧ N human|,mass|
+ǧ CLAS unit|λ,&electricity|
+ǧ CLAS unit|λ,&electricity|
+ǧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ǧ V call|ٻ
+ǧ N community|,#family|,many|
+ǧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,weight|,heavy|
+ǧ N tool|þ,*lift|
+ǧﶥ N tool|þ,*lift|
+ǧ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ǧ N wealth|Ǯ,many|
+ǧ CLAS unit|λ
+ǧһ N time|ʱ,dangerous|Σ
+ǧ N army|,strong|ǿ
+ǧ CLAS unit|λ,&weight|
+ǧ N FlowerGrass|
+ǧ N livestock|,desired|,fast|
+ǧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+ǧ N human|,able|,desired|
+ǧ N tool|þ,*look|,#far|Զ
+ǧ N phenomena|,*damage|,#software|
+ǧƪһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ǧٹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|,undesired|ݬ
+ǧǧ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ǧ N time|ʱ,TimeLong|
+ǧҵ N affairs|,great|ΰ,TimeLong|
+ǧɽˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+ǧ CLAS unit|λ,&volume|ݻ
+ǧ˿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ǧͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,complicated|,undesired|ݬ
+ǧͷ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ǧ CLAS unit|λ,&electricity|
+ǧʱ CLAS unit|λ,&electricity|
+ǧ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ǧ ADV {modality|}
+ǧǧ ADV {modality|}
+ǧ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,hardship|
+ǧ N text|,many|
+ǧѷ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ǧһʱ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ǧȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ǧ CLAS unit|λ,&frequency|Ƶ
+ǧ N time|ʱ,year|
+Ǩ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+Ǩ V change|
+Ǩ V TakeAway|ᶯ,patient=capital|
+Ǩ V endure|
+Ǩ V obey|ѭ
+Ǩ V surrender|
+Ǩ V TakeAway|ᶯ,patient=family|
+Ǩŭ V blame|Թ
+Ǩ V TakeAway|ᶯ
+Ǩ V delay|
+Ǩ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+Ǩ V TakeAway|ᶯ
+Ǩ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+Ǩ V TakeAway|ᶯ,patient=family|
+ǩ V sign|д
+ǩ N tool|þ
+ǩ N tool|þ,#mark|־
+ǩ V write|д
+ǩ V record|¼
+ǩ V MakeAppointment|Լ,means=sign|д
+ǩ V MakeAppointment|Լ,means=sign|д
+ǩ V send|
+ǩͬ V forming|γ,PatientProduct=document|,#MakeAppointment|Լ,commercial|
+ǩ V sign|д,ContentProduct=name|
+ǩ N human|,*sign|д
+ǩ V receive|,means=sign|д
+ǩ V sign|д
+ǩЭ V forming|γ,PatientProduct=document|,#MakeAppointment|Լ,commercial|
+ǩԼ V sign|д,content=agreement|Լ,commercial|
+ǩ֤ N document|
+ǩע V write|д
+ǩ V sign|д,ContentProduct=name|
+Ǫ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|
+ǫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+ǫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+ǫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+ǫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+ǫǫ N human|,desired|,modest|ǫ
+ǫ V refuse|,manner=modest|ǫ
+ǫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+ǫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+ǫѷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+Ǭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sex|Ա,male|
+Ǭ N natural|Ȼ
+Ǭ¡ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ǭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+ǭ N human|,mass|
+Ǯ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Ǯ N fund|ʽ
+Ǯ N money|
+Ǯ CLAS unit|λ,&weight|,(China|й)
+Ǯ N wealth|Ǯ
+Ǯ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+Ǯ N money|
+Ǯ N wealth|Ǯ
+Ǯ N money|
+Ǯ N wealth|Ǯ
+Ǯ N wealth|Ǯ,$obtain|õ,commercial|
+Ǯ N waters|ˮ,linear|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ǯׯ N InstitutePlace|,past|,@SetAside|,@TakeBack|ȡ,@lend|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ǯ V pick|ʰ
+ǯ V restrain|ֹ
+ǯ N tool|þ,*hold|
+ǯ N affairs|,industrial|
+ǯ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ǯ V restrain|ֹ
+ǯ N tool|þ,*hold|
+ǰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ǰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ǰ N location|λ,InFront|ǰ
+ǰ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ǰ N time|ʱ,past|
+ǰ뱲 N time|ʱ,process|,@alive|,half|
+ǰ볡 N part|,%fact|,#compete|,#exercise|
+ǰ N time|ʱ,morning|
+ǰ N time|ʱ,process|,@alive|,half|
+ǰ N time|ʱ,morning|
+ǰҹ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+ǰ N human|,clan|
+ǰ N part|,%human|,arm|
+ǰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ǰ ADJ location|λ,InFront|ǰ
+ǰ N time|ʱ,past|
+ǰ֮ N information|Ϣ,*persuade|Ȱ˵
+ǰ N phenomena|,past|
+ǰ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&thing|
+ǰƽ N aValue|ֵ,outlook|ǰ,great|ΰ,desired|
+ǰ N aValue|ֵ,outlook|ǰ,great|ΰ,desired|
+ǰ V guide|
+ǰ N place|ط,military|,InFront|ǰ
+ǰ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ǰ N location|λ,InFront|ǰ
+ǰ N human|,family|,female|Ů,past|
+ǰ N human|,employee|Ա,*exercise|
+ǰ N human|,guide|
+ǰ N human|,family|,male|
+ǰ V KeepOn|ʹ
+ǰ V fail|ʧ
+ǰ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ǰ N location|λ,surrounding|Χ,space|ռ
+ǰ ADV qValue|ֵ,amount|,almost|
+ǰ N location|λ,surrounding|Χ,space|ռ
+ǰ N part|,%clothing|,body|
+ǰ V GoForward|ǰ
+ǰ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&thing|
+ǰ N attribute|,scene|,&physical|
+ǰ N fact|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,past|
+ǰ V come|
+ǰ N example|ʵ
+ǰ N location|λ,InFront|ǰ
+ǰ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ǰٷʴ N disease|
+ǰ N disease|
+ǰ N part|,%LandVehicle|,leg|
+ǰé N community|,*succeed|ɹ,#HaveContest|
+ǰ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ǰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ǰ ADJ location|λ,InFront|ǰ
+ǰ N location|λ,InFront|ǰ,space|ռ
+ǰ N time|ʱ,past|,year|
+ǰ N location|λ,InFront|ǰ
+ǰͺ V KeepOn|ʹ
+ǰ N time|ʱ,early|
+ǰ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ǰǰ N process|
+ǰ V PartSelfMove|
+ǰ N human|,past|
+ǰȥ V LeaveFor|ǰ
+ǰ N human|,past|
+ǰ N human|,#occupation|ְλ
+ǰ N human|,past|
+ǰ N time|ʱ,past|,day|
+ǰ N human|,military|,*look|,*defend|
+ǰ N physical|,past|
+ǰ² EXPR remember|ǵ,content=past|
+ǰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ǰδ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ǰ̨ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#perform|
+ǰ N attribute|,standard|,&entity|ʵ
+ǰ N attribute|,standard|,&entity|ʵ
+ǰ N time|ʱ,past|,day|
+ǰͥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+ǰͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ǰͷ ADJ location|λ,InFront|ǰ
+ǰ; N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&thing|
+ǰ; V prosper|
+ǰ N part|,%animal|,leg|
+ǰ V LeaveFor|ǰ
+ǰ N human|,*exercise|,(football|)
+ǰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ǰϦ N time|ʱ,past|
+ǰ N place|ط,military|,InFront|ǰ
+ǰ߲ N army|
+ǰ N part|,%text|
+ǰԲ V FitNot|
+ǰ N place|ط,military|,InFront|ǰ
+ǰ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=body|
+ǰҹ N time|ʱ,past|
+ǰʶ N thought|ͷ
+ǰ N process|
+ǰԵ N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|
+ǰհ V predict|Ԥ
+ǰհ N attribute|,ability|,predict|Ԥ,&human|,&organization|֯
+ǰ N information|Ϣ
+ǰ N entity|ʵ,InFront|ǰ
+ǰ PRON {ThirdPerson|}
+ǰô N part|,language|
+ǰ N part|,language|
+ǰ N process|,early|
+DZ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hidden|
+DZ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|
+DZ V walk|,manner=secret|
+DZ V hide|
+DZ V flee|,manner=secret|
+DZ V sink|³
+DZ V hide|
+DZ N time|ʱ,@GiveBirth|,#disease|
+DZ V hide|
+DZ V reside|ס,manner=hide|
+DZ N attribute|,ability|,possible|,&entity|ʵ
+DZ N water|ˮ
+DZ N attribute|,ability|,possible|,&entity|ʵ
+DZ V GoInto|
+DZ V GoInto|,manner=secret|
+DZ V sink|³
+DZˮ V sink|³
+DZˮͧ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+DZˮ N clothing|,*sink|³
+DZˮԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*sink|³
+DZ̨ N information|Ϣ
+DZ̨ N text|,#shows|
+DZ V flee|,manner=secret|
+DZͧ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+DZ N tool|þ,*look|
+DZ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+DZ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ,location=waters|ˮ
+DZ V walk|,manner=secret|
+DZѪ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+DZĬ V influence|Ӱ,manner=tactful|
+DZʶ N mental|
+DZӾ V swim|
+DZ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hidden|
+DZ N attribute|,ability|,possible|,&entity|ʵ
+Dz V discharge|
+Dz V dispatch|Dz
+Dz V expel|
+Dzɢ V discharge|
+Dz V expel|
+dz ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,NotProfound|dz,undesired|ݬ
+dz ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,easy|,desired|
+dz ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+dz ADJ aValue|ֵ,depth|,shallow|dz
+dz ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+dz ADJ aValue|ֵ,hue|Ũ,light|
+dz ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,unfamiliar|϶,undesired|ݬ
+dz ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,NotProfound|dz,undesired|ݬ
+dzֹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+dz N waters|ˮ
+dzɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,brown|,light|
+dzɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|,light|
+dz N thought|ͷ
+dz ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+dzɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,blue|,light|
+dzª ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+dzɫ N attribute|,color|ɫ,light|,&physical|
+dz̲ N land|½
+dz ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+dz ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+Ǵ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ǵ N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+ǵ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|,@hide|,#fight|
+Ƕ V inlay|Ƕ
+Ƕ V inlay|Ƕ
+ǶԹ N disease|
+Ƿ V CausePartMove|
+Ƿ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=head|ͷ
+Ƿ V lack|ȱ
+Ƿ V owe|Ƿ
+Ƿ V BecomeLess|,scope=produce|
+Ƿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƿ N wealth|Ǯ,$owe|Ƿ,$return|
+Ƿȱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ
+Ƿȱ V lack|ȱ
+Ƿ V gather|ɼ,possession=few|
+Ƿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƿծ V owe|Ƿ
+Ƿ V owe|Ƿ
+Ƿ V owe|Ƿ,possession=wealth|Ǯ
+Ǹ V BecomeLess|,scope=gather|ɼ,agricultural|ũ
+Ǹ N emotion|,regret|Ǹ
+Ǹ N emotion|,regret|Ǹ
+Ǹ N time|ʱ,year|,undesired|ݬ,#crop|ׯ
+Ǹ V BecomeLess|,scope=gather|ɼ,agricultural|ũ
+Ǹ N time|ʱ,year|,undesired|ݬ,#crop|ׯ
+Ǹ N emotion|,regret|Ǹ
+ǹ N weapon|,*firing|,generic|ͳ
+ǹ N weapon|,*stab|
+ǹ V kill|ɱ,manner=firing|,police|
+ǹ N weapon|,*stab|
+ǹ N weapon|,$firing|
+ǹ N weapon|,generic|ͳ
+ǹ V firing|
+ǹ V kill|ɱ,manner=firing|,police|
+ǹ N part|,%weapon|
+ǹֵ N fact|,firing|
+ǹ N weapon|,generic|ͳ
+ǹɱ V kill|ɱ,manner=firing|
+ǹ N sound|,#firing|
+ǹ N human|,*firing|
+ǹ N part|,%weapon|
+ǹе N weapon|
+ǹ N part|,%facilities|ʩ,#military|,@firing|
+ǹ N part|,%physical|
+ǹս N fact|,firing|
+ǹ֧ N weapon|,mass|
+ǹӶ N weapon|,$firing|
+Ǻ V ill|̬
+ǻ N attribute|,SoundQuality|,&sound|
+ǻ N attribute|,SoundVolume|,&sound|
+ǻ N part|,%physical|,body|
+ǻ N sound|
+ǻ N AnimalHuman|,generic|ͳ
+ǻ N attribute|,SoundQuality|,&speak|˵
+Ǽ N character|,(China|й)
+Ǽ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ǽ N part|,%building|,skin|Ƥ
+ǽ N publications|鿯,news|
+ǽ N part|,%building|,skin|Ƥ
+ǽ N part|,%building|,skin|Ƥ
+ǽ N part|,%building|,base|
+ǽ N location|λ,%building|,skin|Ƥ
+ǽֽ N paper|ֽ,*decorate|װ,#building|
+Ǿޱ N FlowerGrass|
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ǿ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,undesired|ݬ
+ǿ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ǿ V force|ǿ
+ǿ V debate|,manner=fierce|
+ǿʶ V debate|,manner=fierce|
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ǿ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,*rob|
+ǿ N human|,enemy|,strong|ǿ
+ǿ N attribute|,quality|,strong|ǿ,desired|,&thing|
+ǿ V express|ʾ,manner=emphasis|ǿ
+ǿ N attribute|,intensity|ǿ,&inanimate|
+ǿ N community|,sport|,strong|ǿ
+ǿ V attack|,manner=fierce|
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,durable|,desired|
+ǿ N place|ط,country|,strong|ǿ
+ǿ V surpass|ǿ
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ǿ V strengthen|ӹ
+ǿ N weapon|,aircraft|,military|
+ǿ V force|ǿ
+ǿ V force|ǿ
+ǿ V force|ǿ,patient=human|
+ǿ V damage|,purpose=mating|,crime|
+ǿ鷸 N human|,*damage|,crime|,lascivious|
+ǿ N chemical|ѧ
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ǿ N human|,official|,military|
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ǿ V order|
+ǿǿ N fact|,commercial|,undesired|ݬ
+ǿ V force|ǿ
+ǿ V request|Ҫ,manner=force|ǿ
+ǿȨ N attribute|,power|,&human|,&organization|֯,&information|Ϣ
+ǿȨ N affairs|,#country|,politics|
+ǿ N human|,able|,desired|
+ǿ V force|ǿ
+ǿ N attribute|,intensity|ǿ,&inanimate|
+ǿ V improve|,patient=physique|
+ǿʢ V prosper|
+ǿʹ V force|ǿ
+ǿ N human|,able|,desired|
+ǿ N human|,able|,sport|
+ǿ V surpass|ǿ
+ǿ N chemical|ѧ
+ǿ N attribute|,quality|,strong|ǿ,desired|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ǿ N attribute|,quality|,strong|ǿ,desired|,&human|,&organization|֯,sport|
+ǿļ N medicine|ҩ,*cure|ҽ,#heart|
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|
+ǿ V force|ǿ
+ǿջЦ V laugh|Ц,manner=force|ǿ
+ǿӲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ǿӲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ǿռ V occupy|ռ
+ǿ N human|,able|,desired|
+ǿֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,hard|Ӳ
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,passive|
+ǿ V force|ǿ
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,passive|
+ǿ׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ǿ׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ǿ V refute|
+ǿ֮ĩ V decline|˥
+ V VieFor|
+ V cut|
+ V rob|
+ V refute|
+ V rob|
+ V buy|,manner=endeavour|
+ N fact|,buy|,#endeavour|
+糱 N fact|,buy|,#endeavour|
+һ V undergo|,content=sell|
+ V rob|
+ٰ N fact|,#rob|,police|
+ٷ N human|,*rob|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ V rescue|,manner=endeavour|,medical|ҽ
+ V rob|
+ V gather|ɼ,manner=endeavour|,agricultural|ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$sell|,commercial|
+ֻ N artifact|˹,able|,$sell|
+ V VieFor|
+ V rescue|,StateIni=dangerous|Σ
+ V repair|,manner=endeavour|
+ V transport|,manner=endeavour|
+ռ V occupy|ռ
+ V planting|ֲ,manner=endeavour|,agricultural|ũ
+ N tool|þ,*dig|ھ
+ V beat|
+ V cheat|ƭ
+ô V beat|
+ô V irritate|ŭ
+ö V decide|
+ù V rob|
+ÿ V beat|,result=open|
+ V recreation|
+ V beat|,patient=part|,#house|
+ V MakeSound|
+թ V cheat|ƭ
+թ V cheat|ƭ
+թ N human|,*cheat|ƭ,crime|
+ V cheat|ƭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·,#waters|ˮ
+Ŷ N part|,%facilities|ʩ,base|
+ź N facilities|ʩ,route|·,#waters|ˮ
+ſ N part|,%facilities|ʩ
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·,#waters|ˮ
+ N fact|,recreation|
+ͷ N part|,%facilities|ʩ
+ͷ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|
+ܢ N part|,%route|·
+ V look|
+Ʋ V despise|
+Ƽ V perception|֪,means=look|
+ V look|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ľ N tree|
+ɴ N material|,?clothing|
+Ǩ V TakeAway|ᶯ,patient=family|
+ζ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Guyana|)
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N human|,*function|,#foreign|,#country|
+Ȱ N institution|,ProperName|ר,politics|,(China|й)
+Ȱ N human|,*function|,#foreign|,#country|
+Ⱦ V function|,#foreign|,#country|
+Ⱦ N human|,family|
+ N community|,#human|,#country|,(China|й)
+ N human|,*function|,#foreign|,#country|
+ N human|,family|
+ N affairs|,#human|,#function|,#foreign|,#country|
+ N place|ط
+ N fund|ʽ
+ҵ N InstitutePlace|,*produce|,*sell|,industrial|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ɶ칤 ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,desired|
+ɸ V do|,manner=dexterous|
+ɺ V fit|ʺ
+ɿ N food|ʳƷ
+Ŀ V create|,PatientProduct=reason|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,dexterous|,desired|
+ȡ V rob|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ N fact|
+ N human|,able|,desired|
+ N fact|,meet|
+ V meet|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#weapon|
+ʳ N part|,%bird|,wing|
+ V lift|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=curved|
+ V upmove|
+̱ V die|
+̳ N human|,able|,desired|
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=curved|
+ V expect|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=head|ͷ
+ V upmove|
+β ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,slope|¶,steep|
+Ͱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+Ͱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,slope|¶,steep|
+ͱ N part|,%land|½,skin|Ƥ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$sell|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+λ N artifact|˹,able|,$sell|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+Ƥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,dexterous|,desired|
+Ƥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$sell|,commercial|
+ N method|,*succeed|ɹ
+ N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+ N method|
+ V BeNear|
+ V cut|
+ V fit|ʺ
+ ADV {modality|}
+в AUX {modality|,neg|}
+в˰ N tool|þ,@cut|,#cook|
+г ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+г V cut|,#cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+д V research|о
+ж V shrink|С,means=cut|
+ж V separate|,means=cut|
+з֮ʹ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+и V break|۶
+к V fit|ʺ
+л V alter|ı
+м V remember|ǵ,manner=modality|
+м V evade|ر
+н V BeSimilar|
+п V split|ƿ
+п V split|ƿ,#cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+п V split|ƿ,#cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+п V cut|,#cook|
+ V diagnose|,medical|ҽ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N image|ͼ,surfacial|
+ N part|,%physical|,surfacial|
+ĩ V cut|,#cook|
+Ī AUX {modality|,neg|}
+Ƭ V cut|
+Ƭ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+ AUX {modality|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,substantial|ʵ,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$fulfil|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,accurate|,desired|
+ AUX {modality|,neg|}
+ N image|ͼ,linear|
+ V cut|,industrial|
+ V fit|ʺ
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ COOR {and|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,timid|,undesired|ݬ
+ V fear|
+ӳ V fear|,entertainment|
+ų ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,timid|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,timid|,undesired|ݬ
+ V fear|
+ V fear|,entertainment|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+ V steal|͵,crime|
+Թ V steal|͵,possession=country|,politics|,crime|
+Թ V steal|͵,possession=country|,politics|,crime|
+˽ V talk|̸,secret|
+˽ V talk|̸,secret|
+ȡ V steal|͵
+ȡ V steal|͵,crime|
+ȡ V steal|͵,politics|
+ V listen|,manner=secret|
+Ц V laugh|Ц,manner=hidden|
+ N human|,*steal|͵,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ V respect|
+ղ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,$dispatch|Dz,official|,#royal|
+ V respect|
+ V attack|,military|
+ַ V damage|
+ַ V damage|,crime|
+ֺ V damage|
+ֻ V attack|,patient=(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,FondOf|ϲ,#fight|,military|
+ V attack|,military|
+ս N fact|,*attack|,military|
+ N human|,*attack|,military|
+Ȩ V fact|,disobey|Υ,#law|ɷ,crime|
+ȨΪ N fact|,disobey|Υ,#law|ɷ,crime|
+ V MakeTrouble|,military|
+ V attack|,military|
+ʴ V damage|
+ V cheat|ƭ
+ V occupy|ռ
+ V occupy|ռ,military|
+Ϯ V attack|
+Ϯ V attack|,military|
+ռ V occupy|ռ,military|
+ V ShowLove|ʾ,means=CausePartMove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ N fact|,GetMarried|
+ N human|,family|
+ N human|,female|Ů
+װ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ױ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|
+ױ N character|,true|
+ױд ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|
+ױ N letter|ż
+ N attribute|,relatedness|,&chemical|ѧ
+ʿ N human|,*FondOf|ϲ
+ N human|,family|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ N human|,family|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,self|
+ V undergo|
+侳 V undergo|,content=circumstances|
+ V arrive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ N human|,family|
+ N human|,family|
+ N human|,family|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+и N emotion|,like|ϧ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ V ShowLove|ʾ,means=CausePartMove|
+ N emotion|,like|ϧ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ N human|,family|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,self|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clan|
+ N fact|,GetMarried|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,self|
+ N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|
+ N human|,family|
+ N human|,royal|,male|
+ V ShowLove|ʾ,means=CausePartMove|
+ N human|,friend|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,self|
+ N human|,friend|,family|
+Ե N attribute|,relatedness|,&animate|
+ V manage|,patient=country|,politics|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,self|
+ N human|,family|
+ V ShowLove|ʾ,means=CausePartMove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+س N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ش N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ػʵ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ǻ N shows|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N MusicTool|,generic|ͳ
+ټ N part|,%MusicTool|
+ʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*perform|,#music|,entertainment|
+ N part|,%MusicTool|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ N affairs|
+ڷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ڷܺѧ V FondOf|ϲ,target=study|ѧ
+ڹѧ V study|ѧ
+ڼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,thrifty|,desired|
+ڼּ V ProvideFor|,patient=family|,manner=thrifty|
+ڼԼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,thrifty|,desired|
+ڿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ڿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ڿҿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ N affairs|
+ N human|,*fight|,military|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeCare|,employee|Ա
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ѧ V study|ѧ,manner=diligent|
+ӹ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeCare|,employee|Ա
+ V engage|,content=politics|,manner=diligent|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+۲ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+۲ N vegetable|߲
+ V catch|ס
+ V catch|ס,military|
+ܻ V catch|ס
+ V catch|ס
+ N bird|,generic|ͳ
+ݵ N food|ʳƷ
+ N animal|,generic|ͳ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#human|,#die|
+ N room|,@sleep|˯
+ V sleep|˯
+ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ,*sleep|˯
+ʳ N fact|,alive|
+ N room|,@sleep|˯
+ V soak|
+Ƣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+ N FlowerGrass|,generic|ͳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,adult|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,BlueGreen|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+ N crop|ׯ,generic|ͳ
+ N human|,young|,generic|ͳ
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N vegetable|߲,generic|ͳ
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,mass|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ظԭ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N FlowerGrass|,green|
+ V surpass|ǿ
+ഺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,adult|
+ഺ N time|ʱ,#young|
+ഺ껪 N aValue|ֵ,age|,adult|
+ഺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,adult|
+ഺ N time|ʱ,young|
+ N material|,?tool|þ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+ൺ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ඹ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ඹ N vegetable|߲
+ N human|,young|,industrial|
+ N disease|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ຣ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ʋ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|,undesired|ݬ
+ཷ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ཷ N vegetable|߲
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ N community|,#young|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,purple|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|,NotLight|Ũ
+÷ N fruit|ˮ
+ù N medicine|ҩ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+ N crop|ׯ,generic|ͳ
+ N crop|ׯ,generic|ͳ,young|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,adult|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,young|
+ N human|,young|
+깬 N InstitutePlace|,#young|,@recreation|
+ N community|,religion|ڽ
+ N time|ʱ,#young|
+ N human|,young|
+ N community|,#young|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ɴ N crop|ׯ,generic|ͳ
+ɽ N land|½,green|
+ɽˮ N place|ط,beautiful|
+ N human|,young|,mass|
+그 N fact|,crime|,#young|
+˿ N part|,%human|,female|Ů,hair|ë
+ N tree|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+̦ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ
+̴ N tree|
+ N human|,official|,desired|
+ N sky|
+ N fact|,undesired|ݬ,queer|,sudden|
+ͭ N metal|
+ͭ N tool|þ,metal|
+ N beast|
+Ϻ N fish|
+ N clothing|,black|
+ N human|,female|Ů,*perform|,entertainment|
+ N fish|
+׳ N human|,young|
+ N emotion|,like|ϧ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,young|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,^stately|ׯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,NotProfound|dz
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,insufficiently|Ƿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,weight|,NotHeavy|
+ V despise|
+ᱡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ᱡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,weight|,NotHeavy|,desired|
+ᳵ V tour|,manner=thrifty|
+ V despise|,target=enemy|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,insufficiently|Ƿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,easy|,desired|
+ N affairs|,industrial|
+ḡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ḡŮ N human|,flighty|,undesired|ݬ,female|Ů,young|
+ V recreation|
+Ṥ N affairs|,industrial|
+Ṥҵ N affairs|,industrial|
+Ṥҵ N institution|,#industrial|,ProperName|ר,politics|
+ṤҵƷ N artifact|˹,#industrial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,nimble|,desired|
+ V RashlyAct|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,nimble|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,weight|,NotHeavy|,desired|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+赭д ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,NotProfound|dz,undesired|ݬ
+ V despise|
+ƮƮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,weight|,NotHeavy|
+ N LandVehicle|
+ N army|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,dexterous|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,weight|,NotHeavy|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ȡ V defeat|սʤ,manner=easy|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,weak|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,soft|,desired|
+ V wounded|,degree=insufficiently|Ƿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,weak|
+ V suicide|ɱ
+ V despise|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ˮ N chemical|ѧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,relax|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,NotProfound|dz
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,insufficiently|Ƿ
+ V believe|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,weight|,NotHeavy|
+Ӧ N army|
+ս N weapon|,ship|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,easy|,desired|
+ N music|
+ӯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ N material|,liquid|Һ,$burn|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,event|¼,&human|
+ N attribute|,degree|̶,&aValue|ֵ,&event|¼
+ N attribute|,weight|,&physical|
+ػ N attribute|,degree|̶,&aValue|ֵ,&event|¼
+װ ADJ aValue|ֵ,weight|,NotHeavy|
+װ V tour|,manner=thrifty|
+װ V fight|
+٬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+٬Ů N human|,flighty|,undesired|ݬ,female|Ů,adult|
+ N gas|
+ⵯ N weapon|
+ N gas|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ V CausePartMove|
+ V FallDown|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,slanted|
+ V dump|
+ V endeavour|
+ V end|ս
+㵹 V dump|
+㸲 V FallDown|
+㸲 V reverse|ߵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ҵ V lose|ʧȥ,possession=wealth|Ǯ
+ N image|ͼ,angular|
+ N RainSnow|ѩ,strong|ǿ
+ V tell|,manner=free|
+̸ V communicate|,manner=ShowEmotion|ʾ
+ V listen|,manner=PayAttention|ע
+ V tell|,manner=free|
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&human|,&organization|֯,&event|¼
+ N attribute|,property|,FondOf|ϲ,&human|,&organization|֯,&event|¼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,free|
+ V sell|,cost=cheap|,commercial|
+б ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,slanted|
+б V tilt|б
+б N attribute|,slope|¶,&inanimate|
+к V flow|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ V HaveContest|
+ע V flow|
+ע V put|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,royal|,past|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,NotProfound|dz,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,pure|,desired|
+ V count|
+ V fulfil|ʵ,commercial|
+ V remove|
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,true|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,pure|,desired|
+ N account|,@record|¼
+ N material|,?drinks|Ʒ
+ V check|
+ V reveal|¶
+ V check|
+峥 V return|,commercial|
+峪 V sing|,entertainment|
+峯 N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+峺 ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+峿 N time|ʱ,morning|
+ V remove|
+ N human|,*remove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,NotProfound|dz,desired|
+ V understand|
+ǵ V remember|ǵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,good|,desired|
+嵥 N account|,@record|¼
+嵭 ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,wane|˥,undesired|ݬ
+嵭 ADJ aValue|ֵ,concentration|Ũ,watery|ϡ
+嵭 ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,desired|
+ N human|,#exercise|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*clean|ʹ,#route|·,employee|Ա
+ V check|,commercial|
+ N wind|,weak|,chilly|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|
+ N human|,official|,honest|,desired|
+ N regulation|
+庮 ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+庮 ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+廪 N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+廪ѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N {clearness|}
+ V destroy|
+ͽ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,spotless|,desired|
+ V clean|ʹ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*clean|ʹ,employee|Ա
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,spotless|,desired|
+徲 ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+徻 ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+ V arrange|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,pure|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,honest|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,chilly|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+ N time|ʱ,day|
+ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ N material|,liquid|Һ,*apply|ͿĨ,*decorate|װ
+Ƿ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=return|,#owe|Ƿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#fever|
+ɨ V clean|ʹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,bony|
+ˬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,relax|,desired|
+ˬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,chilly|,desired|
+ˬ V satisfied|
+ˮ N water|ˮ,spotless|
+ V calculate|,commercial|
+ V reveal|¶,ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ N human|,*remove|
+̸ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+ N food|ʳƷ,liquid|Һ
+ V return|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,pure|,desired|
+ N attribute|,SoundQuality|,&sound|
+ N attribute|,quality|,&image|ͼ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,concise|,desired|
+ϴ V discharge|
+ϴ V wash|ϴ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,idle|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,fragrant|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,spotless|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,desired|
+ V restrain|ֹ,ResultEvent=expect|
+ V soothe|ο
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ V awake|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+һɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N material|,liquid|Һ,?food|ʳƷ
+ N time|ʱ,morning|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,thrifty|,desired|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,religion|ڽ
+ N facilities|ʩ,religion|ڽ,space|ռ
+ V cook|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,chilly|
+ V cook|
+ V PropUp|֧
+ V lift|
+ V WeatherFine|
+ V WeatherFine|
+ V WeatherFine|
+ N sky|
+ V WeatherFine|
+ V WeatherFine|
+ N fact|,undesired|ݬ,queer|,sudden|
+ N tool|þ,*tell|,#WeatherChange|
+ N chemical|ѧ,poison|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N emotion|
+ N emotion|,like|ϧ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ N emotion|,love|,desired|
+鰮 N emotion|,love|,desired|
+鱨 N information|Ϣ
+鱨 N information|Ϣ,military|
+鱨Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*analyze|
+鱨Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|,military|,*scout|
+鲻Խ V EndureNot|
+ N emotion|
+ N human|,enemy|,#love|
+ N emotion|
+ N emotion|
+ N human|,male|,*love|,*mating|,undesired|ݬ
+鸾 N human|,female|Ů,*love|,*mating|,undesired|ݬ
+ N emotion|
+ N music|,$sing|
+黳 N emotion|
+鼱 N time|ʱ,urgent|
+ N part|,%fact|,bone|
+ N part|,%shows|,bone|
+龰 N attribute|,occasion|,&event|¼
+龳 N attribute|,occasion|,&event|¼
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ,military|
+ N reason|
+ N human|,friend|,*love|,desired|
+ N emotion|
+Ȥ N emotion|,FondOf|ϲ
+ N human|,friend|,*love|,desired|
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,#emotion|,&human|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N letter|ż,*express|ʾ,#love|
+˼ N emotion|
+˼ N emotion|,desired|
+ N emotion|
+Ǩ V change|
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+Ͷ V fit|ʺ
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N emotion|,FeelingByBad|
+ N emotion|,generic|ͳ
+ N emotion|,desired|
+ N emotion|,friend|
+ N emotion|,friend|
+ N cause|ԭ
+ N aspiration|Ը,mating|
+Ը V willing|Ը
+ N emotion|,FondOf|ϲ
+ N emotion|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+̼ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+֮ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ V employ|
+ V invite|
+ V request|Ҫ
+밲 V SayHello|ʺ
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=benefit|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=agree|ͬ
+ N letter|ż,*invite|
+뽵 V surrender|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=teach|
+ V entertain|д,target=human|
+ V beg|
+ V request|Ҫ
+ N human|,*request|Ҫ
+ EXPR expression|,*welcome|ӭ
+ EXPR expression|,*welcome|ӭ
+ʾ V ask|
+ N letter|ż,*invite|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=benefit|
+ AUX {neg|}
+ӧ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=do|
+Ը V protest|
+ս V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=do|
+ V apologize|Ǹ
+ V congratulate|ף
+ N fact|,congratulate|ף
+칦 V congratulate|ף,cause=win|ʤ
+ V congratulate|ף
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ף V congratulate|ף
+ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+֬ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,?medicine|ҩ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ V fight|,military|
+⵰ N human|,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ V melancholy|
+ N human|,enemy|,*fail|ʧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ N human|,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƨ N place|ط,poor|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ V chase|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N time|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ,autumn|
+ N time|ʱ,year|
+ﲥ V planting|ֲ,autumn|,agricultural|ũ
+ﲨ N part|,%human|,female|Ů,#eye|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,autumn|
+ N wind|,#autumn|
+ˬ N phenomena|,#WeatherFine|,autumn|,desired|
+ﺣ N FlowerGrass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,honest|,desired|
+ N part|,%time|ʱ,autumn|,ending|ĩ
+^ N time|ʱ,autumn|
+ N time|ʱ,autumn|
+ǧ N tool|þ,*recreation|
+ V gather|ɼ,#crop|ׯ,autumn|,agricultural|ũ
+ˮ N part|,%human|,female|Ů,#eye|
+ N time|ʱ,autumn|
+ׯ N crop|ׯ,generic|ͳ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#human|,#die|
+ N land|½
+ N land|½
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ N disease|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N SportTool|˶,generic|ͳ
+ N earth|
+ N earth|,space|ռ
+ N fact|,exercise|
+ N shape|,round|Բ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@compete|,sport|
+ N community|,compete|,sport|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#sport|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N bacteria|
+ N fact|,exercise|
+˶ N fact|,exercise|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#compete|,sport|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#compete|,sport|
+ N human|,*FondOf|ϲ,#look|,#sport|
+ N shape|
+ N SportTool|˶
+ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+ N human|,sport|
+̳ N community|,#exercise|
+ N image|ͼ,cubic|,round|Բ
+Ь N SportTool|˶,#clothing|,#foot|
+ N human|,*compete|,glorious|,sport|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,round|Բ
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#sport|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,sport|
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,round|Բ
+ V request|Ҫ
+ V seek|ıȡ
+ V ShowLove|ʾ
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=succeed|ɹ
+ V request|Ҫ
+ V request|Ҫ
+ V calculate|
+ V buy|,commercial|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=reconcile|,military|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=GetMarried|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=meet|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=teach|
+ V handle|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=help|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=GetMarried|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=forgive|ԭ
+ȫ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=forgive|ԭ
+ȫ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=satisfied|
+ȫ V request|Ҫ,degree=over|
+ V surrender|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=help|
+ N MakeLiving|ı
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,substantial|ʵ,desired|
+ͬ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=BeSame|ͬ
+ѧ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=study|ѧ
+ѧ V study|ѧ,education|
+ҽ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+Ԯ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=help|
+ս V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=fight|,military|
+֪ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=study|ѧ
+֪ N aspiration|Ը,request|Ҫ,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$request|Ҫ
+ְ V seek|ıȡ,possession=occupation|ְλ
+ְ N human|,*seek|ıȡ,#occupation|ְλ
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=help|
+ V detain|ס,police|
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,$detain|ס
+ N LandVehicle|,*transport|,#crime|,police|
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,$detain|ס
+ V detain|ס,police|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,dirty|,undesired|ݬ
+ͽ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,$detain|ס
+ N human|,official|,#community|
+ N human|,official|,#community|
+ N human|,royal|
+ V swim|
+ V cross|Խ,means=swim|
+ V SelfMove|
+ V become|Ϊ
+ V please|ȡ
+ V please|ȡ
+ V become|Ϊ,descriptive=safe|
+ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&human|,&organization|֯,&event|¼
+ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&human|,&organization|֯,&event|¼
+ V facing|
+ V please|ȡ
+ V become|Ϊ
+֮ V seek|ıȡ
+ N place|ط,#human|
+ V distinguish|ֱ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+ V distinguish|ֱ
+ V separate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ί N institution|,politics|,(China|й)
+ N place|ط
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,place|ط
+ N place|ط
+ V ize|̬
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,place|ط
+ N InsectWorm|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+ N music|,$sing|
+ N part|,%earth|,angular|
+ N text|,$sing|
+ V deceive|ƭ
+ N fittings|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ N attribute|,SoundQuality|,&music|
+ߺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ N SportTool|˶
+ N fact|,exercise|
+ V alter|ı,StateIni=true|,StateFin=fake|α
+ V explain|˵,manner=wrong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+ N quantity|,rate|,&distance|
+ N image|ͼ,curved|
+ͻн V escape|,ResultEvent=dangerous|Σ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,round|Բ
+ N image|ͼ,linear|,curved|
+ N shows|
+ӭ V please|ȡ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+ N fact|,hardship|
+ N part|,%implement|
+ N music|,$sing|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N part|,%human|,body|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V defeat|սʤ
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,$IllTreat|,$MakeBad|Ӻ
+ V surrender|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ V surrender|
+ V surrender|
+ V surrender|
+ N attribute|,property|,&part|,eye|
+ V SelfMove|
+ V situated|
+ N phenomena|,disgraced|,#shy|,undesired|ݬ
+ϥ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=leg|
+ָ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ V drive|Ԧ
+ V expel|
+ V run|
+ V dispatch|Dz
+ V drive|Ԧ
+ V urge|ʹ
+ V drive|Ԧ,patient=LandVehicle|
+ V expel|
+ V remove|
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ
+ V expel|
+Dz V dispatch|Dz
+Dz V exile|
+Dz V expel|
+Dz V urge|ʹ
+ɢ V expel|
+ʹ V dispatch|Dz
+ʹ V urge|ʹ
+ V exile|
+ V expel|
+ V expel|,LocationIni=country|
+ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#liquid|Һ
+ N facilities|ʩ,#liquid|Һ,linear|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#liquid|Һ,linear|
+ N method|,*communicate|
+ȡ V choose|ѡ
+ȡ V seek|ıȡ
+ȡ V take|ȡ
+ȡ V take|ȡ,commercial|
+ȡ V use|
+ȡ V study|ѧ,content=pros|
+ȡ V take|ȡ,commercial|
+ȡ V replace|
+ȡ PREP {LocationThru}
+ȡ V obtain|õ
+ȡ V prohibit|ֹ
+ȡ֮ V replace|
+ȡ V imitate|ģ
+ȡ V TakeBack|ȡ
+ȡ V choose|ѡ,content=image|ͼ
+ȡ V ResultFrom|Ե
+ȡ V ResultFrom|Ե
+ȡ V WhileAway|
+ȡ V tease|ȡ
+ȡ V naming|
+ȡΪ V naming|
+ȡů V WarmUp|,patient=self|
+ȡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ȡ V equal|
+ȡ V do|,manner=sly|
+ȡ V choose|ѡ
+ȡʤ V win|ʤ
+ȡ V remove|
+ȡ N human|,*remove|
+ȡЦ V LaughAt|Ц
+ȡ V take|ȡ,possession=letter|ż
+ȡ V undergo|,content=believe|
+ȡ V undergo|,content=believe|
+ȡ V check|
+ȡ V choose|ѡ,content=example|ʵ
+ȡ V please|ȡ
+ȡ֤ V gather|ɼ,possession=information|Ϣ
+ȡ֮ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ȡ V obtain|õ
+ȡ V TakeAway|ᶯ
+Ȣ V MarryFrom|Ȣ
+Ȣ V MarryFrom|Ȣ
+ȣ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ,#disease|
+ȣ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ,#disease|
+Ȥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+Ȥ N emotion|,FondOf|ϲ
+Ȥ N purpose|Ŀ
+Ȥ N fact|,interesting|Ȥ
+Ȥζ N attribute|,interest|Ȥζ,&entity|ʵ
+Ȥζ N emotion|,FondOf|ϲ
+Ȥζ N attribute|,interest|Ȥζ,&entity|ʵ
+Ȥ N text|,interesting|Ȥ
+ȥ V RegardAs|,entertainment|
+ȥ V from|
+ȥ V go|ȥ
+ȥ V leave|뿪
+ȥ V remove|
+ȥ V send|
+ȥ STRU {Vdirection|}
+ȥ V remove|
+ȥ N location|λ
+ȥ N place|ط
+ȥ V AlterProperty|,PatientAttribute=property|
+ȥȡ V choose|ѡ,content=refined|
+ȥ V remove|
+ȥ N time|ʱ,spring|,winter|
+ȥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,clean|ʹ
+ȥ V SelfMove|
+ȥ· N facilities|ʩ,route|·,@GoOut|ȥ
+ȥ N time|ʱ,year|,past|
+ȥ N sound|,#language|
+ȥ V die|
+ȥ V cut|,PartOfTouch=part|,#mating|
+ȥ V LeaveFor|ǰ,manner=fast|
+ȥα V remove|,patient=fake|α
+ȥۼ N tool|þ,*remove|,#dirty|
+ȥ N direction|
+ȥ V cut|,PartOfTouch=part|,#mating|
+ȥְ V dismiss|,ResultIsa=occupation|ְλ
+Ȧ N community|
+Ȧ V detain|ס
+Ȧ V detain|ס,agricultural|ũ
+Ȧ V detain|ס,police|
+Ȧ V draw|
+Ȧ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@foster|,#livestock|
+Ȧ N image|ͼ,cubic|,round|Բ
+Ȧ N shape|,round|Բ
+Ȧ V surround|Χ
+Ȧ V draw|
+Ȧ V ExpressAgreement|ʾͬ
+Ȧ N material|,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ
+Ȧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|
+Ȧ N plans|滮,*deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+Ȧ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@sit|
+Ȧ V read|
+Ȧ V sign|д,#read|
+Ȧ N shape|,round|Բ
+ȧ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+Ȩ N attribute|,power|,&human|,&organization|֯,&information|Ϣ
+Ȩ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ
+Ȩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,desired|
+Ȩ N human|,official|,past|
+Ȩ V estimate|
+Ȩ V estimate|,content=ProsCons|
+Ȩ N human|,*estimate|
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ
+Ȩ N attribute|,power|,&human|,&organization|֯,&information|Ϣ
+Ȩ N attribute|,power|,&human|,&organization|֯
+Ȩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+Ȩʱ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,TimeShort|
+Ȩ N attribute|,power|,&human|,&organization|֯
+Ȩ N attribute|,power|,&human|,&organization|֯,&information|Ϣ
+Ȩ N human|,#power|,able|,desired|
+Ȩʿ N human|,#power|
+Ȩ N attribute|,power|,&human|,&organization|֯,&information|Ϣ
+Ȩ N attribute|,range|,&power|
+Ȩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,desired|
+Ȩ֮ N method|
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ,duty|
+ȩ N chemical|ѧ
+Ȫ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+Ȫˮ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+Ȫˮ N water|ˮ
+Ȫ N part|,%waters|ˮ,mouth|
+Ȫ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ȪԴ N location|λ,@ExistAppear|
+ȪԴ N part|,%waters|ˮ,head|ͷ
+ȪԴ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,complete|
+ȫ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ȫ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ȫ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+ȫ N human|,able|,desired|
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,length|,all|ȫ
+ȫ N attribute|,name|,&entity|ʵ
+ȫ N process|
+ȫ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ȫ V equal|
+ȫ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ȫλ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ȫ N place|ط,country|,complete|
+ȫΧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,country|
+ȫ˴ N institution|,politics|,#country|,*forming|γ,#law|ɷ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,country|
+ȫ N fact|,discuss|
+ȫ N publications|鿯
+ȫ N community|,family|,complete|
+ȫҸ N food|ʳƷ
+ȫҸ N image|ͼ,$TakePicture|,#human|,#family|
+ȫ V destroy|
+ȫ N attribute|,scene|,complete|,&inanimate|
+ȫ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ȫ N army|
+ȫû V defeated|
+ȫ N paper|ֽ,#print|ӡˢ
+ȫ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,endeavour|
+ȫԸ V endeavour|
+ȫò N attribute|,appearance|,&entity|ʵ
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ȫ N community|
+ȫ N system|ƶ,#rights|Ȩ,#own|,public|
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ȫ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,year|,complete|
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ȫ V ize|̬
+ȫս N plans|滮
+ȫ N place|ط
+ȫȨ N attribute|,power|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ȫȨ N duty|
+ȫȨ N human|,#duty|
+ȫȨ N human|,official|
+ȫȻ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ȫ N community|
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,#day|
+ȫѧ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|
+ȫɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ
+ȫɫä N human|,*disable|м
+ȫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ȫ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,endeavour|
+ȫע ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ȫʡ N place|ط,all|ȫ
+ȫʢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ȫʢ V prosper|
+ȫʤ V win|ʤ
+ȫʼȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|,desired|
+ȫ N publications|鿯
+ȫ N quantity|,amount|,&entity|ʵ
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ȫ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ȫ N part|,%entity|ʵ,complete|
+ȫ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+ȫ N fact|,discuss|
+ȫѡ N human|,*select|ѡ,mass|
+ȫ N time|ʱ,day|
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,withstand|ס,#WeatherBad|
+ȫ N InstitutePlace|,*TakeCare|,#young|,#human|
+ȫ N text|
+ȫϢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|
+ȫ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ȫ N place|ط,@fight|,military|
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|
+ȫȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ȫ N sound|,#music|
+ȫԱ N human|,employee|Ա
+ȫ˻ N fact|,sport|
+ȫ֪ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ȫԶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+Ȭ V BeRecovered|ԭ,medical|ҽ
+Ȭ V BeRecovered|ԭ,medical|ҽ
+ȭ N fact|,beat|
+ȭ N fact|,exercise|
+ȭ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hand|
+ȭ V beat|
+ȭ N fact|,sport|
+ȭ N fact|,exercise|
+ȭ V bend|
+ȭȭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ȭ N human|,$choose|ѡ,*compete|,sport|
+ȭͷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hand|
+ȭ N human|,desired|,*compete|,*win|ʤ,$reward|,sport|
+Ȯ N livestock|
+Ȯ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ
+Ȯ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ
+Ȯ N part|,%livestock|,*bite|ҧ
+Ȯ V BeAcross|ཻ
+Ȯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,mixed|,undesired|ݬ
+Ȯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,dissimilar|
+ȯ N coupon|Ʊ֤
+Ȱ V mobilize|
+Ȱ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+Ȱ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+Ȱ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+Ȱ N human|,*persuade|Ȱ˵
+Ȱ V mediate|,ResultEvent=fight|
+Ȱ V persuade|Ȱ˵,ResultEvent=surrender|
+Ȱ V mediate|
+Ȱ N human|,*persuade|Ȱ˵
+Ȱ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+Ȱ V persuade|Ȱ˵,ResultEvent=drink|
+Ȱ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+Ȱ˵ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+Ȱ˵ N human|,*persuade|Ȱ˵
+Ȱο V soothe|ο,means=persuade|Ȱ˵
+Ȱҵ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+Ȱ V obstruct|ֹ,means=persuade|Ȱ˵
+ȱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ
+ȱ V disappear|ʧ
+ȱ V lack|ȱ
+ȱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ȱ N attribute|,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ,&thing|
+ȱ N quantity|,amount|,&lack|ȱ
+ȱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ
+ȱ V lack|ȱ
+ȱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ȱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ȱĬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ȱ N emotion|,regret|Ǹ
+ȱ V lack|ȱ,commercial|
+ȱ V pay|,quantity=lack|ȱ
+ȱ N part|,%place|ط,mouth|
+ȱ V cease|ͣ
+ȱ V lack|ȱ
+ȱʧ N attribute|,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ,&thing|
+ȱˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,dried|
+ȱϯ V disappear|ʧ
+ȱ N attribute|,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ,&thing|
+ȱ N disease|,#mouth|
+Ȳ N chemical|ѧ
+ȳ V disable|м,scope=walk|
+ȳ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*disable|м,#walk|
+ȴ V GoBackward|
+ȴ V reject|ؾ
+ȴ V cure|ҽ,content=disease|
+ȴ V GoBackward|
+ȴ V reject|ؾ
+ȵ N bird|
+ȵռ V occupy|ռ
+ȵ V appear|
+ȵ N place|ط,@meet|,#male|,#female|Ů
+ȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ȷ V guarantee|֤
+ȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,accurate|
+ȷ V decide|
+ȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,accurate|
+ȷ V establish|
+ȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,substantial|ʵ
+ȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,accurate|,desired|
+ȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,accurate|,desired|
+ȷ V decide|
+ȷʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ȷʵɿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,suitable|,desired|
+ȷ V believe|
+ȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ȷ V diagnose|,medical|ҽ
+ȷ֤ N information|Ϣ,*prove|֤
+ȷ֤ V prove|֤
+ȸ N bird|
+ȸ N disease|
+ȸӥ N bird|
+ȸԾ V WhileAway|,means=jump|
+ȸԾ V joyful|ϲ
+ȹ N clothing|,#leg|,#female|Ů
+ȹϵ N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|,undesired|ݬ
+ȹ N clothing|,#leg|,#female|Ů
+ȹװ N clothing|,#female|Ů
+ȹ N clothing|,#leg|,#female|Ů
+Ⱥ CLAS NounUnit|,&AnimalHuman|
+Ⱥ N entity|ʵ,mass|
+ȺȺ V cooperate|
+Ⱥ N land|½,mass|
+Ⱥ N human|,desired|,beautiful|,female|Ů,mass|
+Ⱥ V reside|ס
+Ⱥå N human|,mass|
+Ⱥ V appear|
+Ⱥ N material|,*apply|ͿĨ,*decorate|װ
+Ⱥ N emotion|
+Ⱥɽ N land|½
+Ⱥ N entity|ʵ,mass|
+ȺȺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+Ⱥ N human|,able|,desired|,mass|
+Ⱥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ȺӢ N human|,able|,desired|,mass|
+Ⱥ N human|,mass|
+Ⱥ˶ N fact|
+Ⱥӵ N weapon|,$firing|
+Ȼ ADV aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+Ȼ CONJ {but|}
+Ȼ CONJ {but|}
+Ȼ CONJ {time|ʱ}
+Ȼŵ V agree|ͬ
+ȼ V burn|
+ȼ V lighting|ȼ
+ȼ V shoot|
+ȼ N material|,$burn|,*lighting|ȼ
+ȼü֮ N affairs|,urgent|
+ȼ N material|,gas|,$burn|
+ȼֻ N machine|
+ȼ V burn|
+ȼյ N weapon|,$firing|
+ȼ N part|,%implement|
+ȼ N material|,liquid|Һ,*burn|
+Ƚ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+Ƚ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ȽȽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+Ⱦ V AlterColor|ɫ
+Ⱦ V SufferFrom|
+Ⱦ V influence|Ӱ
+Ⱦ V undergo|
+Ⱦ V ill|̬
+Ⱦ N material|,*AlterColor|ɫ
+Ⱦɫ V AlterColor|ɫ
+Ⱦɫ N part|,%animate|
+Ⱦ V suffer|,content=CauseAffect|Ⱦ
+Ⱦָ V damage|
+Ⱦָ V engage|
+ȿ N part|,%fruit|ˮ,flesh|,$eat|
+ȿ N part|,%physical|,flesh|
+ȿ N part|,%fruit|ˮ,flesh|
+ N place|ط
+ N stone|ʯ
+ N stone|ʯ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V bend|
+ V reject|ؾ
+ V resist|
+ V rob|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=arm|
+ V remove|
+ V rob|
+ V cry|
+ V cry|
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ
+ V invite|
+ V sell|
+ V surrender|
+ PREP {agent}
+ ... ԱŸ V obstruct|ֹ,ResultEvent=GoInto|
+ò V surrender|
+ö V give|
+ø V sell|
+ V ExpressAgreement|ʾͬ,content=subtract|,#payment|
+· V benefit|
+λ V cease|ͣ,content=undertake|,politics|
+λ V provide|,possession=space|ռ
+ V sell|
+ V provide|,possession=space|ռ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,fertile|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V forgive|ԭ
+ V give|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,speak|˵,undesired|ݬ
+ V speak|˵
+ˡ V forgive|ԭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,fertile|,desired|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+Ŷ V uprise|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,MakeTrouble|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V GoRound|Χ
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V coil|
+ V confuse|
+Ʋ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+Ʋ V speak|˵,manner=hidden|
+Ƶ V GoRound|Χ
+Ȧ V GoRound|Χ
+Ȧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,tactful|,undesired|ݬ
+Ȧ V circle|
+ V walk|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,tactful|,undesired|ݬ
+ V speak|˵,manner=hidden|
+ V cross|Խ
+Զ V GoRound|Χ
+ N part|,implement|,#electricity|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ V ResultIn|
+ V attract|
+ V incur|
+ V irritate|ŭ
+ V offend|
+Dz ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$incur|
+Dz ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$incur|
+ǻ V ResultIn|,result=damage|
+ǻ V MakeTrouble|
+ǻ V ResultIn|,result=damage|
+ V incur|
+鷳 V MakeTrouble|
+ V angry|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V WarmUp|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|
+ V perception|֪,content=cold|
+Ȱ V like|ϧ
+ȳ N fact|
+ȳ N emotion|,endeavour|
+ȳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ȴ N component|,space|ռ,%earth|
+ȴ N disease|
+ȵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ
+ȵ N place|ط,$welcome|ӭ
+ȵ N problem|,important|
+ȵ N electricity|
+ȵ糧 N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,*produce|,#electricity|
+ȵż N fittings|,%tool|þ
+ȶ N attribute|,temperature|¶,&physical|
+ȶ N attribute|,temperature|¶,fever|,&human|
+ȷ V WarmUp|,medical|ҽ
+Ⱥ V part|,%physical|
+Ⱥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|,desired|
+Ⱥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+Ⱥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|
+Ⱥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|,desired|
+Ⱥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|
+ N gas|,hot|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ӯ V weep|
+ N attribute|,strength|,hot|,&physical|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ V love|
+ N attribute|,heat|,&physical|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N experience|,excited|
+ N wind|,hot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+Ż N inanimate|,commercial|,generic|ͳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,desired|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&heat|
+ N gas|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ N emotion|,excited|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ V exercise|
+ˮ N water|ˮ,hot|
+ˮ N tool|þ,*WarmUp|
+ˮƿ N tool|þ,cubic|,@store|,#liquid|Һ
+ˮ N tool|þ,*WarmUp|,#water|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|
+ V expect|
+ N facilities|ʩ,linear|,@transmit|,#information|Ϣ
+ N lights|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$sell|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ij ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+Ѫ N emotion|,faithful|,desired|
+Ѫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ N drinks|Ʒ,hot|,generic|ͳ
+Դ N location|λ,@ExistAppear|,#hot|
+Ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,#hot|,$guide|
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ V expect|,undesired|ݬ
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ V expect|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ N emotion|,kindhearted|,desired|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ʰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ʴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+־ʿ N human|,desired|,faithful|
+御 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ N attribute|,physique|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&community|
+ N human|
+ N human|,ThirdPerson|
+ N human|,adult|
+ N human|,all|ȫ
+ N human|,mass|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+˲ N human|,able|,desired|
+˲ N human|,able|,desired|
+˲ű V appear|,#human|,#able|
+˲żü EXPR appear|,#human|,#able|
+˲н N InstitutePlace|,*call|ٻ,#request|Ҫ,#employ|
+˲ EXPR appear|,#human|,#able|
+˲ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+˳ N human|,mass|
+˳ N attribute|,name|,&thing|
+˳ N attribute|,property|,&language|
+˴ CLAS unit|λ,&human|
+˴ N institution|,politics|,#country|,*forming|γ,#law|ɷ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+˴ί N institution|,politics|,(China|й)
+˴ N human|,#institution|,politics|,#country|,*forming|γ,#law|ɷ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+˴ N institution|,politics|,#country|,*forming|γ,#law|ɷ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+˵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+˵ N emotion|,kindhearted|,desired|
+˵ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+˵ N human|
+˶ N human|,mass|
+˶ N quantity|,amount|,&human|,family|
+˷ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+˷ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+˷ V defend|,patient=sky|
+˸ V surpass|ǿ,scope=human|
+˸ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+˹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,artificial|
+˹ N fact|,translate|,literature|
+˹ V respire|,#rescue|,medical|ҽ
+˹ N artifact|˹
+˹ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+˺ N human|,mass|
+˻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+˻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+˼ N trace|,#human|
+˼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+˼ʹϵ N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|
+˼ N community|,family|
+˼ PRON {ThirdPerson|}
+˼ N earth|
+˽ N human|,able|,desired|
+˾ V use|,patient=human|
+˾ ADJ qValue|ֵ,rate|
+˿ N quantity|,amount|,&human|
+˿ N quantity|,amount|,&human|,family|
+˿ڳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,dense|,#human|
+˿ڹ N quantity|,amount|,over|,&human|
+˿ڹʣ N quantity|,amount|,over|,&human|
+˿ڻ N part|,%institution|,politics|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+˿ղ N fact|,investigate|,#quantity|,#human|
+˿ͳ V calculate|,content=human|
+˿ͳ N quantity|,amount|,&calculate|
+˿ͳѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+˿ϡ ADJ quantity|,amount|,few|,&human|
+ V tired|ƣ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,desired|
+ N human|,generic|ͳ
+ N part|,%animate|,#PassOn|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#human|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&human|
+ N quantity|,amount|,#employee|Ա,&organization|֯
+ N LandVehicle|
+ N human|,mass|
+ N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|
+ N army|,generic|ͳ
+ N human|,mass|
+Ϊ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,over|,#employee|Ա
+ N human|,mass|
+ N human|,mass|
+ N money|,(China|й)
+ N house|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ž N army|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ձ N publications|鿯,news|,(China|й)
+ N institution|,politics|,(China|й)
+ N attribute|,strength|,&human|
+ CLAS ActUnit|,&act|ж
+Ʒ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|
+ N emotion|
+ N fact|,help|
+ N attribute|,wisdom|ǻ,&human|
+ζ N emotion|,kindhearted|,desired|
+ծ N emotion|,grateful|м,desired|
+Ȩ N attribute|,rights|Ȩ,&human|
+Ⱥ N human|,mass|
+ PRON {ThirdPerson|,mass|}
+ɽ˺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,desired|
+ N part|,%human|
+ N time|ʱ,TimeLong|,#alive|
+ N standpoint|
+ʿ N human|
+ʿ N human|,glorious|
+ N earth|
+ N earth|
+ N affairs|,#human|
+ N affairs|,#human|,#employee|Ա
+ N fact|
+ N fact|,#human|
+² N institution|,#employee|Ա,ProperName|ר,politics|
+´ N part|,%institution|,*manage|,#employee|Ա
+¾ N part|,%institution|,*manage|,#employee|Ա
+ N attribute|,strength|,&community|
+ֲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,weak|
+ٱ V guarantee|֤,scope=die|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&human|
+ N part|,%human|,body|
+ͷ N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|
+ͷ N quantity|,amount|,&human|
+ͷܶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,crowded|
+Ϊ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,artificial|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N human|
+ﻭ N image|ͼ,$draw|
+ N image|ͼ,$draw|
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+ N emotion|
+ĸ V uneasy|
+Ļ̻ V uneasy|
+ N emotion|
+е N facilities|ʩ,route|·,@walk|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ N AnimalHuman|
+ѡ N human|,$choose|ѡ
+ N attribute|,occasion|,#human|,&place|ط
+Կη ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ V defeated|,military|
+Ӱ N trace|,#lights|,#human|
+Ա N human|,employee|Ա,mass|
+Ա ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,weak|
+Ա ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+Ե N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ V obey|ѭ,content=thinking|˼
+߾ V catch|ס,patient=human|,patient=artifact|˹,crime|,#police|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,artificial|
+ N material|,?clothing|,?furniture|Ҿ,artificial|
+ N food|ʳƷ,artificial|
+ N aircraft|
+ά N material|
+֤ N information|Ϣ,*prove|֤
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,$detain|ס
+ N attribute|,kind|,&human|
+ V endure|
+̲ס V EndureNot|
+̶ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+̿ V laugh|Ц,manner=WithstandNot|ס
+ N endure|
+ V endure|
+ V endure|,content=MakeBad|Ӻ
+ V forgive|ԭ
+踺 V bear|е
+ V endure|
+ʹ V endure|,content=painful|ʹ
+ V EndureNot|
+ V endure|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,durable|,desired|
+ʹ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+; N attribute|,will|־,strong|ǿ,&human|
+ N attribute|,will|־,strong|ǿ,&human|
+ V CauseToBe|ʹ֮
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V indulge|
+ V undertake|
+κ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+ν V engage|,content=teach|,education|
+ο V engage|,content=teach|,education|
+Թ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ V AlterIsa|Ƿ
+ V CauseToBe|ʹ֮
+ N human|,*CauseToBe|ʹ֮
+ƾ V indulge|
+ N attribute|,duration|,#engage|,&human|
+ V satisfied|
+Ψ V CauseToBe|ʹ֮,AccordingTo=intimate|
+Ψ V CauseToBe|ʹ֮,AccordingTo=ability|
+ N affairs|
+۵ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ N phenomena|,sport|
+ V CauseToBe|ʹ֮
+ V employ|
+ְ V undertake|,content=occupation|ְλ
+صԶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ V RegardAs|
+ V admit|
+ V agree|ͬ
+ V bear|е
+ V distinguish|ֱ
+ V know|֪
+ϴ V admit|,content=wrong|
+ϵ V know|֪
+϶ V regard|Ϊ
+Ϲ V buy|,commercial|
+Ϲ V bear|е,content=buy|
+Ϲ N human|,*bear|е,#buy|
+Ͻ V pay|
+Ͼ V donate|
+Ͽ V agree|ͬ
+ V collect|
+ V know|֪
+ʶ V know|֪
+ʶ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ V surrender|
+ͬ V admit|
+ͬ N emotion|,admit|
+Ϊ V regard|Ϊ
+ V betray|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+֤ V prove|֤
+֪ ADJ know|֪
+֪ V know|֪
+ V regard|Ϊ
+ V admit|,content=crime|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,*cut|,heart|
+ N weapon|,*stab|
+о N part|,%machine|,*cut|,heart|
+Ѹ N human|,female|Ů,*GiveBirth|
+ V pregnant|,#medical|ҽ
+ N time|ʱ,@pregnant|
+ V fasten|˩
+ V fasten|˩
+ V abandon|
+ V throw|
+ V abandon|
+ ADV {Vcontinue|}
+Ծ ADV {Vcontinue|}
+Ȼ ADV {Vcontinue|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,day|
+ N celestial|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+ N time|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ,day|,special|
+ N time|ʱ,morning|
+ N unit|λ,&time|ʱ
+ձɽ V decline|˥
+ձ N publications|鿯
+ձ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+ձ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ձ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ձ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר
+ձ N human|,(Japan|ձ)
+ղ N quantity|,amount|,&crop|ׯ,&artifact|˹,#day|
+ճ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+ճ N affairs|,ordinary|
+ճ N plans|滮
+ճ̱ N readings|,#plans|滮
+ճ N time|ʱ,day|,morning|
+մ N stationery|ľ,*print|ӡˢ
+ոһ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+չ N affairs|,industrial|,#day|
+չ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|,#day|
+չ N payment|
+չ N lights|,#celestial|
+չ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+պ N time|ʱ,future|
+ջ V gather|ɼ,manner=TimeLong|
+ռ N readings|
+ռ N readings|
+ռ N time|ʱ,day|,morning|
+ռ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ս ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ս˥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,decline|˥,undesired|ݬ
+վ N army|,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+տ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+տ N army|,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+ V endeavour|
+ N tool|þ,*show|,#time|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Swiss|ʿ)
+ N time|ʱ,day|
+ǰ N time|ʱ,past|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ҹҹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ N human|,commercial|,(Japan|ձ)
+䲡 N disease|
+ͷ N celestial|
+ N InstitutePlace|,*TakeCare|,#young|,#human|
+ N language|,(Japan|ձ)
+ V change|
+ҹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ҹ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+Լҹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ V BecomeMore|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$use|
+ðٻ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ,commercial|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+Ԫ N money|,(Japan|ձ)
+Բ N money|,(Japan|ձ)
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ N lights|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+ N time|ʱ,#illuminate|,#celestial|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+־ N document|
+ N time|ʱ,afternoon|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&human|
+ N time|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ,day|
+ N lights|
+ N affairs|,military|
+ N army|,generic|ͳ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,past|
+ N affairs|,military|
+װ N clothing|,military|
+ N part|,%beast|,*feel|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+س N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V prosper|
+ٹ V GoBack|
+ٻ N attribute|,reputation|,glorious|,desired|,&human|
+ٻ N attribute|,situation|״,rich|,glorious|,desired|,&human|
+ٻ V obtain|õ
+ N attribute|,reputation|,&human|,&organization|֯
+빲 V bear|е,means=together|ͬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,glorious|,desired|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N experience|,#reputation|
+ N human|,military|,*disable|м
+ V obtain|õ
+ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=liquid|Һ
+ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=liquid|Һ,industrial|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V fit|ʺ
+ں V merge|ϲ
+ں V merge|ϲ,industrial|
+ڻ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=liquid|Һ
+ڻ V merge|ϲ
+ڻͨ V understand|
+ڽ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=liquid|Һ
+Ǣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,warm|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ͨ V circulate|ѭ,commercial|
+ V provide|,possession=fund|ʽ
+ V burn|,industrial|
+۵ N attribute|,boundary|,&burn|
+۶ V break|۶,#electricity|
+ۻ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=liquid|Һ
+۽ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=liquid|Һ,industrial|
+ V burn|,industrial|
+¯ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@burn|,#metal|,@produce|,#material|
+ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=liquid|Һ,industrial|
+ N stone|ʯ
+ V produce|,means=burn|,industrial|
+ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=liquid|Һ,industrial|
+ܶ N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+ܻ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=liquid|Һ,industrial|
+ܼ N chemical|ѧ
+ܽ N inanimate|
+ܽ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=liquid|Һ,industrial|
+ܽ N quantity|,rate|,StateChange|̬,&inanimate|
+ܽ N attribute|,ability|,#liquid|Һ
+ʴ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=liquid|Һ,industrial|
+Һ N water|ˮ,*contain|,#material|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ V agree|ͬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V contain|
+ V endure|
+ݲ V TolerateNot|
+ݲ÷ V TolerateNot|,target=disagree|ͬ
+ݻ N attribute|,volume|ݻ,&inanimate|
+ N attribute|,volume|ݻ,&inanimate|
+ò N attribute|,appearance|,&AnimalHuman|
+ V contain|
+ N tool|þ,@put|,@store|,generic|ͳ
+ V forgive|ԭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lenient|,desired|
+ V endure|
+ V forgive|ԭ
+ V reside|ס
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$agree|ͬ
+ V agree|ͬ
+ N attribute|,appearance|,skin|Ƥ,AnimalHuman|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,easy|,desired|
+ V happen|,manner=easy|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$OutOfOrder|
+ V accept|,manner=easy|
+ N material|,?clothing|,?tool|þ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hair|ë
+ N material|,?clothing|,?tool|þ
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ N clothing|,#leg|
+ë N material|,?clothing|,?tool|þ
+ë N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hair|ë
+ë N part|,%bird|,hair|ë
+ë״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,hair|ë
+ͷ N material|,?clothing|,?tool|þ,*weave|
+ͷ N tool|þ,*weave|
+ N material|,*decorate|װ
+ N material|,?clothing|,?tool|þ,*weave|
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|,undesired|ݬ
+߳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,trivial|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|,&entity|ʵ
+Ա N human|,employee|Ա,redundant|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,mixed|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,complicated|,undesired|ݬ
+ V PlayWith|Ū
+ V rub|Ħ
+ V PlayWith|Ū
+ V rub|Ħ
+Ū V PlayWith|Ū
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,soft|
+ N fact|,exercise|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,delicate|,desired|
+ N emotion|,gentle|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,durable|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,soft|,desired|
+⻬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,soft|,desired|
+ N fact|,sport|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ N fish|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,passive|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+ N part|,%fruit|ˮ,flesh|,$eat|
+ⲫ V fight|,military|
+ⶡ N food|ʳƷ,#flesh|
+ⶹޢ N fruit|ˮ
+ N tree|,?medicine|ҩ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,fat|
+⼦ N bird|
+ N part|,%animate|,flesh|
+˰ߴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,passive|
+ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ĩ N food|ʳƷ,#flesh|
+ţ N livestock|
+ N food|ʳƷ,#flesh|
+Ƥ N part|,%human|,skin|Ƥ
+Ƥ N part|,%livestock|,skin|Ƥ
+Ƭ N food|ʳƷ,#flesh|
+ N bird|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ʳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,*eat|,#flesh|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ,$eat|,liquid|Һ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N part|,%human|,body|
+ N food|ʳƷ,#flesh|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+Ʒ N food|ʳƷ,#flesh|
+д N human|,enemy|
+ N livestock|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V eat|
+ V crawl|
+䶯 V crawl|
+ V crawl|
+ N human|,literature|
+ N human|,literature|,ProperName|ר,past|
+ N community|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N human|,literature|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ N beast|,*swim|
+ N human|,young|
+ N human|,young|
+ţ N human|,employee|Ա
+ V BeSimilar|
+ CONJ {condition|}
+ ADV {supplement|ݽ}
+糣 ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,regular|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+һ V BeSame|ͬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+˵ȵ COOR {and|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADV {supplement|ݽ}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ V ignorant|֪
+̺ V ignorant|֪
+編 V imitate|ģ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|,desired|
+ CONJ {condition|}
+ ADV {manner|ʽ,question|}
+绢 ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|
+ݱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+缢ƿ V worried|ż
+罺 ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ ADV time|ʱ,now|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ı ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+γ V understand|
+ɢ V flee|
+ƽʱһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,#time|ʱ,desired|
+ǰ ADV {comment|}
+ V prosper|
+ CONJ {condition|}
+ɥ V sorrowful|
+ ADV {comment|}
+ ADV {comment|}
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,accurate|,desired|
+ʵ N attribute|,size|ߴ,&physical|
+ظ V AtEase|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+黹 V return|,quantity=all|ȫ
+ V return|,quantity=all|ȫ
+˻ V return|,quantity=all|ȫ
+˹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+ͬ V BeSimilar|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ ADV {supplement|ݽ}
+ϸ V SeekRefuge|Ͷ
+ V satisfied|
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+Ӱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+Ը V fulfil|ʵ,patient=aspiration|Ը
+ԸԳ V satisfied|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ձ V uneasy|
+ V damage|
+ V slander|̰
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ N human|,*ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+û V slander|̰
+ N human|,young|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,$drink|,liquid|Һ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N shape|,liquid|Һ
+鰩 N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,young|
+鷿 N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N bird|,?food|ʳƷ
+黯 V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=liquid|Һ,industrial|
+黯 N chemical|ѧ
+ N medicine|ҩ,liquid|Һ
+齺 N material|,sticky|,*fix|ס,*fasten|˩
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ĸ N human|,female|Ů,*feed|ι,employee|Ա
+ţ N livestock|
+Ʒ N edible|ʳ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ͷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ͷ״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ͻ N disease|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ٰ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ N material|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ
+֭ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,$drink|,liquid|Һ
+Ʒ N edible|ʳ
+ N livestock|,young|
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ PRON {SecondPerson|}
+۳ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V GoInto|
+ V fit|ʺ
+ V include|
+ N payment|
+벻 V lack|ȱ
+볡 V GoInto|
+볡ȯ N coupon|Ʊ֤,#wealth|Ǯ,*GoInto|,#InstitutePlace|
+봺 V start|ʼ,agent=time|ʱ,spring|
+뵳 V include|,ResultWhole=community|,politics|
+붬 V start|ʼ,agent=time|ʱ,winter|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,good|,desired|
+ V GoInto|,LocationFin=facilities|ʩ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ V include|,SourceWhole=community|,commercial|
+뻧 V GoInto|,LocationFin=house|
+뻭 ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ V include|
+ N human|,*include|
+ V include|,ResultWhole=community|
+뾳 V GoInto|,LocationFin=country|
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ڴ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ V attack|,military|
+ V store|
+ N readings|,NotProfound|dz
+ V appear|
+ V sleep|˯
+ V sleep|˯
+ ADJ FondOf|ϲ
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ħ V FondOf|ϲ
+ľ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ V attack|,military|
+ N human|,*attack|,military|
+ V start|ʼ,agent=time|ʱ,autumn|
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ V start|ʼ
+˯ V sleep|˯
+ V bury|
+ V include|,ResultWhole=community|,politics|
+ V include|,ResultWhole=institution|
+ V record|¼,content=internet|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+Χ V win|ʤ
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+ V include|,ResultWhole=army|,military|
+ϯ V sit|
+ V start|ʼ,agent=time|ʱ,summer|
+ѡ V win|ʤ
+ѧ V include|,ResultWhole=education|,education|
+ѧ N fact|,exam|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ҩ V RegardAs|,ResultIsa=medicine|ҩ
+ҹ N time|ʱ,night|
+ V suffer|,content=detain|ס,crime|,police|
+Ժ V reside|ס,location=InstitutePlace|,purpose=$cure|ҽ,#medical|ҽ
+ V record|¼,LocationFin=account|,commercial|
+ V MarryTo|
+ V sit|
+ V put|,LocationFin=tool|þ
+ N tool|þ,@LieDown|
+촯 N disease|
+쵥 N tool|þ,@LieDown|,*cover|ڸ
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ
+ N tool|þ,@LieDown|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,soft|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+װ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,soft|,#wrap|
+ N tool|þ,*record|¼
+ N material|,?clothing|,?tool|þ
+ N wind|
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ͷ N human|,undesired|ݬ,timid|
+ N tool|þ,linear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,soft|,desired|
+ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=soft|
+ V win|ʤ
+ N software|
+ N software|
+ V detain|ס,police|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,soft|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ĥ V MakeTrouble|
+ľ N wood|ľ,material|
+ N tool|þ,*record|¼
+Ƭ N part|,%tool|þ,#TakePicture|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,soft|,ish|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ʳ N edible|ʳ,generic|ͳ
+ˮ N water|ˮ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N part|,%building|,nerve|
+嶯 N AnimalHuman|,generic|ͳ
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,@sleep|˯
+ϯ N part|,%LandVehicle|,@sit|
+ϯ N part|,%LandVehicle|,@sleep|˯
+ N attribute|,content|,interesting|Ȥ,readings|
+ N drinks|Ʒ,generic|ͳ
+Ӳ N part|,%software|,%computer|
+½ N fact|,*arrive|,#aircraft|
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,@sit|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N MusicTool|
+ N part|,%FlowerGrass|,heart|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Sweden|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N money|,(Sweden|)
+ N human|,(Sweden|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N money|,(Cambodia|կ)
+ʿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Swiss|ʿ)
+ʿ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ʿ N money|,(Liechtenstein|֧ʿ)
+ʿ N money|,(Swiss|ʿ)
+ʿ N human|,(Swiss|ʿ)
+ѩ N RainSnow|ѩ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,sharp|
+ɵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ V BecomeLess|,manner=sudden|
+ N image|ͼ,angular|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,sharp|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N time|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ,year|
+ N time|ʱ,month|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,polished|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,wet|ʪ,desired|
+ V decorate|װ
+ V lubricate|,industrial|
+ V moisten|ʪ
+ V lubricate|,industrial|
+ N material|,liquid|Һ,*lubricate|
+ N material|,liquid|Һ,*lubricate|
+֬ N material|,liquid|Һ,*lubricate|
+ɫ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ɫ V decorate|װ
+ʪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,wet|ʪ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,polished|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,wet|ʪ,desired|
+ V moisten|ʪ
+ CONJ {condition|}
+ N InsectWorm|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,question|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,some|Щ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,unfamiliar|϶,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ V calm|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ V inferior|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ,&thing|
+ V weaken|
+ V ill|̬,#eye|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N attribute|,quality|,weak|,&human|,&organization|֯
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ V indulge|
+ V spray|
+ V spread|
+ V throw|
+ V release|ͷ,patient=LandVehicle|
+ N humanized|,evil|
+ V IllBehave|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ɳĮ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ V recreation|
+ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+ V please|ȡ
+ V release|ͷ
+ V IllBehave|
+ V excrete|й,patient=liquid|Һ
+ V IllBehave|
+ V ExpressAnger|ʾŭ
+ V leak|©,content=gas|
+ V cease|ͣ
+ V release|ͷ
+ֲ V cease|ͣ
+ V die|
+ȥ V die|
+ N tool|þ,strong|ǿ,desired|,*win|ʤ
+ V run|
+Ⱦ V run|
+ V throw|,patient=tool|þ,#catch|ס,#fish|
+Ѽ V run|
+Ѿ V run|
+Ұ V IllBehave|
+ V spray|
+ V spread|
+ V weep|
+ V fall|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,complicated|,undesired|ݬ
+ˮ V LandVehicle|,spread|,#water|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,demeanor|,gracious|,desired|
+ V spray|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+߶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(El Salvador|߶)
+߶ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+ά ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(El Salvador|ά)
+ά N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+ղ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Yugoslavia|˹)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Yugoslavia|˹)
+Ħ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Samoa|Ħ)
+Ħ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+Ħ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ N disease|
+ N part|,%fish|,*respire|
+ V fill|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,generic|ͳ
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Senegal|ڼӶ)
+ N place|ط,important|,military|
+ N place|ط,(China|й)
+ N sound|,#language|
+ V suffer|,content=$BlockUp|,experiencer=LandVehicle|
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N money|,(Ghana|)
+ά N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Yugoslavia|˹)
+ά- N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ά N human|,(Yugoslavia|˹)
+ά N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,( Sierra Leone|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ڼӶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Senegal|ڼӶ)
+ڼӶ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ڼӶ N human|,(Senegal|ڼӶ)
+·˹ N aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Cyprus|·˹)
+·˹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+·˹ N money|,(Cyprus|·˹)
+·˹ N human|,(Cyprus|·˹)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Seychelles|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+¬ N money|,(Seychelles|)
+ N human|,(Seychelles|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,(China|й)
+ά N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Spain|)
+ʧ EXPR lucky|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,generic|ͳ
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(Yugoslavia|˹)
+ V compete|
+ N fact|,compete|
+ V surpass|ǿ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@compete|,sport|
+ N SportTool|˶,LandVehicle|,*compete|
+ N fact|,compete|,#LandVehicle|
+ N process|,#compete|
+ V surpass|ǿ
+ V compete|,sport|
+ N fact|,compete|,run|
+ N fact|,compete|
+ͧ N ship|,*compete|
+ͧ˶ N fact|,compete|,#ship|,sport|
+ N material|,?tool|þ
+ N material|,?tool|þ
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+K N community|,(US|)
+˸Ů N time|ʱ,day|,festival|,#female|Ů,@congratulate|ף
+˽ N time|ʱ,day|,festival|,#female|Ů,@congratulate|ף
+ʮ N attribute|,occupation|ְλ,mass|,&human|
+൹ V engage|,content=affairs|,#duty|,#sequence|
+̥ N human|,family|,mass|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ N music|
+ N fact|,eat|
+· N location|λ,%route|·
+ V die|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,#die|
+ N human|,family|
+ N time|ʱ,past|
+ϵ N time|ʱ,past|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+۷ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,again|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,again|
+ N time|ʱ,summer|,hot|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+ҹ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+é® V invite|
+ N place|ط,#human|,country|,politics|,mass|
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ϰ N material|,wood|ľ,*build|,*produce|,#furniture|Ҿ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$merge|ϲ
+ ADJ part|,implement|
+ N fact|,exercise|,sport|
+Զ N fact|,exercise|,sport|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ V KeepSilence|˵
+ż N tool|þ,#TakePicture|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ N image|ͼ,angular|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#image|ͼ
+ǰ N tool|þ,*measure|
+dz N tool|þ,*measure|
+Ƿ N tree|
+ǹε N tool|þ,*cut|
+Ǻ N symbol|,#quantity|,#DoSum|
+ǿ N clothing|,#leg|
+ N fact|,love|
+ N material|,metal|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ N land|½,surfacial|,#waters|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$merge|ϲ
+ N army|
+ N army|,generic|ͳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+⾵ N tool|þ,#lights|
+ V order|
+ N LandVehicle|
+ֳ N LandVehicle|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N time|ʱ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,some|Щ
+ V lucky|
+ʮ V BeGood|̬
+˼ V think|˼,manner=attentive|ϸ
+˼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+ͷ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ͨ N tool|þ
+ά ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,cubic|
+λһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$merge|ϲ
+Ⱥ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,some|Щ
+ N edible|ʳ,#taste|ζ,good|
+ N MusicTool|
+Ķ V hesitate|ԥ
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N time|ʱ,month|
+· N time|ʱ,month|
+㶦 V BeOpposite|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ɡ N shape|
+ɡ N tool|þ,#RainSnow|ѩ,*protect|
+ɡ N human|,military|
+ɡ N army|
+ɡ V fall|,sport|,military|
+ɡͶ V drop|Ͷ
+ɢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,unattached|ɢ,undesired|ݬ
+ɢ V disperse|ɢ
+ɢ V issue|ַ
+ɢ N medicine|ҩ
+ɢ V release|ͷ
+ɢ V spread|
+ɢ N human|,military|
+ɢ N human|,military|,undesired|ݬ
+ɢ V disseminate|
+ɢ V disseminate|
+ɢ V spread|
+ɢ V walk|
+ɢ V finish|,entertainment|
+ɢ N fact|,sport|
+ɢ V issue|ַ
+ɢ V spread|
+ɢ N disease|,#eye|
+ɢ V finish|
+ɢ V separate|
+ɢ N inanimate|,commercial|
+ɢ N medicine|ҩ
+ɢ N text|
+ɢ V separate|
+ɢ V disperse|ɢ
+ɢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ɢ V disperse|ɢ
+ɢ V fall|
+ɢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ɢ V remove|,patient=upset|
+ɢ V remove|,patient=heat|
+ɢȹ N part|,%tool|þ,*remove|,#heat|
+ɢƬ N part|,%tool|þ,*remove|,#heat|
+ɢ N tool|þ,*remove|,#heat|
+ɢɢ V remove|,patient=upset|
+ɢʧ V disappear|ʧ
+ɢ̯ V separate|
+ɢ N text|
+ɢļ N human|,*compile|༭,literature|
+ɢʫ N text|
+ɢϯ N location|λ,@sit|
+ɢ V MakeHappy|ʹϲ,means=WhileAway|
+ɢװ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$wrap|,unattached|ɢ
+ɢװơ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ɢ N location|λ,@sit|
+ɢ V disappear|ʧ
+ɢ V disappear|ʧ
+ɣ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ɣ N part|,%tree|,embryo|
+ɣ N tree|
+ɣ N InsectWorm|
+ɣ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ɣԡ N fact|,wash|ϴ,#body|
+ɣƤֽ N paper|ֽ
+ɣ N tree|
+ɣҶ N part|,%tree|,hair|ë
+ɣĺ N time|ʱ,#aged|
+ɣ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,*planting|ֲ
+ɣ N part|,%tree|,embryo|
+ɣ N place|ط,@ComeToWorld|
+ɤ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ɤ N sound|,#MakeSound|,#sing|,#speak|˵
+ɤ N sound|,#MakeSound|,#sing|,#speak|˵
+ɤ N sound|,#MakeSound|,#sing|,#speak|˵
+ɤ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ɤ N sound|,#MakeSound|,#sing|,#speak|˵
+ɤӲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ɤӺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,good|,desired|
+ɥ N fact|,salute|¾,#die|
+ɥ V lose|ʧȥ
+ɥ V fear|
+ɥ N clothing|,*salute|¾,#die|
+ɥ V fear|
+ɥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ɥ N fact|,salute|¾,#die|
+ɥ N fact|,uprise|,undesired|ݬ,politics|
+ɥ V die|
+ɥż V lose|ʧȥ,possession=human|
+ɥ V disheartened|
+ɥ V unfortunate|
+ɥȨ V surrender|
+ɥ V die|
+ɥʧ V lose|ʧȥ
+ɥʧ N human|,*lose|ʧȥ
+ɥ N fact|,salute|¾,#die|
+ɥIJ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ɥ N fact|,salute|¾,#die|
+ɥ N expenditure|,#salute|¾,#die|
+ɥ N sound|,*tell|,#die|
+ɦ V scratch|ץ
+ɦͷŪ V show|,content=flighty|
+ɧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ɧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,stinky|,undesired|ݬ
+ɧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ɧ N fact|,uprise|,undesired|ݬ,politics|
+ɧȺ N human|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ,mass|
+ɧ N human|,female|Ů,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ɧ N human|,*compile|༭,literature|
+ɧ N fact|,uprise|
+ɧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|
+ɧ V MakeTrouble|
+ɧ N human|,*compile|༭,literature|
+ɧī N human|,*compile|༭,literature|
+ɨ V GoThrough|
+ɨ V remove|
+ɨ V wipe|
+ɨ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ɨ V remove|
+ɨ V wipe|
+ɨ V destroy|,military|
+ɨ V wipe|,patient=part|,#building|
+ɨس V expel|
+ɨ V remove|,patient=medicine|ҩ,#addict|Ⱥ
+ɨ V wipe|,patient=room|
+ɨ V condole|°
+ɨ V destroy|,patient=crime|,police|
+ɨ V destroy|,patient=lascivious|,police|
+ɨ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+ɨͧ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+ɨä V exempt|,ResultEvent=ignorant|֪
+ɨ V look|,industrial|
+ɨ N tool|þ,look|,industrial|
+ɨ V destroy|,military|
+ɨĹ V condole|°
+ɨ V shoot|
+ɨβ V finish|
+ɨ V disappointed|ʧ
+ɨ V disappoint|
+ɨѩ N LandVehicle|,*remove|,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ɨ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ɨ N celestial|
+ɨ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*CauseToDo|ʹ,#unfortunate|
+ɩ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ɩ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ɩɩ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ɩ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ɪ N MusicTool|,(China|й)
+ɪɪ V shiver|
+ɪɪ ECHO sound|
+ɪ V shiver|
+ɫ N attribute|,bearing|̬,&female|Ů
+ɫ N attribute|,color|ɫ,&physical|
+ɫ N attribute|,countenance|,&AnimalHuman|
+ɫ N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|
+ɫ N attribute|,color|ɫ,&physical|
+ɫʰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|,desired|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|,desired|
+ɫͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|,desired|
+ɫ N attribute|,standard|,&color|ɫ
+ɫ N attribute|,hue|Ũ,&color|ɫ
+ɫ N attribute|,hue|Ũ,&color|ɫ
+ɫ N lights|,colored|
+ɫ N human|,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ɫ N food|ʳƷ
+ɫ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ɫ N human|,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,timid|,undesired|ݬ
+ɫä N disease|,#eye|
+ɫä N human|,undesired|ݬ,*disable|м,#look|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ɫ N phenomena|,#color|ɫ,#lights|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ɫ N human|,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ɫ鿯 N readings|,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ɫ N part|,%animate|,#color|ɫ
+ɫ N attribute|,bearing|̬,&female|Ů
+ɫ N attribute|,color|ɫ,&physical|
+ɫ֯ N material|,?clothing|
+ɫ N tool|þ,*gamble|IJ
+ɬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,coarse|,undesired|ݬ
+ɬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ɬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ɭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ɭ N tree|
+ɭԱ N human|,*remove|,fire|
+ɭȻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ɭɭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,dense|
+ɭɭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ɭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+ɮ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ɮ V lack|ȱ
+ɮ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ɮ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ɮ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ɮ N human|,mass|,#religion|ڽ
+ɮͽ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ɮ٤ N human|,(Singhalese|ɮ٤)
+ɮ٤ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ɯ N character|,(China|й)
+ɯ N clothing|
+ɰ N stone|ʯ,material|
+ɰ N tool|þ,*grind|ĥ
+ɰ N material|,?building|
+ɰ N stone|ʯ,material|
+ɰ N tool|þ,*grind|ĥ
+ɰʯ N stone|ʯ,material|
+ɰ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ɰ N stone|ʯ,material|
+ɰ N stone|ʯ,material|
+ɰ N part|,%inanimate|
+ɰֽ N tool|þ,*grind|ĥ
+ɰ N stone|ʯ,material|
+ɱ V fight|
+ɱ V fight|,military|
+ɱ V kill|ɱ
+ɱ V weaken|
+ɱ N chemical|ѧ,*destroy|,#InsectWorm|
+ɱ羰 V discourage|ˮ
+ɱ V kill|ɱ
+ɱ V frighten|Ż
+ɱȡ V WorthNot|ֵ
+ɱź V frighten|Ż
+ɱ V subtract|,patient=price|۸,commercial|
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,remove|,#bacteria|,medical|ҽ
+ɱ V remove|,patient=bacteria|,purpose=clean|ʹ,medical|ҽ
+ɱ N chemical|ѧ,*destroy|,#bacteria|
+ɱ¾ V kill|ɱ
+ɱ¾ V kill|ɱ,crime|
+ɱ V destroy|
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ɱ V fulfil|ʵ,patient=compile|༭,#readings|
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,kill|ɱ,#human|
+ɱ V kill|ɱ,crime|
+ɱ˰ N fact|,undesired|ݬ,crime|,#kill|ɱ,#police|
+ɱ˲Ѫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ɱ˲Ѫ V kill|ɱ,crime|
+ɱ˲գ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ɱ˷ N human|,*kill|ɱ,undesired|ݬ,crime|
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ɱԽ V rob|
+ɱ N human|,*kill|ɱ,undesired|ݬ,crime|
+ɱ V kill|ɱ
+ɱ N attribute|,ability|,#kill|ɱ,&weapon|
+ɱ N attribute|,ability|,#kill|ɱ,&weapon|
+ɱ V endeavour|
+ɱ֮ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ɱ V kill|ɱ,patient=AnimalHuman|
+ɱ N human|,*kill|ɱ,undesired|ݬ,crime|
+ɱ N weapon|
+ɱ V kill|ɱ
+ɱͷ V kill|ɱ
+ɱһӰ V frighten|Ż
+ɲ V cease|ͣ
+ɲ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,religion|ڽ
+ɲ V fix|ס
+ɲ V TurnOff|ֹ,content=machine|
+ɲ V cease|ͣ
+ɲ V fix|ס
+ɲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ɲǼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ɲʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ɳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,weak|
+ɳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,round|Բ
+ɳ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ɳ N stone|ʯ,material|
+ɳ N wind|,#WeatherBad|,undesired|ݬ
+ɳ N place|ط,military|,@fight|
+ɳ N wind|,#WeatherBad|,undesired|ݬ
+ɳ N tool|þ,*exercise|
+ɳ N land|½
+ɳ N fish|
+ɳ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@sit|
+ɳ N tool|þ,cubic|,@cook|
+ɳ N land|½,surfacial|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ɳ N human|,royal|,(Russia|˹)
+ɳ N food|ʳƷ
+ɳ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ɳ N InstitutePlace|,@WhileAway|,commercial|
+ɳϾ N bacteria|
+ɳĮ N land|½,surfacial|,barren|
+ɳĮ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=barren|,#stone|ʯ
+ɳ N tool|þ,military|
+ɳ N stone|ʯ,material|
+ɳɳ ECHO sound|
+ɳʯ N stone|ʯ,material|
+ɳ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ɳ̲ N land|½
+ɳ N money|,(Saudi Arabia|ɳ)
+ɳ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Saudi Arabia|ɳذ)
+ɳذ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Saudi Arabia|ɳذ)
+ɳذ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ɳ N land|½
+ɳ N stone|ʯ
+ɳ N thinking|˼
+ɳ ADJ thinking|˼
+ɳ N human|,*like|ϧ,country|,undesired|ݬ
+ɳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,weak|
+ɳ N disease|,#eye|
+ɳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,material|,stone|ʯ
+ɳ N land|½
+ɳ N shape|
+ɳ N stone|ʯ,material|
+ɳ N beast|
+ɴ N material|,?clothing|
+ɴ N tool|þ
+ɴ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,#material|,factory|,industrial|
+ɴ N furniture|Ҿ,cubic|,@store|
+ɴ N part|,%building|
+ɴ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+ɴ N part|,%machine|
+ɴ N clothing|
+ɴ N clothing|
+ɴ N material|,linear|
+ɵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ɵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ɵ N human|,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ɵǺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ɵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ɵ N text|,foolish|
+ɵ N attribute|,strength|,stiff|,&human|
+ɵ V laugh|Ц,manner=foolish|
+ɵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ɵɵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ɵñ N human|,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ɵ N event|¼,foolish|
+ɵͷɵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ɵЦ V laugh|Ц,manner=foolish|
+ɵ V stupefied|ľȻ
+ɵ N human|,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ɶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,question|
+ɶ N entity|ʵ,question|
+ɷ V cease|ͣ
+ɷ V tighten|ս
+ɷ V weaken|
+ɷ V TurnOff|ֹ,patient=machine|
+ɷ V cease|ͣ
+ɷ N part|,%vehicle|ͨ,*TurnOff|ֹ
+ɷ V tighten|ս
+ɷѿ V think|˼,manner=endeavour|
+ɷĻ V think|˼,manner=endeavour|
+ɷ羰 V discourage|ˮ
+ɷβ V finish|
+ɷβ N process|,ending|ĩ
+ɷн V pretend|װ
+ɷס V cease|ͣ
+ɸ V filter|
+ɸ N tool|þ,*filter|
+ɸ V shiver|
+ɸѡ V choose|ѡ
+ɸ N tool|þ,*filter|
+ɹ V dry|
+ɹ V illuminate|
+ɹ V dry|
+ɹ̫ V illuminate|
+ɹͼ V print|ӡˢ
+ɹ N addictive|Ⱥ
+ɺ N character|,(China|й)
+ɺ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ɺ N stone|ʯ,material|
+ɻ V cover|ڸ
+ɻ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ
+ɼ N tree|
+ɼľ N wood|ľ
+ɽ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ɽ N land|½
+ɽ N shape|
+ɽ N land|½
+ɽ N phenomena|,#weather|,#land|½,#unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ɽ N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ɽ N FlowerGrass|
+ɽ軨 N FlowerGrass|
+ɽ N place|ط,city|
+ɽ N land|½
+ɽȹ N FlowerGrass|
+ɽ N place|ط,village|
+ɽ N FlowerGrass|
+ɽ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ɽ N medicine|ҩ
+ɽ N land|½
+ɽ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ɽ N part|,%land|½,head|ͷ
+ɽ N part|,space|ռ,%land|½,head|ͷ
+ɽ N human|,past|
+ɽ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ɽ N shows|
+ɽ N shows|
+ɽ N part|,%land|½,mouth|
+ɽ N part|,%land|½,head|ͷ
+ɽ N wind|
+ɽ N land|½
+ɽˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ɽˮ N phenomena|,#unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ɽˮԶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+ɽˮԶ N phenomena|,#unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ɽ N music|,$sing|
+ɽ N part|,%land|½,base|
+ɽ N land|½
+ɽ N part|,%land|½,linear|,#water|ˮ
+ɽ N part|,%land|½,linear|,#water|ˮ
+ɽˮɫ N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|
+ɽ N place|ط,#human|,country|,politics|
+ɽ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ɽ N fruit|ˮ
+ɽ N place|ط,#country|
+ɽ N water|ˮ,strong|ǿ,#land|½
+ɽ N physical|
+ɽ N bird|
+ɽ N part|,%land|½,body|
+ɽ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ɽ N part|,%land|½,base|
+ɽ N part|,%land|½,mouth|
+ɽ N part|,%land|½,body|
+ɽ N tree|
+ɽ N part|,%land|½,body|
+ɽ´ N part|,%land|½,base|
+ɽ· N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ɽ N land|½
+ɽ N land|½
+ɽè N beast|
+ɽë N tree|
+ɽ N community|,religion|ڽ
+ɽ N human|,agricultural|ũ
+ɽˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ɽ N part|,%land|½,skin|Ƥ
+ɽǽ N part|,%house|
+ɽˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ɽˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,wane|˥,undesired|ݬ
+ɽ N land|½
+ɽ N place|ط
+ɽȪ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ɽȸ N bird|
+ɽɫ N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|
+ɽɽˮˮ N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|
+ɽˮ N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|
+ɽˮ N image|ͼ,$draw|
+ɽˮ N image|ͼ,$draw|
+ɽˮ V BeNear|
+ɽͷ N community|,undesired|ݬ
+ɽͷ N facilities|ʩ,military|,space|ռ,#land|½
+ɽͷ N part|,%land|½,head|ͷ
+ɽ N place|ط
+ɽ N place|ط
+ɽ N land|½
+ɽ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ɽ N shows|
+ɽϵ N place|ط
+ɽϿ N part|,%land|½,linear|,#water|ˮ
+ɽ N place|ط,village|
+ɽ N part|,%land|½,skin|Ƥ
+ɽ N livestock|
+ɽ N part|,%livestock|,hair|ë,?material|
+ɽ N part|,%land|½,body|
+ɽҩ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ɽҩ N vegetable|߲
+ɽ¥ N phenomena|,#unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ɽ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ɽ N vegetable|߲
+ɽ N land|½
+ɽկ N place|ط
+ɽ亣ζ N food|ʳƷ,generic|ͳ
+ɽׯ N house|
+ɽ N part|,%earth|,mouth|
+ɽ N land|½
+ɽ N fruit|ˮ
+ɽ N tree|
+ɽ N bird|
+ɽ N beast|
+ɾ V remove|
+ɾ V remove|
+ɾ V remove|
+ɾͼ V compile|༭,means=subtract|
+ɾ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ɾ V compile|༭,means=subtract|
+ɾ V subtract|
+ɾں N symbol|,#text|
+ɾȥ V remove|
+ɿ V incite|ָʹ
+ɿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,incite|ָʹ
+ɿ V incite|ָʹ
+ɿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,incite|ָʹ
+ɿ N human|,*persuade|Ȱ˵,undesired|ݬ
+ɿ V incite|ָʹ
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ V escape|
+ V illuminate|
+ V wounded|
+ V escape|
+ V wounded|
+ N thunder|
+ʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+ս N fact|,fight|,military|
+ V illuminate|
+ V escape|
+ V illuminate|
+ N lights|
+ N tool|þ,#TakePicture|,*illuminate|
+ N tool|þ,*illuminate|,#information|Ϣ
+ V attack|,manner=sudden|,military|
+ս N fact|,fight|,military|
+ V escape|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ V illuminate|
+ V illuminate|
+ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+ V escape|
+ʧ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+˸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+˸ V illuminate|
+˸ V KeepSilence|˵
+ V appear|,manner=fast|
+ҫ V illuminate|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N shows|
+ V BeAble|ܹ
+ V do|,manner=self|
+ó V BeAble|ܹ
+ְ V cease|ͣ,content=undertake|,manner=self|
+Ȩ V control|,patient=power|,manner=self|
+ V do|,manner=self|
+ V do|,manner=self|
+ V ProvideFor|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+ V ProvideFor|
+ N expenditure|,*ProvideFor|
+ N food|ʳƷ,generic|ͳ
+ʳ N food|ʳƷ,generic|ͳ
+ N food|ʳƷ,place|ط,@reside|ס
+ V BeAble|ܹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ưո V do|,manner=willing|Ը
+Ʊ N readings|,precious|
+Ʊ N human|,*debate|
+ƴ V WellTreat|ƴ
+ƺ N result|
+ƾ N fact|,kindhearted|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+Ů N human|,religion|ڽ
+ʼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|,desired|
+ N fact|,kindhearted|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ N emotion|,kindhearted|,desired|
+ V BeAble|ܹ
+ս V BeAble|ܹ,content=fight|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ͷ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V incite|ָʹ
+ V shake|ҡ
+ N tool|þ,#wind|,*cool|
+ȱ N fish|
+ȳ N tool|þ,#crop|ׯ,generic|ͳ
+ȶ V incite|ָʹ
+ȶ V shake|ҡ
+ȷ V MakeTrouble|
+ȹ N part|,%tool|þ,#wind|,#cool|,bone|
+Ȼ V incite|ָʹ
+ N tool|þ,#wind|,*cool|
+ N tool|þ,#wind|,*cool|
+ N shape|
+ N tool|þ,#wind|,*cool|
+ V copy|д
+ V repair|
+д V copy|д
+ N attribute|,dampness|ʪ,&physical|
+ N attribute|,dampness|ʪ,&physical|
+ V damage|
+ N disease|,wounded|
+ V disgust|
+ V offend|
+ V sorrowful|
+˰ N trace|,#wounded|
+˱ V sorrowful|
+˱ N human|,undesired|ݬ,military|,*wounded|,$cure|ҽ
+˲Ա N human|,*wounded|
+˲Ա N human|,undesired|ݬ,military|,*wounded|,$cure|ҽ
+˲ V lose|ʧȥ,possession=wealth|Ǯ
+˲ V disable|м
+˲ N human|,*disable|м,undesired|ݬ
+˷ V fever|
+˷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+˸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,AptTo|,#FeelingByBad|
+˺ V damage|
+˺ V offend|
+˺ N disease|
+˺ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*wounded|
+˺ N trace|,#wounded|
+˻ V sorrowful|
+˽ N wounded|
+˿ N location|λ,#disease|,#wounded|
+Խ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&wounded|,#medical|ҽ
+ V damage|,patient=human|
+ V offend|,patient=human|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&wounded|,#medical|ҽ
+캦 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ʹ N disease|
+ N phenomena|,wounded|,die|,undesired|ݬ
+¹ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,wounded|,die|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ V sorrowful|
+IJĿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+Ա N human|,undesired|ݬ,military|,*wounded|,$cure|ҽ
+ N affairs|,commercial|
+ V discuss|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,commercial|
+ N music|
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+̱ N mark|־,commercial|
+̱귨 N law|ɷ,#mark|־,commercial|
+̱Ȩ N rights|Ȩ,#mark|־,commercial|
+̲ N place|ط,city|,commercial|
+̳ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+̳ N community|,commercial|
+̳ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+̴ N ship|,commercial|
+̴ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,#ship|
+̵ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+̶ V decide|,means=discuss|
+̶ V discuss|
+̶ N human|,commercial|
+̷ N law|ɷ,commercial|
+̷ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*sell|,commercial|
+̸ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#ship|,@stay|ͣ
+̺ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+̻ N institution|,commercial|
+̼ N InstitutePlace|,*produce|,*sell|,industrial|,commercial|
+̼ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,commercial|
+̼ N fact|,*investigate|,#physical|
+̼ N institution|,*investigate|,#physical|
+̽ N community|,commercial|
+ V discuss|
+ N human|,commercial|
+ó N affairs|,commercial|
+IJ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,commercial|,generic|ͳ
+Ʒ N building|,commercial|
+Ʒ N attribute|,property|,commercial|,&entity|ʵ
+Ʒ N material|,?edible|ʳ,#crop|ׯ,generic|ͳ,commercial|
+Ʒ N attribute|,property|,commercial|,&entity|ʵ
+Ǣ V discuss|
+ N attribute|,environment|,&commercial|
+ȶ V discuss|
+ȶ V think|˼
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,commercial|
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+̸ V discuss|
+ V discuss|
+ V think|˼
+ N affairs|,commercial|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,diplomatic|⽻,#commercial|
+רԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,diplomatic|⽻,#commercial|
+ܹ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,diplomatic|⽻,#commercial|
+ N InstitutePlace|,*produce|,*sell|,industrial|,commercial|
+ҵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,commercial|
+ҵ N affairs|,commercial|
+ҵ N place|ط,commercial|
+ V discuss|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ V think|˼
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ V appreciate|
+ V enjoy|
+ V grant|
+ V reward|
+ʹ V grant|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,good|,desired|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,good|,desired|
+ͼ V distinguish|ֱ,literature|
+Ǯ N payment|,#commercial|
+ʶ V FondOf|ϲ
+ V enjoy|
+ N fact|,*joyful|ϲ,desired|
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ѩ V enjoy|,content=RainSnow|ѩ
+ V enjoy|,content=celestial|
+ N time|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ,afternoon|
+η N food|ʳƷ,generic|ͳ
+ N time|ʱ,afternoon|
+ V GoForward|ǰ
+ V GoUp|ȥ
+ V LeaveFor|ǰ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ V apply|ͿĨ
+ V arrive|,LocationFin=facilities|ʩ,purpose=compete|,sport|
+ V climb|ʵ
+ V do|
+ V install|װ
+ N location|λ
+ V provide|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ V submit|
+ V tighten|ս
+ V undergo|,content=disseminate|
+ STRU {Vachieve|}
+ STRU {Vdirection|,upper|}
+ STRU {Vstart|}
+ ADV {range}
+ STRU {scope}
+ϰװ V engage|,content=affairs|,#duty|,#sequence|
+ϰ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ϰ V engage|,content=affairs|,#duty|
+ϰ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա,*engage|,#affairs|,#duty|
+ϰ볡 N fact|,compete|,sport|,InFront|ǰ
+ϰ N time|ʱ,year|,half|,InFront|ǰ
+ϰ N time|ʱ,morning|
+ϰ N location|λ,%human|,body|,half|,upper|
+ϰ N part|,%human|,body|,half|,upper|
+ϰҹ N time|ʱ,day|,night|,half|,InFront|ǰ
+ϰ N time|ʱ,month|,half|,InFront|ǰ
+ϱ V tell|
+ϱ V undergo|,content=disseminate|
+ϱ N human|,clan|
+ϱ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,arm|
+ϱ N community|,official|
+ϱ N part|,%entity|ʵ,aspect|
+ϱ V become|Ϊ,descriptive=fat|,#animal|
+ϱ N human|,*visit|
+ϲ V BeUnable|,content=fulfil|ʵ
+ϲȥ V BeUnable|,content=GoUp|ȥ
+ϲȥ V BeUnable|,content=fulfil|ʵ
+ϲ V provide|,possession=food|ʳƷ
+ϲ N humanized|
+ϲ V exercise|
+ϲ N method|,superior|,desired|
+ϲ N part|,%entity|ʵ
+ϲ㽨 N system|ƶ
+ϲ N organization|֯
+ϳ V arrive|,LocationFin=facilities|ʩ,purpose=compete|,sport|
+ϳ V arrive|,LocationFin=facilities|ʩ,purpose=perform|,entertainment|
+ϳ V control|,patient=power|
+ϳ V climb|ʵ,LocationFin=LandVehicle|
+ϳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,superior|,desired|
+ϴ V climb|ʵ,LocationFin=ship|
+ϴ V sleep|˯
+ϴ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ϴ N human|,past|
+ϵ V misunderstand|
+ϵƭ V misunderstand|
+ϵ V human|,*misunderstand|
+ϵ V lighting|ȼ
+ϵ V lighting|ȼ,patient=tool|þ
+ϵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ϵȱ N human|,military|
+ϵ N humanized|
+ϵ V suicide|ɱ
+ϵ V BecomeMore|,#price|۸
+ϵ V dispatch|Dz,#human|
+ϵ V transport|,#artifact|˹,#fund|ʽ
+϶ V StateChange|̬,#cool|
+Ϸ N aValue|ֵ,direction|,upper|
+Ϸ N weapon|,royal|,mark|־
+Ϸ N room|
+Ϸ V accuse|ظ
+Ϸɻ V climb|ʵ,LocationFin=aircraft|
+Ϸ V condole|°
+Ϸ V provide|,possession=material|,#crop|ׯ
+Ϸ N attribute|,property|,good|,&entity|ʵ
+Ϸ N direction|
+ϸ V engage|,content=affairs|,#duty|
+ϸ V accuse|ظ
+ϸ N time|ʱ,week|,past|
+ϸ N time|ʱ,month|,past|
+Ϲ V engage|,content=affairs|,#duty|
+Ϲ V entice|,means=GiveAsGift|,crime|
+Ϲ V salute|¾,means=provide|
+Ϲ V bite|ҧ,sport|
+Ϲ V misunderstand|
+Ϲ N time|ʱ,past|
+Ϲ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Ϲ V brighten|ʹ
+Ϲ V prosper|
+Ϻ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ϻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+Ϻ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ϺȾ N disease|
+ϻ V angry|
+ϻ V ill|̬,medical|ҽ
+ϻ V enrich|ʵ,material=artifact|˹,commercial|
+ϻ V enrich|ʵ,patient=furniture|Ҿ,commercial|
+ϼ N community|,official|
+ϼ N part|,%army|
+ϼ N community|,official|
+ϼ쵼 N community|,official|
+ϼ˾ N part|,%army|
+ϼָӹ N human|,official|,military|
+ϼ N method|,superior|,desired|
+Ͻ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+Ͻ V apply|ͿĨ,material=liquid|Һ,industrial|
+Ͻ V submit|
+Ͻ V submit|
+Ͻ V LeaveFor|ǰ,LocationFin=facilities|ʩ
+Ͻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|,InFront|ǰ
+Ͻ V prosper|
+Ͻ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,#MakeBetter|Ż
+Ͼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+Ͽ V study|ѧ,content=affairs|,education|
+Ͽ V study|ѧ,education|
+Ͽ V teach|,education|
+Ͽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,upper|
+Ͽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,easy|,desired|
+ V apply|ͿĨ,material=material|,industrial|
+ V GoUp|ȥ
+ STRU {Vdirection|,upper|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ N part|,%waters|ˮ
+ N organization|֯
+¥ V climb|ʵ,LocationFin=part|,#building|
+¥ V climb|ʵ,LocationFin=part|,#building|
+· V start|ʼ,content=leave|뿪
+ V GoUp|ȥ,LocationFin=livestock|
+ V begin|ʼ
+ V shut|ر
+ V visit|
+ N community|,official|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,aspect|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ N time|ʱ,past|,year|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+Ƥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+Ƥ N disease|
+Ƥ֯ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+Ʒ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+· N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,good|,desired|,&situation|״
+· N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N location|λ,space|ռ
+ V pant|
+ǧ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ǰ V approach|ӽ
+ȥ V GoUp|ȥ
+ȥ STRU {Vdirection|,upper|}
+Ȧ V misunderstand|
+ V undertake|,content=official|
+ɫ V AlterColor|ɫ
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ N human|,all|ȫ
+ N clothing|,#body|,generic|ͳ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|,half|,upper|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ V BecomeMore|
+ V rise|
+ʿ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,military|
+ V appear|,location=InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+ V know|֪
+ N location|λ,HighRank|ߵ
+ V start|ʼ
+ V tell|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+˰ V pay|,possession=expenditure|,commercial|
+˾ N human|,official|
+ V accuse|ظ,police|
+ N human|,*accuse|ظ,police|
+ V worth|ֵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ V fix|ס
+̨ V appear|,location=facilities|ʩ,entertainment|
+̨ V control|,content=power|,politics|
+̨ V obtain|õ,possession=power|,politics|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ V undergo|,content=feed|ι,military|
+ V misunderstand|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|,half|,upper|
+ N humanized|
+ V rise|,LocationFin=celestial|
+ͷ N community|,official|
+ͷ N part|,%entity|ʵ,aspect|
+ V engage|,content=affairs|,#duty|,#sequence|,night|
+ξ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ֶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(the Upper Volta|ֶ)
+ֶ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+ N time|ʱ,morning|
+ N human|,#age|,mass|
+ N human|,#clan|,mass|
+ N human|,#rank|ȼ,mass|
+´ V look|
+ V deceive|ƭ
+ V do|,content=crime|,crime|
+ N text|
+ N attribute|,boundary|,&entity|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+У N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ N time|ʱ,week|,past|
+ڶ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|,past|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|,past|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|,past|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|,past|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|,past|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|,past|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|,past|
+һ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|,past|
+ V punish|,police|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|,upper|
+Ч V imitate|ģ
+ѧ V engage|,content=study|ѧ,education|
+Ѯ N time|ʱ,TenDays|Ѯ
+ V perform|,entertainment|
+ V rise|
+ҹ V engage|,content=affairs|,#duty|,#sequence|,night|
+ N clothing|,#body|,generic|ͳ
+ V MoveItUp|
+Ժ N institution|,politics|
+Ժ N institution|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(UK|Ӣ)
+ӳ V perform|,content=shows|,entertainment|
+ N aValue|ֵ,location|λ
+ N location|λ,%waters|ˮ
+ N part|,%waters|ˮ
+ N time|ʱ,month|,past|
+ V engage|,content=affairs|,#duty|,#sequence|,morning|
+ V BecomeMore|,commercial|
+ V rise|
+ V engage|
+ V engage|,content=fight|,military|
+֫ N part|,%human|,limb|֫
+ N time|ʱ,week|,past|
+װ V MakeUp|ױ,entertainment|
+װ N clothing|,#body|,generic|ͳ
+ N location|λ,space|ռ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|,upper|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|,upper|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V respect|
+ ADV {Vcontinue|}
+в ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,kill|ɱ
+д V unfixed|δ
+з N weapon|,royal|,mark|־
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+δ ADV {neg|,past|}
+ N clothing|,#leg|,female|Ů
+ N part|,%inanimate|,head|ͷ
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,head|ͷ
+ҹ N human|,*drive|Ԧ,#ship|
+ V transport|
+Ӵ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+ӻ V disseminate|,content=information|Ϣ
+ӽ V transport|
+Ŷ V disseminate|,content=information|Ϣ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+ʤһ V surpass|ǿ,degree=ish|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+Ϊ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+Ϣ V rest|Ϣ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+ѷһ ADJ inferior|,degree=ish|
+ݼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ V WarmUp|
+ V burn|
+ V cook|
+ V fever|
+ձ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,*WarmUp|
+ձ N food|ʳƷ
+ջ V burn|
+ջ V burn|,agricultural|ũ
+ջ V destroy|
+ջ V lighting|ȼ
+ռ N food|ʳƷ
+ռ N chemical|ѧ
+վ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ V produce|,literature|
+ V wounded|
+ V burn|,patient=tool|þ
+ĵ N weapon|,*lighting|ȼ
+ V burn|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ҩ N FlowerGrass|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,*TakeOutOfWater|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,*TakeOutOfWater|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ع N time|ʱ,#young|
+ع N time|ʱ,beautiful|
+ػ N time|ʱ,#young|
+ػ N time|ʱ,beautiful|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,young|
+ V cease|ͣ
+ V lack|ȱ
+ V lose|ʧȥ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ٰ EXPR expression|,*soothe|ο
+ٰͷ N human|,young|
+ٲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ٲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ٲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ٴ V wait|ȴ,duration=TimeShort|
+ٵÿ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ٶ N human|,young|
+ٸ N human|,female|Ů,adult|,#GetMarried|
+ٺ V wait|ȴ,duration=TimeShort|
+ټ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ٽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů,adult|
+ N human|,female|Ů,adult|
+ N human|,young|,male|
+ N human|,young|
+ͯ N human|,young|
+그 N human|,crime|,young|,undesired|ݬ
+깬 N InstitutePlace|,#young|,@recreation|
+ϳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ϳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+Ů N human|,female|Ů,young|
+ʱ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ N community|
+ξ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ȶ N community|,#young|
+ȶԱ N human|,%community|,#young|
+У N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ү N human|,family|,male|,young|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,adult|
+ V cry|,#bird|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|,@look|,@defend|
+ N sound|,#bird|
+ N tool|þ,*MakeSound|
+ڱ N human|,military|,*look|,*defend|
+ڿ N part|,%place|ط,mouth|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|,@look|,@defend|
+ N tool|þ,*MakeSound|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V explain|˵
+˾ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ݳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ݳƷ N physical|,extravagant|
+ݻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ N aspiration|Ը
+ V expect|,manner=extravagant|
+ N aspiration|Ը
+ V OnCredit|
+ V buy|,manner=OnCredit|
+Ƿ V OnCredit|
+ V sell|,manner=OnCredit|
+ N beast|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+Ы N human|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|,linear|
+ V crawl|
+ N thing|,redundant|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ N shape|
+ִ V HungryThirsty|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ N sound|,#language|
+̦ N physical|
+ͷ N human|,military|,#information|Ϣ,$catch|ס
+ͷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ս V debate|
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+״ N FlowerGrass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,firstPerson|
+ V abandon|
+ V donate|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@foster|,#livestock|
+ N house|
+᱾ĩ V WorthNot|ֵ
+ V grudge|
+ V GrudgeNot|
+Ἲ V endeavour|
+ N human|,*supervise|,#reside|ס
+Զ V WorthNot|ֵ
+ N part|,%human|,bone|,religion|ڽ
+ V abandon|
+ N human|,family|
+ V endeavour|
+ V endeavour|
+ N human|,friend|,#reside|ס
+ V remove|,police|
+ V remove|,police|
+ V TakePicture|
+ V consume|ȡ
+ V handle|
+㻤 N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+㻤ٷʴ N disease|
+㻤 N disease|
+¼ V TakePicture|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ȡ V TakePicture|
+ȡ V consume|ȡ
+ V maintain|,patient=BeWell|׳
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,#temperature|¶
+϶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,#temperature|¶
+ V TakePicture|
+ N tool|þ,*TakePicture|,#shows|
+Ӱ V record|¼,content=image|ͼ,entertainment|
+Ӱ N tool|þ,*TakePicture|
+Ӱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakePicture|,#news|
+Ӱ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@TakePicture|,#shows|
+Ӱʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakePicture|
+Ӱ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@TakePicture|
+Ӱչ N fact|,display|չʾ,#image|ͼ,#TakePicture|
+ V control|,content=power|,politics|
+ V produce|,entertainment|
+ V firing|
+ V jet|
+ V shoot|
+ N attribute|,distance|,firing|,&weapon|
+ V firing|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#weapon|,@AimAt|,@firing|
+ָ N part|,%army|
+ָ N part|,%army|
+ V firing|,patient=weapon|
+侫 V excrete|й
+ N inanimate|,generic|ͳ,liquid|Һ
+ V shoot|,sport|
+ N human|,*shoot|,sport|
+Ƶ N attribute|,frequency|Ƶ,&shoot|
+ N human|,*firing|
+ N human|,*shoot|,sport|
+ N lights|
+ V fear|
+ V defeat|սʤ
+ V surrender|
+ V relate|й
+ V undergo|
+ V walk|
+漰 V relate|й
+ V read|
+ N bird|
+ V obtain|õ,possession=experience|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ V relate|й,partner=affairs|,diplomatic|⽻
+ V relate|й,crime|
+ V engage|
+ N community|,generic|ͳ
+ N institution|
+ N institution|,generic|ͳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,organization|֯
+ N organization|֯
+ᱣ N affairs|,#guarantee|֤,commercial|
+ᱣϻ N system|ƶ,#guarantee|֤,commercial|
+ᱣƶ N system|ƶ,#guarantee|֤,commercial|
+Ƹ N wealth|Ǯ
+İ N attribute|,circumstances|,peaceful|,&country|
+λ N attribute|,status|,&human|
+ N attribute|,SocialMode|,&organization|֯
+ḣ N fact|,#organization|֯,help|
+Ṥ N affairs|,$undertake|
+ϵ N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|
+ữ V ize|̬
+ N affairs|,$undertake|
+ᾭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,organization|֯,commercial|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧԺ N InstitutePlace|,*research|о,#knowledge|֪ʶ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N human|,desired|,able|,glorious|
+ɳ N human|,*like|ϧ,country|,undesired|ݬ
+ʹ N human|,desired|,glorious|
+Ч N attribute|,effect|Ч,&act|ж
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,organization|֯,politics|
+ƶ N system|ƶ,politics|
+ΰ N attribute|,circumstances|,safe|,politics|,&organization|֯
+м N human|,desired|,important|,able|
+ N system|ƶ
+ N human|
+罻 V associate|
+罻 N human|,*associate|,desired|,able|,glorious|
+罻 N attribute|,performance|,associate|,&organization|֯,&human|
+Ժ N InstitutePlace|,*research|о,#knowledge|֪ʶ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N text|,estimate|
+ N place|ط,#community|
+ N community|
+ŷ N community|
+Ա N human|,#institution|
+ N place|ط,#human|,country|,politics|
+ V establish|
+ V forming|γ
+ CONJ {condition|}
+豸 N machine|,generic|ͳ
+豸ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,complete|,desired|
+趨 V establish|
+跨 V try|
+ V defend|,military|
+ V hide|
+ CONJ {condition|}
+ V forming|γ,PatientProduct=plans|滮
+ N plans|滮
+ V plan|ƻ
+ʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*plan|ƻ
+ʦ N human|,*plan|ƻ
+Ժ N InstitutePlace|,*research|о,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*plan|ƻ
+۶ V forming|γ,PatientProduct=plans|滮,purpose=deceive|ƭ
+ V establish|
+ V hide|
+Ȧ V forming|γ,PatientProduct=plans|滮,purpose=deceive|ƭ
+ CONJ {condition|}
+ɫ V AlterColor|ɫ
+ V guess|²,content=circumstances|
+ʩ N facilities|ʩ,generic|ͳ
+ʹ CONJ {condition|}
+ V guess|²
+ N thought|ͷ
+ V entertain|д
+ V entertain|д,ResultEvent=eat|
+Ӫ V reside|ס,military|
+Ӫ N place|ط,@reside|ס,military|
+ V install|װ
+ V choose|ѡ,content=place|ط,#entertain|д
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V express|ʾ
+걨 V tell|
+걨 V tell|,commercial|
+ V debate|
+ V debate|,police|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V express|ʾ
+ V request|Ҫ
+ N human|,*request|Ҫ
+ N document|,*request|Ҫ
+ N shows|
+ʱ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ
+ V explain|˵
+˵ V explain|˵
+ V accuse|ظ,police|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ,politics|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+л V thank|л
+ѩ V amend|,content=wrong|
+ԩ V amend|,content=wrong|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V MakeSound|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ V enlarge|
+Ԯ V help|
+Ԯ V rescue|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=body|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=hand|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=help|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,CausePartMove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,desired|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=leg|
+ѩ V amend|,content=wrong|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=body|
+ԩ V amend|,content=wrong|
+չ V CausePartMove|
+չ V enlarge|
+չ V unfold|̯
+չ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$enlarge|
+ V endorse|ӵ
+ V endorse|ӵ,content=fair|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&clothing|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N part|,%physical|,%organization|֯,body|
+ PRON {self|}
+ V unfortunate|,scope=disgraced|
+ N attribute|,physique|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ɼ V depend|
+ N attribute|,height|߶,&human|
+ N attribute|,height|߶,&human|
+ N attribute|,height|߶,&human|
+ N attribute|,posture|,&animate|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,stately|ׯ,&human|
+ N attribute|,status|,&human|
+ֲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,status|,unfixed|δ
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,stately|ׯ,&human|
+ N attribute|,status|,&human|
+֤ N document|,*prove|֤,#status|
+ N attribute|,height|߶,&human|
+ V die|
+ V time|ʱ,#die|
+ V pregnant|
+ N attribute|,status|,&human|
+Ӹλ N human|,HighRank|ߵ
+侳 V undergo|,content=circumstances|
+ N attribute|,height|߶,&human|
+ǿ׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N location|λ,%human|,body|
+ N experience|
+ N phenomena|
+ N attribute|,ability|,&animate|
+ V undergo|
+ N attribute|,physique|,&human|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+彡׳ N human|,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ V endeavour|
+ǰҹƵ N human|,*display|չʾ
+ N attribute|,physique|,&human|
+ V die|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|
+ʿ V guide|
+ V suffer|,content=detain|ס,#police|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|,mental|
+Ӱ N trace|,#body|
+ V pregnant|
+ V PutOn|
+ N attribute|,posture|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N pregnant|
+ӹǶ N attribute|,physique|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,depth|,deep|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,earliness|,late|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hue|Ũ,NotLight|Ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ͬ V ShowEmotion|ʾ,content=pity|
+ɲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,depth|,deep|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,weak|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hue|Ũ,NotLight|Ũ
+ N emotion|,hate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N location|λ,internal|,space|ռ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$endorse|ӵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ N attribute|,content|,&information|Ϣ
+ N attribute|,depth|,&physical|,#cubic|
+ʹ V hate|
+ҹ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|,@hide|,#fight|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ N room|,#female|Ů,@reside|ס
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ N attribute|,color|ɫ,red|,&physical|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ V respire|
+ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ĸ V MakeBetter|Ż,patient=improve|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|,NotLight|Ũ
+ N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|
+ V investigate|,manner=attentive|ϸ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,blue|,NotLight|Ũ
+ɫ N attribute|,color|ɫ,blue|,&physical|
+ıԶ V think|˼,manner=profound|
+dz N attribute|,depth|,&physical|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ N emotion|,love|,desired|
+ N emotion|,friend|,desired|
+ N emotion|,friend|,desired|
+ N time|ʱ,autumn|,ending|ĩ
+ V GoInto|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+dz ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ɽ N land|½
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ V undergo|,content=accept|
+ܸж V excited|
+ˮ N waters|ˮ,deep|
+ˮ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#ship|,@stay|ͣ,#waters|ˮ
+ˮը N weapon|
+˼ V think|˼
+˼ V think|˼
+˼ N human|,*think|˼
+ͨʵ N human|,ability|,able|,desired|
+ V believe|,manner=very|
+Ų V believe|,manner=very|
+ҹ N time|ʱ,night|
+ N thinking|˼,profound|
+Ԩ N waters|ˮ,deep|
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ V study|ѧ,education|
+տ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|
+ V BeAble|ܹ
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,depth|,deep|
+ N human|,HighRank|ߵ
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ʿ N human|,HighRank|ߵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ N attribute|,bearing|̬,&AnimalHuman|
+ N humanized|
+ N mental|
+ N attribute|,demeanor|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ʹ N fact|,*fit|ʺ
+û ADJ appear|,manner=secret|
+ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,desired|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+ N text|,humanized|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+ N mental|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ N disease|,#mad|
+ר N human|,medical|ҽ,*cure|ҽ
+ N disease|,#mad|
+֢ N disease|
+ĩ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ʹ N disease|
+Ƥ N disease|
+ѧ N human|,medical|ҽ,*cure|ҽ
+ N disease|
+ N mental|,uneasy|
+ V uneasy|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ N attribute|,strength|,strong|ǿ,&human|
+ N humanized|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ N humanized|
+Ů N humanized|,female|Ů
+ N human|,*firing|,able|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ V show|,content=arrogant|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ʮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ǹ N human|,*firing|,able|
+ N attribute|,bearing|̬,&AnimalHuman|
+ N material|,?medicine|ҩ
+ɫ N attribute|,bearing|̬,&AnimalHuman|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,religion|ڽ
+ʥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ʥַ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+˼ N mental|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+̬ N attribute|,countenance|,&AnimalHuman|
+ͨ N attribute|,ability|,&animate|
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ͯ N human|,young|,wise|,desired|
+ V expect|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N humanized|
+ N image|ͼ,$draw|,#humanized|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,religion|ڽ
+ѧʿ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ҽ N human|,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ,able|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ N attribute|,demeanor|,beautiful|,desired|,&human|
+ְԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,religion|ڽ
+־ N mental|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N facilities|ʩ,religion|ڽ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V check|
+ V interrogate|,police|
+ V know|֪
+ V check|
+Ա N human|,*investigate|
+ V check|
+ V amend|
+ V estimate|
+ V check|,content=readings|
+ V check|
+ V check|,commercial|
+Ƴ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,*check|,commercial|
+Ʒ N law|ɷ
+ƾ N part|,%institution|,*check|,commercial|
+ N part|,%institution|,*check|,commercial|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*check|,commercial|
+ V judge|ö,police|
+ V understand|,content=beautiful|
+ N thinking|˼,*understand|,#beautiful|
+ V judge|ö,police|
+г N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,*judge|ö,#crime|,police|
+д N fact|,judge|ö,#crime|,police|
+л N institution|,*judge|ö,#crime|,police|
+ǰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,#police|
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ,*judge|ö,#crime|,police|
+ͥ N institution|,*judge|ö,#crime|,police|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*judge|ö,#crime|,police|
+ V check|
+ V estimate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+ʱ V estimate|,manner=correct|ȷ
+ V look|,manner=attentive|ϸ
+ V interrogate|,police|
+У V amend|
+Ѷ V interrogate|,police|
+ V discuss|
+ V think|˼
+ V check|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,female|Ů,adult|
+ĸ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,question|
+ V surpass|ǿ
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ CONJ {emphasis|ǿ}
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ CONJ {emphasis|ǿ}
+ô ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,question|
+Ϊ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ CONJ {emphasis|ǿ}
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ CONJ {emphasis|ǿ}
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N disease|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ʯ N disease|
+ʯ N disease|,#viscera|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ N medicine|ҩ
+´ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N disease|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+ V soak|
+ N part|,%building|
+© V leak|©
+ V GoInto|
+ V influence|Ӱ
+ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,drain|ų,#liquid|Һ
+ N fact|,soak|
+ V influence|Ӱ
+ V leak|©
+ N army|
+ N attribute|,ability|,drain|ų,#liquid|Һ
+ѹ N attribute|,strength|,&entity|ʵ
+ N human|,*influence|Ӱ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&sound|
+ N attribute|,SoundVolume|,#AnimalHuman|
+ N attribute|,SoundVolume|,&sound|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N sound|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ V debate|
+ N sound|
+ V announce|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#MakeSound|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#shows|
+ N attribute|,SoundVolume|,&sound|
+ V MakeMisunderstand|ʹ֪
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,#sound|,$control|
+ N music|
+ V weep|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#MakeSound|
+ V announce|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,&human|,&organization|֯
+Ǽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,disgraced|,undesired|ݬ
+ N method|,#sound|,*scout|
+ɱ N human|,military|,#sound|
+ N attribute|,SoundVolume|,#AnimalHuman|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ɫ N attribute|,countenance|,&human|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,strength|,&event|¼
+ƺƴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&sound|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ N attribute|,reputation|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N attribute|,reputation|,&human|,&organization|֯
+Ϣ N information|Ϣ
+Ϣ N sound|
+ N sound|
+ѧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#sound|
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,#sound|
+ V announce|
+ N sound|
+ N sound|,#AnimalHuman|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,&human|,&organization|֯
+Ԯ V help|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#language|
+ V reveal|¶
+ V GiveBirth|,medical|ҽ
+ V SufferFrom|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,^cook|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,unripe|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,unfamiliar|϶,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ V alive|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&human|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&animate|,&organization|֯
+ V exist|
+ N fact|,exist|
+ V grow|ɳ
+ V happen|
+ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|
+ N human|,male|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ V lighting|ȼ
+Ӳ V imitate|ģ
+Ӳ V imitate|ģ,manner=stiff|
+ V ill|̬,medical|ҽ
+ V earn|,possession=wealth|Ǯ
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ V GiveBirth|,medical|ҽ
+ V produce|
+λ N part|,%organization|֯,*produce|,*build|,industrial|
+ʣ N quantity|,amount|,over|,&inanimate|
+ N attribute|,ability|,&produce|
+ N attribute|,ability|,&produce|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&produce|,industrial|
+ N human|,*produce|
+ N inanimate|,generic|ͳ
+ V grow|ɳ
+ N location|λ,#grow|ɳ
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ N time|ʱ,#grow|ɳ
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ N time|ʱ,day|,@ComeToWorld|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,create|
+ V create|
+ V eat|,^cook|
+ N expression|
+ V alive|
+ V exist|
+ N attribute|,ability|,*MakeLiving|ı,&animate|,&organization|֯
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ,*alive|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ N land|½,desolate|
+ػ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ N aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ V grow|ɳ
+ V grow|ɳ,experiencer=hair|ë
+ N tool|þ,*resume|ָ,#hair|ë,#MakeUp|ױ
+Һ N tool|þ,*resume|ָ,#hair|ë,#MakeUp|ױ
+ N tool|þ,*resume|ָ,#hair|ë,#MakeUp|ױ
+ V catch|ס
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ V exist|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ V alive|
+ N land|½,desolate|
+ V alive|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&human|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,#alive|,$need|,necessary|Ҫ,generic|ͳ
+ N expenditure|
+ N fact|,#alive|
+ˮƽ N attribute|,quality|,&CauseToLive|ʹ
+ˮƽ N attribute|,quality|,&CauseToLive|ʹ,#wealth|Ǯ
+ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ
+ V lighting|ȼ,patient=fire|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&animate|,&organization|֯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&human|
+ N method|,*earn|,*alive|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+Ӳק ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+Ӳק V pull|,manner=rash|ç
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ϲ N time|ʱ,process|,@alive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,^cook|
+ V farewell|
+ N attribute|,performance|,&human|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ˮ N liquid|Һ,?medicine|ҩ
+ N army|
+ N attribute|,strength|,new|,&physical|
+ N human|,mass|
+Ϳ̿ V unfortunate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+· N method|,*earn|,*alive|
+췹 V fixed|Ѷ
+ N attribute|,strength|,&animate|,&organization|֯
+ N attribute|,strength|,&animate|,&organization|֯
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+ĸ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ V fear|
+ơ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+Ƨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+ƽ N time|ʱ,process|,@alive|
+ N material|,liquid|Һ,*apply|ͿĨ,*decorate|װ
+ V angry|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&animate|,&organization|֯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ǰ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,InFront|ǰ,#alive|
+ V catch|ס
+Ȥ N emotion|,joyful|ϲ,desired|
+ N human|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,@ComeToWorld|,$congratulate|ף
+ɫ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ɬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,power|,strong|ǿ
+ĸ N human|,family|
+ʯ N stone|ʯ,?material|
+ʯ N stone|ʯ,?material|
+ N human|,unable|ӹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,unfamiliar|϶,undesired|ݬ
+ˮ N water|ˮ
+˿ N material|,?clothing|,?tool|þ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ N fact|,alive|,die|
+ N fact|,alive|,die|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+̬ N attribute|,circumstances|,&animate|
+̬ƽ N attribute|,circumstances|,&animate|
+̬ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+̬ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N metal|,material|
+ N stone|ʯ
+̻ V study|ѧ,manner=stiff|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ N animate|,generic|ͳ
+ N fact|,*control|,#animate|
+ﻯѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+Ĥ N material|
+Ȧ N animate|,generic|ͳ
+ N animate|,generic|ͳ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#animate|
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&animate|
+Ϣ V alive|
+Ϣ V own|,possession=fund|ʽ
+Ф N attribute|,kind|,&human|
+Ч V function|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&AnimalHuman|
+ V OutOfOrder|
+ N attribute|,occupation|ְλ,&human|
+ N process|,#alive|,#engage|
+ V GiveBirth|,medical|ҽ
+ V doubt|
+ N affairs|,#buy|,#sell|,commercial|
+⾭ N method|,#buy|,#sell|,commercial|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,commercial|
+Ӳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ V GiveBirth|,medical|ҽ
+ V forge|α
+ֳ V GiveBirth|,medical|ҽ
+ֳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#GiveBirth|
+ֳ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|,*mating|
+ֳ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|,*mating|
+ N livestock|
+ N part|,%livestock|,body|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+Ů N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N livestock|
+ N tool|þ,#livestock|,*salute|¾
+ N livestock|
+ N livestock|
+ V BecomeMore|
+ V appear|
+ V lift|
+ V rise|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&volume|ݻ
+ V upgrade|
+ V rise|
+ V rise|
+ V upgrade|
+ V undergo|,content=upgrade|
+ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=gas|,industrial|
+ V prosper|
+ V refine|
+ V upgrade|
+ V rise|
+ N part|,%aircraft|,*lift|
+ N machine|,*lift|
+ V rise|,LocationFin=sky|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+ V lift|,patient=tool|þ
+ʽ N fact|,lift|,#tool|þ
+ V appear|
+Ǩ V undergo|,content=upgrade|
+ V rise|
+ѧ V upgrade|,#education|
+ѹ V BecomeMore|,scope=voltage|ѹ
+ֵ V BecomeMore|,scope=value|ֵ,commercial|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ N tool|þ,route|·
+֮Է V CauseToDo|ʹ,ResultEvent=$punish|,police|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ʡ V check|
+ʡ V discharge|
+ʡ V economize|ʡ
+ʡ V know|֪
+ʡ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ
+ʡ N human|,official|,#provincial|ʡ
+ʡ N place|ط,city|,#provincial|ʡ
+ʡԼ V economize|ʡ
+ʡ V escape|
+ʡ N place|ط
+ʡ N place|ط
+ʡ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&entity|ʵ
+ʡ N place|ط
+ʡ V economize|ʡ,patient=strength|
+ʡ V discharge|
+ʡ V SayHello|ʺ
+ʡȥ V discharge|
+ʡȴ V economize|ʡ
+ʡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+ʡ V check|
+ʡ V investigate|
+ʡ V visit|
+ʡί N institution|,politics|,(China|й)
+ʡ V know|֪
+ʡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+ʢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ʢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ʢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,stately|ׯ,desired|
+ʢ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ʢ V contain|
+ʢ V exist|
+ʢ V load|װ
+ʢ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+ʢ V exist|,manner=many|
+ʢ V undergo|,$disseminate|,manner=extensive|
+ʢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,stately|ׯ,desired|
+ʢıʽ N fact|,check|,#army|,military|
+ʢ N fact|,congratulate|ף,stately|ׯ
+ʢ N clothing|,generic|ͳ
+ʢ N fact|,stately|ׯ
+ʢһʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ʢ V pregnant|
+ʢ N phenomena|,stately|ׯ
+ʢǰ N phenomena|,stately|ׯ
+ʢ N attribute|,reputation|,glorious|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ʢ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,generic|ͳ
+ʢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ʢ N emotion|,generous|,desired|
+ʢ N time|ʱ,autumn|
+ʢ N time|ʱ,flourishing|,desired|
+ʢ N fact|,stately|ׯ
+ʢ N time|ʱ,season|,hot|
+ʢ˥ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&human|,&organization|֯
+ʢ˥ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&human|,&organization|֯
+ʢ N time|ʱ,summer|
+ʢļ N time|ʱ,summer|
+ʢʱ N time|ʱ,summer|
+ʢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|
+ʢ N attribute|,reputation|,glorious|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ʢ V praise|佱
+ʢװ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attire|װ,stately|ׯ,desired|
+ʢװ N clothing|
+ʣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|,undesired|ݬ
+ʣ N part|,%physical|,*surplus|ʣ
+ʣ V surplus|ʣ
+ʣ V surplus|ʣ
+ʣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|
+ʣ N thing|,*surplus|ʣ
+ʤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ʤ V succeed|ɹ
+ʤ V surpass|ǿ
+ʤ V undertake|
+ʤ V win|ʤ
+ʤ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&event|¼
+ʤ N place|ط,glorious|,@tour|
+ʤ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&event|¼
+ʤ V surpass|ǿ
+ʤ N place|ط,beautiful|,desired|
+ʤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,good|,desired|
+ʤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+ʤ N result|,win|ʤ
+ʤ V win|ʤ
+ʤ N human|,*win|ʤ
+ʤȯ N attribute|,ability|,#win|ʤ,&event|¼
+ʤ V BeAble|ܹ
+ʤ V undertake|,manner=able|
+ʤ V surpass|ǿ
+ʤ V surpass|ǿ
+ʤ V win|ʤ,scope=fact|,#police|
+ʤ V surpass|ǿ
+ʤ N result|,win|ʤ
+ʤ N human|,*win|ʤ
+ʥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ʥ N human|,desired|
+ʥ N human|,royal|
+ʥ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Brazil|)
+ʥ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ʥ N time|ʱ,day|,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ʥ N time|ʱ,day|,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ʥ N humanized|,*congratulate|ף,#festival|,*GiveAsGift|
+ʥ N tree|,*congratulate|ף
+ʥҹ N time|ʱ,night|,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ʥ N facilities|ʩ,religion|ڽ
+ʥ N place|ط,religion|ڽ
+ʥǸ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Chile|)
+ʥ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Sao tome and Principe|ʥ)
+ʥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Sao tome and Principe|ʥ)
+ʥ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ʥ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Dominica|)
+ʥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ʥ N readings|,religion|ڽ
+ʥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ʥ N humanized|,religion|ڽ
+ʥŵ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(San Marino|ʥŵ)
+ʥŵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(San Marino|ʥŵ)
+ʥŵ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ʥĸ N humanized|,religion|ڽ
+ʥ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Grenada|ɴ)
+ʥ N human|,desired|
+ʥ N human|,desired|,wise|
+ʥ߶ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(El Salvador|߶)
+ʥͽ N attribute|,status|,&human|,religion|ڽ
+ʥͽ N attribute|,status|,religion|ڽ,&human|
+ʥ N human|,desired|,wise|
+ʥӤ N phenomena|,#WeatherChange|
+ʥԼɪ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Costa Rica|˹)
+ʥս N fact|,fight|
+ʦ N army|,generic|ͳ
+ʦ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*teach|,education|
+ʦ N human|,*teach|,education|
+ʦ N human|,able|,desired|
+ʦ N human|,desired|,$study|ѧ,$imitate|ģ
+ʦ N part|,%army|
+ʦ N human|,desired|,$study|ѧ,$imitate|ģ
+ʦ N part|,%army|
+ʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ʦ N human|,*teach|,education|
+ʦ V study|ѧ
+ʦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ʦ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ʦ V imitate|ģ
+ʦ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ʦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ʦѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ʦѧУ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ʦ N human|,*teach|
+ʦ N human|
+ʦ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ʦ N human|,female|Ů,#teach|
+ʦ N human|,*study|ѧ,*teach|,mass|,education|
+ʦͽ N human|,*study|ѧ,*teach|,mass|,education|
+ʦ N part|,%army|
+ʦү N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,past|
+ʦү N human|,friend|
+ʦ N human|,*teach|,education|,mass|
+ʧ N attribute|,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ,&event|¼
+ʧ V disobey|Υ
+ʧ V fail|ʧ
+ʧ V lose|ʧȥ
+ʧ N result|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ʧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ʧ V defeated|
+ʧ V defeated|,military|
+ʧ V fail|ʧ
+ʧ N human|,*defeated|
+ʧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ʧ V fail|ʧ
+ʧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|,undesired|ݬ
+ʧ V unfortunate|
+ʧ V disappear|ʧ
+ʧ V disable|м,scope=listen|
+ʧ V flurried|
+ʧ N bill|Ʊ
+ʧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ʧ N place|ط,#country|,$lose|ʧȥ
+ʧ V lose|ʧȥ
+ʧ V BeBad|˥
+ʧ V obtain|õ
+ʧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,unfamiliar|϶,undesired|ݬ
+ʧ V flurried|
+ʧ V unfortunate|,cause=fire|,police|
+ʧ V fail|ʧ
+ʧ V FallDown|
+ʧ V disloyal|
+ʧ N disease|
+ʧ V BeUnable|,content=control|
+ʧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ʧ V disobey|Υ,content=regulation|
+ʧ V defeated|
+ʧ V lose|ʧȥ,possession=love|
+ʧ V BeUnable|,content=control|
+ʧ V lose|ʧȥ
+ʧ V exposure|¶,experiencer=fact|
+ʧ V ill|̬,scope=sleep|˯,medical|ҽ
+ʧ V disable|м,scope=look|
+ʧ V suffer|,content=steal|͵
+ʧȥ V UndergoNot|
+ʧȥ V lose|ʧȥ
+ʧȥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ʧȥ֪ V dizzy|
+ʧȴ V lose|ʧȥ
+ʧɢ V disappear|ʧ
+ʧɫ V uneasy|
+ʧɫ V unfortunate|
+ʧ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ʧ V FeelingByBad|
+ʧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ʧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ʧ V BeUnable|,content=MakeSound|
+ʧ V MakeSound|,manner=careless|
+ʧʹ V weep|
+ʧʱ V lose|ʧȥ,possession=time|ʱ
+ʧʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ʧ V unfortunate|,police|
+ʧ V lose|ʧȥ,possession=power|
+ʧ V fall|,manner=careless|
+ʧ V defeated|,military|
+ʧˮ V remove|,patient=liquid|Һ
+ʧ V OutOfOrder|
+ʧ V fail|ʧ
+ʧ V disappointed|ʧ
+ʧ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ
+ʧ N result|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ʧ V suffer|,content=occupy|ռ,military|
+ʧЦ V laugh|Ц,manner=WithstandNot|ס
+ʧЧ V end|ս
+ʧ V disobey|Υ,content=MakeAppointment|Լ
+ʧ V OutOfOrder|
+ʧѧ V lose|ʧȥ,possession=education|
+ʧѪ V bleed|Ѫ
+ʧҵ V lose|ʧȥ,possession=affairs|
+ʧҵ ADJ lose|ʧȥ,possession=affairs|
+ʧҵ V lose|ʧȥ,possession=affairs|
+ʧҵ N quantity|,rate|,#lose|ʧȥ,#affairs|,&human|
+ʧҵ N human|,lose|ʧȥ,#affairs|
+ʧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ʧ V disappointed|ʧ
+ʧ V unfortunate|,scope=aspiration|Ը
+ʧ V disable|м,scope=MakeSound|
+ʧԼ V disobey|Υ,content=MakeAppointment|Լ
+ʧ V BeBad|˥,scope=accurate|
+ʧ֮ V lose|ʧȥ
+ʧ֮ V lose|ʧȥ,possession=time|ʱ
+ʧְ V disobey|Υ,content=system|ƶ
+ʧ V lose|ʧȥ,possession=weight|
+ʧ N phenomena|,#lose|ʧȥ,#weight|
+ʧ N human|,#lose|ʧȥ
+ʧ V disappear|ʧ
+ʧ V FallDown|
+ʧ V err|
+ʨ N beast|
+ʨ N beast|
+ʨӹ N livestock|
+ʨͷ N food|ʳƷ
+ʩ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ʩ V conduct|ʵʩ
+ʩ V grant|
+ʩ V use|
+ʩ V damage|
+ʩ V shoot|
+ʩ V feed|ι,patient=material|,agricultural|ũ
+ʩ V build|,industrial|
+ʩ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@build|
+ʩ N human|,*WellTreat|ƴ
+ʩ V conduct|ʵʩ
+ʩ V teach|
+ʩ V rescue|
+ʩ V salute|¾
+ʩ V donate|
+ʩ N part|,%language|
+ʩ V show|,content=fierce|
+ʩ V conduct|ʵʩ
+ʩҩ V GiveAsGift|,possession=medicine|ҩ
+ʩ V use|
+ʩ V use|
+ʩ V grant|
+ʩչ V conduct|ʵʩ
+ʩ V conduct|ʵʩ,content=thinking|˼,politics|
+ʩ V cure|ҽ
+ʩ N human|,*donate|,#religion|ڽ
+ʪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,wet|ʪ
+ʪ V moisten|ʪ
+ʪ N attribute|,dampness|ʪ,&physical|
+ʪȼ N tool|þ,*measure|,#dampness|ʪ
+ʪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,wet|ʪ
+ʪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,wet|ʪ
+ʪ N gas|,wet|ʪ
+ʪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,wet|ʪ
+ʪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,soft|
+ʪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,wet|ʪ
+ʪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,wet|ʪ
+ʪ N disease|
+ʪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,wet|ʪ
+ʫ N text|
+ʫ N text|
+ʫ N text|
+ʫ N readings|
+ʫ N readings|
+ʫ N expression|
+ʫƪ N fact|
+ʫƪ N text|
+ʫ黭 N attribute|,circumstances|,beautiful|,&entity|ʵ
+ʫ N human|,*compile|༭,literature|
+ʫ N human|,literature|
+ʫ N readings|
+ʫ̳ N community|,literature|
+ʫ N text|
+ʫ N emotion|
+ʫѡ N readings|
+ʫ N attribute|,circumstances|,beautiful|,&entity|ʵ
+ʫ N readings|
+ʬ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*die|,body|
+ʬ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*die|,bone|
+ʬ N fact|,check|,#AnimalHuman|,#die|
+ʬ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*die|,body|
+ʬ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*die|,body|
+ʬ N fact|,check|,#AnimalHuman|,#die|
+ʬλ V slack|͵
+ʬλز V slack|͵
+ʭ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ʭ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ʮ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ʮߵ N land|½
+ʮ N time|ʱ,winter|
+ʮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ʮ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ʮ N time|ʱ,month|
+ʮ· N time|ʱ,month|
+ʮָ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ʮָ N disease|
+ʮ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ʮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ʮ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ʮ V satisfied|
+ʮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,nimble|,desired|
+ʮҪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ʮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ʮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ʮ CLAS unit|λ,&length|
+ʮþ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,accurate|,desired|
+ʮ N time|ʱ
+ʮ궯 N fact|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ʮƽ N fact|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ʮŲ ADJ qValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ʮȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ʮȫʮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ʮ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ʮ CLAS unit|λ,&volume|ݻ
+ʮҾſ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,wane|˥,undesired|ݬ
+ʮʫ N text|
+ʮʫ N human|,literature|
+ʮǧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+ʮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ʮһ N time|ʱ,month|
+ʮһ· N time|ʱ,month|
+ʮа˾ ADV aValue|ֵ,possibility|,possible|
+ʮ N time|ʱ,month|
+ʮ· N time|ʱ,month|
+ʮ֮˾ ADV aValue|ֵ,possibility|,possible|
+ʮּ N tool|þ,religion|ڽ
+ʮֽͷ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ʮ· N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ʮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ʮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,pure|,desired|
+ʮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ʯ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ʯ N image|ͼ,#stone|ʯ
+ʯ N stone|ʯ,?material|
+ʯ N fish|
+ʯ N material|,#stone|ʯ,*build|
+ʯ N tool|þ,*print|ӡˢ
+ʯ N facilities|ʩ,$carve|
+ʯ N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+ʯ N part|,%land|½
+ʯ V disappear|ʧ
+ʯ N SportTool|˶
+ʯ N image|ͼ,$carve|
+ʯ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ʯ N vegetable|߲
+ʯ CLAS NounUnit|,&stone|ʯ
+ʯ N chemical|ѧ
+ʯ N tool|þ,medical|ҽ
+ʯ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|,#stone|ʯ
+ʯ N material|,*build|
+ʯʯ N material|,*build|
+ʯ N material|,*build|
+ʯׯ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ʯ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|,#stone|ʯ
+ʯ N medicine|ҩ,(Chiina|й)
+ʯ N image|ͼ,$carve|
+ʯ N building|
+ʯ N stone|ʯ
+ʯ N material|
+ʯ N stone|ʯ
+ʯ N fruit|ˮ
+ʯ N material|,*apply|ͿĨ,*decorate|װ
+ʯ N material|
+ʯĥ N tool|þ,*grind|ĥ
+ʯī N stone|ʯ
+ʯ N chemical|ѧ
+ʯ쾪 ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+ʯ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ
+ʯʱ N time|ʱ
+ʯ N material|,*apply|ͿĨ,*decorate|װ
+ʯʨ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ʯ N SportTool|˶
+ʯͷ N stone|ʯ,?material|
+ʯͷӶ N stone|ʯ,?material|
+ʯ N livestock|
+ʯӡ V print|ӡˢ
+ʯӢ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ʯӢ N tool|þ,*tell|,#time|ʱ
+ʯ N material|,liquid|Һ,$burn|
+ʯ N material|,gas|,$burn|
+ʯ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,commercial|
+ʯ֯ N community|
+ʯ N stone|ʯ,?material|
+ʯӶ N stone|ʯ,?material|
+ʰ V gather|ɼ
+ʰ V pick|ʰ
+ʰ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ʰ V PutInOrder|
+ʰ V punish|
+ʰ V repair|
+ʰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,public|
+ʰ V pick|ʰ
+ʰȡ V gather|ɼ
+ʰȡ V pick|ʰ
+ʰ V imitate|ģ
+ʰ촦 V InstitutePlace|,@collect|,#lose|ʧȥ
+ʰ V gather|ɼ,possession=$lose|ʧȥ
+ʰŲ V recompense|
+ʰ N tool|þ,*disseminate|
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+ʱ N attribute|,time|ʱ,&language|
+ʱ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ʱ N time|ʱ
+ʱ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ
+ʱ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ,special|
+ʱ N time|ʱ,important|
+ʱ N time|ʱ,season|
+ʱ ... ʱ CONJ {accompaniment|}
+ʱ N publications|鿯,#news|
+ʱ N phenomena|,bad|
+ʱ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ʱʱ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ʱҴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|
+ʱ N attribute|,different|,&time|ʱ
+ʱ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ʱ N time|ʱ
+ʱ N time|ʱ
+ʱ N time|ʱ
+ʱ N time|ʱ
+ʱʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,^continuous|
+ʱ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ʱ ... ʱ CONJ {accompaniment|}
+ʱ N time|ʱ
+ʱ CONJ {time|ʱ}
+ʱ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ʱ N time|ʱ
+ʱǨ V change|
+ʱ N time|ʱ
+ʱ N time|ʱ,important|
+ʱ N attribute|,price|۸,&inanimate|
+ʱ N time|ʱ
+ʱ N readings|,#plans|滮
+ʱ N aValue|ֵ,property|,#time|ʱ
+ʱ N time|ʱ
+ʱ N time|ʱ,season|
+ʱ N attribute|,circumstances|,&country|,politics|
+ʱ N time|ʱ
+ʱ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ
+ʱ̱ N readings|,#plans|滮,#transport|,#VehicleGo|ʻ
+ʱ N time|ʱ,season|
+ʱ N time|ʱ
+ʱ N human|,now|
+ʱ N time|ʱ
+ʱ N attribute|,SocialMode|,&entity|ʵ
+ʱʱ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ʱʱ̿ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ʱ N fact|
+ʱ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&event|¼
+ʱ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&AlterLocation|ռλ
+ʱ̬ N attribute|,property|,&language|
+ʱ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&event|¼
+ʱ N fact|
+ʱ N time|ʱ,now|
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,desired|
+ʱ N attribute|,boundary|,#time|ʱ,&event|¼
+ʱЧ N attribute|,boundary|,&time|ʱ
+ʱЧ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&entity|ʵ,&act|ж
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,pattern|ʽ,modern|,desired|
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ʱ N attribute|,sequence|,&event|¼
+ʱ N attribute|,circumstances|,&thing|
+ʱ˲ V unfortunate|
+ʱ N part|,%tool|þ,#tell|,#time|ʱ
+ʱֵ N time|ʱ
+ʱ N time|ʱ,near|
+ʱ N tool|þ,*tell|,#time|ʱ
+ʱװ N clothing|,#body|
+ʱװ N fact|,display|չʾ,#clothing|
+ʱװģ N human|,*display|չʾ,#clothing|
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,pattern|ʽ,modern|,desired|
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,pattern|ʽ,new|,desired|
+ʱ V prosper|
+ʲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,mixed|,undesired|ݬ
+ʲ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ʲ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ʲ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ʲô ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,question|
+ʲô N entity|ʵ,question|
+ʲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ
+ʲ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ
+ʳ V eat|
+ʳ N food|ʳƷ,*feed|ι,#animal|,generic|ͳ
+ʳ N food|ʳƷ,generic|ͳ
+ʳ V HungryThirsty|
+ʳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,*eat|,#FlowerGrass|
+ʳݶ N animal|,*eat|,#FlowerGrass|
+ʳ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ʳ N disease|
+ʳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ʳ֪ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ʳ N tool|þ,*feed|ι,*catch|ס,#fish|
+ʳŲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ʳ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ʳܰ N disease|
+ʳ N bird|
+ʳ N human|,*eat|
+ʳ N human|,*help|
+ʳ N food|ʳƷ,generic|ͳ
+ʳ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ʳ N attribute|,ability|,&eat|
+ʳ N method|,*cure|ҽ
+ʳƷ N food|ʳƷ,generic|ͳ
+ʳƷ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+ʳ N account|,*record|¼,#edible|ʳ
+ʳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,*eat|,#flesh|
+ʳ N animal|,*eat|,#flesh|
+ʳ N fact|,#eat|,#reside|ס
+ʳ N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,@eat|
+ʳ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ʳ N edible|ʳ,generic|ͳ
+ʳ N fact|,#eat|
+ʳж N disease|,#poison|
+ʳ N attribute|,habit|ϰ,#consume|ȡ,&AnimalHuman|
+ʳ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ʳ V disobey|Υ,content=MakeAppointment|Լ
+ʳ N beast|
+ʳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$consume|ȡ
+ʳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,$use|,#consume|ȡ
+ʳþ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ
+ʳ N material|,liquid|Һ,?food|ʳƷ
+ʳ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,#consume|ȡ
+ʳָ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hand|
+ʴ V InDebt|
+ʴ V bite|ҧ,industrial|
+ʴ V InDebt|,possession=fund|ʽ,commercial|
+ʴ V affairs|,*InDebt|,commercial|
+ʴ V carve|,means=bite|ҧ
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,substantial|ʵ
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ʵ N entity|ʵ,true|
+ʵ N fact|
+ʵ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ʵʵ V recompense|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ʵ N expression|
+ʵʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,true|,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,own|,#weapon|
+ʵ V load|װ,patient=weapon|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,special|
+ʵ V do|,manner=endeavour|
+ʵɼ N human|,*endeavour|
+ʵ N text|,true|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,substantial|ʵ,desired|
+ʵ N phenomena|,pros|
+ʵ N result|,true|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,substantial|ʵ,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ʵ N entity|ʵ,true|
+ʵ N fact|,true|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,substantial|ʵ
+ʵ ADV aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|
+ʵ ADV aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|
+ʵ N attribute|,price|۸,true|,&physical|,commercial|
+ʵ V conduct|ʵʩ
+ʵ V fulfil|ʵ
+ʵ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&thing|
+ʵ N information|Ϣ,*prove|֤
+ʵ N example|ʵ
+ʵ N attribute|,strength|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ʵλ N attribute|,strength|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ʵ¼ N text|
+ʵ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ʵȨ N attribute|,power|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ʵʩ V conduct|ʵʩ
+ʵʩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ʵʩ N human|,*conduct|ʵʩ
+ʵʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ʵʱ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,alike|
+ʵʵ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ʵ N fact|,substantial|ʵ,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,substantial|ʵ,desired|
+ʵ N entity|ʵ
+ʵ N physical|,generic|ͳ
+ʵ﹤ N payment|
+ʵϰ V drill|ϰ
+ʵϰ N human|,study|ѧ,education|
+ʵϰҽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ʵϰҽԺ N InstitutePlace|,@cure|ҽ,#disease|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,medical|ҽ,education|
+ʵ V fulfil|ʵ
+ʵЧ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&entity|ʵ
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,substantial|ʵ,desired|
+ʵʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ʵ V conduct|ʵʩ
+ʵ V experiment|ʵ
+ʵ N InstitutePlace|,@research|о,@experiment|ʵ,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ʵ N human|,*experiment|ʵ
+ʵҵ N affairs|,industrial|,commercial|
+ʵҵ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|,commercial|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+ʵ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&thing|
+ʵ N thinking|˼,#effect|Ч
+ʵ N human|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ʵ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ʵ ADV {comment|}
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ʵս N fact|,fight|
+ʵ֤ N information|Ϣ,*explain|˵
+ʵ N entity|ʵ,generic|ͳ
+ʵ N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+ʵ ADV aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ʵ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,sufficient|
+ʶ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ʶ V know|֪
+ʶ V distinguish|ֱ
+ʶ V distinguish|ֱ
+ʶ V attribute|,ability|,#distinguish|ֱ,&human|
+ʶ V know|֪,content=artifact|˹
+ʶ V know|֪
+ʶȤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+ʶʱΪ V obey|ѭ
+ʶ; N human|,wise|,desired|
+ʶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,^biased|ƫ,desired|
+ʶ V study|ѧ,content=character|
+ʷ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ʷ N fact|,#time|ʱ
+ʷ N fact|,#time|ʱ
+ʷ N fact|
+ʷ N place|ط,#fact|,#time|ʱ
+ʷ N readings|
+ʷ N information|Ϣ
+ʷǰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ʷʫ N text|
+ʷʫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ʷʫ N human|,literature|
+ʷʵ N fact|,#time|ʱ
+ʷ N fact|,#time|ʱ
+ʷǰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ʷѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ʸ V swear|
+ʸ N text|,$swear|
+ʸ N weapon|,$firing|
+ʸڷ V deny|
+ʸ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ʸͼ N image|ͼ
+ʸ־ V endeavour|
+ʸ־ V endeavour|
+ʸ־ V endeavour|
+ʹ V CauseToDo|ʹ
+ʹ N human|,*transmit|,#letter|ż
+ʹ V use|
+ʹ ... V CauseToDo|ʹ,ResultEvent=^PayAttention|ע
+ʹ ...ķ V MakeWorried|
+ʹ V stabilize|ʹ
+ʹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ʹɳ V CauseToGrow|ʹɳ
+ʹ V CauseToExist|ʹ
+ʹ V CauseToDo|ʹ
+ʹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+ʹ V CauseToDo|ʹ
+ʹ V sharpen|ʹ
+ʹ N institution|,diplomatic|⽻
+ʹ V MakeTrouble|
+ʹ V dispatch|Dz
+ʹ V use|
+ʹ V CauseToLive|ʹ
+ʹ V KeepOn|ʹ
+ʹ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,diplomatic|⽻
+ʹ N attribute|,status|,diplomatic|⽻
+ʹ V endeavour|
+ʹ V clean|ʹ
+ʹ V brighten|ʹ
+ʹ N affairs|,#dispatch|Dz
+ʹŮ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeCare|,employee|Ա,female|Ů
+ʹȻ V ResultIn|
+ʹ˲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,upset|
+ʹ˷ŭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,angry|
+ʹ˷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,itch|
+ʹƣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,tired|ƣ
+ʹŷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,believe|
+ʹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,joyful|ϲ
+ʹܽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,StateChange|̬
+ʹ˸֪ V MakeOthersKnowledge|ʹ˸֪
+ʹ N community|,diplomatic|⽻
+ʹ֪ V MakeMisunderstand|ʹ֪
+ʹϲ V MakeHappy|ʹϲ
+ʹ V MakeEqual|ʹ
+ʹʧ V CauseToBeHidden|ʹʧ
+ʹ V angry|
+ʹɫ V tell|,manner=secret|
+ʹ V use|
+ʹ÷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+ʹüֵ V attribute|,value|ֵ,&thing|
+ʹ V attribute|,age|,&artifact|˹
+ʹ V pollute|ʹ
+ʹթ V deceive|ƭ
+ʹ N human|,$dispatch|Dz,official|
+ʹ N human|,*transmit|,#letter|ż
+ʹ֮ V CauseNotToBe|ʹ֮
+ʹ֮ V CauseToBe|ʹ֮
+ʺ N stone|ʯ,#AnimalHuman|,waste|
+ʺ N InsectWorm|
+ʻ V VehicleGo|ʻ
+ʼ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ʼ V begin|ʼ
+ʼ V start|ʼ
+ʼĩ N process|
+ʼҵ V start|ʼ,content=study|ѧ,education|
+ʼ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ʼղи ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|,desired|
+ʼղ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|,desired|
+ʼһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|,desired|
+ʼ N human|,past|
+ʼ N bird|,past|
+ʼٸ N human|,*start|ʼ
+ʽ N attribute|,kind|,&entity|ʵ
+ʽ N attribute|,kind|,&language|
+ʽ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&physical|
+ʽ N attribute|,posture|,&animate|
+ʽ N fact|
+ʽ N symbol|
+ʽ N attribute|,kind|,&entity|ʵ
+ʽ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&physical|
+ʽ N attribute|,posture|,&animate|
+ʽ N symbol|
+ʾ V express|ʾ
+ʾ V order|
+ʾ V tell|
+ʾ V ShowLove|ʾ
+ʾ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ʾ N tool|þ,*measure|,#electricity|
+ʾ V ExpressDissatisfaction|ʾ
+ʾͬ V ExpressDisagreement|ʾͬ
+ʾ V show|,content=example|ʵ
+ʾ V show|,content=example|ʵ
+ʾŭ V ExpressAnger|ʾŭ
+ʾ V surrender|
+ʾ˼ V commemorate|ʾ˼
+ʾͬ V ExpressAgreement|ʾͬ
+ʾ V uprise|
+ʾϲ V ShowJoy|ʾϲ
+ʾ V express|ʾ
+ʾͼ N readings|,express|ʾ
+ʿ N human|
+ʿ N human|,able|
+ʿ N human|,literature|
+ʿ N human|,male|
+ʿ N human|,military|
+ʿ N tool|þ,#recreation|
+ʿ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,military|
+ʿ N human|,literature|
+ʿŮ N human|,mass|,young|
+ʿ N attribute|,will|־,&human|,&army|
+ʿ N human|,HighRank|ߵ
+ʿ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,military|
+ N attribute|,clan|,&physical|
+ N place|ط
+ N time|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ,#alive|
+ N emotion|,hate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,enemy|
+ V PassOn|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ N time|ʱ
+ഫ V PassOn|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ N time|ʱ
+ĩ N time|ʱ,ending|ĩ
+ N community|,family|
+ N location|λ,%earth|
+ N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|
+ N human|,friend|
+ N place|ط
+籭 N tool|þ,#compete|,*reward|,desired|,sport|,entertainment|
+ս N fact|,fight|,military|
+緶Χ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ N standpoint|
+ʳ» N part|,%institution|,#agricultural|ũ,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ó֯ N InstitutePlace|,ProperName|ר,commercial|
+֯ N part|,%institution|,#agricultural|ũ,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+֯ N part|,%institution|,#medical|ҽ,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ݼ N land|½,tall|
+ N part|,%institution|,@SetAside|,@TakeBack|ȡ,@lend|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ N thought|ͷ,public|
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ѧ N human|,#language|
+֪ʶȨ֯ N part|,%institution|,#politics|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ N human|
+ó N InstitutePlace|,ProperName|ר,commercial|
+ N attribute|,environment|,earth|
+ N human|,ordinary|
+ N location|λ,%earth|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ N fact|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+Դ N celestial|,#humanized|
+Ϯ V PassOn|
+Ϯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ӽ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ӽ N vegetable|߲
+ V TakeCare|
+ N affairs|,#earn|,#alive|,#occupation|ְλ
+ N duty|
+ V engage|
+ N fact|
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+°빦 V succeed|ɹ
+± V fail|ʧ
+±ع ADJ do|,manner=self|
+± N fact|
+± N phenomena|,sudden|,#unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+²˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+³ ADV {comment|}
+¶ N fact|,undesired|ݬ
+¹ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+¹ش ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+¹Ǩ V change|
+º N time|ʱ,future|
+¼ N result|,desired|
+¼ N time|ʱ,@rest|Ϣ
+¼ N fact|
+¼ N {EventResult|¼}
+ N reason|
+ N example|ʵ
+ǰ N time|ʱ,past|
+ N fact|
+Ȩ N duty|
+ʵ N fact|
+ʵ ADV aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|
+ʵ ADV aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|
+ʵʤ۱ EXPR aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|
+ N fact|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+̬ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N entity|ʵ
+ N affairs|
+ N institution|
+ N time|ʱ,past|
+ N fact|
+ҵ N affairs|
+ҵ N institution|
+ҵλ N institution|
+ҵ N expenditure|,*CauseToLive|ʹ,#institution|
+ҵ N emotion|,endeavour|,desired|
+ N affairs|
+ N cause|ԭ
+ N part|,%fact|
+ԸΥ V FitNot|,contrast=aspiration|Ը
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,#crime|,$MakeBad|Ӻ
+ V remove|
+ V wipe|
+ĿԴ V wait|ȴ
+ V swear|
+ N text|,$swear|
+IJ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,opposed|,undesired|ݬ
+Ĵ N text|,$swear|
+ʦ V swear|
+ʦ V swear|,military|
+ V swear|
+ N text|,$swear|
+Ը N text|,$swear|
+Լ N text|,$swear|
+ V die|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ V die|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,form|״,&physical|
+ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&physical|
+ N attribute|,power|,&AnimalHuman|,&organization|֯
+ N attribute|,strength|,&physical|
+ N mark|־
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+Ʊ ADV aValue|ֵ,possibility|,possible|
+Ʋɵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+Ʋɵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+Ʋ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,opposed|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƴﻢ V embarrassed|Ϊ
+ƽ ADV aValue|ֵ,possibility|,possible|
+ƾ V equal|,scope=strength|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ,&human|
+ N human|,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,power|,&AnimalHuman|,&organization|֯
+Χ N attribute|,range|,#power|,&organization|֯
+ N attribute|,strength|,&physical|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+̬ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ͷ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&physical|
+ͷ N attribute|,strength|,&physical|
+ڱ V fixed|Ѷ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ V be|
+ǵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ǵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+Ƿ N attribute|,correctness|,&event|¼
+Ƿ N fact|,quarrel|
+Ƿ CONJ {question|}
+ V addict|Ⱥ
+Ⱥ N attribute|,habit|ϰ,#addict|Ⱥ,&AnimalHuman|
+Ⱥ N fact|,$FondOf|ϲ,#WhileAway|
+Ⱥ N addictive|Ⱥ
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+Ѫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ V bite|ҧ
+ɾ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+ V fit|ʺ
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ʵ䷴ V fail|ʧ
+ʶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ʷ CONJ {time|ʱ}
+ʷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ʺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ʺ V fit|ʺ
+ʿɶֹ V cease|ͣ
+ʿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+ N quantity|,amount|,some|Щ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,proper|
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$sell|,commercial|
+· ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$sell|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ V fit|ʺ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+Ӧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+Ӧ V fit|ʺ
+Ӧ N attribute|,ability|,#fit|ʺ,&thing|
+Ӧ֢ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|
+ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&artifact|˹
+ں ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,VehicleGo|ʻ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$sell|,commercial|
+ V alive|,condition=fit|ʺ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|,desired|
+ V engage|,politics|
+Ů N image|ͼ,#beautiful|,#female|Ů
+; N process|,#official|,#engage|
+ V TakeCare|
+̴ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeCare|,employee|Ա
+̷ V TakeCare|
+̺ V TakeCare|
+Ů N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeCare|,employee|Ա,female|Ů
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeCare|,#InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeCare|,employee|Ա
+ V explain|˵
+ V release|ͷ
+ V remove|
+ͷ V release|ͷ
+ͷ N human|,*release|ͷ,police|
+Ȼ V AtEase|
+ V explain|˵
+ N information|Ϣ
+IJ N human|,ProperName|ר,religion|ڽ
+ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ V MakeUp|ױ
+ V RegardAs|
+ V RegardAs|,entertainment|
+ V cover|ڸ
+ V decorate|װ
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,generic|ͳ
+δ N reason|,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+Ʒ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,generic|ͳ
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,generic|ͳ
+ V RegardAs|,entertainment|
+ N attribute|,name|,&human|
+ N human|,family|
+ N community|
+ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+ N place|ط,city|
+г N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+г N attribute|,price|۸,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+г N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,#city|
+гְλ N occupation|ְλ,official|,#city|
+и N institution|,*manage|,#city|
+л N FlowerGrass|,#mark|־,#city|
+м N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+м ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#city|
+м N attribute|,price|۸,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+н N part|,%place|ط,surrounding|Χ,#city|
+н CLAS unit|λ,&weight|
+о N place|ط,commercial|
+оС N human|,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+о֮ͽ N human|,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+п N human|,commercial|
+пϰ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#city|
+ N attribute|,environment|,&event|¼,commercial|
+ N human|,#city|
+ N part|,%place|ط,city|,body|
+ N attribute|,appearance|,&city|
+ί N institution|,politics|,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,city|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#affairs|,#city|
+ N affairs|,#city|
+ N institution|,*manage|,#city|
+ N part|,%place|ط,city|,heart|
+ V depend|
+ѲŰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ǿ V damage|,means=use|,#power|
+ V damage|,means=use|,#power|
+ N part|,%organization|֯
+ N room|
+ N location|λ,%room|,internal|
+ N music|
+ֶ N community|,*perform|,#music|
+װʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*decorate|װ
+ N location|λ,%room|,external|
+ N attribute|,temperature|¶,&room|
+ V investigate|
+ V look|
+ V treat|Դ
+Ӳ V investigate|
+Ӳ N result|,wrong|,#calculate|,#measure|
+Ӵ N software|,#(Microsoft|)
+Ӷ V ignorant|֪,#look|
+ӽ N standpoint|
+Ӿ N experience|,#look|
+ N attribute|,ability|,#look|,&AnimalHuman|
+Ƶ N attribute|,frequency|Ƶ,&image|ͼ
+ V RegardAs|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|,#look|
+ V undertake|,content=official|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#experience|
+ N experience|
+ͬ V RegardAs|
+ͬϷ V despise|
+ͬ· ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,unfamiliar|϶,undesired|ݬ
+ͼ N image|ͼ
+Ĥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+Ĥ N disease|
+Ϊ V RegardAs|
+ N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|
+Ұ N attribute|,range|,*look|,&entity|ʵ
+ V RegardAs|
+ N fact|,exam|
+ V try|
+ V handle|,manner=try|
+Բ V disseminate|
+Գ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@exam|
+Գ V experiment|ʵ,content=CauseToLive|ʹ
+Դ V PutOn|,manner=try|
+Ե V experiment|ʵ
+Ե N organization|֯,@experiment|ʵ
+Ե N tool|þ,*check|,#electricity|
+Թ N tool|þ,cubic|,*experiment|ʵ
+Ժ V experiment|ʵ
+Ի V experiment|ʵ,content=GetMarried|
+Լ N chemical|ѧ,*experiment|ʵ
+Խʯ N stone|ʯ
+Ծ N paper|ֽ,*exam|
+ N {Vtry|}
+Կ V try|
+̽ V investigate|,manner=try|
+ N problem|
+ N measure|,content=temperature|¶
+ͼ V try|
+ V ask|
+ V sell|,manner=try|
+ V try|
+ V perform|,manner=try|,entertainment|
+ V experiment|ʵ,manner=try|
+鳡 N facilities|ʩ,@experiment|ʵ
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ V try|
+ת V experiment|ʵ,content=CauseToLive|ʹ
+ֽ N paper|ֽ,*experiment|ʵ
+ V produce|,manner=try|,industrial|
+ V planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ V cease|ͣ
+ V detain|ס
+ V finish|
+ V gather|ɼ
+ V gather|ɼ,agricultural|ũ
+ V include|
+ V receive|
+ V restrain|ֹ
+ձ V include|,ResultWhole=army|,military|
+ձ V cease|ͣ,content=fight|,military|
+ղ V store|
+ղ V store|,literature|
+ղؼ N human|,*store|,literature|
+ճ V finish|
+ճ N result|,$obtain|õ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+յ V fulfil|ʵ
+յ V receive|
+շ V transmit|
+շ N part|,%account|,commercial|,#human|
+շ V levy|
+շѵ绰 N facilities|ʩ,*communicate|
+ո V TakeBack|ȡ
+ո V collect|,agricultural|ũ
+ո N LandVehicle|,*collect|,agricultural|ũ
+չ V cease|ͣ,content=affairs|
+չ V buy|,commercial|
+չ N attribute|,price|۸,#buy|,&artifact|˹
+չ۸ N attribute|,price|۸,#buy|,&artifact|˹
+չվ N InstitutePlace|,*buy|,commercial|
+չ V TakeBack|ȡ
+չ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=public|,#country|
+ջ V TakeBack|ȡ
+ջ V remove|
+ջ V collect|,agricultural|ũ
+ջ N result|,$obtain|õ,desired|
+ռ V gather|ɼ
+ռ N human|,gather|ɼ
+ռ V detain|ס,police|
+ռ V suffer|,content=detain|ס,crime|,police|
+ս V levy|
+ս V tighten|ս
+վ N bill|Ʊ,#wealth|Ǯ
+տ V look|
+տ V BeRecovered|ԭ,medical|ҽ
+տ V weave|
+տ N tool|þ,*count|,#money|
+տ N human|,*collect|,#wealth|Ǯ
+տ N human|,*receive|,#money|
+ V receive|,possession=physical|
+ N symbol|,#quantity|,#DoSum|
+ V detain|ס,purpose=TakeCare|
+£ V CausePartMove|
+¼ V employ|
+¼ V include|
+¼ V record|¼
+¼ N tool|þ,*record|¼,#sound|
+ V gather|ɼ
+ V include|
+ V buy|,commercial|
+ V entice|,means=GiveAsGift|,crime|
+ V finish|,commercial|
+ V cease|ͣ
+ȡ V collect|
+ V detain|ס,crime|,police|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@escape|,#unfortunate|
+ V include|
+ V take|ȡ
+ N wealth|Ǯ,$earn|
+ N wealth|Ǯ,$earn|,commercial|
+סԺ V reside|ס,location=InstitutePlace|,purpose=$cure|ҽ,#medical|ҽ
+ V detain|ס,purpose=interrogate|
+ʰ V PutInOrder|
+ʰ V load|װ
+ʰ V punish|
+ʰ V remove|
+ʰ V repair|
+ V pause|ͣ,commercial|
+ V look|
+ V receive|
+ N human|,*receive|
+ V control|
+ V load|װ
+ V restrain|ֹ
+˰ V collect|,possession=expenditure|,commercial|
+˰ V collect|,possession=expenditure|,politics|
+˰ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*receive|,#expenditure|,official|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ V assemble|ۼ,military|
+ V shrink|С
+ V shrink|С,medical|ҽ
+ V assemble|ۼ,patient=army|,military|
+̯ V cease|ͣ,content=affairs|
+̯ V cease|ͣ,content=affairs|,commercial|
+̯ V finish|,commercial|
+ N bill|Ʊ,#wealth|Ǯ
+ V listen|
+β V cease|ͣ
+Ч V succeed|ɹ
+ N human|,*receive|,#letter|ż
+Ѷ̨ N InstitutePlace|,@receive|,information|Ϣ
+Ѻ V detain|ס,crime|,police|
+ V CauseToLive|ʹ
+ N wealth|Ǯ,$earn|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ N fact|,gather|ɼ,#sound|
+ N machine|,*disseminate|
+ V gather|ɼ,possession=fund|ʽ
+֧ N wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ִ N bill|Ʊ,#wealth|Ǯ
+ V put|
+ N human|,employee|Ա
+ N part|,%human|,hand|
+ְ N part|,%human|,hand|
+ֱ N part|,%human|,hand|
+ֱ N information|Ϣ,#image|ͼ
+ֱ N information|Ϣ,#readings|
+ֱ N method|,*compile|༭,*draw|
+ֱ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,arm|
+ֱ N location|λ,surrounding|Χ
+ֱ N tool|þ,*tell|,#time|ʱ
+ֱ N part|,%implement|,hand|
+ֲ; ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ֲ N publications|鿯
+ֳ N publications|鿯,$copy|д
+ֳ N LandVehicle|
+ֳ V hold|
+ִ N stationery|ľ
+ֵ N tool|þ,*illuminate|,#electricity|
+ֵͲ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+ֶ N method|
+ֶ N plans|滮,sly|,*deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+ַ N method|
+ַ N plans|滮,sly|,*deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+ַ N MusicTool|
+ַ N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ַ N machine|,#crop|ׯ,*transport|
+ָ N experience|,#feel|
+ָ N readings|
+ֹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ
+ֹ N fact|
+ֹҵ N affairs|
+ֹ N affairs|
+ֹƷ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ֹ N MusicTool|
+ֻ N tool|þ,*communicate|
+ּ N information|Ϣ,#image|ͼ
+ּ N information|Ϣ,#readings|
+ּۿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,clever|,desired|
+ּ V record|¼
+ֽ N fact|,#act|ж
+ֽ N plans|滮,sly|,*deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+ֽŲɾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰,undesired|ݬ
+ֽ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ֽ V OwnNot|,possession=money|
+ֽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,miser|,undesired|ݬ
+־ N tool|þ,*break|۶
+־ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ֿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+ N weapon|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ N weapon|
+¯ N tool|þ,*WarmUp|
+æ V flurried|
+ģ N trace|
+ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ǹ N weapon|,*firing|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ N SportTool|˶
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,undesired|ݬ
+ɲ N part|,%vehicle|ͨ,*fix|ס
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N mark|־
+ V write|д
+ N fact|,cure|ҽ,#split|ƿ,#part|,medical|ҽ
+ N tool|þ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ N room|,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+̨ N tool|þ,@cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,generous|,desired|
+ N SportTool|˶,#clothing|,#hand|
+ N clothing|,#hand|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ͷ N attribute|,environment|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ͷ N location|λ,surrounding|Χ,space|ռ
+Ƴ N LandVehicle|
+ N plans|滮,sly|,*deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,arm|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+㵸 V joyful|ϲ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ N attribute|,environment|,#wealth|Ǯ,&human|
+ V forgive|ԭ
+ N human|,*guess|²
+д V write|д
+ N fact|,control|
+ N part|,%human|,hand|
+ N method|
+ N payment|
+ N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+ N fact|,#mating|
+ӡ N trace|,#hand|
+ N readings|,past|
+ N part|,%human|,hand|
+ N tool|þ,#disable|м,*walk|
+ָ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hand|
+ָͷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hand|
+ֽ N paper|ֽ,*wipe|
+ N human|,family|,mass|,male|
+ V flurried|
+ N tool|þ,police|,*catch|ס,#crime|
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,$PutOn|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+׳ N fact|,perform|
+׳ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+׳ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+׳ V start|ʼ
+״ V start|ʼ
+ V suffer|,content=attack|
+ N place|ط,capital|,#country|
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ N place|ط
+ V VehicleGo|ʻ
+ V fly|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*die|,head|ͷ
+ V agree|ͬ
+ N human|,official|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+һָ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+շ N coupon|Ʊ֤,*post|ʼ,#letter|ż
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,$PutOn|
+ V hesitate|ԥ
+; V start|ʼ,content=leave|뿪
+β ADV frequency|Ƶ
+β N process|
+λ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ
+ϯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ϯ N location|λ,glorious|
+ϯ N human|,official|
+ϯִй N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,necessary|Ҫ
+ V uprise|
+ӳʽ N fact|
+ս V win|ʤ
+ս V win|ʤ,sport|
+ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ V aValue|ֵ,distance|,near|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,near|
+ V check|
+ V defend|
+ V defend|,military|
+ V obey|ѭ
+ر V defend|,military|
+ر N army|,*defend|,military|
+زū N human|,greedy|̰,miser|,undesired|ݬ
+زū N human|,greedy|̰,undesired|ݬ
+س N LandVehicle|
+صס ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,withstand|ס,desired|
+ص N army|,*defend|,military|
+ط ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ط V obey|ѭ,content=law|ɷ
+ط V InstitutePlace|,*obey|ѭ,#law|ɷ
+ع V unfortunate|,scope=lose|ʧȥ,family|
+غ V keep|,patient=lasting|
+غ V check|
+غ V expect|
+غ V wait|ȴ
+ػ V defend|
+ػ N humanized|,*defend|
+ؽ V obey|ѭ,content=loyal|Т
+ؾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ؾ N human|,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ؾ N army|,*defend|,military|
+ؿƿ V KeepSilence|˵
+ V condole|°
+Ա N human|,*exercise|,(football|)
+ V congratulate|ף
+ V check|
+ V defend|
+ V defend|,military|
+ V obey|ѭ,content=MakeAppointment|Լ
+ҵ V maintain|,patient=artifact|˹
+ҹ V check|,time=night|
+ N regulation|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,age|,&animate|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ٲ N tool|þ,cubic|,@store|,#die|
+ٳ N time|ʱ,day|,@ComeToWorld|
+ٵ N time|ʱ,day|,@ComeToWorld|
+ N tool|þ,#ComeToWorld|,$GiveAsGift|
+ N food|ʳƷ,*congratulate|ף,#ComeToWorld|
+ N attribute|,age|,&animate|
+ V guarantee|֤,scope=die|,commercial|
+ N human|,aged|
+ N human|,aged|,$congratulate|ף
+ N clothing|,#die|
+ V die|
+ V grant|
+ V teach|
+ڷ V disseminate|,purpose=GiveBirth|,agricultural|ũ
+ڼ V teach|,content=plans|滮
+ڽ V reward|,possession=tool|þ
+ھ V disseminate|,purpose=GiveBirth|
+ڿ V teach|,knowledge|֪ʶ,education|
+ V order|
+Ȩ V order|
+Ȩ N document|,*order|
+ V grant|
+ V reward|,possession=rank|ȼ,military|
+ѫ V reward|,possession=tool|þ
+ҵ V teach|,knowledge|֪ʶ,education|
+ V teach|,knowledge|֪ʶ
+ V incite|ָʹ
+ V teach|
+ V grant|
+ V sell|
+ۺ N affairs|,*TakeCare|,commercial|
+ۻ V sell|,possession=artifact|˹
+ۻԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա,*sell|,commercial|
+ۼ N attribute|,price|۸,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ V sell|
+Ʊ V sell|,possession=coupon|Ʊ֤
+Ʊ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,#coupon|Ʊ֤
+Ʊ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,#coupon|Ʊ֤
+ƱԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա,*sell|,#coupon|Ʊ֤,#vehicle|ͨ
+ V disappear|ʧ,#sell|,commercial|
+ V endure|
+ V receive|
+ V suffer|
+ V undergo|
+ܱ N human|,$guarantee|֤
+ܲ V ill|̬,agricultural|ũ
+ܲ V ill|̬,medical|ҽ
+ܳ V suffer|,content=moisten|ʪ
+ܳ V undergo|,content=like|ϧ
+ܴ V fail|ʧ
+ܵ V suffer|
+ܵ V undergo|
+ܵ V withstand|ס
+ܷ V suffer|,content=punish|
+ܷ V pregnant|,agricultural|ũ
+ܹ V suffer|,content=punish|
+ܺ V suffer|,content=damage|
+ܺ N human|,$MakeBad|Ӻ,#crime|
+ܺ N human|,$MakeBad|Ӻ,#crime|
+ܺ N human|,$damage|
+ܺ V fever|
+ܻ N tool|þ,*listen|
+ܻ V receive|,possession=pros|
+ܻݹ N place|ط,country|,$WellTreat|ƴ,#commercial|
+ܻ V receive|,possession=artifact|˹,crime|
+ܼ̤ V suffer|,content=damage|
+ܽ V receive|,possession=reward|
+ܽ V win|ʤ
+ܾ V suffer|
+ܾ V suffer|,content=frighten|Ż
+ܾ V suffer|,content=frighten|Ż
+ܾ V pregnant|,#medical|ҽ
+ܾ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,embryo|
+ܾ V shy|
+ܿ V suffer|,content=unfortunate|
+ V relate|й
+ V unfortunate|
+ V handle|,police|
+ N receive|,possession=physical|
+ V fever|
+ V receive|
+ V receive|,possession=order|
+ V suffer|,content=unfortunate|
+ N human|,$MakeBad|Ӻ,#crime|
+ƭ V misunderstand|
+ƭ V human|,*misunderstand|
+Ƹ V accept|,content=employ|
+Ƹ V accept|,content=tool|þ,#GetMarried|
+ V suffer|,content=damage|
+ V suffer|,content=poor|
+Ȩ V receive|,possession=power|
+ V undergo|,content=WarmUp|
+˰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$endorse|ӵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$endorse|ӵ
+ V wounded|
+ V suffer|,content=interrogate|,police|
+ N part|,%language|
+ V suffer|,content=lose|ʧȥ
+̥ V pregnant|,#medical|ҽ
+ V undergo|,content=entrust|ί
+ N human|,$entrust|ί
+ϴ V undergo|,religion|ڽ
+ V undergo|,content=delimit|
+ѵ V undergo|,content=teach|
+ V obtain|õ,possession=pros|
+ N human|,obtain|õ,#pros|
+ V enjoy|
+ V obtain|õ,possession=pros|
+Ԯ V obtain|õ,possession=help|
+Ԯ N place|ط,country|,$help|,#commercial|
+Լ N human|,*MakeAppointment|Լ
+ V pregnant|,#medical|ҽ
+ V suffer|,content=unfortunate|
+ V suffer|,content=control|
+ V suffer|,content=control|
+ V suffer|,content=obstruct|ֹ
+ V suffer|,content=unfortunate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,bony|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,barren|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,width|,narrow|խ
+ݳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ݹ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ú N material|,*lighting|ȼ,$burn|
+ N human|,bony|
+ N part|,%animate|,flesh|,bony|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,bony|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,bony|
+ N human|,bony|
+ N beast|
+ N part|,%building|,#mouth|
+ N LandVehicle|
+ N beast|
+ҽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,#animal|,medical|ҽ
+ N vegetable|߲
+߲ N vegetable|߲
+߹ N vegetable|߲
+ N part|,%thing|,heart|
+Ŧ N part|,%thing|,heart|
+ V MakeUp|ױ
+ V PutInOrder|
+ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ
+ V MakeUp|ױ
+ V PutInOrder|,industrial|
+ͷ V MakeUp|ױ,patient=hair|ë
+ϴ V MakeUp|ױ
+ױ V MakeUp|ױ
+ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ⲻ֪ V ignorant|֪
+ N attribute|,reputation|,glorious|,desired|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+;ͬ V BeSame|ͬ
+ѫ N result|,#succeed|ɹ,superior|,desired|
+ V express|ʾ
+㷢 V express|ʾ
+ V express|ʾ,content=emotion|
+д V describe|д
+ V defeated|
+ V donate|
+ V transport|
+ V transport|,commercial|
+ N place|ط,country|,*transport|
+ V transmit|,patient=electricity|,industrial|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,@transmit|
+ V defeated|
+侫 N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ѹ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ѹ N disease|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ V GoInto|,commercial|
+ V transport|,commercial|
+ V transport|
+ʹ N part|,%implement|,*transmit|
+Ѫ V give|,possession=liquid|Һ,medical|ҽ
+Ѫ V help|
+Һ V feed|ι,patient=medicine|ҩ,#cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+Ӯ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&event|¼
+ N facilities|ʩ,linear|,cubic|,@transmit|
+ܵ N facilities|ʩ,*transmit|
+ N human|,*defeated|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,male|
+岮 ADJ aValue|ֵ,clan|
+常 N human|,family|,male|
+ĸ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ĸ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V unfold|̯
+泩 ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+泩 V joyful|ϲ
+ V BeWell|׳
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+ V satisfied|
+滺 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+滺 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+滺 ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,relax|,desired|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,tranquil|,desired|
+ V satisfied|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+̹ V AtEase|
+̹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+̹ V satisfied|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+չ V CausePartMove|
+չ V unfold|̯
+ V CausePartMove|,medical|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+Ů N human|,female|Ů,kindhearted|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,sparse|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,unfamiliar|϶,undesired|ݬ
+ V despise|
+ V dredge|ͨ,agricultural|ũ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|,undesired|ݬ
+ V spread|
+赼 V dredge|ͨ,agricultural|ũ
+赼 V persuade|Ȱ˵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+迣 V dredge|ͨ,agricultural|ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lazy|,undesired|ݬ
+© N result|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,sparse|
+ N attribute|,density|ܶ,&physical|
+ɢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,sparse|
+ɢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,unattached|ɢ
+ɢ V disperse|ɢ
+ɢ V spread|
+ʧ N result|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,unattached|ɢ,undesired|ݬ
+ͨ V dredge|ͨ,agricultural|ũ
+ͨ V mediate|
+ V despise|
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,unfamiliar|϶,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,form|״,&character|
+ N attribute|,style|,&character|
+ N document|
+ N letter|ż
+ N publications|鿯
+ V write|д
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,#study|ѧ,@put|
+鱨 N publications|鿯
+鱾 N readings|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,cubic|,@put|,#publications|鿯
+ N human|,NotQuick|ګ
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,readings|
+鷨 N method|,*write|д
+鷨 N human|,*write|д,literature|
+鷿 N room|,@study|ѧ
+ N readings|,#text|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,@put|,#publications|鿯
+黭 N artifact|˹,#image|ͼ,entertainment|
+鼮 N publications|鿯
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+Ǵ N part|,%organization|֯
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ N furniture|Ҿ,@put|,#publications|鿯
+ N InstitutePlace|,publish|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,&human|
+鿯 N publications|鿯
+ N room|,@put|,#publications|鿯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ
+Ŀ N readings|
+ N text|,estimate|
+ N InstitutePlace|,publish|
+ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,#readings|,commercial|
+̯ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,#readings|,commercial|
+ N tool|þ,*protect|,#publications|鿯
+ͤ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@sell|,#readings|
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,#readings|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+д V write|д
+ N letter|ż
+Ժ N InstitutePlace|,*research|о,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ի N room|,@study|ѧ
+չ N fact|,*display|չʾ,#readings|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@put|
+ V amend|
+ V redeem|
+굱 V redeem|,possession=artifact|˹
+ V redeem|
+ V buy|,commercial|
+ V redeem|,possession=human|
+ V redeem|,possession=self|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,question|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,$cook|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,ripe|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ػ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ N human|,*visit|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ N human|,able|,industrial|
+ N human|,able|,industrial|
+ N human|,able|,desired|
+ N material|
+· N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N time|ʱ,desired|,#crop|ׯ
+ N time|ʱ,year|,desired|,#crop|ׯ
+ N human|,friend|
+ʳ N food|ʳƷ
+ʶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ V despise|,target=ordinary|
+˯ V sleep|˯,manner=very|
+˼ V think|˼,manner=attentive|ϸ
+ N material|,metal|
+ N stone|ʯ,material|
+Ϥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+Ϥ V know|֪
+ϰ V know|֪
+֪ V know|֪
+ V BeAble|ܹ
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|
+ N time|ʱ,@rest|Ϣ,@WhileAway|,#education|
+ N time|ʱ,@rest|Ϣ,@WhileAway|
+ N gas|,#season|
+ N gas|,hot|
+ N weather|,#season|,hot|
+ N time|ʱ,season|,hot|
+ N time|ʱ,morning|
+ N lights|,#morning|
+ V arrange|
+ N part|,%institution|,politics|
+ V sign|д
+ V handle|
+ N character|,$sign|д
+ V sign|д,ContentProduct=name|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Sichuan|Ĵ)
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N beast|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,vulgar|
+ N part|,%computer|
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N disease|
+ V BeMember|
+ V BelongTo|
+ V be|
+ N place|ط,#country|
+ N place|ط,country|,#BeMember|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ N human|,#rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵,employee|Ա
+ N attribute|,&entity|ʵ
+ֵ N aValue|ֵ
+ V BeMember|
+ V BelongTo|
+ԫж V exposure|¶
+ V BelongTo|
+ N method|
+ N part|,%language|
+ V explain|˵
+ N text|,*explain|˵
+˵ V explain|˵
+ְ V tell|
+ V cultivate|
+ V endorse|ӵ
+ V establish|
+ V put|
+ N tree|
+ V praise|佱
+ N tree|
+ N beast|
+ɢ V disperse|ɢ
+ N part|,%tree|,body|
+ N InsectWorm|,*fly|
+ N part|,%tree|,body|
+ N part|,%tree|,base|
+ N part|,%tree|,head|ͷ
+ N material|
+ V establish|
+ N tree|
+ N tree|,young|
+ľ N tree|
+Ƥ N part|,%tree|,skin|Ƥ
+ N part|,%tree|,head|ͷ
+ N beast|
+Ҷ N part|,%plant|ֲ,hair|ë
+Ҷïʢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+Һ N part|,%tree|,liquid|Һ
+ N place|ط,chilly|
+ N place|ط,#tree|
+֦ N part|,%plant|ֲ,limb|֫
+֬ N material|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&tree|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|,&plant|ֲ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V restrain|ֹ
+ V wrap|
+ V restrain|ֹ
+ V wrap|
+ V BeUnable|
+֮߸ V delay|
+ V defend|,military|
+ V defend|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,straight|ֱ
+ N part|,%character|
+ V put|,manner=straight|ֱ
+ N facilities|ʩ,#mine|,*dig|ھ
+ V put|,manner=straight|ֱ
+ V put|,manner=straight|ֱ
+ N MusicTool|
+ N human|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,young|
+ N house|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clan|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+ N human|,mass|
+ĸ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N affairs|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա,commercial|
+ N human|,family|,young|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ V count|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&physical|
+ V quote|
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ʤ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N part|,%language|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&entity|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+ N time|ʱ,season|,cold|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ݿ N software|,@store|,information|Ϣ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,#quantity|,$control|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&entity|ʵ
+ N part|,%language|
+ϵ V arithmetic|ϵ
+ֵ N qValue|ֵ
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ N quantity|,amount|,&entity|ʵ
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+Ŀ N quantity|,amount|,&entity|ʵ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ټ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ǧ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ֵ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&entity|ʵ
+ N symbol|
+ּ N computer|
+ V wash|ϴ
+ V wash|ϴ,patient=mouth|
+ˡ V forgive|ԭ
+ˢ V apply|ͿĨ
+ˢ V remove|
+ˢ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ˢ V wipe|
+ˢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ˢϴ V wipe|
+ˢ V improve|
+ˢ V repair|
+ˢ V wash|ϴ
+ˢ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ˣ V WhileAway|
+ˣ V deceive|ƭ
+ˣ V shake|ҡ
+ˣ V deceive|ƭ
+ˣ V deceive|ƭ
+ˣ V slack|͵
+ˣͷ V deceive|ƭ
+ˣͷ V slack|͵
+ˣ V IllBehave|
+ˣå V IllBehave|,crime|
+ˣŪ V IllTreat|
+ˣŪ V deceive|ƭ
+ˣƶ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+ˣǮ V gamble|IJ,crime|
+ˣ V IllBehave|
+ˣ۶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,miser|,undesired|ݬ
+ˣƤ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+ˤ V FallDown|
+ˤ V break|۶
+ˤ V fall|
+ˤ V throw|
+ˤ V beat|
+ˤ V study|ѧ
+ˤ V FallDown|
+ˤͷ V FallDown|
+ˤͷ V err|
+ˤ V FallDown|
+ˤ V exercise|,sport|
+ˤ V FallDown|
+ˤ N fact|,exercise|,sport|
+˥ V decline|˥
+˥ V decline|˥
+˥ V change|,industrial|
+˥ V BecomeLess|,industrial|
+˥ V decline|˥,medical|ҽ
+˥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+˥ V decline|˥,scope=age|
+˥ V decline|˥
+˥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+˥ V decline|˥
+˥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,wane|˥,undesired|ݬ
+˥ V decline|˥
+˥ V decline|˥
+˥ V perish|
+˥ V decline|˥
+˥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,wane|˥,undesired|ݬ
+˥ V decline|˥
+˥ V decline|˥,scope=age|
+˦ V abandon|
+˦ V throw|
+˦ V wave|ڶ
+˦ V abandon|
+˦ V throw|
+˦ V sell|,cost=cheap|,commercial|
+˦ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=arm|
+˦ V refuse|
+˧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+˧ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+˧ N part|,%tool|þ,#recreation|
+˨ N part|,%tool|þ
+˨ N tool|þ,*BlockUp|
+˨ N tool|þ,*fasten|˩
+˨ N medicine|ҩ
+˨ N disease|
+˩ V fasten|˩
+˩ V wrap|
+˩ V wrap|
+˩ V fasten|˩
+˪ N RainSnow|ѩ
+˪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+˪ N shape|
+˪ N RainSnow|ѩ
+˪ N time|ʱ,day|
+˪ N time|ʱ
+˫ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+˫ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,double|
+˫̥ N human|,family|,mass|
+˫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+˫ó N affairs|,#buy|,#sell|,commercial|
+˫ N part|,%entity|ʵ
+˫ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+˫ N human|,mass|
+˫ N part|,%entity|ʵ,double|,aspect|
+˫ N beast|
+˫ N SportTool|˶
+˫ V endeavour|
+˫ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+˫ɹ N MusicTool|
+˫ɹ N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+˫ N crop|ׯ
+˫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,good|,desired|
+˫˫ N tool|þ,#crop|ׯ
+˫ N attribute|,name|,&human|
+˫ N human|,family|,mass|
+˫ N shape|,linear|
+˫ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+˫˴ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@sleep|˯
+˫˷ N room|
+˫˼ N room|
+˫ N time|ʱ,day|
+˫ N human|,female|Ů,#disease|
+˫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ
+˫ N symbol|,#quantity|
+˫˫ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,double|
+˫ N chemical|ѧ
+˫崬 N ship|
+˫Ͳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+˫״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+˫̬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+˫ϲ N phenomena|,lucky|,desired|
+˫ϲ EXPR phenomena|,lucky|,desired|
+˫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+˫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+˫ N tool|þ,*WhileAway|,*congratulate|ף
+˫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|,double|
+˫ N celestial|
+˫ N attribute|,name|,surname|,&human|
+˫Ƥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+˫ˮ N chemical|ѧ
+˫ N aircraft|
+˫Ӯ V win|ʤ
+˫ N celestial|
+˫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,#language|
+˫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,month|,double|
+˫¿ N publications|鿯
+˫ְ N human|,employee|Ա,mass|,family|
+˫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,double|
+˫ع N attribute|,attachment|,#country|,&human|
+˫ؼ N human|,police|,military|,*scout|
+˫˸ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+˫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,week|,double|
+˫ܿ N publications|鿯
+˫ N celestial|
+˫ N material|,?clothing|
+ˬ V BeWell|׳
+ˬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ˬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ˬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+ˬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ˬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+ˬ V satisfied|
+ˬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ˬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ˬ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ
+ˬֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+˭ PRON human|,question|
+˭ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+˭ PRON human|,question|
+˭֪ ADV aValue|ֵ,property|,^$predict|Ԥ
+ˮ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ˮ N waters|ˮ,generic|ͳ
+ˮ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ˮ N water|ˮ,generic|ͳ
+ˮ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ,space|ռ,*protect|
+ˮ N tool|þ,*inhale|,#liquid|Һ
+ˮ N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+ˮ N land|½,surrounding|Χ,#waters|ˮ
+ˮ N tool|þ,*measure|,#water|ˮ
+ˮ N human|,military|,#waters|ˮ
+ˮ N water|ˮ
+ˮ N material|,colored|,*draw|
+ˮʻ N image|ͼ
+ˮ N FlowerGrass|
+ˮ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ,#fish|
+ˮƷ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ,#fish|
+ˮҵ N affairs|,#fish|
+ˮ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,*produce|,#water|ˮ
+ˮ N LandVehicle|
+ˮ N tool|þ
+ˮ N place|ط,city|
+ˮ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ˮ N fact|,handle|,#water|ˮ
+ˮ V succeed|ɹ
+ˮ N crop|ׯ
+ˮ N facilities|ʩ,route|·,#waters|ˮ
+ˮ N water|ˮ
+ˮʯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|,desired|
+ˮ N land|½,#crop|ׯ
+ˮ N electricity|
+ˮ糧 N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,*produce|,#electricity|
+ˮ N expenditure|,#water|ˮ,#electricity|
+ˮվ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#electricity|
+ˮ N disease|
+ˮ N expenditure|,#water|ˮ
+ˮ N attribute|,dampness|ʪ,&physical|
+ˮ N information|Ϣ,$boast|,undesired|ݬ
+ˮ N food|ʳƷ
+ˮ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ
+ˮ N crop|ׯ
+ˮ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ˮ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,linear|,*drain|ų
+ˮ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+ˮ N material|,linear|
+ˮ N fruit|ˮ
+ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ˮ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#liquid|Һ
+ˮ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#liquid|Һ,*irrigate|
+ˮ N water|ˮ
+ˮ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ˮ N phenomena|,lack|ȱ,#water|ˮ
+ˮ ADJ phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ˮ N artifact|˹,undesired|ݬ,generic|ͳ,$(smuggle|˽)
+ˮ N land|½,#crop|ׯ
+ˮ N food|ʳƷ
+ˮ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=liquid|Һ,industrial|
+ˮ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ˮ N facilities|ʩ,*obtain|õ,#liquid|Һ
+ˮ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ˮ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,*store|,#liquid|Һ
+ˮ N weapon|,*attack|,#ship|
+ˮ N affairs|,*manage|,#water|ˮ
+ˮ N institution|,*manage|,#water|ˮ,ProperName|ר,politics|
+ˮѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ˮ V produce|,PatientProduct=electricity|
+ˮƷ N method|,*cure|ҽ
+ˮҽ N human|,medical|ҽ,*cure|ҽ
+ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+ˮ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ˮ N water|ˮ
+ˮͷ N part|,%tool|þ,*OpenShut|
+ˮ· N facilities|ʩ,route|·,#waters|ˮ
+ˮ½ N earth|
+ˮ½ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,alive|,#land|½,#waters|ˮ
+ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+ˮ N tool|þ
+ˮַ N machine|,*produce|,#electricity|
+ˮֻ N machine|
+ˮ N part|,%building|,*drain|ų,#liquid|Һ
+ˮʯ V exposure|¶
+ˮ͡ N material|,*build|
+ˮ N fruit|ˮ
+ˮ N attribute|,area|,&waters|ˮ
+ˮ N attribute|,surfacial|,&waters|ˮ
+ˮ N location|λ,beneath|,#waters|ˮ
+ˮĥ N tool|þ,*grind|ĥ
+ˮĥ N tool|þ,@grind|ĥ
+ˮĥʯ N material|
+ˮī N image|ͼ,$draw|
+ˮ N material|,*build|
+ˮ೧ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,#material|,factory|,industrial|
+ˮ N tool|þ,*grind|ĥ
+ˮţ N livestock|
+ˮů N affairs|,*provide|,#warm|
+ˮů N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ˮ N disease|
+ˮ N shape|,liquid|Һ
+ˮƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,horizontal|
+ˮƽ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&thing|
+ˮƽ N shape|,surfacial|,level|ƽ
+ˮƽ N shape|,linear|,level|ƽ
+ˮ N gas|
+ˮ N bird|
+ˮ N attribute|,circumstances|,&water|ˮ
+ˮ N fact|,sport|
+ˮ N tree|
+ˮ N facilities|ʩ,#liquid|Һ,linear|
+ˮҺ N water|ˮ,*contain|,#material|
+ˮ齻 ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ˮɼ N tree|
+ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+ˮϷɻ N aircraft|,*SelfMove|,#waters|ˮ
+ˮϻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+ˮϻԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*check|,police|,#waters|ˮ
+ˮϾ N human|,*reside|ס,#waters|ˮ
+ˮ N beast|
+ˮ N attribute|,depth|,&water|ˮ
+ˮ N animal|,#waters|ˮ
+ˮֲ N plant|ֲ,#waters|ˮ
+ˮʦ N army|,#waters|ˮ
+ˮʭ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ˮ N attribute|,circumstances|,&water|ˮ
+ˮ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա,#ship|
+ˮ N facilities|ʩ,*provide|,#water|ˮ
+ˮ̡ N beast|
+ˮ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ˮ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ˮͰ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#liquid|Һ
+ˮͷ N water|ˮ
+ˮ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ˮ N land|½
+ˮ N fact|,*maintain|,#land|½
+ˮʧ N phenomena|,lose|ʧȥ,#stone|ʯ
+ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ˮλ N attribute|,height|߶,&waters|ˮ
+ˮ N attribute|,temperature|¶,&water|ˮ
+ˮ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#waters|ˮ,#liquid|Һ
+ˮѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ˮվ N InstitutePlace|,check|,#waters|ˮ,#water|ˮ
+ˮȾ N fact|,pollute|ʹ,#water|ˮ
+ˮϵ N waters|ˮ
+ˮ N location|λ,beneath|,#waters|ˮ
+ˮ N FlowerGrass|
+ˮɻ N FlowerGrass|
+ˮ N mark|־,#liquid|Һ,#ship|
+ˮ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ˮ N place|ط,#waters|ˮ
+ˮйͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,crowded|,undesired|ݬ
+ˮк V StomachTrouble|֢
+ˮ N celestial|
+ˮ N attribute|,ability|,#swim|,&human|
+ˮѭ N weather|
+ˮѹ N attribute|,strength|,&water|ˮ
+ˮ N addictive|Ⱥ
+ˮ N tree|
+ˮ N chemical|ѧ
+ˮ N metal|
+ˮӡ N mark|־,#money|
+ˮ N waters|ˮ
+ˮԴ N location|λ,#waters|ˮ
+ˮ V transport|
+ˮ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ˮ V bury|
+ˮ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ
+ˮ N InsectWorm|
+ˮբ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ
+ˮǴ V prosper|
+ˮ N gas|
+ˮ N attribute|,quality|,&liquid|Һ
+ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ˮ N disease|,swollen|
+ˮ N water|ˮ
+ˮ N water|ˮ
+ˮ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&thing|
+ˮԴ N water|ˮ
+ˮ N community|
+ˮ N fish|,generic|ͳ
+ˮ N InstitutePlace|,*display|չʾ,#fish|
+ˮ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@reside|ס
+ˮ N InsectWorm|
+ˮ N InsectWorm|
+ˮ N InsectWorm|
+˯ V sleep|˯
+˯ N tool|þ,cubic|,@sleep|˯
+˯ V sleep|˯
+˯ N human|,*sleep|˯,lazy|
+˯ N FlowerGrass|
+˯ñ N clothing|,#head|ͷ,#sleep|˯
+˯ N fact|,sleep|˯
+˯ V sleep|˯
+˯ V awake|
+˯ N clothing|,#sleep|˯
+˯ V sleep|˯
+˰ N expenditure|
+˰ N quantity|,amount|,&expenditure|
+˰ N expenditure|
+˰ N affairs|,#expenditure|
+˰ N expenditure|
+˰ N expenditure|
+˰ N expenditure|
+˰ N quantity|,rate|,&expenditure|
+˰Ŀ N part|,%affairs|,#expenditure|
+˰ N fund|ʽ,$levy|
+˰ N fact|,#expenditure|
+˰Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*receive|,#expenditure|,official|
+˰ N institution|,*levy|,#expenditure|
+˰Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*receive|,#expenditure|,official|
+˰ N regulation|,#expenditure|
+˰ N system|ƶ,#expenditure|
+˰ N attribute|,kind|,&expenditure|
+˱ V drink|
+˱ V drink|
+˲ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=eye|
+˲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+˲ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+˲Ϣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,change|
+˳ V PutInOrder|
+˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+˳ V lucky|
+˳ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+˳ N quantity|,amount|,#earn|,&commercial|
+˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,free|,desired|
+˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,fluent|,desired|
+˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|
+˳ V surrender|
+˳ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,good|,desired|
+˳ V visit|
+˳ N use|
+˳ N wind|
+˳Ͷ V please|ȡ
+˳ N phenomena|,desired|,#lucky|
+˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|
+˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,easy|,desired|
+˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+˳ N text|
+˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,succeed|ɹ,desired|
+˳· N location|λ,%route|·
+˳ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|
+˳ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+˳ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,convenient|
+˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+˳ǣ V steal|͵
+˳ˮ V use|
+˳ V lucky|
+˳ V investigate|
+˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,good|,desired|
+˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|
+˳ N attribute|,sequence|,&entity|ʵ
+˳ V delay|
+˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+˳Ӧ V obey|ѭ
+˳ PREP {direction}
+˴ N human|,royal|,ProperName|ר,past|
+˵ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+˵ V explain|˵
+˵ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+˵ V mean|ָ
+˵ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+˵ V speak|˵
+˵ ADV {comment|}
+˵ȥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+˵ V FitNot|
+˵ V ignorant|֪
+˵ V sing|,entertainment|
+˵ V speak|˵
+˵ V reveal|¶
+˵ N text|,$speak|˵
+˵ V boast|
+˵ ADV {comment|}
+˵ V speak|˵
+˵ùȥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|
+˵ V fit|ʺ
+˵ V MakeAppointment|Լ
+˵ V explain|˵,content=reason|
+˵ N method|,*use|,#expression|,#compile|༭
+˵ N thought|ͷ
+˵ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+˵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$persuade|Ȱ˵
+˵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,persuade|Ȱ˵
+˵ V mediate|
+˵ V mediate|
+˵ V speak|˵
+˵ V talk|̸
+˵ V deceive|ƭ
+˵ N human|,*deceive|ƭ
+˵ V explain|˵
+˵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,complicated|,undesired|ݬ
+˵ V debate|
+˵ý V mediate|,ResultEvent=GetMarried|
+˵ V explain|˵
+˵ N readings|,*explain|˵
+˵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,explain|˵
+˵ N human|,*explain|˵
+˵ V mediate|,ResultEvent=GetMarried|
+˵ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=forgive|ԭ
+˵ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+˵ V perform|
+˵ͷ N information|Ϣ
+˵ͷ N reason|,undesired|ݬ
+˵ V praise|佱
+˵Ц V speak|˵
+˵һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+˵ V boast|
+˵ V debate|
+˵ V quarrel|
+˶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+˶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+˶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+˶ N result|,desired|,#succeed|ɹ
+˶ N physical|,precious|
+˶ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+˶ʿ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|
+˶ʿѧλ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&human|,#study|ѧ,education|
+˶ѧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wise|,desired|
+˶ѧ N human|,wise|,desired|
+˶ѧͨ N human|,wise|,desired|
+˷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|,north|
+˷ N celestial|,space|ռ
+˷ N time|ʱ,day|
+˷ N time|ʱ,day|
+˷ N celestial|,space|ռ
+˸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+˸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+˸˸ V illuminate|
+˹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+˹ N human|,official|,ProperName|ר,(USSR|)
+˹¸Ħ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Sweden|)
+˹ά N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+˹ά N human|,(Scandinavia|˹ά)
+˹ͼ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Brunei|)
+˹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+˹¬ N money|,(Sri Lanka|˹)
+˹工 ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Slovakia|˹工)
+˹工 N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+˹工 N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+˹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Slovenia|˹)
+˹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+˹ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+˹˹ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(France|)
+˹ͼ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Germany|¹)
+˹ϣ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+˹ʿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Swaziland|˹ʿ)
+˹ʿ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+˹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+˺ V split|ƿ
+˺ V split|ƿ
+˺ V split|ƿ
+˺ V split|ƿ
+˺ V quarrel|
+˺ V split|ƿ
+˻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,weak|
+˻ V cry|,#livestock|
+˻ V cry|
+˻ V cry|,#livestock|
+˻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,weak|
+˼ V ThinkOf|˼
+˼ N thinking|˼
+˼ V think|˼
+˼ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&thinking|˼
+˼ V think|˼
+˼ V ThinkOf|˼
+˼ V think|˼
+˼· N thinking|˼
+˼ V think|˼
+˼Ľ V admire|Ľ
+˼ V ThinkOf|˼
+˼ V think|˼
+˼Ω N thinking|˼
+˼Ω V think|˼
+˼ά N thinking|˼
+˼ά V think|˼
+˼ V ThinkOf|˼,content=family|
+˼粡 N disease|
+˼ N thinking|˼
+˼ N thought|ͷ
+˼뷽 N method|,*think|˼
+˼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+˼ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+˼ϵ N thinking|˼
+˼ N problem|,#thinking|˼
+˼ʶ N thinking|˼
+˼ N thinking|˼
+˼ V think|˼
+˽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,private|˽
+˽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|
+˽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,useless|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+˽ V flee|,cause=GetMarried|
+˽ V own|,manner=crime|
+˽ N emotion|,hate|,undesired|ݬ
+˽ V GoInto|,manner=secret|
+˽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+˽ N law|ɷ
+˽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,secret|
+˽ N wealth|Ǯ
+˽Ǯ N wealth|Ǯ
+˽ N artifact|˹,undesired|ݬ,generic|ͳ,$(smuggle|˽)
+˽ N artifact|˹,undesired|ݬ,generic|ͳ,$(smuggle˽)
+˽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,private|˽
+˽ N wealth|Ǯ,private|˽
+˽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,private|˽
+˽ѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,private|˽
+˽ѧУ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,private|˽
+˽ V handle|,manner=private|˽
+˽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,private|˽
+˽ N human|,private|˽
+˽˷ V visit|,manner=private|˽
+˽˹ϵ V attribute|,relatedness|,private|˽,&human|
+˽ V human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա,private|˽
+˽ҵ V InstitutePlace|,private|˽,commercial|
+˽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,commercial|
+˽ N fact|,private|˽
+˽ N human|,family|,young|
+˽ N fact|,private|˽
+˽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+˽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+˽ N thought|ͷ,undesired|ݬ,greedy|̰
+˽Ӫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,private|˽
+˽Ӫҵ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|,industrial|
+˽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,private|˽
+˽л V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=private|˽
+˽ N system|ƶ,#attachment|,private|˽
+˽ V speak|˵,manner=secret|
+˽ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,self|
+˽ V transport|,manner=secret|,crime|,commercial|
+˽ N stationery|ľ
+˽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+˽ۡ N house|,private|˽
+˽ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,private|˽
+˽ N human|,undesired|ݬ,female|Ů,crime|,#SeekPleasure|Ѱ,*(be a prostitute|)
+˾ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+˾ V manage|
+˾ N part|,%institution|
+˾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#police|
+˾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,*conduct|ʵʩ,#law|ɷ,police|
+˾ V conduct|ʵʩ,patient=law|ɷ,police|
+˾ N institution|,*conduct|ʵʩ,#law|ɷ,police|
+˾ N institution|,*conduct|ʵʩ,#law|ɷ,police|
+˾ N human|,police|,*judge|ö,#crime|
+˾ N institution|,*conduct|ʵʩ,#law|ɷ,police|
+˾Ա N human|,military|
+˾ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*drive|Ԧ,#LandVehicle|
+˾ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+˾ռ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+˾ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+˾ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+˾ N part|,%army|,*order|
+˾ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+˾Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+˾¯ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+˾ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+˾ͽ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+˾ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+˾ N human|,*manage|
+˿ CLAS NounUnit|,&thing|
+˿ N material|,?clothing|,?tool|þ
+˿ N shape|
+˿ N material|,?clothing|,?tool|þ
+˿֮· N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+˿ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩,*decorate|װ,$PutOn|
+˿ N food|ʳƷ
+˿ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+˿ N vegetable|߲
+˿Ͻ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+˿ N lights|,bright|
+˿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,insufficiently|Ƿ
+˿ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+˿ N material|,?clothing|,?tool|þ
+˿˿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,concise|,desired|
+˿ N clothing|,#foot|
+˿ N tool|þ
+˿ N part|,%MusicTool|
+˿ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+˿֯Ʒ N clothing|
+˿ N MusicTool|
+˿״ N shape|
+˿ N tool|þ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,die|
+ V die|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ V labour|ٲ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,friend|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ N human|,enemy|
+ N phenomena|,dangerous|Σ
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר
+ͬ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N fact|,punish|,#detain|ס,police|
+Ҹȼ V BeRecovered|ԭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+Ӳ V study|ѧ,manner=stiff|
+ N location|λ
+ N shape|
+ V escape|,ResultEvent=die|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ V die|
+ʿ N human|,*die|,desired|
+Ƥ V IllBehave|
+Ƥ V shameless|û
+ V IllBehave|
+ V aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,passive|
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,$judge|ö,#die|
+ȥ V die|
+ȥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,*die|
+ N phenomena|,wounded|,die|
+ N humanized|,*kill|ɱ,undesired|ݬ
+ʬ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*die|,body|
+ V defend|,manner=endeavour|,military|
+ V obey|ѭ,manner=stiff|
+ˮ N water|ˮ
+̥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,embryo|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,die|
+ V die|
+ N quantity|,rate|,die|,&human|
+ N location|λ,#die|
+ V abandon|,possession=thought|ͷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+۶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+۶ N human|,stiff|,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+ N information|Ϣ,$tell|,#die|
+ N letter|ż,unable|ӹ,$post|ʼ
+ N fact|,punish|,#kill|ɱ,police|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,passive|
+ N cause|ԭ,#die|
+Ӳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ڷ V die|
+ N human|,*die|
+ N human|,die|
+ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|,*sell|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+Ű V damage|
+ɵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ N facilities|ʩ,religion|ڽ,space|ռ
+¹ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,religion|ڽ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,religion|ڽ
+Ժ N facilities|ʩ,religion|ڽ,space|ռ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ
+ N human|
+ N human|,*receive|
+ú ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ N symbol|,#music|
+ı ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+IJ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|,undesired|ݬ
+IJ N beast|
+Ĵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+Ĵ N location|λ
+Ĵ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ĵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ
+ķ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,square|
+ķ N direction|
+ķ N location|λ
+ķ V disperse|ɢ
+ĺ N place|ط
+ĺ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ĺԺ N building|
+Ļ N medicine|ҩ
+ļ N time|ʱ,season|
+ļ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ļ N vegetable|߲
+Ľ N part|,%place|ط,surrounding|Χ,#city|
+Ľ N beast|
+ N human|,*reside|ס,near|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,space|ռ,all|ȫ
+˷ N direction|
+˷ N location|λ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,space|ռ,all|ȫ
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+һ N human|,mass|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ʱ N time|ʱ,season|
+ͨ˴ ADV aValue|ֵ,space|ռ,all|ȫ
+ V look|
+Χ N location|λ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,space|ռ,all|ȫ
+ N location|λ
+ԭ N regulation|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ұ N place|ط
+ N time|ʱ,month|
+· N time|ʱ,month|
+֫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,limb|֫
+ N location|λ
+ V TakeCare|
+ V wait|ȴ
+ź V TakeCare|
+Ż V wait|ȴ,content=time|ʱ
+ V BeSimilar|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hidden|
+ƺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hidden|
+Ƕ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ʶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|
+ V foster|,agricultural|ũ
+Dz N FlowerGrass|,*feed|ι,#animal|
+ N food|ʳƷ,*feed|ι,#animal|
+ V foster|,agricultural|ũ
+ N InstitutePlace|,@foster|,agricultural|ũ
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*foster|,agricultural|ũ
+ N symbol|
+ʱ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,soft|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tightness|ɽ,loose|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V loosen|
+ɰ V exempt|,ResultEvent=restrain|ֹ
+ɰ V loosen|
+ɳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,relax|
+ɳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,relax|,desired|
+ɳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tightness|ɽ,loose|
+ɳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,relax|
+ɶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,desired|
+ɶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,^crowded|,desired|
+ɶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+ɹ N part|,%tree|,embryo|
+ɹ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ɻ N food|ʳƷ
+ɻ N food|ʳƷ
+ɻ N waters|ˮ,linear|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ɼ N bird|
+ɽ N attribute|,strength|,&inanimate|
+ɽ N attribute|,tightness|ɽ,&inanimate|
+ɾ V slack|͵
+ɿ V loosen|
+ɿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,^crowded|,desired|
+ɿ V enjoy|
+ N tree|
+ë N InsectWorm|
+ N material|,*lighting|ȼ
+ľ N material|,wood|ľ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,soft|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tightness|ɽ,loose|
+ɢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ɢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,unattached|ɢ,undesired|ݬ
+ V release|ͷ
+ N beast|
+ N tree|
+ɿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ɿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,unattached|ɢ,undesired|ݬ
+ N material|
+ N material|,liquid|Һ
+и ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,relax|
+и V weaken|
+ī N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,hair|ë
+֬ N material|
+ N part|,%tree|,embryo|
+ަ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ,$eat|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ V frighten|Ż
+ V upmove|
+ʼ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=arm|
+ V stand|վ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ V incite|ָʹ
+ V praise|佱
+̸ N text|,*praise|佱
+ V praise|佱
+ V GiveAsGift|
+ V farewell|
+ V follow|
+ V transmit|
+ͱ V farewell|
+ V GiveAsGift|
+ͻ V return|
+ͻ V transport|,patient=physical|
+ͽ V submit|
+ͽ V transmit|
+Ϳ V farewell|
+ V GiveAsGift|,possession=physical|
+ V die|
+ V exhale|
+ V GiveAsGift|,possession=physical|
+ V help|
+ӭ V welcome|ӭ
+Ŷ V tell|
+ N human|,*post|ʼ
+ V farewell|
+ V condole|°
+ V condole|°
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+γ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+δ N text|
+δ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ N fact|,quarrel|
+Ϲ N human|,police|,undesired|ݬ
+ V recite|ж
+ж V recite|ж
+о V recite|ж,content=text|,religion|ڽ
+ V LookFor|Ѱ
+Ѳ V catch|ס,means=LookFor|Ѱ,police|
+Ѳ V LookFor|Ѱ
+ѹ V rob|
+Ѽ V gather|ɼ,means=LookFor|Ѱ
+ V gather|ɼ,means=LookFor|Ѱ
+ V include|,means=LookFor|Ѱ
+ V LookFor|Ѱ
+ V LookFor|Ѱ,location=body|
+ V LookFor|Ѱ,location=human|
+ V LookFor|Ѱ
+Ѱ V LookFor|Ѱ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&ship|
+ V pant|
+ N sound|
+ V awake|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+մ N chemical|ѧ
+յ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Sudan|յ)
+յ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+յ N money|,(Sudan|յ)
+յ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ո N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(UK|Ӣ)
+ոǶ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ո N human|,(Scotland|ո)
+տ N money|,(Ecuador|϶)
+տ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Bolivia|ά)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Switzerland|ʿ)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Surinam|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+϶ N money|,(Surinam|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Soviet Union|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Fiji|쳼)
+ V awake|
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ʿ˺ N waters|ˮ,linear|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,crisp|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ִ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,crisp|
+ V paralyse|̱
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+Ͳ N food|ʳƷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+ ADJ attribute|,habit|ϰ,&human|,&organization|֯
+׳ V naming|
+ N expression|
+˵ ADV {comment|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,^religion|ڽ
+ N human|,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,habit|ϰ,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N text|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,plain|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N part|,%thing|
+زʶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,unfamiliar|϶
+ز N information|Ϣ,?publications|鿯,#shows|,literature|
+ز N food|ʳƷ
+ز V eat|
+ز N food|ʳƷ
+س ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,regular|
+ص ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,plain|
+ؾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,plain|
+ؾ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,unfamiliar|϶
+ V draw|,manner=simple|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,thrifty|,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,regular|
+ɫ N attribute|,color|ɫ,plain|,&physical|
+ʳ V eat|
+ʳ N food|ʳƷ
+ʳ N human|,*eat|,#vegetable|߲
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,#mental|,&human|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N attribute|,quality|,&human|
+ N attribute|,quality|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&act|ж
+ٳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ٵ V post|ʼ
+ٶ V cool|
+ٶ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&AlterLocation|ռλ
+ٶ N attribute|,boundary|,&speed|ٶ
+ټ N human|,*record|¼,fast|
+ټ V record|¼,manner=fast|
+ټԱ N human|,*record|¼
+پ V handle|,manner=fast|
+ N quantity|,rate|,&speed|ٶ
+Ч ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч
+д V draw|,manner=fast|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ V produce|
+ܽ N material|
+ N material|,?tool|þ
+ϲ N material|
+ϴ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N image|ͼ,$carve|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,&thing|
+ V produce|
+ V LookBack|
+Դ V LookFor|Ѱ,content=base|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V reside|ס
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,base|
+ N human|,official|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N human|
+ N house|
+Ӫ V reside|ס,military|
+Ը N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+ N animate|
+ V accuse|ظ
+ V explain|˵
+ V tell|
+߾ V tell|,target=police|
+߿ V tell|,content=unfortunate|
+˵ V explain|˵
+ N fact|,accuse|ظ,police|
+ϵ N human|,*accuse|ظ,police|
+Ϸ N law|ɷ
+ N human|,*accuse|ظ,police|
+״ N document|,*accuse|ظ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,stately|ׯ,desired|
+ V stand|վ,manner=stately|ׯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,stately|ׯ,desired|
+ V destroy|
+ N part|,%army|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,stately|ׯ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,BadTemper|Ƣ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,sour|
+ V painful|ʹ
+ V sorrowful|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ V sorrowful|
+ N quantity|,rate|,#chemical|ѧ,&inanimate|
+ N quantity|,rate|,#chemical|ѧ,&inanimate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,BadTemper|Ƣ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,sour|
+ V painful|ʹ
+ V sorrowful|
+÷ N food|ʳƷ
+÷ N fruit|ˮ
+ N drinks|Ʒ
+ţ N drinks|Ʒ
+ V paralyse|̱
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ
+ʹ V painful|ʹ
+ϴ V produce|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,sour|
+ N attribute|,property|,#chemical|ѧ,&inanimate|
+ N RainSnow|ѩ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N food|ʳƷ,#vegetable|߲
+ͷ N vegetable|߲
+ V RegardAs|
+ V calculate|
+ V contain|
+ V plan|ƻ
+ V think|˼
+ V RegardAs|
+㷨 N method|,#software|
+ V calculate|
+ V plan|ƻ
+ V predict|Ԥ
+ V think|˼
+ V guess|²
+ N human|,*guess|²
+ N tool|þ,*calculate|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,ending|ĩ
+ N method|,*calculate|
+ V be|,descriptive=true|
+ V calculate|
+ V calculate|,content=wealth|Ǯ
+ V revenge|
+ CONJ {concession|ò}
+Ȼ CONJ {concession|ò}
+˵ CONJ {concession|ò}
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+峯 N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ V BeSimilar|
+ V act|ж,manner=free|
+ V follow|
+ V obey|ѭ
+ N text|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,informal|ʽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ V act|ж,manner=free|
+沨 V obey|ѭ
+沨 ADJ obey|ѭ
+泵Я V bring|Я
+洦 ADV aValue|ֵ,location|λ,all|ȫ
+ V follow|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeCare|,employee|Ա
+ V obey|ѭ,content=mass|
+ V bring|Я
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+絹 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ת ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+溯 V include|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,informal|ʽ
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,free|,&event|¼
+Ӧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+漴 ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+浽 EXPR LeaveFor|ǰ
+ V follow|,partner=army|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+ʱ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ʱı䲻֪ͨ EXPR expression|
+ʱ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,convenient|,desired|
+ V obey|ѭ,content=regulation|
+ͬ V follow|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ V follow|
+о V QuantityChange|,commercial|
+Ա N human|,*TakeCare|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,free|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,desired|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeCare|,employee|Ա
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,diplomatic|⽻
+ V bury|
+֮ PREP {accompaniment}
+ PREP {accompaniment}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+羸 V attack|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ V AlterForm|״
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ
+ V AlterForm|״
+Ƭ N part|,%physical|
+ʯ N stone|ʯ
+м N shape|
+ N human|,*FondOf|ϲ,#speak|˵
+ N attribute|,age|,&animate|
+ N time|ʱ,year|
+ĩ N part|,%time|ʱ,year|,ending|ĩ
+ĺ N time|ʱ,ending|ĩ,year|
+ʱ N time|ʱ,season|
+ N time|ʱ,early|,year|
+ N attribute|,age|,&animate|
+ N time|ʱ,year|
+β N part|,%time|ʱ,year|,ending|ĩ
+ N celestial|
+ N time|ʱ
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,hair|ë
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ V succeed|ɹ
+ V satisfied|
+ V satisfied|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,family|,mass|
+Ů N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ɽ N human|,official|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ V damage|
+ V exhaust|
+ V subtract|
+˽ V steal|͵
+ V damage|
+ V offend|
+ V exhaust|
+ V damage|
+ V destroy|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ V damage|
+ V wounded|
+ʧ V lose|ʧȥ
+ʧ⳥ N expenditure|,$recompense|
+ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&event|¼
+ N document|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N bird|
+ N clothing|,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ N part|,%machine|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&weapon|
+ N part|,%machine|
+ N part|,%weapon|
+з N fish|
+ V incite|ָʹ
+ʹ V incite|ָʹ
+ V CausePartMove|
+ V shrink|С
+ V shrink|С,scope=length|
+ V StateChange|̬,industrial|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ V subtract|
+ N human|,*subtract|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,undesired|ݬ
+ˮ V FormChange|α,StateFin=shrink|С
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,timid|,undesired|ݬ
+ͷ V evade|ر,content=duty|
+ͷ V fear|
+ V shrink|С
+С V shrink|С
+С V subtract|
+д V compile|༭,means=subtract|
+ӡ V print|ӡˢ,means=subtract|
+Ӱ N entity|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,trivial|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ N fact|,trivial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,trivial|,undesired|ݬ
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,trivial|,undesired|ݬ
+м ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,trivial|,undesired|ݬ
+ V LookFor|Ѱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ V beg|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+Ȳ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Zimbabwe|ͲΤ)
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Bulgaria|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Somalia|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ N money|,(Somalia|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=recompense|
+ȡ V request|Ҫ
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+Ȼζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+Ҫ V request|Ҫ
+ N document|,@record|¼
+ V fasten|˩
+ V fix|ס
+ N method|,*fasten|˩
+ N tool|þ,*fix|ס,*fasten|˩
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N part|,%machine|
+ N tool|þ,police|,*fix|ס,#crime|
+ V *fix|ס,Vachieve|
+Կ N part|,%place|ط,important|,mouth|
+Կ N tool|þ,*open|
+ס V *fix|ס,Vachieve|
+ N InstitutePlace|
+ N InstitutePlace|,*research|о
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&InstitutePlace|,&house|
+ STRU {DeChinese|}
+ N attribute|,quality|,strong|ǿ,desired|,&thing|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+˰ N expenditure|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+Ⱥ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+Ⱥ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Oceania|)
+ν ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α
+ν V be|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ǰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ҵ ADV {comment|}
+ CONJ {EventResult|¼}
+Ȼ N reason|
+ V own|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+е N human|,mass|
+и ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ,#own|
+ N human|,*own|
+ N human|,own|
+ N system|ƶ,#rights|Ȩ,#own|
+ N location|λ,space|ռ
+ڵ N place|ط
+Ϊ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ V FallDown|
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=dented|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,dented|
+ V sink|³
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,flat|
+ N fact|,sink|³,#land|½
+ V FallDown|
+ʵ V AtEase|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+̨ V FallDown|
+̨ V end|ս
+ V sink|³
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,other|
+ PRON {ThirdPerson|,male|}
+» N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ EXPR expression|,*ExpressDissatisfaction|ʾ,undesired|ݬ
+ PRON {ThirdPerson|,mass|}
+ PRON {ThirdPerson|}
+ N time|ʱ,future|
+ɱ N fact|,$kill|ɱ,#police|
+ N place|ط,other|
+ V CauseToMove|
+ PRON {it|}
+ PRON {ThirdPerson|,mass|}
+ PRON {it|,mass|}
+ PRON {ThirdPerson|,female|Ů}
+ PRON {ThirdPerson|,mass|}
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,religion|ڽ
+ N implement|,@produce|,#chemical|ѧ
+ N machine|,*lift|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Tajikistan|˹̹)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+˹̹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Tajikistan|˹̹)
+˹̹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N money|,(Bangladesh|ϼ)
+¥ N house|,tall|
+¥ N part|,%house|,head|ͷ
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Madagascar|˹)
+ʲ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Uzbekistan|ȱ˹̹)
+˹ N institution|,news|,ProperName|ר,(Russia|˹)
+̨ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@control|,#aircraft|
+̡ N beast|
+̢ V beat|
+̤ V kick|߲
+̤ N part|,MusicTool|
+̤ N part|,implement|
+̤ V kick|߲
+̤ V investigate|
+̤ V investigate|
+̤ V tour|
+̤ʵ V AtEase|
+̤ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+̤̤ʵʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+̥ N fact|,ComeToWorld|
+̥ N material|,*fill|
+̥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,embryo|
+̥ N part|,%LandVehicle|,leg|
+̥ N part|,%tool|þ,#produce|,embryo|
+̥ N phenomena|,#embryo|
+̥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,embryo|
+̥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hair|ë
+̥ N trace|,#human|,#ComeToWorld|
+̥ N fact|,teach|,#embryo|
+̥ë N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hair|ë
+̥Ĥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+̥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+̥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+̥λ N location|λ,#embryo|,@situated|
+̥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,embryo|
+̦ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ
+̦ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ
+̧ V hold|
+̧ V lift|
+̧ V BecomeMore|
+̧ V add|
+̧ V BecomeMore|,scope=price|۸
+̧ V praise|佱
+̧ V quarrel|
+̧ͷ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=head|ͷ
+̧ͷ N trace|,#head|ͷ
+̨ N InstitutePlace|,@disseminate|
+̨ CLAS NounUnit|,&implement|
+̨ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+̨ N facilities|ʩ,@disseminate|
+̨ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@put|
+̨ N implement|,*PropUp|֧
+̨ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+̨ N shape|
+̨ N shape|,space|ռ
+̨ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+̨ N tool|þ
+̨ N text|
+̨ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+̨ N land|½
+̨ N wind|
+̨ N facilities|ʩ,mine|
+̨ N part|,%building|,nerve|
+̨ N time|ʱ,@escape|,#circumstances|
+̨ N tool|þ,*show|,#time|ʱ
+̨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+̨ǯ N tool|þ,*hold|
+̨ N SportTool|˶
+̨ N fact|,exercise|
+̨ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+̨ N human|,important|,able|,desired|
+̨ N SportTool|˶
+̨ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@put|
+̨ N shape|,space|ռ
+̩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+̩ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Thailand|̩)
+̩ N human|,able|,desired|
+̩ N human|,ProperName|ר,literature|
+̩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Thailand|̩)
+̩ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+̩¬ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+̩Ȼ V calm|
+̩Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+̩ɽ N human|,family|,male|
+̩ɽ N land|½,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+̩ɽ N human|,desired|
+̩ɽѹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,desired|
+̩ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+̩ N money|,(Thailand|̩)
+̪ N chemical|ѧ
+̫ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+̫ N celestial|
+̫ N human|,young|,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+̫ N human|,family|,male|
+̫ N time|ʱ,past|
+̫ N human|,royal|,female|Ů
+̫ȭ N fact|,exercise|,sport|
+̫ N human|,employee|Ա,#royal|
+̫ N sky|
+̫ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,religion|ڽ
+̫ƽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+̫ƽ N room|,@put|,#human|,#die|,medical|ҽ
+̫ƽ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+̫ƽ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|,ProperName|ר
+̫ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+̫ϻ N human|,official|
+̫ϻ N human|,royal|
+̫ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+̫ʦ N furniture|Ҿ,@sit|
+̫ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+̫ͷ϶ V offend|
+̫̫ N human|,female|Ů
+̫Ϣ V sigh|̾
+̫ N celestial|,space|ռ
+̫ N celestial|
+̫ N lights|,#celestial|
+̫ N tool|þ,#lights|,#celestial|
+̫ N part|,%celestial|
+̫ N tool|þ,*protect|,#eye|,#look|
+̫ N attribute|,strength|,&celestial|
+̫ϵ N system|ƶ,celestial|
+̫ҽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ,royal|
+̫ N celestial|
+̫ԭ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+̫ N human|,royal|,male|
+̫Ӹ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Haiti|)
+̬ N attribute|,PhysicState|״̬,&physical|
+̬ N attribute|,appearance|,&physical|
+̬ N attribute|,circumstances|,&physical|
+̬ N attribute|,property|,&language|
+̬ V StateChange|̬
+̬ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&AnimalHuman|
+̬ N attribute|,circumstances|,&physical|
+̭ V discharge|
+̮ V FallDown|
+̮ V FallDown|
+̨̮ V end|ս
+̨̮ V suffer|,content=disgraced|
+̨̮ V unfortunate|
+̯ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,commercial|
+̯ CLAS NounUnit|,&liquid|Һ
+̯ V bear|е
+̯ V cook|
+̯ V unfold|̯
+̯ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,commercial|
+̯ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,commercial|
+̯ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*sell|,commercial|
+̯ V issue|ַ
+̯ V undergo|
+̯ N sell|,commercial|
+̯ V sell|,possession=artifact|˹
+̯ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,commercial|
+̰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰,undesired|ݬ
+̰ V need|,manner=greedy|̰
+̰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰,#drink|,#addictive|Ⱥ,undesired|ݬ
+̰ V need|,manner=greedy|̰,content=cheap|
+̰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰,#wealth|Ǯ,undesired|ݬ
+̰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰,#eat|,undesired|ݬ
+̰ N human|,*cheat|ƭ,official|,undesired|ݬ
+̰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰,undesired|ݬ
+̰ V FondOf|ϲ,manner=greedy|̰
+̰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,timid|,undesired|ݬ
+̰ͼ V need|,manner=greedy|̰
+̰ͼ V seek|ıȡ
+̰ V cheat|ƭ
+̰۸ N cheat|ƭ
+̰Сʧ V WorthNot|ֵ
+̰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰,undesired|ݬ
+̰ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,greedy|̰
+̰ V receive|,possession=artifact|˹,crime|
+̰ V alter|ı,patient=law|ɷ,StateIni=true|,StateFin=fake|α
+̰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰,#eat|,undesired|ݬ
+̱ V paralyse|̱
+̱ V OutOfOrder|
+̱ N disease|
+̱ V paralyse|̱
+̱ N human|,*SufferFrom|,$cure|ҽ,#medical|ҽ
+̱ V paralyse|̱
+̲ N land|½,#waters|ˮ
+̲Ϳ N land|½
+̳ N community|
+̳ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ
+̳ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@planting|ֲ
+̳ N fact|,communicate|
+̳ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@put|
+̳ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#edible|ʳ
+̳ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#edible|ʳ
+̴ N tree|
+̴ N MusicTool|
+̴ N tree|
+̴ľ N wood|ľ
+̴ɽ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+̴ N tool|þ,#wind|,*cool|
+̵ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,waste|,liquid|Һ
+̵Ͱ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#liquid|Һ
+̵ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#liquid|Һ
+̶ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+̷ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+̸ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+̸ V discuss|
+̸ V talk|̸
+̸ N text|,$talk|̸
+̸ V FitNot|,scope=associate|
+̸ V explain|˵
+̸ V fit|ʺ,scope=associate|
+̸ V attribute|,strength|,#talk|̸,&human|
+̸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+̸ɫ V fear|
+̸ V talk|̸
+̸ N text|,$speak|˵
+̸ V associate|,#male|,#female|Ů,#love|
+̸ V explain|˵
+̸ V discuss|
+̸д N human|,*discuss|
+̸ N furniture|Ҿ,*discuss|
+̸ V explain|˵
+̸˵ V associate|,#male|,#female|Ů,#love|
+̸̸ V talk|̸
+̸ V talk|̸
+̸˵ V talk|̸
+̸ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+̸² N aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+̸Ц V talk|̸
+̸Ц V talk|̸,manner=joyful|ϲ
+̸Ц V calm|
+̸ V talk|̸,manner=sincere|
+̸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+̹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+̹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,smooth|̹
+̹ V calm|
+̹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Tanzania|̹ɣ)
+̹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+̹ V admit|
+̹ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+̹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,smooth|̹
+̹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,generous|,desired|
+̹ N weapon|,LandVehicle|,military|
+̹˲ N army|
+̹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ֱ̹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+̹Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,safe|,desired|
+̹Ȼ V calm|
+̹ɣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Tanzania|̹ɣ)
+̹ɣ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+̹ɣ N human|,(Tanzania|̹ɣ)
+̹ɣ N money|,(Tanzania|̹ɣ)
+̹; N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+̺ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ
+̺ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,#LieDown|
+̺ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,#LieDown|
+̻ V CauseToAppear|
+̻ V protect|,manner=biased|ƫ
+̻ V protect|,manner=biased|ƫ
+̼ N chemical|ѧ
+̼ N chemical|ѧ
+̼ N chemical|ѧ
+̼ N chemical|ѧ
+̼⻯ N chemical|ѧ
+̼ˮ N chemical|ѧ
+̼ N chemical|ѧ
+̼ N chemical|ѧ
+̼ N chemical|ѧ
+̼ N chemical|ѧ
+̼ N chemical|ѧ
+̼ N chemical|ѧ
+̽ V CausePartMove|
+̽ V investigate|
+̽ V measure|
+̽ V visit|
+̽ V investigate|
+̽ V measure|
+̽ N tool|þ,*LookFor|Ѱ
+̽ V check|
+̽ V investigate|
+̽ V visit|
+̽ N human|,*succeed|ɹ,#exam|,past|
+̽ V SayHello|ʺ,target=family|
+̽ V visit|,target=human|,#police|
+̽ V investigate|,industrial|
+̽ V research|о
+̽ V investigate|
+̽ V investigate|,industrial|
+̽· V investigate|,content=route|·
+̽ V investigate|
+̽ȡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,easy|,desired|
+̽ V SayHello|ʺ,target=family|
+̽ V SayHello|ʺ,target=human|
+̽ N time|ʱ,@SayHello|ʺ,#family|
+̽ V seek|ıȡ
+̽ V diagnose|,industrial|
+̽ V visit|
+̽ V investigate|
+̽ N human|,*investigate|
+̽ V investigate|
+̽ V investigate|
+̽ N human|,*investigate|
+̽ͷ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=head|ͷ
+̽ͷ̽ V look|
+̽ V look|
+̽ V visit|
+̽ V ask|
+̽Ϥ V investigate|
+̽Ϥ V know|֪
+̽ V investigate|
+̽ѯ V investigate|
+̽Ѱ V LookFor|Ѱ
+̽յ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+̽ N human|,military|,*scout|
+̽ N tool|þ,*inhale|
+̾ V praise|佱
+̾ V sigh|̾
+̾ N part|,%language|
+̾ V praise|佱
+̾ V sigh|̾
+̾ V praise|佱
+̾ V sigh|̾,cause=repent|û
+̾Ϊֹ V praise|佱
+̾Ϣ V sigh|̾
+̾ϧ V sigh|̾,cause=repent|û
+̾ V praise|佱
+̿ N material|,*lighting|ȼ,$burn|
+̿ N fire|
+̿ N disease|
+̿ N tool|þ,*WarmUp|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N food|ʳƷ,$eat|,liquid|Һ
+ N medicine|ҩ,liquid|Һ,(China|й)
+ N water|ˮ,hot|
+ N tool|þ,*hold|,#drinks|Ʒ
+ N tool|þ,@put|,#liquid|Һ,hot|
+ N medicine|ҩ,liquid|Һ,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Tonga|)
+ N money|,(Tonga|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Oceania|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ˮ N food|ʳƷ,$eat|,liquid|Һ
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ,liquid|Һ,(China|й)
+Բ N food|ʳƷ
+ N facilities|ʩ,#hot|,@wash|ϴ
+ N facilities|ʩ,*protect|,#waters|ˮ,space|ռ
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#liquid|Һ,space|ռ
+ N material|,$feed|ι,#crop|ׯ
+ N facilities|ʩ,#liquid|Һ,space|ռ
+ V apply|ͿĨ
+ V evade|ر
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ V slack|͵
+´ N material|,?tool|þ
+ V slack|͵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clan|
+ N institution|,police|,@judge|ö,#crime|,past|
+ N room|
+ð N reason|
+ö֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,undesired|ݬ
+ö֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,suitable|
+÷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clan|
+ù N MusicTool|
+û ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,stately|ׯ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,stately|ׯ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,stately|ׯ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ N room|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeCare|,#InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N tree|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N tree|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N part|,%physical|,viscera|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+Ƴ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ƴ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ƻ N FlowerGrass|
+ N human|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N artifact|˹,entertainment|
+ɽ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ʫ N text|
+ͻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ͻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|,undesired|ݬ
+ N food|ʳƷ,sweet|
+ N material|,sweet|,?edible|ʳ
+dz N InstitutePlace|,*produce|,#material|,factory|,industrial|
+Ǵ N attribute|,taste|ζ,sweet|,sour|,&food|ʳƷ
+Ǵ N material|,#food|ʳƷ,$eat|
+ǹ N food|ʳƷ,sweet|
+Ǻ« N food|ʳƷ
+ǻ N chemical|ѧ
+ǽ N material|,?edible|ʳ,?medicine|ҩ
+Ǿ N material|,?edible|ʳ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ܲ N crop|ׯ,?material|
+ N disease|
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,sweet|,desired|
+ CONJ {condition|}
+ CONJ {condition|}
+ V LieDown|
+ V LieDown|
+ V LieDown|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@LieDown|,@sit|
+ V fall|
+ V flow|
+ʺ V excrete|й,patient=waste|
+ CLAS ActUnit|,&AlterLocation|ռλ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&LandVehicle|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|
+ V MakeUp|ױ
+ V WarmUp|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|
+ V damage|
+ V press|ѹ
+̷ V MakeUp|ױ,patient=hair|ë
+̷ V MakeUp|ױ,scope=hair|ë
+̽ V apply|ͿĨ,material=metal|,industrial|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|
+ V PickOut|γ
+ V dig|ھ
+ V steal|͵
+ͳ V PickOut|γ
+͵ V investigate|
+ V pay|,possession=wealth|Ǯ
+ N water|ˮ
+ V spill|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ϲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fluent|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩,*decorate|װ
+г N InsectWorm|,#disease|
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,$PutOn|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩,*decorate|װ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N shape|
+Һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+һ N FlowerGrass|
+һľ N wood|ľ
+һѴ N water|ˮ
+һ N fish|
+ N human|,*study|ѧ,mass|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|,light|
+ɫ N fact|,#love|,undesired|ݬ
+ɫ N fact|,#love|,undesired|ݬ,#police|
+ɫ N news|,#fact|,#love|,undesired|ݬ
+ N tree|,#fruit|ˮ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ V escape|
+ V evade|ر
+ V flee|
+ӱ V escape|
+ӱʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,passive|,undesired|ݬ
+ӱʵ N fact|,escape|,#circumstances|,undesired|ݬ
+ӱʵ N human|,*escape|
+ӱ N human|,*escape|
+ӳ V flee|
+Ӵ V flee|
+Ӷ V flee|
+ӷ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,*flee|
+ӻ V escape|,cause=phenomena|
+ӻ V escape|,cause=GetMarried|
+ V flee|
+ V escape|,cause=die|
+ V escape|,cause=unfortunate|
+ V hide|
+ V flee|
+ɢ V disperse|ɢ
+ V escape|,cause=die|
+˰ V evade|ر,content=expenditure|,commercial|
+˰ N human|,*evade|ر,#expenditure|,commercial|
+ V flee|
+ V flee|
+ N human|,*flee|
+ѧ V evade|ر,content=study|ѧ,education|
+ѧ N human|,*evade|ر,#study|ѧ,education|
+ V flee|
+ծ V escape|,cause=owe|Ƿ
+֮زز V flee|
+ V flee|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,mischievous|
+ V dredge|ͨ
+ V wash|ϴ
+Ժ N bird|
+Խ V gather|ɼ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,*wash|ϴ
+ V wash|ϴ,patient=material|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,mischievous|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+̭ V disappear|ʧ
+̭ V discharge|
+̭ V perish|
+̭ V discharge|,sport|
+̭ N fact|,compete|
+ϴ V wash|ϴ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N material|,?tool|þ
+ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ
+մ N material|
+չ N material|,*build|
+չ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ
+Ȼ V joyful|ϲ
+ N material|,mine|
+ұ V burn|,industrial|
+ұ V cultivate|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ٸ N tool|þ
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V MarryFrom|Ȣ
+ V ResultIn|
+ V attack|,military|
+ V beg|
+ V discuss|
+ֱ V seek|ıȡ,possession=pros|
+ַ V attack|,military|
+ַ V beg|,patient=artifact|˹
+ֺ V please|ȡ
+ֻ V seek|ıȡ
+ּ V discuss|,content=price|۸,commercial|
+ּۻ V discuss|,content=price|۸,commercial|
+ֽ V ask|
+ V discuss|
+ۻμ N human|,*discuss|
+ V beg|,patient=artifact|˹
+ V beg|,possession=edible|ʳ
+ V do|,manner=sly|
+ V MarryFrom|Ȣ
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=forgive|ԭ
+ V surrender|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ V disgust|
+ N human|,$disgust|
+ N human|,*irritate|ŭ
+ծ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ V PutOn|
+ N clothing|
+ V cover|ڸ
+ V fasten|˩
+ N material|,$fill|
+ N part|,%earth|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+װ N tool|þ,*print|ӡˢ
+ N house|
+ V buy|,crime|
+ N information|Ϣ,stiff|
+ N text|,waste|
+ N fact|,commercial|
+ N house|
+ N room|
+ N clothing|,#leg|
+· N knowledge|֪ʶ
+Ь N clothing|,#foot|
+ N part|,%clothing|,#arm|
+ӡ V print|ӡˢ
+ V use|
+ V planting|ֲ
+װ N clothing|
+ N information|Ϣ,stiff|
+ N material|,$fill|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,military|,police|,*scout|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|,military|,*scout|
+ر ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ر CONJ {emphasis|ǿ}
+رȨ N rights|Ȩ,collect|,commercial|
+ز N artifact|˹,special|,generic|ͳ
+س N attribute|,ability|,special|,&organization|֯,&human|
+س ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ش ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ش ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ش ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+ص ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ص ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ص N attribute|,property|,&entity|ʵ
+ض ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ع N affairs|,military|,secret|
+عӶ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Honduras|鶼˹)
+ػ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ؼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ؼ N fact|,dangerous|Σ,#perform|
+ؼ N attribute|,price|۸,cheap|,&inanimate|
+ؿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ؿ N LandVehicle|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N example|ʵ,special|
+Ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Trinidadian and Tobagan|Ͷ)
+Ͷ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+ͶԪ N money|,(Tonga|Ͷ)
+ľ N plans|滮
+ȫȨʹ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,politics|,diplomatic|⽻
+ V dispatch|Dz,manner=special|
+ɼ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*gather|ɼ,*compile|༭,#news|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,$dispatch|Dz,official|
+Dz N part|,%army|
+ N place|ط
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ
+ɫ N attribute|,property|,&entity|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ίԱ N institution|,politics|,special|
+ʹ N human|,official|,politics|,diplomatic|⽻
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ⲡ֢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|,&disease|
+⻯ N rights|Ȩ
+ N attribute|,kind|,special|,&entity|ʵ
+Ϊ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ά N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ί N institution|,politics|,special|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,military|,police|,*scout|
+Ч N attribute|,effect|Ч,superior|,&entity|ʵ,&act|ж
+Чҩ N medicine|ҩ,superior|
+д N text|
+ N attribute|,property|,&entity|ʵ
+ V agree|ͬ,manner=special|
+ V invite|,manner=special|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ N attribute|,kind|,special|,&entity|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+Լ V invite|,manner=special|
+Լ༭ N human|,*compile|༭
+ N attribute|,property|,&entity|ʵ
+ָ V mean|ָ
+ V produce|,manner=special|
+ N attribute|,kind|,special|,&entity|ʵ
+ֲ N army|
+ N tree|
+ٻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N weapon|,*defend|
+ N SportTool|˶
+ N fact|,exercise|,sport|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@sit|
+ N tree|
+ V dump|
+ V jump|
+ V rise|
+ڳ V dump|
+ڷ V fly|
+ڷ V grow|ɳ
+ڹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,price|۸,expensive|,undesired|ݬ
+ڿ V dump|
+ڿ V rise|
+Ų V TakeAway|ᶯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+Խ V cross|Խ
+Ծ V jump|
+Ƽ V dizzy|
+Ƽ ADJ fly|,manner=fast|
+ V like|ϧ
+ V painful|ʹ
+۰ V like|ϧ
+ʹ V painful|ʹ
+ V copy|д
+¼ V copy|д
+ V copy|д
+д V copy|д
+ N part|,%building|,nerve|
+ N shape|
+ N tool|þ,@climb|ʵ
+ݴζ N shape|
+ݶ N attribute|,slope|¶,&inanimate|
+ݶ N part|,%army|
+ݶ N weapon|
+ݼ N part|,%building|,nerve|
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ N image|ͼ
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ N tool|þ,@climb|ʵ
+ V clean|ʹ
+ N part|,%character|
+ V pick|ʰ
+ V remove|
+ V remove|
+ V kick|߲
+ V kick|߲,sport|
+߲ V kick|߲
+ߵ V kick|߲
+߽ V kick|߲,sport|
+ V kick|߲,sport|
+ N metal|
+ V MakeEarlier|
+ V collect|,commercial|
+ V gather|ɼ
+ V hold|
+ V lift|
+ V mention|ἰ
+ N part|,%character|
+ V propose|
+ V upgrade|
+ N text|,$propose|,$discuss|,$debate|
+ V upgrade|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ V pick|ʰ,patient=PenInk|ī
+ᳫ V endorse|ӵ
+ᳫ N human|,*improve|
+ V collect|,commercial|
+ V propose|
+ N human|,*propose|
+ᴿ V refine|,industrial|
+ᵥ N bill|Ʊ,#wealth|Ǯ
+ᵽ V mention|ἰ
+ᷨ N method|,*express|ʾ
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ N part|,%text|,bone|
+ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ V add|
+ V improve|
+ V lift|
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ṩ V provide|
+ V collect|,possession=artifact|˹,commercial|
+ N bill|Ʊ,#wealth|Ǯ
+ἰ V mention|ἰ
+ V BecomeMore|,scope=price|۸
+ύ V submit|
+ V collect|,possession=money|,commercial|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ V produce|,industrial|
+ V refine|,industrial|
+ V RegardAs|
+ N human|,*RegardAs|
+ V lift|
+ V mention|ἰ
+ V mobilize|
+ǰ V MakeEarlier|
+ǰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,InFront|ǰ
+ N MusicTool|
+ V request|Ҫ
+ȡ V collect|
+ȡ V collect|,commercial|
+ȡ V collect|,industrial|
+ȡ V gather|ɼ
+ȡ V gather|ɼ,industrial|
+ȡ V obtain|õ
+ V improve|
+ V interrogate|,police|
+ V lift|
+ V upgrade|
+ʾ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+ʾ N symbol|
+ V ask|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ĵ V fear|
+ V write|д
+ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+ѡ V choose|ѡ
+Ҫ N text|,#readings|
+ V propose|
+ N text|,$propose|,$discuss|,$debate|
+ N human|,*propose|
+ V MakeEarlier|
+ V gather|ɼ,industrial|
+ V produce|,industrial|
+ V guide|
+ V help|
+ N part|,%text|,heart|
+ N part|,%text|,name|
+ N problem|
+ V sign|д
+ N attribute|,content|,&information|Ϣ
+ķΧ N attribute|,range|,&content|,#information|Ϣ
+ V write|д,ContentProduct=text|
+ N part|,name|,%text|
+ V sign|д,ContentProduct=name|
+Ŀ N part|,%text|,heart|
+Ŀ N part|,name|,%text|
+Ŀ N problem|
+Ϊ V be|,#name|
+д V sign|д
+ V sign|д,ContentProduct=text|
+ N text|,$sign|д
+ N part|,%beast|,foot|
+ N part|,%beast|,foot|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N part|,%beast|,foot|
+ V cry|,#bird|
+ V weep|
+伢ź V HungryThirsty|
+ V weep|
+ЦԷ V embarrassed|Ϊ
+ N attribute|,PhysicState|״̬,&physical|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&language|
+ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&information|Ϣ
+ N attribute|,performance|,&language|
+ N entity|ʵ,generic|ͳ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N system|ƶ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ,external|
+ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&information|Ϣ
+ N fact|,sport|
+ٷ N clothing|,*exercise|,sport|
+˶Ա N human|,sport|
+ V understand|
+巣 N fact|,punish|
+ N fact|,improve|,patient=organization|֯
+ N attribute|,physique|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N fact|,check|,#physique|,medical|ҽ
+ V understand|
+ N attribute|,size|ߴ,&physical|
+强 ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,secret|
+强 ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ N fact|,check|,#physique|,medical|ҽ
+ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&readings|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&AnimalHuman|
+֧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+Ͷ N affairs|,#physique|,engage|
+ V forgive|ԭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,internal|
+ N location|λ,%entity|ʵ,body|,internal|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N attribute|,physique|,&AnimalHuman|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ʽ N attribute|,form|״,&character|
+ʽ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&information|Ϣ
+̬ N attribute|,posture|,&human|
+̬ӯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,gracious|,desired|
+̳ N community|,*exercise|,sport|
+̳ N community|,sport|
+ V WellTreat|ƴ
+ V WellTreat|ƴ,manner=attentive|ϸ
+ͳ N attribute|,property|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,external|
+ N location|λ,%entity|ʵ,body|,external|
+ܾ N method|,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ѭ N method|,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ζ V enjoy|
+λ N location|λ,%body|
+ N attribute|,temperature|¶,&AnimalHuman|
+¼ N tool|þ,*measure|,#temperature|¶
+ V fail|ʧ
+ V wounded|
+ϧ V pity|
+ϵ N part|,%entity|ʵ,body|
+ V mean|ָ
+У N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,#sport|,education|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&physical|
+ N attribute|,form|״,&AnimalHuman|
+ V pity|
+ V know|֪
+Һ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ N affairs|,education|,#physique|
+ N affairs|,exercise|,sport|
+ N facilities|ʩ,@exercise|,sport|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,#exercise|,#sport|,&human|
+ N facilities|ʩ,@exercise|,sport|
+ N affairs|,exercise|,sport|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*gather|ɼ,*compile|༭,#news|,#sport|
+ N fact|,exercise|,sport|,education|
+Ʒ N tool|þ,*exercise|,sport|
+˶ N affairs|,exercise|,sport|
+ N attribute|,appearance|,medical|ҽ,&AnimalHuman|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,body|
+Ƹĸ N fact|,improve|,patient=organization|֯
+ N attribute|,physique|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N attribute|,weight|,&AnimalHuman|
+ؼ N BecomeLess|,scope=weight|
+ N BecomeMore|,scope=weight|
+ V replace|
+油 V replace|
+油Ա N human|,*replace|,sport|
+ V replace|
+湤 N human|,*replace|,industrial|
+滻 V replace|
+ N entity|ʵ,*replace|
+ N human|,*replace|
+ N human|,*replace|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,*replace|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,*replace|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ V weep|
+ V weep|
+ V weep|
+ V cut|
+굶 N tool|þ,*cut|,#hair|ë,*MakeUp|ױ
+ͷ V MakeUp|ױ,scope=hair|ë
+뵶 N tool|þ,*cut|
+ N tool|þ,*cut|
+֦ N InsectWorm|
+ N part|,%furniture|Ҿ,cubic|,@put|
+ N part|,%furniture|Ҿ,cubic|,@put|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,upper|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ N humanized|,desired|
+ N natural|Ȼ,generic|ͳ
+ N sky|
+ N time|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ,#season|
+ N time|ʱ,day|
+ N weather|
+찲 N building|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+찲ų¥ N building|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+찲Ź㳡 N building|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N location|λ,%earth|,edge|
+ N part|,%earth|,edge|
+ N place|ط,far|Զ
+ V WeatherChange|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+ N human|,able|,desired|
+쳤ؾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+쳤վ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+쳵 N machine|,*lift|
+ N celestial|
+촰 N part|,%house|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ N natural|Ȼ,enemy|
+ N attribute|,range|,&event|¼
+ N natural|Ȼ,#celestial|,#earth|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N InsectWorm|,*fly|
+ N bird|
+ N material|,?clothing|,?tool|þ
+췭ظ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+췽ҹ̷ N fact|,wrong|
+췽ҹ̷ N readings|
+츮֮ N place|ط,rich|
+츳 ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ߵغ ADJ attribute|,content|,&event|¼
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+һ V disperse|ɢ
+칫 N humanized|
+칫 V WeatherBad|
+칫ص ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+칬 N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,humanized|
+칵 N part|,%house|
+ N time|ʱ,day|
+ N time|ʱ,early|,day|
+ N celestial|,#humanized|,religion|ڽ
+캮ض ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+ N celestial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ N time|ʱ,night|
+ N weather|
+컨 N disease|
+컨 N part|,%building|
+컨 N medicine|ҩ
+ N human|,royal|,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+ذ V WeatherBad|
+ذ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ذ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ذ V unfortunate|
+ N fact|,secret|
+ N part|,%earth|,edge|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+쾭 ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+쾮 N facilities|ʩ,mine|
+쾮 N part|,%building|
+쾮 N part|,%house|
+쾮 N part|,%house|,space|ռ
+ N sky|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,blue|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|,&event|¼
+ V WeatherFine|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|
+֮ N phenomena|,lucky|,desired|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+п ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ V WeatherFine|
+ N aspiration|Ը,#humanized|,#circumstances|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&human|,&organization|֯
+Ļ N sky|
+Ļ N tool|þ,#perform|
+ϵر ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+Ϻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,unattached|ɢ,undesired|ݬ
+Ϻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+ N attribute|,age|,&animate|
+ţ N InsectWorm|
+ŭԹ V angry|
+ N house|
+ N part|,%building|
+ƽ N tool|þ,*measure|,#weight|
+ N weather|
+Ԥ N fact|,disseminate|,#weather|
+ǵ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+Ȼ N material|,gas|,$burn|
+Ȼ N natural|Ȼ
+֮ ADJ attribute|,similarity|ͬ,different|,&entity|ʵ
+ɫ N weather|
+ N location|λ,%sky|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ʦ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ʱ N time|ʱ,important|
+ʱ N weather|
+ʱ˺ N attribute|,ProsCons|,pros|,#time|ʱ,#earth|,#human|,&event|¼
+ʹ N humanized|,desired|
+ N document|,royal|,past|
+ N text|,difficult|
+ N celestial|,#humanized|
+ N celestial|,generic|ͳ
+ N time|ʱ,day|
+ͥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ N humanized|
+ N human|,able|
+ N celestial|
+ֻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,strict|,#police|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#celestial|,#weather|
+Ĺ N InstitutePlace|,@look|,#celestial|,#weather|
+̨ N InstitutePlace|,*investigate|,#weather|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#weather|
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N attribute|,power|,&entity|ʵ
+ N place|ط
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+µһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ѻһ V aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ѻһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ N humanized|,desired|,female|Ů
+ N human|,desired|,female|Ů,beautiful|
+ N place|ط,military|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*transmit|
+ N weather|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|,undesired|ݬ
+ V lucky|
+ N phenomena|,#lucky|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,&behavior|ֹ,original|ԭ
+ N attribute|,&behavior|ֹ,original|ԭ
+ת ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ת V dizzy|,medical|ҽ
+ N part|,%earth|,edge|
+ĺ N part|,%earth|,edge|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,good|,desired|
+ N aspiration|Ը,#humanized|,#circumstances|
+ N sky|
+Ԩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,#weather|
+˻ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,#weather|
+ V bury|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+֮ N human|,desired|,*lucky|
+ְ N duty|
+ ADJ knowledge|֪ʶ,religion|ڽ
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,religion|ڽ
+ͽ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+ N human|,royal|
+ N celestial|
+ N sky|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(India|ӡ)
+ÿ N FlowerGrass|
+ N beast|
+ N sound|,#music|
+ V add|
+ V enrich|ʵ
+ V add|
+Ӽ N chemical|ѧ
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V enrich|ʵ,commercial|
+ V obtain|õ,commercial|
+ V fill|
+ V write|д
+ V fill|
+...Ŀհ V cover|ڸ
+ V fill|
+ V write|д
+ V fill|
+ N material|,generic|ͳ,*fill|
+ V fill|
+ƽ V fill|
+ V fill|
+ V BlockUp|
+д V write|д
+Ѽ N bird|,$feed|ι
+Ѽ V feed|ι,patient=bird|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&event|¼,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+﹡ N part|,%land|½,#planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+F N beast|
+ N community|,agricultural|ũ
+ N land|½,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ N place|ط,village|
+ᄊ N fact|,exercise|,sport|
+ᄊ N fact|,exercise|,sport|
+ V engage|,content=catch|ס,#animal|,agricultural|ũ
+ N fish|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N beast|
+Ұ N land|½
+Ұ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ N place|ط,village|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,sweet|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,sweet|,desired|
+ N crop|ׯ,?material|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,sweet|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+潴 N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+Ʒ N food|ʳƷ,sweet|
+ʳ N food|ʳƷ,sweet|
+ˮ N phenomena|,lucky|,desired|
+ˮ N water|ˮ
+˿˿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,sweet|,desired|
+˿˿ V joyful|ϲ
+ͷ N attribute|,ProsCons|,pros|,desired|,&entity|ʵ
+ͷ N attribute|,taste|ζ,sweet|,&edible|ʳ
+ζ N attribute|,taste|ζ,sweet|,&edible|ʳ
+ N text|,gentle|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+ V calm|
+֪ V shameless|û
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+Ȼ V calm|
+ V savor|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ V CarryOnBack|
+ V choose|ѡ
+ V incite|ָʹ
+ V lift|
+ N part|,%character|
+ V pick|ʰ
+ V touch|
+ V incite|ָʹ
+ V separate|
+ V separate|
+̶ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V incite|ָʹ
+ V entice|
+ V tease|ȡ
+ʼ V choose|ѡ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*transport|,employee|Ա
+ V choose|ѡ
+ V incite|ָʹ
+ V choose|ѡ
+ V incite|ָʹ
+ V IllTreat|
+ V incur|
+ѡ V choose|ѡ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,eccentric|Ƨ,undesired|ݬ
+ս V incite|ָʹ
+ս N human|,*incite|ָʹ
+ N artifact|˹,commercial|
+۶ V IllTreat|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&entity|ʵ
+ N part|,%document|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,limb|֫
+ N shape|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@put|
+ V spread|,agricultural|ũ
+ V analyze|
+ N mark|־
+ N regulation|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,standard|,&entity|ʵ
+ N part|,%regulation|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|,&event|¼
+ N regulation|
+ N regulation|
+Ŀ N agreement|Լ
+Ŀ N expression|
+ N material|,?clothing|,?tool|þ
+ N regulation|
+ N text|,#regulation|
+ N image|ͼ
+ N symbol|,#information|Ϣ
+Լ N agreement|Լ
+ N human|,police|
+ N readings|
+ N shape|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+ V look|
+ V look|
+ V cross|Խ
+ V discharge|
+ V jump|
+ V shiver|
+ N SportTool|˶
+ V alter|ı,patient=affairs|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N recreation|,entertainment|
+ V shiver|
+ V recreation|
+ V exercise|,sport|
+ V cross|Խ
+ V discharge|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=foot|
+ V exercise|,sport|
+С N human|,undesired|ݬ
+С N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ V exercise|,sport|
+ N tool|þ,*recreation|
+ V exercise|,sport|
+ɡ V exercise|
+ɡ V exercise|,sport|
+ɡ V fall|,sport|,military|
+ V jump|
+ V exercise|,sport|
+ˮ V exercise|,sport|
+̨ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ
+ V recreation|
+ N SportTool|˶
+ V alter|ı,patient=affairs|
+ V discharge|
+Զ V exercise|,sport|
+Ծ V jump|
+Ծ N human|,*jump|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ V apply|ͿĨ
+ V approach|ӽ
+ N payment|
+߶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ V provide|
+ V approach|ӽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,proper|,desired|
+ V BeNear|,partner=skin|Ƥ
+ V follow|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,accurate|,desired|
+Ϣ V collect|,commercial|
+ V subtract|,commercial|
+ N quantity|,rate|,&money|,$earn|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ N human|,friend|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,hard|Ӳ
+ N metal|
+ N weapon|,generic|ͳ
+ɽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ N shape|,flat|,surfacial|
+ N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+ N tool|þ,*carve|
+ N SportTool|˶
+ N fact|,*exercise|
+ N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,police|,@detain|ס,#crime|,#punish|
+ N part|,%building|,eye|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,intensity|ǿ,strong|ǿ
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N army|,*build|,#facilities|ʩ
+ N institution|,transport|,ProperName|ר,politics|
+ N tool|þ,*fix|ס,metal|,acute|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|
+ N affairs|,#earn|,#alive|,#occupation|ְλ,safe|
+˶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|
+˶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ N affairs|,industrial|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,greedy|̰
+ N material|,metal|
+ N human|,desired|,lasting|
+Ͻ N metal|
+ N tool|þ,*fasten|˩
+ N clothing|,*protect|,#body|,#fight|
+ N material|,*protect|,#body|,#fight|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ N InstitutePlace|,mine|
+ N stone|ʯ,mine|
+ʯ N stone|ʯ,mine|
+ľ N wood|ľ,material|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ N tool|þ,police|,#crime|,#foot|,*detain|ס
+· N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+·ְ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+˽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ţ N machine|,#crop|ׯ
+Ƥ N material|,metal|
+ N army|
+ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ
+ N tool|þ,*dig|ھ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,BlueGreen|,undesired|ݬ
+ N tree|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ˮ N metal|,liquid|Һ
+˿ N tool|þ,linear|
+˿ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|,@defend|
+˿ N tool|þ
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ
+м N metal|,small|С
+ N phenomena|,OutOfOrder|,#metal|
+֤ N information|Ϣ,*prove|֤
+ĥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|,desired|
+ N letter|ż
+ N letter|ż,*invite|
+ N publications|鿯
+ N part|,%organization|֯
+ N room|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+ N room|
+ V listen|
+ V obey|ѭ
+ V perception|֪
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@store|
+ V indulge|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$perception|֪
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա,past|
+ V obey|ѭ
+ V perception|֪
+ V understand|
+ V ignorant|֪,#listen|
+ V wait|ȴ
+ ADJ obey|ѭ
+ V perception|֪
+ V listen|,content=text|
+ V study|ѧ,education|
+ N experience|,#listen|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,listen|
+ V study|ѧ,education|
+ N attribute|,ability|,#listen|,&AnimalHuman|
+ V obey|ѭ
+ƾ V indulge|
+Ա V indulge|
+Ȼ V indulge|
+ V be|
+ȡ V listen|
+ V indulge|
+˵ V perception|֪
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,passive|,undesired|ݬ
+Ͳ N tool|þ,*listen|
+Ͳ N tool|þ,*listen|,#cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ V believe|
+ V wait|ȴ,content=information|Ϣ
+ N human|,*listen|
+ V method|,*diagnose|,#listen|,medical|ҽ
+ N tool|þ,*listen|,#cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ V control|,patient=power|
+֮֮ V indulge|
+ N human|,*listen|
+װ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$store|,#cubic|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+͡ N land|½
+͢ N institution|,official|,past|
+͢ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Bhutan|)
+ͣ V CeaseSelfMove|ֹ
+ͣ V TurnOff|ֹ
+ͣ V cease|ͣ
+ͣ V end|ս
+ͣ V pause|ͣ
+ͣ V put|
+ͣ V stay|ͣ
+ͣ V end|ս
+ͣ V cease|ͣ,content=affairs|,commercial|
+ͣ V cease|ͣ,content=affairs|,commercial|
+ͣ N tool|þ,*tell|,#time|ʱ
+ͣ V stay|ͣ
+ͣ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#ship|,@stay|ͣ
+ͣ V CeaseSelfMove|ֹ
+ͣ V cease|ͣ,content=produce|
+ͣ V end|ս,industrial|
+ͣ V put|
+ͣ V stay|ͣ
+ͣ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,*put|,#LandVehicle|
+ͣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,suitable|,desired|
+ͣ V finish|
+ͣ V TurnOff|ֹ,experiencer=electricity|
+ͣ N phenomena|,TurnOff|ֹ,#electricity|
+ͣ V end|ս
+ͣ V pause|ͣ
+ͣ V put|
+ͣ V cease|ͣ,content=fly|
+ͣ V cease|ͣ,content=affairs|
+ͣ V cease|ͣ,content=transport|
+ͣ V cease|ͣ,content=fight|,military|
+ͣƺ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,*put|,#aircraft|
+ͣ V cease|ͣ,content=build|
+ͣ V cease|ͣ,content=publish|
+ͣ V stay|ͣ
+ͣ V cease|ͣ,content=education|,education|
+ͣ V put|
+ͣ V stay|ͣ
+ͣˮ V TurnOff|ֹ,content=liquid|Һ
+ͣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,suitable|,desired|
+ͣϢ V end|ս
+ͣϢ V stay|ͣ
+ͣ V CeaseSelfMove|ֹ
+ͣЪ V cease|ͣ
+ͣЪ V cease|ͣ,content=affairs|,commercial|
+ͣЪ V end|ս
+ͣЪ V rest|Ϣ
+ͣѧ V cease|ͣ,content=study|ѧ,education|
+ͣѧ V discharge|
+ͣҵ V cease|ͣ,content=affairs|,commercial|
+ͣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ͣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,even|,desired|
+ͣ V cease|ͣ,content=transport|
+ͣս V cease|ͣ,content=fight|,military|
+ְͣ V dismiss|
+ֹͣ V CeaseSelfMove|ֹ
+ֹͣ V cease|ͣ
+ֹͣ V end|ս
+ͣ V CeaseSelfMove|ֹ
+ͣ V end|ս
+ͣͲǰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,prosper|
+ͣ V cease|ͣ
+ͤ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ
+ͤͤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,upright|
+ͤͤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,gracious|,desired|
+ͤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ͤ N facilities|ʩ
+ͤ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ
+ͤӼ N room|,small|С
+ͥ N institution|,official|,police|
+ͥ N part|,%house|,space|ռ
+ͥ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,police|
+ͥ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#FlowerGrass|
+ͦ V CausePartMove|
+ͦ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+ͦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,straight|ֱ
+ͦ V endure|
+ͦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,upright|,desired|
+ͦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ͦ V GoForward|ǰ
+ͦ V exercise|,sport|
+ͦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,level|ƽ
+ͦ V stand|վ
+ͦ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=body|
+ͦ V GoOut|ȥ,manner=brave|
+ͦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ֱͦ V CausePartMove|
+ֱͦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,straight|ֱ
+ͧ N ship|
+ͨ V LeadTo|ͨ
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,easy|,desired|
+ͨ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ͨ V communicate|
+ͨ V connect|
+ͨ V dredge|ͨ
+ͨ N human|,able|,desired|
+ͨ V know|֪
+ͨ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+ͨ V tell|
+ͨ V disseminate|
+ͨ V excrete|й,patient=waste|
+ͨ N attribute|,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ,&thing|
+ͨ N human|,able|,desired|
+ͨ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,regular|
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,regular|
+ͨ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,regular|
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,easy|,desired|
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$BlockUp|
+ͨ V function|,experiencer=LandVehicle|
+ͨ V become|Ϊ
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ͨ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ͨ V betray|
+ͨ V function|,experiencer=electricity|
+ͨ V tell|
+ͨ N place|ط,city|
+ͨ V read|
+ͨ V DoSum|
+ͨ V clean|ʹ,scope=gas|
+ͨ籨 V tell|,content=information|Ϣ,manner=secret|
+ͨ V machine|,*clean|ʹ,#gas|
+ͨ羮 V facilities|ʩ,*clean|ʹ,#gas|,mine|
+ͨ V facilities|ʩ,*clean|ʹ,#gas|
+ͨ V announce|
+ͨ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ͨ V accept|
+ͨ V cross|Խ
+ͨ PREP {means}
+ͨ V function|,experiencer=vehicle|ͨ
+ͨ V associate|
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ͨ V talk|̸
+ͨ V GetMarried|
+ͨ N money|
+ͨ N phenomena|,#money|,BecomeLess|,commercial|
+ͨ N phenomena|,#money|,BecomeMore|,commercial|
+ͨ V catch|ס,police|
+ͨ V endeavour|
+ͨ V cooperate|,manner=endeavour|
+ͨ V associate|
+ͨ V relate|й
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ͨ V announce|,content=text|
+ͨ N text|,*order|
+ͨ· N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ͨ V clean|ʹ,scope=gas|
+ͨ V communicate|
+ͨ V facilities|ʩ,*clean|ʹ,#gas|
+ͨ V know|֪
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ͨȨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,desired|
+ͨ N human|,able|,desired|
+ͨ V adjust|
+ͨ V endorse|ӵ
+ͨ V provide|
+ͨ V associate|,commercial|
+ͨ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ͨʷ N fact|,#time|ʱ
+ͨ˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,easy|,desired|
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,easy|,desired|
+ͨ V AlterProperty|,PatientAttribute=ordinary|
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,easy|,$understand|
+ͨ N physical|
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ͨͨ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ͨͬ V collude|
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,detailed|,desired|
+ͨ; N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ͨ V LeadTo|ͨ
+ͨ V LeadTo|ͨ
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ͨﵩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ͨ V know|֪
+ͨķ N food|ʳƷ
+ͨ V communicate|,instrument=letter|ż
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,@GoThrough|
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,@GoThrough|
+֤ͨ N document|,*agree|ͬ,#SelfMove|
+ͨѶ N affairs|,communicate|
+ͨѶ V communicate|
+ͨѶ¼ N document|
+ͨѶ N institution|,#news|
+ͨѶ N facilities|ʩ,#communicate|
+ͨѶ N aircraft|,#communicate|
+ͨѶԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*gather|ɼ,*compile|༭,#news|
+ͨҹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$exchange|,#use|
+ͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$use|,extensive|
+ͨ V function|,experiencer=affairs|
+ͨ N law|ɷ
+֪ͨ V tell|
+֪ͨ N document|,*tell|
+֪ͨ N document|,*tell|
+ͨ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ͨ N document|,*tell|,#fight|
+ͩ N tree|
+ͩ N material|,liquid|Һ
+ͪ N chemical|ѧ
+ͫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+ͫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+ͫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+ͫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+ͬ V BeSame|ͬ
+ͬ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+ͬ V aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ͬ COOR {and|}
+ͬ PREP {coagent}
+ͬ PREP {contrast}
+ͬ PREP {partner}
+ͬ N human|,*engage|,#crime|,together|ͬ,undesired|ݬ
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,alike|
+ͬ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|,friend|
+ͬ N human|,friend|
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clan|
+ͬ N human|,#country|
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clan|,alike|
+ͬ V pity|,target=EachOther|
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,alike|
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,alike|
+ͬ N machine|
+ͬ N machine|
+ͬ V hate|,manner=together|ͬ
+ͬ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|,friend|
+ͬ V study|ѧ,manner=together|ͬ,education|
+ͬ V differ|ͬ
+ͬ N human|,friend|,*engage|
+ͬ N human|,friend|,*engage|,#crime|
+ͬ V aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ͬѧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,status|,alike|,#education|
+ͬѧ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,#study|ѧ,alike|,&human|
+ͬԼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,power|,alike|
+ͬҪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,alike|
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clan|
+ͬ V mating|
+ͬĸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clan|
+ͬʹ V undergo|,manner=together|ͬ,content=circumstances|
+ͬ N emotion|,alike|
+ͬͬ N payment|,alike|
+ͬ V BeSame|ͬ,scope=result|
+ͬھ V perish|,manner=together|ͬ
+ͬ V engage|,manner=together|ͬ
+ͬ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=alike|,medical|ҽ
+ͬ N human|,friend|,*engage|
+ͬ N human|,friend|,*engage|,#crime|
+ͬ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,BeSame|ͬ,&education|
+ͬôѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,ProperName|ר
+ͬ V alive|,manner=together|ͬ,#GetMarried|
+ͬ V reside|ס,manner=together|ͬ
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,alike|
+ͬ N human|,friend|,*engage|
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,alike|
+ͬ V collude|
+ͬ· V walk|,manner=together|ͬ
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|
+ͬ˹ N place|ط,country|,*ally|,military|
+ͬ˻ N community|,politics|,(China|й)
+ͬı V engage|,content=crime|,manner=together|ͬ,undesired|ݬ
+ͬı N human|,*engage|,#crime|,together|ͬ,undesired|ݬ
+ͬı N human|,*engage|,#crime|,together|ͬ,undesired|ݬ
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,alike|
+ͬ N time|ʱ,year|,alike|
+ͬ N time|ʱ
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ͬ V pity|
+ͬ N emotion|,pity|
+ͬ N human|,friend|,*engage|
+ͬ N human|,friend|,*engage|
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+ͬʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,alike|
+ͬʱ N time|ʱ,alike|
+ͬʱ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+ͬʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,alike|
+ͬʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,alike|
+ͬ V engage|,manner=together|ͬ
+ͬ N human|,*engage|,together|ͬ
+ͬҲٸ V fight|,#family|
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,alike|
+ͬλ N part|,%physical|
+ͬ N human|,friend|
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ͬͬ V ally|
+ͬЭ V cooperate|
+ͬ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ,manner=together|ͬ
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occupation|ְλ,alike|
+ͬ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,alike|
+ͬ N fact|,love|
+ͬ N human|,love|
+ͬѧ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|,friend|
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ͬҵ N community|,commercial|
+ͬһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ͬһ N attribute|,similarity|ͬ,alike|,&entity|ʵ
+ͬ V agree|ͬ
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|,#information|Ϣ
+ͬ N expression|
+ͬ N attribute|,similarity|ͬ,alike|,&sound|
+ͬԴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,alike|
+ͬԴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ͬ־ N human|,friend|,*engage|,together|ͬ
+ͬ۹ V ally|
+ͬ N material|,linear|,@transmit|
+ͬס N human|,*reside|ס,together|ͬ
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clan|
+ͭ N metal|
+ͭ N money|
+ͭ N tool|þ,*print|ӡˢ
+ֽͭ N paper|ֽ
+ͭ N MusicTool|
+ͭ© N tool|þ,*tell|,#time|ʱ
+ͭ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ͭ N chemical|ѧ
+ͭɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+ͭģ N tool|þ
+ͭ N tool|þ,*reward|,$GiveAsGift|,desired|
+ͭ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ
+ͭǮ N money|
+ͭ˿ N tool|þ,linear|
+ͭ N image|ͼ,$carve|
+ͮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ͮ N CloudMist|
+ͯ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ͯ N human|,young|
+ͯ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա,young|
+ͯ N text|,humanized|
+ͯ N experience|,#young|,ignorant|֪
+ͯ N time|ʱ,#young|
+ͯ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա,young|
+ͯɽ N land|½
+ͯ N sound|,#music|,#young|
+ͯ N emotion|,young|
+ͯϱ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ͯװ N clothing|,#young|
+ͯ N human|,young|
+ͯӼ N bird|
+ͯӾ N human|,young|,#military|
+ͯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|,commercial|
+Ͱ CLAS NounUnit|,&physical|
+Ͱ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+Ͱ״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ͱ V reveal|¶
+ͱ V stab|
+ͱ¦ V err|
+ͱ V err|
+Ͳ CLAS NounUnit|,&physical|
+Ͳ N part|,%clothing|
+Ͳ N part|,%tree|,body|
+Ͳ N shape|
+Ͳ״ N FlowerGrass|
+Ͳ N shape|
+ͳ V include|
+ͳ V merge|ϲ
+ͳ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+ͳ N room|,%vehicle|ͨ
+ͳ N attribute|,name|,generic|ͳ,&entity|ʵ
+ͳ V plan|ƻ
+ͳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ͳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+ͳ V calculate|
+ͳƱ N account|
+ͳƾ N institution|,*calculate|,ProperName|ר,politics|
+ͳԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*calculate|
+ͳ N quantity|,amount|,&calculate|
+ͳѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#calculate|
+ͳѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ͳԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*calculate|
+ͳ N fact|,exam|
+ͳ N human|,military|,official|
+ͳ V order|
+ͳ V order|
+ͳ N location|λ,@LieDown|
+ͳ˧ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ͳ˧ N part|,%army|,*order|
+ͳͳ ADV qValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ͳϽ V manage|
+ͳһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ͳһ V merge|ϲ
+ͳһ N entity|ʵ
+ͳһ N attribute|,content|,neat|,&entity|ʵ
+ͳһս N community|,ally|
+ͳһ N human|,*merge|ϲ
+ͳս N community|,ally|
+ͳս N part|,%community|
+ͳ V control|
+ͳ V manage|
+ͳ N human|,*manage|
+ʹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ʹ N emotion|,sorrowful|
+ʹ V painful|ʹ
+ʹ V sorrowful|
+ʹ V painful|ʹ
+ʹ V sorrowful|
+ʹ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ʹ N experience|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ʹ N location|λ,#experience|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ʹ V beat|,manner=fierce|
+ʹˮ V beat|,manner=fierce|
+ʹ˼ʹ V LookBack|,content=experience|
+ʹ˼ʹ V LookBack|,content=painful|ʹ
+ʹ V disgust|
+ʹ N disease|
+ʹǰ V amend|,content=wrong|
+ʹ V perception|֪
+ʹ V disgust|
+ʹ V painful|ʹ
+ʹ V weep|
+ʹ N experience|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ʹ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ
+ʹ V unfortunate|
+ʹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ʹ V satisfied|
+ʹʹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ʹϧ V sorry|ϧ
+ʹ V sorrowful|
+ʹļ V repent|û
+ʹ N attribute|,importance|,&thing|
+ʹ N phenomena|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+͵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+͵ V steal|͵,crime|
+͵ V slack|͵
+͵ V steal|͵,crime|
+͵ V cross|Խ,#crime|
+͵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,crude|ª,undesired|ݬ
+͵ʴ V WorthNot|ֵ
+͵ V look|,manner=secret|
+͵ N human|,*look|,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+͵ V use|,patient=time|ʱ
+͵ V obtain|õ,means=steal|͵,crime|
+͵ V slack|͵
+͵ ADJ slack|͵
+͵ V deceive|ƭ
+͵ V steal|͵,crime|
+͵ V ShowLove|ʾ,manner=secret|
+͵ȡ N human|,*steal|͵,undesired|ݬ,crime|
+͵ V alive|,manner=disgraced|
+͵˰ V evade|ر,content=expenditure|,crime|,commercial|
+͵컻 V deceive|ƭ
+͵͵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+͵͵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+͵Ϯ V attack|,manner=secret|,military|
+͵Ϯ V attack|,manner=sudden|,military|
+͵ V rest|Ϣ
+͵ V slack|͵
+͵ V look|,manner=secret|
+͵Ӫ V attack|,manner=sudden|,patient=place|ط,military|
+Ͷ V GoInto|
+Ͷ V drop|Ͷ
+Ͷ V fit|ʺ
+Ͷ V illuminate|
+Ͷ V post|ʼ
+Ͷ V put|
+Ͷ V send|
+Ͷ V throw|
+Ͷ V admit|,content=crime|,police|
+Ͷ V admit|,content=crime|,police|
+Ͷ V buy|,possession=guarantee|֤
+Ͷ N human|,*buy|,#guarantee|֤
+Ͷ V SeekRefuge|Ͷ
+Ͷʴ V include|,ResultWhole=army|,military|
+Ͷҵ绰 N facilities|ʩ,*communicate|
+Ͷ V propose|,content=price|۸,commercial|
+Ͷ V start|ʼ,content=produce|,industrial|
+Ͷ V surrender|,military|
+Ͷ V drop|Ͷ,patient=weapon|
+Ͷ V throw|,patient=weapon|
+Ͷ N human|,*throw|,military|
+Ͷ V betray|,military|
+Ͷ V post|ʼ
+ͶԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*post|ʼ
+Ͷ V spend|
+Ͷ V submit|,possession=readings|
+Ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+Ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+Ͷ V venture|ð,content=earn|,commercial|
+Ͷ V venture|ð,content=earn|,commercial|
+Ͷѷ N human|,*venture|ð,#earn|,commercial|
+Ͷ N human|,*venture|ð,treacherous|,politics|
+Ͷȡ V venture|ð,content=seek|ıȡ
+Ͷ N human|,*venture|ð,#earn|,commercial|
+Ͷ N human|,*venture|ð,#earn|,commercial|
+Ͷ V surrender|
+Ͷ V surrender|,military|
+Ͷ V put|
+Ͷ V engage|,content=exam|
+Ͷ V SeekRefuge|Ͷ
+Ͷ V shoot|,sport|
+ͶƱ V drop|Ͷ,patient=document|,time=select|ѡ
+ͶƱ V drop|Ͷ,patient=document|,purpose=oppose|
+ͶƱ N time|ʱ,day|,@drop|Ͷ,#document|,#select|ѡ
+ͶƱ N tool|þ,*drop|Ͷ,#document|,#select|ѡ
+ͶƱ V drop|Ͷ,patient=document|,purpose=agree|ͬ
+ͶƱվ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@drop|Ͷ,#document|,#select|ѡ
+ͶƱ N human|,*select|ѡ
+Ͷ V fit|ʺ
+Ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+Ͷ N fund|ʽ,$provide|
+Ͷ V provide|,possession=fund|ʽ
+Ͷ V put|
+Ͷ V illuminate|
+Ͷ V throw|
+Ͷ V include|
+Ͷʦ V study|ѧ
+Ͷ N human|,*exercise|
+Ͷ V transmit|
+Ͷ V reside|ס
+Ͷ V accuse|ظ
+Ͷұ V associate|,manner=friend|
+Ͷ V drop|Ͷ
+ͶЧ V endeavour|
+ͶӰ N trace|,#lights|
+Ͷ V throw|
+Ͷע V put|
+Ͷ V provide|,possession=fund|ʽ,commercial|
+Ͷ N human|,*provide|,#fund|ʽ,commercial|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,InFront|ǰ
+ͷ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&head|ͷ
+ͷ N human|,official|
+ͷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ͷ N part|,%event|¼,aspect|
+ͷ N part|,%physical|,*surplus|ʣ
+ͷ N part|,%physical|,edge|
+ͷ N part|,%physical|,head|ͷ
+ͷ N part|,%physical|,tail|β
+ͷ N part|,%time|ʱ,ending|ĩ
+ͷ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ͷ N part|,%publications|鿯
+ͷͷ N part|,%publications|鿯
+ͷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ͷ N fund|ʽ
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ͷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ͷ N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ͷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ͷǹ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ͷ N result|,#succeed|ɹ,desired|
+ͷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ͷ V dizzy|
+ͷ N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+ͷ N clothing|,#head|ͷ
+ͷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ͷ N part|,%furniture|Ҿ
+ͷ N clothing|,#head|ͷ,*protect|
+ͷ N location|λ,InFront|ǰ
+ͷ N time|ʱ,past|
+ͷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ͷ N livestock|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ͷ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,#female|Ů
+ͷ N human|,desired|,important|
+ͷĿ N human|,official|,undesired|ݬ,crime|
+ͷ N thinking|˼
+ͷԷ V flurried|
+ͷԿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ͷƤ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ͷƤ N stone|ʯ,#AnimalHuman|,#hair|ë,waste|
+ͷƤм N stone|ʯ,#AnimalHuman|,#hair|ë,waste|
+ͷѪ V unfortunate|
+ͷ N phenomena|,sport|
+ͷ N human|,official|
+ͷ N material|,linear|,*weave|
+ͷ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ͷʭ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ͷ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ͷ V painful|ʹ
+ͷ N time|ʱ,begin|ʼ,day|
+ͷ N time|ʱ,past|,day|
+ͷʹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ͷʹ V painful|ʹ
+ͷͷǵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ͷ N attribute|,occupation|ְλ,&human|
+ͷ N image|ͼ,$carve|
+ͷм N stone|ʯ,#AnimalHuman|,#hair|ë,waste|
+ͷ N part|,%event|¼,nerve|
+ͷ N bird|
+ͷ N livestock|
+ͷһ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ͷ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ
+ͷ V dizzy|
+ͷ N human|,official|
+ V GoThrough|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|,desired|
+ V appear|
+ V soak|
+ V stab|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,deep|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ V dredge|ͨ
+ V reveal|¶
+ V reveal|¶,patient=event|¼
+ V GoThrough|
+ N tool|þ,*look|
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ V understand|
+© V reveal|¶
+¶ V reveal|¶
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+ N attribute|,clearness|,thing|
+ƽ N machine|
+ V dredge|ͨ
+ V respire|
+ V GoThrough|
+ V diagnose|,means=look|,medical|ҽ
+ N RainSnow|ѩ
+֧ V collect|
+֧ V collect|,commercial|
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=protruding|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,protruding|
+ N tool|þ,*print|ӡˢ
+߽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ N part|,%implement|
+ N part|,%machine|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,protruding|
+澵 N tool|þ,*look|,#enlarge|
+ N tool|þ,*look|,#enlarge|
+ͺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,blunt|
+ͺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,empty|
+ͺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ
+ͺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,empty|,#hair|ë
+ͺ N human|,#disease|,#hair|ë
+ͺ N bird|
+ͻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+ͻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,protruding|
+ͻ V run|
+ͻ V change|,manner=sudden|
+ͻ N fact|,change|
+ͻ V FormChange|α,StateFin=protruding|
+ͻ V GoOut|ȥ
+ͻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+ͻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,protruding|
+ͻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ͻ V express|ʾ
+ͻ N part|,%entity|ʵ,important|
+ͻΧ V GoOut|ȥ,LocationIni=surround|Χ
+ͻͽ V GoForward|ǰ,manner=fast|
+ͻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+ͻ V attack|,manner=sudden|,military|
+ͻ V endeavour|
+ͻ N part|,%army|
+ͻ N human|,*endeavour|
+ͻ N human|,able|,desired|
+ͻ˹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Tunisiaͻ˹)
+ͻ˹ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Tunisia|ͻ˹)
+ͻ˹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ͻ˹ N human|,(Tunisia|ͻ˹)
+ͻ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ͻ V split|ƿ
+ͻƿ N part|,%place|ط,mouth|
+ͻ V happen|,manner=sudden|
+ͻ V rise|
+ͻȻ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+ͻȻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+ͻȻ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+ͻ V happen|,manner=sudden|
+ͻΧ V split|ƿ,patient=surround|Χ,military|
+ͻϮ V attack|,manner=sudden|,military|
+ͻأ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|,undesired|ݬ
+ͻأ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ͻ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ͼ N image|ͼ
+ͼ N image|ͼ,#earth|,#country|
+ͼ N image|ͼ,$draw|
+ͼ N plans|滮
+ͼ V plan|ƻ
+ͼ V seek|ıȡ
+ͼ N thought|ͷ
+ͼ V try|
+ͼ N image|ͼ
+ͼ N tool|þ,*print|ӡˢ
+ͼ N symbol|,#computer|
+ͼ ADJ image|ͼ
+ͼ N stationery|ľ,*fix|ס
+ͼ N money|,(Mongolia|ɹ)
+ͼ N image|ͼ,$draw|
+ͼ N stationery|ľ
+ͼ N publications|鿯,#image|ͼ
+ͼ N image|ͼ
+ͼ N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|
+ͼ N text|,*explain|˵
+ͼı V plan|ƻ
+ͼƬ N image|ͼ
+ͼƬ N image|ͼ,$TakePicture|
+ͼ N publications|鿯,#image|ͼ
+ͼذ V CauseToAppear|,patient=purpose|Ŀ
+ͼ N publications|鿯,mass|
+ͼ N InstitutePlace|,@read|,@borrow|,#readings|
+ͼݹԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*manage|
+ͼ N room|,@read|
+ͼ N thing|
+ͼIJï ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ͼ N image|ͼ
+ͼ N image|ͼ
+ͼ N image|ͼ,*produce|
+ͼ N stationery|ľ
+ͼֽ N image|ͼ,*build|
+ͽ ADV aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ͽ N human|
+ͽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*study|ѧ,employee|Ա
+ͽ N human|,*study|ѧ
+ͽ N human|,*study|ѧ,#religion|ڽ
+ͽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,walk|
+ͽ N human|,*study|ѧ
+ͽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*study|ѧ,employee|Ա
+ͽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ͽ V fail|ʧ
+ͽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ͽȻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ͽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,#fight|
+ͽ N fact|,punish|,#detain|ס,police|
+ͽͽ N human|,*study|ѧ,mass|
+ͽͽ N human|,*study|ѧ,undesired|ݬ,mass|
+; N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+; N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#tour|,@reside|ס
+; PREP {LocationThru}
+; N method|
+; N location|λ,%route|·
+Ϳ V apply|ͿĨ
+Ϳ V draw|
+Ϳ V remove|
+Ϳ N part|,%physical|,skin|Ƥ
+Ϳ V alter|ı,manner=apply|ͿĨ
+Ϳ N material|,*apply|ͿĨ,generic|ͳ
+ͿĨ V apply|ͿĨ
+ͿĨ V draw|
+Ϳ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Ϳ V apply|ͿĨ
+Ϳˢ V apply|ͿĨ
+Ϳѻ V draw|
+Ϳ֬Ĩ V MakeUp|ױ
+Ϳ֬Ĩ V beautify|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V kill|ɱ
+ N tool|þ,*cut|,*split|ƿ
+ N human|,*cut|,*split|ƿ,#livestock|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*kill|ɱ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cut|,*split|ƿ,#livestock|
+¾ V kill|ɱ,crime|
+ɱ V kill|ɱ,agricultural|ũ
+ɱ V kill|ɱ,crime|
+ V kill|ɱ,agricultural|ũ
+׳ N InstitutePlace|,*kill|ɱ,agricultural|ũ
+˰ N expenditure|,#kill|ɱ,agricultural|ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,pattern|ʽ,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ N land|½
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Turkey|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Turkmenistan|˹̹)
+ N stone|ʯ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,unable|ӹ
+ N bird|
+߽ V perish|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N beast|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ
+ N humanized|
+ N land|½
+ظĸ V improve|,patient=land|½
+ N humanized|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Turkey|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ N money|,(Turkey|)
+ N human|,(Turky|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N method|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&stone|ʯ
+ N affairs|
+ N document|,medical|ҽ,#medicine|ҩ
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,*rob|
+ V improve|,patient=land|½
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|
+ʵ N human|,undesired|ݬ,fierce|,official|
+ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V build|
+ N affairs|,*build|
+˹̹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+˹̹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+˹̹ N human|,(Turkmenistan|˹̹)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ù N medicine|ҩ
+ľ N building|
+ľ N affairs|,*build|
+ N material|,*build|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,pattern|ʽ,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+ N stone|ʯ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#stone|ʯ
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N human|,#place|ط
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ʯ N stone|ʯ
+ʯ N stone|ʯ,?material|
+ʯ CLAS NounUnit|,&stone|ʯ
+˾ N human|,official|
+ز N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ
+زƷ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ
+ N celestial|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ V bury|
+ N regulation|,politics|
+ֽ N paper|ֽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,stone|ʯ
+ N attribute|,property|,stone|ʯ
+ N human|,#place|ط
+ N human|,*reside|ס
+ר N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V return|
+ V speak|˵
+ V vomit|³
+³ V vomit|³
+¹ V improve|
+¶ V reveal|¶
+¶ V tell|
+ĭ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ V pregnant|,agricultural|ũ
+к V StomachTrouble|֢
+Ѫ V bleed|Ѫ
+緼 N bird|
+ N livestock|
+ô N disease|,#mouth|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ V sorrowful|
+ V flee|,manner=fast|
+ N livestock|
+βͳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N water|ˮ
+ļ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ļ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N water|ˮ
+ V PlayWith|Ū
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,round|Բ
+ N community|
+ N community|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%army|
+ N shape|,round|Բ
+ų N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,entertainment|
+ų N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ų N human|,official|
+ŶӾ N mental|,#coordinate|Э,desired|
+ŷ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+Ż N community|,undesired|ݬ
+Ž ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+Ž V ally|
+Žһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+Žһ V ally|
+ž V meet|
+ N fish|
+ N part|,%fish|,body|
+ N community|
+ N fact|,sport|
+ N fact|,sport|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,round|Բ
+ N fish|
+Ա N human|,#community|
+Ա N human|,#organization|֯
+Բ V meet|
+Բ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ V TakeAway|ᶯ
+ V deduce|
+ V delay|
+ V endorse|ӵ
+ V push|
+ V refuse|
+ V select|ѡ
+ V turn|Ťת
+ V urge|ʹ
+ƱԴ V investigate|
+Ʋ V CauseToGrow|ʹɳ
+Ʋ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,^true|
+Ʋ V deduce|
+Ʋ V guess|²
+Ƴ N human|,*push|,#LandVehicle|
+Ƴ³ V improve|
+Ƴ V WellTreat|ƴ
+Ƴ V delay|
+Ƴ V endorse|ӵ
+Ƴ V propose|
+ƴ V reject|ؾ
+Ƶ V deny|
+Ƶ V reverse|ߵ
+Ƶ V deduce|
+ƶ V choose|ѡ
+ƶ V deduce|
+ƶ V urge|ʹ
+ƶ N attribute|,strength|,&physical|
+ƶ N human|,*urge|ʹ
+ƶ V deduce|
+ƶ V guess|²
+ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ƶ V deduce|
+Ʒ V defeat|սʤ
+Ʒ V deny|
+Ʒ V reverse|ߵ
+ƹ V disseminate|
+Ƽ V recommend|Ƽ
+Ƽ N human|,*recommend|Ƽ
+ƽ V GoForward|ǰ
+ƽ V GoForward|ǰ,military|
+ƽ V mobilize|
+ƽ N material|,*mobilize|
+ƽ N human|,*urge|ʹ
+ƾ V check|
+ƾ V research|о
+ƾ V select|ѡ
+ V deduce|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&entity|ʵ
+ V deduce|
+ V cure|ҽ,means=press|ѹ,medical|ҽ
+ V think|˼
+ V investigate|
+ȴ V refuse|
+ V refuse|
+ V refuse|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|,*judge|ö
+ V calculate|
+ͷ V MakeUp|ױ,patient=hair|ë
+ͷ V MakeUp|ױ,scope=hair|ë
+ N LandVehicle|
+ V refuse|
+ V refuse|
+ί V refuse|
+ V guess|²
+ V sell|,commercial|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*sell|,commercial|
+ж V refuse|
+ø V believe|
+ V conduct|ʵʩ
+ѡ V select|ѡ
+ V delay|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ V grow|ɳ
+ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ
+ V refuse|
+õ N human|,*reject|ؾ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ V decline|˥
+ V disheartened|
+ǰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƿ V disheartened|
+ V disheartened|
+ ADJ disheartened|
+Ȼ V disheartened|
+ɥ V disheartened|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,wane|˥,&entity|ʵ
+ ADJ attribute|,outlook|ǰ,wane|˥,&thing|
+ V disheartened|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,leg|
+ N part|,%physical|,leg|
+ȶ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,leg|
+Ƚ N attribute|,ability|,#walk|,&human|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,leg|
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ V StripOff|ȥ
+ɱ V change|
+ɻ V StripOff|ȥ
+ɻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ɻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ɻʷ N human|,extravagant|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ V StripOff|ȥ
+ɫ V AppearanceChange|۱,scope=color|ɫ
+ V GoBackward|
+ V MoveItBack|
+ V cease|ͣ
+ V decline|˥
+ V refuse|
+ V remove|
+ V return|
+ V withdraw|˳
+˱ V escape|
+˱ V escape|
+˱ V GoBackward|,military|
+˱ V GoBackward|,patient=army|,military|
+˲ V inferior|
+˳ V withdraw|˳,SourceWhole=fact|
+˳ V decline|˥
+˳ V withdraw|˳
+˵ V withdraw|˳,SourceWhole=organization|֯,politics|
+˹ V withdraw|˳,SourceWhole=community|,commercial|
+˻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+˻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,bad|
+˻ V decline|˥
+˻ V return|
+˻ V exchange|
+˻ V GoBack|
+˻ V return|
+˻ V cease|ͣ,content=GetMarried|
+˻ V cease|ͣ,content=community|
+˻ V withdraw|˳,SourceWhole=community|
+˻ N method|,produce|
+˻ V return|,possession=physical|,commercial|
+˾ N decline|˥
+˾ V withdraw|˳
+˿ V return|,possession=fund|ʽ
+· N facilities|ʩ,linear|,route|·,@GoBackward|
+· N space|ռ
+ V recompense|
+Ʊ V coupon|Ʊ֤,commercial|
+Ʊ V return|,possession=coupon|Ʊ֤,commercial|
+ V decline|˥
+ V cease|ͣ,content=GetMarried|
+ȴ V GoBackward|
+ȴ V GoBackward|,military|
+ V surrender|
+ V remove|,patient=fever|
+ɫ V AppearanceChange|۱,scope=color|ɫ
+ V remove|,patient=fever|
+˰ V return|,possession=expenditure|,commercial|
+ V GoBackward|
+λ V cease|ͣ,content=undertake|,politics|
+ V withdraw|˳,SourceWhole=army|,military|
+ϯ V withdraw|˳,SourceWhole=fact|
+ V cease|ͣ,content=undertake|
+ݽ N payment|
+ N attribute|,age|,&cease|ͣ,#occupation|ְλ
+ҽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ N human|,*cease|ͣ
+ѧ V cease|ͣ,content=study|ѧ,education|
+ V withdraw|˳,SourceWhole=army|,military|
+ V cease|ͣ,content=undertake|,politics|
+ְ V cease|ͣ,content=undertake|
+ V swallow|
+ V take|ȡ
+̲ V occupy|ռ
+̲ V occupy|ռ,military|
+û V cheat|ƭ
+û V occupy|ռ
+ V endure|
+ʳ V swallow|
+ V swallow|
+ V handle|
+ N quantity|,amount|,#transport|,&physical|
+ V KeepSilence|˵
+ V swallow|
+ N place|ط,village|
+ V reside|ס,military|
+ V store|
+Ϳ V engage|,content=affairs|,agricultural|ũ,military|
+ V engage|,content=affairs|,agricultural|ũ,military|
+ V reside|ס,military|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+β N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N part|,%animal|,tail|β
+ V delay|
+ V pull|
+ϰ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ϳ N LandVehicle|,$pull|
+ϴ N ship|,*pull|
+ϴ V pull|
+Ϻ V obstruct|ֹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lazy|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|,undesired|ݬ
+ N machine|,#crop|ׯ,*transport|
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ V relate|й
+ N ship|,*pull|
+ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lazy|,undesired|ݬ
+ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƿ V owe|Ƿ
+ N tool|þ,*catch|ס,#fish|
+洬 N ship|,*catch|ס,#fish|
+Ь N clothing|,#foot|
+ V delay|
+ N human|,*delay|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lazy|,undesired|ݬ
+ V ServeAsFoil|
+ V SupportWeight|ס
+ V depend|
+ V entrust|ί
+ V refuse|
+ N tool|þ,*SupportWeight|ס
+б N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+д N reason|
+ж N human|,friend|,*engage|,#crime|
+ж N InstitutePlace|,*TakeCare|,#young|,#human|
+и V depend|
+и V entrust|ί
+й V deceive|ƭ
+й V manage|
+й» N part|,%institution|,politics|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+лҰ N tool|þ,*SupportWeight|ס,#build|
+м N tool|þ,*PropUp|֧
+˹ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,#physical|,commercial|
+ V entrust|ί
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#edible|ʳ
+ V entrust|ί
+Ҷ N part|,%plant|ֲ,hair|ë
+ V entrust|ί,ResultEvent=transport|
+˵ N bill|Ʊ,*entrust|ί,#transport|
+ N human|,*entrust|ί,#transport|
+ N physical|,$transport|
+ס V SupportWeight|ס
+ N tool|þ,*SupportWeight|ס
+ V StripOff|ȥ
+ V fall|
+ V leave|뿪
+ V remove|
+Ѱ V due|
+Ѳ V cease|ͣ,content=produce|
+ѳ V leave|뿪
+ѷ N disease|
+Ѹ V disease|
+Ѹ V succeed|ɹ
+ѹ V disconnect|
+ѹ V separate|,partner=facilities|ʩ
+ѻ V BeIndependent|,partner=computer|
+ѽ V lose|ʧȥ,possession=material|
+ѽ V separate|,patient=material|
+ѽ V separate|
+Ѿ N disease|
+ѿ V separate|
+ѿڶ V speak|˵,manner=sudden|
+ V disconnect|
+Ӵ V disconnect|
+Σ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,safe|,desired|
+ V separate|,patient=crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ N machine|,*separate|,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ V remove|,patient=material|,industrial|
+© V disappear|ʧ
+ V fall|
+ä V study|ѧ,content=character|
+ë V lose|ʧȥ,possession=hair|ë
+ë V remove|,patient=hair|ë
+ë N medicine|ҩ,*remove|,#hair|ë
+ë ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,remove|,#hair|ë
+ñ V StripOff|ȥ,patient=clothing|
+ƶ V disconnect|,partner=poor|
+ƶ¸ V become|Ϊ,isa=rich|
+ V due|
+ V remove|,patient=gas|,industrial|
+ɫ V AlterColor|ɫ
+ɫ V AppearanceChange|۱,scope=color|ɫ
+ V leave|뿪
+ V fall|
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ V sell|
+ˮ V disease|
+ˮ V remove|,patient=liquid|Һ
+ˮ V remove|,patient=liquid|Һ,industrial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+̥ V forming|γ
+̥ V amend|
+ V flee|
+λ N disease|
+ V escape|,cause=dangerous|Σ
+ V disappear|ʧ,#sell|,commercial|
+ V remove|,patient=chemical|ѧ
+ V remove|,patient=gas|,industrial|
+Ǻ N part|,%animate|
+ӱ V appear|
+ V lose|ʧȥ,possession=hair|ë
+֬ V remove|,patient=material|,industrial|
+ N bird|,^fly|
+ N bird|,^fly|
+ N regulation|,politics|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N tool|þ,*recreation|
+ V CarryOnBack|
+ N livestock|
+ N inanimate|,commercial|
+ N beast|
+ V disable|м,partof=body|
+ձ V disable|м,partof=body|
+ձ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*disable|м
+շ N part|,%livestock|
+¹ N beast|
+ N material|,?clothing|,?tool|þ
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,RedBrown|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*disable|м
+ N character|,(China|й)
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,round|Բ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+Э V coordinate|Э
+ V CauseToGrow|ʹɳ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V produce|
+ذ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ػ V engage|,agricultural|ũ
+ػ N human|,*start|ʼ
+ؿ V enlarge|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+չ V enlarge|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ V vomit|³
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ĭ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ V abandon|
+Һ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ V dig|ھ
+ڳ V dig|ھ
+ھ V dig|ھ
+ھ N machine|,*dig|ھ
+ھDZ V use|,patient=strength|
+ڿ˼ V think|˼
+ڿ V satirize|
+DZ V use|,patient=strength|
+ǽ V MakeTrouble|
+ ECHO sound|
+ N beast|
+ N human|,military|
+Ӿ V exercise|,#swim|,sport|
+Ӿ N fact|,swim|,sport|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,dented|
+ݵ N land|½
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,dented|
+ N human|,young|
+ N livestock|,young|
+ N human|,young|
+ N fish|
+ N human|,employee|Ա,young|
+ N human|,young|
+ N livestock|,young|
+ N material|,?building|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&electricity|
+ߵ N tool|þ,*build|
+߶ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Liechtenstein|֧ʿ)
+߷ N house|
+߹ N affairs|,#build|
+߹ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*build|,industrial|
+ӶŹ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(the Upper Volta|ֶ)
+߽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*build|,industrial|
+߽ V destroy|
+߽ V end|ս
+߽ V perish|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Malta|)
+ֽ N material|
+ N stone|ʯ
+¢ N part|,%building|,skin|Ƥ
+¢ N fish|
+˹ N material|,gas|,*burn|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&electricity|
+ N clothing|,#foot|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ N clothing|,#foot|
+Ͳ N part|,%clothing|,#foot|
+ N clothing|,#foot|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,slanted|
+ N attribute|,SocialMode|,bad|,&human|,&organization|֯
+а N attribute|,SocialMode|,bad|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ V alter|ı,StateIni=true|,StateFin=fake|α
+ŤŤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,slanted|
+б ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,slanted|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,informal|ʽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,other|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,external|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,foreign|
+ N location|λ,external|
+װ N tool|þ,*wrap|
+ N money|,foreign|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,external|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,foreign|
+ N location|λ,external|
+ N place|ط
+ N attribute|,appearance|,&physical|
+ N location|λ,external|
+ N part|,%physical|,skin|Ƥ
+ N human|,foreign|,*visit|
+Ⲻ N place|ط,city|,other|
+ⲿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,external|
+ⲿ N location|λ,external|
+ⲿ N part|,%physical|,skin|Ƥ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,external|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ
+ռ N celestial|
+ⳤ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,diplomatic|⽻
+ V GoOut|ȥ
+ V disseminate|
+ N readings|
+ N part|,%computer|
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,leg|
+ N human|,enemy|,foreign|
+ N place|ط,other|
+ N human|
+ N news|
+ V transport|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*listen|
+ N disease|
+ⷽ N human|,foreign|
+ V apply|ͿĨ
+ N facilities|ʩ,#ship|,*stay|ͣ
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ V buy|,source=foreign|
+ N attribute|,appearance|,&physical|
+۱ V AppearanceChange|۱
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,external|,country|
+ N place|ط,country|
+ N human|,foreign|
+ N language|,foreign|
+Ƥ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ N attribute|,name|,&entity|ʵ
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ
+ N money|,foreign|
+㴢 N fund|ʽ
+Ƽ N quantity|,rate|,&money|,commercial|
+ N artifact|˹,commercial|,foreign|,generic|ͳ
+⼮ N attribute|,attachment|,foreign|,&human|
+ V add|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N community|
+ N place|ط
+ N room|,%house|
+⽻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,diplomatic|⽻
+⽻ N institution|,diplomatic|⽻,ProperName|ר,politics|
+⽻ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,diplomatic|⽻
+⽻ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,diplomatic|⽻
+⽻ N human|,official|,diplomatic|⽻
+⽻ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|,#diplomatic|⽻
+⽻ʹ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,diplomatic|⽻
+⽻ʹ N community|,official|,diplomatic|⽻
+ N image|ͼ,angular|
+Բ N image|ͼ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,foreign|
+ N location|λ,external|,space|ռ
+ N place|ط
+⾭ó N institution|,*cooperate|,#commercial|,ProperName|ר,politics|
+⾰ N scene|,#TakePicture|
+⾰ N scene|,#perform|
+⾰ N scene|,external|
+ N army|,foreign|
+ N publications|鿯,foreign|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,medical|ҽ
+ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ N part|,%physical|,skin|Ƥ
+ N wealth|Ǯ,$earn|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,foreign|
+ N human|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N attribute|,strength|,&inanimate|
+ V GoOut|ȥ,commercial|
+¶ V exposure|¶
+ N ship|,foreign|
+ò N attribute|,appearance|,&human|
+ò N attribute|,appearance|,&physical|
+ó N affairs|,commercial|,#country|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,external|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,foreign|
+ N attribute|,appearance|,&physical|
+ N location|λ,external|
+ N part|,%physical|,skin|Ƥ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+Ƥ N part|,external|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,#royal|
+ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|,industrial|
+Ǩ V SelfMove|
+ǿи ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,#space|ռ,foreign|
+ N affairs|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ N human|,#space|ռ,foreign|
+ N human|,*RelateNot|
+ N disease|,wounded|
+ N human|,commercial|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+Ů N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ʡ N place|ط,other|
+ N affairs|,diplomatic|⽻
+ N location|λ
+ N human|,family|,male|
+Ů N human|,family|,female|Ů
+̥ N part|,%LandVehicle|,leg|
+ V flee|,LocationFin=foreign|
+ V flee|,LocationFin=other|
+ N clothing|
+ N clothing|,$PutOn|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*listen|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,foreign|
+ͷ N location|λ,external|
+Χ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,external|
+Χ N part|,%inanimate|,%space|ռ,edge|
+ N language|,foreign|
+ N affairs|
+ N affairs|,#country|
+ N facilities|ʩ,linear|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,diplomatic|⽻
+ N place|ط
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$transport|,#foreign|
+ V sell|
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,undesired|ݬ
+ N image|ͼ,dot|
+ N humanized|
+ N attribute|,form|״,&physical|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,unable|ӹ
+ N information|Ϣ
+ N fire|
+ N attribute|,appearance|,&physical|
+ N attribute|,attire|װ,&physical|
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ V MoveItOut|
+ N cause|ԭ
+ V use|
+ N language|,foreign|
+Ԯ V help|,source=foreign|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,external|
+ծ N wealth|Ǯ,$owe|Ƿ,$return|,foreign|
+ N clothing|
+ N fund|ʽ
+ҵ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|,industrial|
+ N human|,#space|ռ,foreign|
+游 N human|,family|,male|
+ĸ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+㶹 N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+㶹 N vegetable|߲
+㶹 N food|ʳƷ
+ V CausePartMove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+ N place|ط,curved|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·,curved|
+· N facilities|ʩ,route|·,curved|
+· N method|, wrong|
+· N method|,wrong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ N place|ط,curved|
+ N part|,%waters|ˮ,curved|
+ V WhileAway|
+ V despise|
+ V enjoy|
+ V WhileAway|
+ V despise|
+ V enjoy|
+ת V BeUnable|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V venture|ð
+ V end|ս
+ V despise|
+ְ V despise|,target=duty|
+ V venture|ð
+Է V perish|
+ N tool|þ,*recreation|,generic|ͳ
+ V WhileAway|
+ V venture|ð
+Ū V SeekPleasure|Ѱ
+ż N tool|þ,*recreation|
+ V enjoy|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ˣ V WhileAway|
+ζ V think|˼
+ N tool|þ,*recreation|,generic|ͳ
+Ц N fact|,tease|ȡ
+ N entity|ʵ,generic|ͳ
+ N tool|þ,*recreation|,generic|ͳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,mischievous|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+繣 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+̷ N human|,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+缲 N disease|,stubborn|
+翹 V resist|,manner=stubborn|
+Ƥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,mischievous|,undesired|ݬ
+ǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ʯͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+ͯ N human|,young|,mischievous|
+֢ N disease|,stubborn|
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ N shape|,round|Բ
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N shape|,round|Բ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,complete|,desired|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ V finish|
+ V pay|
+걸 ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,complete|,desired|
+ V finish|
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+군 V fail|ʧ
+ V fulfil|ʵ,patient=text|
+깤 V fulfil|ʵ,patient=fact|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,complete|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,complete|,desired|
+ V GetMarried|
+ V finish|
+꿢 V finish|
+ V finish|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,good|,desired|
+ȱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ȫ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,complete|,desired|
+ȫҪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ȫͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ N human|,desired|,great|ΰ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ V finish|
+˰ V pay|,possession=expenditure|
+ȫȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,complete|,desired|
+ N attribute|,wholeness|ȱ,&physical|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#food|ʳƷ
+ N furniture|Ҿ,cubic|,@put|,#tool|þ
+ N furniture|Ҿ,cubic|,@put|,#tool|þ
+ܹ N furniture|Ҿ,cubic|,@put|,#tool|þ
+ V coil|
+ V condole|°
+ V pull|
+ N music|,*condole|°
+ V TakeBack|ȡ
+ V rescue|
+ N text|,*condole|°
+ V detain|ס
+ʫ N music|,*condole|°
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,earliness|,late|,undesired|ݬ
+ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+ EXPR expression|,*SayHello|ʺ
+ N affairs|,#duty|,#sequence|,night|
+ N publications|鿯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clan|
+ N human|,clan|
+ N fact|,eat|,night|
+ N LandVehicle|,#night|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ V due|
+ N fact|,eat|,night|
+ N wind|,night|
+ N fact|,*recreation|
+ V GetMarried|,manner=late|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ N time|ʱ,#aged|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ,ending|ĩ
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ N time|ʱ,autumn|,ending|ĩ
+ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,ripe|,late|,agricultural|ũ
+˪ N RainSnow|ѩ
+ϼ N CloudMist|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N fact|,eat|,entertain|д
+ V GiveBirth|,late|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V sorry|ϧ
+ϧ V sorry|ϧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+ CONJ {contrast}
+ PREP {contrast}
+ CONJ {contrast}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,tactful|
+ V refuse|,manner=tactful|
+ N text|,tactful|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,tactful|
+Ȱ V persuade|Ȱ˵,manner=tactful|
+л V refuse|,manner=tactful|
+л V reject|ؾ,manner=tactful|
+Լ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,tactful|
+ת ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,good|,desired|
+ת ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,tactful|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|
+ V BeUnable|
+䲻 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ N location|λ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+֮һ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ų ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ N part|,%institution|,#facilities|ʩ,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+Ͳ N tool|þ,*recreation|
+Ͳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|
+ҵƻ N lights|
+ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ﳤ N facilities|ʩ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+¡ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Indonesia|ӡ)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,wane|˥,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,all|ȫ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ǧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|
+ǧ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+˿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ N event|¼,all|ȫ
+´ V lucky|
+ºͨ V lucky|
+ V lucky|
+ͨ N human|,able|
+ͨ N human|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ˮǧɽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+ N human|,royal|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ ADV {neg|}
+û ADV {neg|}
+ά N facilities|ʩ,#software|,@disseminate|,@communicate|,#information|Ϣ
+һʧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+ N entity|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,all|ȫ,desired|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Laos|)
+ V lucky|
+һ N attribute|,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ,&situation|״
+һ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+һ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+һ CONJ {condition|}
+Ӧ鵤 N medicine|ҩ
+ N attribute|,strength|,&physical|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,depth|,deep|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ N human|,mass|
+һ V ally|
+ǧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,arm|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&part|,#AnimalHuman|,#arm|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,arm|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,royal|
+ N fish|
+ N human|,male|,undesired|ݬ
+˵ EXPR expression|,*ExpressDissatisfaction|ʾ,undesired|ݬ
+˵ N human|,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+˵ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ N institution|,royal|
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|
+ N human|,royal|
+ N regulation|,*manage|,#country|
+ N house|,royal|
+ N human|,royal|
+ N house|,royal|
+ N clothing|,#head|ͷ,royal|
+ N place|ط,country|
+ N place|ط,country|,royal|
+ N human|,royal|
+ N human|,royal|,female|Ů
+ N food|ʳƷ,*cure|ҽ
+ N tool|þ,strong|ǿ,desired|,*win|ʤ
+Ȩ N attribute|,power|,royal|,&country|
+ N human|,royal|,family|
+ N institution|,royal|
+ N human|,royal|
+λ N attribute|,status|,royal|,&country|
+ N human|,royal|,male|
+ N human|,royal|,female|Ů
+ V defeat|սʤ
+ V die|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ V flee|
+ V lose|ʧȥ
+ V perish|
+ V die|
+ V perish|
+ū N human|,*lose|ʧȥ,#country|
+ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ
+ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,undesired|ݬ
+ V flee|
+ͽ N human|,fierce|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ V rescue|
+ V IllTreat|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ V alter|ı,patient=law|ɷ,StateIni=true|,StateFin=fake|α
+ V lavish|˷
+Ļ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ V catch|ס
+ N facilities|ʩ,#disseminate|,#communicate|,#transport|
+ N internet|
+ N shape|
+ N tool|þ,*catch|ס,#AnimalHuman|
+ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|,*sell|,@buy|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lenient|,desired|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+· N facilities|ʩ,#disseminate|,#communicate|,#transport|
+· N internet|
+ V include|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#disseminate|,#communicate|,#transport|
+ N internet|
+ṩ N InstitutePlace|,*provide|,#internet|
+ṩ N InstitutePlace|,*provide|,#internet|
+ N human|,#internet|
+ N SportTool|˶
+ N fact|,exercise|
+ N facilities|ʩ,@exercise|,#(tennis|)
+ N SportTool|˶,#(tennis|)
+Ȧ N community|,sport|
+ N location|λ,%internet|
+̳ N community|,sport|
+ N shape|
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ V LeaveFor|ǰ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,InFront|ǰ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,regular|,past|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,direction|,external|
+ V ToAndFro|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|,#ToAndFro|
+Ʊ N bill|Ʊ,#wealth|Ǯ,*TakeVehicle|,#aircraft|,ToAndFro|
+ V ToAndFro|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|,#ToAndFro|
+ N time|ʱ,future|
+ V associate|
+ V ToAndFro|
+ V associate|
+ N time|ʱ,past|
+ N time|ʱ,year|,past|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,past|
+ N fact|,past|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ N time|ʱ,past|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ N fire|,strong|ǿ
+ N time|ʱ,season|,busy|æ,#commercial|,#agricultural|ũ
+ʢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$sell|,commercial|
+ N time|ʱ,month|,busy|æ,#commercial|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N celestial|
+ V expect|
+ V look|
+ N time|ʱ,day|
+ V visit|
+ N material|,wood|ľ,*build|
+Ī V inferior|
+ȴ V GoBackward|
+η V fear|
+ V check|
+ V flee|
+ V flee|
+ V perception|֪,means=look|
+¥ N facilities|ʩ,@look|,@check|
+÷ֹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ N engage|,content=affairs|,religion|ڽ
+ȥ V look|
+ N time|ʱ,day|
+ V look|
+ V expect|
+̾ V BeUnable|
+Զ N tool|þ,*look|,#far|Զ
+ N celestial|
+ӳ V expect|,content=succeed|ɹ
+ V forget|
+ V forget|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+ V satisfied|
+ V forget|
+ V forget|
+꽻 N attribute|,relatedness|,intimate|,&human|
+꽻 N human|,friend|,intimate|,desired|
+ V aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+ V indulge|
+ȴ V forget|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,honest|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+Ӳ² V guess|²,manner=rash|ç
+ָ V estimate|,manner=rash|ç
+ N human|,greedy|̰
+ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ͼ V lavish|˷
+ N thought|ͷ,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ԷƱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ V force|ǿ
+ʿ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ʿ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,stately|ׯ,desired|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,stately|ׯ,desired|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N attribute|,strength|,&human|,&organization|֯
+˹ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Italy|)
+Ȩ N attribute|,power|,&human|,&organization|֯,&information|Ϣ
+ V frighten|Ż
+ʿ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+˹ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N attribute|,power|,&human|,&organization|֯,&information|Ϣ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ V frighten|Ż
+в V frighten|Ż
+ N attribute|,power|,&human|,&organization|֯,&information|Ϣ
+ɨ V unfortunate|,scope=disgraced|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,stately|ׯ,desired|
+Ρ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+Ρ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ΡȻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ΡȻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,stately|ׯ,desired|
+ΡȻ V stand|վ,manner=durable|
+ΡΡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,insufficiently|Ƿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,small|С
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|,light|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|,undesired|ݬ
+ N shape|
+¯ N tool|þ,cubic|,@cook|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,negligible|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%computer|
+ N part|,%computer|
+ N text|,*ExpressDissatisfaction|ʾ
+һɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|,light|
+ N computer|
+ N part|,%physical|
+ N image|ͼ,$carve|
+ V adjust|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N wind|,weak|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ N lights|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ N fire|,weak|
+ N computer|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,chilly|
+ N fund|ʽ,$earn|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С
+ N part|,%physical|
+ N shape|,small|С
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|
+Ԫ N part|,%physical|
+ã ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ N unit|λ,&length|
+ N unit|λ,&time|ʱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,refined|
+ĩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,negligible|,undesired|ݬ
+ N InstitutePlace|,#software|,commercial|
+˾ N InstitutePlace|,#software|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N bacteria|,generic|ͳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,sour|,ish|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С
+Ц V laugh|Ц,manner=gentle|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С
+ͻ N computer|
+Ѫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+Դ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+Σ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Σ V damage|
+Σ N phenomena|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+Σ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+Σ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Guatemala|Σ)
+Σ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Guatemala|Σ)
+Σ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+Σ N human|,(Guatemala|Σ)
+Σ N building|,dangerous|Σ
+Σ V damage|
+Σ N phenomena|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+Σķ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+Σ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+Σ V damage|
+Σ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+Σ N attribute|,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,&human|,&organization|֯
+Σ N attribute|,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,&human|,&organization|֯
+Σ N phenomena|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+Σ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+Σ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+Σ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+Σ N phenomena|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+Σ N phenomena|,dangerous|Σ
+Σ V frighten|Ż
+ΣڵϦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+Σ V ill|̬,manner=dangerous|Σ
+Σ V ill|̬,dangerous|Σ
+Τ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Τ N material|,?clothing|,?tool|þ
+Υ V FitNot|
+Υ V disobey|Υ
+Υ V disobey|Υ
+Υ N human|,*disobey|Υ
+Υ V disobey|Υ,content=law|ɷ
+ΥҼ V disobey|Υ,content=law|ɷ
+ΥΪ N fact|,act|ж,crime|,#police|
+Υ V disobey|Υ
+Υ V disobey|Υ
+Υ N human|,*disobey|Υ
+Υ V disobey|Υ,content=regulation|
+Υ V disobey|Υ,content=regulation|
+Υ V disobey|Υ
+Υ V disobey|Υ
+Υ V err|,sport|
+Υ V delay|
+Υ V disobey|Υ,content=law|ɷ
+Υ V disobey|Υ,content=willing|Ը
+ΥԼ V disobey|Υ,content=MakeAppointment|Լ
+Υ V disobey|Υ,content=system|ƶ
+Υ V disobey|Υ
+Φ N part|,%ship|
+Φ N tool|þ,#ship|,*illuminate|
+Φ N part|,%ship|
+Χ V surround|Χ
+Χ N clothing|,#head|ͷ
+Χ N place|ط,@catch|ס,#beast|,agricultural|ũ
+Χ V surround|Χ,content=city|
+ΧǴԮ V attack|,military|
+Χ V attack|,means=surround|Χ,military|
+Χ V look|
+Χ V protect|
+Χ V attack|,means=surround|Χ,military|
+Χ V destroy|,means=surround|Χ,military|
+Χ V destroy|,means=surround|Χ,military|
+Χ N clothing|,#head|ͷ
+Χ V block|ס,means=surround|Χ,military|
+Χ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@foster|,#livestock|
+Χ£ V ComeTogether|
+Χ N furniture|Ҿ,*decorate|װ,*cover|ڸ
+Χ N SportTool|˶,*recreation|
+Χǽ N part|,%building|,skin|Ƥ
+Χȹ N clothing|,#leg|,#cook|
+Χ V GoRound|Χ
+Χ V surround|Χ
+Χ N tool|þ,*catch|ס,#fish|
+Χκ V help|
+Χ N facilities|ʩ,#water|ˮ,space|ռ
+Χ V sit|
+Ψ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,single|
+Ψ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,single|
+Ψ V fear|
+Ψ² V expect|,content=unfortunate|
+Ψͼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰,undesired|ݬ
+ΨΨŵŵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,undesired|ݬ
+ΨҶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+Ψ֤ N thinking|˼
+Ψ N thinking|˼
+Ψʷ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+Ψ N thinking|˼
+Ψ N human|,#thinking|˼
+Ψ N thinking|˼
+Ψ N human|,#thinking|˼
+Ψһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,single|
+Ψһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+Ψ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,single|
+Ω ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,single|
+Ω COOR {but|}
+Ω ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,single|
+ΩҶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+Ωһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,single|
+Ω ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,single|
+Ϊ V become|Ϊ
+Ϊ V be|
+Ϊ V do|
+Ϊ V mean|ָ
+Ϊ PREP {beneficiary}
+Ϊ PREP {cause}
+Ϊ PREP {purpose}
+Ϊ ... V mobilize|
+Ϊ ... V remove|,patient=bacteria|
+Ϊ ... ϴ V wash|ϴ,religion|ڽ
+Ϊ CONJ {cause|ԭ}
+Ϊ V do|,content=crime|,crime|
+Ϊ V damage|
+Ϊ ADV reason|,question|
+Ϊ V help|,patient=undesired|ݬ
+Ϊ V help|,patient=undesired|ݬ
+Ϊ V help|,patient=undesired|ݬ
+Ϊ V MakeTrouble|
+Ϊ V seek|ıȡ,possession=pros|
+Ϊ PREP {purpose}
+Ϊ CONJ {purpose}
+Ϊ PREP {purpose}
+Ϊ V seek|ıȡ,possession=glorious|
+Ϊ V MakeTrouble|
+Ϊ V embarrassed|Ϊ
+Ϊ V be|,isa=time|ʱ
+ΪڲԶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+Ϊ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+Ϊ˴ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+Ϊ V do|,beneficiary=human|
+Ϊʦ V worth|ֵ,content=example|ʵ
+Ϊ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+Ϊɶ ADV reason|,question|
+Ϊ V MakeLiving|ı
+Ϊʱ V be|,isa=time|ʱ
+Ϊʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,earliness|,early|,over|
+Ϊʲô ADV {cause|ԭ,question|}
+Ϊ V be|,descriptive=official|
+Ϊ V AmountTo|ܼ
+Ϊ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+Ϊ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+Ϊڶ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ΪΪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+Ϊ V associate|
+Ϊ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,suitable|,desired|
+Ϊ֮ PP {cause}
+Ϊֹ PREP {TimeFin}
+Ϋ N waters|ˮ,linear|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ϋ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ά V connect|
+ά V keep|
+ά V protect|
+ά V keep|
+ά N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Seychelles|)
+ά V endorse|ӵ
+ά V protect|
+ά N human|,*protect|
+ά N material|
+άάФ V BeSimilar|
+άάФ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|,desired|
+ά N medicine|ҩ,*improve|
+άA N medicine|ҩ,*improve|
+άB N medicine|ҩ,*improve|
+άC N medicine|ҩ,*improve|
+άD N medicine|ҩ,*improve|
+ά N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ά N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+άϵ V connect|
+άϵ V keep|
+ά V improve|
+ά V repair|
+ά N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*repair|
+άҲ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Austria|µ)
+έ N FlowerGrass|,?material|
+έ N waters|ˮ,#FlowerGrass|
+έϯ N tool|þ,@LieDown|
+έ N FlowerGrass|,?material|
+ή V decline|˥
+ή V decline|˥,agricultural|ũ
+ή N disease|
+ή V decline|˥,agricultural|ũ
+ή V decline|˥
+ή V decline|˥,commercial|
+ή V decline|˥,medical|ҽ
+ήл V decline|˥
+ήл V decline|˥,agricultural|ũ
+ί V CauseToBe|ʹ֮
+ί V TakeAway|ᶯ
+ί V entrust|ί
+ί V refuse|
+ί V tired|ƣ
+ί V disheartened|
+ί ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Venezuela|ί)
+ί N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+ί N human|,(Venezuela|ί)
+ί V employ|
+ί ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+ί N part|,%event|¼
+ίȫ V surrender|
+ί V IllTreat|
+ί V unsatisfied|
+ί V CauseToBe|ʹ֮
+ί N human|,*CauseToBe|ʹ֮
+ίʵ ADV aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ί ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,trivial|,undesired|ݬ
+ί ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+ί V entrust|ί
+ίд N human|,*help|
+ί N human|,*entrust|ί
+ί N document|,*entrust|ί
+ί ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,tactful|
+ί V CauseToBe|ʹ֮
+ίԱ N human|,official|
+ίԱ N human|,official|,politics|
+ίԱ N institution|
+ί V IllTreat|
+ΰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ΰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ΰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ΰĴ N affairs|,new|,special|,great|ΰ
+ΰ N result|,desired|,#succeed|ɹ
+ΰ N attribute|,strength|,strong|ǿ,&entity|ʵ
+ΰ N human|,great|ΰ
+ΰҵ N affairs|,great|ΰ
+ΰҵ N result|,desired|,#succeed|ɹ
+α ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+α ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+α N money|,fake|α
+α N money|,undesired|ݬ
+α N money|,fake|α
+α N army|,undesired|ݬ
+α N human|,undesired|ݬ,fake|α
+α ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+α V forge|α
+α ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+α V forge|α
+αȨ N institution|,undesired|ݬ
+α֤ N information|Ϣ,*prove|֤,fake|α,#police|
+αװ V cover|ڸ
+αװ V cover|ڸ,military|
+αװ N method|,&physical|,fake|α,*deceive|ƭ
+αװ V pretend|װ
+αװ N tool|þ,&physical|,fake|α,*deceive|ƭ
+β N part|,%AnimalHuman|,tail|β
+β N part|,%physical|,*surplus|ʣ
+β N part|,%time|ʱ,ending|ĩ
+β N human|,*obey|ѭ
+β N part|,%AnimalHuman|,tail|β
+β N part|,%physical|
+β N part|,%physical|,tail|β
+β N part|,%physical|,tail|β
+β N part|,%vehicle|ͨ,*illuminate|
+β N InstitutePlace|,mine|
+β N gas|,#vehicle|ͨ
+β N part|,%event|¼,tail|β
+β N part|,music|,ending|ĩ
+β N process|,ending|ĩ
+β N quantity|,amount|,&inanimate|
+β V follow|
+β V chase|
+β N quantity|,amount|,&inanimate|
+β N InsectWorm|
+β N part|,%animal|,tail|β
+γ N attribute|,distance|,&earth|
+γ N attribute|,distance|,&earth|
+γ N part|,%clothing|,nerve|
+γ N part|,%earth|,nerve|
+δ ADV {neg|,past|}
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$provide|,#fund|ʽ
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$admit|
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$defeat|սʤ
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$sense|о
+δ֪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$tell|
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$sense|о
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$block|ס
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$GetKnowledge|֪
+δȾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$pollute|ʹ
+δ֤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$prove|֤
+δ ADV {comment|,neg|}
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+δ֪ V predict|Ԥ
+δ ADV {neg|,past|}
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,young|
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,unripe|
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$forming|γ
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$handle|
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$refine|
+δû ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$weaken|
+δ¼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$record|¼
+δȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$lighting|ȼ
+δ V unfixed|δ
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$explain|˵
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$publish|
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$separate|
+δ N payment|
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$separate|
+δ N payment|
+δѡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$classify|
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$admit|
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,unattached|ɢ,undesired|ݬ
+δͽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^reconcile|
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^GetMarried|
+δ N human|,female|Ů,friend|,^GetMarried|
+δ N human|,male|,friend|,^GetMarried|
+δ N human|,female|Ů,friend|,^GetMarried|
+δ ADV aValue|ֵ,earliness|,late|
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$build|
+δ¶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hidden|,undesired|ݬ
+δ༭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$compile|༭
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$appreciate|
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$request|Ҫ
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$check|
+δ˼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$think|˼
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$appreciate|
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$announce|
+δҪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$request|Ҫ
+δ V unfixed|δ
+δ V unfixed|δ
+δ N human|,crime|,*wait|ȴ,#judge|ö
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$cultivate|
+δɺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|,desired|
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,future|
+δ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&thing|
+δ N time|ʱ,future|
+δѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#time|ʱ,future|
+δ˥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^finish|
+δ CONJ {comment|}
+δмƻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+δĿ¼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$classify|
+δ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$appreciate|
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$distinguish|ֱ
+δȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$decide|
+δȷ֤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$decide|
+δʱ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ
+δܹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+δܾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$persuade|Ȱ˵
+δܿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$control|
+δʶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$appreciate|
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^wounded|
+δ˵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$explain|˵
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$fulfil|ʵ
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^finish|
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$consume|ȡ
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$amend|
+δڱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$hide|
+δ V prepare|
+δԤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$predict|Ԥ
+δ ADV {neg|,past|}
+δ֪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$know|֪
+δ֪ N symbol|,#quantity|,^$know|֪
+ε ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ε N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ε ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,blue|
+εȻɷ V prosper|
+εΪ V show|,content=exuberant|ï
+ζ N attribute|,odor|ζ,&physical|
+ζ N attribute|,taste|ζ,&edible|ʳ
+ζ N emotion|,FondOf|ϲ
+ζ N attribute|,taste|ζ,&edible|ʳ
+ζ N emotion|
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+ζ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ζ N experience|,#taste|ζ
+η V fear|
+η V respect|
+η V escape|,ResultEvent=fear|
+η V fear|
+η N emotion|,fear|
+η V fear|
+η V fear|,cause=hardship|
+η ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,timid|,undesired|ݬ
+ηηβ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,timid|,undesired|ݬ
+η V PartSelfMove|
+η; N phenomena|,dangerous|Σ,#unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+η N human|,friend|
+η V fear|,cause=crime|,crime|
+η ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,timid|,undesired|ݬ
+η V fear|
+θ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+θ N disease|
+θ N disease|
+θ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+θ N disease|
+θ N tool|þ,medical|ҽ
+θ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,#consume|ȡ
+θ N disease|
+θ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+θ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+θ N disease|
+θҺ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+θ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ι V feed|ι
+ι V feed|ι,patient=drinks|Ʒ
+ιʳ V feed|ι
+ι V feed|ι
+ι V foster|,agricultural|ũ
+κ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+λ CLAS NounUnit|,&human|
+λ N attribute|,occupation|ְλ,&human|,royal|
+λ N location|λ
+λ N mark|־,#arithmetic|ϵ
+λ V undertake|
+λӰ V succeed|ɹ,scope=compete|
+λ V SelfMoveInDirection|
+λ V situated|
+λ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,beneath|
+λ N location|λ
+λ N location|λ
+μ N waters|ˮ,linear|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ν V naming|
+ν V speak|˵
+ν N part|,%language|
+ξ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ξ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ξ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ο V AtEase|
+ο V soothe|ο
+ο V soothe|ο
+ο V soothe|ο
+ο V SayHello|ʺ,means=soothe|ο
+ο V SayHello|ʺ,means=soothe|ο
+ο ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,soothe|ο
+ο V SayHello|ʺ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V defend|
+ N human|,military|,*protect|
+ N community|,*protect|
+ V protect|,patient=country|
+ V defend|
+ V protect|,patient=status|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,spotless|,desired|
+ N attribute|,cleanness|ྻ,spotless|,&physical|,&space|ռ,&organization|֯
+ N institution|,#medical|ҽ,ProperName|ר,politics|
+ N room|,@excrete|й
+ N paper|ֽ,*wipe|
+ N tool|þ,*obstruct|ֹ,InsectWorm|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,medical|ҽ
+ N InstitutePlace|,@cure|ҽ,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,medical|ҽ
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+Ժ N InstitutePlace|,@cure|ҽ,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ֽ N paper|ֽ,*wipe|
+֯ N part|,%institution|,#medical|ҽ,ProperName|ר,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ʿ N human|,*protect|
+ V defend|,military|
+ N army|
+ N place|ط,military|,$defend|
+ N aircraft|
+ N celestial|
+dz N place|ط,city|
+ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ V WarmUp|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,warm|
+ N attribute|,temperature|¶,&physical|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V drill|ϰ
+± N attribute|,circumstances|,alive|,&human|
+² N attribute|,similarity|ͬ,temperature|¶
+´ N facilities|ʩ,@planting|ֲ
+´ N place|ط,@ExistAppear|,@grow|ɳ
+´ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+´ N part|,%earth|,warm|
+µúͿ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Namibia|ױ)
+¶ N attribute|,temperature|¶,&physical|
+¶ȱ N tool|þ,*measure|,#temperature|¶
+¶ȼ N tool|þ,*measure|,#temperature|¶
+¸绪 N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Canada|ô)
+º ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+º ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,warm|
+º ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ů ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,warm|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+Ȫ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,warm|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ N facilities|ʩ,@planting|ֲ
+ЧӦ N phenomena|,#weather|
+˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+Ķ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+ϰ V drill|ϰ
+Ѫ N AnimalHuman|,generic|ͳ
+ѱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ܰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,warm|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,warm|
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ,#disease|
+ó N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ,#disease|
+ N tool|þ,$burn|,*expel|,#InsectWorm|
+ N tool|þ,#sleep|˯,*obstruct|ֹ,#InsectWorm|
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ,#disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ N character|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N language|
+ N text|
+ı N text|
+ı N attribute|,style|,&text|
+IJ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,unattached|ɢ,undesired|ݬ
+IJӵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,desired|
+IJ N attribute|,ability|,&compile|༭
+IJ N attribute|,ability|,&compile|༭
+ij N human|,undesired|ݬ,*copy|д,*steal|͵
+Ĵ˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,fluent|,desired|
+ĵ N fruit|ˮ
+ķ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#language|
+ķı N stationery|ľ,generic|ͳ
+ķ N attribute|,style|,&text|
+ĸ N readings|,#text|
+ĸ N text|
+ĸ N text|,*announce|
+ĸ N text|,*tell|
+ĸ N fact|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ĸ N fish|
+Ĺ N community|,*perform|,entertainment|
+Ĺ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+Ĺη V HideTruth|
+ĺ N human|,literature|,able|,desired|
+Ļ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,literature|
+Ļ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+Ļ N mental|
+Ļ N institution|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,ProperName|ר,politics|
+Ļ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,literature|,diplomatic|⽻
+Ļ N fact|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ļ N InstitutePlace|,@recreation|
+Ļ N InstitutePlace|,@recreation|
+Ļ N affairs|,literature|,entertainment|,education|
+Ļҵ N affairs|,literature|,entertainment|,education|
+Ļˮƽ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,#knowledge|֪ʶ,&human|
+Ļ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,#knowledge|֪ʶ,&human|
+ĻŲ N mental|
+ĻƷ N stationery|ľ,generic|ͳ
+Ļվ N InstitutePlace|,@recreation|
+ĻרԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,literature|,diplomatic|⽻
+Ļ N fire|,weak|,*cook|
+ļ N readings|
+ļ N document|
+Ľ N affairs|,literature|,entertainment|,education|
+ľ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ľ N stationery|ľ,generic|ͳ
+ľߺ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#PenInk|ī
+ľ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,#stationery|ľ,commercial|
+Ŀ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+Ŀ N readings|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Brunei|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+Ԫ N money|,(Brunei|)
+ N attribute|,content|,&text|
+ä N human|,undesired|ݬ,foolish|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ N mental|
+Ź N place|ط,#human|,country|,politics|
+Ʀ N human|,literature|,undesired|ݬ
+ƾ N document|,*prove|֤,#status|,#study|ѧ,education|
+ N human|,literature|
+ī N human|,literature|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ʷ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N document|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+˼ N thought|ͷ,#text|
+̳ N community|,literature|
+ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&text|
+ N attribute|,style|,&text|
+ N fact|,#sport|,#literature|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ N physical|
+ﱣ V protect|,patient=physical|
+ N readings|
+ѡ N readings|
+ѧ N affairs|,literature|
+ѧ N human|,*compile|༭,literature|
+ѧ N community|,literature|
+ѧʿ N human|,literature|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ N affairs|,literature|,entertainment|
+ո N fact|,resume|ָ,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ս N community|,literature|,entertainment|
+ N human|,friend|,#literature|
+ N affairs|,entertainment|
+Է N community|,literature|
+ժ N text|
+ N text|
+ְ N attribute|,occupation|ְλ,&human|
+ְԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+ N character|
+ N text|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+ N regulation|,complicated|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V perception|֪,#listen|
+ V smell|
+ŷ V perception|֪,content=news|
+ŷ V VieFor|
+ŷɥ V fear|
+Źϲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,desired|,glorious|
+δ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+Ѷ V perception|֪,content=news|
+ N trace|
+ N trace|
+· N trace|
+˿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+ N metal|,material|
+ V ShowLove|ʾ,means=CausePartMove|
+ N fact|,ShowLove|ʾ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+Ǻ V fit|ʺ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+ ADV {comment|}
+Ȳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+Ȳʤȯ V fixed|Ѷ,content=succeed|ɹ
+Ȳʤ V fixed|Ѷ,content=succeed|ɹ
+Ȳ N fact|,create|,manner=steady|
+Ȳ߲ N fact|,create|,manner=steady|
+ȵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ȵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,true|,desired|
+ȶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,safe|,desired|
+ȶ V stabilize|ʹ
+ȶ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,steady|,&thing|
+ȹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,safe|,desired|
+Ȼ V obtain|õ,comment|
+Ƚ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+̩ɽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,safe|,desired|
+̬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,PhysicState|״̬,steady|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+Ӯ V defeated|,comment|
+Ӯ V win|ʤ,comment|
+ȴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+ס V stabilize|ʹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ V SayHello|ʺ
+ V ask|
+ V interrogate|
+ʰ V SayHello|ʺ
+ʰ V interrogate|,police|
+ʳʶ V ask|
+ʵä ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ʺů V SayHello|ʺ
+ʺ V SayHello|ʺ
+ʺ N problem|
+ʺ N symbol|,#ask|
+ʺ V SayHello|ʺ
+ʻ V ask|
+ʽ V ask|
+ V ComeToWorld|
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N problem|
+ V FeelNoQualms|
+ V shy|
+ѯ V ask|
+Ѷ V ask|
+ V diagnose|,means=ask|,medical|ҽ
+ N sound|
+ N sound|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,aged|,male|
+ N human|,intimate|,male|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+֮ N beast|,$catch|ס
+ N InsectWorm|
+ϸ N part|,%machine|
+Ͼ N house|
+ N part|,%machine|
+ţ N InsectWorm|
+ N water|ˮ
+ N water|ˮ
+ N part|,%machine|
+ N part|,%machine|
+ N part|,%machine|
+ N phenomena|,#weather|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+ V bend|
+ V hide|
+ N house|,#animal|,#alive|
+ N location|λ
+ N part|,%human|
+ N place|ط,crime|
+Ѳ V hide|
+ѵ N place|ط,crime|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ V upset|
+ҷ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@reside|ס,@put|
+ͷ N food|ʳƷ
+ͷ N food|ʳƷ
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,*hide|
+ PRON {firstPerson|}
+ҷ PRON {firstPerson|,mass|}
+ҹ N place|ط,country|
+Ҿ N army|
+ PRON {firstPerson|,mass|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|
+ V rotate|ת
+ V mediate|
+ V LieDown|
+ V sit|
+Բ V ill|̬
+Գ N LandVehicle|
+Գ N LandVehicle|,@sleep|˯
+Դ V ill|̬
+Դ V ill|̬
+Ե V FallDown|
+Ե N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*scout|,police|
+Է N room|,@sleep|˯
+Ծ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ,*sleep|˯
+ N LandVehicle|,@sleep|˯
+ʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,horizontal|
+ N room|,@sleep|˯
+н V endeavour|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,@sleep|˯
+ V hold|
+ձ V farewell|
+ V ShowLove|ʾ
+Ժ V reconcile|
+ס V hold|,Vachieve|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,fertile|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V irrigate|,agricultural|ũ
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N land|½,#crop|ׯ
+Ұ N land|½
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,*deceive|ƭ,~undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,*deceive|ƭ,~undesired|ݬ
+ʦ N human|,*deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+ʦ N human|,*deceive|ƭ,~undesired|ݬ
+ N sound|
+غ V die|
+غ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+غ V die|
+غ V end|ս
+ V weep|
+ N metal|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Uganda|ڸɴ)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Ukraine|ڿ)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Uruguay|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Uzbekistan|α˹̹)
+ڶ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ڷ N part|,%human|,hair|ë,black|
+ڸɴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Uganda|ڸɴ)
+ڸɴ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ڸɴ N human|,(Uganda|ڸɴ)
+ڸɴ N money|,(Brunei|ڸɴ)
+ڹ N fish|
+ڹ N human|,male|,undesired|ݬ
+ں֮ N human|,unable|ӹ,mass|
+ں ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+ڼ N money|,(Mauritania|ë)
+ڽ N stone|ʯ,material|,*lighting|ȼ,$burn|
+ڿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Ukraine|ڿ)
+ڿ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ڿ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N clothing|,#foot|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Uruguay|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+ N human|,#country|,(Uruguay|)
+ N human|,(Uruguay|)
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Mongolia|ɹ)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+ N material|,?drinks|Ʒ
+³ľ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+÷ N food|ʳƷ
+÷ N fruit|ˮ
+߰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+߰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ɴñ N attribute|,occupation|ְλ,&human|
+ɴñ N clothing|,#head|ͷ,#official|
+а ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α
+а N place|ط,#humanized|
+ѻ N bird|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ N fish|
+ N CloudMist|,dark|,#WeatherBad|
+ N fish|
+ȱ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ȱ˹̹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ȱ˹̹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+α˹̹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Uzbekistan|α˹̹)
+α˹̹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+α N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N tree|
+ N fish|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,dirty|,undesired|ݬ
+ V slander|̰
+ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+۵ N attribute|,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ,&thing|
+۵ N trace|,viscera|
+۹ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+ۻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,dirty|,undesired|ݬ
+ۼ N trace|,dirty|
+ V slander|̰
+ N stone|ʯ,viscera|
+Ⱦ V pollute|ʹ
+Ⱦ N place|ط,$pollute|ʹ
+Ⱦ N physical|,*pollute|ʹ
+ȾԴ N location|λ,*pollute|ʹ
+Ⱦ N human|,*pollute|ʹ
+ V damage|
+ V slander|̰
+ˮ N water|ˮ,viscera|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,dirty|,undesired|ݬ
+ V accuse|ظ,means=forge|α,police|
+ܸ V accuse|ظ,means=forge|α,police|
+ܺ V slander|̰
+ V slander|̰
+ V slander|̰
+ V damage|
+ N house|,generic|ͳ
+ N room|
+ݶ N part|,%house|,head|ͷ
+ݶ N part|,%house|,head|ͷ
+ݼ N part|,%house|,head|ͷ
+ݼ N part|,%house|,head|ͷ
+ N location|λ,%house|
+ N location|λ,%room|
+ N part|,%house|
+ N house|,generic|ͳ
+ N human|,*own|,#house|
+ N room|
+ N part|,%building|,head|ͷ
+ V ExistNot|
+ V OwnNot|
+ް ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,unfixed|δ
+ް ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ
+ޱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ޱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ޱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,boundary|,wide|
+ޱ仯 ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^change|
+ޱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į
+ޱҶ N part|,%plant|ֲ,hair|ë
+ V cry|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ N community|
+Ļ N fact|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N human|,mass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,change|
+ V die|
+ N humanized|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,price|۸,empty|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$pay|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,good|,desired|
+ V BeUnable|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,upright|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+ʿ N human|
+¹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+ V shy|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,^poison|
+ż ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ V IllBehave|,crime|
+ V BeUnable|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$express|ʾ
+ش ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$reply|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$handle|
+д ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$describe|д
+ƽϢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$BeRecovered|ԭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$rescue|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$describe|д
+Ԥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$predict|Ԥ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ ADV {comment|}
+IJ N material|
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ֹ N material|,linear|,metal|
+ V RelateNot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,desired|,#police|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ CONJ {comment|}
+ֺ CONJ {comment|}
+ V RelateNot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|
+ؽҪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+糵 N LandVehicle|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ProsCons|,pros|,desired|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N tree|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+̸֮ N text|,fake|α
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ƻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ƿʩ V BeUnable|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|
+ͶƱ N method|,*drop|Ͷ,#document|,#select|ѡ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ҿɹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|,desired|
+֮ N physical|,precious|
+ֵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,negligible|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|
+ V FeelingByBad|
+ V disheartened|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,free|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,free|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,spotless|,desired|
+ɰο ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$soothe|ο
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ɱ粵 ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ɷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ɷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,upright|,desired|
+ɺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ɾҩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$cure|ҽ,undesired|ݬ
+κ V BeUnable|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$resume|ָ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$rescue|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,upright|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ָ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ײ V catch|ס,patient=time|ʱ
+ڲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ V FeelNoQualms|
+ V worth|ֵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ȡ V IllBehave|
+ʽ N expression|,#quantity|,#symbol|,#DoSum|,#calculate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ͼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,earn|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ V tired|ƣ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+Ч N attribute|,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ,&cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ CONJ {concession|ò}
+ CONJ {concession|ò}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,Notwellknown|
+Ӣ N human|,able|,desired|
+Ӣ N human|,military|
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ V BeUnable|
+ CONJ {but|}
+ V BeUnable|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+Ϊ V aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+Ϊ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ͽ N fact|,punish|,#detain|ס,police|
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ
+ǣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,relax|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+˼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+˼ʻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+˾ס ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colorless|ɫ
+˴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+ N human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+Ƭ N shows|
+ǹ N weapon|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,Notwellknown|
+Ϣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,Notwellknown|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ N inanimate|
+ʱ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ʵЧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ V IllBehave|
+ V despise|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+˪ N time|ʱ,#weather|
+˫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,waterless|
+˽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+˽η ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ProsCons|,pros|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+Ϊ V IllBehave|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+֪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ V flurried|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,idle|,desired|
+ V slack|͵
+ʴ V ignorant|֪
+η ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ν V BeNot|
+ν ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+ν V despise|
+Ϊ V DoNot|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|
+ʹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^painful|ʹ
+ͷ N fact|,undesired|ݬ,#police|
+ͷ N fact|,undesired|ݬ,secret|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+ V succeed|ɹ
+ʤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+֮ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+Ϊ N fact|
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,boring|,undesired|ݬ
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+η ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ν ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+νķ N fact|,secondary|,undesired|ݬ
+Ⱦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,spotless|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,upright|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,appearance|,^beautiful|,undesired|ݬ
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ϣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^pay|
+Ϣ N money|,$lend|,commercial|
+϶ɳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+Ͼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,busy|æ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|,desired|
+˾ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+ߵ N tool|þ,*disseminate|
+ߵ绰 N tool|þ,*communicate|
+ߵ N tool|þ,*look|,#image|ͼ,#shows|
+Ч ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+иɻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ,desired|
+иɻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ V unwilling|Ը
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,empty|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,special|
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,empty|
+ʲ N wealth|Ǯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ֹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADV {modality|}
+ ADV {modality|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+̻ҩ N material|,?weapon|
+ú N material|,stone|ʯ,$burn|
+Զ V BeUnable|,content=reply|
+ҵ V OwnNot|,possession=occupation|ְλ
+ V aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ V unwilling|Ը
+ʶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,passive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ProsCons|,cons|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,earn|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ N bird|
+Ӱ N tool|þ,*illuminate|,#medical|ҽ
+Ӱ ADV aValue|ֵ,property|,disappear|ʧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,optimistic|ֹ,desired|
+ױ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ԭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+Դ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,#electricity|
+Ե V OwnNot|,possession=time|ʱ
+Ե ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ծ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,return|,#owe|Ƿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$debate|
+ N thinking|˼
+ N human|
+ N human|,#thinking|˼
+״̬ N attribute|,circumstances|,disorder|,&country|
+֢״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,#disease|
+֤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+֪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+֪ N experience|,ignorant|֪
+֪ V ignorant|֪
+ֹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,negligible|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,free|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,^crime|,#police|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+覴 ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ V BeWell|׳
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,safe|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,mixed|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï
+ N land|½,#FlowerGrass|
+ߺ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,mixed|,undesired|ݬ
+ݼ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ݼ N vegetable|߲
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ͩ N tree|
+ PRON {firstPerson|,mass|}
+ PRON {firstPerson|}
+٭ PRON {firstPerson|,mass|}
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADV {neg|}
+ ADV {comment|}
+ӹ AUX {modality|,neg|}
+ӹ V {modality|,neg|,#KeepSilence|˵}
+ӹ V {modality|,neg|,#doubt|}
+ӹ V {modality|,neg|,#trivial|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N fish|
+ V perform|,sport|
+䵱ɽ N land|½,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+书 N result|,desired|,#succeed|ɹ,military|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|,diplomatic|⽻
+人 N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N fire|,strong|ǿ,*cook|
+侯 N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@store|,#weapon|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&army|,military|
+ N attribute|,strength|,fierce|,undesired|ݬ,&organization|֯
+ N community|,sport|
+ N weapon|,generic|ͳ
+ר N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,#weapon|
+װ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,useless|,#weapon|,military|
+ʿ N human|,past|,military|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#sport|,(China|й)
+ N human|,desired|
+С˵ N text|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#sport|,(China|й)
+װ N army|
+װ V provide|,possession=weapon|,military|
+װ N weapon|
+װ N army|,generic|ͳ
+װͻ V fight|,military|
+װ V provide|,possession=weapon|,degree=extreme|
+װ V obstruct|ֹ,military|
+װ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|
+װ N army|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+屶 ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+屶 N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+岽 N beast|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ,night|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ N attribute|,appearance|,AnimalHuman|
+ N part|,%human|
+ʮɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|
+ʮɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|
+ĺ N location|λ,%earth|
+廨 ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|
+廨 N food|ʳƷ
+Ǵ¥ N house|,institution|,#politics|,(US|)
+ N fittings|
+ N metal|
+ N fittings|
+ N fruit|ˮ,$eat|
+ N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ʮ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ʮЦٲ V BeSimilar|
+ζ N attribute|,odor|ζ,&physical|
+ζ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ԭ N regulation|,#country|,diplomatic|⽻
+Ǽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|
+ N time|ʱ,month|
+· N time|ʱ,month|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ָ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hand|
+ N place|ط
+ N tool|þ,*recreation|
+ V cover|ڸ
+ V cover|ڸ,patient=circumstances|
+ N time|ʱ,afternoon|
+ N fact|,eat|,afternoon|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+緹 N fact|,eat|,afternoon|
+緹 N food|ʳƷ,generic|ͳ
+ N time|ʱ,afternoon|
+ N time|ʱ,afternoon|
+ǰ N time|ʱ,early|,day|
+ʱ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ,afternoon|
+˯ V sleep|˯
+ V rest|Ϣ
+ N fact|,eat|,#entertain|д
+ҹ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+ N fact|,recreation|,entertainment|
+ V recreation|,entertainment|
+ V shake|ҡ
+ N shows|
+ N human|,friend|,*recreation|
+ N fact|,deceive|ƭ
+貽 N attribute|,posture|,perform|,&human|
+賡 N InstitutePlace|,@perform|,#shows|
+ N facilities|ʩ,@perform|,#shows|
+赸 N fact|,recreation|,entertainment|
+赸 N disease|
+赸 N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+赸Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*perform|,entertainment|
+趯 V shake|ҡ
+趯 V wave|ڶ
+ N fact|,recreation|
+輧 N human|,female|Ů,*perform|,entertainment|
+ N shows|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,male|,*recreation|
+Ū V shake|ҡ
+Ū V wave|ڶ
+Ů N human|,#occupation|ְλ,female|Ů,*recreation|
+ N music|
+̨ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@perform|,#shows|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@perform|,#shows|
+ N room|,@perform|,#shows|
+Ūī V ShowOff|ҫ,content=ability|,literature|
+Ūī V alter|ı,patient=law|ɷ,StateIni=true|,StateFin=fake|α
+ N attribute|,posture|,#recreation|,&human|
+ N army|,generic|ͳ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ V damage|
+ V IllTreat|
+ V damage|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,IllTreat|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#city|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#ship|,@stay|ͣ,#waters|ˮ
+ N symbol|
+ N CloudMist|
+ N CloudMist|
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,#gas|
+ V meet|
+ V meet|
+̸ V talk|̸
+ N attribute|,content|,&readings|,&information|Ϣ
+ N entity|ʵ,generic|ͳ
+ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ
+ V die|
+ﻯ V die|
+ﻻ V change|
+ N attribute|,price|۸,&thing|,commercial|
+۾ N institution|,*manage|,#price|۸,ProperName|ר,politics|
+ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ
+ᄉ N tool|þ,*look|,#physical|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,substantial|ʵ
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N attribute|,strength|,physical|,&organization|֯,&country|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,price|۸,cheap|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ
+ɫ V LookFor|Ѱ
+ɫ V choose|ѡ
+ N physical|,generic|ͳ
+ N image|ͼ
+ N phenomena|
+ N shape|
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+֤ N information|Ϣ,*prove|֤
+ N physical|,generic|ͳ
+ N mental|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&animate|
+ N material|,generic|ͳ
+ AUX {neg|}
+ N affairs|,generic|ͳ
+ V engage|
+ AUX {modality|}
+ AUX {modality|}
+ũ V engage|,agricultural|ũ
+ EXPR expression|,*welcome|ӭ
+ ADV {modality|}
+ʵ V handle|,patient=substantial|ʵ
+ʹ V CauseToDo|ʹ
+ V discuss|
+ V understand|
+ N attribute|,ability|,#understand|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ V damage|
+ V lose|ʧȥ
+ N result|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ N result|,wrong|,#calculate|,#measure|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,earliness|,late|,undesired|ݬ
+ V due|
+ V delay|,content=affairs|
+ V misunderstand|
+ N result|,#misunderstand|,undesired|ݬ
+ V misunderstand|
+ N result|,#misunderstand|,undesired|ݬ
+ V misunderstand|
+; V err|
+ɱ V kill|ɱ,manner=careless|,police|
+ V damage|,manner=careless|
+ V OutOfOrder|
+ V delay|,content=affairs|
+ V misunderstand|
+Ϊ V misunderstand|
+ V diagnose|,wrong|,medical|ҽ
+ N time|ʱ,past|
+ N time|ʱ,past|
+ N time|ʱ,past|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|
+ V analyze|
+ V separate|
+ V separate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,foreign|
+ N direction|,west|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Spain|)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Spain|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N money|,(Andorra|)
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Trinidad and Tobago|Ͷ)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%earth|,west|
+ N direction|,north|,west|
+ N location|λ,north|,west|
+ N location|λ,west|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Russia|˹)
+ N location|λ,west|
+ N edible|ʳ,foreign|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@eat|,#foreign|,commercial|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@eat|,#foreign|,commercial|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N location|λ,ending|ĩ,west|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,foreign|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,foreign|
+ N aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,foreign|
+ N location|λ,west|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,west|,(Africa|)
+ N wind|
+ N clothing|,foreign|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Vietnam|Խ)
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+« N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+« N vegetable|߲
+ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=foreign|
+ N part|,%place|ط,surrounding|Χ,#city|,west|
+ N law|ɷ,#earth|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N InstitutePlace|,#tool|þ,#communicate|,commercial|
+ N location|λ,west|
+ N direction|,west|,south|
+ϲ N location|λ,west|,south|
+Ͻ N location|λ,west|,south|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ŷ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,west|,(Europe|ŷ)
+Ħ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+ɳȺ N place|ط,#waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,foreign|
+˹ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N celestial|,#humanized|,religion|ڽ
+ͷ N location|λ,west|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Italy|)
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ͼ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,west|,(Asia|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,foreign|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ
+ҽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ҽ N affairs|,medical|ҽ,foreign|
+ӡȺ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+װ N clothing|,foreign|
+װ ADJ aValue|ֵ,appearance|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N disease|
+ N metal|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,#computer|,#software|,(US|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+ ADJ joyful|ϲ
+ V attract|
+ V consume|ȡ
+ V inhale|
+ N tool|þ,*clean|ʹ,#inhale|
+ N bacteria|
+ N tool|þ,*illuminate|,#room|
+ V addict|Ⱥ,patient=addictive|Ⱥ,crime|
+ N human|,*addict|Ⱥ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,*addict|Ⱥ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,inhale|
+ V inhale|
+ N chemical|ѧ,*clean|ʹ,#inhale|
+ N tool|þ,#drinks|Ʒ
+ N attribute|,strength|,&entity|ʵ
+īֽ N paper|ֽ,*inhale|
+ V inhale|
+ȡ V GetKnowledge|֪
+ȡ V consume|ȡ
+ȡѵ V GetKnowledge|֪,content=experience|
+ V consume|ȡ,patient=hot|
+ V inhale|
+ʪ V consume|ȡ,patient=wet|ʪ
+ʪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,consume|ȡ,#wet|ʪ
+ʳ V drink|
+ V consume|ȡ
+ V include|
+ռ N chemical|ѧ,*clean|ʹ,#inhale|
+ϵ N symbol|,#MoveItInto|
+˱ V drink|
+ʯ N metal|
+Ѫ N human|,greedy|̰,undesired|ݬ
+ V addict|Ⱥ
+ V room|,@addict|Ⱥ
+ N human|,*addict|Ⱥ,undesired|ݬ
+ V attract|
+ N attribute|,ability|,&attract|
+ N metal|
+ N tool|þ,*condole|°,#die|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Sikkim|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ֽ N paper|ֽ
+ֽ N tool|þ,*condole|°,#die|
+ V abandon|
+ V die|
+ N livestock|,*salute|¾
+Ʒ N entity|ʵ,$abandon|
+ϡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,concentration|Ũ,watery|ϡ
+ϡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,sparse|
+ϡ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ϡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,concentration|Ũ,watery|ϡ
+ϡ N food|ʳƷ
+ϡ N human|,*visit|
+ϡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,soft|
+ϡͿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ϡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+ϡȱ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ϡȱƷ N artifact|˹,few|
+ϡ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ϡ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ϡ V dilute|嵭
+ϡͼ V chemical|ѧ,*dilute|嵭
+ϡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,sparse|
+ϡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ϡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,sparse|
+ϡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|,undesired|ݬ
+ϡˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,concentration|Ũ,watery|ϡ
+ϡ N metal|
+ϡԪ N part|,%entity|ʵ
+ϡϡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,sparse|
+ϡϡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,sparse|
+ϡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+ϡн N metal|
+ϡԪ N part|,%entity|ʵ
+ϡ N food|ʳƷ
+Ϣ V end|ս
+Ϣ N fact|,respire|
+Ϣ N fund|ʽ
+Ϣ V rest|Ϣ
+Ϣŭ V calm|
+Ϣ N disease|
+Ϣ V mediate|
+ϢϢ V relate|й
+ϣ V expect|
+ϣ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Greece|ϣ)
+ϣ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ϣ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ϣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+ϣ V like|ϧ
+ϣ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ϣ V expect|
+ϣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Greece|ϣ)
+ϣ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ϣ N human|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ϣ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ϣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+ϣ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ϣ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ϣ֮ N treasure|䱦
+ϣ N human|,official|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(Germany|¹)
+ϣͼ V expect|
+ϣ V expect|
+Ϥ V know|֪
+Ϥ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+Ϥ V endeavour|
+Ϥ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Australia|)
+Ϥ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+Ϥ V do|,manner=attentive|ϸ
+ϥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,leg|
+ϥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,leg|
+ϥؽ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,leg|
+ϥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ϥ״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+Ϧ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+Ϧ N CloudMist|
+Ϧ N celestial|
+Ϧ V GoDown|ȥ,#celestial|
+Ϧ N lights|,#celestial|
+Ϧ N lights|,#celestial|
+ϧ V grudge|
+ϧ V like|ϧ
+ϧ V sorry|ϧ
+ϧ V farewell|
+ϧ V grudge|,content=strength|
+Ϩ V destroy|
+Ϩ V TurnOff|ֹ,patient=tool|þ
+Ϩ V remove|,patient=fire|
+Ϩ V disappear|ʧ
+ϩ N chemical|ѧ
+ϩ N chemical|ѧ
+Ϫ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+Ϫ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+Ϫ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+Ϫˮ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ϫ N water|ˮ
+Ϭ N beast|
+Ϭ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*feel|
+Ϭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+Ϭţ N beast|
+ϭ N document|,*call|ٻ,#fight|
+ϭ N document|,*ExpressAgainst|Ǵ,#enemy|
+ϭ N document|,*call|ٻ,#fight|
+Ϯ V attack|
+Ϯ V attack|,military|
+Ϯ V imitate|ģ
+Ϯ V attack|,manner=sudden|,military|
+Ϯ N human|,*attack|
+Ϯȡ V occupy|ռ,manner=sudden|
+Ϯ V attack|,manner=again|,military|
+Ϯ V use|
+ϯ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ϯ N fact|,eat|,#entertain|д
+ϯ N location|λ
+ϯ N tool|þ,@LieDown|
+ϯϾů ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,busy|æ,undesired|ݬ
+ϯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,place|ط
+ϯض ADJ sit|,location=place|ط
+ϯ N time|ʱ,#eat|,#entertain|д
+ϯ V contain|
+ϯ V occupy|ռ
+ϯ˼ N tool|þ,@LieDown|
+ϯλ N location|λ
+ϰ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ϰ V drill|ϰ
+ϰ V fit|ʺ
+ϰ N attribute|,habit|ϰ,&human|,&organization|֯
+ϰ V fit|ʺ
+ϰ V fit|ʺ
+ϰ N attribute|,habit|ϰ,bad|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ϰȾ V suffer|
+ϰȾϰ V suffer|,content=habit|ϰ
+ϰ N attribute|,habit|ϰ,&human|,&organization|֯
+ϰ N text|,*drill|ϰ
+ϰ V drill|ϰ,content=sport|
+ϰϰ V WeatherFine|
+ϰ N attribute|,habit|ϰ,&human|,&organization|֯
+ϰΪ V fit|ʺ
+ϰ V study|ѧ,content=symbol|
+ϰ V study|ѧ,content=compile|༭
+ϱ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ϱ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ϱ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ϱ N human|,female|Ů,adult|
+ϲ V FondOf|ϲ
+ϲ N fact|,desired|,$congratulate|ף
+ϲ N fact|,pregnant|
+ϲ V joyful|ϲ
+ϲ V FondOf|ϲ
+ϲ N text|,*congratulate|ף,#happy|
+ϲ V joyful|ϲ
+ϲ V joyful|ϲ,degree=very|
+ϲ V FondOf|ϲ
+ϲ V FondOf|ϲ
+ϲ V joyful|ϲ
+ϲʩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը,#order|
+ϲָֻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը,#order|
+ϲ V succeed|ɹ
+ϲԵ V GetMarried|
+ϲ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ,*congratulate|ף,#GetMarried|,#entertain|д
+ϲ N fact|,*congratulate|ף,#GetMarried|,#entertain|д
+ϲ N fact|,lucky|,#joyful|ϲ
+ϲ N shows|,#joyful|ϲ,entertainment|
+ϲԱ N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ϲɽ N land|½,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ϲŭ N emotion|
+ϲ N attribute|,countenance|,joyful|ϲ,&human|
+ϲ N attribute|,environment|,joyful|ϲ,&human|
+ϲ V joyful|ϲ
+ϲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ϲ V congratulate|ף
+ϲ N fact|,desired|,$congratulate|ף
+ϲȵ N bird|
+ϲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+ϲɫ N attribute|,countenance|,joyful|ϲ,&human|
+ϲü V joyful|ϲ
+ϲ N fact|,$congratulate|ף,desired|
+ϲ N fact|,GetMarried|,desired|
+ϲ N fact|,desired|,$congratulate|ף
+ϲּ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+ϲЦտ V laugh|Ц
+ϲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ϲɫ V joyful|ϲ
+ϲɫ V laugh|Ц
+ϲѶ N news|,happy|
+ϲ V joyful|ϲ
+ϲ N RainSnow|ѩ
+ϲ V joyful|ϲ
+ϲ V joyful|ϲ
+ϳ V grind|ĥ,industrial|
+ϳ N machine|,*produce|
+ϳ N machine|,*cut|
+ϳ N fact|,cut|
+ϳ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cut|,industrial|
+ϳ N metal|
+ϴ V amend|
+ϴ V mix|
+ϴ V produce|,#TakePicture|
+ϴ V rob|
+ϴ V wash|ϴ
+ϴ V entertain|д
+ϴ V AlterProperty|,PatientAttribute=SoundVolume|
+ϴ V wash|ϴ
+ϴӼ N tool|þ,*wash|ϴ
+ϴ V listen|
+ϴ N tool|þ,*wash|ϴ,#hair|ë
+ϴ N medicine|ҩ,*wash|ϴ
+ϴ V rob|
+ϴ V wash|ϴ
+ϴ V accept|,religion|ڽ
+ϴ N fact|,exam|,important|
+ϴ N fact|,religion|ڽ
+ϴ V wash|ϴ,patient=skin|Ƥ
+ϴȾ V wash|ϴ,AlterColor|ɫ
+ϴ V wash|ϴ,patient=hand|
+ϴּ V room|,@excrete|й,@wash|ϴ
+ϴˢ V amend|
+ϴˢ V wash|ϴ
+ϴͷ V wash|ϴ,patient=hair|ë
+ϴ N tool|þ,*wash|ϴ,#tool|þ
+ϴθ V cure|ҽ
+ϴĸ V amend|,content=wrong|
+ϴѩ V amend|
+ϴ V wash|ϴ,patient=clothing|
+ϴµ N InstitutePlace|,*wash|ϴ,#clothing|,commercial|
+ϴ· N material|,*wash|ϴ,#clothing|
+ϴ¹ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*wash|ϴ,#clothing|
+ϴ» N tool|þ,*wash|ϴ,#clothing|
+ϴŮ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*wash|ϴ,#clothing|,female|Ů
+ϴӡ V produce|
+ϴԡ V wash|ϴ,PartOfTouch=body|
+ϴ V wash|ϴ,PartOfTouch=body|
+ϴ V wash|ϴ
+ϴ V wash|ϴ
+ϵ V be|
+ϵ V fasten|˩
+ϵ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,education|
+ϵ N part|,%entity|ʵ
+ϵ N part|,%entity|ʵ,body|
+ϵ V relate|й
+ϵ V worried|ż
+ϵ N part|,%language|
+ϵ V wrap|
+ϵ CLAS attribute|,amount|,&entity|ʵ
+ϵо N shows|
+ϵƬ N shows|
+ϵ V worried|ż
+ϵ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ϵͳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,accurate|,desired|
+ϵͳ N part|,%entity|ʵ,body|
+ϵͳ V analyze|,content=part|,#entity|ʵ,body|
+ϵͳ N affairs|
+ϵͳ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=accurate|
+ϵͳ N attribute|,correctness|,accurate|,&entity|ʵ
+ϵָ V mean|ָ
+϶ N attribute|,relatedness|,sparse|,&human|
+϶ N fact|,oppose|
+϶ N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+϶ N time|ʱ
+϶ N time|ʱ,important|
+϶ N place|ط
+Ϸ V WhileAway|
+Ϸ N shows|
+Ϸ N community|,*perform|,entertainment|
+Ϸ N community|,*perform|,entertainment|
+Ϸ N shows|
+Ϸ N shows|
+Ϸ N human|,*compile|༭,#shows|,entertainment|
+Ϸ N community|,#compile|༭,#shows|,entertainment|
+Ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,important|
+Ϸ¥ N InstitutePlace|,@perform|,entertainment|
+Ϸ N human|,*FondOf|ϲ,#shows|
+ϷŪ V tease|ȡ
+Ϸ N shows|
+Ϸˣ V tease|ȡ
+Ϸ̨ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@perform|
+Ϸ N text|,tease|ȡ
+ϷԺ N InstitutePlace|,@perform|,entertainment|
+Ϸװ N clothing|,#perform|
+Ϸ V tease|ȡ
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,weak|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,trivial|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fineness|ϸ,fine|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,desired|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С
+ϸ N part|,%animate|
+ϸ N part|,%animate|
+ϸ N part|,%animate|
+ϸĤ N part|,%animate|
+ϸѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#animate|
+ϸ N part|,%animate|
+ϸ N material|,?clothing|
+ϸ N part|,%image|ͼ
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,length|,long|
+ϸ N human|,*read|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ϸ N human|,tall|
+ϸ N fact|,secondary|
+ϸ N affairs|,attentive|ϸ
+ϸ N fact|,secondary|,detailed|
+ϸ N bacteria|
+ϸ N disease|
+ϸѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#bacteria|
+ϸѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,#bacteria|
+ϸս N fact|,fight|,#bacteria|
+ϸ N material|,?eat|,#crop|ׯ
+ϸë N livestock|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,dense|
+ϸĿ N attribute|,content|,&information|Ϣ
+ϸĿ N part|,%thing|,kind|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,delicate|,desired|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,polished|,desired|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,refined|,desired|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,desired|
+ϸë ADJ aValue|ֵ,fineness|ϸ,fine|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,polished|,desired|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fineness|ϸ,fine|
+ϸɴ N material|,?clothing|
+ϸɴ N machine|
+ϸϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,weak|
+ϸˮ ADJ do|,manner=lasting|
+ϸˮ ADJ economize|ʡ,purpose=exempt|,#lack|ȱ
+ϸ˵ V describe|д
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,refined|
+ϸϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ϸ N material|,?clothing|
+ϸС ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,trivial|
+ϸС ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С
+ϸ N material|,?medicine|ҩ
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ϸ N RainSnow|ѩ
+ϸ N regulation|,detailed|
+ϸ N account|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ϸ֦ĩ N part|,%event|¼,secondary|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ϸ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*scout|,military|
+Ϲ ADV aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+Ϲ ADV aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+Ϲ V disable|м,scope=look|
+Ϲ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+Ϲ V IllBehave|
+Ϲ˵ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵,manner=fake|α
+Ϲָ V guide|,manner=improper|
+Ϲ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*disable|м,#look|
+Ϻ N fish|
+Ϻ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+Ϻ N fish|
+Ϻ N food|ʳƷ,#fish|
+ϺƤ N food|ʳƷ,#fish|
+Ϻ N food|ʳƷ,#fish|
+Ϻ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,liquid|Һ
+Ϻ N fish|
+ϻ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ϻ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ϼ N CloudMist|,colored|
+ϼ N lights|
+Ͻ V manage|
+Ͻ N place|ط,$manage|
+Ͼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,idle|,desired|
+Ͼ N time|ʱ,idle|
+Ͽ N land|½
+Ͽ N land|½
+Ͽ N part|,%land|½,mouth|
+ N human|,desired|
+ N human|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,generous|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,width|,narrow|խ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,biased|ƫ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,width|,narrow|խ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,length|,long|
+· V meet|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,width|,narrow|խ
+ N information|Ϣ
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+խ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,biased|ƫ,undesired|ݬ
+խ ADJ aValue|ֵ,width|,narrow|խ
+ CLAS ActUnit|,&event|¼
+ V GiveBirth|
+ V GoDown|ȥ
+ V GoOut|ȥ
+ V LeaveFor|ǰ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|,hind|
+ V announce|
+ V cease|ͣ
+ V dismount|ж
+ V drop|Ͷ
+ V fall|
+ V forming|γ
+ V leave|뿪
+ N location|λ
+ V occupy|ռ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|,more|
+ V recreation|
+ STRU {Vdirection|,beneath|}
+° N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+° N part|,%human|,skin|Ƥ
+° N part|,%human|,skin|Ƥ
+° V cease|ͣ,content=affairs|,#duty|
+°볡 N fact|,compete|,sport|,hind|
+° N time|ʱ,year|,half|,hind|
+° V put|,patient=mark|־
+° N time|ʱ,afternoon|
+° N location|λ,%human|,body|,half|,beneath|
+° N part|,%human|,body|,half|,beneath|
+°ҹ N time|ʱ,day|,night|,half|,hind|
+° N time|ʱ,month|,half|,hind|
+± N human|,clan|
+± V write|д
+± ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|,hind|
+± N community|,#rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵,employee|Ա
+² V BeUnable|,content=GoDown|ȥ
+² V BeUnable|,content=fulfil|ʵ
+²̨ V embarrassed|Ϊ
+²Ϊ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,only|
+² N part|,%physical|,beneath|
+² N method|,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+² N attribute|,status|,LowRank|͵,&human|
+³ V leave|뿪,LocationIni=facilities|ʩ,purpose=cease|ͣ,#compete|,sport|
+³ V leave|뿪,LocationIni=facilities|ʩ,purpose=cease|ͣ,#perform|,entertainment|
+³ N result|
+³ V leave|뿪,LocationIni=LandVehicle|
+³ V sink|³
+´ N place|ط,@reside|ס
+´ V leave|뿪,LocationIni=ship|
+´ V leave|뿪,LocationIni=furniture|Ҿ
+´ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|,beneath|
+´ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+´ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|,hind|
+´ V surplus|ʣ,commercial|
+´ V announce|
+µ V GiveBirth|,PatientProduct=animal|
+µ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵
+µ V BeRecovered|ԭ,StateIni=disease|,medical|ҽ
+µ V LeaveFor|ǰ,LocationFin=land|½,agricultural|ũ
+µ V leave|뿪,LocationIni=machine|,#lift|
+µ V BecomeLess|,commercial|
+µ V fall|
+¶ V kill|ɱ
+· V MoveItDown|,patient=part|,#ship|
+· V arrive|
+· ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+· N aValue|ֵ,direction|,beneath|
+· V dispatch|Dz
+· V entrust|ί
+·ɻ V leave|뿪,LocationIni=aircraft|
+¸ V pause|ͣ
+¸ N time|ʱ,week|,future|
+¸ N time|ʱ,month|,future|
+¹ V cease|ͣ,content=affairs|
+¹ V cease|ͣ,content=affairs|,#duty|
+¹ V endeavour|
+¹ V eat|,location=InstitutePlace|
+¹ V sit|
+º V LeaveFor|ǰ,LocationFin=waters|ˮ
+º V engage|,content=commercial|
+¼ N human|,#rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵,employee|Ա
+¼ְԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա,LowRank|͵
+¼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+½ V BecomeLess|
+½ V GoDown|ȥ
+½ V fall|
+½ N artifact|˹,waste|
+½ N entity|ʵ,generic|ͳ,waste|
+½ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|,hind|
+¾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+¾ V decide|
+¿ V cease|ͣ,content=study|ѧ,education|
+ V GoDown|ȥ
+ STRU {Vdirection|,beneath|}
+ N readings|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ V order|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%waters|ˮ
+¥ V GoDown|ȥ,LocationFin=part|,#building|
+¥ V GoDown|ȥ,LocationFin=part|,#building|
+ N location|λ,#arrive|,#ExistAppear|
+ V GoDown|ȥ,LocationIni=livestock|
+ V end|ս
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ N human|,#rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵,employee|Ա
+ᵽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+Ʒ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵
+Ʒ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+· N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+· N phenomena|,wane|˥,undesired|ݬ
+ N location|λ,#vehicle|ͨ
+ V recreation|,sport|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N mental|
+ȥ V GoDown|ȥ
+ȥ V GoOn|
+ȥ STRU {Vcontinue|}
+ȥ STRU {Vdirection|,beneath|}
+ N clothing|,#leg|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N part|,%human|,body|,half|,beneath|
+ʣ V surplus|ʣ
+ʿ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,military|
+ V do|
+ N human|,#rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵,employee|Ա
+ N human|,friend|
+ N location|λ
+ N location|λ
+ N human|,#rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵,employee|Ա
+ˮ V GoInto|,LocationFin=waters|ˮ
+ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|,beneath|
+ˮ V do|,content=crime|,crime|
+ˮ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ˮ V start|ʼ,content=VehicleGo|ʻ
+ˮ N part|,%building|
+̨ V GoDown|ȥ,LocationIni=facilities|ʩ
+̨ V lose|ʧȥ,possession=power|,politics|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N part|,%human|,body|,half|,beneath|
+ͷ N human|,#rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵,employee|Ա
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,#sound|,$control|
+ N part|,%text|
+ N result|
+ N time|ʱ,afternoon|
+ V FormChange|α
+ N attribute|,boundary|,&entity|ʵ
+ V LeaveFor|ǰ,LocationFin=village|
+ N time|ʱ,week|,future|
+ڶ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|,future|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|,future|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|,future|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|,future|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|,future|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|,future|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|,future|
+һ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|,future|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|,beneath|
+ѩ V WeatherChange|
+ѩ N quantity|,amount|,&WeatherChange|,#RainSnow|ѩ
+Ѯ N time|ʱ,TenDays|Ѯ,ending|ĩ
+ҩ V produce|,PatientProduct=medicine|ҩ
+Ұ V cease|ͣ,content=undertake|,politics|
+ҹ V cease|ͣ,content=affairs|,#duty|,#sequence|,night|
+һ N method|
+һô N do|,question|
+һ N human|,future|
+ V MoveItDown|
+ʶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,passive|
+ʶ N mental|
+Ժ N institution|,politics|
+Ժ N institution|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(UK|Ӣ)
+ N location|λ,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%waters|ˮ
+ V WeatherChange|
+ N time|ʱ,month|,future|
+ V record|¼
+ V bury|
+֫ N part|,%human|,limb|֫
+ũ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ
+ V planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ N time|ʱ,week|,future|
+װ V StripOff|ȥ,patient=clothing|,entertainment|
+ V StomachTrouble|֢
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰,undesired|ݬ
+ V GiveBirth|,PatientProduct=animal|
+ V reside|ס
+ V stay|ͣ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|,beneath|
+ N part|,%human|,skin|Ƥ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|,beneath|
+ N house|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N time|ʱ,summer|
+IJ N material|,?clothing|
+ij N time|ʱ,summer|,early|
+ĺ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ļ N time|ʱ,summer|
+ N law|ɷ,#time|ʱ
+ N material|,?edible|ʳ,#crop|ׯ,generic|ͳ
+ N time|ʱ,summer|
+ N weather|,#summer|
+Ӫ N InstitutePlace|,@exercise|,#summer|
+ N time|ʱ,summer|
+ V collect|,#summer|,agricultural|ũ
+ N time|ʱ,summer|
+ N human|,female|Ů,%publications|鿯
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N clothing|,#summer|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,summer|
+װ N clothing|,#summer|
+ V frighten|Ż
+Ż V frighten|Ż
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ V StripOff|ȥ
+ƶ V StripOff|ȥ
+ƶ V start|ʼ
+ƿ V StripOff|ȥ
+ƿ V reverse|ߵ
+ V StripOff|ȥ
+ V start|ʼ
+ N tool|þ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,earliness|,early|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,InFront|ǰ
+ N human|,past|
+ȱ N human|,past|
+ȵ N human|,guide|
+ȷ V attack|,time=InFront|ǰ
+ȷ N human|,guide|
+ȷ N human|,guide|
+Ⱥ N example|ʵ
+Ⱥ N process|,early|
+Ⱥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|
+Ⱥ N attribute|,sequence|,&entity|ʵ
+Ⱥ N attribute|,sequence|,&entity|ʵ
+Ⱥ˳ N attribute|,sequence|,&entity|ʵ
+Ƚ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+Ⱦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,necessary|Ҫ
+ N example|ʵ
+ N human|,*die|,desired|
+ N time|ʱ,past|
+ǰ N time|ʱ,past|
+Dz ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$dispatch|Dz,InFront|ǰ
+Dz N army|,$dispatch|Dz,InFront|ǰ
+Dz N army|,$dispatch|Dz,InFront|ǰ
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ N human|,guide|
+ N human|,guide|
+ N human|,intimate|,male|
+ N human|,past|
+ N information|Ϣ,guide|
+ V attack|,time=InFront|ǰ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ,(China|й)
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*teach|,education|
+ N human|,male|
+ N human|,past|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+첻 N attribute|,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+Լ N disease|
+ͷ N time|ʱ,past|
+ͷ N part|,%army|
+ͷֶ N part|,%army|
+ N human|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,earliness|,early|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,InFront|ǰ
+й N human|,official|
+ N human|,past|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N human|
+ն V VieFor|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ N human|,desired|,past|,wise|
+֪ N human|,desired|,wise|
+֪Ⱦ N human|,desired|,wise|
+ N humanized|,desired|
+ɹ N humanized|,desired|,female|Ů
+ɹ N humanized|,female|Ů
+ɺ N bird|
+ɺײ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ɾ N place|ط,#humanized|,beautiful|,happy|
+Ů N humanized|,desired|,female|Ů
+ N humanized|,desired|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N humanized|,desired|,female|Ů
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+ N edible|ʳ,#taste|ζ,good|
+ʲ N vegetable|߲,new|
+ʵ N food|ʳƷ,new|,#bird|
+ʹ N fruit|ˮ,new|
+ʺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ʻ N FlowerGrass|
+ʻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,desired|
+ʻ N artifact|˹,commercial|,#fruit|ˮ,#vegetable|߲,new|,generic|ͳ
+ʻ N food|ʳƷ,commercial|,generic|ͳ
+ʻ N medicine|ҩ,commercial|,generic|ͳ
+ʼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,tender|,desired|
+ơ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+Ϊ֪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,Notwellknown|
+Ѫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С
+˷ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,#ship|
+ë N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hair|ë
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ά N material|
+ά N material|
+άѧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,knowledge|֪ʶ
+ά N chemical|ѧ
+ά״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fineness|ϸ,fine|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,fineness|ϸ,fine|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,salty|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+̲ N vegetable|߲,salty|
+ˮ N liquid|Һ,salty|
+ζ N attribute|,taste|ζ,salty|,&inanimate|
+ N attribute|,taste|ζ,salty|,&inanimate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ N human|,desired|,able|
+Ͳ N human|,desired|,able|
+ʹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ʹ N human|,desired|,glorious|
+ͻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ĸ N human|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ N human|,desired|
+ V HoldInMouth|
+ V cherish|Ļ
+ν V connect|
+ V HoldInMouth|
+ԩ V unsatisfied|
+ N part|,%ship|,edge|
+ϴ N part|,%ship|,eye|
+ N tool|þ,#aircraft|,nerve|
+ N tool|þ,#ship|,nerve|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,idle|,desired|
+ N time|ʱ,idle|
+г V talk|̸
+е V roam|
+е V walk|
+й N time|ʱ,idle|
+й V roam|
+й V walk|
+л V talk|̸
+о V reside|ס
+оӼ V reside|ס
+п ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,idle|,desired|
+п N time|ʱ,idle|
+ V talk|̸
+Ǯ N fund|ʽ
+ N emotion|,#WhileAway|
+ N emotion|,#WhileAway|
+ N human|,*RelateNot|
+ N human|,idle|
+ɢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,idle|,desired|
+ N fact|,#RelateNot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,idle|,desired|
+̸ V talk|̸
+Ͼ N time|ʱ,idle|
+ N emotion|,#WhileAway|
+Ա N human|
+ְ N affairs|,#earn|,#alive|,#occupation|ְλ
+ V abandon|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+Ƥ V shameless|û
+ˮ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ N image|ͼ
+ N part|,%MusicTool|
+ N part|,%implement|
+ N part|,%weapon|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N MusicTool|
+ V disgust|
+ N emotion|,blame|Թ
+ N experience|,doubt|
+ N thought|ͷ,undesired|ݬ
+Ӷ V disgust|
+ӷ N human|,$doubt|,#crime|
+ V disgust|
+϶ N emotion|,blame|Թ
+϶ N thought|ͷ,undesired|ݬ
+ N experience|,doubt|
+ɷ N human|,$doubt|,#crime|
+ɷ N human|,$doubt|,#crime|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ V display|չʾ
+ V ShowOff|ҫ
+Դ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+Ե V become|Ϊ
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+Ժ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+Լ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+¶ V appear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+Ȼ ADV aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+ʾ V display|չʾ
+ʾ N tool|þ,*display|չʾ,#image|ͼ,#sound|
+ʾ N tool|þ,*display|չʾ,#image|ͼ,#sound|
+ N tool|þ,*look|,#enlarge|
+ V appear|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,*display|չʾ,#image|ͼ,#sound|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,*display|չʾ,#image|ͼ,#sound|
+Ч V produce|,PatientProduct=effect|Ч
+Ч N result|,opened|
+ V exposure|¶
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+Ҫ N human|,importance|
+Ӱ V produce|,#TakePicture|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,almost|
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ N place|ط,important|
+հ N place|ط,important|
+ն ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ն ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+շ N part|,%land|½,head|ͷ,dangerous|Σ
+չ N place|ط,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+վ N attribute|,circumstances|,threatening|
+վ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,threatening|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,threatening|,&entity|ʵ
+ʤ V win|ʤ
+̲ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+Щ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,almost|
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,threatening|,undesired|ݬ
+թ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,threatening|,undesired|ݬ
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,immediate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+ V appear|
+ N money|
+ֳ N place|ط,#fact|
+ֳ N place|ط,#fact|,#police|
+ֳ V investigate|,purpose=disseminate|
+ֳɷ V investigate|,purpose=disseminate|
+ֳ N fact|,discuss|
+ֳ N fact|,discuss|
+ֳ N money|
+ֳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ֳ V exposure|¶
+ִ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,exist|,now|
+ִ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,desired|
+ִ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+ִ N time|ʱ,now|
+ִ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=modern|
+ִ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,desired|
+ִ N community|,literature|,entertainment|
+ִ N human|,new|
+ִʷ N fact|,#time|ʱ,now|
+ִ N fact|,recreation|,entertainment|,now|
+ִϷ N shows|
+ֻ N artifact|˹,commercial|,generic|ͳ
+ֽ N money|
+ֽ N aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+ֿ N money|
+ N attribute|,age|,&animate|
+Ǯ N money|
+ V undertake|
+˵ V teach|
+ʱ N aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,substantial|ʵ
+ʵ N attribute|,environment|,&event|¼
+ʵ N human|
+ V suffer|,content=disgraced|
+ N time|ʱ,now|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+ N phenomena|
+ V exposure|¶
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,now|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,do|,#crime|,now|
+з ADJ human|,crime|,now|
+ V suffer|,content=disgraced|
+ ADV {tense|ʱ̬,past|}
+ N affairs|,engage|,military|
+۾ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+ N time|ʱ,now|
+״ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ V donate|
+ V show|
+ V submit|
+ױ V submit|,possession=precious|
+ױ V teach|,content=thinking|˼,precious|
+ײ V teach|,content=thinking|˼
+׳ V perform|
+״ N text|,*congratulate|ף
+ V submit|
+ V GiveAsGift|,possession=FlowerGrass|
+ V show|,content=ability|
+ V teach|,content=thinking|˼
+ V GiveAsGift|,possession=artifact|˹
+ V please|ȡ
+ V GiveAsGift|,possession=mark|־
+ V die|
+ V engage|
+ N human|,*engage|
+Ѫ V donate|,possession=liquid|Һ,medical|ҽ
+Ѫ N human|,*submit|
+ V perform|
+ V please|ȡ
+ N place|ط
+س N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+س N place|ط
+ظ N institution|,*manage|,#place|ط
+ؼ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,politics|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+ί N institution|,politics|,(China|й)
+ N institution|,*manage|,#place|ط
+־ N publications|鿯
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ٰ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ڱ N food|ʳƷ
+ڶ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ڶ N food|ʳƷ
+ V admire|Ľ
+Ľ V admire|Ľ
+ N law|ɷ
+ܱ N army|
+ܱ N human|,military|
+ܱ N army|
+ܷ N law|ɷ
+ N law|ɷ
+ N system|ƶ,politics|
+ V damage|
+ V sink|³
+ V suffer|,content=occupy|ռ,military|
+ݺ V damage|
+ݽ V sink|³
+ݽ V situated|
+ݿ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,*deceive|ƭ,*MakeBad|Ӻ,undesired|ݬ
+ V sink|³
+ V suffer|,content=occupy|ռ,military|
+ V cherish|Ļ
+ V sink|³
+ V situated|
+뽩 V situated|,location=circumstances|,hardship|
+ V situated|
+ V suffer|,content=detain|ס,#police|
+ V situated|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,*deceive|ƭ,*MakeBad|Ӻ,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,boundary|,&entity|ʵ
+ V delimit|
+ V delimit|
+ N attribute|,boundary|,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,boundary|,#quantity|,&event|¼
+ N attribute|,price|۸,$delimit|,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ V delimit|,patient=price|۸,commercial|
+ V delimit|,patient=quantity|
+ V order|
+ N attribute|,boundary|,#time|ʱ,&event|¼
+ N delimit|,patient=time|ʱ
+λ N fact|,delimit|
+ V undergo|,content=delimit|
+ֹ V delimit|
+ V delimit|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,delimit|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N location|λ
+ N mark|־,linear|
+ N part|,%phenomena|
+ N regulation|,politics|
+ N shape|,linear|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+߲ N material|,metal|,linear|
+߳ N bacteria|
+ߴ N material|,?clothing|
+߶ N part|,image|ͼ
+߹ N tool|þ,*measure|
+· N facilities|ʩ,linear|,#electricity|
+· N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N material|,?clothing|
+Ȧ N part|,implement|,#electricity|
+ N human|,*help|,#police|,crime|
+ N part|,%phenomena|
+̺ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ
+ N shape|,linear|
+ͷ N part|,%tool|þ,tail|β
+ N tool|þ,$burn|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,linear|
+ζ N AnimalHuman|,generic|ͳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+ N tool|þ,*fasten|˩
+װ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$fasten|˩
+װ ADJ publications|鿯
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,linear|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V estimate|,means=look|
+ V help|
+ V look|
+ ADV {EachOther|}
+మ V love|,manner=EachOther|
+ల ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ V associate|
+ V help|
+ V compare|Ƚ
+ȹϵ V comparison|ȹϵ
+֮ ADV comparison|ȹϵ
+ N account|,#TakePicture|
+ V differ|ͬ
+ V fit|ʺ
+ V BeOpposite|
+ദ V associate|
+ഫ V PassOn|
+ഫ V disseminate|
+൱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+൱ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+൱ V equal|
+൱Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ V fit|ʺ,manner=EachOther|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ V equal|
+ V equal|
+ V FitNot|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+෴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,contrariness|,negative|
+෴ ADV aValue|ֵ,contrariness|,negative|
+ V BeSimilar|
+ V meet|
+ V fit|ʺ
+ V fit|ʺ
+ศ V fit|ʺ,manner=EachOther|
+ศ V fit|ʺ,manner=EachOther|
+ V relate|й
+ V from|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,relate|й
+ V relate|й
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ V associate|
+ N human|,female|Ů,*love|,*mating|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,friend|
+ ADV {EachOther|}
+ V depend|
+ V meet|
+ N tool|þ,*record|¼,*TakePicture|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|
+ V from|
+ཻ V BeAcross|ཻ
+ཻ V associate|
+ V connect|
+ V BeSimilar|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,near|
+ V from|
+ V BeNear|
+ V love|,EachOther|
+ V BeNear|
+ò N attribute|,appearance|,skin|Ƥ,AnimalHuman|
+ V fit|ʺ
+Ƭ N image|ͼ,$TakePicture|
+ V look|
+Ȱ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+ V discuss|
+ N shows|
+ʶ V associate|
+˼ V ThinkOf|˼
+˼ N part|,%tree|,#love|,embryo|
+˼ N part|,%tree|,embryo|
+˼ N tree|
+ V BeSimilar|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+֮ N attribute|,similarity|ͬ,alike|,&entity|ʵ
+Ტ V MakeEqual|ʹ
+ͨ V communicate|
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+Ͷ V fit|ʺ
+ V BeSimilar|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|
+ V facing|
+ V believe|
+μ V inferior|
+֮ V comparison|ȹϵ
+سϰ V become|Ϊ,isa=habit|ϰ
+ V depend|
+Ϊ V depend|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+Ӧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,fit|ʺ
+ӳ V ServeAsFoil|
+ӳȤ V ServeAsFoil|
+ V associate|
+ V meet|
+Լ V MakeAppointment|Լ
+֪ N human|,friend|
+ֽ N paper|ֽ,#TakePicture|
+ V love|
+ײ V bump|ײ
+ V FitNot|
+ N location|λ
+ N room|
+ N room|,%InstitutePlace|,@recreation|,#shows|
+ N room|,%LandVehicle|
+᷿ N room|
+ V inlay|Ƕ
+ⱦʯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,appearance|
+Ƕ V inlay|Ƕ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,fragrant|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+ N attribute|,odor|ζ,&physical|,fragrant|
+ N tool|þ,$burn|,*salute|¾,#humanized|
+㰸 N furniture|Ҿ,*salute|¾,#humanized|
+㲨 N tool|þ,*wash|ϴ,#hair|ë
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+㳦 N food|ʳƷ
+ N attribute|,GoodBad|û,&thing|
+㴻 N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+㴻 N vegetable|߲
+ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ,fragrant|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ۻع V include|,patient=place|ط
+ر N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,happy|,#lucky|
+㹽 N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+㹽 N vegetable|߲
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N tool|þ,$burn|,*salute|¾,#humanized|
+㽶 N fruit|ˮ
+㾫 N material|,?edible|ʳ,?tool|þ,fragrant|
+ N human|,religion|ڽ,*salute|¾
+ N material|,?edible|ʳ,fragrant|
+ N material|,?tool|þ,fragrant|
+ϳ N InstitutePlace|,*produce|,#material|,fragrant|
+ N human|,commercial|
+¯ N tool|þ,@burn|,*salute|¾,#humanized|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,fragrant|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+Ƭ N material|,?drinks|Ʒ
+ N FlowerGrass|,?material|
+ N attribute|,odor|ζ,&physical|,fragrant|
+ˮ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ,fragrant|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+ζ N attribute|,odor|ζ,&physical|,fragrant|
+ N CloudMist|
+ N addictive|Ⱥ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,liquid|Һ
+ɴ N material|,?clothing|
+ N tool|þ,*wash|ϴ,fragrant|
+ N tool|þ,$burn|,*salute|¾,#humanized|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ľ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ N tree|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,fragrant|,desired|
+ N shape|,cubic|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ V help|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+ V help|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ N tree|
+ N tree|
+ N institution|,#place|ط,politics|
+ N place|ط,#agricultural|ũ,village|
+ N place|ط,@ComeToWorld|
+ N human|,vulgar|,village|,undesired|ݬ
+糤 N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,village|
+ N place|ط,#agricultural|ũ,village|
+ N place|ط,#agricultural|ũ,village|
+ N human|,#reside|ס,village|
+ N place|ط,@ComeToWorld|
+ N place|ط,@ComeToWorld|,village|
+ N human|,#reside|ס,village|
+ N human|,village|
+Ƨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,#place|ط
+ N human|,#place|ط,village|
+ N human|,#reside|ס,village|
+ N human|,village|
+ N human|,#village|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ N place|ط,@ComeToWorld|
+ N place|ط,village|
+ N human|
+ N sound|,#language|,original|ԭ
+Ը N human|,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ N place|ط,village|,city|
+ N place|ط,@ComeToWorld|
+ V fly|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,accurate|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ N CloudMist|,desired|
+ N mark|־,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,detailed|,desired|
+ V check|
+ V read|
+ N text|,detailed|
+꾡 ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,detailed|,desired|
+ N attribute|,content|,&information|Ϣ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,detailed|,desired|
+ N information|Ϣ,detailed|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,accurate|,desired|
+ V express|ʾ
+̸ V express|ʾ
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,detailed|,desired|
+ע V explain|˵,manner=detailed|
+ע N part|,%text|,$explain|˵,detailed|
+ V ThinkOf|˼
+ V regard|Ϊ
+ V think|˼
+ V willing|Ը
+ ADV {comment|}
+벻 ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$predict|Ԥ
+벻 V upset|
+벻 V BeUnable|,content=remember|ǵ
+뵱Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ÿ V AtEase|
+뷨 N thought|ͷ
+뷨 V try|
+뷽跨 V try|
+ V ThinkOf|˼,content=family|
+ V deduce|
+ ADV {comment|}
+ V ThinkOf|˼
+ V remember|ǵ
+ V remember|ǵ,Vachieve|
+Ƿ V guess|²
+ͷ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+ V expect|
+ V think|˼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,guess|²
+ V guess|²
+ N attribute|,ability|,#guess|²,&human|
+ V MakeSound|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+ N sound|
+쳹 V MakeSound|
+쳹 V MakeSound|,LocationFin=sky|
+쵱 ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+춯 N sound|
+ N attribute|,SoundVolume|,&MakeSound|,&physical|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+ V MakeSound|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N sound|
+β N beast|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+Ӧ V respond|Ӧ
+ V enjoy|
+ V enjoy|,content=happy|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ V enjoy|,content=joyful|ϲ
+ ADJ thinking|˼,#expect|,#enjoy|
+ V pass|ȹ
+ V enjoy|
+ V enjoy|
+ V own|
+ʢ V own|,possession=glorious|
+ V own|,possession=glorious|
+ V own|,possession=glorious|,location=place|ط
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&event|¼
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N fund|ʽ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ N symbol|
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,$PutOn|
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,$PutOn|
+Ŀ N affairs|
+Ȧ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,$PutOn|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N facilities|ʩ,mine|
+ N part|,%facilities|ʩ,route|·,mouth|
+β N part|,%facilities|ʩ,route|·,tail|β
+ N expression|
+ս N fact|,fight|,#route|·
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N tree|
+ N material|,?tool|þ
+Ƥ N material|,?tool|þ
+Ƥ N stationery|ľ,*wipe|
+ʵ N part|,%tree|,embryo|
+ N tree|
+ V BeSimilar|
+ N attribute|,similarity|ͬ,&entity|ʵ
+ N image|ͼ
+ N image|ͼ,#human|
+ ADJ {comment|}
+ ADV {comment|}
+ PREP {contrast}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+Ƭ N image|ͼ,$TakePicture|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|
+ N tool|þ,*PutOn|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N direction|
+ V endorse|ӵ
+ V facing|
+ PREP {LocationFin}
+ PREP {StateFin}
+ PREP {TimeFin}
+ PREP {beneficiary}
+ PREP {direction}
+ PREP {source}
+ PREP {target}
+ ... V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ ... V call|ٻ
+ N human|,*guide|
+Ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|,east|,south|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|,east|
+ N attribute|,performance|,&inanimate|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,direction|,hind|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,direction|,external|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,direction|,internal|
+ǰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|,InFront|ǰ
+ǰ V look|,direction=future|
+տ N crop|ׯ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,direction|,upper|
+б ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,slanted|
+ V expect|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|,west|,south|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,direction|,beneath|
+б ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,slanted|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&physical|
+ V facing|,direction=(sun|̫)
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,direction|
+ҿ N expression|,*order|
+ V melancholy|
+ V melancholy|
+ V endorse|ӵ
+ V facing|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,direction|
+ N expression|,*order|
+ N attribute|,form|״,&physical|
+ N beast|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#recreation|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ
+ N tool|þ,*recreation|
+ N part|,%space|ռ
+ N character|
+ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ N facilities|ʩ,HighRank|ߵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|
+ V mean|ָ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V obey|ѭ,content=regulation|
+ǽ N part|,%building|,skin|Ƥ
+ɪ V MakeSound|
+ɪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ɭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,sparse|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ V decline|˥,commercial|
+ N sound|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ V produce|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N CloudMist|,#weapon|,#fight|
+ N CloudMist|
+ N sky|
+ N sky|
+ V cut|
+ V cut|,sport|
+ V subtract|
+ N part|,%land|½,skin|Ƥ
+ V subtract|,scope=price|۸,commercial|
+ V subtract|
+ V subtract|,commercial|
+ V beat|,patient=SportTool|˶
+ V weaken|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ V cry|
+ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=liquid|Һ,industrial|
+ V remove|
+ V sell|,commercial|
+ V spend|,commercial|
+ V destroy|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ V tell|,content=due|
+ N attribute|,price|۸,#sell|,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ N quantity|,amount|,$sell|,physical|,commercial|
+· N attribute|,circumstances|,&sell|
+伣 V disappear|ʧ
+ V sell|,commercial|
+۶ N quantity|,amount|,#sell|,&money|
+ N quantity|,amount|,$sell|,physical|,commercial|
+һ V disappear|ʧ,#sell|,commercial|
+ V handle|,crime|
+ V remove|,LocationIni=account|,commercial|
+ N tool|þ,*fix|ס
+ V WhileAway|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ V pass|ȹ
+ V remove|
+ V change|
+ V disheartened|
+ V remove|
+ V AlterProperty|,PatientAttribute=property|
+ V AlterProperty|,PatientAttribute=spotless|,medical|ҽ
+ N medicine|ҩ,*AlterProperty|,#spotless|
+ N affairs|,obstruct|ֹ,#fire|
+ N fact|,remove|,#fire|
+ N LandVehicle|,*remove|,#fire|
+ N institution|,*remove|,#fire|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*remove|,#fire|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*remove|,#fire|
+ͧ N ship|,*remove|,#fire|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*remove|,#fire|
+վ N institution|,*remove|,#fire|
+ V exhaust|
+ V spend|,commercial|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ
+ N human|,*spend|,*buy|,commercial|
+ V exhaust|
+ V exhaust|,commercial|
+ V spend|,commercial|
+ V consume|ȡ
+ N disease|
+֢ N disease|
+ϵͳ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|,*consume|ȡ
+˨ N facilities|ʩ,*remove|,#fire|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,passive|,undesired|ݬ
+ V remove|
+ V destroy|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ĥ V exhaust|
+ĥ V pass|ȹ
+ V calm|
+Dz V WhileAway|
+Dz ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=liquid|Һ,industrial|
+ɢ V disappear|ʧ
+ V remove|,ResultEvent=sound|
+ʧ V disappear|ʧ
+ʳ V consume|ȡ
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ V remove|
+ V endure|
+ V enjoy|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,bony|
+ V pass|ȹ
+ V restrain|ֹ,ResultEvent=hot|
+ V exhaust|
+ N disappear|ʧ
+ V perish|
+Ϣ N information|Ϣ
+Ϣͨ V know|֪,#information|Ϣ,manner=fast|
+ V pass|ȹ,patient=summer|
+ V WhileAway|
+ V cure|ҽ
+ҹ N food|ʳƷ,generic|ͳ
+ V cure|ҽ
+ V remove|,patient=swollen|
+ V restrain|ֹ
+ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+ N fact|,restrain|ֹ,night|,police|
+ V MakeMisunderstand|ʹ֪
+ V know|֪
+ N time|ʱ,day|,early|
+ V know|֪
+ʾ V tell|
+Դ V tell|,content=correct|ȷ
+ V tell|,content=ProsCons|
+ V tell|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,young|
+С ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С
+С N human|,young|
+Сײ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+Сײ N vegetable|߲
+Сٻ N artifact|˹,commercial|,generic|ͳ
+С N part|,%InstitutePlace|,education|
+С N publications|鿯,#news|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,clan|
+С N human|,clan|,young|
+С V excrete|й,patient=liquid|Һ
+С N liquid|Һ,#AnimalHuman|,waste|,$excrete|й
+С N part|,%AnimalHuman|,male|,*excrete|й,#liquid|Һ
+С N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hair|ë
+С N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+С N result|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+С N part|,%text|,name|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С
+С N human|,young|
+С V walk|,military|
+С V music|
+С N food|ʳƷ
+С N food|ʳƷ,generic|ͳ
+С V labour|ٲ
+С N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+С N LandVehicle|
+С N food|ʳƷ
+С N food|ʳƷ,generic|ͳ
+СԲ N InstitutePlace|,@eat|,commercial|
+СԵ N InstitutePlace|,@eat|,commercial|
+С N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+С V IllBehave|
+С N ship|
+С N time|ʱ,month|
+С N time|ʱ,season|
+С N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+С N vegetable|߲
+С N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+СϢ N information|Ϣ,$disseminate|,hidden|
+С N human|,family|,male|
+С PRON {firstPerson|}
+С N attribute|,SoundQuality|,&music|
+С N music|
+С N method|,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+С N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+С N vegetable|߲
+С N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+С N community|
+С N quantity|,amount|,few|,&physical|
+СС N phenomena|,desired|
+С N human|,intimate|,male|,young|
+С N human|,young|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,miser|,undesired|ݬ
+С N part|,%InstitutePlace|,*cure|ҽ,#young|
+С֢ N disease|
+С N human|,#occupation|ְλ,commercial|
+С N payment|,#commercial|
+Сֶ N part|,%army|,military|
+С N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+С N shows|
+С N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+С N human|,intimate|,female|Ů
+С N MusicTool|
+С N clothing|,#body|
+С N humanized|,young|
+С N human|,young|
+С N human|,royal|,young|
+С N human|,young|
+С N time|ʱ,day|,cold|
+С N MusicTool|
+С N human|,religion|ڽ,male|,young|
+С N human|,young|,male|
+С N community|,undesired|ݬ
+С N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+Сұ N human|,female|Ů,beautiful|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С
+С N time|ʱ,month|
+С N human|,brave|
+С N part|,%human|,female|Ů,past|,foot|
+Сγ N LandVehicle|
+С N fact|,secondary|
+С N part|,%music|
+С V explain|˵
+С N text|,#readings|
+С V excrete|й,patient=liquid|Һ
+С N human|,female|Ů
+С N part|,%clothing|,body|
+С N time|ʱ,month|
+С N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+С N human|,intimate|,male|
+С N human|,young|,rich|
+С V despise|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+С N human|,intimate|,female|Ů
+С N human|,intimate|,mass|,family|
+С N quantity|,amount|,few|,&physical|
+С· N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+С N crop|ׯ
+С N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+С N time|ʱ,day|
+Сè N beast|
+С N human|,family|,female|Ů
+С N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+СĴָ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hand|
+С N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+С N human|,young|
+Сũ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ
+Сũ N affairs|,produce|,nonextensive|
+СŮ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+С V run|
+С N human|,young|
+СƷ N shows|
+Сҵ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,commercial|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,miser|,undesired|ݬ
+С N human|,miser|,undesired|ݬ
+С N LandVehicle|
+СǮ N money|
+СǮ N payment|,#commercial|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,desired|
+С N human|,young|
+С N place|ط,@reside|ס,#house|
+СȦ N community|
+С N human|,secondary|
+С N human|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+С N publications|鿯
+С N human|,secondary|
+С N phenomena|,family|
+С N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+Сʱ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ
+Сʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,#young|
+С N fact|,secondary|
+С N human|
+С V despise|
+С N fact|,cure|ҽ
+СС ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,timid|,undesired|ݬ
+СС ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,miser|,undesired|ݬ
+С N time|ʱ,day|
+С N symbol|,#quantity|,#DoSum|
+С N symbol|,#quantity|
+С˯ V sleep|˯
+С˵ N publications|鿯
+С˵ N human|,*compile|༭,#readings|,literature|
+Сմ N material|
+С N MusicTool|
+С N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+С N space|ռ,private|˽
+Сͧ N ship|
+С͵ N human|,*steal|͵,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+С N part|,%AnimalHuman|,leg|
+СԳ N LandVehicle|
+С V inferior|
+С N house|
+С N fittings|
+СϪ N waters|ˮ
+Сд ADJ aValue|ֵ,pattern|ʽ,&character|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+СĽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+С۶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,miser|,undesired|ݬ
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С
+С N weapon|,ship|,military|
+Сè N beast|
+Сѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,elementary|,education|
+Сѧ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|
+СѧУ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+Сѩ N time|ʱ,day|
+Сѭ N phenomena|
+С N time|ʱ,month|
+С N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ,#example|ʵ
+С N clothing|,#leg|
+С˼ N fact|,secondary|
+С˼ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ,$GiveAsGift|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С,more|
+С ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|,more|
+С N RainSnow|ѩ
+С N disease|,#GiveBirth|
+С N time|ʱ,month|
+С N edible|ʳ,generic|ͳ
+Сվ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#LandVehicle|,@stay|ͣ,@TakeVehicle|
+С N place|ط,city|
+Сָ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hand|
+С N human|,young|
+С N attribute|,name|,&entity|ʵ
+С N character|,small|С
+Сֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clan|
+С N part|,%organization|֯
+С N human|,young|
+С N human|,young|
+С N human|,young|,female|Ů
+С V rest|Ϣ
+Т ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+Т N emotion|,condole|°
+Т N emotion|,loyal|Т
+Т N clothing|,*condole|°
+Т V GiveAsGift|
+Т V loyal|Т
+Т˳ N emotion|,loyal|Т
+Т˳ V loyal|Т
+Т N emotion|,loyal|Т
+Т N human|,*loyal|Т,family|,desired|
+Т N human|,desired|,family|,*condole|°
+Т N human|,*loyal|Т,family|,desired|
+У N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+У V check|
+У N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,education|
+У N human|,official|,education|
+У V check|
+У V check|
+УԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*check|
+У N institution|,education|
+У N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&InstitutePlace|,education|
+У N clothing|,education|
+У V amend|
+У N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+У V check|
+У N human|,female|Ů,education|
+У N tool|þ,$PutOn|,mark|־,education|
+У ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+У V check|
+У N part|,%InstitutePlace|,mouth|
+У N fact|,congratulate|ף,education|
+У N house|,education|
+У ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,education|
+У N affairs|,education|
+У V check|
+Уҽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ,education|
+У N human|,friend|,education|
+Уѻ N community|,friend|,education|
+У N part|,%InstitutePlace|,education|
+У V check|
+У V amend|
+Уַ N location|λ,%InstitutePlace|,education|
+У N fact|,check|
+Ф V BeSimilar|
+Ф N image|ͼ
+Ф N image|ͼ
+Ф N human|,*draw|,literature|
+Х V MakeSound|
+Х V cry|
+Х V MakeSound|,manner=free|
+Х V collude|
+Х V MakeSound|
+Ц V LaughAt|Ц
+Ц V laugh|Ц
+Ц N information|Ϣ,*LaughAt|Ц
+Ц V laugh|Ц
+Ц V LaughAt|Ц
+Ц N information|Ϣ,*LaughAt|Ц
+Цٳ V err|
+Цڳ V laugh|Ц,frequency=often|
+Цص ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+Ц N attribute|,countenance|,laugh|Ц,&human|
+Ц N information|Ϣ,*LaughAt|Ц
+Ц V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+Ц V laugh|Ц
+Ц滢 N human|,fake|α,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+Ц V receive|
+Ц N gas|
+Ц N attribute|,countenance|,laugh|Ц,&human|
+Цݿ V laugh|Ц
+Ц V laugh|Ц
+Ц̸ N information|Ϣ,*LaughAt|Ц
+Ц N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+Ц V laugh|Ц
+ЦЦ V laugh|Ц
+Цտ V laugh|Ц
+Ц N part|,%human|,skin|Ƥ
+Ц N part|,%human|,skin|Ƥ,#laugh|Ц
+Ч N attribute|,effect|Ч,&entity|ʵ,&act|ж
+Ч V imitate|ģ
+Ч V imitate|ģ
+Ч V imitate|ģ
+Ч N attribute|,effect|Ч,&act|ж
+Ч V engage|
+Ч V engage|
+Ч N attribute|,effect|Ч,&entity|ʵ,&act|ж
+Чʺܲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+Ч V engage|,manner=endeavour|
+Ч N attribute|,effect|Ч,&entity|ʵ,&act|ж
+Ч N attribute|,effect|Ч,&entity|ʵ,&act|ж
+ЧӦ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&entity|ʵ,&act|ж
+Ч N attribute|,effect|Ч,&entity|ʵ,&act|ж
+Ч V imitate|ģ
+Ч V endeavour|,manner=faithful|
+Ш V beat|
+Ш N part|,%artifact|˹,*fix|ס
+Ш N tool|þ,*fix|ס
+Щ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+Щ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+Щ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,some|Щ
+Ъ V cease|ͣ
+Ъ V cease|ͣ,content=affairs|,#duty|
+Ъ V rest|Ϣ
+Ъ V sleep|˯
+Ъ V cease|ͣ,content=affairs|,#duty|
+Ъ V cease|ͣ,content=affairs|,#duty|
+Ъ V rest|Ϣ
+Ъ V rest|Ϣ,#SelfMove|
+Ъ V enjoy|,content=chilly|
+Ъ V sleep|˯,time=afternoon|
+Ъ V cease|ͣ
+Ъ V reside|ס,time=night|
+ЪϢ V rest|Ϣ
+ЪϢ V sleep|˯
+ЪЪ V rest|Ϣ
+Ъҵ V cease|ͣ,content=affairs|,commercial|
+Ы N InsectWorm|
+Ы N InsectWorm|
+Ы N InsectWorm|
+Ь N clothing|,#foot|
+Ь N tool|þ,#clothing|,#foot|
+Ь N part|,%clothing|,#foot|
+Ь N fittings|,%clothing|,#foot|
+Ь N part|,clothing|,#foot|
+Ь N part|,%clothing|,#foot|
+Ь N fittings|,%clothing|,#foot|
+Ь N human|,#occupation|ְλ,#clothing|,#foot|,industrial|
+Ьñ N clothing|,#head|ͷ,#foot|
+Ьˢ N tool|þ,*wipe|,#clothing|,#foot|
+Ь N clothing|,#foot|
+Ь N tool|þ,*wipe|,#clothing|,#foot|
+Ь N clothing|,#foot|
+Э V help|
+Э V coordinate|Э
+Э N human|,*coordinate|Э,military|
+Эһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|,desired|
+Э V MakeAppointment|Լ
+Э N agreement|Լ
+Э V fit|ʺ
+Э N community|
+Э V help|,scope=manage|
+Э V cooperate|
+Э V discuss|
+Э N human|,*discuss|
+Эͬ V cooperate|
+Э V MakeAppointment|Լ
+Э N agreement|Լ
+Э N agreement|Լ
+Э V help|
+Э N music|
+Э V cooperate|
+Э N human|,*cooperate|
+Ю V hold|
+Ю V control|,means=fierce|
+Ю V control|,means=fierce|
+Я V bring|Я
+Я V guide|
+Я V bring|Я
+Я N human|,*bring|Я
+Я ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+а ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+а ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+а ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,undesired|ݬ
+а· N facilities|ʩ,route|·,wrong|
+аŶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+а N attribute|,SocialMode|,evil|,&entity|ʵ
+б ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,slanted|
+б N attribute|,slope|¶,&inanimate|
+б N facilities|ʩ,mine|
+б N attribute|,slope|¶,&inanimate|
+б N part|,%physical|,surfacial|,slanted|
+б N part|,%land|½,skin|Ƥ
+б V firing|,manner=slanted|,military|
+б V illuminate|,manner=slanted|
+б V disease|,#eye|
+б V look|,manner=slanted|
+б ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,slanted|
+б ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,slanted|
+б N shape|,#clothing|
+б N image|ͼ,linear|
+б N disease|,#eye|
+б N human|,*disable|м,#eye|
+б N celestial|
+в V force|ǿ
+в V force|ǿ
+в V hold|
+вЦ V please|ȡ
+в V force|ǿ
+г ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+г N shape|
+г ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+г N attribute|,similarity|ͬ,alike|,&sound|
+г N phenomena|,#sound|
+г V LaughAt|Ц
+д V compile|༭
+д V describe|д
+д V write|д
+д N attribute|,style|,&text|
+д N method|,*write|д
+д V draw|,literature|
+дʵ V describe|д
+д V write|д,ContentProduct=letter|ż
+д ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+д V satisfied|
+д V describe|д
+д N text|,*describe|д
+д V describe|д
+д V draw|
+д V write|д
+дּ N room|,#employee|Ա,@engage|
+д̨ N furniture|Ҿ,@put|
+д V compile|༭
+е N implement|,generic|ͳ
+е N tool|þ,police|,*punish|,#crime|
+е V fight|
+ж V TakeAway|ᶯ
+ж V dismount|ж
+ж V refuse|
+ж V remove|
+ж V TakeAway|ᶯ,LocationIni=LandVehicle|
+ж V TakeAway|ᶯ,patient=artifact|˹
+жĥɱ¿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+ж V cease|ͣ,content=undertake|
+ж V TakeAway|ᶯ
+жװ V StripOff|ȥ,patient=clothing|,entertainment|
+з N fish|
+з N food|ʳƷ
+з ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,BlueGreen|
+и ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lazy|,undesired|ݬ
+й V release|ͷ
+й V reveal|¶
+й V reveal|¶,patient=event|¼
+й V release|ͷ,patient=water|ˮ
+й V disheartened|
+й© V reveal|¶
+й¶ V reveal|¶
+й V reveal|¶,patient=event|¼
+й V disheartened|
+к V StomachTrouble|֢
+к V flow|
+к V StomachTrouble|֢
+л V apologize|Ǹ
+л N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+л V decline|˥
+л V thank|л
+л V reject|ؾ
+л V die|
+лл V grateful|м
+л N letter|ż,*thank|л
+лл V thank|л
+л N emotion|,grateful|м
+л V apologize|Ǹ
+м ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,trivial|,undesired|ݬ
+м N shape|
+н N material|,wood|ľ,*lighting|ȼ,$burn|
+н N payment|
+н N payment|
+н V PassOn|
+нˮ N payment|
+нˮ N human|,$employ|
+н̿ N tree|,?material|
+о N part|,%artifact|˹,heart|
+оƬ N part|,%artifact|˹,heart|
+о N part|,%tool|þ,$burn|,heart|
+о N part|,beast|,mouth|
+п N metal|
+п N tool|þ,*print|ӡˢ
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ ADJ joyful|ϲ
+ V joyful|ϲ
+Ȼ V aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+Ȼ ADV aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ V enjoy|
+ο V satisfied|
+Ϥ V know|֪,manner=joyful|ϲ
+ϲ V joyful|ϲ
+ϲ V joyful|ϲ,degree=extreme|
+ V admire|Ľ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,peppery|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N fact|,past|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+ V endeavour|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,peppery|
+ V endeavour|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Singapore|¼)
+± N money|,(Uruguay|)
+± N human|,military|,$include|
+³ ADJ aValue|ֵ,pattern|ʽ,modern|,desired|
+³´л V metabolize|л,medical|ҽ
+³ɺ N emotion|,hate|,undesired|ݬ
+´ N time|ʱ,spring|,early|
+´ѽ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+´½ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+µ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(India|ӡ)
+· N room|,@reside|ס,#GetMarried|
+¸ N human|,female|Ů,*GetMarried|
+ºʲ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+» N institution|,news|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+»ͨѶ N institution|,news|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+» V GetMarried|,now|
+» N human|,family|,mass|,*GetMarried|
+¼Ԫ N time|ʱ
+¼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Singapore|¼)
+¼ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+¼ N human|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Singapore|¼)
+¼Ԫ N money|,(Singapore|¼)
+½ V build|
+½ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+½ά N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+½ N human|,friend|,now|
+½ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+¾ N {newness|¾}
+¾ N house|,new|
+¿ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,new|,&artifact|˹
+ N human|,male|,*GetMarried|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ī N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ N human|,female|Ů,*GetMarried|
+ N human|,female|Ů,*GetMarried|
+ƪ N part|,%readings|,new|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+ N place|ط,new|,#human|
+ N human|
+ N human|,female|Ů,*GetMarried|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,#undertake|
+ N attribute|,newness|¾,new|,occupation|ְλ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,desired|
+ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|
+ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|,now|
+ N phenomena|,desired|
+ N time|ʱ,past|
+ N human|,young|,$GiveBirth|,now|
+ʫ N text|
+ʯʱ N time|ʱ,past|
+ʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,desired|
+ N human|,unable|ӹ
+ N publications|鿯,immediate|
+ N publications|鿯,new|
+ľ N army|,ProperName|ר,past|
+ N money|,(Peru|³)
+̨ N money|,(Taiwan|̨)
+ N news|
+ų N institution|,#news|
+Ŵ N institution|,#news|
+ŷ N human|,announce|
+Ÿ N readings|,#news|
+Ÿ N text|,news|
+Ź N affairs|,#news|
+Ź N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*gather|ɼ,*compile|༭,#news|
+Ź N readings|,#news|
+Ź㲥 N fact|,disseminate|,#news|
+ż N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*gather|ɼ,*compile|༭,#news|
+ż V check|,content=news|
+Ž N community|,#news|
+Žʿ N human|,*gather|ɼ,*compile|༭,#news|
+ý N institution|,*disseminate|,#news|
+Ƭ N shows|,#news|
+Ա N human|,*analyze|,#news|
+ N human|,#news|
+ҵ N affairs|,#news|
+ֽ N paper|ֽ
+רԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,*manage|,news|,diplomatic|⽻
+ N system|ƶ,#news|,free|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Oceania|)
+ N human|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(New Zealand|)
+Ԫ N money|,(New Zealand|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,desired|
+ N human|,able|,new|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,desired|
+ N human|,able|,new|,desired|
+һ N attribute|,clan|,new|,&thing|
+ɫл˶ N money|,(Israel|ɫ)
+ N thinking|˼,new|
+ӱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,desired|
+Ԫ N money|,(Singapore|¼)
+ N celestial|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ V add|
+ N regulation|,politics|,new|
+װ N clothing|,new|
+ߗ N place|ط,@reside|ס,#house|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ ADJ joyful|ϲ
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ N mental|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,heart|
+ N part|,%thing|,heart|
+İ V like|ϧ
+İ V AtEase|
+İ V AtEase|
+İ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,heart|
+İ N disease|
+IJ N fact|,secret|
+IJ N fact|,worried|ż
+IJ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+IJ N thought|ͷ
+ij N thought|ͷ
+ij N thought|ͷ
+ij V excited|
+ij V expect|
+Ĵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,undesired|ݬ
+ĵ N experience|
+ĵ N location|λ,%heart|
+ĵ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ĵխ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,biased|ƫ,undesired|ݬ
+ĵͼ N image|ͼ,#cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+Ķ V excited|
+Ķ V jump|
+Ķ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,heart|
+ķ V upset|
+ķ V upset|
+ķ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,heart|
+ķڷ V believe|
+ĸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ĸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,secret|
+ĸ N human|,friend|
+ĸ֮ N disease|
+ĸ֮ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,dangerous|Σ
+ĸԸ V willing|Ը
+ĸ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ĸ N human|,$like|ϧ
+Ĺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,fat|
+ĺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+Ļŭ V joyful|ϲ
+Ļ V cherish|Ļ
+Ļ V flurried|
+Ļ V disheartened|
+Ļ V disheartened|
+Ļ N thinking|˼
+ļ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,heart|
+ļ N disease|
+ļ N disease|
+ļ N thinking|˼
+ļ V worried|ż
+ļ V worried|ż
+ļ V ill|̬
+ļ V plan|ƻ
+Ľ V worried|ż
+Ľʹ N disease|
+ľս V fear|
+ľ V fear|
+ľ V calm|
+ľ N attribute|,circumstances|,&mental|
+Ŀ N thinking|˼
+Ŀ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,heart|
+Ŀһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,true|,desired|
+Ŀ V satisfied|
+ N mental|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,mental|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#mental|
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,#mental|
+ս N fact|,fight|,#mental|
+ﻰ N experience|,sincere|,desired|
+ N mental|
+ N tired|ƣ
+˥ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ N mental|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ V understand|
+ V understand|
+· N attribute|,tolerance|,&human|
+· N attribute|,wisdom|ǻ,&AnimalHuman|
+· N purpose|Ŀ
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&jump|
+ N quantity|,rate|,&jump|
+ V uneasy|
+ V satisfied|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+Ŀ N thinking|˼
+ƽ V AtEase|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,urgent|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&thinking|˼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ N mental|
+絶 V sorrowful|
+絶 V sorrowful|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,undesired|ݬ
+ N location|λ,%heart|
+ N human|,$love|
+ N mental|
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+ N thinking|˼
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,heart|
+ N thought|ͷ
+˼ N mental|
+˼ N thought|ͷ
+ V sorrowful|
+ V calculate|
+ V sorrowful|
+̬ N attribute|,circumstances|,&thinking|˼
+ V like|ϧ
+ V sorry|ϧ
+ N mental|
+ V ill|̬
+ʹ V sorrowful|
+ʹ ADJ sorrowful|
+ͷ N mental|
+ N stone|ʯ,?material|
+Ѷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,heart|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ N mental|
+ V think|˼
+ V admire|Ľ
+ӡ ADJ FondOf|ϲ,manner=EachOther|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+խ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,biased|ƫ,undesired|ݬ
+ V GuiltilyConscious|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&thinking|˼
+ V FeelingByBad|
+Ѫ N mental|
+Ѫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+Ѫ V excited|
+۶ N attribute|,tolerance|,&human|,&organization|֯
+۶ N attribute|,wisdom|ǻ,&AnimalHuman|
+۶ N experience|,doubt|
+۶ N purpose|Ŀ
+۶ N thinking|˼
+ N emotion|,kindhearted|,desired|
+ N purpose|Ŀ
+ V BeUnable|
+ V fear|
+Գ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+Ը N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+óϷ V believe|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,heart|
+Ĥ N disease|
+ಡ N disease|
+ֱڿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ N location|λ,%heart|
+ V ignorant|֪
+ V know|֪
+ N part|,%physical|,heart|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ N part|,%human|,heart|
+ V believe|
+ N experience|,believe|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ N information|Ϣ,*prove|֤
+ N letter|ż
+ N part|,%weapon|
+Ų V walk|
+Ŵ N affairs|,lend|,borrow|,commercial|
+ŵ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ŷ V communicate|
+ŷ N tool|þ,@put|,#letter|ż
+ŷ N wind|
+ŷ V believe|
+ŷ V believe|
+Ÿ N bird|,*post|ʼ
+ź N letter|ż
+ź N symbol|
+ź N symbol|,#hand|,$show|
+źŵ N tool|þ
+Ż V post|ʼ,instrument=letter|ż
+ż N paper|ֽ,@write|д
+ż N letter|ż
+Ž V include|,religion|ڽ
+ſڴƻ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+ſڿ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+ V believe|
+ N human|,*believe|
+ N experience|,believe|
+ȿ N letter|ż
+ V believe|
+ͱط ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,good|,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ʹ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*post|ʼ
+ĵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,true|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,easy|,desired|
+ V obey|ѭ
+ N thinking|˼
+ͽ N human|,*obey|ѭ
+ͽ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ V entrust|ί
+й˾ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ
+Ϣ N information|Ϣ
+Ϣḻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,substantial|ʵ,desired|
+Ϣ N quantity|,amount|,&information|Ϣ
+Ϣ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#information|Ϣ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#letter|ż
+ N emotion|,believe|
+İٱ V believe|
+ V believe|
+ N experience|,believe|
+Ϊ V believe|
+ N experience|,believe|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,&human|,&organization|֯
+÷ſ N money|,$lend|,commercial|
+ÿ N coupon|Ʊ֤,#money|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@SetAside|,@TakeBack|ȡ,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+֤ N letter|ż,#fund|ʽ,commercial|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N letter|ż
+ֽ N paper|ֽ,@write|д,#letter|ż
+ N celestial|
+ N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ N mark|־
+ N shape|
+dz N celestial|
+dz N InsectWorm|
+Ƕ N celestial|
+ǹ N lights|
+Ǻ N celestial|
+ǻ N celestial|
+ǻ N fire|
+Ǽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ
+Ǽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,#celestial|
+ǿ N sky|
+岼 ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N time|ʱ,week|
+ڶ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+һ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ N celestial|
+ս N plans|滮,*defend|,#celestial|,military|
+ɢ V disperse|ɢ
+ N celestial|
+ N celestial|
+ N mark|־,#country|,(US|)
+ N celestial|
+ϵ N celestial|
+ϵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,#celestial|
+ N celestial|
+ N shape|
+ǵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ҹ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+ƶת V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ,#time|ʱ
+ N celestial|
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ N celestial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,stinky|
+ȳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,stinky|,undesired|ݬ
+ȷѪ N phenomena|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,stinky|
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,stinky|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,stinky|
+ N beast|
+ɺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ɺ N disease|
+ N beast|
+̬ V pretend|װ
+ N emotion|,FondOf|ϲ
+ V prosper|
+ V start|ʼ
+ V urge|ʹ
+˰ V establish|
+˳ V excited|
+˷ V excited|
+˷ ADJ excited|
+˷ܲ V excited|,degree=extreme|
+˷ܼ N medicine|ҩ,*CauseToDo|ʹ,#excited|,sport|,undesired|ݬ
+˷ܼ N InstitutePlace|,*check|,#medicine|ҩ,sport|
+˷ V MakeTrouble|
+˸߲ V joyful|ϲ
+˹ V CauseToGrow|ʹɳ,patient=country|
+˻ N thought|ͷ
+˽ V build|
+ V improve|
+¡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ũ V CauseToGrow|ʹɳ,patient=agricultural|ũ
+ V appear|
+ V begin|ʼ
+ V prosper|
+Ȥ N emotion|,FondOf|ϲ
+ʢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ʦ V dispatch|Dz,patient=army|
+ʦ V mobilize|
+ʦ V attack|
+˥ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&human|,&organization|֯
+̾ V sigh|̾
+ͷ N emotion|,excited|
+ͷ V excited|
+ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&human|,&organization|֯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ V prosper|
+ V prosper|
+ζ N emotion|,FondOf|ϲ
+ V build|
+ ADV {comment|}
+ѧ V establish|,patient=education|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ N emotion|,FondOf|ϲ
+² V joyful|ϲ
+ N fact|,damage|
+ N fact|,punish|,#police|
+̳ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@punish|,#crime|,police|
+̷ N fact|,punish|
+̷ N law|ɷ,*punish|,#crime|
+̾ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|
+̾ V part|,%institution|,*scout|,#crime|,police|
+̾ N tool|þ,police|,*punish|,#crime|
+ N law|ɷ,*punish|,#crime|
+ͷ V undergo|,content=release|ͷ,crime|,#police|
+ N time|ʱ,@punish|,#crime|,police|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,crime|
+· N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+· N fact|,do|,#crime|,crime|
+¾ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|
+ N fact|,accuse|ظ,police|
+Ϸ N law|ɷ,*punish|,#crime|
+ N duty|,crime|
+ V scout|,content=crime|,police|
+ V part|,%institution|,*scout|,#crime|,police|
+Ѷ V interrogate|,police|
+촦 V part|,%institution|,*scout|,#crime|,police|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&physical|
+ N tool|þ,*produce|
+Ͱ N part|,%machine|
+ N metal|
+ͺ N attribute|,kind|,&artifact|˹
+ N attribute|,form|״,&physical|
+α V FormChange|α
+γ V forming|γ
+εӰֻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ
+ζѧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+κ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+κ N part|,%human|,body|
+μ N attribute|,bearing|̬,&human|
+ V describe|д
+ݴ N part|,%language|
+ʽ N attribute|,form|״,&entity|ʵ
+ʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|,desired|
+ʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,appearance|
+ʽ N thinking|˼
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,form|״,&earth|
+ V BeSimilar|
+ƶʵȫȻͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,different|
+̬ N attribute|,form|״,&physical|
+̬ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#language|
+ N attribute|,form|״,&human|
+ N attribute|,form|״,&inanimate|
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ N image|ͼ
+ɫɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|
+Ӱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+Ӱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ
+״ N attribute|,form|״,&physical|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+̨ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N InstitutePlace|,@SetAside|,@TakeBack|ȡ,@lend|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&physical|
+ V SelfMove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|
+ N affairs|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ N attribute|,clan|,&human|
+ V conduct|ʵʩ
+ V exist|
+ EXPR expression|,*ExpressAgreement|ʾͬ
+вͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|
+г N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,commercial|
+г V VehicleGo|ʻ,#LandVehicle|
+г N attribute|,distance|,&event|¼
+г N process|,wave|ڶ,#machine|
+д V VehicleGo|ʻ,#ship|
+д V kill|ɱ,manner=crime|,police|
+е N affairs|
+еͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|
+ж V do|
+ж N fact|,#act|ж
+з N human|,#occupation|ְλ,commercial|
+з V mating|
+и V benefit|
+й N house|,royal|
+к V WellTreat|ƴ
+л N expression|
+л V entice|,means=GiveAsGift|,crime|
+м N human|,desired|,able|
+м N human|,desired|,able|
+н ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,future|
+нľ V decline|˥
+н V rob|
+н V GoForward|ǰ
+н N community|,#LandVehicle|,*SelfMove|
+о V GoThrough|
+о V excrete|й,medical|ҽ
+о N fact|,act|ж
+о N SelfMove|,#army|,military|
+ V SeekPleasure|Ѱ
+ N artifact|˹,#tour|
+ V salute|¾
+ N shape|,linear|
+ V engage|,content=catch|ס,agricultural|ũ
+ N human|,*tour|,*AlterLocation|ռλ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ƭ V engage|,content=cheat|ƭ
+ V engage|,content=beg|
+ V engage|,content=steal|͵
+ N attribute|,price|۸,&physical|,commercial|
+ N human|,*walk|
+ V calm|
+ɫҴ V walk|,manner=busy|æ
+ V engage|,content=WellTreat|ƴ
+ N human|,*WellTreat|ƴ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,commercial|
+ʬ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ʹ V conduct|ʵʩ
+ʻ V VehicleGo|ʻ
+ V do|
+ N attribute|,price|۸,&physical|,commercial|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&character|,&symbol|
+ N part|,%organization|֯,*manage|
+Ϊ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+Ϊ N fact|,act|ж
+Ϊ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+Ϊ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+Ϊֱ N human|,fair|,desired|
+ V announce|
+ V sell|,commercial|
+ N celestial|
+ V kill|ɱ,police|
+̶ N part|,%army|,police|
+ V kill|ɱ,crime|
+ҵ N affairs|
+ҵ N expression|
+ҽ V engage|,content=cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,dexterous|,desired|
+ N affairs|,manage|
+λ N part|,%organization|֯,*manage|
+ N part|,%organization|֯,*manage|
+ N affairs|,manage|
+ N place|ط,%country|,*manage|
+ N affairs|,manage|,public|
+֮Ч ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+ֹ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ֹ N location|λ,@stay|ͣ
+װ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N location|λ,@stay|ͣ
+ٲ V unfixed|δ,scope=location|λ,#stay|ͣ
+ V walk|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,scope=mental|
+ V awake|
+ V understand|
+ѻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|,desired|
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|,desired|
+ V understand|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N phenomena|,lucky|,desired|
+ ADV {comment|}
+Ҵ V alive|
+Ҵ N human|,*alive|
+Ҷ ADV {comment|}
+Ҹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+Ҹ N phenomena|,lucky|,desired|
+Һ ADV {comment|}
+һ V joyful|ϲ,cause=meet|
+ҿ ADV {comment|}
+ V escape|
+ V escape|,ResultEvent=die|
+ V lucky|,degree=extreme|
+ N phenomena|,lucky|,desired|
+ϲ ADV {comment|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ V lucky|
+ N phenomena|,lucky|,desired|
+˶ N human|,*lucky|,desired|
+ֻ V joyful|ϲ,cause=unfortunate|,other|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+Ӻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ӻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,#sex|Ա,#mating|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&AnimalHuman|
+ N attribute|,property|,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,sex|Ա,&animate|
+ N attribute|,sex|Ա,&language|
+ V love|
+Ա N attribute|,sex|Ա,&animate|
+Բ N disease|,#SeekPleasure|Ѱ
+Ը ADJ aValue|ֵ,appearance|
+Ը N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&AnimalHuman|
+Լ N medicine|ҩ
+Լ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,BadTemper|Ƣ,undesired|ݬ
+Լ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+Խ V mating|
+Խ߳ N part|,%event|¼,#mating|
+Խ N fact|,education|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&animate|
+ N attribute|,performance|,&implement|
+ܼ۸ N attribute|,effect|Ч,#price|۸,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+Ű N human|,*damage|,crime|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|,*mating|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&AnimalHuman|
+鼱 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|,#mating|
+Ϊ N fact|,mating|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,#mating|
+ N attribute|,property|,&entity|ʵ
+״ N attribute|,property|,entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&AnimalHuman|
+ N attribute|,name|,surname|,&human|
+ V mean|ָ
+ N attribute|,name|,&human|
+ N attribute|,name|,surname|,&human|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,male|
+ֳ N human|,family|,male|
+ֵ N human|,family|,male|
+ֵ N human|,family|,mass|,male|
+ֵ N human|,male|
+ֵܰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|
+ֵ N human|,family|,mass|,male|
+ֵǽ V fight|
+ N human|,family|,mass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ױ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ײ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+༪ V unfortunate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,*kill|ɱ,undesired|ݬ,crime|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N information|Ϣ,#die|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N weapon|,*kill|ɱ,undesired|ݬ,crime|
+ɱ V kill|ɱ,crime|
+ N humanized|,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ɷ N humanized|,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ɷ N human|,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ N fact|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ N human|,*kill|ɱ,undesired|ݬ,crime|
+ V die|,#crime|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ N information|Ϣ,#die|
+ N information|Ϣ,bad|
+ N mental|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ز N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ظ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ع N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ػ N mental|
+ؽ N mental|
+ؿ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+Ĥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+Ĥ N disease|
+ǻ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+Χ N attribute|,size|ߴ,body|,&human|
+ī ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+г V know|֪
+ N tool|þ,#female|Ů,*decorate|װ,$PutOn|
+ N tool|þ,#female|Ů,*decorate|װ,$PutOn|
+ N part|,%animal|,tail|β
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Hungary|)
+ū N human|,past|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Hungary|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Hungary|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,undesired|ݬ
+ӿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ӿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,stately|ׯ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,power|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sex|Ա,male|
+ N human|,strong|ǿ
+ N place|ط,#country|,strong|ǿ
+۱ N attribute|,ability|,&debate|
+۷ N InsectWorm|
+۷ N attribute|,bearing|̬,stately|ׯ,desired|
+۷ N wind|
+۹ N part|,%place|ط,mouth|
+ۺ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ۻ N part|,%FlowerGrass|,male|
+ۻ N stone|ʯ,?material|
+ۻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ۼ N bird|
+۽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N part|,%FlowerGrass|,heart|,male|
+ͼ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,desired|
+ΰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,stately|ׯ,desired|
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,desired|
+IJ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ
+׳־ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sex|Ա,male|
+ N InsectWorm|
+׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ N attribute|,bearing|̬,brave|,desired|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,brave|,desired|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ N beast|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ܷ N InsectWorm|
+è N beast|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ
+ N part|,%beast|,foot|
+ V cease|ͣ
+ V rest|Ϣ
+ V separate|
+ݻ V cease|ͣ,content=discuss|
+ݼ N time|ʱ,@WhileAway|
+ݿ V dizzy|,medical|ҽ
+ V sleep|˯
+ N emotion|
+ V relate|й,scope=affairs|
+빲 V relate|й,scope=affairs|
+˹ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+Ϣ V rest|Ϣ
+Ϣ N room|,@rest|Ϣ
+ V WhileAway|
+ AUX {modality|}
+ѧ V cease|ͣ,content=study|ѧ,education|
+ V maintain|,medical|ҽ
+Ϣ V rest|Ϣ
+Ϣ V resume|ָ
+ҵ V cease|ͣ,content=affairs|,commercial|
+ҵ V finish|
+ս V cease|ͣ,content=fight|,military|
+ V rest|Ϣ,military|
+ֹ V cease|ͣ
+ V rest|Ϣ
+ V PutInOrder|
+ V build|
+ V compile|༭
+ V decorate|װ
+ V repair|
+ V study|ѧ
+ V repair|
+ V repair|,medical|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,length|,long|
+ N expression|
+ѧ N human|,literature|
+ V cultivate|,religion|ڽ
+ V amend|
+ N human|,*amend|
+ V repair|
+ N human|,*repair|
+ V alter|ı
+ V amend|
+ V compile|༭,content=letter|ż
+ V associate|
+ V engage|,content=WellTreat|ƴ
+ V PutInOrder|
+ V build|
+ V dredge|ͨ
+ V repair|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*repair|
+ N human|,*repair|
+ V exercise|
+· V build|,PatientProduct=route|·
+· N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*repair|,#route|·
+ V MakeUp|ױ,patient=skin|Ƥ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,good|,desired|
+Ů N human|,religion|ڽ,female|Ů
+ V repair|
+䳧 N InstitutePlace|,@repair|,factory|,industrial|
+ V repair|
+ V cultivate|
+ʿ N human|,religion|ڽ,male|
+ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ V MakeUp|ױ
+ V decorate|װ
+ V improve|
+ N part|,%language|
+ V cultivate|,religion|ڽ
+ V repair|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,#mental|,&human|
+ҵ V study|ѧ
+ V build|
+ V PutInOrder|
+ V repair|
+ V adjust|
+ V amend|
+ N readings|
+ N thinking|˼
+ V build|
+ V repair|
+ V shy|
+߲ V shy|
+߳ N emotion|,shy|
+ߴ V shy|
+ V shy|
+ V shy|
+ V shy|
+ V damage|
+ N human|,*damage|
+ɬ V shy|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ V decline|˥
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ V decline|˥,scope=age|
+ľ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ľ N wood|ľ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ľ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ľ N inanimate|,waste|,undesired|ݬ
+ V smell|
+ N experience|,smell|
+̽ N human|,*investigate|
+ V OutOfOrder|
+ N phenomena|,OutOfOrder|,#metal|
+ N trace|,#OutOfOrder|
+ʴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$OutOfOrder|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N human|,*succeed|ɹ,#exam|,past|
+ N human|,literature|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,refined|,desired|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ N part|,%clothing|,#arm|
+ N mark|־
+ N part|,%clothing|,#arm|
+ N fittings|,%clothing|,#arm|
+Թ V unwilling|Ը,content=help|
+ N mark|־,#arm|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С
+ N part|,%clothing|,#arm|
+ V fasten|˩
+廨 V decorate|װ
+廨ͷ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+廨ͷ N tool|þ,#sleep|˯
+Ʒ N artifact|˹
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+ N symbol|
+ʱ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ
+ V need|
+ N physical|,$need|
+ N aspiration|Ը,need|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&need|
+Ҫ V need|
+Ҫ N quantity|,amount|,&need|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,timid|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,empty|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+鱨 V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+ N part|,%language|
+ V lavish|˷
+鸡 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+鸡 ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,NotProfound|dz,undesired|ݬ
+鹹 V forge|α
+黳 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,reputation|,fake|α,&human|,&organization|֯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,fat|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ N emotion|,ParticularAbout|,#fake|α
+ N emotion|,ParticularAbout|,#fake|α
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|
+ʵ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N disease|
+ V dizzy|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+α ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+α ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+λԴ V wait|ȴ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+Ʈ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ N image|ͼ,linear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+Ӧ V slack|͵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ί V pretend|װ,content=WellTreat|ƴ
+ V ExpressDissatisfaction|ʾ
+ V MakeSound|
+ V WarmUp|
+ V damage|
+ V exhale|
+ V sigh|̾
+꺮ů V SayHello|ʺ
+ V weep|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*feel|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,*decorate|װ
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ AUX {comment|}
+뷢 N part|,&AnimalHuman|,hair|ë
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,base|
+ü N human|,male|
+ü N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+Ҫ AUX {modality|}
+֪ N information|Ϣ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*feel|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,*decorate|װ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+첽 V walk|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V agree|ͬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADV qValue|ֵ,amount|,almost|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,ExpressAgreement|ʾͬ
+ V agree|ͬ
+֤ N document|,*ExpressAgreement|ʾͬ
+ŵ V agree|ͬ
+ V MarryTo|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+Ը V swear|
+ V SetAside|
+ V cherish|Ļ
+ V keep|
+ V store|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,#electricity|
+ V SetAside|,patient=water|ˮ
+ V SetAside|
+ V store|
+ˮ V store|,patient=water|ˮ
+ˮ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@store|,#water|ˮ
+ˮ N affairs|,#liquid|Һ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ V addict|Ⱥ
+ V explain|˵
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Syria|)
+ V speak|˵
+ V talk|̸
+ V farewell|
+ V talk|̸
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Syria|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ǰ N money|,(Syria|)
+ N human|,(Syria|)
+ V explain|˵
+ V explain|˵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,explain|˵
+ N human|,*speak|˵
+˵ V explain|˵
+̸ V talk|̸
+ V employ|
+ N lights|,#celestial|
+ N celestial|,*rise|
+ N attribute|,sequence|,&entity|ʵ
+ N part|,%text|
+ N attribute|,sequence|
+Ļ N process|,early|
+ N part|,%music|
+ N part|,%text|
+ N part|,%text|
+ N livestock|
+ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ,livestock|
+Ʒ N physical|,#livestock|
+ N material|,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#livestock|
+ V foster|,patient=livestock|
+ҵ N affairs|,*foster|,#livestock|
+ N livestock|
+ V foster|,agricultural|ũ
+ V pity|
+ V recompense|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,complicated|,undesired|ݬ
+ V inlay|Ƕ
+ N shape|
+ V talk|̸,content=empty|
+ N text|,content=empty|
+߶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,complicated|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N affairs|
+ N part|,%physical|,*surplus|ʣ
+ N part|,%time|ʱ,head|ͷ
+ V KeepOn|ʹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ V add|
+ V buy|,means=MakeAppointment|Լ
+ N shows|
+ V KeepOn|ʹ,patient=time|ʱ
+ V MarryFrom|Ȣ
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N LandVehicle|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ N room|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,stately|ׯ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+Ȼ N fact|,undesired|ݬ
+ԯ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,undesired|ݬ
+ V cry|
+ V cry|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,undesired|ݬ
+ V cry|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,undesired|ݬ
+ V announce|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V dredge|ͨ
+ V announce|
+ֹͣж״̬ V cease|ͣ,content=attribute|,military|
+ V announce|
+ V disseminate|
+ N part|,%community|
+ N human|,*disseminate|
+Ա N human|,*disseminate|
+ V recite|ж
+ V announce|
+ V announce|
+ N fact|,disseminate|
+ V judge|ö,police|
+ʾ V announce|
+ V swear|
+ͳ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+й V ShowEmotion|ʾ
+й V dredge|ͨ
+ N document|,*announce|
+ V disseminate|
+ս V announce|,content=fight|,military|
+ֽ N paper|ֽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,different|
+ V hang|
+ V unfixed|δ
+ V worried|ż
+ N fact|,^$handle|
+ N fact|,police|,^$handle|
+ N part|,%building|,*hang|,arm|
+ N part|,%machine|,arm|
+ V hang|
+δ V unfixed|δ
+ V float|Ư,industrial|
+ V hang|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ V hang|
+ V suicide|ɱ
+Ծ V suicide|ɱ
+ľ N tree|
+ N experience|,worried|ż
+ V worried|ż
+ V reward|
+ N attribute|,similarity|ͬ,different|,&entity|ʵ,&aValue|ֵ
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N part|,%land|½,skin|Ƥ
+ V cease|ͣ
+ͱ N part|,%land|½,skin|Ƥ
+Ӻ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ V GoBack|
+ V circle|
+ V cut|
+ V cut|,industrial|
+ N image|ͼ,round|Բ
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ V rotate|ת
+ N machine|,*produce|,industrial|
+ N wind|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ N attribute|,SoundQuality|,&music|
+ť N part|,%implement|,*hold|,*OpenShut|,hand|
+ V circle|
+ N phenomena|,#liquid|Һ
+ת ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,rotate|ת
+ת V rotate|ת
+תǬ V alter|ı,patient=natural|Ȼ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|,NotLight|Ũ
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ѧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ѡ V choose|ѡ
+ѡ N publications|鿯
+ѡ V select|ѡ
+ѡ V choose|ѡ
+ѡ N fact|,compete|,*choose|ѡ,sport|
+ѡ V compile|༭
+ѡ N publications|鿯
+ѡ V choose|ѡ,content=material|
+ѡ V choose|ѡ,Vachieve|
+ѡ V dispatch|Dz
+ѡ V decide|
+ѡ V study|ѧ,education|
+ѡ V buy|,commercial|
+ѡ V choose|ѡ,Vachieve|
+ѡ N publications|鿯
+ѡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,select|ѡ
+ѡ V select|ѡ
+ѡٷ N law|ɷ,#select|ѡ
+ѡǰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,InFront|ǰ,#select|ѡ
+ѡȨ N rights|Ȩ,*select|ѡ
+ѡ N human|,*select|ѡ
+ѡ˶ N fact|,select|ѡ,politics|
+ѡ V choose|ѡ,content=mine|,industrial|
+ѡ N InstitutePlace|,*choose|ѡ,#mine|,industrial|
+ѡ V choose|ѡ,content=human|,female|Ů
+ѡ N human|,*select|ѡ
+ѡ V dispatch|Dz
+ѡƱ N document|,*select|ѡ
+ѡƸ V employ|
+ѡ N place|ط,#select|ѡ
+ѡȡ V choose|ѡ
+ѡ V RegardAs|
+ѡ N human|,$choose|ѡ,*compete|,sport|
+ѡΪ V undergo|,content=RegardAs|
+ѡ V study|ѧ,education|
+ѡ N affairs|,$choose|ѡ,education|
+ѡ V check|
+ѡ V use|
+ѡ N choose|ѡ,agricultural|ũ
+ѡ V choose|ѡ
+ѡ N problem|
+ѡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$choose|ѡ
+ѡ N human|,*select|ѡ
+ѡ V choose|ѡ,Vachieve|
+ѡ V choose|ѡ,agricultural|ũ
+ѡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,$choose|ѡ
+Ѣ N disease|
+ѣ V dizzy|
+ѣĿ V illuminate|,PartOfTouch=eye|
+ѣ V dizzy|
+Ѥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,beautiful|,desired|
+Ѥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,beautiful|,desired|
+Ѥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,beautiful|,desired|
+Ѥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,beautiful|,desired|
+Ѥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,beautiful|,desired|
+ѥ N clothing|,#foot|
+ѥ N clothing|,#foot|
+Ѧ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ѧ N InstitutePlace|,education|
+ѧ V imitate|ģ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N part|,%knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ V study|ѧ
+ѧ N publications|鿯
+ѧ V study|ѧ,content=walk|
+ѧ N part|,%institution|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧίԱ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|,friend|
+ѧ N fact|,uprise|,education|
+ѧ V study|ѧ,Vachieve|
+ѧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,undesired|ݬ
+ѧ V FitNot|,relevant=do|,contrast=study|ѧ
+ѧ N expenditure|,$pay|,#education|
+ѧ N result|,#study|ѧ
+ѧ N system|ƶ,#result|,#study|ѧ
+ѧ N attribute|,SocialMode|,&education|
+ѧ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,#study|ѧ,&human|
+ѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ѧ N attribute|,circumstances|,&study|ѧ
+ѧ V study|ѧ,Vachieve|
+ѧ V study|ѧ,source=good|
+ѧ N community|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ V study|ѧ,Vachieve|
+ѧ N attribute|,status|,#study|ѧ,&human|
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N community|,education|
+ѧ N human|,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ѧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ѧ N part|,%knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N part|,%knowledge|֪ʶ,education|
+ѧ N attribute|,status|,#education|,&human|
+ѧ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,#study|ѧ,&human|
+ѧ N community|,#study|ѧ
+ѧ N attribute|,age|,#study|ѧ,&human|
+ѧͯ N human|,#age|,#study|ѧ
+ѧǰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,InFront|ǰ,#education|
+ѧǰͯ N human|,young|,#age|,#study|ѧ
+ѧ N attribute|,name|,formal|ʽ,#education|,&human|
+ѧ N attribute|,name|,formal|ʽ,&entity|ʵ
+ѧ N time|ʱ,education|
+ѧ N community|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N community|,knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N time|ʱ,education|
+ѧǰ N affairs|,education|
+ѧ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+ѧ V imitate|ģ
+ѧ V imitate|ģ,content=speak|˵
+ѧ N human|,*study|ѧ
+ѧ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|
+ѧ N community|,education|
+ѧ˶ N fact|,uprise|,education|
+ѧʱ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ,education|
+ѧʶ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧʶdz ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ѧʶԨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ѧʿ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|
+ѧʿ N human|,literature|
+ѧʿѧλ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&human|,#study|ѧ,education|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧɾ N result|,desired|,#succeed|ɹ,#knowledge|֪ʶ,#research|о,#study|ѧ
+ѧ N community|,knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N human|,desired|,able|,glorious|
+ѧ N part|,%knowledge|֪ʶ,aspect|
+ѧ N text|,#research|о
+ѧۻ N fact|,discuss|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧֻ N fact|,discuss|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ˵ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ѧͽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*study|ѧ,industrial|
+ѧλ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,#study|ѧ,&human|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧϰ V study|ѧ
+ѧϰɼ N result|,desired|,#succeed|ɹ,#knowledge|֪ʶ,#study|ѧ
+ѧϰ N time|ʱ,@study|ѧ,education|
+ѧϰ N human|,*study|ѧ
+ѧУ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ѧ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|,friend|
+ѧҵ N affairs|,education|
+ѧҵɼ N result|,desired|,#succeed|ɹ,#knowledge|֪ʶ,#study|ѧ
+ѧ V study|ѧ,purpose=use|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ V study|ѧ,content=affairs|,#MakeLiving|ı
+ѧר ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ѧ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|,friend|
+ѧԱ N human|,*study|ѧ
+ѧԺ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ѧԺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,InstitutePlace|,#education|
+ѧԺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,InstitutePlace|,#education|
+ѧ N fact|,uprise|,education|
+ѧӷ N expenditure|,$pay|,#education|
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N system|ƶ,education|
+ѧ N time|ʱ,@study|ѧ,education|
+ѧ N human|,*study|ѧ
+Ѩ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#human|,#die|
+Ѩ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+Ѩ N part|,%earth|,mouth|
+Ѩ V reside|ס
+Ѩλ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+ѩ N RainSnow|ѩ
+ѩ V remove|
+ѩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ѩ N beast|
+ѩ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ѩ N drinks|Ʒ
+ѩ V amend|,content=wrong|
+ѩ N land|½,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ѩ N land|½,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ѩ N drinks|Ʒ,ice|
+ѩ N land|½,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ѩ V amend|,content=wrong|
+ѩ N RainSnow|ѩ
+ѩ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ
+ѩޮ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ѩޮ N vegetable|߲
+ѩ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ѩ N FlowerGrass|
+ѩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ѩ N tree|
+ѩä N disease|
+ѩä V disease|
+ѩƬ N RainSnow|ѩ
+ѩ N LandVehicle|,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ѩ N addictive|Ⱥ
+ѩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,purple|
+ѩ N human|
+ѩɽ N land|½,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ѩϼ˪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|,more|,undesired|ݬ
+ѩϼ˪ V unfortunate|
+ѩˮ N water|ˮ,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ѩ N tree|
+ѩ N drinks|Ʒ,ice|
+ѩԩ V amend|,content=wrong|
+ѩԭ N land|½,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ѩ̿ V help|
+Ѫ N attribute|,strength|,&human|,&organization|֯
+Ѫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+Ѫ N disease|
+Ѫ N fact|,undesired|ݬ,#kill|ɱ,#die|,crime|
+Ѫ N fund|ʽ
+Ѫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+Ѫ N fact|,check|,#liquid|Һ,medical|ҽ
+Ѫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+Ѫܲ N disease|
+Ѫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+Ѫ N attribute|,strength|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ѪǮ N payment|
+Ѫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+Ѫ쵰 N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+Ѫ N trace|,#AnimalHuman|,#liquid|Һ
+Ѫ N trace|,#bleed|Ѫ
+Ѫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+Ѫ V slander|̰
+Ѫ N facilities|ʩ,@store|,#part|,#liquid|Һ,medical|ҽ
+Ѫ N attribute|,strength|,&human|,&organization|֯
+Ѫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+Ѫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+Ѫɺ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ,many|
+Ѫ N attribute|,attachment|,&AnimalHuman|
+Ѫ N attribute|,physique|,&AnimalHuman|
+ѪŨˮ V aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|
+Ѫ N disease|
+Ѫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+Ѫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+Ѫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+Ѫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+Ѫ V phenomena|,miserable|
+Ѫģ ADJ phenomena|,miserable|
+Ѫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|
+Ѫɫ N attribute|,color|ɫ,&skin|Ƥ
+Ѫ˨ N disease|
+Ѫˮ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+Ѫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+Ѫͳ N attribute|,source|Դ,&human|
+Ѫ N bacteria|
+Ѫ没 N disease|
+ѪС N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+Ѫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+Ѫ N attribute|,kind|,&part|,#AnimalHuman|,#liquid|Һ
+Ѫ N attribute|,courage|,&human|
+Ѫѹ N attribute|,strength|,&AnimalHuman|
+Ѫѹ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ѪҺ N attribute|,strength|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ѪҺ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ѪҺѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+Ѫ N clothing|
+Ѫӡ N trace|,#liquid|Һ
+ѪѲ N disease|
+Ѫȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ѪԵ N attribute|,attachment|,&AnimalHuman|
+Ѫծ N thing|,$owe|Ƿ,#kill|ɱ
+ѪծѪ V revenge|
+Ѫս V fight|,military|
+Ѫ N disease|
+Ѫ N trace|,#liquid|Һ
+Ѫհ߰ N aValue|ֵ,appearance|
+ѫ N result|,desired|,#succeed|ɹ
+ѫ N result|,desired|,#succeed|ɹ
+ѫ N human|,royal|
+ѫ N result|,desired|,#succeed|ɹ
+ѫҵ N result|,desired|,#succeed|ɹ
+ѫ N tool|þ,*reward|,$GiveAsGift|,desired|
+Ѭ V cook|
+Ѭ V pollute|ʹ
+Ѭ V remove|,instrument=gas|
+Ѭ N wind|
+ѬȾ V CauseAffect|Ⱦ
+Ѭ V cultivate|
+Ѭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|
+Ѭ N medicine|ҩ
+Ѭ V cook|
+ѭ V obey|ѭ
+ѭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,circulate|ѭ
+ѭ V circulate|ѭ
+ѭ N symbol|,#quantity|,#DoSum|
+ѭ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+ѭ V circulate|ѭ
+ѭϵͳ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|,*circulate|ѭ
+ѭС N symbol|,#quantity|,#DoSum|
+ѭ V prosper|,manner=steady|
+ѭѭ V teach|
+Ѯ N time|ʱ,TenDays|Ѯ
+Ѯ N time|ʱ,year|
+ѯ V ask|
+ѯ V ask|,content=price|۸,commercial|
+ѯ V ask|
+ѯ N human|,*ask|
+Ѱ V LookFor|Ѱ
+Ѱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+Ѱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,average|
+Ѱ̼ V suicide|ɱ
+Ѱ V LookFor|Ѱ
+Ѱ V LookFor|Ѱ,content=place|ط
+Ѱ V investigate|
+Ѱ V LookFor|Ѱ,means=cry|
+Ѱ N tool|þ,*LookFor|Ѱ,#cry|
+Ѱ V SeekPleasure|Ѱ
+Ѱ V SeekPleasure|Ѱ
+Ѱ V SeekPleasure|Ѱ
+Ѱ V obtain|õ,means=LookFor|Ѱ
+Ѱ V LookFor|Ѱ,content=time|ʱ
+Ѱ V tease|ȡ
+Ѱ V LookFor|Ѱ
+Ѱ V seek|ıȡ
+Ѱ˼ V think|˼
+Ѱ V suicide|ɱ
+Ѱ V MakeTrouble|
+Ѱժ V compile|༭
+Ѱ V LookFor|Ѱ
+ѱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ѱ V cultivate|,agricultural|ũ
+ѱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ѱ V control|
+ѱ V cultivate|,agricultural|ũ
+ѱ V cultivate|,agricultural|ũ
+ѱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ѱ˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+ѱ V cultivate|,agricultural|ũ
+Ѳ V check|
+Ѳ V check|,police|,military|
+ѲԱ N human|,employee|Ա,sport|
+Ѳ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|
+Ѳ N institution|,police|,past|
+Ѳ V check|
+Ѳ V check|
+Ѳ V VehicleGo|ʻ
+Ѳ N weapon|,$firing|
+Ѳ V circulate|ѭ
+Ѳشʹ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,diplomatic|⽻
+Ѳ V investigate|
+Ѳ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|
+Ѳ V tour|
+Ѳ V check|
+Ѳ߳ N LandVehicle|,check|,police|
+Ѳ߶ N part|,%institution|,*check|,police|
+Ѳͧ N ship|,*check|,police|
+Ѳ V investigate|
+Ѳ V look|
+ѲԱ N human|,*investigate|
+Ѳ N human|,*investigate|
+Ѳ V investigate|,royal|
+Ѳ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+Ѳ V cure|ҽ
+Ѳ߮ V VehicleGo|ʻ,military|
+ѳ V bury|
+ѳ V die|
+ѳ V die|,time=undertake|,#duty|,desired|
+ѳ V die|,time=undertake|,#duty|,desired|
+ѳ V bury|
+ѳְ V die|,time=undertake|,#duty|,desired|
+Ѵ N water|ˮ,#unfortunate|
+Ѵ N time|ʱ,#water|ˮ,#unfortunate|
+Ѵ N attribute|,circumstances|,#water|ˮ,#unfortunate|,&waters|ˮ
+ѵ N regulation|
+ѵ V teach|
+ѵ N text|
+ѵ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ѵ N text|,*persuade|Ȱ˵
+ѵ V teach|
+ѵ V teach|
+ѵ V teach|
+ѵ V teach|
+ѵ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ѵ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+ѵ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ѵ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+ѵ V drill|ϰ
+ѵ V teach|
+ѵ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ
+ѵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ѵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$teach|,desired|
+ѵ N human|,*drill|ϰ
+ѵ N text|,*teach|
+ѵ V urge|ʹ
+ѵʾ N text|,*teach|
+ѵ N part|,%institution|,politics|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ѵ V teach|
+ѵ V fact|,teach|,#behavior|ֹ
+ѵڬ N fact|,research|о,#language|
+ѵڬѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#language|
+Ѷ V ask|
+Ѷ N information|Ϣ
+Ѷ N symbol|
+Ѷ V ask|
+Ѷ V interrogate|
+ѶϢ N information|Ϣ
+ѷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+ѷ ADJ inferior|
+ѷɫ V inferior|
+ѷλ V cease|ͣ,content=undertake|,politics|
+Ѹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+Ѹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+Ѹ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+Ѹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+Ѹײڶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+Ѹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+Ѹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ѹ V approach|ӽ
+ѹ N attribute|,strength|,&entity|ʵ
+ѹ V delay|
+ѹ V frighten|Ż
+ѹ V gamble|IJ,crime|
+ѹ V press|ѹ
+ѹ V restrain|ֹ
+ѹ N tool|þ,#young|,*recreation|
+ѹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$OutOfOrder|
+ѹס V BeUnable|,content=restrain|ֹ
+ѹ N material|,heavy|,#ship|,#transport|
+ѹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,weight|,heavy|
+ѹ V surpass|ǿ
+ѹס V BeAble|ܹ,content=restrain|ֹ
+ѹ V MakeLower|
+ѹ V subtract|,patient=price|۸,commercial|
+ѹ V defeat|սʤ
+ѹ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ѹ V subtract|,patient=price|۸,commercial|
+ѹ V soothe|ο
+ѹ N attribute|,strength|,&entity|ʵ
+ѹ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ѹ N tool|þ,cubic|,*cook|
+ѹ N machine|,*press|ѹ
+ѹ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ѹ· N machine|,*press|ѹ,#route|·
+ѹ V damage|
+ѹ N human|,*damage|
+ѹǮ N money|,$GiveAsGift|,#young|
+ѹ V shrink|С
+ѹ V subtract|
+ѹ N food|ʳƷ
+ѹ N machine|,*shrink|С
+ѹ N gas|,$shrink|С
+ѹʹ V painful|ʹ
+ѹ V press|ѹ
+ѹ V restrain|ֹ
+ѹե V press|ѹ
+ѹե V rob|
+ѹ V restrain|ֹ
+ѹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,restrain|ֹ
+ѹ V produce|,industrial|
+Ѻ V detain|ס,police|
+Ѻ V pawn|Ѻ
+Ѻ V pawn|Ѻ,commercial|
+Ѻ V sign|д
+Ѻ N symbol|,#name|
+Ѻ V transport|,manner=defend|,police|
+Ѻ V transport|,patient=artifact|˹,manner=defend|
+Ѻ V pawn|Ѻ,commercial|
+Ѻ V pawn|Ѻ
+Ѻ V transport|,manner=defend|,police|
+Ѻ N expenditure|,$pawn|Ѻ
+Ѻ V borrow|,possession=fund|ʽ
+Ѻ N fund|ʽ,$borrow|
+Ѻ V transport|,manner=defend|,police|
+Ѻβ V sign|д
+Ѻ V transport|,manner=defend|
+Ѻ N expenditure|
+ѻ N bird|
+ѻƬ N medicine|ҩ,?addictive|Ⱥ
+ѻƬս N fact|,fight|,ProperName|ר
+ѻȸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+Ѽ N bird|
+Ѽ N part|,%bird|,$eat|,embryo|
+Ѽ̽ N waters|ˮ,linear|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ѽ N material|,?clothing|
+Ѽñ N clothing|,#head|ͷ
+Ѽ N bird|
+ѼӶ N food|ʳƷ,#bird|
+Ѽ N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+ѽ ECHO surprise|
+Ѿ N shape|
+Ѿͷ N human|,employee|Ա,female|Ů,past|
+Ѿͷ N human|,young|,female|Ů
+Ѿ N part|,%plant|ֲ,limb|֫
+Ѿ N human|,employee|Ա,female|Ů,past|
+ѿ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ѿ N material|,?drinks|Ʒ
+ N material|,?tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ
+ N shape|
+ N disease|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ
+ N furniture|Ҿ,@sleep|˯
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ
+ N image|ͼ,$carve|
+ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ N location|λ,%part|,#AnimalHuman|,#bite|ҧ
+ N tool|þ,#wipe|
+ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#bite|ҧ
+ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#bite|ҧ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#bite|ҧ
+ N tool|þ,#wipe|
+ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ҽ N human|,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ N part|,%implement|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Jamaica|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+ N human|,(Jamaica|)
+Ԫ N money|,(Jamaica|)
+ǩ N tool|þ,*clean|ʹ
+ʯ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+ˢ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ʹ V painful|ʹ
+ N tool|þ,*clean|ʹ
+ҽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ҽ N human|,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ܲ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,crude|ª,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ
+ N disease|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ,*fly|
+ N part|,%land|½,skin|Ƥ
+± N part|,%land|½,skin|Ƥ
+ N part|,%information|Ϣ,heart|
+ N institution|,politics|,past|,(China|й)
+ N institution|,politics|,past|,(China|й)
+ N human|,past|
+ N location|λ,surrounding|Χ,space|ռ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ŵ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Greece|ϣ)
+Ź ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ź N attribute|,name|,&human|
+ź N attribute|,name|,other|,&entity|ʵ
+żӴ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Indonesia|ӡ)
+³ز N waters|ˮ,linear|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ʿ N human|,literature|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,mass|
+µ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Cameroon|¡)
+ N emotion|,#WhileAway|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,true|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ V amend|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ N location|λ,#InstitutePlace|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,weak|
+ V disable|м,scope=speak|˵
+ư V KeepSilence|˵
+ư N human|,undesired|ݬ,*disable|м,#speak|˵
+ƾ N shows|
+ƿ V KeepSilence|˵
+ N SportTool|˶
+Ů N human|,undesired|ݬ,female|Ů,*disable|м,#speak|˵
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*disable|м,#speak|˵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ǵ N human|,male|,%publications|鿯
+ǵǺ N waters|ˮ,linear|,ProperName|ר,(Italy|)
+ǵ˹DZ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Ethiopia|)
+Ƕ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Yemen|Ҳ)
+Ƿ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+Ǿ N human|,desired|,*compete|,*win|ʤ,$reward|,sport|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ɣ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N crop|ׯ,?material|
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Armenia|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ŷ½ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ȴ N part|,%earth|
+ɭ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Paraguay|)
+̫֯ N community|,commercial|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ͭ N metal|
+ϸ N community|,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ϸ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ N chemical|ѧ
+Ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,#sound|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,#sound|
+ N fact|,compete|,sport|,(Asia|)
+˻ N fact|,compete|,sport|,(Asia|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ N human|,(Asia|)
+ V flurried|
+ STRU {MaChinese|}
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ V swallow|
+ʺ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ʺ N place|ط,important|
+ʺ N disease|
+ V die|
+ͷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ V swallow|
+ N disease|
+˸ V cut|,PartOfTouch=part|,#mating|
+˸ N cut|,PartOfTouch=part|,#mating|
+˸ V cut|,PartOfTouch=part|,#mating|
+˸ V damage|
+˸ N human|,*damage|
+ N CloudMist|
+ N addictive|Ⱥ
+ N medicine|ҩ,?addictive|Ⱥ
+̲ N addictive|Ⱥ
+̳ N CloudMist|,stone|ʯ,waste|
+̴ N part|,%building|,%implement|,*exhale|,#gas|
+̴ N tool|þ,*addict|Ⱥ
+̴˶ N part|,%tool|þ,#addict|Ⱥ
+̴ N part|,%tool|þ,#addict|Ⱥ
+̵ N part|,%addictive|Ⱥ,waste|,tail|β
+̶ N tool|þ,*addict|Ⱥ
+̶˿ N addictive|Ⱥ
+̸ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#waste|,#addictive|Ⱥ
+̹ N human|,*addict|Ⱥ,undesired|ݬ
+̹ N human|,*addict|Ⱥ,undesired|ݬ,crime|
+̹ N part|,%tool|þ,#addict|Ⱥ
+̺ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#addictive|Ⱥ
+̻ N tool|þ,*WhileAway|,*congratulate|ף
+̻ N tool|þ,*WhileAway|,*congratulate|ף
+̻ N place|ط,commercial|,undesired|ݬ,@SeekPleasure|Ѱ
+̻ N stone|ʯ,waste|,#addictive|Ⱥ
+̻Ҹ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#waste|,#addictive|Ⱥ
+̻ N edible|ʳ,generic|ͳ
+̻ N fire|
+̻ N tool|þ,*WhileAway|,*congratulate|ף
+̼ N natural|Ȼ,#addictive|Ⱥ,undesired|ݬ
+̾ N addictive|Ⱥ
+̾ N tool|þ,*addict|Ⱥ,generic|ͳ
+̾ N addictive|Ⱥ
+ú N material|,$burn|
+ N human|,*addict|Ⱥ,undesired|ݬ
+Ļ N CloudMist|
+ũ N human|,*planting|ֲ,#addictive|Ⱥ,agricultural|ũ
+ƨ N part|,%addictive|Ⱥ,waste|,tail|β
+˿ N addictive|Ⱥ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+̨ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ͳ N part|,%building|,%implement|,*exhale|,#gas|
+ͷ N part|,%addictive|Ⱥ,waste|,tail|β
+ N addictive|Ⱥ
+ N CloudMist|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ɢ V disappear|ʧ
+Ҷ N addictive|Ⱥ
+ N RainSnow|ѩ
+ N CloudMist|
+ N CloudMist|
+ N tool|þ,*addict|Ⱥ
+ N CloudMist|
+ N gas|
+ V sink|³
+ V spill|
+ V sting|
+ V irrigate|,agricultural|ũ
+û V sink|³
+û V spill|
+ V die|,cause=sink|³
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,salty|
+ΰ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,salty|
+γ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|
+γ N facilities|ʩ,*produce|,#material|,industrial|
+κ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|,salty|
+λ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,salty|
+μ N land|½,barren|
+ξ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|
+± N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+Ũ N attribute|,concentration|Ũ,&inanimate|
+ˮ N drinks|Ʒ
+Ȫ N liquid|Һ,?material|
+˪ N natural|Ȼ,salty|
+ˮ N liquid|Һ,?medicine|ҩ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N InstitutePlace|,*produce|,#material|,industrial|
+ҵ N affairs|,*produce|,#material|,industrial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tightness|ɽ,tight|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ϰ V punish|,police|
+ϳ V punish|,police|
+ϳͲ V punish|
+ϴ V attack|,manner=strong|ǿ,police|
+϶ N time|ʱ,winter|
+Ϸ V obstruct|ֹ
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+ϸ V conduct|ʵʩ,manner=strict|
+Ϻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+Ͻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tightness|ɽ,tight|
+Ͻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+Ͻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,concise|,desired|
+Ͻ V prohibit|ֹ,manner=strict|
+Ͼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+Ͽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+ V order|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tightness|ɽ,tight|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tightness|ɽ,tight|
+ V obey|ѭ,manner=strict|
+˿Ϸ V fit|ʺ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,stately|ׯ,desired|
+ V conduct|ʵʩ,manner=strict|
+ N fact|,damage|
+ʵʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tightness|ɽ,tight|
+ɼ V treat|Դ,target=self|,manner=strict|
+Դ V wait|ȴ,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ؼ N disease|
+ N attribute|,property|,urgent|,&event|¼
+ V grind|ĥ
+ V research|о
+ж V study|ѧ,manner=attentive|ϸ
+з V produce|
+о V discuss|
+о V research|о
+о V think|˼
+о N human|,*study|ѧ,*research|о,education|
+о N part|,%InstitutePlace|,*research|о,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+о N InstitutePlace|,@research|о,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+о뿪 V produce|
+оԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*research|о,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+оԺ N InstitutePlace|,@research|о,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+о N human|,*research|о
+ĥ V grind|ĥ
+ĥ V rub|Ħ
+ĥ N material|,*rub|Ħ
+ĥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,rub|Ħ
+ V discuss|
+ V think|˼
+ֻ N fact|,discuss|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ϰ V research|о
+ V research|о
+ V produce|
+ V produce|,industrial|
+ V produce|,medical|ҽ,(China|й)
+ N human|,*produce|
+ N part|,%land|½,skin|Ƥ
+ N stone|ʯ,?material|
+Ҷ N part|,%earth|,mouth|
+ҽ N stone|ʯ,liquid|Һ
+ʯ N stone|ʯ,?material|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,salty|
+ N livestock|
+ V delay|
+ V enlarge|
+Ӱ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ӱ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ӳ V enlarge|
+ӳ V delay|
+Ӹ V delay|
+ӻ V delay|
+ V MakeBetter|Ż,PatientAttribute=strength|
+ V MakeBetter|Ż,PatientAttribute=strength|
+Ƹ V employ|
+ V delay|
+ V employ|
+ V employ|,commercial|
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=enlarge|
+ V enlarge|
+ V delay|
+ V GoOn|
+ V KeepOn|ʹ
+ V delay|
+ N character|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V speak|˵
+ N text|,$speak|˵
+Ա ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,accurate|,desired|
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,^sincere|,undesired|ݬ
+Գ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+Դ V explain|˵
+Դ V teach|
+Դ N text|,$speak|˵
+Դ N text|,$speak|˵
+Զ V disobey|Υ,content=MakeAppointment|Լ
+Թں V reconcile|
+Թʵ V boast|
+Ժ V reconcile|
+Լ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,concise|,desired|
+ N text|,$speak|˵
+ N system|ƶ,#speak|˵,free|
+С˵ N text|
+ V differ|ͬ,scope=thought|ͷ
+̸ N text|,$speak|˵
+̸ֹ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ƴ V obey|ѭ
+֮ N information|Ϣ
+ N fact|,#act|ж,#text|
+ V language|,$speak|˵
+ V speak|˵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fluent|,desired|
+֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,color|ɫ,&physical|
+ N attribute|,countenance|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N material|,#color|ɫ,*apply|ͿĨ,*draw|,*AlterColor|ɫ
+ N attribute|,reputation|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ɫ N attribute|,color|ɫ,&physical|
+ɫ N attribute|,countenance|,&AnimalHuman|
+ɫ N material|,#color|ɫ,*apply|ͿĨ,*draw|,*AlterColor|ɫ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ N humanized|,#die|
+ N human|,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|
+ N disease|
+ N human|,official|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N human|,official|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N human|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|
+ N time|ʱ,season|,hot|
+ N time|ʱ,summer|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|
+֢ N disease|
+ V obey|ѭ
+ N part|,%inanimate|,%space|ռ,edge|
+ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+ N part|,%waters|ˮ,edge|
+ V wrap|
+ PREP {direction}
+ذ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ
+ذ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+ر V wrap|
+ر߶ V wrap|
+ظ N fact|,prosper|
+ظ N process|
+غ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ
+غ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+غ N place|ط,#waters|ˮ
+غ N location|λ,%waters|ˮ
+ؽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ
+ؽ N location|λ,%route|·
+ؽײ N FlowerGrass|
+· N location|λ,%route|·
+; N location|λ,%route|·
+Ϯ V obey|ѭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ
+ V use|
+ PREP {direction}
+һϢ V ill|̬,medical|ҽ
+ V cover|ڸ
+ V press|ѹ
+ V shut|ر
+ڱ V cover|ڸ
+ڱ V hide|
+ڲ V hide|
+ڶ V deceive|ƭ
+ڸ V HideTruth|
+ڸ V cover|ڸ
+ڻ V protect|
+ڻ V protect|,military|
+ڻ N army|
+ V bury|
+˶Ŀ V HideTruth|
+˶Ŀ V deceive|ƭ
+ɱ V attack|,manner=sudden|,military|
+ V HideTruth|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,*protect|,military|
+Ϯ V attack|,manner=sudden|,military|
+ӳ V ServeAsFoil|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+ N shape|
+۰Ͱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+۰ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+۲ N disease|,#eye|
+۲ V jealous|ʼ
+۵ N location|λ,%eye|
+۸ N attribute|,circumstances|,happy|,#look|,&human|
+۹ N experience|
+۹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+۹Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ۺ V jealous|ʼ
+ۻ V disable|м,scope=look|
+ۻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|
+ۼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+ۼ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+۽ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+۽ë N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hair|ë
+۽ N experience|
+۾ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+۾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,dented|
+۾ N tool|þ,*look|,#eye|
+۾ N beast|
+ۿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ۿ N knowledge|֪ʶ,medical|ҽ
+ۿ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ۿҽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ۿ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ N location|λ,%eye|
+ N attribute|,ability|,#judge|ö,&human|
+ N attribute|,ability|,#look|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+ֿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,clever|,desired|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+Ƥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+Ƥ N location|λ
+Ƥ N time|ʱ,now|
+ǰ N time|ʱ,now|
+ǰ N wealth|Ǯ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+Ȧ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+ V jealous|ʼ
+ɫ N attribute|,countenance|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N attribute|,ability|,#look|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N attribute|,countenance|,&AnimalHuman|
+ N experience|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,unfamiliar|϶,undesired|ݬ
+ʺ N stone|ʯ,#eye|,waste|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+ N time|ʱ,now|
+ N human|,*help|,#police|,crime|
+ N image|ͼ
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ,#eye|
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ,#eye|
+ҩˮ N medicine|ҩ,#eye|
+Ӱ N image|ͼ
+ V BeUnable|
+ V stupefied|ľȻ
+ж N human|,enemy|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+ N stone|ʯ,#eye|,waste|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|,undesired|ݬ
+ܱ V change|
+ V illuminate|,industrial|
+ V grow|ɳ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N text|,redundant|
+ V RegardAs|,entertainment|
+ V change|
+ V deduce|
+ V drill|ϰ
+ V explain|˵
+ V perform|,entertainment|
+ݱ V change|
+ݲ V disseminate|,entertainment|
+ݳ V perform|,entertainment|
+ݳ V perform|,entertainment|
+ݻ V change|
+ݼ N attribute|,ability|,perform|,&human|
+ݽ V speak|˵
+ݽ N text|,$speak|˵
+ݽ N fact|,prosper|
+ݾ V perform|,entertainment|
+ V drill|ϰ,military|
+ʾ V show|,content=example|ʵ
+ʾ N fact|,*show|,#example|ʵ
+˵ V speak|˵
+˵ N text|,$speak|˵
+˵ N human|,*speak|˵
+ V calculate|
+ V study|ѧ
+ϰ V drill|ϰ,military|
+Ϸ V deceive|ƭ
+Ϸ V perform|,content=shows|,entertainment|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#perform|,entertainment|
+ N text|
+ V deduce|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*perform|,entertainment|
+Ա N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ V RegardAs|,ResultIsa=human|,important|,entertainment|
+ V perform|,entertainment|
+ N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+Ա N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,happy|,#love|,&human|
+ N music|,#love|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,#love|
+ʫ N text|,#love|
+ʷ N fact|,#love|
+ N weather|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#liquid|Һ,space|ռ
+ N bird|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N crop|ׯ
+ȸ N bird|
+β N clothing|,#body|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N fish|
+ N bird|
+ V disgust|
+ V disgust|
+ᷳ V disgust|
+ V disgust|
+ V disgust|
+ V disgust|
+ʳ֢ N disease|
+ N bacteria|
+ N stationery|ľ,#write|д,#draw|
+ N stationery|ľ,#write|д,#draw|
+̨ N stationery|ľ,#write|д,#draw|
+ N bird|
+ N sound|
+ N text|,*condole|°
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ N fire|
+ N tool|þ,*WhileAway|,*congratulate|ף
+ N fact|,eat|,#entertain|д
+ N fact|,eat|,entertain|д
+ V entertain|д
+ϯ N fact|,eat|,#entertain|д
+ N expression|
+ N expression|
+ V check|
+ V prove|֤
+ N tool|þ,*measure|,#electricity|
+鷽 N document|,#medicine|ҩ,#medical|ҽ,(China|й)
+ V check|,content=artifact|˹,commercial|
+ V check|,content=ability|,#look|
+ V check|
+ V check|,content=artifact|˹,commercial|
+鿴 V check|
+ V check|,content=liquid|Һ,medical|ҽ
+ʬ V check|,content=body|,#die|,medical|ҽ,police|
+ʬ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*check|,#body|,#die|,medical|ҽ,police|
+ V check|
+ V check|
+Ѫ V check|,content=liquid|Һ,medical|ҽ
+֤ V prove|֤
+֤ N human|,*prove|֤
+ V check|,content=fund|ʽ,commercial|
+ V damage|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+꼰 V damage|
+ V request|Ҫ
+ V request|Ҫ
+ V request|Ҫ
+ N InstitutePlace|,@SetAside|,@TakeBack|ȡ,@lend|,#wealth|Ǯ,ProperName|ר,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,young|
+ N animal|,young|
+ N crop|ׯ,young|
+ N fish|,young|
+ N plant|ֲ,young|
+ N shows|
+ N bird|
+ N crop|ׯ,young|
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N tree|
+ N tree|
+÷ N fruit|ˮ
+ N tree|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+֦ N fish|
+ V disseminate|
+ V lift|
+ V spread|
+ V shake|ҡ,patient=tool|þ
+ﳤܶ V show|,content=able|
+ﳤ V show|,content=able|
+ﳤȥ V leave|뿪
+ V start|ʼ,content=VehicleGo|ʻ
+ü V satisfied|
+ V WellKnown|
+ V remove|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N tool|þ,*disseminate|,#sound|
+ V frighten|Ż
+ V satisfied|
+Ե V satisfied|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ӽ N waters|ˮ,linear|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N beast|
+ V pretend|װ
+ V attack|,manner=pretend|װ,military|
+ V deceive|ƭ
+װ V pretend|װ
+ N disease|
+ N livestock|
+С N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ަ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ
+ N livestock|,young|
+ N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*feel|
+ë N part|,%livestock|,hair|ë,?material|
+ë N clothing|
+ë N human|,#occupation|ְλ,commercial|
+ë״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+Ĥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+Ƥ N part|,%livestock|,skin|Ƥ,?material|
+Ƥֽ N paper|ֽ
+ N part|,%livestock|,hair|ë,?material|
+ N food|ʳƷ,#livestock|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ˮ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ʻƤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ,*foster|,*TakeCare|,#livestock|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,foreign|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+ N money|
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ײ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ײ N vegetable|߲
+ N material|,?edible|ʳ
+ N LandVehicle|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ػ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ N house|,foreign|
+ N clothing|,foreign|
+ N tool|þ,*beat|
+ N human|,foreign|,undesired|ݬ
+ N material|,*build|
+ N tool|þ,*lighting|ȼ
+ N artifact|˹,foreign|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,pattern|ʽ,foreign|
+ N water|ˮ,#waters|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,pattern|ʽ,foreign|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N human|,foreign|
+ɤ N sound|,#music|
+ʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,foreign|
+ N tool|þ,#young|,*recreation|
+Ϊ V use|,patient=foreign|
+ N InstitutePlace|,past|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ V satisfied|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,complicated|,undesired|ݬ
+Ե V satisfied|
+ V exist|
+ N material|,liquid|Һ,$burn|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,contrariness|,positive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+ N celestial|
+ N time|ʱ,spring|
+ N electricity|
+Υ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ N facilities|ʩ,#house|
+ص N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N lights|,#celestial|
+ N part|,%electricity|
+ N part|,%electricity|
+ N law|ɷ,#time|ʱ
+ƽ N sound|,#language|
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ɡ N tool|þ,*protect|,#weather|
+̨ N part|,%house|,space|ռ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|
+١ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N disease|
+ N gas|
+ V ize|̬
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N metal|
+þ N metal|
+ N metal|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N gas|
+ V CausePartMove|,direction=upper|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V depend|
+ V respect|
+ V depend|
+ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Burma|)
+ N shape|,angular|
+ V CausePartMove|,direction=upper|
+Ľ V respect|
+˱Ϣ V depend|
+ V look|,direction=upper|
+ V look|,direction=upper|
+쳤̾ V sigh|̾
+ V look|,direction=upper|
+ V request|Ҫ
+ V LieDown|
+Ӿ V exercise|,#swim|,sport|
+Ӿ N fact|,swim|,sport|
+ V depend|
+ V itch|
+ V itch|
+ V GiveBirth|
+ V ProvideFor|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clan|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V cultivate|
+ V maintain|
+ V provide|
+ V rest|Ϣ
+ V ProvideFor|,patient=army|,military|
+ V rest|Ϣ,cause=ill|̬
+ V cultivate|
+ N natural|Ȼ,*CauseToLive|ʹ,*CauseToGrow|ʹɳ,$consume|ȡ
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ĸ N human|,family|
+ V maintain|
+ V ProvideFor|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@foster|,#bird|
+ V maintain|
+ V MakeLiving|ı
+ V provide|
+Ͻ N payment|
+Ժ N InstitutePlace|,@TakeCare|,#aged|
+ N natural|Ȼ,*CauseToLive|ʹ,*CauseToGrow|ʹɳ,$consume|ȡ
+· V maintain|,patient=space|ռ
+· N expenditure|
+ĸ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+Ů N human|,family|,female|Ů,young|
+ V maintain|,patient=mental|
+ V maintain|,medical|ҽ
+ V foster|,patient=fish|
+ N facilities|ʩ,*foster|,#fish|
+ V ProvideFor|
+ֳ V foster|,agricultural|ũ
+ V foster|,patient=livestock|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@foster|,#livestock|
+ N human|,family|,male|,young|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,peaceful|,desired|
+ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ,#example|ʵ
+ N attribute|,appearance|,&physical|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&physical|
+ N example|ʵ
+Ϸ N shows|
+ N readings|
+ N machine|
+Ƭ N shows|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ,#example|ʵ
+ƷԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*check|
+ʽ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&physical|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ,#example|ʵ
+ N attribute|,appearance|,&physical|
+ N attribute|,bearing|̬,&human|
+ V spill|
+ V invite|
+ V request|Ҫ
+ V please|ȡ
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=praise|佱
+ V attack|,military|
+ V assemble|ۼ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,invite|
+ V invite|
+ N fact|,*compete|,sport|
+ N human|,*invite|
+ N location|λ,middle|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N part|,%clothing|,body|
+ N attribute|,physique|,&human|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,#clothing|,*fasten|˩
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ N fact|,endorse|ӵ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N fact|,endorse|ӵ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N tree|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N attribute|,size|ߴ,&AnimalHuman|
+ N attribute|,size|ߴ,&human|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ᱳʹ V painful|ʹ
+ʹ N disease|
+Χ N attribute|,size|ߴ,body|,&human|
+Χ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,female|Ů,evil|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,undesired|ݬ
+ħ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+ħ N human|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+ N method|,undesired|ݬ,*deceive|ƭ
+Ի V deceive|ƭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,undesired|ݬ
+ұ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N treasure|䱦
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ҡ V shake|ҡ
+ҡ V hesitate|ԥ
+ҡ V wave|ڶ
+ҡ N part|,%machine|,arm|
+ҡ V VehicleGo|ʻ
+ҡ V TalkNonsense|Ϲ˵
+ҡ V wave|ڶ
+ҡ V shake|ҡ
+ҡ V wave|ڶ
+ҡ N music|
+ҡ N music|
+ҡ V shake|ҡ
+ҡ V shake|ҡ
+ҡ V wave|ڶ
+ҡ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@sleep|˯
+ҡź V help|,scope=mental|
+ҡǮ N place|ط,#wealth|Ǯ
+ҡһ V change|
+ҡͷ V reject|ؾ
+ҡͷβ V satisfied|
+ҡͷ V satisfied|
+ҡβ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=pity|
+ҡҡλ V shake|ҡ
+ҡҡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ҡҷ V wave|ڶ
+ҡ N furniture|Ҿ,@sit|
+Ң N human|,royal|,ProperName|ר,past|
+Ң˴ N human|,desired|,past|
+ң ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+ң V measure|,industrial|
+ң V perception|֪
+ң V control|
+ң V look|,direction=far|Զ
+ңӦ V cooperate|
+ңң ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+ңң V surpass|ǿ
+ңң ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ңԶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+ңԶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+Ҥ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@produce|,#material|
+Ҥ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,mine|
+Ҥ N house|
+Ҥ N house|
+Ҥ N human|,female|Ů,crime|,#SeekPleasure|Ѱ,undesired|ݬ,(be a prostitute|)
+Ҥ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|,undesired|ݬ,@SeekPleasure|Ѱ
+ҥ N information|Ϣ,undesired|ݬ,fake|α
+ҥ N text|,literature|
+ҥ V disseminate|
+ҥ N information|Ϣ,undesired|ݬ,fake|α
+Ҧ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ҧ V accuse|ظ
+ҧ V bite|ҧ
+ҧ V cry|
+ҧ V hold|
+ҧ V speak|˵
+ҧ V sting|
+ҧ V judge|ö
+ҧ V speak|˵
+ҧ V bite|ҧ,#fish|,patient=InsectWorm|
+ҧ V connect|
+ҧ V endure|
+ҧ N bite|ҧ
+ҧ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*disable|м,#speak|˵
+ҧĽ V PayAttention|ע,target=expression|
+ҧ V bite|ҧ
+ҧг V bite|ҧ
+ҧס V bite|ҧ
+ҧס V hold|
+ҧ۶ V PayAttention|ע,target=expression|
+ҧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,#speak|˵
+Ҩ V TakeOutOfWater|
+Ҩ N tool|þ,cubic|,*TakeOutOfWater|
+ҩ N chemical|ѧ
+ҩ V kill|ɱ,instrument=poison|
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ
+ҩ N material|,?medicine|ҩ
+ҩ N material|,?medicine|ҩ
+ҩ N drinks|Ʒ,#medicine|ҩ
+ҩ N InstitutePlace|,*produce|,#medicine|ҩ,factory|,industrial|
+ҩ N publications|鿯,#medicine|ҩ,medical|ҽ
+ҩ N InstitutePlace|,@sell|,@buy|,#medicine|ҩ
+ҩ N document|,#medicine|ҩ,medical|ҽ
+ҩ N InstitutePlace|,@sell|,@buy|,#medicine|ҩ
+ҩ N expenditure|,#medicine|ҩ
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ
+ҩ N human|,*SufferFrom|,$cure|ҽ,#medical|ҽ
+ҩ N tool|þ,cubic|,*produce|,#medicine|ҩ
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ
+ҩʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,#medicine|ҩ
+ҩ N drinks|Ʒ,#medicine|ҩ
+ҩ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#medicine|ҩ
+ҩ N tool|þ,*cure|ҽ
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ
+ҩũ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ
+ҩũ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ,#medicine|ҩ
+ҩƬ N medicine|ҩ
+ҩƷ N medicine|ҩ,generic|ͳ
+ҩƿ N tool|þ,@put|,#medicine|ҩ,medical|ҽ
+ҩ N edible|ʳ,#medicine|ҩ
+ҩʯ N medicine|ҩ
+ҩˮ N medicine|ҩ,liquid|Һ
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ
+ҩζ N attribute|,odor|ζ,&medicine|ҩ
+ҩζ N medicine|ҩ
+ҩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,contain|,#medicine|ҩ
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ,generic|ͳ
+ҩж N disease|
+ҩ N tool|þ,@put|,#medicine|ҩ,medical|ҽ
+ҩЧ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&medicine|ҩ
+ҩ N attribute|,property|,&medicine|ҩ
+ҩѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#medicine|ҩ
+ҩҺ N medicine|ҩ
+ҩҺ N medicine|ҩ,*wash|ϴ
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ
+ҩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ҩ N tool|þ,*sleep|˯,#medicine|ҩ
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+Ҫ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,future|
+Ҫ V beg|
+Ҫ V expect|
+Ҫ V request|Ҫ
+Ҫ V spend|
+Ҫ CONJ {condition|}
+Ҫ AUX {modality|}
+Ҫ N place|ط,route|·,military|,important|
+Ҫ N fact|,important|,#police|
+Ҫ CONJ {condition|}
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ҪȻ CONJ {transition|ת}
+Ҫ CONJ {condition|}
+Ҫ N place|ط,military|,important|
+Ҫ N facilities|ʩ,route|·,important|
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+Ҫ N place|ط,important|
+Ҫ N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+Ҫ N part|,%entity|ʵ,important|
+Ҫ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+Ҫ V beg|,patient=artifact|˹
+Ҫ N human|,poor|,*beg|,undesired|ݬ
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+Ҫ N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+Ҫ N place|ط,military|,important|
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+Ҫ V propose|,content=price|۸,commercial|
+Ҫ N document|,important|
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+Ҫ V worried|ż
+Ҫ N method|,important|
+Ҫ N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+Ҫô COOR {or|}
+Ҫ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+Ҫ N fact|,$disgust|,undesired|ݬ
+Ҫ V kill|ɱ
+Ҫǿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը,desired|
+Ҫ V request|Ҫ
+Ҫ N human|,desired|,important|
+Ҫ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|
+Ҫ N fact|,important|
+Ҫ CONJ {condition|}
+Ҫ N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+Ҫ N information|Ϣ
+Ҫ N information|Ϣ,important|
+ҪЮ V force|ǿ
+ҪЮ V frighten|Ż
+ҪԲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+ҪԱ N human|,desired|,important|
+Ҫ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+Ҫְ N affairs|,duty|,important|
+Ҫּ N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+ҫ V AppearanceChange|۱
+ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ҫ V illuminate|
+ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+Ҭ N fruit|ˮ
+Ҭ N fruit|ˮ
+Ҭ N fruit|ˮ
+Ҭ N fruit|ˮ,$eat|
+ҭ V ill|̬
+ҭ V refute|
+Ү N character|,(China|й)
+Үͻ N human|,religion|ڽ,ProperName|ר
+Ү· N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Israel|ɫ)
+Ү N human|,religion|ڽ,ProperName|ר
+Үջ N human|,religion|ڽ,ProperName|ר
+ү N humanized|
+ү N human|,family|,male|
+ү N human|,male|,adult|
+ү N human|,male|,mass|
+ү N human|,male|,mass|
+ү N human|,family|,male|
+ү N human|,male|
+үү N human|,family|,male|
+үү N human|,male|,adult|
+Ұ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+Ұ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+Ұ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+Ұ N place|ط
+Ұ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+Ұ N vegetable|߲
+Ұ N fact|,eat|
+Ұ N FlowerGrass|
+Ұ N land|½,surfacial|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+Ұ N place|ط,desolate|
+Ұ N fruit|ˮ
+Ұ N fire|
+Ұ N fire|,#land|½
+Ұ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+Ұ N bird|
+Ұ N human|,undesired|ݬ,female|Ů,#crime|,$SeekPleasure|Ѱ
+Ұѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,informal|ʽ
+Ұ¿ N beast|
+Ұ N beast|
+Ұ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+Ұ N human|,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+Ұè N beast|
+Ұţ N beast|
+ҰǾޱ N FlowerGrass|
+ҰȤ N emotion|
+Ұ N human|
+Ұ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+Ұﱣ N human|,*protect|,#animate|
+Ұ N beast|,generic|ͳ
+Ұ N beast|
+Ұ N place|ط
+Ұζ N food|ʳƷ
+Ұ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+ҰIJ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ
+Ұļ N human|,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+Ұ N human|,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+Ұ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,&AnimalHuman|
+ҰӪ V reside|ס
+Ұս N fact|,fight|,military|
+Ұս N army|
+Ұս N army|
+Ұսڱ N army|
+Ұսڱ N part|,%army|
+Ұ N beast|
+ұ V burn|,industrial|
+ұ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ұ V burn|,patient=metal|,industrial|
+ұѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ұ V burn|,industrial|
+ұ N InstitutePlace|,*burn|,factory|,industrial|
+ұ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+Ҳ ADV also|Ҳ
+Ҳ EXPR expression|,*ExpressAgreement|ʾͬ
+Ҳ CONJ {and|}
+Ҳ CONJ {and|}
+Ҳ ADV {comment|}
+Ҳ˵ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+Ҳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Yemen|Ҳ)
+Ҳ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+Ҳŵɶ N money|,(Yemen|Ҳ)
+ҲǶ N money|,(Yemen|Ҳ)
+Ҳ N human|,(Yemen|Ҳ)
+Ҳ ADV {comment|}
+ҳ N NounUnit|,&paper|ֽ
+ҳ CLAS NounUnit|,&paper|ֽ
+ҳ N attribute|,number|,&readings|
+ҳ N tool|þ,*print|ӡˢ
+ҳ N stone|ʯ
+Ҵ V HoldWithHand|
+Ҵ V help|
+Ҵ V insert|
+Ҵ V upgrade|
+ҵ N affairs|
+ҵ N affairs|,#earn|,#alive|,#occupation|ְλ
+ҵ N institution|
+ҵ N wealth|Ǯ
+ҵ N wealth|Ǯ,#earth|,#building|
+ҵ N result|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ҵ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ҵ N result|,desired|,#succeed|ɹ
+ҵ ADV time|ʱ
+ҵ N affairs|
+ҵ N affairs|,commercial|
+ҵԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,commercial|
+ҵ֪ʶ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ҵ ADV time|ʱ
+ҵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#occupation|ְλ,informal|ʽ
+ҵʱ N time|ʱ,idle|
+ҵ N human|,rich|
+Ҷ CLAS NounUnit|,&paper|ֽ
+Ҷ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Ҷ N part|,%plant|ֲ,hair|ë
+Ҷ N part|,time|ʱ,past|
+Ҷ N shape|,surfacial|,thin|
+Ҷ N part|,%plant|ֲ,hair|ë
+Ҷ N InsectWorm|
+Ҷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+Ҷ N part|,%plant|ֲ
+Ҷ N part|,%machine|
+Ҷ V GoBack|,LocationFin=place|ط,original|ԭ
+Ҷ N part|,%plant|ֲ,hair|ë
+ҶƬ N part|,%machine|
+ҶƬ N part|,%plant|ֲ,hair|ë
+Ҷ N part|,%plant|ֲ,hair|ë
+Ҷ N chemical|ѧ
+Ҷ N part|,%plant|ֲ,hair|ë
+ҷ V pull|
+ҷⵯ N weapon|,*guide|
+Ҹ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,arm|
+Ҹ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,arm|
+Ҹѿ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ҹ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+ҹ N affairs|,#duty|,#sequence|,night|
+ҹ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+ҹζ V change|
+ҹ N LandVehicle|,night|
+ҹ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ҹ N InsectWorm|
+ҹ N fact|,eat|,night|
+ҹ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+ҹ N tool|þ,*tell|,#time|ʱ
+ҹ V VehicleGo|ʻ
+ҹ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#waste|,#excrete|й
+ҹ ADV time|ʱ,day|,night|
+ҹ乤 N affairs|,#duty|,#sequence|,night|
+ҹ N attribute|,scene|,&inanimate|,&building|
+ҹ N sky|
+ҹ N FlowerGrass|
+ҹ˾ ADJ time|ʱ,day|,night|
+ҹԴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ҹ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+ҹä֢ N disease|
+ҹè N bird|
+ҹè N human|,#sleep|˯,late|
+ҹĻ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+ҹ N affairs|,#duty|,#sequence|,night|
+ҹɫ N lights|
+ҹ˾ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+ҹ N fact|,#act|ж,time=night|
+ҹ N InstitutePlace|,@sell|,@buy|,night|,commercial|
+ҹ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+ҹϮ V attack|,military|
+ҹ N edible|ʳ
+ҹУ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ҹ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+ҹ V VehicleGo|ʻ
+ҹҹ N time|ʱ,night|
+ҹԼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ҹ N human|,*act|ж,night|
+ҹܻ N InstitutePlace|,@WhileAway|,commercial|
+ҹݺ N bird|
+Һ N drinks|Ʒ
+Һ N liquid|Һ,generic|ͳ
+Һ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=liquid|Һ,industrial|
+Һ N material|,gas|,$burn|
+Һ N natural|Ȼ,generic|ͳ
+Һ N part|,%liquid|Һ,skin|Ƥ
+Һ̬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,PhysicState|״̬,liquid|Һ
+Һ N liquid|Һ,generic|ͳ
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+һ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|
+һ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,single|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+һ N human|
+һ N human|,able|,desired|
+һ N human|,official|
+һˮ V defeated|
+һͿ V defeated|
+һ N part|,%entity|ʵ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+һ˵ ADV {comment|}
+һ ADV {comment|}
+һ㻯 V ize|̬
+һ˵ ADV {comment|}
+һ˵ ADV {comment|}
+һ N attribute|,kind|,ordinary|,&physical|
+һһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+һ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,half|
+һ V fulfil|ʵ,patient=aspiration|Ը,scope=listen|
+һڸ V fulfil|ʵ,patient=aspiration|Ը,scope=eat|
+һ۸ V enjoy|,content=look|,#beautiful|
+һ۸ V fulfil|ʵ,patient=aspiration|Ը,scope=look|
+һʮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+һ N time|ʱ,#alive|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+һǿ׳ V collude|
+һʹ V remove|
+һĨɱ V remove|
+һ N part|,%entity|ʵ,aspect|
+һ V ill|̬,medical|ҽ
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,property|,$merge|ϲ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|
+һδƽһ EXPR happen|,experiencer=fact|,manner=again|
+һС ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+һ V prosper|
+һһӡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+һ N part|,&entity|ʵ
+һ N location|λ,edge|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+һ V fail|ʧ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+һһϦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+һȾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+һȾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,spotless|,desired|
+һɲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+һĪչ V BeUnable|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+һ V decide|
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,^lasting|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+һ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+һ N time|ʱ,morning|,early|
+һ N place|ط
+һ N time|ʱ,#alive|
+һ N time|ʱ,now|
+һ N time|ʱ,royal|,past|
+һ CONJ {time|ʱ}
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+һ֮ N result|,desired|,#succeed|ɹ
+һ֮ N thought|ͷ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+һȹ N result|,desired|,#succeed|ɹ
+һ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,diplomatic|⽻
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+һ N image|ͼ,dot|
+һ N part|,%character|
+һ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+һ V tell|
+һ N time|ʱ,special|
+һ V touch|
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+һ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+һһ ADV qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,insufficiently|Ƿ
+һ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+һ ADV {comment|}
+һ N quantity|,amount|,&entity|ʵ
+һ֮ N method|
+һ֮ N regulation|
+һһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,past|
+һ N part|,%entity|ʵ,aspect|
+һ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+һǧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+һ˳ V lucky|
+һ̬ V alter|ı
+һ N part|,%entity|ʵ,aspect|
+һ紵 V remove|
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,complete|
+һŶ V treat|Դ,manner=alike|
+һɶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,complete|,desired|
+һ۶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+һ V fulfil|ʵ,manner=fast|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|
+һӴ V damage|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+һ N system|ƶ
+һɢ V disperse|ɢ
+һŵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,power|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+һӦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,power|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+һһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,concise|,desired|
+һ V illuminate|
+һ V pass|ȹ
+һӶ V fulfil|ʵ,manner=fast|
+һ V BeSame|ͬ
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+һ N time|ʱ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+һ֮ N attribute|,ability|,special|,&organization|֯,&human|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|
+һ V love|
+һ˫ V succeed|ɹ
+һ N part|,%fact|,#act|ж
+һٳ V WellKnown|
+һ V succeed|ɹ
+һһ N fact|,#act|ж
+һ V HaveContest|
+һǧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|,desired|
+һ֮ N thought|ͷ,empty|
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+һ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+һ N thought|ͷ
+һ N document|
+һ V look|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+һ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+һ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+һ˰ V finish|
+һ۰צ N inanimate|,secondary|
+һб V walk|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+һ· V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ,manner=together|ͬ
+һ· ADV process|
+һ· N entity|ʵ,alike|,undesired|ݬ
+һ·ɫ N entity|ʵ,alike|,undesired|ݬ
+һ·ƽ EXPR expression|,*SayHello|ʺ
+һ· ADV process|
+һ·˳ EXPR expression|,*SayHello|ʺ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+һ N celestial|
+һǧ V decline|˥
+һ V BeSame|ͬ
+һ V guide|
+һƽ N land|½,smooth|̹
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,alike|
+һ˼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+һ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,diplomatic|⽻
+һ N part|,%entity|ʵ,aspect|
+һ֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,sparse|
+һ V WellKnown|
+һ V die|
+һģһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+һģһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|,desired|
+һĿȻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,NotProfound|dz
+һĿʮ ADJ read|,manner=fast|
+һ N time|ʱ,year|
+һ굽ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,year|
+һļ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+һһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,year|
+һŭȥ V leave|뿪,manner=angry|
+һŵǧ N text|,*MakeAppointment|Լ,$obey|ѭ
+һļ V fit|ʺ,manner=easy|
+һƫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+һƶϴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,alike|
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+һ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ
+һdz ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,concise|,desired|
+һdz V fulfil|ʵ,manner=fast|
+һǮֵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,negligible|,undesired|ݬ
+һϲͨ V ignorant|֪
+һ N entity|ʵ
+һ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+һ֮ N human|,alike|,undesired|ݬ
+һȥ V disappear|ʧ
+һԾɹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+һǧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|,desired|
+һɨ V CauseToBeHidden|ʹʧ
+һɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+һɲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+һ N human|,single|
+һ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+һ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,single|,#clothing|
+һ V undertake|
+һǵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+һ V KeepSilence|˵
+һ N time|ʱ,process|,@alive|
+һһ N time|ʱ,process|,@alive|
+һʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+һʱ N time|ʱ
+һʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+һʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+һʱһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+һ V DoNot|
+һͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,single|
+һְ V handle|,manner=single|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+һ˲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+һ˿ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+һ˿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+һ˿ V exposure|¶
+һ˿һ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+һͿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+һͿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+һ N entity|ʵ,complete|
+һ廯 ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,complete|,desired|
+һ쵽 ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+һ N process|
+һ N shape|,linear|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|
+һͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+һͳ V merge|ϲ
+һͷ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ
+һͷ N part|,%entity|ʵ,aspect|
+һͷ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@put|
+һź ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,undesired|ݬ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+һ V catch|ס
+һ V like|ϧ
+һǰ V GoForward|ǰ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+һζ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+һIJ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+һ֪ V ignorant|֪
+һѷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+һȡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+һǴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+һ֪ V NoKnowledge|֪
+һһʮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,detailed|,desired|
+һ V err|
+һϢд V alive|
+һϯ֮ N place|ط,small|С
+һϵ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ
+һ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+һϣ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+һԸ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+һԸ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+һС ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+һЦ֮ V IllTreat|
+һЩ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+һЩ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,some|Щ
+һкǧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+һһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+һһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+һ N human|,mass|,*tour|
+һԲ V KeepSilence|˵
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+һΪ V obey|ѭ
+һһ N fact|,#act|ж,#text|
+һԱ֮ V speak|˵
+һ̼ N gas|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+һҹ֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+һһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|
+һһӦ V fit|ʺ
+һ´ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,near|
+һ V RashlyAct|
+һӦȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+һӵ V LeaveFor|ǰ,manner=fast|
+һ V explain|˵
+һƵ V explain|˵
+һ˫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|
+һԪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+һ N time|ʱ,month|
+һ· N time|ʱ,month|
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,again|
+һ ADJ time|ʱ,morning|,early|
+һգ N time|ʱ,TimeShort|
+һգ۵Ĺ N time|ʱ,TimeShort|
+һѪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,accurate|,desired|
+һ N time|ʱ
+һ N wind|
+һ N time|ʱ
+һ N time|ʱ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+һ֪ V ignorant|֪
+һֱ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+һֽ N document|,useless|
+һǧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+һ N attribute|,similarity|ͬ,alike|,&entity|ʵ
+һר ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+һ겻 V decline|˥
+һ V fulfil|ʵ,manner=fast|
+Ҽ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|
+ҽ N affairs|,medical|ҽ
+ҽ V cure|ҽ
+ҽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ҽ N knowledge|֪ʶ,medical|ҽ
+ҽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$cure|ҽ
+ҽ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|,#cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ҽ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|,#cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ҽԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ҽ N knowledge|֪ʶ,medical|ҽ
+ҽƴѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,#medical|ҽ,education|
+ҽѧ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|,medical|ҽ
+ҽ N knowledge|֪ʶ,medical|ҽ
+ҽ V cure|ҽ
+ҽƶ N human|,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ҽƺվ N InstitutePlace|,@rescue|,military|,medical|ҽ
+ҽ¹ N fact|,wrong|,medical|ҽ,#cure|ҽ,undesired|ݬ
+ҽվ N InstitutePlace|,@cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ҽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ҽʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ҽʿ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ҽ N publications|鿯,#medical|ҽ
+ҽ N method|,#medical|ҽ
+ҽ N affairs|,medical|ҽ
+ҽ N InstitutePlace|,@cure|ҽ,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ҽѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ҽѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,medical|ҽ
+ҽѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,medical|ҽ
+ҽѧʿ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|,medical|ҽ
+ҽѧԺ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,#medical|ҽ,education|
+ҽҩ N medicine|ҩ
+ҽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ҽԺ N InstitutePlace|,@cure|ҽ,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ҽ V cure|ҽ
+ҽ N text|,#cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ҿ N metal|
+ҿ N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+ V depend|
+ V obey|ѭ
+ V surrender|
+ PREP {AccordingTo}
+ V depend|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,sequence|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|
+ V obey|ѭ
+ V surrender|
+ V exist|
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,police|
+ V depend|
+ V tie|
+ V tie|
+ V ChangeNot|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|
+ N reason|
+ PREP {AccordingTo}
+ V depend|
+ V depend|
+ N attribute|,property|,depend|,&human|
+ V grudge|
+ƾ V depend|
+Ȼ V ChangeNot|
+Ȼ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|
+Ȼ V ChangeNot|
+Ȼ V ChangeNot|
+ɽˮ ADV aValue|ֵ,location|λ
+˳ V fit|ʺ
+ V depend|
+ϡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+« ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+« V imitate|ģ
+ V grudge|
+ V grudge|,content=separate|
+ϧ V farewell|
+ V depend|
+ PREP {AccordingTo}
+ V lean|п
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Iran|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Iraq|)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,happy|,#lucky|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Iraq|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+˵ɶ N money|,(Iraq|)
+ N human|,(Iraq|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Iran|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ N human|,(Iran|)
+ŵ˹ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ʼ N part|,%time|ʱ,head|ͷ
+˹ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Pakistan|ͻ˹̹)
+˹ N community|,religion|ڽ
+˹ N law|ɷ,#time|ʱ
+˹ͽ N human|,religion|ڽ
+˹̹ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Turkey|)
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ N clothing|,generic|ͳ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,embryo|
+ N part|,%physical|,skin|Ƥ
+° N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+° N part|,%AnimalHuman|,embryo|
+³ N furniture|Ҿ,cubic|,@put|,#clothing|
+´ N part|,%clothing|,cubic|,@put|
+¶ N part|,%clothing|,cubic|,@put|
+· N clothing|,generic|ͳ
+¹ N clothing|
+¹ N human|,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+¹ڣ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#die|
+¹ N furniture|Ҿ,cubic|,@put|,#clothing|
+¼ N attribute|,appearance|,&human|
+¼ N furniture|Ҿ
+½ N part|,%clothing|,body|
+½ V GoBack|,time=succeed|ɹ
+ N material|,?clothing|,generic|ͳ
+ N part|,%clothing|,#head|ͷ
+ñ N room|,@put|,#clothing|
+ N clothing|
+ N clothing|,generic|ͳ
+ʳס V fact|,MakeLiving|ı
+ʳס N fact|,MakeLiving|ı
+ N clothing|,generic|ͳ
+ N part|,%clothing|,#arm|
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ N clothing|,generic|ͳ
+ V maintain|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ú N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,public|,@WhileAway|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V maintain|
+ָʹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,safe|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,smooth|̹
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,foreign|
+ V destroy|,military|
+ N human|,#space|ռ,past|
+ N human|,foreign|
+ N place|ط,foreign|,country|
+ V destroy|
+ V PassOn|
+ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ,$lose|ʧȥ
+ V lose|ʧȥ
+Ų N wealth|Ǯ,#die|,#police|,$PassOn|
+Ų N human|,*receive|,#wealth|Ǯ
+Ų˰ N expenditure|
+ų ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,disgraced|,undesired|ݬ
+ų V unfortunate|
+Ŵ V give|,#animate|
+Ŵ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+Ŵ N part|,%animate|,#PassOn|
+Ŵѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+Ŵѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+Ŵ V SetAside|
+Ŵ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*die|,body|
+ŷ N attribute|,habit|ϰ,&human|
+Ÿ N human|,family|,young|
+Ź N human|,family|,young|
+Ź N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*die|,body|
+ź N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*die|,body|
+ź V repent|û
+ż N part|,%building|,waste|,body|
+ż N trace|,#building|
+ž V excrete|й,medical|ҽ
+ N human|,aged|,mass|
+ N human|,mass|,undesired|ݬ
+ V PassOn|
+ V SetAside|
+© V discharge|
+ N human|,mass|
+ V excrete|й,patient=liquid|Һ,medical|ҽ
+ V abandon|
+ N attribute|,appearance|,#die|,&human|
+ N image|ͼ,#die|
+ N human|,mass|,young|
+ʧ V lose|ʧȥ
+ʸ V excrete|й,patient=waste|
+ N fact|,past|
+ N letter|ż
+ N readings|
+ N readings|,$lose|ʧȥ
+ N human|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*die|,body|
+ V forget|
+֢ N disease|
+ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ
+ N image|ͼ,#die|
+ N text|,#die|,$SetAside|
+Ը N aspiration|Ը,expect|,#die|,$SetAside|
+ַ N place|ط
+־ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,#die|,$SetAside|
+ N text|,#die|,$SetAside|
+ N human|,female|Ů
+ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+ V TakeAway|ᶯ
+ V alter|ı
+ V change|
+Ƶ V alter|ı,entertainment|
+ƶ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+ƶ V TakeAway|ᶯ
+ƶ N affairs|,#internet|,commercial|
+Ʒ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ,purpose=defend|,military|
+Ʒ V improve|,patient=habit|ϰ
+ƻľ V deceive|ƭ
+ƽ V entrust|ί
+ƽ V submit|
+ƽ V transport|,manner=defend|,police|
+ƾ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ,#country|
+ƾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,SelfMoveInManner|ʽ,#country|
+ V planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ N human|,#country|
+ V transport|,manner=defend|,police|
+ V planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ֲ V planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ֲ V planting|ֲ,medical|ҽ
+ N attribute|,bearing|̬,&human|
+ N fact|
+ N tool|þ,$GiveAsGift|
+ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ
+DZ N attribute|,bearing|̬,&human|
+DZ N tool|þ,*measure|
+DZ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,tool|þ,factory|,industrial|
+ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ
+ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,tool|þ,factory|,industrial|
+ N attribute|,appearance|,&human|
+ʽ N fact|
+̬ N attribute|,bearing|̬,&human|
+̬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+̶ N community|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ȵ N medicine|ҩ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N disease|
+Һ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ N tool|þ,*wash|ϴ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$doubt|
+ V doubt|
+ɰ N fact|,difficult|,police|
+ɰ N problem|,difficult|
+ɵ N problem|,difficult|
+ɷ N human|,$doubt|,#crime|
+ɻ V doubt|
+ɾ N experience|,doubt|
+ V doubt|
+ N experience|,doubt|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ N experience|,doubt|
+ɹ V doubt|
+ N experience|,doubt|
+Ŷ EXPR ^doubt|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,ask|
+ N experience|,doubt|
+ N problem|
+ʾ N part|,%language|
+ N experience|,doubt|
+IJ N experience|,doubt|
+ EXPR fear|,cause=doubt|
+ N experience|,doubt|
+ N experience|,doubt|
+ N method|
+ N shape|,military|,*deceive|ƭ,#enemy|
+ N experience|,doubt|
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ AUX {modality|}
+˱ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+˲ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+˴ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V fit|ʺ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$defend|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ֵ̱ N human|,family|,mass|,male|
+̶ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+̷ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ĸ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+̫̫ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@sit|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@sit|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ϲ N InsectWorm|
+ȩ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ V depend|
+ V lean|п
+п V lean|п
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ V depend|
+ V depend|
+ ADV {tense|ʱ̬,past|}
+Ѷ V fixed|Ѷ
+ѹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,#die|,past|
+ѻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,GetMarried|
+Ѽ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+Ѿ ADV {tense|ʱ̬,past|}
+Ѿ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,$detain|ס
+Ȼ V fixed|Ѷ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$shrink|С
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+֪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$know|֪
+֪ N symbol|,quantity|,$know|֪
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ N symbol|
+Ұ N chemical|ѧ
+ұ N chemical|ѧ
+Ҵ N chemical|ѧ,?medicine|ҩ,liquid|Һ,$burn|
+Ҵ N chemical|ѧ,liquid|Һ,$burn|,#medicine|ҩ
+ҷ N human|,organization|֯,#associate|
+Ҹ N disease|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ȩ N chemical|ѧ
+Ȳ N gas|
+Ȳ N gas|,*illuminate|,*fasten|˩,*break|۶,#metal|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ,$burn|
+ϩ N chemical|ѧ
+ϩ N chemical|ѧ
+ N disease|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ STRU {MaChinese|}
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Israel|ɫ)
+ PREP {AccordingTo}
+ PREP {cause}
+ PREP {means}
+ PREP {purpose}
+ ... Ϊ V RegardAs|
+ ... Ϊ V RegardAs|,ResultIsa=secondary|
+ ... Ϊ V aValue|ֵ,property|,$guide|
+ ... Ϊ V RegardAs|,ResultIsa=boundary|
+ ... Ϊ V RegardAs|,ResultIsa=cause|ԭ
+ ... Ϊ V PayAttention|ע
+ ... Ϊ V PayAttention|ע
+ ... Ϊ V RegardAs|,ResultIsa=important|
+ ... Ϊ V RegardAs|,ResultIsa=law|ɷ
+Ա ADV aValue|ֵ,location|λ,north|
+Ա CONJ {purpose}
+Գ V WellTreat|ƴ
+Դ V deduce|
+Դ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|
+Դ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|,beneath|
+ԴΪ V RegardAs|,patient=main|,ResultIsa=important|
+Ե±Թ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+Զ ADV aValue|ֵ,location|λ,east|
+Զﴫ V disseminate|,content=wrong|
+Ժ N aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,future|
+Ժ N time|ʱ,future|
+Լ COOR {and|}
+Լ V deceive|ƭ
+Խ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,near|
+ STRU {TimeIni}
+ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+ V benefit|
+Ϊ V damage|
+ V escape|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,location|λ,south|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,location|λ,external|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|,more|
+ǰ N time|ʱ,past|
+ V expect|
+Ȩı˽ V seek|ıȡ
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Israel|ɫ)
+ɫ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ɫ N human|,(Israel|ɫ)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+Է V HaveContest|,patient=law|ɷ
+ѳְ V die|
+ V guide|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,external|
+ N time|ʱ,past|
+Ϊ V regard|Ϊ
+Ϊ V RegardAs|,patient=self|,ResultIsa=important|
+֮ ADV {comment|}
+ V exchange|,patient=artifact|˹,commercial|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,location|λ,west|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ϱʻΪ ADV aValue|ֵ,sequence|
+һʮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+Թ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,desired|
+ CONJ {EventResult|¼}
+ CONJ {EventResult|¼}
+ CONJ {EventResult|¼}
+ PREP {means}
+Ч V persuade|Ȱ˵,instrument=example|ʵ
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,entertainment|
+ N method|
+ռ N human|,entertainment|,(Japan|ձ)
+ N community|,entertainment|
+ N attribute|,age|,#entertainment|,&human|
+ N attribute|,name|,&human|,entertainment|
+ N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,appearance|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,entertainment|
+ N method|
+ N InstitutePlace|,*display|չʾ,entertainment|
+ N human|,entertainment|
+ N community|,entertainment|
+Ʒ N inanimate|,entertainment|
+ N community|,entertainment|
+ N attribute|,property|,entertainment|,&entity|ʵ
+̳ N community|,entertainment|
+ N readings|
+ N thing|,#entertainment|,#literature|
+Է N community|,entertainment|,literature|
+ V restrain|ֹ
+ֻ CONJ {or|}
+ V upset|
+ֹ V restrain|ֹ
+ V restrain|ֹ
+Ƽ N chemical|ѧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,easy|,desired|
+ V alter|ı
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V exchange|,commercial|
+ױ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,FormChange|α
+ױ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$forget|
+ױ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,change|
+ױ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,desired|
+ V replace|,patient=place|ط
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,easy|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,easy|,$understand|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$read|
+ο ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$soothe|ο
+ V exchange|,patient=artifact|˹,commercial|
+ó V exchange|,patient=artifact|˹,commercial|
+ӽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$approach|ӽ
+ N publications|鿯,ProperName|ר
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#drinks|Ʒ
+ŭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,easy|,$irritate|ŭ
+ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$lighting|ȼ
+ȼ N inanimate|,easy|,#lighting|ȼ
+ȼױ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$lighting|ȼ
+ V replace|,patient=human|,sport|
+練 ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,easy|,desired|
+ɢ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,disappear|ʧ
+ܹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$attack|
+ַ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$damage|
+˺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$split|ƿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$break|۶
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,easy|,$damage|
+ѧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,easy|,$study|ѧ
+ѹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$break|۶
+ V AptTo|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$misunderstand|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$attack|
+ N place|ط
+ N place|ط,city|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ V stand|վ
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ N human|,rich|
+˹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ N affairs|,engage|
+ N affairs|,engage|,military|
+ N fact|,fight|,military|
+ʹ V use|,agricultural|ũ
+ N livestock|
+ܲ V guess|²
+ܶ V guess|²
+ V forge|α
+ V flee|
+ V lose|ʧȥ
+ N phenomena|,idle|
+ V surpass|ǿ
+ N human|,past|
+ N fact|
+ N fact|
+ V study|ѧ
+ҵ V study|ѧ,^finish|
+ N disease|
+߲ N disease|
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,#disease|,&place|ط,&organization|֯
+ N place|ط,#disease|,@happen|
+ ADV also|Ҳ
+ಽ V imitate|ģ
+ N human|,future|
+ N place|ط,far|Զ
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+ V express|ʾ
+ N information|Ϣ
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Italy|)
+ V predict|Ԥ
+ N thought|ͷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Italy|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ V know|֪
+ N thought|ͷ
+ N thought|ͷ,different|,#oppose|
+ N readings|,@record|¼,#thought|ͷ
+ N text|,$propose|,$discuss|,$debate|
+ N tool|þ,@put|,#text|,#thought|ͷ
+⽳ N thought|ͷ
+⾳ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ V predict|Ԥ
+֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$predict|Ԥ
+֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$predict|Ԥ
+Գ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ N thought|ͷ
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ N emotion|,undesired|ݬ
+ N mental|
+緢 V excited|
+Ȥ N attribute|,interest|Ȥζ,&entity|ʵ
+Ȥ N emotion|,FondOf|ϲ
+ʶ N mental|
+ʶ V understand|
+ʶ V understand|
+ʶ̬ N thinking|˼
+˼ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+˼ N attribute|,interest|Ȥζ,&entity|ʵ
+˼ N emotion|,FondOf|ϲ
+˼ N emotion|,grateful|м
+˼ N information|Ϣ
+˼ N thought|ͷ
+ͼ N purpose|Ŀ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$predict|Ԥ
+ N phenomena|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ζ N attribute|,interest|Ȥζ,&entity|ʵ
+ζ N information|Ϣ
+ζ ADJ attribute|,content|,profound|
+ζ V mean|ָ
+벻 ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^$predict|Ԥ
+õ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$predict|Ԥ
+ N purpose|Ŀ
+ N document|,commercial|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N emotion|,excited|
+˼˼ V hesitate|ԥ
+ N information|Ϣ
+ V translate|
+ V willing|Ը
+Ը N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|
+־ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+־ᶨ N human|,#will|־,strong|ǿ
+־ N attribute|,will|־,&human|
+ N human|,$love|,friend|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N attribute|,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|,&human|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ȻȻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ V LookBack|
+ V LookBack|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clan|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,artificial|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|
+ N information|Ϣ
+岻ݴ V endeavour|
+ N part|,%human|,fake|α,#medical|ҽ,*bite|ҧ
+ V angry|
+ N emotion|,angry|,desired|
+ V angry|,desired|
+ N affairs|,great|ΰ
+ʵ N publications|鿯,#expression|
+ N reason|
+ N fact|,sell|
+ V sell|,commercial|
+ N mark|־,military|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|,&human|
+ʿ N human|,fair|,desired|
+ V GoForward|ǰ,scope=duty|
+ V GoForward|ǰ,scope=duty|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ N duty|
+ N human|,military|
+ N affairs|,#education|
+ N fact|,perform|,entertainment|
+¾ N army|
+ V cure|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|,desired|
+֫ N part|,%human|,fake|α,#medical|ҽ,limb|֫
+ڣ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#die|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+ N attribute|,ProsCons|,pros|,desired|,&entity|ʵ
+ N InsectWorm|,desired|
+洦 N attribute|,ProsCons|,pros|,desired|,&entity|ʵ
+淢 ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+ĸ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ N bird|,desired|
+ N human|,friend|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ V spill|
+ V spill|
+ V spill|
+Ա V express|ʾ
+ V discuss|
+鰸 N text|,$propose|,$discuss|,$debate|
+鳤 N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,politics|
+ N plans|滮,#sequence|,&fact|
+鶨 V decide|,manner=discuss|
+鶨 N document|,$discuss|,$MakeAppointment|Լ
+鹺 V buy|,manner=discuss|
+ V reconcile|,politics|
+ N institution|,politics|,#country|,*forming|γ,#law|ɷ
+ N system|ƶ,politics|
+ N attribute|,price|۸,#discuss|,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ V discuss|,commercial|
+ V decide|
+ V discuss|
+ V speak|˵
+۷ V {comment|}
+ V discuss|,content=affairs|,politics|
+ N problem|,$discuss|
+ϯ N location|λ,#institution|
+Ա N human|,official|,politics|
+Ժ N institution|,#country|,@discuss|,@debate|
+ V discuss|,content=affairs|,politics|
+ N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|
+ V translate|
+뱾 N attribute|,kind|,$translate|,&readings|
+ V translate|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*translate|
+ V translate|
+ N attribute|,name|,$translate|,&entity|ʵ
+ N text|,$translate|
+ N fact|,translate|,#sound|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,literature|,*translate|
+ N human|,literature|,*translate|
+ V translate|
+ N readings|,$translate|
+ N readings|,$translate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,different|
+ V surprise|
+첽 ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|
+ N attribute|,brightness|,bright|,&thing|
+쳣 ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ N place|ط,foreign|
+ N place|ط,country|,foreign|
+Ѱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+컯 V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=different|
+켺 N human|,different|
+ N community|,religion|ڽ,different|
+ͽ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ͻ V appear|
+ͬ V BeSame|ͬ
+ͬ V BeSame|ͬ,scope=result|
+ͬ N attribute|,similarity|ͬ,&entity|ʵ
+ζ N attribute|,odor|ζ,special|,&physical|
+ζ N food|ʳƷ
+ N humanized|
+ N inanimate|,foreign|
+ N place|ط,foreign|
+쿪 V think|˼
+ N shape|,queer|
+ V differ|ͬ
+ N thought|ͷ,different|,#oppose|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ N thought|ͷ,different|,#oppose|
+ N place|ط,country|,foreign|
+ N place|ط,foreign|
+ N community|,different|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,wing|
+ N part|,%bird|,wing|,*fly|
+ N place|ط,edge|,military|
+ N time|ʱ,year|,future|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,future|
+ N tool|þ,@LieDown|
+ N tool|þ,@LieDown|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,chilly|
+ V protect|
+ V cover|ڸ
+ V hide|
+ V protect|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,chilly|
+ N cause|ԭ
+ CONJ {cause|ԭ}
+ PREP {cause}
+ʩ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ CONJ {EventResult|¼}
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ CONJ {EventResult|¼}
+ CONJ {EventResult|¼}
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&physical|
+ N process|,#cause|ԭ,#result|
+ªͼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,thrifty|,desired|
+ŬƤǿ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ V guide|
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ
+ N internet|
+Ϊ CONJ {cause|ԭ}
+Ϊ PREP {cause}
+Ϯ V imitate|ģ
+Сʧ V WorthNot|ֵ
+ѭ V delay|
+ѭ V obey|ѭ
+ѭؾ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ҭʳ V cease|ͣ,cause=fear|
+ N cause|ԭ
+֮ CONJ {EventResult|¼}
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|,NotLight|Ũ
+ N experience|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ N attribute|,SoundVolume|,&music|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ N sound|
+ N attribute|,SoundVolume|,&music|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,good|,desired|
+ N symbol|,#music|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ N music|
+ֻ N fact|,@perform|,@listen|,#music|
+ּ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,#music|,entertainment|
+ֽ N community|,#music|,entertainment|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@listen|,#music|
+ N attribute|,SoundVolume|,&sound|
+Ƶ N attribute|,frequency|Ƶ,&sound|
+ɫ N attribute|,SoundQuality|,&sound|
+ N expression|
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,#sound|,&SelfMove|
+λ N expression|
+ N tool|þ,*disseminate|
+ N sound|
+ N tool|þ,*listen|,#music|
+Ч N attribute|,effect|Ч,#sound|,&artifact|˹
+ N shows|
+ N information|Ϣ,#letter|ż
+Ѷ N information|Ϣ,#letter|ż
+ V translate|
+ N attribute|,SoundQuality|,&sound|
+ N attribute|,quality|,&sound|
+ V WeatherBad|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,contrariness|,negative|
+ N celestial|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N direction|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#female|Ů,viscera|
+ N place|ط,#lights|,dark|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ N part|,bad|,undesired|ݬ,%organization|֯
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#female|Ů,viscera|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#female|Ů,viscera|
+ʿ N material|,*AlterColor|ɫ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#female|Ů,viscera|
+ N disease|
+ N electricity|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ N wind|
+ V dry|
+ N part|,%house|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#female|Ů,viscera|
+ N part|,%electricity|
+ N place|ط,humanized|,#die|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#male|,viscera|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+ N part|,%physical|
+ N law|ɷ,#time|ʱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,chilly|
+ N place|ط,chilly|
+ë N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hair|ë
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#female|Ů,viscera|
+ N part|,%physical|,dark|
+ı N plans|滮,undesired|ݬ
+ı V plan|ƻ,undesired|ݬ
+ı N plans|滮,undesired|ݬ
+ı N human|,*plan|ƻ,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#male|,viscera|
+ƽ N sound|,#language|
+ɭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ʪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,dark|,wet|ʪ
+ʭ N InsectWorm|
+˽ N fact|,undesired|ݬ,secret|
+ N weather|,WeatherBad|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|
+ N attribute|,property|,&event|¼,entity|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,eccentric|Ƨ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hidden|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|
+Ӱ N trace|,#lights|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,WeatherBad|,RainSnow|ѩ
+ V sad|dz
+ N CloudMist|
+ V WeatherBad|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,#GetMarried|
+ N attribute|,relatedness|,#GetMarried|,&human|
+Ե N attribute|,circumstances|,happy|,#GetMarried|,&human|
+ N human|,intimate|
+ V recite|ж
+ V recite|ж
+Ū V sing|
+ʫ V recite|ж,content=text|
+ V recite|ж
+ζ V recite|ж
+ӽ V recite|ж
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ N metal|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ N money|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N material|,#metal|
+ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ,?medicine|ҩ
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë,white|
+ N fund|ʽ
+ N celestial|
+ N celestial|
+ϵ N celestial|
+ N beast|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,grey|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,grey|
+ N tool|þ,*reward|,#sport|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ N metal|,#money|
+ N money|
+¥ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,#treasure|䱦,commercial|
+Ļ N tool|þ,#shows|
+ N tool|þ,*reward|,#sport|
+ N tool|þ,#metal|
+ɫ N attribute|,color|ɫ,white|,&physical|
+ N beast|
+ N metal|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@SetAside|,@TakeBack|ȡ,@lend|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+м N human|,#InstitutePlace|,@SetAside|,@TakeBack|ȡ,@lend|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ҵ N affairs|,@SetAside|,@TakeBack|ȡ,@lend|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N money|
+ N fish|
+Ԫ N money|
+Բ N money|
+ʽ N tool|þ,*reward|,#sport|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ N metal|,?material|
+ N fish|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ N expression|,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ N text|,undesired|ݬ
+ N expression|,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ N text|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,female|Ů,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ý N human|,#SeekPleasure|Ѱ,undesired|ݬ
+ý N human|,female|Ů,#SeekPleasure|Ѱ,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,power|,undesired|ݬ,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+î V InDebt|
+ʱ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ
+֧î V InDebt|
+ N drinks|Ʒ
+ V drink|
+ V feed|ι
+ V feed|ι,agricultural|ũ
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ V drink|,drinks|Ʒ
+ V suffer|,content=firing|
+ V suffer|,content=kill|ɱ,means=firing|
+ V cherish|Ļ,possession=hate|
+ V drink|,drinks|Ʒ,#addict|Ⱥ
+ N drinks|Ʒ,generic|ͳ
+Ƭ N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+Ʒ N drinks|Ʒ
+ V weep|
+ʳ N edible|ʳ,generic|ͳ
+ʳҵ N affairs|,#edible|ʳ
+ˮ N water|ˮ,$drink|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$drink|
+ˮ N water|ˮ,$drink|
+ N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ֹ V RashlyAct|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V guide|
+ V incur|
+ V leave|뿪
+ V pull|
+ V quote|
+ V lighting|ȼ,purpose=CauseToDo|ʹ,#FormChange|α
+ N material|,wood|ľ,*lighting|ȼ
+ V guide|,ResultEvent=GiveBirth|
+ V ResultIn|
+ V guide|
+ V entice|
+ V tease|ȡ
+ V catch|ס,police|
+ V ResultIn|
+ V guide|,ResultEvent=VehicleGo|ʻ
+ N symbol|
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ V ResultIn|,result=damage|
+ V recommend|Ƽ
+ V propose|
+ V recommend|Ƽ
+ V propose|
+ݵ V quote|,content=publications|鿯
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ,target=self|
+Ը߸ V sing|
+ V incur|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,strength|,#attract|,&physical|
+ V expect|
+ V guide|
+ V cure|ҽ,manner=drain|ų
+· V guide|
+ V ResultIn|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$oppose|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$disgust|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,flurried|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N part|,%machine|,heart|
+ʤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+עĿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+ע ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$PayAttention|ע
+ V guide|,ResultEvent=GoInto|
+ V enlarge|
+ V quote|
+ˮ V guide|,ResultEvent=VehicleGo|ʻ
+ˮ V guide|,patient=liquid|Һ
+ V cease|ͣ,content=undertake|,politics|
+ N part|,%text|
+ N tool|þ,*fasten|˩
+ N part|,%weapon|
+ N part|,%text|
+Ϊ V RegardAs|,ResultIsa=regulation|
+Ϊ V RegardAs|,ResultIsa=regulation|
+Ϊ V RegardAs|,ResultIsa=glorious|
+ V quote|
+ V recommend|Ƽ
+ V entice|
+֤ V quote|,purpose=prove|֤
+֤ N human|,*quote|
+ V ResultIn|
+ V recommend|Ƽ,content=embryo|,agricultural|ũ
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ N part|,%music|
+ N part|,%text|
+ N text|,#entertainment|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,#shows|,*guide|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,impossible|,$perception|֪
+ V hide|
+ V hide|
+ V HideTruth|
+ V hide|
+ V mean|ָ
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,dangerous|Σ,#unfortunate|,hidden|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ V HideTruth|
+ V reside|ס,manner=hide|
+ V HideTruth|
+ V HideTruth|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hidden|
+ N fact|,secret|
+ V hide|
+ N fact|,secret|
+ V mean|ָ
+ʿ N human|
+˽ N fact|,secret|
+˽Ȩ N rights|Ȩ,#fact|,secret|
+ʹ N experience|,painful|ʹ
+ V cease|ͣ,content=undertake|,politics|
+īˮ N PenInk|ī,liquid|Һ,*write|д
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$perception|֪
+۾ N tool|þ,*look|,#eye|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hidden|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,hidden|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ԼԼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ʹ V painful|ʹ
+ V sad|dz
+ N expression|,#BeSimilar|
+Լ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ N emotion|
+ӡ V carve|
+ӡ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ӡ V obey|ѭ
+ӡ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(India|ӡ)
+ӡ V print|ӡˢ
+ӡ N stationery|ľ
+ӡ N trace|
+ӡ N readings|,$print|ӡˢ
+ӡ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ӡڰ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+ӡڰ N human|
+ӡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(India|ӡ)
+ӡ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ӡ¬ N money|,(India|ӡ)
+ӡ¬ N money|,(Sikkim|)
+ӡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Indonesia|ӡ)
+ӡ N money|,(Indonesia|ӡ)
+ӡ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+ӡ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ӡ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ӡ N human|,(India|ӡ)
+ӡ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|,ProperName|ר
+ӡ V print|ӡˢ,send|
+ӡ N trace|
+ӡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|
+ӡ N coupon|Ʊ֤
+ӡ N material|,?clothing|
+ӡ˰ N expenditure|
+ӡ˰Ʊ N coupon|Ʊ֤
+ӡ N trace|
+ӡ N mark|־
+ӡ N mark|־,*check|
+ӡ N stationery|ľ
+ӡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Indonesia|ӡ)
+ӡ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Indonesia|ӡ)
+ӡŷ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ӡȾ V AlterColor|ɫ,industrial|
+ӡȾ N InstitutePlace|,*AlterColor|ɫ,factory|,industrial|
+ӡ N quantity|,amount|,print|ӡˢ,&readings|
+ӡˢ V print|ӡˢ
+ӡˢ N InstitutePlace|,*print|ӡˢ,factory|
+ӡˢ N tool|þ,*print|ӡˢ
+ӡˢƷ N publications|鿯
+ӡˢ N attribute|,style|,#print|ӡˢ,&character|
+ӡˢ N attribute|,style|,character|
+ӡ̨ N stationery|ľ
+ӡֽ N paper|ֽ,#TakePicture|
+ӡ N experience|
+ӡ N stationery|ľ
+ӡ N stationery|ľ
+ӡ N stationery|ľ
+ӡ֤ V prove|֤
+ӡ N trace|
+Ӣ N FlowerGrass|
+Ӣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(UK|Ӣ)
+Ӣ N human|,able|,desired|
+Ӣ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(UK|Ӣ)
+Ӣ N unit|λ,&weight|
+Ӣ N money|,(UK|Ӣ)
+Ӣ CLAS unit|λ,&money|,(UK|Ӣ)
+Ӣ N human|,able|,desired|
+Ӣ CLAS unit|λ,&length|
+Ӣ CLAS unit|λ,&length|
+Ӣ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+Ӣ N InstitutePlace|,@SetAside|,@TakeBack|ȡ,@lend|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|,(UK|Ӣ)
+Ӣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(UK|Ӣ)
+Ӣ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ӢʼҺ N army|,ProperName|ר,(UK|Ӣ)
+Ӣ N human|,(UK|Ӣ)
+Ӣ ADJ language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+Ӣ N human|,able|,desired|
+Ӣ N human|,superior|,able|,desired|
+Ӣ N human|,able|,desired|
+Ӣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+Ӣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+Ӣ CLAS unit|λ,&length|
+Ӣ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+Ӣ CLAS unit|λ,&weight|
+Ӣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+Ӣ N human|,*die|,desired|
+Ӣ N mental|,humanized|
+Ӣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+Ӣ N attribute|,name|,&human|
+Ӣģ N human|,desired|
+ӢĶ CLAS unit|λ,&length|
+Ӣ V die|
+Ӣ N language|,ProperName|ר,(UK|Ӣ)
+Ӣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+Ӣ N human|,able|,desired|
+Ӣ۳ N human|,*salute|¾
+Ӣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+Ӣ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+Ӣ N regulation|,(UK|Ӣ)
+Ӣ N attribute|,bearing|̬,brave|,desired|,&human|
+Ӣˬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ӣ N FlowerGrass|
+ӣ N fruit|ˮ
+ӣ N FlowerGrass|
+ӣ N FlowerGrass|
+Ӥ N human|,young|
+Ӥ N human|,young|
+ӥ N bird|
+ӥ N human|,*FondOf|ϲ,#fight|,military|
+ӥȮ N human|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+ӥ N bird|
+Ӧ V agree|ͬ
+Ӧ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Ӧ V obey|ѭ
+Ӧ V reply|
+Ӧ V treat|Դ
+Ӧ AUX {modality|}
+Ӧ V change|,industrial|
+Ӧ V handle|,patient=change|
+Ӧ V agree|ͬ
+Ӧ V associate|
+Ӧ V reply|
+Ӧ AUX {modality|}
+Ӧ V reply|
+Ӧ V handle|
+Ӧ V slack|͵
+Ӧ V treat|Դ
+Ӧ AUX {modality|}
+Ӧ V handle|,patient=change|
+ӦӲϾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,busy|æ,undesired|ݬ
+Ӧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,desired|
+Ӧ V engage|,content=exam|
+Ӧ N attribute|,strength|,&inanimate|
+Ӧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ӦĻ V include|,ResultWhole=army|,military|
+Ӧŵ V agree|ͬ
+ӦƸ V accept|,content=employ|
+Ӧ V happen|
+Ӧ N human|,passive|
+Ӧʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,desired|
+Ӧ V engage|,content=exam|
+ӦܷԺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$judge|ö
+ӦǴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+Ӧ V succeed|ɹ
+Ӧ V accept|,content=invite|
+Ӧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$use|
+Ӧ V use|
+Ӧ N text|
+Ӧ V use|
+Ӧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+Ӧо V own|,manner=all|ȫ
+Ӧͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$tell|
+Ӧ V agree|ͬ
+Ӧ˶ V appear|
+Ӧս V accept|,content=fight|
+Ӧս V accept|,content=fight|,military|
+Ӧ V cure|ҽ
+Ӧ V accept|,content=include|,military|
+Ӧ V submit|,possession=text|
+Ӧ˰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,#collect|
+ӧ N shape|
+ӧ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+Ө ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+Ө N stone|ʯ
+ө N InsectWorm|
+ө N InsectWorm|
+өʯ N stone|ʯ,mine|,material|
+Ӫ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ
+Ӫ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|,@reside|ס
+Ӫ V manage|
+Ӫ V manage|,commercial|
+Ӫ N part|,%army|
+Ӫ V seek|ıȡ
+Ӫ N part|,%army|,*order|
+Ӫ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+Ӫ N place|ط,military|
+Ӫ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|,@reside|ס
+Ӫ N fire|
+Ӫ V build|,industrial|
+Ӫ V rescue|
+Ӫ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ӫ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ
+Ӫ V seek|ıȡ,possession=wealth|Ǯ
+Ӫ V MakeLiving|ı
+Ӫ˽ V use|,means=steal|͵,crime|
+Ӫ V sell|,commercial|
+Ӫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,maintain|
+Ӫ N physical|,*maintain|
+Ӫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ӪƷ N physical|,*maintain|
+Ӫ N physical|,*maintain|
+Ӫҵ V function|,commercial|
+Ӫҵ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,commercial|
+Ӫҵʱ N time|ʱ,#employee|Ա,@engage|,commercial|
+ӪҵĿ N part|,%affairs|,commercial|
+Ӫ V function|,commercial|
+Ӫ V build|,industrial|
+ӫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ӫ N lights|
+ӫ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+ӫ N material|,#illuminate|
+ӫ N part|,%tool|þ,#show|
+ӫ V MakeMisunderstand|ʹ֪
+ӫ N part|,%tool|þ,#show|
+ӫ N tool|þ,*look|,#image|ͼ,#shows|
+Ӭ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+Ӭ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,#weight|,&compete|,sport|
+Ӭ N tool|þ,*kill|ɱ,#InsectWorm|
+Ӭͷ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|,undesired|ݬ
+Ӭͷ ADJ payment|,few|
+ӬͷС ADJ payment|,few|
+ӬӪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰,undesired|ݬ
+Ӭ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ӭ V GoForward|ǰ
+ӭ V welcome|ӭ
+ӭ V welcome|ӭ,target=human|
+ӭ N InstitutePlace|,@reside|ס,@welcome|ӭ,@WellTreat|ƴ
+ӭ N music|,*welcome|ӭ
+ӭ N FlowerGrass|
+ӭ V facing|,direction=wind|
+ӭ V fit|ʺ,contrast=wind|
+ӭ V please|ȡ
+ӭ V welcome|ӭ
+ӭ V resist|,military|
+ӭ V welcome|ӭ
+ӭ V welcome|ӭ
+ӭ V facing|,direction=human|
+ӭ V meet|,partner=female|Ů,#GetMarried|
+ӭж ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,easy|,desired|
+ӭ V meet|
+ӭͷ V facing|,direction=human|
+ӭͷ V chase|
+ӭ V congratulate|ף,cause=festival|
+ӭ V welcome|ӭ
+ӭս V resist|,military|
+ӭ V welcome|ӭ
+Ӯ V defeat|սʤ
+Ӯ V obtain|õ
+Ӯ V win|ʤ
+Ӯ V obtain|õ
+Ӯ N human|,*win|ʤ
+Ӯ V earn|
+Ӯ V surplus|ʣ
+ӯ V exist|
+ӯ V surplus|ʣ
+ӯ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&event|¼
+ӯ V earn|
+ӯӯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,delicate|,desired|
+ӯӯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ӯӯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+ӯӯ V exist|
+ӯ V surplus|ʣ
+Ӱ N image|ͼ
+Ӱ N image|ͼ,$TakePicture|
+Ӱ N shows|
+Ӱ N trace|
+Ӱ N trace|,#lights|
+Ӱ N part|,%building|,skin|Ƥ
+Ӱ N part|,%house|
+Ӱ N tool|þ,#shows|
+Ӱ N account|,@gather|ɼ,#image|ͼ
+Ӱ N shows|
+ӰԺ N InstitutePlace|,@perform|,entertainment|
+Ӱ¥ N InstitutePlace|,*TakePicture|
+Ӱ N human|,*FondOf|ϲ,#shows|
+ӰƬ N shows|
+Ӱ N text|,*estimate|,#shows|
+Ӱ V mean|ָ
+Ӱ N shows|
+Ӱӳ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,#shows|
+Ӱ̳ N community|,#shows|,entertainment|
+Ӱ V CauseAffect|Ⱦ
+Ӱ N attribute|,power|,&AnimalHuman|,&organization|֯
+Ӱ V influence|Ӱ
+Ӱ N image|ͼ
+Ӱ N human|,*perform|,glorious|,entertainment|
+Ӱҵ N affairs|,*produce|,#shows|
+Ӱӡ V print|ӡˢ
+ӰӰ´ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ӰԺ N InstitutePlace|,@perform|,entertainment|
+Ӱչ N fact|,*display|չʾ,#readings|,#image|ͼ
+Ӱչ N fact|,*display|չʾ,#shows|
+Ӱ N image|ͼ
+Ӱ N trace|
+Ӱ N trace|,#lights|
+ӱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ӱ N part|,%inanimate|,head|ͷ
+ӱ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ӱ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ӱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ӱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+Ӳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+Ӳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+Ӳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,hard|Ӳ
+Ӳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ
+Ӳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,hard|Ӳ
+Ӳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+Ӳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,hard|Ӳ
+Ӳ N money|
+Ӳ N part|,%computer|,*store|
+Ӳ N attribute|,hardness|Ӳ,&physical|
+Ӳͷ N human|,desired|,stubborn|
+Ӳͷ N part|,hard|Ӳ,bone|
+Ӳ N human|,desired|,stubborn|
+Ӳ N human|,desired|,stubborn|
+Ӳ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=hard|Ӳ
+Ӳ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=hard|Ӳ,medical|ҽ
+Ӳ N part|,%computer|,*store|
+Ӳ N inanimate|,#disease|
+Ӳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+Ӳú N material|,$burn|
+Ӳ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+Ӳľ N wood|ľ,material|
+Ӳ N part|,%computer|,*store|
+Ӳ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+Ӳˮ N liquid|Һ
+Ӳͨ N money|
+Ӳ N part|,%LandVehicle|,@sleep|˯
+Ӳϯ N part|,%LandVehicle|,@sit|
+Ӳϯ N part|,%LandVehicle|,@sleep|˯
+Ӳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+Ӳ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+Ӳ N fact|,engage|,hardship|,military|
+Ӳ N fact|,fight|,hardship|,military|
+Ӳָ N quantity|,amount|,&artifact|˹
+Ӳָ N quantity|,amount|,&event|¼
+ӲʺϽ N metal|
+ӲͷƤ V endeavour|
+Ӳ N part|,%LandVehicle|,@sit|
+Ӳ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ӳ V illuminate|
+ӳ V ServeAsFoil|
+ӳ V illuminate|
+ӳɽ N FlowerGrass|
+ӳ V illuminate|
+ӳ V illuminate|
+Ӵ ECHO sound|
+ӵ V ComeTogether|
+ӵ V HoldInArm|§
+ӵ V endorse|ӵ
+ӵ V own|
+ӵ V HoldInArm|§
+ӵ V endorse|ӵ
+ӵ V endorse|ӵ
+ӵ N human|,*endorse|ӵ
+ӵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,crowded|,undesired|ݬ
+ӵ V push|
+ӵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,crowded|,undesired|ݬ
+ӵ V GoInto|
+ӵ V BlockUp|
+ӵ V own|
+ӵ V WellTreat|ƴ,politics|
+Ӷ V employ|
+Ӷ N human|,#family|
+Ӷ N payment|
+Ӷ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,#family|
+Ӷ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+Ӷ N payment|
+Ӷ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ӷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,layered|,undesired|ݬ
+ӷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,fat|
+Ӹ N disease|
+ӹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ӹ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ӹµ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ӹ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ӹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ӹҽ N human|,fake|α,medical|ҽ,undesired|ݬ
+ӹ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ӹٮٮ N human|,able|
+Ӻ ADJ attribute|,relatedness|,intimate|,&human|
+Ӻ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Ӻ ADJ attribute|,relatedness|,intimate|,&human|
+Ӻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+Ӻݻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ӻ V jump|
+ӻԾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը,desired|
+ӻԾ V jump|
+Ӽ N InsectWorm|
+ӽ V recite|ж
+ӽ̾ V recite|ж
+ӽ V praise|佱
+Ӿ V swim|
+Ӿ V part|,%facilities|ʩ,route|·,@swim|,sport|
+Ӿ̳ N community|,#swim|,sport|
+Ӿװ N clothing|,#body|,*swim|
+ӿ V appear|
+ӿ V jet|
+ӿ V jet|
+ӿ V flow|
+ӿ V GoInto|
+ӿ V flow|
+ӿ V jet|
+ӿ N GoInto|
+ӿ V GoInto|
+ӿ V appear|
+ӿ V LeaveFor|ǰ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ V die|
+ V farewell|
+ ADV {neg|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ V die|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ֹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+־ V remember|ǵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+¸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+¸ҵ N human|,brave|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ N attribute|,courage|,&AnimalHuman|
+ʿ N human|,desired|,brave|
+ʿ N human|,military|
+ֱǰ V GoForward|ǰ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ V dare|
+ N human|,brave|
+ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&thing|
+ V consume|ȡ
+ N expenditure|
+ V need|
+ V use|
+ PREP {instrument}
+ñ V use|,patient=army|,military|
+ò V WorthNot|ֵ
+ò ADV aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|
+ò N tree|,commercial|
+ò V eat|,patient=edible|ʳ
+ó N attribute|,effect|Ч,&thing|
+ô N attribute|,effect|Ч,&thing|
+÷ N method|,use|
+ù V include|
+ù ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+û N human|,*use|
+þ V exhaust|
+þ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,decline|˥,undesired|ݬ
+þ N implement|,generic|ͳ
+ PREP {purpose}
+ V endeavour|
+ N quantity|,amount|,exhaust|,&thing|
+Ʒ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ V use|,patient=human|
+ V function|
+ V obtain|õ,possession=power|,politics|
+ˮ N quantity|,amount|,exhaust|,&water|ˮ
+; N attribute|,range|,$use|,&entity|ʵ
+ V fight|,military|
+ V show|,content=ability|
+ N fact|,spend|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ N purpose|Ŀ
+ PREP {purpose}
+ N purpose|Ŀ
+ V undergo|,content=use|
+ N expression|
+֮ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ V use|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+ V detain|ס,police|
+İ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ı V detain|ס
+ı V detain|ס,police|
+Ĺ N land|½
+Ļ V meet|,manner=secret|
+Ļ N humanized|
+ļ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+Ľ V detain|ס,police|
+ľ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+ N humanized|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+Ĭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+Ĭ N attribute|,interest|Ȥζ,interesting|Ȥ,&human|
+Ĭ N emotion|,interesting|Ȥ
+Ĭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+Ĭ N human|,interesting|Ȥ
+Ȥ N emotion|,#FondOf|ϲ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+˼ V think|˼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,weak|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ N attribute|,odor|ζ,fragrant|,&physical|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,weak|
+ V weep|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+Ŵ V WellTreat|ƴ
+Ŵ N fact|,WellTreat|ƴ
+ŵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ŵ N attribute|,ProsCons|,pros|,desired|,&entity|ʵ
+ŵ N attribute|,quality|,strong|ǿ,desired|,&thing|
+Ÿ V WellTreat|ƴ
+Ÿ N human|,$WellTreat|ƴ
+ź ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+Ż V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=superior|
+Ż ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+Żݴ N fact|,WellTreat|ƴ
+Żݼ N attribute|,price|۸,cheap|,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+Ż N regulation|,WellTreat|ƴ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û
+ N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ȱ N attribute|,quality|,&event|¼,&thing|
+ V WellTreat|ƴ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ V GiveBirth|
+ʤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ʤ̭ V alive|,condition=fit|ʺ
+ʤ N human|,*win|ʤ
+ N attribute|,power|,strong|ǿ,&entity|ʵ
+ V enjoy|,content=sequence|
+ȹ N coupon|Ʊ֤,#fund|ʽ
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ,#sequence|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,demeanor|,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,idle|,desired|
+ V surpass|ǿ
+ԣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+Խ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+Խ N emotion|,cherish|Ļ,#superior|
+Խ N attribute|,property|,good|,&entity|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,idle|,desired|
+ V satisfied|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ʲƷ N artifact|˹,good|,desired|
+ʷ N affairs|,*TakeCare|,good|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,refined|,generic|ͳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,idle|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ V wave|ڶ
+Ƴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+Ƶ V wave|ڶ
+ƺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,idle|,desired|
+ƾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,idle|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,idle|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,idle|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ƺ ADJ slack|͵
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ N emotion|,worried|ż
+ V worried|ż
+dz V sad|dz
+Ƿ V worried|ż
+ǻ N phenomena|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+Ǿ V sad|dz
+ V worried|ż
+ V upset|
+ V sad|dz
+˼ N thinking|˼,worried|ż
+˼ V worried|ż
+ N emotion|,worried|ż
+ V worried|ż
+ V worried|ż
+ V sad|dz
+ V sad|dz
+֢ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N result|,undesired|ݬ,wrong|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+Ϊ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+Ϊ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ N cause|ԭ
+ V depend|
+ PREP {LocationIni}
+ PREP {LocationThru}
+ PREP {StateIni}
+ PREP {TimeIni}
+ PREP {agent}
+ PREP {cause}
+ PREP {means}
+ɱ ADV aValue|ֵ,content|
+ɴ ADV source
+ɴ˲һк N result|
+ɴ˿ ADV source
+ɴ˿ɼ CONJ {comment|}
+ɴ˿֪ CONJ {comment|}
+ N cause|ԭ
+Ѿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+dz ADV aValue|ֵ,content|
+˲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$drive|Ԧ
+ͷ N cause|ԭ
+ PREP cause|ԭ
+ CONJ {cause|ԭ}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+֮ N text|,sincere|
+ V post|ʼ
+ʰ N physical|,post|ʼ
+ʱ N symbol|,#letter|ż
+ʲ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*post|ʼ
+ʳ N LandVehicle|,*post|ʼ
+ʴ N ship|,#tour|
+ʴ N trace|
+ʵ V post|ʼ
+ʵԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*post|ʼ
+ʵ N affairs|,#post|ʼ
+ʵ N InstitutePlace|,@post|ʼ
+ʷ N expenditure|,*post|ʼ
+ʷѸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$pay|
+ʹ V buy|,instrument=letter|ż
+ʻ V post|ʼ
+ʼ V post|ʼ
+ʼ N physical|,post|ʼ
+ʾ N InstitutePlace|,@post|ʼ
+· N facilities|ʩ,linear|,@post|ʼ,#letter|ż
+Ʊ N coupon|Ʊ֤,*post|ʼ,#letter|ż
+ͤ N facilities|ʩ,@post|ʼ,#letter|ż
+Ͳ N facilities|ʩ,cubic|,@put|,#letter|ż
+ N facilities|ʩ,cubic|,@put|,#letter|ż
+չ N fact|,display|չʾ
+ N affairs|,@post|ʼ,#letter|ż
+ N symbol|,#letter|ż
+ N InstitutePlace|,@post|ʼ
+ֳ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,#post|ʼ
+ N facilities|ʩ,*post|ʼ
+ N expenditure|,*post|ʼ
+ N metal|
+ V BeSimilar|
+ ADV {Vcontinue|}
+̴ N human|,%publications|鿯,treacherous|,undesired|ݬ
+ V BeSimilar|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+̫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#human|
+̫Ů N human|,female|Ů
+̫ N knowledge|֪ʶ,religion|ڽ
+̫ͽ N human|,religion|ڽ
+̫ N community|,(Jew|̫)
+̫ N human|
+ V hesitate|ԥ
+ԥ V hesitate|ԥ
+ԥ V hesitate|ԥ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,undesired|ݬ
+ V apply|ͿĨ
+ N material|,$burn|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ͱ N tool|þ,*inhale|,#liquid|Һ
+ͱ N food|ʳƷ
+Ͳ N material|,?tool|þ,#protect|
+Ͳ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+Ͳ N vegetable|߲
+Ͳ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,agricultural|ũ
+Ͳ N place|ط,@store|,#material|
+Ͳ N part|,%earth|,*store|,#material|
+Ͳ N food|ʳƷ
+Ͳ N tree|
+Ͳ N food|ʳƷ
+ʹ N ship|,*transport|,#material|
+͵ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+ͷ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,#material|,factory|
+ N material|
+ N tree|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N LandVehicle|,*transport|,#material|
+ N LandVehicle|,*transport|,#material|
+ˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ͺ N quantity|,amount|,exhaust|,#material|
+ͻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ͻ N readings|,#image|ͼ
+ͼ N trace|
+; N InstitutePlace|,mine|
+Ϳ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@put|,@store|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ N crop|ׯ,?material|
+ N ship|,*transport|,#material|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,*SpeedUp|ӿ
+ī N stationery|ľ,*print|ӡˢ
+ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,undesired|ݬ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ V apply|ͿĨ
+ N material|,liquid|Һ,*apply|ͿĨ,*decorate|װ
+Ṥ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*decorate|װ,industrial|
+ N gas|
+ǻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+Ȼ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+Ȼ V appear|,manner=active|Ը
+ʯ N tool|þ,@rub|Ħ
+ˮ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ˮ N wealth|Ǯ
+ N tree|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N InstitutePlace|,@gather|ɼ,#material|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ͩ N tree|,?material|
+Ͱ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,undesired|ݬ
+ N trace|,dirty|
+ N part|,%vehicle|ͨ,cubic|,@put|
+ N attribute|,property|,#material|
+ѹ N attribute|,strength|,&liquid|Һ
+ N gas|,waste|
+ӡ V print|ӡˢ
+ӡ N tool|þ,*print|ӡˢ
+ N artifact|˹,waste|
+ը V cook|
+ը N food|ʳƷ
+ձ N material|
+֬ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ֽ N paper|ֽ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,sly|
+ N trace|,dirty|
+ N tree|,?material|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,sly|
+컬 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ V cook|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V roam|
+ V swim|
+ V tour|
+ΰ N human|,friend|,*tour|
+α N part|,%tool|þ,#measure|
+δ N ship|,#tour|
+ε V roam|
+ζ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+ι V tour|
+λ V attack|,military|
+λ N fact|,fight|,military|
+λ N institution|,military|
+λԱ N human|,military|
+λ N place|ط,military|
+λս N fact|,fight|,military|
+μ N text|
+ν V walk|
+ο N human|,*tour|
+ V tour|
+ N place|ط,tour|
+ N part|,%building|,nerve|
+ V recreation|
+ֳ N InstitutePlace|,@recreation|
+ V RelateNot|
+ V tour|
+ N human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,function|,#SelfMove|
+ V function|,means=SelfMove|
+ N community|,*function|,#SelfMove|
+ N human|,agricultural|ũ,#livestock|
+ N fact|,function|,#SelfMove|
+ N bird|
+ N human|,*tour|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ɽˮ V tour|
+ˮ V swim|
+˵ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+ͧ N ship|,*WhileAway|
+ V WhileAway|
+Ϸ V WhileAway|
+Ϸ V tool|þ,*WhileAway|
+ V walk|
+ N human|,*walk|
+ҽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ V hesitate|ԥ
+ V recreation|,entertainment|
+ջ V tool|þ,*WhileAway|
+Ӿ V swim|,sport|
+Ӿ N facilities|ʩ,@swim|,sport|
+Ӿ N community|,*swim|,sport|
+Ӿ N facilities|ʩ,@swim|,sport|
+Ӿ N clothing|,#leg|,*swim|
+Ӿñ N clothing|,#head|ͷ,*swim|
+Ӿ N clothing|,#body|,*swim|
+ V tour|
+ N fact|,recreation|
+ N wealth|Ǯ
+ N human|
+߮ V VehicleGo|ʻ
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ V cherish|Ļ
+ V exist|
+ V own|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,some|Щ
+ V undergo|
+а V obstruct|ֹ
+аհ N aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+аɻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+а ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+б ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,tactful|
+б V prepare|
+б۶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,detailed|,desired|
+в ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,ill|̬
+в V ill|̬
+в ADV aValue|ֵ,sequence|
+вŸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+вƲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+г ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$pay|
+г ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,return|,#owe|Ƿ
+гһ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,future|
+г V succeed|ɹ
+д V wait|ȴ
+д V wait|ȴ
+е ADV {comment|}
+е ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,some|Щ
+еķʸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+еʱ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+е ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+е V know|֪
+еλ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+е ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+е㳱ʪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,wet|ʪ
+е ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,ish|
+е ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,used|,undesired|ݬ
+е ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+е ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,salty|,ish|
+ж ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,poison|
+ж ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,poison|
+з EXPR obey|ѭ
+з ADV aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|
+и ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+и ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ио ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+й ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+й ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+й ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,relate|й
+й V relate|й
+йز N institution|
+йط N part|,%entity|ʵ,relate|й
+й ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+й ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|,undesired|ݬ
+й֮ V surpass|ǿ
+к ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+кܺùϵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|
+к ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|,desired|
+л ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+л ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,concise|
+л ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,#chemical|ѧ
+л N material|,?tool|þ
+л N chemical|ѧ
+лѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#chemical|ѧ
+лɳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ProsCons|,pros|,desired|
+л N chemical|ѧ
+л N animate|
+л N chemical|ѧ
+л N chemical|ѧ
+л N physical|
+м̳Ȩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,receive|
+м֤ȯ N coupon|Ʊ֤,commercial|
+мֵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|,desired|
+мڴ ADV cause|ԭ
+мʶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+н ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,gamble|IJ
+нֵİ N furniture|Ҿ,@sleep|˯
+н ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,substantial|ʵ,desired|
+о N symbol|,#quantity|,#DoSum|
+о ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+о ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,strong|ǿ
+о ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,CauseToDo|ʹ,#surprise|
+о ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+пڽԱ V WellKnown|
+п ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ V depend|
+ V depend|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ʽ N expression|,#quantity|,#symbol|,#DoSum|,#calculate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,upright|,desired|
+о ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+ò ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ProsCons|,pros|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,earn|,desired|
+ͼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,earn|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ V pregnant|,#medical|ҽ
+ V succeed|ɹ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ë V OutOfOrder|
+ë V mad|
+йϵ V relate|й
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+б ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,distinguish|ֱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|
+ͽ N fact|,punish|,#detain|ס,police|
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ
+Ǯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+Ǯ N human|,rich|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ N human|,friend|,*love|,desired|
+ V own|,possession=human|,#friend|,#love|
+Ӧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+Ȥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ PREP {contrast}
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|
+ɫ N metal|
+ɫ N community|
+˷绯 ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,drain|ų,#liquid|Һ
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&organization|֯
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+֮ N part|,%time|ʱ,@alive|
+ʧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ʱ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ʱ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,rarely|ż
+ʶ֮ʿ N human|,wise|,desired|
+ʷ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ʼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,TimeShort|,undesired|ݬ
+ʼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,busy|æ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ V know|֪
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,sour|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,certain|ij
+Ϊ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,optimistic|ֹ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$believe|
+Ϊ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ζ V OutOfOrder|
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+Ļ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,consume|ȡ
+ϲ V pregnant|,#medical|ҽ
+Ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,optimistic|ֹ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+˾ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|
+ߵ N image|ͼ,shows|
+· ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$sell|,commercial|
+Ч ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+Ч N time|ʱ,#effect|Ч
+Ч N attribute|,boundary|,&time|ʱ
+Ч N attribute|,effect|Ч,superior|,&entity|ʵ
+Щ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,some|Щ
+ N human|,gracious|
+żֵ¼ N fact|,#news|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ V expect|
+ N human|,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,clever|,desired|
+۶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,substantial|ʵ,desired|
+ ADJ lucky|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ѡȨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,select|ѡ
+ѧʵ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+Ѫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+Ѫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ѪԵϵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,family|,#GetMarried|
+۹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+˼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+˼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ͼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,substantial|ʵ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,passive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ProsCons|,pros|,desired|
+潡 ADJ aValue|ֵ,ProsCons|,pros|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ProsCons|,pros|,desired|
+ڽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ProsCons|,pros|,desired|
+Ӫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,maintain|
+Ӱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,control|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+Ԥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,tell|
+Դ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,#electricity|
+Ե ADV aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,predict|Ԥ
+¿ѭ EXPR obey|ѭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,restrain|ֹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$debate|
+֪ V HaveKnowledge|֪
+־ EXPR endeavour|,purpose=succeed|ɹ
+־ N human|,desired|
+־¾ EXPR endeavour|,purpose=succeed|ɹ
+־֮ʿ N human|,desired|
+ǻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ V benefit|
+ڸԪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,resume|ָ
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,earn|,desired|
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+ζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+֯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$forming|γ
+֯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,concise|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,crime|
+ V disobey|Υ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ N human|,friend|
+Ѱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+Ѱ N place|ط,country|,friend|
+Ѻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+Ѻ N human|,friend|
+Ѻó N place|ط,city|,friend|
+Ѿ N army|,friend|
+ N human|,*reside|ס,near|
+ڲ N army|
+ N human|,friend|
+ N emotion|,friend|,desired|
+ N human|,friend|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+Э N community|
+ N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|
+ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+ N direction|
+ұ N direction|
+ұ߷ N human|,*exercise|,(football|)
+Ҳ N direction|
+ҷ N direction|
+ҷ N human|,employee|Ա,*exercise|
+ N direction|
+ N human|,politics|
+ N standpoint|,politics|
+Ϸ N location|λ
+Ͻ N location|λ
+ N direction|
+ N part|,%human|,hand|
+ N direction|
+· N location|λ
+½ N location|λ
+ N part|,%ship|
+ N community|,politics|
+ N community|,politics|
+ת V TurnRound|
+ת V TurnRound|
+ V protect|
+ӻ V protect|
+ V help|
+ N material|,?tool|þ
+ש N material|,?building|
+ N material|,?tool|þ
+ N material|,?tool|þ
+ V entice|
+ V guide|
+ N thing|,*entice|
+ճ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+յ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,guide|
+յ V guide|
+ն N thing|,*entice|
+շ V ResultIn|
+չ V guide|,ResultEvent=admit|
+չ V TakeAway|ᶯ,means=cheat|ƭ,crime|
+ջ V attract|
+ջ V entice|
+ռ V entice|,ResultEvent=mating|,crime|
+ս V entice|,ResultEvent=surrender|,military|
+ƭ V entice|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+ɱ V entice|,ResultEvent=kill|ɱ
+ʹ V entice|
+ N cause|ԭ
+ V ResultIn|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,again|
+ ADV also|Ҳ
+ COOR {and|}
+... COOR {supplement|ݽ}
+ֳ V aValue|ֵ,property|,$naming|
+ֺר ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|
+ V aValue|ֵ,property|,$naming|
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,again|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,young|
+ N human|,young|
+׳ N InsectWorm|,young|
+׳ N bird|,young|
+ N human|,young|
+ N affairs|,#education|,#young|
+ N InstitutePlace|,*TakeCare|,#young|,#human|
+ N affairs|,#education|,#young|
+ N tree|,young|
+ N plant|ֲ,young|
+ N time|ʱ,#young|
+Ů N human|,young|,female|Ů
+ʱ N time|ʱ,#young|
+ͯ N human|,young|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,young|
+ѿ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,young|
+ N attribute|,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N InstitutePlace|,*TakeCare|,#young|,#human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+ط N human|,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+ظ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+ػ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ػ V GoRound|Χ,military|
+ػ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ V exist|,means=BlockUp|
+ N stone|ʯ
+ٵ N land|½
+ٹ V irrigate|,agricultural|ũ
+ٻ V exist|,means=BlockUp|
+ N stone|ʯ
+ V exist|,means=BlockUp|
+Ѫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ N disease|
+ V exist|,means=BlockUp|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ PREP {contrast}
+ PREP {location}
+ PREP {patient}
+ PREP {scope}
+ PREP {source}
+ PREP {time}
+ڽ N time|ʱ,now|
+ CONJ {EventResult|¼}
+Ǻ CONJ {EventResult|¼}
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tree|
+ N tree|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V cheat|ƭ
+ V deceive|ƭ
+ V worried|ż
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ޱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ɼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ɽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+֪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ V deceive|ƭ,target=human|,politics|
+ N human|,*ignorant|֪
+ N regulation|,*deceive|ƭ,#human|,politics|
+Ū V deceive|ƭ
+ N human|,foolish|
+ N human|,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+˽ N time|ʱ,day|,festival|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ N emotion|,faithful|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ N LandVehicle|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,public|
+ N place|ط
+ N thought|ͷ,public|
+۹ N tool|þ,*disseminate|
+ۼල V supervise|,instrument=tool|þ,#disseminate|
+۽ N tool|þ,*disseminate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N time|ʱ,hind|
+ನ N result|
+ಿ N army|,*surplus|ʣ
+൳ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*surplus|ʣ
+ N space|ռ
+ N quantity|,amount|,fulfil|ʵ,&organization|֯
+ N quantity|,amount|,surplus|ʣ,&money|
+ N lights|,#night|
+ N money|,*surplus|ʣ
+ N attribute|,strength|,surplus|ʣ,&human|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ N quantity|,amount|,surplus|ʣ,&inanimate|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,hind|,&human|
+ȱ N phenomena|,surplus|ʣ,lack|ȱ
+ N attribute|,strength|,surplus|ʣ,&human|
+ N attribute|,strength|,surplus|ʣ,&implement|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,hind|,&human|
+ʣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|
+ʣ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,redundant|
+Ͼ N time|ʱ,idle|
+ V surplus|ʣ
+ N emotion|,joyful|ϲ,desired|
+ N fact|,recreation|
+ԣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+ N phenomena|,#weather|,#land|½,#unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V GoThrough|
+ V surpass|ǿ
+ V due|
+Խ V GoThrough|
+Խ V surpass|ǿ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N fish|
+ N part|,%fish|,liquid|Һ,#mating|
+ N facilities|ʩ,*foster|,#fish|
+ N food|ʳƷ,#fish|
+ N food|ʳƷ,*feed|ι,#fish|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ǰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ N tool|þ,*feed|ι,*catch|ס,#fish|
+ N food|ʳƷ,*feed|ι,#fish|
+ N medicine|ҩ
+㽺 N material|
+ N weapon|
+ͧ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+ͧ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+ N fish|
+ N part|,%fish|,skin|Ƥ
+ N physical|,good|,bad|,$mix|
+֮ N place|ط,rich|
+ N fish|,young|
+Ŀ V pretend|װ,content=RegardAs|
+Ƭ N food|ʳƷ,#fish|
+Ư N tool|þ,*catch|ס,#fish|
+ V damage|
+ N part|,%fish|,flesh|
+ˮ N attribute|,relatedness|,intimate|,&human|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N facilities|ʩ,*foster|,#fish|
+ N tool|þ,*catch|ס,#fish|
+ N food|ʳƷ,#fish|,generic|ͳ
+Ȳ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ N fish|,young|
+ N fish|,young|
+ӥ N bird|
+ N material|
+θ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+Ծ V jump|,sport|
+ N fish|,young|
+ N part|,%fish|,embryo|
+ӽ N food|ʳƷ,#fish|
+ N part|,%fish|,viscera|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Chongqing|)
+ V affairs|,#catch|ס,#fish|,agricultural|ũ
+ V seek|ıȡ
+ N artifact|˹,#fish|,generic|ͳ,agricultural|ũ
+泡 N place|ط,#fish|,agricultural|ũ
+洬 N ship|,*catch|ס,#fish|,agricultural|ũ
+ N place|ط,@catch|ס,#fish|,village|,agricultural|ũ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#fish|,#ship|
+湤 N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*catch|ס,#fish|,agricultural|ũ
+ N MusicTool|
+ N fire|
+ N community|,*catch|ס,#fish|,agricultural|ũ
+ N tool|þ,*catch|ס,#fish|,generic|ͳ,agricultural|ũ
+ V earn|
+ N wealth|Ǯ,$earn|
+ N ship|,*catch|ס,#fish|,agricultural|ũ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*catch|ס,#fish|,agricultural|ũ
+ɫ֮ͽ N human|,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ N tool|þ,*catch|ס,#fish|
+ҵ N affairs|,#catch|ס,#fish|,agricultural|ũ
+ N location|λ
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ
+ V give|
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ
+ V please|ȡ
+ V recreation|,entertainment|
+ֳ V InstitutePlace|,@recreation|,entertainment|
+ֻ N fact|,recreation|,entertainment|
+Ծ N fact|,compete|,recreation|
+ҵ N affairs|,#recreation|,entertainment|
+ N RainSnow|ѩ
+ N liquid|Һ,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ N liquid|Һ,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ V WeatherFine|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+꼾 N time|ʱ,season|,@WeatherBad|,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ N tool|þ,*obstruct|ֹ,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ N quantity|,amount|,&RainSnow|ѩ
+ N tree|
+¶ N RainSnow|ѩ
+¶ N emotion|,like|ϧ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ñ N clothing|,#head|ͷ,*obstruct|ֹ,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ǰ N material|,#drinks|Ʒ
+ɡ N tool|þ,*obstruct|ֹ,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ˮ N liquid|Һ,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ˮ N time|ʱ,day|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,@WeatherBad|,#RainSnow|ѩ
+Ь N clothing|,#foot|,*obstruct|ֹ,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ѥ N clothing|,#foot|,*obstruct|ֹ,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ѩ N RainSnow|ѩ
+ N clothing|,#body|,*obstruct|ֹ,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ N liquid|Һ,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ COOR and|
+ PREP {partner}
+ PREP {target}
+ ... ûйϸ V RelateNot|
+ ... Ϊ V ally|
+ͬʱ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ
+ CONJ {question|}
+빲 V undergo|,manner=together|ͬ
+뻢ıƤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ V engage|,content=discuss|
+ N place|ط,country|,*engage|,#discuss|
+ N human|,engage|,#discuss|
+ CONJ {transition|ת}
+˵ CONJ {transition|ת}
+վ V BecomeMore|
+ͬ V illuminate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ V die|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,passive|,undesired|ݬ
+ԭһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ
+֮ ADV {partner}
+ڲͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ N land|½
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N celestial|
+ N house|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,fly|,#celestial|
+ V fly|,location=celestial|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*drive|Ԧ,#aircraft|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N celestial|
+ɴ N aircraft|
+溽 V fly|,location=celestial|
+ռ N celestial|
+ N expression|
+ N language|
+ V speak|˵
+ N symbol|
+ N expression|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#language|
+ N expression|
+ N software|
+ᄈ N text|
+ N expression|
+ N text|
+Ͽ N text|
+¼ N text|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,speak|˵,&human|
+ N attribute|,property|,&language|
+ N part|,%expression|
+̬ N attribute|,property|,&language|
+ N text|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,literature|
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ϵ N attribute|,kind|,&language|
+ N attribute|,property|,&language|
+ɲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ N language|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#language|
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,#language|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#information|Ϣ
+ N sound|,#language|
+ N language|
+ij ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ N {MaChinese|}
+ N part|,%bird|,hair|ë
+ V die|
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,#weight|,&compete|,sport|
+ë N part|,%bird|,hair|ë
+ë N SportTool|˶
+ë N fact|,exercise|,sport|
+ëδ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N material|
+ N clothing|
+ɴ N material|,?clothing|
+̳ N community|,sport|
+ N human|,friend|
+ N part|,%bird|,wing|,*fly|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ N paper|ֽ
+ V WellTreat|ƴ
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+Ƭ N food|ʳƷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N part|,%crop|ׯ,embryo|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,generic|ͳ
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,BlueGreen|
+ʯ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ʯ V perish|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N celestial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,#material|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,#head|ͷ
+ N place|ط
+ N location|λ,%country|,internal|
+ N location|λ,%country|,external|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ͷ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ͷ N vegetable|߲
+ܵ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ܵ N vegetable|߲
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V sad|dz
+ V cherish|Ļ
+ N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ V sad|dz
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,fragrant|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+д ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ V request|Ҫ
+ V sigh|̾
+ V request|Ҫ
+ V request|Ҫ
+ V meet|
+ V suffer|,content=kill|ɱ
+ V meet|
+ V suffer|
+ V suffer|,content=kill|ɱ
+ V meet|
+ V undergo|,content=rescue|
+ V die|,police|
+ V happen|
+ V suffer|,content=dangerous|Σ,police|
+ V CompareTo|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V know|֪
+ V tell|
+ N land|½
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,royal|
+ V drive|Ԧ
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ V obstruct|ֹ,patient=cold|
+ N facilities|ʩ,@WhileAway|,royal|
+ V resist|,content=damage|,military|
+ҽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ,royal|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$use|,politics|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$use|,royal|
+Է N facilities|ʩ,@WhileAway|,royal|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,medical|ҽ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+ ... ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,medical|ҽ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+ V prosper|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+ V willing|Ը
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰,undesired|ݬ
+ N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,police|,@detain|ס,#crime|,#punish|
+ N fact|,#police|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,police|
+ V GiveBirth|
+ V cultivate|,education|
+ V foster|
+ V cultivate|,patient=human|,education|
+ V foster|,patient=bird|
+ V planting|ֲ,patient=tree|,agricultural|ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,#GiveBirth|
+ V planting|ֲ,patient=plant|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ V planting|ֲ,patient=crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ V planting|ֲ,patient=plant|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ V attribute|,reputation|,&human|
+ V praise|佱
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+Ϊ V RegardAs|,means=praise|佱
+ԡ V wash|ϴ
+ԡ N facilities|ʩ,@wash|ϴ,@swim|
+ԡ N InstitutePlace|,@wash|ϴ,commercial|
+ԡ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#liquid|Һ,#wash|ϴ
+ԡ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#liquid|Һ,#wash|ϴ
+ԡ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ԡ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#liquid|Һ,#wash|ϴ
+ԡ N room|,@wash|ϴ
+ԡѪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ
+ԡѪս V fight|,manner=endeavour|
+ԡ N clothing|,#wash|ϴ
+Ԣ V contain|
+Ԣ N house|
+Ԣ V reside|ס
+Ԣ N human|
+Ԣ N human|,past|
+Ԣ V reside|ס
+ԢĿ V check|
+Ԣ N house|
+Ԣ N house|
+Ԣ N text|
+Ԣ N information|Ϣ
+Ԣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|
+Ԣ V situated|
+ԣ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+Ԥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,InFront|ǰ
+Ԥ V tell|
+Ԥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,possible|,$choose|ѡ
+Ԥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$prepare|
+Ԥ V prepare|
+Ԥ N part|,%army|
+Ԥ N affairs|,engage|,military|
+Ԥ V predict|Ԥ
+Ԥ V handle|
+Ԥ V MakeAppointment|Լ
+Ԥ V MakeAppointment|Լ
+Ԥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,obstruct|ֹ
+Ԥ V obstruct|ֹ
+Ԥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,obstruct|ֹ
+Ԥ V pay|
+Ԥ V pay|
+Ԥ N expenditure|
+Ԥ N experience|
+Ԥ N perception|֪
+Ԥ V announce|
+Ԥ V buy|,commercial|
+Ԥ V guess|²
+Ԥ N result|,predict|Ԥ
+Ԥ V estimate|
+Ԥ V predict|Ԥ
+Ԥ V predict|Ԥ
+Ԥ N thought|ͷ
+Ԥ N attribute|,ability|,predict|Ԥ,&human|
+Ԥ N attribute|,property|,predict|Ԥ
+Ԥ V tell|,content=fact|,police|
+Ԥ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+Ԥ V predict|Ԥ
+Ԥ V SetAside|
+Ԥı V plan|ƻ
+Ԥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$predict|Ԥ
+Ԥ V expect|
+Ԥ V predict|Ԥ
+ԤڵЧ V result|,$predict|Ԥ
+Ԥ V WarmUp|
+Ԥ V compete|,sport|
+Ԥ V interrogate|,police|
+Ԥʾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,mean|ָ
+Ԥʾ V mean|ָ
+Ԥʾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,mean|ָ
+Ԥ V gather|ɼ
+Ԥ V sell|
+Ԥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#plans|滮,#spend|,#wealth|Ǯ
+Ԥ N plans|滮,*spend|,#wealth|Ǯ
+Ԥ㲦 N fund|ʽ
+Ԥ N wealth|Ǯ,$InDebt|,#plans|滮
+Ԥ N wealth|Ǯ,surplus|ʣ,#plans|滮
+Ԥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#plans|滮,#spend|,#wealth|Ǯ
+Ԥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#plans|滮,#spend|,#wealth|Ǯ
+Ԥʽ N fund|ʽ,#plans|滮
+Ԥϰ V study|ѧ,education|
+Ԥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,InFront|ǰ
+ԤȾ N human|,*persuade|Ȱ˵
+Ԥ V predict|Ԥ
+Ԥѡ N fact|,select|ѡ
+Ԥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,predict|Ԥ
+Ԥ V predict|Ԥ
+Ԥ N human|,*predict|Ԥ
+Ԥ V perform|,entertainment|
+ԤӦ N attribute|,strength|,&inanimate|
+ԤԼ V MakeAppointment|Լ
+Ԥ N information|Ϣ
+Ԥ֪ V know|֪
+Ԥ V produce|
+Ԥƹ N component|,%building|
+Ԥף V congratulate|ף
+ԥ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ԥ N shows|
+Ԧ V drive|Ԧ
+Ԧ N human|,*drive|Ԧ,#vehicle|ͨ,military|
+ԧ N bird|
+ԧ N human|,family|,mass|
+Ԩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,depth|,deep|
+Ԩ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+Ԩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+Ԩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ԨԴ N cause|ԭ
+Ԩ N place|ط,crime|
+ԩ N emotion|,hate|,undesired|ݬ
+ԩ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ԩ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,$IllTreat|,$MakeBad|Ӻ
+ԩ N fact|,police|,undesired|ݬ,#IllTreat|,#MakeBad|Ӻ
+ԩ N emotion|,hate|,undesired|ݬ
+ԩͷ N human|,*spend|,foolish|
+ԩ N emotion|,hate|,undesired|ݬ
+ԩ N human|,enemy|
+ԩҶͷ N human|,enemy|
+ԩ·խ V meet|
+ԩٴ N fact|,police|,undesired|ݬ,#IllTreat|,#MakeBad|Ӻ
+ԩ N emotion|,hate|,undesired|ݬ
+ԩ N fact|,police|,undesired|ݬ,#IllTreat|,#MakeBad|Ӻ
+ԩ V IllTreat|
+ԩ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,$IllTreat|,$MakeBad|Ӻ
+ԩ V IllTreat|
+ԩ V WorthNot|ֵ
+ԩ N fact|,MakeBad|Ӻ,#police|
+Ԫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+Ԫ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Ԫ N money|,(China|й)
+Ԫ N part|,%physical|
+Ԫ NUM qValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+Ԫ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+Ԫ CLAS unit|λ,&money|,(China|й)
+Ԫ N money|
+Ԫ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+Ԫ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+Ԫ N part|,%implement|
+Ԫ N human|,desired|,*succeed|ɹ,*establish|
+Ԫ N human|,politics|
+Ԫ N time|ʱ,year|,#royal|
+Ԫ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+Ԫ N part|,%implement|
+Ԫ N attribute|,strength|,&AnimalHuman|
+Ԫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+Ԫ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+Ԫ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+Ԫ˧ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+Ԫ N part|,%entity|ʵ
+Ԫڱ N document|
+Ԫ N food|ʳƷ
+Ԫ N time|ʱ,day|,festival|,$congratulate|ף
+Ԫ N time|ʱ,day|,festival|,$congratulate|ף
+Ԫ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+Ԫѫ N human|,desired|,*succeed|ɹ,*establish|
+Ԫ N sound|,#language|
+Ԫ N fish|
+Ԫ N time|ʱ,month|
+ԫ N part|,%building|,skin|Ƥ
+Ԭ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ԭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|
+ԭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ԭ N publications|鿯
+ԭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ԭ N material|,generic|ͳ
+ԭ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ԭ V MakeAppointment|Լ
+ԭ N attribute|,strength|,&entity|ʵ
+ԭԼ N disease|
+ԭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,complete|
+ԭⲻ ADV aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,complete|
+ԭ N publications|鿯,original|ԭ
+ԭ N human|,*accuse|ظ,police|
+ԭ N attribute|,source|Դ,#ComeToWorld|,&human|
+ԭ N attribute|,price|۸,original|ԭ,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ԭ N publications|鿯,original|ԭ
+ԭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ԭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ԭ N regulation|
+ԭ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ԭ V forgive|ԭ
+ԭ N material|,generic|ͳ
+ԭò N attribute|,appearance|,original|ԭ,&physical|
+ԭú N material|,$burn|
+ԭ N material|
+ԭ N attribute|,name|,true|,&human|
+ԭľ N wood|ľ,material|
+ԭ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ԭɫ N attribute|,color|ɫ,&physical|
+ԭ V judge|ö,police|
+ԭ N AnimalHuman|,generic|ͳ
+ԭ N physical|
+ԭʼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|
+ԭʼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ԭʼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ԭʼ V gather|ɼ
+ԭʼ¼ N text|,original|ԭ
+ԭʼ N human|,past|
+ԭʼɭ N tree|,past|
+ԭʼ N organization|֯
+ԭί N part|,%event|¼
+ԭ N text|
+ԭ N text|,^$translate|
+ԭ N inanimate|
+ԭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ԭ N example|ʵ,#artifact|˹
+ԭ N attribute|,form|״,&physical|,original|ԭ
+ԭ N material|
+ԭ N attribute|,circumstances|,original|ԭ,&physical|
+ԭҰ N land|½
+ԭ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,original|ԭ
+ԭ N cause|ԭ
+ԭ N cause|ԭ
+ԭ N material|,liquid|Һ,$burn|
+ԭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,exist|
+ԭԭ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ԭ N regulation|
+ԭ N attribute|,property|,regulation|,&human|
+ԭ֭ԭζ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ԭַ N location|λ
+ԭ N human|,*own|
+ԭ N readings|
+ԭס N human|,*reside|ס
+ԭ״ N attribute|,circumstances|,past|,&entity|ʵ
+ԭ N part|,%physical|
+ԭӵ N weapon|
+ԭӺ N part|,%physical|
+ԭ N part|,%physical|,strength|
+ԭܻ N part|,%institution|,politics|,(institution|=UN|Ϲ)
+ԭ N readings|
+ԭ V forgive|ԭ
+Ԯ V help|
+Ԯ V quote|
+Ԯ V rescue|
+Ԯ N army|,*rescue|
+Ԯ V build|,EventProcess=help|
+Ԯ V rescue|
+Ԯ N human|,*rescue|
+Ԯ N army|,*rescue|
+Ԯ N fund|ʽ,*help|
+Ԯ N fact|,help|
+Ԯ V help|,patient=foreign|
+Ԯ V quote|
+Ԯ V recommend|Ƽ
+Ԯ V quote|
+Ԯ V help|
+ԯ N livestock|,#LandVehicle|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@recreation|
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,aspect|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*planting|ֲ,#FlowerGrass|,agricultural|ũ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*teach|,education|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#plant|ֲ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#die|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#plant|ֲ
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#vegetable|߲,#FlowerGrass|,agricultural|ũ
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#vegetable|߲,#FlowerGrass|,agricultural|ũ
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+Ա CLAS NounUnit|,&human|,military|
+Ա N human|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,round|Բ
+Բ N image|ͼ
+Բ N money|
+Բ N money|,(North Korean|)
+Բ N money|,(South Korea|)
+Բ CLAS unit|λ,&money|,(China|й)
+Բײ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+Բײ N vegetable|߲
+Բ N material|,wood|ľ
+Բ V help|
+Բ N part|,%building|,head|ͷ
+Բ N material|,metal|
+Բµ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,round|Բ
+Բ N tool|þ,*measure|
+Բ N MusicTool|
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,round|Բ
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,round|Բ
+Բ N shape|
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+Բ V die|
+Բ N tool|þ,*break|۶
+Բ N symbol|
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+Բ V fulfil|ʵ,patient=aspiration|Ը
+Բ N shape|
+Բ N shape|
+ԲȦ N shape|,round|Բ
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,good|,desired|
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+Բͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flexible|,desired|
+ԲͲ N shape|
+Բ N music|
+Բ N part|,%shape|,round|Բ
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,round|Բ
+ԲԲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,round|Բ
+Բ䷽ V FitNot|
+Բ N image|ͼ
+Բ N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+Բ N shape|
+Բ N shape|
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+Բ N shape|
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+Բ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@put|,round|Բ
+Բ N fact|,discuss|,politics|
+Բ N food|ʳƷ
+Գ N animal|
+Գ N beast|
+Գ N beast|
+Գ N animal|,#human|
+Դ N cause|ԭ
+Դ N part|,%waters|ˮ,head|ͷ
+Դ N software|
+Դ N part|,%event|¼,head|ͷ
+Դ N part|,%waters|ˮ,head|ͷ
+ԴȪ N cause|ԭ
+Դͷ N part|,%waters|ˮ,head|ͷ
+Դ V ResultFrom|Ե
+Դ V begin|ʼ
+ԴԴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ԴԴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ԴԶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+Ե N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|
+Ե N cause|ԭ
+Ե N part|,%inanimate|,%space|ռ,edge|
+Ե PREP {location}
+Ե N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|
+Ե N attribute|,relatedness|,&human|
+Ե N cause|ԭ
+Ե ADV {cause|ԭ,question|}
+Եľ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+Ե N cause|ԭ
+Ե N cause|ԭ
+Ե V ResultFrom|Ե
+Զ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+Զ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,unfamiliar|϶
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+Զ̺ͽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|
+Զ N location|λ,far|Զ
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+Զ N facilities|ʩ,route|·,far|Զ
+Զ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+Զ N place|ط,far|Զ
+Զ V from|
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+Զ N time|ʱ,past|
+Զ V VehicleGo|ʻ
+Զ N thought|ͷ
+Զʶ N thought|ͷ,wise|
+Զ N part|,%place|ط,surrounding|Χ,#city|
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|
+Զ N attribute|,distance|,&space|ռ
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+Զ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&event|¼
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+Զ V leave|뿪
+Զ N thought|ͷ
+Զ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+Զ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+Զ N human|,family|
+Զ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+Զ N disease|,#eye|
+Զ V look|
+Զ V look|
+Զ V sell|
+Զ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+Զ V disseminate|
+Զ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+Զ N cause|ԭ
+ԶԶ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+ԶԶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+Զ N army|
+Զ V leave|뿪
+Զ־ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+Զ־ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,desired|
+Զ߸߷ V leave|뿪
+Զ V tour|
+Զ N human|,past|
+Է N community|
+Է N facilities|ʩ,#plant|ֲ,#livestock|
+Ը N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+Ը V willing|Ը
+Ը N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+Ը V request|Ҫ
+Ը V willing|Ը
+ԸЭ N human|,*surrender|
+Թ V blame|Թ
+Թ V emotion|,hate|,undesired|ݬ
+Թ N emotion|,hate|,undesired|ݬ
+Թ N entity|ʵ,$hate|
+Թ N emotion|,hate|,undesired|ݬ
+Թ V hate|
+Թ V repent|û
+Թż N human|,family|,mass|,#unfortunate|
+Թ N emotion|,hate|,undesired|ݬ
+Թص V protest|
+Թ V blame|Թ
+Թ N text|,*blame|Թ
+Թ N emotion|,hate|,undesired|ݬ
+Ժ N InstitutePlace|,@cure|ҽ,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+Ժ N InstitutePlace|,@research|о,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+Ժ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+Ժ N part|,%building|,space|ռ
+Ժ N part|,%institution|,official|
+Ժ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+Ժ N part|,%building|,space|ռ
+Ժ N part|,%house|,space|ռ
+Ժǽ N part|,%building|,skin|Ƥ
+Ժʿ N human|,able|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+Ժ N InstitutePlace|,@research|о,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ԺУ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+Ժ N part|,%house|,space|ռ
+Ի V naming|
+Ի V speak|˵
+Լ V MakeAppointment|Լ
+Լ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,thrifty|,desired|
+Լ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,simple|,desired|
+Լ N agreement|Լ
+Լ N fact|,DoSum|
+Լ N fact|,MakeAppointment|Լ
+Լ V invite|
+Լ ADV qValue|ֵ,amount|,almost|
+Լ V restrain|ֹ
+Լ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Jordan|Լ)
+Լ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+Լɶ N money|,(Jordan|Լ)
+Լ N human|,(Jordan|Լ)
+Լ V MakeAppointment|Լ
+Լ׳ V forming|γ
+Լ V MakeAppointment|Լ
+Լ˹ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(South Africa|Ϸ)
+Լ V meet|
+Լ V meet|
+Լ V AmountTo|ܼ
+Լ V calculate|
+Լ³ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+Լ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,simple|
+Լ ADV qValue|ֵ,amount|,almost|
+Լ ADV qValue|ֵ,amount|,almost|
+ԼĪ ADV qValue|ֵ,amount|,almost|
+Լ V invite|
+Լ V restrain|ֹ
+Լ N attribute|,power|,#restrain|ֹ,&thing|
+Լ ADJ attribute|,power|,#restrain|ֹ,&thing|
+Խ V BeBeyond|Խ
+Խ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Խ V cross|Խ
+Խ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Vietnam|Խ)
+Խ ... Խ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+Խ V pass|ȹ,patient=winter|
+Խ N money|,(Vietnam|Խ)
+Խ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+Խ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+Խ V cross|Խ
+Խ V surpass|ǿ
+Խ V cross|Խ
+Խ V cross|Խ,LocationThru=country|,crime|
+Խ N human|
+Խ N shows|
+ԽԽ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+Խ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Vietnam|Խ)
+Խ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+Խ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ԽȨ V BeBeyond|Խ
+Խ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+Խλ V BeBeyond|Խ,sport|
+ԽҰ N fact|,cross|Խ
+ԽҰ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+Խ V flee|,LocationIni=InstitutePlace|,crime|
+Խ V human|,*flee|,#InstitutePlace|,crime|
+Խ V handle|
+Ծ V jump|
+Ծ V shiver|
+Ծ V GoForward|ǰ
+Ծ V jump|
+Ծ V become|Ϊ
+Ծ V urge|ʹ
+ԾȻֽ V appear|
+Ծ V become|Ϊ
+ԾԾ V willing|Ը
+Կ N tool|þ,*open|,*shut|ر
+Կ N tool|þ,*open|,*shut|ر
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N land|½
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ĸ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+˧ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N edible|ʳ
+ N shows|
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,round|Բ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,month|
+ N celestial|
+ N time|ʱ,month|,special|
+ N unit|λ,&time|ʱ
+° ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,blue|,light|
+° N time|ʱ,night|,beautiful|
+° N time|ʱ,day|
+± N document|
+± N publications|鿯
+± N food|ʳƷ
+² N quantity|,amount|,&crop|ׯ,&artifact|˹
+² N quantity|,amount|,&crop|ׯ,&artifact|˹,#month|
+³ N time|ʱ,early|,month|
+µ N time|ʱ,ending|ĩ,month|
+¶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,month|
+· N time|ʱ,month|
+¹ N celestial|
+¹ N lights|
+» N lights|
+¼ N FlowerGrass|
+¼ N FlowerGrass|
+¾ N phenomena|,#female|Ů,#medical|ҽ
+¾ N disease|
+¿ N publications|鿯
+ N celestial|
+ĩ N time|ʱ,month|,ending|ĩ
+Ʊ N coupon|Ʊ֤,#wealth|Ǯ,*TakeVehicle|,#vehicle|ͨ
+ N MusicTool|
+ N celestial|
+ɫ N lights|
+̨ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@TakeVehicle|,#LandVehicle|
+Ϣ N fund|ʽ,$earn|,commercial|
+ N humanized|
+ N humanized|,*guide|
+ N human|,*guide|
+н N payment|,#month|
+ N celestial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ҹ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+ N time|ʱ,month|
+ N lights|
+ N time|ʱ,middle|,month|
+ N time|ʱ,ending|ĩ,month|
+ N time|ʱ,ending|ĩ,month|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ V please|ȡ
+ö ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,good|,desired|
+÷ V admire|Ľ
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ V check|
+ V read|
+ı V check|,content=army|,military|
+ı N fact|,check|,#army|,military|
+ıʽ N fact|,check|,#army|,military|
+Ķ V read|
+Ķд N attribute|,ability|,read|,compile|༭,&human|
+ľ V check|,content=result|,#exam|
+ V read|
+ N room|,@read|
+ N experience|
+ V undergo|
+ V remove|,agricultural|ũ
+ų N tool|þ,#crop|ׯ
+ V remove|,location=land|½,agricultural|ũ
+ N CloudMist|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ʋ N CloudMist|
+Ʋ N CloudMist|
+ƺ N CloudMist|
+ƺ N celestial|
+Ƽ V ComeTogether|
+ N MusicTool|
+ĸ N stone|ʯ,material|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N CloudMist|
+ȸ N bird|
+ɼ N tree|
+ɽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ N part|,%building|,nerve|
+ N sky|
+ͼ N image|ͼ,#CloudMist|
+ N CloudMist|
+ϼ N CloudMist|
+ N sky|
+ɢ V WeatherFine|
+ɢ V disappear|ʧ
+ N CloudMist|
+ V roam|
+ N fact|,mating|
+ N text|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,even|
+ V economize|ʡ
+ V separate|
+ȳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,even|
+ȶ V economize|ʡ
+Ⱥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,even|
+Ⱥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,even|
+Ⱦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,even|
+ V MakeUp|ױ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,even|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,even|
+ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&event|¼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,even|
+ V fall|
+ V fall|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ V perish|
+ʯ N stone|ʯ,#celestial|
+ N metal|,#celestial|
+ N stone|ʯ,#celestial|
+ V agree|ͬ
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ŵ V agree|ͬ
+ V agree|ͬ
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&human|
+ N fact|,AlterLocation|ռλ
+ V transport|
+ V use|
+˳ V plan|ƻ
+˳ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+˳ V plan|ƻ
+˶ N fact|,AlterLocation|ռλ
+˶ N fact|,exercise|,sport|
+˶ N fact|,function|,politics|
+˶ N disease|
+˶ N clothing|
+˶ N fact|,sport|
+˶ N SportTool|˶
+˶ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#sport|
+˶ N clothing|
+˶Ա N human|,sport|
+˷ N expenditure|,transport|
+˺ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+˼ N attribute|,price|۸,&transport|
+˾ N attribute|,distance|,#transport|
+ N attribute|,ability|,&transport|
+ N quantity|,amount|,#transport|,&physical|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&human|
+ V transmit|,medical|ҽ
+ V TakeAway|ᶯ,sport|
+ V transport|
+䳵 N LandVehicle|,@transport|,#inanimate|
+乤 N vehicle|ͨ
+ N aircraft|,*transport|
+ N aircraft|,*transport|,#inanimate|
+ N machine|,*transport|,mine|
+ҵ N affairs|,*transport|
+ V transmit|
+ V transport|
+ V calculate|
+ V sell|,commercial|
+ V SelfMove|
+ V function|
+Ӫ V function|
+ V use|
+ V undergo|,content=use|
+ V transport|
+ع N vehicle|ͨ,*transport|
+ػ N vehicle|ͨ,*transport|
+ת V circle|
+ת V function|
+ V function|
+ V handle|
+ V contain|
+̲ V contain|
+̲ N quantity|,amount|,&store|
+̺ V contain|
+̺ V contain|
+ V exist|
+ V create|
+ V think|˼
+ V dizzy|,medical|ҽ
+ N fact|,dizzy|
+γ N disease|
+γ V dizzy|,medical|ҽ
+δ N disease|
+δ V dizzy|,medical|ҽ
+ε V dizzy|,medical|ҽ
+λ N disease|
+λ V dizzy|,medical|ҽ
+ͷת ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ͷת V dizzy|
+κ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ V dizzy|,medical|ҽ
+ N sound|,good|
+ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&text|
+ N regulation|,#pattern|ʽ,#text|
+ɲ N fact|,sport|
+ζ N attribute|,demeanor|,beautiful|,desired|,&human|
+ N fact|,pregnant|,#medical|ҽ
+ V pregnant|,#medical|ҽ
+и N human|,female|Ů,*pregnant|
+ N time|ʱ,@pregnant|,#medical|ҽ
+ V pregnant|,agricultural|ũ
+ V StomachTrouble|֢,cause=pregnant|
+ N livestock|,female|Ů,pregnant|
+ V pregnant|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,dense|
+ N shape|,round|Բ
+ѵ ADJ location|λ,all|ȫ
+ V beat|
+ V fail|ʧ
+ҷ V CauseToDo|ʹ,ResultEvent=suffer|,#discharge|
+ҹ V fail|ʧ
+ҹ V abandon|,possession=all|ȫ
+ V beat|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,mixed|,undesired|ݬ
+ V mix|
+Ӳ N FlowerGrass|
+Ӳݴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|
+ӷ N expenditure|
+Ӹ N text|,mixed|
+Ӹ N thought|ͷ,disorder|
+ӺͲ N food|ʳƷ,mixed|
+Ӻ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ӻ N entity|ʵ,mixed|
+ӻ N food|ʳƷ,mixed|
+ӻ N artifact|˹,commercial|,generic|ͳ
+ӻ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+Ӽ N shows|
+Ӽ N community|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ӼԱ N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ӽ V mating|,manner=mixed|,medical|ҽ
+Ӿ V reside|ס
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ N thought|ͷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,mixed|
+ˣ N shows|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N text|
+ N inanimate|
+ N sound|
+Ժ N house|
+־ N publications|鿯
+־ N human|,*compile|༭
+ N inanimate|,waste|
+ N animate|,#kind|,mixed|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ V FallDown|
+ V insert|
+ V planting|ֲ
+ N plant|ֲ
+Ե V FallDown|
+Ըͷ V FallDown|
+Ըͷ V fail|ʧ
+ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ V cultivate|
+ V planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ V slander|̰
+ V slander|̰
+ֲ V planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ V planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ N plant|ֲ,young|
+ STRU {MaChinese|}
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ,&human|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,#weather|
+ֺ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,#weather|
+ֻ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,#weather|
+ֻ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,#weather|,#HungryThirsty|
+ֻ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,#weather|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,#weather|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,#weather|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ N time|ʱ,year|,#unfortunate|,#weather|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,miserable|,&unfortunate|,#weather|
+ N place|ط,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,#weather|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,#weather|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V kill|ɱ
+ V manage|,politics|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=pay|,over|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ɱ V kill|ɱ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,past|
+ V control|
+ V control|,politics|
+ V load|װ
+ V record|¼
+ N time|ʱ,year|
+ز N shape|
+ظ V recreation|
+غ V load|װ
+ػ V transport|,patient=artifact|˹
+ؿ V transport|,patient=human|
+ V record|¼
+ N tool|þ,@load|װ
+ V transport|
+ V load|װ
+ضλ CLAS unit|λ,&weight|
+ N quantity|,amount|,#load|װ,&physical|
+ N LandVehicle|,@transport|,#inanimate|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,again|
+ٰ V print|ӡˢ,frequency=again|
+ٴ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,again|
+ٴ ADV aValue|ֵ,sequence|,ordinal|
+ٶ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,again|
+ٷ V dispatch|Dz
+ٻ V repeat|ظ,content=GetMarried|
+ټ V repeat|ظ,content=MarryTo|
+ټ EXPR expression|,*farewell|
+ٽ N fact|,education|
+ٽ V endeavour|
+پ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,again|
+ V repeat|ظ,content=interrogate|,police|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,medical|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$BeRecovered|ԭ
+ V produce|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ĸ N human|,friend|
+˥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,wane|˥,undesired|ݬ
+˥ V decline|˥
+˵ V delay|
+˵ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+ V subtract|,commercial|
+ V appear|,frequency=again|
+ѭ V circle|,frequency=again|
+ V help|
+ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+ V ResultFrom|Ե
+ V alive|
+ V depend|
+ V exist|
+ V situated|
+ PREP {Vgoingon|չ}
+ PREP {location}
+ PREP {scope}
+ PREP {time}
+ڰ V record|¼
+ڱ V undergo|,content=release|ͷ
+ڳ V exist|
+ں V PayAttention|ע
+ڼ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ڼ V situated|
+ڽ V undergo|,Vgoingon|չ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,^biased|ƫ,desired|
+ V include|
+ǰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+DZ V flee|,Vgoingon|չ
+֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,#firing|
+֮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,#firing|
+ V alive|
+ϧ V worth|ֵ
+ V BeUnable|,content=escape|
+ V flee|
+ӷ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,*flee|
+֮ N mental|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$fulfil|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$perception|֪,#look|
+λ V undertake|,Vgoingon|չ
+λ V undertake|,royal|,Vgoingon|չ
+ V control|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,performance|,#software|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ V know|֪
+Ѻ V suffer|,content=detain|ס,#police|
+Ѻ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,$detain|ס
+Ұ ADJ aValue|ֵ,power|,empty|,politics|
+Ұ N community|,#power|,empty|,politics|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ V ResultFrom|Ե
+ V depend|
+ְ V undertake|
+ V exist|
+ PRON {firstPerson|,mass|}
+ۼ N community|,family|
+ PRON {firstPerson|,double|}
+ PRON {firstPerson|,mass|}
+ V SetAside|
+ V gather|ɼ
+ V ComeTogether|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ݴ V SetAside|
+ݶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ݻ V delay|
+ݾ V reside|ס
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ͣ V pause|ͣ
+ͣ V pause|ͣ,sport|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+а취 N regulation|
+ N regulation|
+ס V reside|ס
+ V help|
+ V praise|佱
+ N text|
+ޱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Zambia|ޱ)
+ޱ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ޱ N human|,(Zambia|ޱ)
+ V praise|佱
+ V agree|ͬ
+Ʊ N bill|Ʊ,#select|ѡ,*agree|ͬ
+Ʊ N bill|Ʊ,*agree|ͬ,#select|ѡ
+ N music|,*praise|佱
+ V praise|佱
+ʫ V text|,*praise|佱,religion|ڽ
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ V praise|佱
+̾ V praise|佱
+̾ V praise|佱
+ͬ V agree|ͬ
+ V appreciate|
+ V praise|佱
+ V praise|佱
+ N text|,*praise|佱
+ V praise|佱
+ V help|
+ N inanimate|,$steal|͵
+߹ N human|,*cheat|ƭ,official|,undesired|ݬ
+߿ N money|,$steal|͵
+ N inanimate|,$steal|͵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,dirty|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ಡ N disease|,#SeekPleasure|Ѱ
+อ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N text|,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,dirty|,undesired|ݬ
+Ҳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,dirty|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+ N expression|,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ V bury|
+ N fact|,bury|,salute|¾,#die|
+ V die|
+ V destroy|
+ V suffer|
+ V suffer|
+ V suffer|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ V suffer|
+ V suffer|
+ V suffer|,content=unfortunate|
+ N experience|
+ V suffer|
+ V suffer|,content=unfortunate|,#weather|
+ V suffer|,content=unfortunate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ V damage|
+ V lavish|˷
+㿷 N inanimate|,waste|
+ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+̣ V damage|
+̣ V lavish|˷
+ V upset|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ V dig|ھ
+ N tool|þ,*dig|ھ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ N tool|þ,*dig|ھ
+ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ
+微 N part|,%house|
+ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N tree|,#fruit|ˮ
+Ҭ N tree|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,InFront|ǰ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,early|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ EXPR expression|,*SayHello|ʺ
+ N time|ʱ,early|,day|
+簲 EXPR expression|,*SayHello|ʺ
+ N affairs|,#duty|,#sequence|,morning|
+ N fact|,eat|,early|
+ N fact|,exercise|,#morning|
+ V labour|ٲ
+糵 N LandVehicle|
+糿 N time|ʱ,early|,day|
+糿 EXPR expression|,*SayHello|ʺ
+紺 N time|ʱ,spring|,early|
+絾 N crop|ׯ
+ N fact|,eat|,early|
+緹 N fact|,eat|,early|
+ V GetMarried|
+ N time|ʱ,past|
+ N time|ʱ,early|
+ V arise|,early|
+ N time|ʱ,early|,day|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,earliness|,early|
+ N time|ʱ,early|,day|
+ V die|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@sell|,@buy|,morning|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,#young|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,ripe|,early|,agricultural|ũ
+ N attribute|,ability|,able|,&young|
+ V grow|ɳ,manner=MakeEarlier|
+˥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+˥ V ill|̬,medical|ҽ
+ V leave|뿪,manner=MakeEarlier|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ N time|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ,past|
+й N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,earliness|,early|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ V wash|ϴ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#liquid|Һ,#wash|ϴ
+ N InstitutePlace|,@wash|ϴ,commercial|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@wash|ϴ,commercial|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+궯 V SelfMove|
+꼱 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N disease|
+ N human|,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+֢ N disease|
+ V cry|
+ N sound|,undesired|ݬ
+ V create|
+ V cultivate|
+ V forge|α
+ V create|
+ V forming|γ
+촬 N affairs|,*produce|,#repair|,#ship|,industrial|
+촬 V produce|,PatientProduct=ship|,industrial|
+촬 N InstitutePlace|,factory|,*produce|,*repair|,#ship|,industrial|
+촬ҵ N affairs|,*produce|,#repair|,#ship|,industrial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ V begin|ʼ
+췴 V uprise|
+ V visit|
+츣 V benefit|
+컯 N humanized|
+ N expenditure|,commercial|
+ V cultivate|
+ N result|,desired|,#succeed|ɹ
+ V planting|ֲ
+ N attribute|,form|״,&physical|
+ V create|,PatientProduct=shape|
+ V produce|,industrial|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ҥ V forge|α,PatientProduct=text|
+ҥ V forge|α,PatientProduct=text|,purpose=deceive|ƭ
+ҥ V forge|α,PatientProduct=text|,purpose=slander|̰
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,#mental|,&human|
+Ӱ N method|,cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ V incite|ָʹ,patient=thought|ͷ,public|
+ֽ V produce|,PatientProduct=paper|ֽ,industrial|
+ֽ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,#paper|ֽ,factory|,industrial|
+ֽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*produce|,#paper|ֽ,industrial|
+ֽҵ N affairs|,*produce|,#paper|ֽ,industrial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,pretend|װ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+ N tool|þ,*wash|ϴ
+ V ize|̬
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N human|,past|
+Ƭ N tool|þ,*wash|ϴ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N room|,@cook|
+ N tool|þ,*burn|,*cook|
+ N tool|þ,*cook|
+ N humanized|
+ү N humanized|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,dried|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V ask|
+ N duty|
+ V punish|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V order|
+ V punish|,means=beat|
+ V punish|
+ V blame|Թ
+ V order|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ N duty|
+θ N emotion|,#duty|
+ N emotion|,#duty|
+ N system|ƶ,#duty|
+ V ask|
+Դ V endeavour|
+ V endeavour|
+ V choose|ѡ
+ V select|ѡ
+ V choose|ѡ,content=friend|
+ż V choose|ѡ,content=friend|,purpose=GetMarried|
+ƶ V choose|ѡ,content=desired|
+ҵ V choose|ѡ,content=occupation|ְλ
+ V choose|ѡ,content=superior|
+¼ V employ|,patient=superior|,means=choose|ѡ
+ V choose|ѡ,content=friend|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&text|
+ N attribute|,standard|,&entity|ʵ
+ N law|ɷ
+ CONJ {but|}
+ CONJ {condition|}
+ V speak|˵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,wet|ʪ
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ N place|ط
+ N place|ط,#waters|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,treacherous|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*steal|͵,crime|
+ü ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+ȥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*steal|͵,crime|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,secret|,undesired|ݬ
+ N place|ط,undesired|ݬ,#steal|͵,crime|
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+IJ V refuse|,content=abandon|,#aspiration|Ը,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ N celestial|
+ N inanimate|,$steal|͵
+ ADV {manner|ʽ,question|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,question|
+ô ADV {manner|ʽ,question|}
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ ADV {manner|ʽ,question|}
+ V BecomeMore|
+ V add|
+ V add|,patient=army|
+ V add|
+ V BecomeMore|,scope=produce|
+ V BecomeMore|
+ N quantity|,rate|,BecomeMore|,&event|¼,commercial|
+ V enlarge|
+ V add|
+ V BecomeMore|
+ N attribute|,range|,BecomeMore|,&price|۸,commercial|
+ V BecomeMore|
+ V add|,scope=height|߶
+ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ V BecomeMore|
+ V add|
+ V QuantityChange|,commercial|
+ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ N publications|鿯
+ V BecomeMore|,scope=quantity|
+ǿ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ɫ V beautify|
+ V ill|̬,medical|ҽ
+ V add|,patient=wealth|Ǯ
+˰ V add|,patient=expenditure|
+ܼ N chemical|ѧ
+ V add|
+ V add|
+Ԯ V MakeBetter|Ż,military|
+Ԯ N army|
+ֳ V ill|̬,medical|ҽ
+ֵ V BecomeMore|,scope=value|ֵ,commercial|
+ֵ˰ N expenditure|
+ V disgust|
+ V disgust|
+ V hate|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,past|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+Ů N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ĸ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ V GiveAsGift|
+ V GiveAsGift|
+Ʒ N tool|þ,$GiveAsGift|,generic|ͳ
+ V GiveAsGift|
+ V text|,*persuade|Ȱ˵
+ V GiveAsGift|
+ V GoInto|
+ V stab|
+ V wrap|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+۶ V stab|,PartOfTouch=part|
+ V grow|ɳ
+ V decorate|װ
+ V sink|³
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,durable|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Zaire|)
+ N money|,(Zaire|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+ N human|,(Zair|)
+Ӫ V reside|ס
+ʵʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+ V cure|ҽ
+ V speak|˵
+ N inanimate|,waste|
+ N material|
+ N inanimate|,waste|
+ N letter|ż
+ N letter|ż,past|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(Japanձ)
+ N text|
+ V SqueezeOut|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,crowded|,undesired|ݬ
+ V associate|
+ V check|
+ V press|ѹ
+ V press|ѹ,industrial|
+ V press|ѹ,patient=metal|,industrial|
+ֳ N InstitutePlace|,factory|,*press|ѹ,patient=metal|,industrial|
+ N machine|
+ V press|ѹ,industrial|
+ա V break|۶
+ա N tool|þ,*break|۶,#FlowerGrass|
+աݻ N tool|þ,*break|۶,#FlowerGrass|
+ա N tool|þ,*break|۶,#FlowerGrass|
+բ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ
+բ N part|,%implement|,*start|ʼ,*cease|ͣ
+բ N part|,%vehicle|ͨ,*fix|ס
+բ N part|,%building|,%implement|,#electricity|,*protect|
+բ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ
+գ V CausePartMove|
+գ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=eye|
+գ V CausePartMove|
+գ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=eye|
+դ N part|,%building|,*defend|
+դ N part|,%building|,*defend|
+ե V SqueezeOut|
+ե V press|ѹ
+ե N food|ʳƷ
+եȡ V SqueezeOut|
+եȡ V rob|
+ե V SqueezeOut|,patient=material|,industrial|
+եͻ V machine|,*SqueezeOut|,patient=material|,industrial|
+զ ADV {cause|ԭ,question|}
+զ ADV {manner|ʽ,question|}
+զ V ShowOff|ҫ
+զ V cry|
+զ V ShowOff|ҫ
+զ V cry|
+զ V surprise|
+է ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+է ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,early|
+է ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Chad|է)
+է N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+էȻ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+ը V ExpressAnger|ʾŭ
+ը V FormChange|α,StateFin=OutOfOrder|
+ը V cook|
+ը V firing|
+ը V flee|
+ը N weapon|
+ը V FormChange|α,StateFin=OutOfOrder|
+ը N thunder|
+ըҩ N weapon|
+թ V deceive|ƭ
+թ V pretend|װ
+թƭ V cheat|ƭ
+թƭ N human|,*cheat|ƭ
+թƭ N human|,*cheat|ƭ
+ժ V PickOut|γ
+ժ V StripOff|ȥ
+ժ V choose|ѡ
+ժ V compile|༭
+ժ N text|
+ժ V copy|д
+ժ V cut|,#cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ժ V publish|
+ժ V publish|,means=choose|ѡ
+ժ V StripOff|ȥ
+ժ V record|¼
+ժ V borrow|
+ժ¼ V copy|д
+ժ¼ N human|,*copy|д
+ժȡ V PickOut|γ
+ժҪ V record|¼
+ժҪ N text|,#readings|
+ժ V quote|
+ժ V copy|д
+ժ V quote|
+ի N food|ʳƷ,#religion|ڽ
+ի N house|
+ի V GiveUp|,religion|ڽ
+ի N time|ʱ,month|,#religion|ڽ
+լ N house|
+լ N place|ط,@build|
+լ N place|ط,@build|
+լ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+լԺ N house|
+լ N house|
+խ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,biased|ƫ,undesired|ݬ
+խ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|
+խ ADJ aValue|ֵ,width|,narrow|խ
+խС ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С
+ծ N wealth|Ǯ,$owe|Ƿ,$return|
+ծ N human|,*owe|Ƿ,#wealth|Ǯ
+ծ N money|,$lend|,commercial|
+ծȨ N rights|Ȩ,$recompense|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ծȨ N place|ط,#human|,country|,politics|,$owe|Ƿ
+ծȨ N human|,$owe|Ƿ,#wealth|Ǯ
+ծȯ N coupon|Ʊ֤,#fund|ʽ
+ծȯ N human|,own|,#coupon|Ʊ֤
+ծ̨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ծ̨ V owe|Ƿ,possession=wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+ծ N wealth|Ǯ,$owe|Ƿ
+ծ N place|ط,#human|,country|,politics|,*owe|Ƿ
+ծ N human|,*owe|Ƿ,#wealth|Ǯ
+ծ N human|,*lend|,#wealth|Ǯ
+կ N facilities|ʩ,military|,@defend|
+կ N place|ط,military|,@defend|
+կ N human|,official|,#facilities|ʩ,military|
+կ N place|ط,military|,@defend|
+հ V look|
+հ V look|,purpose=condole|°
+հ V look|
+հ V think|˼
+հǰ˺ V hesitate|ԥ
+հ V look|,direction=InFront|ǰ
+հ V look|,purpose=condole|°
+ձ N material|
+ձ N house|
+ձ N material|
+ղ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ճ ADJ aValue|ֵ,stickiness|,sticky|
+ճ V fasten|˩
+ճ N attribute|,stickiness|,&inanimate|
+ճ V fasten|˩
+ճ V fasten|˩
+ճϼ N material|,*fasten|˩
+ճ V fasten|˩
+ճ N disease|
+ճĤ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ճ˿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,stickiness|,sticky|
+ճ V fasten|˩
+ճ N stone|ʯ,material|
+ճ ADJ aValue|ֵ,stickiness|,sticky|
+ճ N attribute|,stickiness|,&inanimate|
+ճҺ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ճ ADJ aValue|ֵ,stickiness|,sticky|
+ճ V fasten|˩
+մ V exist|
+մ V moisten|ʪ
+մ V obtain|õ
+մ V touch|
+մ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|,desired|
+մ V obtain|õ,possession=benefit|
+մDz V associate|,partner=female|Ů,manner=lascivious|
+մ V exist|
+մ״ V relate|й
+մȾ V suffer|,content=CauseAffect|Ⱦ
+մȾ V place|ط,$CauseAffect|Ⱦ
+մ V engage|
+մ V pollute|ʹ
+մմϲ V satisfied|
+յ CLAS NounUnit|,&tool|þ,#illuminate|
+յ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ն V break|۶
+ն V kill|ɱ
+նݳ V destroy|
+ն ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ն V break|۶
+նʯ N material|,?building|
+ն V kill|ɱ
+ն ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,desired|
+շ N character|,(China|й)
+շ V press|ѹ
+շת V CausePartMove|,#LieDown|,#sleep|˯
+շת V roam|
+շת V CausePartMove|,#LieDown|,#sleep|˯
+ո ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ո¶ͷ V display|չʾ,content=ability|
+ո¶ͷ V show|,ability|
+ո ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,desired|
+չ V delay|
+չ N fact|,display|չʾ
+չ V unfold|̯
+չ V use|
+չ N fact|,disseminate|
+չ V fly|
+չ V display|չʾ
+չ N facilities|ʩ,@display|չʾ
+չ V delay|
+չ V conduct|ʵʩ
+չ V start|ʼ
+չ V unfold|̯
+չ V display|չʾ
+չ N fact|,display|չʾ
+չ N house|,@display|չʾ
+չ N fact|,display|չʾ
+չƷ N physical|,$display|չʾ,generic|ͳ
+չ N room|,@display|չʾ
+չ¶ V appear|
+չ V sell|,means=display|չʾ,commercial|
+չƷ N physical|,$display|չʾ,generic|ͳ
+չ V estimate|,means=display|չʾ
+չ V delay|
+չ N time|ʱ,@display|չʾ
+չ N location|λ,@display|չʾ
+չʾ V appear|
+չʾ N fact|,display|չʾ
+չ N room|,@display|չʾ
+չ̨ N location|λ,@display|չʾ
+չ N room|,@display|չʾ
+չ V predict|Ԥ
+չ V appear|
+չ V enlarge|,PatientAttribute=boundary|,#time|ʱ
+չ V sell|,means=display|չʾ,commercial|
+չ N fact|,sell|,#display|չʾ,commercial|
+չת V CausePartMove|,#LieDown|,#sleep|˯
+չת V roam|
+պ V soak|
+պ V moisten|ʪ,purpose=strengthen|ӹ,industrial|
+պˮֱ N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+ջ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#livestock|,@reside|ס
+ջ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@put|,@store|
+ջ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ջ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|,@reside|ס
+ջ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@put|,@store|
+ջ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ռ V BeMember|
+ռ V guess|²
+ռ V obtain|õ
+ռ V occupy|ռ
+ռ V obtain|õ,possession=benefit|
+ռ V guess|²
+ռ N human|,*guess|²
+ռ V own|
+ռ N attribute|,area|,&land|½
+ռ V occupy|ռ
+ռ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,^biased|ƫ,desired|
+ռ V occupy|ռ
+ռ N army|,*occupy|ռ
+ռ N place|ط,$occupy|ռ
+ռ N human|,*occupy|ռ,military|
+ռ V guess|²
+ռϷ V surpass|ǿ
+ռ V surpass|ǿ
+ռ V undergo|,content=use|
+ռС V obtain|õ,possession=benefit|
+ռ V use|
+ռ V own|
+ռ N quantity|,rate|,&own|
+ռ V guess|²
+ս N fact|,fight|,military|
+ս V fight|
+ս V fight|,military|
+ս V defeated|,military|
+ս V defeat|սʤ,military|
+սܹ N place|ط,country|,*defeated|,military|
+ս N document|,official|,#fight|,military|
+ս N fact|,*prepare|,#fight|,military|
+ս N place|ط,@fight|,military|
+ս N weapon|,LandVehicle|,military|
+ս N weapon|
+ս N place|ط,@fight|,military|
+սؼ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*gather|ɼ,*compile|༭,#news|,#fight|
+ս V shiver|
+ս ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|
+ս V fight|,military|
+ս N army|
+սλ N part|,%army|
+ս N weapon|,aircraft|,military|
+ս N part|,%army|
+ս N attribute|,strength|,fight|,&army|,military|
+ս N human|,*fight|,military|
+ս N human|,undesired|ݬ,#fight|,crime|
+ս N human|,military|,undesired|ݬ
+ս N result|,desired|,#fight|,#succeed|ɹ
+ս N MusicTool|,#fight|,#military|
+ս N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ս N result|,#fight|
+ս N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|
+ս N time|ʱ,#fight|
+ս N fire|,#fight|,#military|
+ս ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,fight|
+ս N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#fight|,#unfortunate|
+ս N time|ʱ,#fight|
+ս N result|,desired|,#fight|,#succeed|ɹ
+ս N weapon|,ship|,military|
+ս N human|,military|
+ս N attribute|,circumstances|,&fight|
+ս N attribute|,circumstances|,&fight|
+ս V shiver|
+սƷ N artifact|˹,$obtain|õ,#fight|
+ս N fact|,fight|,military|
+սн N weapon|,ship|,military|
+ս N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#fight|,#unfortunate|
+ս ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ս N plans|滮
+սԲ N army|
+սԲ N plans|滮
+սԺ N weapon|
+սԼ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,#fight|,#military|
+ս N artifact|˹,*fight|
+ս ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,#fight|
+ս N livestock|,#fight|
+սĻ N fact|,begin|ʼ,#fight|
+սǰ N time|ʱ,#fight|
+ս N place|ط,@fight|,military|
+սϵͳ N weapon|,*defend|
+սʤ V defeat|սʤ
+սʤ N place|ط,country|,*defeat|սʤ,military|
+սʱ N time|ʱ,#fight|,military|
+սʷ N fact|,#time|ʱ,#fight|,military|
+սʿ N human|,military|
+ս N fact|,fight|
+ս ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ս N weapon|
+սվ N army|
+սò N army|
+ս V die|
+ս춷 V fight|,partner=thing|
+սʤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,defeat|սʤ
+ս N place|ط,@fight|,military|
+ս N fact|,fight|,military|
+ս N human|,friend|,#fight|
+սս V fear|
+ս N fact|,fight|
+ս N human|,undesired|ݬ,*do|,#fight|
+ս N aspiration|Ը,expect|,#fight|,undesired|ݬ
+ս N human|,undesired|ݬ,*do|,#fight|
+ս״̬ N attribute|,circumstances|,&fight|
+վ V CeaseSelfMove|ֹ
+վ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ
+վ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#LandVehicle|
+վ V stand|վ
+վ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+վס ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ
+վס ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ
+վ V stand|վ,purpose=defend|
+վڷ V stand|վ,purpose=defend|
+վ̨ V engage|,content=sell|,commercial|
+վ V stand|վ
+վƱ N coupon|Ʊ֤,#wealth|Ǯ,*TakeVehicle|,#vehicle|ͨ
+վ V stand|վ
+վ̨ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@TakeVehicle|
+վ V CeaseSelfMove|ֹ
+վ V stand|վ
+վס V CeaseSelfMove|ֹ
+վס V stand|վ
+վס V CeaseSelfMove|ֹ
+վס V succeed|ɹ
+տ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+տ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+տ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+տ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,blue|
+տ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=OutOfOrder|
+ V pregnant|
+ V FormChange|α
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=OutOfOrder|
+ N tree|
+ľ N wood|ľ
+ N material|,*obstruct|ֹ,#InsectWorm|
+ N tool|þ,*obstruct|ֹ,InsectWorm|
+ N tool|þ,*obstruct|ֹ,#InsectWorm|
+ N tree|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N law|ɷ
+ N part|,%text|
+ N stationery|ľ
+ N tool|þ,$PutOn|
+³ N law|ɷ
+³ N method|
+· N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&act|ж
+· N method|,#text|
+½ N part|,%text|
+ N fish|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,good|,desired|
+ V reward|,punish|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&furniture|Ҿ,&paper|ֽ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V open|
+ V unfold|̯
+Ű V announce|,content=document|
+Ŵ V PlayUp|Ĵ
+ŵƽ V decorate|װ
+Ź V hang|
+Ź ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+Ż V flurried|
+żҸ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+żҿ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ſ V open|
+ſ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=mouth|
+ſڽ V stupefied|ľȻ
+ſ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,strength|,#pull|,&physical|
+ V TakeCare|
+ V gather|ɼ
+ V prepare|
+ N human|,ordinary|
+ V hang|
+ V look|
+ V look|,manner=secret|
+צ V frighten|Ż
+ V announce|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=mouth|
+ V beg|
+ V beat|
+ V hold|
+ V manage|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hand|
+ N part|,%clothing|,#foot|
+Ʊ N human|,*drive|Ԧ,#vehicle|ͨ
+Ƴ V manage|,patient=cook|
+Ƶ V lighting|ȼ
+ƶ V drive|Ԧ,patient=ship|
+ƹ N information|Ϣ
+ƹ V manage|
+ƹ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*sell|,commercial|
+Ȩ V obtain|õ,possession=power|,politics|
+ N human|,family|,young|
+ V manage|,patient=cook|
+ N sound|,#beat|,#hand|
+ V control|
+ V know|֪
+ N attribute|,power|,&AnimalHuman|,&organization|֯
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hand|
+ӡ V manage|,patient=power|
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#livestock|,#foot|
+ N facilities|ʩ,mine|
+ V beat|,PartOfTouch=skin|Ƥ
+ V BecomeMore|
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=protruding|
+dz V rise|
+Ƿ N attribute|,range|,BecomeMore|,&price|۸,commercial|
+Ǽ V BecomeMore|,scope=price|۸
+ V QuantityChange|,commercial|
+ N tool|þ
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&length|
+ɷ N human|,family|,male|
+ V measure|
+ĸ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ĸ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N account|,@record|¼,#wealth|Ǯ
+ N fund|ʽ
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,*decorate|װ
+ N wealth|Ǯ,$owe|Ƿ,$return|
+ʱ N account|,@record|¼,#wealth|Ǯ
+ʲ N account|,@record|¼,#wealth|Ǯ
+ʲ N account|,@record|¼,#wealth|Ǯ
+ʵ N bill|Ʊ,#wealth|Ǯ
+ʷ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*calculate|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ʷ N human|,employee|Ա,#wealth|Ǯ
+ʷ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,commercial|,*calculate|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ʷ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*calculate|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ʺ N attribute|,number|,&account|,commercial|
+ʻ N account|,@record|¼,#wealth|Ǯ
+ʿ N fund|ʽ
+Ļ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ
+Ŀ N account|,@record|¼,#wealth|Ǯ
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ
+ N tool|þ,#sleep|˯,*obstruct|ֹ,#InsectWorm|
+ N account|,@record|¼,#wealth|Ǯ
+ N fund|ʽ
+ N wealth|Ǯ,$owe|Ƿ,$return|
+˻ N account|,@record|¼,#wealth|Ǯ
+ V depend|
+ N fact|,fight|
+ N weapon|,generic|ͳ
+ V damage|,means=use|,#power|
+ V endorse|ӵ,content=fair|
+ V loyal|Т
+ V donate|
+ִ V speak|˵
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=enlarge|
+ V swollen|
+ N gas|,undesired|ݬ
+ N gas|,undesired|ݬ
+ N facilities|ʩ,*obstruct|ֹ
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ϰ V obstruct|ֹ
+ϰ N phenomena|,#obstruct|ֹ
+ϰ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+ϰ N facilities|ʩ,*obstruct|ֹ
+ϱ V obstruct|ֹ
+۷ N method|,*deceive|ƭ
+ V admit|
+ V attract|
+ V call|ٻ
+ V excite|ж
+ V include|
+ V incur|
+ N method|
+а V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=surrender|,military|
+б V invite|,ResultEvent=bear|е
+б V include|,patient=human|,military|
+б V include|,patient=human|
+д V entertain|д
+д N expenditure|,*entertain|д
+д N fact|,entertain|д
+д N InstitutePlace|,@reside|ס,@welcome|ӭ,@WellTreat|ƴ
+и V CauseToDo|ʹ,ResultEvent=surrender|,military|
+й V include|
+й V admit|
+й V gather|ɼ,possession=fund|ʽ,commercial|
+к V SayHello|ʺ
+к V TakeCare|
+к V cry|
+к V tell|
+м V obstruct|ֹ
+н V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=surrender|,military|
+н V ally|,military|
+п V include|,means=exam|,education|
+ V attract|,commercial|
+ļ V include|
+Ů V include|,ResultWhole=family|
+ N mark|־,#commercial|
+ V sell|
+Ƹ V call|ٻ,ResultEvent=request|Ҫ,#employ|
+Ƹ˾ N InstitutePlace|,*call|ٻ,#request|Ҫ,#employ|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=MarryTo|
+ V incur|
+ V admit|,#police|
+ V cooperate|,commercial|
+ V cooperate|,commercial|
+ V include|,patient=human|,education|
+ V include|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=hand|,purpose=call|ٻ
+ N method|
+ N readings|,#image|ͼ
+ N readings|,#image|ͼ
+Ц ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ
+ҡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,ShowOff|ҫ,undesired|ݬ
+ҡ V ShowOff|ҫ
+ҡײƭ V deceive|ƭ
+ V attract|
+ V incur|
+ǻ V incur|,result=damage|
+չ V wave|ڶ
+ V ResultIn|
+² ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,miserable|,undesired|ݬ
+ V include|,ResultWhole=family|
+ V call|ٻ,ResultEvent=borrow|
+ V attract|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+ʾ V announce|
+ѩ V amend|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+ V LookFor|Ѱ
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=meet|
+ V return|
+Ҳ V MakeEqual|ʹ
+Ҳ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+Ҳ V MakeTrouble|
+ҳ V LookFor|Ѱ,Vachieve|
+ҵ V LookFor|Ѱ,Vachieve|
+鷳 V MakeTrouble|
+ V MakeEqual|ʹ
+Ǯ V return|,possession=money|
+Ѱ V LookFor|Ѱ
+ V LookFor|Ѱ
+ V LookFor|Ѱ,Vachieve|
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ N gas|,$burn|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#gas|,#burn|
+ N land|½
+ N land|½
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V TakeCare|
+ V TakePicture|
+ V comparison|ȹϵ
+ N document|,*ExpressAgreement|ʾͬ
+ V illuminate|
+ N image|ͼ,$TakePicture|
+ V tell|
+ PREP {AccordingTo}
+ PREP {direction}
+հ V imitate|ģ
+հ V do|,manner=obey|ѭ
+ձ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ձ N part|,%building|,skin|Ƥ
+ճ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ճ V copy|д
+ն N attribute|,brightness|,#illuminate|,&artifact|˹
+շ V send|
+շ V TakeCare|
+չ V TakeCare|
+չ V TakeCare|
+պ«ư V imitate|ģ
+ջ V TakeCare|
+ջ V tell|,politics|
+ջ N text|,*tell|,politics|
+վ V ChangeNot|
+վ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|
+տ V TakeCare|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ V illuminate|
+ V TakeCare|
+ V illuminate|
+è V imitate|ģ
+ V appear|
+ V illuminate|
+ N human|,*illuminate|
+ V compile|༭,means=TakePicture|
+Ż N machine|,*compile|༭
+Ƭ N image|ͼ,$TakePicture|
+ V illuminate|
+˵ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ V TakePicture|
+ N InstitutePlace|,*TakePicture|
+ N tool|þ,*TakePicture|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|
+ҫ V illuminate|
+Ӧ V TakeCare|
+Ӧ V coordinate|Э
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|
+ V agree|ͬ
+ V cover|ڸ
+ N tool|þ,*catch|ס,#fish|
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ
+ N clothing|,*cover|ڸ
+ N part|,%building|,head|ͷ
+ N clothing|,*cover|ڸ
+ N part|,%clothing|,*cover|ڸ,#arm|
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ
+ V express|ʾ
+ N information|Ϣ
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&frequency|Ƶ
+ŷ CLAS unit|λ,&resistance|
+ͷ N information|Ϣ
+ CLAS unit|λ,&frequency|Ƶ
+ V begin|ʼ
+ V create|
+ػ V create|,PatientProduct=phenomena|,undesired|ݬ
+ʼ V begin|ʼ
+ V create|,PatientProduct=phenomena|,undesired|ݬ
+ V human|,*create|,#phenomena|,undesired|ݬ
+ V human|,*create|,#phenomena|,undesired|ݬ
+ V call|ٻ
+ٻ V call|ٻ
+ٻ V dismiss|
+ٻ V ResultIn|,result=damage|
+ټ V assemble|ۼ
+ټ V meet|
+ٿ V engage|
+ V cover|ڸ
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ڱ V cover|ڸ
+ڱ V cover|ڸ,military|
+ڱ V obstruct|ֹ
+ڲ V HideTruth|
+ڲ V hide|
+ڵ V obstruct|ֹ
+ڶ V cover|ڸ,military|
+ڸ V HideTruth|
+ڸ V cover|ڸ
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ V cover|ڸ,patient=sky|
+ǵ V cover|ڸ,patient=earth|
+ V HideTruth|,content=shy|
+ V HideTruth|
+ V cover|ڸ
+۷ N method|,*deceive|ƭ
+ V cover|ڸ,patient=celestial|
+ñ N clothing|,#head|ͷ
+ V cover|ڸ,patient=celestial|
+ס V cover|ڸ,Vachieve|
+ V AmountTo|ܼ,means=CauseToBe|ʹ֮
+ V GoBack|
+ V InDebt|
+ N account|,@record|¼,#SetAside|,#money|
+ V bend|
+ V break|۶
+ V dump|
+ V fold|ߡ
+ N quantity|,rate|,$subtract|,&sell|,commercial|
+ V subtract|,commercial|
+ N tool|þ,*store|,#document|
+۰ V BecomeLess|,range=half|,commercial|
+۱ V InDebt|,possession=fund|ʽ,commercial|
+۳ V AmountTo|ܼ,means=CauseToBe|ʹ֮
+۳ N tool|þ,*measure|
+۳ V discuss|,politics|
+۳ V win|ʤ,means=discuss|,politics|
+۵ V fold|ߡ
+۶ V break|۶
+۷ V GoBack|
+۷ V believe|
+۷ V defeat|սʤ
+۷ V respect|
+ۺ V AmountTo|ܼ,means=CauseToBe|ʹ֮
+ۻ V GoBack|
+ۼ V AmountTo|ܼ,commercial|
+۾ V AmountTo|ܼ,#used|,commercial|
+ۿ N BecomeLess|,commercial|
+ĥ V damage|
+ĥ N fact|,MakeBad|Ӻ,undesired|ݬ
+ V damage|
+ N tool|þ,#wind|,*cool|
+ N fact|,illuminate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,illuminate|
+ N attribute|,ability|,able|,#illuminate|,&inanimate|
+ V CauseToBe|ʹ֮
+ V CausePartMove|,#LieDown|,#sleep|˯
+ V damage|
+ V lavish|˷
+ V repeat|ظ
+ͷ N BecomeLess|,commercial|
+ V bend|
+ N shape|,linear|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=body|
+ V recompense|,possession=wealth|Ǯ
+ V reconcile|
+з N plans|滮,*reconcile|
+ V reconcile|
+Է V plans|滮,*reconcile|
+ N thinking|˼,#reconcile|
+ N account|,*record|¼,wealth|Ǯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ N reason|
+ N human|,wise|,desired|
+ѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ѧ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+ݷ V sleep|˯
+ݾ V reside|ס
+ N method|
+ N method|,#music|,#text|
+ N trace|,#LandVehicle|
+ V defeated|
+ SUFFIX human|
+ PRON {it|}
+ N metal|
+ N crop|ׯ,?material|
+ũ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N artifact|˹,waste|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ N time|ʱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+ N location|λ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+ N location|λ
+ N time|ʱ,now|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+ N location|λ,special|
+ô ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+ô ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ôЩ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ʱ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+Щ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+㽭 N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|,desired|
+ V like|ϧ
+ N treasure|䱦,generic|ͳ
+䰮 V like|ϧ
+䱦 N treasure|䱦,generic|ͳ
+ V store|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|,desired|
+Ʒ N treasure|䱦,generic|ͳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|,desired|
+ N bird|,precious|
+ V like|ϧ
+ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ,precious|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ϡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|,desired|
+ϧ V like|ϧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|,desired|
+ EXPR expression|,*SayHello|ʺ
+ V like|ϧ
+ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+鼦 N bird|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N food|ʳƷ,generic|ͳ
+ V dump|
+ V think|˼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,accurate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ʵѧ N attribute|,ability|,able|,desired|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ N symbol|,#quantity|,#DoSum|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+滰 N text|,true|
+漣 N artifact|˹,original|ԭ
+ N attribute|,trueness|α,&entity|ʵ
+澭 N publications|鿯
+ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ
+ N space|ռ,empty|,#gas|
+ձ N tool|þ,*drain|ų,#gas|
+ N reason|,true|
+ N publications|鿯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+Ŀ N attribute|,trueness|α,true|,&thing|
+ʵ N attribute|,name|,true|,&human|
+Ƥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+ƾʵ N information|Ϣ,*prove|֤
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,true|,&entity|ʵ
+ N emotion|,sincere|
+ N fact|,true|
+ʵ N emotion|,true|
+ȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+ȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ N human|,able|
+ N event|¼,true|
+ N attribute|,property|,true|,good|,beautiful|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ʵ N experience|,true|
+ʵ N attribute|,property|,trueness|α
+ STRU {MaChinese|}
+˿ N material|,?clothing|
+ N part|,heart|,%entity|ʵ
+α N attribute|,trueness|α,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,environment|,true|,&entity|ʵ
+ V exposure|¶
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ij ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+֪ N knowledge|֪ʶ,true|,desired|
+֪Ƽ N thinking|˼,profound|,desired|
+ֿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ֿ N emotion|,sincere|
+ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ N humanized|,religion|ڽ
+ N part|,heart|,%entity|ʵ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V distinguish|ֱ
+ V select|ѡ
+ V distinguish|ֱ
+ѡ V select|ѡ
+ N tool|þ,#beat|,#metal|
+ N tool|þ,*cook|
+ N tool|þ,#beat|,#metal|
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ N attribute|,physique|,#mating|,&female|Ů
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ N fact|,cure|ҽ
+ N medicine|ҩ,liquid|Һ
+ N shape|,acute|
+ N tool|þ,*fasten|˩
+Ƕ N part|,tool|þ
+ V cure|ҽ
+ V cure|ҽ
+ V facing|
+ PREP {AccordingTo}
+ V disobey|Υ
+빿 N tool|þ,*protect|
+ N medicine|ҩ,liquid|Һ
+ V cure|ҽ
+ͷ N tool|þ,*cure|ҽ
+ͷ N tool|þ,*fasten|˩
+ N affairs|,*fasten|˩
+ N tool|þ,*fasten|˩
+ N affairs|,*fasten|˩
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N disease|
+ N part|,tool|þ
+Ҷ N tree|
+֯ V weave|
+֯ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,#artifact|˹,factory|,industrial|
+֯Ʒ N artifact|˹
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,acute|
+ V amend|
+ V scout|,military|,police|
+ V scout|,police|
+ V scout|,military|,police|
+ N part|,%army|
+ N aircraft|,*scout|
+ N aircraft|,*scout|
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*scout|,police|
+켩 V scout|,military|,police|
+ V reveal|¶,police|
+̽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*scout|,police|
+̽ V scout|,police|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ N tool|þ,*sleep|˯
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ
+ľ N material|,?route|·
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ
+ͷ N tool|þ,*sleep|˯
+ϯ N furniture|Ҿ,@sleep|˯
+ϯ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ
+ N tool|þ,*sleep|˯
+ N disease|,#skin|Ƥ
+ V diagnose|,medical|ҽ
+ V diagnose|,medical|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,diagnose|
+ V diagnose|,medical|ҽ
+ N document|,#diagnose|,medical|ҽ
+ N tool|þ,*diagnose|,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ V cure|ҽ
+ V diagnose|,medical|ҽ
+ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,+diagnose|,+cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ V diagnose|,medical|ҽ
+ N InstitutePlace|,@cure|ҽ,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ V cure|ҽ
+ V fear|
+ V shiver|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,shiver|
+ V shiver|
+ V shiver|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,shiver|
+ V shiver|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+ V shake|ҡ
+ V shiver|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,excite|ж
+ N attribute|,intensity|ǿ,#(earthquake|)
+ V fear|
+ V frighten|Ż
+ŭ V angry|
+ V frighten|Ż
+Դ N location|λ,base|,#(earthquake|)
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|,#(earthquake|)
+ N location|λ,base|,#(earthquake|)
+ N place|ط,#(earthquake|)
+ V excited|
+ V shake|ҡ
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=arm|
+ V shiver|
+ V shiver|,#electricity|
+ N part|,%machine|,*shiver|,#electricity|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,shiver|
+ V shiver|,industrial|
+ V excited|
+ V excite|ж
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,excite|ж
+ N attribute|,range|,&shiver|,#electricity|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,teach|
+ V MakeBetter|Ż
+л V MakeBetter|Ż,patient=(China|й)
+д V speak|˵,manner=fluent|
+ V excited|
+ V excited|
+ V cool|
+ V defend|,military|
+ N facilities|ʩ,military|
+ N place|ط,city|
+ V restrain|ֹ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,politics|
+ V calm|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,soothe|ο
+ V calm|
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ N tool|þ,*amend|,#electricity|
+ V defend|,military|
+ʹ V restrain|ֹ,ResultEvent=painful|ʹ,medical|ҽ
+ѹ V kill|ɱ,police|
+ѹ V restrain|ֹ,politics|
+ѹ N human|,*kill|ɱ,police|
+ֽ N stationery|ľ
+ N attribute|,form|״,&army|,#fight|
+ N place|ط,military|,@fight|
+ N time|ʱ
+ N place|ط,military|,@fight|
+ս N fact|,fight|
+Ъ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,#disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,#disease|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,form|״,&army|,#fight|
+ N attribute|,form|״,&army|,#fight|
+ N attribute|,form|״,&community|,entertainment|,sport|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,form|״,&army|,#fight|
+ʹ V painful|ʹ,#labour|ٲ
+ V die|,military|
+ N community|
+Ӫ N community|,politics|
+ N RainSnow|ѩ
+ N time|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ
+ V alter|ı,StateFin=gas|
+ V cook|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ V alter|ı,StateFin=gas|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,*cook|
+ V refine|
+ˮ N water|ˮ,$refine|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,*cook|
+ N gas|
+ N gas|
+ N machine|
+ N LandVehicle|
+ V rise|
+ ADJ prosper|
+ V prosper|
+ ADJ prosper|
+ V earn|
+ V escape|
+ V endeavour|
+Ǯ V earn|,possession=wealth|Ǯ
+ V escape|
+ V endeavour|
+ V CausePartMove|
+۾ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=eye|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=eye|
+Ϲ N human|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ V attack|,military|
+ V beg|
+ V include|,military|
+ V leave|뿪
+ V levy|,commercial|
+ V include|,military|
+ N stone|ʯ,waste|
+ N fact|,tour|
+ V undergo|,content=CauseToDo|ʹ
+ V levy|,possession=land|½
+ V include|,military|
+ V levy|,military|
+ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=buy|
+ V attack|,military|
+ V defeat|սʤ,military|
+ N human|,*defeat|սʤ,military|
+ V beg|,possession=text|
+ V levy|,means=buy|,commercial|
+ V include|,military|
+ V levy|,commercial|
+ļ V include|,military|
+Ƹ V request|Ҫ,ResultEvent=undergo|,#employ|
+ V beg|
+ V levy|,commercial|
+˰ V collect|,possession=expenditure|,commercial|
+ V attack|,military|
+; N fact|,tour|
+ V beg|,possession=text|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ѯ V ask|
+ V quote|
+ V levy|
+ս V attack|,military|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ V include|,military|
+ V include|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ V HaveContest|
+ V debate|
+ V HaveContest|,scope=power|,politics|
+ V debate|
+ V quarrel|
+ N human|,*quarrel|
+ V debate|
+ V HaveContest|,scope=$FondOf|ϲ
+ V VieFor|,purpose=fulfil|ʵ
+ V obtain|õ
+ V fight|
+ N fact|,debate|
+ V HaveContest|,purpose=obtain|õ
+ֶ V VieFor|
+Դ V HaveContest|,scope=$FondOf|ϲ
+ V seek|ıȡ,possession=glorious|
+ V compete|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,debate|
+ V debate|
+ N debate|
+ V debate|
+ N debate|
+۲ V debate|
+ N human|,*debate|
+ V debate|
+涷 V HaveContest|,scope=beautiful|
+ V seek|ıȡ,possession=glorious|
+ǿö ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,FondOf|ϲ,#fight|
+ V HaveContest|,purpose=obtain|õ
+ȡ V endeavour|
+ȡ V seek|ıȡ
+Ȩ V HaveContest|,scope=power|,politics|
+ V VieFor|
+ȿֺ V VieFor|
+ V HaveContest|
+ V HaveContest|,scope=power|,politics|
+ V HaveContest|,scope=beautiful|
+ N debate|
+ִ V debate|
+ V fear|
+ V fear|
+ V CauseToDo|ʹ
+ V PutInOrder|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ V amend|
+ V damage|
+ V do|
+ V punish|
+ ADV qValue|ֵ,amount|,accurate|
+ V repair|
+ N part|,%publications|鿯,news|,complete|
+ V adjust|,military|
+ V repair|,agricultural|ũ
+ V adjust|
+ V amend|
+ V improve|
+ N human|,*improve|
+ N fact|,amend|,patient=behavior|ֹ
+ V amend|,patient=behavior|ֹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,appearance|,neat|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,spotless|,desired|
+ V PutInOrder|
+ N material|,generic|ͳ
+ V amend|,#electricity|
+ N tool|þ,*amend|,#electricity|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,neat|,desired|
+뻮һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ V MakeUp|ױ
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ N entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,wholeness|ȱ,&entity|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ N fact|,cure|ҽ,#beautify|,medical|ҽ
+ N fact|,cure|ҽ,#beautify|,medical|ҽ
+ V repair|,industrial|
+ѵ V teach|,military|
+ҹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,neat|,desired|
+ V dredge|ͨ,industrial|
+ V repair|
+װ V PutInOrder|
+ V PutInOrder|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ V PutInOrder|
+ V rescue|
+ V rescue|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,correctness|,accurate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,upright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,positive|
+ V adjust|
+ V amend|
+ STRU {Vgoingon|չ}
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ N direction|,north|
+ N document|,original|ԭ
+Դ V improve|
+ N quantity|,rate|,&quantity|
+ N account|,*record|¼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|,desired|
+ N human|,ordinary|
+ֵ N quantity|,amount|,&entity|ʵ
+ N text|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,passed|ϸ,desired|
+ CONJ {time|ʱ}
+ N fact|,defend|,passed|ϸ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N location|λ,middle|
+ N method|,correct|ȷ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,accurate|,#time|ʱ,desired|
+ N electricity|
+ N room|,important|
+ N direction|,east|
+ N shape|,cubic|
+ V kill|ɱ,police|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,contrariness|,positive|,negative|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,square|
+ N shape|,square|
+ N human|,intimate|,female|Ů
+ N room|,important|
+ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|
+滯 N attribute|,property|,average|,&event|¼
+ N army|
+ N method|,correct|ȷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ ADV undergo|
+ N part|,%electricity|
+ʻ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*drive|Ԧ,#aircraft|
+ʻԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*drive|Ԧ,#aircraft|
+Σ V sit|,manner=strict|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|
+ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+˰ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+ N reason|
+ N part|,%house|,bone|
+· N method|,correct|ȷ
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ N location|λ,InFront|ǰ
+ N part|,%physical|,edge|
+ N direction|,south|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+Ƭ N part|,%tool|þ,#TakePicture|
+Ƭ N shows|
+Ʒ N physical|,good|
+ N attribute|,SocialMode|,fair|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ N attribute|,strength|,&AnimalHuman|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ ADV undergo|
+ȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,upright|,desired|
+ȷ N attribute|,property|,correct|ȷ,&event|¼
+˾ N human|,gracious|,desired|
+ V BeSimilar|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+ʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,formal|ʽ
+ N affairs|
+ V treat|Դ
+ N room|,%InstitutePlace|,#perform|
+ N room|,important|
+ͳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|
+ N text|
+ N time|ʱ,afternoon|
+ N {correctness|}
+ N direction|,west|
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ V BeSimilar|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*kill|ɱ,crime|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+Ҫ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,correct|ȷ,desired|
+ N reason|
+ N emotion|,fair|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ N time|ʱ,month|
+ STRU {Vgoingon|չ}
+ڽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,undergo|,Vgoingon|չ
+ڽ V undergo|,Vgoingon|չ
+ְ N attribute|,occupation|ְλ,important|,&human|
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ֵ N quantity|,amount|,&entity|ʵ
+ N location|λ,middle|
+» V satisfied|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ N community|,pure|
+ N affairs|,#country|
+ N affairs|,#country|,politics|
+ N affairs|,#organization|֯
+ N fact|,uprise|,undesired|ݬ,politics|
+ N regulation|
+ N community|,politics|
+ N human|,enemy|
+ N affairs|,#country|,politics|,police|
+ N institution|,#place|ط,politics|
+ N army|
+ N affairs|,politics|
+ N result|,#succeed|ɹ,politics|
+ N regulation|
+ N thought|ͷ,politics|
+ N affairs|,#country|,politics|,religion|ڽ
+ N community|,#affairs|,#country|,politics|
+Ԫ N human|,politics|,HighRank|ߵ
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,#politics|,&country|
+ N human|,politics|
+ N regulation|,#country|,politics|
+ N text|,*estimate|,#affairs|,#country|,politics|
+ N affairs|,#country|,politics|,industrial|
+ N fact|,mix|,politics|,industrial|
+ֿ N fact|,separate|,politics|,industrial|
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,#politics|,&country|
+Ȩ N attribute|,power|,politics|,&country|
+ N fact|,check|,#behavior|ֹ,#politics|
+ N affairs|,#country|,politics|
+̳ N community|,#affairs|,#country|,politics|
+ N attribute|,kind|,politics|,&organization|֯,#country|
+ί N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,politics|
+ N affairs|,#country|,politics|
+Э N institution|,#country|,politics|,(China|й)
+ N affairs|,#country|,politics|
+β N institution|,politics|
+η N human|,crime|,politics|,undesired|ݬ
+μ N human|,politics|
+ξ N institution|,#country|,politics|,(China|й)
+ξ N attribute|,circumstances|,#politics|,&country|
+Э̻ N institution|,#country|,politics|,(China|й)
+ N attribute|,circumstances|,#politics|,&country|
+֡ CLAS NounUnit|,&image|ͼ
+֡ CLAS NounUnit|,&image|ͼ,#shows|
+֢ N disease|
+֢ N phenomena|,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+֢ N cause|ԭ,important|
+֢ N part|,%entity|ʵ,important|
+֢״ N phenomena|,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+֣ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+֣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+֣ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+֣ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+֤ N document|,*prove|֤
+֤ N information|Ϣ,*prove|֤
+֤ V prove|֤
+֤ N information|Ϣ,*prove|֤,#police|
+֤ N document|,*prove|֤
+֤ N information|Ϣ,*prove|֤,#police|
+֤ N document|,*prove|֤
+֤ V prove|֤
+֤ N document|,*prove|֤
+֤ȯ N coupon|Ʊ֤,commercial|
+֤ȯ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|,@buy|,@sell|,#coupon|Ʊ֤
+֤ȯг N InstitutePlace|,commercial|,@buy|,@sell|,#coupon|Ʊ֤
+֤ N human|,*prove|֤,#police|
+֤ʵ V prove|֤
+֤ N document|,*prove|֤
+֤ N physical|,*prove|֤,#police|
+֤ N information|Ϣ,*prove|֤,#police|
+֤ V prove|֤
+֤ N mark|־
+֥ N character|,(China|й)
+֥Ӹ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(US|)
+֥ N FlowerGrass|
+֥ N crop|ׯ,?material|
+֥ N material|,?edible|ʳ,#crop|ׯ
+֥ N human|,official|
+֥齴 N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+̶֥ N human|,official|
+֥ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,liquid|Һ
+֦ CLAS NounUnit|,&plant|ֲ,&PenInk|ī
+֦ N part|,%plant|ֲ,limb|֫
+֦Ҷï ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+֦ N part|,%plant|ֲ,limb|֫
+֦ V connect|,agricultural|ũ
+֦ N part|,%event|¼,secondary|,aspect|
+֦ V separate|
+֦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+֦ N part|,%plant|ֲ,limb|֫
+֦ͷ N location|λ,space|ռ,%tree|
+֦Ҷ N part|,%event|¼,secondary|,aspect|
+֦Ҷ N part|,%plant|ֲ,limb|֫
+֦ N part|,%plant|ֲ,limb|֫
+֦ N part|,%plant|ֲ,limb|֫
+֧ V CausePartMove|
+֧ CLAS NounUnit|,&entity|ʵ
+֧ V PropUp|֧
+֧ V SupportWeight|ס
+֧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,branch|֧
+֧ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+֧ V collect|,commercial|
+֧ V dispatch|Dz
+֧ V endure|
+֧ N community|,branch|֧,politics|
+֧ N human|,official|,politics|
+֧ V PropUp|֧
+֧ V ProvideFor|
+֧ V endure|
+֧ŵ N part|,%entity|ʵ,important|
+֧ V PropUp|֧
+֧ V endorse|ӵ
+֧ V endure|
+֧ N human|,*endorse|ӵ
+֧ V pay|,commercial|
+֧ N part|,%space|ռ,dot|
+֧ N part|,%army|,military|
+֧ӳ N human|,official|
+֧ V pay|,commercial|
+֧ N tool|þ,*PropUp|֧
+֧ V separate|
+֧ N InstitutePlace|,branch|֧,@post|ʼ
+֧ V dispatch|Dz
+֧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+֧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ
+֧ N part|,%event|¼,secondary|,aspect|
+֧ N waters|ˮ,linear|,secondary|
+֧ V control|
+֧ V issue|ַ
+֧λ N attribute|,power|,strong|ǿ,&entity|ʵ
+֧Ʊ N bill|Ʊ,#wealth|Ǯ
+֧ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+֧ N disease|
+֧ N disease|
+֧ǰ V help|,patient=army|,military|
+֧ N facilities|ʩ,linear|,#liquid|Һ,#crop|ׯ,secondary|
+֧ȡ V collect|,commercial|
+֧ʹ V dispatch|Dz
+֧ N human|,official|,politics|
+֧ V HideTruth|
+֧ N facilities|ʩ,linear|
+֧ N InstitutePlace|,branch|֧,@SetAside|,@TakeBack|ȡ,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|
+֧Ӧ V TakeCare|
+֧Ӧ V handle|
+֧Ԯ V help|
+֧Ԯ N part|,%army|
+֧Ԯ˾ N part|,%army|
+֧Ԯϵͳ N software|
+֧ N human|,desired|,important|,able|
+֧ N part|,%building|,bone|
+֧ N tool|þ
+֧ N tool|þ,*cook|
+֧ V dispatch|Dz
+֨ V MakeSound|
+֨ ECHO sound|
+֨ N sound|
+֨ ECHO sound|
+֨ N sound|
+֨ ECHO sound|
+֨ V MakeSound|
+֨ V speak|˵
+֩ N InsectWorm|
+֩ N tool|þ,#InsectWorm|
+֪ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+֪ V know|֪
+֪ V manage|
+֪ V tell|
+֪ V know|֪
+֪ V understand|
+֪ V know|֪
+֪ V disobey|Υ,content=law|ɷ,time=know|֪,#law|ɷ
+֪ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,past|
+֪ V tell|
+֪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+֪ N human|,friend|,intimate|
+֪֪ V know|֪
+֪ N human|,friend|,intimate|
+֪ N mental|
+֪֪ V like|ϧ,manner=gentle|
+֪ V like|ϧ,manner=gentle|
+֪ N InsectWorm|
+֪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+֪ N attribute|,reputation|,&human|,&organization|֯
+֪ʿ N human|,glorious|
+֪Ѷ V GoForward|ǰ,time=know|֪,#hardship|
+֪Ѷ V GoForward|ǰ,time=know|֪,#hardship|
+֪Ѷ V GoBackward|,time=know|֪,#hardship|
+֪ N human|,*cease|ͣ,#study|ѧ,*leave|뿪,#education|
+֪ V know|֪
+֪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,^biased|ƫ,desired|
+֪ N human|,*know|֪,#event|¼
+֪ N human|,*know|֪
+֪Ȥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+֪ʶ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+֪ʶȨ N rights|Ȩ,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+֪ʶ N human|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+֪ʶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,undergo|,#teach|
+֪ʶ N community|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+֪ʶ N affairs|
+֪ʶ N software|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+֪ʶ N human|,able|
+֪ʶܼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,BaseOn|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+֪ʶ N attribute|,range|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,&human|
+֪ʶ N human|,*cease|ͣ,#study|ѧ,*leave|뿪,#education|
+֪ʶˮ N attribute|,wisdom|ǻ,&human|
+֪ʶ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+֪ N human|,official|,past|
+֪ N software|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+֪Ϥ V know|֪
+֪ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,past|
+֪ V know|֪
+֪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+֪ N human|,friend|,intimate|
+֪ V tell|
+֪ V satisfied|
+֫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,limb|֫
+֫ V separate|
+֫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+֫ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,limb|֫
+֬ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+֬ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ
+֬ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+֬ N chemical|ѧ
+֬ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ
+֬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,fat|
+֬ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+֬ N wealth|Ǯ
+֬ N crop|ׯ,?material|
+֬ N material|,?edible|ʳ,#crop|ׯ
+֬ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+֭ N liquid|Һ
+֭ˮ N liquid|Һ
+֭Һ N liquid|Һ
+֮ STRU {DeChinese|}
+֮ PRON {ThirdPerson|,mass|}
+֮ PRON {it|,mass|}
+֮ PRON {it|}
+֮ N aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,future|
+֮ N location|λ,hind|
+֮ ADV {supplement|ݽ}
+֮ STRU {range}
+֮ǰ N location|λ,InFront|ǰ
+֮ǰ N time|ʱ,past|
+֮ N location|λ,hind|
+֮ PREP {besides}
+֮ PREP {except}
+֮ ADV aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+֮ ADV aValue|ֵ,location|λ,beneath|
+֮ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,&human|
+֮ N location|λ,beneath|
+֮ N {condition|}
+֮· N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+֯ V weave|
+֯ V repair|
+֯ V weave|
+֯ N machine|,*weave|,industrial|
+֯ N machine|,*weave|,industrial|
+֯ N material|,?clothing|
+֯Ů N celestial|
+֯Ů N humanized|,female|Ů
+֯Ů N human|,*weave|,industrial|,female|Ů
+֯Ʒ N material|,$weave|
+֯ N material|,$weave|
+֯ V weave|,industrial|
+ְ N affairs|,#earn|,#alive|,#occupation|ְλ
+ְ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,#occupation|ְλ,&human|
+ְ N attribute|,occupation|ְλ,&human|
+ְ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ְ N attribute|,performance|,&organization|֯,&human|
+ְȨ N attribute|,power|,#occupation|ְλ,&human|
+ְ N affairs|,#earn|,#alive|,#occupation|ְλ
+ְ N affairs|,#earn|,#alive|,#occupation|ְλ
+ְλ N attribute|,occupation|ְλ,&human|
+ְ N affairs|,#earn|,#alive|,#occupation|ְλ
+ְҵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#occupation|ְλ,formal|ʽ
+ְҵ N affairs|,#earn|,#alive|,#occupation|ְλ
+ְҵ N disease|
+ְҵȭ N human|,sport|
+ְҵȭ N fact|,sport|
+ְҵ⽻ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,diplomatic|⽻
+ְԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ְ N duty|,#occupation|ְλ
+ְ V manage|
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ֱ ADV aValue|ֵ,direction|,straight|ֱ
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,straight|ֱ
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,upright|
+ֱ N part|,%character|
+ֱ V straighten|ֱ
+ֱ V LeaveFor|ǰ
+ֱ V disseminate|
+ֱ V associate|,means=turn|Ťת,#tool|þ
+ֱ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ֱ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ֱ N disease|
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ֱ N human|,forthright|ˬ
+ֱ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^CeaseSelfMove|ֹ
+ֱ PREP {LocationFin}
+ֱ PREP {TimeFin}
+ֱ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ֱ V arrive|
+ֱ N part|,%plant|ֲ,base|
+ֱ N material|,?clothing|
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,sense|о
+ֱ V fly|
+ֱ N shape|,angular|
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ
+ֱ˵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ֱ N attribute|,distance|,&image|ͼ,&physical|,round|Բ
+ֱ N experience|,perception|֪
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,upright|
+ֱ V stand|վ
+ֱ N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,#electricity|
+ֱ N electricity|
+ֱ N electricity|
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ֱ V win|ʤ,sport|
+ֱü V ExpressAnger|ʾŭ
+ֱü V stupefied|ľȻ
+ֱɻ N aircraft|
+ֱ N aircraft|
+ֱ V BeMember|
+ֱˬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ֱͦͦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,upright|
+ֱͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ֱͨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^CeaseSelfMove|ֹ
+ֱϵ N human|,family|,intimate|
+ֱϽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ֱϽ N place|ط,city|
+ֱ N shape|,linear|
+ֱ۶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ֱ N human|,forthright|ˬ
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ֱ V speak|˵,manner=forthright|ˬ
+ֱԲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ֱԲ V speak|˵,manner=forthright|ˬ
+ֱ V translate|
+ֱ PREP {LocationFin}
+ֱ PREP {TimeFin}
+ֲ V establish|
+ֲ V planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ֲ N plant|ֲ,generic|ͳ
+ֲ V put|
+ֲƤ V cure|ҽ
+ֲ V planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ֲ V planting|ֲ,patient=tree|,agricultural|ũ
+ֲ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ֲ V planting|ֲ,patient=tree|,agricultural|ũ
+ֲ N plant|ֲ,generic|ͳ
+ֲ걾 ADJ InstitutePlace|,@display|չʾ,#plant|ֲ
+ֲ N plant|ֲ,generic|ͳ
+ֲ N human|
+ֲ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ֲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,#plant|ֲ
+ֲѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#plant|ֲ
+ֲ N material|,liquid|Һ
+ֲ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,public|,@WhileAway|,#plant|ֲ
+ֲ N plant|ֲ,generic|ͳ
+ֳ V GiveBirth|
+ֳ V establish|,patient=place|ط,purpose=reside|ס
+ֳ N place|ط,$establish|,#reside|ס
+ֳع ADJ place|ط,country|,$establish|,#reside|ס
+ֳ ADJ human|,#reside|ס
+ֳ ADJ place|ط,country|,*establish|,#reside|ס
+ֳ N human|,*establish|,#place|ط,#reside|ס
+ֳ N system|ƶ,#establish|,#place|ط,politics|
+ֳ N human|,*establish|,#place|ط,#reside|ס
+ִ V catch|ס
+ִ V conduct|ʵʩ
+ִ V hold|
+ִ V keep|
+ִ V manage|
+ִ V write|д
+ִ N human|,*write|д
+ִ V engage|,content=teach|,guide|,ResultEvent=perform|,entertainment|
+ִ V conduct|ʵʩ,content=law|ɷ,police|
+ִ V conduct|ʵʩ,content=law|ɷ,police|
+ִ V disobey|Υ,content=law|ɷ,crime|
+ִɽ V conduct|ʵʩ,content=law|ɷ,police|
+ִ V engage|,content=teach|,education|
+ִҵ֤ N human|
+ִԲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+ִ V engage|,content=bear|е
+ִ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ִί N human|,official|
+ִί N institution|
+ִ V conduct|ʵʩ
+ִй N human|,official|,*conduct|ʵʩ
+ִ N human|,*conduct|ʵʩ
+ִϯ N human|,official|
+ִҵ V engage|,content=commercial|
+ִ V willing|Ը
+ִ N human|,friend|,intimate|,desired|
+ִ V manage|
+ִ N document|,*ExpressAgreement|ʾͬ
+ִ V obtain|õ,possession=power|,politics|
+ִ N community|,*obtain|õ,#power|
+ִ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ִ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ִ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+ִ V condole|°
+ֵ N attribute|,value|ֵ,&entity|ʵ
+ֵ V bear|е
+ֵ N quantity|,amount|,&entity|ʵ
+ֵ V undergo|
+ֵ V worth|ֵ
+ֵ V engage|,content=bear|е
+ֵ N room|,@engage|,#bear|е
+ֵԱ N human|,*engage|,#bear|е
+ֵ V worth|ֵ
+ֵó ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$praise|佱
+ֵó ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$respect|
+ֵü ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$ThinkOf|˼
+ֵĽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$admire|Ľ
+ֵע ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$PayAttention|ע
+ֵǮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|
+ֵ V engage|,content=bear|е
+ֵ V engage|,content=bear|е
+ֵ V engage|,content=bear|е,military|
+ֶ N human|,family|,male|
+ֶ N human|,family|,male|
+ֶŮ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ֶ N human|,family|,male|
+ֶ N human|,family|,male|
+ַ N location|λ
+ָ V AimAt|
+ָ V depend|
+ָ V mean|ָ
+ָ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hand|
+ָ N quantity|,amount|,&result|,$expect|
+ָ ADV {comment|}
+ָ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ָ V express|ʾ
+ָ V mean|ָ
+ָ V order|
+ָԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ָ V teach|
+ָԽ V tell|,content=direction|
+ָ V CauseToBe|ʹ֮
+ָ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$CauseToBe|ʹ֮
+ָ N human|,*CauseToBe|ʹ֮
+ָ V AimAt|
+ָ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,$PutOn|
+ָ N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ָ N human|,official|
+ָ V order|
+ָӰ N tool|þ,*order|
+ָӲ N part|,%army|,*order|
+ָӹ N human|,*order|,military|
+ָӽṹ N part|,%army|
+ָ N part|,%army|
+ָ N part|,%army|,*order|
+ָ N part|,%army|,*order|
+ָԱ N human|,*order|,military|
+ָ N part|,%army|,*order|
+ָ N part|,%army|,*order|
+ָ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ,manner=tactful|
+ָ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hand|
+ָ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ
+ָ N FlowerGrass|
+ָʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*MakeUp|ױ
+ָ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ
+ָ N part|,%human|,#hand|
+ָ V teach|
+ָ V accuse|ظ,police|
+ָ V order|
+ָ N text|,*order|
+ָ N attribute|,property|,order|
+ָ· V guide|,ResultEvent=SelfMove|
+ָ· N mark|־,#route|·
+ָ V teach|
+ָ V mention|ἰ
+ָ V mention|ἰ
+ָ N readings|,*teach|
+ָ N tool|þ,*measure|,#direction|
+ָ V CauseToBe|ʹ֮
+ָԽ V tell|,content=direction|
+ָտɴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ָɣ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ,manner=tactful|
+ָʹ V incite|ָʹ
+ָʾ V mean|ָ
+ָʾ V order|
+ָʾ V teach|
+ָʾ N tool|þ,*mean|ָ
+ָʾ N tool|þ,*mean|ָ
+ָֻ V CausePartMove|
+ָֻ V teach|
+ָֻ V CausePartMove|
+ָֻ V teach|
+ָ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ָͷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ָͷ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hand|
+ָ V expect|
+ָ N trace|
+ָ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,facing|
+ָҪ N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+ָ V guide|
+ָӡ N trace|
+ָ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ָ N human|,ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ָժ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ָսԱ N human|,military|,mass|
+ָ N part|,%implement|
+ָ N regulation|
+ָ V estimate|
+ֹ V CeaseSelfMove|ֹ
+ֹ PREP {TimeFin}
+ֹס ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$destroy|
+ֹ V CeaseSelfMove|ֹ
+ֹ V TurnOff|ֹ
+ֹ N attribute|,boundary|,&entity|ʵ
+ֹ V restrain|ֹ,ResultEvent=pant|,medical|ҽ
+ֹ V restrain|ֹ,ResultEvent=HungryThirsty|
+ֹˮ N water|ˮ
+ֹʹ V restrain|ֹ,ResultEvent=painful|ʹ,medical|ҽ
+ֹϢ V end|ս
+ֹѪ V restrain|ֹ,ResultEvent=bleed|Ѫ,medical|ҽ
+ֹѪ N tool|þ,*restrain|ֹ,#bleed|Ѫ,medical|ҽ
+ֹѪ N tool|þ,*restrain|ֹ,#bleed|Ѫ,medical|ҽ
+ֹѪҩ N medicine|ҩ,*restrain|ֹ,#bleed|Ѫ
+ֺ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ֺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ֺ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ֻ CLAS NounUnit|,&entity|ʵ
+ֻ CLAS NounUnit|,&physical|
+ֻ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ֻ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ֻ ADV {modality|}
+ֻ AUX {modality|}
+ֻ ADV {modality|}
+ֻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰,undesired|ݬ
+ֻ V manage|,manner=only|
+ֻ ADV {modality|}
+ֻ ADV {modality|}
+ֻ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,single|
+ֻ COOR {but|}
+ֻ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ֻ COOR {emphasis|ǿ}
+ֻ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ֻҪ CONJ {condition|}
+ֻ CONJ {condition|}
+ֻϦ V VieFor|
+ּ N document|,royal|
+ּ N purpose|Ŀ
+ּȤ N purpose|Ŀ
+ּҪ N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+ּ N text|,*order|
+ּ ADV {topic}
+ֽ CLAS NounUnit|,&document|
+ֽ N paper|ֽ,@write|д
+ֽ N tool|þ,*print|ӡˢ
+ֽס V exposure|¶
+ֽ N money|,material=paper|ֽ
+ֽ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,#paper|ֽ,factory|,industrial|
+ֽ N tool|þ,@record|¼
+ֽ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ֽ N material|,?paper|ֽ
+ֽ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ֽϻ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ֽ N tool|þ,*gamble|IJ,*recreation|
+ֽƬ N paper|ֽ,small|С
+ֽǮ N tool|þ,#die|
+̸ֽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,empty|,undesired|ݬ
+ֽ N paper|ֽ,small|С
+ֽ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ֽм N paper|ֽ,small|С
+ֽ N tool|þ,*print|ӡˢ
+ֽ N addictive|Ⱥ
+ֽ N InsectWorm|
+ֽ N paper|ֽ,@write|д
+ֽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,extravagant|,undesired|ݬ
+ֽ N tool|þ,*WhileAway|
+־ N account|
+־ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+־ N mark|־
+־ V condole|°
+־ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+־ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,desired|
+־Ȥ N emotion|,FondOf|ϲ
+־ʿ N human|,desired|
+־ʿ N human|,desired|,faithful|
+־ͬ V fit|ʺ
+־ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+־Ը N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+־Ը V willing|Ը
+־Ը N human|,*fight|,military|
+־Ը N army|
+־Ը N human|,willing|Ը
+־ڱص V willing|Ը,content=defeat|սʤ
+ֿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ֿ V love|
+ֿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ֿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ֿ N human|,friend|,intimate|,desired|
+ V throw|
+ǹ N fact|,sport|
+Ͳ N weapon|
+ N fact|,sport|
+ PREP {LocationFin}
+ PREP {StateFin}
+ PREP {TimeFin}
+ N treasure|䱦
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ N human|,friend|,intimate|,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ N expression|
+ N human|,family|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,nonextensive|
+ N human|,friend|,intimate|,desired|
+ PREP {concerning}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ
+ V CauseAffect|Ⱦ
+ V ResultIn|
+ V express|ʾ
+ V send|
+ V spend|
+° V express|ʾ,content=sorrowful|
+° ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,CauseAffect|Ⱦ,#disease|
+² V ResultIn|,result=ill|̬
+² N bacteria|
+² V ResultIn|,result=disable|м
+´ V speak|˵
+´ V speak|˵
+µ V send|,patient=information|Ϣ
+¸ V become|Ϊ,isa=rich|
+¹ N community|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+º V write|д
+º V congratulate|ף
+¾ V salute|¾
+ V engage|
+ V engage|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,concise|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,dense|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,kill|ɱ
+Ǹ V apologize|Ǹ
+ʹ V ResultIn|
+ V ResultIn|,result=die|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,kill|ɱ
+л V thank|л
+ V write|д
+ V SayHello|ʺ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,CauseToDo|ʹ,#dizzy|
+ V buy|,commercial|
+ V establish|
+ V put|
+ð V buy|,commercial|
+ñ V buy|,commercial|
+ñ V debate|
+÷ V put|
+û V replace|
+ V IllTreat|
+ V stay|ͣ
+ V put|
+֮ V IllTreat|
+֮ V IllTreat|
+֮ V IllTreat|
+֮Ժ V IllTreat|
+ N tool|þ,mark|־
+ V stand|վ
+ V forming|γ
+ V produce|
+ V restrain|ֹ
+ N system|ƶ
+ư V print|ӡˢ
+Ʊ V produce|
+Ʊ V forming|γ,PatientProduct=document|
+Ʋ V punish|
+Ƴ V produce|,Vachieve|
+ƳƷ N artifact|˹
+Ƶ V control|
+ƶ V forming|γ
+ƶ V forming|γ
+ƶ V TurnOff|ֹ
+ƶ N part|,%implement|,*TurnOff|ֹ
+ƶ N part|,%implement|,*TurnOff|ֹ
+ƶ N law|ɷ
+ƶ N system|ƶ
+ƶȻ N attribute|,property|,system|ƶ
+ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+Ʒ V control|
+Ʒ N clothing|
+Ʒ V control|
+Ƹߵ N location|λ,military|
+Ƹ V produce|,PatientProduct=material|
+Ƹﳧ V InstitutePlace|,@produce|,#material|
+ƺȨ N attribute|,power|,control|,#waters|ˮ,&country|,&army|
+ƺ V restrain|ֹ
+ƺ N attribute|,strength|,&human|,&organization|֯
+Ƽ N medicine|ҩ
+Ƽ N part|,%artifact|˹,#produce|,industrial|
+ƿȨ N attribute|,power|,control|,#sky|,&country|,&army|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,cool|
+ V cool|
+ N tool|þ,*cool|
+Ƭ N human|,produce|,#shows|
+Ƭ V produce|,PatientProduct=shows|
+Ƭ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,#shows|
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,generic|ͳ
+ʤ V defeat|սʤ
+ʽ N attribute|,kind|,tool|þ
+ V produce|,sell|
+ V refine|,patient=material|,industrial|
+ͼ V draw|,industrial|
+ V MakeAppointment|Լ,content=law|ɷ
+ҩ V produce|,PatientProduct=medicine|ҩ
+ҩ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,#medicine|ҩ,factory|,industrial|
+Լ V restrain|ֹ
+ V create|
+ V produce|
+쳧 N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,factory|,industrial|
+ҵ N affairs|,*produce|,industrial|
+ N human|,*produce|
+ֹ V obstruct|ֹ
+ֹ V restrain|ֹ
+ֹΣ N attribute|,ability|,#restrain|ֹ,dangerous|Σ
+ V produce|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ N attribute|,wisdom|ǻ,&AnimalHuman|
+dz N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ
+Ƕ N human|,wise|,desired|
+ǻ N attribute|,wisdom|ǻ,&AnimalHuman|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Chile|)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(South America|)
+ N human|,(Chile|)
+ N attribute|,wisdom|ǻ,&AnimalHuman|
+ N human|,able|,wise|,desired|
+ N human|,able|,wise|,desired|
+ N community|,able|,wise|,desired|
+ N attribute|,wisdom|ǻ,&AnimalHuman|
+ܻ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=wise|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ž ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ȡ V seek|ıȡ,manner=dexterous|
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,wisdom|ǻ,&human|
+˫ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ N affairs|,education|,#wise|
+ N human|,wise|,desired|
+ N attribute|,sequence|,&entity|ʵ
+ N time|ʱ,year|
+ N attribute|,sequence|,&entity|ʵ
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,young|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,young|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,young|
+ N attribute|,property|,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,quality|,&entity|ʵ
+ N entity|ʵ,generic|ͳ
+ V interrogate|
+ V pawn|Ѻ
+ʱ N fact|,change|,#quality|
+ʴμ۸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,price|۸,expensive|,undesired|ݬ
+ʵ N attribute|,property|,&physical|
+ʵ N attribute|,quality|,&physical|
+ʵ N part|,%physical|
+ʼ V check|,content=quality|
+ N attribute|,quality|,&entity|ʵ
+ N attribute|,standard|,&quality|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,thrifty|,desired|
+ V interrogate|
+ѯ V ask|
+ V ask|
+ V ask|
+ż ADJ aValue|ֵ,price|۸,cheap|,desired|
+ N part|,%physical|
+ V cook|
+ֿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ N disease|
+̴ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lazy|,undesired|ݬ
+ͺ V detain|ס,patient=water|ˮ
+ͺ V inferior|
+ V suffer|,content=detain|ס
+ɽ N expenditure|,$punish|,#police|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,$sell|,commercial|,undesired|ݬ
+ V control|
+ V cure|ҽ
+ V manage|
+ V punish|
+ V research|о
+ΰ N attribute|,circumstances|,safe|,politics|,&organization|֯
+α V cure|ҽ
+α V handle|
+α V cure|ҽ
+α V handle|
+β V cure|ҽ,content=disease|,medical|ҽ
+β V cure|ҽ
+γ V manage|,patient=factory|,industrial|
+ι V manage|,patient=country|,politics|
+λ V control|,patient=waters|ˮ
+λ V control|,patient=waters|ˮ
+ξ V manage|,patient=army|
+ V control|
+ V manage|,politics|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,cure|ҽ
+ V cure|ҽ
+ɥ V arrange|
+ɳ V control|,patient=stone|ʯ
+ɽ V improve|,patient=land|½
+ N time|ʱ,flourishing|,desired|
+ˮ V control|,patient=waters|ˮ
+ѧ V research|о,content=knowledge|֪ʶ
+ V resume|ָ,medical|ҽ
+ N quantity|,rate|,#BeRecovered|ԭ,&cure|ҽ
+װ V prepare|
+ V punish|,police|
+ϰ V suffer|,content=obstruct|ֹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,stuffy|,undesired|ݬ
+Ϣ V obstruct|ֹ
+Ϣ V pant|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,average|
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ N location|λ,middle|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V suffer|
+ N time|ʱ,now|
+а N affairs|,#duty|,#sequence|
+а N part|,%InstitutePlace|,education|
+б V cheat|ƭ
+б˽ V cheat|ƭ
+б V win|ʤ,commercial|
+в N electricity|
+в ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,average|
+в N part|,%entity|ʵ,middle|
+в N edible|ʳ,(China|й)
+вҩ N medicine|ҩ
+в N plans|滮,ordinary|
+в N aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,average|
+в N community|
+г N part|,%facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@compete|,sport|
+г ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,average|
+г N fact|,exercise|,sport|
+г ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+гҩ N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+г ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,medium|
+е V suffer|,content=shoot|
+е ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,average|
+е N crop|ׯ
+е ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,average|
+е ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,medium|
+е N attribute|,height|߶,medium|,&human|
+е͵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,LowRank|͵
+е N location|λ,dot|,middle|
+ж ADJ place|ط,ProperName|ר
+ж N disease|,#poison|
+ж V ill|̬,#poison|
+ж ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,average|
+ж N part|,%entity|ʵ,middle|
+ж V cease|ͣ
+ж N part|,%army|
+ж N part|,%institution|
+жӳ N human|,official|,military|
+ж N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*listen|
+ж N disease|
+з N institution|,police|,@judge|ö,(China|й)
+з N fact|,eat|,afternoon|
+з N part|,%entity|ʵ,(China|й)
+з N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+зǹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Africa|)
+зǽڹͬ巨 N money|,(Togo|)
+зǽں N money|,(Cameroon|¡)
+зǽں N money|,(Central Africa|з)
+зǽں N money|,(Chad|է)
+зǽں N money|,(Congo|չ)
+зǽں N money|,(Equatorial Guinea|)
+зǽں N money|,(Gabon|)
+з N attribute|,style|,hair|ë
+з V separate|
+з N human|,*exercise|,(football|)
+з N disease|
+з V paralyse|̱
+з N time|ʱ,season|,hot|
+и ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ
+й N community|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+й N institution|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+йɼίԱ N institution|,ProperName|ר,*check|,#regulation|
+й N time|ʱ,past|
+й ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+й N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+йƷ N InstitutePlace|,@display|չʾ,commercial|
+йũ N army|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+йѧЭ N community|,knowledge|֪ʶ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+йѧԺ N InstitutePlace|,*research|о,#knowledge|֪ʶ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+йٽ N community|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+йũ N community|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+йž N army|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+й N InstitutePlace|,@SetAside|,@TakeBack|ȡ,@lend|,#wealth|Ǯ,commercial|,(China|й)
+йѧԺ N InstitutePlace|,*research|о,#knowledge|֪ʶ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+йͬ˻ N community|,politics|,(China|й)
+й N InstitutePlace|,@SetAside|,@TakeBack|ȡ,@lend|,#wealth|Ǯ,ProperName|ר,commercial|,(China|й)
+й¹ N community|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+й ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$produce|,#(China|й)
+йƤ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+к V damage|,industrial|
+кͼ N chemical|ѧ
+л N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+л N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+л N time|ʱ,ProperName|ר,past|
+л N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+лȫܹ N community|,#employee|Ա,main|,(China|й)
+л N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+л N InstitutePlace|,publish|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+м ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,average|
+мԺ N institution|,police|,@judge|ö
+м V disseminate|
+м N tool|þ,linear|,@transmit|
+мί N institution|,*check|,#regulation|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+м ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+м N human|,desired|,important|,able|
+м N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+м N part|,%thing|,heart|
+м N part|,%thing|,heart|
+м ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,average|
+м N location|λ,middle|
+м N human|,commercial|
+м N human|,commercial|
+мϢ N time|ʱ,@rest|Ϣ,#discuss|
+м N language|
+н N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+н V win|ʤ
+н N physical|,*connect|
+н N human|,commercial|
+п ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+пԺ N InstitutePlace|,*research|о,#knowledge|֪ʶ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+п ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,accurate|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ,#BeIndependent|
+ N institution|,*associate|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N part|,%waters|ˮ
+ N human|,desired|,important|,able|
+· ADV aValue|ֵ,location|λ,middle|
+· ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,average|
+ V decline|˥
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+Ϻ N house|,institution|,#politics|,(China|й)
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,#adult|
+ N time|ʱ,#adult|
+ N human|,adult|
+ũ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ
+ŷ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,middle|,(Europe|ŷ)
+ƪС˵ N readings|
+Ƶ N attribute|,frequency|Ƶ
+ N part|,process|,middle|
+ N human|,adult|
+ N institution|,#police|,ProperName|ר,politics|,(US|)
+ N time|ʱ,autumn|
+ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ N human|,commercial|
+ɽѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|,ProperName|ר
+ɽ N human|,undesired|ݬ,treacherous|
+ɽװ N clothing|
+ V slander|̰
+ N time|ʱ,past|
+ʦ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ʽ N attribute|,style|,&entity|ʵ,(China|й)
+ʿ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,military|
+ N time|ʱ,past|
+ N part|,%thing|,heart|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ N disease|
+ V fever|
+ N human|,official|,past|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+ N location|λ,%sky|
+ N place|ط
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,good|,desired|
+; N location|λ,middle|
+;ͣ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,^CeaseSelfMove|ֹ
+ N place|ط,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ
+ N part|,%physical|
+ξ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ N human|,*exercise|,(football|)
+ N language|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N time|ʱ,afternoon|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ
+ N image|ͼ,linear|
+ N location|λ,%facilities|ʩ,middle|,linear|,sport|
+ N time|ʱ,night|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С
+Сҵ N InstitutePlace|,small|С,commercial|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,small|С
+Сѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+У N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+У N human|,official|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ N location|λ,middle|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+ĵ N location|λ,middle|,dot|
+˼ N part|,%information|Ϣ,heart|
+ N location|λ,middle|,linear|
+ N InstitutePlace|,ProperName|ר,commercial|,(China|й)
+ N institution|,commercial|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,medium|
+ҵ N InstitutePlace|,medium|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,#chemical|ѧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,#language|
+ N institution|,*disseminate|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ѡ V win|ʤ
+ѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ѧ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|
+Ѯ N time|ʱ,TenDays|Ѯ
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Asia|)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+ N location|λ,middle|
+ N part|,%institution|,important|
+봦 N part|,%computer|,heart|
+뼯Ȩ N attribute|,power|,&human|,&organization|֯,&information|Ϣ
+ί N institution|,military|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+鱨 N institution|,#police|,ProperName|ר,politics|,(US|)
+ίԱ N human|,official|,politics|
+о N InstitutePlace|,*research|о,#knowledge|֪ʶ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N InstitutePlace|,@SetAside|,@TakeBack|ȡ,@lend|,#wealth|Ǯ,ProperName|ר,commercial|
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ҩ N material|,?medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+Ҷ N time|ʱ,middle|
+ҽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ,(China|й)
+ҽ N knowledge|֪ʶ,medical|ҽ,(China|й)
+ҽʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ,(China|й)
+ҽҽԺ N InstitutePlace|,@cure|ҽ,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ҽԺ N InstitutePlace|,@cure|ҽ,#disease|,medical|ҽ
+ V satisfied|
+ӹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,average|
+ӹ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ӹ N readings|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+ N part|,%waters|ˮ
+ N RainSnow|ѩ
+Ԫ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ԭ N place|ط,(China|й)
+ N CloudMist|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ָ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hand|
+ֹ V cease|ͣ
+ N place|ط,(China|й)
+ר N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ת V alter|ı,patient=vehicle|ͨ
+ת N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,commercial|
+װ N clothing|,(China|й)
+ N part|,%physical|
+ӵ N weapon|
+ V cease|ͣ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ҳ N human|,official|,faithful|
+ҳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+Ҹ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+Һ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+һ N human|,*die|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ N human|,faithful|,desired|
+ N human|,*die|,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,loyal|Т,desired|
+˳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+Т N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,loyal|Т,&human|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,loyal|Т,&human|
+Ĺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ V loyal|Т
+ְ V loyal|Т
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+겻 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N tool|þ,#sound|
+ N tool|þ,*tell|,#time|ʱ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+Ӱ V like|ϧ
+ӱ N tool|þ,*tell|,#time|ʱ
+ӱ N InstitutePlace|,@buy|,*sell|,*repair|,tool|þ,#time|ʱ
+ӱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*repair|,tool|þ,#time|ʱ
+ӵ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ
+ӵ㹤 N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+¥ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ
+ V love|
+ʯ N stone|ʯ,?material|
+ N sound|
+ͷ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ
+ N emotion|
+Գ N text|,#emotion|
+ N emotion|
+ N emotion|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V die|
+ V finish|
+ N time|ʱ,ending|ĩ
+ ADV {comment|}
+ճ V finish|,entertainment|,sport|
+յ N location|λ,ending|ĩ
+յ N location|λ,ending|ĩ,sport|
+յ N location|λ,ending|ĩ,sport|
+յվ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#LandVehicle|,ending|ĩ
+ն N part|,computer|
+ն˻ N part|,computer|
+նû N human|,*use|
+չ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+չ ADV {comment|}
+ռ N process|,ending|ĩ
+ս AUX {comment|}
+ս V finish|
+ս N process|,ending|ĩ
+վ ADV {comment|}
+վ ADV {comment|}
+վ N process|,ending|ĩ
+ V finish|
+ N time|ʱ,ending|ĩ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ N time|ʱ,@alive|
+ N human|,family|
+ N fact|,important|
+ N regulation|
+ N fact|,judge|ö,police|
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ,*judge|ö,police|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ N time|ʱ,@alive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ N time|ʱ,#alive|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,ending|ĩ
+ֹ V cease|ͣ
+ֹ V finish|
+ֹ V CeaseSelfMove|ֹ
+ N attribute|,kind|,&animate|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&entity|ʵ,&aValue|ֵ,&attribute|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&human|
+ V cultivate|,agricultural|ũ
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ V planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ֲ V planting|ֲ,patient=FlowerGrass|
+ֵ V engage|,content=planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ֶ V cure|ҽ
+ֻ V cure|ҽ
+ֻ V planting|ֲ,patient=FlowerGrass|
+ֻ N human|,*planting|ֲ,#FlowerGrass|,agricultural|ũ
+ N attribute|,kind|,&entity|ʵ,&aValue|ֵ,&attribute|
+ N plant|ֲ,young|
+ V engage|,content=planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ N livestock|
+ֲ V planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ֲ N human|,*planting|ֲ,agricultural|ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,kind|,many|,desired|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ N human|,$choose|ѡ,*compete|,sport|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+Ӷ N community|,$choose|ѡ,*compete|,sport|
+ѡ N human|,$choose|ѡ,*compete|,sport|
+ N community|
+ V separate|,politics|,undesired|ݬ
+ V destroy|,politics|,undesired|ݬ
+ V despise|,politics|,undesired|ݬ
+ N system|ƶ,#despise|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,*despise|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ V swollen|
+ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,swollen|
+ V swollen|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,again|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,intensity|ǿ,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,weight|,heavy|
+ ADJ attribute|,weight|,&physical|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ V repeat|ظ
+ذ V publish|,manner=again|
+ذ V punish|,police|
+ر N army|,many|
+ز N disease|,strong|ǿ
+ز V disseminate|,manner=again|
+ز V planting|ֲ,manner=again|
+زپҵ V engage|,manner=again|
+س V sing|,#perform|,entertainment|
+س V sing|,manner=again|
+ش V damage|,manner=strong|ǿ
+ش V AmountTo|ܼ,scope=weight|
+ش ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ص N affairs|,difficult|
+ص V repeat|ظ,content=unfortunate|
+ص N place|ط,important|
+ص ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ص N part|,%entity|ʵ,important|
+ص V BeAcross|ཻ
+ص ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,BeAcross|ཻ
+ض V MakeSound|
+ض N sound|,#language|
+ط V punish|
+ط V GoBack|
+ط N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ط V display|չʾ,manner=again|
+ط V meet|
+ظ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,repeat|ظ
+ظ V repeat|ظ
+ظ N attribute|,property|,repeat|ظ,&event|¼
+ظ N affairs|,difficult|
+عҵ N affairs|,industrial|
+ع V estimate|
+غ V BeAcross|ཻ
+غը N weapon|,aircraft|,military|
+ػ V GetMarried|,crime|
+ػ N human|,crime|,#GetMarried|
+ػ N fact|,crime|,#GetMarried|
+ػ N affairs|
+ػǹ N weapon|,*firing|
+ؽ N fact|,sport|
+ؽ V build|,industrial|
+ؽ V establish|
+ؽ V reward|
+ؽ N expenditure|,many|
+ؽ N metal|
+ N attribute|,strength|,&inanimate|
+ٶ N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&inanimate|
+ N attribute|,weight|,&physical|
+ N attribute|,rank|ȼ,#weight|,&compete|,sport|
+ N human|,important|,desired|
+ V BeSame|ͬ,scope=name|
+Ů V PayAttention|ע,target=male|,despise|,target=female|Ů
+ V punish|
+ N weapon|,*firing|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N affairs|,important|
+ N disease|,#wounded|
+ N human|,*PayAttention|ע,#commercial|
+ V explain|˵,manner=again|
+ V interrogate|,police|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ˮ N chemical|ѧ
+ N human|,family|,male|
+Ů N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ V propose|,manner=again|
+ V disable|м,scope=listen|
+ N fact|,$entrust|ί
+Χ N shape|,#surround|Χ,military|
+ V LookBack|
+ N weapon|
+ N inanimate|,heavy|
+ V appear|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,again|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,important|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+ V repair|
+ѹ N attribute|,strength|,&entity|ʵ
+ V happen|,manner=again|
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+ N time|ʱ,festival|,@congratulate|ף
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+Ҫ N attribute|,importance|,&entity|ʵ
+Ҫ N attribute|,importance|,&physical|
+ V translate|,manner=again|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ N sound|,#music|
+ӡ V print|ӡˢ,manner=again|
+ V employ|
+ N material|,liquid|Һ,$burn|
+ V load|װ
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ V resume|ָ
+ N place|ط,military|,important|
+ V repeat|ظ,content=assemble|ۼ
+ V repeat|ظ,content=assemble|ۼ
+֢ N disease|,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ V recreation|,entertainment|
+ N fact|,crime|,strong|ǿ,undesired|ݬ
+ V repeat|ظ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ٲ V judge|ö
+ٲ V human|,*judge|ö
+ٲ V document|,*judge|ö
+ٲ N human|,*judge|ö
+ٴ N time|ʱ,spring|
+ٶ N time|ʱ,month|,winter|
+ٶ N time|ʱ,winter|
+ٽ N physical|,*connect|
+ N time|ʱ,autumn|
+ N time|ʱ,month|,autumn|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N time|ʱ,summer|
+ N human|,mass|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ڲԺ N institution|,*manage|,law|ɷ,politics|
+ڶ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ڹ V differ|ͬ
+ڿһ V BeSame|ͬ
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+ PRON {ThirdPerson|,mass|}
+ N animate|,mass|
+ʸ֮ N entity|ʵ,undesired|ݬ,$ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+˵ N thought|ͷ,different|,many|
+˵ N thought|ͷ,different|,many|
+֪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$know|֪
+֪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+֪ V {comment|}
+֪ ADV {comment|}
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+ V enjoy|,content=endorse|ӵ
+Ա N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,politics|
+Ժ N institution|,*manage|,law|ɷ,politics|
+Ժ N institution|,*manage|,law|ɷ,politics|
+־ɳ V ally|
+ N ship|
+۳ N ship|,LandVehicle|
+۳Ͷ V tired|ƣ,cause=tour|
+ɽ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N human|,*drive|Ԧ,#ship|
+ N ship|,mass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N shape|,round|Բ
+ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ N time|ʱ,week|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&frequency|Ƶ
+ܱ N publications|鿯,#week|
+ܱ N attribute|,length|,&round|Բ
+ܱ N location|λ,surrounding|Χ,space|ռ
+ܱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ܳ N attribute|,length|,&round|Բ
+ܳ N time|ʱ,#royal|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ܵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ܵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ܶʼ V repeat|ظ
+ܶ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ܼ V help|
+ܿ N publications|鿯,#week|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ĩ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|,@rest|Ϣ
+ĩ N publications|鿯,#week|
+ N time|ʱ,year|
+ N time|ʱ,regular|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,regular|
+ N attribute|,frequency|Ƶ,regular|
+ȫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ N attribute|,age|,&animate|
+Χ N location|λ,surrounding|Χ
+Χ ADJ location|λ,surrounding|Χ
+Χ N location|λ,surrounding|Χ
+ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ V GoRound|Χ
+ V HaveContest|
+ V associate|
+һ N time|ʱ,day|,#week|
+ N knowledge|֪ʶ
+ V tour|
+ N phenomena|,undesired|ݬ,#unfortunate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,upright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ת V SelfMove|,commercial|
+ת V lack|ȱ
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ
+ݳ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+ݼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,#provincial|ʡ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#provincial|ʡ
+ N land|½
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,#land|½
+ʵ N weapon|,$firing|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ɮ V lack|ȱ
+ N image|ͼ
+ N part|,%machine|
+ N part|,%machine|
+ N part|,%machine|
+ N part|,%machine|
+ N part|,%machine|
+ N image|ͼ
+ N image|ͼ
+ N part|,%machine|
+Ĺ N place|ط,country|,*ally|,military|,undesired|ݬ,#(WWII|ս)
+Ĺ N place|ط,country|,undesired|ݬ,#(WWII|ս)
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,arm|
+ؽ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,arm|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,arm|
+ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ N text|,*ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=wrinkled|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,wrinkled|
+ N trace|
+Ͱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,wrinkled|
+ü V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=eye|
+üͷ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=eye|
+θ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N trace|
+Ͱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,wrinkled|
+ N trace|
+ N time|ʱ
+ N time|ʱ
+ҹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ҹ N time|ʱ,day|,afternoon|,night|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+ V change|,manner=sudden|
+轵 V BecomeLess|,manner=sudden|
+ V BecomeMore|,manner=sudden|
+ V happen|,manner=sudden|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+ V BecomeMore|,manner=sudden|
+ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ N shape|
+鱦 N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,precious|
+鱦 N human|,#occupation|ְλ,#treasure|䱦,commercial|
+ N land|½,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N lights|
+ N material|
+麣 N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+齭 N waters|ˮ,linear|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+齭 N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N tree|
+ N land|½,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V calculate|
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundQuality|,good|,desired|
+ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ N shape|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+ N part|,%tree|,body|
+ N plant|ֲ
+ V relate|й
+ʽ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N InsectWorm|
+˿ N trace|
+ N tool|þ,#InsectWorm|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ī N PenInk|ī,liquid|Һ,*write|д
+ N material|,liquid|Һ,*apply|ͿĨ
+ȸ N bird|
+ɰ N material|
+ N livestock|
+ N facilities|ʩ,*foster|,#livestock|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N disease|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+Ƥ N part|,%livestock|,skin|Ƥ
+Ȧ N facilities|ʩ,*foster|,#livestock|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N facilities|ʩ,*foster|,#livestock|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ͷ N food|ʳƷ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+צ N food|ʳƷ
+ N human|,agricultural|ũ,*foster|,#livestock|
+ N livestock|
+ N beast|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+ֺϳɲ N army|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,official|,politics|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N human|,wise|,desired|
+ N human|,royal|,past|
+ PRON {SecondPerson|,mass|}
+ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+λ PRON {SecondPerson|,mass|}
+ V kill|ɱ,police|
+ V chase|
+ V expel|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|,regular|
+ V expel|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,sequence|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|,regular|
+¹ V fight|,politics|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,sequence|
+һ ADV aValue|ֵ,sequence|
+ N tree|
+ N artifact|˹
+ N part|,%tree|,body|
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ڳ N InsectWorm|
+ˮһ V fail|ʧ
+ N tree|,mass|
+ N tool|þ,*recreation|
+ N tool|þ,generic|ͳ
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+Ͳ N part|,%tree|,body|
+Ҷ N part|,%plant|ֲ,hair|ë
+Ҷ N beast|
+Ҷ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ֽ N paper|ֽ,@write|д
+ N tree|
+ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&electricity|
+ N lights|
+̨ N tool|þ,@put|,#tool|þ,#illuminate|
+ V illuminate|
+ V cook|
+ȼݽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,opposed|,undesired|ݬ
+ V cook|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ V tilt|б
+ V look|
+Ŀ V PayAttention|ע
+Ŀ V look|
+ V expect|
+ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+ V entrust|ί
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ V decide|
+ N humanized|,religion|ڽ
+ N human|,#fact|
+ N human|,*entertain|д
+ N human|,*own|
+ V manage|
+ V mean|ָ
+ V handle|
+ V compile|༭
+ V compile|༭
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*compile|༭,#readings|,literature|
+ N human|,$entertain|д
+ϯ N location|λ,@sit|,#entertain|д
+ N facilities|ʩ,sport|
+ N software|
+ V endorse|ӵ
+ V handle|
+ V manage|
+ N human|,*handle|
+ V cook|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cook|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|
+ N attribute|,importance|,&event|¼
+ V cure|ҽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ N music|,important|
+ N text|,important|
+˵ N text|,important|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը,desired|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+Ȩ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ N community|,$choose|ѡ,*exercise|,*compete|
+ N community|,*invite|,*compete|,sport|
+ N human|
+ N human|,*employ|,commercial|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N human|,male|,friend|,^GetMarried|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,important|,crime|
+ N part|,space|ռ,%land|½,head|ͷ
+ N human|,female|Ů,family|
+ N organization|֯,important|
+ N part|,plant|ֲ,body|
+ɵ N facilities|ʩ,route|·,important|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,base|
+ V attack|,military|
+ N human|,$choose|ѡ,*compete|,sport|
+ N human|,*buy|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ N attribute|,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ,&mental|
+ N human|,official|,important|
+ V manage|
+ V handle|,patient=GetMarried|
+ N machine|,important|
+ N weapon|,aircraft|,military|
+ N part|,%computer|
+ V handle|,patient=condole|°
+ N thought|ͷ
+ N human|,military|
+ V speak|˵
+ V teach|,education|
+ N human|,*perform|,important|,entertainment|
+ N human|,important|,desired|
+ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*teach|
+ V exam|,education|
+ N human|,#exam|
+ N human|,$entertain|д
+ N human|,*entertain|д,$entertain|д,mass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|
+ N affairs|,important|
+ N human|,important|,#military|,#exercise|
+ N human|,important|,#military|,#exercise|
+ N material|,?edible|ʳ,#crop|ׯ
+ N material|,?edible|ʳ
+ N part|,%event|¼,important|,aspect|
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+¥ N building|
+ı N human|,undesired|ݬ,important|,crime|
+ N human|,official|,important|
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ,#country|
+ N human|,*entertain|д
+ N human|,*own|
+˹ N human|,#readings|
+ N human|,#readings|
+ N human|,own|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+ʳ N edible|ʳ
+ʹ V incite|ָʹ
+˧ N human|,military|
+ N attribute|,content|,&information|Ϣ
+ N expression|,*LookFor|Ѱ,#information|Ϣ
+ N music|,#shows|
+ N part|,%thing|,important|,body|
+ N part|,%readings|,#police|
+ϯ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+ϯ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,#country|
+ϯ N human|,*handle|
+ϯ̨ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@manage|
+ϯ N part|,%community|,head|ͷ
+ϯְλ N attribute|,occupation|ְλ,&human|
+ N part|,%event|¼,nerve|
+Ĺ N human|,desired|,important|,able|
+Ĺ N thought|ͷ
+ V repair|,industrial|
+ V study|ѧ,education|
+ N attribute|,SoundQuality|,&music|
+ N thinking|˼,important|
+ V RegardAs|,entertainment|
+ V perform|,entertainment|
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+Ҫ N human|,important|,desired|
+Ҫְҵ N affairs|,#occupation|ְλ,important|
+ N plans|滮
+ N thought|ͷ
+ N thinking|˼
+ N cause|ԭ,important|
+ N sound|,music|,important|
+ N part|,%language|
+ V control|
+ս V endorse|ӵ,content=fight|
+ V regard|Ϊ
+ N thought|ͷ
+Ž N human|
+ֵ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ּ N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+ N attribute|,performance|,&medicine|ҩ
+ҽʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ N part|,%machine|,important|
+ץ V manage|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ V compile|༭
+ N readings|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+¼ V record|¼
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ V compile|༭,ContentProduct=publications|鿯
+˵ V compile|༭,ContentProduct=publications|鿯
+ V compile|༭
+ N publications|鿯
+ V compile|༭,ContentProduct=text|
+ V compile|༭
+ N human|,*compile|༭
+ V compile|༭
+ N publications|鿯
+Ȩ N rights|Ȩ,#compile|༭
+ N image|ͼ
+ N part|,%building|,bone|
+ N shape|
+ʯ N human|,desired|,important|,able|
+ͷ N part|,%FlowerGrass|
+ͷ N part|,%building|,bone|
+ͷ N part|,%building|,head|ͷ
+ N part|,%building|,bone|
+ V help|
+ V cure|ҽ,#GiveBirth|,medical|ҽ
+ʿ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,#GiveBirth|,medical|ҽ
+ V incite|ָʹ
+ N part|,%language|
+ V attack|,military|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*teach|,education|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ N attribute|,strength|,#help|,&human|
+ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,help|,#burn|
+Ϊ V joyful|ϲ,cause=help|
+ N human|,*help|
+ N tool|þ,*listen|,medical|ҽ
+ V MoveItUp|
+ƻ N part|,%aircraft|,*MoveItUp|
+ N part|,%aircraft|,*MoveItUp|
+ V help|,scope=mental|
+ V MakeHappy|ʹϲ
+ѧ V help|,scope=education|
+ѧ N fund|ʽ,*help|,scope=education|
+ N attribute|,ProsCons|,pros|,desired|,&entity|ʵ
+ս V help|,scope=attack|,military|
+ս V help|,scope=mental|
+ V help|,scope=mental|
+ΪŰ V help|,patient=evil|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ V bite|ҧ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ,#disease|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ij N InsectWorm|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ,#disease|
+ V SetAside|
+ V SetAside|
+ V SetAside|
+ V SetAside|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&store|
+ V transport|
+ V produce|,industrial|
+ N money|
+ V create|
+ N material|,metal|,industrial|
+ N fact|,produce|,#metal|,industrial|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ N material|,metal|,industrial|
+ N metal|,?material|
+ V produce|,industrial|
+ V build|
+ V build|,PatientProduct=facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ
+· V build|,PatientProduct=facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ס V finish|
+ס V reside|ס
+ס N human|,religion|ڽ
+ס N location|λ,@reside|ס
+ס N location|λ,@reside|ס
+ס N fact|,reside|ס
+סĸ V improve|,patient=reside|ס
+ס N community|,family|,*reside|ס
+ס N community|,family|,*reside|ס
+סҹ N MakeLiving|ı
+ס V KeepSilence|˵
+ס V cease|ͣ
+ס V reside|ס
+ס N expenditure|,*reside|ס
+ס N place|ط,@reside|ס
+ס V reside|ס
+סԺ V reside|ס,location=InstitutePlace|,purpose=$cure|ҽ,#medical|ҽ
+סԺ V human|,*SufferFrom|,$cure|ҽ,#medical|ҽ
+סԺ V part|,%InstitutePlace|,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+סԺ N human|,*SufferFrom|,$cure|ҽ,#medical|ҽ
+סԺ V human|,*SufferFrom|,$cure|ҽ,#medical|ҽ
+סԺڿҽ N human|,medical|ҽ,*cure|ҽ
+סԺҽ N human|,medical|ҽ,*cure|ҽ
+סԺҽ V human|,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+סԺҽ N human|,medical|ҽ,*cure|ҽ
+סԺҽʦ N human|,medical|ҽ,*cure|ҽ
+סլ N house|
+סլ V build|,PatientProduct=house|
+סլ N place|ط,@reside|ס,#house|
+סլС N place|ط,@reside|ס,#house|
+סַ N place|ط,#reside|ס
+ס V KeepSilence|˵
+ע V PayAttention|ע
+ע V explain|˵
+ע N part|,&text|
+ע V record|¼
+ע V spray|
+ע N wealth|Ǯ,*gamble|IJ
+ע V record|¼
+ע ADJ aValue|ֵ,possibility|,possible|
+ע N part|,&text|
+ע V explain|˵
+ע V explain|˵
+עĿ V look|
+ע V spray|
+ע V cure|ҽ
+ע N tool|þ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ע V explain|˵
+ע V look|,manner=attentive|ϸ
+ע N human|,*look|
+עˮ V spray|,industrial|
+ע V produce|,industrial|
+ע V remove|
+ע V PayAttention|ע
+ע V PayAttention|ע
+ף N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ף V congratulate|ף
+ף V expect|
+ף N expression|,@congratulate|ף
+ף N expression|,@congratulate|ף
+ף V congratulate|ף
+ף V congratulate|ף
+ף V congratulate|ף,cause=win|ʤ
+ף V congratulate|ף
+ף V congratulate|ף,cause=festival|
+ף V congratulate|ף
+ףԸ V expect|
+פ V reside|ס,military|
+פ V stay|ͣ
+פ N place|ط,#organization|֯,@exist|
+פ N place|ط,@reside|ס,military|
+פ V defend|,military|
+פ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,reside|ס,#(China|й)
+פ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,reside|ס,#(China|й)
+פ N army|
+פ V put|,patient=army|
+פ V stay|ͣ
+פ V defend|,military|
+פ V reside|ס,military|
+פ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,reside|ס,#foreign|
+פ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*gather|ɼ,*compile|༭,#news|
+פ V keep|,patient=beautiful|
+פ V reside|ס,military|
+פ V CeaseSelfMove|ֹ
+ץ V PayAttention|ע
+ץ V catch|ס
+ץ V catch|ס,police|
+ץ V manage|
+ץ V scratch|ץ
+ץ V MakeTrouble|
+ץ V catch|ס,police|
+ץ V scratch|ץ
+ץ V endeavour|
+ץ V catch|ס,police|
+ץ V please|ȡ
+ץ V PayAttention|ע
+ץ V catch|ס
+ץ V lift|,sport|
+ץ V include|,manner=force|ǿ
+ץ V PlayWith|Ū
+ץ V fight|
+ץ N method|
+ץ V scratch|ץ
+ץ V TakePicture|
+ץ V quarrel|
+ץϹ V embarrassed|Ϊ
+ץҩ V buy|,possession=medicine|ҩ
+ץס V attract|,Vachieve|
+ץס V catch|ס,Vachieve|
+ץס V catch|ס,police|,Vachieve|
+ץ׳ V include|,manner=force|ǿ
+ץܶ V bear|е,content=duty|,important|
+ץζ V gamble|IJ
+צ N part|,%animal|,foot|
+צ N part|,%animal|,foot|
+צ N part|,%tool|þ,foot|
+צ N food|ʳƷ
+צ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,ProperName|ר,(Java|צ)
+צ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(Indonesia|ӡ)
+צ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+צ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+צ N part|,%animal|,foot|
+ק V pull|
+ק V throw|
+ר ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ר N fact|,$investigate|,special|
+ר N fact|,$investigate|,special|,#police|
+ר N publications|鿯,special|
+ר N fact|,dispatch|Dz,special|
+ר N fact|,perform|,special|
+ר N attribute|,ability|,able|,&human|
+ר N LandVehicle|,special|
+ר N fact|,tour|,special|
+ר N text|,special|,#news|
+ר ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ר N fact|,visit|,special|
+ר V study|ѧ
+ר V handle|,manner=special|
+ר N furniture|Ҿ,cubic|,*display|չʾ,@sell|,commercial|
+ר ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ר ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ר N aircraft|,special|
+ר N publications|鿯,special|
+ר N publications|鿯,special|
+ר N human|,able|,desired|
+ר N human|,able|,desired|,mass|
+ר N publications|鿯,special|
+ר N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ר N knowledge|֪ʶ,special|
+רѧУ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+רҽ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cure|ҽ,medical|ҽ
+ר N fund|ʽ,special|
+ר N part|,publications|鿯,special|
+ר N human|,*compile|༭,literature|
+ר N artifact|˹,$protect|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,commercial|
+ר N rights|Ȩ,*protect|,#produce|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,commercial|
+ר N institution|
+רƷ N artifact|˹,$protect|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,commercial|
+רȨ N rights|Ȩ,*protect|,#produce|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,commercial|
+רȨĻ N human|,*obtain|õ,#rights|Ȩ,#produce|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,commercial|
+רȨ N human|,*grant|,#rights|Ȩ,#produce|,#knowledge|֪ʶ,commercial|
+ר N LandVehicle|,special|
+ר V sell|,commercial|
+ר N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+ר ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+רСԱ N human|
+ר N place|ط
+רȨ V control|,patient=power|,manner=self|
+ר N human|,$dispatch|Dz,special|
+ר V undertake|
+ר V RashlyAct|
+ר V establish|,manner=special|
+רʹ N human|,$dispatch|Dz,special|
+ר V engage|,manner=special|
+ר N institution|,politics|
+ר ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,special|
+ר ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ר N facilities|ʩ,linear|,*transmit|,special|
+ר N facilities|ʩ,linear|,special|
+ר N facilities|ʩ,route|·,special|
+ר ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ר V PayAttention|ע
+ר־ V PayAttention|ע
+ר V study|ѧ
+רҵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#occupation|ְλ,formal|ʽ
+רҵ N affairs|,education|
+רҵ N affairs|,industrial|
+רҵ N community|,family|,*engage|,#occupation|ְλ
+רҵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+רҵ N affairs|,education|
+רҵԱ N human|,*engage|,#occupation|ְλ
+רһ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,single|
+רӪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ר ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ר ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|
+רԱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,diplomatic|⽻
+רԱ N institution|,politics|
+ר N system|ƶ,fierce|
+רְ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#occupation|ְλ,formal|ʽ
+רְԱ N human|,*engage|,#occupation|ְλ
+רֿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ר ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ר N institution|,#country|,politics|,fierce|
+ר N system|ƶ,#country|,politics|,fierce|
+ר N publications|鿯,special|
+רע V PayAttention|ע
+ש N material|,?build|
+ש N material|,?drinks|Ʒ
+ש N InstitutePlace|,*produce|,material|,factory|,industrial|
+ש N material|,?build|
+ש N material|,#build|
+שǽ N part|,%building|,skin|Ƥ
+שʯ N material|,?build|
+שͷ N material|,?build|
+שͷ N part|,%material|,#build|
+ש N material|,?build|
+שҤ N InstitutePlace|,*produce|,material|,factory|,industrial|
+ת V alter|ı
+ת V rotate|ת
+ת V submit|
+ת V entrust|ί
+ת N human|,commercial|
+ת V alter|ı
+ת V change|
+ת V disseminate|
+ת V alter|ı,patient=produce|
+ת V alter|ı,patient=TakeVehicle|
+ת V tell|
+ת V alter|ı,patient=route|·
+ת V alter|ı,entertainment|
+ת V undergo|,content=alter|ı,#engage|
+ת V rotate|ת
+ת V change|
+ת V issue|ַ
+ת V tell|
+ת V give|
+ת V alter|ı,patient=route|·
+ת V alter|ı
+ת V alter|ı
+ת V alter|ı
+ת V GoBack|
+ת N time|ʱ,pros|
+ת V MarryTo|
+ת V give|
+ת V submit|
+ת N part|,%facilities|ʩ,route|·,angular|
+ת V connect|
+ת V lend|
+ת V GoThrough|
+תó N affairs|,#buy|,#sell|,commercial|
+ת V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=head|ͷ
+ת ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ת¯ N machine|,space|ռ,*produce|,#metal|
+ת¼ N record|¼
+תǹ N weapon|,*firing|
+ת V sell|,commercial|
+ת N SportTool|˶
+ת N fact|,perform|,entertainment|
+ת N tool|þ
+ת V give|
+ת V alter|ı
+ת V alter|ı,StateFin=BeNormal|̬
+ת V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=body|
+ת V change|,religion|ڽ
+ת V change|,religion|ڽ
+ת V sell|
+ת V submit|
+ת V sell|
+ת V explain|˵
+ת˲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ת˲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ת V GiveAsGift|
+ת V submit|
+ת N attribute|,speed|ٶ,&rotate|ת
+ת̨ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@perform|
+ת V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=body|,sport|
+ת V TurnRound|
+תĨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hidden|,undesired|ݬ
+תĨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+תΣΪ V BeRecovered|ԭ
+תΪ V alter|ı
+ת V change|,politics|
+ת V ignorant|֪
+ת V rotate|ת
+ת N tool|þ
+ת V sell|
+ת V alter|ı,patient=produce|
+ת V alter|ı,patient=affairs|
+תѧ V alter|ı,education|
+ת ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+תۼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+תҵ V alter|ı,StateIni=military|
+ת V TakeAway|ᶯ
+ת V alter|ı
+ת V change|
+ת V change|,medical|ҽ
+ת ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,change|,medical|ҽ
+ת N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@sit|
+ת N information|Ϣ,#language|
+ת V rotate|ת
+ת V walk|
+תԺ V SelfMove|,LocationIni=InstitutePlace|,medical|ҽ
+ת V BeRecovered|ԭ,StateFin=lucky|
+ת V transport|
+תվ N InstitutePlace|,*transport|
+ת V print|ӡˢ
+ת V GiveAsGift|
+תս V fight|,military|
+ת V submit|
+ת֧Ʊ N coupon|Ʊ֤
+ת N fact|,change|
+ת۵ N time|ʱ,@change|,important|
+ת V become|Ϊ,isa=passed|ϸ
+ת N part|,%machine|
+תת V walk|
+ת N part|,%machine|
+ת V lend|,commercial|
+ת N time|ʱ,@change|,important|
+ V compile|༭
+ V compile|༭,ContentProduct=text|
+ N human|,*compile|༭,literature|
+ V compile|༭,ContentProduct=text|
+д V compile|༭
+ V compile|༭
+ V earn|
+Ǯ V earn|,possession=wealth|Ǯ
+ȡ V earn|
+ͷ N attribute|,effect|Ч,#earn|,&event|¼,commercial|
+ N stationery|ľ
+ V carve|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&fact|,&affairs|
+ N part|,%building|,bone|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&fact|,&affairs|,mass|
+ N part|,%building|,bone|
+ׯ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|
+ׯ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ׯ N human|,*gamble|IJ
+ׯ N place|ط
+ׯ N place|ط,village|
+ׯ N community|,family|,agricultural|ũ
+ׯ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ
+ׯ N human|,*gamble|IJ
+ׯ N crop|ׯ,generic|ͳ
+ׯں N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ
+ׯ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ
+ׯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+ׯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,stately|ׯ,desired|
+ׯ N place|ط
+ׯ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+ׯ N place|ط,village|
+װ V RegardAs|,entertainment|
+װ N attribute|,attire|װ,&human|
+װ N clothing|
+װ V decorate|װ
+װ V include|
+װ V install|װ
+װ V load|װ
+װ V pretend|װ
+װ V MakeUp|ױ
+װ V pretend|װ
+װ N implement|,generic|ͳ
+װ V provide|
+װ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+װ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+װ V load|װ,LocationFin=LandVehicle|
+װ V load|װ,LocationFin=ship|
+װ V load|װ,LocationFin=tool|þ
+װ V decorate|װ
+װ V fasten|˩,#publications|鿯
+װ N part|,%InstitutePlace|,factory|,@fasten|˩,#publications|鿯
+װɵ V pretend|װ,content=foolish|
+װ V load|װ,patient=physical|
+װ N attribute|,ability|,#electricity|,&facilities|ʩ
+װ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+װױ N army|
+װ׳ N weapon|,LandVehicle|
+װͳ N weapon|,LandVehicle|
+װ V pretend|װ
+װ V fill|
+װ V fill|
+װ V pretend|װ,content=ignorant|֪
+װ V fill|
+װ V pretend|װ
+װģ V pretend|װ
+װ V include|
+װ N machine|
+װǻ V pretend|װ
+װǻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+װ V install|װ
+װ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,decorate|װ
+װ V decorate|װ
+װ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+װβ N material|,*decorate|װ
+װƷ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+װ N attribute|,attire|װ,&human|
+װ˯ V pretend|װ,content=sleep|˯
+װ V pretend|װ,content=die|
+װ V pretend|װ,content=ignorant|֪
+װ V feed|ι,military|
+װ V pretend|װ
+װ V load|װ,LocationFin=tool|þ
+װж V include|,dismount|ж
+װж N load|װ,TakeAway|ᶯ
+װж N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*load|װ,*TakeAway|ᶯ
+װ V decorate|װ
+װ V pretend|װ
+װ V exist|
+װ V transport|
+װ V load|װ
+װ֡ N attribute|,appearance|,&publications|鿯
+װ N implement|,generic|ͳ
+װ V install|װ
+װ V pretend|װ
+װ N attribute|,appearance|,&artifact|˹
+װ V decorate|װ
+װ N attribute|,appearance|,&artifact|˹
+װ V put|
+װ V decorate|װ
+ױ V MakeUp|ױ
+ױ N tool|þ,#MarryTo|
+ױ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,#female|Ů
+ױ V decorate|װ
+ױ V MakeUp|ױ
+ױ V MakeUp|ױ
+ױ N tool|þ,#MarryTo|
+ײ V GoForward|ǰ
+ײ V bump|ײ
+ײ V meet|
+ײ V bump|ײ,patient=LandVehicle|,unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ײ V differ|ͬ,scope=thinking|˼
+ײ V bump|ײ
+ײ V meet|
+ײƭ V deceive|ƭ
+ײ N tool|þ,*shut|ر
+׳ V MakeBetter|Ż
+׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+׳ V BeWell|׳
+׳ V MakeBetter|Ż
+׳ V soothe|ο
+׳ N human|,adult|,#military|,past|
+׳ N music|,great|ΰ
+׳ N human|,employee|Ա
+׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,great|ΰ,desired|
+׳ N fact|,great|ΰ
+׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,great|ΰ,desired|
+׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,great|ΰ,desired|
+׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,great|ΰ,desired|
+׳ N time|ʱ,#adult|,#age|
+׳ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+׳ʿ N human|,brave|,desired|
+׳ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,great|ΰ
+׳ V farewell|
+׳־ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,great|ΰ
+׳־δ V fail|ʧ,scope=succeed|ɹ
+׳ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+״ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+״ N attribute|,form|״,&physical|
+״ N document|,$record|¼
+״ N document|,*accuse|ظ
+״ N document|,*prove|֤
+״ V explain|˵
+״ V accuse|ظ
+״ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+״̬ N attribute|,circumstances|,&entity|ʵ
+״ N part|,%language|
+״Ԫ N human|,*succeed|ɹ,#exam|,past|
+״Ԫ N human|,able|,desired|
+״ N document|,*accuse|ظ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ͻ N disease|
+Ѫ V sorrowful|
+ N shape|,acute|
+ N tool|þ,*stab|
+ N image|ͼ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ N tool|þ,*stab|
+ V LookBack|
+ V chase|
+ V investigate|
+ V seek|ıȡ
+ V chase|,military|
+ V force|ǿ
+ V interrogate|
+ V catch|ס,police|
+ V investigate|
+ V condole|°
+ N fact|,condole|°
+ N fact|,feed|ι,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ V chase|
+ V investigate|
+ V collect|
+ V collect|
+ V repent|û
+Ī V repent|û
+ V attack|,military|
+ N army|
+ V record|¼
+ V reward|
+ V add|
+Ͷ V add|,patient=fund|ʽ
+֧ V add|,patient=expenditure|
+ V destroy|,military|
+ V collect|
+ V destroy|,military|
+ V investigate|
+ V ShowLove|ʾ
+ V request|Ҫ
+ V seek|ıȡ
+ V admit|
+ V grant|
+˼ V LookBack|
+ V situated|
+ V accuse|ظ
+ V follow|
+ V levy|
+ V ask|
+ V LookBack|
+ N human|,*FondOf|ϲ,#music|
+ V explain|˵
+Ѱ V LookFor|Ѱ
+ V LookBack|
+ V grant|
+ծ V collect|,possession=owe|Ƿ
+ V chase|
+ V seek|ıȡ
+ V follow|
+ N human|,*follow|
+ V levy|
+ V MarryTo|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|
+ V speak|˵,manner=redundant|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ V fall|
+ V sink|³
+ N tool|þ,heavy|
+ V ComeToWorld|
+ V OutOfOrder|
+ V fall|
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ N tool|þ,heavy|
+ V fasten|˩
+ V compile|༭
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ ADJ persuade|Ȱ˵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,accurate|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|
+ V agree|ͬ
+ N attribute|,standard|,&entity|ʵ
+ ADV {comment|}
+ ADV {comment|}
+ V plan|ƻ
+ V prepare|
+ V exercise|,*prepare|
+ ADV {comment|}
+ ADV {comment|}
+ V fixed|Ѷ
+ N information|Ϣ,accurate|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ N affairs|,military|
+ V fixed|Ѷ
+ȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,accurate|,desired|
+ȷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,accurate|,desired|
+ȷ N attribute|,correctness|,accurate|,&information|Ϣ
+ N attribute|,standard|,&entity|ʵ
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,accurate|,#time|ʱ,desired|
+ξ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ N information|Ϣ,accurate|
+ N part|,%weapon|,#firing|
+ V agree|ͬ
+ V agree|ͬ
+豣 V agree|ͬ,content=release|ͷ
+ N attribute|,standard|,&entity|ʵ
+ V catch|ס
+ V hold|
+ V write|д
+ V human|,*write|д
+ V catch|ס,patient=gamble|IJ,police|
+ V catch|ס,patient=lascivious|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,hardship|,undesired|ݬ
+Բ V deceive|ƭ
+Բ V recreation|
+ V investigate|
+ V catch|ס
+ V catch|ס,police|
+Ū V tease|ȡ
+ס V catch|ס,Vachieve|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,firstPerson|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+ N thought|ͷ
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+챽 ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+챽 ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,NotQuick|ګ,undesired|ݬ
+ N text|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N thought|ͷ,profound|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+гЧ V succeed|ɹ
+Խ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@put|
+ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+ N part|,furniture|Ҿ,head|ͷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+ N location|λ,%furniture|Ҿ
+ N furniture|Ҿ
+ΰ N furniture|Ҿ
+ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@put|
+ V carve|
+ĥ V MakeBetter|Ż
+ĥ V carve|
+ĥ V think|˼
+׳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ V drink|
+ V dump|
+ N edible|ʳ,generic|ͳ
+ V think|˼
+ü V subtract|,condition=think|˼
+ V think|˼
+ V think|˼
+ V eat|
+ľ N bird|
+ V PutOn|,Vgoingon|չ
+ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=fire|,industrial|
+ V apply|ͿĨ
+ V dispatch|Dz
+ N location|λ
+ N plans|滮,sly|,*deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+ V sleep|˯
+ V suffer|
+ V touch|
+ STRU {Vachieve|}
+ű V write|д
+Ż V flurried|
+Ż V unfortunate|,cause=fire|,police|
+ż V worried|ż
+ V endeavour|
+ V fever|
+½ V arrive|,#aircraft|
+ N location|λ
+ N location|λ,@ExistAppear|
+æ V worried|ż
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ STRU {MaChinese|}
+ V recreation|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ɫ V AlterColor|ɫ
+ʵ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ʵ ADV {emphasis|ǿ}
+ V start|ʼ
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ V PayAttention|ע
+۵ N location|λ,space|ռ,@begin|ʼ
+۵ N part|,%thinking|˼
+ V endeavour|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ V express|ʾ,manner=emphasis|ǿ
+װ V PutOn|
+װ V PutOn|,Vgoingon|չ
+װ N clothing|,generic|ͳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ V burn|
+Ƽ N thought|ͷ,profound|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|,desired|
+Ȼɼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|,desired|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,hot|
+ V damage|,cause=burn|
+ʹ V painful|ʹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ N water|ˮ,blurred|
+ N community|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ N time|ʱ,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ N sound|,#language|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ N time|ʱ,now|
+ N money|,(Poland|)
+ V ask|
+ N document|,#country|
+ѯ V ask|
+ѯ N expenditure|
+ N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+ N attribute|,standard|,&human|
+ N expenditure|
+ V provide|
+ V provide|,commercial|
+ʱ N fund|ʽ
+ʱ N human|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ʱ V transport|,patient=fund|ʽ
+ʱ N system|ƶ
+ʲ N wealth|Ǯ
+ʲ N fund|ʽ
+ʲ N wealth|Ǯ
+ʲ N human|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ʷ N human|,#wealth|Ǯ
+ʸ N attribute|,standard|,&human|
+ʸ N attribute|,status|,&human|
+ʽ N fund|ʽ
+ʽ N quantity|,amount|,&fund|ʽ
+ N attribute|,standard|,&human|
+ N information|Ϣ
+ N room|,@read|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ N attribute|,reputation|,&human|,&organization|֯,commercial|
+Ѷ N information|Ϣ
+Դ N material|,generic|ͳ
+ N attribute|,standard|,&human|
+ N attribute|,wisdom|ǻ,&AnimalHuman|
+ V provide|
+ N attribute|,appearance|,&physical|
+ N attribute|,posture|,&AnimalHuman|
+ɫ N attribute|,bearing|̬,&female|Ů
+ N attribute|,posture|,&AnimalHuman|
+̬ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&AnimalHuman|
+̬ N attribute|,posture|,&AnimalHuman|
+ V GiveBirth|
+ V grow|ɳ
+ V jet|
+̲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,maintain|,desired|
+̲ V maintain|
+̲Ʒ N edible|ʳ,*maintain|
+̲Ʒ N material|,*maintain|
+̳ V grow|ɳ
+ V grow|ɳ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,wet|ʪ
+ V moisten|ʪ
+ V GiveBirth|
+ V ResultIn|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V human|,MakeTrouble|
+ζ N attribute|,taste|ζ,&edible|ʳ
+ѿ V pregnant|
+ V maintain|
+ N material|,*maintain|
+Ʒ N material|,*maintain|
+Ͳ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ʹ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+β ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ V seek|ıȡ
+ V seek|ıȡ,manner=diligent|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,purple|
+ϲ N food|ʳƷ
+϶ N FlowerGrass|
+Ϻӳ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,embryo|
+Ϻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+Ϻɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+Ϻɫ N attribute|,color|ɫ,purple|,&physical|
+ϻض N FlowerGrass|
+Ͼ N FlowerGrass|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,purple|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,purple|
+̴ N wood|ľ
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ͭ N metal|
+ N lights|
+ N lights|
+ҩˮ N medicine|ҩ
+Ӣ N FlowerGrass|
+ N tree|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ޱ N FlowerGrass|
+ N disease|
+ N beast|
+ N beast|,young|
+ N human|,family|,male|,young|
+м N bird|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,dense|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,attentive|ϸ,desired|
+ϸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,thrifty|,desired|
+ N livestock|,young|
+ N livestock|,young|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ N material|,#crop|ׯ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,young|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|
+ N human|,family|,male|,young|
+ N human|,official|,royal|
+ N money|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,embryo|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ N shape|,small|С,hard|Ӳ
+ӳ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ӳ N software|
+ӵ N weapon|,$firing|
+ӵ N human|,young|
+ӵܱ N human|,military|
+Ӹ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ӹ˾ N InstitutePlace|,commercial|,branch|֧
+ӹ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|,#pregnant|
+ӹ N disease|
+ӹѪ N disease|
+ӹ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|,#pregnant|
+ӹ N disease|
+ӹ N bird|
+Ӻ N symbol|,#quantity|,#DoSum|
+Ӽ N bird|
+Ӿ N human|,female|Ů,royal|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ĸ N weapon|,$firing|
+ĸ۶ N part|,%clothing|,*fasten|˩
+Ŀ¼ N part|,%readings|,content|
+Ů N human|,family|,mass|,young|
+ʱ N time|ʱ,hour|ʱ
+ʵ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ N human|,family|,male|,young|
+ N human|,future|
+ N human|,future|
+ V own|,possession=human|
+î N cause|ԭ
+ N part|,%earth|,linear|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ϵͳ N software|
+Ŀ N affairs|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ N livestock|,young|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+Ҷ N part|,%plant|ֲ,hair|ë
+ҹ N time|ʱ,day|,night|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,self|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,possibility|,possible|
+ PREP {LocationIni}
+ PREP {TimeIni}
+ ADV {comment|}
+ PRON {self|}
+ V like|ϧ,target=self|
+ V release|ͷ,patient=self|
+ V explain|˵
+ V create|
+Ա V do|,manner=active|Ը
+Ա V disappointed|ʧ
+Ա ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,undesired|ݬ
+Ա V provide|,target=self|
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+Բ V suicide|ɱ
+Բλ V shy|
+Բ V check|
+Բ V check|,content=self|
+Բ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|
+Բ V produce|
+Գ V naming|,patient=self|
+Գһ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+Գ V restrain|ֹ
+Գ V gather|ɼ,manner=BeIndependent|,commercial|
+Գʽ V gather|ɼ,possession=fund|ʽ,manner=BeIndependent|,commercial|
+Դ N text|
+Դ V boast|
+Դ PREP {TimeIni}
+Դ PREP {TimeIni}
+Դ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+Ե V satisfied|
+Ե V satisfied|
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,function|
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+Զ V ize|̬,ability|,PatientAttribute=able|,#function|
+Զ N institution|,#knowledge|֪ʶ
+Զ N control|
+Է ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+Է N attribute|,property|,active|Ը,&event|¼
+Է V pay|,possession=expenditure|,manner=self|
+Է V RegardAs|,patient=self|
+Ը ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+Ը V bear|е
+Ը N human|,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+Ըӯ V bear|е
+ԸԴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+Ը V willing|Ը
+Ը PRON {self|}
+Ը V provide|
+Ը V surplus|ʣ
+Ը V BeIndependent|
+Ըũ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ
+Թ V admit|
+Թ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Թ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+Թ ADV aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+Ժ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|
+Ժ N experience|,glorious|
+Ի V destroy|,patient=self|
+Լ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|
+Լ PRON {self|}
+Լ N human|,friend|
+Լ PRON {self|}
+Լ V recommend|Ƽ,content=self|
+Խ V create|
+Ծ V suicide|ɱ
+Ծ V clean|ʹ,patient=self|
+Ծ V rescue|,patient=self|
+Ծ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ,target=self|
+Ծ V RegardAs|,patient=self|
+ԾĹ V RashlyAct|
+ԾĹ N damage|,patient=self|
+Ծ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+Ծ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը,desired|
+Ծ V perception|֪
+Ծ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը,&human|,&organization|֯
+ԾԸ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+Ծ N fact|,self|,decide|
+ԾȨ N rights|Ȩ,*decide|
+Կ V control|
+Կ V boast|,target=self|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ N tool|þ,*lighting|ȼ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,undesired|ݬ
+ˮ N water|ˮ
+ˮ N PenInk|ī,*write|д
+ V TakeCare|,patient=self|
+ V provide|,target=self|
+ V mobilize|,patient=self|
+ V BeIndependent|
+ V BeIndependent|
+ V BeIndependent|
+ V SetAside|
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ V RashlyAct|
+ V flow|
+ V restrain|ֹ,patient=self|
+ V satisfied|
+ V mobilize|,patient=self|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+ V satisfied|
+ N tool|þ,*tell|,#time|ʱ
+ V naming|,patient=self|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ V disheartened|
+ V deceive|ƭ
+Dz V tease|ȡ,target=self|
+ǿ V improve|,patient=self|
+ǿϢ V endeavour|,content=improve|,#self|
+Լ V IllTreat|,target=self|
+ȡ V perish|,cause=RashlyAct|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+Ȼ N natural|Ȼ
+Ȼ ADV {comment|}
+Ȼ N place|ط,#natural|Ȼ,$protect|
+Ȼ N InstitutePlace|,@display|չʾ,#natural|Ȼ
+Ȼ N place|ط,village|
+Ȼ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#earth|
+ȻȻ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ȻȻ ADJ {comment|}
+Ȼ N regulation|
+Ȼ N attribute|,environment|,&entity|ʵ
+Ȼ N natural|Ȼ
+Ȼѧ N knowledge|֪ʶ,#natural|Ȼ
+Ȼ N human|
+Ȼ V die|
+ȻԴ N material|,#natural|Ȼ,generic|ͳ
+ȼ V burn|
+ V agree|ͬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,superior|,desired|
+ɱ V suicide|ɱ
+ɱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,suicide|ɱ
+϶ ADV aValue|ֵ,property|
+ PRON {self|}
+ V ExistAppear|
+ʡ V check|,content=self|
+ʳ V unfortunate|
+ʳ V BeIndependent|
+ʼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|
+ ADV {comment|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ V depend|
+ V admit|,content=crime|,#police|
+ V betray|
+ױ V betray|
+ V explain|˵
+˽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰,undesired|ݬ
+˽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰,undesired|ݬ
+ V accuse|ظ,police|
+ֿ V ResultIn|,result=damage|
+Ͷ V ResultIn|,result=damage|
+ο V soothe|ο,target=self|
+ V defend|
+ N army|
+ V ask|,target=self|
+ PRON {self|}
+ұ V ShowOff|ҫ,content=self|
+Ҵ V boast|,content=self|
+ҽ V cultivate|,patient=self|
+˽ V suicide|ɱ
+ V estimate|,content=self|
+ V MakeBetter|Ż,patient=self|
+ V abandon|,possession=self|
+ V like|ϧ,target=self|
+ V cultivate|,patient=self|
+ϰ V study|ѧ,education|
+¶ ADV aValue|ֵ,property|
+ɱ V kill|ɱ,patient=EachOther|
+ྪ V frighten|Ż,target=EachOther|
+ì V FitNot|,contrast=EachOther|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,#young|
+ V believe|,target=self|
+ N emotion|,believe|,#self|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,single|
+г N LandVehicle|
+г N facilities|ʩ,@put|,#LandVehicle|
+г N part|,%LandVehicle|,body|
+г N facilities|ʩ,@put|,#LandVehicle|
+ V RashlyAct|
+ V study|ѧ,education|
+ѡ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,free|
+ѧ V study|ѧ,manner=self|
+ѧ V teach|,target=self|
+ѧ N human|,*study|ѧ,manner=self|
+ V speak|˵,target=self|
+ N human|,*speak|˵
+ V SelfMove|
+Ϊ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+Ӫ V manage|,manner=self|,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$use|,#self|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,free|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,free|,desired|
+ɶ N attribute|,performance|,free|
+ɷ V indulge|
+ɸ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#ship|,@stay|ͣ
+ɻ N attribute|,property|,free|
+ɻ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=free|
+ N human|,free|
+ N fact|,sport|
+Ӿ V exercise|,#swim|,sport|
+Ӿ N fact|,swim|,sport|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,free|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,free|
+ N human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,free|,desired|
+ V own|,manner=self|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,#young|
+ V recreation|,partner=self|
+ V recreation|,partner=self|
+Ը ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+Ը V aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+Ը ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը
+Ը ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,active|Ը,desired|
+Ը V willing|Ը
+Թ V blame|Թ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,free|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ,target=self|
+ V suffer|
+֪֮ N attribute|,ability|,know|֪,#self|
+ V control|,patient=self|
+ V produce|,manner=self|
+ V restrain|ֹ,patient=self|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,self|
+ N place|ط,manage|,#self|,politics|
+Ȩ N attribute|,power|,decide|,#self|,&organization|֯,politics|
+ N place|ط,manage|,#self|,politics|
+ N place|ط,manage|,#self|,politics|
+ V like|ϧ,target=self|
+ V decide|,manner=self|
+Ӫ V manage|,manner=self|,commercial|
+Ȩ N attribute|,power|,decide|,#self|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ V TakeCare|,patient=self|
+ V help|,patient=self|
+ת V rotate|ת
+ V satisfied|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,steady|,desired|
+ V like|ϧ,target=self|
+ N emotion|,like|ϧ,#self|
+ V decide|,manner=self|
+ V suffer|
+ V suicide|ɱ
+ڼ V boast|,content=self|
+ V suicide|ɱ
+ V suicide|ɱ
+ V soak|
+ N trace|,dirty|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&character|
+ N attribute|,name|,&human|
+ N attribute|,style|,&character|
+ N bill|Ʊ
+ N character|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ֳ N attribute|,length|,&character|
+ִ V handle|,patient=character|
+ֵ N publications|鿯,#expression|
+ַ N character|,mass|
+ַ N attribute|,kind|,&information|Ϣ
+ֺ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+ֺ N attribute|,name|,&InstitutePlace|
+ֺ N attribute|,size|ߴ,&character|
+ֻ N artifact|˹,#image|ͼ,entertainment|
+ּ N trace|,#character|
+ֽ N unit|λ,&information|Ϣ,computer|
+־ N bill|Ʊ,#wealth|Ǯ
+־ N expression|
+ֿ N software|,@store|,character|
+м ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,&text|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,&text|
+ģ N tool|þ,*print|ӡˢ
+ĸ N symbol|
+ĸ N symbol|,mass|
+Ļ N text|,#shows|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&character|
+ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&character|
+ N attribute|,style|,&character|
+ N letter|ż
+ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&character|
+ N expression|
+ N attribute|,standard|,&character|
+ N expression|
+ N sound|,#language|
+ V choose|ѡ,content=expression|
+ N tree|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,RedBrown|
+ N tree|
+ N beast|
+ N tree|
+ N trace|,#SelfMove|,#CauseToMove|
+ N trace|,#SelfMove|,#CauseToMove|,#foot|
+ټ N trace|,#SelfMove|,#CauseToMove|
+Ӱ N trace|,#SelfMove|,#CauseToMove|
+ N attribute|,clan|,&human|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,able|,desired|
+ N human|,past|
+ N part|,%community|
+ N purpose|Ŀ
+ڷ N system|ƶ
+ڽ N human|,able|,desired|
+ڽ N community|,religion|ڽ
+ڽ̽ N regulation|,religion|ڽ
+ڽ̽ N community|,religion|ڽ
+ڽɱ N community|,religion|ڽ
+ڽ N community|,religion|ڽ
+ڽ N emotion|,believe|,religion|ڽ
+ڽʽ N fact|,religion|ڽ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,religion|ڽ
+ N thinking|˼,biased|ƫ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|
+ N human|
+ʦ N human|,able|,desired|
+ V respect|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ּ N purpose|Ŀ
+ N community|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@reside|ס
+ V AmountTo|ܼ
+۹ V investigate|
+ۺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ۺ V include|
+ۺϲ֢ N disease|
+ۺϴѧ N InstitutePlace|,@teach|,@study|ѧ,education|
+ۺ V use|,all|ȫ
+ۺ N human|,*include|
+ۺ֢ N disease|
+ۼ V AmountTo|ܼ
+ V explain|˵
+ ADV {comment|}
+ V explain|˵
+ N shows|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,main|
+ ADV {comment|}
+ܱ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*compile|༭,#readings|,literature|
+ܱ༭ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*compile|༭,#readings|,literature|
+ܲ N part|,%army|,*order|
+ܲ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,commercial|
+ܲ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,politics|
+ܲ N institution|,*help|,ProperName|ר,military|,(China|й)
+ܲı N institution|,*help|,ProperName|ר,military|,(China|й)
+ܲı N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ܲ N quantity|,amount|,all|ȫ,&crop|ׯ,&artifact|˹
+ֵܲ N attribute|,value|ֵ,all|ȫ,&produce|,industrial|
+ܳ N attribute|,length|,all|ȫ,&physical|
+ܳ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ܳ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,factory|,industrial|,main|
+ܳ N attribute|,name|,generic|ͳ,&entity|ʵ
+ܳ V produce|,industrial|
+ܴ N quantity|,amount|,#computer|,&handle|
+ܴ N human|,*help|
+ܵ AUX {modality|}
+ܵ CONJ {comment|}
+ܵ˵ CONJ {comment|}
+ܵ˵ CONJ {comment|}
+ܵ N InstitutePlace|,main|,commercial|
+ܶԱ V mobilize|
+ܶ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,country|
+ܶ N army|
+ܶ N quantity|,amount|,&physical|
+֮ܶ CONJ {comment|}
+ܹʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ܹ N community|,#employee|Ա,main|
+ܹ V attack|,military|
+ܹ˾ N InstitutePlace|,main|,commercial|
+ܹ V AmountTo|ܼ
+ܺ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+ܺ N institution|,*provide|,ProperName|ר,military|,(China|й)
+ܺڲ N institution|,*provide|,ProperName|ר,military|,(China|й)
+ܻ V ComeTogether|
+ܻ N tool|þ,*control|,#communicate|
+ܼ V AmountTo|ܼ
+ܼ N attribute|,price|۸,all|ȫ,commercial|
+ܼ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*check|,official|
+ܽ N time|ʱ,#age|,young|
+ܽ V explain|˵
+ܾ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,commercial|
+ܾ N institution|,main|
+ V explain|˵
+ V bear|е
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,#country|
+ N part|,%text|
+ N estimate|
+˵ ADV {comment|}
+ʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,often|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,country|
+ N institution|,main|
+ N quantity|,amount|,&entity|ʵ
+˾ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,ending|ĩ
+ ADV {comment|}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ N entity|ʵ
+ V plan|ƻ
+ͳ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,country|
+ͳ N house|,institution|,#politics|
+ͳ N human|,friend|
+ͳ N system|ƶ,politics|
+ N affairs|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ N part|,%computer|
+ N InstitutePlace|,main|,commercial|
+ N regulation|,important|
+ N account|,@record|¼,#wealth|Ǯ
+ N institution|,politics|,ProperName|ר,military|,(China|й)
+β N institution|,politics|,ProperName|ר,military|,(China|й)
+֮ CONJ {comment|}
+ֵ N quantity|,amount|,&entity|ʵ
+ָ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+ָ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|,straight|ֱ
+ V indulge|
+ V jump|
+ V release|ͷ
+ CONJ {concession|ò}
+ݲ V jump|
+ݲ V walk|
+ݶ N part|,%inanimate|,surfacial|
+ݶ N army|
+ݶ N shape|,linear|
+ݸ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ݹ V look|
+ݹ V cross|Խ
+ݺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|
+ݺ۳ V SelfMove|
+ݺύ V BeAcross|ཻ
+ݻ V lighting|ȼ,crime|
+ݾ V addict|Ⱥ,patient=drinks|Ʒ
+ V look|
+ V talk|̸,manner=free|
+Ŀ V look|
+ V satisfied|
+Ȼ CONJ {concession|ò}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,suitable|,desired|
+ V indulge|
+ V jump|
+ N attribute|,depth|,&physical|,#cubic|
+ʹ CONJ {concession|ò}
+̸ V speak|˵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|,straight|ֱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+ V function|
+ V leak|©
+ V leave|뿪
+ V use|
+ V visit|
+ V walk|
+߱ V unfortunate|
+߱ V roam|
+߲ V err|,sport|
+ߴ崮 V roam|
+ߴ崮կ V roam|
+ߵ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ߵ V walk|
+ߵ V decline|˥
+ߵ V AppearanceChange|۱,scope=SoundQuality|,StateFin=improper|,undesired|ݬ
+߶ V associate|
+߶ V walk|
+߶ V study|ѧ,education|
+߶ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|
+߷ V visit|
+߷ V exposure|¶
+߸˿ N human|,*perform|,entertainment|
+߹ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+߹ V slack|͵
+ߺ V WellKnown|
+ߺ V lucky|
+ߺ V associate|,manner=undesired|ݬ
+ V boast|
+ V err|,scope=electricity|
+ V err|,scope=firing|
+߽ V MakeLiving|ı,means=perform|
+ִ߽ V roam|
+߽ V GoInto|
+߽ V approach|ӽ
+߿ V leave|뿪
+ N part|,%building|,nerve|
+© V evade|ر,crime|
+© V exposure|¶
+· V leave|뿪
+· V walk|
+ V drive|Ԧ,patient=livestock|
+ N tool|þ,*illuminate|
+ۻ V look|,manner=careless|
+ V undertake|
+ϴ V roam|
+ V associate|,manner=undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,$sell|,commercial|
+ V visit|,target=human|
+ V leave|뿪
+ V GoInto|
+ɫ V AppearanceChange|۱
+ V use|
+ʧ V disappear|ʧ
+ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&human|,&organization|֯,&event|¼
+ N beast|,generic|ͳ
+˽ V transport|,manner=secret|,crime|
+˽ N human|,*transport|,crime|
+˽ V artifact|˹,$transport|,secret|,crime|
+ V AppearanceChange|۱,scope=content|,StateFin=improper|,undesired|ݬ
+Ͷ· V BeUnable|
+· V err|
+ζ V AppearanceChange|۱,scope=taste|ζ,StateFin=improper|,undesired|ݬ
+· V decline|˥
+ V SelfMove|,LocationFin=<>
+ N attribute|,direction|,&physical|
+ N attribute|,outlook|ǰ,&human|,&organization|֯,&event|¼
+ V AppearanceChange|۱,scope=form|״,StateFin=improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ʽ V slack|͵
+Ѩ V undertake|,content=other|,entertainment|
+ V AppearanceChange|۱,scope=form|״,StateFin=improper|,undesired|ݬ
+ V differ|ͬ
+ V lucky|
+ V wait|ȴ
+ V walk|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ V recreation|,entertainment|
+ V submit|
+ V win|ʤ
+ V win|ʤ
+ V perform|,content=music|
+ N music|
+Ч V succeed|ɹ
+ V beat|
+ V break|۶
+ V borrow|,commercial|
+ N document|,#borrow|,#lend|
+ N expenditure|,*borrow|
+ V lend|,commercial|
+ N human|,lend|
+ V lend|,commercial|
+ N expenditure|,*borrow|
+ N expenditure|,*borrow|
+ N place|ط,$occupy|ռ
+ V borrow|,commercial|
+ V lend|,commercial|
+ N human|,*lend|
+ N expenditure|,*borrow|
+ N human|,*borrow|
+ V borrow|,commercial|
+ V lend|,commercial|
+ N attribute|,duration|,&lend|,&borrow|
+ N human|,*borrow|,house|
+ V borrow|,commercial|
+Լ N document|,*ExpressAgreement|ʾͬ,#lend|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,leg|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,leg|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,sufficient|
+㲿 N part|,%AnimalHuman|,leg|
+ N quantity|,amount|,accurate|,&physical|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+㹻 ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,sufficient|
+㼣 N trace|,#SelfMove|,#CauseToMove|
+㼣 N trace|,#SelfMove|,#CauseToMove|,#foot|
+ V mean|ָ
+ N metal|,?material|,pure|
+ N SportTool|˶
+ N fact|,exercise|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@exercise|,@compete|,sport|
+ N community|,*exercise|,*compete|,sport|
+Ȧ N community|,sport|
+ N fact|,compete|,sport|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,pure|,desired|
+̳ N community|,sport|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+ N metal|,?material|,pure|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,ripe|,desired|
+Ƕı ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,more|
+ V die|
+ V end|ս
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,military|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#recreation|
+ҵ V finish|,scope=study|ѧ,education|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,military|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#recreation|
+ N attribute|,clan|,&human|
+ N attribute|,kind|,&human|
+ N entity|ʵ
+峤 N human|,official|
+ N human|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,intimate|,male|
+ N human|,past|
+汲 N human|,past|
+ N wealth|Ǯ
+洫 V PassOn|
+洫 ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$PassOn|
+洫ط N document|,medical|ҽ,#medicine|ҩ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#die|
+游 N human|,family|,male|
+游ĸ N human|,family|
+ N place|ط,country|
+漮 N place|ط
+³ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ĸ N human|,family|,male|
+ĸ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ N human|,past|
+ʦ N human|,*establish|
+ʦү N human|,*establish|
+ N human|,family|
+ N human|,family|
+ N human|,past|
+ҵ N wealth|Ǯ
+ N human|,past|
+汲 ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+谭 V obstruct|ֹ
+赲 V obstruct|ֹ
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ V separate|
+ V attack|,military|
+ V obstruct|ֹ,military|
+ս N fact|,obstruct|ֹ,military|
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+迹 V obstruct|ֹ,#electricity|
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ N attribute|,strength|,obstruct|ֹ,&thing|
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ V BlockUp|
+Ԯ V obstruct|ֹ,content=rescue|,military|
+ֹ V obstruct|ֹ
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|
+ V establish|
+ N part|,%organization|֯
+鳤 N human|,official|
+ V establish|
+ V establish|,PatientProduct=community|,sport|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,bone|
+ V call|ٻ,ResultEvent=compile|༭
+ V establish|,patient=organization|֯,politics|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$merge|ϲ
+ N entity|ʵ,$merge|ϲ
+ V establish|
+ʽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$merge|ϲ
+ N tool|þ,*listen|,#music|
+ N part|,implement|
+齨 V establish|
+ V establish|,PatientProduct=community|,sport|
+ί N part|,%organization|֯,*handle|
+Ա N human|,#organization|֯
+֯ V establish|
+֯ N organization|֯
+֯ N part|,%animate|,bone|
+֯ N part|,%entity|ʵ,bone|
+֯ N chemical|ѧ
+֯ N part|,%community|
+֯ʵ N attribute|,strength|,&organization|֯
+֯ N human|,*establish|
+װ V merge|ϲ
+ V GoInto|
+ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ V research|о
+ V stab|
+ N tool|þ,*stab|
+ V GoOut|ȥ
+ V stab|
+괲 N machine|,*stab|
+ V GoThrough|
+ N machine|,*dig|ھ
+ N tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ V GoInto|
+꾮 V stab|,industrial|
+꾮 N community|,*stab|,industrial|
+ V use|,patient=pros|
+ı V seek|ıȡ
+ţǼ V research|о
+ʯ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+̽ V investigate|,industrial|
+ͷ N part|,%machine|,head|ͷ,*stab|
+ij N InsectWorm|
+ V research|о
+Ӫ V seek|ıȡ
+ V compile|༭
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ V compile|༭
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ N shape|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ V FondOf|ϲ,target=edible|ʳ
+촽 N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ
+ N location|λ,%mouth|
+Ƥ N attribute|,ability|,&human|,#speak|˵
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+ V dizzy|,cause=addict|Ⱥ,#drinks|Ʒ
+ N human|,*dizzy|,#addict|Ⱥ,#drinks|Ʒ
+ N human|,*dizzy|,#addict|Ⱥ,#drinks|Ʒ
+ V dizzy|,cause=addict|Ⱥ
+ V dizzy|,cause=addict|Ⱥ,#drinks|Ʒ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,CauseToDo|ʹ,#dizzy|
+ N human|,*dizzy|,#addict|Ⱥ,#drinks|Ʒ
+ V FondOf|ϲ
+ V dizzy|,cause=addict|Ⱥ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,most|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,most|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,InFront|ǰ
+Լ N symbol|,#quantity|,#DoSum|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,nonextensive|
+ͼ N attribute|,price|۸,cheap|,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,extensive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ N fact|,discuss|,HighRank|ߵ
+ N attribute|,price|۸,expensive|,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,hind|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,hind|
+ͨ N document|,*tell|,#fight|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,most|,undesired|ݬ
+ݹ N place|ط,country|,$WellTreat|ƴ,#commercial|
+ݹ N fact|,WellTreat|ƴ,#commercial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,superior|,desired|
+ӽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,near|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,near|,most|
+ N aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|,desired|
+ N aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,near|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,near|
+ N aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,near|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+϶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,direction|,south|
+ڲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,internal|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,range|,nonextensive|
+Ϊ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,small|С
+С N symbol|,#quantity|,#DoSum|
+С ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,nonextensive|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,newness|¾,new|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,now|
+ȿǵ N attribute|,sequence|,&event|¼
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+Զ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ,most|
+ N aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,hind|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,hind|
+Ҫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,important|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ N fact|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ N result|,#unfortunate|,undesired|ݬ
+ﰸ N fact|,#police|
+ﲻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ N fact|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ﷸ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ N result|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ N result|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,crime|
+ N fact|,crime|,$accuse|ظ
+ N result|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ N aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ N fact|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ N duty|,#crime|
+֤ N information|Ϣ,#crime|
+״ N fact|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ V respect|
+ N human|,family|,aged|
+ N attribute|,name|,$respect|,&human|
+ V respect|
+ V salute|¾
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,respect|
+ V respect|
+ϰ V respect|,target=human|
+ʦ V respect|,target=human|
+ʦؽ V respect|,target=human|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,stately|ׯ,&human|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ V respect|
+ V obey|ѭ
+ V obey|ѭ
+ط V obey|ѭ,content=regulation|
+ V obey|ѭ,content=order|
+ V obey|ѭ
+ V obey|ѭ
+ѭ V obey|ѭ
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V obey|ѭ
+ N time|ʱ,past|
+ N time|ʱ,past|,day|
+ N time|ʱ,past|,day|
+ N time|ʱ,past|,day|
+ N time|ʱ,past|,day|
+ N time|ʱ,past|,day|,night|
+ҹ N time|ʱ,past|,day|,night|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N community|
+ N location|λ
+ N location|λ
+߷ N human|,*exercise|,(football|)
+ N location|λ
+ N human|,#exercise|
+ V look|
+ N location|λ,surrounding|Χ
+ N human|,*reside|ס,near|
+ N weapon|,*firing|
+ǹ N weapon|,*firing|
+ N location|λ
+ N human|,politics|
+Ʋ N human|
+Ǩ V degrade|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Ϸ N location|λ
+Ͻ N location|λ
+ N location|λ
+ N part|
+ N location|λ
+̻ V protect|
+· N location|λ
+½ N location|λ
+ N location|λ
+ V control|
+ N human|,*TakeCare|
+ N location|λ
+ ADV qValue|ֵ,amount|,almost|
+ҿ V attack|
+ N human|,friend|
+̻ V protect|
+Ϊ V embarrassed|Ϊ
+֤ N information|Ϣ,*prove|֤
+֧ V BeUnable|,content=handle|
+֧ V BeUnable|,content=pay|
+ת V TurnRound|
+ת V TurnRound|
+ V help|
+ V eat|
+ N material|,?edible|ʳ
+֤ N information|Ϣ,*prove|֤
+ N tree|
+˿ N material|,?clothing|
+ V RegardAs|
+ V be|
+ V compile|༭
+ V cook|
+ V create|
+ V engage|
+B V fact|,diagnose|,medical|ҽ
+ V mating|
+ V dream|
+ V follow|
+ V BeUnable|,content=decide|
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ú ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ V bear|е
+ N method|
+ V cook|,PatientProduct=edible|ʳ
+ N attribute|,performance|,#produce|,&artifact|˹
+ N attribute|,price|۸,&artifact|˹,commercial|
+ V engage|,content=affairs|
+ V undertake|,content=official|,politics|
+ V disseminate|,commercial|
+µ N human|,do|,desired|
+ V engage|,content=affairs|
+ V become|Ϊ
+ V engage|,content=affairs|,religion|ڽ
+ V engage|,content=fact|,religion|ڽ
+ V congratulate|ף,cause=festival|
+ý V mediate|,ResultEvent=GetMarried|
+ V dream|
+ V associate|
+Ȧ V forming|γ,PatientProduct=plans|滮,purpose=deceive|ƭ
+ V ActGeneral|
+ V MakeSound|
+ V congratulate|ף,cause=festival|,#ComeToWorld|
+ V engage|,content=affairs|,commercial|
+ V engage|,content=affairs|
+ֽ V deceive|ƭ
+ V cure|ҽ,means=split|ƿ,#part|
+ V undergo|,content=cure|ҽ,#split|ƿ,#part|,medical|ҽ
+ V congratulate|ף,cause=festival|,#ComeToWorld|
+ͷ V MakeUp|ױ,scope=hair|ë,#female|Ů
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V compile|༭,ContentProduct=text|
+Ϸ V deceive|ƭ
+Ϸ V perform|,content=shows|,entertainment|
+ѧ V engage|,content=research|о
+ѧ V research|о,content=knowledge|֪ʶ
+ V ShowOff|ҫ
+һײһ V slack|͵
+ V GuiltilyConscious|
+ V decide|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ V RegardAs|
+ V compile|༭
+ V do|
+ V happen|
+ V pretend|װ
+ N text|
+ V do|,content=crime|
+ V cease|ͣ
+ V follow|
+ V guarantee|֤
+ V deceive|ƭ
+Ϲ N look|
+ V farewell|
+ V help|
+ V do|
+ŵԵ N human|,*MakeAppointment|Լ,#bear|е
+ V compile|༭,ContentProduct=text|,#music|,entertainment|
+ V oppose|
+ V do|,content=evil|
+ V do|,content=evil|
+ N method|
+Ա V suffer|,content=restrain|ֹ
+ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,factory|,industrial|
+ V end|ս
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V obstruct|ֹ
+ V die|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V ShowEmotion|ʾ
+ V draw|,ContentProduct=image|ͼ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,literature|
+Э N community|,literature|
+ V deceive|ƭ
+ V pretend|װ
+ V estimate|,commercial|
+鷸 V do|,content=crime|
+Ը V suffer|,content=restrain|ֹ
+ V damage|
+ V lavish|˷
+ V reside|ס
+ V perform|,content=music|
+ V tease|ȡ
+ V prepare|
+ N material|,?edible|ʳ
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V embarrassed|Ϊ
+ɢ V flee|
+ V do|,content=evil|
+Ū V IllTreat|
+Ż V ill|̬,#vomit|³
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,&human|
+ V follow|
+Ʒ N readings|,literature|,entertainment|
+ V compile|༭,ContentProduct=music|,entertainment|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*compile|༭,#music|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*compile|༭,#music|,entertainment|
+ V ActGeneral|
+ɫ V angry|
+ʫ V compile|༭,ContentProduct=text|
+ V fit|ʺ
+ V suicide|ɱ
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ʹ V painful|ʹ
+ͼ V draw|,ContentProduct=image|ͼ
+Ϊ V RegardAs|
+Ϊ V conduct|ʵʩ
+Ϊ V fulfil|ʵ
+ΪDz ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+α V forge|α
+α֤ V prove|֤,content=information|Ϣ,fake|α,#police|
+α֤ N human|,*forge|α,undesired|ݬ,#police|
+ V compile|༭,ContentProduct=text|
+ V MakeTrouble|
+ V compile|༭,ContentProduct=text|
+ N crop|ׯ,generic|ͳ
+Ϣ V engage|,rest|Ϣ
+ V MakeSound|
+Э N community|,literature|
+ѧ V research|о,content=knowledge|֪ʶ
+ҵ N fact|
+ҵ N fact|,#education|
+ N attribute|,effect|Ч,&entity|ʵ,&act|ж
+ N fact|,function|
+ V influence|Ӱ
+ N purpose|Ŀ
+ս ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,fight|
+ս V fight|,military|
+ N human|,*compile|༭,literature|
+֤ V prove|֤
+ V GoBackward|
+ V TakeVehicle|
+ V facing|
+ V put|
+ V sink|³
+ V sit|
+ V obey|ѭ,content=time|ʱ
+ N image|ͼ
+ N attribute|,sequence|,&sit|
+ V wait|ȴ
+ V wait|ȴ
+ N tool|þ,@sit|
+ V sit|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,nerve|
+ʹ N disease|
+ V suffer|,content=detain|ס,cause=crime|,#police|
+ V suffer|,content=detain|ס,cause=crime|,#police|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,unable|ӹ,undesired|ݬ
+ N tool|þ,@sit|,generic|ͳ
+ V suffer|,content=restrain|ֹ
+ V suffer|,content=detain|ס,cause=crime|,#police|
+ V suffer|,content=IllTreat|
+ V uneasy|
+ V situated|
+ N livestock|,@sit|
+ɽ N bird|
+ɽۻ V refuse|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,commercial|
+ V sit|
+ʧ V lose|ʧȥ,possession=time|ʱ
+ V refuse|
+ V obtain|õ
+̽ N human|,military|,*scout|
+λ N location|λ,@sit|
+Բ V uneasy|
+ V sit|
+ V obtain|õ
+ҩ N medicine|ҩ
+Դ V wait|ȴ,content=die|
+ V labour|ٲ
+ V manage|
+ N attribute|,posture|,#sit|,&human|
+ V labour|ٲ
+ N celestial|
+ N location|λ
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,base|
+ N part|,%aircraft|
+ N part|,%weapon|
+ N attribute|,sequence|,&sit|
+ N tool|þ,@sit|
+ N attribute|,number|,&location|λ,#sit|
+ N aircraft|
+ V situated|
+ϱ N human|,$WellTreat|ƴ
+Ͽ N human|,$WellTreat|ƴ
+̸ V discuss|
+̸ N fact|,discuss|
+λ N location|λ,@sit|
+ϯ EXPR aValue|ֵ,fullness|,full|
+ϯ N location|λ,@sit|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,@sit|
+ N expression|,$obey|ѭ
+ N tool|þ,*tell|,#time|ʱ
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,base|
+أ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+أ V stand|վ
+ؤ N human|,poor|,*beg|,undesired|ݬ
+إ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ئ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ا ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ب ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ة N human|,*help|,#official|,past|,(China|й)
+ة N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,past|,(China|й)
+ث ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ث ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,timid|,undesired|ݬ
+ث N human|,timid|,undesired|ݬ
+ج ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ج N information|Ϣ,#die|
+ج N thought|ͷ,#dream|,undesired|ݬ
+ذ N weapon|
+ز V die|
+ز V die|
+ز V die|
+ط N human|,future|
+ع V GiveBirth|
+ع N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ع V foster|
+غ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|,#mating|
+غ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|,#mating|
+ؽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ؽ ADV aValue|ֵ,frequency|Ƶ,again|
+ؽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ؽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ؾ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ؿ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ؿб V look|,manner=slanted|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,miser|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,width|,narrow|խ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V put|
+Ȼн ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ V dizzy|,medical|ҽ
+ PRON {ThirdPerson|,female|Ů}
+ PRON {ThirdPerson|,male|}
+ PRON {ThirdPerson|,mass|}
+ PRON {it|}
+ N human|,male|,employee|Ա,past|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ɱ V fight|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+Ʒ N artifact|˹,fake|α,generic|ͳ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ V lack|ȱ
+ѷ V lack|ȱ
+ N tool|þ,$sign|д,*decorate|װ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+Ҷ N tool|þ,$sign|д,*decorate|װ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,refined|
+ N symbol|,*guess|²
+ V break|۶
+ V cut|
+ V dig|ھ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ V cut|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V dig|ھ
+ⲹ ADJ WorthNot|ֵ
+ⲹ V WorthNot|ֵ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+⺷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|
+⺷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ V steal|͵
+ N human|,steal|͵
+ V split|ƿ
+忪 V split|ƿ
+ V punish|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+붽 N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V CausePartMove|
+ V separate|
+ N human|,young|
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ٳ N human|,family|,mass|
+ V stand|վ
+ V wait|ȴ
+ V stand|վ
+ V influence|Ӱ
+ V flee|
+ V lose|ʧȥ
+ N phenomena|,idle|
+ V surpass|ǿ
+Ͳ N disease|
+١ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+٤ CLAS unit|λ
+٤ N lights|
+٧ V urge|ʹ
+٨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,improper|,undesired|ݬ
+٨ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+٩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+٩ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gentle|,desired|
+٩٩̸ V speak|˵
+٪ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,low|
+٪ N human|,low|
+٪ N time|ʱ,past|
+٪ N human|,low|
+٭ N human|
+ٮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ٮٮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ٮٮ N human|,able|,desired|
+ٯ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ٯ PRON {SecondPerson|}
+ٲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,stately|ׯ,desired|
+ٲȻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,neat|,desired|
+ٲȻ ADV {contrast}
+ٳ N human|,family|,mass|
+ٵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ٵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,vulgar|,undesired|ݬ
+ٸ N tool|þ,#die|,$bury|
+ٹ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ٹ V wait|ȴ
+ٺ N payment|
+ٺ» N payment|,past|
+ٻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ٻӰ N image|ͼ,beautiful|
+ټ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ټ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+ٿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ٿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Japan|ձ)
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ,past|,*rob|,#waters|ˮ
+ CONJ {purpose}
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*foster|,*TakeCare|,#livestock|,agricultural|ũ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ V MoveItDown|
+ V cease|ͣ
+Ϣ V cease|ͣ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+ͬ P {partner}
+ V lean|п
+˱ V HoldInArm|§
+ V lean|п
+ N human|,#GetMarried|
+ V remove|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V BeSame|ͬ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,together|ͬ
+ V aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ COOR {and|}
+ PREP {coagent}
+ PREP {contrast}
+ PREP {partner}
+ V cook|
+ V float|Ư
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+٦ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N tool|þ,*cook|,past|
+ N tool|þ,*salute|¾,past|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,$MakeBad|Ӻ
+ V cook|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,*cook|
+ ECHO {comment|}
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V LieDown|
+ V crawl|
+ N bird|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ҹ V endeavour|
+Ը N aspiration|Ը,expect|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ V despise|
+ V slander|̰
+ V receive|
+ V tell|
+ N attribute|,ability|,&human|
+ V tell|
+ N attribute|,behavior|ֹ,original|ԭ,&human|,&organization|֯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,bony|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,cold|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ڝ V slide|
+ڝ V slide|
+ڝŽ V stand|վ
+ڣ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#die|
+ڤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ڤ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|
+ڤ N tool|þ,#bury|,#die|
+ڤ˼ V think|˼,manner=endeavour|
+ڤ N celestial|
+ڤ V think|˼
+ڨ V LaughAt|Ц
+ڨЦ V LaughAt|Ц
+ک V sing|
+ک V praise|佱
+ګ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|,&speak|˵
+ڭ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ڭ N fruit|ˮ
+ڮ V slander|̰
+ڮ V slander|̰
+گ N document|,royal|,past|
+گ V order|,politics|,royal|
+گ N document|,royal|,past|
+ڱ V GiveAsGift|
+ڱ V PassOn|
+ڲ V deceive|ƭ
+ڲƭ V deceive|ƭ
+ڵ V ask|
+ڶг ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ڶг N attribute|,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ڸ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ڹ V explain|˵
+ڹ V explain|˵
+ڹע V explain|˵
+ں V persuade|Ȱ˵
+ں N human|,friend|
+ڼ V boast|
+ھ N document|,royal|,past|
+ V please|ȡ
+ V know|֪
+ V please|ȡ
+ V please|ȡ
+ N human|,please|ȡ
+ V damage|
+Ц V laugh|Ц,manner=please|ȡ
+ V please|ȡ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+ V tease|ȡ
+ V salute|¾
+ V visit|
+˼ V visit|
+ V order|,politics|,royal|
+ V tell|
+ V know|֪
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ V BeAble|ܹ
+ N information|Ϣ
+ V ask|
+ N plans|滮
+ V arise|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V degrade|
+ V exile|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+¥ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@look|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+թ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ V mad|
+ N text|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,linear|,route|·,#land|½
+İ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,linear|,route|·,#land|½
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,*deceive|ƭ,*MakeBad|Ӻ,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%land|½,skin|Ƥ
+ N land|½,surrounding|Χ,#waters|ˮ
+ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+ N part|,%land|½,skin|Ƥ
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ N part|,%place|ط,mouth|
+ N location|λ,angular|
+ N part|,%land|½,base|
+ N part|,%country|,edge|
+ N part|,%earth|,angular|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ۡ N house|,#official|
+ۣ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ۤ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ۤ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+۪ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+۫ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+۬ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ۭ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+۰ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+۲ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+۳ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+۴ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+۶ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+۷ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ۺ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ۻ N human|,agricultural|ũ
+ۻ N human|,vulgar|,village|,undesired|ݬ
+۾ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ۿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ۿ V mobilize|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ V mediate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+λ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+λ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,*clean|ʹ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N stone|ʯ
+ V BlockUp|
+ V pile|ѷ
+ V BlockUp|
+ N part|,%land|½,linear|,#water|ˮ
+ N waters|ˮ
+ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ,space|ռ,*protect|
+׳ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,*protect|,#waters|ˮ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,*protect|,#waters|ˮ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,linear|,*drain|ų
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#human|,#die|
+ N land|½
+ N part|,%country|,edge|
+ N part|,%land|½,slope|¶
+ N part|,%land|½,agricultural|ũ
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=OutOfOrder|
+ V fasten|˩
+ N shape|
+ N shape|
+ N part|,%land|½
+ N part|,%place|ط,mouth|
+ N attribute|,boundary|,&entity|ʵ
+ N facilities|ʩ,*protect|,#waters|ˮ,space|ռ
+ N InstitutePlace|,*sell|,@buy|,commercial|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&RainSnow|ѩ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&disease|,medical|ҽ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&fact|,sport|,entertainment|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,entertainment|,@perform|
+ N part|,%shows|,entertainment|
+ N place|ط
+ N space|ռ
+ N part|,%land|½
+ܭ N facilities|ʩ,#city|,skin|Ƥ
+ܯ N part|,%building|,nerve|
+ܰ N attribute|,odor|ζ,fragrant|,&physical|
+ܰ N attribute|,odor|ζ,fragrant|,&physical|
+ܲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,HighRank|ߵ,desired|
+ܸܸ N FlowerGrass|
+ܽ N character|,(China|й)
+ܽ N FlowerGrass|
+ܽޡ N FlowerGrass|
+ܾ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ܾ N vegetable|߲
+ܾ N tree|
+ܾݴ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ܾݴ N vegetable|߲
+ܿ N FlowerGrass|
+ܿ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ܿ N vegetable|߲
+ܿ N FlowerGrass|
+ܿܿ N animate|,mass|
+ܿ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ܿ N vegetable|߲
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+Ȳ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+Ȳ N vegetable|߲
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ N FlowerGrass|,?material|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ͷ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ʵ N material|,#edible|ʳ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V break|۶,agricultural|ũ
+ V remove|
+ϳ V remove|,agricultural|ũ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N material|,%FlowerGrass|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+״ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï
+ޣ N FlowerGrass|
+ N crop|ׯ,?material|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#die|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N tree|,?medicine|ҩ
+ N vegetable|߲
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N tree|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ N crop|ׯ
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ V ComeTogether|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N drinks|Ʒ
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,opened|,desired|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ݡ N disease|
+ݥ N FlowerGrass|
+ݩ N fruit|ˮ
+ݫ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ݫ N vegetable|߲
+ݫ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ݫ N vegetable|߲
+ݬ N FlowerGrass|
+ݬ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ݭ N character|,(China|й)
+ݯ N crop|ׯ
+ݰ V arrive|
+ݰ V arrive|
+ݱ N FlowerGrass|
+ݶ N FlowerGrass|
+ݷ N character|,(China|й)
+ݷ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ݷݷ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ݷݷѧ N human|,*study|ѧ,education|,mass|
+ݸ N character|,(China|й)
+ݸ V laugh|Ц
+ݸһЦ V laugh|Ц
+ݹ N character|,(China|й)
+ݹ N material|,?clothing|
+ݹ N FlowerGrass|
+ݺ N bird|
+ݺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ݼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ݼ N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+ݼ N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+ݼݼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ݽ N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,purple|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+˿ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ V ComeTogether|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,$ComeTogether|
+ N thing|,$ComeTogether|
+ȡ V gather|ɼ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V coil|
+ӻ V circle|
+ V circle|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ V foster|
+ V keep|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N part|,%FlowerGrass|,embryo|
+ݳ N part|,%FlowerGrass|,embryo|
+ݳ֮ N human|,family|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+Ȼ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N part|,%FlowerGrass|,embryo|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ޤ N FlowerGrass|,?material|
+ޥ N FlowerGrass|
+ަ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ
+ާ N FlowerGrass|
+ެ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ެ V GiveBirth|
+ޮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ޮ N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+ް V die|
+ޱ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N material|,?edible|ʳ,#crop|ׯ
+ V PickOut|γ
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N attribute|,odor|ζ,fragrant|,&physical|
+ V cook|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,hair|ë
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ V recreation|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״
+ V fall|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V satirize|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,fat|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,embarrassed|Ϊ
+ V check|,content=self|
+ V pull|
+ V cook|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ V beat|
+ V beat|
+ V endeavour|
+ V merge|ϲ
+ղ V endeavour|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,easiness|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ V break|۶
+ֿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,poor|,undesired|ݬ
+ V force|ǿ
+ V press|ѹ
+ָ V punish|
+ V rub|Ħ
+ V LaughAt|Ц
+ V BeNear|
+ V approach|ӽ
+ N part|,%character|
+ V lift|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V CarryOnBack|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,commercial|
+ V throw|
+ V PickOut|γ
+ V fail|ʧ
+ V press|ѹ
+ V praise|佱
+ V abandon|
+ V remove|
+ V PutInOrder|
+ V abandon|
+ V guess|²
+ V estimate|
+ V guess|²
+ V press|ѹ
+ N stationery|ľ,*fix|ס
+۶ N part|,%clothing|,*fasten|˩
+ V wipe|
+ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ V push|
+ V pile|ѷ
+ߗ N place|ط,@reside|ס,#house|
+ߡ V fold|ߡ
+ߢ V gather|ɼ
+ߤ V economize|ʡ
+ߤ V economize|ʡ
+ߤ V subtract|
+ߥ V VieFor|
+ߥ V angry|
+ߥ V throw|
+ߥ V incite|ָʹ
+ߦ V press|ѹ
+ߦ N tool|þ,#cook|
+ߨ V split|ƿ
+ߩ V excrete|й
+ߩ V excrete|й,patient=waste|
+ߪ V PickOut|γ
+ߪ V upgrade|
+ߪ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ߪ V upgrade|
+ߪ V upgrade|
+߫ V dump|
+߬ V hold|
+߭ V stab|
+߭ N weapon|,*stab|
+߮ N weapon|,*firing|
+߰ N chemical|ѧ
+߲ N character|,(China|й)
+߳ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+߳ V cry|
+߳ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+߳ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+߳ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ߴ ECHO sound|
+ߴ V speak|˵
+ߵ V beat|
+ߵ V salute|¾
+ߵ V beat|
+ߵ N human|,*beat|
+ߵͷ V salute|¾
+ߵͷ N InsectWorm|
+ߵ V ask|
+ߵ V diagnose|,means=beat|,medical|ҽ
+߶ V speak|˵
+߷ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Singapore|¼)
+ߺ V cry|
+ߺ V cry|,content=sell|,commercial|
+ߺ V guide|,means=cry|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ V ill|̬,#respire|
+ V ill|̬,#respire|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ STRU {MaChinese|}
+ V drink|
+ V savor|
+ V MakeSound|
+ ECHO sound|
+ߴ N material|,?clothing|
+ ECHO sound|
+ V drink|
+ɽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ V ComeToWorld|
+ V MakeSound|
+ર N MusicTool|
+ર N clothing|,#foot|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ ECHO sound|
+ͱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N fact|,queer|
+β V speak|˵
+ V laugh|Ц
+ ECHO sound|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ ECHO sound|
+ز V speak|˵
+ߴ N material|,?clothing|
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ ECHO sound|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ V talk|̸
+߶ V speak|˵
+ V pant|
+ V weep|
+ ECHO sound|
+ N MusicTool|
+ V sigh|̾
+ V weep|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V jet|
+Ͳ N tool|þ,*inhale|,#gas|,#liquid|Һ
+ ECHO sound|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V cry|,#bird|
+ V vomit|³
+ V eat|
+ V entice|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V cry|
+ ECHO sound|
+ V drink|
+ V weep|
+ V weep|
+ੲ V speak|˵
+ ECHO sound|
+ ECHO sound|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V speak|˵
+Ȼ̾ V sigh|̾
+̾ V sigh|̾
+ ECHO sound|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+ STRU {MaChinese|}
+ N human|,crime|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%animal|,mouth|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V HungryThirsty|
+ ADJ HungryThirsty|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ ECHO sound|
+ ECHO sound|
+ V MakeSound|
+ V speak|˵
+ V bite|ҧ
+ ECHO sound|
+ V angry|
+ V blame|Թ
+ N phenomena|,#StomachTrouble|֢
+ N phenomena|,#ill|̬,#respire|
+ ECHO sound|
+ V cry|,#beast|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ V StomachTrouble|֢
+ ECHO sound|
+Ц V LaughAt|Ц
+ N part|,LandVehicle|
+ͷ N part|,LandVehicle|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,undesired|ݬ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ ECHO sound|
+ʹ V incite|ָʹ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ֹ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ֹ V speak|˵
+ֹ V think|˼
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ ECHO sound|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+ V drink|
+ ECHO sound|
+ V HoldInMouth|
+ V KeepSilence|˵,cause=fear|
+ V laugh|Ц
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ͷ N method|,interesting|Ȥ
+ͷ N plans|滮,sly|,*deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ž ECHO sound|
+ ECHO sound|
+ V speak|˵
+ N human|,young|
+ N human|,young|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ V study|ѧ,result=ignorant|֪
+ N InstitutePlace|,space|ռ,police|,@detain|ס,#crime|,#punish|
+ V delimit|
+ N facilities|ʩ,@foster|,#livestock|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ N clothing|,#body|,female|Ů
+ N fund|ʽ,#country|
+ N clothing|,#head|ͷ,past|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,*decorate|װ
+Ļ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,*decorate|װ,#perform|
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,*decorate|װ,#perform|
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,military|
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,*decorate|װ
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,*decorate|װ,#perform|
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,*decorate|װ
+ N mark|־
+ N mark|־
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+᧲ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+᧿Σ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,dangerous|Σ,undesired|ݬ
+ N land|½,protruding|,desolate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,different|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·,branch|֧
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N land|½
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N land|½
+ N CloudMist|
+ N land|½
+ N land|½,#waters|ˮ
+ᵽ N land|½,#waters|ˮ
+ N land|½
+ N part|,%earth|,mouth|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N land|½
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N land|½,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ N time|ʱ,special|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ɽ N land|½,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V appear|
+ V appear|,politics|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V wounded|
+ N animal|,young|
+ N human|,family|,male|,young|
+ N animal|,young|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+϶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ɽ N land|½,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,bony|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,rugged|
+ N part|,%land|½,head|ͷ
+۷ N part|,%entity|ʵ,head|ͷ
+ء V walk|,manner=slow|
+ V hesitate|ԥ
+ V obey|ѭ
+ V surrender|
+ V do|,manner=biased|ƫ
+ V do|,manner=biased|ƫ,undesired|ݬ
+˽ V do|,manner=biased|ƫ,undesired|ݬ
+˽ N fact|,deceive|ƭ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,location|λ,hind|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sequence|,ending|ĩ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,hind|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,future|
+ V SelfMove|
+ V walk|
+ N attribute|,property|,&entity|ʵ
+ V include|,military|
+ N information|Ϣ,*prove|֤
+ V levy|
+ V request|Ҫ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,linear|,route|·
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stiff|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ V engage|,content=catch|ס,agricultural|ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+⧶ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+Ȼ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|
+ N fact|,die|,#medical|ҽ
+⨺ N beast|
+⨺ N fruit|ˮ
+ N beast|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+⫱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+⫼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ª ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lascivious|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ damage|
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ͷĿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+ N beast|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ
+ N beast|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+Ե V please|ȡ,purpose=$upgrade|
+ V ize|̬,PatientAttribute=soft|
+ N material|,sweet|,?edible|ʳ
+ V tired|ƣ
+ V PutInOrder|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,true|,desired|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N payment|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,time|ʱ,hind|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ V cook|
+ V OutOfOrder|,#edible|ʳ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,good|,desired|
+ V eat|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cook|
+ N room|,@cook|
+ҳ N room|,@cook|
+ V protect|
+ N attribute|,length|,&human|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N InstitutePlace|,religion|ڽ
+ N house|
+ V GoOn|
+ V bear|е
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ V receive|
+ѡ V win|ʤ
+ V guess|²
+ V think|˼
+ V guess|²
+ V guess|²
+ V think|˼
+ V repent|û
+ V admit|,religion|ڽ
+ V repent|û
+ V angry|
+ V irritate|ŭ
+ V angry|
+ V sad|dz
+ V disobey|Υ
+ V disobey|Υ
+ V sorry|ϧ
+ V melancholy|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ V shy|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ V fear|
+ ECHO sound|
+ V sorrowful|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ȻԵ V satisfied|
+ V sorrowful|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ V joyful|ϲ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+ V obey|ѭ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ V disobey|Υ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,correctness|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,miser|,undesired|ݬ
+ V flee|
+ V respect|,target=human|
+ V satisfied|
+ V satisfied|
+ V angry|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+Ȼ V melancholy|
+ V melancholy|
+ V angry|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ V fear|
+Ȼ V fear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ V stupefied|ľȻ
+ V stupefied|ľȻ
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ס V stupefied|ľȻ
+㷲 V uneasy|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,strict|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+ V tired|ƣ
+ V understand|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,bony|,undesired|ݬ
+ V expect|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,timid|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ V ignorant|֪
+¶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ V shy|
+ V fasten|˩
+ N tool|þ,*fasten|˩
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+Ʒ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N InstitutePlace|,@exam|,past|
+ N part|,%building|,royal|,mouth|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V pity|
+ N place|ط,provincial|ʡ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V sad|dz
+ N part|,building|,mouth|
+ N part|,%place|ط,mouth|
+ N place|ط,#reside|ס
+ N place|ط,@ComeToWorld|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ V supervise|,content=mouth|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*defend|,#building|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,range|,all|ȫ
+ؼ N community|,family|,all|ȫ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,military|,@look|,@defend|
+ N house|,royal|
+ V lack|ȱ
+ N result|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ V lack|ȱ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&InstitutePlace|
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&land|½
+ N wood|ľ
+ V kill|ɱ
+ V damage|
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V wash|ϴ,patient=hair|ë
+ԡ V exist|
+ԡ V wash|ϴ
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ECHO sound|
+ ECHO sound|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N CloudMist|
+һ V collude|
+һ V fit|ʺ
+ˮ N water|ˮ,liquid|Һ,waste|,#livestock|
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ N place|ط,#human|,country|,politics|,great|ΰ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,waste|,liquid|Һ
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,chilly|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V StateChange|̬
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ N material|,?drinks|Ʒ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&waters|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,depth|,deep|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+û V disappear|ʧ
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+ V soak|
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+ V look|
+ V read|
+ N land|½,surrounding|Χ,#waters|ˮ
+ N land|½,surrounding|Χ,#waters|ˮ
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N waters|ˮ,small|С,linear|
+丰 ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,few|
+ V flow|
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ V wash|ϴ
+ N land|½
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V wash|ϴ,patient=material|
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V despise|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#liquid|Һ,linear|
+ְ V disobey|Υ,content=duty|
+ְ N fact|,disobey|Υ,content=duty|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N sound|,#water|ˮ
+ V cook|
+ V wash|ϴ
+ V cook|
+ V food|ʳƷ
+ V BlockUp|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ V sink|³
+û V destroy|
+û V disappear|ʧ
+ V destroy|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,dented|
+а ADJ aValue|ֵ,width|,narrow|խ
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+Ⱦ V AlterColor|ɫ
+Ⱦ V PlayUp|Ĵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,wet|ʪ
+̫ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Canada|ô)
+ N part|,%land|½,#waters|ˮ,edge|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,ordinary|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,wet|ʪ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,dampness|ʪ,wet|ʪ
+ N phenomena|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ N room|,@excrete|й
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,stickiness|,sticky|
+ N stone|ʯ,#AnimalHuman|,waste|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N waters|ˮ
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,demeanor|,gracious|,desired|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,intensity|ǿ,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,intensity|ǿ,weak|
+ V transport|
+ V transport|
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V ComeTogether|
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|
+ N water|ˮ
+ V filter|
+ V soak|
+ N water|ˮ
+ N water|ˮ
+ N RainSnow|ѩ,good|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+Ȼ N weep|
+ N edible|ʳ,*feed|ι,#animal|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V flow|
+ N waters|ˮ,linear|
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+̨ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V moisten|ʪ
+ V soak|
+Ⱦ V soak|
+Ⱦ V teach|
+ʪ V moisten|ʪ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N facilities|ʩ,#waters|ˮ,*protect|
+ V wash|ϴ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,empty|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+嫺 N land|½,surfacial|,barren|
+ N waters|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,great|ΰ,desired|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ V delay|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,quiet|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V forgive|ԭ
+ N attribute|,occupation|ְλ,&human|,royal|
+ N house|
+ N house|,royal|
+ N human|,royal|
+ V awake|
+ N house|
+ N place|ط,broad|
+ N earth|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,unfortunate|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*disable|м,#leg|
+ N livestock|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fair|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ N disease|,scope=speak|˵
+ V welcome|ӭ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,different|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,different|
+Ȼ V aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,different|
+Ȼͬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,different|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,different|
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=curved|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,near|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N method|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ң ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,free|
+ң V escape|,cause=$punish|,#police|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=curved|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,strength|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+پ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeLong|
+ V dream|
+ V walk|
+ V SelfMove|
+ V read|,#internet|
+ V fill|
+ V walk|
+ V walk|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ѡ V select|ѡ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hasty|,undesired|ݬ
+ V meet|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attire|װ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ N celestial|
+ N livestock|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,base|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,near|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ
+ͷ N human|,timid|,undesired|ݬ
+ N clothing|,#foot|
+ N weapon|,*firing|
+ N weapon|,*firing|
+ V remove|
+ V help|
+ V sell|
+ N human|,royal|,female|Ů
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ N human|,royal|,female|Ů
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N human|,aged|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,mass|,female|Ů
+ N human|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ N human|,family|,mass|,female|Ů
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,earliness|,late|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ PRON {firstPerson|,female|Ů}
+ PRON {firstPerson|,female|Ů}
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ V GetMarried|,undesired|ݬ
+氷 N human|,male|,*love|,*mating|,undesired|ݬ
+永 N human|,female|Ů,*love|,*mating|,undesired|ݬ
+氾 V GetMarried|,undesired|ݬ
+ͷ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+̺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,colored|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,demeanor|,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+浾 ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,able|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,gracious|,desired|
+ N human|,family|,female|Ů
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,demeanor|,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N human|,female|Ů,crime|,#SeekPleasure|Ѱ,undesired|ݬ,(be a prostitute|)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N human|,female|Ů,crime|,#SeekPleasure|Ѱ,undesired|ݬ,(be a prostitute|)
+潸 N human|,female|Ů,crime|,#SeekPleasure|Ѱ,undesired|ݬ,(be a prostitute|)
+潼 N human|,female|Ů,crime|,#SeekPleasure|Ѱ,undesired|ݬ,(be a prostitute|)
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա,female|Ů
+Ů N human|,#occupation|ְλ,employee|Ա,female|Ů
+ N character|,(China|й)
+濲 ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N human|,aged|,female|Ů
+ N human|,female|Ů,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V GetMarried|
+ V MakeAppointment|Լ
+ź V reconcile|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V equal|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,ugly|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+̺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ V SeekPleasure|Ѱ,#mating|,undesired|ݬ
+μ V SeekPleasure|Ѱ,#mating|,undesired|ݬ
+ο N human|,*SeekPleasure|Ѱ,#mating|,undesired|ݬ
+ V SeekPleasure|Ѱ,#mating|,undesired|ݬ
+϶ N humanized|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V WhileAway|
+Ƥʿ N human|,male|,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ƤЦ V laugh|Ц
+Ϸ V WhileAway|
+Ц V laugh|Ц
+ӱ V change|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,female|Ů,*feed|ι,employee|Ա
+ N human|,female|Ů
+ N human|,female|Ů
+ N human|,female|Ů
+ V lose|ʧȥ,possession=family|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V urge|ʹ,ResultEvent=believe|
+ V GiveBirth|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N AlgaeFungi|ֲ
+ N livestock|,strong|ǿ
+ N livestock|
+ N livestock|,mass|
+ N InstitutePlace|,@reside|ס,official|
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+վ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#LandVehicle|,past|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ N livestock|,weak|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ N livestock|,weak|
+ N livestock|,weak|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+罫 N human|,military|,brave|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ N livestock|,red|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,double|
+ N text|
+֦ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|
+ N livestock|,black|
+ N livestock|,female|Ů
+ V seek|ıȡ
+ N livestock|,strong|ǿ
+ N livestock|,red|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ N livestock|
+ N livestock|,strong|ǿ
+ V SelfMove|,manner=fast|
+ V stand|վ
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N tool|þ,#wind|,*cool|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=spread|
+ V weaken|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,purple|,NotLight|Ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,purple|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,purple|,NotLight|Ũ
+ N image|ͼ
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ N material|,?clothing|
+秲 N material|,?clothing|
+ɴ N material|,?clothing|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ V inferior|
+ V fasten|˩
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|,NotLight|Ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,purple|,NotLight|Ũ
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+糺 ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ V fasten|˩
+ V wrap|
+統 N fittings|,%clothing|,*decorate|װ
+統 V wrap|,instrument=fittings|,#clothing|,#decorate|װ
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+練 N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+練 N bird|
+ V twine|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+˿ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ÿ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,cautious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N clothing|,*salute|¾,#die|
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ͷ ADJ aValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,fake|α,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+˿ V produce|,industrial|
+˿ N InstitutePlace|,@produce|,factory|,industrial|
+ V fasten|˩
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ V circle|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*guide|,#livestock|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*guide|,#livestock|
+ V fasten|˩
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,negligible|,undesired|ݬ
+С N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,value|ֵ,precious|,desired|
+ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ N stone|ʯ
+ް N tool|þ,*print|ӡˢ
+ V slander|̰
+ V pollute|ʹ
+ V slander|̰
+ N fish|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N stone|ʯ
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,$PutOn|
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ͩ N tree|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N tool|þ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N stationery|ľ
+ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N tool|þ
+ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|,desired|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N stone|ʯ,treasure|䱦
+ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ N tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+b N sound|,#water|ˮ
+ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ N treasure|䱦
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ N attribute|,ProsCons|,pros|,desired|,&event|¼,&situation|״
+ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ N stone|ʯ,treasure|䱦
+ N attribute|,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ,&thing|
+ N result|,undesired|ݬ
+覲 ADJ aValue|ֵ,standard|,average|,desired|
+覴 N attribute|,quality|,weak|,undesired|ݬ,&thing|
+覴 N result|,undesired|ݬ
+褻 ADJ aValue|ֵ,rank|ȼ,average|
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Nauru|³)
+³ ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+³ N place|ط,capital|,ProperName|ר,(Nauru|³)
+³ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+貶Ŀ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ N stone|ʯ
+ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ N tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,thrifty|,desired|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ,precious|
+ N material|,*decorate|װ
+赻 V reject|ؾ
+赻 V return|
+л V reject|ؾ
+ N trace|,#OutOfOrder|
+ V contain|
+ N method|,*fight|,military|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N method|,*fight|,military|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V fear|,cause=wrong|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,limb|֫
+ N tool|þ,*pick|ʰ
+ N tool|þ,*pick|ʰ,agricultural|ũ
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,limb|֫
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N tree|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,limb|֫
+ N time|ʱ,ending|ĩ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,distance|,far|Զ
+ƺ V disappear|ʧ
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ V stab|
+ N tree|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|
+ N bird|
+ɽ N human|,military|,brave|
+ N part|,%MusicTool|
+ N part|,%machine|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ V MakeUp|ױ
+ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ
+ N tree|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,#livestock|
+ N part|,%house|,#eye|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,#die|,@store|
+ѳ N LandVehicle|,*transport|,#human|,#die|
+ N tool|þ,*recreation|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,empty|
+ոӹ V endeavour|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N tree|
+ N tool|þ,past|
+ N part|,%ship|
+ N tree|
+ N tree|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N tree|
+ེ N material|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,limb|֫
+ N part|,%ship|
+ N tool|þ,police|,#crime|,*detain|ס
+ N tool|þ,police|,#crime|,*detain|ס
+ N tree|
+ N human|,desired|,important|,able|
+ N human|,important|,desired|
+ N tree|
+ N tree|
+ N part|,%building|,bone|
+ N part|,%building|,bone|
+ N tree|
+ѱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N tree|
+ N tree|
+ N crop|ׯ,?material|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,interesting|Ȥ,desired|
+ N entity|ʵ,#religion|ڽ
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(India|ӡ)
+ٸ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר,(Europe|ŷ)
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N tool|þ,police|,#crime|,*detain|ס
+ N tool|þ
+ N place|ط
+ N place|ط,@ComeToWorld|
+ N paper|ֽ
+ N tree|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,disorder|,undesired|ݬ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N part|,%ship|
+ V beat|
+ N tool|þ,*beat|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,#die|,*store|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N tree|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N tool|þ,#beat|,#metal|
+ N tree|
+ľ N tree|
+ N tree|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N tree|
+ N tool|þ,*beat|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,*store|,#die|
+ N ship|
+ V fill|
+ N tool|þ,*clothing|,#foot|
+ N tool|þ,*clothing|,#head|ͷ
+ N tool|þ,*clothing|,#foot|
+ N tool|þ,*clothing|,#head|ͷ
+ N part|,%building|,mouth|
+ N part|,%house|,bone|
+ N text|
+ N tree|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N tree|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N fruit|ˮ,$eat|
+ N furniture|Ҿ,space|ռ,@sleep|˯
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,*fasten|˩,#wood|ľ
+ͷ N part|,%artifact|˹,*fasten|˩,#wood|ľ
+ N part|,%artifact|˹,*fasten|˩,#wood|ľ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,wane|˥,undesired|ݬ
+ľ V disheartened|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N tree|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N tree|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N tree|
+ N tree|
+ N part|,%ship|
+ N tree|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+ N SportTool|˶
+ N fact|,sport|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N material|,$burn|
+Է N human|,#occupation|ְλ,agricultural|ũ
+ N part|,%ship|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#drinks|Ʒ
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ٺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+ٻ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,yellow|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N part|,%building|,head|ͷ
+ N part|,%inanimate|,%space|ռ,edge|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,edge|
+ܹ N part|,%building|
+ N part|,%building|,head|ͷ
+ N part|,%building|,bone|
+ N plans|滮
+ N beast|
+ V die|
+ V die|
+л V die|
+ V die|
+ V die|
+ V die|
+ V die|
+ V put|
+龫 V think|˼
+ V put|,patient=tool|þ
+ V transport|,patient=tool|þ
+복 N LandVehicle|,#die|
+ǹ N InstitutePlace|,@salute|¾,@burn|,#die|
+ N fact|,salute|¾,#die|
+ V put|
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,leg|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V lose|ʧȥ
+ V surpass|ǿ
+ N fact|
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|,past|
+ V sorrowful|
+ N LandVehicle|,past|
+ V cease|ͣ
+ V end|ս
+ꡱ V cease|ͣ,content=compile|༭
+ѧ V cease|ͣ,content=study|ѧ
+ N part|,%machine|
+ V PropUp|֧
+ V beat|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ N weapon|,stab|
+ V hide|
+ V restrain|ֹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,good|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+갷 V estimate|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N location|λ,space|ռ,angular|
+ N part|,%earth|,angular|
+깶 N location|λ,angular|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ N sky|
+꼻һ V exist|,manner=TimeShort|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ N time|ʱ,morning|
+ V illuminate|
+ N lights|,#celestial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,free|,desired|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ N human|,aged|,desired|
+ N human|,aged|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,flourishing|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,earliness|,late|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N lights|,#celestial|
+ӳ V illuminate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,hardness|Ӳ,soft|
+ V farewell|
+Υ V farewell|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,hidden|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,difficult|,undesired|ݬ
+ N lights|,#celestial|
+ N time|ʱ,night|
+ N lights|,#celestial|
+ N lights|,#celestial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,source|Դ,original|ԭ
+ V beautify|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V arrive|
+ V GiveAsGift|
+ V PassOn|
+ݱ N fish|
+ V damage|
+Ц ADJ aValue|ֵ,impression|ӡ,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ N tool|þ,$GiveAsGift|
+ V estimate|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,full|
+ V help|
+ V help|
+ V help|,patient=human|
+ V grant|
+ N tool|þ,$GiveAsGift|
+ V investigate|
+ V look|
+ V need|,manner=greedy|̰
+ V meet|
+ V meet|
+ V meet|,royal|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ V look|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,stubborn|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,sex|Ա,female|Ů
+ţ N beast|
+ţ N beast|
+ N location|λ,angular|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*feel|
+ţ N livestock|
+ţ N livestock|
+ V reward|
+ V reward|
+ V bring|Я
+ V lift|
+ V pick|ʰ
+ V split|ƿ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,hand|
+뢻 V arrange|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+֮ N time|ʱ,#age|,aged|
+ N part|,%animal|,hair|ë
+ N part|,%bird|,hair|ë
+ N SportTool|˶
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ N gas|
+ N gas|
+ N gas|
+ N gas|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,density|ܶ,dense|
+ N document|,royal|
+ N part|,%house|,#eye|
+ V punish|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,arm|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N edible|ʳ
+ N edible|ʳ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ͳ V explain|˵
+ V quote|
+ι N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N clothing|,#head|ͷ
+ N human|,future|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,leg|
+֬ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ
+֬ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,red|
+˿ ADJ aValue|ֵ,reputation|,glorious|,desired|
+ N livestock|
+ N beast|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N chemical|ѧ,*feed|ι,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N material|,?clothing|
+ V cook|
+ V cook|
+ V cook|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,leg|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,fat|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,fertile|,desired|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,body|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,flesh|
+ V shy|
+ N beast|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ N disease|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+Ĥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+ N human|,desired|,important|,able|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,blurred|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,stinky|,undesired|ݬ
+ V shy|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,stinky|,undesired|ݬ
+ V respect|
+ V inhale|
+쫷 N wind|
+ N wind|
+ N wind|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+쳼 ADJ aValue|ֵ,attachment|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+쳼 N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+쳼 N human|,(Fiji|쳼)
+쳼 N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,opened|
+촷 N shape|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ PREP {location}
+ ECHO {modality|}
+ PREP {time}
+ N tool|þ,mark|־
+ N mark|־
+ N tool|þ,mark|־
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ V cook|
+ V cook|
+ V cook|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#illuminate|,important|
+ʾ V ShowOff|ҫ
+ҫ V ShowOff|ҫ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ N lights|,#celestial|
+ N lights|,#fire|
+ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=liquid|Һ,industrial|
+ V WarmUp|
+ V cook|
+ V damage|
+ N fire|
+ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=dry|
+ V illuminate|
+ V cook|
+ V burn|
+ V produce|,industrial|
+ V burn|
+ V cook|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ V cook|
+ V StripOff|ȥ
+ V cook|
+ N symbol|,#quantity|
+ V press|ѹ
+ٶ N tool|þ,*AlterForm|״,#level|ƽ
+ V AlterForm|״,PatientAttribute=level|ƽ
+¹ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*cook|
+ N tool|þ,*cook|
+ V cover|ڸ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,temperature|¶,warm|
+ N attribute|,brightness|,&inanimate|
+ N lights|,#morning|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ V inhale|
+涷 N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tool|þ,*shut|ر
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeCare|,employee|Ա
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*TakeCare|,employee|Ա
+ N part|,building|,mouth|
+ҳ N part|,%publications|鿯
+ V salute|¾
+ N phenomena|,#lucky|,happy|,desired|
+ V remove|
+ V remove|
+ N phenomena|,#lucky|,happy|,desired|
+ N attribute|,occupation|ְλ,&human|,royal|
+ N phenomena|,lucky|,desired|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@salute|¾
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@salute|¾
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ V thing|,religion|ڽ
+ V think|˼,religion|ڽ
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,religion|ڽ
+ V PassOn|,possession=power|
+ʦ N human|,religion|ڽ
+ N attribute|,kind|,&religion|ڽ
+ N phenomena|,lucky|,desired|
+ V remove|
+ V uneasy|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,indifferent|Į,undesired|ݬ
+ V despise|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,style|,free|,desired|
+ V RashlyAct|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ N result|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ V delay|
+ V due|
+ V rest|Ϣ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,scene|,exuberant|ï,desired|
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ CONJ {EventResult|¼}
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|,mass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,crowded|,undesired|ݬ
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&inanimate|,mass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,area|,wide|
+ N stone|ʯ
+ N stone|ʯ
+ʯ N stone|ʯ
+ N stone|ʯ
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ V break|۶
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#measure|
+ N tool|þ,*grind|ĥ
+ÿ N part|,%crop|ׯ,skin|Ƥ
+ N shape|
+ N material|,@building|
+ N tool|þ,*rub|Ħ
+ V drill|ϰ
+ V mobilize|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#measure|
+ N tool|þ,*grind|ĥ,#crop|ׯ
+ͱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,barren|,undesired|ݬ
+ V touch|
+ N land|½
+ N land|½,surfacial|,barren|,undesired|ݬ
+ N tool|þ,*grind|ĥ,#crop|ׯ
+ N facilities|ʩ,*carve|,*salute|¾
+ N fact|,punish|,past|
+ N part|,%character|
+ V punish|
+ V press|ѹ
+ N tool|þ,*grind|ĥ,#crop|ׯ
+ N tool|þ,*grind|ĥ,#crop|ׯ
+ N MusicTool|
+ N MusicTool|,religion|ڽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,dented|
+ V sleep|˯
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#eye|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ
+ V look|
+ N emotion|,hate|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ V look|
+˯ V sleep|˯
+Ŀ V AtEase|
+ V look|
+Ŀ V look|
+Ŀ V stupefied|ľȻ
+ V look|
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ N part|,%land|½,#planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ N attribute|,size|ߴ,surfacial|,&land|½
+ N land|½,@planting|ֲ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ N place|ط,#country|
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N community|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ CLAS unit|λ,&area|
+ N place|ط,village|
+ N beast|
+ബ N ship|
+ V suffer|
+ V SufferFrom|
+ V die|,police|
+ V delay|
+ V detain|ס,police|
+ V restrain|ֹ
+ V stay|ͣ
+ V restrain|ֹ
+ V stay|ͣ
+ V stay|ͣ,police|
+Ѻ V detain|ס,police|
+ N tool|þ,*catch|ס,#fish|
+ V wash|ϴ
+ V wash|ϴ,patient=skin|Ƥ
+ϴ V wash|ϴ
+ V mobilize|
+ N metal|
+ N tool|þ,*fasten|˩
+ N metal|
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ N metal|
+ N metal|
+ N metal|
+Ѱ N chemical|ѧ
+ѺϽ N material|,metal|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N material|,metal|,surfacial|
+Լ N stationery|ľ,past|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N metal|
+ N treasure|䱦,precious|
+ N metal|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N metal|
+ N metal|
+ V StateChange|̬,StateFin=liquid|Һ
+ V exhaust|
+ V weaken|
+ N tool|þ
+ N metal|
+ N metal|
+ N metal|
+ N tool|þ,#sound|
+ V catch|ס,police|
+ N tool|þ,police|,*catch|ס,#crime|
+ N tool|þ,*hold|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,*cook|
+ N money|,(Thailand|̩)
+ V gather|ɼ,manner=slow|
+Ϥ V equal|
+ V venture|ð
+ N tool|þ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ V choose|ѡ
+ V measure|,#weight|
+ V PutInOrder|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,proper|,desired|
+ V order|
+ V order|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,polished|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,will|־,strong|ǿ,desired|
+ N sound|
+ N metal|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N metal|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|
+ N sound|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SmoothFinish|,polished|
+ﭹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ N metal|
+ N metal|
+ N tool|þ,*rub|Ħ
+ﱵ N tool|þ,*rub|Ħ
+ N tool|þ,*fasten|˩
+ V suffer|,content=detain|ס,#police|
+ V carve|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ V cut|
+ N tool|þ,*cut|
+ N tool|þ,*cut|
+ N wealth|Ǯ
+ V BlockUp|
+ V detain|ס,police|,crime|
+ N phenomena|,bad|
+ N disease|,TimeLong|
+ N metal|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,sharp|
+ N weapon|,stab|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&weight|
+ N fact|,secondary|
+ N money|,few|
+ؽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,tolerance|,miser|,undesired|ݬ
+ V carve|
+ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lasting|,desired|
+ N metal|
+ N metal|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,*cut|,heart|
+ N tool|þ
+ V carve|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&weight|
+ N metal|
+ V carve|
+ι V remember|ǵ
+λ V carve|
+ο V carve|
+ο V carve|
+ N sound|
+ N metal|
+ N metal|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N attribute|,name|,&weapon|,ProperName|ר,past|,(China|й)
+ N metal|
+ V carve|
+Կ V carve|
+ V carve|
+ N metal|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$apply|ͿĨ,#metal|
+ֽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,property|,$apply|ͿĨ,#metal|
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ,$PutOn|
+ CLAS unit|λ,&weight|
+ N metal|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N metal|
+ N weapon|,hidden|
+ھ N InstitutePlace|,*protect|
+ڿ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*protect|
+ʦ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*protect|
+ͷ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*protect|
+ V cut|,industrial|
+۴ N machine|,*produce|
+ۿ N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|,industrial|
+ N tool|þ
+ N MusicTool|
+ N part|,weapon|,*firing|
+ V cut|
+ V cut|,industrial|
+ N metal|
+ N part|,%weapon|,head|ͷ,$firing|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N tool|þ,*dig|ھ
+ͷ N tool|þ,*dig|ھ
+ N metal|
+ N metal|
+ V press|ѹ,industrial|
+ N metal|
+ N metal|
+ V split|ƿ
+ N tool|þ,*split|ƿ
+ N tool|þ,*split|ƿ
+ N money|
+ˮ N chemical|ѧ
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#livestock|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*listen|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,*cook|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ N metal|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,#livestock|,#head|ͷ
+ N weapon|,hidden|
+ V PayAttention|ע
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ CONJ {supplement|ݽ}
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,low|
+ N human|,low|
+ N bird|
+ܦ N part|,%building|,skin|Ƥ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,empty|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ N part|,%crop|ׯ,skin|Ƥ
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,embryo|
+ NUM qValue|ֵ,amount|,cardinal|,mass|
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N edible|ʳ,*feed|ι,#animal|,generic|ͳ
+ V feed|ι
+ V prepare|,content=fight|,military|
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,body|
+ N material|,?edible|ʳ,#crop|ׯ
+ V planting|ֲ,target=self|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N material|,?edible|ʳ,#crop|ׯ
+ N FlowerGrass|,undesired|ݬ
+ݬ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N crop|ׯ
+ V know|֪
+ N time|ʱ,year|
+ V know|֪
+ N human|,friend|
+֪ V know|֪
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N crop|ׯ
+ N humanized|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,stickiness|,sticky|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,concentration|Ũ,concentrated|
+ N attribute|,stickiness|,&inanimate|
+ N {stickiness|}
+𤸽 V fasten|˩
+ V fasten|˩
+ϼ N material|,*fasten|˩
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,slow|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,stickiness|,sticky|
+𤽺 N material|,?clothing|
+𤽺ά N material|
+ V fasten|˩
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+Ĥ N part|,%AnimalHuman|
+Ĥ N disease|
+ N stone|ʯ
+ N attribute|,stickiness|,&inanimate|
+Һ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,liquid|Һ
+ N attribute|,odor|ζ,fragrant|,&physical|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,fragrant|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,odor|ζ,fragrant|,desired|
+ N part|,%fruit|ˮ,flesh|
+ N part|,%physical|,flesh|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V obey|ѭ,religion|ڽ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ N celestial|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ N part|,%human|,white|,*bite|ҧ
+𩷯 N chemical|ѧ
+ N part|,%human|,head|ͷ,white|
+ V endeavour|
+ N celestial|
+µ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,size|ߴ,big|
+ N plant|ֲ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N plant|ֲ,$eat|
+ N place|ط,city|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N facilities|ʩ,route|·
+ N part|,%building|,nerve|
+ N bird|
+ V ComeTogether|
+ V assemble|ۼ
+ V ComeTogether|
+ V assemble|ۼ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,bony|,undesired|ݬ
+ N bird|
+ N tool|þ,*WhileAway|
+β N FlowerGrass|
+ N bird|
+ N human|,female|Ů,#SeekPleasure|Ѱ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,female|Ů,#SeekPleasure|Ѱ,undesired|ݬ
+ĸ N human|,female|Ů,#SeekPleasure|Ѱ,undesired|ݬ
+ N bird|,poison|
+ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ,poison|,undesired|ݬ
+ V kill|ɱ,instrument=poison|
+ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ,poison|,undesired|ݬ
+ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ,poison|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N bird|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N bird|
+ N bird|
+β N artifact|˹,*decorate|װ
+ N artifact|˹,*decorate|װ
+ N attribute|,kind|,&bird|
+ N bird|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N bird|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N bird|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N bird|
+ N human|,family|,mass|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,intimate|,desired|
+O N human|,$ComeTogether|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N bird|
+ N bird|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N bird|
+ N tool|þ,$firing|
+ N part|,%tool|þ,heart|,#weapon|,#AimAt|,#firing|
+ N purpose|Ŀ
+ N tool|þ,#weapon|,$AimAt|,$firing|
+ V wait|ȴ
+ V stand|վ
+ V expect|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N bird|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N bird|
+ N bird|
+ N bird|
+ N clothing|
+°ٽ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N bird|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N bird|
+ N bird|
+ N bird|
+ӥ N bird|
+ N bird|
+ N tool|þ,*WhileAway|
+ӷ V roll|
+ N bird|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+и N bird|
+и ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|
+ N bird|
+ N fish|
+ N disease|,#fever|
+ѧ V imitate|ģ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N bird|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ N bird|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+Ӹ N bird|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ݺ N bird|
+ N bird|
+ N bird|
+ N bird|
+ N bird|
+ N bird|
+ N bird|
+ N bird|
+ N disease|
+۴ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ N tool|þ,*cure|ҽ,*wrap|,medical|ҽ
+ N disease|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,necessity|Ҫ,redundant|,undesired|ݬ
+ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N disease|
+ N disease|,#skin|Ƥ
+ N disease|,#skin|Ƥ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N disease|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ,#disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,weak|
+ V disable|м,scope=speak|˵
+ N disease|,#wounded|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ,#disease|
+ N disease|
+첡 N disease|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ,#disease|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N disease|,#skin|Ƥ
+ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N disease|
+ӷ N medicine|ҩ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|
+ N phenomena|,bad|
+ N disease|,TimeLong|
+ N attribute|,habit|ϰ,#addict|Ⱥ,&AnimalHuman|
+ N disease|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V die|,police|
+ V die|,police|
+ N disease|
+Ѫ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ V hate|
+ N disease|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N disease|
+ͷ N human|,#disease|
+ V bury|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N disease|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,medical|ҽ
+ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ N disease|,#skin|Ƥ
+ V itch|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N trace|,#disease|
+ N trace|,#disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,barren|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,barren|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N disease|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N disease|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ N disease|,#plant|ֲ
+ N disease|
+ N attribute|,physique|,weak|,undesired|ݬ,&human|
+ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,#addict|Ⱥ
+ N human|,*addict|Ⱥ,undesired|ݬ
+ͷ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,#addict|Ⱥ
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,medical|ҽ
+ V damage|
+ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ N beast|
+ N disease|
+Ƥ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+Ƥ N livestock|,undesired|ݬ
+ N disease|
+ N human|,#disease|
+ N human|,*SufferFrom|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N disease|
+ N disease|
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,#addict|Ⱥ
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,#addict|Ⱥ
+ N aspiration|Ը,expect|,#addict|Ⱥ
+ V mad|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,flighty|,undesired|ݬ
+ V mad|
+ N human|,*mad|,undesired|ݬ
+ N disease|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fatness|,bony|
+ V help|
+ V help|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,modest|ǫ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ V fear|
+ V frighten|Ż
+ V upmove|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N part|,%building|,head|ͷ
+ N sky|
+ N celestial|
+ N part|,%building|,head|ͷ
+¡ N part|,%building|,head|ͷ
+® N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,protruding|,curved|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,@bury|,#human|,#die|
+ V bury|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,desolate|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+ N house|,#animal|,@alive|
+ N regulation|,ordinary|
+ V climb|ʵ
+ N CauseAffect|Ⱦ
+ N room|
+ N facilities|ʩ
+ N attribute|,richness|ƶ,poor|,&human|,&organization|֯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SocialMode|,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,lazy|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,quality|,crude|ª,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%clothing|,#body|
+ N clothing|,religion|ڽ
+ N part|,%clothing|,body|
+ N tool|þ,@LieDown|,@sit|
+ϯ N tool|þ,@LieDown|,@sit|
+ N human|,family|,male|
+ N part|,%clothing|,body|
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*fasten|˩
+ N part|,%clothing|,#arm|
+ V fasten|˩
+ N part|,%clothing|,*fasten|˩
+ N shape|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#leg|
+ N part|,%clothing|,#leg|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N clothing|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N material|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ V exposure|¶
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V salute|¾
+ N trace|,#clothing|
+ V decorate|װ
+Ѻ V decorate|װ
+Ѻ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ V decorate|װ
+װ V decorate|װ
+ V decorate|װ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V StripOff|ȥ
+ N clothing|,#young|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,importance|,secondary|
+ N attribute|,ProsCons|,pros|,desired|,&entity|ʵ
+Խ N human|,official|,military|,past|
+ N attribute|,ProsCons|,pros|,desired|,&event|¼,&situation|״
+ N part|,%clothing|,#body|
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ V repair|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+װ N tool|þ,linear|,#clothing|,*fasten|˩
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ V fasten|˩
+ N material|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,width|,narrow|խ
+ۼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,eccentric|Ƨ,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,width|,narrow|խ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wholeness|ȱ,incomplete|ȱ,undesired|ݬ
+ V StripOff|ȥ
+ V rob|
+ݶ V rob|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,wrinkled|
+ N trace|
+ N trace|,#skin|Ƥ,#AnimalHuman|
+ N trace|,#clothing|
+ N trace|,#skin|Ƥ,#AnimalHuman|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N clothing|,#young|
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ V fasten|˩
+ N part|,%clothing|,*fasten|˩
+ N shape|
+ N part|,%clothing|,*fasten|˩
+ CLAS NounUnit|,&material|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,past|
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,all|ȫ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|,past|
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=split|ƿ,medical|ҽ
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=wrinkled|
+ V draw|,literature|
+巨 N method|,*draw|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ V pity|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,arrogant|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%tool|þ,agricultural|ũ
+ N tool|þ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ V pile|ѷ
+ V PutInOrder|,patient=earth|,agricultural|ũ
+ N tool|þ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ V remove|,agricultural|ũ
+ V PutInOrder|,patient=earth|,agricultural|ũ
+ N tool|þ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ V PutInOrder|,patient=earth|,agricultural|ũ
+ V engage|,agricultural|ũ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,double|
+ V engage|,agricultural|ũ
+ V tie|
+ N tool|þ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ﲥ V spread|,agricultural|ũ
+ V spread|,agricultural|ũ
+ N tool|þ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ N tool|þ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ N tool|þ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,age|,aged|
+ N human|,aged|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N stone|ʯ,#AnimalHuman|,#listen|,waste|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V listen|
+ V listen|
+ȡ V listen|
+ V listen|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,SoundVolume|,loud|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,occasion|,bustling|,undesired|ݬ
+ V disable|м,scope=listen|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,very|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fineness|ϸ,widediameter|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,height|߶,tall|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V fly|
+ V HaveContest|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ N waters|ˮ,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ N text|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=head|ͷ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,mouth|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,special|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N part|,%human|,bone|,#head|ͷ
+ N part|,%human|,#head|ͷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,head|ͷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,white|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,faithful|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ N emotion|,sincere|,desired|
+ V believe|
+ N beast|,humanized|
+ N beast|,humanized|
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+֦ N part|,%plant|ֲ,limb|֫
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ N part|,%InsectWorm|,embryo|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N beast|,poison|
+ ECHO sound|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N InsectWorm|
+ݺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ݺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,effect|Ч,useless|,undesired|ݬ
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,foolish|,undesired|ݬ
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N InsectWorm|
+Ѳ N FlowerGrass|,?medicine|ҩ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N beast|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N fish|
+ɸ N part|,%fish|,flesh|
+ N facilities|ʩ,*foster|,#fish|
+ N fish|
+ N InsectWorm|,young|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+̵ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ͳ N InsectWorm|,#disease|
+ͳ没 N disease|,#InsectWorm|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ʯ N stone|ʯ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ж N InsectWorm|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N beast|
+ N humanized|
+ N beast|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N fish|
+ N phenomena|,#weather|,fake|α
+ N part|,%animal|,hair|ë,*stab|
+ V sting|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N attribute|,kind|,&InsectWorm|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N InsectWorm|
+ѵˮ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,careless|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ
+ N InsectWorm|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sudden|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,speed|ٶ,fast|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ V fly|
+ N part|,%LandVehicle|
+ V deceive|ƭ
+ V WellKnown|
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ N InsectWorm|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=curved|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ V CausePartMove|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V CausePartMove|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N fish|
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ N beast|,*fly|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N beast|,undesired|ݬ
+ N beast|,young|
+ N character|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N beast|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N fish|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N beast|,*fly|
+ N clothing|,#body|,generic|ͳ
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N part|,%animal|,hand|
+ N bacteria|
+ N beast|
+ N clothing|,#body|
+ N beast|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N beast|,humanized|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+з N fish|
+ V sting|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N part|,%InsectWorm|,embryo|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+˹ N InsectWorm|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N InsectWorm|,evil|,*MakeBad|Ӻ,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N fish|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N InsectWorm|
+ V coil|
+ N beast|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+ N fruit|ˮ
+ N fruit|ˮ,humanized|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N beast|
+ N humanized|
+ N celestial|
+۹ V win|ʤ
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ N beast|
+ N celestial|
+ N humanized|
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N part|,%fish|,skin|Ƥ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,*TakeOutOfWater|
+ V estimate|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ N InsectWorm|,undesired|ݬ
+ N MusicTool|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N FlowerGrass|,?addictive|Ⱥ
+ V exhaust|
+ V disappear|ʧ
+ ADJ qValue|ֵ,amount|,many|
+ N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+϶ N part|,%inanimate|,mouth|
+ V savor|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N MusicTool|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,#study|ѧ,@put|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,urgent|,undesired|ݬ
+ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,calm|,desired|
+ƶ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ƺ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sincere|,desired|
+ʵ ADJ aValue|ֵ,trueness|α,true|,desired|
+ V obey|ѭ
+ V believe|
+ѧ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,diligent|,desired|
+־ V engage|
+ N tool|þ,*fasten|˩,#hair|ë,#MakeUp|ױ,#female|Ů
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,linear|,@transmit|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,*TakeOutOfWater|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,*TakeOutOfWater|
+ N tool|þ,@LieDown|,@sit|
+ N tool|þ,#royal|
+ N tree|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N MusicTool|
+ϸ N music|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N tool|þ,*catch|ס,#fish|
+ N clothing|,#head|ͷ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ V beat|
+ N fact|,punish|
+ N part|,%machine|
+ N fittings|,%building|
+· V endure|,content=hardship|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N tool|þ,*wipe|
+ N fact|,eat|,entertain|д
+ϯ N fact|,eat|,entertain|д
+ N fact|,eat|,entertain|д
+ N tool|þ,*catch|ס,#fish|
+ N MusicTool|,(China|й)
+ N part|,%tree|,skin|Ƥ
+ N tree|
+ V guess|²
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N tool|þ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ N tool|þ,#crop|ׯ,agricultural|ũ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,*collect|,#liquid|Һ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,*clean|ʹ
+ N tree|
+ N tree|,mass|
+ N tool|þ,@sleep|˯
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tool|þ,*eat|
+ N tree|
+ñ N clothing|,#head|ͷ,#RainSnow|ѩ
+ N tree|
+ N tool|þ,*hold|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|
+ N part|,%implement|,viscera|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ʳ N food|ʳƷ
+ʳư V unfortunate|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N MusicTool|
+ N attribute|,kind|,#persuade|Ȱ˵,&text|
+ V persuade|Ȱ˵
+ N text|,*persuade|Ȱ˵
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tree|
+ N tool|þ,space|ռ,@detain|ס,#animal|
+ N fire|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V MakeUp|ױ
+ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ
+ N MusicTool|
+ ECHO sound|
+ ECHO sound|
+ N material|,#tree|
+ N part|,%plant|ֲ,skin|Ƥ
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+ N tree|
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,industrial|
+Ƭ N human|,*please|ȡ
+Ƭ N material|,#tree|
+ N tree|
+ N material|,#tree|
+ϯ N tool|þ,@sleep|˯
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ N facilities|ʩ,#liquid|Һ,space|ռ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#food|ʳƷ
+ N tool|þ,@sleep|˯
+ V insert|
+ N tool|þ,*fasten|˩,#hair|ë,#MakeUp|ױ,#female|Ů
+ӧ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,official|
+ N clothing|,#head|ͷ
+ V filter|
+ V roll|
+ N shape|
+ N tool|þ,*filter|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,*clean|ʹ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|
+ V filter|
+ N MusicTool|
+ N sound|
+ V recite|ж
+ N attribute|,pattern|ʽ,&character|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V transport|
+ V beat|
+ V grind|ĥ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N clothing|,#foot|
+ N land|½,barren|
+± N land|½,barren|
+ N attribute|,standard|,&entity|ʵ
+ N tool|þ,#weapon|,$AimAt|,$firing|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|,#mark|־
+ V defeated|
+ V ill|̬
+ N ship|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N ship|
+ N ship|
+ V approach|ӽ,LocationFin=part|,#land|½,waters|ˮ
+ N part|,%ship|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N ship|
+ N ship|
+ N part|,%ship|,head|ͷ
+ N part|,%ship|,tail|β
+ N ship|,mass|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N ship|
+ N part|,%ship|,*drive|Ԧ
+ N part|,%ship|,tail|β
+ N human|,#occupation|ְλ,*drive|Ԧ,#ship|
+ N part|,%ship|,tail|β
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N part|,%ship|,head|ͷ
+ N ship|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N weapon|,ship|,military|
+ N tool|þ,*cover|ڸ,#sleep|˯
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,appearance|,delicate|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,appearance|,delicate|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,continuous|
+ V circle|
+ V wave|ڶ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,gracious|,desired|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N clothing|,religion|ڽ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N clothing|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,viscera|
+ N trace|,#clothing|
+ N livestock|
+ N part|,%chemical|ѧ
+ǻ N part|,%chemical|ѧ
+ N part|,%chemical|ѧ
+Ȼ N part|,%chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N human|,past|
+ N livestock|
+ɹ N MusicTool|
+ N livestock|
+ N human|,past|
+ N part|,%chemical|ѧ
+ʻ N part|,%chemical|ѧ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N character|,(China|й)
+̵ N crop|ׯ
+ N material|,?edible|ʳ,#crop|ׯ
+ V soothe|ο
+ƽ V restrain|ֹ,politics|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,#crop|ׯ
+ V sell|
+ N material|,?edible|ʳ,#crop|ׯ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,bright|
+ȻһЦ V laugh|Ц
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,clearness|,clear|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N material|,?edible|ʳ,#crop|ׯ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N material|,?edible|ʳ,#crop|ׯ,generic|ͳ
+ V mix|
+ۺ V mix|
+ V mix|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,concentration|Ũ,concentrated|
+ݺ N tool|þ,sticky|,*fix|ס,*fasten|˩
+ N tool|þ,sticky|,*fix|ס,*fasten|˩
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,tough|,undesired|ݬ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ PREP {LocationFin}
+ PREP {TimeFin}
+ CONJ {and|}
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N part|,%bird|,hair|ë
+ë N part|,%bird|,hair|ë
+ N tool|þ,*decorate|װ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,kindhearted|,desired|
+ V shut|ر
+ V shiver|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,similarity|ͬ,alike|
+ V fly|
+ N bird|
+ N bird|
+ N material|,?tool|þ,#decorate|װ
+ V break|۶
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N tool|þ,*break|۶
+ V destroy|
+ V fly|,fast|
+ V walk|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,gracious|,desired|
+Ȼ V recreation|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,gracious|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,gracious|,desired|
+ V recreation|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,gracious|,desired|
+ V jump|
+ V recreation|
+ N part|,%bird|,hair|ë
+ N part|,%bird|,wing|
+ N disease|,#eye|
+ V detain|ס,police|
+ V fasten|˩
+ N tool|þ,linear|,*guide|,#livestock|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,degree|̶,extreme|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N part|,%entity|ʵ,heart|
+ N affairs|,engage|
+ N information|Ϣ,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ N shows|
+ N mark|־,military|,past|
+ N material|,?edible|ʳ,#crop|ׯ
+Ƥ N material|,?edible|ʳ,#crop|ׯ
+ N material|,?edible|ʳ,#crop|ׯ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N music|,$sing|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,courage|,brave|,desired|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,slanted|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V walk|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V walk|
+ǰ V walk|
+ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+ V SelfMoveInManner|ʽ
+ V shy|
+Ȼ V shy|
+ V shy|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,RedBrown|
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,RedBrown|
+ʯ N stone|ʯ,mine|
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N part|,%vegetable|߲,embryo|,$eat|
+ N vegetable|߲
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N medicine|ҩ,liquid|Һ
+ N medicine|ҩ,liquid|Һ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ V buy|,commercial|
+ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ V sell|,commercial|
+ N material|,?edible|ʳ
+ N FlowerGrass|
+ V AppearanceChange|۱,scope=color|ɫ
+ N attribute|,appearance|,red|,&human|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ V dizzy|,cause=addict|Ⱥ,#drinks|Ʒ
+ V dizzy|
+ V dizzy|,cause=addict|Ⱥ,#drinks|Ʒ
+ V dizzy|,cause=addict|Ⱥ,#drinks|Ʒ
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ V ize|̬
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,NotLight|Ũ
+ V dredge|ͨ,agricultural|ũ
+ V filter|
+ V dizzy|,cause=addict|Ⱥ,#drinks|Ʒ
+ V salute|¾
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ඥ ADJ aValue|ֵ,wisdom|ǻ,wise|,desired|
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ V cut|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ
+ N food|ʳƷ,sweet|
+ N material|,sweet|,?edible|ʳ
+ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N bacteria|
+ N fact|,*salute|¾,religion|ڽ
+ N material|,?edible|ʳ
+ V gather|ɼ,possession=fund|ʽ,commercial|
+ N drinks|Ʒ,$addict|Ⱥ
+ V dizzy|
+ V dizzy|,cause=addict|Ⱥ,#drinks|Ʒ
+ N livestock|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,taste|ζ,salty|
+ N material|,?food|ʳƷ,salty|
+ V sell|,commercial|
+ N ship|
+ V sell|,commercial|
+ V sell|,commercial|
+ V sell|,commercial|
+ ECHO sound|
+Ȼ ECHO sound|
+ V ToAndFro|
+ V LookFor|Ѱ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,width|,narrow|խ
+ü V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=eye|
+ V wounded|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,GoodBad|û,bad|,undesired|ݬ
+ V jump|
+ V kick|߲
+ V PutOn|
+ V PutOn|
+ N clothing|,#foot|
+ N clothing|,#foot|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ,#disease|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,skin|Ƥ,#disease|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ V sit|
+ V walk|
+ V walk|
+ V kick|߲
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,#foot|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+Ź N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|,#foot|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ƹ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V walk|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V sit|
+ V sit|
+ V disable|м,scope=walk|
+˽ V disable|м,scope=walk|
+ V disable|м,scope=walk|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,*disable|м,#walk|
+ V disable|м,scope=walk|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ȭ N fact|,exercise|
+ N attribute|,distance|,&walk|
+ V upmove|
+ΰ N tool|þ,*recreation|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|,undesired|ݬ
+ V clean|ʹ,patient=facilities|ʩ,#royal|
+ V exposure|¶,#foot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,posture|,gracious|,desired|
+ V jump|
+ V rise|
+ V rise|
+ V FallDown|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V walk|
+ V walk|
+ V sit|
+ V jump|
+ V surpass|ǿ
+ V excited|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ V hesitate|ԥ
+س V hesitate|ԥ
+ V hesitate|ԥ
+鲻ǰ V hesitate|ԥ
+ V FallDown|
+ V fail|ʧ
+ V upmove|
+ڽ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=foot|
+ V FallDown|
+ V GoRound|Χ
+ V walk|
+ V GoRound|Χ
+ V walk|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=foot|
+ V roam|
+ V walk|
+ V kick|߲
+ V follow|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,foot|
+ V KeepOn|ʹ
+ V imitate|ģ
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,single|
+ ADV aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,single|
+ V walk|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ V FallDown|
+ N result|,wrong|,undesired|ݬ
+ V lavish|˷,patient=time|ʱ
+ V slack|͵
+ V damage|
+ V damage|
+ V follow|
+ V kick|߲
+ V walk|
+ V walk|
+ V engage|
+ V walk|
+ V walk|
+ V walk|
+ N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,linear|,route|·
+辶 N facilities|ʩ,space|ռ,linear|,route|·
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,kind|,queer|
+ V hesitate|ԥ
+ V FallDown|
+ N attribute|,posture|,&livestock|,#kick|߲
+ V fail|ʧ
+ N attribute|,posture|,&livestock|,#kick|߲
+ N part|,%animal|,#skin|Ƥ,#limb|֫
+ N part|,%beast|,foot|
+ V kick|߲
+ V kick|߲
+ N trace|,#SelfMove|,#CauseToMove|,#foot|
+ V damage|
+ V damage|
+ V surpass|ǿ
+ V surpass|ǿ
+ V jump|
+ V run|
+ N InsectWorm|
+ N beast|
+Ƥ N part|,%beast|,skin|Ƥ,?clothing|
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ N tool|þ,*measure|
+ V unsatisfied|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#drinks|Ʒ
+ N part|,%inanimate|,edge|
+ N stationery|ľ,@write|д
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#drinks|Ʒ
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#drinks|Ʒ
+サ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ V shiver|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,@put|,#drinks|Ʒ
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V slander|̰
+ V ExpressAgainst|Ǵ
+ V slander|̰
+ V pant|
+ V talk|̸
+ V MakeUp|ױ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,prettiness|,beautiful|,desired|
+Ů N human|,female|Ů,beautiful|
+ױ ADJ aValue|ֵ,bearing|̬,beautiful|,desired|
+ N human|,male|,beautiful|
+ N thunder|
+ N CloudMist|
+ N thunder|
+ V WeatherFine|
+ V calm|
+ɫ V calm|
+¹ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,true|,desired|
+ N RainSnow|ѩ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,intensity|ǿ,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,intensity|ǿ,strong|ǿ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ʱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,duration|,TimeShort|
+ N RainSnow|ѩ,many|
+ N RainSnow|ѩ,many|
+ N CloudMist|
+ N RainSnow|ѩ
+ N weapon|,$firing|
+ V replace|,patient=part|
+ N time|ʱ,#young|
+ V FitNot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,opposed|,undesired|ݬ
+ V FitNot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,opposed|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ
+ V replace|,patient=part|
+ N time|ʱ,#young|
+ N human|,young|
+ N time|ʱ,#young|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,fullness|,empty|
+ V CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=mouth|
+ ADJ CausePartMove|,PatientPartof=mouth|
+ V aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,fierce|,undesired|ݬ
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,*bite|ҧ
+ N disease|
+ V FitNot|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,relatedness|,opposed|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,dirty|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,dirty|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,evil|,undesired|ݬ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,cleanness|ྻ,dirty|,undesired|ݬ
+ V endeavour|
+ V endeavour|
+ V endeavour|
+ N fish|
+ N beast|
+ N bird|
+ N bird|
+ N attribute|,ability|,able|,&human|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,content|,profound|,desired|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N bird|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N waters|ˮ,surfacial|,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ V check|
+ N emotion|,undesired|ݬ,#hate|
+ N human|,enemy|
+ N tool|þ,#sound|
+ N tool|þ,*MakeSound|
+ V apply|ͿĨ,industrial|
+ N metal|,material|
+ V carve|
+ N tool|þ,*carve|
+ɵ N tool|þ,*carve|
+ N tool|þ,*carve|
+ N clothing|,#head|ͷ,*protect|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,*cook|
+ N tool|þ,cubic|,*cook|
+ N metal|
+ V sharpen|ʹ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,richness|ƶ,rich|,desired|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ V BeRecovered|ԭ,StateIni=alive|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+׳ N InsectWorm|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N food|ʳƷ,#fish|
+ N food|ʳƷ,#fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ V situated|
+ֱ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,forthright|ˬ,desired|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N character|,surname|,human|,ProperName|ר
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N beast|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N bird|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N part|,%animal|,tail|β
+ N fish|
+Ŀ N fish|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,lonely|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|
+ѹ¶ N human|
+ V reside|ס,lonely|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N material|
+ N part|,%fish|,viscera|
+ N material|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N fish|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+˹̹ N place|ط,ProperName|ר
+˹̹ N place|ط,country|,ProperName|ר
+ N language|,#country|,ProperName|ר
+ N tool|þ,@sit|,#livestock|
+ V interrogate|,police|
+ V interrogate|,police|
+Ѷ V interrogate|,police|
+ V produce|,industrial|
+ N material|
+ N chemical|ѧ
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N part|,%machine|
+ V prepare|,content=livestock|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N tool|þ,*gamble|IJ
+ N tool|þ,*gamble|IJ
+ N part|,%human|,*die|,body|
+ N part|,%human|,*die|,bone|
+ N part|,%human|,*die|,body|
+ N part|,%human|,*die|,bone|
+ N bird|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,leg|
+⸴ ADJ aValue|ֵ,circumstances|,happy|,desired|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+Ĺ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+Ź N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ V punish|
+ƹ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N part|,%AnimalHuman|,bone|
+ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+Ȼ V attract|
+Ȼ V entice|
+ N attribute|,ability|,&attract|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,ability|,&attract|
+ N humanized|,#waterless|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+ V dream|,undesired|ݬ
+ N beast|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ,evil|
+ V entertain|д
+Ͽ V entertain|д,patient=human|
+ V BeFull|Ա
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ V fulfil|ʵ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰,#eat|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,greedy|̰
+ N humanized|,undesired|ݬ
+ N human|,*expect|,#eat|
+ N human|,undesired|ݬ,evil|,fierce|
+ N fact|,eat|,early|
+ N food|ʳƷ
+ N fact|,eat|
+ V MakeUp|ױ,scope=hair|ë
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ N tool|þ,*perform|,#shows|
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ N time|ʱ,#young|
+ N time|ʱ,#young|
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ V apply|ͿĨ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,form|״,curved|
+ V FormChange|α,StateFin=curved|
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ N part|,%human|,skin|Ƥ
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ N part|,%human|,skin|Ƥ
+ N part|,%human|,hair|ë
+ N part|,%beast|,hair|ë
+ N beast|
+ N character|,(China|й)
+ N mark|־,military|
+ V order|
+ N human|,military|
+ N human|,official|,military|
+ V fasten|˩
+ N beast|
+Ƥ N material|,?clothing|
+ N beast|
+ V ComeTogether|
+ N beast|
+弯 V ComeTogether|
+ N beast|
+¹ N beast|
+ N beast|,happy|,desired|,(China|й)
+ N beast|,happy|,desired|,(China|й)
+ V fight|,military|
+ V fight|,military|
+鶷 V fight|,military|
+ս V fight|,military|
+ N beast|
+ţ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ N medicine|ҩ
+ N beast|,happy|,desired|,(China|й)
+ N tool|þ,*MakeUp|ױ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|,NotLight|Ũ
+ɫ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,green|,NotLight|Ũ
+ V dismiss|
+ V dismiss|,politics|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,sly|,undesired|ݬ
+ N place|ط,ProperName|ר,(China|й)
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,rash|ç,undesired|ݬ
+ V slander|̰
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,behavior|ֹ,FondOf|ϲ,#fight|,military|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,color|ɫ,black|
+ N image|ͼ
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+Ȼ ADJ aValue|ֵ,brightness|,dark|
+Ȼ V disheartened|
+Ȼʧɫ V AppearanceChange|۱,scope=color|ɫ,StateFin=dark|
+Ȼʧɫ V BeBad|˥
+Ȼ V sorrowful|
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ N beast|
+ V ill|̬
+ N sound|,#sleep|˯
+ N sound|,#sleep|˯
+˯ V sleep|˯
diff --git a/software/semdict.dat b/software/semdict.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3242ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/software/semdict.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+ 75 [desired|]
+ 76 [undesired|ݬ]
+ 81 [desired|]
+ 101 [undesired|ݬ]
+ 104 [undesired|ݬ,#medical|ҽ]
+ 105 [disease|,undesired|ݬ,#medical|ҽ]
+ 106 [disease|,undesired|ݬ,#medical|ҽ]
+ 107 [disease|,undesired|ݬ,#medical|ҽ]
+ 108 [disease|,undesired|ݬ,#medical|ҽ]
+ 109 [disease|,undesired|ݬ,#medical|ҽ]
+ 110 [disease|,undesired|ݬ,#medical|ҽ]
+ 111 [disease|,undesired|ݬ,#medical|ҽ]
+ 112 [disease|,undesired|ݬ,#medical|ҽ]
+ 113 [disease|,undesired|ݬ,#medical|ҽ]
+ 114 [disease|,undesired|ݬ,#medical|ҽ]
+ 115 [disease|,undesired|ݬ,#medical|ҽ]
+ 116 [disease|,undesired|ݬ,#medical|ҽ]
+ 117 [disease|,undesired|ݬ,#medical|ҽ]
+ 118 [disease|,undesired|ݬ,#medical|ҽ]
+ 119 [disease|,undesired|ݬ,#medical|ҽ]
+ 121 [undesired|ݬ]
+ 122 [undesired|ݬ]
+ 123 [undesired|ݬ]
+ 124 [undesired|ݬ]
+ 125 [undesired|ݬ]
+ 126 [undesired|ݬ]
+ 127 [undesired|ݬ]
+ 128 [undesired|ݬ]
+ 129 [undesired|ݬ]
+ 131 [undesired|ݬ]
+ 135 [undesired|ݬ]
+ 142 [desired|]
+ 149 [undesired|ݬ]
+ 168 [desired|]
+ 262 [crime|]
+ 263 [crime|]
+ 264 [crime|]
+ 266 [commercial|]
+ 272 [#GetMarried|]
+ 274 [commercial|]
+ 284 [commercial|]
+ 286 [commercial|]
+ 289 [#GetMarried|]
+ 292 [commercial|]
+ 337 [instrument=leg|,instrument=foot|]
+ 338 [instrument=leg|,instrument=foot|]
+ 339 [instrument=leg|,instrument=foot|]
+ 340 [instrument=leg|,instrument=foot|,instrument=hand|]
+ 343 [location=#liquid|Һ]
+ 344 [#liquid|Һ]
+ 345 [location=sky|]
+ 492 [undesired|ݬ]
+ 511 [sport|]
+ 512 [SelfMove|]
+ 514 [undesired|ݬ]
+ 515 [undesired|ݬ]
+ 533 [medical|ҽ]
+ 545 [#wealth|Ǯ]
+ 735 [military|,police|]
+ 736 [medical|ҽ]
+ 814 [#time|ʱ,#space|ռ]
+ 815 [!appearance|]
+ 816 [*alive|,!age|,*die|,*metabolize|л]
+ 817 [!sex|Ա,*AlterLocation|ռλ,*StateMental|״̬]
+ 818 [!name|,!wisdom|ǻ,!ability|,!occupation|ְλ,*act|ж]
+ 819 [fake|α]
+ 820 [^*GetKnowledge|֪]
+ 821 [^*GetKnowledge|֪]
+ 822 [$foster|,~$consume|ȡ,~?edible|ʳ]
+ 823 [*fly|,~$consume|ȡ,~?edible|ʳ]
+ 824 [~undesired|ݬ]
+ 825 [*swim|,#waters|ˮ,~$consume|ȡ,~?edible|ʳ]
+ 826 [^*SelfMove|,^*StateMental|״̬]
+ 827 [$planting|ֲ,?material|,#edible|ʳ]
+ 828 [#wood|ľ,?material|]
+ 829 [~$planting|ֲ,~odor|ζ,~color|ɫ,~prettiness|,~*decorate|װ]
+ 830 [$planting|ֲ,?edible|ʳ,$consume|ȡ]
+ 831 [$planting|ֲ,$consume|ȡ,?edible|ʳ,#tree|]
+ 832 [~?edible|ʳ]
+ 833 [~*CauseToDo|ʹ,#disease|,#medical|ҽ,~undesired|ݬ]
+ 834 [^*alive|,^*die|,^*metabolize|л]
+ 836 [space|ռ,#lights|,#WeatherChange|]
+ 837 [space|ռ,#animate|,+event|¼]
+ 838 [#LandVehicle|,+VehicleGo|ʻ]
+ 839 [space|ռ,liquid|Һ,#water|ˮ,#ship|,+VehicleGo|ʻ,#fish|,+swim|]
+ 840 [space|ռ,gas|,#weather|,#aircraft|,#bird|,+fly|]
+ 841 [space|ռ]
+ 842 [*flow|,#waters|ˮ]
+ 844 [cold|,#liquid|Һ,StateChange|̬]
+ 845 [material|,~heavy|]
+ 846 [material|,#tree|,?building|,?furniture|Ҿ,$burn|,$lighting|ȼ]
+ 847 [*lighting|ȼ,*burn|,hot|]
+ 848 [~?material|]
+ 849 [#WeatherChange|,#celestial|]
+ 850 [liquid|Һ,#WeatherBad|]
+ 851 [gas|,#WeatherBad|]
+ 852 [gas|]
+ 853 [#electricity|]
+ 854 [!odor|ζ,#smell|,gas|]
+ 855 [#listen|,$transmit|]
+ 856 [?material|,$transmit|]
+ 857 [!color|ɫ,$transmit|,#illuminate|,#celestial|,#electricity|,#look|]
+ 858 [#lights|]
+ 859 [$create|,^$GiveBirth|!quality|,!price|۸,#material|,#instrument|,#commercial|]
+ 860 [!pattern|ʽ,!color|ɫ,#sex|Ա,$PutOn|,$StripOff|ȥ]
+ 861 [!taste|ζ,#livestock|,#fish|,#bird|,#vegetable|߲,#fruit|ˮ,$consume|ȡ,*feed|ι]
+ 862 [$cook|,$eat|]
+ 863 [$drink|,liquid|Һ]
+ 864 [medical|ҽ,*cure|ҽ,#disease|,#animate|]
+ 865 [material|]
+ 866 [expensive|,undesired|ݬ,$addict|Ⱥ,~#crime,|,~#police|]
+ 867 [$build|]
+ 868 [space|ռ,+reside|ס]
+ 869 [%house|]
+ 871 [$use|]
+ 872 [~*produce|]
+ 873 [*calculate|,#information|Ϣ,#software|]
+ 874 [space|ռ,#route|·,$TakeVehicle|,$drive|Ԧ,*transport|,*AlterLocation|ռλ]
+ 875 [#land|½,*VehicleGo|ʻ]
+ 876 [#waters|ˮ,*VehicleGo|ʻ]
+ 877 [#sky|,*fly|]
+ 878 [#family|,$decorate|װ]
+ 880 [!color|ɫ,!thickness|,#PenInk|ī,~*write|д,~*wrap|]
+ 881 [#paper|ֽ,*write|д,*copy|д]
+ 882 [*recreation|,*perform|,#music|,#entertainment|]
+ 883 [*exercise|,#compete|,#physique|,#sport|]
+ 884 [$use|]
+ 885 [#military|,#police|,#country|,*attack|,*fight|,*resist|,*defend|,*kill|ɱ,*destroy|]
+ 886 [#computer|,#information|Ϣ,$compile|༭]
+ 887 [*produce|,*build|,*forge|α,#artifact|˹]
+ 888 [#value|ֵ,#commercial|]
+ 889 [$spend|,#money|,commercial|]
+ 890 [$spend|,#money|]
+ 891 [$earn|,$give|,$obtain|õ,#money|]
+ 892 [$earn|,*buy|,#sell|,$SetAside|]
+ 893 [*buy|]
+ 894 [precious|,expensive|,$SetAside|]
+ 895 [$read|,$compile|༭,$write|д,#information|Ϣ]
+ 896 [$compile|༭,$publish|,$read|,#time|ʱ,*disseminate|,#information|Ϣ]
+ 897 [+record|¼,+write|д,$read|]
+ 898 [#commercial|,#buy|,#sell|,#money|,wealth|Ǯ,#price|۸]
+ 899 [+record|¼,+write|д,#wealth|Ǯ]
+ 900 [$post|ʼ,~#friend|,~#family|]
+ 901 [*express|ʾ,#information|Ϣ]
+ 902 [!form|״]
+ 903 [#StateMental|״̬]
+ 904 [$cherish|Ļ,#feeling|,#AlterEmotion|,abstract|]
+ 905 [$undergo|,$MakeOwnKnowledge|ʹҸ֪,abstract|]
+ 906 [#volition|,abstract|]
+ 907 [$think|˼,abstract|]
+ 909 [$use|,#act|ж,#purpose|Ŀ]
+ 910 [*act|ж]
+ 911 [#act|ж]
+ 914 [#information|Ϣ]
+ 915 [#knowledge|֪ʶ,#recognition|֪״̬,!content|,#AlterKnowledge|֪,abstract|]
+ 916 [$read|,*express|ʾ,*teach|,*communicate|,#thinking|˼]
+ 919 [%language|]
+ 920 [%language|]
+ 921 [$read|,$write|д,$compile|༭,*express|ʾ]
+ 922 [text|]
+ 923 [$listen|,$perform|,$compile|༭,$entertainment|]
+ 924 [$look|,$draw|]
+ 925 [$perform|,$compile|༭,~entertainment|]
+ 927 [*control|]
+ 929 [$obey|ѭ,$disobey|Υ,police|]
+ 930 [$discuss|,$debate|,$decide|,$conduct|ʵʩ,~#associate|]
+ 931 [$have|,*use|,abstract|]
+ 932 [$bear|е,abstract|]
+ 933 [abstract|]
+ 935 [$engage|]
+ 940 [abstract|]
+ 941 [medical|ҽ,$cure|ҽ,#medicine|ҩ,undesired|ݬ,~#die|,~#bacteria|]
+ 942 [#human|,*ExistAppear|,*perish|,$establish|,*ActGeneral|,*AlterGeneral|,^*SelfMove|,^*metabolize|л,space|ռ]
+ 943 [#official|]
+ 944 [military|,#weapon|,*fight|,*resist|,*defend|,*kill|ɱ,*destroy|]
+ 945 [*engage|,#affairs|]
+ 946 [*engage|,#affairs|]
+ 947 [#computer|,+read|,+communicate|,+post|ʼ,#information|Ϣ,commercial|]
+ 948 [+event|¼]
+ 949 [+event|¼]
+ 950 [abstract|]
+ 951 [abstract|]
+ 953 [necessary|Ҫ]
+ 1445 [#organization|֯,#employee|Ա]
+ 1446 [$employ|]
+ 1447 [#produce|,#repair|]
+ 1448 [#dig|ھ,#produce|,industrial|]
+ 1449 [#organization|֯,#employee|Ա,+produce|,+repair|,industrial|]
+ 1450 [#plant|ֲ,#planting|ֲ]
+ 1451 [#money|,#buy|,#sell|]
+ 1452 [#teach|,#study|ѧ]
+ 1453 [#cure|ҽ,#disease|]
+ 1454 [#compile|༭,#translate|]
+ 1455 [#perform|,#draw|,#carve|,#TakePicture|]
+ 1456 [#exercise|,~#SportTool|˶,~#compete|]
+ 1458 [~#manage|,~#country|]
+ 1459 [#politics|]
+ 1460 [#crime|]
+ 1461 [~#attack|,#fight|,#defend|]
+ 1463 [+alive|,~$ProvideFor|]
+ 1464 [~$FondOf|ϲ,~$loyal|Т]
+ 1465 [~$hate|]
+ 1466 [#police|]
+ 1474 [place|ط,#human|,#politics|]
+ 1475 [#country|,#organization|֯]
+ 1478 [#agricultural|ũ]
+ 1479 [space|ռ,linear|]
+ 1480 [character|]
+ 1492 [*crawl|,*swim|]
+ 1493 [*HoldInArm|§]
+ 1494 [*pick|ʰ,*HoldWithHand|,*crawl|,*catch|ס]
+ 1495 [*walk|,*run|,*jump|,*swim|,*kick|߲,*stand|վ]
+ 1496 [*walk|,*run|,*jump|,*crawl|,*swim|,*kick|߲,*stand|վ]
+ 1497 [*fly|]
+ 1498 [linear|]
+ 1499 [*HoldInMouth|,+consume|ȡ,+GoInto|,+GoOut|ȥ,+GoThrough|]
+ 1500 [*look|]
+ 1504 [$GiveBirth|]
+ 1506 [$consume|ȡ]
+ 1508 [abstract|]
+ 1517 [season|,warm|,~beautiful|,#weather|,#planting|ֲ]
+ 1518 [season|,hot|,#weather|,#RainSnow|ѩ]
+ 1519 [season|,chilly|,~beautiful|,#weather|,gather|ɼ,#crop|ׯ]
+ 1520 [season|,cold|,#weather|,#RainSnow|ѩ]
diff --git "a/software/\241\266\273\371\323\332\243\274\326\252\315\370\243\276\265\304\264\312\273\343\323\357\322\345\317\340\313\306\266\310\274\306\313\343\241\267\310\355\274\376\312\271\323\303\312\326\262\341.doc" "b/software/\241\266\273\371\323\332\243\274\326\252\315\370\243\276\265\304\264\312\273\343\323\357\322\345\317\340\313\306\266\310\274\306\313\343\241\267\310\355\274\376\312\271\323\303\312\326\262\341.doc"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aac3fe2
Binary files /dev/null and "b/software/\241\266\273\371\323\332\243\274\326\252\315\370\243\276\265\304\264\312\273\343\323\357\322\345\317\340\313\306\266\310\274\306\313\343\241\267\310\355\274\376\312\271\323\303\312\326\262\341.doc" differ
diff --git "a/software/\327\324\310\273\323\357\321\324\264\246\300\355\277\252\267\305\327\312\324\264\320\355\277\311\326\244.doc" "b/software/\327\324\310\273\323\357\321\324\264\246\300\355\277\252\267\305\327\312\324\264\320\355\277\311\326\244.doc"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc9a46d
Binary files /dev/null and "b/software/\327\324\310\273\323\357\321\324\264\246\300\355\277\252\267\305\327\312\324\264\320\355\277\311\326\244.doc" differ
diff --git a/src/__init__.py b/src/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/src/__init__.pyc b/src/__init__.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f27a35d
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/__init__.pyc differ
diff --git a/src/primitive.py b/src/primitive.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31a9497
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/primitive.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+Class, 定义义原对象。
+class Primitive(object):
+ """
+ 义原类:创建义原对象。
+ """
+ def __init__(self, id, primitive, parentId):
+ self.id = id
+ self.primitive = primitive
+ self.parentId = parentId
+ def getPrimitive(self):
+ return self.primitive
+ def getId(self):
+ return self.id
+ def getParentId(self):
+ return self.parentId
+ def isTop(self):
+ return self.id == self.parentId
+ @staticmethod
+ def test():
+ print "hahaha"
diff --git a/src/primitive.pyc b/src/primitive.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdd8309
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/primitive.pyc differ
diff --git a/src/primitiveFunc.py b/src/primitiveFunc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d60a5db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/primitiveFunc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+import re
+from primitive import Primitive
+import sys
+>>>import primitiveFunc as primFunc
+# 判断一个词是否为 义原词
+>>>boolean isP = primFunc.isPrimitive("义原词".encode("GBK"))
+# 获得一个义原的从本节点到根节点的路径。
+>>>list path = primFunc.getParents("义原词".encode("GBK"))
+ ...
+# 保存所有的义原对象 key:Integer(编号),value:Primitive对象
+# 保存所有的义原词语的节点,用于路径查找 key:String(义原词语),value:Integer(结点编号)
+# 读入文件,创建义原树
+import os
+# path = os.path.abspath("..")
+_get_module_path = lambda path: os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
+ os.path.dirname(__file__), path))
+path = _get_module_path("../data/WHOLE.DAT")
+with open(path) as file:
+ line = file.readline()
+ while line:
+ line = line.strip()
+ line = re.sub("\s+", " ", line)
+ strs = line.split(" ")
+ id = int(strs[0])
+ words = strs[1].split("|")
+ english = words[0]
+ chinese = words[1]
+ parentId = int(strs[2])
+ ALLPRIMITIVES[id] = Primitive(id, chinese, parentId)
+ PRIMITIVESID[chinese] = id
+ PRIMITIVESID[english] = id
+ line = file.readline()
+def getParents(primitive):
+ """
+ 获得一个义原的从本节点到根节点的路径。
+ 如果没有找到,则返回一个空list
+ @:param primitive String 义原词
+ """
+ list = []
+ id = PRIMITIVESID.get(primitive)
+ if id:
+ parent = ALLPRIMITIVES.get(id)
+ list.append(id)
+ while(not parent.isTop()):
+ parentId = parent.getParentId()
+ list.append(parentId)
+ parent = ALLPRIMITIVES.get(parentId)
+ return list
+def isPrimitive(primitive):
+ """
+ 判断一个词语是否为义原词。
+ """
+ return PRIMITIVESID.has_key(primitive)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ list = getParents(u"军".encode("GBK"))
+ print list
+ print isPrimitive(u"忠诚".encode("GBK"))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/primitiveFunc.pyc b/src/primitiveFunc.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cdde80
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/primitiveFunc.pyc differ
diff --git a/src/word.py b/src/word.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa5f968
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/word.py
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+Class: 定义词对象。
+class Word(object):
+ """
+ 定义词。
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.word = ""
+ self.type = ""
+ # 第一基本义原
+ self.firstPrimitive = ""
+ # 其他基本义原
+ self.otherPrimitive = []
+ # 结构义原,如果本list非空,说明此词为一个虚词,列表中存放此虚词的一个义原,部分虚词没有中文解释
+ self.structuralWords = []
+ # 关系义原。key:关系义原,value:基本义原|(具体词)的一个列表
+ self.relationalPrimitives = {}
+ # 关系符号义原。key:关系符号,value:属于该关系符号的一组基本义原|(具体词)
+ self.relationSymbolPrimitives = {}
+ # 如果非空,则返回真
+ def isStructuralWord(self):
+ return self.structuralWords
+ def getWord(self):
+ return self.word
+ def setWord(self, para_word):
+ self.word = para_word
+ def getType(self):
+ return self.type
+ def setType(self, para_type):
+ self.type = para_type
+ def getFirstPrimitive(self):
+ return self.firstPrimitive
+ def setFirstPrimitive(self, para_firstPrimitive):
+ self.firstPrimitive = para_firstPrimitive
+ def getOtherPrimitives(self):
+ return self.otherPrimitive
+ def setOtherPrimitives(self, para_otherPrimitive):
+ self.otherPrimitive = para_otherPrimitive
+ def addOtherPrimitives(self, para_otherPrimitive):
+ self.otherPrimitive.append(para_otherPrimitive)
+ def getStructuralWords(self):
+ return self.structuralWords
+ def setStructuralWords(self, para_structuralWords):
+ self.structuralWords = para_structuralWords
+ def addStructuralWords(self, para_structuralWords):
+ self.structuralWords.append(para_structuralWords)
+ def getRelationalPrimitives(self):
+ return self.relationalPrimitives
+ def addRelationalPrimitives(self, key, value):
+ self.relationalPrimitives[key] = value
+ def getRelationSymbolPrimitives(self):
+ return self.relationSymbolPrimitives
+ def addRelationSymbolPrimitives(self, key, value):
+ self.relationSymbolPrimitives[key] = value
diff --git a/src/word.pyc b/src/word.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a6d8b6
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/word.pyc differ
diff --git a/src/wordsim.pyc b/src/wordsim.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42dff0b
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/wordsim.pyc differ
diff --git a/src/wordsimilarity.py b/src/wordsimilarity.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8894654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wordsimilarity.py
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+from word import Word
+import primitiveFunc as primFunc
+import re
+import sys
+>>>from wordsimilarity import sim4words
+>>>word1 = u"足球"
+>>>word2 = u"体育"
+>>>sim = sim4words(word1, word2)
+# 词库(来自文件glossary.dat)中的具体词,或者是义原词。
+# sim(p1,p2) = alpha / (d + alpha) alpha表示义原相似度为0.5时的距离
+alpha = 1.6
+# 计算实词的相似度,参数,基本义原的权重
+beta1 = 0.5
+# 计算实词的相似度,参数,其他义原的权重
+beta2 = 0.2
+# 计算实词的相似度,参数,关系义原的权重
+beta3 = 0.17
+# 计算实词的相似度,参数,关系符号义原的权重
+beta4 = 0.13
+# 具体词与义原的相似度一律处理为比较小的常数gamma。具体词与具体词相似度,如果两个词相等,则为1,否则为0
+gamma = 0.2
+# 任一非空值和空值之间的相似度定义为一个较小的常数delta
+delta = 0.2
+# 两个无关义原之间的默认距离定义为20
+# 知网的逻辑符号
+# 知网的关系符号
+RELATION_SYMBOL = "#%$*+&@?!"
+# 知网的特殊符号,虚词或者具体词
+def add_word(word):
+ """往词库中添加一个词语"""
+ global ALLWORDS
+ list = ALLWORDS.get(word.getWord())
+ if not list:
+ list = []
+ list.append(word)
+ ALLWORDS[word.getWord()] = list
+ else:
+ list.append(word)
+def get_primitive_type(str):
+ first = str[0]
+ if first in RELATION_SYMBOL:
+ return 1
+ if first in SPECIAL_SYMBOL:
+ return 2
+ return 0
+def parse_detail(related, w):
+ """ 解析具体的概念部分,并将解析结果保存到Word w中。"""
+ parts = related.split(",")
+ isFirst = True
+ isRelational = False
+ isSymbol = False
+ chinese = ""
+ relationalPrimitiveKey = ""
+ symbolKey = ""
+ for part in parts:
+ # 如果是具体词,则会以括号开始和结尾,如 (China|中国)
+ if part.startswith("("):
+ part = part[:-1]
+ part = part[1:]
+ # 如果包含等号,则为关系义原,等号后面的全部义原都是关系义原
+ if "=" in part:
+ isRelational = True
+ strs = part.split("=")
+ relationalPrimitiveKey = strs[0]
+ # 只取关系义原的中文部分
+ value = strs[1].split("|")[1]
+ w.addRelationalPrimitives(relationalPrimitiveKey, value)
+ continue
+ # 如果不是具体词或者关系义原
+ sts = part.split("|")
+ # 根据第一个字符本来判断是否只是义原或者是关系符号
+ type = get_primitive_type(sts[0])
+ # 部分虚词没有中文部分
+ if len(sts) > 1:
+ chinese = sts[1]
+ if chinese and (chinese.endswith(")") or chinese.endswith("}")):
+ # 去掉最后的半边括号
+ chinese = chinese[:-1]
+ # 基本义原
+ if type == 0:
+ # 如果前面有关系义原,则本义原也是关系义原
+ if isRelational:
+ w.addRelationalPrimitives(relationalPrimitiveKey, chinese)
+ continue
+ # 如果前面是符号义原,则本义原也是符号义原
+ if isSymbol:
+ w.addRelationSymbolPrimitives(symbolKey, chinese)
+ continue
+ # 否则是基本义原
+ if isFirst:
+ w.setFirstPrimitive(chinese)
+ isFirst = False
+ continue
+ else:
+ w.addOtherPrimitives(chinese)
+ continue
+ # 关系符号
+ if type == 1:
+ isSymbol = True
+ isRelational = False
+ symbolKey = sts[0][0]
+ w.addRelationSymbolPrimitives(symbolKey, chinese)
+ continue
+ if type == 2:
+ # 虚词
+ if sts[0].startswith("{"):
+ # 去掉第一个字符"{"
+ english = sts[0][1:]
+ if chinese:
+ w.addStructuralWords(chinese)
+ continue
+ # 如果没有中文,则使用英文
+ else:
+ w.addStructuralWords(english)
+ continue
+import os
+# _get_module_path = lambda path: os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
+# os.path.dirname(__file__), path))
+_get_module_path = lambda path: os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), path))
+path = _get_module_path("../data/glossary.dat")
+with open(path) as file:
+ line = file.readline()
+ while line:
+ line = line.strip()
+ line = re.sub("\s+", " ", line)
+ strs = line.split(" ")
+ # print line
+ word = strs[0]
+ type = strs[1]
+ related = strs[2]
+ # 因为是按照空格切分的,文件中有些位置可能会出错多出空格,所以要把后面的部分加回来
+ for i in range(3, len(strs)):
+ related += strs[i]
+ w = Word()
+ w.setWord(word)
+ w.setType(type)
+ parse_detail(related, w)
+ add_word(w)
+ line = file.readline()
+def sim4words(word1, word2):
+ """计算两个词语(两个String)的相似度。"""
+ global ALLWORDS
+ word1 = word1.encode("GBK")
+ word2 = word2.encode("GBK")
+ if word1 in ALLWORDS and word2 in ALLWORDS:
+ list1 = ALLWORDS.get(word1)
+ list2 = ALLWORDS.get(word2)
+ max = 0
+ for w1 in list1:
+ for w2 in list2:
+ sim = get_sim4words(w1, w2)
+ if sim > max:
+ max = sim
+ return max
+ else:
+ if word1 in ALLWORDS:
+ print word2 + "没有被收录"
+ else:
+ print u"其中有词没有被收录"
+ return 0.0
+def get_sim4words(w1, w2):
+ """计算两个Word对象的相似度。"""
+ # 虚词和实词的相似度为0
+ if w1.isStructuralWord() != w2.isStructuralWord():
+ return 0
+ # 虚词与虚词之间的距离
+ if w1.isStructuralWord() and w2.isStructuralWord():
+ list1 = w1.getStructuralWords()
+ print "struct list1 is "
+ print list1
+ list2 = w2.getStructuralWords()
+ print "struct list2 is "
+ print list2
+ return sim4lists(list1, list2)
+ # 实词之间的距离,分为4部分进行计算
+ # 基本义原相似度
+ firstPrimitive1 = w1.getFirstPrimitive()
+ firstPrimitive2 = w2.getFirstPrimitive()
+ sim1 = sim4primitives(firstPrimitive1, firstPrimitive2)
+ # 其余基本义原相似度
+ list1 = w1.getOtherPrimitives()
+ list2 = w2.getOtherPrimitives()
+ sim2 = sim4lists(list1, list2)
+ # 关系义原相似度
+ dict1 = w1.getRelationalPrimitives()
+ dict2 = w2.getRelationalPrimitives()
+ sim3 = get_sim4dicts(dict1, dict2)
+ # 关系符号义原相似度
+ dict1 = w1.getRelationSymbolPrimitives()
+ dict2 = w2.getRelationSymbolPrimitives()
+ sim4 = get_sim4dicts(dict1,dict2)
+ # 计算总的相似度
+ product = sim1
+ sum = beta1 * product
+ product *= sim2
+ sum += beta2 * product
+ product *= sim3
+ sum += beta3 * product
+ product *= sim4
+ sum += beta4 * product
+ return sum
+def sim4primitives(primitive1, primitive2):
+ """计算基本义原之间的距离"""
+ dis = get_sim4primitives(primitive1, primitive2)
+ return alpha / (dis + alpha)
+def get_sim4primitives(primitive1, primitive2):
+ """计算两个基本义原在义原树中的距离。如果两个节点不在同一棵树上,设定默认距离为20."""
+ list1 = primFunc.getParents(primitive1)
+ list2 = primFunc.getParents(primitive2)
+ for index in list1:
+ if index in list2:
+ return list1.index(index) + list2.index(index)
+def get_sim4dicts(dict1, dict2):
+ """计算特征结构的相似度"""
+ # 如果map都是空的话,则设定相似度为1
+ if not dict1 and not dict2:
+ return 1
+ total = len(dict1) + len(dict2)
+ if not dict1 or not dict2:
+ return delta
+ sim = 0
+ count = 0
+ for (key, value) in dict1.items():
+ # 如果两个结构中具有相同的属性,计算相似度
+ if dict2.has_key(key):
+ list1 = value
+ list2 = dict2.get(key)
+ sim += sim4lists(list1, list2)
+ count += 1
+ # 没有相同属性,即对应的是空值设定相似度位delta.总共有(total - count)对相似度。
+ return (sim + delta * (total - 2 * count)) / (total - count)
+def sim4lists(list1, list2):
+ """计算两个集合的相似度。"""
+ if not list1 and not list2:
+ return 1
+ m = len(list1)
+ n = len(list2)
+ if m > n:
+ big = m
+ N = n
+ else:
+ big = n
+ N = m
+ count = 0
+ index1 = 0
+ index2 = 0
+ sum = 0
+ while count < N:
+ max = 0
+ for i in range(len(list1)):
+ for j in range(len(list2)):
+ sim = inner_sim4words(list1[i], list2[j])
+ if(sim > max):
+ index1 = i
+ index2 = j
+ max = sim
+ sum += max
+ list1 = list1[:index1] + list1[index1+1:]
+ list2 = list2[:index2] + list2[index2+1:]
+ count += 1
+ return (sum + delta * (big - N)) / big
+def inner_sim4words(word1, word2):
+ """比较两个词之间的距离,这两个词可能是义原,也可能是具体词。"""
+ isPrimitive1 = primFunc.isPrimitive(word1)
+ isPrimitive2 = primFunc.isPrimitive(word2)
+ # 两个义原
+ if isPrimitive1 and isPrimitive2:
+ return sim4primitives(word1, word2)
+ # 具体词
+ if not isPrimitive1 and not isPrimitive2:
+ if word1 == word2:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+ # 义原和具体词的相似度默认位gamma = 0.2
+ return gamma
diff --git a/src/wordsimilarity.pyc b/src/wordsimilarity.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a23311a
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/wordsimilarity.pyc differ