#Windows experimental
**at the moment this does not work **
The issue is we use a old version of node-firebird , because we have a issue with reading blobs on the new version, however , on windows the old version seems to have a problem with committing transactions......
This will require further investigations...
Up to now we have :
This is based on windows XP, adjust as needed. The pre compiled dll is 32 bit I don't know if 64bit server will run with this DLL.
This installation guide is far from perfected , so it may cause a lot more pain than needed, promise it will be worth it in the end.
##Node and gyp
Install :
- http://nodejs.org/download/
- node-gyp requirements, details at : https://github.com/TooTallNate/node-gyp
git clone https://github.com/quale-quest/sql-mvc.git * or "clone in desktop"
cd into the folder
npm install
copy Patches\ss-hogan\new_compiler.js ..\node_modules\ss-hogan\node_modules\hogan.js\lib\compiler.js
copy Patches\ss-hogan\new_client.js ..\node_modules\ss-hogan\client.js
copy Patches\ss-hogan\new_engine.js ..\node_modules\ss-hogan\engine.js
copy Patches\marked\new_marked.js ..\node_modules\marked\lib\marked.js
copy Patches\emoji\new_emoji.js ..\node_modules\emoji\lib\emoji.js
##pre-compiled UDF
copy server\udf\q_UDFLibC.dll "C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\UDF"
##set configuration
edit Quale/Config/config.json
set "monitor_mode":{"dev":"none",
add "windows":"yes",
in db record:
set "database": "C:\\data\\demo_db.fdb",
set "username": "sysdba",
set "password": "whatever the server is set to",
set "authfile": "",
##manually build the demo index page.
cd server/compiler
node compile.js app Home/Guest Index
--this only compiles a single page...the the auto compiler not working yet
##run the server cd ../.. node app.js
point you browser to localhost:3000
Only the index page will load, it will look ok but the actions wont work...yet
##Trouble shooting If you have trouble getting this to work try:
- run firebird as a program instead of a service
- copy ib_util.dll from the firebird lib directory to the UDF directory
- Check firebird.conf that UdfAccess is not been enabled.
- reboot
- manually test the firebird connection with flamerobin
- manually test the UDF (procedure below)
- manually build the UDF (especially 64 bit server)
###test UDF lib with open a test database with flamerobin and run these test commands DECLARE EXTERNAL FUNCTION Z$F_VERSION RETURNS INTEGER BY VALUE ENTRY_POINT 'Z$F_VERSION' MODULE_NAME 'q_UDFLibC';
select Z$F_F2J('abc') from RDB$DATABASE
###Optionals - udf compile your own
install visual studio http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/D/9/1D9A6C0E-FC89-43EE-9658-B9F0E3A76983/vc_web.exe
open "visual studio command prompt" from menu
Adjust your file paths as needed:
cd to sql-mvc\server\udf folder of the project
cl.exe /D_USRDLL /D_WINDLL /I "C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\include" q_UDFLibC.c "C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\lib\ib_util_ms.lib" /link /DLL /OUT:q_UDFLibC.dll
stop the fb server
copy q_UDFLibC.dll "C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\UDF\"
start the server again
refs: http://www.firebirdnews.org/compiling-linux-udfs-on-msvc/ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1130479/how-to-build-a-dll-from-the-command-line-in-windows-using-msvc