- ocrmypdf/OCRmyPDF (16,308s/1,131f) : OCRmyPDF adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched
- Huanshere/VideoLingo (10,247s/977f) : Netflix-level subtitle cutting, translation, alignment, and even dubbing - one-click fully automated AI video subtitle team | Netflix级字幕切割、翻译、对齐、甚至加上配音,一键全自动视频搬运AI字幕组
- oumi-ai/oumi (5,810s/379f) : Everything you need to build state-of-the-art foundation models, end-to-end.
- assafelovic/gpt-researcher (16,751s/2,258f) : LLM based autonomous agent that conducts deep local and web research on any topic and generates a long report with citations.
- huggingface/lerobot (8,635s/917f) : 🤗 LeRobot: Making AI for Robotics more accessible with end-to-end learning
- bridgecrewio/checkov (7,346s/1,150f) : Prevent cloud misconfigurations and find vulnerabilities during build-time in infrastructure as code, container images and open source packages with Checkov by Bridgecrew.
- redis/redis-py (12,839s/2,551f) : Redis Python client
- microsoft/autogen (38,838s/5,688f) : A programming framework for agentic AI 🤖 PyPi: autogen-agentchat Discord: https://aka.ms/autogen-discord Office Hour: https://aka.ms/autogen-officehour
- opendatalab/MinerU (25,246s/1,913f) : A high-quality tool for convert PDF to Markdown and JSON.一站式开源高质量数据提取工具,将PDF转换成Markdown和JSON格式。
- odoo/odoo (40,405s/26,219f) : Odoo. Open Source Apps To Grow Your Business.
- unclecode/crawl4ai (28,879s/2,301f) : 🚀🤖 Crawl4AI: Open-source LLM Friendly Web Crawler & Scraper
- real-stanford/diffusion_policy (1,964s/374f) : [RSS 2023] Diffusion Policy Visuomotor Policy Learning via Action Diffusion
- Cinnamon/kotaemon (20,796s/1,621f) : An open-source RAG-based tool for chatting with your documents.
- maybe-finance/maybe (39,212s/2,781f) : The OS for your personal finances
- rails/rails (56,412s/21,764f) : Ruby on Rails
- opf/openproject (9,816s/2,441f) : OpenProject is the leading open source project management software.
- instructure/canvas-lms (5,822s/2,567f) : The open LMS by Instructure, Inc.
- zammad/zammad (4,618s/783f) : Zammad is a web based open source helpdesk/customer support system
- chef/chef (7,655s/2,515f) : Chef Infra, a powerful automation platform that transforms infrastructure into code automating how infrastructure is configured, deployed and managed across any environment, at any scale
- basecamp/kamal (12,054s/500f) : Deploy web apps anywhere.
- redmine/redmine (5,395s/2,349f) : Mirror of redmine code source - Official Subversion repository is at https://svn.redmine.org/redmine - contact: @vividtone or maeda (at) farend (dot) jp
- Homebrew/homebrew-core (13,966s/12,581f) : 🍻 Default formulae for the missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)
- discourse/discourse (43,088s/8,418f) : A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.
- fastlane/fastlane (39,846s/5,750f) : 🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps
- paper-trail-gem/paper_trail (6,826s/902f) : Track changes to your rails models
- rapid7/metasploit-framework (34,723s/14,131f) : Metasploit Framework
- activeadmin/activeadmin (9,537s/3,314f) : The administration framework for Ruby on Rails applications.
- ruby/ruby (22,315s/5,358f) : The Ruby Programming Language
- teamcapybara/capybara (10,044s/1,455f) : Acceptance test framework for web applications
- heartcombo/devise (24,089s/5,539f) : Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden.
- rails/tailwindcss-rails (1,460s/185f) :
- ViewComponent/view_component (3,362s/445f) : A framework for building reusable, testable & encapsulated view components in Ruby on Rails.
- rails/propshaft (945s/108f) : Deliver assets for Rails
- 18F/identity-idp (536s/128f) : Login.gov Core App: Identity Provider (IdP)
- google/security-research (3,554s/430f) : This project hosts security advisories and their accompanying proof-of-concepts related to research conducted at Google which impact non-Google owned code.
- php/php-src (38,631s/7,812f) : The PHP Interpreter
- libuv/libuv (24,755s/3,638f) : Cross-platform asynchronous I/O
- FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS-Kernel (2,983s/1,191f) : FreeRTOS kernel files only, submoduled into https://github.com/FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS and various other repos.
- arendst/Tasmota (22,787s/4,849f) : Alternative firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32 based devices with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP, Serial or KNX. Full documentation at
- istoreos/istoreos (5,522s/586f) : 提供一个人人会用的的路由、NAS系统 (目前活跃的分支是 istoreos-22.03)
- redcanaryco/atomic-red-team (10,121s/2,848f) : Small and highly portable detection tests based on MITRE's ATT&CK.
- olikraus/u8g2 (5,354s/1,074f) : U8glib library for monochrome displays, version 2
- espressif/esp-idf (14,410s/7,454f) : Espressif IoT Development Framework. Official development framework for Espressif SoCs.
- systemd/systemd (13,698s/3,886f) : The systemd System and Service Manager
- kingToolbox/WindTerm (24,857s/1,919f) : A professional cross-platform SSH/Sftp/Shell/Telnet/Tmux/Serial terminal.
- libevent/libevent (11,317s/3,409f) : Event notification library
- openwrt/openwrt (21,405s/10,822f) : This repository is a mirror of https://git.openwrt.org/openwrt/openwrt.git It is for reference only and is not active for check-ins. We will continue to accept Pull Requests here. They will be merged via staging trees then into openwrt.git.
- confluentinc/librdkafka (443s/3,173f) : The Apache Kafka C/C++ library
- freebsd/freebsd-src (8,097s/2,924f) : The FreeBSD src tree publish-only repository. Experimenting with 'simple' pull requests....
- Klipper3d/klipper (9,850s/5,428f) : Klipper is a 3d-printer firmware
- open-quantum-safe/liboqs (2,047s/499f) : C library for prototyping and experimenting with quantum-resistant cryptography
- facebook/zstd (24,245s/2,178f) : Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm
- timescale/timescaledb (18,303s/903f) : A time-series database for high-performance real-time analytics packaged as a Postgres extension
- CodeWithHarry/The-Ultimate-C-Programming-Course (479s/165f) : This is the C language code and supplement material for the Ultimate C language Course on CodeWithHarry
- rustdesk/rustdesk (80,683s/11,366f) : An open-source remote desktop application designed for self-hosting, as an alternative to TeamViewer.
- dani-garcia/vaultwarden (41,457s/1,972f) : Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust, formerly known as bitwarden_rs
- tensorzero/tensorzero (2,371s/137f) : TensorZero creates a feedback loop for optimizing LLM applications — turning production data into smarter, faster, and cheaper models.
- unionlabs/union (18,891s/1,228f) : The trust-minimized, zero-knowledge bridging protocol, designed for censorship resistance, extremely high security, and usage in decentralized finance.
- rpcpool/yellowstone-grpc (471s/158f) : solana geyser grpc service
- roc-lang/roc (4,734s/322f) : A fast, friendly, functional language.
- Schniz/fnm (19,323s/499f) : 🚀 Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust
- google/comprehensive-rust (29,026s/1,733f) : This is the Rust course used by the Android team at Google. It provides you the material to quickly teach Rust.
- a2x/cs2-dumper (1,074s/143f) : Counter-Strike: 2 Offset Dumper
- signalapp/libsignal (3,838s/453f) : Home to the Signal Protocol as well as other cryptographic primitives which make Signal possible.
- ClementTsang/bottom (10,768s/256f) : Yet another cross-platform graphical process/system monitor.
- foundry-rs/foundry (8,548s/1,827f) : Foundry is a blazing fast, portable and modular toolkit for Ethereum application development written in Rust.
- tsukinaha/tsukimi (1,932s/49f) : A simple third-party Emby client for Linux
- dandavison/delta (25,277s/408f) : A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, grep, and blame output
- GyulyVGC/sniffnet (21,085s/623f) : Comfortably monitor your Internet traffic 🕵️♂️
- tokio-rs/tracing (5,695s/752f) : Application level tracing for Rust.
- open-telemetry/opentelemetry-rust (2,016s/482f) : The Rust OpenTelemetry implementation
- slint-ui/slint (18,306s/635f) : Slint is a declarative GUI toolkit to build native user interfaces for Rust, C++, or JavaScript apps.
- bevyengine/bevy (37,802s/3,720f) : A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust
- qdrant/qdrant (21,635s/1,486f) : Qdrant - High-performance, massive-scale Vector Database and Vector Search Engine for the next generation of AI. Also available in the cloud https://cloud.qdrant.io/
- YaLTeR/niri (5,009s/159f) : A scrollable-tiling Wayland compositor.
- monasticacademy/httptap (2,641s/34f) : View HTTP/HTTPS requests made by any Linux program
- aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 (2,873s/670f) : AWS SDK for the Go programming language.
- GoogleCloudPlatform/microservices-demo (17,443s/7,640f) : Sample cloud-first application with 10 microservices showcasing Kubernetes, Istio, and gRPC.
- XTLS/Xray-core (27,088s/4,120f) : Xray, Penetrates Everything. Also the best v2ray-core, with XTLS support. Fully compatible configuration.
- asdf-vm/asdf (22,598s/802f) : Extendable version manager with support for Ruby, Node.js, Elixir, Erlang & more
- rclone/rclone (48,634s/4,331f) : "rsync for cloud storage" - Google Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Wasabi, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob, Azure Files, Yandex Files
- istio/istio (36,437s/7,841f) : Connect, secure, control, and observe services.
- usememos/memos (36,783s/2,635f) : An open-source, lightweight note-taking solution. The pain-less way to create your meaningful notes. Your Notes, Your Way.
- docker/compose (34,625s/5,295f) : Define and run multi-container applications with Docker
- putyy/res-downloader (4,767s/647f) : 视频号、小程序、抖音、快手、小红书、直播流、m3u8、酷狗、QQ音乐等常见网络资源下载!
- aquasecurity/trivy (24,561s/2,432f) : Find vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, secrets, SBOM in containers, Kubernetes, code repositories, clouds and more
- traefik/traefik (53,088s/5,210f) : The Cloud Native Application Proxy
- gitleaks/gitleaks (18,794s/1,532f) : Find secrets with Gitleaks 🔑
- kubernetes/client-go (9,244s/2,969f) : Go client for Kubernetes.
- pressly/goose (7,633s/545f) : A database migration tool. Supports SQL migrations and Go functions.
- containers/podman (25,099s/2,499f) : Podman: A tool for managing OCI containers and pods.
- gorilla/websocket (23,032s/3,516f) : Package gorilla/websocket is a fast, well-tested and widely used WebSocket implementation for Go.
- charmbracelet/bubbletea (29,369s/848f) : A powerful little TUI framework 🏗
- prometheus/client_golang (5,518s/1,195f) : Prometheus instrumentation library for Go applications
- Azure/azure-sdk-for-go (1,677s/865f) : This repository is for active development of the Azure SDK for Go. For consumers of the SDK we recommend visiting our public developer docs at:
- spf13/cobra (39,076s/2,875f) : A Commander for modern Go CLI interactions
- sysadminsmedia/homebox (1,999s/101f) : A continuation of HomeBox the inventory and organization system built for the Home User
- hashicorp/vault (31,705s/4,270f) : A tool for secrets management, encryption as a service, and privileged access management
- kubernetes/kubernetes (112,856s/40,155f) : Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
- containrrr/watchtower (20,806s/904f) : A process for automating Docker container base image updates.
- projectlombok/lombok (13,026s/2,416f) : Very spicy additions to the Java programming language.
- resilience4j/resilience4j (9,930s/1,369f) : Resilience4j is a fault tolerance library designed for Java8 and functional programming
- keycloak/keycloak (25,114s/7,021f) : Open Source Identity and Access Management For Modern Applications and Services
- opensearch-project/OpenSearch (10,166s/1,929f) : 🔎 Open source distributed and RESTful search engine.
- spring-projects/spring-framework (57,258s/38,331f) : Spring Framework
- prestodb/presto (16,190s/5,408f) : The official home of the Presto distributed SQL query engine for big data
- apache/hadoop (14,920s/8,935f) : Apache Hadoop
- halo-dev/halo (34,644s/9,790f) : 强大易用的开源建站工具。
- oracle/graal (20,621s/1,670f) : GraalVM compiles Java applications into native executables that start instantly, scale fast, and use fewer compute resources 🚀
- NationalSecurityAgency/ghidra (53,503s/6,037f) : Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework
- JabRef/jabref (3,733s/2,639f) : Graphical Java application for managing BibTeX and biblatex (.bib) databases
- kunal-kushwaha/DSA-Bootcamp-Java (18,193s/11,562f) : This repository consists of the code samples, assignments, and notes for the Java data structures & algorithms + interview preparation bootcamp of WeMakeDevs.
- mockito/mockito (15,013s/2,582f) : Most popular Mocking framework for unit tests written in Java
- redisson/redisson (23,582s/5,406f) : Redisson - Valkey and Redis Java client. Real-Time Data Platform. Sync/Async/RxJava/Reactive API. Over 50 Valkey and Redis based Java objects and services: Set, Multimap, SortedSet, Map, List, Queue, Deque, Semaphore, Lock, AtomicLong, Map Reduce, Bloom filter, Spring, Tomcat, Scheduler, JCache API, Hibernate, RPC, local cache..
- Snailclimb/JavaGuide (147,911s/45,686f) : 「Java学习+面试指南」一份涵盖大部分 Java 程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。准备 Java 面试,首选 JavaGuide!
- Anuken/Mindustry (23,235s/3,024f) : The automation tower defense RTS
- apache/flink (24,470s/13,493f) : Apache Flink
- hkhcoder/vprofile-project (403s/2,159f) :
- google/gson (23,542s/4,301f) : A Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back
- spring-projects/spring-security (8,961s/5,970f) : Spring Security
- spring-projects/spring-boot (76,061s/40,895f) : Spring Boot helps you to create Spring-powered, production-grade applications and services with absolute minimum fuss.
- openjdk/jdk (20,361s/5,687f) : JDK main-line development https://openjdk.org/projects/jdk
- brettwooldridge/HikariCP (20,232s/2,966f) : 光 HikariCP・A solid, high-performance, JDBC connection pool at last.
- realm/realm-swift (16,387s/2,155f) : Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite
- getsentry/sentry-cocoa (835s/341f) : The official Sentry SDK for iOS, tvOS, macOS, watchOS.
- tisfeng/Easydict (8,079s/404f) : 一个简洁优雅的词典翻译 macOS App。开箱即用,支持离线 OCR 识别,支持有道词典,🍎 苹果系统词典,🍎 苹果系统翻译,OpenAI,Gemini,DeepL,Google,Bing,腾讯,百度,阿里,小牛,彩云和火山翻译。A concise and elegant Dictionary and Translator macOS App for looking up words and translating text.
- openid/AppAuth-iOS (1,810s/786f) : iOS and macOS SDK for communicating with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers.
- google/GoogleSignIn-iOS (541s/211f) : Enables iOS and macOS apps to sign in with Google.
- SDWebImage/SDWebImage (25,106s/5,972f) : Asynchronous image downloader with cache support as a UIImageView category
- OneSignal/OneSignal-iOS-SDK (500s/264f) : OneSignal is a free push notification service for mobile apps. This plugin makes it easy to integrate your native iOS app with OneSignal. https://onesignal.com
- aws-amplify/aws-sdk-ios (1,691s/891f) : AWS SDK for iOS. For more information, see our web site:
- AFNetworking/AFNetworking (33,350s/10,402f) : A delightful networking framework for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS.
- FLEXTool/FLEX (14,199s/1,712f) : An in-app debugging and exploration tool for iOS
- react-native-maps/react-native-maps (15,277s/4,864f) : React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android
- google/GoogleUtilities (111s/48f) :
- google/promises (3,814s/297f) : Promises is a modern framework that provides a synchronization construct for Swift and Objective-C.
- google/gtm-session-fetcher (250s/151f) : Google Toolbox for Mac - Session Fetcher
- adjust/ios_sdk (626s/298f) : This is the iOS SDK of
- facebookincubator/SocketRocket (9,576s/2,012f) : A conforming Objective-C WebSocket client library.
- BranchMetrics/ios-branch-deep-linking-attribution (733s/233f) : The Branch iOS SDK for deep linking and attribution. Branch helps mobile apps grow with deep links / deeplinks that power paid acquisition and re-engagement campaigns, referral programs, content sharing, deep linked emails, smart banners, custom user onboarding, and more.
- AliSoftware/OHHTTPStubs (5,048s/601f) : Stub your network requests easily! Test your apps with fake network data and custom response time, response code and headers!
- uber/ios-snapshot-test-case (1,799s/215f) : Snapshot view unit tests for iOS
- open-telemetry/opentelemetry-proto (629s/271f) : OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP) specification and Protobuf definitions
- dbt-labs/dbt-utils (1,437s/510f) : Utility functions for dbt projects.
- golang-standards/project-layout (50,689s/5,221f) : Standard Go Project Layout
- container-storage-interface/spec (1,377s/372f) : Container Storage Interface (CSI) Specification.
- raspberrypi/noobs (2,214s/434f) : NOOBS (New Out Of Box Software) - An easy Operating System install manager for the Raspberry Pi
- open-telemetry/opentelemetry-proto-go (33s/36f) : Generated code for OpenTelemetry protobuf data model
- PartialVolume/shredos.x86_64 (2,073s/78f) : Shredos Disk Eraser 64 bit for all Intel 64 bit processors as well as processors from AMD and other vendors which make compatible 64 bit chips. ShredOS - Secure disk erasure/wipe
- cloudposse/build-harness (355s/126f) : Collection of Makefiles to facilitate building Golang projects, Dockerfiles, Helm charts, and more
- eu-digital-identity-wallet/eudi-doc-architecture-and-reference-framework (460s/62f) : The European Digital Identity Wallet
- moul/http2curl (772s/68f) : 📐 Convert Golang's http.Request to CURL command line
- jobbole/awesome-python-cn (29,062s/7,955f) : Python资源大全中文版,包括:Web框架、网络爬虫、模板引擎、数据库、数据可视化、图片处理等,由「开源前哨」和「Python开发者」微信公号团队维护更新。
- open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification (3,805s/898f) : Specifications for OpenTelemetry
- dbt-labs/dbt-labs-experimental-features (149s/43f) : dbt support for database features which are not yet supported natively in dbt-core
- foostan/crkbd (5,951s/1,008f) : Corne keyboard, a split keyboard with 3x6 column staggered keys and 3 thumb keys.
- uber-go/guide (16,139s/1,740f) : The Uber Go Style Guide.
- temporalio/api (93s/68f) : Temporal gRPC API and proto files
- airbnb/lottie-ios (25,984s/3,762f) : An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
- pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture (12,796s/1,485f) : A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind.
- hmlongco/Factory (2,067s/124f) : A new approach to Container-Based Dependency Injection for Swift and SwiftUI.
- nicklockwood/SwiftFormat (8,079s/635f) : A command-line tool and Xcode Extension for formatting Swift code
- mrousavy/react-native-vision-camera (7,938s/1,144f) : 📸 A powerful, high-performance React Native Camera library.
- ChartsOrg/Charts (27,710s/6,014f) : Beautiful charts for iOS/tvOS/OSX! The Apple side of the crossplatform MPAndroidChart.
- Alamofire/Alamofire (41,598s/7,587f) : Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift
- altstoreio/AltStore (12,093s/947f) : AltStore is an alternative app store for non-jailbroken iOS devices.
- ReactiveX/RxSwift (24,457s/4,168f) : Reactive Programming in Swift
- apple/swift-nio (8,049s/655f) : Event-driven network application framework for high performance protocol servers & clients, non-blocking.
- onevcat/Kingfisher (23,561s/2,670f) : A lightweight, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web.
- yonaskolb/XcodeGen (7,175s/823f) : A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project
- vapor/vapor (24,797s/1,458f) : 💧 A server-side Swift HTTP web framework.
- realm/SwiftLint (18,794s/2,239f) : A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.
- peripheryapp/periphery (5,424s/197f) : A tool to identify unused code in Swift projects.
- mikker/LeaderKey.app (736s/23f) : Faster than your launcher
- nikitabobko/AeroSpace (10,066s/179f) : AeroSpace is an i3-like tiling window manager for macOS
- skiptools/skip (1,733s/48f) : Skip transpiler for creating SwiftUI apps for iOS and Android
- apple/swift-collections (3,886s/314f) : Commonly used data structures for Swift
- apple/swift-protobuf (4,615s/462f) : Plugin and runtime library for using protobuf with Swift
- Moya/Moya (15,195s/1,993f) : Network abstraction layer written in Swift.
- nvm-sh/nvm (82,051s/8,185f) : Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
- markshust/docker-magento (2,632s/1,017f) : Mark Shust's Docker Configuration for Magento
- hestiacp/hestiacp (3,560s/704f) : Hestia Control Panel | A lightweight and powerful control panel for the modern web.
- basecamp/omakub (5,912s/543f) : Opinionated Ubuntu Setup
- PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-icon-theme (6,874s/428f) : Pixel perfect icon theme for Linux
- oracle/docker-images (6,647s/5,449f) : Official source of container configurations, images, and examples for Oracle products and projects
- bats-core/bats-core (5,103s/428f) : Bash Automated Testing System
- acmesh-official/acme.sh (41,008s/5,128f) : A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol
- bioconda/bioconda-recipes (1,670s/3,347f) : Conda recipes for the bioconda channel.
- BtbN/FFmpeg-Builds (8,155s/1,123f) :
- nicolaka/netshoot (8,938s/999f) : a Docker + Kubernetes network trouble-shooting swiss-army container
- google/oss-fuzz (10,786s/2,296f) : OSS-Fuzz - continuous fuzzing for open source software.
- getsentry/self-hosted (8,150s/1,799f) : Sentry, feature-complete and packaged up for low-volume deployments and proofs-of-concept
- Elegycloud/clash-for-linux-backup (2,803s/1,166f) : 基于Clash Core 制作的Clash For Linux备份仓库 A Clash For Linux Backup Warehouse Based on Clash Core
- antonbabenko/pre-commit-terraform (3,284s/549f) : pre-commit git hooks to take care of Terraform configurations 🇺🇦
- pterodactyl-installer/pterodactyl-installer (1,510s/593f) : 🐦 Unofficial installation scripts for Pterodactyl Panel
- lucide-icons/lucide (13,205s/605f) : Beautiful & consistent icon toolkit made by the community. Open-source project and a fork of Feather Icons.
- Mintplex-Labs/anything-llm (32,957s/3,272f) : The all-in-one Desktop & Docker AI application with built-in RAG, AI agents, and more.
- InternLM/MindSearch (5,857s/598f) : 🔍 An LLM-based Multi-agent Framework of Web Search Engine (like Perplexity.ai Pro and SearchGPT)
- is-a-dev/register (5,421s/9,826f) : Grab your own sweet-looking '.is-a.dev' subdomain.
- ToolJet/ToolJet (34,570s/4,426f) : Low-code platform for building business applications. Connect to databases, cloud storages, GraphQL, API endpoints, Airtable, Google sheets, OpenAI, etc and build apps using drag and drop application builder. Built using JavaScript/TypeScript. 🚀
- songquanpeng/one-api (21,320s/4,615f) : LLM API 管理 & 分发系统,支持 OpenAI、Azure、Anthropic Claude、Google Gemini、DeepSeek、字节豆包、ChatGLM、文心一言、讯飞星火、通义千问、360 智脑、腾讯混元等主流模型,统一 API 适配,可用于 key 管理与二次分发。单可执行文件,提供 Docker 镜像,一键部署,开箱即用。LLM API management & key redistribution system, unifying multiple providers under a single API. Single binary, Docker-ready, with an English UI.
- projectdiscovery/nuclei-templates (9,655s/2,713f) : Community curated list of templates for the nuclei engine to find security vulnerabilities.
- parallax/jsPDF (29,691s/4,703f) : Client-side JavaScript PDF generation for everyone.
- academind/react-complete-guide-course-resources (2,657s/2,052f) : React - The Complete Guide Course Resources (Code, Attachments, Slides)
- rollup/rollup (25,565s/1,551f) : Next-generation ES module bundler
- academicpages/academicpages.github.io (13,135s/45,423f) : Github Pages template for personal, portfolio-based websites; forked from mmistakes/minimal-mistakes
- pedroslopez/whatsapp-web.js (16,042s/3,865f) : A WhatsApp client library for NodeJS that connects through the WhatsApp Web browser app
- sveltejs/kit (18,982s/2,003f) : web development, streamlined
- FortAwesome/Font-Awesome (74,599s/12,193f) : The iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit
- semantic-release/semantic-release (21,360s/1,697f) : 📦🚀 Fully automated version management and package publishing
- Rob--W/cors-anywhere (8,983s/6,246f) : CORS Anywhere is a NodeJS reverse proxy which adds CORS headers to the proxied request.
- vercel/next.js (129,059s/27,572f) : The React Framework
- WebGoat/WebGoat (7,214s/5,875f) : WebGoat is a deliberately insecure application
- CesiumGS/cesium (13,258s/3,543f) : An open-source JavaScript library for world-class 3D globes and maps 🌎
- winstonjs/winston (23,240s/1,816f) : A logger for just about everything.
- plotly/plotly.js (17,283s/1,882f) : Open-source JavaScript charting library behind Plotly and Dash
- mrdoob/three.js (104,157s/35,531f) : JavaScript 3D Library.
- CodeWithHarry/Sigma-Web-Dev-Course (7,272s/2,208f) : Source Code for Sigma Web Development Course
- lobehub/lobe-chat (53,447s/11,504f) : 🤯 Lobe Chat - an open-source, modern-design AI chat framework. Supports Multi AI Providers( OpenAI / Claude 3 / Gemini / Ollama / Qwen / DeepSeek), Knowledge Base (file upload / knowledge management / RAG ), Multi-Modals (Vision/TTS/Plugins/Artifacts). One-click FREE deployment of your private ChatGPT/ Claude application.
- nuxt/nuxt (55,986s/5,117f) : The Intuitive Vue Framework.
- documenso/documenso (10,141s/1,399f) : The Open Source DocuSign Alternative.
- langgenius/dify (61,994s/9,237f) : Dify is an open-source LLM app development platform. Dify's intuitive interface combines AI workflow, RAG pipeline, agent capabilities, model management, observability features and more, letting you quickly go from prototype to production.
- bluesky-social/atproto (8,107s/618f) : Social networking technology created by Bluesky
- directus/directus (28,972s/4,045f) : The flexible backend for all your projects 🐰 Turn your DB into a headless CMS, admin panels, or apps with a custom UI, instant APIs, auth & more.
- miurla/morphic (6,859s/1,824f) : An AI-powered search engine with a generative UI
- mui/toolpad (1,465s/334f) : Toolpad: Full stack components and low-code builder for dashboards and internal apps.
- jhipster/generator-jhipster (21,718s/4,036f) : JHipster is a development platform to quickly generate, develop, & deploy modern web applications & microservice architectures.
- n8n-io/n8n (58,552s/11,816f) : Fair-code workflow automation platform with native AI capabilities. Combine visual building with custom code, self-host or cloud, 400+ integrations.
- useplunk/plunk (3,755s/183f) : The Open-Source Email Platform
- actualbudget/actual (17,146s/1,330f) : A local-first personal finance app
- payloadcms/payload (31,972s/2,067f) : Payload is the open-source, fullstack Next.js framework, giving you instant backend superpowers. Get a full TypeScript backend and admin panel instantly. Use Payload as a headless CMS or for building powerful applications.
- Infisical/infisical (16,658s/1,089f) : ♾ Infisical is the open-source secret management platform: Sync secrets across your team/infrastructure, prevent secret leaks, and manage internal PKI
- vueuse/vueuse (20,543s/2,603f) : Collection of essential Vue Composition Utilities for Vue 2 and 3
- juice-shop/juice-shop (10,767s/11,639f) : OWASP Juice Shop: Probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application
- typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint (15,483s/2,768f) : ✨ Monorepo for all the tooling which enables ESLint to support TypeScript
- alpinejs/alpine (28,939s/1,265f) : A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup.
- kananinirav/AWS-Certified-Cloud-Practitioner-Notes (2,316s/825f) : AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Short Notes And Practice Exams (CLF-C02)
- kubernetes/website (4,705s/14,603f) : Kubernetes website and documentation repo:
- ripienaar/free-for-dev (92,101s/9,896f) : A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev
- rfordatascience/tidytuesday (7,104s/2,428f) : Official repo for the #tidytuesday project
- hanxi/xiaomusic (2,712s/329f) : 使用小爱音箱播放音乐,音乐使用 yt-dlp 下载。
- webmin/webmin (4,630s/663f) : Powerful and flexible web-based server management control panel
- alshedivat/al-folio (12,075s/11,528f) : A beautiful, simple, clean, and responsive Jekyll theme for academics
- wesbos/JavaScript30 (28,013s/38,692f) : 30 Day Vanilla JS Challenge
- boostorg/boost (7,390s/1,788f) : Super-project for modularized Boost
- Unstructured-IO/unstructured (9,990s/836f) : Open source libraries and APIs to build custom preprocessing pipelines for labeling, training, or production machine learning pipelines.
- docker/awesome-compose (37,140s/6,989f) : Awesome Docker Compose samples
- department-of-veterans-affairs/va.gov-team (319s/215f) : Public resources for building on and in support of VA.gov. Visit complete Knowledge Hub:
- platzi/git-github (218s/292f) : Repositorio del Curso de Git y GitHub
- fengdu78/deeplearning_ai_books (18,490s/5,944f) : deeplearning.ai(吴恩达老师的深度学习课程笔记及资源)
- rustdesk/doc.rustdesk.com (437s/453f) : Document of RustDesk
- spring-projects/spring-petclinic (7,942s/24,377f) : A sample Spring-based application
- byquangthanh/valentine.github.io (144s/341f) : Will you be my valentine project for my girlfriend
- isocpp/CppCoreGuidelines (43,225s/5,455f) : The C++ Core Guidelines are a set of tried-and-true guidelines, rules, and best practices about coding in C++
- ryanoasis/nerd-fonts (56,198s/3,697f) : Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
- moveit/moveit2_tutorials (174s/200f) : A sphinx-based centralized documentation repo for MoveIt 2
- mingw-w64/mingw-w64.github.io (678s/1,744f) : mingw-w64.net web page contents (The new web page)
- jgthms/bulma (49,536s/3,951f) : Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
- ZYYO666/homepage (415s/118f) : 我的个人主页,homepage,个人引导页,简约主页,个人导航
- necolas/normalize.css (52,750s/10,634f) : A modern alternative to CSS resets
- primefaces/primereact (7,315s/1,078f) : The Most Complete React UI Component Library
- animate-css/animate.css (81,273s/16,229f) : 🍿 A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing.
- kepano/obsidian-minimal (3,901s/189f) : A distraction-free and highly customizable theme for Obsidian.
- CorentinTh/it-tools (26,429s/3,174f) : Collection of handy online tools for developers, with great UX.
- Lissy93/dashy (19,570s/1,447f) : 🚀 A self-hostable personal dashboard built for you. Includes status-checking, widgets, themes, icon packs, a UI editor and tons more!
- dullage/flatnotes (1,788s/99f) : A self-hosted, database-less note taking web app that utilises a flat folder of markdown files for storage.
- imsyy/SPlayer (3,312s/615f) : 🎉 一个简约的音乐播放器,支持逐字歌词,下载歌曲,展示评论区,音乐云盘及歌单管理,音乐频谱,移动端基础适配 | 网易云音乐 | A minimalist music player
- nuxt/ui (4,416s/619f) : A UI Library for Modern Web Apps, powered by Vue & Tailwind CSS.
- requarks/wiki (25,520s/2,824f) : Wiki.js | A modern and powerful wiki app built on Node.js
- vbenjs/vue-vben-admin (26,545s/7,234f) : A modern vue admin panel built with Vue3, Shadcn UI, Vite, TypeScript, and Monorepo. It's fast!
- doocs/md (6,782s/1,076f) : ✍ WeChat Markdown Editor | 一款高度简洁的微信 Markdown 编辑器:支持 Markdown 语法、色盘取色、多图上传、一键下载文档、自定义 CSS 样式、一键重置等特性
- ccbikai/Sink (3,634s/2,077f) : ⚡ A Simple / Speedy / Secure Link Shortener with Analytics, 100% run on Cloudflare.
- PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin (88,605s/30,528f) : 🎉 A magical vue admin https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin
- unovue/shadcn-vue (5,997s/356f) : Vue port of shadcn-ui
- frappe/crm (891s/291f) : Fully featured, open source CRM
- nuxt/devtools (2,999s/166f) : Unleash Nuxt Developer Experience
- ElemeFE/element (54,173s/14,650f) : A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web
- frappe/insights (504s/255f) : Open Source Business Intelligence Tool
- primefaces/primevue (11,620s/1,324f) : Next Generation Vue UI Component Library
- vuejs/docs (3,002s/4,585f) : 📄 Documentation for Vue 3
- ccfddl/ccf-deadlines (6,825s/469f) : ⏰ Collaboratively track deadlines of conferences recommended by CCF (Website, Python Cli, Wechat Applet) / If you find it useful, please star this project, thanks~
- iAJue/MoeKoeMusic (996s/59f) : 一款开源简洁高颜值的酷狗第三方客户端 An open-source, concise, and aesthetically pleasing third-party client for KuGou that supports Windows / macOS / Linux
- acl-org/acl-style-files (902s/208f) : Official style files for papers submitted to venues of the Association for Computational Linguistics
- vdumoulin/conv_arithmetic (14,184s/2,294f) : A technical report on convolution arithmetic in the context of deep learning
- billryan/resume (9,469s/2,636f) : An elegant \LaTeX\ résumé template. 大陆镜像 https://gods.coding.net/p/resume/git
- HugoBlox/theme-academic-cv (4,125s/6,383f) : 🎓 无需编写任何代码即可轻松创建漂亮的学术网站 Easily create a beautiful academic résumé or educational website using Hugo and GitHub. No code.
- HarisIqbal88/PlotNeuralNet (22,657s/2,907f) : Latex code for making neural networks diagrams
- rstudio/cheatsheets (5,938s/1,845f) : Posit Cheat Sheets - Can also be found at https://posit.co/resources/cheatsheets/.
- terryum/awesome-deep-learning-papers (25,657s/4,475f) : The most cited deep learning papers
- sb2nov/resume (5,546s/1,541f) : Software developer resume in Latex
- riscv/riscv-isa-manual (3,850s/666f) : RISC-V Instruction Set Manual
- OWASP/www-project-top-10-for-large-language-model-applications (642s/160f) : OWASP Foundation Web Respository
- cplusplus/draft (5,755s/761f) : C++ standards drafts
- aaronwangy/Data-Science-Cheatsheet (5,067s/723f) : A helpful 5-page machine learning cheatsheet to assist with exam reviews, interview prep, and anything in-between.
- AllenDowney/ThinkPython2 (2,538s/1,662f) : LaTeX source and supporting code for Think Python, 2nd edition, by Allen Downey.
- lervag/vimtex (5,671s/395f) : VimTeX: A modern Vim and neovim filetype plugin for LaTeX files.
- sysprog21/lkmpg (7,793s/542f) : The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide (updated for 5.0+ kernels)
- simplex-chat/simplex-chat (7,869s/372f) : SimpleX - the first messaging network operating without user identifiers of any kind - 100% private by design! iOS, Android and desktop apps 📱!
- android/compose-samples (20,788s/4,933f) : Official Jetpack Compose samples.
- ReVanced/revanced-patches (2,916s/327f) : 🧩 Patches for ReVanced
- rnmapbox/maps (2,368s/858f) : A Mapbox react native module for creating custom maps
- Swordfish90/Lemuroid (2,859s/178f) : All in one emulator on Android!
- duckduckgo/Android (3,955s/933f) : DuckDuckGo Android App
- JetBrains/compose-multiplatform (16,715s/1,211f) : Compose Multiplatform, a modern UI framework for Kotlin that makes building performant and beautiful user interfaces easy and enjoyable.
- gedoor/legado (32,093s/4,112f) : Legado 3.0 Book Reader with powerful controls & full functions❤️阅读3.0, 阅读是一款可以自定义来源阅读网络内容的工具,为广大网络文学爱好者提供一种方便、快捷舒适的试读体验。
- deniscerri/ytdlnis (4,731s/175f) : Android Video/Audio Downloader app using yt-dlp
- square/okhttp (46,114s/9,183f) : Square’s meticulous HTTP client for the JVM, Android, and GraalVM.
- androidx/androidx (5,436s/1,059f) : Development environment for Android Jetpack extension libraries under the androidx namespace. Synchronized with Android Jetpack's primary development branch on AOSP.
- DD3Boh/OuterTune (791s/45f) : A Material 3 Music Player with YouTube Music support for Android. Forked from InnerTune
- android/nowinandroid (17,832s/3,290f) : A fully functional Android app built entirely with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose
- nightscout/AndroidAPS (770s/1,875f) : Opensource automated insulin delivery system (closed loop)
- JetBrains/kotlin (49,924s/5,827f) : The Kotlin Programming Language.
- carlrobertoh/CodeGPT (1,260s/260f) : The leading open-source AI copilot for JetBrains. Connect to any model in any environment, and customize your coding experience in any way you like.
- awslabs/aws-sdk-kotlin (432s/50f) : Multiplatform AWS SDK for Kotlin
- Droid-ify/client (4,393s/94f) : F-Droid client with Material UI.
- mobile-dev-inc/Maestro (6,197s/311f) : Painless Mobile UI Automation
- Kotlin/kotlinx.serialization (5,514s/635f) : Kotlin multiplatform / multi-format serialization
- Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines (13,200s/1,860f) : Library support for Kotlin coroutines