This provides a token which allows a given user to connect to our websocket signal servers on the specified path (created by _ns)
The idea is you get a token for your user, who can then login directly with it, this is something that should be done by your server, so as not to expose your credentials.
PUT https://ident:secret@endpoint/_token/path/to/channel?k=user&expire=0
Param | Notes |
k | Provide a name for your user. This name will be used for display purposes, and referencing the user in the given "channel". Note, if you omit the k parameter, a random userid will be generated |
expire | Expire the token ability to connect after X seconds. Omiting expire, expires the token after 60 seconds. If expire is 0, then token does not expire. |
Http PUT is used as you're creating something new. The namespace you refererence must exist,
TEST: token create no namespace should return {error,no_namespace}
TEST: token create namespace exists should return {ok,token}