Releases: wyskoj/midis2jam2
Pre-release 1.6.0-alpha1
Changes relative to v.1.5.0:
- Add prototype of bird tweet instrument (#75)
- Add simple HUD with progress fillbar and song title (#82)
- Add total song time in debug display
- Make space laser not intersect through stage
- Fix a bug where music box's notes would be out of sync with actual time (#84)
- Refactor XML data to JSON for easier parsing (with kotlinx.serialization)
- Refactor to MidiFile.kt
Version 1.5.0
Version 1.5.0 adds new instruments and features.
You do not need to uninstall any previous versions before installing v1.5.0.
- Add new instruments: Acoustic Guitar, Oboe, Slap, Reverse Cymbal
- Add on-screen lyric displays
- Add autocam
- Add brand-new launcher interface
- Add textures for Drumsets: Room, Power, Jazz, and Brush
- Add drop tuning support for Guitar and Bass Guitar (#63, #76)
- Add pitch-bend and modulation support for Guitars (and improve these for Space Laser)
- Add proper CLI support (#64)
- Add a fade-in
- Add a skybox
- Add an option to change graphics level through the settings file (#68)
- Improve the instrument/stick visibility calculation so instruments/sticks remain visible longer
- Improve the location of the Harp
- Improve some algorithms thereby increasing performance
- Improve the motion of the Space Laser
- Fix a bug where some MIDI files would crash midis2jam2 (#58)
- Fix a bug where Choir and Brass would not animate properly
- Fix a bug where multiple French Horns would overlap
- Fix a bug where Mallet shadows would clip under the stage
- Fix a bug where notes outside of the percussion map would cause the Drumset to appear
- Fix a bug where if the first tempo event did not occur at the start of the MIDI file, midis2jam2 crashed
- Fix a bug where clones would randomly swap their assigned notes in repeated chords
- Fix a bug where the floor toms were positioned incorrectly
- Fix a bug where long loading times would disrupt A/V sync and cause instruments to fly rapidly
- Fix bugs where some instruments would not transition properly
- Migrate to JVM 11
- Rewrite code base in Kotlin(!)
- Removed option for changing instrument transition speed
Pre-release 1.5.0-RC2
The second release candidate of v1.5.0.
Pre-release 1.5.0-RC1
The first release candidate of v1.5.0.
Version 1.4.1
Version 1.4.1 improves stability and adds new instrument textures.
You do not need to uninstall any previous versions before installing v1.4.1.
- Added new textures to differentiate (voice oohs, voice aahs, synth vox, voice synth) and (accordion and tango accordion/bandoneon)
- Add open-source licenses list to about screen
- After a certain value (4 guitars), guitars will only translate on the XZ plane as to not clip into the ground
- Fix an issue where an exception is thrown when a note is encountered that is outside of the trombone's range (#54)
- Fix an issue where the guitar shadows were doubly spaced
- Fix bug where Jingle Bells would crash the program
- Fix bug where some DecayedInstruments would behave incorrectly
- Fix bug where the program would freeze at the end of a file (#55)
Version 1.4.0
Version 1.4.0 adds new instruments and textures.
You do not need to uninstall any previous versions before installing v1.4.0.
- Add new instruments: banjo, shamisen, surdo drum
- Add new textures to visually differentiate instruments: charang, choir synth, square, sawtooth, synth brass 1, synth brass 2
- Add about screen
- Add legacy display engine option for machines that crash when embedding AWT into Swing
- Add French locale
- Add anisotropic filtering, fixing some rendering bugs
- Adjust keyboard offset so tops of keyboards are visible
- Fix bug where transition easing would not apply to Cello
- Fix design error where the MIDI device dropdown was not the same height as other components
- Fix low-resolution window icon
- Overall improvements to documentation and code structure
- Rename GuiLauncher JFrame title for better OBS support (#49)
Version 1.3.0
Version 1.3.0 adds new features and instruments.
You do not need to uninstall any previous versions before installing v1.3.0.
- Add the clarinet
- Add special textures to instruments to differentiate them: bright acoustic piano, celesta, electric grand piano, electric piano 1, electric piano 2, honky-tonk piano, clavichord, fiddle
- Add lights to helicopter to visualize note pitches
- Add drag and drop support for MIDI files
- Add auto-close: the scene closes three seconds after the end of a MIDI file
- Add more accurate trombone slide positions
- Change default display window to use Swing instead of AWT
- Change celesta to visualize as a keyboard
- Change trombone range (no longer plays anything outside of range)
- Change GuiLauncher settings storage to use Gson and store all settings
- Change tuba location as to prevent overlap from double bass (#41)
- Fix bug where the trombone slide would shoot out into space if there was a short amount of time between notes (#44)
- Upgrade from JME 3.3.2 to 3.4.0, remove unused dependencies
Version 1.2.0
v1.2.0 completes the implementation of instruments from MIDIJam.
You do not need to uninstall any previous versions before installing v1.2.0.
- Add instruments: cabasa, claves, metronome, triangle, square click, whistle, ride bell, shaker, agogo, maracas, woodblock, castanets, high Q, music box (#30)
- Add special model for Fretless Bass (#28)
- Add instrument transition smoothing
- Add fullscreen checkbox to GUI launcher
- Add support for .dls files
- Trombone slide gradually slides to next position if there is time (#27)
- Percussion instruments now conditionally load, reducing loading times
- Steam puffer's animation is now randomly offset to reduce visual artifacting
- Fix bug where GUI launcher froze on startup
- Fix bug where direct executions of the .jar file might fail due to deprecated sun API usages
- Fix bug where music box's notes were not from A to Ab
- Fix bug where midi2jam2 would crash because it tried to display at a higher resolution than some monitors
- Fix bug where ride cymbal notes appeared to hit on the ride bell
- Fix bug on some instruments where very short notes would not appear
- Move agogos to not overlap with the pan flute
- Move pan flute's rotation origin so that it aligns with other instruments in the cluster
- Move the whistles slightly down to see the pan flute better
Version 1.1.0
v1.1.0 fixes bugs and adds features.
NOTE: Uninstall v1.0.0 before installing v1.1.0
- Add the side stick
- Add SHIFT key to move faster
- Add better GUI for launching MIDI files, settings MIDI devices, and loading SoundFonts
- Add simple CLI support; pass the path of a MIDI file as the only argument to play with the default device
- Add auto buffer compensation for VirtualMIDISynth
- Add world border so the user cannot travel so far away that the render distance is clipped
- Update README to include recent information
- Fix icon to have high-res version for large desktop icons
- Fix calliope to have a reflective material
- Fix bug where hi-hat recoil was not time-delta scaled
- Fix bug where the squeezing speed slow down of accordion was not time-delta scaled
- Fix issue where multiple clones were spawned for monophonic instruments when notes slightly overlapped
- Remove old GUI launcher
Installers are now built with install4j!
Initial release!
This is the first version of midis2jam2.