Releases: wp-media/backwpup
Releases · wp-media/backwpup
What's Changed
- Added: Support for additional S3 storage classes
- Added: Support for Glacier Instant Retrieval
- Added: Created backwpup_ftp_use_passive_address filter for when FTP is behind NAT
- Added: Support for object lock in S3 by adding Content-MD5 header
- Added (pro): Include unique IV when encrypting archives
- Added (pro): Default character set fetched from alternative database credentials
- Changed: Upgraded minimum version to PHP 7.2
- Changed (pro): Upgraded Google Drive SDK to V3
- Fixed: Better support for PHP 8
- Fixed: PHP warning when backing up to S3 destination
- Fixed: Unable to download from S3 when using predefined region
- Fixed: Unable to download from SugarSync
- Fixed: Backups downloaded twice from MS Azure
- Fixed: wp-config.php backed up twice when parent folder is included in backup
- Fixed: Text fields too long on SugarSync destination settings
- Fixed: Dropbox runs out of memory when more than 50 files in folder
- Fixed (pro): Authentication of OneDrive when HTTP_REFERER not set.
- Fixed (pro): Displayed creation date of OneDrive backups was incorrect
- Fixed (pro): Disabled mysqldump radio button when binary cannot be found
- Fixed (pro): HiDrive does not detect when refresh token expires
- Removed: Unnecessary AWS and Google library files to save on package size.
Full Changelog: 3.10.0...4.0.0
- Added: Support for Dropbox short-lived access tokens
- Fixed (pro): Prevent out of memory error on HiDrive backups
- Fixed (pro): Small files uploaded twice to HiDrive
- Fixed (pro): Fatal error on plugin update if $transient is null
- Fixed (pro): Restore of stored functions, procedures, and triggers
- Fixed: Export of stored functions, procedures, and triggers including delimiters
- Fixed: Support emojis and other 4-byte characters in database dump
- Fixed: PHP 8 deprecation notice in XML export
- Added (pro): Migrate website to another URL
- Added (pro): Validation for database credentials on restore
- Added: PHP notice for outdated PHP versions less than 7.2
- Fixed (pro): License deactivated on settings save
- Fixed (pro): Corrupted path name in Google Drive destination
- Fixed (pro): Unable to download backup from Google Drive
- Fixed: Unable to connect to custom S3 endpoints
- Fixed: Intermittent error selecting restore strategy
- Fixed: Memory leaks when uploading to S3
- Fixed: PHP 7.4 Deprecation notices
- Fixed: PHP 8 compatibility issues
- Fixed: Remove BackWPup user roles on uninstall in multisite
- Fixed: Correctly handle relative upload paths
- Fixed: Display welcome page even after consent dialog clicked
- Fixed: Exclude non backup files from the backups page
- Fixed: Format dates as ISO-formatted dates instead of binary hex in MySQL backup
- Fixed: Don't pre-fill database credentials when backing up non-WordPress database
- Fixed: Description of replacement patterns for archive name
- Fixed: Added missing destinations to destination list in about page
- Fixed: Made BackWPup banner local
- Removed: Phone home client
- Removed: Remote admin notices
- Added: OneDrive destination for Pro version
- Added: HiDrive destination for Pro version
- Added: WordPress 5.5 compatibility
- Added: PHP 7.4 compatibility
- Added: Option to keep BackWPUp data after plugin uninstall
- Added: More default excluded folders and files for BackWPUp
- Fixed: Custom S3 destination return error after Amazon library update
- Fixed: PHP Notice: Undefined index: dbdumpdbcharset
- Fixed: Cannot use variables for the xml file name
- Fixed: Deprecated: Non-static method BackWPup_Admin::admin_css() should not be called statically
- Fixed: Prevent click on overlay disable backup download process
- Fixed: BackWPUp redirects even in the CLI environment
- Updated: Raise the minimum PHP version required by BWU to 5.6
- Updated: Microsoft Azure Storage Blob PHP Client Library
- Fixed: S3 custom url not used for bucket selection
- Fixed: S3 malformed error message when authentication credentials are wrong
- Fixed: S3 selecting an invalid service raise no error
- Fixed: Rackspace uses old cacert.pem file
- Fixed: Log page not correcty sorted
- Added: Option to enable or disable the phone home client
- Fixed: Azure Supports https on uploading
- Fixed: Auto remove old backup files not working when archive file name have prefix "backwpup"
- Added: Filter to extend list of S3 destinations
- Removed: S3 multipart upload checkbox, now in destination definition
- Updated: Amazon AWS SDK for S3 services, now PHP 5.5+ is needed
- Added: Filter to extend list of Glacier destinations (Pro version)
- Updated: Amazon AWS SDK for Glacier, now PHP 5.5+ is needed (Pro version)
- Fixed: Google Drive destination automatically remove old backup files
- Fixed: Do not expose destination data within the manifest file
- Fixed: Update Dropbox Tokens
- Fixed: Restore error: MIME returns html instead of event stream
- Fixed: Log files name are predictable because of weak hash
- Fixed: ZipArchive doesn't fallback to PclZip in Restore
- Fixed: Session already started could cause issues during ajax calls
- Fixed: Wrong vendor include path for PEAR using MS Azure
- Fixed: Decryption Key prompt when any error occur during the first step of a Restore
- Fixed: Phone home client notice and php 5 issue with php short echo tag
- Fixed: mime_content_type function may not exists prevent backup decryption
- Improve: Restore Log and produce report for user feedback
- Changed: License changed to GPLv2+