From af7311d7344ffb334c7b0f5cb7edf3c297fb9de9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lee Saferite Date: Wed, 4 May 2011 09:32:13 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Import Magento Release --- .htaccess | 8 + .htaccess.sample | 0 RELEASE_NOTES.txt | 710 ++++++ app/Mage.php | 4 +- .../Phoenix/Moneybookers/Model/Event.php | 26 +- .../Phoenix/Moneybookers/etc/config.xml | 3 +- .../Phoenix/Moneybookers/etc/system.xml | 20 +- .../core/Mage/Admin/Model/Mysql4/User.php | 23 +- app/code/core/Mage/Admin/Model/Session.php | 1 + .../Product/Edit/Tab/Super/Config/Simple.php | 1 + .../Block/Customer/Edit/Tab/Account.php | 46 +- .../Block/Customer/Edit/Tab/Addresses.php | 65 +- .../Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Dashboard/Graph.php | 170 +- .../Adminhtml/Block/Dashboard/Tab/Amounts.php | 19 +- .../Adminhtml/Block/Dashboard/Tab/Orders.php | 19 +- .../Block/Permissions/Tab/Rolesedit.php | 56 +- .../Block/Report/Tag/Customer/Detail.php | 2 +- .../Block/Report/Tag/Popular/Detail.php | 2 +- .../core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Review/Main.php | 1 + .../Block/Sales/Order/Create/Form/Address.php | 39 +- .../Block/Sales/Order/Create/Items/Grid.php | 6 +- .../Block/Sales/Order/Create/Search/Grid.php | 7 +- .../Block/Sales/Order/Totals/Tax.php | 31 +- .../Adminhtml/Block/Sales/Order/View/Info.php | 2 +- .../Adminhtml/Block/Urlrewrite/Edit/Form.php | 40 +- .../core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Widget/Form.php | 6 +- .../core/Mage/Adminhtml/Helper/Catalog.php | 16 + .../Mage/Adminhtml/Helper/Dashboard/Data.php | 10 +- .../Model/LayoutUpdate/Validator.php | 122 ++ .../LayoutUpdate/Validator/NotProtected.php | 118 + .../Adminhtml/Model/Sales/Order/Create.php | 17 +- .../Mage/Adminhtml/Model/Search/Catalog.php | 17 +- .../Mage/Adminhtml/Model/Search/Customer.php | 17 +- .../Mage/Adminhtml/Model/Search/Order.php | 17 +- .../Model/System/Config/Backend/File.php | 15 +- .../System/Config/Backend/Locale/Timezone.php | 45 + .../Adminhtml/controllers/AjaxController.php | 10 +- .../Catalog/Product/AttributeController.php | 123 +- .../Catalog/Product/GalleryController.php | 16 +- .../Catalog/Product/SetController.php | 27 +- .../controllers/Catalog/ProductController.php | 90 +- .../controllers/Cms/PageController.php | 50 +- .../Cms/Wysiwyg/ImagesController.php | 33 +- .../Cart/Product/Composite/CartController.php | 17 +- .../Product/Composite/WishlistController.php | 17 +- .../Adminhtml/controllers/IndexController.php | 21 +- .../controllers/Promo/QuoteController.php | 37 +- .../controllers/Report/SalesController.php | 5 - .../Sales/Order/CreateController.php | 15 +- .../Sales/Order/CreditmemoController.php | 13 +- .../Sales/Order/InvoiceController.php | 13 +- .../Sales/Order/ShipmentController.php | 16 +- .../Sales/Order/StatusController.php | 31 +- .../controllers/Sales/OrderController.php | 28 +- .../controllers/SitemapController.php | 62 +- .../System/Convert/ProfileController.php | 31 +- .../controllers/Tax/ClassController.php | 23 +- .../controllers/Tax/RateController.php | 43 +- .../controllers/Tax/RuleController.php | 6 + app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/etc/config.xml | 17 + app/code/core/Mage/Api/Helper/Data.php | 137 ++ app/code/core/Mage/Api/Model/Mysql4/User.php | 23 +- .../Api/Model/Server/Wsi/Adapter/Soap.php | 107 + .../Mage/Api/Model/Server/Wsi/Handler.php | 182 ++ app/code/core/Mage/Api/Model/Wsdl/Config.php | 22 +- .../Mage/Api/Model/Wsdl/Config/Element.php | 5 +- .../Mage/Api/controllers/IndexController.php | 4 +- .../Mage/Api/controllers/SoapController.php | 4 +- .../Api/controllers/V2/SoapController.php | 8 +- app/code/core/Mage/Api/etc/adminhtml.xml | 2 +- app/code/core/Mage/Api/etc/api.xml | 17 + app/code/core/Mage/Api/etc/config.xml | 1 + app/code/core/Mage/Api/etc/system.xml | 12 +- app/code/core/Mage/Api/etc/wsi.xml | 370 ++++ .../Mage/Authorizenet/Model/Directpost.php | 10 +- .../Directpost/PaymentController.php | 2 +- .../Product/View/Type/Bundle/Option.php | 2 +- .../core/Mage/Bundle/Model/Product/Type.php | 41 +- .../core/Mage/Catalog/Block/Layer/View.php | 18 +- .../Mage/Catalog/Block/Product/Gallery.php | 14 +- .../core/Mage/Catalog/Block/Product/View.php | 4 + app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Helper/Product.php | 49 +- .../core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Api/Resource.php | 23 +- .../Attribute/Backend/Customlayoutupdate.php | 28 +- .../core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Category/Api.php | 24 +- .../Category/Attribute/Backend/Image.php | 5 +- .../Catalog/Model/Convert/Adapter/Product.php | 67 +- .../Catalog/Model/Convert/Parser/Product.php | 75 +- app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Product.php | 12 +- .../core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Product/Api.php | 8 +- .../Mage/Catalog/Model/Product/Api/V2.php | 21 +- .../Model/Product/Attribute/Backend/Media.php | 41 +- .../Model/Product/Attribute/Media/Api.php | 30 +- .../Model/Product/Attribute/Tierprice/Api.php | 31 +- .../Mage/Catalog/Model/Product/Link/Api.php | 21 +- .../Model/Product/Option/Type/File.php | 25 +- .../Model/Product/Option/Type/Text.php | 8 +- .../Catalog/Model/Product/Type/Abstract.php | 38 +- .../Model/Product/Type/Grouped/Price.php | 74 + .../Model/Resource/Eav/Mysql4/Abstract.php | 32 +- .../Eav/Mysql4/Collection/Abstract.php | 18 +- .../Model/Resource/Eav/Mysql4/Product.php | 34 +- .../Product/Attribute/Backend/Image.php | 7 +- .../Eav/Mysql4/Product/Collection.php | 37 +- .../Eav/Mysql4/Product/Link/Collection.php | 8 +- .../Product/Type/Configurable/Attribute.php | 3 +- app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Url.php | 59 +- .../controllers/CategoryController.php | 11 +- .../Catalog/controllers/ProductController.php | 13 +- app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/etc/config.xml | 11 +- app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/etc/wsdl.xml | 1312 +++++------ app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/etc/wsi.xml | 1926 +++++++++++++++++ .../mysql4-upgrade- | 32 + .../Mage/CatalogInventory/Model/Observer.php | 24 +- .../CatalogInventory/Model/Stock/Status.php | 3 + .../core/Mage/CatalogInventory/etc/wsi.xml | 133 ++ .../core/Mage/CatalogRule/Helper/Data.php | 3 +- app/code/core/Mage/CatalogRule/Model/Rule.php | 7 +- .../CatalogSearch/Model/Mysql4/Fulltext.php | 13 +- .../core/Mage/CatalogSearch/Model/Query.php | 4 +- .../core/Mage/Checkout/Model/Api/Resource.php | 6 +- .../Checkout/Model/Api/Resource/Customer.php | 2 +- .../Checkout/Model/Api/Resource/Product.php | 78 +- app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/Model/Cart.php | 23 +- .../core/Mage/Checkout/Model/Cart/Api.php | 45 +- .../Mage/Checkout/Model/Cart/Coupon/Api.php | 4 +- .../Mage/Checkout/Model/Cart/Customer/Api.php | 4 +- .../Mage/Checkout/Model/Cart/Payment/Api.php | 35 +- .../Mage/Checkout/Model/Cart/Product/Api.php | 628 +++--- .../Checkout/Model/Cart/Product/Api/V2.php | 94 +- .../Checkout/Model/Type/Multishipping.php | 2 + .../Checkout/controllers/CartController.php | 3 + .../controllers/MultishippingController.php | 15 +- .../controllers/OnepageController.php | 55 +- app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/etc/api.xml | 214 +- app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/etc/wsdl.xml | 631 ++++-- app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/etc/wsi.xml | 977 +++++++++ .../core/Mage/Cms/Helper/Wysiwyg/Images.php | 5 +- .../core/Mage/Cms/Model/Wysiwyg/Config.php | 23 +- .../Mage/Cms/Model/Wysiwyg/Images/Storage.php | 13 +- app/code/core/Mage/Cms/etc/adminhtml.xml | 4 + app/code/core/Mage/Cms/etc/config.xml | 13 +- app/code/core/Mage/Connect/Helper/Data.php | 3 + .../Adminhtml/Extension/CustomController.php | 10 + app/code/core/Mage/Core/Block/Abstract.php | 2 +- app/code/core/Mage/Core/Block/Template.php | 42 +- .../Mage/Core/Controller/Request/Http.php | 1 + .../Mage/Core/Controller/Varien/Action.php | 16 +- app/code/core/Mage/Core/Helper/Data.php | 75 +- .../Core/Helper/File/Storage/Database.php | 55 +- app/code/core/Mage/Core/Helper/Js.php | 8 +- app/code/core/Mage/Core/Helper/Url.php | 10 +- app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/App.php | 25 +- .../core/Mage/Core/Model/Config/Options.php | 9 +- .../core/Mage/Core/Model/Design/Package.php | 8 +- .../core/Mage/Core/Model/File/Storage.php | 28 +- .../Mage/Core/Model/File/Storage/Abstract.php | 11 +- .../core/Mage/Core/Model/File/Uploader.php | 26 +- .../Model/File/Validator/AvailablePath.php | 324 +++ .../File/Validator/NotProtectedExtension.php | 125 ++ .../Core/Model/Input/Filter/MaliciousCode.php | 96 + .../Core/Model/Mysql4/File/Storage/File.php | 2 +- .../core/Mage/Core/Model/Session/Abstract.php | 14 + .../Core/Model/Session/Abstract/Varien.php | 23 +- .../Mage/Core/Model/Session/Abstract/Zend.php | 11 + app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Store.php | 23 +- app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Store/Group.php | 2 +- app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Website.php | 6 +- .../Mage/Core/controllers/AjaxController.php | 8 + app/code/core/Mage/Core/etc/config.xml | 38 + app/code/core/Mage/Core/etc/system.xml | 39 +- .../core/Mage/Customer/Block/Address/Edit.php | 30 +- .../core/Mage/Customer/Block/Widget/Name.php | 66 +- app/code/core/Mage/Customer/Helper/Data.php | 51 +- .../Model/Attribute/Data/Abstract.php | 57 +- .../Customer/Model/Attribute/Data/Date.php | 27 +- .../Customer/Model/Attribute/Data/File.php | 33 +- .../Customer/Model/Attribute/Data/Image.php | 2 +- .../Model/Attribute/Data/Multiline.php | 3 + .../Customer/Model/Attribute/Data/Select.php | 2 +- .../Customer/Model/Attribute/Data/Text.php | 2 +- .../Model/Convert/Parser/Customer.php | 18 +- .../core/Mage/Customer/Model/Customer.php | 9 +- .../Model/Entity/Attribute/Collection.php | 18 + app/code/core/Mage/Customer/Model/Group.php | 3 + app/code/core/Mage/Customer/Model/Session.php | 2 + .../controllers/AccountController.php | 21 +- app/code/core/Mage/Customer/etc/api.xml | 6 +- app/code/core/Mage/Customer/etc/config.xml | 2 +- app/code/core/Mage/Customer/etc/wsi.xml | 507 +++++ ...ql4-data-upgrade- | 100 + .../Dataflow/Model/Convert/Adapter/Http.php | 3 +- .../Dataflow/Model/Convert/Adapter/Io.php | 63 +- .../Dataflow/Model/Convert/Iterator/Http.php | 3 +- .../Model/Convert/Parser/Xml/Excel.php | 20 +- .../Model/Convert/Profile/Collection.php | 35 +- app/code/core/Mage/Dataflow/Model/Profile.php | 182 +- .../Dataflow/Model/Session/Adapter/Http.php | 4 +- .../Mage/Directory/Model/Mysql4/Region.php | 27 +- .../Model/Mysql4/Region/Collection.php | 34 +- app/code/core/Mage/Directory/etc/api.xml | 4 +- app/code/core/Mage/Directory/etc/wsi.xml | 119 + .../Block/Customer/Products/List.php | 9 +- .../Mage/Downloadable/Helper/Download.php | 7 + .../core/Mage/Downloadable/Helper/File.php | 2 +- .../Downloadable/Model/Link/Purchased.php | 14 + .../Model/Link/Purchased/Item.php | 15 + .../core/Mage/Downloadable/Model/Observer.php | 23 +- .../Mage/Downloadable/Model/Product/Type.php | 15 +- .../Adminhtml/Downloadable/FileController.php | 2 +- .../controllers/DownloadController.php | 28 +- .../core/Mage/Downloadable/etc/config.xml | 2 +- .../mysql4-upgrade- | 98 + app/code/core/Mage/Eav/Helper/Data.php | 19 +- .../Config/Source/Inputtype/Validator.php | 87 + .../Eav/Model/Entity/Collection/Abstract.php | 38 +- app/code/core/Mage/Eav/etc/config.xml | 18 +- .../mysql4-upgrade-0.7.15-0.7.16.php | 38 + app/code/core/Mage/GiftMessage/Model/Api.php | 185 ++ .../core/Mage/GiftMessage/Model/Api/V2.php | 105 + .../core/Mage/GiftMessage/Model/Observer.php | 17 +- app/code/core/Mage/GiftMessage/etc/api.xml | 92 + app/code/core/Mage/GiftMessage/etc/wsdl.xml | 123 ++ app/code/core/Mage/GiftMessage/etc/wsi.xml | 161 ++ .../GoogleBase/Block/Adminhtml/Items/Item.php | 8 - .../Mage/GoogleBase/Model/Service/Feed.php | 39 +- .../Adminhtml/Googlebase/ItemsController.php | 26 +- .../core/Mage/GoogleCheckout/Helper/Data.php | 40 + .../GoogleCheckout/Model/Api/Xml/Checkout.php | 617 ++++-- app/code/core/Mage/GoogleCheckout/etc/wsi.xml | 18 + .../core/Mage/ImportExport/Helper/Data.php | 13 + .../Export/Entity/Product/Type/Giftcard.php | 89 - .../core/Mage/ImportExport/Model/Import.php | 6 +- .../Model/Import/Adapter/Abstract.php | 2 +- .../Model/Import/Entity/Customer.php | 3 +- .../Import/Entity/Product/Type/Giftcard.php | 183 -- .../core/Mage/ImportExport/etc/config.xml | 14 + app/code/core/Mage/Index/Model/Indexer.php | 2 +- app/code/core/Mage/Index/etc/config.xml | 9 + .../Mage/Install/Model/Installer/Config.php | 5 +- .../core/Mage/Newsletter/Model/Problem.php | 47 +- app/code/core/Mage/Newsletter/Model/Queue.php | 10 +- app/code/core/Mage/Page/etc/config.xml | 7 + .../Block/Adminhtml/Cache/Additional.php | 2 +- .../Adminhtml/PageCacheController.php | 10 + .../core/Mage/PageCache/etc/adminhtml.xml | 41 + app/code/core/Mage/Paygate/etc/system.xml | 2 +- .../mysql4-data-upgrade-0.7.0-0.7.1.php | 147 ++ app/code/core/Mage/Payment/Helper/Data.php | 33 + .../core/Mage/Payment/Model/Method/Free.php | 6 + .../System/Config/Fieldset/Global.php | 39 + .../Paypal/Controller/Express/Abstract.php | 16 +- app/code/core/Mage/Paypal/Helper/Data.php | 21 + app/code/core/Mage/Paypal/Model/Api/Nvp.php | 32 +- app/code/core/Mage/Paypal/Model/Config.php | 44 +- app/code/core/Mage/Paypal/Model/Express.php | 13 +- app/code/core/Mage/Paypal/Model/Ipn.php | 24 +- .../Mage/Paypal/Model/Method/Agreement.php | 6 +- .../core/Mage/Paypal/Model/Payflowlink.php | 50 +- .../core/Mage/Paypal/Model/Payflowpro.php | 5 +- .../Paypal/controllers/PayflowController.php | 2 +- app/code/core/Mage/Paypal/etc/config.xml | 2 +- app/code/core/Mage/Paypal/etc/system.xml | 51 +- .../Rating/Model/Mysql4/Rating/Option.php | 64 +- .../Model/Mysql4/Product/Collection.php | 50 +- .../Reports/Model/Mysql4/Quote/Collection.php | 40 +- .../Mysql4/Shopcart/Product/Collection.php | 2 + .../Mysql4/Review/Product/Collection.php | 100 +- .../Mage/Rule/Model/Condition/Abstract.php | 17 +- .../Sales/Block/Order/Email/Items/Default.php | 10 + .../Block/Order/Email/Items/Order/Default.php | 10 + .../Mage/Sales/Model/Billing/Agreement.php | 5 +- .../core/Mage/Sales/Model/Convert/Quote.php | 4 +- .../Mysql4/Report/Bestsellers/Collection.php | 275 ++- app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Order.php | 3 + .../core/Mage/Sales/Model/Order/Config.php | 3 +- .../Mage/Sales/Model/Order/Creditmemo.php | 22 +- .../Model/Order/Creditmemo/Total/Shipping.php | 7 +- .../core/Mage/Sales/Model/Order/Invoice.php | 11 +- .../core/Mage/Sales/Model/Order/Payment.php | 90 +- .../core/Mage/Sales/Model/Order/Shipment.php | 4 +- app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Quote.php | 74 +- .../core/Mage/Sales/Model/Quote/Address.php | 25 +- .../Mage/Sales/Model/Recurring/Profile.php | 2 +- .../core/Mage/Sales/Model/Service/Order.php | 4 +- .../core/Mage/Sales/Model/Service/Quote.php | 9 + app/code/core/Mage/Sales/etc/api.xml | 2 +- app/code/core/Mage/Sales/etc/config.xml | 14 +- app/code/core/Mage/Sales/etc/wsdl.xml | 181 +- app/code/core/Mage/Sales/etc/wsi.xml | 1321 +++++++++++ app/code/core/Mage/SalesRule/Model/Rule.php | 69 +- .../Model/Rule/Condition/Product/Found.php | 9 +- .../core/Mage/SalesRule/Model/Validator.php | 153 +- app/code/core/Mage/Shipping/Model/Config.php | 16 +- .../Shipping/Model/Rate/Result/Method.php | 12 +- .../core/Mage/Shipping/Model/Shipping.php | 15 +- .../core/Mage/Tax/Block/Sales/Order/Tax.php | 1 + app/code/core/Mage/Tax/Model/Calculation.php | 10 +- app/code/core/Mage/Tax/Model/Config.php | 7 +- .../Mage/Tax/Model/Mysql4/Calculation.php | 25 +- .../Tax/Model/Sales/Total/Quote/Subtotal.php | 90 +- .../Mage/Tax/Model/Sales/Total/Quote/Tax.php | 86 +- .../Mage/Usa/Model/Shipping/Carrier/Dhl.php | 2 +- .../Mage/Usa/Model/Shipping/Carrier/Fedex.php | 4 +- .../Mage/Usa/Model/Shipping/Carrier/Ups.php | 8 +- .../Mage/Usa/Model/Shipping/Carrier/Usps.php | 2 +- app/code/core/Mage/Weee/Helper/Data.php | 45 +- app/code/core/Mage/Weee/Model/Observer.php | 14 +- .../core/Mage/Weee/Model/Total/Quote/Weee.php | 57 +- app/code/core/Mage/Weee/etc/config.xml | 7 + .../Mage/Widget/Model/Widget/Instance.php | 17 +- .../core/Mage/Wishlist/Block/Abstract.php | 11 + app/code/core/Mage/Wishlist/Helper/Data.php | 34 +- .../Wishlist/Model/Mysql4/Item/Collection.php | 5 +- .../Wishlist/controllers/SharedController.php | 53 +- .../Block/Adminhtml/History/Grid.php | 4 + .../Block/Adminhtml/Mobile/Edit.php | 48 +- .../Block/Adminhtml/Mobile/Edit/Tab/Cache.php | 106 + .../Adminhtml/Mobile/Edit/Tab/Content.php | 4 +- .../Edit/Tab/Design/Accordion/Images.php | 46 +- .../Mobile/Edit/Tab/Design/Accordion/Tabs.php | 15 +- .../Edit/Tab/Design/Accordion/Themes.php | 13 +- .../Mobile/Edit/Tab/Design/Preview.php | 4 +- .../Mobile/Edit/Tab/Design/Themes.php | 103 +- .../Mobile/Edit/Tab/Flurryanalytics.php | 35 +- .../Adminhtml/Mobile/Edit/Tab/General.php | 16 +- .../Mobile/Edit/Tab/Notification.php | 52 +- .../Adminhtml/Mobile/Edit/Tab/Payment.php | 125 +- .../Adminhtml/Mobile/Edit/Tab/Social.php | 296 +++ .../Mobile/Edit/Tab/Submission/History.php | 3 +- .../Adminhtml/Mobile/Form/Element/Country.php | 169 ++ .../Adminhtml/Mobile/Form/Element/Image.php | 20 +- .../Adminhtml/Mobile/Form/Element/Tabs.php | 2 +- .../Adminhtml/Mobile/Preview/Content.php | 343 +-- .../Adminhtml/Mobile/Preview/Tabitems.php | 121 +- .../Block/Adminhtml/Mobile/Submission.php | 37 +- .../Renderer/Country/Androidmarket.php | 47 + .../Submission/Renderer/Country/Istore.php | 47 + .../Submission/Tab/Container/Submission.php | 193 +- .../Block/Adminhtml/Mobile/Widget/Form.php | 10 - .../Block/Adminhtml/Template/Edit/Form.php | 8 +- .../Block/Adminhtml/Template/Grid.php | 10 +- .../Block/Cart/Paypal/Mep/Totals.php | 14 +- .../Mage/XmlConnect/Block/Cart/Totals.php | 20 +- .../XmlConnect/Block/Catalog/Category.php | 1 + .../Mage/XmlConnect/Block/Catalog/Product.php | 13 +- .../Block/Catalog/Product/Gallery.php | 4 + .../Block/Catalog/Product/Options.php | 24 +- .../Block/Catalog/Product/Options/Bundle.php | 6 +- .../Catalog/Product/Options/Configurable.php | 22 +- .../Catalog/Product/Options/Giftcard.php | 288 +++ .../Block/Catalog/Product/Options/Grouped.php | 6 +- .../Block/Catalog/Product/Price/Giftcard.php | 95 + .../Block/Catalog/Product/Review.php | 4 +- .../Block/Catalog/Product/Review/List.php | 1 + .../Block/Checkout/Address/Form.php | 228 +- .../XmlConnect/Block/Checkout/Agreements.php | 4 +- .../Block/Checkout/Order/Review/Info.php | 31 +- .../Checkout/Payment/Method/Authorizenet.php | 21 +- .../Block/Checkout/Payment/Method/Ccsave.php | 35 +- .../Block/Checkout/Payment/Method/Checkmo.php | 1 - .../Block/Checkout/Payment/Method/List.php | 85 +- .../Checkout/Payment/Method/Paypal/Direct.php | 4 +- .../Payment/Method/Paypal/Payflow.php | 1 - .../Payment/Method/Pbridge/Abstract.php | 85 + .../Payment/Method/Pbridge/Authorizenet.php | 43 + .../Payment/Method/Pbridge/Paypal.php | 43 + .../Payment/Method/Pbridge/Paypaluk.php | 43 + .../Payment/Method/Pbridge/Verisign.php | 43 + .../Checkout/Payment/Method/Purchaseorder.php | 10 +- .../Block/Checkout/Pbridge/Result.php | 50 + .../Mage/XmlConnect/Block/Configuration.php | 7 + app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/Block/Home.php | 6 +- .../Mage/XmlConnect/Block/Review/Form.php | 111 + .../core/Mage/XmlConnect/Block/Wishlist.php | 41 +- .../Mage/XmlConnect/Controller/Action.php | 40 +- .../core/Mage/XmlConnect/Helper/Android.php | 313 ++- app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/Helper/Data.php | 128 +- .../core/Mage/XmlConnect/Helper/Image.php | 74 +- app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/Helper/Ipad.php | 299 ++- .../core/Mage/XmlConnect/Helper/Iphone.php | 298 ++- .../core/Mage/XmlConnect/Helper/Theme.php | 129 +- .../Mage/XmlConnect/Model/Application.php | 261 ++- .../core/Mage/XmlConnect/Model/Observer.php | 8 +- .../XmlConnect/Model/Paypal/Mep/Checkout.php | 69 +- .../XmlConnect/Model/Preview/Abstract.php | 261 +++ .../Mage/XmlConnect/Model/Preview/Android.php | 90 + .../Mage/XmlConnect/Model/Preview/Ipad.php | 129 ++ .../Mage/XmlConnect/Model/Preview/Iphone.php | 70 + app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/Model/Queue.php | 39 +- .../XmlConnect/Model/Simplexml/Element.php | 39 + .../core/Mage/XmlConnect/Model/Template.php | 18 +- .../Adminhtml/MobileController.php | 179 +- .../XmlConnect/controllers/CartController.php | 63 +- .../controllers/CatalogController.php | 35 +- .../controllers/CheckoutController.php | 77 +- .../controllers/ConfigurationController.php | 110 +- .../controllers/PbridgeController.php | 138 ++ .../controllers/ReviewController.php | 184 ++ .../controllers/WishlistController.php | 6 +- app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/etc/config.xml | 106 +- .../Mage/XmlConnect/etc/themes/custom.xml | 34 +- .../Mage/XmlConnect/etc/themes/default.xml | 66 +- .../Mage/XmlConnect/etc/themes/funk_leaf.xml | 58 +- .../Mage/XmlConnect/etc/themes/hot_red.xml | 58 +- .../Mage/XmlConnect/etc/themes/sky_blue.xml | 58 +- .../mysql4-upgrade- | 6 +- .../default/default/layout/xmlconnect.xml | 54 +- .../template/catalog/product/price.phtml | 5 +- .../template/customer/tab/addresses.phtml | 8 +- .../default/default/template/example.phtml | 1 + .../default/template/forgotpassword.phtml | 6 +- .../sales/order/create/items.phtml | 3 +- .../giftmessage/sales/order/view/items.phtml | 3 +- .../default/default/template/login.phtml | 2 +- .../template/newsletter/queue/preview.phtml | 2 +- .../newsletter/template/preview.phtml | 2 +- .../default/default/template/page/head.phtml | 2 +- .../default/template/page/header.phtml | 4 +- .../system/config/fieldset/global.phtml | 173 +- .../template/sales/order/create/data.phtml | 1 + .../sales/order/create/items/grid.phtml | 12 +- .../create/totals/adjustments.phtml | 4 +- .../template/sales/order/totals/tax.phtml | 8 +- .../template/sales/order/view/tab/info.phtml | 12 +- .../system/convert/profile/wizard.phtml | 11 +- .../system/email/template/preview.phtml | 2 +- .../template/xmlconnect/edit/tab/design.phtml | 19 +- .../edit/tab/design/preview/catalog.phtml | 228 -- .../tab/design/preview/catalog_android.phtml | 39 +- .../tab/design/preview/catalog_hor_ipad.phtml | 25 +- .../tab/design/preview/catalog_ipad.phtml | 25 +- .../tab/design/preview/catalog_iphone.phtml | 232 ++ .../edit/tab/design/preview/home.phtml | 108 - .../tab/design/preview/home_android.phtml | 43 +- .../tab/design/preview/home_hor_ipad.phtml | 25 +- .../edit/tab/design/preview/home_ipad.phtml | 25 +- .../edit/tab/design/preview/home_iphone.phtml | 112 + ...uctinfo.phtml => productinfo_iphone.phtml} | 57 +- .../design/preview/tab_items_android.phtml | 10 +- .../tab/design/preview/tab_items_ipad.phtml | 20 +- ...tab_items.phtml => tab_items_iphone.phtml} | 9 +- .../edit/tab/design/preview_android.phtml | 49 +- .../edit/tab/design/preview_ipad.phtml | 59 +- .../edit/tab/design/preview_iphone.phtml | 50 +- .../xmlconnect/form/element/app_tabs.phtml | 334 --- .../form/element/app_tabs_ipad.phtml | 2 +- .../form/element/country/androidmarket.phtml | 94 + .../form/element/country/istore.phtml | 69 + .../xmlconnect/form/element/themes.phtml | 178 +- .../xmlconnect/template/preview.phtml | 2 +- .../frontend/base/default/layout/paypal.xml | 1 + .../frontend/base/default/layout/sales.xml | 11 + .../base/default/layout/xmlconnect.xml | 20 + .../onepage/shipping_method/available.phtml | 57 +- .../default/template/checkout/success.phtml | 4 +- .../template/customer/address/edit.phtml | 2 +- .../downloadable/customer/products/list.phtml | 2 +- .../order/items/creditmemo/default.phtml | 4 + .../email/order/items/invoice/default.phtml | 4 + .../email/order/items/order/default.phtml | 4 + .../email/order/items/shipment/default.phtml | 4 + .../default/template/page/html/head.phtml | 2 +- .../default/template/paypal/hss/iframe.phtml | 6 +- .../base/default/template/paypal/hss/js.phtml | 2 +- .../creditmemo/items/renderer/default.phtml | 4 + .../invoice/items/renderer/default.phtml | 4 + .../shipment/items/renderer/default.phtml | 4 + .../template/wishlist/email/items.phtml | 2 +- .../default/template/wishlist/shared.phtml | 30 +- .../template/xmlconnect/pbridge/result.phtml | 41 + .../default/default/template/page.phtml | 2 +- app/etc/modules/Mage_All.xml | 1 + app/locale/en_US/Mage_Adminhtml.csv | 24 +- app/locale/en_US/Mage_Api.csv | 24 +- app/locale/en_US/Mage_Catalog.csv | 9 +- app/locale/en_US/Mage_Checkout.csv | 7 +- app/locale/en_US/Mage_Cms.csv | 1 + app/locale/en_US/Mage_Core.csv | 26 +- app/locale/en_US/Mage_Customer.csv | 13 +- app/locale/en_US/Mage_Dataflow.csv | 2 - app/locale/en_US/Mage_Directory.csv | 4 +- app/locale/en_US/Mage_Downloadable.csv | 2 + app/locale/en_US/Mage_GiftMessage.csv | 4 + app/locale/en_US/Mage_GoogleBase.csv | 2 +- app/locale/en_US/Mage_Newsletter.csv | 1 + app/locale/en_US/Mage_Paygate.csv | 2 +- app/locale/en_US/Mage_Paypal.csv | 14 +- app/locale/en_US/Mage_Sales.csv | 5 +- app/locale/en_US/Mage_SalesRule.csv | 2 + app/locale/en_US/Mage_XmlConnect.csv | 96 +- downloader/lib/Mage/Connect/Packager.php | 46 +- get.php | 201 ++ js/mage/adminhtml/moneybookers.js | 50 + js/mage/adminhtml/sales.js | 4 +- js/varien/js.js | 102 +- js/varien/product.js | 14 +- lib/Varien/Data/Collection/Db.php | 8 +- lib/Varien/Data/Form/Element/Abstract.php | 30 + lib/Varien/Data/Form/Element/Collection.php | 4 +- lib/Varien/Data/Form/Element/Editor.php | 69 +- lib/Varien/Data/Form/Element/Multiline.php | 21 +- lib/Varien/Data/Form/Element/Multiselect.php | 28 +- lib/Varien/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php | 162 +- lib/Varien/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php | 23 +- lib/Varien/File/Uploader.php | 131 +- media/.htaccess | 18 + media/customer/.htaccess | 2 - media/xmlconnect/custom/ok.gif | Bin 0 -> 295 bytes media/xmlconnect/original/ok.gif | Bin 0 -> 295 bytes media/xmlconnect/system/ok.gif | Bin 0 -> 295 bytes media/xmlconnect/themes/test_black.xml | 63 + media/xmlconnect/themes/test_white.xml | 63 + skin/adminhtml/default/default/boxes.css | 2 +- skin/adminhtml/default/default/iestyles.css | 6 +- .../default/default/images/bg_window_mask.png | Bin 0 -> 277 bytes .../default/images/xmlconnect/loading.gif | Bin 0 -> 3208 bytes .../mobile_preview/android/bg_content.jpg | Bin 0 -> 13498 bytes .../android/bg_header_catalog.png | Bin 0 -> 6859 bytes .../mobile_preview/android/bg_header_home.png | Bin 0 -> 3957 bytes .../android/bg_home_content.jpg | Bin 0 -> 14681 bytes .../mobile_preview/android/bg_home_header.png | Bin 0 -> 3194 bytes .../mobile_preview/android/logo_big.png | Bin 0 -> 3050 bytes .../mobile_preview/ipad/bg_home_content.jpg | Bin 0 -> 14681 bytes .../default/default/xmlconnect/boxes.css | 16 +- .../fonts/android_icons-webfont.eot | Bin 0 -> 2321 bytes .../fonts/android_icons-webfont.svg | 33 + .../fonts/android_icons-webfont.ttf | Bin 0 -> 3536 bytes .../fonts/android_icons-webfont.woff | Bin 0 -> 2596 bytes .../default/xmlconnect/mobile-android.css | 51 +- .../default/xmlconnect/mobile-catalog.css | 585 +---- .../default/xmlconnect/mobile-home.css | 304 +-- .../xmlconnect/mobile-ipad-catalog.css | 112 +- .../default/xmlconnect/mobile-ipad-home.css | 77 +- .../default/default/xmlconnect/styles.css | 14 +- skin/frontend/default/blank/css/styles.css | 2 + skin/frontend/default/blue/css/styles.css | 2 + skin/frontend/default/default/css/styles.css | 2 + skin/frontend/default/modern/css/styles.css | 2 + var/package/Find_Feed-1.0.8.xml | 18 - .../Interface_Adminhtml_Default- | 18 - ...nterface_Frontend_Base_Default- | 18 - .../Interface_Frontend_Default- | 18 - .../Interface_Install_Default- | 18 - var/package/Lib_Google_Checkout- | 18 - var/package/Lib_Js_Calendar-1.51.1.xml | 18 - var/package/Lib_Js_Ext- | 18 - var/package/Lib_Js_Mage- | 18 - var/package/Lib_Js_Prototype- | 18 - var/package/Lib_Js_Prototype- | 18 - var/package/Lib_Js_TinyMCE- | 18 - var/package/Lib_LinLibertineFont- | 18 - var/package/Lib_Mage- | 18 - var/package/Lib_Phpseclib- | 18 - var/package/Lib_Varien- | 18 - var/package/Lib_ZF- | 18 - var/package/Lib_ZF_Locale- | 19 - var/package/Mage_Centinel- | 18 - var/package/Mage_Compiler- | 18 - var/package/Mage_Core_Adminhtml- | 18 - var/package/Mage_Downloader- | 18 - var/package/Mage_Locale_en_US- | 18 - var/package/Magento_Mobile- | 19 - var/package/Magento_Mobile- | 18 - var/package/Phoenix_Moneybookers-1.2.4.xml | 35 - 565 files changed, 23576 insertions(+), 7396 deletions(-) mode change 100755 => 100644 .htaccess mode change 100755 => 100644 .htaccess.sample create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Model/LayoutUpdate/Validator.php create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Model/LayoutUpdate/Validator/NotProtected.php create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Model/System/Config/Backend/Locale/Timezone.php create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/Api/Model/Server/Wsi/Adapter/Soap.php create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/Api/Model/Server/Wsi/Handler.php create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/Api/etc/wsi.xml create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Product/Type/Grouped/Price.php create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/etc/wsi.xml create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/sql/catalog_setup/mysql4-upgrade- create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/CatalogInventory/etc/wsi.xml create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/etc/wsi.xml create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/File/Validator/AvailablePath.php create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/File/Validator/NotProtectedExtension.php create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Input/Filter/MaliciousCode.php create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/Customer/etc/wsi.xml create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/Customer/sql/customer_setup/mysql4-data-upgrade- create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/Directory/etc/wsi.xml create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/Downloadable/sql/downloadable_setup/mysql4-upgrade- create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/Eav/Model/Adminhtml/System/Config/Source/Inputtype/Validator.php create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/Eav/sql/eav_setup/mysql4-upgrade-0.7.15-0.7.16.php create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/GiftMessage/Model/Api.php create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/GiftMessage/Model/Api/V2.php create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/GiftMessage/etc/api.xml create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/GiftMessage/etc/wsdl.xml create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/GiftMessage/etc/wsi.xml create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/GoogleCheckout/etc/wsi.xml delete mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/ImportExport/Model/Export/Entity/Product/Type/Giftcard.php delete mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/ImportExport/Model/Import/Entity/Product/Type/Giftcard.php create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/PageCache/etc/adminhtml.xml create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/Paygate/sql/paygate_setup/mysql4-data-upgrade-0.7.0-0.7.1.php create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/Sales/etc/wsi.xml create mode 100755 app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/Block/Adminhtml/Mobile/Edit/Tab/Cache.php create mode 100755 app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/Block/Adminhtml/Mobile/Edit/Tab/Social.php create mode 100755 app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/Block/Adminhtml/Mobile/Form/Element/Country.php create mode 100755 app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/Block/Adminhtml/Mobile/Submission/Renderer/Country/Androidmarket.php create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/Block/Adminhtml/Mobile/Submission/Renderer/Country/Istore.php create mode 100755 app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/Block/Catalog/Product/Options/Giftcard.php create mode 100755 app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/Block/Catalog/Product/Price/Giftcard.php create mode 100755 app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/Block/Checkout/Payment/Method/Pbridge/Abstract.php create mode 100755 app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/Block/Checkout/Payment/Method/Pbridge/Authorizenet.php create mode 100755 app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/Block/Checkout/Payment/Method/Pbridge/Paypal.php create mode 100755 app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/Block/Checkout/Payment/Method/Pbridge/Paypaluk.php create mode 100755 app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/Block/Checkout/Payment/Method/Pbridge/Verisign.php create mode 100755 app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/Block/Checkout/Pbridge/Result.php create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/Block/Review/Form.php create mode 100755 app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/Model/Preview/Abstract.php create mode 100755 app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/Model/Preview/Android.php create mode 100755 app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/Model/Preview/Ipad.php create mode 100755 app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/Model/Preview/Iphone.php create mode 100755 app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/controllers/PbridgeController.php create mode 100644 app/code/core/Mage/XmlConnect/controllers/ReviewController.php delete mode 100644 app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/xmlconnect/edit/tab/design/preview/catalog.phtml create mode 100755 app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/xmlconnect/edit/tab/design/preview/catalog_iphone.phtml delete mode 100644 app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/xmlconnect/edit/tab/design/preview/home.phtml create mode 100755 app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/xmlconnect/edit/tab/design/preview/home_iphone.phtml rename app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/xmlconnect/edit/tab/design/preview/{productinfo.phtml => productinfo_iphone.phtml} (51%) rename app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/xmlconnect/edit/tab/design/preview/{tab_items.phtml => tab_items_iphone.phtml} (85%) mode change 100644 => 100755 delete mode 100644 app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/xmlconnect/form/element/app_tabs.phtml create mode 100644 app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/xmlconnect/form/element/country/androidmarket.phtml create mode 100644 app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/xmlconnect/form/element/country/istore.phtml create mode 100755 app/design/frontend/base/default/template/xmlconnect/pbridge/result.phtml create mode 100644 get.php delete mode 100644 media/customer/.htaccess create mode 100644 media/xmlconnect/custom/ok.gif create mode 100644 media/xmlconnect/original/ok.gif create mode 100644 media/xmlconnect/system/ok.gif create mode 100644 media/xmlconnect/themes/test_black.xml create mode 100644 media/xmlconnect/themes/test_white.xml create mode 100644 skin/adminhtml/default/default/images/bg_window_mask.png create mode 100644 skin/adminhtml/default/default/images/xmlconnect/loading.gif create mode 100644 skin/adminhtml/default/default/images/xmlconnect/mobile_preview/android/bg_content.jpg create mode 100644 skin/adminhtml/default/default/images/xmlconnect/mobile_preview/android/bg_header_catalog.png create mode 100644 skin/adminhtml/default/default/images/xmlconnect/mobile_preview/android/bg_header_home.png create mode 100644 skin/adminhtml/default/default/images/xmlconnect/mobile_preview/android/bg_home_content.jpg create mode 100644 skin/adminhtml/default/default/images/xmlconnect/mobile_preview/android/bg_home_header.png create mode 100644 skin/adminhtml/default/default/images/xmlconnect/mobile_preview/android/logo_big.png create mode 100644 skin/adminhtml/default/default/images/xmlconnect/mobile_preview/ipad/bg_home_content.jpg create mode 100644 skin/adminhtml/default/default/xmlconnect/fonts/android_icons-webfont.eot create mode 100644 skin/adminhtml/default/default/xmlconnect/fonts/android_icons-webfont.svg create mode 100644 skin/adminhtml/default/default/xmlconnect/fonts/android_icons-webfont.ttf create mode 100644 skin/adminhtml/default/default/xmlconnect/fonts/android_icons-webfont.woff delete mode 100644 var/package/Find_Feed-1.0.8.xml delete mode 100644 var/package/Interface_Adminhtml_Default- delete mode 100644 var/package/Interface_Frontend_Base_Default- delete mode 100644 var/package/Interface_Frontend_Default- delete mode 100644 var/package/Interface_Install_Default- delete mode 100644 var/package/Lib_Google_Checkout- delete mode 100644 var/package/Lib_Js_Calendar-1.51.1.xml delete mode 100644 var/package/Lib_Js_Ext- delete mode 100644 var/package/Lib_Js_Mage- delete mode 100644 var/package/Lib_Js_Prototype- delete mode 100644 var/package/Lib_Js_Prototype- delete mode 100644 var/package/Lib_Js_TinyMCE- delete mode 100644 var/package/Lib_LinLibertineFont- delete mode 100644 var/package/Lib_Mage- delete mode 100644 var/package/Lib_Phpseclib- delete mode 100644 var/package/Lib_Varien- delete mode 100644 var/package/Lib_ZF- delete mode 100644 var/package/Lib_ZF_Locale- delete mode 100644 var/package/Mage_Centinel- delete mode 100644 var/package/Mage_Compiler- delete mode 100644 var/package/Mage_Core_Adminhtml- delete mode 100644 var/package/Mage_Downloader- delete mode 100644 var/package/Mage_Locale_en_US- delete mode 100644 var/package/Magento_Mobile- delete mode 100644 var/package/Magento_Mobile- delete mode 100644 var/package/Phoenix_Moneybookers-1.2.4.xml diff --git a/.htaccess b/.htaccess old mode 100755 new mode 100644 index dadffa268d..9acb08b3f9 --- a/.htaccess +++ b/.htaccess @@ -171,6 +171,14 @@ Order allow,deny Allow from all +########################################### +## Deny access to release notes to prevent disclosure of the installed Magento version + + + order allow,deny + deny from all + + ############################################ ## If running in cluster environment, uncomment this ## diff --git a/.htaccess.sample b/.htaccess.sample old mode 100755 new mode 100644 diff --git a/RELEASE_NOTES.txt b/RELEASE_NOTES.txt index 57657e4fb1..cb329b6658 100644 --- a/RELEASE_NOTES.txt +++ b/RELEASE_NOTES.txt @@ -1,3 +1,713 @@ +==== ==== + +=== Improvements === +Alternative image storage feature enabled with fixed get.php file. +Magento Mobile updated to release v20 +Implemented SOAP Faults for GiftMessage API +- added faults in functions +- added description in api.xml +Implemented The names of WPPHS depend on a merchant`s country in the backend. Create a functionality for dynamic changing. +- Added functionality for dynamic changing the names of WPPHS +- Added backend config into system.xml +Implemented WS-I for API +- added wsi.xml for all WebAPI modules +- added new wsi-soap handler +- added new wsi-soap adapter +- changed admin configuration, added parameter into "Magento Core API"->WSI Compliance +- changed api.xml +Implemented GiftMessage for Cart + +=== Changes === +Replaced usage of Varien_File_Uploader with Mage_Core_Model_File_Uploader + +=== Fixes === +Fixed PayPal Standard: order has two invoice and two refund +Fixed Adjustment Fee, Adjustment Refund and Refund Shipping fields must be disabled on credit memo for Payflow Pro and PayFlowLink payment methods +- Actualized API params mapping +- Added parameter Amount into refund request +Fixed Broken mysql4-data-upgrade- file +Fixed XMLConnect - edited parameter cannot be saved +Fixed Media storage - problem with image in the CMS pages +- Added functional to get files with disabled db media storage feature through the get.php script +Fixed Unable to place order using PayPal Billing agreement through Checkout with multiple addresses +- Added additional multi shipping checkout exceptions logging. +Fixed No AmericanExpress support in Website Payments Pro Payflow Edition +- Added to Direct payment +Fixed Incorrect Subtotal(Incl. Tax) in Shopping Cart, when catalog prices entered by admin include tax +Fixed Function "Apply Tax On - Original price only" does not correct calculate product tax +Fixed No ability to save Product Attribute with type Media Image +Fixed Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Query::getMaxQueryLenght() is not properly deprecated. +Fixed Two links in forgotpassword.phtml template lead to not existent files +Fixed Added compiled js and css to whitelist. Added removing of relative URL parts to get.php. +Fixed several probable vulnerabilities on front and backend +Fixed Incorrect error message when extension state is lower than preferred state +Fixed No rule applied when coupon code is no longer valid +- verify if rule uses coupon at all before coupon check +Fixed Argument passed to Mage_Catalog_Helper_Image::init() must be an instance of Mage_Catalog_Model_Product, instance of Mage_Wishlist_Model_Item given +Fixed Varien_Db_Adapter_Mysqli::raw_query() should throw an Exception after 10 tries +Fixed Import file downloaded from FTP in BINARY mode +- added option(ASCII || BINARY) for mode of file transferring; +- default mode of file transferring is BINARY; +- was changed property "type" of input field for password. +Fixed User interface: real mistake in the label name, Api instead API +Fixed issue with URL Rewrite Rule for new products with no category information +Fixed Invoice do not created when using "Automatically Invoice All Items" option of Zero Subtotal Checkout +Fixed Additional dot when checking out as Guest +Fixed Prefix and suffix aren't visible in Add New Address Form +Fixed Calculation order for Catalog Price Rule and Configurable Product option price +Fixed When put values in Customer Name and Address Options they do not reflect on the backend customer and customer address forms +Fixed Custom URL Rewrite creation broken +- skip filtering for store select if no product or category specified in case of custom rewrite +Fixed Shopping Cart Price Rule->Conditions->Shipping Country is not correctly controlled on multiple checkout. +- Added checking: if address object is a new object rules validation cache will not working because we can not save validation results for address without id +Fixed Resources names are not translated on Role Resources page at backend +Fixed Multiselect and Dropdown Attribute values set to "0" are not exported correctly +Fixed WYSIWYG Editor - Unable to Create a Folder when Inserting a File +Fixed Wrong cache key for websites +- {{base_url}} not replaced with url on the saving in the cache. {{base_url}} replaced with base url on the getting. +Fixed After second refund made from paypal user get wrong refund amounts +Fixed Multiselect and Dropdown Attribute values set to "0" are not exported correctly +- modified condition for option emptiness check to pass string and int zero values +Fixed Infinite loop is started, when backend user selects non-existing time period for a chart on Dashboard +Fixed Missing isset() in Mage_Sales_Model_Recurring_Profile::createOrder() +- Added the filtering "value" key on the setting in the conditions: Order Number, Purchased Quantity, Sales Amount +Fixed Discount is not applied to product in case when in conditions of Catalog Price Rule "contains" is chosen +Fixed Unable to open "View all wishlist items" link from email +Fixed Specifying incorrect timezone in configuration causes halt of backend work flow and inability to add products to a Cart on frontend +- Added timezone validation +Fixed Checkout with Configurable Product includes disabled simple +- removing parent from shopping cart if child becomes disabled or out of stock +Fixed Validate Each Address Separately in Multi-address Checkout do not working +Fixed Google Checkout - catalog price discount for Configurable product is calculated incorrectly +Fixed FPT with prices included tax problem +Fixed Incorrect Excl. Tax in product page, when catalog prices entered by admin include tax +- Fixed JS excluding tax price recalculation +Fixed Unable to configure Grouped product from the backend +Fixed Order, that related with Recurring Profile does not displayed +Fixed Discount is not applied to product in case when in conditions of Catalog Price Rule "contains" is chosen +Fixed After second refund made from paypal user get wrong refund amounts +Fixed WPPHS payment method has tags in the name +Fixed Symlinks do not work for back-end blocks +Fixed The names of WPPHS depend on a merchant`s country in the backend. Create a functionality for dynamic changing. +Fixed Disabled success redirect functionality in paypal express checkout +Fixed Added whitelist support to get.php script +Fixed Mage_Customer_Model_Address class name is hardcoded in certain models +Fixed Typo in Mage_ImportExport_Model_Import_Adapter_Abstract::_construct() +Fixed 'FOUND' and 'NOT FOUND' labels are not translated in Mage_SalesRule_Model_Rule_Condition_Product_Found::loadValueOptions() +Fixed 'Select' label is not translated in Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Sales_Order_Create_Search_Grid::_prepareColumns() +Fixed Invalid HTML from form multiline element renderer +Fixed Collection calling private _setOrder() method in CatalogEvent module +Fixed Tags on search results for Global Record Search (Adminhtml) are not translatable +Fixed JavaScript bug in IE8 with date advice set during js validation. +Fixed Missing translation for ZF error messages +- provided translation of ZF native validation error messages +Fixed Shopping Cart Price Rule->Conditions->Shipping Country is not correctly controlled on multiple checkout. +Fixed Moneybookers Multistore System Configuration +Fixed Moneybookers OBT Defaults +Fixed Product info API request +- a behavior of the function, was optimized; +- refactoring classes with calling function from helper without changing the inside logic; +- duplicated code were moved to catalog/product helper with creating the new one function for that. +Fixed typos in adminhtml widget form block +- Changed reserved word 'const' to lower case in tax config model +Fixed Google Base Synchronize +- Fixed fatal error on very first Publish and then Synchronizing if in GB products already were +- Fixed potential fatal when on mass Publish action we will not retrieve any item id: expected array, but null or empty string given +Fixed Rounding issues in shipping methods and in sales payment +Fixed Usage of non-mb-supported strlen() in custom option validation +- fixed length calculation routine to work with multi-byte characters +- changed order of evaluation, so that length is calculated only if length constraint is set for custom option +Fixed Unused class Mage_Reports_Model_Mysql4_Shopcart_Product_Collection did not marked like deprecated +- mark class as deprecated after +Fixed Products prepare function +- Change prepare products function +- Update resource with phpDoc +- Update wsdl +Improved SOAP Faults in Shopping Cart +- all faults for ShoppingCart are unique for each issue and have wide description +Fixed Shopping Cart create order should return order increment id +- updated wsdl, wsi +- changed return type for Mage_Checkout_Model_Cart_Api::createOrder +Fixed Grouped product has no configured price in Wishlist +Fixed Unable to continue checkout when "Street Address" use non english characters +Fixed Misprint in comment in Mage_Checkout_Model_Cart::init() +Fixed Controllers used protected properties +- removed protected property _hasDataChanges equals true in controllers +- added property _hasDataChanges equals true in method "addComment" for all objects +Fixed Page "404 Not Found" is showed by clicked Edit link in the Invoice page of placed order +Fixed Google Base Synchronize +Fixed Error on Direct Post payment method in Backend +Fixed API default/SOAP functionality switched +- removed unused variable loading +- changed loading default api handler in IndexController +- added loading default "soap" api handler in SoapController +Fixed Missed unique index on eav table +Fixed Order status visible_on_front flag in configuration file can't be overridden +Fixed Unexpected error message appears when quantity to refund more than quantity invoiced +Fixed PayPal payment methods are not shown on the checkout Payment Information step if Brazilian Real is set as base currency +- Added new supported currency codes into config +Fixed Trim value after explode +Fixed Unable to save customer date attribute with date more then 2010 +Fixed No customer's information +Fixed PayPal Business Email address update +Fixed Hovering mouse cursor on "Configure" button for a composite product shows incorrect hint +Fixed Error in fulltext search indexation for values that contain 'à' character +- modified regular expression to correct process of unicode characters +Fixed Zooming don't work for an image larger or taller than the container +Fixed Variable is used before its definition in Mage_CatalogRule_Helper_Data::calcPriceRule() +Fixed Typo in app\design\frontend\base\default\template\checkout\success.phtml +Fixed Fatal error during newsletters sending via cron +- Also added missed PHP-docs to Mage_Newsletter_Model_Problem class. +Fixed Quantity of bundle item is not stored correctly, in case when it is decimal +Fixed Unable to change configurable product name for store view +- the bug was in two HTML input tags with same names located on "General" and "Associated Products" tabs. One of them was been renamed to solve the problem. +Fixed Microsoft Excel 2007 fails to open Magento generated XML file +Fixed Admin page - incorrect displaying of pop-up message for gift options in Items Ordered block +Fixed One extra unnecessary product appears in Items Ordered list of placed Order, when payment is provided using Direct Post +Fixed If 3D Secure Card Validation is enabled then Gift Options section has wrong position during backend order creation +Fixed Reindex of Category Products for large catalogs is extremely slow +Fixed Product minimum quantity, add to cart +Fixed Created in Backend customer doubled after creation order for him and not save any addres information +Fixed Changes to helper text for the images for the application submission page +Fixed Redirect patch +Fixed product list images for iPad device to use base image +Fixed Sending invoice email don`t change the status +Fixed remove paypal country id hard coded +Fixed Mobile Controller issue +Fixed App locations (countries) do not match iTunes App Stores countries available +Fixed Disabled cookie message issue +Fixed Information about Gift Options is not stored, when admin user performs Edit Order action in backend +Fixed Web form with empty fields can be saved - also is_object() calls are replaced with instanceof checking inside of Adminhtml/MobileController +Fixed Bundle product with required option must have "Configure" button inactive if one of the option is out of stock. +Fixed Unable to retrieve product attributes, "Unsupported operand types" +Fixed Add to Wishlist is not work +Fixed A bug inside catalog/model/product/Api.php::create prevents this function from working +- Added $store parameter. +Fixed CSS Merger Cache Ignores Hostname and HTTPS +- on frontend when "Use Secure URLs in Frontend" is set to "yes", https is used only for some selected pages. This fix takes into account what's the protocol in use +Fixed Improvement to block caching +Fixed Typo in Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Mysql4_Product_Type_Configurable_Attribute::savePrices() +Fixed Shipping creation for bundle product shows wrong q-ty +Fixed Check for controller instance in rating option resource model +Fixed Export Filters are not working correctly during export of customers +Fixed Function "Apply Tax On - Original price only" does not correct calculate product tax +Fixed Mage_Index.csv is not used at all +Fixed Incorrect tax count, when making new order through back-end and using discount coupon (price cart rule) +Fixed Error "Source file moving failed" on Import process, when PHP version is 5.2 +Fixed "Store credit amount can not exceed order amount" error in Credit Memo applying to Store Credit for decimal quantities and decimal subtotals +Fixed Disabled cookie message issue +Fixed Edit Order without creating new one functionality doesn't save changes in non-default customer address attributes +Fixed Unable to buy Downloadable product with specified option "Links can be purchased separately" set to "No" +Fixed Incorrect message of soap fault +Fixed Information about Gift Options is not stored, when admin user performs Edit Order action in backend +Fixed Unable to open "View all wishlist items" link from email +- Added action to add shared wishlist item to shopping cart +Fixed iFrame must be centered for Website Payments Pro Hosted Solution payment method. +Fixed Free shipping does not transfer to Google Checkout when it is enabled in a shipping method +- Added support of UPS carrier methods with UPS XML type of rates calculation +Fixed Incorrect tax summary for partial credit memos/invoices +Fixed PayPal Standart: order has two invoice and two refund +Fixed A product hasn't been added to whishlist from category with closed, upcoming events +Fixed Customer password is not imported from CSV file +Fixed CDN - necessary to replace information message +Fixed When put values in Customer Name and Address Options they do not reflect on the backend customer and customer address forms +Fixed Reports-> Products-> Products ordered - Trace appeared +Fixed Mage_Core_Helper_Url::getCurrentUrl() method ignores server PORT +Fixed No ability to change payment from Store Credits, when customer backs to a Cart from Order Review step, and then goes to checkout again (OnePageCheckout) +Fixed Customer attribute labels not translated in validation error messages +- added translation for attribute labels at classes Mage_Customer_Model_Attribute_Data_* +Fixed Typos in: Varien_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql, Varien_File_Uploader +Fixed Mage_Core_Model_Design_Package::_prepareUrl() uses incorrect regular expression to check whether the url is relative +- modified preg_match for detecting absolute urls +Fixed Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_Gallery::getImageWidth() returns false for images with width smaller than 600px +- modified method Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_Gallery::getImageWidth(), if width <= 600 return width value, not false +Fixed Incorrect view of the shipping tax at the back end, unnecessary $0.01 +Fixed Wrong visualisation of "Original Price" in placed order +- collecting totals for quote at multishipping checkout +Fixed Incorrect view of popup windows for composite product on backend (only IE) +Added Adding Composite Products in Admin Order Creation +- Fixed styles in ie7 +Fixed "Items Ordered" tab is not refreshing while Admin order creation +Fixed Free shipping does not transfer to Google Checkout when it is enabled in a shipping method +- Re factored and optimized code +- Improved performance +- Added dependency for GoogleCheckout module from Usa module +- Added fedex and usps free methods supporting + + + +==== 1.5.x-devel-104676 ==== + +=== Improvements === +Magento Mobile updated to release v20 + +=== Fixes === +Fixed PayPal Standard: order has two invoice and two refund +Fixed Adjustmen Fee, Adjustment Refund and Refund Shipping fields must be disabled on credit memo for Payflow Pro and PayFlowLink payment methods +- Actualized API params mapping +- Added parameter Amount into refund request +Fixed Broken mysql4-data-upgrade- file +Fixed XMLConnect - edited parameter cannot be saved +Fixed Media storage - problem with image in the CMS pages +- Added functional to get files with disabled db media storage feature through the get.php script +Fixed Unable to place order using PayPal Billing agreement through Checkout with multiple addresses +- Added additional multi shipping checkout exceptions logging. +Fixed No AmericanExpress support in Website Payments Pro Payflow Edition +- Added to Direct payment +Fixed Incorrect Subtotal(Incl. Tax) in Shopping Cart, when catalog prices entered by admin include tax +Fixed Function "Apply Tax On - Original price only" does not correct calculate product tax +Fixed No ability to save Product Attribute with type Media Image + + +==== ==== + +=== Improvements === +Magento Mobile updated to release v19 + +=== Changes === +Replaced usage of Varien_File_Uploader with Mage_Core_Model_File_Uploader + +=== Fixes === +Fixed Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Query::getMaxQueryLenght() is not properly deprecated. +Fixed Two links in forgotpassword.phtml template lead to not existent files +Fixed Added compiled js and css to whitelist. Added removing of relative URL parts to get.php. +Fixed several probable vulnerabilities on front and backend +Fixed Incorrect error message when extension state is lower than preferred state +Fixed No rule applied when coupon code is no longer valid +- verify if rule uses coupon at all before coupon check +Fixed Argument passed to Mage_Catalog_Helper_Image::init() must be an instance of Mage_Catalog_Model_Product, instance of Mage_Wishlist_Model_Item given +Fixed Varien_Db_Adapter_Mysqli::raw_query() should throw an Exception after 10 tries +Fixed Import file downloaded from FTP in BINARY mode +- added option(ASCII || BINARY) for mode of file transferring; +- default mode of file transferring is BINARY; +- was changed property "type" of input field for password. +Fixed User interface: real mistake in the label name, Api instead API +Fixed issue with URL Rewrite Rule for new products with no category information +Fixed Invoice do not created when using "Automatically Invoice All Items" option of Zero Subtotal Checkout +Fixed Additional dot when checking out as Guest +Fixed Prefix and suffix aren't visible in Add New Address Form +Fixed Calculation order for Catalog Price Rule and Configurable Product option price +Fixed When put values in Customer Name and Address Options they do not reflect on the backend customer and customer address forms +Fixed Custom URL Rewrite creation broken +- skip filtering for store select if no product or category specified in case of custom rewrite +Fixed Shopping Cart Price Rule->Conditions->Shipping Country is not correctly controlled on multiple checkout. +- Added checking: if address object is a new object rules validation cache will not working because we can not save validation results for address without id +Fixed Resources names are not translated on Role Resources page at backend +Fixed Multiselect and Dropdown Attribute values set to "0" are not exported correctly +Fixed WYSIWYG Editor - Unable to Create a Folder when Inserting a File +Fixed Wrong cache key for websites +- {{base_url}} not replaced with url on the saving in the cache. {{base_url}} replaced with base url on the getting. +Fixed After second refund made from paypal user get wrong refund amounts +Fixed Multiselect and Dropdown Attribute values set to "0" are not exported correctly +- modified condition for option emptiness check to pass string and int zero values +Fixed Infinite loop is started, when backend user selects non-existing time period for a chart on Dashboard +Fixed Missing isset() in Mage_Sales_Model_Recurring_Profile::createOrder() +- Added the filtering "value" key on the setting in the conditions: Order Number, Purchased Quantity, Sales Amount +Fixed Discount is not applied to product in case when in conditions of Catalog Price Rule "contains" is chosen +Fixed Unable to open "View all wishlist items" link from email +Fixed Specifying incorrect timezone in configuration causes halt of backend work flow and inability to add products to a Cart on frontend +- Added timezone validation +Fixed Checkout with Configurable Product includes disabled simple +- removing parent from shopping cart if child becomes disabled or out of stock +Fixed Validate Each Address Separately in Multi-address Checkout do not working +Fixed Google Checkout - catalog price discount for Configurable product is calculated incorrectly +Fixed FPT with prices included tax problem +Fixed Incorrect Excl. Tax in product page, when catalog prices entered by admin include tax +- Fixed JS excluding tax price recalculation +Fixed Unable to configure Grouped product from the backend +Fixed Order, that related with Recurring Profile does not displayed +Fixed Discount is not applied to product in case when in conditions of Catalog Price Rule "contains" is chosen +Fixed After second refund made from paypal user get wrong refund amounts +Fixed WPPHS payment method has tags in the name + +==== 1.5.x-devel-102426 ==== + +=== Improvements === +Magento Mobile updated to release v19 + +=== Changes === +Replaced usage of Varien_File_Uploader with Mage_Core_Model_File_Uploader + +=== Fixes === +Fixed Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Query::getMaxQueryLenght() is not properly deprecated. +Fixed Two links in forgotpassword.phtml template lead to not existent files +Fixed Added compiled js and css to whitelist. Added removing of relative URL parts to get.php. +Fixed several probable vulnerabilities on front and backend +Fixed Incorrect error message when extension state is lower than preferred state +Fixed No rule applied when coupon code is no longer valid +- verify if rule uses coupon at all before coupon check +Fixed Argument passed to Mage_Catalog_Helper_Image::init() must be an instance of Mage_Catalog_Model_Product, instance of Mage_Wishlist_Model_Item given +Fixed Varien_Db_Adapter_Mysqli::raw_query() should throw an Exception after 10 tries +Fixed Import file downloaded from FTP in BINARY mode +- added option(ASCII || BINARY) for mode of file transferring; +- default mode of file transferring is BINARY; +- was changed property "type" of input field for password. +Fixed User interface: real mistake in the label name, Api instead API +Fixed issue with URL Rewrite Rule for new products with no category information +Fixed Invoice do not created when using "Automatically Invoice All Items" option of Zero Subtotal Checkout +Fixed Additional dot when checking out as Guest +Fixed Prefix and suffix aren't visible in Add New Address Form + + + +==== ==== + +=== Improvements === +Implemented SOAP Faults for GiftMessage API +- added faults in functions +- added description in api.xml +Implemented The names of WPPHS depend on a merchant`s country in the backend. Create a functionality for dynamic changing. +- Added functionality for dynamic changing the names of WPPHS +- Added backend config into system.xml +Implemented WS-I for API +- added wsi.xml for all WebAPI modules +- added new wsi-soap handler +- added new wsi-soap adapter +- changed admin configuration, added parameter into "Magento Core API"->WSI Compliance +- changed api.xml +Implemented GiftMessage for Cart + +=== Changes === +Updated Magento Mobile package to ver. 18 + +=== Fixes === +Fixed Symlinks do not work for back-end blocks +Fixed The names of WPPHS depend on a merchant`s country in the backend. Create a functionality for dynamic changing. +Fixed Disabled success redirect functionality in paypal express checkout +Fixed Added whitelist support to get.php script +Fixed Mage_Customer_Model_Address class name is hardcoded in certain models +Fixed Typo in Mage_ImportExport_Model_Import_Adapter_Abstract::_construct() +Fixed 'FOUND' and 'NOT FOUND' labels are not translated in Mage_SalesRule_Model_Rule_Condition_Product_Found::loadValueOptions() +Fixed 'Select' label is not translated in Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Sales_Order_Create_Search_Grid::_prepareColumns() +Fixed Invalid HTML from form multiline element renderer +Fixed Collection calling private _setOrder() method in CatalogEvent module +Fixed Tags on search results for Global Record Search (Adminhtml) are not translatable +Fixed JavaScript bug in IE8 with date advice set during js validation. +Fixed Missing translation for ZF error messages +- provided translation of ZF native validation error messages +Fixed Shopping Cart Price Rule->Conditions->Shipping Country is not correctly controlled on multiple checkout. +Fixed Moneybookers Multistore System Configuration +Fixed Moneybookers OBT Defaults +Fixed Product info API request +- a behavior of the function, was optimized; +- refactoring classes with calling function from helper without changing the inside logic; +- duplicated code were moved to catalog/product helper with creating the new one function for that. +Fixed Poor randomness of auto-generated passwords in Customer Model +- was used function from core helper; +- code style has been formatted. +Fixed several probable vulnerabilities on front and backend +Fixed typos in adminhtml widget form block +- Changed reserved word 'const' to lower case in tax config model +Fixed Google Base Synchronize +- Fixed fatal error on very first Publish and then Synchronizing if in GB products already were +- Fixed potential fatal when on mass Publish action we will not retrieve any item id: expected array, but null or empty string given +Fixed Rounding issues in shipping methods and in sales payment +Fixed Usage of non-mb-supported strlen() in custom option validation +- fixed length calculation routine to work with multi-byte characters +- changed order of evaluation, so that length is calculated only if length constraint is set for custom option +Fixed Unused class Mage_Reports_Model_Mysql4_Shopcart_Product_Collection did not marked like deprecated +- mark class as deprecated after +Fixed Products prepare function +- Change prepare products function +- Update resource with phpDoc +- Update wsdl +Improved SOAP Faults in Shopping Cart +- all faults for ShoppingCart are unique for each issue and have wide description +Fixed Shopping Cart create order should return order increment id +- updated wsdl, wsi +- changed return type for Mage_Checkout_Model_Cart_Api::createOrder +Fixed Grouped product has no configured price in Wishlist +Fixed Unable to continue checkout when "Street Address" use non english characters +Fixed Misprint in comment in Mage_Checkout_Model_Cart::init() +Fixed Controllers used protected properties +- removed protected property _hasDataChanges equals true in controllers +- added property _hasDataChanges equals true in method "addComment" for all objects +Fixed Page "404 Not Found" is showed by clicked Edit link in the Invoice page of placed order +Fixed Google Base Synchronize +Fixed probably SQL-injection in backend +Fixed Error on Direct Post payment method in Backend +Fixed API default/SOAP functionality switched +- removed unused variable loading +- changed loading default api handler in IndexController +- added loading default "soap" api handler in SoapController +Fixed Missed unique index on eav table +Fixed Its possible to add&proceed to checkout with any product from the catalog no matter website its assign to. +Fixed Order status visible_on_front flag in configuration file can't be overridden +Fixed Unexpected error message appears when quantity to refund more than quantity invoiced +Fixed PayPal payment methods are not shown on the checkout Payment Information step if Brazilian Real is set as base currency +- Added new supported currency codes into config +Fixed Trim value after explode +Fixed Unable to save customer date attribute with date more then 2010 +Fixed No customer's information +Fixed PayPal Business Email address update +Fixed probable abuse with image re-size functionality on frontend +Fixed Hovering mouse cursor on "Configure" button for a composite product shows incorrect hint +Fixed Error in fulltext search indexation for values that contain 'à' character +- modified regular expression to correct process of unicode characters +Fixed Zooming don't work for an image larger or taller than the container +Fixed Variable is used before its definition in Mage_CatalogRule_Helper_Data::calcPriceRule() +Fixed Typo in app\design\frontend\base\default\template\checkout\success.phtml +Fixed Fatal error during newsletters sending via cron +- Also added missed PHP-docs to Mage_Newsletter_Model_Problem class. +Fixed Quantity of bundle item is not stored correctly, in case when it is decimal +Fixed Unable to change configurable product name for store view +- the bug was in two HTML input tags with same names located on "General" and "Associated Products" tabs. One of them was been renamed to solve the problem. +Fixed Microsoft Excel 2007 fails to open Magento generated XML file +Fixed several probable XSS issues on front end and backend +Fixed Admin page - incorrect displaying of pop-up message for gift options in Items Ordered block +Fixed One extra unnecessary product appears in Items Ordered list of placed Order, when payment is provided using Direct Post +Fixed If 3D Secure Card Validation is enabled then Gift Options section has wrong position during backend order creation +Fixed Reindex of Category Products for large catalogs is extremely slow +Fixed Product minimum quantity, add to cart +Fixed Created in Backend customer doubled after creation order for him and not save any addres information +Fixed Changes to helper text for the images for the application submission page +Fixed Redirect patch +Fixed product list images for iPad device to use base image +Fixed Sending invoice email don`t change the status +Fixed remove paypal country id hard coded +Fixed Mobile Controller issue +Fixed App locations (countries) do not match iTunes App Stores countries available +Fixed Disabled cookie message issue +Fixed Information about Gift Options is not stored, when admin user performs Edit Order action in backend +Fixed Web form with empty fields can be saved - also is_object() calls are replaced with instanceof checking inside of Adminhtml/MobileController +Fixed Bundle product with required option must have "Configure" button inactive if one of the option is out of stock. +Fixed Unable to retrieve product attributes, "Unsupported operand types" +Fixed Add to Wishlist is not work +Fixed A bug inside catalog/model/product/Api.php::create prevents this function from working +- Added $store parameter. +Fixed CSS Merger Cache Ignores Hostname and HTTPS +- on frontend when "Use Secure URLs in Frontend" is set to "yes", https is used only for some selected pages. This fix takes into account what's the protocol in use +Fixed Improvement to block caching +Fixed Typo in Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Mysql4_Product_Type_Configurable_Attribute::savePrices() +Fixed Shipping creation for bundle product shows wrong q-ty +Fixed Check for controller instance in rating option resource model +Fixed Export Filters are not working correctly during export of customers +Fixed Function "Apply Tax On - Original price only" does not correct calculate product tax +Fixed Mage_Index.csv is not used at all +Fixed Incorrect tax count, when making new order through back-end and using discount coupon (price cart rule) +Fixed Error "Source file moving failed" on Import process, when PHP version is 5.2 +Fixed "Store credit amount can not exceed order amount" error in Credit Memo applying to Store Credit for decimal quantities and decimal subtotals +Fixed Disabled cookie message issue +Fixed Edit Order without creating new one functionality doesn't save changes in non-default customer address attributes +Fixed Unable to buy Downloadable product with specified option "Links can be purchased separately" set to "No" +Fixed Incorrect message of soap fault +Fixed Information about Gift Options is not stored, when admin user performs Edit Order action in backend +Fixed Unable to open "View all wishlist items" link from email +- Added action to add shared wishlist item to shopping cart +Fixed iFrame must be centered for Website Payments Pro Hosted Solution payment method. +Fixed Free shipping does not transfer to Google Checkout when it is enabled in a shipping method +- Added support of UPS carrier methods with UPS XML type of rates calculation +Fixed Incorrect tax summary for partial credit memos/invoices +Fixed PayPal Standart: order has two invoice and two refund +Fixed A product hasn't been added to whishlist from category with closed, upcoming events +Fixed Customer password is not imported from CSV file +Fixed CDN - necessary to replace information message +Fixed When put values in Customer Name and Address Options they do not reflect on the backend customer and customer address forms +Fixed Reports-> Products-> Products ordered - Trace appeared +Fixed Mage_Core_Helper_Url::getCurrentUrl() method ignores server PORT +Fixed No ability to change payment from Store Credits, when customer backs to a Cart from Order Review step, and then goes to checkout again (OnePageCheckout) +Fixed Customer attribute labels not translated in validation error messages +- added translation for attribute labels at classes Mage_Customer_Model_Attribute_Data_* +Fixed Typos in: Varien_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql, Varien_File_Uploader +Fixed Mage_Core_Model_Design_Package::_prepareUrl() uses incorrect regular expression to check whether the url is relative +- modified preg_match for detecting absolute urls +Fixed Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_Gallery::getImageWidth() returns false for images with width smaller than 600px +- modified method Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_Gallery::getImageWidth(), if width <= 600 return width value, not false +Fixed Incorrect view of the shipping tax at the back end, unnecessary $0.01 +Fixed Wrong visualisation of "Original Price" in placed order +- collecting totals for quote at multishipping checkout +Fixed Incorrect view of popup windows for composite product on backend (only IE) +Added Adding Composite Products in Admin Order Creation +- Fixed styles in ie7 +Fixed "Items Ordered" tab is not refreshing while Admin order creation +Fixed Free shipping does not transfer to Google Checkout when it is enabled in a shipping method +- Re factored and optimized code +- Improved performance +- Added dependency for GoogleCheckout module from Usa module +- Added fedex and usps free methods supporting + + +==== 1.5.x-devel-100810 ==== + +=== Fixes === + +Fixed Shopping Cart Price Rule->Conditions->Shipping Country is not correctly controlled on multiple checkout. +Fixed Moneybookers Multistore System Configuration +Fixed Moneybookers OBT Defaults +Fixed Product info API request +- a behavior of the function, was optimized; +- refactoring classes with calling function from helper without changing the inside logic; +- duplicated code were moved to catalog/product helper with creating the new one function for that. +Fixed Poor randomness of auto-generated passwords in Customer Model +- was used function from core helper; +- code style has been formatted. +Fixed several probable vulnerabilities on front and backend +Fixed typos in adminhtml widget form block +- Changed reserved word 'const' to lower case in tax config model +Fixed Google Base Synchronize +- Fixed fatal error on very first Publish and then Synchronizing if in GB products already were +- Fixed potential fatal when on mass Publish action we will not retrieve any item id: expected array, but null or empty string given +Fixed Rounding issues in shipping methods and in sales payment +Fixed Usage of non-mb-supported strlen() in custom option validation +- fixed length calculation routine to work with multi-byte characters +- changed order of evaluation, so that length is calculated only if length constraint is set for custom option +Fixed Unused class Mage_Reports_Model_Mysql4_Shopcart_Product_Collection did not marked like deprecated +- mark class as deprecated after + + +==== 1.5.x-devel-100247 ==== + +=== Improvements === +Implemented GiftMessage API Faults +- added faults in functions +- added description in api.xml +Implemented The names of WPPHS depend on a merchant`s country in the backend. Create a functionality for dynamic changing. +- Added functionality for dynamic changing the names of WPPHS +- Added backend config into system.xml + +=== Fixes === +Fixed Products prepare function +- Change prepare products function +- Update resource with phpDoc +- Update wsdl +Improved Faults in Shopping Cart +- all faults for ShoppingCart are unique for each issue and have wide description +Fixed Shopping Cart create order should return order increment id +- updated wsdl, wsi +- changed return type for Mage_Checkout_Model_Cart_Api::createOrder +Fixed Grouped product has no configured price in Wishlist +Fixed Unable to continue checkout when "Street Address" use non english characters +Fixed Misprint in comment in Mage_Checkout_Model_Cart::init() +Fixed Controllers used protected properties +- removed protected property _hasDataChanges equals true in controllers +- added property _hasDataChanges equals true in method "addComment" for all objects +Fixed Page "404 Not Found" is showed by clicked Edit link in the Invoice page of placed order +Fixed probably XSS vulnerabilities in backend +Fixed Google Base Synchronize +Fixed probably SQL-injection in backend +Fixed Error on Direct Post payment method in Backend +Fixed API default/SOAP functionality switched +- removed unused variable loading +- changed loading default api handler in IndexController +- added loading default "soap" api handler in SoapController +Fixed Missed unique index on eav table +Fixed Its possible to add&proceed to checkout with any product from the catalog no matter website its assign to. +Fixed Order status visible_on_front flag in configuration file can't be overridden +Fixed Unexpected error message appears when quantity to refund more than quantity invoiced +Fixed PayPal payment methods are not shown on the checkout Payment Information step if Brazilian Real is set as base currency +- Added new supported currency codes into config +Fixed Trim value after explode +Fixed Unable to save customer date attribute with date more then 2010 +Fixed No customer's information +Fixed PayPal Business Email address update + + +==== 1.5.x-devel-97859 ==== + +=== Improvements === +Implemented WS-I for API +- added wsi.xml for all WebAPI modules +- added new wsi-soap handler +- added new wsi-soap adapter +- changed admin configuration, added parameter into "Magento Core API"->WSI Compliance +- changed api.xml +Implemented GiftMessage for Cart + +== Fixes === +Fixed probable abuse with image re-size functionality on frontend +Fixed Hovering mouse cursor on "Configure" button for a composite product shows incorrect hint +Fixed Error in fulltext search indexation for values that contain 'à' character +- modified regular expression to correct process of unicode characters +Fixed Zooming don't work for an image larger or taller than the container +Fixed Variable is used before its definition in Mage_CatalogRule_Helper_Data::calcPriceRule() +Fixed Typo in app\design\frontend\base\default\template\checkout\success.phtml +Fixed Fatal error during newsletters sending via cron +- Also added missed PHP-docs to Mage_Newsletter_Model_Problem class. +Fixed Quantity of bundle item is not stored correctly, in case when it is decimal +Fixed Unable to change configurable product name for store view +- the bug was in two HTML input tags with same names located on "General" and "Associated Products" tabs. One of them was been renamed to solve the problem. +Fixed Microsoft Excel 2007 fails to open Magento generated XML file +Fixed several probable XSS issues on front end and backend +Fixed probable SQL injection on frontend +Fixed Admin page - incorrect displaying of pop-up message for gift options in Items Ordered block +Fixed One extra unnecessary product appears in Items Ordered list of placed Order, when payment is provided using Direct Post +Fixed If 3D Secure Card Validation is enabled then Gift Options section has wrong position during backend order creation +Fixed Reindex of Category Products for large catalogs is extremely slow +Fixed Product minimum quantity, add to cart +Fixed Created in Backend customer doubled after creation order for him and not save any addres information +Fixed Changes to helper text for the images for the application submission page +Fixed Redirect patch +Fixed product list images for iPad device to use base image +Fixed Sending invoice email don`t change the status +Fixed remove paypal country id hard coded +Fixed Mobile Controller issue +Fixed App locations (countries) do not match iTunes App Stores countries available +Fixed Disabled cookie message issue +Fixed Information about Gift Options is not stored, when admin user performs Edit Order action in backend +Fixed Web form with empty fields can be saved - also is_object() calls are replaced with instanceof checking inside of Adminhtml/MobileController +Fixed Bundle product with required option must have "Configure" button inactive if one of the option is out of stock. +Fixed Unable to retrieve product attributes, "Unsupported operand types" +Fixed Add to Wishlist is not work +Fixed A bug inside catalog/model/product/Api.php::create prevents this function from working +- Added $store parameter. +Fixed CSS Merger Cache Ignores Hostname and HTTPS +- on frontend when "Use Secure URLs in Frontend" is set to "yes", https is used only for some selected pages. This fix takes into account what's the protocol in use +Fixed Improvement to block caching +Fixed Typo in Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Mysql4_Product_Type_Configurable_Attribute::savePrices() +Fixed Shipping creation for bundle product shows wrong q-ty +Fixed Check for controller instance in rating option resource model +Fixed Export Filters are not working correctly during export of customers +Fixed Function "Apply Tax On - Original price only" does not correct calculate product tax +Fixed Mage_Index.csv is not used at all +Fixed Incorrect tax count, when making new order through back-end and using discount coupon (price cart rule) +Fixed Error "Source file moving failed" on Import process, when PHP version is 5.2 +Fixed "Store credit amount can not exceed order amount" error in Credit Memo applying to Store Credit for decimal quantities and decimal subtotals +Fixed Disabled cookie message issue +Fixed Edit Order without creating new one functionality doesn't save changes in non-default customer address attributes +Fixed Unable to buy Downloadable product with specified option "Links can be purchased separately" set to "No" +Fixed Incorrect message of soap fault +Fixed Information about Gift Options is not stored, when admin user performs Edit Order action in backend +Fixed Unable to open "View all wishlist items" link from email +- Added action to add shared wishlist item to shopping cart +Fixed iFrame must be centered for Website Payments Pro Hosted Solution payment method. +Fixed Free shipping does not transfer to Google Checkout when it is enabled in a shipping method +- Added support of UPS carrier methods with UPS XML type of rates calculation +Fixed Incorrect tax summary for partial credit memos/invoices +Fixed PayPal Standart: order has two invoice and two refund +Fixed A product hasn't been added to whishlist from category with closed, upcoming events +Fixed Customer password is not imported from CSV file +Fixed CDN - necessary to replace information message +Fixed When put values in Customer Name and Address Options they do not reflect on the backend customer and customer address forms +Fixed Reports-> Products-> Products ordered - Trace appeared + + +==== 1.5.x-devel-96719 ==== + +=== Fixes === +Fixed Mage_Core_Helper_Url::getCurrentUrl() method ignores server PORT +Fixed No ability to change payment from Store Credits, when customer backs to a Cart from Order Review step, and then goes to checkout again (OnePageCheckout) +Fixed Customer attribute labels not translated in validation error messages +- added translation for attribute labels at classes Mage_Customer_Model_Attribute_Data_* +Fixed Typos in: Varien_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql, Varien_File_Uploader +Fixed Mage_Core_Model_Design_Package::_prepareUrl() uses incorrect regular expression to check whether the url is relative +- modified preg_match for detecting absolute urls +Fixed Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_Gallery::getImageWidth() returns false for images with width smaller than 600px +- modified method Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_Gallery::getImageWidth(), if width <= 600 return width value, not false +Fixed Incorrect view of the shipping tax at the back end, unnecessary $0.01 +Fixed Wrong visualisation of "Original Price" in placed order +- collecting totals for quote at multishipping checkout +Fixed Incorrect view of popup windows for composite product on backend (only IE) +Added Adding Composite Products in Admin Order Creation +- Fixed styles in ie7 +Fixed "Items Ordered" tab is not refreshing while Admin order creation +Fixed Free shipping does not transfer to Google Checkout when it is enabled in a shipping method +- Re factored and optimized code +- Improved performance +- Fixed typos +- Added dependency for GoogleCheckout module from Usa module +- Added fedex and usps free methods supporting + + ==== ===== === Major Highlights === diff --git a/app/Mage.php b/app/Mage.php index 44e78c1f1f..0c765b62cc 100644 --- a/app/Mage.php +++ b/app/Mage.php @@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ public static function getVersionInfo() return array( 'major' => '1', 'minor' => '5', - 'revision' => '0', - 'patch' => '1', + 'revision' => '1', + 'patch' => '0', 'stability' => '', 'number' => '', ); diff --git a/app/code/community/Phoenix/Moneybookers/Model/Event.php b/app/code/community/Phoenix/Moneybookers/Model/Event.php index e6f3a8c838..81409dc451 100644 --- a/app/code/community/Phoenix/Moneybookers/Model/Event.php +++ b/app/code/community/Phoenix/Moneybookers/Model/Event.php @@ -204,14 +204,19 @@ protected function _validateEventData($fullCheck = true) // check order ID if (empty($params['transaction_id']) - || ($fullCheck == false && $this->_getCheckout()->getMoneybookersRealOrderId() != $params['transaction_id'])) - { + || ($fullCheck == false && $this->_getCheckout()->getMoneybookersRealOrderId() != $params['transaction_id']) + ) { Mage::throwException('Missing or invalid order ID.'); } // load order for further validation $this->_order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->loadByIncrementId($params['transaction_id']); - if (!$this->_order->getId()) + if (!$this->_order->getId()) { Mage::throwException('Order not found.'); + } + + if (0 !== strpos($this->_order->getPayment()->getMethodInstance()->getCode(), 'moneybookers_')) { + Mage::throwException('Unknown payment method.'); + } // make additional validation if ($fullCheck) { @@ -229,9 +234,20 @@ protected function _validateEventData($fullCheck = true) $md5String = ''; foreach ($checkParams as $key) { if ($key == 'merchant_id') { - $md5String .= Mage::getStoreConfig(Phoenix_Moneybookers_Helper_Data::XML_PATH_CUSTOMER_ID, $this->_order->getStoreId()); + $md5String .= Mage::getStoreConfig(Phoenix_Moneybookers_Helper_Data::XML_PATH_CUSTOMER_ID, + $this->_order->getStoreId() + ); } elseif ($key == 'secret') { - $md5String .= strtoupper(md5(Mage::getStoreConfig(Phoenix_Moneybookers_Helper_Data::XML_PATH_SECRET_KEY, $this->_order->getStoreId()))); + $secretKey = Mage::getStoreConfig( + Phoenix_Moneybookers_Helper_Data::XML_PATH_SECRET_KEY, + $this->_order->getStoreId() + ); + + if (empty($secretKey)) { + Mage::throwException('Secret key is empty.'); + } + + $md5String .= strtoupper(md5($secretKey)); } elseif (isset($params[$key])) { $md5String .= $params[$key]; } diff --git a/app/code/community/Phoenix/Moneybookers/etc/config.xml b/app/code/community/Phoenix/Moneybookers/etc/config.xml index 377626863c..b76a5e02e2 100644 --- a/app/code/community/Phoenix/Moneybookers/etc/config.xml +++ b/app/code/community/Phoenix/Moneybookers/etc/config.xml @@ -293,7 +293,8 @@ 0 moneybookers/obt Onlineüberweisung (empfohlen) - 0 + 1 + GB,DE diff --git a/app/code/community/Phoenix/Moneybookers/etc/system.xml b/app/code/community/Phoenix/Moneybookers/etc/system.xml index 06f71be304..6247d9be10 100644 --- a/app/code/community/Phoenix/Moneybookers/etc/system.xml +++ b/app/code/community/Phoenix/Moneybookers/etc/system.xml @@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ text 1 1 - 0 - 0 + 1 + 1 @@ -44,16 +44,16 @@ text 1 1 - 0 - 0 + 1 + 1 text 2 1 - 0 - 0 + 1 + 1 @@ -61,16 +61,16 @@ text 3 1 - 0 - 0 + 1 + 1 text 4 1 - 0 - 0 + 1 + 1 diff --git a/app/code/core/Mage/Admin/Model/Mysql4/User.php b/app/code/core/Mage/Admin/Model/Mysql4/User.php index 386d7eb8fd..ec83b8aab9 100644 --- a/app/code/core/Mage/Admin/Model/Mysql4/User.php +++ b/app/code/core/Mage/Admin/Model/Mysql4/User.php @@ -209,7 +209,9 @@ public function getRoles(Mage_Core_Model_Abstract $user) $table = $this->getTable('admin/role'); $read = $this->_getReadAdapter(); $select = $read->select()->from($table, array()) - ->joinLeft(array('ar' => $table), "(ar.role_id = `{$table}`.parent_id and ar.role_type = 'G')", array('role_id')) + ->joinLeft(array('ar' => $table), + "(ar.role_id = `{$table}`.parent_id and ar.role_type = 'G')", + array('role_id')) ->where("`{$table}`.user_id = {$user->getId()}"); return (($roles = $read->fetchCol($select)) ? $roles : array()); @@ -253,7 +255,8 @@ public function deleteFromRole(Mage_Core_Model_Abstract $user) return $this; } $dbh = $this->_getWriteAdapter(); - $condition = "`{$this->getTable('admin/role')}`.user_id = ".$dbh->quote($user->getUserId())." AND `{$this->getTable('admin/role')}`.parent_id = ".$dbh->quote($user->getRoleId()); + $condition = "`{$this->getTable('admin/role')}`.user_id = " . $dbh->quote($user->getUserId()) + . " AND `{$this->getTable('admin/role')}`.parent_id = " . $dbh->quote($user->getRoleId()); $dbh->delete($this->getTable('admin/role'), $condition); return $this; } @@ -274,10 +277,18 @@ public function roleUserExists(Mage_Core_Model_Abstract $user) public function userExists(Mage_Core_Model_Abstract $user) { $usersTable = $this->getTable('admin/user'); - $select = $this->_getReadAdapter()->select(); - $select->from($usersTable); - $select->where("({$usersTable}.username = '{$user->getUsername()}' OR {$usersTable}.email = '{$user->getEmail()}') AND {$usersTable}.user_id != '{$user->getId()}'"); - return $this->_getReadAdapter()->fetchRow($select); + $db = $this->_getReadAdapter(); + + $select = $db->select() + ->from(array('u' => $usersTable)) + ->where('u.user_id != ?', (int) $user->getId()) + ->where('u.username = :username OR = :email') + ; + $row = $db->fetchRow($select, array( + ':username' => $user->getUsername(), + ':email' => $user->getUsername(), + )); + return $row; } public function saveExtra($object, $data) diff --git a/app/code/core/Mage/Admin/Model/Session.php b/app/code/core/Mage/Admin/Model/Session.php index 7cbebe1112..6e1fe5d941 100644 --- a/app/code/core/Mage/Admin/Model/Session.php +++ b/app/code/core/Mage/Admin/Model/Session.php @@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ public function login($username, $password, $request = null) $user = Mage::getModel('admin/user'); $user->login($username, $password); if ($user->getId()) { + $this->renewSession(); if (Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/url')->useSecretKey()) { Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/url')->renewSecretUrls(); diff --git a/app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Catalog/Product/Edit/Tab/Super/Config/Simple.php b/app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Catalog/Product/Edit/Tab/Super/Config/Simple.php index e6433bd5e2..44c3b4887b 100644 --- a/app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Catalog/Product/Edit/Tab/Super/Config/Simple.php +++ b/app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Catalog/Product/Edit/Tab/Super/Config/Simple.php @@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ protected function _prepareForm() continue; } $attributeCode = $attribute->getAttributeCode(); + $attribute->setAttributeCode('simple_product_' . $attributeCode); $element = $fieldset->addField( 'simple_product_' . $attributeCode, $inputType, diff --git a/app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Customer/Edit/Tab/Account.php b/app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Customer/Edit/Tab/Account.php index 74a3bcfad9..c1e7d31a5e 100644 --- a/app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Customer/Edit/Tab/Account.php +++ b/app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Customer/Edit/Tab/Account.php @@ -77,6 +77,46 @@ public function initForm() // $customer->setWebsiteId(Mage::app()->getStore(true)->getWebsiteId()); // } + $customerStoreId = null; + if ($customer->getId()) { + $customerStoreId = Mage::app()->getWebsite($customer->getWebsiteId())->getDefaultStore()->getId(); + } + + $prefixElement = $form->getElement('prefix'); + if ($prefixElement) { + $prefixOptions = $this->helper('customer')->getNamePrefixOptions($customerStoreId); + if (!empty($prefixOptions)) { + $fieldset->removeField($prefixElement->getId()); + $prefixField = $fieldset->addField($prefixElement->getId(), + 'select', + $prefixElement->getData(), + $form->getElement('group_id')->getId() + ); + $prefixField->setValues($prefixOptions); + if ($customer->getId()) { + $prefixField->addElementValues($customer->getPrefix()); + } + + } + } + + $suffixElement = $form->getElement('suffix'); + if ($suffixElement) { + $suffixOptions = $this->helper('customer')->getNameSuffixOptions($customerStoreId); + if (!empty($suffixOptions)) { + $fieldset->removeField($suffixElement->getId()); + $suffixField = $fieldset->addField($suffixElement->getId(), + 'select', + $suffixElement->getData(), + $form->getElement('lastname')->getId() + ); + $suffixField->setValues($suffixOptions); + if ($customer->getId()) { + $suffixField->addElementValues($customer->getSuffix()); + } + } + } + if ($customer->getId()) { if (!$customer->isReadonly()) { // add password management fieldset @@ -156,12 +196,16 @@ public function initForm() $prefix = $form->getHtmlIdPrefix(); if ($sendEmail) { + $_disableStoreField = ''; + if (!$isSingleMode) { + $_disableStoreField = "$('{$prefix}sendemail_store_id').disabled=(''==this.value || '0'==this.value);"; + } $sendEmail->setAfterElementHtml( ' diff --git a/app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/xmlconnect/edit/tab/design/preview/catalog.phtml b/app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/xmlconnect/edit/tab/design/preview/catalog.phtml deleted file mode 100644 index 9052610217..0000000000 --- a/app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/xmlconnect/edit/tab/design/preview/catalog.phtml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,228 +0,0 @@ - -getConfigFontInfo('Title1/size'); -$title1name = $this->getConfigFontInfo('Title1/name'); -$title1color = $this->getConfigFontInfo('Title1/color'); - -$title2name = $this->getConfigFontInfo('Title2/name'); -$title2size = $this->getConfigFontInfo('Title2/size'); -$title2color = $this->getConfigFontInfo('Title2/color'); - -$title3size = $this->getConfigFontInfo('Title3/size'); -$title3name = $this->getConfigFontInfo('Title3/name'); -$title3color = $this->getConfigFontInfo('Title3/color'); - -$title5name = $this->getConfigFontInfo('Title5/name'); -$title5size = $this->getConfigFontInfo('Title5/size'); -$title5color = $this->getConfigFontInfo('Title5/color'); - -$title8name = $this->getConfigFontInfo('Title8/name'); -$title8size = $this->getConfigFontInfo('Title8/size'); -$title8color = $this->getConfigFontInfo('Title8/color'); - -$text2name = $this->getConfigFontInfo('Text2/name'); -$text2size = $this->getConfigFontInfo('Text2/size'); -$text2color = $this->getConfigFontInfo('Text2/color'); - -$naviBarTintColor = $this->getData('conf/navigationBar/tintColor'); -$primaryColor = $this->getData('conf/body/primaryColor'); -$secondaryColor = $this->getData('conf/body/secondaryColor'); - -$activeStartImage = $this->getPreviewImagesUrl('star-active.png'); -$inactiveStartImage = $this->getPreviewImagesUrl('star-inactive.png'); -$productImage = $this->getPreviewImagesUrl('t-shirt.png'); -?> - -
__("Carrier"); ?>
getData('conf/Time')): ?>getData('conf/Time'); ?>__("10:40 AM"); ?>
- - - - - - - -
- -
- - - - __("T-Shirts"); ?> - __("T-Shirts"); ?> - - -
- 3 - __('FILTERS APPLIED'); ?> -
__('SORT BY:'); ?>
- Position - Name - Price -
__('Product Name3 1'); ?>
- $39.99 -
- - ffffc - - (2) -
- In Stock -
__('Product Name3 2'); ?>
- $39.99 -
- - ffffc - - (2) -
- __('In Stock'); ?> -
- -
- __('View Gallery'); ?> -
- -
- __('Tell a Friend'); ?> -
- -
- __('Add to Wishlist'); ?> -
- -
- __('Add to Cart'); ?> -
- -
- __('View Details'); ?> -
__('Product Name3 '); ?>
- $39.99 -
- - ffffc - - (4) -
- __('In Stock'); ?> -
- getChildHtml('tab_items'); ?> -
-getJsErrorMessage()) : ?> - - diff --git a/app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/xmlconnect/edit/tab/design/preview/catalog_android.phtml b/app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/xmlconnect/edit/tab/design/preview/catalog_android.phtml index 97dcafcaf7..7145a9f2a3 100644 --- a/app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/xmlconnect/edit/tab/design/preview/catalog_android.phtml +++ b/app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/xmlconnect/edit/tab/design/preview/catalog_android.phtml @@ -25,27 +25,28 @@ */ ?> getConfigFontInfo('Title1/color'); -$title2color = $this->getConfigFontInfo('Title2/color'); -$title5color = $this->getConfigFontInfo('Title5/color'); +/** @var $previewModel Mage_XmlConnect_Model_Preview_Android */ +$previewModel = Mage::helper('xmlconnect')->getPreviewModel(); -$primaryColor = $this->getData('conf/body/primaryColor'); -$secondaryColor = $this->getData('conf/body/secondaryColor'); +$title1color = $previewModel->getConfigFontInfo('Title1/color'); +$title2color = $previewModel->getConfigFontInfo('Title2/color'); +$title5color = $previewModel->getConfigFontInfo('Title5/color'); -$starImage = $this->getPreviewImagesUrl('android/bg_star.png'); -$emptyStarImage = $this->getPreviewImagesUrl('android/bg_star_empty.png'); -?> - +$primaryColor = $previewModel->getData('conf/body/primaryColor'); +$secondaryColor = $previewModel->getData('conf/body/secondaryColor'); -
+$starImage = $previewModel->getPreviewImagesUrl('android/bg_star.png'); +$emptyStarImage = $previewModel->getPreviewImagesUrl('android/bg_star_empty.png'); +?> +
getChildHtml('tab_items'); ?> -
@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ $emptyStarImage = $this->getPreviewImagesUrl('android/bg_star_empty.png');
- Bertoia Wire Chair + Bertoia Wire Chair
@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ $emptyStarImage = $this->getPreviewImagesUrl('android/bg_star_empty.png');
- Bertoia Wire Chair + Bertoia Wire Chair
@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ $emptyStarImage = $this->getPreviewImagesUrl('android/bg_star_empty.png');
- Bertoia Wire Chair + Bertoia Wire Chair
@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ $emptyStarImage = $this->getPreviewImagesUrl('android/bg_star_empty.png');
- Bertoia Wire Chair + Bertoia Wire Chair
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