diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs index da1bf59a..011a6a25 100644 --- a/index.bs +++ b/index.bs @@ -861,6 +861,7 @@ The {{MLContext}} interface represents a global state of neural network compute @@ -888,6 +898,11 @@ interface MLContext { : \[[powerPreference]] of type {{MLPowerPreference}}. :: The {{MLContext}}'s {{MLPowerPreference}}. + : \[[timeline]] + :: + A timeline associated with the execution of operations on the compute units of the {{MLContext}}. These operations include inferencing on [=computational graphs=] and modifying the {{MLTensor/[[data]]}} of {{MLTensor}}s. + + Issue(529): More rigorously define this timeline. @@ -913,10 +928,29 @@ When the {{MLContext/[[contextType]]}} is set to [=context type/default=] with t
- To validate buffer with descriptor given {{ArrayBufferView}} |bufferView| and {{MLOperandDescriptor}} |descriptor|, run the following steps: + To validate buffer with descriptor given {{AllowSharedBufferSource}} |bufferSource| and {{MLOperandDescriptor}} |descriptor|, run the following steps: - 1. If |bufferView|'s [=element type=] does not match to |descriptor|.{{MLOperandDescriptor/dataType}} according to [this table](#appendices-mloperanddatatype-arraybufferview-compatibility), return false. - 1. If |bufferView|.\[[ByteLength]] is not equal to |descriptor|'s [=MLOperandDescriptor/byte length=], return false. + 1. If |bufferSource|'s [=BufferSource/byte length=] is not equal to |descriptor|'s [=MLOperandDescriptor/byte length=] return false. + 1. Switch on the type of |bufferSource|: +
+ : {{ArrayBuffer}} + :: Return true. + : {{SharedArrayBuffer}} + :: Return true. + : {{ArrayBufferView}} + :: If |bufferSource|'s [=element type=] matches |descriptor|'s {{MLOperandDescriptor/dataType}} according to [this table](#appendices-mloperanddatatype-arraybufferview-compatibility) return true, otherwise return false. +
+ +
+ + To validate tensors with descriptors given an {{MLNamedTensors}} |namedTensors| with [=record=]<{{USVString}}, {{MLOperandDescriptor}}> |namedDescriptors|: + + 1. If |namedTensors|'s [=map/size=] is not equal to |namedDescriptors|'s [=map/size=], then return false. + 1. [=map/For each=] |name| → |tensor| of |namedTensors|: + 1. If |namedDescriptors|[|name|] does not [=map/exist=], then return false. + 1. If |tensor|.{{MLTensor/[[descriptor]]}} is not equal to |namedDescriptors|[|name|], then return false. + 1. Return true.
@@ -963,7 +997,7 @@ When the {{MLContext/[[contextType]]}} is set to [=context type/default=] with t ### {{MLContext/compute()}} ### {#api-mlcontext-compute} -ISSUE: {{MLContext/compute()}} will be deprecated and removed in favor of [dispatch()](https://github.com/webmachinelearning/webnn/blob/main/mltensor-explainer.md#compute-vs-dispatch). +ISSUE(791): {{MLContext/compute()}} will be deprecated and removed in favor of [dispatch()](https://github.com/webmachinelearning/webnn/blob/main/mltensor-explainer.md#compute-vs-dispatch). Asynchronously carries out the computational workload of a compiled graph {{MLGraph}} on a separate timeline, either on a worker thread for the CPU execution, or on a GPU/NPU timeline for submitting a workload onto the command queue. The asynchronous nature of this call avoids blocking the calling thread while the computation for result is ongoing. This method of execution requires an {{MLContext}} created with {{MLContextOptions}}. Otherwise, it [=exception/throws=] an "{{OperationError}}" {{DOMException}}. @@ -1049,6 +1083,215 @@ Note: Invocations of {{MLContext/compute()}} will fail if any of the {{MLContext
+### {{MLContext/dispatch()}} ### {#api-mlcontext-dispatch} + +Schedules the computational workload of a compiled {{MLGraph}} on the {{MLContext}}'s {{MLContext/[[timeline]]}}. + +
+ **Arguments:** + - graph: an {{MLGraph}}. The computational graph to be executed. + - inputs: an {{MLNamedTensors}}. The inputs to the computational graph. + - outputs: an {{MLNamedTensors}}. The outputs of the computational graph. + + **Returns:** {{undefined}}. +
+ +Note: `dispatch()` itself provides no signal that graph execution has completed. Rather, callers should await the results of reading back the output tensors. See [[#api-mlcontext-dispatch-examples]] below. + +
+ + The dispatch(|graph|, |inputs|, |outputs|) method steps are: + + 1. Let |allTensors| be a [=/list=] of {{MLTensor}}s consisting of |inputs|'s [=map/values=] [=list/extended=] by |outputs|'s [=map/values=]. + 1. If |allTensors| contains any duplicate [=list/items=], then [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}. + 1. [=list/For each=] |tensor| of |allTensors|: + 1. If |tensor|.{{MLTensor/[[context]]}} is not [=this=], then [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}. + 1. If |tensor|.{{MLTensor/[[isDestroyed]]}} is true, then [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}. + 1. If [=validating tensors with descriptors=] given |inputs| and |graph|.{{MLGraph/[[inputDescriptors]]}} returns false, then [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}. + 1. If [=validating tensors with descriptors=] given |outputs| and |graph|.{{MLGraph/[[outputDescriptors]]}} returns false, then [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}. + 1. Enqueue the following steps to |graph|.{{MLGraph/[[context]]}}.{{MLContext/[[timeline]]}}: + 1. Issue a compute request to |graph|.{{MLGraph/[[implementation]]}} given |inputs| and |outputs|. + + Issue(778): Add a mechanism for reporting errors during graph execution. + + 1. Return {{undefined}}. +
+ +#### Examples #### {#api-mlcontext-dispatch-examples} +
+ + The following code showcases executing an {{MLGraph}} using {{MLTensor}}s. + +
+    const descriptor = {dataType: 'float32', shape: [2, 2]};
+    const context = await navigator.ml.createContext();
+    const builder = new MLGraphBuilder(context);
+    // 1. Create a computational graph 'C = 0.2 * A + B'.
+    const constant = builder.constant(descriptor, new Float32Array(4).fill(0.2));
+    const A = builder.input('A', descriptor);
+    const B = builder.input('B', descriptor);
+    const C = builder.add(builder.mul(A, constant), B);
+    // 2. Compile the graph.
+    const graph = await builder.build({'C': C});
+    // 3. Create reusable input and output tensors.
+    const [inputTensorA, inputTensorB, outputTensorC] =
+        await Promise.all([
+          context.createTensor({
+            dataType: A.dataType, shape: A.shape, writable: true
+          }),
+          context.createTensor({
+            dataType: B.dataType, shape: B.shape, writable: true
+          }),
+          context.createTensor({
+            dataType: C.dataType, shape: C.shape, readable: true
+          })
+        ]);
+    // 4. Initialize the inputs.
+    context.writeTensor(inputTensorA, new Float32Array(4).fill(1.0));
+    context.writeTensor(inputTensorB, new Float32Array(4).fill(0.8));
+    // 5. Execute the graph.
+    const inputs = {
+      'A': inputTensorA,
+      'B': inputTensorB
+    };
+    const outputs = {
+      'C': outputTensorC
+    };
+    context.dispatch(graph, inputs, outputs);
+    // 6. Read back the computed result.
+    const result = await context.readTensor(outputTensorC);
+    console.log('Output value:', new Float32Array(result));  // [1, 1, 1, 1]
+ +### {{MLContext/createTensor()}} ### {#api-mlcontext-createtensor} + +Creates an {{MLTensor}} associated with this {{MLContext}}. + +
+ **Arguments:** + - descriptor: an {{MLTensorDescriptor}}. + + **Returns:** {{Promise}}<{{MLTensor}}>. +
+ +
+ + The createTensor(|descriptor|) method steps are: + + 1. Let |global| be [=this=]'s [=relevant global object=]. + 1. Let |tensor| be the result of [=creating an MLTensor=] given [=this=], and |descriptor|. + 1. Let |promise| be [=a new promise=]. + 1. Enqueue the following steps to [=this=].{{MLContext/[[timeline]]}}: + 1. Create |tensor|.{{MLTensor/[[data]]}} given |descriptor| and initialize all bytes to zeros. + 1. If that fails, then [=queue an ML task=] with |global| to [=reject=] |promise| with an "{{UnknownError}}" {{DOMException}}, and abort these steps. + 1. Otherwise, [=queue an ML task=] with |global| to [=resolve=] |promise| with |tensor|. + 1. Return |promise|. +
+ +### {{MLContext/readTensor(tensor)}} ### {#api-mlcontext-readtensor} + +Reads back the {{MLTensor/[[data]]}} of an {{MLTensor}} from the {{MLContext}}.{{MLContext/[[timeline]]}} to script. + +
+ **Arguments:** + - tensor: an {{MLTensor}}. The tensor to be read. + + **Returns:** {{Promise}}<{{ArrayBuffer}}>. A buffer containing the result of the read. +
+ +
+ + The readTensor(|tensor|) method steps are: + + 1. Let |global| be [=this=]'s [=relevant global object=]. + 1. Let |realm| be [=this=]'s [=relevant realm=]. + 1. If |tensor|.{{MLGraph/[[context]]}} is not [=this=], then return [=a new promise=] [=rejected=] with a {{TypeError}}. + 1. If |tensor|.{{MLTensor/[[isDestroyed]]}} is true, then return [=a new promise=] [=rejected=] with a {{TypeError}}. + 1. If |tensor|.{{MLTensor/[[descriptor]]}}.{{MLTensorDescriptor/readable}} is false, then return [=a new promise=] [=rejected=] with a {{TypeError}}. + 1. Let |promise| be [=a new promise=]. + 1. Enqueue the following steps to |tensor|.{{MLGraph/[[context]]}}.{{MLContext/[[timeline]]}}: + 1. Let |bytes| be a [=/byte sequence=] containing a copy of |tensor|.{{MLTensor/[[data]]}}. + 1. If that fails, then [=queue an ML task=] with |global| to [=reject=] |promise| with an "{{UnknownError}}" {{DOMException}}, and abort these steps. + 1. Otherwise, [=queue an ML task=] with |global| to [=ArrayBuffer/create=] an {{ArrayBuffer}} |result| given |bytes| and |realm| and then [=resolve=] |promise| with |result|. + 1. Return |promise|. +
+ +### {{MLContext/readTensor(tensor, outputData)}} ### {#api-mlcontext-readtensor-byob} + +Bring-your-own-buffer variant of {{MLContext/readTensor(tensor)}}. Reads back the {{MLTensor/[[data]]}} of an {{MLTensor}} into the provided buffer. + +
+ **Arguments:** + - tensor: an {{MLTensor}}. The tensor to be read. + - outputData: an {{AllowSharedBufferSource}}. The buffer to read the result into. + + **Returns:** {{Promise}}<{{undefined}}>. +
+ +
+ + The readTensor(|tensor|, |outputData|) method steps are: + + 1. Let |global| be [=this=]'s [=relevant global object=]. + 1. If |tensor|.{{MLGraph/[[context]]}} is not [=this=], then return [=a new promise=] [=rejected=] with a {{TypeError}}. + 1. If |tensor|.{{MLTensor/[[isDestroyed]]}} is true, then return [=a new promise=] [=rejected=] with a {{TypeError}}. + 1. If |tensor|.{{MLTensor/[[descriptor]]}}.{{MLTensorDescriptor/readable}} is false, then return [=a new promise=] [=rejected=] with a {{TypeError}}. + 1. If [=validating buffer with descriptor=] given |outputData| and |tensor|.{{MLTensor/[[descriptor]]}} returns false, then return [=a new promise=] [=rejected=] with a {{TypeError}}. + 1. Let |promise| be [=a new promise=]. + 1. Enqueue the following steps to |tensor|.{{MLGraph/[[context]]}}.{{MLContext/[[timeline]]}}: + 1. Let |bytes| be a [=/byte sequence=] containing a copy of |tensor|.{{MLTensor/[[data]]}}. + 1. If that fails, then [=queue an ML task=] with |global| to [=reject=] |promise| with an "{{UnknownError}}" {{DOMException}}, and abort these steps. + 1. Otherwise, [=queue an ML task=] with |global| and the following steps: + 1. If |outputData| is [=BufferSource/detached=], [=reject=] |promise| with a {{TypeError}}, and abort these steps. + + Note: [=Validating buffer with descriptor=] above will fail if |outputData| is detached, but it's possible |outputData| may detach between then and now. + + 1. [=ArrayBuffer/Write=] |bytes| to |outputData|. + 1. [=Resolve=] |promise| with {{undefined}}. + 1. Return |promise|. +
+ +### {{MLContext/writeTensor()}} ### {#api-mlcontext-writetensor} + +Writes data to the {{MLTensor/[[data]]}} of an {{MLTensor}} on the {{MLContext}}'s {{MLContext/[[timeline]]}}. + +
+ **Arguments:** + - tensor: an {{MLTensor}}. The tensor to be written to. + - inputData: an {{AllowSharedBufferSource}}. The buffer whose bytes will be written into the tensor. + + **Returns:** {{undefined}}. +
+ +
+ + The writeTensor(|tensor|, |inputData|) method steps are: + + 1. If |tensor|.{{MLGraph/[[context]]}} is not [=this=], then [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}. + 1. If |tensor|.{{MLTensor/[[isDestroyed]]}} is true, then [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}. + 1. If |tensor|.{{MLTensor/[[descriptor]]}}.{{MLTensorDescriptor/writable}} is false, then [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}. + 1. If [=validating buffer with descriptor=] given |inputData| and |tensor|.{{MLTensor/[[descriptor]]}} returns false, then [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}. + 1. Let |bytes| be the result of [=getting a copy of the bytes held by the buffer source=] given |inputData|. + 1. [=Assert=]: |bytes|'s [=byte sequence/length=] is equal to |tensor|.{{MLTensor/[[descriptor]]}}'s [=MLOperandDescriptor/byte length=]. + 1. Enqueue the following steps to |tensor|.{{MLGraph/[[context]]}}.{{MLContext/[[timeline]]}}: + 1. Copy |bytes| to |tensor|.{{MLTensor/[[data]]}}. + + Issue(778): Add a mechanism for reporting errors while writing to a tensor. + + 1. Return {{undefined}}. +
+ +Note: Similar to `dispatch()`, `writeTensor()` itself provides no signal that the write has completed. To inspect the contents of a tensor, callers should await the results of reading back the tensor. + ### {{MLContext/opSupportLimits()}} ### {#api-mlcontext-opsupportlimits} The {{MLContext/opSupportLimits()}} exposes level of support that differs across implementations at operator level. Consumers of the WebNN API are encouraged to probe feature support level by using {{MLContext/opSupportLimits()}} to determine the optimal model architecture to be deployed for each target platform. @@ -1325,6 +1568,111 @@ To validate operand given {{MLGraphBuilder}} |bu Issue(whatwg/webidl#1388): Support for unions of {{bigint}} and [=numeric types=] is new in [[WEBIDL]], and implementation support is also limited. Prototype implementations are encouraged to provide feedback for this approach. +## {{MLTensorDescriptor}} dictionary ## {#api-mltensordescriptor} + +An {{MLTensorDescriptor}} describes the characteristics and capabilities of an {{MLTensor}}. + + + +
+ : readable + :: Whether the tensor's contents can be read via {{MLContext/readTensor(tensor)}} or {{MLContext/readTensor(tensor, outputData)}}. + + : writable + :: Whether the tensor's contents can be written to via {{MLContext/writeTensor()}}. +
+ +## {{MLTensor}} interface ## {#api-mltensor} + +The {{MLTensor}} interface represents a tensor which may be used as an input or output to an {{MLGraph}}. The memory backing an {{MLTensor}} should be allocated in an [=implementation-defined=] fashion according to the requirements of the {{MLContext}} and the {{MLTensorDescriptor}} used to create it. Operations involving the {{MLTensor/[[data]]}} of an {{MLTensor}} occur on the {{MLContext/[[timeline]]}} of its associated {{MLContext}}. + +Note: The [=implementation-defined=] requirements of how an {{MLTensor}} is allocated may include constraints such as that the memory is allocated with a particular byte alignment or in a particular memory pool. + + + +
+{{MLTensor}} has the following internal slots: +
+ : \[[context]] of type {{MLContext}} + :: + The {{MLTensor}}'s associated context. + + : \[[descriptor]] of type {{MLTensorDescriptor}} + :: + The {{MLTensor}}'s descriptor. + + : \[[isDestroyed]] of type {{boolean}} + :: + Whether {{MLTensor}}.{{MLTensor/destroy()}} has been called. Once destroyed, the {{MLTensor}} can no longer be used. + + : \[[data]] of an [=implementation-defined=] type + :: + The bytes backing the {{MLTensor}}. This data may only be accessed or modified from the {{MLTensor/[[context]]}}.{{MLContext/[[timeline]]}}. +
+ +An {{MLTensor}}'s dataType is its {{MLTensor/[[descriptor]]}}'s {{MLOperandDescriptor/dataType}}. + +An {{MLTensor}}'s shape is its {{MLTensor/[[descriptor]]}}'s {{MLOperandDescriptor/shape}}. + +The dataType [=getter steps=] are to return [=this=]'s [=MLTensor/dataType=]. + +The shape [=getter steps=] are to return [=this=]'s [=MLTensor/shape=]. + +The readable [=getter steps=] are to return [=this=].{{MLTensor/[[descriptor]]}}.{{MLTensorDescriptor/readable}}. + +The writable [=getter steps=] are to return [=this=].{{MLTensor/[[descriptor]]}}.{{MLTensorDescriptor/writable}}. + +### Creating an {{MLTensor}} ### {#api-mltensor-create} + +An {{MLTensor}} is created by its associated {{MLContext}}. + +
+ + To create an MLTensor given {{MLContext}} |context| and {{MLTensorDescriptor}} |descriptor|, run the following steps: + + 1. Let |tensor| be a new {{MLTensor}}. + 1. Set |tensor|.{{MLTensor/[[context]]}} to |context|. + 1. Set |tensor|.{{MLTensor/[[descriptor]]}} to |descriptor|. + 1. Set |tensor|.{{MLTensor/[[isDestroyed]]}} to false. + 1. Return |tensor|. +
+ +### {{MLTensor/destroy()}} ### {#api-mltensor-destroy} + +Releases the resources associated with the {{MLTensor}}. This method is idempotent. + +
+ **Returns:** {{undefined}}. +
+ +
+ + The destroy() method steps are: + + 1. Set [=this=].{{MLTensor/[[isDestroyed]]}} to true. + 1. Enqueue the following steps to [=this=].{{MLTensor/[[context]]}}.{{MLContext/[[timeline]]}}: + 1. Release [=this=].{{MLTensor/[[data]]}}. + 1. Return {{undefined}}. +
+ +Note: Since no further operations can be enqueued using this tensor, implementations can free any additional resource allocations associated with this tensor once all previously submitted operations using it are complete. + ## {{MLGraphBuilder}} interface ## {#api-mlgraphbuilder} The {{MLGraphBuilder}} interface defines a set of operations as identified by the [[#usecases]] that can be composed into a computational graph. It also represents the intermediate state of a graph building session.