@@ -1764,26 +1765,26 @@ Create a named {{MLOperand}} based on a descriptor, that can be used as an input
### constant operands ### {#api-mlgraphbuilder-constant}
Create a constant {{MLOperand}} that can be used in {{MLGraphBuilder}} methods.
-#### {{MLGraphBuilder/constant(descriptor, bufferView)}} #### {#api-mlgraphbuilder-constant-bufferview}
+#### {{MLGraphBuilder/constant(descriptor, buffer)}} #### {#api-mlgraphbuilder-constant-buffer}
Create a constant {{MLOperand}} of the specified data type and shape that contains the initializing data.
- descriptor: an {{MLOperandDescriptor}}. The descriptor of the output tensor.
- - bufferView: an {{ArrayBufferView}}. The view of the buffer containing the initializing data.
+ - buffer: an {{AllowSharedBufferSource}}. The buffer containing the initializing data.
**Returns:** an {{MLOperand}}. The constant output tensor.
- The constant(|descriptor|, |bufferView|) method steps are:
+ The constant(|descriptor|, |buffer|) method steps are:
1. If [=this=].{{MLGraphBuilder/[[hasBuilt]]}} is true, then [=exception/throw=] an "{{InvalidStateError}}" {{DOMException}}.
1. If [=MLOperandDescriptor/checking dimensions=] given |descriptor| returns false, then [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
- 1. If [=validating buffer with descriptor=] given |bufferView| and |descriptor| returns false, then [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
+ 1. If [=validating buffer with descriptor=] given |buffer| and |descriptor| returns false, then [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
1. *Make graph connections:*
1. Let |operand| be the result of [=creating an MLOperand=] given [=this=] and |descriptor|.
- 1. Let |bytes| be the result of [=getting a copy of the bytes held by the buffer source=] given |bufferView|.
+ 1. Let |bytes| be the result of [=getting a copy of the bytes held by the buffer source=] given |buffer|.
1. Add |operand| to [=this=]'s [=MLGraphBuilder/graph=]'s [=computational graph/constants=] with |bytes| as value.
1. Return |operand|.
@@ -1851,9 +1852,6 @@ Build a composed graph up to a given output operand into a computational graph a
1. Set |graph|.{{MLGraph/[[context]]}} to [=this=].{{MLGraphBuilder/[[context]]}}.
1. [=set/For each=] |operand| in |inputs|:
1. Set |graph|.{{MLGraph/[[inputDescriptors]]}}[|operand|.{{MLOperand/[[name]]}}] to |operand|.{{MLOperand/[[descriptor]]}}.
- Issue(566): If {{MLGraphBuilder/constant(descriptor, bufferView)|constants'}} {{ArrayBuffer}}s are not [=ArrayBuffer/transferred=], make copies for [=MLGraphBuilder/graph=]'s [=computational graph/constants=] here.
1. [=map/For each=] |name| → |operand| of |outputs|:
1. Set |graph|.{{MLGraph/[[outputDescriptors]]}}[|name|] to |operand|.{{MLOperand/[[descriptor]]}}.
1. Let |promise| be [=a new promise=].
@@ -2380,8 +2378,7 @@ partial dictionary MLOpSupportLimits {
input, builder.constant(input.dataType, options.minValue));
} else {
return builder.min(
- builder.max(
- input, builder.constant(input.dataType, options.minValue)),
+ builder.max(input, builder.constant(input.dataType, options.minValue)),
builder.constant(input.dataType, options.maxValue));
@@ -3834,8 +3831,8 @@ partial dictionary MLOpSupportLimits {
{shape: [4, 3]},
new Float32Array([0, 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31, 32]));
- const indices1 = builder.constant(
- {dataType: 'uint32', shape: [2]}, new Uint32Array([3, 1]));
+ const indices1 =
+ builder.constant({dataType: 'uint32', shape: [2]}, new Uint32Array([3, 1]));
const indices2 = builder.constant(
{dataType: 'uint32', shape: [3]}, new Uint32Array([2, 1, 1]));
@@ -4370,10 +4367,7 @@ partial dictionary MLOpSupportLimits {
let hiddenState = options.initialHiddenState;
if (!hiddenState) {
- const desc = {
- dataType: 'float32',
- shape: [numDirections, 1, hiddenSize]
- };
+ const desc = {dataType: 'float32', shape: [numDirections, 1, hiddenSize]};
const totalSize = numDirections * hiddenSize;
hiddenState = builder.constant(desc, new Float32Array(totalSize).fill(0));
@@ -5072,8 +5066,7 @@ partial dictionary MLOpSupportLimits {
const reduceOptions = {axes: [2, 3], keepDimensions: true};
const mean = builder.reduceMean(input, reduceOptions);
const variance = builder.reduceMean(
- builder.pow(
- builder.sub(input, mean), builder.constant(input.dataType, 2)),
+ builder.pow(builder.sub(input, mean), builder.constant(input.dataType, 2)),
// The scale and bias values are applied per input feature
@@ -5223,8 +5216,7 @@ partial dictionary MLOpSupportLimits {
const reduceOptions = {axes: [1, 2, 3], keepDimensions: true};
const mean = builder.reduceMean(input, reduceOptions);
const variance = builder.reduceMean(
- builder.pow(
- builder.sub(input, mean), builder.constant(input.dataType, 2)),
+ builder.pow(builder.sub(input, mean), builder.constant(input.dataType, 2)),
// The scale and bias tensors are of the shape of the input
@@ -5705,19 +5697,13 @@ partial dictionary MLOpSupportLimits {
let cellState = options.initialCellState;
if (!hiddenState) {
- const desc = {
- dataType: 'float32',
- shape: [numDirections, 1, hiddenSize]
- };
+ const desc = {dataType: 'float32', shape: [numDirections, 1, hiddenSize]};
const totalSize = numDirections * hiddenSize;
hiddenState = builder.constant(desc, new Float32Array(totalSize).fill(0));
if (!cellState) {
- const desc = {
- dataType: 'float32',
- shape: [numDirections, 1, hiddenSize]
- };
+ const desc = {dataType: 'float32', shape: [numDirections, 1, hiddenSize]};
const totalSize = numDirections * hiddenSize;
cellState = builder.constant(desc, new Float32Array(totalSize).fill(0));
@@ -6381,8 +6367,7 @@ partial dictionary MLOpSupportLimits {
// input: [[1,2,3], [4,5,6]]
const input = builder.constant(
- {dataType: 'float32', shape: [2, 3]},
- new Float32Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]));
+ {dataType: 'float32', shape: [2, 3]}, new Float32Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]));
const beginningPadding = [1, 2];
const endingPadding = [1, 2];