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license: Cisco state: beta scope: internal

This package is an internal and private plugin used as a shared module when applying a common tooling workflow to legacy modules within this project.


Since this package is marked private as a part of its definition, it can only be consumed locally within this project.

This package is meant to be consumed as a dev-dependency, and requires the following localized dependencies:

  • @babel/core - Peer development dependency.
  • @webex/babel-config-legacy - Development dependency.
  • @webex/jest-config-legacy - Development dependency.

Installation, local to this project, can be performed by using the following commands:

# Project root installation.
yarn add --dev @webex/legacy-tools @webex/babel-config-legacy @babel/core @webex/jest-config-legacy

# Package installation.
yarn workspace @{scope}/{package} add --dev @webex/legacy-tools @webex/babel-config-legacy @babel/core @webex/jest-config-legacy


This package is expected to be used with Babel.

This package was intended to be used with @webex/babel-config-legacy, but should support most babel configurations.

This package was intended to be used with @webex/jest-config-legacy, but should support most jest configurations.

This package is expected to be used as a CLI or Module within a consuming package.

General Consumption

In order to consume this package, it is recommended that the following files exist within the consuming package:

  • ./babel.config.js - Building, Testing [All]
  • ./jest.config.js - Testing [Unit]
  • ./process - Testing [Browser]

See the below sections for the intended contents of each file:

// ./babel.config.js
const babelConfigLegacy = require('@webex/babel-config-legacy');

module.exports = babelConfigLegacy;
// ./jest.config.js
const config = require('@webex/jest-config-legacy');

module.exports = config;
// ./process
module.exports = {browser: true};

This sets up the appropriate configurations for each of the tools needed by various portions of this package. Once these configurations are present, the CLI and Module workflows for this package should become executable.

CLI Consumption

// ./package.json
  /* ... */
  "scripts": {
    /* ... */
    "{script-name}": "webex-legacy-tools {command} {arguments} {--help}"

Documentation for each of the available arguments can be found by using the --help argument.

Module Consumption

To consume this package as a module:

// ESM
import {File, Package} from '@webex/legacy-tools';

// CJS
const {File, Package} = require('@webex/legacy-tools');

// Build all package files.;

// Test package files.

// Build a specific file.;

For arguments for each class, see the built documentation by executing the following command:

yarn workspace @webex/legacy-tools build

Then, navigate to the ./dist/docs/markdown/ file.


Pull requests welcome. Please see for more details.


This package is maintained by Cisco Webex for Developers.