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Cloud Trail Notifier

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Cloud Trail Notifier is an experiment to send alerts based on events you specify in your AWS account. It is:

  • A NodeJS applications which runs on AWS Lambda (No Instances).
  • Triggerd by AWS CloudTrail logs being placed in an AWS S3 bucket.
  • That sends notifications via AWS SNS in the format below.

Sample notification:

Received CloudTrail event: 'ConsoleLogin' via '' @ 2015-05-18T15:16:43Z from IP ''.
Received CloudTrail event: 'AssumeRole' via '' @ 2015-05-18T15:17:37Z from IP ''.

This project is based on the Handling AWS CloudTrail Events walk through.


Cloud Trail Notifier is intended for those who:

  • Want basic alerts on specific CloudTrail events in an AWS account (Console Login, etc).
  • Are comfortable working with AWS services.
  • Want quick setup, minimal costs and no instances to support.


  • NodeJS
  • NPM
  • AWS CLI installed
  • AWS Credentials


Setup is a bit complex. In the future, I'd like to convert the below entirely to Cloud Formation

Clone down this repo, and then set the region where you which to create the resources

export AWS_REGION=us-west-2

Create an S3 bucket where you will send your CloudTrail logs.

aws s3 mb s3://my-account-cloud-trail-logs

Enable CloudTrail and send logs to the bucket created above.

aws cloudtrail create-trail \
    --name default \
    --s3-bucket-name my-account-cloud-trail-logs

Create an SNS Topic which will be used to send notifications on the desired logs.

aws sns create-topic --name CloudTrailAlerts

Subscribe your email address to TopicARN created above.

aws sns --topic-arn ARN \
        --protocol email \
        --notification-endpoint [email protected]

Update the parameter value below with the bucket name and create the role which will be used to execute the Lambda function (via Cloud Formation):

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name CloudTrailNotifierRole \
                                --template-body file://templates/cloud_trail_notifier_role.json \
                                --parameters ParameterKey=BucketName,ParameterValue=my-account-cloud-trail-logs \
                                --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

Retrieve the name of the new role.

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name CloudTrailNotifierRole

Copy the example config and update it (See below under Deploy Code for more info on creating config):

cp config.json.example config.json

Build zip file of Cloud Trail Notifier swhich will be uploaded to Lambda function.

bash script/

Update path to the the zip file and role below and run to create a Lambda Function name CloudTrailNotifier which will be executed when new logs are placed in the bucket.

aws lambda create-function \
        --region us-west-2 \
        --function-name CloudTrailNotifier  \
        --zip-file fileb://path/to/ \
        --role EXECUTE_ROLE_ARN \
        --handler CloudTrailNotifier.handler \
        --runtime nodejs \
        --timeout 3 \
        --memory-size 128

Update the file notification_configuration.json with the RoleARN and the LambdaARN and run the below to enable S3 Bucket Notifications for new logs to execute the function created above.

aws s3api put-bucket-notification \
        --bucket my-account-cloud-trail-logs \
        --notification-configuration file://templates/notification_configuration.json

Do something that should trigger an event and see what happens! If you run into issues, check CloudWatch Logs for the Lambda function's results.

Build / Deploy

You will need to copy the config.json.example file to config.json and update it.

This file specifies:

s3Region: Region of S3 bucket created above.
snsTopicArn: ARN of the SNS topic created above.
events: Events for which you want to receive a notification.

Once you have created the config file, execute the deploy script to build the zip and update the lambda function created above using the script:

bash script/ deploy

Perform an action which you expect to generate an event which will send a notification and ensure it is received.


Cloud Trail Notifier uses Mocha for testing.

npm install
npm test


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request