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69 lines (58 loc) · 5.19 KB

This artifact provides the supplementary Coq development for the Relaxed Memory Concurrency Re-executed paper.

List of paper claims and definitions supported by the artifact

The overall structure of Coq development in src folder is as follows:

  • lib contains various auxillary definitions and lemmas for the project
  • reordering contains the proof that reordering transformation is consistent in XMM
  • traces contains various properties and definitions for connecting graphs to traces
  • xmm contains the basic deifinitions and properties of the model
  • xmm_cons contains proofs for the consistency properties

Formal model

  • Definitions of labels (Def 3.1), events (Def 3.2), execution graphs (Def 3.3) and their well-formedness predicate (Def 3.3 too) are provided by the imm package.
  • We define the execution graph constructions rules, along with concepts such as "rf-completeness" (Def 3.5) and "well formed configuration" (Def 3.6) in src/xmm/Core.v.
    • This includes the step deltas (See figure 3.4)
  • A sanity-check proof that a well-formed graph is well-formed after add_event can be found in src/xmm/AddEventWf.v.
  • The proof for multistep lemma (Lm 3.1) can be found in src/xmm/SubToFullExec.v under the name sub_to_full_exec.
  • Definitions of graphs embdedding (Def 3.7) and the StableUncommittedReads predicate (Def 3.8) are located in src/xmm/Core.v too.
  • The proof for listless multistep lemma (Lm 3.2) can be found in src/xmm/SubToFullExec.v under the name sub_to_full_exec_listless.
  • The definition of RC20 consistency can be found in src/xmm/Core.v as the WCore.is_cons predicate.
    • The hb and sw relations are acquired from imm.
    • The rpo and rhb relation definitions can be found in src/xmm/Rhb.v.
  • The definition of the srf relation (Def 3.11) along some of its properties can be found in src/xmm/Srf.v.

Soundness of program transformations

  • The proofs of all consistency predicate properties is located in the xmm_cons direcotry
    • The monotonicity (Lm B.7) is proven in src/xmm_cons/ConsistencyMonotonicity.v
    • The maximal read extensibility (Lm B.8) is proven in src/xmm_cons/ConsistencyReadExtensibility.v
    • The maximal write extensibility (Lm B.9) is proven in srx/xmm_cons/ConsistencyWriteExtensibility.v
    • Some common consistency lemmas are proven in src/xmm_cons/ConsistencyCommon.v
  • The proof for consistency of the reordering transformation with XMM is located inside the reordering directory
    • The simulation relation (Def E.32) is located in src/reordering/ReordSimrel.v along with a "Step Invariant" predicate, which is expected to be preserved by the target graph after each step.
    • The proof of simulation relation for init graphs (Lm E.25) is located in src/reordering/ReordSimrelInit.v along with the proof that init graphs satisfy the "Step Invariant".
    • The "not a, not b" step (Lm E.27) is proven in src/reordering/ReordExecNaNb.v.
    • The "b" step (Lm E.28) is proven in src/reordering/ReordExecB.v.
    • The "a" step (Lm E.29) is proven in src/reordering/ReordExecA.v.
    • The "rexec" step (Lm E.30) is provne in src/reordering/ReordReexec.v.


  • Additional files in the xmm directory include:
    • Some common simulation relation properties in src/xmm/SimrelCommon.v
    • Some useful properties of the step deltas in src/xmm/StepOps.v
    • A shortcut lemma for proving less goals when we know in advance that the graph acquired after adding an event is well-formed
  • List of files in lib
    • src/lib/AuxDef.v provides extra definitions like function surjectivity (without any related proofs).
    • src/lib/AuxInj.v provides extra lemmas about mapping relations and sets with injective functions.
    • src/lib/AuxRel.v and src/lib/AuxRel2.v provide various handy rewrite lemmas without any particular subject.
    • src/lib/ExecEquiv.v provides the definition of execution equivalence, which is equivalent to definitional execution equality under the assumptions of classic logic.
    • src/lib/HahnTotalListEx.v provides extra lemmas for working with the total order induced by a list.
    • src/lib/HbPrefix.v provides a handy (for avoiding recursive definitions) lemma for computing the view-front relation (vf) in smaller graphs by removing some "happens-after events".
    • src/lib/Instructions.v provides a weak universal abstraction of program instructions.
    • src/lib/PorfPrefix.v provides simpler but more constraining lemmas for computing the `view-front relation in smaller graphs by removing the po-rf suffix.

List of paper claims planned, but not yet supported by the artifact

The following statements are planned to be supported (in order of priority)

  1. The following statements from the reordering transformation
    • Reordering reexecution step lemma (Lm E.2.30 )
    • Reordering simulation relation implying consistency (Lm E.2.31)
    • The lemma about simulating any sequence of steps from target graph in source graph (Lm E.2.26)
    • The reordering theorem (Th E.2.5)
  2. Proof of consistency sequentilisation transformation in XMM
  3. Other consistency properties
    • same-read extensibility (Lm B.11)
    • overwrite extensibility (Lm B.10)