A curated list of awesome post processing.
- Scalable Ambient Obscurance
- Ambient Occlustion GDC08 - Real-Time Depth Buffer Based Ambient Occlusion
- HBAO - with code
- Temporal Reprojection Anti-Aliasing - github, code
- Multisampling Anti-Aliasing: A Closeup View - article
- Anti-Aliasing Analysis - article
- Anti-Aliasing Methods in CryEngine3 - pdf
- SMAA: pdf, code, demo
- A Quick Overview of MSAA - article, 2012
- Implementation Notes: Physically Based Lens Flares
- Anamorphic lens flares and visual effects
- Bokeh depth of field
- Pseudo Lens Flare
- Physically-Based Real-Time Lens Flare Rendering
- Rendering Realistic Lens Flare
- Making Lens Flare Textures
- Fast OpenGL-Rendering of Lens Flares
- Lens Effect / Bokeh
- How to Fake Bokeh
- Efficiently Simulating the Bokeh of Polygonal Apertures in a Post-Process Depth of Field Shader
- Automatic Exposure - Krzysztof Narkowicz
- Implementing a Physically Based Camera: Automatic Exposure
- Average Luminance calculation using a compute shader
- Filmic Tonemapping Operators
- A Closer Look At Tone Mapping
- Tone mapping 进化论
- tone mapping|Light is beautiful
- Color grading and tonemapping using photoshop
- Taking a cinematic color grading approach to viedo games