diff --git a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/techniques/onix-metadata/index.html b/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/techniques/onix-metadata/index.html index 22f7abe4..78d17d89 100644 --- a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/techniques/onix-metadata/index.html +++ b/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/techniques/onix-metadata/index.html @@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ code[id]::after { content: "[ID: " attr(id) "]"; } - /*html::before { content: ""; }*/
@@ -217,13 +216,13 @@"Appearance can be modified"
+ THEN display "Appearance can be modified"
"Appearance cannot be modified"
+ THEN display "Appearance cannot be modified"
"Appearance modifiability not known"
."Appearance modifiability not known"
.This technique relates to Hazards key information.
- +This algorithm takes the onix_record_as_text argument: a UTF-8 string representing the ONIX record.
+If true it indicates that the code 00 of codelist 143 (No known hazards or warnings) is present in the ONIX record, otherwise if false it means that the metadata is not present.
+This means there is a positive indication in the ONIX record confirming there are no associated hazard warnings with this product.
+If true it indicates that the code 13 of codelist 143 (WARNING - Flashing hazard) is present in the ONIX record, otherwise if false it means that the metadata is not present.
+This means that there is a positive indication that the product has a flashing hazard which must be displayed.
+If true it indicates that the code 14 of codelist 143 (No flashing hazard warning necessary) is present in the ONIX record, otherwise if false it means that the metadata is not present.
+This means there is a positive indication in the ONIX record confirming there are no flashing hazards associated with this product.
+If true it indicates that the code 17 of codelist 143 (WARNING - Motion simulation hazard) is present in the ONIX record, otherwise if false it means that the metadata is not present.
+This means that there is a positive indication that the product has a motion simulation hazard which must be displayed.
+If true it indicates that the code 18 of codelist 143 (No motion simulation hazard warning necessary) is present in the ONIX record, otherwise if false it means that the metadata is not present.
+This means there is a positive indication in the ONIX record confirming there are no motion simulation hazards associated with this product.
+If true it indicates that the code 15 of codelist 143 (WARNING - Sound hazard) is present in the ONIX record, otherwise if false it means that the metadata is not present.
+This means that there is a positive indication that the product has a sound hazard which must be displayed.
+If true it indicates that the code 16 of codelist 143 (No sound hazard warning necessary) is present in the ONIX record, otherwise if false it means that the metadata is not present.
+This means there is a positive indication in the ONIX record confirming there are no sound hazards associated with this product.
+If true it indicates that the code 08 of codelist 196 (Unknown accessibility) is present in the ONIX record, otherwise if false it means that the metadata is not present.
+This means that the product has not been assessed for hazards and there is no information about potential hazards.
+/ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductFormFeature[ProductFormFeatureType = "12" and ProductFormFeatureValue = "00"]
./ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductFormFeature[ProductFormFeatureType = "12" and ProductFormFeatureValue = "13"]
./ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductFormFeature[ProductFormFeatureType = "12" and ProductFormFeatureValue = "14"]
./ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductFormFeature[ProductFormFeatureType = "12" and ProductFormFeatureValue = "17"]
./ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductFormFeature[ProductFormFeatureType = "12" and ProductFormFeatureValue = "18"]
./ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductFormFeature[ProductFormFeatureType = "12" and ProductFormFeatureValue = "15"]
./ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductFormFeature[ProductFormFeatureType = "12" and ProductFormFeatureValue = "16"]
./ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductFormFeature[ProductFormFeatureType = "09" and ProductFormFeatureValue = "08"]
."No hazards"
+ "flashing"
to hazards.
+ "motion"
to hazards.
+ "sound"
to hazards.
+ ", "
", "
with " and "
" hazards"
to the end of the string IF (length of hazards) > 1 ELSE concatenating " hazard"
to the end of the string."The presence of hazards is unknown"
+ "No information about possible hazards"
+ This key information can be hidden if metadata is missing.