diff --git a/lib/compute-group-data.js b/lib/compute-group-data.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6372a55f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/compute-group-data.js
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+const shortType = {
+  'business group': 'bg',
+  'community group': 'cg',
+  'interest group': 'ig',
+  'working group': 'wg'
+const listMonthsSince = d => {
+  const now = new Date();
+  let monthCur = new Date(d.valueOf());
+  const months = [];
+  while (monthCur < now) {
+    monthCur.setUTCDate(1);
+    months.push(monthCur.toJSON().slice(0,7));
+    monthCur.setMonth(monthCur.getMonth() + 1);
+  }
+  return months;
+function computeGroupData(data, staff) {
+  const cgData = {};
+  const staffids = Array.isArray(staff) ? staff.map(s => s._links.self.href) : [];
+  cgData.id = data[0].id;
+  cgData.name = data[0].name;
+  cgData.type = shortType[data[0].type];
+  cgData.shortname = data[0].shortname;
+  cgData.link = data[0]._links.homepage.href;
+  cgData["spec-publisher"] = data[0]["spec-publisher"];
+  // Approximating creation date to date of first person joining
+  cgData.created = new Date(data[0]["start-date"] || ((data[4][0] || {}).created + "Z"));
+  cgData.participants = data[4].length;
+  cgData.chairs = data[2].filter(x => x).map(c => c.title);
+  cgData.staff = data[4].filter(u => staffids.includes(u._links?.user?.href)).map(u => { const team = staff.find(s => s._links.self.href === u._links.user.href); return { name: team.name, photo: team._links.photos?.find(p => p.name === "tiny").href } ;});
+  cgData.repositories = [];
+  cgData.activity = {};
+  const monthsSinceCreation = listMonthsSince(cgData.created);
+  // Merge data coming from validate-repos assoication of groups/repos into the other list of data fetched from services db
+  if (data[1] && data[1].length) {
+    if (!data[3]) {
+      data[3] = [];
+    }
+    data[1].forEach(({items}) => {
+      const repoUrl = items.map(i => (i.html_url || '').split('/').slice(0,5).join('/')).filter(x => x)[0];
+      if (!data[3].find(({service}) => service.type === 'repository' && (service.link === repoUrl || service.link === repoUrl + '/'))) {
+        data[3].push({service: {type: 'repository'}, data: {items}});
+      }
+    });
+  }
+  if (data[3] && data[3].length) {
+    // treat forums as mailing lists
+    data[3].forEach(({service}) => {
+      if (service.type === "forum") service.type = "lists";
+      cgData.repositories = cgData.repositories.concat(
+        ...data[3].filter(({service}) => service.type === "repository")
+          .map(({data}) => {
+            if (!data.items) return [];
+            return data.items.map(i => (i.html_url || '').split('/').slice(0,5).join('/'))})
+      ).concat(data[3].filter(({service}) => service.type === "repository").map(({service}) => service.link));
+    });
+    cgData.repositories = [...new Set(cgData.repositories.filter(x => x))];
+    // aggregate by service type
+    data[3].forEach(({service, data}) => {
+      let perMonthData;
+      if (data && data.items) {
+        perMonthData = monthsSinceCreation
+          .reduce((acc, m) => {
+            acc[m] = data.items.filter(i => (i.isoDate && i.isoDate.startsWith(m)) || (i.created_at && i.created_at.startsWith(m)) || (i.commit && i.commit.committer && i.commit.committer.date && i.commit.committer.date.startsWith(m)) ).length;
+            return acc;
+          }, {});
+      } else if (data && typeof data === "object" && Object.keys(data).length) {
+        perMonthData = data;
+      } else {
+        // console.error("Missing data for " + service.type + " of " + cgData.name);
+      }
+      if (!perMonthData) return;
+      if (cgData.activity[service.type]) {
+        cgData.activity[service.type] = Object.keys(perMonthData).reduce((acc, m) => {
+          if (!acc[m]) {
+            acc[m] = 0;
+          }
+          acc[m] += perMonthData[m] || 0;
+          return acc;
+        }, cgData.activity[service.type]);
+      } else {
+        cgData.activity[service.type] = perMonthData;
+      }
+    });
+  }
+  cgData.activity['join'] = monthsSinceCreation
+    .reduce((acc, m) => {
+      acc[m] = data[4].filter(j => j.created.startsWith(m)).length;
+      return acc;
+    }, {});
+  return cgData;
+module.exports.computeGroupData = computeGroupData;
diff --git a/prepare-data.js b/prepare-data.js
index 499ede882..b582e10b3 100644
--- a/prepare-data.js
+++ b/prepare-data.js
@@ -1,125 +1,26 @@
 const fs = require("fs");
-const util = require("util");
+const computeGroupData = require("./lib/compute-group-data");
 const target = "./report.json";
 const aggregatedData = [];
-const listMonthsSince = d => {
-  const now = new Date();
-  let monthCur = new Date(d.valueOf());
-  const months = [];
-  while (monthCur < now) {
-    monthCur.setUTCDate(1);
-    months.push(monthCur.toJSON().slice(0,7));
-    monthCur.setMonth(monthCur.getMonth() + 1);
-  }
-  return months;
-const shortType = {
-  'business group': 'bg',
-  'community group': 'cg',
-  'interest group': 'ig',
-  'working group': 'wg'
-const loadDir = async dirPath => {
-  const files = await util.promisify(fs.readdir)(dirPath);
-  return util.promisify(fs.readFile)(dirPath + '/staff.json', 'utf-8')
+const loadDir = async (dirPath) => {
+  const files = await fs.promises.readdir(dirPath);
+  return fs.promises.readFile(dirPath + '/staff.json', 'utf-8')
     .then(staff => Promise.all(
       files.filter(path => path.match(/\.json$/)).filter(path => path !== 'staff.json')
-          path => util.promisify(fs.readFile)(dirPath + "/" + path, 'utf-8')
+          path => fs.promises.readFile(dirPath + "/" + path, 'utf-8')
             .catch(err => { console.error("Failed parsing " + path + ": " + err);})
-            .then(data => {
-              const cgData = {};
-              const staffids = Array.isArray(staff) ? staff.map(s => s._links.self.href) : [];
-              cgData.id = data[0].id;
-              cgData.name = data[0].name;
-              cgData.type = shortType[data[0].type];
-              cgData.shortname = data[0].shortname;
-              cgData.link = data[0]._links.homepage.href;
-              cgData["spec-publisher"] = data[0]["spec-publisher"];
-              // Approximating creation date to date of first person joining
-              cgData.created = new Date(data[0]["start-date"] || ((data[4][0] || {}).created + "Z"));
-              cgData.participants = data[4].length;
-              cgData.chairs = data[2].filter(x => x).map(c => c.title);
-              cgData.staff = data[4].filter(u => u._links.user && staffids.includes(u._links.user.href)).map(u => { const team = staff.find(s => s._links.self.href === u._links.user.href); return { name: team.name, photo: (team._links.photos ? team._links.photos.find(p => p.name === "tiny").href : undefined) } ;});
-              cgData.repositories = [];
-              cgData.activity = {};
-              const monthsSinceCreation = listMonthsSince(cgData.created);
-              // Merge data coming from validate-repos assoication of groups/repos into the other list of data fetched from services db
-              if (data[1] && data[1].length) {
-                if (!data[3]) {
-                  data[3] = [];
-                }
-                data[1].forEach(({items}) => {
-                  const repoUrl = items.map(i => (i.html_url || '').split('/').slice(0,5).join('/')).filter(x => x)[0];
-                  if (!data[3].find(({service}) => service.type === 'repository' && (service.link === repoUrl || service.link === repoUrl + '/'))) {
-                    data[3].push({service: {type: 'repository'}, data: {items}});
-                  }
-                });
-              }
-              if (data[3] && data[3].length) {
-                // treat forums as mailing lists
-                data[3].forEach(({service}) => {
-                  if (service.type === "forum") service.type = "lists";
-                  cgData.repositories = cgData.repositories.concat(
-                    ...data[3].filter(({service}) => service.type === "repository")
-                      .map(({data}) => {
-                        if (!data.items) return [];
-                        return data.items.map(i => (i.html_url || '').split('/').slice(0,5).join('/'))})
-                  ).concat(data[3].filter(({service}) => service.type === "repository").map(({service}) => service.link));
-                });
-                cgData.repositories = [...new Set(cgData.repositories.filter(x => x))];
-                // aggregate by service type
-                data[3].forEach(({service, data}) => {
-                  let perMonthData;
-                  if (data && data.items) {
-                    perMonthData = monthsSinceCreation
-                      .reduce((acc, m) => {
-                        acc[m] = data.items.filter(i => (i.isoDate && i.isoDate.startsWith(m)) || (i.created_at && i.created_at.startsWith(m)) || (i.commit && i.commit.committer && i.commit.committer.date && i.commit.committer.date.startsWith(m)) ).length;
-                        return acc;
-                      }, {});
-                  } else if (data && typeof data === "object" && Object.keys(data).length) {
-                    perMonthData = data;
-                  } else {
-                    // console.error("Missing data for " + service.type + " of " + cgData.name);
-                  }
-                  if (!perMonthData) return;
-                  if (cgData.activity[service.type]) {
-                    cgData.activity[service.type] = Object.keys(perMonthData).reduce((acc, m) => {
-                      if (!acc[m]) {
-                        acc[m] = 0;
-                      }
-                      acc[m] += perMonthData[m] || 0;
-                      return acc;
-                    }, cgData.activity[service.type]);
-                  } else {
-                    cgData.activity[service.type] = perMonthData;
-                  }
-                });
-              }
-              cgData.activity['join'] = monthsSinceCreation
-                .reduce((acc, m) => {
-                  acc[m] = data[4].filter(j => j.created.startsWith(m)).length;
-                  return acc;
-                }, {});
-              return cgData;
-            }).catch(e => console.error("Error while dealing with " + path + ":" + JSON.stringify(e.stack)))
-        ))
-         );
+            .then(data => computeGroupData(data, staff)).catch(e => console.error("Error while dealing with " + path + ":" + JSON.stringify(e.stack)))
+        )
+    ));
 loadDir("./data").then(data => {
-  fs.writeFileSync('./report.json', JSON.stringify({timestamp: new Date(), data: data.filter(x => x)}, null, 2));
+  fs.writeFileSync(target, JSON.stringify({timestamp: new Date(), data: data.filter(x => x)}, null, 2));
diff --git a/test/compute-group-data.js b/test/compute-group-data.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f27e9120e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/compute-group-data.js
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+ * Tests the Group data wrangler
+ */
+/* global describe, it */
+const {computeGroupData} = require("../lib/compute-group-data");
+const assert = require("assert");
+const baseCgData = [
+  {
+    id: 42,
+    name: "test group",
+    type: "community group",
+    shortname: "test",
+    _links : { homepage: { href: "https://example.com" } }
+  },
+  [], // WG repository data
+  [{title: "Standing Couch"}], // chairs
+  [], // activity data
+  [{
+    // this will be used as the default creation date in many tests,
+    // so mock activity needs to be later
+    created: "2023-08-14T15:44:00",
+    _links: { user: { href: 'https://example.test/user-id' } }
+  }] // participants
+describe('The Group data wrangler', function () {
+  it('observes start date of the group',  () => {
+    const testData = structuredClone(baseCgData);
+    testData[0]["start-date"] = "2011-05-05";
+    const cgData = computeGroupData(testData, []);
+    assert.equal(cgData.created, new Date("2011-05-05").toString());
+  });
+  it('assumes start date from first participant join date when start-date not set',  () => {
+    const testData = structuredClone(baseCgData);
+    const cgData = computeGroupData(testData, []);
+    assert.equal(cgData.created, new Date("2023-08-14T15:44:00Z").toString());
+  });
+  it('calculates number of participants',  () => {
+    const testData = structuredClone(baseCgData);
+    const cgData = computeGroupData(testData, []);
+    assert.equal(cgData.participants, 1);
+  });
+  it('lists staff in the group with their picture',  () => {
+    const testData = structuredClone(baseCgData);
+    const cgData = computeGroupData(testData, [{
+      name: "Stick Cane",
+      _links: {
+	self: {
+	  href: 'https://example.test/user-id'
+	},
+	photos: [
+	  {
+	    name: "tiny",
+	    href: "https://example.test/user.jpg"
+	  }
+	]
+      }
+    }]);
+    assert.equal(cgData.staff.length, 1);
+    assert.equal(cgData.staff[0].name, "Stick Cane");
+    assert.equal(cgData.staff[0].photo, "https://example.test/user.jpg");
+  });
+  it('compiles mailing list activity data', () => {
+    const testData = structuredClone(baseCgData);
+    testData[3].push(
+      {
+	"service": {
+          "type": "lists",
+	},
+	"data": {
+          "2023-10": 3,
+	  "2023-11": 1
+	}
+      }
+    );
+    const cgData = computeGroupData(testData, []);
+    assert.equal(cgData.activity.lists["2023-10"], 3);
+  });
+  it('compiles forum activity data', () => {
+    const testData = structuredClone(baseCgData);
+    testData[3].push(
+      {
+	"service": {
+          "type": "forum"
+	},
+	"data": {
+	  "items": [
+            {
+              "created_at": "2023-10-19T19:05:56.303Z",
+              "topic_title": "Test Oct 1"
+            },
+            {
+              "created_at": "2023-10-20T19:05:56.303Z",
+              "topic_title": "Test Oct 2"
+            },
+            {
+              "created_at": "2023-11-19T19:05:56.303Z",
+              "topic_title": "Test Nov"
+            }
+	  ]
+	}
+      }
+    );
+    const cgData = computeGroupData(testData, []);
+    assert.equal(cgData.activity.lists["2023-10"], 2);
+    assert.equal(cgData.activity.lists["2023-11"], 1);
+  });
+  it('compiles repo activity data (CG mode)', () => {
+    const testData = structuredClone(baseCgData);
+    testData[3].push(
+      {
+	"service": {
+          "type": "repository"
+	},
+	"data": {
+	  "items": [
+            {
+	      "created_at": "2023-10-19T19:05:56.303Z",
+	    }
+	  ]
+	}
+      }
+    );
+    const cgData = computeGroupData(testData, []);
+    assert.equal(cgData.activity.repository["2023-10"], 1);
+  });
+  it('compiles repo activity data (WG mode)', () => {
+    const testData = structuredClone(baseCgData);
+    testData[1].push(
+      {
+	items: [
+	  {
+	    "created_at": "2023-10-19T19:05:56.303Z",
+	  }
+	]
+      }
+    );
+    const cgData = computeGroupData(testData, []);
+    assert.equal(cgData.activity.repository["2023-10"], 1);
+  });
+  it('compiles wiki activity data', () => {
+    const testData = structuredClone(baseCgData);
+    testData[3].push(
+      {
+	"service": {
+          "type": "wiki"
+	},
+	"data": {
+	  "items": [
+            {
+	      "isoDate": "2023-10-18T10:02:10.000Z"
+	    }
+	  ]
+	}
+      }
+    );
+    const cgData = computeGroupData(testData, []);
+    assert.equal(cgData.activity.wiki["2023-10"], 1);
+  });
+  it('compiles blog activity data', () => {
+    const testData = structuredClone(baseCgData);
+    testData[3].push(
+      {
+	"service": {
+          "type": "rss"
+	},
+	"data": {
+	  "items": [
+            {
+	      "isoDate": "2023-10-18T10:02:10.000Z"
+	    }
+	  ]
+	}
+      }
+    );
+    const cgData = computeGroupData(testData, []);
+    assert.equal(cgData.activity.rss["2023-10"], 1);
+  });
+  it('compiles join activity data', () => {
+    const testData = structuredClone(baseCgData);
+    const cgData = computeGroupData(testData, []);
+    assert.equal(cgData.activity.join["2023-08"], 1);
+  });