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Heroku Deployment

Table of Contents

Supported Builds

It wasn't terribly easy to find the supported builds for OTP. While the url below from the Phoenix Framework documentation points to the Github repository, the Version Support heading is what we're really after as we're currently on the heroku-20 stack.

Supported Erlang/OTP versions.


We're following along with the official documentation with supplemental notes from Deploy Elixir Phoenix to Heroku Containers with Docker on StakNine.

  1. Get the heroku CLI installed locally

  2. Run heroku create --buildpack hashnuke/elixir to add the Elixir Buildpack.

    1. This should create a new host url. Replace with this value in all places used below.
  3. Create elixir_buildpack.config that matches our .tool-versions file used by the asdf version manager.

    # Elixir version
    # Erlang version
    # available versions
  4. Run heroku buildpacks:add to add the Phoenix Server and Assets Buildpack.

  5. Create phoenix_static_buildpack.config that adds our Node.js version.

    # Node.js version
  6. Create Procfile with our startup command web: mix phx.server.

  7. Update config/prod.exs with our Heroku url.

    http: [port: {:system, "PORT"}],
    url: [scheme: "https", host: "", port: 443],
    force_ssl: [rewrite_on: [:x_forwarded_proto]],
  8. Turn on SSL in config/prod.secret.exs by uncommenting ssl: true.

  9. Configure websocket timeout in lib/todo_mvc_web/endpoint.ex by replacing websocket: true, with websocket: [timeout: 45_000],.

  10. Configured the Heroku Postgres hobby database via heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev.

  11. Configured the POOL_SIZE variable as heroku config:set POOL_SIZE=8. May attempt to reuse this database as multitenancy for other apps.

  12. Generated a new secret key base via mix phx.gen.secret.

  13. Configure Heroku's SECRET_KEY_BASE environment variable via heroku config:set SECRET_KEY_BASE="(key)".

  14. Deploy via git push heroku master.

  15. Visit [] to receive Internal Server Error message.

    1. Investigate problem by looking at the Postgres data store.
    2. The utilization section showed 0 tables.
  16. Create the database table structure using heroku run "POOL_SIZE=2 mix ecto.migrate".

  17. The site [] now works as expected.