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File metadata and controls

49 lines (25 loc) · 2.06 KB


  • Each process starts with an input from a fixed set V = {0,1}. The goal is for the players to eventually output decisions from the set V upholding the following conditions, even in the presence of an adversary that can Byzantinely corrupt up to any t of the n players:​

  • Agreement: All non faulty processes decide on the same value ​

  • Validity: If all non-faulty processes start with the same initial value, then u=v.​

  • Termination: All non faulty processes eventually decide

The procedure consists of exchange of messages, followed by computation of interactive consistency vector on the basis of result of exchange. ​

  • Two round of information exchange is required:​

  • In the first round the processors exchange their input values.​

  • In the second round they exchange all the values obtained in the first round.​

Authenticated Byzantine Agreement (ABA)​

  • Processes are supplemented with “magical powers” to authenticate their communication – Digital Signatures.​

  • Pease et. al. showed that using authentication, fault tolerance can be increased to t < n

ABA protocol for 1 out of 3​

  • Player k maintains a set Wik. Initially Wkk={s} where s is player k’s input value.​

  • Repeat the following steps for 2 rounds:​

  • Receive values from neighbors and for each received value do:​

  • If the message is properly signed, he append its content to the set Wik​

  • Sends i, Wik to his neighbors.​

  • He deletes Wik if | Wik |1.​

  • Since all remaining Wik’s are singleton, he takes majority over all values. If a majority exists he decides on it, else decides on the default value.​

Connectivity Challenge​

  • In a (synchronous) P2P network of n nodes, t of which are (Byzantine) faulty, consensus/agreement is possible only if the network is (2t + 1)-connected
  • With cryptography: (t + 1)-connectivity is sufficient.​

Round-Complexity Challenge​

  • In a (synchronous) P2P network of n nodes, t of which are (fail-stop / Byzantine) faulty, consensus requires > t rounds, in the worst case