Each process starts with an input from a fixed set V = {0,1}. The goal is for the players to eventually output decisions from the set V upholding the following conditions, even in the presence of an adversary that can Byzantinely corrupt up to any t of the n players:
Agreement: All non faulty processes decide on the same value
Validity: If all non-faulty processes start with the same initial value, then u=v.
Termination: All non faulty processes eventually decide
The procedure consists of exchange of messages, followed by computation of interactive consistency vector on the basis of result of exchange.
Two round of information exchange is required:
In the first round the processors exchange their input values.
In the second round they exchange all the values obtained in the first round.
Processes are supplemented with “magical powers” to authenticate their communication – Digital Signatures.
Pease et. al. showed that using authentication, fault tolerance can be increased to t < n
Player k maintains a set Wik. Initially Wkk={s} where s is player k’s input value.
Repeat the following steps for 2 rounds:
Receive values from neighbors and for each received value do:
If the message is properly signed, he append its content to the set Wik
Sends i, Wik to his neighbors.
He deletes Wik if | Wik |1.
Since all remaining Wik’s are singleton, he takes majority over all values. If a majority exists he decides on it, else decides on the default value.
- In a (synchronous) P2P network of n nodes, t of which are (Byzantine) faulty, consensus/agreement is possible only if the network is (2t + 1)-connected
- With cryptography: (t + 1)-connectivity is sufficient.
- In a (synchronous) P2P network of n nodes, t of which are (fail-stop / Byzantine) faulty, consensus requires > t rounds, in the worst case