Name | Type | Description | Notes |
CreatedAt | DateTime | ||
Details | string | NOTICE: This is not a JSON object when received from the REST API, but it is when received from the Websocket API. When received from the REST API, this is a json encoded object, meaning you have to json-de-encode to get the NotificationDetail object depending on the NotificationType. | [default to "{}"] |
Id | string | ||
Message | string | ||
Seen | bool | Not included in notification objects received from the Websocket API | [optional] [default to false] |
ReceiverUserId | string | A users unique ID, usually in the form of `usr_c1644b5b-3ca4-45b4-97c6-a2a0de70d469`. Legacy players can have old IDs in the form of `8JoV9XEdpo`. The ID can never be changed. | [optional] |
SenderUserId | string | A users unique ID, usually in the form of `usr_c1644b5b-3ca4-45b4-97c6-a2a0de70d469`. Legacy players can have old IDs in the form of `8JoV9XEdpo`. The ID can never be changed. | |
SenderUsername | string | - | DEPRECATED: VRChat API no longer return usernames of other users. See issue by Tupper for more information. |
Type | NotificationType |