Name | Type | Description | Notes |
AgeVerificationSlotsAvailable | bool | [optional] | |
AgeVerificationBetaCode | string | [optional] | |
AgeVerificationBetaSlots | decimal | [optional] | |
Badges | List<string> | [optional] | |
Id | string | [optional] | |
Name | string | [optional] | |
ShortCode | string | [optional] | |
Discriminator | string | [optional] | |
Description | string | [optional] | |
IconUrl | string | [optional] | |
BannerUrl | string | [optional] | |
Privacy | GroupPrivacy | [optional] | |
OwnerId | string | A users unique ID, usually in the form of `usr_c1644b5b-3ca4-45b4-97c6-a2a0de70d469`. Legacy players can have old IDs in the form of `8JoV9XEdpo`. The ID can never be changed. | [optional] |
Rules | string | [optional] | |
Links | List<string> | [optional] | |
Languages | List<string> | [optional] | |
IconId | string | [optional] | |
BannerId | string | [optional] | |
MemberCount | int | [optional] | |
MemberCountSyncedAt | DateTime | [optional] | |
IsVerified | bool | [optional] [default to false] | |
JoinState | GroupJoinState | [optional] | |
Tags | List<string> | [optional] | |
TransferTargetId | string | A users unique ID, usually in the form of `usr_c1644b5b-3ca4-45b4-97c6-a2a0de70d469`. Legacy players can have old IDs in the form of `8JoV9XEdpo`. The ID can never be changed. | [optional] |
Galleries | List<GroupGallery> | [optional] | |
CreatedAt | DateTime | [optional] | |
UpdatedAt | DateTime | [optional] | |
LastPostCreatedAt | DateTime? | [optional] | |
OnlineMemberCount | int | [optional] | |
MembershipStatus | GroupMemberStatus | [optional] | |
MyMember | GroupMyMember | [optional] | |
Roles | List<GroupRole> | Only returned if ?includeRoles=true is specified. | [optional] |