- A lab headed by Gerhard Widmer, eg. Interactive Visualization of Expressive Piano Performance and Con espressione
- Michael Rector. Historical Trends in Expressive Timing Strategies: Chopin's Etude, Op. 25 no. 1
- https://tuttitempi.com/
- Janis Sokolovskis, Dorien Herremans, Elaine Chew. A Novel Interface for the Graphical Analysis of Music Practice Behaviors
- CosmoNote, one of their articles
- Dorottya Fabian, Renee Timmers, and Emery Schubert. Expressiveness in music performance: Empirical approaches across styles and cultures
- https://touchpianist.com/
- See how Beethoven's MIDI sequences of Bernd Krueger use the tempo track. Web MIDI editor
- Alison Hood. Interpreting Chopin. Analysis and Performance
- Ilya Borovik
- John Paul Ito, Focal Impulse Theory: Musical Expression, Meter, and the Body
- https://mtosmt.org/issues/mto.12.18.1/mto.12.18.1.dodson.html
- https://mtosmt.org/issues/mto.17.23.4/mto.17.23.4.fabian.html
- https://mtosmt.org/issues/mto.14.20.4/mto.14.20.4.kopp.html
- https://www.mtosmt.org/issues/mto.07.13.4/mto.07.13.4.martens.html
- search https://www.mtosmt.org/docs/index-author.php on "performance"