Released on May 29th, 2010.
Bundled Sedna driver from version 3.3.55 (protocol version 3.0). The bundled driver is now used by default to simplify installation.
Fixed build errors on Mac OS X 10.6.
Unit test compatibility with Sedna 3.3.
Fully tested in Ruby 1.8.6+ (including 1.9.2-preview2) and Rubinius 1.0.
Released on January 23th, 2010.
Added ~/sedna/include and ~/sedna/driver/c to the default search path when installing the gem.
Released on April 26th, 2009.
Added Sedna::Exception#code, which returns the Sedna error code that can be used to reliably identify which specific error occurred.
Released on January 4th, 2009.
Added Sedna#reset, which closes the current connection and reconnects.
Added Sedna#connected?, which returns whether or not the current connection is still active.
Sedna#transaction can now also be used without a block. Use the newly added methods Sedna#commit and Sedna#rollback to finish such a declarative transaction. Note that this style is not recommended if a transaction can be wrapped in a block.
Sedna.connect no longer blocks other threads in Ruby 1.9.1+. Use Sedna.blocking? to discover if support for non-blocking behaviour is enabled.
Strings in the result Array of Sedna#execute are now in UTF-8 encoding in Ruby 1.9, rather than binary.
Fully tested in Ruby 1.8.5+ (including the latest version, 1.9.1 RC1).
Now also compiles with Ruby 1.9.0.x, but non-blocking behaviour is disabled for these versions.
Released on December 21st, 2008.
Compatible with the latest build of Sedna (3.1.126).
Fully tested in Ruby 1.8.5, 1.8.6, 1.8.7, and 1.9.1-preview2. (1.9.0.x does not work.)
Sedna#execute no longer blocks other threads in Ruby 1.9. Use Sedna.blocking? to discover if support for non-blocking queries is enabled.
Strings in the result Array of Sedna#execute are now properly tainted.
Thread-safe in both Ruby 1.8 and Ruby 1.9.
Added Sedna.version, which returns the current client protocol version.
Released on December 15th, 2008.
Added support for importing documents from a string or file (Sedna#load_document).
Fixed garbage collection error for unsuccessful connections.
Released on December 8th, 2008.
Development preview (alpha) release.
Simple, high-level API.
Tested with Ruby 1.8.7 and Ruby 1.9.0.
Support for version 3.1 of the Sedna XML DBMS.
Support for regular queries and transactions.
Support for auto-commit mode.