diff --git a/GChan/Controllers/MainController.cs b/GChan/Controllers/MainController.cs
index 63b1b00..bdec53e 100644
--- a/GChan/Controllers/MainController.cs
+++ b/GChan/Controllers/MainController.cs
@@ -352,7 +352,6 @@ private void ScanRoutine()
var idCodeMatch = board.SiteName switch
Board_4Chan.SITE_NAME => Regex.Match(url, Thread_4Chan.ID_CODE_REGEX),
- Board_8Kun.SITE_NAME => Regex.Match(url, Thread_8Kun.ID_CODE_REGEX),
_ => null,
diff --git a/GChan/GChan.csproj b/GChan/GChan.csproj
index 4632341..37468a9 100644
--- a/GChan/GChan.csproj
+++ b/GChan/GChan.csproj
@@ -130,9 +130,7 @@
diff --git a/GChan/Helpers/Utils.cs b/GChan/Helpers/Utils.cs
index 3bb3494..db64739 100644
--- a/GChan/Helpers/Utils.cs
+++ b/GChan/Helpers/Utils.cs
@@ -82,19 +82,11 @@ public static Tracker CreateNewTracker(string url)
return new Thread_4Chan(url);
- else if (Thread_8Kun.UrlIsThread(url))
- {
- return new Thread_8Kun(url);
- }
if (Board_4Chan.UrlIsBoard(url))
return new Board_4Chan(url);
- else if (Board_8Kun.UrlIsBoard(url))
- {
- return new Board_8Kun(url);
- }
return null;
diff --git a/GChan/TodoList.txt b/GChan/TodoList.txt
index 81d739c..d990a87 100644
--- a/GChan/TodoList.txt
+++ b/GChan/TodoList.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
Todo items:
Add (proper scaled) icons to all context menus.
Archived thread indicator (with red text/highlight or seperate column (archived yes/no)).
- Add support for 8kun.top.
Asynchronous General.DownloadToDir downloads files as 0bytes empty files, fix this immediately.
Make boards view a datagridview and make it use databinding.
Add options to task bar right click
diff --git a/GChan/Trackers/ImageLink.cs b/GChan/Trackers/ImageLink.cs
index c4cef1c..480dc78 100644
--- a/GChan/Trackers/ImageLink.cs
+++ b/GChan/Trackers/ImageLink.cs
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ public class ImageLink : IDownloadable, IEquatable
/// For 4chan: Unix timestamp with microseconds at which the image was uploaded.
- /// For 8kun: The ID of the post this image belongs to (same as No).
public long Tim;
diff --git a/GChan/Trackers/Sites/Board_8Kun.cs b/GChan/Trackers/Sites/Board_8Kun.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index b047e45..0000000
--- a/GChan/Trackers/Sites/Board_8Kun.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-using GChan.Properties;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Net;
-using System.Text;
-using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
-using Newtonsoft.Json;
-using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
-namespace GChan.Trackers
- public class Board_8Kun : Board
- {
- public const string SITE_NAME = "8kun";
- public const string boardRegex = @"8kun.top/[a-zA-Z0-9]*?/";
- public const string boardCodeRegex = @"(?<=(8kun.top/))[a-zA-Z0-9]*(?=(/index.html))";
- public Board_8Kun(string url) : base(url)
- {
- SiteName = SITE_NAME;
- Match boardCodeMatch = Regex.Match(url, boardCodeRegex);
- BoardCode = boardCodeMatch.Groups[0].Value;
- SaveTo = Path.Combine(Settings.Default.SavePath, SiteName, BoardCode);
- }
- public static bool UrlIsBoard(string url)
- {
- return Regex.IsMatch(url, boardRegex);
- }
- override public string[] GetThreadLinks()
- {
- string url = "http://8kun.top/" + BoardCode + "/catalog.json";
- List threadUrls = new List();
- try
- {
- JArray jArray;
- using (var web = Utils.CreateWebClient())
- {
- string json = web.DownloadString(url);
- jArray = JArray.Parse(json);
- }
- threadUrls = jArray
- .SelectTokens("..no")
- .Select(x => "http://8kun.top/" + BoardCode + "/res/" + x + ".html")
- .ToList();
- }
- catch (WebException webEx)
- {
- logger.Error(webEx, $"Connection error trying to find threads in a board {this}.");
- }
- threadCount = threadUrls.Count;
- return threadUrls.ToArray();
- }
- }
diff --git a/GChan/Trackers/Sites/Thread_8Kun.cs b/GChan/Trackers/Sites/Thread_8Kun.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index fb5deaa..0000000
--- a/GChan/Trackers/Sites/Thread_8Kun.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-using GChan.Helpers;
-using GChan.Properties;
-using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Net;
-using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
-namespace GChan.Trackers
- public class Thread_8Kun : Thread
- {
- public const string threadRegex = @"8kun.top/[a-zA-Z0-9]*?/res/[0-9]*.[^0-9]*";
- public const string boardCodeRegex = @"(?<=(8kun.top/))[a-zA-Z0-9]+(?=(/res/))";
- public const string ID_CODE_REGEX = @"(?<=(res/))[0-9]+(?=(.html))";
- public Thread_8Kun(string url) : base(url)
- {
- SiteName = Board_8Kun.SITE_NAME;
- //Match simplifiedThreadUrlMatch = Regex.Match(url, threadRegex);
- //URL = "https://" + simplifiedThreadUrlMatch.Groups[0].Value; // simplify thread url
- Match boardCodeMatch = Regex.Match(url, boardCodeRegex);
- BoardCode = boardCodeMatch.Groups[0].Value;
- Match idCodeMatch = Regex.Match(url, ID_CODE_REGEX);
- ID = idCodeMatch.Groups[0].Value;
- SaveTo = Path.Combine(Settings.Default.SavePath, SiteName, BoardCode, ID);
- if (subject == null)
- {
- Subject = GetThreadSubject();
- }
- }
- public static bool UrlIsThread(string url)
- {
- return Regex.IsMatch(url, threadRegex);
- }
- protected override ImageLink[] GetImageLinksImpl(bool includeAlreadySaved = false)
- {
- string Fpath0Url(string boardcode, string tim, string ext) => $"https://8kun.top/{boardcode}/src/{tim}{ext}";
- string Fpath1Url(string tim, string ext) => $"https://8kun.top/file_store/{tim}{ext}";
- using var webClient = Utils.CreateWebClient();
- var jsonUrl = $"http://8kun.top/{BoardCode}/res/{ID}.json"; // Thread JSON url
- var json = webClient.DownloadString(jsonUrl);
- var jObject = JObject.Parse(json);
- var links = new List();
- // Get the numbers of replies that have 1 or more images.
- var nos = jObject.SelectTokens("posts[?(@.tim)].no").Select(x => x.Value()).ToList();
- // Loop through each reply.
- foreach (var no in nos)
- {
- // Get the tims, filenames and extensions of each image in this reply.
- var tims = jObject.SelectTokens($"posts[?(@.no == {no})]..tim").Select(x => x.ToString()).ToList();
- var filenames = jObject.SelectTokens($"posts[?(@.no == {no})]..filename").Select(x => x.ToString()).ToList();
- var exts = jObject.SelectTokens($"posts[?(@.no == {no})]..ext").Select(x => x.ToString()).ToList();
- var fpaths = jObject.SelectTokens($"posts[?(@.no == {no})]..fpath").Select(x => x.ToString()).ToList();
- for (int j = 0; j < tims.Count; j++)
- {
- if (exts[j] != "deleted")
- {
- var url = fpaths[j] == "0" ?
- Fpath0Url(BoardCode, tims[j], exts[j]) :
- Fpath1Url(tims[j], exts[j]); // "1"
- // Save image link using reply no (number) as tim because 8kun tims have letters and numbers in them. The reply number will work just fine.
- links.Add(new ImageLink(no, url, filenames[j], no, this));
- }
- }
- }
- FileCount = links.Count;
- return links.MaybeRemoveAlreadySavedLinks(includeAlreadySaved, SavedIds).ToArray();
- }
- public override void DownloadHtmlImpl()
- {
- var thumbs = new List();
- var htmlPage = "";
- JObject jObject;
- using (var web = Utils.CreateWebClient())
- {
- htmlPage = web.DownloadString(Url);
- var jsonUrl = Url.Replace(".html", ".json");
- var json = web.DownloadString(jsonUrl);
- jObject = JObject.Parse(json);
- }
- // get single images
- var posts = jObject
- .SelectTokens("posts[*]")
- .Where(x => x["ext"] != null)
- .ToList();
- foreach (var post in posts)
- {
- var tim = post["tim"].ToString();
- var ext = post["ext"].ToString();
- // if(ext == ".webm")
- // ext = ".jpg";
- thumbs.Add("https://8kun.top/file_store/thumb/" + post["tim"] + ext);
- htmlPage = htmlPage.Replace("https://8kun.top/file_store/thumb/" + tim + ext, "thumb/" + tim + ext);
- htmlPage = htmlPage.Replace("=\"/file_store/thumb/" + tim + ext, "=\"thumb/" + tim + ext);
- htmlPage = htmlPage.Replace("=\"/file_store/" + tim + ext, "=\"" + tim + ext);
- htmlPage = htmlPage.Replace("https://media.8kun.top/file_store/thumb/" + tim + ext, "thumb/" + tim + ext);
- htmlPage = htmlPage.Replace("https://media.8kun.top/file_store/" + tim + ext, tim + ext);
- htmlPage = htmlPage.Replace("https://8kun.top/file_store/" + tim + ext, tim + ext);
- }
- // get images of posts with multiple images
- var extras = jObject
- .SelectTokens("posts.extra_files[*]")
- .Where(x => x["ext"] != null)
- .ToList();
- foreach (var extra in extras)
- {
- var tim = extra["tim"].ToString();
- var ext = extra["ext"].ToString();
- // if(ext == ".webm")
- // ext = ".jpg";
- thumbs.Add("https://8kun.top/file_store/thumb/" + tim + ext);
- htmlPage = htmlPage.Replace("https://8kun.top/file_store/thumb/" + tim + ext, "thumb/" + tim + ext);
- htmlPage = htmlPage.Replace("=\"/file_store/thumb/" + tim + ext, "=\"thumb/" + tim + ext);
- htmlPage = htmlPage.Replace("=\"/file_store/" + tim + ext, "=\"" + tim + ext);
- htmlPage = htmlPage.Replace("https://media.8kun.top/file_store/thumb/" + tim + ext, "thumb/" + tim + ext);
- htmlPage = htmlPage.Replace("https://media.8kun.top/file_store/" + tim + ext, tim + ext);
- htmlPage = htmlPage.Replace("https://8kun.top/file_store/" + tim + ext, tim + ext);
- }
- htmlPage = htmlPage.Replace("=\"/", "=\"https://8kun.top/");
- if (Settings.Default.SaveThumbnails)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < thumbs.Count; i++)
- {
- Utils.DownloadFileIfDoesntExist(thumbs[i], SaveTo + "\\thumb");
- }
- }
- if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(htmlPage))
- {
- File.WriteAllText(SaveTo + "\\Thread.html", htmlPage); // save thread
- }
- }
- protected override string GetThreadSubject()
- {
- string subject = NO_SUBJECT;
- try
- {
- string JSONUrl = "http://8kun.top/" + BoardCode + "/res/" + ID + ".json";
- const string SUB_HEADER = "\"sub\":\"";
- const string SUB_ENDER = "\",";
- const string ITEM_ENDER = "},";
- using (var web = Utils.CreateWebClient())
- {
- string rawjson = web.DownloadString(JSONUrl);
- int subStartIndex = rawjson.IndexOf(SUB_HEADER);
- int firstItemEnderIndex = rawjson.IndexOf(ITEM_ENDER);
- // If "sub":" was found in json then there is a subject.
- if (subStartIndex >= 0 && subStartIndex < firstItemEnderIndex)
- {
- //Increment along the rawjson until the ending ", sequence is found, then substring it to extract the subject.
- for (int i = subStartIndex; i < rawjson.Length; i++)
- {
- if (rawjson.Substring(i, SUB_ENDER.Length) == SUB_ENDER)
- {
- subject = rawjson.Substring(subStartIndex + SUB_HEADER.Length, i - (subStartIndex + SUB_HEADER.Length));
- subject = Utils.SanitiseSubject(WebUtility.HtmlDecode(subject));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- catch
- {
- subject = NO_SUBJECT;
- }
- return subject;
- }
- }
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f0d59fd..3e9b4aa 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ GChan is a fork of YChan which aims to improve stability and add extra features
### Supported Websites:
* [4chan.org](http://4chan.org/)
-* [8kun.top](https://8kun.top/index.html) [Pending Release]
Requires .NET Framework 4.8 or higher, made with Windows Forms.